/ ;% ..... |r •' ? ■ ftiiisu • ............... ^ ’ ¥ l ^ lliplllilili GLASNiK SLOVENSKEGA ETNOLOŠKEGA DRUŠTVA BULLETIN OF Sl£VENE ETHN0LDGICAL3XIETY UDK 39 /497.12//05/ GLASNIK SED LETO 22/1982 ŠT. 1 STR 1 - 32 LJUBLJANA MAJ 1982 S prvo številko v letu 1982 stopa Glasnik SED v svoje dvaindvajseto leto izhajanja. To sorazmerno častitljivo življenjsko dobo, so mu kljub nenehnemu pomanjkanju denarja omogočili neutrudni in prizadevni uredniki in podpora bralcev. Prav bralci ste s spodbudami, idejami, prispevki in finančno pomagali, da se je Glasnik razvil v resnično vez med društvenimi člani, naročniki in med vsemi za stroko ogretimi ljudmi. Upamo, da bo svoje poslanstvo še naprej uspešno izpolnjeval, čeprav čakajo novi uredniški odbor težki časi: sofinancerji nam krčijo že tako majhen denarni prispevek, tako da bomo težko pokrivali naraščajoče stroške tiska, čeprav tiskamo Glasnik v najcenejši tehniki, drugo delo pa bo — kot do sedaj — opravljeno zastonj. Naše skupno prizadevanje, da ohranimo Glasnik in da mu poskušamo zagotoviti kolikortoliko redno izhajanje, izvira iz prepričanja, da Glasnik potrebujemo, da je postal nepogrešljiv člen in povezovalec v stroki. Če ga kot takega občutite tudi vi, vas ob prvi številki novega letnika prosimo, da se vsi vključite v prizadevanje, da Glasnik ohranimo. Najprej je tu naročnina (čeprav letos zvišana, je še vedno neekonomska), ki jo, prosim, vplačajte na račun, objavljen v vsaki številki Glasnika, (najprej seveda za preteklo leto). S tem nam omogočite vsaj minimalno kritje tiskarskih stroškov. Ob začetku novega letnika pod novim uredniškim odborom pa se spodobi, da vas ne opozarjamo samo na vaše dolžnosti, ampak da vam ponudimo načrt Glasnika za tekoče leto in da še bolj odpremo njegove strani bralcem. Da bi Glasnik postal še bolj naš skupni časopis in skrb, bo kot doslej odprt vašim predlogom, mnenjem, premišljanjem o stroki in skupnih pi izadevanjih in seveda v prvi vrsti vašim člankom. Glasnik naj bi odražal pluralizem strokovnih interesov, naj bo mesto za kritičen in ustvarjalni dialog — skratka. Glasnik naj bo tribuna ustar-jalnih in strokovnih pobud. Nov uredniški odbor si želi, da bi Glasnik še naprej objavljal strokovna dognanja in referate. Hkrati pa namenjamo prostor prispevkom s terena, za t. im. „branje" in za stik z našimi informatorji. Poleg tega pa bo prostor za vašo kritiko, mnenja in za naša obvestila. Uredniški odbor želi spet oživiti nekatere rubrike, kot so zgodovina etnologije v slikah, intervju, študentsko rubriko itd. Ostale rubrike pa želimo izpopolniti in utrditi. Kljub minimalnim možnostim, ki jih imamo, bomo še naprej ohranjali lepo utečeno in koristno angleško prilogo, ki je Glasniku odprla okno v svet, hkrati pa je seznanila tujega bralca z dogajanjem v slovenski etnologiji. Ta slika za tujega bralca seveda ne more biti popolna, če je s predlogi in prispevki ne dopolnite tudi sami. Koliko in kako se bo naša stroka pokazala tujemu bralcu, je odvisno od nas vseh. Med etnologi je vedno bolj prisotna želja po spoznavanju in obvladanju filmskega medija, ki postaja nepogrešljiv za razvoj in predstavitev stroke. V Glasniku mu bomo posvetili stalno rubriko — Filmski kotiček, ki jo bo urejal Naško Križnar. Kronika ostaja zaenkrat nespremenjena: le poročilo o dogajanju v stroki. Ob uvajanju rubrike smo se s posebnim dopisom obrnili na vse naše bralce in člane, da ji pomagajo, ne samo shoditi, ampak da jo oblikujejo v kritično tribuno ob etnoloških razstavah, prireditvah in posvetovanjih. Do sedaj smo o različnih prireditvah vodili le kronologijo dogajanja, ker nismo prejeli širših in kritičnejših obravnav prireditev od naših bralcev. Upamo, da bo tudi to steklo. Na sestankih UO in v pogovorih z bralci kar dežujejo sveže ideje in dopolnila. Zatakne pa se pri uresničitvi, ker > maloštevilni uredniški odbor ne more opraviti vsega sam, marsičesa pa tudi ne vidi. Želimo si najširšega sodelovanja bralcev, ki naj bi s strokovnimi članki dopolnjevali vednost o obči in slovenski etnologiji, folkloristiki in in teoriji stroke. Pričakujemo pa še članke o načinu dela, o strokovnih izkušnjah itd. Vse to so že znane stvari, na katere vas samo še enkrat spomnimo ob 1. številki letošnjega Glasnika. Cilji so zastavljeni dokaj visoko, a niso neuresničljivi. Če bo šlo z denarjem vse po sreči, bomo tudi letos izdali 4 številke. UO Glasnika je na prvi uredniški seji izdelal okvirni načrt vseh štirih številk, ki vam ga predstavljamo in ob katerem pričakujemo vaše prispevke, pripombe in dopolnitve. Prva številka prinaša nekaj prispevkov ob 150 letnici Levstikovega rojstva, katere smo se v lanskem letu spomnili tudi etnologi. Drugo številko želimo delno posvetiti temi: Etnologija in šola. Posvetovanje o tej temi, ki ga prireja SED bo v začetku junija v Ljubljani, zato želimo z drugo številko spodbuditi bralce Glasnika k sodelovanju na posvetovanju in k razmišljanju o etnologiji v šoli. Tretja številka Glasnika je zamišljena tematsko: posvečena naj bi bila etnološkemu preučevanju našega izseljeništva. Vsi, ki se s to problematiko ukvarjate, ste vabljeni k sodelovanju. Tudi četrto številko smo si zamislili tematsko. Prinesla naj bi prispevke o neevropski kulturi, ki sedaj na straneh Glasnika ni bila toliko prisotna. V ta okvir pa razumljivo sodijo tudi članki o slovenskih raziskavah in raziskovalcih neevropske kulture. Seveda pa bomo tudi v tematskih številkah ohranili naše stalne rubrike in namenili prostor vašim mnenjem in opombam. S to splošno razgrnitvijo načrta Glasnika za leto 1982 vam želimo čimbolj približati naša hotenja, hkrati pa vas želimo vzpodbuditi k sooblikovanju in sourejanju našega skupnega glasila. Razgrnitev načrta (čeprav v grobih obrisih) pa ima uredništvo za obvezo do bralcev in do sofinancerjev. Uredniški načrti so zdaj pred vami, končno sooblikovanje Glasnika pa je v vaših rokah. Čakamo tudi na tiste omahljivce, ki imajo karkoli povedati o stroki, pa tega še niso storili. S prispevki boste oblikovali Glasnik in stroko tako, kot v vaših strokovnih prizadevanjih mislite, da je najboljše. Ob koncu tega razmišljanja ne moremo mimo dejstva, da je z novim letom urednik izstopil iz uredniškega odbora dolgoletni glavni urednik Janez Bogataj. Od začetka svojega urednikovanja od leta 1976 napi ej, si je prizadeval za nov koncept Glasnika, ki mu je dal tudi novo grafično podobo, s svojimi posrečenimi domisleki in prispevki pa je neprestano bogatil naše glasilo. Dediščina, ki jo od njega sprejema nov uredniški odbor je zavezujoča, zato jo sprejemamo s strahom in dvomom ali jo bomo lahko ohranili še naprej. UO Glasnika se ob tej priliki najiskreneje zahvaljuje Janezu Bogataju za njegovo tako uspešno in včasih tudi težavno šestletno urejanje Glasnika. urednik A S6M j & ETNOLOGI O LEVSTIKU O ljudstvu in ljudski kulturi v Levstikovih spisih Razumljivo in tudi neizbežno je, da se etnologovo zanimanje ustavlja ob pojavih, ki jim literarni zgodovinarji pridajajo oznake, ki so tako ali drugače povezane z besedo folklora. Ta namreč pomeni ljudsko znanje, ljudsko vedenje ali ljudsko modrost, ki se navadno nanaša na duhovnokulturne pojave, lahko pa jo enačimo s Pojmom ljudska kultura nasploh. Ko je govor o Franu Levstiku in njegovih delih, so nakazana označevanja, kot je poznano, pogosta. Tako naj bi Levstikovi pripovedni spisi imeli med drugim folklorni izvor.1 Folklorne sestavine naj bi vsebovala še zlasti pripoved o Martinu Krpanu, za katero naj bi bil po eni strani značilen folklorno mitični ustroj,2 v njej naj bi sovpadala resničnost in mit, literatura in folklora.3 Od tujih vplivov je bil pri Levstiku še najbolj občuten vpliv etnografsko-filološke romantike Jerneja Kopitarja in Vuka Karadžiča, iz katere naj bi Levstik tudi izšel.4 Pri opredeljevanju Levstikove lite-rarne smeri so pisali o folklornih tendencah, o foklornem realizmu, o sestavinah, značilnih za narodopisno romantiko5, in podobno. Sploh naj bi bil pri Levstiku, še posebej v njegovem Popotovanju od Litije do Čateža, „velik Poudarek na ljudskem izročilu v smislu romantičnega Pojmovanja tega gradiva."6 Poleg nakazanih poudarkov je mogoče bolj ali manj na istih mestih zaslediti tudi ugotovitve drugačnega značaja, ki jih etnolog prav tako ne more spregledati. Tako je bila izražena domneva, da je bil Levstik „navzlic VSei ljubezni do ljudstva in ljudskega izročila vendar Prevelik realist in racionalist, da bi ga ljudska poezija oeposredno zanimala."7 Čeprav se je Levstik na začetku svojega pesniškega ustvarjanja zatekal k pesnjenju po ljudskem načinu, je bilo kasneje v njegovih pesmih folklornih sestavin vse manj, dokler se sledovi ljudske Pesmi niso porazgubili. V Levstikovi programski odločitvi Za Poezijo „domačih trat" bi zato ne kazalo več iskati folklornih tendenc. Njegova lirska izpoved naj bi namreč Postala svobodna in avtonomno realistična.8 Levstik seje Znal razigrano ponorčevati iz pobožnjaške pesniške folklore9, izražal je satirično ogorčenost nad ljudskim praznoverjem, kar naj bi bila sestavina njegovega oddaljevanja oci folklornega realizma v smeri proti kritičnemu realizmu- Spis o čebelarstvu naj bi Levstik pisal „kot napredno misleč čebelar, a ne kot romantičen etnograf aÜ diletant."11 Sicer pa naj bi bila že v Martinu Krpanu Potegnjena „ostra ločevalna črta med izobraženo in naivno pesniško tvornostjo, med literaturo in fol-loro."12 Kljub svoji ljubezni do ljudskega pesništva naj 1 se namreč Levstik zavedal, „da je folklorna tvornost raz otroške dobe ljudstva, pesniški izraz, kot pravi sam, -neizobraženega naroda" in da zato pripada zgodovinski Preteklosti. Pri njem naj bi že prevladal zgodovinsko 0 fujevalni pogled na ljudsko poezijo.13 Nakazano dejansko in navidezno dvojnost v vredno-nju folkore, ki so jo opažali v Levstikovem delu, so r°|asnjevali z Levstikovo realistično naravo in izobrazbo ^Tiantičnega izvira. „Kot pesnik, literat in filolog je bil s |k dete romantike, kot izredno krepka individual-Lev^ ie reaiisf”< Pravi Ivan Prijatelj. Pri ra |S Pr'6'a ngs, four of which are vocal. ' The second part of the text comprises an introduction and the third part includes various dctails connected to the °ngin of the songs, their musical characteristics, their contents, the time and place of recording - thus referring to all of the seven vocal songs. Besides this all of the eleven folk instruments are drawn, described and explained. The author of the texts is Mira Omerzel- Terlep together with Matija Terlep and Bogdana Herman. All Slovenc texts are translated into English. a The Word is composed in such a way as to present in a logical succession all the different instruments - plaved with i Sreat deal °f feeling, musical car and technical knowledge by mainly Mira and Matija Terlep - and extraordinary ba^in8dand Specially trained voice of Bogdana Herman who sings thrcce of the songs without any instrumental The songs come from different ethnic parts of Slovenia, thus also from Italy and Austria, but most of them are from e regions of Bela krajina (5) and Prekmurje (4). Technical Data OtuLOVENE F0LK S0NGS AND INSTRUMENTS I (Stereo 2510065), BOGDANA HERMAN - voke, MIRA ERZE L - TERLEP - dulcimer (oprekelj), pipes (piščali), ocarina (okarina), guitar (kitara), tamburitsa (1. in 2. (^ntea), MATIJA TERLEP - flute (žvegla), pan-pipes (trstenke), jew’s harp (drumelca), pipes (piščali), ocarina arma), double flute (dvojnica), bag-pipes (diple z mehom), tamburitsa (I. bisernica). br TA MB URIT S A PL A YERS: L bisernica - Matija Terlep, Mira Omerzel-Terlep, 2. bisernica - Mira Omerzel-Tcrlep, Sitf0 Marija Padar, bugarija - Mitja Ferenc, berde - Metod Filipič. The duration of the record: Side A 16,08 minut es, eB 19,07 minutes. The shortest song lasts for 40 seconds and the longest for 3 minutes and 23 seconds. Editor — Stanko Terzič, Reviewer and Producer - Boris Kovačič, Design - Bojan Kirn, Translation - Margaret ls’ Sound Engineer - Aco Razbornik, Produkcija gramofonskig plača RTB Beograd, Makedonska 21. DAMJAN OVSEC SLOVENE FOLK SONGS II; Narrative songs; Editeđ by Zmaga Kumer, Milko Matičetov, Valens Vodušek; Published by Slovenska matica, Ljubljana 1981, 671 p; mus. not.; English summary of song texts. i In the beging o f tke seventies Slovenska matica published the first book of Slovenc folk songs thus announcing the biggest project regarding the publication of all the known folk songs. It plans to publish some fifteen large books. As many as five of them will comprise narrative songs. In ten years two books of narrative songs were published. The first book contalining historical, heroical and fairy-tale songs was followed in the fall of 1981 by the second book of narrative songs with legendary motives. Despite its being much more extensive than the first book, it does not contain ali of the legendary songs. The rest of them will be published in the third book together with social ballads. The second book comprises 73 types of songs with legendary motives. The song types are arranged according to international principles: first are the songs dealing with the themes from the Old Testament. These are followed by the songs with the themes from the New Testament, Ufe of Jesus, Virgin Mary and persons around them which are sometimes taken from apocriphic sources. Next are the songs about Virgin Mary which originale in pure fantasta and which — as we can see from the introduction - are a Slovene specialty. The book ends with the songs about life and death of saints originating as far back as the European medicval oral tradition. Despite the fact that this second book does not include all of the legends, we are surprizcd by the number of titles or song types (73). Euch title also considers the written and known variants which are obligatory in Professional publications such as this present one. The second part of the Slovene Folk Songs is almost twice as large as the first one. Altogether it comprises 1015 variants and 614 melodies. It is necessary to stress the fact that the melodies to the songs are written as well. The only exception are mainly the older records whcre the recorders did not write down the melodies. Even our great folklorist Štrekelj was aware of the fact that a folk song is only the one which is also being sung and published all the melodies available to him. Unfortunately only very fewrecorders vrote down melodies as well because they did not possess the necessary skill for this. This Situation improved a little in this Century for more of the people who recorded folk songs had some musical education. Düring the years before the World War II when the Folklore Institute headed by France Marolt started its work a sistematical collection of folk songs together with their melodies becamc a rule. The work of this institute is now carried on by the Scction for Ethnomusicology at the Slovene Academy of Arts and Sciences. The Section has been recording folk songs with tape-recorders from roughly 1950 on. Thus all the songs have preserved their local pecularities and significant and necessary tone. It is necessary to stress the importance of melodies because even today the fact that a folk song is a whole only together with its melody is sometimes overlooked. The great improtance of the new edition of Slovene folk songs lies in the fact that it contains melodies as well. The complete song is thus presented to the readers and is preserved in Hs perfcction for ever. This is the objective of the collection. Since this book is a Professional work, it is equipped with all the necessary Professional Supplements. Together with all the known variants and the addition with the Serbo-Croatian variants on the themes known in Slovenia, the songs arf supplcmented by shorter or langer commentaries about the songs themsclves, their thematical parallels among othet nations or independent Slovene origin. These commentaries also try to date individual songs and thus establish the tiMe in which they originated and place them into their life context. They also mention various particularities of individuä‘ songs and deal with their transition, fertilization and origin. They also try to discover the main motive or source for the origin of these songs. Individual variants or song types are followed by the commentaries about different characteristic* concerning melody, possible regional differrences or musical characteristics. Since this is a Professional book, cach variath is equipped with data concerning time and place of individual recording, name of the person having recorded the song and of the singer and the fact if the song has already been published or not. The additional remarks also denotc the origin of individual songs and are numbered according to the Classification of the Section for Ethnomusicology whcre eil songs are kept. Every song has a graphical presentation of its extension around Slovenia. Since this new edition takes into account the songs published by Štrekelj as well, those songs have the same nurribe they had in Štrekelj's book. At the end the book lists the songs published by Štrekelj and their placing in the SloveW-Folk Songs II. This is followed by a song index according to the first verse and according to different regions. People who recorded individual songs and the singers are indexed as well. Melodical Indexes classify melodies according to the1 tonal range and series of tones, then according to cadences and thirdly according to metric and rhythmic types and l° strophic structure of the text. These are followed by a detailed index of song types and variants according to successipn in the book. The book also has an English summary of individual songs. The material is lucidly arranged and the book fulfills all Professional demands. As far as the arrangement of material, indexes, abbreviations, sources and recordes are concerned, the editors followed the same principles which were adopted and explained in the first book. Whenever a publication of a book is being discussed - even if it is a book of folk songs - we must take into account concrete people who helpcd to prepare it. I would like to mention them now, although they would deserve to be mentioned at the very begining. The editorial board — collaborators, commentators and researchers — consisted of dr. Zmaga Kumer, dr Milko Matičetov and dr. Valens Vodušek, all three working at the Institute for Ethnomusicology at the Slovenc Academy of Arts and Sciences. The three collaborators and editors of the second book were: dr. Zmaga Kumer who wrote the introduction and prepared and commented the majority of the song types, that is 64. 9 were prepared and commented by dr. Milko Matičetov. Dr. Zmaga Kumer also prepared all the indexes with the exception of the musical ones which were prepared by dr. Valens Vodušek. Dr. Kumer transcribed most of the texts as well. Milko Matičetov contributed some remarks and Supplements to the conclusion and prepared the songs from Resia for publication. The whole musical edition is the work of Valens Vodušek who also wrote commentary to melodies and helped with supplementing the material and with the formation of the material concerning most of the song types. The book was published by Slovenska Matica, musical examples notatedby Marina Polanc, designedbv Miša Bernik prinled by Časopisno podjetje Delo. and MARKO TERSEGLA V MUSEUM ACTIVITY ON THE COAST The four hundred year-old palače of the Belgramoni-Tacco family which has been housing our museum from World War I, is currently undergoing a complete renovation. The old-fashioncd rooms were inadequate and the lack of space has hindercd any normal work. f the Regional Archive fand had to be moved elsewhere). The decision for the adaptation of the museum is based on two points: - first monument Conservation should preserve and accentuate basic qualities of the building which represents a historical object - second, sollections, depots and working space should be logically and clearly arranged in a way which is necessary for a modern museum activity and which enables normal working conditions and also the necessary protection of all the artifacts As a result of this renovation the museum will acquire showrooms for permanent collections. At last it will be possible to present and arrange our collection in a new way which - fot the first time in the history of this museum -sistematically and consistently deals with the past of the Slovenc part of Istria. This concept takes into account all of the ethnical, economical, cultural and political particularities which have been preserved in this most westem part of Slovenia. Above all we will in detail present local history datimg from the "Meeting at Rižarn“ assembly of Istrian towns in 804), prewar revolutionary movement, Liberation war and post-war socialist construction. First of all we are trying to reorganize our museum so it could finally attain its specific function as a special medium representing the demonstration of various museum activities. Simultaneously with the above-mentioned renovation we will also try to solve the problems of the ethnological collection which will acquire adequate rooms - concerning the enviroment as well - in a renovated Gothic house at Gramscijev trg in Koper. The building is being restored by the Institute For Monument Conservation in Piran. As far as ethnology is concerned, the museum has been existing without an adequate Professional representation for a lang time. The artefacts of Istrian culture are being stored in depots or warehouscs without any Conservation or even in situ. Rarely we succeed in exhibiting them publicly. The new concept of exhibiting various ethnological material includes rural as well as urban culture (way of life) in the Slovenc part of Istha from the begining of the 19tfl Century up to the present time. The ground floor will house a permanent exhibit with the histohcal and geographical description of the territory which is under our supervision. On other floors we will prepare periodical exhibits, events and lectures. I have to stress the fact that this is going to be the first independent local ethnological department in Slovenia. Therefore the Slovene Ethnological Society elected a special committee which will supervise the arrangement of the collection. The pedagogical program will enable the Cooperation of pupils as well as other citizens, especially regarding the demonstration of various trades. In such a way we will try to achieve two things: first to present these trades directly, together with visitors, and second to encourage the interest for Istrian spiritual culture which is reflected also through the exhibited artifacts. In Order to bring our cultural heritage closer to our society, we will have to strongly reinforce the relations with the public which would undoubtedly cooperate during concrete actions. Therefore we will sometimes have to, of course, abandon our exceptionally incomprehensible “Professional language“ and express our meaning in a more general and understandable manner. Thus we will also make use of various visual media, the living picture being much more clear thari tedious articles. In such a way we will try to break the traditional reserve of museums. The program of our museum also includes an Organization of a local museum collection in Dekani. This idea was first expressed in 1979 when Dekani celebrated their five hundred-year anniversary and prepared a local publication. This village has a very interesting past which was expressed especially in the second half of the 19^ Century through an extraordinary rise of national awareness and awakening. During that time a reading society opened in Dekani and an elaborate educational sistem was introduced. To present Dekani and the surroundind country in the best possible way, we will exhibit the material which represents the last decades of the 19^ Century and enrich it with various ethnical characteristics of the village. An extensive ethnological program has been planned also in Pomorski muzej in Piran which specializes in nautics, fishing and salt-making. Last year the collaborators of the museum - alongside with various changes within the museum itself - restored and rearranged the dislocated department of Splošna plovba in Portorož. The exhibit shows various ship models owned by the Splošna plovba Company which are named after Slovene towns. The exhibited models are supplemented by historical and geographical descriptions and ethnological objects which are significant for that particular town. The exhibit also includes various objects which were donated to the Splošna plovba Company by its bussiness Partners. These objects reflect particularities of numerous national, ethnic and social groups from almost the whole World. Most of them came from Africa, Asia and North America. In the hall various spart awards, diplomas, memorial tablets and emblems of Splošna plovba are exhibited đatine from the time of its foundation up to the present. ’ s The program of Pomorski muzej also includes the arrangement of a fishing exhibit in Isola tili 1985. The development of the sea fishing will be presented chronologically and thematically, starting with the use of the simplest implements and tools, then continuing with the start and development of industrial fishing up to today's modern technology of fishing and industrial Processing of fish. Along with this technical inventory the museum will try to present the way oflife of local fishermen. Geographically this collection will include the whole Slovene Coastal ethnic territory and will also include the territory up to the town of Gradež which is now in Italy. The Institute for Monument Conservation in Piran has finished the adaptation and restoration ofa country house in Raven - Gorela. The building is now under the supervision-of Pomorski muzej and is currently the only independent °bject in the Slovene part of Istria. Next year it will be opened for public. The ground floor will house a reconstruction of a torklja (an olive mili). This rare device will be supplemented by Photographie material. Visitors will become acquainted with the way this mill operated with the aid of various drawings. On the upper floor the Ufe of an Istrian oljar or oljkar (oilman) will be presented as authentically as possible. The room in which people at one time lived during the day will have and open hearth with all the necessary belongings and kitchen implements. In the bedroom the country furniture from the end of the 19^ Century will be exhibited. The courtyard and the surroundings of the home will-acquire their final form later. Thus we hope that a brighter future is awaiting the Slovenc Coastal museums as well as all the Professionals who protect our cultural heritage. ZVONA CIGLlC The Koper Museum (Nadaljevanje z 12. str.) izročila ali pa tiste redke slovenske, ki jih delno zna še „kakšna babuška."9 Ljudska pesem je za Levstika povedna le takrat, ko prinaša vsaj delček naše zgodovine. V deseterskem verzu junaških pesmi pa vidi Levstik tudi formalno opozicijo nemškemu ljudskemu verzu, ki da izpodriva slovenske in slovanske oblike.10 Tu misli Levstik na poskočnico, ki jo je odklanjal prav zaradi domneve, da gre za nemško obliko in jo zato še v drugih spisih večkrat omenja in odklanja. Na stanje ljudske Pesmi pri nas gleda Levstik sploh precej pesimistično, saj v Potovanju še pravi, da se zdaj vedno manj poje in da še celo veseli Dolenjci pijejo svoje vino kar molče.11 To črnogledost opira na svoje spraševanje po ljudski pesmi na Dolenjskem, pa je bila le v Šmartnem ena sama ženica „ki poje od Jezusovega trpljenja sedemdeset razdelkov dolgo pesem in še drugih takih."12 Če pa že imamo Pesmi pa ni nikogar, ki bi te pesmi zbiral, „saj še to, kar Je cvetelo med ljudmi, nam je moral pokazati neslovenec ~ Korytko."13 Mimo domnevne slovenske brezbrižnosti pa nakazuje Levstik v Potovanju še druge realnejše vzroke za upadanje Pripovednih zgodovinskih pesmi in pravljic ter pripovedk. To sta omika in razsvetljenstvo. „Kdor je prijatelj narodovega izobraženja, gotovo želi, da bi se zatrle prazne vere; pa vendar je tudi res, da s takimi vražami zginejo obenem vsi narodni zakladi — Pesmi in pripovedke po nekaterih deželah celo pobožnost."14 Levstik in Trdina se zavedata, da je napredek Potreben, hkrati pa žalujeta za izgubljeno poezijo, le s to razliko, da Levstik vidi v napredku nevarnost, da oslabi Pobožnost, Trdina se glede pobožnosti bolj boji vražje-verja. Dileme med napredkom in propadajočim ljudskim slovstvom sta oba rešila s kompromisom o „novi", višji °t)liki ustnega slovstva, ki bo vtkano v umetniško besedo slovenskih pisateljev. Levstik in Trdina sta opazila, da se Pajdalj ohrani tisto ustno slovstvo, ki ima privlačno 'Ganljivo ali humoristično) zgodbo. Levstiku so humoris-'cne pesmi ljudskega godca Kančnika pokazale v smer, "da bi jako ustregel, kdor bi znal resnico zavijati v Prijetne šale."15 Za etnologa so zanimive Levstikove 'nformacije v Potovanju o ljudskih pevcih in godcih. umenja in predstavi Andreja Kančnika (1775-1841), organista na Blokah, v Kostanjevici, Laščah, Krki in obrepolju, ki je zlagal humoristične in kosmate pesmi, 1 so se hitro prijele med ljudmi. Levstik kot literat ančnika sicer odklanja, ker se iz njegovih pesmi ne da Odti lepega jezika ali druge pevske umetnosti,16 toda raziskovalcu ustnega slovstva je pomembna Levstikova n ormacija o razširjenosti Kančnikovih pesmi („Kan-m ovo ime je slulo široko po Dolenjskem") in omemba e aterih njegovih pesmi: „Najimenitneje so: Od svinjar-v. Od lončarjev. Mož in žena. Od uši in bolhe, Kaj ^evesta prinese k hiši (posebno smešna in posebno i^Smata^ 17 Vendar teh pesmi Levstik ni zapisal, ker tud'6 |nekal obiav'l že Korytko, a ne vseh, kar opozarja Ko' , evst'k' ba se „najsmešnejše pogrešajo, ker jih Pod K ° n' s*^a( al' Pa- Lar je še bolj resnici pa ° .no' lrernal