A. CAN et al.: ANALYSIS OF TWIN-ROLL CASTING AA8079 ALLOY 6.35-μm FOIL ROLLING PROCESS 861–868 ANALYSIS OF TWIN-ROLL CASTING AA8079 ALLOY 6.35-μm FOIL ROLLING PROCESS ANALIZA PROCESA VALJANJA 6,35 μm FOLIJE IZ ZLITINE AA8079 ULITE MED DVEMA VALJEMA Ahmet Can1, Hüseyin Arikan2, Kadir Çýnar2 1Necmettin Erbakan University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Industrial Design, Konya, Turkey 2Necmettin Erbakan University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Seydiºehir, Konya, Turkey ahmetcan@konya.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-06-29; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-12-16 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.134 In this work the rolling process and properties of a 6.35-μm twin-roll casting AA8079 aluminum alloy foil was analyzed. First, the 8-mm-thick sheets were produced with a twin-roll casting technology. This product was annealed and cold rolled to a 6.35-μm foil with suitable processing conditions. The mechanical tests and microhardness measurement was applied to specimens derived from all the foil-rolling process stages. On the other hand, the specimens’ surface roughness and the surface structure are visualized with an atomic force microscope and an SEM. The microstructural investigation is realized with an optical microscope and XRD. The von-Misses total effective strain was calculated by determining the incremental work for all of the cold-rolling cycle. The alloy showed very low ductility in the tensile tests because of the second-phase metastable intermetallic particles such as Al3Fe. The maximum elongation at the breaking value was measured for 256-μm-foil as 4.5 %. On the other hand, the alloy did not show any significant strain hardening after the cold rolling during the plastic-deformation stages. Keywords: aluminum foil, cold rolling, twin roll casting V delu je bil analiziran postopek valjanja in latnosti 6,35 folije iz AA8079 aluminijeve zlitine, ulite med dvema valjema. Najprej je bil izdelan 8 mm debel trak po postopku ulivanja med dvema valjema. Trak je bil primerno `arjen in hladno zvaljan v 6.35 μm folijo. Iz vseh stopenj procesa valjanja so bili vzeti vzorci na katerih so bile dolo~ene mehanske lastnosti in izmerjena mikro trdota. Poleg tega je bila hrapavost povr{ine in struktura povr{ine vizualizirana z mikroskopom na atomsko silo (AFM) in iz SEM. Preiskava mikrostrukture je bila izvr{ena s svetlobnim mikroskopom in z rentgensko difrakcijo (XRD). Za dolo~anje stopnjujo~ega dela, med celotnim ciklom hladnega valjanja, je bila izra~unana celotna von-Misses efektivna napetost. Zlitina je pokazala zelo nizko duktilnost pri nateznih preizkusih zaradi vsebnosti delcev sekundarne metastabilne intermetalne faze Al3Fe. Maksimalni raztezek pri poru{itvi je bil pri 256 μm debeli foliji 4.5 %. Po drugi plati pa zlitina ni kazala nobenega ob~utnega napetostnega utrjevanja med posameznimi fazami plasti~ne deformacije. Klju~ne besede: aluminijeva folija, hladno valjanje, ulivanje med dvema valjema 1 INTRODUCTION The production of aluminum alloys with twin roll casting (TRC) technology has been introduced to the industry about 50 years ago. It was claimed that TRC would offer significant reduction in the cost of aluminum sheet and foil production, compared to the conventional production technique, i.e. DC casting and hot rolling. Major evolution in the TRC technology has been attained in the last 5 years. It has been widely accepted due to its low investment cost, operational cost and flexibility provided to the production planning.1 The strengthening of metals due to increase in lattice defects during cold deformation makes a thermodyna- mically unstable structure and promotes subsequent restoration phenomena. The restoration processes can change microstructures as well as mechanical and physi- cal properties of metals and alloys while required me- chanical and physical properties may be achieved by adjusting the deformation and annealing variables.2 Some of the researchers3–6 studied about cold rolling of various aluminum alloys. D. Wang et al.3 studied about severe cold rolling (CR) deformation properties of AA 7050. The strength of the 7050 samples increased with increasing the CR reduction. The yield and ultimate strengths of the CR sample with a reduction of 67 % in- creased by 16.5 % and 9.2 %, respectively. Wang re- ported that both the residual dislocations and hetero- geneously nucleated fine-phase particles in the matrix increased the strength of the CR samples. Z. Liang et al.4 studied the evolution of texture as well as microstructures in an AA 7055 aluminum alloy during cold rolling. Author reported that more micro-bands are formed in the center of the plate with the rolling reduction, while the spacing between two bands decreases. S. X. Zhou et al.5 studied about cold Rolling of AA 1050 alloys which are produced by hot finishing rolling and twin roll casting. Authors studied the microstructure mechanical properties such as tensile strength, yield stress elongation area reduction, elastic modulus hardness and impact energy and formability. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 861–868 861 UDK 662.2.036:621.771.8:669.715 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(6)861(2016) J. G. Lenard6 studied the effect of roll roughness on the rolling parameters during cold rolling of 6061-T6 alloys. The effects of the roughness of the work roll on the roll force roll torque and the forward slip and additionally the frictional mechanisms were identified. Author reported that high roughness appeared to increase the possibility of insufficient lubrication at the interfaces. While both adhesive and ploughing forces were present in all instances, the ploughing forces became dominant at higher rolling speeds. The contribution of ploughing to frictional resistance increased as the roll roughness in- creased to a certain value and beyond that its behavior depended on the rolling speed. J. G. Lenard and S. Zhang7 studied a similar work with commercially pure alumi- num. Using lighter oil, boundary or mixed lubrication is produced. With higher viscosity oil, negative forward slip is observed, indicating the onset of hydrodynamic lubrication. The coefficients of friction are found to increase with increasing reduction and decreasing rolling speeds.7 K. S. S. Sathees et al.8 studied about with purity alu- minum sheets which were subjected to intense plastic straining by constrained Groove pressing method. The tensile behavior evolution with increased straining indi- cates substantial improvement of yield strength by 5.3 times from 17 MPa to 90 MPa during first pass corrobo- rated to grain refinement observed. Quantitative assess- ment of degree of deformation homogeneity using micro hardness profiles reveal relatively better strain homo- geneity at higher number of passes. G. Liv9 studied the development of surface structure forming properties and corrosion resistance during cold rolling of twin-roll cast of AA 3003. It is found that the as-cast surface determines the development of the sur- face topography during cold rolling. This is due to the large roughness associated with the groove/shingle con- figuration of the as-cast surface. Author pointed out that, the initial surface topography and the cold rolling are of great importance to the quality of the end product of the cold rolling. Since there are differences in the initial topography induced by the surface of the casting rolls, there will be differences in the development of the sur- face during the deformation sequence. The rough pattern of the as-cast surface results in large gorges in the first pass. In the second pass shingles are smeared out on top of the gorges. Patches of the shingle are not welded to the bulk sheet. It must be focused to metallurgical principles of Alu- minum alloys for determining the mechanical and forma- bility behavior of Al-Fe alloys. The main concern is pro- pagation of second phase intermetallic particles which is a function of both the cooling rate and the chemical com- position of Al–Fe alloys and their effects on mechanical properties. Some of the researchers focused the metallurgical behavior of Al-Fe powders and alloys.10–13 On the other hand some of the researchers focused the rapid cooling rate and severe deformation effects on the different Al-Fe alloys.14–16 M. Aghaie-Khafri and R. Mah- mudi17 have investigated the plastic instability and necking behavior of AA8079 aluminum alloy sheet in temper-annealed and fully annealed conditions. In this work, the rolling process and properties of 6.35 mm twin roll casting AA8079 aluminum alloy foil was analyzed. Foils production were tested on the level of industrial trials with no rupture by the time rolling process. Firstly the 8 mm thickness sheets were pro- duced by twin roll casting technology. This product was annealed and cold rolled to 6.35 μm foil with suitable process conditions. The mechanical tests and micro hard- ness measurement is applied to specimens derived from whole foil rolling process stages. On the other hand the specimens’ surface roughness and the surface structure is visualized with Atomic Force Microscope and SEM. 2 MATERIAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PART The material used in this experimental investigation was an aluminum-rich eutectic alloy AA8079. As de- rived from XRF analyses the alloy containing (in mass fractions, w/%) 99 % Al, 0.8 % Fe and 0.12 % Si with minor constituents of 0.02 % Cu, 0.02 % Mn, 0.009 % Zn, and 0.022 % Ti. Notice that this work is not only an experimental work. The whole experimental outputs were derived from a real industrial production process. So, nearly 2000 kg raw material of AA8079 was melted and roll-casted to 8 mm thickness and cold rolled to 4 mm at one step in CR (Cold Rolling Machine). Then the material homogenized at 580 °C for 8 h, furnace cooled, and then cold rolled to the thickness 0.53 mm with four steps. Then the material annealed in a furnace at 450 °C and a holding time of 4 h. Then cold rolled to the initial foil thickness 250 μm with one step. The 250 μm sheet was cold rolled to 100 and then 56 μm with two steps in FR-I rolling machine. The 56 μm foil was cold rolled to 14 μm with two steps in FR-II rolling machine. Then the final thickness foil was derived by cold rolling with twofold (14+14 μm foil on foil) foil in FR-III rolling machine. The diameter of the (CR) cold rolling pin was 400 mm, and the foil rolling (FRI-III)) pin was 240 mm. The Rolling speed of CR, FRI,FRII,FRIII were, 12-175- 325-560 m/min respectively. After final (6.35 μm) cold rolling, the annealing in a furnace at 270 °C and a hold- ing time of 11 h is applied. The experimental samples were derived from all rolling stages. All the experimental numeric outputs such as tensile-yield strength, elongation at break and surface roughness values verified with minimum 3 times re- peated tests results. These outputs were averaged and given with derived error band in the graphs. The micro hardness test was realized in NDT MH-140 under 5 g loading forces. The surface roughnesses of the foils were measured with Mitutoyo Surf Test SJ301 roughness measurement device. The 3D surface topography was determined with Park XE-100 Atomic Force Microscope A. CAN et al.: ANALYSIS OF TWIN-ROLL CASTING AA8079 ALLOY 6.35-μm FOIL ROLLING PROCESS 862 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 861–868 (AFM). The samples were polished with Struers polish- ing devices with suitable abrasives. The specimens thinner than 250 μm etched with 0.5 % HF solutions in 30 s and then cleaned with alcohol and dried with air. 8-4-2 mm specimens were etched electroliticaly under the 24 °C, 18 V electric current in a 5 % Tetra Fluoro- boric acid solution in 120 s. And Nikon stereo light microscope is used for determining the microstructure with X10-500 magnification. The grain dimensions are derived with ASTM E112. The tensile tests were realized with Testometrik DBBMTCL-250 Kgf device. And the pinhole counting is realized with special lighting table with BS-EN 546-4 procedures. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Mechanical properties A tensile test procedure is applied after all foil cold rolling stages and annealing procedures. The ultimate engineering stress before rupture of specimen, Engineer- ing Tensile Stress ( u), Yield Stress ( 0.2) and Strain at Failure (f) values were determined with 100 mm initial length samples (A100). Nearly same tendency and gra- phics were observed in all tensile tests for cold rolled specimens. A specific stress-strain graphics for AA8079 were given in Figure 1 as representative. Aluminum on the other hand having a FCC crystal structure does not show the definite yield point in comparison to those of the BCC structure materials, but shows a smooth engi- neering stress-strain curve. The yield strength ( 0.2) therefore has to be calculated from the load at 0.2 % strain. It can be observed from Figure 1 that the material does not show any significant strain hardening after yield point. It causes the develop plastic instability and, there- by, very low ductilities. When this situation compared with the previous researchs the same tendency is ob- served. This undesirable phenomenon and the associated strain localization can be avoided by employing anneal- ing process.17 The von-misses total effective strain (vm) was calculated for determining the incremental work for all cold rolling cycle. Figure 2a shows the vm versus (Ten- sile Stress) u, Figure 2b shows the vm versus (Yield Stress) 0.2. As can be seen in Figures 2a and 2b an increase can be observed in after first cold Rolling (vm = 1.5). It can be explained by strain hardening of cold worked alloy. But nearly no change was observed on tensile and the yield stress between vm= 1.5 and 4.2. It can be explained by very low and saturated strain hardening and very long post uniform elongations as depicted in stress-strain curve in Figure 1. Notice that the AA8079 material includes 99 % pure aluminum. When the tensile and yield strength graphs are compared with the previous researcher result the same tendency can be observed. K. S. S. Satheesh and T. Raghu8 reported that the yield strength ( 0.2) increases signifi- cantly after first pass of cold working, whereas the tensile strength ( u) is nearly showed same behavior. Considerable increase in strength observed after first pass is mainly attributed to the significant decrease in A. CAN et al.: ANALYSIS OF TWIN-ROLL CASTING AA8079 ALLOY 6.35-μm FOIL ROLLING PROCESS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 861–868 863 Figure 2: The effect of equal strain on mechanical properties: a) tensile strength, b) yield strength, c) elongation at break Slika 2: Vpliv enake napetosti na mehanske lastnosti: a) natezna trdnost, b) meja plasti~nosti, c) raztezek ob poru{itvi Figure 1: The stress-strain graphic for 256 μm specimen Slika 1: Diagram napetost-raztezek za vzorec debeline 256 μm grain sizes and the increased dislocation density which necessitates higher applied stress for dislocation motion by slip. A horizontal trend in 0.2 & u is observed in subsequent passes which is attributed to the increased recovery/annihilation of dislocations with increasing accumulated strain and formation of micro cracks. Propagation of intermetallic phases in structure has great affect on mechanical properties. Previous researchers indicate that the intermetallic phases reduce the strength and elongation capability of the aluminum alloys. When tensile fracture surfaces of aluminum alloy samples investigated with SEM, it is observed that fracture occurs secondary intermetallic phases and inclusion concentration regions.18 P. J. Appsa et al.15 investigated the effect of coarse second-phase particles on the rate of grain refinement and material properties during severe deformation pro- cessing. Authors indicate that the hardness development of the AA8079, with increasing deformation process strain and the hardness of the AA8079 was slightly higher than that of the single-phase alloy, due to the pre- sence of the second-phase particles. During deformation, the work hardening of the AA8079 alloy saturated much more rapidly than the single-phase alloy and reached a plateau at a strain of only vm~3 showing little further increase even after a strain of 10. This behavior would be expected to correspond to a continued fast micro struc- tural refinement with increasing strain. The restoration processes can change microstructures as well as mechanical and physical properties of metals and alloys while required mechanical and physical pro- perties may be achieved by adjusting the deformation and annealing variables.2 The annealing process was decreased the tensile and the yield strength significantly. Reversely the annealing process was increased the elon- gation at break values. The maximum elongation at break f value is observed as 4.4 from 250 μm to 15 μm foils. This value was decreased to 1.2 % for final 6.5 μm foils. Then the last foil annealing treatment increased the elongation value to 2.3 %. It can be concluded that the recovery phenomenon is the major reason of decrease in flow stress. The steep increase in ductility implies that a complete softening due to recrystallization and grain refinement has taken place, and there covered structure, which is expected to be the main cause of the observed premature failure, has been removed.8,17 Figure 3 shows the micro-hardness results of the rolling stages from TRC to last foil annealing. The first cold rolling process after TRC is decreased to micro- hardness from 38 HV to 47 HV. During the deformation process, after the 1st annealing process the hardness of the alloy saturated rapidly and reached a plateau at a 250 μm thickness. This behavior would be expected to correspond to a continued fast micro structural refine- ment with increasing strain. The annealing at 450 °C and a holding time of four hours decreased the micro-hard- ness from 47 HV to 29 HV. After annealing the cold rolling was decreased to 29 HV to 42 HV and the micro hardness has no significant change during the cold roll- ing process until the last annealing process. The micro hardness was decreased to the least value after the last foil annealing process. As compared the micro hardness behavior with previous works; the results are coinciding with each other. Salehi reported the variation of micro- hardness after cold rolling with 20 %, 30 % and 40 % reduction in thickness. As a result, increased cold work- ing increases the micro-hardness of the structure by increased dislocation density and deformed grains.2,8,15 There is significant increase in hardness after first pass, after 1st annealing followed by marginal increase after second pass. During subsequent passes the hardness drops slightly and tends to remain fairly uniform fairly coinciding with earlier findings.8 After final cold rolling 14 μm to 6.5 μm, (vm =4.2) the annealing in a furnace at 270 °C and a holding time of 11 h is applied. This treatment reduced the tensile and the yield strength of the materials 71 MPa and 55 MPa respectively. The cold rolled and annealed 6.5 μm foils stress-strain graphics were depicted in Figures 4a and 4b.The cold rolled 6.5 μm foil has showed maximum elongation  = 1.2. This value was increased to 2.3 % after the last annealing process. These elongations at break values show that this material can be called a brittle material because of low ductility. This undesirable phenomenon and the associated strain localization can be avoided by employing suitable annealing procedures. The annealed specimen’s tensile graphics has some diffe- rences from cold rolled specimens. The annealed speci- mens showed a dynamic deformation aging behavior or The Portevin–Le Chatelier effect (PLC) effect. PLC describes a serrated stress-strain curve or jerky flow, which some materials exhibit as they undergo plastic deformation. This behavior is an expected behavior on annealed aluminum alloys only in limited regimes of strain rate. In a uniaxial tension test for instance, this A. CAN et al.: ANALYSIS OF TWIN-ROLL CASTING AA8079 ALLOY 6.35-μm FOIL ROLLING PROCESS 864 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 861–868 Figure 3: The variation of Micro hardness of the foils during cold rolling Slika 3: Spreminjanje mikrotrdote folij med hladnim valjanjem irregular flow results in inhomogeneous deformation with various localization bands. These bands can be static, hopping and sometimes propagating along the specimen. It is also observed in presence of this irregular flow that some materials fail by a shear localization mode prior to any diffuse necking in uniaxial tension and even under more complex states of stress.19 3.2 Microstructure properties The samples were characterized by XRD with a Bruker D8 advance diffractometer (40 kV, 40 mA), in Bragg-Brentano reflection geometry with Cu-K radi- ation ( = 0.154 nm). The data were obtained between 10° and 90° in steps of 0.1 with counting time of 3. When the previous research are investigated various author focused the intermetallic phase formation. On the other hand some of the researchers focused the TRC process which is very important the on the effect on cooling rate. Al-rich portion of the Al–Fe binary phase diagram shows many intermetallic formed by the peri- tectic reactions.13 The Al13Fe4, Al5Fe2, Al3Fe (AlnFem) etc. are possible intermetallic phases in Aluminum alloys.1,10 Figure 5 shows the XRD diffractogram pattern of the 6.35 μm foil of AA8079 alloy. The peak in 2 78° indicates the -Al (311) with miller index. The remain- ing peaks indicate Al3Fe intermetallic phases. Alloying of Al with Fe increases the high temperature strength due to a dispersion of second phase particles. Some of the researchers15 introduces this Al3Fe intermetallic peak as Al13Fe4. On the other hand some of the researcher reported that, these two monoclinic structural submicron intermetallics are very close to each other.12,20 The rapid cooling and solidification have great effect on formation of the intermetallic phase. However, the development of solidification microstructures along the (Twin Roll Casting) TRC process has some particular characteristics. The TRC makes the solidification with water cooled cylinders and it causes high cooling rate solidification and deforming near the surface.1 High cooling rates near the surface cause the formation of metastable intermetallic Al6Fe and AlmFe compounds in addition to the stable Al3Fe. It is often considered that at high cooling rates, due to kinetic restrictions there is not enough time for the atoms to arrange themselves in a stable structure.1,13 During the cooling stage no nuclea- tion is involved and an epitaxial solidification occurs. Moreover, the onset of solidification at the molten sub- strate interface is characterized by a solidification velo- city that approaches zero, favoring the initial formation of the stable Al–Al3Fe eutectic. This structure probably continues to grow in spite of the sudden increase in the solidification velocity over the surface, i.e., the equili- brium Fe aluminide is not displaced with increasing solidification velocity by a metastable aluminide.10,14,15 Previous researchers reported that the Si content is lower than 0.15 % of mass fractions of Si, which is the limiting Si content permitting to avoid AlFeSi to be the dominant intermetallic phase.16 The material used in the experiment (AA8079) has the Si ratio of 0.12 and no AlFeSi intermetallic was observed in the structure. A microstructure samples were derived after all rolling process. The procedure for etching and electro polishing for thick specimens was described in the pre- vious sections. Figures 6a and 6b shows the etched and electro polished optical microscope images respectively. As depicted in Figures 6a and 6b the intermetallic phases needles oriented along the nonhomogeneous grains. Orientation along the casting directions between the grains boundaries were not observed on 8 mm TRC samples. The 8 to 4 mm cold rolled specimen’s micro- structure was depicted in Figures 6c and 6d. The effect A. CAN et al.: ANALYSIS OF TWIN-ROLL CASTING AA8079 ALLOY 6.35-μm FOIL ROLLING PROCESS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 861–868 865 Figure 5: X-ray diffractogram of the Twin Roll Casting 6.35 μm AA8079 Foil Slika 5: Rentgenogram 6,35 μm folije iz traku AA8079, ulitega med dvema valjema Figure 4: The stress-strain graphic for 6.5 μm specimen: a) cold rolled, b) annealed-270 °C, 11 h Slika 4: Diagrami napetost-raztezek pri vzorcu debeline 6,5 μm: a) hladno valjano, b) `arjeno 270 oC, 11 h of the 50 % plastic deformation on cold rolling can be observed on these figures. The narrowing affect along the grain boundary can be observed as comparing the Figures 6a and 6c. After 4 mm cold rolling process the annealing (580 °CC – 8 h) is applied before the foil roll- ing process. Figures 6e and 6f show the annealed sam- ples microstructure. The needle shape of the interme- tallic particles transforms to bulk shape by the recovery effect. The microstructures of the 250 μm to 6.5 μm foil specimens’ light microscope images were determined. The 250 μm foil microstructure is depicted in Figure 6g as representative. As depicted in Figure 6g the grains are elongated along the rolling direction and the narrowed vertically to rolling direction by comparing the previous stage microstructure as given in Figures 6a and 6f. The distance between intermetallic particles are decreased with increased plastic deformation ratio. The grain size vertically to rolling direction is measured with image processing and illustrated with grain size vs rolling stages from TRC to 6.5 μm foil in Figure 7. As depicted in Figure 7 the grain size was decreased from 150 μm to 0.5 μm. After vm = 2.4 strain, the submicron grain size were observed in the microstructure. 3.3 Surface properties Not only the metallurgical and mechanical properties of the aluminum sheets and foils are very important, but also the surface properties of the aluminum sheets and foils are very important and it must be characterized to A. CAN et al.: ANALYSIS OF TWIN-ROLL CASTING AA8079 ALLOY 6.35-μm FOIL ROLLING PROCESS 866 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 861–868 Figure 7: The variation of grain size with TRC to foil rolling stages Slika 7: Spreminjanje velikosti zrn od TRC do kon~ne izvaljane folije Figure 6: Etched and electro polished light microscope images: a), b) twin roll casting, c), d) cold rolled, e), f) 580 oC, 8 h annealed and g) 250 μm foil rolling samples Slika 6: Mikrostruktura po jedkanju in elektropoliranju: a), b) ulito med dvema valjema, c), d) hladno valjano, e), f) `arjeno 8 ur na 580 oC in g) vzorec valjane 250 μm folije Figure 8: The atomic force microscope visualization of the thin foils from 250 to 6.5 μm Slika 8: Vizualizacija povr{ine folij od 250 μm do 6,5 μm, z mikro- skopom na atomsko silo desired functions as where they used. The chemical and electrochemical surface properties and the surface struc- ture are very important in lithography sheets and also in food industry. In contrary to hydrophilic lithography sheets the surface must be smooth and shiny in food in- dustry. So in this work the surface properties were deter- mined with atomic force microscope (AFM), surface roughness measurement and optical microscope. And also the pin holes and rolling tracks were determined with the SEM and optically with light source. The AFM scanning images were depicted in Figure 8 from 250 μm to 6.5 μm. Notice that the vertical scale is used as μm and nm depending on the roughness of the samples. The valley and the peaks are oriented along the rolling direc- tion. Figure 9 shows the surface roughness of the rolled samples and the roller pins surface roughness. As de- picted in Figure 9 the surface roughness is decreased with rolling stages. The surface roughness of the rolling pin and the foils are very close in almost all cases espe- cially in thinner foils. The pin hole counting is realized with a special light source in an dark ambient. The holes are counted for per 1 dm2 as detailed in ISO-EN 546-4. Figure 10a shows a sample pin hole SEM images. The pin hole diameter is measured as 1 μm and meanly 10 pin holes are counted in 1 dm2 standard area. And also the rolling tracks, po- rous and the skid effected banked up structure can be observed from Figures 10a and 10b. 4 CONCLUSION Foils production were tested on the level of industrial trials with no rupture by the time rolling process. It has been shown that selected TRC parameters result in the production of 8 mm sheet of good quality, with espe- cially: fine microstructure with adequate grain refiner addition and annealing conditions. Although the hard phases (that could lead to porosity problems) in the microstructure the 8 mm to 6.35 μm foil rolling was realized by obtaining the adequate surface properties such as sufficient pin hole, porosity The von-misses total effective strain was calculated for determining the incremental work for all cold rolling cycle. After first cold rolling (vm = 1,5) the yield and the tensile stress were increased in a limited range. This in- crease was explained by strain hardening of cold worked alloy. After continued deformation no change was ob- served on tensile and the yield stress between vm = 1.5 and 4.2. It can be explained by nearly saturated strain hardening behavior after a critical plastic deformation. On the other hand the maximum elongation at break f value is observed as 4.4 from 250 μm to 15 μm foils. These elongations at break values show that this material can be called a brittle material because of low ductility. The first cold rolling 8 mm to 4 mm process after TRC is decreased to micro hardness to the highest value of 47 HV. During the deformation process, after the 1st annealing process the hardness of the alloy saturated rapidly and reached a plateau at a 250 μm thickness. This behavior would be expected to correspond to a continued fast microstructure refinement with increasing strain. The annealed foil specimens showed a dynamic deformation aging behavior or The Portevin–Le Chate- lier effect (PLC) effect in tensile test. PLC describes a serrated stress-strain curve or jerky flow, which some materials exhibit as they undergo plastic deformation. The XRD analyses shows that the TRC casting AA8079 alloys includes -Al (311) and the Al3Fe meta- A. CAN et al.: ANALYSIS OF TWIN-ROLL CASTING AA8079 ALLOY 6.35-μm FOIL ROLLING PROCESS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 861–868 867 Figure 10: The surface structures: a) SEM image of a pin hole 5000 ×, b) rolling trucks and porous of the surface 200 × Slika 10: Struktura povr{ine: a) SEM posnetek luknjice 5000 ×, b) sledi valjanja in poroznost povr{ine 200 × Figure 9: The variation of the surface roughness in foil rolling stages Slika 9: Spreminjanje hrapavosti povr{ine pri valjanju folij stable inter-metallic phases because of high cooling rates, due to kinetic restrictions there is not enough time for the atoms to arrange themselves in a stable structure. The AFM scanning images indicates that the valley and the peaks are oriented along the rolling direction. The surface roughness of the rolling pin and the foils are very close in almost all cases especially in thinner foils. 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