ZARJA-DAW N URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 10 OCTOBER, 1968 VOL. 40 CUL V bn's ^o^ep/line (St/atfec ORGANIZER OF BRANCH 20, JOLIET, ILLINOIS CELEBRATING THE 40th ANNIVERSARY THIS MONTH! As a 10 year officer, she has served her branch as secretary and reporter and nationally, served as Supreme Secretary for 13 years. For lier dedication to the ideals and goals of the Slovenian Women’s Union,we salute her and extend our hearty ZARJA - THE DAWN Published monthly — izhaja vsak mescc Annual subscription $3.00 — Naročnina $3.00 letno For social members $2.40 annually. Za družabne članice SŽZ $2.40 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 6060f-Second-class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 VV. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 60608 Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi "a naslednjo izdajo mrsrinika morajo biti v rokah urednice do S v mesecu. VOL. XL — NO. 10 OCTOBER, 196» LETO XL — ŠT. 10 £ & $ WE’RE GIVING AWAY BAGS OF MONEY! TO WORKERS IN THE S. W. U. “NEW “ERA MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN” CLOSING MIDNIGHT, OCTOBER I, 1968! FOR EVERY NEW MEMBER IN CUSS B, YOU’LL GET A LUCKY BUCK! FOR EVERY NEW TWO MEMBERS IN CLASS A, YOU’LL GET A LUCKY BUCK! FOR EVERY FOUR JUNIOR MEMBERS YOU’LL GET A LUCKY BUCK! Cash Prizes will also be tallied for EVERY new member as follows: .50 for one new member in A and .25 for every junior! Under llie point system, Class B is one point; Class A is 1/fo point and junior member is ^point. First place branch — with the most new members enrolled in this Campaign will be awarded $25.00 CASH! Second place branch, $15.00 CASH! Third place branch, $10.00 CASH! Social Members can be enrolled also—you receive V2 point or .50 CASH! See your Secretary for Application forms that give you all details! HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN OCTOBER Supreme Officers: Oct. 8—Antonia Turek, Supreme President, Wickliffe, O. Oct. 9—Corinne Leskovar, Editor, Chicago, 111. Oct. 15—Anna Pachak, State President, Pueblo, Colo. Oct. 30—Elizabeth Zefran, State President, Chicago, 111. Branch Presidents: Oct. 1—Theresa KoscaU, Br. 23, Ely, Minn. Oct. 8—Olga Saye, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Oct. 10—Mary E. Roso, Br. 45, Portland, Oregon Oct. 14—Josephine Oswald, Br. 52', Kitzville, Minn. Oct. 15—Mildred James, Br. 95, So. Chicago, 111. Oct. 22—Mary Stupar, Br. 85, DePue, 111. Oct. 23—Nancy Satkovich, Br. 97, Cairnbrook, Pa. Oct. 29—Henriette Dimock, Br. 8, Detroit, Mich. Secretaries: Oct. 14—Prances Simonich, Br. 3, Pueblo, Colo. Oct. 23—Josephine Comenshek, Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio Oct. 23—Dorothy Zakely, Br. 51, Akron, Ohio MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! DATES TO REMEMBER Oct. 5—Bake Sale, Br. <12, Maple Heights, Ohio Oct. 6—ILDINOIS-INDIANA STATE CONVENTION, Br. 2, Chicago, III. Oct. 11—Card Party, Br. 101, Bedford Hgts., Ohio Oct. 13—OHIO BAZAAR, St. Vitus Hall, Cleveland, Ohio Oct. 20—Card Party, Br. 14, Cleveland, Ohio Oct. 20—40th Anniversary, Br. 20, Joliet, 111. Oct. 27—40th Anniversary, Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio Nov. 12 — Card Party, Br. 17, West Allis, Wis. OAe ‘pA&udent'k Yflanlhty YYleAbaye, ■ iniiiiiiiiinniDiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiniiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiMuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu^ ■ Dear Members: Combined Branches are all set for the great bazaar which will be held on October 12th at St. Vitus auditorium at G2nd and Glass Ave. Members are all busy sewing and preparing for this grand affair. Prances Sietz is putting in all her time towards the style show and program. Demonstrators also will be on hand to show you short cuts and the knack of making strudels and especially the new and easy way of making a delicious potica or nut roll. Branches will have all kinds of beautiful hand work on display to help you get your needed gifts for Christmas! There also will be a penny social and many beautiful gifts will be given. This “social” will be something new for you all. Roast beef or sausage and sauerkraut dinners will be served. Saturday, krofe will be sold from 2 p. m. on until all are sold out, are made by the famous baker, Mary Otoničar and her staff from Br. 25. Admission of 2>5c will be asked and numerous door prizes will be given to the lucky winners plus a new easy, delicious Potica Recipe. See you all at the S.W.U. Bazaar October 13th at St. Vitus auditorium 62nd and Glass Ave. Slovenian Chapel Fund Funds still are coming every day and our goal is climbing and hope we reach the quota of $70,000.00 by January 31, 19G9. We still need $26,000.00. Largest single donation so far to be placed on the altar of Our Lady of Help, Marija Pomagaj, is from Br. 2, Chicago, 111., with $1,500.00. As you all read in the Sept. issue of Zarja, they raised $1,000.00 during the hot summer days. While others were vacationing, these “bees” were busy making "honey” and the proceeds from this honey is a check for $1,000.00 for the Chapel. Previously in November 1967 Br. 2 also sent in $500.00 which makes it a grand total of $1,500.00. May God bless all and Our Lady of Help guide you and provide good health to you! A very good example for other branches to follow. As I wrote in my last issue of Zarja if each branch would raise $100.00 this would help a great deal to reach the goal still needed. Beautiful brochures have been sent to all branches and am sure that each one of you would love to have one. Please ask for yours if the Secretary forgot to give you one. New Era Campaign All branch presidents and secretaries have received letters pertaining to the campaign which closes at midnight Oct. 31, 1968. Time is getting short and we have only a few more weeks before the deadline will be upon us! Hurry and enroll those new prospects that you have on your list and receive the individual awards and also the top three branches will be eligible to nice cash awards. Congratulations on the 40th Anniversary of Br. 24 LaSalle, Illinois organized on October 17, 1928 and also to Br. 25 Cleveland, Ohio organized on November 22, 1928 by Mary Bradach and Albina Novak. Branch 25 will celebrate their Anniversary Oct. 27th with Mass at 11:45 a. m. at St. Vitus church and banquet at 1 p. m. at St. Vitus auditorium. Honored guest for this grand affair will be organizer, Albina Novak. Br. 25 is the largest branch in Zveza for which we all are proud! Salutations to Sec. Mary Otoničar for all the fine and hard work she lias done for this branch. One is that she made it one of the largest by having a record of enrolling 1200 members herself! She has been a faithful secretary for 31 years and has been a National Auditor for many years. Let us all join and help Br. 25 celebrate their great day by attending Mass and also the Banquet. Congratulations also to Br. 92 Crested Butte, Colorado on their 30th Anniversary! They were organized on October 18, 1938 by Frances Raspet. I attended Mass Sunday Sept 1st that was held at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, Cleveland, O., celebrated by Bishop of Maribor, Dr. Maximillian Držečnik. Assisting him were Fathers Varga, Slapsalc, Falez and Zanutich. In Bishop Drzecnik’s sermon he mentioned that he was very happy that we will have a Slovenian Chapel in Washington, D. C. with our Slovenian patroness, Marija Pomagaj on the altar and wished that all will contribute to this wonderful cause. Make checks payable to SLOVENIAN CHAPEL FUND and mail them to: Frank A. Turek, 986 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 44092. Happy birthday to all celebrating this month. Speedy recovery to all ailing and our sincere sympathy to Sec. Angela Kozjan of Br. 40 Lorain, Ohio' on the loss of her beloved husband. Toni Turek Happy birthday, Toni, on Oct. 8th! COMBINED BRANCHES OF CLEVELAND ANNUAL BAZAAR SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13th AT ST. VITUS AUDITORIUM 62nd and Glass Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Here you will have the opportunity to view homemaking skills first hand! Booths filled with items for sale, will show an array of hand work done by our own members of the Cleveland branches. A Style Show of clothing made and worn by our members, will be held in the afternoon. Baking demonstrations will take place all day — you will see strudels, flacate and potica being made before your very eyes. Delicious dinners and refreshments will be available all day, prepared by our famous cooks of Cleveland. DON’T MISS THE 1968 COMBINED BRANCHES BAZAAR! j Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. THE MOTHER OF GOD The following is taken from the allocution of the Holy Father on Mary. In the “Dogmatic Constitution on the Church the Blessed Virgin is placed at the summit of all the doctrine of the Church. “Mary,” says the Council "is the type, that is, the ideal, the exemplar, the model of the Church.” In chapter III we read: “Devotedly meditating on her and contemplating her in the light of the Word made man, the Church with reverance enters more intimately into the supreme mystery of the Incarnation and becomes ever increasingly like her spouse.” The same truth was declared shortly before the Annunciation: "Through the gift and role of divine mar temity, Mary is united with her Son, the Redeemer and with singular graces and offices. By these, the Blessed Virgin is also intimately united with the Church. As St. Ambrose taught: “The mother of God is the model of the Church in the matter of faith, charity, and perfect union with Christ. Our Lady, then, represents the ideal towards whom our thoughts, our devotion, and our will likewise must be directed, in order to receive the gifts of mercy from her. For what do we ask our Lady? The grace to make us understand her sublime sanctity, the privileges which God has conferred on her, her experiences in the Gospel story, and that we may be able to imitate and absorb even a part of such great riches. In a word we desire that this same light may be reflected in us that we may become, like her, an example in the Church. All this can be realized if we consider two things — first of all, the Blessed Virgin is the exemplar in the Church, because all that flourishes in the Church is summed up in Mary. In her we find the plentitude of grace and perfection. Secondly, Our Lady contains in herself all sanctity, all beauty, all the acts of the Divine Providence that we will find by studying the Church. To our amazement we can trace in the history of the Church that chain of events Our Lord has willed so that her work as re-demptrix might continue. What is called the Mystery, the design of God, the plan which the Lord had in our salvation is found in its highest degree in Mary the Holy Virgin. What, in fact, does the Church accomplish through the example of Our Lady? What has Our Lady done? She has given birth to Christ; she has given Christ to the world. And what must the Church do? It must bring forth new Christians, and make men sons and brothers of Christ. What the Church does in every man, Our Lady has done in her Son. Thus we call her Mother of the Church, because she gives birth to us in the supernatural order in the same way in which she brought forth Christ the Lord into being. The saints have asserted this with compelling force. In the month of October we salute Our heavenly Mother. Let us salute her on the usual way with the ROSARY. ACTIVITIES No. 2, Chicago, III. This month, on Oct. Gth, we shall meet to hold the Illinois-Indiana State Convention here in Chicago at Little Village Restaurant, 24th and Pulaski Road at 1:30 p. m. The meeting will take place after luncheon. The day will begin at 11:45 a. m. when Holy Mass will be offered at St. Stephen church for the living and deceased members of S.W.U. We urge you all to attend at least one if not both functions. Our State President, Liz Zefran, is in charge of reservations so please call her at VI 7-G688. Our branch selected two delegates to present the Convention report, namely Helen Arko and Yours Truly. Supreme Officers, Albina Novak, Josephine Železnikar, and Ann Kompare will also be present. At the September meeting, we heard a report from our president and secretary on the success of the Lemont Zveza Day. Altho Mrs. Železnikar was seriously ill at the time and could not attend, she knew of all aspects of the event. The treasury again profitted nicely and the special project for the Slovenian Chapel Fund also came to a very exciting conclusion in Lemont with the awarding of prizes to some 10 winners. We must get to work on this membership campaign ladies! Sign up a friend, relative or junior. Our branch is falling below the usual top place we hold in these campaigns and our officers urge us to get busy! Just this month remains. A letter from member, Paula Ozbolt who also was a lucky prize winner in the Chapel project, was read and enjoyed. She ended with the wish: I pray every day for every one of you and hope you will be healthy and live long to work for Zveza in the future as you have in the past.” Thank you, Mrs. Ozbolt for your devotion to our organization and friendship to our members. By the way, Mrs. Ozbolt is returning the prize asking that it be given again for the Chapel Fund drive. We were happy to hear good news of our hospitalized members. Jennie Puhek and her granddaughter, Joanne Podder are home as is Auditor Sophie Petrovič who underwent surgery. Frances Sardoch is also home now and at this writing Stephie Osterman is undergoing hospital tests. To all, we wish good health and may you you all stay well! Our next social event for members and friends is the Penny Social on our meeting night, Nov. 14th. It’s so much fun and many are lucky, too. Reserve Oct 6th and Nov. 14th for the next two S.W.U. social functions. We in Chicago are also heartily anticipating the guest appearance of the KRES folkdancers of Cleveland, Ohio who will be here for the gala annual SLOVENIAN DAY FESTIVAL, Oct. 2Gth at St, Stephen Hall, sponsored by the Sovenian Radio Club. Everyone is in for a great evening entertainment. The show will sparkle with the talented acts of our dancers and singers and in the later evening, there will be dancing for all, prizes and other attractions. Come one, come all! Corinne Leskovar PRAYING FOR PEACE Chicago, III. — Members who attended the Pilgrimage Trip to Our Lady of the Snows in Bellville, 111., held July Gth and 7th were the following: Jeannie Zubek and Patricia; Frances Zefran and Debbie; -Rose mary Litwin and Laurie; Wanda Gur-towski and Eileen Murphy; Gizella Hozian and guest from Canada, Rose Forjan; Verna Jung and Ann Demko; Sabina Kamicar and Theresa Ivan-sek; Josephine Železnikar and Pauline Kobal; Felicia Cenar and Amelia Gore; Justine Cieblinski and Gertrude Tertnik; Mitzie Krapence and Lil Otrin; Jennie Cotman and Pauline Kosak; Mary Hozian and Mary Klei-derman; Veronica Kolenko and Rose Zalig; Ursula Skoflanc and Christine Terselich; Millie Paisoli and Mayme Muller; Alvie Jerin and Mary Klopčič; Anna Zorko and Anna Stare; Eliz abeth Zefran and Mary Del Russo. We left Chicago from St. Stephen’s church by bus, with the belssing of Father Thomas, arriving at the Shrine for lunch that was awaiting us. The rooms at the Shrine were beautiful, as modern as any motel. We had the whole second floor to ourselves. After checking in, we were guided by Brother John to the Stations of the Cross, took a ride to the Retirement Village, saw the Bells that toll in the Water, had supper and did some shopping at the Shrine gift shop for some very lovely gifts. (A big thank you ladles, for the lovely gift for my charm bracelet!) Holy Mass was offered at 8:00 p. m. with candlelight procession and a blessing. The next day we began with Mass and more tours were enjoyed through- JOLIET CELEBRATES 40th ANNIVERSARY THIS MONTH out the grounds. A complete explanation of everything was given by our guide, Bro. John. We left for home after lunch and on the way homeward, sang religious songs which were enjoyed by everyone. Let me add that these pilgrimage trips are not only very enjoyable but cost little and take you from your families for just a short two days. Mothers and grandmothers appreciated this. Further information on the cost of itinerary, etc., is available writing the undersigned. Plan such an excursion for your members, soon. Liz Zefran Director of Women’s Activities No. 13, San Francisco, Cal. — With a heavy heart I report that the Angel of Death visited in the home of one of our former officers and my cousin Helen Sustarich. While on vacation in Seattle, Helen’s beloved husband, Frank succumbed to heart failure. This was indeed a great loss as Frank had no history of any heart trouble and departed on his vacation with Helen actually as on a second honeymoon. They were gay and happy with the plans of a really nice vacation. These two fine folks have loved and enjoyed one another and just a few years ago celebrated their twenty-fifth Wedding Anniversary. It is so difficult to accept a heartbreak of this kind as Frank was only 55 years old and had advanced in his work to a point where he was boss and work was a little easier. Frank had made many plans for his future as life was so kind and he could, after many years of hard work, sit back and enjoy the harvest of his years of sacrifice. His two daughters, Moreen and Doreen, flew north to be with Helen during her very trying hours; it is so gratifying to see these dear young ladies giving so much help to Helen. Frank was always ready to offer a helping hand, too. He was adored by his family and loved by all his neighbors and friends. Children were always welcome in Frank’s work-shop at home and a great deal was learned from Frank, a real “handy-andy.” We will all miss his warm “HELLO” and his gay hand wave as he passed. It is said we pass on the path of life only once and Frank has left his foot print deeply embossed by all the love given to one and all. There is little one can say except that today the world is a nicer place because Frank Sustarich passed by on the path of life and left behind all the good he alone could give. Our dear friend Mary Klepec is once again on the road to recovery having had quite a bout with illiness. Her operation was a success and she is up and about. It is a hard thing No. 20, Joliet, III. We are celebrating the 40th Anniversary of our branch on the third Sunday of this month, commencing at the 7:30 a. m. Mass offered by our pastor and spiritual advisor, Rt. Rev. M. J. Butala, for the deceased and living members. The famous St. Joseph Choir, under the direction of Anthony Rozman, organist, will render Mass hymns. Afterward, there will be breakfast served for all members and friends from nearby blanches and officers who are invited to attend at Ferdinand Hall on Clay Street. (No special invitation will be extended to any one; those wishing to attend may make their reservations with the secretary, Olga Ancel, 1115 Frederick St. Tel. 723-882, no later than Oct. 16th.) After the breakfast, a short program will be on the agenda. All 40 year members are requested to attend the Holy Mass and receive the sacraments. Before Mass, the members and visitors are to meet in Ferdinand Hall upstairs. Chairman is Josephine Sumic, 1309 Center St., phone 723-0570 and co-chairmen are Emma Planinšek, 1314 Elizabeth St., phone 727-9675; Josephine Muster, 714 Raub St., phone 727-7489, Olga Ancel, Josephine Erjavec, 527 No. Chicago St. and will be assisted by Frances Hubert, Emma Nosse, Theresa Marentich and Theresa Muhich. For information kindly call any of the above. The fall season has approached and we invite all members to attend our meetings where matters concerning to keep a good gal like our Mrs. Klepec down, these gals from the Ole Country have a lot of what it takes; we younger ones can take a few lessons. Our treasurer Rose Bianci’s husband, Mike is out of the hospital and on the road to good health once again. Mike is also retired from his job so we wish you a happy retirement and may you stay well and happy. Our report this month seems to be more of a health report but it seems so much sickness has visited our little group. Now let’s hope we will all enjoy good health and stay happy until we get together again. Attend your meetings the First Thursday each month and keep informed with the action of your Branch. See you soon. Fran Chiodo, Reporter No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. With summer and vacations over we hope to see more members attending our meetings. Our September meeting was fairly well attended. It was nice having Mary Koljat back with us. everyone of us are discussed. Also, the bowling season is here again when our bowlers will stand in line for action every Monday night at the Rivals. It is important that your dues are paid before you bowl this season, and you can pay either Olga Ancel or Josephine Sumic whom you meet every Monday at the alleys. Our treasurer, Josephine Sumic has attended as a delegate, the Elks Convention at Houston, Texas. On a tour with a group thru the east, she also visited Washington, D. C., Pennsylvania and New York. They toured, the beautiful luxury liner, United States, which she describes as being exceptionally magnificent. She sent greetings from all these interesting places. Our president with daughter, Irene, sent greetings from Slovenia, Brezje and places on the Adriatic. Thank you is extended to our organizer of Zveza, Mrs. Marie Pris-land, for her congratulations to our branch on its 40th anniversary that was printed in July Zarja. Our condolences to member, Mary Šinkovec who lost her son-in-law, Frank Likovich. He is also survived by wife, Julia, nee Šinkovec. Wishing all members much health and seeing you at our 40th anniversary celebration, I am, sincerely, Josephine Erjavec P. S. All members are requested to receive Holy Communion at our Anniversary Mass October 20th — 7:20 a. m. in a body. The biggest part of our meeting was spent discussing the forthcoming card party on Sunday, Oct. 20th and the Combined Branches’ Bazaar on Oct. 13th. Anyone desiring tickets for the card party, please contact me at 481-7473; or they may be purchased at the door. This was our three-month birthday party and we thank the following ladies for donations of delicious pastries: Theresa Skur (strudel), Mary Iskra (plum cake) and Mitzi Globokar (cookies). The following ladies so generously donated to our treasury: Anna Marolt, Rose Rogers, Mary Simončič, Mary Koljat, Anna Gacnik, Frances Kovach, Josephine Cebul and Mary Zgonc. We thank you all very much. On the sick list is Katie Jacobs recuperating at home with a broken arm. Frances Medved, we hear, is still in Cleveland Clinic Hospital and Rose Mickovic is at home. Please get well soon, Rose, as we miss you at the meetings. Get well wishes to all these ladies. We hear that Vida Kuhar with her IT’S 50 YEARS FOR THE SEVERS daughter is visiting Hawaii. Vida’s son was killed in World War II and is buried there. We hope they are having a pleasant trip and we will be anxious to hear all about it on their return. Again, I urge all members to try to attend the meetings; and ladies, please check your dues books and bring dues payments up to date. — Thank you. Vera Bajec, Sec. No. 21, West Park, Ohio. — Vacation days are over and I sincerely hope that every member had a wonderful time. Several ladies have gone on vacation with thier families and they all reported having good times. Mary Stevens with her husband, Walter and her sister, Josephine Intihar vacationed in Las Vegas and California; Anne Jesenko and family took a trip to Canada. Congratulations are extended to Anne Hanchette who became Grandma for the first time to granddaughter Beverly Ann. Our condolences to Jean Masso on the loss of her brother Nicholas. May he rest in peace. Recuperating: Anne Vuk is home from the hospital and our best to her for a quick return to health. Wedding Congratulations to Barbara Lee Unger and Peter Ronald Katherine who were married September, 21, 1968 at St. Francis De Sales church. The couple was feted at a lovely reception after the ceremony at St. Vladimir’s IJkranian Hall in Parma, Ohio. All the best to them! HAPPY 45th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY! Our heartiest congratulations to two couples, Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Hočevar and Mr. and Mrs. John Lunder who celebrated their joint 45th Wedding Anniversary on Aug. 2)4. Their children happily surprised them with a party at the Banquet Room, Family Trio Tavern. Mrs. Hočevar and Mrs. Lunder are sisters, both members of our Br. 21. Best wishes for many more happy and healthy years. We welcome Josephine Blazic to our Br. 21 transferred from Br. 27. We are happy to have you. May I urge all our members to attend our meetings on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p. m. God’s blessing to every one. Stella Dancull, Secy. No. 32, Euclid, Ohio. — Hello everyone! With summer behind us, we hope you all had a nice vacation and now it’s time to settle down to work, meaningful work, for our Union and its activities. It’s hard to believe that summer went so fast. Frances Klune was visiting Europe for 7 weeks; she enjoyed it very much. Mary Drobnick and her husband Frank were in Denver, Colo, and Aspen, his hometown, and cooled themselves by swimming in Hot Springs Pool. Caroline Peck had her grandson visiting them. He is Bro. Richard Chad, who is studying for missionary work in Winchester. Ohio. Caroline’s husband, Valentine, is ill; we wish him health as we do to all our shut-ins. Also, Antonia Skvarča had surgery; may she get well very soon. Congratulations to Louise Kalister, she is Grandma for first time as Rose Ann and Frederick Kalister had a baby girl, Marie Elyse. They live at Lancaster, Ohio. Our president, Mary Bostlan had her birthday August 12th and it was celebrated at 2 Cro’s Lounge. There were many members there to make it a more cheerful occasion and we all wish her a happy birthday and many more to come. Annie Chinchar had her son’s mother-in-law visiting from Scotland. Josephine Vidrich lost her husband; we sympathize with her. Congratulations to Frances Grjevic and husband; their grandson, Charles Mramor married Harriet Conductor on August 31st. Congratulations to all! Now back to our Union activities. We hope to see a lot of you at the Card Party Oct. 20th of Br. No. 14. We hope it will be another grand party. Congratulations to Br. 25 on their 40th Anniversary, October 27th. We hope to see you all at the bazaar at St. Vitus Oct. 13th and bring your family and friends. Let’s help to make it a success. We are having a style show plus many other events. In closing, we hope to see more of you at our meetings. Our active president needs help to carry out plans that she has for next year already. May God bless all. Anna Tekavec, Rec. Secy. No. 50, Clevland, Ohio. Our August meeting was the most beautiful and enjoyable meeting that I can remember. To our host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. John Susnik, thank you from the bottom of our hearts! To have the picnic meeting two years in a row at their home, was inded hospitable! They have the loveliest grounds with a flowing stream of water running at the rear of their yard and fruit and shade trees to make it very comfortable to entertain. Mary Susnik is one of our most active members and is always willing to help on the committees! Not only because she is sweet, but indeed nice and that is one of our reasons for electing her "Mother-of-the-Year.” Our ladies have been meeting periodically at President Frances Sietz’ home to sew for our oncoming Bazaar and are welcomed graciously at any time. To Fran, we also give thanks as she never tires of any new ideas and the efforts she puts into the things she accomplishes are all for the benefit of SWU. As we all know, everything she tries seems to be of some good advantage! Hail, to our President, Frances Sietz!!! Our meeting was conducted on time, which was unusual, because there were at least 50 members present. To our chairman of the picnic meeting, Frances Nemanich, congratulations on the beautiful job well done! Fran is one of our vivacious members, who has so much “spunk” that we believe she saves it all month long till she attends meeting! It took a lot of planning to come up with such a lovely dinner and we must say, no one has topped it as yet! Frank and Anna Sever of 212 103rd Avenue, W. Duluth, Minn, are 50th Wedding Anniversary celebrants! Both are long-time residents of Duluth. They were married at St. Elizabeth church on Sept. 11, 1918 by Msgr. Buh. They were blessed with 5 children. Two daughters are Mrs. George (Virginia) Mikrut and Mrs. Irvin (Althea) Tverberg and sons are Francis of Oakland, Calif., Lawrence and Philip of Duluth and there are 10 grandchildren. Frank is a retired employee of Universal Atlas Cement Co. The parents were honored by their children on this great occasion with a family dinner. May God bless them with many more years of health and happiness. Mrs. Sever, Virginia and Althea are all members of our Br. 33. Congratulations! A. P. To Vi Zak, who brought along some of her homemade strudel — why not give us a demonstration at the Bazaar? Carole Traven, of course, did her utmost, when she dressed Vi Zak as a "Bunny Waitress”; Clever thought, Carole! What an imagination! Since vacations are all over, and our members are tired out from the heat wave we had this past summer, and the children are back to school — now is the time to get back to normal living, by attending meetings regularly. Some ladies enjoy the meetings so much that we save all of our news for these evenings and talk constantly (like myself) while the meeting is in progress that we don’t realize how fast the time goes and it seems we’re saying goodnight” before we even get to say "hello”. So, won’t you all make it a promise to yourself to attend meetings and having a night out with the ladies! What a delightful surprise to see Josie Trunk at the meeting as she was greatly missed and we hope she will find time to spare us a meeting or two! Julia Woda, what a happy surprise it was to see your picture in the paper with the display of needlework for the Annual Golden Age Hobby Show. Maybe by the next issue, we’ll have more news on her. To Mr. and Mrs. John Mlakar, congratulations on 50 years of Wedded Bliss, and Mr. and Mrs. Perusek on their 22nd! Sophie Zagorc is recuperating at Charity Hospital; Bernice Somrak, just underwent surgery and we hope by the time this article goes to press, they’ll be well on the road to recovery. Anne Kumse’s husband is gravely ill; we all pray for his recovery. Josephine Urbancic’s daughter Geraldine was joined in Holy Matrimony to James Greener on Sept. 28th. To this young couple, we wish loads of happiness. Ladies, keep all your news bottled up till meeting night and we'll discuss it then. Angle Lube, your nosy reporter No. 52, Kltzville, Minn. Dear sisters, we are back in the swing of it again. Our first meeting took place at the Little Grove the first Wednesday in August. We had a very nice turnout. The business of the evening was brought up, namely the State Convention, was held Sept. 8th at Nashwauk and we needed a lot of our members to attend. Tickets for the event were sold by our President, Josephine Oswald and Secretary Rose Chiodi. We also wish to congratulate sister Celia Politano and husband on their Golden Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Patsy Politano held open house at the new Kohler Motel Inn in Hib-bing. May they have many more to come, and this anniversary be blessed and more memorable than any they have ever known and may God bless them both! We also have very sick members, namely sisters Mary Musech and Frances Zbachnik in the Hibbing General Hospital. We express our deep wishes for God’s speed to a rapid recovery. We are all sending our prayers in your behalf to get you back on the road of good health again. Bless you all, and to any of our sick members who are at home I may have missed, we send our deepest hopes for your recovery. At the end of our business session, we were led in prayer by our president, sister Josephine Oswald. We then continued with the social of the evening and hostesses were sisters, Julia Mancuso, Dorothy Russo, Alberta Russo and Jennie Crea serving us a delicious lunch. Prizes went to the following sisters: Margaret Kochver, Rose Trombly, Prances She-ga, Mildred Barbatto, Elizabeth Spi-nelli, Celia Politano, Ivanna Prelesnik, Josephine Oswald; door prize went to our sister, Mary Musech. This brought a very delightful evening to a close. We will be looking forward to seeing you all at the next meeting the first Wednesday in October. Please bring a new member with you for a wonderful evening. May God bless you all until we meet again. Yours truly, Gertrude Kochevar, Reporter No. 57, Niles, Ohio. — Our August meeting was held at the home of Frances Stanec. The crackling potica made by Jennie Logar was enjoyed by all. Debbie Yerman attended the meeting; she was a visitor from Calif., at her grandmother’s Frances Yerman. Frances Mollica from Wyoming visited her mother Theresa Racher and sisters Mary Strah and Virginia Zevkovich. Frances attended our June meeting and it was nice to have her and all of you out-of-state visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hriber enjoyed a lovely trip to Florida. Mary Moler and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Moler and family spent 3 days at Larry Moler’s In Downers Grove, 111., and spent a day in Chicago. Yours truly and Frances Yerman have enjoyed several short trips out-of-town this summer. Don’t forget girls to bring in those white elephant articles for our sale. So glad to hear Emma Gardner and Delores Shlrkman are coming along fine after being in the hospital. On our sick list are Frances Kosance and Barbara Flere. Hope you get well soon. See you at the next meeting. Mary Moler, Reporter OBITUARY Crosby, Minn. — Mrs. Louis V. Perpich (Margareta) 73, a Cuyuna Range Resident since 1912 passed a-way at the Cuyuna Range District Hospital after a long illness on Aug. 13th. She was born in Crni Lug, Yugoslavia on July 11, 1895. She was a member of the Slovenian Women’s Union, Croatian Fraternal Union No. 489 Ironton, Minn, and the American Legion Auxiliary, Ironton, Minn. Surviving are her husband Louis V.; three daugters, Mrs. Fred (May) Ehrich, Brainer, Minn., Mrs. Nolan (Mary) Bickford, Roseburg, Oregon and Mrs. Glenn (Viola) Clarke of Las Vegas, Nevada; six sons, Louis C. of Crosby, Minn., John, Myron and Frank of Duluth, Minn., George of Superior, Wis. and Joe stationed with the Air Force in Arizona; two sisters in Yugoslavia, 22 grandchildren and 2 greatgrandchildren. She was preceded In death by two brothers, George and Ignatius and one son, Milo. Funeral services for sister Margareta Perpich were held August 16th at St. Joseph’s Catholic church in Crosby with Father Joseph Cashen officiating. Burial was in Lakewood Cemetery, Slovenian Women’s Union Rosary was recited at 6:30 and another Rosary at 7:00 p. m. Thursday Aug. 14th. Pallbearers for sister Margareta Perpich were John Spalj, Frank Vu-kelich, Jr., Milo Vukelich, Joseph Popek, George Perpich and Anthony Dandera. Sister Margareta Perpich was a social member of Slovenian Women’s Union No. 83 of Crosby, Minn. May she rest in peace! No. 95, So. Chicago, 111. With the Labor Day holiday over, and with September comes time for children to go back to school and their mothers ready to plunge into a round of committee meetings, benefits and other events which had slackened during the summer. To me it means the end of summer, the beginning of the harvest, the beauty of the countryside as autumn changes the green and gold of summer to more ruddy colors such as I am enjoying and observing in my new home in New Lenox. Despite the hustle and bustle that comes with September, our first meeting in the fall was well-attended by new and old members with similar attitudes and Ideas. A report was given by Ann Kompare on the efficiency of our Supreme Officers that a mistake so rarely occurs, that there is not a slightest chance on earth of them losing their particular and separate Identity. Again, thank you so much for your neatly turned phrases. Hermine Prlsland Dicke: 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wis. 53711 ixi and Mrs. Antonia Gornick’s POTICA CAKE recipe was sent to me by her daughter Mrs. Antonia Turek, Supreme President of Slovenian Women’s Union, who during her visit in Minnesota this summer was given the recipe by her mother. Mrs. Turek writes: “It is both easy to make and is very delicious.” She warns, however, “that the dough is sticky so be sure to put a lot of flour on your cloth.” Mrs. Gomick, of Chisholm, Minnesota is a member of Branch 38. POTICA CAKE 1 cup Oleo % cup milk 2 packages dry yeast % cup lukewarm water 2/2 cups flour % teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons sugar 3 egg yolks Dough: Melt and cool 1 cup oleo and % cup milk. Mix 2 packages dry yeast in % cup lukewarm water. Sift flour, salt and sugar. Stir the egg yolks into milk mixture. Add this mixture into sifted flour mixture. Add the yeast mixture. Beat well and cover and refrigerate over night. This dough will be very sticky. Filling: Va cup ground nuts /2 cup chopped dates 3 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon *4 cup milk 3 egg whites stiffly beaten 1 cup sugar Mix to a paste over heat the nuts, dates, sugar (3 tablespoons), cinnamon and milk. Cool this mixture. Beat the egg whites until stiff gradually adding 1 cup sugar. Fold in the filling paste. Roll out J/2 of the dough into a 20 inch square on well floured cloth. Spread /2 of the filling over dough and roll up as for jelly roll. Put this in to a greased angel food cake pan. Roll other half and proceed in same method as above. Place over other roll in pan. (You will have two layers but the cake becomes one during baking.) Bake one hour and 5 minutes at 350 degrees. Sprinkle with powdered sugar or glaze with confectioner’s frosting if desired. BEEF ROLL-UPS take the Grand Prize in the Madison (Wis.) Cooking Contest from 2,148 recipes. BEEF ROLL-UPS Two pounds round steak, cut one-fourth inch thick Three tablespoons prepared mustard One-fourth cup finely minced onion Four strips bacon, cut in half One large dill pickle, cut in eight lengthwise strips Two tablespoons flour One and one-half teaspoon salt One-fourth teaspoon pepper Three tablespoons cooking oil One can (8 ounces) tomato sauce One teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce One cup of hot water One teaspoon brown sugar One small can sliced mushrooms Cut meat in eight 3 by 4-inch rectangular pieces. Spread one side of meat with mustard and sprinkle with onion. Top with half strip of bacon and pickle strip. Roll up tightly in jelly roll fashion and tie securely with heavy cord or secure well with toothpicks. Combine flour, salt, and pepper. Coat roll-ups with mixture and brown slowly on all sides in hot oil. Combine tomato sauce, Worcestershire sauce, hot water, and brown sugar; pour over meat. Cover and simmer for one and a half hours. Remove meat from sauce. Cut cord or remove toothpicks. Thicken sauce with a little of the leftover flour mixture. Pour sauce over roll-ups and sprinkle with drained mushrooms. Serve over buttered noodles or rice with French bread. Chopped hard cooked eggs or water chestnuts can be added to the stuffing. Stewed tomatoes can be used instead of the commercial tomato siauce. The trick is to let your sauce cook down so that it’s thick, and cook it long e-nough so the meat Is tender. KOLACHE These are easy to make and delightful to eat. The dough can be refrigerated as long as a week or frozen then taken out to room temperature and used when manageable. This amount will make about 150 ko-lache depending on how this you roll the dough. Dough: 1 pound margarine or shortening 5 cups sifted flour 1 teaspoon baking powder Blend like for pie crust Blend together: 1 cup sour cream 2 whole eggs, beaten Blend both mixtures until all flour is obsorbed and shape into a ball. Cover with waxed paper and refrigerate at least five hours or over night. On floured board or cloth roll out a section quite thin to a rectangular shape of 10 by 12% inches; cut each in twenty l/i inch squares. Place about % teaspoon of prepared fruit filling in center of each square (“Solo” named brand of fruit filling); moisten edges of one corner with cold water; bring opposite corner over folding into a triangle; seal edges with fork or fingertips. Place on ungreased cooky sheet and bake at 375 degrees for 10 or 12 miuutes until brown on edges. While warm sift powedered sugar over baked ko-lache. (Solo brand has many fruit fillings: prune, apricot, blueberry, poppyseed and strawberry being but a few.) HOUSEHOLD HINTS 1. Cabbage is a thrifty way to get more Vitamin C in your diet whether you serve it raw or cooked. 3. When combining beaten egg whites with other ingredients, use a folding, not a stirring motion for maximum volume. 3. For an attrative detail after peeling a cucumber scrape them lengthwise with the prongs of a sharp fork. * * * Mrs. Chanel writes: “The more beautiful the dress, the more you add to it. The uglier the dress, the less it adds to you.” Take care— Fondly, Hermine Next on the agenda was a discussion on our Christmas Party, it was moved and passed by our members that our party will be held in the lower part of the Croatian Hall On Dec. 4th at 7 p. m. We will have the usual grab bag exchange and each member is asked to bring along one item of bakery goods or whatever other refreshments you choose to bring will be greatly appreciated. After the meeting, Amelia and Doris Cuzella served the refresh- ments donated by Emma Yergovich and Mary Jurko. Happy to see Mary Jurlto back with us again after her lengthy illiness. Cash donated by the following ($2): Mary Perkovich, (Muskegon), Anna Nagoda, Ann Kompare and Mildred Poropat; ($1) Anna Tumplch, Eva Mlinarich, and Ahiia Plesha. Thank you again, your contributions are greatly appreciated. I failed to mention In my last report that we have two new members, Ann Laski, 9343 Yates Blvd. and Diane Woynovich, 5328 Yates Ave. Welcome to our group. Get-well wishes are extended to PhyliBS Perko who underwent sugery in So. Chicago Hospital; Cecelia Ko-lavo, who also was hospitalized, and Kate Markulih who is at this writing seriously ill - and is confined in So. Shore Hospital. To all of our members who are ill, we send you our very best wishes for a complete recovery. Belated Birthday greetings to the SUPREME PRESIDENT MEETS THE MEMBERS AT STRABANE, PA. On a lovely June 30th, members of Pennsylvania branches met at Johnstown, Pa. for their annual Zveza Day and State Convention. On the left photo are Mrs. Mary Tomsic, State President and group from Strabane. Center is photo of Johnstown members and on the right, Supreme President, Toni Turek center, with Mrs. Anna Trontel, president of Br. 26, Pittsburgh and members. following (September): Matilda Ca-cich, Marie Gaspar (Paw Paw, Mich.), Mary Hecimovich, Katherine Klepich, Kate Markulin, Mary Matesich, Mary P. Mundger, Mary Perkovich (9Gth. Musk), Manda Spehar, Kate Starce-vich, Anna Tumpich, and Dragica Vukosovich. (October): Evelyn Driscoll, Marie Grankowski, Mildred James, Mary Kovacevich, Phyliss Perko, Katherine Rajcich, Ann Sorak, Emma Prances Zburin, Marge Pavletič, Jean Serafin, Mary Kresich and Marie Maras. (November): Doris Cuzella, Mary Duich, Anna Jovanovich, Francis Ma-tanovich, Kate Musa, Helen Nowicki, Mary Perkovich (Hou), Helen Plantz, Mary Plesha, Katherine Satalic, Mary Simunic, Helen Price, Fedelia Svalina, Lyuba Trgovac, Dorothy Worteska, Mary Mundger, Marge Pozeck, Helen Daly and Diane Wojnovich. In conclusion, it is with regret that I announce the death of one of our pioneer members, Mrs. Louise Bogo-vich, 3641 E. 99th St. Some of you who have had the privilege of knowing our departed member, knew that she has been ailing for some time. When an older woman like Mrs. Bo-govich is chronically ill, her physical incapacitation keeps her from attending our meetings. It is apparent that in spite of her illness she was a sincere, earnest, and a loyal member. The example she set in the formative years of our branch will long continue to influence and inspire us. May she enjoy her eternal rest and the rewards she has earned. We join in extending to the members of her bereaved family our heartfelt sympathy. In your charity, remember all of our faithful departed members and those who. are ailing in your daily prayers. Mildred James, Pres. No. 100, Fontana, Calif. — Hello a-gain from Branch No. 100. A surprising number of members assembled at our fall meeting at the K.S.K.J. Hall. The agenda of our business was brief and to the point; adjournment followed with prayer. We then proceed to participate in our social activities. This is the time when one is informed as to what events took place when we did not convene as per custom during the summer months. Topicsl ike vacations, tours, births, visitors, weddings and the like are discussed. Here and there a bit of neighborly gossip is exchanged to spice the conversation. All the clucking and all the cakling is remines-cent of a hen party in the chicken yard with a rooster on the loose. Don’t be misled, dear sisters, by the above remark, my intent is not of a derogatory nature, only in sincere affection for the voices that make happy noises 99% of the time. The singing led by the robust voice of our Major Domo, Josephine Susel is most pleasing to the ear. We sing loud because we desire all of Fontana to hear our beautiful Slovenian songs; moreover, we sing good too! Just ask us and we’ll tell you so without equivocation! No matter how strongly you assert that you will maintain your diet, all will power goes down the proverbial drain when your eyes behold the poticas, strudels and other goodies brought in by our birthday celebrants. This month we sang Happy Birthday to Rose Krainlk, Mary Kovačič, Mary Skubic, Vici Potepan, Frances Kurilich and Mary Mayzak. Happy birthday also to Mary Reich of Branch No. 2. We have a new junior member, Frank Zeitz the “3rd” no less, how about that? I hereby direct my attention to the ladies who were unable to attend our meeting and remind those who were present that we must augment our membership in order to function. Not only will our organization benefit, we, in turn, will gain new friends. So let us endeavor to emulate all of our sister branches. Get well wishes and prayers are offered for Christine Filips, our Slovenian reporter. Her contributions so faithfully written are greatly missed by our members and assuredly by those who read with avid interest the news from Fontana submitted and printed in the Zarja. Prayers for improved health are especially sent to my second mother, Mrs. Johanna Telban of Chicago. Br. 100 attended the rosary and funeral services for sister Josephine Ludvik. She was a member of the SWU in Garfield Heights, Ohio. Our very sincere condolences are conveyed to her daughter, Josephine Godec of Covina, Calif. God grant our departed sister eternal light to shine on her now and forevermore. All things come to an end and now I close with a poem that undoubtedly will create a few provocative thoughts. The poem is called “Silence” and is written by Charles Hanson Towne. “I need not shout my faith. Thrice eloquent are quiet tries And the green listening sod; Hushed are the stars, whose power is never spent; The hills are mute; Yet how they speak of God!” See you next month, God willing. Edith Drawenek, Reporter pro tem. No. 101, Bedford Hgts, Ohio. — On August 11th, our lodge had a Bake Sale and Waffles Stand at Bedford Heights Home Day. Special thanks and appreciation to the ladies who baked and to those who volunteered their time to work. A reminder — our Annual Gamee Party is going to be held on October 11th at Aurora Road School at 8:00 p. m. Let’s all try to make this a real success! Hope to see everyone there. Get well wishes to Lucille Reed who was recently hospitalized. Hope you’re feeling much better, Lucille. Best wishes to everyone! Dorothy Matjašič, Reporter Mane Prisland: SRČNA BOLEZEN Dr. W. C. Alvarez, slavni zdravnik iz poznane Mayo klinike, o srčni bolezni piše takole: “Naša hrana in način življenja, poleg podedovanih lastnosti, igra prvo in najvažnejšo vlogo pri odločevanju, kako dolgo bomo živeli. Večina ljudi se ne zaveda, kako veliko in važno delo opravlja mali organ, ki mu pravimo srce. Srce in ledvice so izmed najvažnejših telesnih organov, ter tudi najboj obremenjena in delata najtežje. Kadar eden teh dveh organov ne more več svojega posla dobro opravljati — zbolimo. V enem samem dnevu srce prenese ali vbrizga devet ton krvi. Srčna gonilna sila je toraj devet ton dnevno, kar je res neverjetno, a je statistično dokazano. Srčna bolezen tirja največ življenj med 45. in 65. letom starosti. Srčna bolezen se pojavi počasno in se najprej pozna z lahkim obolenjem ledvic, kateremu pa večina ljudi ne pripisuje velike važnosti. Človek si misli, da se je malo prehladil, spije kak čaj, ali kaj drugega in ko bolečine pojenjajo, se za vse skupaj ne zmenimo več. Toda, kakor srce, opravljajo tudi ledvice ogromno delo, ker čistijo vse tekočine v našem telesu, zato njih delo ni malenkostno. Ogromno omrežje žil in žilic je napeljanih po našem telesu. Istotako ogromno omrežje živcev. Ves ta aparat pa mora delovati v popolni harmoniji med seboj. Takoj, ko kje nastane kaka motnja, smo v neprilikah. Dokler smo mladi, so vse žile prožne in elastične, da krvnega obtoka ne ovira ničesar. Vsako nadaljnje leto pa ledvice težje in težje opravljajo svoje čistilno delo, zlasti če smo jih skozi vsa leta preveč obremenjevali, z nepravo hrano in močno alkoholno pijačo. Na ta način nismo vedno izločevali strupov iz našega sistema. Končno ledvice odpovedo, v kri prične prihajati razna nesnaga, ki se zbira in ostaja po žilah. Sčasoma se te snovi po žilah strdijo. Krvni kanali, to so žile, postajajo vsled tega vedno ožje in srce mora delati čim dalje težje, da oddaja kri po našem telesu. Tako kmalu pride do zvišanega krvnega pritiska. Če pravočasno gremo k zdravniku, si lahko vseemo še pomoremo nazaj do normalnega stanja ter si zagotovimo visoko starost. Dr. Alvarez pravi, da je prvi pogoj za ljudi s srčnimi bolezni, da se svoje bolezni ne bojijo. Srce je močan organ; da, najmočnejši v našem telesu, zato mnogo prenese. Ljudem s srčno boleznijo je v prvi vrsti potrebno, da živijo mirno in redno. Izogibljejo naj se prevelikemu naporu in razburjenju. S tem pa ni rečeno, da ne bi smeli opravljati nikakega dela. Delati smejo, a ne preveč težko, in ne pretiravati v ničemur. Kajenje in pijača mora biti odrejema po zdravniku. Bolnik, ki je temu vajen in bi kar naenkrat vse prekinil, bi si več škodoval kot koristil. Živeti pač mora pametno. Težko je za mnoge odnehati, ker se nahajamo v svetu brzine in blaznega tekmovanja. To pustiti nekateri ne morejo, drugi nočejo. Hrana igra pri srčni bolezni veliko vlogo. Nekateri so mnenja, da imamo v Ameriki zato toliko srčne bolezni, ker odrastli uživamo preveč mlečnih produktov kot sir, mleko, in surovo maslo. To mnenje podprejo s tem, ker imajo na Kitajskem zelo malo te vrste brane in srčne bolezni tam skoro ne poznajo. Zdravstveni veščaki so našli še drug vzrok za visoko število smrtnih slučajev radi srčne bolezni, namreč prevelika uporaba umetnih gnojil na farmah. Kitajci ne trpe vsled poapnenja žil in srčne bolezni zato, ker njih poljedelstvo ne uporablja gotovih umetnih gnojil, ki pospešujejo preveč naglo rast poljskih pridelkov in sočivja. Pred kongresom je že dalj časa predlog, ki zahteva omejitev prevelike uporabe umetnih gnojil na farmah. A nihče se za ta predlog ne zmeni, ker bi taka omejitev škodovala tistim firmam, ki umetna gnojila izdelujejo. I-judje smo res čudni. Na eni strani zbiramo sklade za pobijanje bolezni kot so polio in rak, na drugi strani se pa protivimo vsakemu zakonu in vsaki akciji, ki bi si prizadevala ozdraviti razmere pri koreninah. Pritisk sebičnih interesov je veči kot skrb za ljudsko zdravje. Ta pritisk je tako močan in tako zelo vpliven, da bi vzelo res močno voljo in organizirano skcijo, ki bi prišla do živega. Dr. Alvarez tudi govori o visokem krvnem in nizkem krvnem pritisku. Previsok krvni pritisk večkrat povzroči kap in srčne bolezni, za katerimi vsako leto umre mnogo ljudi. Dr. Alvarez pravi, da je visokemu krvnemu pritisku vzrok obolelo stanje ledvic, kot že prej omenjeno, nato predobra hrana, preobila pijača in prevelike in trajne skrbi. Vsak človek sicer mora skrbeti za zaslužek, za družino in dom, za zdravje in čistost, a mnogo skrbi je pretiranih. Otresti se skrbi pa je težavno. Le z močno voljo in trdim sklepom si bomo končno dopovedali, da vsa tuhtanja in vse skrbi ne bo neprijetnih zadev spremenilo in da se le redkokdaj zgodi tisto, česar se bojimo. Po zdravniškem mnenju spravijo skrbi v prerani grob več ljudi kot delo. Znižani krvni pritisk se lahko doseže, če bolnik spremeni način življenja. Če je nekoliko manj priden, živi počasneje in mirneje, ne skrbi preveč, uživa priprosto hrano, ne pije alkoholnih pijač in ne je preslanih jedi. V mnogih slučajih krvnega pritiska pomaga česen, kuhan skupno s peteršiljem ter čaj iz navadne preslice. Domača zdravila so pri nekaterih bolnikih bolj učinkovita kot lekarnarska. In ne stanejo nič. Dr. Alvarez piše tudi o nizkem krvnem pritisku. Mnogi ljudje mislijo, da je to bolezen, kar ni resnica. Zdravniška veda navaja, da sme krvni pritisk doseči število človeških let z dodatno število 100. Naprimer; kdor je star GO let, sme njegov krvni pritisk znašati največ 160 stopinj, itd. A kaj, če je manj? — Jaz sama imam že več let zelo nizek krvni pritisk, kar me je od kraja skrbelo. Zdravnik mi je ta pojav razložil takole: — Krvni pritisk zdravega mladega človeka znaša 110—120 stopinj. Z vsakem nadaljnim letom se krvni pritisk pri mnogih ljudeh viša. Ni pa potrebno, da bi se moral. Kakor je lepo in hvalevredno, če človek pri 50. letu nima nobenega sivega lasu, tako je zanj dobro In koristno, če ima v tem času krvni pritisk svojih mladih let. Edina slaba stran je ta, da starejšega človeka z nizkim krvnim tlakom rado zebe, se naglo utrudi in če se ureže, rana ne zaceli kmalu. Prava dietična hrana za ljudi s srčno boleznijo ali poapnenjem žil je ta, ki vsebuje malo soli. Jedila, konservi-rana s soljo kot prekajene ribe, suho meso, šunka, klobase, kumarce, itd. niso priporočljiva. Nekatere klavnice to že upoštevajo in so pričele konservirati gotovo količino mesa s prav malo soli. * * * Najlepša hvala prijateljicam, ki so mi z obiska v domovini poslale pozdrave. Letos jaz nimam počitnic. Trudim se s pisanjem zgodovine o slovenskih priseljencih v Amerik. Več o tem prihodnjič. * * * Policaj: “Mrs. vi vozite s hitrostjo 66 milj po cesti, kjer je dovoljeno le 36 milj.” Mrs.: “Ampak, prosim, tamle je napisano 66.” Policaj: “To je številka ceste, ne pa brzine.” Mrs.: "O joj, kako sreča, da me niste videli na cesti številka 100.” Prevzvišeni dr. Držečnik med nami v Washington!! Še preden je prevzvišeni škof. dr. Držečnik iz mariborske škofije prišel v ZDA, smo že veliko brali o njegovem prihodu po tukajšnjih slovenskih časopisih. Ko smo ga tukaj v Wash-ingtonu mnogi od nas prvič imeli čast osebno srečati nam ni bil tuj gospod. Prepričali smo se, da je res pravi Slomškov naslednik, ne sa*no ker je prišel iz Maribora, ampak tudi, da je vse njegovo življenje in delovanje podobno vzoru svetniškemu slovenskemu škofu Slomšku. Prevzvišeni je daroval ob asistenci gospodov Varge, Kovačiča in Blatnika slovensko sveto mašo dne 29. avgusta 1968 v eni izmed kapelic prav nasproti kjer bo tudi naša vse slovenska kapela v največji cerkvi Amerike Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Veliko nas je bilo Slovencev iz washingtonske srenje, med njimi tudi precej članic naše podružnice. Po sv. maši smo se zbrali v eni izmed dvoran Katoliške univerze, kjer je med recepcijo imel še vsak posameznik priliko govoriti s častnim gostom. Posebna zahvala za to gre tukajšnji podružnici in KSKJ. Ta dan bo vsem članicam naše podružnice ostal vedno v spomin. Daj Bog, da bi prevzvišeni škof dr. Držečnik prišel še kdaj med nas. Nika B. Kovačič Prevzvišeni dr. Držečnik z našim duhovnim vodjem dr. Blatnikom v družbi s članicami podružnice SŽZ v Washingtonu. (Fotografiral Franček sin članice Mrs. Chokel) MARIBORSKI ŠKOF NA OBISKU AMERIKE Prevzvišeni g. škof dr. Maksimiljan Držečnik je ob priliki njegovega obiska slovenskih naselbin Amerike in Kanade, bil najbolj prisrčno sprejet od slovenskih rojakov od ene obale do druge. Vsak, ki je imel priliko se osebno srečati z visokim cerkevnim dostojanstvenikom, je bil vesel in srečen, zaradi izredne prijaznosti in skromnosti g. škofa. Slovenci moramo biti zelo hvaležni visokemu gostu za njegovo naporno potovanje po naših naselbinah, katerim je prinesel pozdrav domovine In "košček” Slovenije." Urednica P. Klaude Okorn, O.F.M. “STAROMODNI” ROŽNI VENEC Med mnogimi zmedami, ki so nastale v aadnjih par letih je tudi omalovaževanje rožnega venca. Mnogi mislijo, da ni več potreben in da je to navlaka, ki ne spada v moderni čas. Naj že bo kakor hoče, sv. cerkev rožni venec še vedno priporoča in želi, da je sestavni del pobožnosti vsakega kristjana. Edina razlika med prej in sedaj je ta, da rožnega venca ne molimo med sveto' mašo in to iz enostavnega razloga, ker ga ne moremo. Mesec oktober je mesec rožnega venca. Prav s to molitvijo še posebej častimo Mater božjo. Ta molitev je še vedno pomembna. Zgledi iz življenja so najbolj zgovorna priča o tem. Bilo je za časa civilne vojne v Združenih državah. Squire Barbee je bil eden izmed vnetih podpornikov juga. Takoj kakor hitro je slišal, da se je začela vojna, se je prostovoljno javil za borbo na strani juga. Sam spreobrnjenec k katoliški veri, je naročil svoji protestantovski ženi, naj v njegovi odsotnosti, pouči otroke v krščanskem nauku ter naj moli z njimi rožni venec. Po končanju vojne se je Barbee vrnil domov in bil nad vse veselo presenečen, da. je med tem časom njegova žena postala katoličanka. Čez nekaj let, ko je pripovedoval to zgodbo, je Squire povdaril: “Rečem vam eno stvar: rožni venec je "ne- varna” reč. Nihče kdor noče postati katoličan naj se ne igra z rožnim vencem. Moja žena se dolgo upirala postati katoličanka, ko pa je enkrat začela moliti rožni venec se ni mogla več ustaviti da ne bi postala katoličanka.” Mož je imel prav, ko je trdil, da je rožni vence “nevarna” stvar. Povedal je celo več kakor je mislil. Na tisoče spreobrnjencev h katoliški cerkvi, kakor veliko tistih, ki so se vrnili v cerkev lahko povejo kakor nevarno je izgratl se s rožnim vencem. Njihova zgodba je podobna zgodbi Squire Barbeejeve žene. Celo sovražniki križa morajo priznati kako nevarno orožje je rožni venec. O tem lahko povejo turski poveljniki o bitki pri Lepanto. Turško brodovje je bilo premagano bolj z molitvijo rožnega venca kakor pa po krščanskem orožju. Rožni venec kakor vse druge molitve s katerimi se obračamo do Matere božje imajo v sebi “nevarno” moč. O Marijni pomoči pravi sv. pismo je kakor strašna vojska pripravljena za boj. Pred leti, ko smo odhajali na pot ali kamor koli, nas je mati vedno opomnila, da naj imamo s seboj rožni venec. Vedela je namreč da dokler bo otrok molil se ni treba bati, da se bo pogubil. Sedaj pa ko smo v letih nam je rožni venec v veliko tolažbo. Včasih se nimamo s kom pogovoriti, ali pa nam je dolg čas. Vzemimo v roko rožni venec. Je to zvesti spremljevalec, ki nas nikoli ne zapusti. UDELEŽITE SE ZBOROVANJA DRŽAVNE KONVENCIJE ZA ILLINOIS-INDIANA v nedeljo dne 6. oktobra v Chicagu Ob 11:45 dopoldne bo skupna sv. maša v cerkvi sv. Štefana, na Wolcott in W. 22nd Place. Nakar bo kosilo v restavraciji Little Village na Pulaski road in 24. ul. Po kosilo bo seja v istem prostoru. Vse članice, posebno pa zastopnice podružnic lllinois-lndiana naj ne zamudijo tega važnega zborovanja! SLAVNOST 60 LETNICE ZAKONA. št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. — Dne 5. avg. je naša naselbina slavila izredni dogodek 60 letnice zakonskega življenja Johna in Anne Cernac. Vsem bo ta dan ostal v lepem spominu, saj je menda to prvi par, ki je dočakal tako visoko obletnico poroke. Slavljenca sta imela mnogo obiskov na domu vse popoldne. Prišli so številni sorodniki, prijatelji in znanci. Gospodje duhovniki in redovne sestre so bili navzoči, tako, da je bila hiša kar premajhna. Bilo je vsega dovolj, kakor na pravi slovenski ohcetl. Vprašala sem nevesto “Kdo je pripravil tako okusne krofe,” pa mi je odgovorila.: “Če so dobri, sem jih jaz napravila.” Dragi dan smo skupno obhajali sv. mašo v krogu njune družine za srečo in zdravje v bodočnosti. Slavljenca se želita tem potom Iskreno zahvaliti vsem za prijazni o-blsk, čestitke in darila. Posebno tudi otrokom, ki so vse tako lepo uredili, da nam je dan vse prehitro potekal. Tudi podpisana se zahvalim za povabilo, da sva bila s soprogom z vami na ta pomembni dan. Vse čla. št. 3 naše Zveze Vama želimo še mnogo srečnih let med nami. Naj Vas Bog blagoslavlja tudi v bodočih letih. Stari pregovor pravi, da v nesreči spoznaš pravega prijatelja. Tako se počuti naša čla. Rose Schneider, kateri je preminul soprog John po kratki bolezni. Bil je tihe narave, prijazen do vseh. Vsi poznamo dobrosrčnost Bose in pok. Johna. Globoke izraze sožalja vsej žalujoči družini ter pokojnikovi sestri Frances Gačnik. — Umrla je tudi Johana O-koren, sorodnice Mary Poder. Bodi ji blag spomin! Na bolniški listi so Edith Težak, ki je prestala 2 operacije in se zdravi na domu, Julia Skrabec, je tudi bila operirana na žolčnih kamnih ter Milka Henigsman se zdravi v bolnišnici po operaciji na nogi. Pod zdravniško oskrbo so tudi Mary Zupančič, Elsie Mramor, in Elsie Zaitz. Vsem želimo hitro okrevajo, da bodo zopet prihajale na naše seje. Članki izpod peresa č. preds. Mrs. Prisland so zanimivi in zasluži vse priznanje, da piše v slovenskem jeziku v Zarji. V avg. številki Zarje piše, da so se Američanke dvignile proti TV. Upam, da ste pazno prebrale ta članek. FBI je poročal, da se je val zločinov povečal v 3 mesecih tega leta za 17%. Največ med mladino. Gre za umore, oborožene napade, posilstva in vlome. Današnja obleka veliko pomaga, samo poglejmo, kako nespodobno je mladina oblečena, da se ti studi ko jih vidiš. Je že čas, da bi se cerkveni dostojanstveniki zganili v tem oziru, toda je vse lepo tiho. Ljudje nismo varni na cestah, ne podnevi, ne ponoči, posebno še ženske. Sedaj pa vljudno vabim vse čla. in prijatelje na poset prireditve pokrivanja številk, ki bo dne 24. nov. ob 7:30 zvečer v cerkveni dvorani na Mesa Ave. Čla. ste prošene za dobitke, tudi purani bodo za dobitke, eni boste gotovo srečni za puranovo večerjo za Thanksgiving. Vsi smo potrebni razvedrila, posebno tisti, ki smo že v zrelih letih. S počitnic so se zadovoljni vrnili, Mrs. Angela Škrjanec in hčerka Ema Novak, ki sta obiskale prijatelje v Los Angeles, Cal. in druga mesta. Obe še vedno žalujeta za možem in očetom, katerega jima je smrt prerano iztrgala. Los Angeles in Disney Land, jima je bil posebno všeč. Pete in Mamie Pugel sta šla na oddih v Chicago in razne druge države. Thanks za kartico. Dne 20. avg. je bila izredna proslava v domu ostarelih v Pueblo Manor Home. Naša čla. Theresa Lesar je v omenjenem domu od 1. 19G3 in se zelo dobro drži za njena visoka leta, saj je dosegla že 86 let. V omenjenem domu je več naših ljudi. Uradni kampanjski podatki kažejo lep napredek sedanje članske kampanje. Pričakujemo lep uspeh v obeh oddelkih. Pozdravlja Vaša, Anna Pachak Št. 14, Euclid, O. — Jesen že prihaja, huda letošnja vročina je za nami in bliža se zima in mraz. Pikniki ln zabave na prostem so minili in sedaj se bomo zopet zabavali po naših dvoranah. Članice naše podr. se že pridno pripravljamo za naš card party, ki bo 20. oktobra. Vse vas lepo prosim in vabim, da pridete ta dan tudi tiste, ki nikoli ne pridete na sejo. Pridite in se poveselite med nami, če bo pa sreča z vami, boste CLEVELANDSKI BAZAR NED. — 13. OKT v novi dvorani Sv. Vida v Clevelandu, Ohio Na razstavi boste videli krasna ročna dela našili članic! Kazne zanimivosti bodo popoldne in zvečer. Prireditev je pod okriljem skupnili clevelandskih podružnic. Pridite vsi! ^__________________________________ i tudi nesle lepe dobitke domov. Tudi za jedačo in pijačo bo vse preskrbljeno. Naša blagajničarka in njen mož sta te dni praznovala 36 letnico srečnega zakonskega življenja. Želimo jima, da bi še mnogo let dočakala take obletnice v zdravju in sreči. S počitnic se vražajo. Slišala sem, da je bila čla. Vera Kuhar na Havajih. Pravijo, da se tam vidi mnogo lepega in Vera nam bo že povedala na seji. Po tri-tedenskih počitnicah so se vrnili A. Povirk in njen mož Vincent ter hčerka Ivanka z možem. Po 23 letih so šli v domovino pogledati svoje domače in z najetim avtom so šli na razna božja pota in druge zanimive kraje po Sloveniji in Evropi. Na Koroških planinah so videli tudi sneg. Od moža naše podpredsednice, Jožeta Stražišarja, je pred kratkim umrl brat v Kanadi. Mary in Jože sta se udeležila pogreba v Kanadi. Sestra od Mary Stražišar, Pepca Požar, je prišla zadnjo pomlad na obisk iz Slovenije in pravi, da hoče ostati še jeseni in pozimi, ker kako je tukaj v pomladnih in poletnih mesecih je že videla, pa hoče še videti kako Amerika izgleda v mrzlih dneh. Za slovensko kapelico v Washing-tonu, D. C. je sedaj že zbranega $43,000. Odbor proBi še za nadaljne prispevke, da se doseže potrebna vsota. Kati Jakob si je zlomila roko in se zdravi doma. Mrs. Medved je še tudi bolna, menda v bolnici; čla. Mrs. Mikovič, ki je bila tako živahna med nami, je tudi precej hudo zbolela. Vsem tem bolnim, želltno hitrega zdravja. Bog jim pomagaj, da bi prišle zopet na sejo. Ta večer so darovale Mrs. Kog, Koljat, Razbergar, Bubnič, Rozi Rodgers, Iskra, Skur in Vičič. 2 darila je dobila Mrs. Kral 3 pa Mrs. Tomažin. — V denarju so darovale sestre: Zgonc, Čebulj, Koljat, Gačnik, Kovač, Simončič, Rodgers in Marold. Vsem skupaj Bog plačaj na Vašem zdravju in lep pozdrav. A. Sustar ČESTITKE JOLIETSKIH SESTRAM! Št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. — Zvezin smo letos imele pri St. 86, Nash-wauk. Udeležba je bila prav lepa. Iz Duluth, in Ely so prišle vsaka v svojem busu in me iz Eveleth smo se pak skupaj zbrale s članicam iz Aurora, Biwabik, Gilbert in Virginia, tudi v svojem busu. Iz mnogih krajev so pa prišle v avtomobilih. Veselje je za vse navzoče, ko pridemo, vsaj enkrat na leto skupaj. V posebno veselje nam je imeti v svoji sredi častnega gosta. Letos je bila med nami Mrs. Hermine Dicke, ki piše kolono v Zarji za kuhinjo in gospodinjstvo. Njena lepa osebnost nas je vse očarala. Govorila je prav lepo in povedala stvari iz svojih izkušenj in obenem je prav gorko priporočala materam ter vsem navzočim, da naj poskrbijo za napredek v članstvu pri svojih podružnicah. Bilo je vsem v čast imeti njo v svoji sredi. Kakor običajno vsako leto, tako je bil tudi to pot med nami naš priljubljeni kongresnik Mr. John Blatnik. On ima tudi mnogo pohvale za našo Zvezo in odbornice, katerih pozna osebno. S Hermino sta se kras no skupaj vzela, da je bil velik užitek ju poslušati. Prisrčna hvala vsem, ki ste pomagali napraviti letošnjo Zvezin dan zopet vsem v veselje. Več naših članic se nahaja bolnih in niso mogle z nami, ampak so pri oknih gledale, ko je bus odhajal mimo hiš. Naša zapisnikarica Prances Sterle je v bolnici, kjer se je podala resni operaciji. Predsednica Mrs. Antonija Nemgar je pa že dve leti v Nursing Home. Vsem želimo, da bi jim ljubi Bog vrnil zdravje, ker so zelo pogrešane v naši sredi. V poletnem času nismo imele rednih sej. Prihodnja seje bo v oktobru in datum bo poročan v lokalnem listi in na radi j o. Pridite, ker imamo več važnih stvari za ukreniti. Slavljenkam rojstnih dni v septembru in oktobru čestitamo, ter želimo, da bi dočkale še mnogo zdravih in srečnih let. V letu 1969 se bo vršil Minnesota Zvezin dan v Keewatin. Prisrčno pozdravljam vse skupaj, Mary Lenich, taj. SAMO TA MESEC! POHITITE, DRAGE SESTRE! Čas kampanje se hitro pomika h koncu. Gotovo imate sorodnico ali znanko, ki bi pristopila če bi jo 'vprašale. Nagrade so lepe — za posamezno delavko — in za podružnico DO 31. OKTOBRA KAMPANJA “NOVE DOBE” ZVEZE! — --------------------------- Št. 20, Joliet, III. — Naša podr. bo praznovala dne 20. okt. 40 letnico ustanovitve pri 7:30 sv. maši, katero bo daroval naš župnik in duhovni vodja, Rt. Rev. Msgr. M. J. Butala za žive in umrle članice. Naš odlični farni pevski zbor pod vodstvom organista Antona Rozmana bo pel za to praznovanje. Pred mašo se bomo zbrale v nadstropju Ferdinand dvorane na Clay St. Po maši se bo serviral zajutrek v isti dvorani, nakar bo sledil kratek program. Tem potem se vabi vse članice in odbornice bližnjih podružnic, da se nam pridružite. (Posebno vabilo sosednjim podr. se ne bo pošiljalo, ampak naj veljajo te vrstice za ta namen. Za rezervacijo za zajutrek se obrnite na tajnico Olgo Ancel, 1115 Frederick St., najkasneje do 16. okt. Posebno so vabljene tiste članice, ki so pri naši podr. 40 let, ker bodo prejele priznanje. Vse članice prav lepo vabljene. Za načelnico, ali za chairman prireditve je izbrana Josephine Sumic, 1309 N. Center St., tel. 723-0570 in co-chairman je Emma Planinšek, 1314 Elizabeth St., tel. 727-9675; dalje Josephine Muster, 714 Raub St., tel. 727-749, Olga Ancel, 115 Frederick St., tel. 723-0882, Josephine Erjavec, 725 N. Chicago St. Pomagale bodo: Frances Hubert, Theresa Marentič, Emma Nosse in Theresa Muhich. Ako ASESMENT in izplačila Članice so deležne vseh pravic in ugodnosti, ki jih organizacija po možnosti deli. Za umrle članice Zveza skrbi na sledeči način: a) Potom svojih podružnic poskrbi za dostojen pogreb. b) Za pokritje stroškov pogreba Zveza plača sledeče vsote: Razred A: $25 za umrlo od pristopa do dveh let včlanjenja in $100 za članico, ki je bila včlanjena nad dve leti. Razred B: $50 za umrlo članico, od časa pristopa do dveh let včlanjenja. Za umrle, ki so bile članice Zveze nad dve leti, se plačajo sledeče vsote: $300 za one, ki so v ta razred pristopile med 14. In 30. letom; $250 za one, ki so v ta razred pristopile med 31. in 40. letom; $200 za one, ki so v ta razred pristopile med 41. in 45. letom; $150 za one, ki so v ta razred pristopile med 46 in 56 letom. $100 za one, ki so pristopile med 56 in 60 letom. V razred A se sprejema članice od 14 do 50 let. V razred B od 14 do 60 let starosti. želite kaka pojasnila, se obrnite na zgoraj, imenovane. Jesenska doba je tu. Sedaj je tudi čas ko naše kegljačice zopet pričenjajo vaditi v Rivals Park kegljišču. — Tem potom opozarjam vse, ki dolgujejo, da poravnajo pri Olgi Ancel. To storite čimprej. Naša blagajničarka Josephine Sumic je poslala pozdrave iz Houston, Tex., kjer se je udeležila konvencije Elks. Udeležila se je tudi ture na East in obiskala Washington, D. C., Penna. in N. Y., kjer je imela priliko si ogledati notranjost velike ladje United States. Tudi od predsednice Emme Planinšek in Irene so dospeli pozdravi iz Brezij in iz krajev ob Jadranskem morju. Naše sožalje čla. Mary Šinkovec na Bluff St. ob izgubi zeta Frank Li-kovec, ki zapušča tudi ženo Julijo, roj. Šinkovec. Pokopan je bil iz farne cerkve Sv. Jožefa na fiarno pokopalištS. Čestitke čla. Mrs. Walter (Mary Lustik, roj. Vidmar) ob rojstvu sina. Iskrena hvala za čestitke k naši 40 letnici, naši ustanoviteljici, Mrs. Pris-land, kar je bilo priobčeno v Zarji v juliju. V jesenski dobi pridite vse na seje, ker je važno, da se jih udeležujete. Želim zdravja vsem bolnim članicam ter vas vse lepo pozdravljam, Josephine Erjavec Št. 21, Cleveland, O. Drage sestre Slovenske Ženske Zveze, prisrčno pozdravljene! Čas gre hitro naprej in z njim se tudi me staramo. Jesen se nam že bliža, potem pa mrka zima. Želim ljubega zdravja vsem tistim, ki obhajate rojstne dneve, da bi jih obhajale v sreči in veselju. Mr. in Mrs. John Lunder sta obhajala lepo 45 letnico zakonskega življenja ter jima voščimo še dolga leta sreče In zdravja. Bog vaju blagoslo- vi na mnoga leta. Cilkona hčerka se je tudi poročila. Prav vse ji želimo ljubo zdravje in srečo v zakonoskem satnu ter božji blagoslov od cele Zveze. Ses. Kožuh se tudi bolj slabo počuti ter ji sestre Zveze obljubimo, da bomo molile za njo, da ji Bog in Marija podeli ljubo zdravje. Draga sestra Kožuh, jaz je priporočam svetniškemu škofu Baragu. Naša podružnica prav dobro napreduje. Vse sestre so prijazne in rade pomagajo. Bodite vse lepo po pozdravljene in na svidenje na drugi seji. Frances Kave, poročevalka Št. 24, LaSalle, III. — Zopet se nam bliža jesen in kar kmalu bo zopet tukaj Božič. Ker so počitnice minule, zato upam, da bodo imele članice več časa, da se bodo v večjem številu udeleževale sej, saj same odbornice Največja podružnica zveze slavi 40-Ietnico ustanovitve! ——•—--------------------------------------------------- l l ; PROGRAM OB SLAVNOSTI 40 LETNICE j ) Podružnice št. 25, Cleveland Ohio } I V nedeljo 27. oktobra, 1968 • • Banket se prične ob eni uri popoldne v dvorani \ | cerkve svetega Vida na Glass Avenue. | I I l Pričetek serviranja ob eni uri popoldne } Pozdrav in molitev, duhovnega vodja Monsignorja Louis B. Baznik ( Po slavnostnem kosilu bo sledeči program: - * * * Pozdrav predsednice podružnice Mrs. Mary Kolegar, ki predstavi voditeljico programa glavno tajnico Mrs. Albino Novak Ameriška himna in Zvezina himna \ Govor glavne predsednice Mrs. Antonija Turek \ Predstavitev ustanovnih članic j Deklamacija v počast ustanovnih članic ^ ) Spomin umrlim članicam (Umrlo je 510 članic v 40. letih) j / Predstavitev odličnih gostov } • Petje novoustanovljenega zbora “Dawn” pod vodstvom ( \ Mr. Franka Gorenšek l / * * * jj / Podružnica št. 25 se najsrčnejše zahvaljuje vsem, ki so sodelovali ) ) pri programu. } Št. 25, Cleveland, O. — Kar hitro se je približal mesec oktober ln v tem mesecu slavimo 40 letnico u-stanovitve naše podr. št. 25. Proslava se bo vršila dne 27. okt. v novi dvorani Sv. Vida. Ob četrt do poldne bomo imele v cerkvi sv. mašo za žive in umrle članice podr. Vabimo tudi vse sosednje podr., da se nam pridružijo. Po maši se bomo podali v dvorano, kjer bo pripravljeno skupno kosilo. Nujno prosimo, da si oskrbite vstopnice v naprej, da vemo za koliko ljudi pripraviti. Vstopnice se dobijo tudi v Cimpermanov! trgovini in pri vseh uradnicah, ali pa kar pokličite tajnico in vam jih pošlje. Imele bomo kratek program. Povabile smo tudi našo glavno tajnico, Albino Novak. Me vse vemo, da ima ona zmeraj kaj dobrega za povedati. Ona bo tudi vodila naš program v dvorani. Vabimo vse naše podružnice, da se udeležite in vse drugo občinstvo, da nas res v lepem številu obiščete. Vse prosimo, da si vstopnice preskrbite v naprej, da vemo za koliko pripraviti. Naša podružnica se še zmeraj postavi, ker je največja pri naši Zvezi z 831 članstvom v obeh oddelkih. Sestre, sedaj je še kampanja za nove članice v teku, prosim, dajmo se potruditi, da bomo kaj novih pridobile. Za našo slavnost bomo obveščale tudi v Ameriški Domovini. Čitajte! Vse članice in drugo občinstvo še enkrat vabim, NA VESELO SVIDENJE dne 27. okt. v novi sveto-vidski dvorani. Mary Otoničar na moremo nič narediti. — Naša ročna blagajna je bolj prazna, zato bo treba kaj prirediti, da bomo lahko naprej vozile. Prosim vas vse, ki dolgujete na asesmentu, da bi prišle na sejo, ali pa prinesle na moj dom in poravnate, ker leto gre k zatonu In jaz nemorem zalagati. Upam, da boste to upoštevale, saj veste, da moram poslati na gl. urad vsaki mesec. Izrekamo sožalje naši čla. Josephine Rogel, ki žaluje za svojim možem John Rogel. Bolehal je dalje časa. Poleg žene zapušča tudi 4 sinove in 3 hčere. Družini naše sožalje, pokojnemu pa naj sveti večna luč. V bolnišnici se nahaja naša ses. Anna Oklejšen, Mary Kastigar, Josephine Rodi in Frances Kotar. Več naših članic pa se zdravi na domovih. Vsem želimo hitrega zdravja. Pozdrav vsem članicam ln na svidenje na prihodnji seji. Angela Strukel Št. 30, Aurora, IH. — Danes mi je pa spet težko pisati, ker imam same žalostne novice, sicer niso novice, saj ljudje umirajo vsaki dan in vsake starosti, vendar nekatere veliko bolj pogrešamo. Tako pogrešamo našo pridno in veselo članico Tereso Že-fran. Kot sem že pred par meseci poročala da so ji v bolnici odrezali nogo v kolenu zaradi sladkorne bolezni. V septembru pa j© dobila par srčnih napadov, katerim je podlega. Pol ure pred smrtjo sta še govorile z našo tajnico o septemberski seji, ki bi imela biti pri njej, seveda Teresa je rekla, da ne more sprejeti seje, potem kmalu se je ponovil srčni napad In čez pol ure so že poklicali tajnico, da je Teresa umrla. O, Teresa, kako te bo pogrešala podružnica, katere tajnica si bila več let! Pogrešali Te bomo vsi, ki smo Te poznali! V imenu podr. naše globoko sožalje soprogu Tonetu, sinu in vsem sorodnikom! Druga žrtev smrti je bil pa Tone Colenc. Njega je tudi umoril srčni napad, bil je 19 dni v bolnici, kjer ga je zadnji napad rešil trpljenja. Rojen je bil v Sloveniji in je kot mlad deček prišel s svojo pok. materjo v Ameriko k očetu. Zapušča žalujočo ženo Mary, rojeno Zagorc, eno poročeno hčer, eno sestro in 6 vnukov. Vsem preostalim naše globoko sožalje! Pokojnim pa veči mir! To naj bo vsaj ena vesela novica. Mr. Leroy De King, soprog naše čla. Mary De King, je bil povišan v Superintendent pri McGee Co. na Hankes Ave., kjer izdelujejo velika vrata za garaže. To spet pokaže, da so vsi De Kingovi pridni. Čestitke LeRoy! Upam, da ste imele lepe počitnice In dosti razvedrila v poletnem času. Vročine nismo imeli prehude, samo 8 dni smo imeli 100 stopinj, potem pa zopet lepo gorko sonce, da je veselje iti ven v naravo. Vse lepo pozdravlja, Vaša Frances Kranjc, 807 Aurora ave. PRVI OBISK DOMOVINE Št. 40, Lorain, Ohio. — Poletje in vročina sta za nami in sedaj smo v lepi jesenski sezoni, toda kmalu nas bo obiskala starka zimo.. Upamo, da ne bo prehuda, toda človek je res čuden, nikoli mu ni prav, enkrat je prevroče, drugič premraz. Odkar sem se zadnjič oglasila v naši ljubljeni Zarji, sva z možem o-biskala našo staro domovino. Šli smo s skupino, ki jo je vodil Father Godina. Šli smo na Špansko in obiskali lepi kraj Fatima, kjer se je Marija prikazala 3 otrokom. Bilo je res krasno in svečano. Potem smo z letalom odpeljali v Barcelono v Španiji in obiskali božjo pot v Montserrat. Gori visoko v gorah je knasna cerkev Matere Božje. Ta Mati Božja je črna. Obiskali smo tudi razne druge zanimivosti in lepote po Španiji. Od tam smo se odpravili za odhod v Rim, kjer smo prebili 3 dni. V Rimu sedaj živi mladi slovenski duhovnik Fr. Martelanec, ki je bil enkrat kaplan pri Sv. Vidu v Clevelandu. On je bil naš vodnik v času našega bivanja v Rimu in obiskali smo mnogo zanimivih in zgodovinskih krajev, kateri ne bi bilo mogoče popisati zaradi prostora v Zarji. Nepozabni je bil naš obisk bazilike Sv. Janeza Lar teranskega in videli smo Sv. Očeta, papeža Pavla VI. Govoril je po i-taljansko, nemško in francosko, kar pa žal nismo razumeli. Potem je neki duhovnik predstavil razne skupine, ki so bile navzoče in teh je bilo ogromna množica. Papež je blagoslovil vsako skupino, ki mu je bila predstavljena in tudi vse naše spominke, ki smo jih kupili. Res je nekaj veličastnega prisostvovati temu dogodku. Drugi dan smo se odpravili na Božjo pot na Svete Višarje. Žal je tam bilo tako mrzlo in megleno, da se ni nikamor videlo. Imeli pa smo sv. mašo v slovenskem jeziku v prijazni in lepi cerkvici. Peli smo tudi Marijine litanije. Bilo je prav lepo in svečano. Izvrstni pevci in pevke so vodili v petju slovenskih nabožnih pesmi. Petje je bilo povsod v cerkvah, ali pa med potjo na busih. Ako bo kateri sopotnik-ica bral oziroma brala ta dopis, pošiljam prisrčne pozdrave vsem potnikom z zahvalo za prijazno družbo. Od tukaj smo se pa napotili v Slovenijo, proti Ljubljani. Naša družba se je razšla, da obiščejo svojce po raznih krajih. Midva z možem sva šla na Vrhniko, kjer sem obiskala moje sorodnike in nato v Škofko Loko, ki je kraj njegovih staršev. Po-setila sva slovensko prestolico, Ljubljano, ki je zelo lepo mesto, ki se lahko primerja z našimi velikimi mesti, kjer imajo na prodajo vsega kar si človek poželi. Vse je izredno čisto in lepo, boljše kakor po naših mestih. 1 ------------------------------------- DARUJTE ZA SLOVENSKO KAPELO v Washingtonu, D.C. Naj se nihče ne izogne nabirki za spomenik Slovencem v Ameriki. Darove pošljite na naslov Frank A. Turek, 986 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wick-liffe, Ohio 44092 ali na glavni urad S. ž. Z. ____________________________________ t Seveda smo tudi obiskali prelepi otok Bled in čisto Blejsko jezero, kakor tudi znamenito slovensko romarsko cerkev Marije Pomagaj na Brezjah. Je zares tako lepo, da človek ne more popisati te lepote svetih krajev. Hvaležna sem, da sem imela priliko videti toliko lepih in zanimivih krajev in pa Slovenijo rojstno domovino mojih staršev. Kar tiče naše podr., se imamo kar dobro. Naše seje so precej dobro obiskane. Naša agilna tajnica, Angela Kozjan se vedno potrudi, da pridobi nove članice. Novo pristople so ne-daj: Agnes Mroski, hčerka naše ses. Agnes Jančar iz 30 ceste, predlagana po teti Agnes Jančar iz 32 ceste In Antonette Gulick. Dobrodošle v našo sredo. Poročati moram tudi žalostne novice. Dne 12. julija je preminil John Kozjan, priljubljeni mož naše tajnice Angele. Umrl je po kratki bolezni v starosti 77 let. Bil je dober oče in mož ter iskren prijatelj mnogih, ki ga bodo pogrešali. Poleg žalujoče žene zapušča tudi sina Edwarda in hčer Angeline Vojtko ter 5 vnukinj in 1 vnuka. Umrl je tudi John Starec, oče dveh naših članic; sestre Brehany in Starec. Bil je tudi bratranec pok. Johna Kozjan, ki sta umrla samo en teden narazen. — Naše iskrene solžalje tajnici Angeli, sinu Edwardu in hčeri Angeline, ter družini Starec ob izgubi njihovih dragih, pokojnikom pa želimo večni mir in pokoj. Naj počivata v miru. Čestitke izrekamo ses. predsednici, Agnes Jančar, ki je postala prastara mamica ter sestri Agnes Bucher, ki je postala stara mamica, ko so pri njenem sinu Dennis Bucher, kupili zalega sinčka. Dne 7. sept. se je poročil moj vnuk, Frank Pavlovčič in sin naše članice Frances Pavlovčič. Za svojo boljšo polovico si je izbral Carol Sage. Obilo sreče in zadovoljstva v novem zakonskem življenju jima prisrčno želimo starši Frank in Frances Pavlovčič in stara mama Mary Klinar. Vsem članicam najlepši pozdrav. Za vse naše bolne članice pa prosimo Boga, da bi jim podelil ljubega zdravja. Mary Klinar, blagajničarka Št. 41, Cleveland, O. — Na zadnji seji so bila čitana pisma naših gl. odbornic, spriporočili za nove članice. Res drage sestre, skušajmo pridobiti vsaj nekaj novih članic, da bomo nadomestile naše umrle članice. Vse so dobrodošle, odrasle in mladinske članice. Ne pozabimo na bazar skupnih podružnic, ki se vrši dne 13. oktobra v dvorani Sv. Vida. Tam bomo imele prostor tudi od naše podružnice, ako imate kaj lepih ročnih del, ali kaj drugega kar bi zanimalo javnost boste lahko razstavile ali pa tudi prodale, vse bo dobrodošlo. Lepe prevleke blazin je darovala v korist blag. ses. Pierina Dus, za kar ji prav iskrena hvala. V blag. je darovala ses. Katie Plemel, obenem pošilja lepe pozdrave članicam podr. Prav prisrčna hvala ses. Plemel. Po težki bolezni je na potu o-krevanja ses. Mary Mausar. Njej in vsem, katere se ne počutijo dobro, želimo čimprejšnjega zdravja. Vse, katere ste zaostale s plačilom članarine, ste prošene, da isto poravnate čimprej ko mogoče. Vedite, da je prav težavno zakladati kar mesec za mesecem. Torej prosim, bodite bolj točne s plačevanjem. Vse najboljše za rojstno obletnico želimo naši urednici, ge. Corinne Leskovar. Bog Te živi, Corinne. (Iskrena hvala, Ella! Op. ur.) Pridite vse na našo prihodnjo sejo, kjer imamo vedno kaj važnega na razmotrivati. Pripeljite kaj novih članic. Vas vse Iskreno pozdravljam. Ella Starin Št. 47, Garfield Hts., Ohio. — Poletje se že pripravlja na odhod, lep lep jesenski čas nas bo očaral v prirodi z nebrojnimi barvami. Da bo prav lepo še iti kam v prosto naravo, ko bo listje šumelo iz dreves in pokrilo zemljo. Tako se spreminja tudi društveno življenje. Srečno so se vrnile iz svojih počitnic naše članice in prijateljice. Iz LEPO SNIDENJE V PENNSYLVANIJO USTANOVNE ČLANICE PODP. ŠT. 88 S SVOJO NAJMLAJŠO ČLANICO IN DRŽ. PREDS. MARY TOMŠIČ ZBOROVALKE PENNA. KONVENCIJE PRED CERKVIJO V JOHNSTOWN, PA. Slovenije so se vrnile J. Gerlina, J. Bartol, A. Magovec in Rose Vatovec. Par dni po prihodu domov je Rose postala prastari mati. Seveda je prav vesela tega dogodka. Svoj 75 letni rojstni dan je dne 21. avg. praznovala v Californiji, ses. Jennie Čermelj, ki je šla tja za par mesecev oddiha. Doma je iz Vipave in v Ameriko je prišla 1. 1910. Mož ji je umrl 1. 1960 in v družini še živita dva sinova in hčerka Mrs. Walter J. Unik. Ima tudi več vnukov in vnukinj. Posebno je ponosna, da ima tri rodove vpisane v S.Ž.Z. Pri vsem tem je še kar čvrsta za njena visoka leta. Ob tej priliki ji vse članice želimo še mnogo let zdravja in veselja. Bog Vas živi! Ses. Ann Christofek je srečno prestala operacijo na nogi in se sedaj zdravi na domu pod zdravniško o-skrbo. Na domu je tudi več drugih bolnih sester. Vsem želimo ljubega zdravja. V mojem zadnjem dopisu je bila pomota. Okrašeno Marijo je darovala Mary Vlcek, dobila jo je Mary Blatnik. Doliko, ali heklano punčko je darovala Mary Sholar, dobila jo je Mary Godec. Prihajajo hladni dnevi. Me se pa potrudimo, da jih izkoristimo v dobre namene v korist podružnice in S.Ž.Z. Pozdrav vsem članicam. Jenny Pugely, taj. Št. 64, Kansas City, Kans. — Poletje se kar hitro umika in kmalu bo tukaj hladna jesen. Vročine je bilo precej, pa vseeno ne tako hude kot včasih poprej. Mr. in Mrs. Henry Sambol sta se srečno vrnila iz konvencije A.B.Z. v Denver, Colo. Potem sta šla še v Callfornijo, kjer ima Mrs. Sambol brata in sestro. Povsod so se dobro imeli. Mrs. Joseph Drčar je bila na obisku v Chicagu pri svoji mamici in drugih sorodnikih in prijateljih. Dne 10. In 11. avg. nas pa je 12 romarjev iz našega mesta poromalo v prelepi Lemont na ameriško-sloven-ske Brezje. Potovali so naslednji: Mr. in Mrs. Joseph Super, Mrs. Kla- rich, Mrs. Mihelich, Mrs. F. Vesel, Mrs. A. Peresifi, Mrs. Mary Hotujec, Mrs. Regina Čop in dve deklice ter midva z možem. V romarskem domu Frederika Barage smo bili kar z vsem najlepše postreženi in najlepša hvala vsem, ki so se trudili. Posebna hvala vsem čestitim duhovnikom za lepe slovenske pridige, sv. maše, procesije in pete litanije v soboto in nedeljo popoldne. Zelo nam je žal, da pater Peiagij boleha in se ni mogel udeležiti romanja, da bi s svojim močnim glasom še bolj povzdignil romarsko slavnost. Želimo mu hitrega in popolnega okrevanja. Veselilo nas je, da smo se po več letih zopet pozdravile z Mrs. Roberts, ki je prišla z možem in dvema sinovoma. Opoldne v nedeljo je tudi ženam dala kratek nagovor in njen sin, ki je za brata pri duhovnikih Sv. Rešnjega Telesa, je kronal Marijo v Rožni dolinici. Bog daj Vam vsem zdravja, da bi lahko še večkrat prišli v Lemont Marijo častit. Prav vesela sem bila se srečati z vsemi rojakinjami iz Loškega potoka, ki živijo v Clevelandu, Pauline Rus iz Jolieta in Albino Novak, našo gl. tajnico. Srečali smo se tudi z dvema hčerkama in najmlajšim sinom, ki študira za duhovski stan in ako bo šlo vse po sreči, bo 1. 1970 pel novo mašo, to je George Klepec, sin pok. Joseph in Mary Klepec. Imajo še dve hčerke in sina. Ena hčerka je redovnica, vsi živijo v Jolietu. Mr. Klepec je bil dalni sorodnik mojega moža. Prav nepričakovno smo se tudi srečali s prijazno in šaljivo Mrs. Frances Nemanich, soprogo glavnega predsednika KSKJ, ki je tudi sorodnik mojega moža. Bog daj da bi se še kedaj srečali. V soboto smo se tudi udeležili sv. maše pri čast. sestrah na Mount A-sisi. Pozdravili smo se s čast. ses. Emery, ses. Davijano, ses. Sabilo, ki so vse bile pred leti v naši naselbini in delovale v naši šoli. Škoda, da nismo mogli videti še drugih, ker jim ni čas dopuščal. V nedeljo zvečer nas je prišel iskati naš zet in nas je odpeljal na njegov dom v Freeport, 111., kjer smo ostali en teden pri njih. Hčerka Helen, zet in 5 otrok so bili vsi pri najboljšem zdravju in razpoloženju. Končno pozdravljam vse romarice iz Clevelanda in od drugod ter vse članice Zveze. Vsem želim ljubo zdravje, posebno moji sošolki Josephine Železnikar iz Chicaga, naši gl. blagajničarki. Iskreno sožalje izrekam moji sestri Mary Kobe, naši članici, ki ji je v juniju naglo umrl 58 letni sin. Najlepši pozdrav dični organizaciji. Antonia Kostelec, preds. št. 71, Strabane, Pa. — Poletni čas je kar hitro minul in smo že v jesenski sezoni. Ko pomislimo kako hitro gre čas naprej, pa nam nehote uide misel, da se mi s časom staramo. Ker se naše seje vršijo vsake tri mesece, zato nimam sedaj kaj posebnega za poročati. Apeliram na vse naše članice, da bi se potrudile in pridobile kaj novih članic in da bi mlade sprejele odborniška mesta. Mogoče bo več zanimanja v tem pogledu. Dne 10. avg. se je poročila Virginia, hčerka naše člance Agnes Boštjančič. Bila je velika slavnost v St. Patrick cerkvi. Nevesta je tudi vnukinja naše dolgoletne blagajničarke Mary Boštjančič. Poročila se je z Pat Rosello. Želimo jima veliko sreče v zakonskem življenju in tudi upamo, da postane naša članica. Moja vnukinja in hčerka mojega sina in sinahe, Mr. in Mrs. Frank Tomsic, Donna Tomsic je prejela diplomo na veliki graduacijski priredbi Mount Mercy College. Donna bo nadaljevala svoje študije na drugih univerzah v jeseni. Prejela je posebno šolnino zaradi izrednih uspehov. S čestitkami, ji želimo še mnogo uspehov v njeni izbrani stroki. Na rokah še imam kuharske knjige, ki so lepo darilo za vsako priliko. Lep pozdrav gl. odbornicam in vsem članicam. Mary Tomsic, preds. FINANCIAL REPORT FOR MONTH OF JUNE, 1968 FINANČNO POROČILO ZA MESEC JUNIJ, 1968 Št. 84, New York, N. Y. — Poročam nekaj novic iz naše naselbine. Dne 15. avg. smo imele bolj slabo obiskano sejo. Bila je huda vročina in res za nas bolj stare ni prijetno prenašati tako vročino. Sedaj je poletje za nami in 7. sept. smo najele bus za izlet v Greenwood Lake, kjer je res krasno. Dne 7. julija je imel sin moje sestrične, Janez Marolt, novo mašo na Homcu pri Kamniku v Sloveniji. Dne 14. julija pa je imel tudi sin od sestrice, Father Jerome Selak, srebrno sv. mašo, tukaj na osmi v N. Y., ker se njegova mati zaradi 3 operacij in lepe startsti 80 let, ni upala na pot v Chicago. Tako je bilo neoz-nanjeno jubilejno mašo kot gost našega župnika Fr. Richard Rogan. Bilo je ganljivo, povabil je družine sester in sestričen in ožjo družino in prišel je v klop obhajati svojo mater, ker ni mogla k obhajilni mizi. Srečna mati, ki ima sina duhovnika. Obema novomašniku, kakor srebrnomašnlku želim, da bi ju Bog bogato blagoslovil. Imam tudi bratranca č. g. župnika Franca Pestotnika iz Loškega potoka, Slovenija, ki je lani slavil svojo srebrno mašo, katere sem se udeležila ko sem bila na obisku v rodni slovenski domovini. Na to slavnost je prišla tudi sestra Mary Silvester ki je sedaj premeščena za učiteljica v Sacramento, Cal. Na poti k sestri v Brazilijo, se je ustavil tudi g. Robert Mazovec, ki je tudi slavil svojo srebrno mašo. — Čestitam! Dne 24. avgusta pa so nas prišli obiskati škof dr. Maksimilijan Držečnik iz Maribora. Imeli so sv. mašo v slovenski cerkvi ter so nam vse lepo povedali tako v cerkvi, kakor v dvorani kako napredujejo v Sloveniji, da naš narod in katoliška vera ne bosta nikoli izumrli. G. so odlični govornik ter jih huda vročina 92 stopinj ni nič zadrževala, da ne bi odgovarjali na vsa vprašanja. Soprog naše članice Mrs. Russ je umrl nepričakovano zadet od srčnega napada. Več članic boleha in upam, da čimprej okrevajo. Vabim vse, da poravnate svoj dolg. Zadnja seja bo 13. novembra in prosim, da si zapomnite ta datum. Več članic je šlo na obisk Slovenije. Več se jih je že vrnilo, a druge še pridejo. Moja hčerka Betty, njen mož Frank in otroci Steve, Pat in Kathy pa so šli z automobilom na pot v Californijo, kjer so obiskali sorodnike, Vidergar v Fontani, kjer so bili zelo dobro postreženi. Niso se mogli načuditi naravnim krasotam in zanimivostim, katere so videli. Pozdrav vsem članicam širom Amerike. Angela Voje, preds. Br. No. Assessment . Adult Jrs. 1 $ 98.2« 171 59 2 145.10 355 156 3 150.20 267 163 4 — 13 — a 5 — 106 26 a 6 48.60 109 8 7 54.35 99 75 8 20.60 51 — 9 — 30 2 b 10 148.05 335 36 12 72.75 177 48 13 54.35 109 21 14 143.20 289 29 15 107.05 217 12 16 66.85 125 75 17 76.70 152 67 19 58.80 124 25 20 143.20 323 36 21 62.35 118 47 22 15.70 19 — c 23 108.10 226 53 24 77.25 154 80 25 354.40 663 178 26 43.85 100 12 27 — 57 3 28 87.30 78 9 0 29 11.60 28 5 30 23.55 18 — d 31 47.35 97 29 32 73.20 122 107 33 117.85 189 131 34 18.55 36 6 35 32.85 57 40 37 — 24 3 38 51.20 135 — 39 20.80 47 10 40 53.50 103 3 41 88.50 218 32 42 22.95 47 — 43 83.60 144 73 45 22.30 49 7 46 14.25 30 5 47 55.95 110 31 49 — 34 — a 50 12-3.60 190 98 51 7.25 15 — 52 31.95 56 17 54 36.95 68 53 55 32.70 66 5 56 43.50 96 11 57 38.55 65 34 59 — 31 2 61 — 10 — 62 — 30 — a 63 — 110 34 64 19.05 48 2 65 — 52 24 a 66 27.45 49 16 67 39.85 69 11 68 38.75 59 17 70 — 14 3 a 71 57.20 115 23 72 11.20 27 o, 73 62.15 111 80 74 — 35 2 e 77 51.30 53 30 c 78 — 25 15 a 79 — 32 20 a 80 — 13 — f Br. No. Assessment . Adult Jrs. 81 16.15 30 — 83 10.90 21 — 84 26.80 63 2 85 18.25 39 2 86 11.70 21 — 88 20.10 44 10 89 33.80 76 23 90 22.40 40 20 91 32.50 54 12 92 17.30 27 — 93 — 61 — 94 19.60 18 7 g 95 — 176 24 96 — 46 2 97 9.20 15 3 99 6.65 17 — 100 26.05 46 8 101 21.55 29 15 102 41.70 28 3 h 103 18.10 27 10 104 7.30 19 — 105 — 23 6 106 27.60 22 4 g Totals $3,884.05 8,326 2,353 Asses, pd a May; b Dec; c June July; d June July Aug.; e Jan. f April; g May, June; h July Aug. Sept. Income: Assessments 3,884.05 Rent 1G5.00 Interests 3,876.50 Total $7,925.55 Disbursements: Death claims paid: Br. 9, Detroit, Rose Mihelich $100.00 Br. 15, Cleveland, Fran. Miklaus 100.00 Br. 20, Joliet, Jennie Bambich 100.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, Am. Hrovat 100.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, Mary Urbas 100.00 Br. 26, E. Polincichio, Pgh ‘B’ 150.00 Br. 35, Aurora, Minn. M. Mehle 100.00 Br. 35, Aurora, Minn. K. Duich 100.00 Br. 35, Aurora,Minn. J. Nosan ‘B’ 150.00 Br. 38, Chisholm, F. Andolsek 100.00 Br. 38, Chisholm, Carol. Gornik 100.00 Br. 40, Lorain, Louise Maticic 100.00 Br. 41, Cleveland, Ant. Vogles 100.00 Br. 73, Warrensville, Mary Turk 100.00 Br. 95, S. Chicago, M. Sambol ‘B’ 150.00 Br. 95, S. Chicago, L. Bogovich 100.00 Zarja, June, 24 pages 1,640.45 Salaries and administration 1,200.00 Office supplies, postage, tel. 175.00 Printing, miscelaneous 136.65 Monthly rent of Home Office 75.00 $ 4,977.10 Bal. in all funds May, 1968 $516,370.34 Income in June, 1968 7,925.55 524,295.89 Disbursements in June, 1968 4,977.10 Ledger bal. June, 1968 $519,318.79 Albina Novak Sec’y. FINANCIAL REPORT FOR MONTH OF JULY, 1968 FINANČNO POROČILO ZA MESEC JULIJ, 1968 Br. No. Assessment Adult Jrs. Br. No. Assessment Adult Jrs. 1 $ 97.50 170 59 56 42.20 95 11 2 190.85 355 156 57 38.55 65 34 3 149.95 267 163 59 32.40 31 2 d 4 8.00 13 — a 61 — 10 — 5 91.20 106 26 a 62 30.00 30 — a 6 48.35 109 8 63 — 110 34 7 54.05 101 72 65 23.65 52 24 8 20.60 51 — 65 23.65 53 24 9 30 2 b 66 54.85 48 17 a 10 147.20 335 34 67 40.45 70 10 12 72.30 176 48 68 38.75 59 17 13 53.55 108 20 70 — 14 3 e 14 143.50 290 29 71 56.65 114 23’ 15 107.05 217 12 72 22.40 27 3 a 16 66.85 125 76 73 62.70 112 81 f 17 78.05 152 67 74 — 35 2 19 58.80 124 25 77 — 53 30 c 20 141.70 320 36 78 31.50 25 15 a 21 124.30 117 48 a 79 36.35 31 20 a 22 19 — c 80 16.60 13 — d 23 108.10 226 52 81 16.15 30 — 24 77.25 154 80 83 10.80 21 — 25 348.05 656 173 84 26.70 63 2 26 43.60 100 12 85 18.25 39 2 27 57 3 86 11.70 21 — 28 78 9 c 88 22.90 44 10 29 11.60 28 5 89 33.80 76 23 30 18 — c 90 22.40 47 20 31 46.55 96 28 91 32.50 54 12 32 73.20 122 107 92 17.30 27 2 33 115.60 189 131 93 51.05 60 1 d 34 18.55 36 6 94 — 18 7 35 32.20 55 40 95 435.20 176 24 h 37 — 24 3 96 22.95 49 2 38 50.80 133 — 97 9.20 18 3 39 20.80 47 10 99 6.40 17 — 40 53.30 102 9, 100 25.85 45 8 41 88.30 217 32 101 21.55 29 15 42 22.95 47 — 102 — 28 3 c 43 83.35 144 73 103 36.20 27 10 a 45 — 49 7 104 7.30 19 — 46 14.25 30 5 105 40.35 23 6 g 47 55.70 110 31 106 — 22 4 49 26.60 34 — a 50 123.15 189 98 Totals $4,572.25 8,326 2,346 51 7.25 15 — Dec; 52 31.95 56 17 Asses. pd: a July, Aug, b c 54 37.05 68 53 June; d June, July; e May ; f Jan. 55 32.70 66 5 g Jun, Jul, Aug. h, May, Jun. Jul. Aug. Income: Assessments $4,572.25 Rent 165.00 Interests 1,285.62 Proceeds from cookbooks 1,500.00 Total $7,522.87 Disbursements: Death claims paid; Br. 1, Sheboygan, R. Ocvirk ‘B’ $150.00 Br. 8, Steelton, Pa., A. Marentlch 100.00 Br. 10, Cleveland, Mary Jerman 100.00 Br. 10, Cleveland, Louise Cebron 100.00 Br. 12, Milwaukee, A. Joachimi 100.00 Br. 20, Joliet, Anna Cernetich 100.00 Br. 21, Cleveland, Ant. Estanek 100.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, Rose Paun 100.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, Mary Hrastar 100.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, Fran. Jancar 100.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, Mtariana Jerse 100.00 Br. 35, Aurora, Minn., M. Bartol 100.00 Br. 38, Chisholm, Mary Parac 100.00 Br. 41, Cleveland, Mary Zdesar 100.00 Br. 45, Portland, Anna Tomich 100.00 Br. 47, Cleveland, Mary Maflco 100.00 Br. 50, Cleveland, Mary Mihelich 100.00 Br. 50, Cleveland, Mgt. Tomsic 100.00 Br. 71, Strabane, Ant. Senkinc 100.00 Br. 79, Enumclaw, J. Mylnar 100.00 Br. 91, Oakmont, Pa. Mary Kirn 100.00 Br. 93, Brooklyn, M. Marovitz 100.00 Br. 100, Fontana, Rose Ustar 100.00 Zarja, July, 16 pages 1,155.45 Salaries and administration 1,200.00 Annual com. to officers 1,325.00 Director of Internal Revenue 741.68 Utility repairs and office sup. 227.91 Tel., Postage, sundries 177.64 Monthly rent of Home Office 75.00 Total $7,252.68 Bal. in all funds June, ’68 $519,318.79 Income in July, 1968 7,522.87 526,841.66 Disbursements in July, 1968 — 7,252.68 Ledger bal. July, 1968 $519,588.98 Albina Novak Sec’y. From the Hi Magazine: COME TO A PUMPKIN PARTY Pumpkins and parties just seem to go together in the fall. And pumpkins—both real and paper ones—set the mood for an October party. Invitations are cut like pumpkins out of orange construction paper. An easy table favor and placecard can be made by pasting a pumpkin made of orange paper to a paper-wrapped chocolate mint. Before pasting, give each pumpkin two blue eyes and a brown dot nose. In place of a mouth, print a guest’s name in pencil. Pinning Pumpkins On a two-foot square of brown wrapping paper, make five circles by tracing around the bottom of a glass. Number the circles 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Scotch-tape the paper to a door. Players take turns pinning pumpkins to the paper while blindfolded. Pumpkins pinned on any of the numbered circles score the number written there. No score is given for a pumpkin which does not land in a circle. Each player has three turns and the player scoring the most points winB. Play off any tieB. FALL Panning Pumpkin Divide players into two groups. For each team, provide a small pumpkin (or unlighted jack-o-lantem) and a tin pie plate. Teams form two lines behind a starting point at one end of a room. The pumpkins go on the floor in front of each team. Give the pie plates to the starting players. At the word “go”, players scoop up the pumpkins with the plates, then run to cross a goal line marked with string at the other end of the room. Here the pumpkins are put on the floor, and the players run to hand the plates to the next player In line. This player runs to put the pumpkin back on the pie plate and return it to the starting point—and so on. The team to finish first wins. JUNIOR’S P A Q E HI BOYS AND GIRLS! Next month the American citizen will exercise “one of the highest duties as well as one of the most s'acred privileges of citizenship”—the right to vote. Americans will choose the man, whom they feel will best serve our country. To be president, a person must be at least 35 years of age. He must be born a citizen of our country. And he must have lived in the United States for at least 14 years. The voters will also elect a vice-president, 25 senators and 435 representatives. Some 35 states will also elect Governors, as well as hundreds of local government positions. For the presidential candidates the campaign trail is long and hard. It stretches from Alaska to Florida and from Maine to Hawaii. It means long hours of traveling and speech-making in search of votes. But it also means an opportunity for millions of Americans to meet the candidates face to face. At the beginning of our democracy, there were no political parties. George Washington never made a trip along the campaign trail—he was drafted into the office. For years, Presidential candidates did not openly ask for votes. To do so was considered undignified. Instead candidates wrote letters, “inspected” troops, or “visited” friends and family in other states. In 1840 William Henry Harrison started the first campaign as we know it—he made a grand tour of his home state of Ohio, shaking hands and making speeches. He and his Pumpkin Tag Whisper to each player one of the letters in the word “pumpkin”. All except one player, who is IT, form a circle. When IT calls out any letter in the word, players named for those letters lace across the inside of the circle to trade places. If IT can tag a runner, he takes that player’s place in the circle, and the player, becomes IT. Otherwise IT must, try again. friends distributed cups of free cider, coonskin caps, ribbons, and banners. In 1912 William Howard Taft became the first President to campaign openly for re-election. Since then it has been the accepted pratice. From the very first there were no political parties. No party chose George Washington. During most of our history, however, there have been two strong parties in our country. The earliest were the Federalists and the Jeffersonian Republicans. Later Jefferson’s party split; one became the Whig Party, the other became the present Democratic Party. Today’s Republican Party got its start in 1854. Each major party has a well-organized army of workers. At the top is the national chairman. Working under him throughout the country are the thousands of state, county, ward, and precinct politicians. As Election Day draws near, millions of American voters are doing their homework. The voters are studying the "platforms” of the Republican and Democratic parties. The voters study the candidates’ stand on the war in Vietnam, foreign policy, defense, civil rights and race relations, agriculture, labor, business and inflation and city problems. I :'V a JUNIOR COLUMNIST PHOTO CONTEST While no one really expects either party to carry out every pledge, the platforms do give a good idea of the way each thinks on the issues. A Presidential campaign is many things—big men, big issues, promises, records. It’s also campaign buttons, catchy songs, and weeks of whoops, hollers ,and hurrahs! The American voter has a momentous decision to- make. Besides listening, reading, writing and thinking, God’s divine help is needed in the American citizen’s saerch for the next occupant of the White House. The last Sunday of October the Church observes a special feast in honor of the Kingship of Christ. On this day we pledge ourselves once more, "in loyalty and obedience, to Christ, the King of Truth, who enlightens our minds with His saving doctrine; to Christ, the King of Justice, who directs our wills in the way of God’s commandments; to Christ, the King of love, who fills our hearts with love for God and man.” Your friend. REGINA A snapshot of a bird perched atop an iron grating won for our Junior Columnist, REGINA, a first place prize in the Joliet Herald News Photo Contest. This photo was taken on a family vacation at Holy Hill shrine near Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She used a Brownie Twin camera. Her picture will be placed in the finals of the photo competition later this month. What an interesting hobby, taking snapshots of things you find interesting! We wish her and her family who are also camera enthusiasts, as well as well our readers, many happy moments sighting your favorite people, things and places through your camera lens! (The editor will gladly accept any photos taken by our junior members for this page.) GUARDIAN ANGELS Feast Day celebrated Oct. 2 Guardian Angels around my bed Joining me in my prayers They hush the shadow when they dance about They shoo away the fears. Guardian Angels to comfort me If I wake in the night They gather all my dreams Make halos of my light. They dry my tears If I should weep. They tuck me in They rouse me from my sleep. Guardian Angels around my bed Standing by till I rise. There’s one with shining wings Who holds my hand and shows me paradise. ~ PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS - We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Beal Estate and Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors and Embalmers CHICAGO 8, ILL. Virginia 7-6688 JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 AMPLE PARKING FACILITIES DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd. Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois METROPOLITAN BANK & Trust Company 2201 West Cermak Roiul Chicago, Illinois, 60608 Eu* (WpMltw lnaut*