šolsko polje, letnik xxviii, številka 3–4 212 His main areas of interest are the general sociology, sociology of religion, social politics and social work. In the recent published work he has writ- ten about social inequality and social capital (in Slovenia), multicultural- ism and social policy. Dr. Srečo Dragoš, sociolog in socialni delavec, je predavatelj Fakultete za socialno delo na Univerzi v Ljubljani. Raziskovalno se ukvarja pred- vsem s področji splošne sociologije, sociologije religije, s socialno politiko in s socialnim delom. V zadnjem času se ukvarja predvsem z družbenimi neenakostmi, socialnim kapitalom (v Sloveniji), multikulturalizmom in socialno politiko. Cyril Ghosh Cyril Ghosh is Assistant Professor of Government & Politics at Wagner College and Part-Time Assistant Professor of International Affairs at the Julien J. Studley Graduate Program in International Affairs, The New School. He is the author of The Politics of the American Dream: Demo - cratic Inclusion in Contemporary American Political Culture  (Palgrave- Macmillan, 2013) and of Key Concepts: Citizenship (under contract with Polity Press, UK [with Elizabeth F. Cohen]). Cyril Ghosh je docent na Wagner College ter docent za mednarodne za- deve na podiplomskem študijskem programu Julien J. Studley za medn- arodne zadeve na The New School. Je avtor knjige The Politics of the American Dream: Democratic Inclusion in Contemporary American Polit- ical Culture (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2013) ter Key Concepts: Citizenship (v pripravi za založbo Polity Press, Velika Britanija [z Elizabeth F. Cohen]). Maja Gutman Maja Gutman is a Research Associate at the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of California, Los Ange- les (UCLA). Her academic background consists largely within the Hu- manities, with emphasis on Cultural and Media studies, and most re- cently, Consciousness studies. She completed her PhD in Anthropology of Everyday Life – Media Studies, at AMEU-ISH – Institutum Studio- rum Humanitatis, Ljubljana, Slovenia (2016). Her current research is fo- cused on theoretical aspects of conscious and unconscious mind and its indirect behavioral expressions in cultural data. To be able to fully co-de- velop new tools and methodologies for observing and measuring reports from different states of mind, Maja has started working on other research topics, such as transformational aspects of subjectivity, embodied cogni- tion in multi-sensory environments, and immersion. Her research top- ics take into account both philosophical and neuroscientific approaches, contributors 213 along with the various aspects from cognitive science and recent advanc- es in data analytics. Maja Gutman je zunanja raziskovalka na oddelku za računalništvo na Univerzi Kalifornije, Los Angeles (UCLA), s katero sodeluje na tran- sdisciplinarnih projektih. Leta 2016 je na AMEU-ISH – Institutum Stu- diorum Humanitatis (Ljubljana) doktorirala iz antropologije vsakdanje- ga življenja, njeno področje raziskovanja pa se giblje znotraj antropologije, kulturnih in medijskih študij ter študij zavesti. Od leta 2016 v sodelovanju z UCLA razvija pilotski projekt, pri katerem z uporabo večje baze podat- kov sledi vedenjskim vzorcem spremenjenih stanj zavesti in jih primerja s teoretskimi vidiki o zavednih in nezavednih miselnih procesih. Sodelu- je tudi pri razvoju sodobnih računalniških metod za spremljanje in anali- zo uporabnikovega vedenja v digitalnih okoljih, pri čemer uporablja teo- retska izhodišča utelešene kognicije in potopitvenosti. Slednja s pomočjo podatkovne analitike aplicira predvsem na multimodalna okolja, kot je virtualna resničnost. Robert C. Hauhart Robert C. Hauhart, Ph.D., J.D. is professor in the Department of Society and Social Justice, Saint Martin’s University, Lacey, W A (USA). He is the author of a number of studies of the American Dream including Seeking the American Dream: A Sociological Inquiry (Palgrave MacMillan 2016) and “ American Sociology’s Investigations of the American Dream: Retro- spect and Prospect,” American Sociologist, 46(1):65-98. Robert C. Hauhart (PhD, J.D.) je profesor na oddelku za družboslovje in socialno pravičnost na Saint Martin’s University, Lacey v ZDA. Je avtor številnih raziskav o ameriških sanjah, vključno z knjigo Seeking the Amer- ican Dream: A Sociological Inquiry (Palgrave MacMillan 2016) ter “ Amer- ican Sociology’s Investigations of the American Dream: Retrospect and Prospect,” American Sociologist, 46(1):65-98. Peter McLaren Peter McLaren is Distinguished Professor in  Critical Studies Co-Di- rector and International Ambassador for Global Ethics and Social Jus- tice, The Paulo Freire Democratic Project at the Donna Ford Attallah College of Educational Studies, Chapman University. An award-winning author and political activist, his work has been translated into thirty lan- guages. Peter McLaren je profesor za kritične študije, sodirektor in mednarodni ambasador za globalno etiko in socialno pravičnost, demokratični projekt Paula Freireja na Donna Ford Attallah College za izobraževalne študi-