Maryna Paliienko1 SOCIO-CULTURAL MISSION OF THE ARCHIVES AND NEW STRATEGIES FOR ARCHIVAL MANAGEMENT “The imperative of our epoch is not only to keep everything, to preserve every indicator of memory […], but also to produce archives” (Nora, 1989:14). ABSTRACT The article is devoted to analysis of the socio-cultural mission of archives and their roles in society’s development, in preserving documentary evidences, collective and individ- ual memory, cultural and history heritage. It is investigated some aspects of interac- tions between the archives and the authorities, individuals and society; it is also char- acterized the role that memory and social studies, as well as information technologies play in the formation of the current image of archives. Among the current challenges for archives and archival management it has been point- ed out the development of a new archival strategy and strategic thinking in a world that is constantly changing; need to provide authenticity of records and their keeping in the digital age; development of a new model for communication between archives and users that satisfy new social requirements. It is outlined, that technological and social changes bring a new look at the archives and the profession of archivist. Special attention is paid to the problem of access to infor- mation and creation the new opportunities for interaction between the archives and society through the Internet web-sites and social media. Key words: archives, archivists, archival science, archival management, society, memo- ry, information, social media. 1 Maryna Paliienko, Professor, Doctor of Science (History), Head of Department of Archival Studies and Special Historical Disciplines, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: 110 SOCIO-CULTURAL MISSION OF THE ARCHIVES AND NEW STRATEGIES FOR ARCHIVAL MANAGEMENT Maryna Paliienko MISSIONE SOCIO-CULTURALE DEGLI ARCHIVI E NUOVE STRATEGIE PER LA GESTIONE DELL’ARCHIVIO SINTESI L’articolo è dedicato all’analisi della missione socioculturale degli archivi e dei loro ruoli nello sviluppo della società, nel preservare prove documentali, memoria collettiva e individuale, patrimonio culturale e storico. Vengono studiati alcuni aspetti delle inte- razioni tra gli archivi e le autorità, i singoli e la società; si caratterizza anche per il ruolo svolto dalla memoria e dagli studi sociali, nonché dalle tecnologie dell’informazione nella formazione dell’immagine attuale degli archivi. Tra le sfide attuali per gli archivi e la gestione degli archivi è stato sottolineato lo svi- luppo di una nuova strategia archivistica e pensiero strategico in un mondo in costante cambiamento; necessità di fornire l’autenticità dei documenti e la loro conservazione nell’era digitale; sviluppo di un nuovo modello di comunicazione tra archivi e utenti che soddisfino nuove esigenze sociali. È stato delineato che i cambiamenti tecnologici e sociali apportano un nuovo sguardo agli archivi e alla professione di archivista. Particolare attenzione è rivolta al problema dell’accesso alle informazioni e alla creazione delle nuove opportunità di interazione tra gli archivi e la società attraverso i siti Internet e i social media. Parole chiave: archivi, archivisti, scienza archivistica, gestione archivistica, società, me- moria, informazione, social media DRUŽBENO-KULTURNA MISIJA ARHIVOV IN NOVE STRATEGIJE ZA UPRAVLJANJE ARHIVOV IZVLEČEK Članek je namenjen analizi družbeno-kulturnega poslanstva arhivov in njihove vloge v razvoju družbe pri ohranjanju dokumentarnih dokazov, kolektivnega in individualnega spomina, kulturne in zgodovinske dediščine. Preučeni so nekateri vidiki interakcij med arhivi in oblastmi, posamezniki in družbo; zaznamovana je tudi z vlogo spomina in druž- boslovja ter informacijskih tehnologij pri oblikovanju trenutne podobe arhivov. Med aktualnimi izzivi arhivov in arhivskega upravljanja je izpostavljen razvoj nove ar- hivske strategije in strateškega razmišljanja v svetu, ki se nenehno spreminja; zagoto- viti je treba verodostojnost zapisov in njihovo hrambo v digitalni dobi; razvoj novega modela komunikacije med arhivi in uporabniki, ki izpolnjuje nove družbene zahteve. Poudarja se, da tehnološke in družbene spremembe prinašajo nov pogled na arhiv in poklic arhivista. Posebna pozornost je namenjena problemu dostopa do informacij in ustvarjanju novih priložnosti za interakcijo med arhivi in družbo prek internetnih sple- tnih strani in družbenih medijev. Ključne besede: arhivi, arhivisti, arhivska znanost, upravljanjez arhivskim gradivom, družba, spomin, informacije, socialni mediji 111SOCIO-CULTURAL MISSION OF THE ARCHIVES AND NEW STRATEGIES FOR ARCHIVAL MANAGEMENT Maryna Paliienko СОЦІО-КУЛЬТУРНА МІСІЯ АРХІВІВ І НОВІ СТРАТЕГІЇ ДЛЯ УПРАВЛІННЯ АРХІВИ АНОТАЦІЯ Стаття присвячена аналізу соціокультурної місії архівів та їх ролі у суспільному розвитку, збере- женні документальних свідчень, колективної та індивідуальної пам’яті, культурної та історичної спадщини. У статті знайшли відображення окремі аспекти взаємодії між архівами та владою, окремими особами та суспільством; також охарактеризовано роль, яку відіграють соціальні та комеморативні студії, інформаційні технології у формуванні сучасного іміджу архівів. Серед актуальних викликів, що стоять перед архівним менеджментом, виділено необхідність ро- звитку нової стратегії діяльності архівних установ та стратегічного мислення в умовах світу, що постійно змінюється; необхідність забезпечення автентичності документів та відповідних умов для їх зберігання у цифрову епоху; розвиток нової моделі комунікації між архівами та користу- вачами інформації, що задовольнятиме нові потреби суспільства. Підкреслено, що технологічні та соціальні зміни змушують по-новому подивитися на сутність архівів та архівну професію. Спеціальну увагу приділено питанню доступу до інформації та ство- ренню нових можливостей для взаємодії архівів і суспільства через веб-сайти та соціальні мережі. Ключові слова: архів, архівісти, архівна наука, архівний менеджмент, суспільство, пам’ять, ін- формація, соціальні мережі . 1. INTRODUCTION The world has been rapidly changing for the last couple of decades, particularly due to the extensive technological advancement and the reception of the term “information” in minds of scholars as well as average people. The development of modern informa- tion and communication technologies, increasing the amount of information largely determine the sense of our epoch. Globalization, rapid technological changes lead to fundamental transformations in the economic foundation of society, its social and cul- tural landscape. We are living in a time that Pierre Nora appropriately named “the acceleration of histo- ry” (Nora, 1989, pp. 7-8). Our epoch is marked by “the obsession with the archive”, at- tempting to complete conservation of the present as well as to preserve totally the past (Nora, 1989, p. 13). According to this knowledgeable contemporary historian and sociol- ogist, one of the main vocations of the society is to record, delegating to the archive the responsibility of remembering. “No society has ever produced archives as deliberately as our own, – he stressed in his famous work Between Memory and History: Les Lieux de Mémoire (Nora, 1989, p.13). The conception of the archives as “lieux de mémoire” (memory’s sites) that mediate between memory and history went beyond a purely functional approach and viewed their mission from a socio-cultural perspective and the history of mentality. According to the P. Nora’s views, “an archive becomes a lieu de mémoire only if the imagination invests it with a symbolic aura” (Nora, 1989, p.19). This symbolic view on archives from the “outside the profession” gives the archivists a great opportunity to update their own vision of the nature of archives, their interaction with society and the role of the archival institutions and profession in the development of mankind. 112 SOCIO-CULTURAL MISSION OF THE ARCHIVES AND NEW STRATEGIES FOR ARCHIVAL MANAGEMENT Maryna Paliienko Archives are social institutions; they are deeply connected with all spheres of society’s life on different stages of its development. As Joan Schwarz and Terry Cook outlined at their classical work “Archives, Records, and Power”, their origins and roots lie “in the in- formation need and social values of the rulers, governments, businesses, associations, and individuals who established and maintained them” (Schwarz, Cook, 2002, p. 3). The storage of different kinds of information has always been a crucial issue for the archival community. Accumulating the flows of information is always a challenge and archives are the most efficient way to prevent informational chaos and systemize the access to the necessary documentation. Thus, the archives are the fortresses that shield the treasures of the human mind from the destruction and ignorance. Records and archives are indispensable in human society, not only for efficient manage- ment of states, governments, organizations, but they also play an important role in a life of everyone. Despite the fact that archives should be in the heart of the information society, they are often underestimated, ignored, provided with insufficient funding. The purpose of this article is an attempt to answer a number of relevant issues: How archives are perceived in society? What is the socio-cultural mission of archives in our time? What role does information technology and memory play in the pursuit of the cur- rent image of archives? What does the modern society expect from the archivists today? How should archival management respond to the needs of society? 2. TRADITIONAL MEANINGS AND FUNCTIONS OF ARCHIVES The conception of archives evaluated through centuries and in nineteenth century it was formed under the influence of the philosophy of positivism. In the classical period, the three main producers of archives were the great families, the church, and the state (Nora, 1989, p. 14). Institutionally archives established for legal and administrative purposes. They were considered by the authorities as a secure place for storage documents, thus – as signifi- cant sources of power that had control over them. Consequently archives for a long time were seen as the administrative and legal memory of the state, and control of archival records recognised as a meaningful source of power. Referring to the relations of ar- chives and power, it is worth recalling the well-known statement of Jacques Derrida: “There is no political power without control of the archive, if not of memory” (Derrida, 1996, p. 4). Since a great amount of records has been created in administrative and legal institu- tions, archives used to be considered as “a kind of extended arm of the Public Adminis- tration” (Klasinc, 2016, p. 31). As Fransis Blouin noted, “archives are about power and, by implication, are a vehicle through which power preserves itself through history” (Blouin, 1999, p. 106). In Europe, archives preserved primarily administrative and official documents and ini- tially surpassed their evidential value. Meanwhile manuscripts and documents of per- sonal origin have traditionally been kept in the national libraries. At the same time, North America and Australia developed a different tradition – the documents produced by their state administrations were originally deposited in libraries that were founded earlier than the state archives (for instance – Library of Congress in the USA). In Canada, the influence of the library tradition was significant, and consequently, in the percep- tion of archives by the state and society, their cultural significance prevails over admin- istrative and evidential. 113SOCIO-CULTURAL MISSION OF THE ARCHIVES AND NEW STRATEGIES FOR ARCHIVAL MANAGEMENT Maryna Paliienko In France, in the era of positivism (the second half of the nineteenth century), archival science was constituted as a branch of historical knowledge and developed, as Bruno Delmas rightly pointed out, in two main contents: on the one hand, as “descriptive” aux- iliary science of history (“l’archivistique descriptive”), classifying and describing mainly the documents of the Middle Ages, which formed the basis of the collection of the Na- tional and departmental archives of France. On the other hand, it was developing as an archival management (“l’archivistique de gestion”), producing scientific and practical approaches to archival institutions’ administration (Delmas, 10). It was the period of creation of “documentary archival science” (“l’archivistique documentaire”), which was aimed at meeting the needs of historians-archivists, in particular – on the development of methods for classification of documents and for retrieval historical information, on the process of creation of documents’ descriptions and inventories. The main promot- ers of such a vision of archives and archival science were famous French historians and archivists Charles-Victor Langlois, Charles Seignobos as well as Samuel Muller, Johan A. Feith and Robert Fruin – the authors of a widely known Dutch manual on archives man- agement and description. National archival traditions were based on a country’s individual legal, administrative, cultural developments. However, despite the regional peculiarities, the link between the archives and the state (the authorities) always was extremely powerful. But at the same time, archives pose a threat to the state – they keep some evidences that are not desirable for disclosure. In some cases, the authorities try to create conditions for “si- lence of archive”, even destroy some documentary evidences. They wrongly believe that it will be able to make the past be silent. Significant expansion of the theoretical and practical field of archival science during the twentieth century, specially focusing on the development of modern documentation and the “lifecycle of documents”, found vivid reflection in the works of Yves Pérotin (“L’administration et trios âge des archives”) and Teodor Schellenberg (“Modern Ar- chives: Principles and Techniques”). The evolution of archival legislation and practice gradually took place in different countries. Under the influence of information technol- ogy developed “l’archivistique foncionnelle” (Delmas, 2006, p. 25). With a significant increase in the number of documents in the second half of 20th century, the importance and role of archives became more and more visible in the life of society. 3. POSTMODERN VIEW ON ARCHIVES In the last quarter of the twentieth century the discussion about the philosophy of ar- chives was actualized. Philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, writers offered their look at the archives “from outside the profession”. Maurice Halbwachs, Michel Fou- cault, Jacques Derrida have stimulated new ways of thinking about archives among archival theorists in many countries. The debates on social value of archives covered issues of relations between archives and power, archives and society, archives and the policy of memory. They also contributed to a new view of archivists on their own profession and the role of archives in society. Among the works devoted to the analysis of relations between archives and social memory it is worth mentioning the studies of Francis X. Blouin, Brien Brothman, Terry Cook, Richard Cox, Anne J. Gilliland, Randall C. Jimerson, Eric Ketelaar, Peter P. Klasinc, William J. Rosenberg, Hugh A. Taylor, Joan M. Schwartz and others. Ac- cording to scientists’ calculations, in the period from 1980 to 2010 it was published 165 articles in professional archival English-language journals on this theme (in particular: Archivaria, Archival Science, The American Archivist, Archives & Manuscripts) in the peri- 114 SOCIO-CULTURAL MISSION OF THE ARCHIVES AND NEW STRATEGIES FOR ARCHIVAL MANAGEMENT Maryna Paliienko od from 1980 to 2010 (Jacobsen, Punzalan, Hedstrom, 2013, p. 3). But despite the archi- vists’ interest in the problem, the researchers’ conclusion was not too optimistic. They argued that “works produced by archivists are essentially invisible to scholars in other fields” (Jacobsen, Punzalan, Hedstrom, 2013, p.10). The theme of archives and memory was also raised at the international congresses of archives and conferences of the In- ternational Institute of Archival Science in Trieste and Maribor, publications in Atlanti. In Ukrainian historiography it was studied by Iryna Matiash (Матяш, 2013) and Maryna Paliienko (Палієнко, 2016). The results of the Conference and School on Records, Archives and Memory Studies (Cro- atia) that took place in May 2013 at the University of Zadar were extremely interesting. The main topics were reflected in the conference proceedings that were issued by edi- tion of Mirna Willer, Anne J. Gilliland, Marijana Tomić (Records, Archives and Memory, 2015). In the foreword of the edition (“Archival turn and return”) Eric Ketelaar outlined the “archival turn” that has been observed in the interdisciplinary discourse of the past two decades. He also pointed out that archivists absorbed this new experience and were inspired by some approaches archives from other disciplines. E. Ketelaar believes that archivistics adopts some of these new conceptions, and in turn offers its own views to other sciences. Consequently, it is taking place an exchange, interdisciplinary enrich- ment and we could speak about “archival return in exchange for the use of archivistics’ concepts by other disciplines” (Records, Archives and Memory, 2015, p. 9). Nowadays in the field of archival studies two discourses continue to coexist: so-called “practical” (“it’s all about shelving”) and deeply “philosophical” (that considers the ar- chives as a metaphor). The archivists-practitioners raise a logical question: whether postmodern searches bring something new that changes archival methods and tech- niques? But their opponents argue that the broader multidisciplinary context makes it possible to look at the scope of the profession in a new way. Randall Jimerson, for instance, advocates an active position of archivists in creating a memory and research field for future users of documentary information. In his opinion, the archives have to be “an important source for promoting accountability and social justice”, the archivist in turn should “shape” the knowledge of society about the past while making decisions about acquisition, processing of documents, their selection and preservation (Jimerson, 2007, p. 252). He also raises questions about professional eth- ics, especially social responsibility of archivists. Another sharp point in the discussions between the archivists is the position regarding the prevalence of administrative, documentary functions over cultural, memorable ones. Some tension exists in advocacy the value of the documents as evidence and re- cords as memory. At the beginning of the 21st century a group of archivists from universities and cultural in- stitutions of the U.S. (Mark Greene, Frank Boles, Bruce Bruemmer, Todds J. Daniels-Howel) criticized the position of archivists and records managers who promotes records above all as “evidence of transactions”, mainly preserved for administrative purposes. In their discussion paper The Archivist’s New Clothes; or the Naked Truth about Evidence, Transactions, and Re- cordness (2004), the authors turned to the analogy with the characters of the famous fairy tale of Hans Christian Andresen The Emperor’s New Clothes. In their opinion, “new clothes” offered to archivists to meet the needs of the information society remains an illusion. They are convinced that it is impossible to promote the vision of documents mainly as “evidence of transactions” and underestimated the cultural role of archives in the society. They also highlighted the fact that much of the debate is about the technological aspects of the devel- opment of archives while a profession has a more humanistic character. 115SOCIO-CULTURAL MISSION OF THE ARCHIVES AND NEW STRATEGIES FOR ARCHIVAL MANAGEMENT Maryna Paliienko In this context, wider issues are raised: Which role is predominates for archives – aad- ministrative or cultural? Do archivists have to “preserve history and memory”, or only documents as evidence for the purpose of accountability”? What should be the relation- ships between archivists and historians, archivists and records managers, archivists and IT specialists? These questions reflect contradictions in the perception of archives and their role in society. As we are all aware, archives have encountered a problem of a dramatic increase in the production of documents over the past decades. At the same time, society has higher ex- pectations of the archives. Development and dissemination of digital technologies have led to a significant increase in the use of documents in all spheres of society’s life. Now- adays archives are being used by different categories of users for genealogical searches, historical research, understanding national, social and cultural roots, identity, for fulfill- ing educational and cultural needs, commemorative programs. Archives in democratic countries focus their main attention on people with a slogan “It’s all about people”. It was worth noting that the fundamental issues of archives development and manage- ment were considered under the item during the international scientific conference at Alma Mater Europaea in Maribor in March 2019. The same concept was inspired by this year’s International Archives Day devoted to the theme “Designing the Archives in the 21st century” that set the goal of putting people in the centre of what archivists and records managers do. It was emphasized on providing “opportunities for human-centred design approaches” and on deliver- ing “benefits to citizens, customers, stakeholders and communities” (International Archives Week, 2019). Peter P. Klasinc and his colleagues at the Archival Science and Records Management Studies Department at Alma Mater Europaea – European Center Maribor formulated a new paradigm of archives as “guardians of the truth” (Klasinc, 2016). To their opinion, in conditions of changing the social role of archives, archivists are becoming the “active seekers of the truth”, because in working processes they are searching for documents that reveal the truth (Klasinc, 2016, p. 26). Today, among user-centred archivists, the concept of mediation has become wide- spread. According to Francis Blouin, archivists mediate between users and archives in the way they can promote and describe their holdings to the broader public (Blouin, 1999, p. 107). An extremely important experience today is interaction between archival practice and new ways of approaching the past. The nature of the record is dramatically evaluating during the last decades: to change diversity of audiovisual sources new gen- erations of digital-borne documents appear. Archivists forced to develop new standards for appraisal of records, their description as well as retrieval systems. 4. NEW CHALLENGES FOR ARCHIVAL MANAGEMENT WORLDWIDE AND PROBLEMS OF THEIR REALIZATION IN UKRAINE Among the current challenges for archives and archival management we could point out the following: • development of a new archival strategy and strategic thinking in a world that is con- stantly changing; • need to provide authenticity of records and their keeping in the digital age; • development of a new model for communication between archives and users that satisfy new social requirements. 116 SOCIO-CULTURAL MISSION OF THE ARCHIVES AND NEW STRATEGIES FOR ARCHIVAL MANAGEMENT Maryna Paliienko Characterizing archival system in Ukraine, it should be outlined that the central body of executive power which realizes the government policy on archival affairs and records keeping is the State Archival Service of Ukraine that was established according to the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 1085/2010 in December 9, 2010 and is a legal successor to the State Committee on Archives of Ukraine. According to the Regulations of its activity, approved by the Presidential Decree of April 6, 2011 (No. 407/2011) the main priorities of the State Archival Service of Ukraine are: • reforming the archival system of Ukraine according to Ukrainian legislation on the National Archival Fond; • developing proposals on improvement of the Law of Ukraine “On the National Archi- val Fond and Archival Institutions”, other legislative documents; • organization of the formation of the National Archival Fond and providing the proper conditions of its preservation; • strengthening the state impact on a non-governmental sector of records management for the purpose of improvement of socially important archival documents preservation; • developing and realizing programs on the informatization of archival system; • promoting a wide usage of archival information for realization of scientific, socio- cultural and other needs of citizens, the society and the state; • organizing and coordinating research and methodological work in the sphere of ar- chival affairs, records management, formation and a long-term preservation of secu- rity copies documentation, providing implementation of science achievements and a modern experience in these spheres; • realizing an international cooperation in the sphere of archival affairs and records man- agement (Purpose and Mission of Activities of the State Archival Service of Ukraine). Among the main priorities of the activity of Ukrainian state archives in 2019 it is deter- mined digitization of all processes of archival affairs and record keeping; ensuring the formation and preservation of the National Archival Fond; popularization of archival documents to commemorative dates and anniversaries of prominent persons in the history of Ukraine. Therefore, the State Archival Service made a major emphasis in its activities on the processes of digitization and on the “guardian”, “preservation” func- tion of archives. These tasks are definitely very important, especially taking into account the informational security of the state during military actions in the east regions of our country. There are a lot of problems deals with preservation of archives in the tempo- rarily occupied territories in Donetsk and Luhansk regions as well as access of Ukrainian citizens to their documentary information. However, in our opinion, archival management priorities in Ukraine should include pro- motion values and importance of archives as well as the image of archivists in society. At the same time democratic society needs client-focused and service-oriented archival development. Besides, one of the most urgent problems is the provision of Ukrainian state archives with appropriate modern buildings with reading and conference halls, exhibition are- as, arrangement of archival storage facilities by modern air conditioning systems, fire safety, and special equipment. This is especially true due to the incomplete reconstruc- tion of the main building and construction of a new modern complex of buildings for central state archives in Kyiv. It is worth noting that the project of reconstruction and development of a complex of buildings of central state archives was approved by the or- der of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on November 21, 2007 (№ 1041-р) (Розпорядження 117SOCIO-CULTURAL MISSION OF THE ARCHIVES AND NEW STRATEGIES FOR ARCHIVAL MANAGEMENT Maryna Paliienko Кабінету Міністрів України 2007). The process of reconstruction was launched in 2008, but suspended in 2012 due to lack of funding (Реконструкція та розвиток комплексу споруд центральних державних архівів України). The archival storage capacity is over 95% and it is rapidly approaching the critical limit, after which the archives will be unable to accept new records for storage. At the same time, it should be noted that as of 01.01.2019 in the central state archives, state archives of the regions of Ukraine and the city of Kyiv it is preserved 41 555 478 archival unites as an integral part of the National Archival Fond. Meanwhile in general, the number of documents of the National Archival Fond, which are stored in archival in- stitutions and archival divisions in Ukraine, is about 80 million units of storage (Публічний звіт Голови Укрдержархіву Баранової Т. І., 2018). The availability of such a large amount of documentation updates the need for appropriate archival premises and also requires experienced archival professionals. Taking this into account, the strategic priority of archival management should be the promotion of archival education programs and certification training of archival staff. Only in close cooperation between archival institutions and universities that offer edu- cational programs on archival studies and records management it is possible to support the successful development of the archival sphere, work jointly in the creation an image of an archivist of the 21st century. At Taras Schevchenko National University of Kyiv, which has 75 years of experience in training of archivists-historians, this year a new educational program “Archival Studies and Records Management” have been launched jointly with the State Archival Service of Ukraine and archival institutions. In this regard, it is important to consider archives as educational centers. As we know, one of the first steps in this direction was made in France in 1950, when on the initiative of the famous French archivist Charles Braibant an educational center was established at the National Archives in Paris. In Ukraine in 1961 it was founded the scientific semi- nar on auxiliary historical disciplines at the Central State Historical Archives in Lviv. The initiative of its launch belonged to the famous Ukrainian historian and archivist Ivan Krypiakevych who understood the need to strengthen the scientific potential of the ar- chives, the development of creative interaction between archivists and historians. One of the important results of this cooperation was the foundation of the Study of auxiliary historical disciplines at the archives where seminars, conferences, and workshops have been held on archival science, paleography, diplomatics, sphragistics, philigranology, heraldry, etc. (Бездрабко, 2008) Referring to the experience of the French archives, we may note that at the Histori- cal center of the National Archives there was a studio under the intriguing title “The taste of the archives” (“Le Gout des archives”), where interesting historical docu- ments were presented and interpreted to the visitors every week (James-Sarazin, Rambaud, 2006, p.270). Besides the educational programs for students and scientific cooperation with uni- versities and scholars, archival management should be aimed at attracting a wider audience to archival projects. Extremely important for the promotion of archives in society are the public forms of archival work, such as excursions, online documentary exhibitions, and different form of appearances in the media (press, radio, television, and social media). 118 SOCIO-CULTURAL MISSION OF THE ARCHIVES AND NEW STRATEGIES FOR ARCHIVAL MANAGEMENT Maryna Paliienko In recent years, it has become widespread in different countries thematic exhibi- tions of historical documents on large banners that are located in governmental, educational and cultural institutions as well as in open-era public places – on the streets, in the parks, near the theatres. One of the most resonant “open air” docu- mentary exhibitions during the last two years in Ukraine were “One hundred years of Struggle: Ukrainian Revolution 1917–1921”, “Places of Memory of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917–1921”, “Cultural Diplomacy of Ukraine: world triumph of “Shche- dryk”. Among the decisive features of these projects, the following should be high- lighted: they have been prepared jointly by state archives and other institutions of memory, designed for visualization of the iconic events of the national history of the twentieth century and aimed at forming a national identity. Archives should play an important role as memorial places during the celebration of the great national holidays, like the Independence Day, Day of the Constitution etc. Such tradition exists in some countries: in particular, in the United States every year on July 4 a festive ceremony takes place near the National Archives on Constitution Ave- nue, that includes Declaration of Independence Reading Ceremony and other activity. Certainly, a promising task of the archive is to establish communication with younger generation in order to create a positive image of the archive and interest in the past of the country, its own family. Therefore, in some archives of the world there are ed- ucational programs for children of all ages. Thus, the National Archives in Washing- ton propose hands-on activities with replica documents, maps, posters from their holdings within the framework of the programs “Visiting archives with children”, “Family days in the archives”. As well, there is a family workshop in the National Archives of France (Hôtel de Soubise), on which archivists introduce children with historical documents, seals, teach them to create their own coats of arms. In Ukrainian archives there are similar “children’s programs”, that are intended mainly for children of middle and high school age. As an example, we can note meetings in the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Kyiv which take place within the framework of the project “Archive Alive”. Interesting approaches to ac- quaintance children with archives suggested by the Ukrainian documentary scientist Valentina Bezdrabko in the article “How to tell children about archives and docu- ments” (Бездрабко, 2019, 1). The author believes that an important task of educators and archivists is to install a positive attitude to the archive, upbringing “the culture of archive” from the childhood (Бездрабко, 2019, 1, p.76). She suggested developing a special educational program with topics of meetings and role-playing games, with subsequent implementation through joint efforts of the archives services and the Ministry of Education and Science. Archival records are essential for ensuring the accountability and credibility of the national and international institutions, for preserving and analyzing historical evi- dences, individual rights of citizens and to discover families’ histories. Among the main challenges of archival management in our time remain creation of favourable conditions for “service-oriented” and “professionally managed” archival institutions (Menne-Haritz, p. 59), for answering to constantly increasing demands for online records and services, for preserving electronic records in a way that makes them usable. 119SOCIO-CULTURAL MISSION OF THE ARCHIVES AND NEW STRATEGIES FOR ARCHIVAL MANAGEMENT Maryna Paliienko 5. WHAT DOES IT MEAN “BEING DIGITAL” FOR AN ARCHIVIST IN A SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT? Technological changes bring a new look at the archives and archivists’ competences. As Eric Ketelaar pointed out, for archivists and archival institutions Being Digital means more than “preserving and providing digital documents: it presents a techno-cultural challenge to connect archives with people” (Ketelaar, 2003, p.8). According to the international law, access to information has become a fundamental right of the citizens. Under these conditions archival management is required to reori- ent the activity of archivists from the “record-centered” to the “user-centered” model. In turn, it is forcing archivists to develop new skills and rethink the priorities of their activities. Archival practice is dramatically changed by electronic records, but it remains still relevant to ensure the preservation of documents on paper, parchment, etc. This greatly complicates the task of archivists and the requirements for their qualification. That is why, it is expected that the modern archivist will be skilled in old and new tech- niques. In our opinion, in the conditions of the information environment, the archivist in no case should lose his “professional face”, transforming into information manager or IT specialist. Archivists may stay archivists, but they must acquire new skills, improve their knowledge and competences in information technologies, in communication and mutual understanding with records-keepers and IT specialists. The growth of web access and “e-government”, increasing demands for online records and services require archivists to learn new skills, to protect records from the time of their creation to transmission to archival storages, ensuring their integrity, authenticity and accessibility for state agencies and the public. 6. ARCHIVES ON SOCIAL MEDIA In the information society archival management also must have a social media strategy for archives. In order to promote archives in society archivists should develop a more active approach to social media tools. “The archival space’ which was traditionally limit- ed by rooms and buildings began to expand and build connections in the virtual world. At the turn of the 1990s – 2000s, most of the archival services of economically developed countries launched their websites. The website of Ukrainian archives was launched in December 2000 and since then it has become an important tool for providing connec- tion between archives and society. In the 21st century the Internet made the digital world a perfect forum for archives. Gradually the Internet has created a new memory culture. As a chair of media theories Wolfgang Ernst (Humboldt University, Berlin) noted, today we can talk about “media archivology” (Ernst, 2013, p. 81). Web 2.0 technologies have created new opportunities for interaction with people and began to affect the relationship between archives and civil society, gradually changing the archival thinking, becoming an essential component of its development. They al- lowed users to interact and collaborate with each other through social media dialogue as creators of user-generated content. Social media platforms, such as Twitter or Face- book, creating a “more open space”, have also given archives new opportunities for a wider promotion of their activity, fonds and collections via new tools such as communi- ty sites, blogs, and media sharing, as well as receiving fast feedback from users. 120 SOCIO-CULTURAL MISSION OF THE ARCHIVES AND NEW STRATEGIES FOR ARCHIVAL MANAGEMENT Maryna Paliienko Nowadays it is going on a powerful “conquest” of Internet space by archives, including Ukrainian ones. We completely share the opinion of V. Bezdabko that social network- ing is an integral part of archival management and the information policy of archives (Бездрабко, 2019, 2, p. 55). Seven of the nine central state archives and thirteen regional archives of Ukraine today have accounts in the Facebook network. According to the data published by V. Bezdabko, the largest number of subscribers has the Central State Ar- chives Museum of Arts and Literature of Ukraine (2020) and the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Kyiv (1404) (Бездрабко, 2019, 2, p. 55). Accounts in social media become for archives an important platform for disseminating information about their activities, announcing events, establishing and maintaining a dialogue with users, and ultimately play an important role in popularizing archives, making them “more visible” to the society and creating their positive image in public area. 7. CONCLUSION Archives and management of archives have to become a high-priority part of the state socio-cultural and information policy. Archivists bring significant benefits to society, not only because they preserve historical and cultural heritage, but also bearing in mind that they contribute to the accountability and transparency of the authorities, protect the rights of all citizens. Archival documents should reflect not only the authorities’ activity and history of ruling elites, but the diversity of society. At the same time, it must be understood that archives cannot depict entire life of society, only fragments of life, but in certain order. Conse- quently, the archive is a product of composition that is created as a result of active inter- action between archivists and society, archivists and authorities based on implementa- tion of archival methods, standards, principles and techniques. The role of archivists in appraisal and selection documents for storage remains extreme- ly important. They must ensure the selection and storage of documents reflecting the multitude of life and the development of society in all aspects. Technological innovations will continuously provide challenges in archives’ work and opportunities to improve it. It is worth noting, that the education of archivists today must equip them with profound knowledge of archival methods, principles and tech- niques, vital skills in records management and information technologies; they must also have a good understanding of the processes dealt with the formation of statehood, identity, historical roots of the country and its citizens. Taking into account, that user-orientated concept reflects a significant increase and di- versification of the categories of users of information, touches fundamental principles of archival theory and practice, and requires archivists to develop new strategies and ways of their interaction with the public, giving access to the information in all forms and formats. The vital task for surviving and prosperity of archival institutions lies in understanding their importance by the authorities, appropriate financial support and management, as well as public awareness of their essential role in the development of society, in preser- vation of evidences, social and individual memory, cultural and national heritage. Archives have a symbolic power over remembering the past. Meanwhile, preserving the past archivists also take responsibility for the future. 121SOCIO-CULTURAL MISSION OF THE ARCHIVES AND NEW STRATEGIES FOR ARCHIVAL MANAGEMENT Maryna Paliienko REFERENCES Blouin, F. S. 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Солом’янській, 24 у м. Києві” від 21 листопада 2007 р. (№ 1041-р). Available at https:// (accessed on 10.06.2019) Реконструкція та розвиток комплексу споруд центральних державних архівів України. Availa- ble at (accessed on 10.06.2019) SUMMARY Records and archives are indispensable in human society, not only for efficient manage- ment of states, governments, organizations, but they also play an important role in a life of everyone. The key target of this article is to analyze the socio-cultural mission of archives, their interactions with the authorities, individuals and society, to determine what role plays history, memory, and information technologies in the formation of the current image of archives, and in the end, try to answer the question about the modern society’s expec- tations from the archives as well as archival management’s reactions to society’s need. It is pointed out that institutionally archives established for legal and administrative purposes. They were considered by the authorities as a secure place for storage doc- uments as significant sources of power that had control over them. For a long time ar- chives were seen as the administrative and legal memory of the state, and control of archival records recognised as a meaningful source of power. National archival traditions were based on a country’s individual legal, administrative, cultural developments. However, despite the regional peculiarities, the link between the archives and the state (the authorities) always was extremely powerful. With a sig- nificant increase in the number of documents in the second half of 20th century, the importance and role of archives became more and more visible in the life of society. In the last quarter of the twentieth century the discussion about the philosophy of archives was actualized. Philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, writers offered their look at the archives “from outside the profession”. Maurice Halbwachs, Michel Foucault, Jacques Derri- da, Pierre Nora have stimulated new ways of thinking about archives among archival the- orists in many countries. The debates on social value of archives covered issues of relations between archives and power, archives and society, archives and the policy of memory. 123SOCIO-CULTURAL MISSION OF THE ARCHIVES AND NEW STRATEGIES FOR ARCHIVAL MANAGEMENT Maryna Paliienko Nowadays in the field of archival studies two discourses continue to coexist: so-called “practical” (“it’s all about shelving”) and deeply “philosophical” (that considers the ar- chives as a metaphor). The archivists-practitioners raise a logical question: whether postmodern searches bring something new that changes archival methods and tech- niques? But their opponents argue that the broader multidisciplinary context makes it possible to look at the scope of the profession in a new way. A dramatic increase in the production of documents over the past decades and rapid development of informational technologies, led to an increase in public expectations of the archives. Among the current challenges for archives and archival management it could be pointed out the following: development of a new archival strategy and stra- tegic thinking in a world that is constantly changing; need to provide authenticity of records and their keeping in the digital age; development of a new model for communi- cation between archives and users that satisfy new social requirements. Technological and social changes bring a new look at the archives and archivists’ com- petences. Access to information has become a fundamental right of the citizens. It is forcing archivists to develop new skills and rethink the priorities of their activities. The growth of web access and “e-government”, increasing demands for online records and services require archivists to learn new skills, to protect records from the time of their creation to transmission to archival storages, ensuring their integrity, authenticity and accessibility for state agencies and the public. Web 2.0 technologies have created new opportunities for interaction with people and began to affect the relationship between archives and civil society, gradually chang- ing the archival thinking, becoming an essential component of its development. Social media platforms, such as Twitter or Facebook, creating a “more open space”, have also given archives new opportunities for a wider promotion of their activity, fonds and col- lections via new tools such as community sites, blogs, and media sharing, as well as re- ceiving fast feedback from users. The vital task for surviving and prosperity of archival institutions lies in understanding their importance by the authorities, appropriate financial support and management, as well as public awareness of their essential role in the development of society, in pres- ervation of evidences, social and individual memory, cultural and national heritage. Ar- chives have a symbolic power over remembering the past. Meanwhile, preserving the past archivists also take responsibility for the future. Acceptance date: 11.08.2019 Typology: 1.02 Review Article 124 SOCIO-CULTURAL MISSION OF THE ARCHIVES AND NEW STRATEGIES FOR ARCHIVAL MANAGEMENT Maryna Paliienko