X. ZONG et al.: A STUDY OF THE MICROSTRUCTURES AND PERFORMANCE OF CHROMIUM BORIDE ... 225–229 A STUDY OF THE MICROSTRUCTURES AND PERFORMANCE OF CHROMIUM BORIDE COATINGS ON AISI 52100 STEEL [TUDIJ MIKROSTRUKTUR IN LASTNOSTI KROM-BORIDNIH PREVLEK NA JEKLU AISI 52100 Xiaoming Zong, Wenming Jiang, Zitian Fan Huazhong University of Science and Technology, State Key Lab of Materials Processing and Die & Mould Technology, 1037 Luoyu Road, 430074 Wuhan, China zongxiaoming100@163.com, jwenming@163.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2017-09-19; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2017-10-26 doi:10.17222/mit.2017.151 In the present work thermal reactive diffusion (TRD) coatings of Cr+B were prepared on AISI 52100 steel using a chromizing treatment and a boriding treatment. The microstructures, phase compositions and elemental distributions of the coatings were systematically investigated. In addition, the influence of treatment temperature on the thickness and phase composition of the coating layer was also further determined. The results demonstrated that the phases formed on the steel surface were CrB, Cr7C3 and Fe2B. The higher treatment temperature resulted in a thicker chromium boride coating. The thickness of the chromium boride coatings increased from 48 μm to 272 μm with an increase of the treatment temperature. The boron reacted with the chromium carbide layer formed in the chrominizing stage and then penetrated into the layer to form Fe2B. Keywords: chromium boride coating, AISI 52100 steel, microstructures, Fe2B V pri~ujo~em prispevku avtorji opisujejo Cr+B prevleko na jeklu AISI 52100, pripravljeno z reaktivno termi~no difuzijo (TRD). Za to so uporabili tehniki kromiranja in boriranja. Sistemati~no so preiskovali mikrostrukture, fazno sestavo in porazdelitev elementov prevlek. Nadalje so dolo~ili vpliv temperature obdelave na debelino in fazno sestavo prevleke. Rezultati preiskav so pokazali, da so se na povr{ini jekla tvorile faze CrB, Cr7C3 in Fe2B. Posledica vi{je temperature obdelave je bila debelej{a plast krom-boridne prevleke. S povi{anjem temperature obdelave je debelina krom-boridne prevleke narasla z 48 μm na 272 μm. Element bor je reagiral s krom-karbidno plastjo, tvorjeno v fazi kromiranja in je nato penetriral v plast, da bi se tvoril {e Fe2B. Keywords: krom-boridna prevleka, jeklo AISI 52100, mikrostrukture, Fe2B 1 INTRODUCTION In recent years, various surface-hardening processes have been implemented to modify the performance of metals. Generally, two methods, namely, interstital solid solutions and compounds, are used to improve the surface performance. The former involves the diffusion of small atoms into the metal surface, and the latter utilises the chemical reaction between the diffused atoms and the original metal. Boronizing is a hardening process in which boron atoms are diffused into the surface of the metal creating borides on the original matrix. Therefore, in this process, the diffused atoms have a chemical reaction with the original metal. Boronizing is available for many materials involving ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals and ceramic metals.1 Basically, the thermal diffusion process of boride compounds requires a temperature range from 850 °C to 1050 °C,2–4 and the process can be achieved by three methods that involve solid boriding, liquid boriding and gaseous boriding.5 The most common method is pack boronizing, similar to pack carburizing. In particular, powder-pack boronizing is simple and cost-saving com- pared to the other boronizing processes.6–8 Boron atoms can be easily diffused into ferrous metals due to their relatively small size and high mobility. According to the Fe-B binary phase diagram, a single layer of Fe2B or a double layer both consisting of Fe2B and FeB can be formed at the interface. The single layer (Fe2B) is consi- dered to be a desired phase compared to the double layer because the FeB is more fragile than the Fe2B. Cracks may occur between two layers due to the occurrence of residual stresses induced by different thermal expansion coefficients from different compounds at high tempera- tures.9–11 Chromium is easy to form stable borides, such as CrB. This compound has a high melting temperature, hardness, and wear resistance, like the borides of Zr, Ti, V and other transition metals.12 At present, no literature has reported on metal treatment with Cr followed by boronizing, especially for the AISI 52100 steel. Chro- mium is also a strong CFE (carbide forming element), and chrome carbides can be formed during the treatment of the steel with Cr, which are supposed to impede the diffusion of B when boronizing. Our interest in steel treatment with Cr has been guided by the influence of the properties of the Cr-metallized layer on the next boronizing process. The purpose of this research is to study chromium boride coatings produced by the TRD technique on the AISI 52100 steel samples. The microstructure and Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 2, 225–229 225 UDK 67.017:620.1:669.26:546.271:669.058 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 52(2)225(2018) phases in the chrome boride layer were investigated using an optical microscope, scanning electron micro- scope and X-ray diffraction. In addition, the micro- hardness was also measured to evaluate the performance of the boride layer. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS The used material in the experiments was AISI 52100 steel, and its chemical composition is shown in Table 1. This material is usually known as ball-bearing steel and has a high degree of carbon. At the preparation stage, the samples were cut into a shape with a diameter of 16 mm and a length of 20 mm, and then were ground up to 1000 grit using the emery paper and washed by ultrasonic for 15 min in ethyl alcohol. The chromium carbide coating was prepared on the samples via packing in the box, consisting of ferro-chro- mium, ammonium chloride and NaF at a temperature of 850 °C for 8 h as the first stage of the chromium boro- nizing treatment. Secondly, the pre-chromiumed steel was boronized by packing in the powder including B4C (5 %), KBF4 (5 %) and SiC (90 %) at temperatures of (850, 900, 950 and 1050) °C for 8 h. The samples were directly immersed in the mixing powder in the alumina crucible sealed by an alumina lid. After the treatment, the box was removed at a high temperature and cooled down to room temperature slowly. After the boriding process, all the specimens were pre-heated (650 °C for 20 min), austenitized (840 °C for 20 min, oil quenched), cryogenic treatment (–78 °C for 1h), and low-tempered heat treatment (160 °C for 2h) to produce the desired tempered martensite structure. The metallographic samples were ground with silicon carbide papers up to 2000 grit and then polished, and finally etched with Nital (4 % nitric acid in ethanol). Afterwards, the observation was conducted using an optical microscope (OM, ME F-3) and an SEM (Quanta 400) to investigate the cross-section morphology and the microstructure of the coating. The components of the ceramic layer were studied by employing an EDAX microprobe within the SEM. In addition, a phase anal- ysis was implemented by XRD (Rigaku, D-Max diffrac- tometer) with 2 varying from 20° to 90°. In order to further evaluate the performance of the samples, the microhardness depth profile was measured with a Vickers indenter. The test instrument was a DHV-1000, and the parameters were respectively 1.961 N load and 15 s loading time. For each specimen, the average hardness value was acquired and the depth of the indentation print was checked from three measurements to avoid the substrate effect. The surface roughness was also measured using a contact profilometer (XM200). 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Chromium carbide coating on AISI52100 steel The SEM micrograph of chromium-carbide-coated AISI52100 steel at 850 °C for 8 h is shown in Figure 1a. As seen from Figure 1a, it is obvious that the chromium carbide coating is formed on the surface of the AISI52100 steel, which has a smooth and flat morpho- logy. A sharp interface zone is detected between the chromium carbide coating and the substrate, which in- cludes the chromium carbide layer and the steel matrix. It also reveals that a chromium carbide coating with a uniform thickness is formed on the surface of the AISI52100 steel all over the treated samples. The element distribution at the interface is shown in Figure 1b. As can be seen from the EDAX profiles, it is clear that the Cr content decreases gradually while the Fe content increases continually from the surface to the matrix, which suggests that the interdiffusion between the Cr and the Fe occurs near the interface of the matrix. Actually, the iron content increases slowly, moving from X. ZONG et al.: A STUDY OF THE MICROSTRUCTURES AND PERFORMANCE OF CHROMIUM BORIDE ... 226 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 2, 225–229 Figure 1: Fracture cross-section SEM image of the experimental spe- cimen: a) micrograph of a cross-section, b) EDAX line scan analysis across the chromium carbide layer Table 1: The chemical composition of the substrate, in mass fractions (w/%) Steel C Cr Ni Si Mn Mo S P Fe AISI52100 0.95 1.45 0.107 0.194 0.318 0.014 0.076 0.0143 balance the surface to the core of the sample, and the iron and the chromium have a wide coexistence zone. These obser- vations are in agreement with the result of X. S. Fan et al.,13 and the effect may be attributed to the relatively high (compared with other carbide forming elements, such as V) solubility product of chromium and carbon in austenite at the TRD temperature. This phenomenon especially occurred during the first period of the TRD process (prior to the ceramic coating formation). Subse- quently, during the cooling process, chromium preci- pitated as a carbide because of the decreased solubility product. In this study, chromium carbides were further iden- tified using XRD analysis in Figure 2. In general, chro- mium carbide compounds, which form on the surface, may include Cr7C3 and Cr3C2 compounds. However, only X. ZONG et al.: A STUDY OF THE MICROSTRUCTURES AND PERFORMANCE OF CHROMIUM BORIDE ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 2, 225–229 227 Figure 6: The SEM results of chromium boride layers: a) SEM image of chromium boride layers, b) EDAX line scan analysis across the chromium carbide layer, c) A composition, d) B composition, e) C composition, f) D composition Figure 3: The microhardness curve of the specimen from the surface to the core Figure 5: XRD patterns of chromium boride layer produced at 950 °C for 8 h Figure 4: Optical micrographs of the cross-section of chromium boride layers at different exposure temperatures: a) 850 °C, b) 900 °C, c) 950 °C, d) 1050 °C Figure 2: XRD patterns of the chromium carbide layer produced at 850 °C on AISI 52100 steel the Cr7C3 compound is detected in the present experi- ment. The reason is that it is short of carbon phases, comparing with a lot of reactive chromiums during the process of chromizing. Therefore, it can be concluded that the reaction is mainly controlled by the diffusion of the carbon element. The thickness value of the chromium carbide layer formed on the substrate is about 7.3 μm. Figure 3 shows the microhardness curve of the specimen from the sur- face chromium coating to the substrate. As can be seen, the hardness distribution from the surface to the substrate gradually varies. The average microhardness of the outer layer is 1775±45 HV after the chromium treatment, which is much higher than that of the substrates (723HV). The presence of hard Cr7C3 and (Cr, Fe)7C3 phases in the coating layer can provide an extremely hard surface. During thermo-reactive diffusion chro- mium carbide treatments, a high hardness is easily achieved by means of the formation of transition metal carbides during the treatment. 3.2 Chromium boride coating on AISI52100 steel Figure 4 shows the cross-section of optical micro- graphs of chromium boride layer of AISI 52100 steel at (850, 900, 950 and 1050) °C. It can be seen that the diffusion layer becomes thick and the microstructure differs from that of Cr-treated steel after the boronizing. The coating-substrate interface reveals the saw-tooth morphology in all test series, indicating that boron can diffuse through the chromium carbon layer to form boron-iron compounds. The coating layer consists of four different parts: (a) a chromium boride layer on the surface of the coated steel, (b) an iron boride layer under the chromium boride layer, (c) the zone where borides occurred at the grain boundaries and (d) a matrix without being affected by boron. As shown in Figure 5, the XRD analysis indicates that the layer on the coated steel samples involves CrB, Cr7C3 and Fe2B. Figure 6 demonstrates the SEM micrograph and EDAX patterns of the chromium boride layer produced at 900 °C for 8 h on AISI 52100 steel. As can be seen, the contents of chromium and carbide elements are quite high, and the boron element also concentrates on the surface ranging from 0 μm to 8 μm. However, it can also be seen that the contents of chromium and carbide ele- ments are low, and the iron element has an evident increase on the surface, varying from 8 μm to 70 μm. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy point analysis (Figure 6c to 6f) shows that the layer on the surface of the coated steel is rich in chromium, and the component of CrB compounds is identified by the XRD analysis. This is because the chromium has a lower diffusivity in the matrix. Compared with Cr, the B element has a small atomic radius so that the B element reacts with other elements and diffuses through the chromium carbide layer to form the compound of Fe2B with iron. The chromium and carbide have a low solubility in Fe2B, so they mainly concentrate in the surface layer. Cr is an intensive carbide-forming element, thus it can easily form chrome carbides rather than conducting the diffusion of B when treating the steel with Cr. Due to depressing the boron potential at the surface, the generated iron borides are mainly Fe2B composites which have a better combination property than FeB. The thickness of the chromium boride layers, ranging from 48 μm to 272 μm, depends on the treatment tem- perature (Figure 7). The higher the treatment tempera- X. ZONG et al.: A STUDY OF THE MICROSTRUCTURES AND PERFORMANCE OF CHROMIUM BORIDE ... 228 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 2, 225–229 Figure 8: The hardness curves of specimens against depth at (850, 900, 950 and 1050) °C Figure 7: The thickness value of chromium boride layers with respect to the test temperature Table 2: The surface roughness of untreated, chromium-treated and chromium-boride-treated 52100 steel Surface roughness Untreated Cr-treated Chromium boride treated Ra (μm) 0.193 0.231 850 °C 900 °C 950 °C 1050 °C 0.256 0.263 0.278 0.322 ture is, the thicker the chromium boride layer is. During the TRD boriding process, some factors influence the coating-layer thickness, including the bath composition, substrate, treatment time and temperature.14 Figure 8 shows the micro-hardness distribution from the surface to the substrate. It can be seen from Figure 8 that the hardness of the layer decreases from the surface to the interior at all treatment temperatures. The hardness of the surface layer decreases with increasing treatment temperature. It is mainly because the diffusion ability of B increases with increasing the treatment temperature. In addition, the pores in the surface increase, which leads to a decrease of the layer density so as to affect the hard- ness of the layer. The hardness of the chromium boride layers, ranging from 1850 HV to 2130 HV, depends on the treatment temperature Table 2 gives the surface roughness of the AISI 52100 at different heat-treatment conditions. It can be seen from Table 2, the surface roughness increases from 0.193 μm to 0.231 μm after chromium treatment, which indicates that the surface roughness increases ranging from 0.256 μm to 0.322 μm with increasing the tempe- rature, due to the presence of the pores on the surface. In most cases, an increase in the pores often results in a decrease of the density, which affects the surface roughness of the layer. 4 CONCLUSIONS A qualitative research was conducted to understand the chromium boride coatings on AISI 52100 steel. Major findings are shown as follows: 1) Chromium boride coatings were successfully pro- duced by the TRD technique on the AISI 52100 steel sample. The coating layer presented the saw-tooth morphology. 2) The boron element reacted with the chromium car- bide layer formed in chrominzing stage and then penetrated into the layer to form Fe2B. XRD analyses verified that the chrome boride layer consisted of Cr7C3, CrB and Fe2B phases. 3) The formation of chromium borides increased the surface hardness of Cr-treated AISI52100 steel. The hardness of boride layer on the Cr-treated AISI52100 steel varied from 1850 to 2130HV. 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