Darier's disease in Slovenia Darier's d-isease in SWVenia J. Miljkovič, N. Kecelj, V Balkovec, M. Penko andA. Kansky ABS TRACT Background. Dyskeratosis tollicularis (Darier-White, morbus Darier, MD) is an autosomal dominant skin disorder characterized by warty papules and plaques primarily in seborrheic areas, palmo-plantar pits and nail abnormalities. Our purpose was to collect the intormation on the prevalence ot patients affected with MD in Slovenia. Materials and methods. Records from Departments ot dermatology in Slovenia were studied and new cases were registered. Clinical symptoms and other relevant data from 27 patients who had followed our invitation tora re-examination were collected in special questionnaires. Results. Altogether 44 patients were recorded, 20 were males and 24 temales. Taking into account that the Slovenian population amounts to roughly 2 million, this would give a prevalence ot 2.2/100 000. Altogether 27 patients followed the invitation tora re-examination. Greasy papules were expressed in all the patients, nail involvement ranked second with 89%. Trunk and limbs were involved in 89% ot patients and the face in 89%. The onset of the disease was in the majority ot cases in the second decade ot lite, in all patients the symptoms appeared betore the age ot forty. Conclusion. The prevalence of this condition is similar to that in England, Denmark and Croatia. Introduction Dyskeratosis follocularis (Darier-White disease, mor- bus Darier, MD) is an autosomal dominant skin disorder characterized by warty papules and plaques primarily in seborrheic areas, palmo-plantar pits and nail abnor- malities. The prevalence of the disease has been esti- mated at 1.8/100 000 inhabitants from Central England (1), 2.8/100 000 from Northeast England (2) , 1/ 100 000 from Denmark (3) , 1.3/100 000 from Croatia (4). We know from previous studies , that certain geno- dermatoses are quite frequent in Slovenia: e.g. palmo- plantar keratoderma (5,6, 7), epiclermolysis bu llosa hereclitaria, erythropoetic protoporphyria and others. Our purpose was to collect the information on the prevalence of patients affected with MD in Slovenia. Clini c al study 10 - - ----- - -------- - - - ---------- - - - Acta Dermatoven APA Vol 9, 2000, No 1 Clinical study Darier's disease in Slovenia Table 1. Darier's disease in Slovenia: symptoms investigated in 27 patients. follicular and extrafollicular greasy, keratotic papules 27 100 hypertrophic plaques 12 44 erosions 8 30 leukoderma 4 15 scales on the scalp 11 41 punktiform keratoses on the palms and soles 3 11 broken papilla1y lines 3 11 plane papules on the back of the hands and feet 12 45 white "cobblestone" papules of the mucous membranes in the oral cavity 3 11 white longitudinal bands on the nail plate red longitudinal bands on the nail plate v-shaped nick at the free margin of the nail subungual keratoses fragility of the nails Material and methods In order to obtain the data on MD patients in Slovenia records were studied in the Departments of Dermato- venereology in Ljubljana, Maribor, Celje and Novo Mesto. New cases were also registered; thus a 30-years- period was covered. The diagnosis was established by clinical observation and patients' histories , in 24 cases a skin biopsy was performed. For families w ith two or more affected members pedigrees were prepared. Symptoms and other relevant data from 27 patients who had followed our invitation for a re-examination were collected in specially prepared questionnaires and analyzed. Results Altogether 44 patients were recorded, 20 males and 24 females. Taking into account that the Slovenian population amounts to roughly 2 million, this would _give a prevalence of 2.2/ 100 000. The 27 personally observed patients were from 15 to 72 years old ancl belongecl to 21 families, 10 ofthem were isolatecl cases. There were four Slovene families with two cases; three families with three cases, one fa- mily with four cases ancl two families with five cases of MD (Fig. 1). Ali examinecl patients had typical clinical symptoms: follicular and extrafollicular greasy, keratotic papules, half ofthem also hypertrophic plaques. Other symptoms observed were: sca les on the scalp; plane papules on the back of the hands and feet; white or red longitudinal bands of the nail p late with V shaped notches at the free edge, indicating a fragility of the nails. Only a mino- 17 63 9 33 6 22 6 22 14 52 rity of patients observecl had white »cobblestone« papu- les of the mucous membranes in the oral cavity. The symptoms recorcled in the 27 patients who followed our invitation for a re-examination are presentecl in Table l. Preclilection sites were the neck, trunk, nails, face, limbs, scalp and scalp margins and back of hancls (Table 2). Almost half of patients complainecl of itching and deterioration, if exposed to sunshine. The onset of MD in our patients occurrecl before the fourth decade . In the half of the patients skin symptoms appearecl in the second clecacle of life. Only in two patients the onset of MD was during the first year of life, in one in the 5th year, in two in the 9th year, Table 2 . Darier's disease in Slovenia: predilection sites investigated in 27 patients. face 17 63 neck 24 89 trunk 24 89 limbs 14 52 axillae 7 26 groins 3 11 anogenital region 3 11 scalp and scalp margins 16 59 palms 9 33 soles 4 15 back of the hands 13 48 back of the feet 7 26 buccal mucosa 4 15 nails 24 89 clavicular region 6 22 Acta Dermatoven APA Vol 9, 2000, No 1 11 Clinical study while in two of them the disease cleveloped after 40 years. We also triecl to evaluate the eclucation leve! of our patients; 20 of them (75%) finished only the prima1y school or a vocational school, 2 of them (7%) gracluatecl from a seconclaiy school, 2 of them (7%) finishecl coli ege of further eclucation, while three are still attencling the school: one a prima1y school, the seconcl one a secon- clary school ancl the thircl one a college of further eclucation (Graph 1). We also observed an impairment of memory and concentration with the majority of our patients, though in two of them serious symptoms were expressed: one of them hacl epilepsy ancl a seconcl paresthesia. Involvement of the skin was relatively mile! in 18 patients (66%), severe in 8 patients (30%) ancl very severe in one C 4%). Approximately 37% of ali observed patients, mostly with a severe form of the clisease, were treated with synthetic retinoicls orally. Discussion Our results show a relatively high prevalence of MD in Slovenia. Compared with data on occurrence of MD in Croatia, Denmark and Englancl, the prevalence was higher only in Northeastern Englancl (1-4). MD is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait with variable penetrance ancl expressivity (8). We examinecl eleven families with more than two affectecl members. 10 sporaclic cases, whose parents are normal, probably represent new mutations, but other possibilities must also be considerecl: penetrance might be incomplete, not recognizecl ve1y mile! symptoms in parents as well as 11011-paternity (9). Various groups of researchers triecl to cletect the genetic clefect in MD; clesmoglein, clesmocollin, clesmo- plakin ancl other components of the desmosome were incriminatecl (10-13). An abnormality in the desmosome -keratin filament interaction appears to be responsible for the breakclown of celi adhesion. The histopatho- logical characteristics of MD are suprabasal clefting (lacunae) in-between suprabasal epidermal cells (acan- tholysis) and abnormal keratinization (dyskeratosis) with rouncl dyskeratotic cells (corps ronds). Insicle the lacunae there are single as well as small groups of epi- clermal cells (acantholytic cells) (8,14,15). The inter- cellular spaces between the prickle cells adjacent to lacunae are wiclened and the number of desmosomes is reduced. Electron microscopy also revealecl loss of desmosomal attachments, perinuclear aggregations of keratin filaments ancl cytoplasmic vacuolisation (16-18). This data suggest that molecules, which mediate adhesion between keratinocytes might be involved in the loss of celi-celi aclhesion in the epidermis. Desmo- somes are the prime celi-celi adhesion junctions in the epidermis and are composecl of various components, 12 Darier's disease in Slovenia Darier's disease in Slovenia: educational leve! in 27 patients 11% ~ primary school lwl vocational school tffill secondary school lwl college 42% mm attend the school Graph 1 . Darier's disease in Slovenia: educational leve! in 27 patients. e.g.: desmosomal transmembrane proteins (desmo- gleins and desmocollins), desmosomal plaque proteins (desmoplakin, envoplakin ancl plakoglobulin) and plaque-associated proteins such as plakophilin I (19- 21). Desmosomes interfere with the keratin intermediate filaments network in cytosol. In 1993 two British group excluded linkage of MD to any of the desmosomal genes mapped on chromosome 18 and to the type II keratin cluster at the chromosomal region 12qll-q13 (22,23). The clefective gene probably regulates the expression of certain adhesion molecule. New c!ata concerning the pathogenesis were publi- Graph 2. Darier's disease: age at onset in different countries. Darier's disease: age at onset in different countries 70 60- 50 >?. o s, 40 - 'O !!l. a;· 30 ::, ur 20 10 - o 1-1 O 11-20 21-30 years >30 • SLOVENJA (S) ITI CROATIA (C) lilil ENGLAND (E) • DENMARK (D) Acta Dermatoven APA Vol 9, 2000, No 1 Darier's disease in Slovenia Family l. M l. II. Family 2. l. + II. III. Family 4. l. II. III. IV. + Clinical study Family 3. l. + II. + III. Family 5. I. II. III. IV. Family 6. I. Figure 1. Pedigrees of six families with morbus Darier including three or more involved persons. 14 Acta Dermatoven APA Vol 9, 2000, No 1 Clinical study shed by Sakuntabhai et al. who iclentified mutations in the ATP2A2 gene, which encodes the sarco/endoplas- mic reticulum Ca2•-ATPase isoform 2 (SERCA2) ancl is highly notable in keratinocytes (24). ATP2A2 gene is located on chromosome 12q23-24.1. SERCA2 is a Ca2• pump that bas a pivotal role in intracellular Ca2• signa- lling ancl maintaining low cytosolic Ca2• concentration. ATP2A2 gene mutation coulcl be responsible for MD because cytosolic Ca 2• is known to have a role in the development of epithelial junctions and in regulating cel! differentiation. Mutation in ATP2A2 gene disrupts important domains of the molecule and is likely to result in complete or partial loss of function of the SERCA2 mutated pumps. Clinical symptoms of MD vary, they may be minimal or severe with widespreacl itchy malodorous crusted plaques, painful erosions, blistering and mucosal lesions (25). The majority of patients have rather mild clinical symptoms. We found some similar reports in literature: according to Burge and Wilkinson (25) the chest, the back, the forehead and the supraclavicular fossae were involved in more than 80% of cases under observation. The nail involvement was observed in over 90% of English and in 71 % of Croatian patients (24). Lesions of oral mucosa and neuropsychiatric abnormalities were relatively rare in our patients ancl also in other stuclies : according to Burge ancl Wilkinson in 15% of patients and in Croatian patients in 18 %. Many of our patients complained about disturbance of concentration and of an impairecl memory. The majority of them finished only the primary school or a professional school. All these data suggest that in the majority of patients w ith MD a miki mental retardation exist. Munro (2) believes that the observation of a frequent mental subnormality in patients with MD in Denmark could indicate that additional genes are involved in cases observed in that count1y. Sunlight, heat, sweating and poor personal hygiene exacerbated the disease in the majority of our patients, whereas on the contra1y psychic stress, various infec- tions, operations and pregnancy usually did not affect 1:-, " 'I . ··1 .... . "'I . y "°'! ........ . n.B.;J, .b.H L N ChS Darier's disease in Slovenia their condition. Sunlight has been mentioned as an exa- cerbating factor in 58% by British and in 89% by Croatian patients (25). At the onset of the disease the age in our patients was under forty, while in half of the cases clinical symptoms appeared in the second decade. There are similar reports from other countries (Graph 2). Burge and Wilkinson (26) mentioned that in their study the peak of onset of MD occurred between the ages of 11 and 15. Sokol and Kansky ( 4) reported in their 28 cases two peaks of onset, namely in the age group 5 to 9 and in 20 to 24 years. We stili do not have an ideal method for treatment of MD (24). First of all, the patient should eliminate all the triggering factors and maintain a regular personal hygiene. For mild forms of MD simple emollients are usually sufficient. Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen, topical application of tretinoin gel, calcipotriol or 5- fluorouracil can be used successfully on 11011-i.rritated skin. Corticosteroid creams and ointments are necessary during periods of irritated skin. For the patients with a severe form of the d isease systemic retinoids are recommended. The patients with severe form of disease in our study were treated with synthetic retinoids orally, at least for the first couple of months. One patient with a very severe form of disease who is being treated with synthetic retinoids for over 1 O years does not exhibit serious side effects. It is interesting that in certain genodermatoses the symptoms become notable only at a later stage of the disease. This is also a reason to search for a sensitive and specific diagnostic method for an early diagnosis of MD. The replacement of mutated genes that are responsible for MD, may be a solution of this problem in the future. 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Dermatovenereology, Maribor Teaching Hospital, Ljubljanska 5, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia NadaKecelj MD, Dpt. Dermatovenereology, University Clinical Centre, Zaloška 2, 1525 Ljubljana, Slovenia ValerijaBallwvecMD, Dpt. Dermatovenereology, GeneralHospital, Šmihelska 1, 8000 Novo mesto Marta Penko MD, Director Dpt. Dermatovenereology, University Clinical Centre, Zaloška 2, 1525 Ljubljana, Slovenia Aleksey J{ansky MD, PhD, projessor oj dermatovenereology, corresponding author, same address 17