Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! Serving American Slovenians for 110 years American Home Ameriška Domovina* SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Vol. 110, No. 8 USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 24, 2008 Phone:(216)431-0628 Cl nn E-mail: ahp@buckeveweb.net ^ St. Vitus CityMusic Concert Dedicated to Veterans Feb. 2, 2008 - Waiting on a cold Saturday afternoon for the 5 p.m. Mass at St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) to be celebrated by Cleveland Bishop Richard Lennon on the occasion of the church s 50 anniversary celebration of the present church building, are left to right Ursula Štepec, Metka Dejak, Dan Štepec, Mollie Jurecic, Mary Celestina. -----—------—---- ---------------- (Photo by PHIL HRVATIN) Slovenia Hits High as Head of EU St. Vitus parish will host the fourth concert of City-Music Cleveland on Wednesday, May 7 at 7 p.m. in St. Vitus Church, 6019 Lausche Avenue, Cleveland. The concert is free admission with good-will offerings accepted. There will be light food and refreshments provided after the concert in the parish auditorium. Secured parking. The concert will honor deceased and living U.S. Veterans and those of Slovenian descent who died during and after World War II. CityMusic Cleveland is a professional chamber orchestra based in Northeast Ohio consisting of approximately 32 musicians. Music director is James Gaffigin. The May 7 concert will feature and highlight acclaimed violinist Jennifer Koh and will conclude the 2007-2008 concert season of City Music Cleveland at St. Vitus. The fourth concert is titled “Revolutionary Music," featuring music by composers who revolutionized form or function in music writing. The program will include music by Antonio Vivaldi (“Sinfonia ‘Al sancto sepul-cro ), Gyorgy Ligeti (Violin Concerto), Charles Ives (“The Unanswered Question "), and Ludwig van Beethoven (Symphony No. 1). Jennifer Kob won the International Tchaikovsky Competition at age 17. She was then graduated from Oberlin College pursuing studies in violin and English literature. She also studied at the Curtis Institute. Jennifer has an international reputation as recitalist, symphonic soloist, and chamber musician: a known “risk-taker” who is a “high-octane player, just grabbing you by the ears and not letting go.” There will be a free art exhibit after the concert in the parish auditorium featuring watercolors for viewing and for sale by Plein Air Painters of Cleveland. Adults, young and old, as well as families with children are most welcome. These concerts at St. Vitus Parish have been made possible through generous support of grants provided by Brown Foundation, City of Cleveland, Councilman Joseph M. Cimperman, Ward 3, The Eva L. and Joseph M. Bruening Foundation, KSKJ Cultural Grant, KSKJ Home Office, KSKJ Matching Grant Program, Neighborhood Connections (The Cleveland Foundation), St. Anne Lodge #4 AMLA, St. Joseph 169 KSKJ Foundation, and operational support of St. Vitus Parish. by H.E. Samuel Žbogar Ambassador of Slovenia to the United States Most of you remember the 1990s when Slovenia started its historic journey to the West. Then, very little was certain, except for the determination of the Slovenian citizens to create an independent country based on democracy, human rights and other values of the western civilization. Since then, Slovenia has traveled a long way. It became a member of the United Nations in 1992. In 1999 Bill Clinton was the first American President to visit Slovenia, and in 2001 Presidents George W. Bush and Vladimir Putin chose Slovenia as the place where they would first meet. In 2004 Slovenia became a member of the European Union (EU) and NATO, in 2005 it chaired the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, and in 2007 it adopted the common European currency and joined the European border-free area. However, the peak of Slovenia’s success is certainly the assumption of the rotating Presidency of the European Union on January 1, 2008 as the first of the 12 EU newcomers. Our relatively small Alpine state is now in charge of the Union of 27 states. For six months, 2 million Slovenians will be providing guidance to 500 million Europeans. This is a historic achievement, recognition and honor for a country that, only 17 years ago, used to be considered part of a problem. Today the Presidency of one of the most exclusive clubs in the world makes Slovenia part of the solution. * * * Let me briefly explain the essence of the EU Presidency. From January 1 to June 30, 2008, Slovenia will chair one of the three main EU institutions, namely the Council of the European Union. Also known as the Council of Ministers, this body is composed of the ministers of all the EU member states. In addition to chairing the Council of the EU, Slovenia will also chair the European Council, which brings together Heads of State four times a year. The European Council is the highest decision-making body in the European Union. In the case of Slovenia, the European Council will be chaired by Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša. Besides chairing both Councils, the presiding state represents the Union in relation to foreign countries. Since most of the power in the EU is concentrated in the Council of Ministers and the European Council, the chairmanship of these two bodies is regularly called the Presidency of the European Union. * * * To give you a better idea of the EU’s organization structure, let’s compare it to the U.S. Government. Structurally, but not in terms of power, the Council of the EU could be compared to the U.S. Senate, where every state, no matter how large or small, has an equal number of representatives. The role of the Council is to pass EU legislation. The Council shares its legislative role with the European Parliament. The latter offers each member state the number of representatives according to the size of each state’s population, ranging from five to 99, thus making it similar to the U.S. House of Representatives. The third main EU institution is the European Commission, the executive body of the EU, which could be compared to the U.S. Administration. * * * During the six months, Slovenia will become the face and voice of the EU. Coordination of EU foreign policy will entangle our country in international issues ranging from Middle East and Iran to Darfur and Kosovo. Based on its geographical position and historical links, Slovenia decided to use its six months at the helm of the EU to bring the focus of the EU to the Western Balkans. Slovenia believes that the Jennifer Koh 019*oo9***««*» ********1 MARIAN MCMAHON 3933 OHIO ST PERRY OH 44081-9552 *5-DIOIT 44081 (Continued on page 10) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 24, 2008 2 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike: $35 letno Kanada - $3.00 na izvod po redni pošti (ZD valuta) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (ZD valuta) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $35 per year Canada: $3 per issue in U.S. currency (1st class mail) Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published twice a month for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 8 April 24, 2008 ‘Slovenian Exodus’ book featured at St. Mary talk Beyond Easter - Divine Mercy Slovenian-American Congress invites all Slovenians in greater Cleveland to join us for the introduction of the book, “Slovenian Exodus 1945” by Dr. Jože Rant on Friday, April 25 in St. Mary (Holmes Ave.) parish hall at 7 p.m. Dr. Joze Rant has for many years gathered material about Slovenian refugees and the reasons for their anti-Communist fight during the Second World War. The key question: “Why did my parents and grandparents, sometimes even great-grandparents, have to leave their homeland in Slovenia in 1945?” is of paramount importance. Within this question the children of the refugees seek answers in their quests for their roots and history of the Slovenian nation. With this question Dr. Rant began in 2004 to write the book in the Slovenian language: Slovenski eksodus leta 1945 (Slovenian Exodus 1945). There is only one answer to the question: If they would not have moved across the border, they would have been mostly killed, as Dr. Rant writes in his book. Stated also are other questions, the whole length of the first chapter, where Dr. Rant tries to clarify the cause and effects of the anti-Communist resistance, decisions of individual organizations and parties, justification of self-defense and the Vetrinje tragedy. The remaining chapters present the history of Slovenian people and political arrangements before the Second World War, time during the war and organizational works along with differential views of individual ideas and convictions. The contents of the book give good insight into how Slovenians viewed the fight against the Fascist and Nacist occupiers on one hand, and the fight against the revolution and Communist with terror during the war within Slovenian borders on the other hand. The book in the Slovenian language was issued last year and can be purchased at Slovenska pisarna on Lausche Ave., in Cleveland. With this translation, the Slovenian American Congress is making available to our children and grandchildren, whose Slovenian language is no longer their primary speech, as well as all those who do not speak it -even the non-Slovenians who are interested in the history of the Slovenian people, - a valuable and easily comprehensive background account of one of the most tragic stories in the history of the Slovenian nation. The book will be introduced by the translator Jerry Zupan. Other speakers will also be present. --Mara Cerar Hull Our life’s journey is filled with hills, valleys, and detours - times of bright sunshine and painful empty darkness. Life is an ocean of mysteries. Everything in God’s creation is emerged in mystery. Mystery is a glory of our Creator. In faith, we see the hand of God calling us to a new life - and a renewed life. Faith is the willingness to accept the truth about ourselves, and to be happy is to be a giving person. Internalize your faith, and make it happen. The presence of the Risen Jesus fills us with grace and hope. His Resurrection opened the door for us to eternal dimensions. Just as Jesus embraced his cross. He is calling us to accept our crosses and not to run away from them. Christianity is a religion of the cross. The cross is counter cultural in our age, but when we embrace the cross, it is a gateway to spiritual freedom and joy. If you are filled with Christ you radiate Christ. The culture of the Eucharist is the culture of surrender to God’s will. Jesus Christ is our candle of hope and prayer is the basis of hope. Our hope is in the Lord, who made heaven and earth. Faith is God’s best gift to us and it is up to us to integrate this faith into the best years of our life. When we love God more, and we are more faithful to Him, our life reveals our trust in Him. God reveals Himself to us because He loves us. In response we thank Jesus for that love. We thank you Jesus for your presence, for our families, friends and for all your abundant blessings, seen and unseen. We appreciate all your gifts, but especially the sacraments. All time belongs to God. Am I giving 100% back? What percent am I giving? Am I only giving a small portion? The Church is there to guide, to protect and to teach, to mature, and to love one another. It is God’s grace that makes the difference. May I become the symbol of Christ that brings the light to the world? Together our responsibility is to make this world a better place. In recent years we have heard a lot about Divine Mercy. We celebrated this feast the Sunday after Easter. Mercy of God is made manifest in Jesus Christ. If we concentrate on the light, we will be absorbed into the light, because the light is Christ. His light shines in the darkness. Trust in the Love of God. Don’t be afraid to witness for Christ, do something for the world. Eucharistic adoration is a powerful tool to bring people back to the life of the Church. If we desire abundant graces, it is important to make visits to the Eucharistic altar. The Divine Mercy Program and Spiritual Formation Cenacle are spreading throughout our country. A Divine Mercy Cenacle is a group of people who meet weekly for song, prayer, and discussion on Scripture and the writings of St. Maria Faustina, as a small Christian community. The revelations given to St. Maria Faustina are excellent for spiritual growth and also give a deeper appreciation of our merciful Lord. The Divine Sunday Devotions are also growing in some parishes. Many cenacles of Divine Mercy have been formed worldwide with the goal to delve deeply into the mystery of God’s mercy and increasing the awareness of the message that Divine Mercy needs to be lived daily, and allowing us all to be more Christ-like. —Sophie Kosem Cleveland SWU Lodge 25 News Belated Easter blessings from all members of Slovenian Women’s Union Lodge No. 25. It’s been a long time since we got together. Our Board members are all out of commission. Josie Perpar passed away, Fran Gazvoda has been ailing for quite some time. Albina Pozelnik also passed away recently. We need a new Board if we plan to continue #25 in existence. Let’s get together and plan. Call Emilee Jenko (216)261-3427. Be prepared to offer suggestions for a rebirth of SWUA #25. Am anxiously awaiting for your responses. —Emilee Jenko The two most important things in life are good friends and a strong bullpen. -Bob Lemon 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina “Thoughts of a (Slovenian) Retiree’s Mind” (Forwarded by a friend, author unknown) ❖ “I planted some bird seed. A bird came up. Now I don’t know what to feed it. ❖ I had amnesia once...or twice... ♦> I went to San Francisco. I found someone’s heart. Now what? ❖ Protons have mass? I didn’t know they were Catholic. ❖ All I ask is a chance to prove that money can’t make me happy. ♦> If the world were a logical place, men would be the ones who ride horses sidesaddle. ❖ What is a ‘free’ gift? Aren’t all gifts free? ❖ They told me I was gullible and I believed them. ♦> Teach a child to be polite and courteous in the home and, when he grows up, he’ll never be able to merge his car onto a freeway. ❖ Experience is the thing you have left when everything else is gone. ❖ One nice thing about egotists: they don’t talk about other people. ♦> My weight is perfect for my height.. .which varies. ❖ I used to be indecisive. Now, I’m not sure. ❖ The cost of living hasn’t affected its popularity. ❖ How can there be self-help ‘groups’? ❖ If swimming is so good for your figure, how do you explain whales? ❖ Show me a man with both feet on the ground and I’ll show you a man who can’t get his pants off. ❖ Is it me.. .or do buffalo wings taste like chicken? This and that from Emilee St. Ann’s Lodge No. 4 AMLA elected a new secretary, Louis Zigmund. We will miss recently deceased Lil Novak who was a devoted, loyal, and very hardworking person. Lou was elected unanimously. A great selection and a very active and loyal member. On T.P.’s program April 3rd I listened to the Wojtila group and their Broadway tunes, featuring Christine Mihelich Hibbs rocking away on “Give My Regards to Broadway.” Met a lady at CVS who is on my list of donors for the heart fund which I do the collecting. Milena Dovic, a lovely lady who recognized me from my column in the American Home. She was so gracious and complimentary. Thank you. We had a pleasant conversation. Nice to se my donors in person. Get well wishes to Ivanka Stupica who is in rehab at Euclid Hospital after an auto accident. Speedy recovery and God be with you. May birthday celebrants: Mimi Stibil, Ray Novak, Marie Orazem, Dale Bucar, John Clayton, Suzanne Riddle who resides in Washington State, Shelli March, Gladys Luzar resides in Venice, FL, Betty Kazen, Sophie Krane who is in Arizona. May wedding anniversaries: Ken and Anne Tomsick, Joe and Nora Cimperman. Much happiness to all the May celebrants. Živio. Just received a call from Elsie Zalar who is home from a rehab session at Wickliffe Country Place. She is glad to be home. We all wish her well and hope to see her real soon. To the family of Jean (Skander) Zupančič who passed away in April: Our deepest sympathies. Rest in peace. Dennis Sušnik also passed away in April. Well known on St. Clair and St. Vitus area. Condolences to family. Jean Križman passed away in April. Well known personality in the Slovenian circle of cultural affairs. Mass was said at St. Noel’s Church. Arrangements by Zele Funeral Home. Keep her in your prayers. Lou Trebar, well known Slovenian musician is a patient at Richmond Heights Hospital. Cheer him up with a card of good wishes. Speedy recovery, Lou. FYI. Azman Meats on E. 185 Street is well and happy and continues to operate. Bill Azman is happy to accommodate your taste buds with delicious sausages, želodec and anything that suits your fancy in the meat case. Stop in and say hello. Have you purchased your Zarja concert tickets? I’ll be in the audience. It will be a gala performance. Condolences to the family of Dr. Lawrence Ogrinc who passed away this past week. Rest in peace. Eleanor Stupar passed away this past month. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers. God bless. Happy Birthday wishes to Clara Abriani from Ray Yartz and all the St. Vitus Catholic Vets, Post 1655. Congratulations. Well known personality on St. Clair Avenue is having a birthday this month. Best wishes to Nancy Slapnik from husband Don, daughter, Shelli, and husband Bob March, and from a distance granddaughter Lisa and hubby, Frank, and all your friends on St. Clair. Živio. Important Dates to Remember... CityMusic of Cleveland at St. Vitus Church May 7 at 7 p.m. The St. Clair Pensioners will be off to gamble at Seneca Allegheny on May 12. Potluck and bingo Slovenian American National Art Guild get together May 12. St. Anne’s AMLA meeting May 14. Note the change. Quick Pick raffle St. Clair Pensioners May 15. Spaghetti dinner at Slovenian National Home, $5 May 18 from 11 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. Gaspari raffle at 1:45. Take a peek at parking lot. Slovene Home for the Aged annual meeting 6 p.m. on May 16. Until we meet again I will leave you with this thought: Before receiving, there must be giving. Thinking of you, Doris Sadar, Gene Drobnič and daughter Lois Ann, Dorothy Urbancich, and Pauline Burya. Love you all. Joke You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be misquoted, and then used against you. —Phil Hrvatin Your Bank's Rate 2.50% Our Rate* 5.10% Call 1-800-THE-KSKJ for representative agent near you! *Rate guaranteed for 12 months on a 7-Year plan. Rates may change without notice. SHELIGA DRUG, INC. Ybur Full Service Pharmacy 6025 St. Clair Avenue 431-1035 431-4644 FAX we accept: We bill most major insurance plans ' Am.eŠno^Pre“ • P-o.0 Finishing . Ms^Cen,.' v,sa • Keys Made • WIC - Food Stamps • Layaways • Manufacturers Coupons Visit US ! * Con,ac, Lens Replacement Seven Layer Cookie Bars One stick oleo or butter Wi cups graham cracker crumbs One cup coconut One cup chocolate chips One cup butterscotch bits One 15-oz. can Eagle Brand Milk One-and-a-half cups chopped nuts Melt butter in a 9 x 13 cake pan, then sprinkle graham cracker crumbs, then coconut, next chocolate chips, and then butterscotch chips. Drizzle milk over all. Sprinkle chopped nuts over all. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Cool and cut into bars. —Emilee Jenko Euclid, Ohio Time for Zarja’s Spring Fling Singing group Zarja presents its Spring Fling titled, Slamnati udovc,” (The Grass Widower), on Saturday, April 26 at the Slovenian Society Home in Euclid, Ohio. The skit will be interspersed with songs by Avsenik, “S pesmijo naso,” by Slak, “V vsaki kremi” and by Boris Kovačič, “Prinesi nje roze,” and other old time Slovenian favorites as performed by the chorus, solos, a sextet, and duets. Doug Elersich plays Ste-fancek, Michael Tomsic is Vinko, Barbara Elersich is Sonja, Marilyn Vidmar is Ida, Ned Zallar is Kokosar, Don Mulec is Lisjak, and Linda Matas is Rozalia. The musical portions of the skit are under the direction of Doug Elersich, with Jim Markel on piano, Patty Candela on button box, and Jim Kozel on accordion. In our last episode, Ste-fancek had just told his nieces Sonja and Ida, how to entertain the two rich gentlemen. Nothing special, just a little push here and there. Order food and drink, so they leave their money here and you Vinko, put on Mar-janca’s clothes. I’ll pass you off as another niece from Italy who can’t speak English or Slovenian. Stefancek, then introduces his nieces to his guests. As his nieces and guests converse, Stefancek keeps touting his best imported, most expensive wines. When Kokosar asks where is your third niece, Stefancek then presents Lizika (Vinko) who is limited to a two word dialog “Signori” and “Gratzi.” Lisjak calls for more wine. Kokosar agrees, keep it coming since my friend Lisjak is paying for it. Stefancek then describes the appetizers, Kokosar says, sounds expensive, but since my friend Lisjak is paying, I’ll have one of each. Stefancek describes the main course: We have roast pork, veal cutlets, roast chicken, roast goose, goulash, vampe, sausage and sauerkraut. Listak says, “Bring all of it.” Kokosar thinks what a bill this will be - poor Lisjak.” Lisjak calls to Kokosar and tells him he lost his wallet, and he doesn’t have any money on him. “Please lend me 900 dinars so 1 can pay the bill. I’ll repay you tomorrow.” To find out how this story ends, you must be in attendance, after the family-style dinner. Dancing will follow to the Jeff Pecon Orchestra. Tickets may be obtained from Zarja members, from the Polka Hall of Fame, 605 E. 222 St., or phone (216) 531-5542 or (440) 257-2740 for a donation of $23, $10 for children under 10. Concert only tickets are $10 and will go on sale at the door at 6:15 the night of the program. —Jim Kozel ADULT: A person who has stopped growing at both ends and is now growing in the middle. -Phil Hrvatin PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster 3 j AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 24, 2008 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 24, 2UUS < The St. Vitus Alumni Report by AGNES KOPORC What a Winter! So glad that “Spring has finally sprung.” Our meeting day was rescheduled from January until March 6lh due to the fact that “our president” was basking in sunny Florida. Plus... the so-called “Best location in the nation” was being Blasted with the stuff they call snow. Somehow, for whatever reason, our Lord gave us a reprieve from the weather, for that day alone... the meeting went on “as planned.” Our “staunch supporters,” members living in and around the area were present, while those living farther away had a good excuse to be absent due to the bad weather, namely the Globo-kars, living in Concord. Missed your smiling face, Margie Batis, and Florence Hotujac, our lovely Coffee Lady. The coffee always tastes better when she brews it. Father Vic Cimperman, his sister Mary, Bemie Sajovec and “Babe” Cizel were there. All they had to do is “slide down the stair rail, and they are there. A fun place to live. Mary Lunder as usual, “runs” from her home on 60th as part of her daily exercise, as does our president, Dan Reiger... only that day he “flew in” from Florida after spending two months visiting Gene Drobnič and her family. Gene is having a few health problems and cards from her Cleveland friends would really make her happy - 2708 S E 23rd Ave., Cape Coral, FL 33904. Much to our surprise, a long time member, but a first in meeting attendance, was last year’s honoree Rich Zele. It was wonderful to have him join us. We truly enjoyed having you with us, Rich. Come again. Seated at the main table were President Dan Reiger, Secretary Daniella Avsec and Treasurer Ray Gobec. With the slam of the gavel, the meeting was in session. Most of the discussion was based on the recipients of scholarships, deadlines, etc. The guidelines for students graduating from the eighth grade this year are as follows: Any parent or grandparent with a Paid Up Membership ($5 a year) of the Alumni can request that their child / grandchild be considered for a Scholarship Grant from the Alumni. The student must be considering a Catholic High School. A letter of request Must include: Name of Alumni Member, Name of Student, Name of Catholic High School they will be attending, and a Copy of their Latest Grades signed by their eighth grade teacher. Mail the above information by deadline, May 21, to the Scholarship Chairperson, Marilyn Vidmar, 719 Oriole Dr., Eastlake, OH 44095-1611. Business of the day over... Father Vic closed the meeting with prayer and we were off to the kitchen and the goodies. The table was adorned with “pizza, bite sized sandwiches, condiments, pastries, you name it, it was there” and enjoyed by members like Tony Baznik, Annie Arhar, Marcie Mills, Josepha Strauss, Lil Ribarich, all of the previous mentioned, and of course me. Umm good. Of course, all of us being “young” eating late becomes somewhat of a problem. Oh well, so we don’t sleep well one night. We’ll nap tomorrow. The evening came to an end with a reminder that our next “important” meeting Everyone is cordially invited to attend a Reverse Raffle on Saturday, April 26 sponsored by St. Mary’s Slovenian School. All proceeds will benefit St. Mary’s Parish. The raffle will be held in St. Mary’s Parish Center. Doors and sideboards will open at 6 p.m. tickets for the event are $75 per couple and $50 for a single ticket which A special note of sympathy to Tony Pozelnik on the loss of his sister, Albina. She was our Membership Chairperson since the inception of the organization. She gave of herself, her time and talents for the club. She will truly be missed. Her shoes will be hard to fill. Know that she will be in our prayers. APOLOGY - It has been brought to my attention that I, inadvertently, put into print some months ago, some information that was unfounded. For that I am truly sorry. I was writing the bio of Honoree Nancy Slapnik in the wee hours of the morning... trying to meet the deadline for the article to appear in that week’s edition. I misread the notes given me and told the world that Nancy’s sister Antoinette was deceased. For that I apologize. It has since been brought to my attention that her sister, Antoinette is alive and well, and sends her “best” to all her friends in Cleveland and wherever she is known. Our best wishes to her as well. includes dinner, open bar, music by Veseli Godci, and a number on the Main Board. The Main Board prize is $2,000. For tickets or more information, please contact Mary Ann or Erik Krevh at (440) 833-0311 or Maria Sedmak at (216) 692-0186, or email at stmarvslovschool- @vahoo.com LAVRISHA 216-391-0035 Construction & Repair Services Rokodelec Contractor Newspaper Schedule The American Home (Ameriška Domovina) newspaper will be printed twice a month in May, June, July, and August, after which the paper will close. Deadline for all copy is a week before publishing date. The next publishing dates are May 8 and 22. In June the American Home will be dated the 5th & 19. July publishing dates are July 10, 24. The last two Ameriška Domovina’s (American Home) newspapers will be dated Aug. 7 and 21. St. Mary’s Slovenian School Reverse Raffle From Out of the Past From time to time the American Home will publish old photos found in our archives. In this undated picture, taking their turn in the kitchen at Slovenska Pristava during a Catholic Mission Aid benefit picnic, are left to right, Maria (Nemec) Marsic, Anica Knez, Anne Nemec, and Helen Gorshe. (Photo by Madeline) Rudy Knez (at the piano) adds a dramatic touch to a St. Nicholas play by providing melodramatic music to the proceedings. Assisting are Dominic Gorshe on accordion, Cathy (Nemec) Clack, clarinet, and Tone Medved on bass guitar. Duke Marsic, left, Marjan Tonkli, Eddie Mejač perform with the Veseli Slovenci orchestra. It's Cool To Be SLOVENIAN Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. -Izaak Walton Stimburys Accounting; AccounMg & Income Tax 'Services 496 E. 200th St Euclid, OH 44119 (216)404-0990 Fax \216) 404-0992 taxtinie @en. com http://stimbury5a.ccounting.com Enroted fc Practice Bet&e (fie Internal Revenue Senice Servicing Indmduals Corporations & SmaHbusinesses. Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s HA !R SA L ON 5216 Wilson Mills Road (440) 461-7989 / (440) 461-0623 Richmond Hts. O. Our Blessed Land - Slovenia Choral group Korotan at the concert in Celje’s Opatija Church of St. Daniel which just recently became the cathedral for the new diocese of Celje. (Continued from last issue) by MIRA KOSEM (Conclusion) More DVD related stories Korotan and “Our Blessed Land” were an inspiration for other unexpected developments. My son Jim traveled with us along the “Paths of the Martyrs.” It was evident that at Teharje he had a very deep experience. When we explained to him his father’s fatal prognosis at our last family ski trip at Badgastein in February, 2006, he decided to prepare a special gift for his Dad and uncle Lojzi. For one of his post-graduate projects at the Royal College of Arts in London, he planned and successfully realized his Spomenik/Monument, that is a “network memorial.” Actually the project was presented in his name by his friends and schoolmates for just before graduation, we called him home for fear his father would die or be unable to speak if we waited much longer. So, his diploma was mailed to him. On the day that Marjan met his son he exclaimed loudly in a joyous cry (we surprised him). And when Jim explained to him the idea behind “Spomenik” we both cried for we were indescribably proud and full of appreciation. Spomenik is Jim’s reverence to all the victims of communist terror. It is hard to part from a loved one, but God’s mercy provided us with all we needed and still do. For awhile Marjan was better and the entire family experienced some months of indescribable mutual warmth. It is these memories that now sustain us. And Jim’s project Spomenik continues to develop. What he needed was a roster of names of the victims. While preparing the DVD we learned that Pavle Borštnik keeps just such a roster. We turned to him again, and again he helped us; he had his register of the dead entered into his computer and that was exactly what Jim needed. Now he sought someone to program the register. It was his brother Tim who helped with his technical expertise. Another unique experience awaited me while visiting my neighbor Jože from nearby village in Slovenia, now a patient in an old-age home. I knew he could display a DVD on his TV and as I always carry at least one with me, I decided to give it to him as a gift. He likes to watch stories from the old country and one can hear Slovenian folk music many times coming from his room. I inserted the DVD and started to play it. Jože watched at first with great interest, but when the location of graves in Kočevski Rog was shown on the screen, he appeared disturbed and apprehensive, pointing at himself. He suffered a number of strokes in the past and barely speaks a word. I did not understand what happened and left with a heavy heart thinking I disturbed him unnecessarily. Then I called his sister, my schoolmate in Slovenia and got my answer. Jože was conscripted by the Partisans and he found himself in Kočevski Rog at the time of the massacre. He saw the domobranci, their hands tied with telephone wire, loaded upon the trucks. He spotted two of his brothers among them and he tried to reach them to help them, when another Partisan stuck a rifle at his breast saying, “If you don’t go back right now, you will go with them.” Jože’s feelings at that moment are not hard to understand, his sense of helplessness and despair. Soon after that he came home with this horrible news. His sister, five-years-old at the time, told me she remembers that the entire family wept for days but she could not understand why. She was the next to last in a family of 12 children. I myself could not understand either how this story remained unknown to the rest of us, for our family, too, as a family of a refugee, was persecuted and kept in contempt for 10 years after the war. But Jože’s sister explained it to me, “We did not dare talk about it even among ourselves at home. Half of our neighbors approved of the communists. We could not trust anyone.” Jože evidently was deeply affected by these events. My sister and I remember him as a young man who did not have many friends, which was understandable; he probably was mocked many times by the villagers. He never married and kept only a narrow circle of acquaintances. When I learned he had a stroke, some years back, I went to see him, but he refused any help saying he did not need anything, even though the opposite was quite evident. I left defeated thinking: anyone else would be happy to get a visit, but he refuses me even though we have known each other for a long time. And then Father Kumse told me that Jože rejected his visit as well. Years later we found Jože’s name among patients of the Old Age Home. My sister and I went to see him, both very apprehensive. He looked different. We talked about our youth and somehow, spontaneously the melody came to our minds and lips... my childhood years were not a happy time. When we left we were all in tears. Since then Jože appreciates all visits, Father Kumse’s as well. These are the stories that might not have been if Korotan did not “seize the moment” three years ago and approved the production of the DVD. If Metod Milač and Pavle Borštnik did not decide to present something special for Korotan’s 10th anniversary, if there were no leaders to organize and execute to commemorative the journey to our Homeland... if... And so I am proud to say: Korotan lives. We are Slovenians. We enriched our culture with an idea bom in 1961 and we hope that it will continue to enrich it for years to come. So let me, for the third time, give the poem "Pozdravljena zemlja ” its honorable title - Our Blessed Land. And blessed be all who toil with love and respect and safeguard our most precious heritage. Korotan’s diligent work in educating young singers, held a concert on Saturday, April 18 at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair at 7:00 in the evening. Dominik Janež The person called Jože in the story above is really Dominik Janež. When I asked him a few months ago if I can use his story, he did not seem to approve, but when I asked him if I can substitute another name, he approved. And so I used a pseudonym for the story. Sadly, I am now announcing Jože’s death. He died on March 26, 2008 at the Slovene Home for the Aged. It was my privilege to be his friend the last few years and especially the last few days. It was also a privilege to be a liaison for his sister Darinka (mentioned in the story) and family in Sodražica area. Being there the morning of his death with his niece and guardian Jelka was very moving. May he find peace in eternity with his martyr brothers. Tone and Stanko and many others in a large family that preceded him in death. * Joyce Hribar Fiebig Attornev at Law 33977 Chardon Road J Willoughby Hills Oh 44094 440-516-0200 x 204 Continuing the tradition established in 1952 www.hriharlaw.rnm HuntersHaven Hunting and Fishing Club Steak Dinner — $20.00 Donation 18 oz. Porter House Baked Potato, Salad, Bread and Butter Vi BBQ Chicken Available $10.00 Saturday, May 31st, 2008 Serving 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. Held at Slovenian Society Home 20713 Recher Avenue, Euclid, Ohio 44119 —Take Out Available - Call Kevin Booth 216 - 990-4076 or 440-886-2695 Raffle Tickets Available 50/50 - Only 200 Sold - $500 Prize__ Notice of Annual Meeting of Members The annual meeting of members of the Slovene Home for the Aged To be held on Friday, May 16, 2008 in the LAURICH ROOM of the SLOVENE HOME FOR THE AGED 18621 Neff Road, Cleveland, Ohio Registration 6:00p.m. - Meeting 6:30p.m. Members are cordially invited to attend this important meeting. Members, as defined in the Bylaws, are those individuals and organizations who have contributed a minimum of $25 during the preceding year. For the 5/16/08 meeting, this is the period from 4/1/07 through 3/31/08. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 24, 2008 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 24, 2008 Veteran polka disc jockey Tony Petkovšek, left, and bandleader Joey Tomsick aboard Carnival Valor ship in March. Kollander Polka Party at Sea a Big Success 150 people from various parts of the country were aboard for Kollander World Travel’s ‘Polka Party at Sea” from March 9 through March 16, aboard the Carnival Valor ship out of Miami, Florida. Port calls in the Eastern Caribbean included Nassau, Bahamas; St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, and St. Maarten (French and Dutch). What a welcome week at sea especially for the northerners from places like Cleveland during a record breaking winter snow and cold week. Six key polka musicians co-hosted including Adam Barthalt of New York; Seibert’s Polka Power, California; Hank Thunander of Minnesota; Mike Schneider of Wisconsin; Jack Tady, Pennsylvania; and Joey Tomsick from Cleveland. Together they combined to entertain with polka music daily in different venues aboard a ship described as three football fields long. Joey Tomsick helped coordinate along with Tony Petkovšek, veteran polka disc jockey, who was emcee. Special added attraction was Christine Mihelich Hibbs who did her outstanding vocalizing to the delight of the crowd. Slovenian Day in Cleveland Thursday, April 10 proved to be a true Slovenian Day in Cleveland with three meaningful events highlighting Slovenia: In cooperation with the Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia in Cleveland and Cleveland State University, the Cleveland Council on World Affairs conducted the Model UN Spring Conference -Demographic Challenges of the 21s' Century. Keynote speaker was Ambassador of Slovenia, H. E. Samuel Žbogar who spoke before a crowd of 400 high school students in the Joseph Cole Center at CSU about the roles and potential of smaller countries in the international community, specifically within the United Nations and the European Union. Later that morning, also at CSU, a letter of agreement was signed between the Republic of Slovenia and various public higher education institutions including Cleveland State University, Kent State University, Bowling Green State University and Lakeland Community College. The signing precedes the soon to open Center for Slovenian Studies, based at CSU, which will employ an Executive Director, a Professor of Slovene language from Slovenia, and various rotating lectures of Slovenian studies subjects such as Slovenian history, culture, economics, ethnology and more. Consul General Dr. Žigon, representing the Republic of Slovenia, signed the letter of agreement, followed by remarks given by Ambassador Žbogar. A few blocks away at the Union Club, a conference entitled, How to do Business with (New) EU Countries was conducted. The conference was organized by the Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia in Cleveland (as Slovenia currently presides the Council of the EU) and the Northeast Ohio International Business Network. Consul General Žigon and Ambassador Žbogar gave remarks. The activity in Cleveland continues. In the coming days, five members of Slovenian Parliament who comprise the Parliament Commission for Slovenians Abroad will arrive in Cleveland. The Parliamentarians, who represent various political parties, will tour Slovenian establishments and organizations in New York, Washington, Chicago, Pittsburgh, and Cleveland. Old Quiz, New Quiz by James V. Debevec II OLD QUIZ: What other Scotland Yard inspector did Sherlock Holmes admire even more than Lestrade? ANSWER: Tobias Greg-son. Correct answers came from Anthony Goršek of Cleveland, and Rudy Sterk, Manager of St. Vitus Village in Cleveland. NEW QUIZ: What is the smallest island in the world partitioned between two different nations? (Two names required). Hint: One-half the answer can be found on this page. Send your answers to ahp@buckeveweb.net or regular mail to: James’ Quiz, c/o American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1627. Krofe Sale St. Vitus Altar Society will hold a krofe and noodles sale on Saturday, May 3 in the auditorium. Wherever you are, it is your friends who make your world. -Tony Petkovšek Coming Events Friday, April 25 Introduction of book “Slovenian Exodus 1945” in St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) parish center at 7 p.m. Saturday, April 26 Zarja Concert, Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, Ohio. “Slamnati vdovec” (The Grass Widower). Dinner 5 p.m., Program: 7 p.m. Dancing to Jeff Pecon Orchestra at 8 p.m. For tickets ($23) donation, visit Polka Hall of Fame, or call (216) 531-5542 or at the door. Wednesday, April 30 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Monthly Social in main hall. Doors open 6 p.m. Music and refreshments. Friday, May 2 West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., dance featuring A1 Battistelli Friday, May 2 Pork, Sauerkraut & Dumpling Dinner 5 - 7:30 p.m. at Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80 St. Music by Wayne Tomsic 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Donation $15. Reservations (216) 341-6136 or (216) 475-7946. Friday, May 9 West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., dance featuring Fred Ziwich. Sunday, May 11 Mother’s Day Brunch, 9 -12 noon. Adults: $8; children 8 and under: $4. Music by The Culkars at Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80 St. Reservations (216) 341-6136 or (216) 465-7946. Friday, May 16 Annual Meeting of members of Slovene Home for the Aged in Launch Room of the Slovene Home for the Aged, 18621 Neff Rd„ Cleveland, 6:30 p.m. Friday, May 16 West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., dance featuring Stan Mejac. Sunday, May 18 St. Vitus Slovenian School graduation, during 10:30 a.m. Mass in church. Sunday, May 18 Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80 St. honors Tony Lauschc, Slovenian Man of the Year. Dinner 1 p.m. Music by Frank Moravcik 2:30 - 5:30 p.m. Donation $15. Reservations (216) 341-6136 or(216) 475-7946. Sunday, May 18 Maksim Gaspari Print “Mother Slovenia” will be raffled off at a special event in the Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave. Tickets $10; or 3 for $25. Drawing at 1:45 p.m. Sunday, May 18 Spring Spaghetti Dinner, Slovenian National Home, 11:30 to 1:30. Donation $5 includes salad, rolls, spaghetti, dessert. Come view and use new parking lot. Friday, May 23 West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., dance featuring Eric Nolt-kamper. Sunday, May 25 St. Vitus Catholic War Vets Post 1655 Memorial Mass, 9 a.m. in St. Vitus Church. Sunday, May 25 Memorial service Mass for all victims of Fascism, Nazism, and Communism, at 12 noon at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, Chardon Rd., Euclid, Ohio sponsored by DSPB Vestnik. - At 3:30 p.m. Slovenian Memorial service at All Souls Cemetery, Chardon, Ohio. Wednesday, May 28 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Monthly Social in main hall. Doors open 6 p.m. Music and refreshments. Friday, May 30 West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., dance featuring Joey Tomsick. Saturday, May 31 Hunters Haven Hunting and Fishing Club steak dinner, Slovenian Society Home, Euclid. $20 donation. Call Kevin, (216) 990-4076. Take-outs available. Wed., June 4 Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80 St. 50-50 raffle. Doors open 7 p.m. Donation $10 admits 2 people. Music, food, raffle, free draft beer, grand prize $500. Music by Joe Novak 7-10 p.m. Reservations (216) 341-341- 6136 or (216)475-7946. Friday, June 6 West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., dance featuring Jeff Pecon. June 5, 6, 6 Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80 St. rummage sale 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday, June 8 St. Mary’s Slovenian School annual picnic at Slovenska Pristava in Harpersfield. Lunch served after Mass. Veseli Godci will provide music. All are cordially invited. Thursday, June 19 St. Mary’s Alumni Meeting. Friday, June 20 West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., dance featuring Ray Polantz. Sat., Sun., June 21-22 St. Clair Rifle and Hunting Club celebrates 80th anniversary with Steak Roast. Wednesday, June 25 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Monthly Social in main hall. Doors open 6 p.m. Music and refreshments. Friday, June 27 West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., dance featuring Ed Mejac. LAWRENCE B. OGRINC Lawrence B. Ogrinc, M.D., age 89. Beloved husband of Marie (nee Grdina). Loving father of Mary Lourdes, Dr. Anton (Susan), Dr. Francis (Nancy), Marie Stehli, Joseph, Lawrence Jr. (Beth), Christopher (Marcy), Madonna Deck (Dr. Walter), Mary Jo Willse (Brian), Dr. Gregory (Karen) and Martin James (deceased). Grandfather of 20. Brother of Raymond and the following deceased: Antonia, Ernest and Herman. Family and friends were asked to meet 10 a.m. on Tuesday, April 15 at Immaculate Conception Church 4129 Superior Ave., for Mass of Christian Burial. A Latin High Mass was celebrated by Rev. Frank Godic, concelebrated by Bishop A. Edward Pevec and Rev. Joseph P. Božnar, and a dozen other priests including Rev. Bill Jerse. Private interment at cemetery followed. Donations in his memory to Immaculate Conception Church, 4129 Superior Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. Arrangements by Zele Funeral Home (216) 481 -3118. MARY F. HOČEVAR Mary F. Hočevar, age 94 of Wickliffe passed away on Tuesday, March 25, 2008 at the Slovene Home for the Aged. She was employed as a seamstress for the Fisher Body Co. in Euclid retiring in 1975. Mary was preceded in death by her parents Vincent and Mary (Papež) Hočevar and siblings Frances Urankar, Vincent, Joseph and Frank Hočevar. Aunt to many nieces and nephews. Mass of Christian Burial was held at St. Mary Church in Collinwood and burial in All Souls Cemetery. Arrangements by The Dan Cosic Funeral Home. EDWARD J. ŠPEHAR Edward J. Špehar, bom June 22, 1921, died peacefully at his home on March 11,2008. Beloved husband of Mary (deceased), and brother of Rudy Špehar (deceased). He leaves to mourn his sister-in-law Tillie Špehar, nephews Michael, Martin, and Marvin; great nieces and nephews Brett, Claudia, Brandi, Stephanie, Martin Jr., and Ashley. A decorated WWH veteran, Edward held a Master’s Degree from Kent State University. He was a retired Guidance Counselor and Wood Shop Teacher at Glenville High School, for over 50 years. Uncle Eddy (known by most), brought much happiness to countless children, by playing Santa Claus and Sv. Miklavž at private homes, hospitals, nursing homes and churches. He was a member of St. William’s Church, an active member of the Elks, and enjoyed multiple hobbies and interests. His mild demeanor, thoughtfulness, and love of life will truly be missed. Your family loves you and misses you, Uncle Eddy. —THlie Špehar Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908 ALBINA J. POZELNIK Albina J. Pozelnik, age 86. Beloved daughter of Anton and Mary (nee Perko) (both deceased); dearest sister of Anthony, and the following deceased: Mary, Victor and Mary; cousin of many across America, Slovenia, Germany, Sweden and Argentina. Albina was a life-long member of St. Vitus Church, a graduate of St. Vitus School and an active member of the school’s Alumni Association. Her memberships also include S.W.U. #25 and A.M.L.A. #27. Albina had been a 42-year employee of Richman Bros. Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Cleveland Monday 6 - 8 p.m., and Tuesday from 2-4 p.m. Wednesday services at funeral home at 9:15 a.m., and St. Vitus Church at 10 a.m. Interment Calvary Cemetery. Donations in her memory to St. Vitus Church, 6019 Lausche Ave., Cleveland, Oh 44103 would be deeply appreciated by the family. JOSEPH DEZELAN, JR. Joseph Dezelan, Jr., age 93, bom Dec. 12, 1914, entered into eternal rest on Thursday, March 27, 1008. Former husband of Amelia Savastano; dear father of Linda (David) Bland, Carol (Robert) Trž%ide, Joseph III (Jeannette) and Marilyn Bro-zovich; brother of Louis, Stanley (deceased), Stephanie Rahne (deceased) and Frank (deceased); grandfather of eight; great grandfather of six. Family received friends at Jakubs and Son Funeral Home, 936 E. 185 St., Tuesday, April 1 from 2 -4 and 6 - 8 p.m. Funeral Wednesday, April 2 with chapel prayer service at 9:30 a.m., followed by 10 a.m. Mass of Christian Burial in St. Vitus Church. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Sympathies may be expressed by contributions to Mount St. Joseph, 21800 Chardon Rd., Euclid, OH 44117. JEAN ZUPANČIČ Jean Zupančič (nee Skander), age 91 of Euclid, Ohio. Wife of the late Joseph; stepmother of James Zupančič; sister of Antoinette Krajc and the late Vera Tomazic and Frank Skander. Funeral Mass was on Thursday, April 10, 2008 at St. Paul’s Church (Euclid). Interment Calvary Cemetery. Family received friends at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills, Ohio on Wednesday, April 9 from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. WILMA JAMNIK Services for Wilma I. Jamnik was held at 11 a.m. Saturday, at Vineyard Community Church, 1928 E. 300 Street, Wickliffe. Family visitation was from 4-8 p.m. Friday at Brickman Bros. Funeral Home, 374 Euclid Ave., Willoughby. Mrs. Jamnik, 81, a longtime resident of Euclid, died March 22 at Hospice House in Cleveland. She was former owner of Euclid Delicatessen and a former waitress at Smith’s Restaurant in Euclid. Mrs. Jamnik was preceded in death by her former husband, Frank, and a daughter, Jackie. She is survived by daughters Patricia Williams, Deborah, Michelle Jirousek and Terri Palmisano; six grandchildren; and companion Callie. The family suggests memorials to Hospice of the Western Reserve, 300 E. 185 St., Cleveland, OH 44119. ELEANORE J. STUPAR Eleanore J. Stupar, age 84. Beloved daughter of Frank and Anna (nee Kužnik) (both deceased). Loving sister of Anne (Edward, deceased) Erjavec, Stanley and the following deceased: Frank (Kathryn), Edward (Justine) and William. Most cherished aunt of Judy (Jim) Hartford, Lynn (Thomas) Stranke (both deceased), Francine Immke, Laura Jordan, Gail Augustine and Monica Curran. Great aunt of eight; great-great aunt of 15, and great-great-great aunt of one. Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Sunday 3-7 p.m., where services were held on Monday at 8:45 a.m., and St. William Church at 9:30. Interment All Souls Cemetery. FAYE CLAP ACS STARMAN A Mass of Christian Burial for Faye Clapacs Starman, age 94, of Kentucky, a former resident of Newbury, Ohio was at 10 a.m. Monday at St. Helen’s Catholic Church, Newbury. Mrs. Clapacs Starman died April 9, 2008 in Kentucky. She is survived by her daughter-in-law, Martha Clapacs of Kentucky; granddaughter Jennifer Albro; grandson John Clapacs of Kentucky; two greatgrandchildren; stepdaughters-in-law Joanne Mayer and Elaine Mayer; and stepson, Charles Starman Jr. Her first husband, Paul Clapacs; son Jerry; sister Mary Wash-ner; brother-in-law John Clapacs; and second husband, Charles Starman are deceased. Burial in All Souls Cemetery, Chardon. JOHN F. ERJAVEC John F. Eq'avec, age 90, of 7 Euclid, Ohio, husband of Dorothy E. (nee Being) for 64 years; father of Dorothy E. (Robert S.) Kramer and Jack (Rose) Erjavec; beloved papa of Martin (Ranee) Kramer, Therese (Brent) Dietzel, Sara (Neil) Ferguson, Rose Trusnik, Angela Kramer, Megan (Craig) Ker-ber, Moira (Brett) Blitzstein, Erin Erjavec; special papa to A1 Trusnik; great papa of Jestin, Correy, Aubrey, Anatoliy, Shannon, Sasha, Lisa, John, Maxine, Hannah, Grace, Matthew, Judah and Rosemary; brother of the late Mary Krall, Joseph Erjavec, Francis Erjavec; uncle and great uncle. Died Sunday, March 30, 2008. World War II U.S. Army Veteran . Member of Fraternal Order of Police, American Legion, Disabled American Veterans and proud member of Ohio State Former Boxers Association. Winner of Carnegie Medal of Honor and J. Edgar Hoover Medal for Heroism. Mass of Christian Burial was on Thursday, April 3 at 10 a.m. at St. Christine Church, 840 E. 222 St., Euclid, OH. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Family received friends at Brickman Bros. Funeral Home, 37433 Euclid Ave., Willoughby, Wednesday, April 2 from 4-8 p.m. Contributions to St. Christine Church in his memory. CHARLES SAMSA Charles Samsa, age 94, passed away peacefully, surrounded by family, on April 2, 2008 in San Jose, CA. Loving husband of Mary (nee Vehar); father of Marilyn Pekol (Jim) of San Jose, Charlene Domback of Willoughby, and Don (Debbie) of Salem, VA; grandfather of Bryan Pekol (Niki), Jennifer Trotter (Mike), Ken Domback (Teri), Tim and Matt Samsa. Great grandfather of Ariel, Marisa, Ben, Madeline, Alex and Eve; uncle to many nieces and nephews. Preceded in death by brothers John and Danilo; sisters Mary Pugel, Bertha Tanko, Stana Drobnie and Paula Kranjc. Charlie worked as a machinist for the Marquette Metal Division of Curtiss Wright Corp. He was bom in St. Louis, MO, spent his early years in Sodražica, Slovenia, moving to Cleveland at age 21. Later he moved to Richmond Heights, retiring to Spring Hill, Florida. Mr. Samsa will be dearly missed by everyone who knew him. There were no calling hours. Memorials may be made to the Alzheimer Association, 1060 La Avendia, Mountain View, CA 94043-1422, or to a charity of choice. AMERIŠKA DUMUV1INA, atkil zh, zuuo AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 24, 2008 DENNIS SUSNIK Dennis Anthony Sušnik, age 64. Beloved husband of Delores (nee Mocilnikar). Dearest father of Michael (Stephanie), Renee (Kirk), John Frank (deceased), and John A. Dear brother of Raymond (Pat) of Virginia, Kenneth (Bettie) of Timber-lake. Dear son of the late John and Mary Sušnik. Grandfather of Michael, Christian, John, Steven and Angelica. Uncle, cousin and friend to many. Mr. Sušnik was a member of AICPA and Ohio Society of Certified Public Accountants. Family received friends Monday, April 7 from 4-8 p.m. and Tuesday 2-4 and 6- 8 p.m. at the Fortuna Funeral Home, 7076 Brecksville Rd. Funeral Wednesday, April 9 at 9 a.m. Chapel Service at the funeral home followed by a 10 a.m. funeral Mass at Holy Family Church (Parma). Interment All Souls Cemetery. Zak services. In Memory Thanks to Marija Cugelj of Cleveland who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of Ivana Cugelj. In Memory Thanks to Agnes Koporc of Bratenahl, OH who submitted a $25.00 donation in memory of her wonderful husband, Al Koporc. In Memory Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Filips of Solon, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of Anthony and Theresa Filips. In Memory Thanks to Ivana Volčjak of Willoughby, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation in memory of Jože Volčjak. In Memory Thanks to Carole Czeck of Wickliffe, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $10.00 donation in memory of Louis and Ann Silc. In Memory Thanks to Ann Copic of Euclid, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation in memory of her husband, John Copic. In Memory Thanks to Stefl Zamlen of St. Vitus Village who donated $20.00 to the Ameriška Domovina in memory of her husband, Frank Zamlen. In Memory Thanks to Ann Pausic of Euclid, OH who renewed her subscription, added a new one, plus gave a $15.00 donation in memory of her husband, Emeric Pausic. In Memory Thanks to Mary E. Sadar of Columbus, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $10.00 donation in memory of the Edward J. Sadar Family. In Memory Thanks to Stefan Vesel, Jr., of Cleveland, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $25.00 donation in memory of his father, Stefan Vesel Sr. He writes, “The Ameriška Domovina is a pleasure to read and is important in preserving the Slovenian language and culture. Thank you for your dedication.” Donation Thanks to Frances Ku-rilich of Los Angeles, CA who renewed her subscription and added a $50.00 donation on behalf of her mom, Jan Kurilich. Donation Thanks to Romanca (Vi-tulich) Attwood of Cape Coral, FL who renewed her subscription and added a $10.00 donation. She writes, “Hello from sunny Florida.” Donation Thanks to Genevieve Drobnič of Cape Coral, Florida who renewed her subscription and added a $5.00 donation. She writes, “Keep up the good work; it pays in the end.” Donation Thanks to Enika Zulic of Euclid, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $16.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Janez Kos of Portage, WI who renewed his subscription and added a $22.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Michael J. P. Telich, II of Columbus, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $182.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Augustin Jokic of Willoughby Hills, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $35.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Joseph Bernik of Slovenia who renewed his subscription and added a $53.00 donation. Say It Isn’t So Editor, Just heard you are closing down in August. Say it isn’t so. —Daniella Schultz Euclid, OH Sorry Thanks to Alma Eppick of Euclid, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $ 10 donation. Alma writes, “Words fail me to tell you how sorry I am about the end of our beloved Slovenian paper. Maybe God is closing one door, but will open another. We all love you both because I know you really put your heart and soul into all the hard work you do.” In Loving Memory Mary Petrie Died April 16, 2007 Although you’ve been gone a year, Your presence is still felt. While you were the wind beneath Dad’s wings You will always be our shining star Loved and Remembered by Your Family and Friends In Loving Memory William H. Plymesser 22nd Anniversary April 28, 1986 We’ll meet again someday, I know Beyond the distant blue But until then, my dearest one, I’ll always think of you... and So I live with thoughts of you... And all you meant to me... and Always l can feel you near... If just in memory Sadly missed by Wife, Sylvia Difficult Thanks to Frances Cerar of Sanbomton, NH who renewed her subscription. She writes, “I can’t believe that my favorite hometown newspaper is coming to an end. It had to be a very difficult decision. God bless you both.” Donation Thanks to Romano and Jozika Vitulich of Naples, Florida who renewed their subscription and added a $25.00 donation. They write, “It was such a pleasure talking to you today. Wishing you continuous success, the best of health, happiness and joy. May only the best come to you always.” In Loving Memory Of the 18th Anniversary our Mother, Grandmother, and Sister \?y r.rr; . . s • \ ... ^ , J*t .iSf ANNA M. ZAK Passed away April 30, 1990 Your memory to us is a keepsake, With which we wilt never part Though God has you in His keeping, We always have you in our heart. Sadly/nissed by Daughter: Betty Orehek Sons: Norbert J. and Michael J. and other relatives Donation Thanks to Jennie Mramor of Euclid, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $35.00 donation. Jennie writes, “Mere words cannot describe the void I feel at the decision to end the Ameriška Domovina publication. Nothing more painful than losing long time connections and friends.” Note Barb Sostakowski of North Olmsted, OH renewed her subscription and added this note, “Always look forward to receiving and reading the American Home newspaper.” In Loving Memory John J. Urbancich Died April 29,1975 33 years have passed since that sad day When the one we loved was called away. God took him home -it was His will But in our hearts -he lives, still. Sadly missed by: Wife, Dorothy, Daughter, Madeline Debevec Son, John M., and families In Loving Memory of the First Anniversary Edward F. Kotar August 13,1925 - April 11, 2007 His memory is as dear today, As in the hour he passed away. Loved and missed by: Wife: Marie Daughter: Diane Son-in-law: Dennis And all his loving relatives Donation Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. William Rollins of Newark, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $5.00 donation. They write, “Thank you for all the memories and good times you bring to mind in the old neighborhood of Collin-wood.” Donation Thanks to Josephine Valencie of Cleveland who renewed her subscription and added a $10.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Vinko and Anna Ivanc of Euclid, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $25.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Rudi and Mary Ann Hren of Concord, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $25.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Lillian Perez of Richmond Heights, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $35.00 donation. Thanks Thanks to Dolores Sier-putowski of Highland Heights, OH who renewed her subscription and added this note, “It appears you will soon be concluding publication. There will be a huge void in the news to the Slovenian community. But, for your many years of dedication, I sincerely thank you. Good luck in the future.” Donations Thanks to the following for their donations to the Ameriška Domovina: Betty and Al Orehek, Cleveland, OH - $15.00 Danica Chemas, Cleveland, OH - $7.00 Carmen McBrayer, Richmond Hts., OH — $5.00 Ivan and Ivanka Buh, Bridgeview, IL - $5.00 Vlasta Scancar, Cleveland, OH - $5.00 Heda M. Sfiligoj, South Euclid, OH -$10.00 Edvard Sedmak, Cleveland, OH -$13.00 Daniella Schultz, Euclid, OH - $5.00 Anton Brandsperger, Cleveland, OH - $12.00 Larry Sterk, Kirtland, OH --$10.00 Mark Ryavec, Venice, CA -$10.00 Theresa Jarem, Euclid, OH - $5.00 Jim Valencie, Euclid, OH -$10.00 Helen M. Fonda, Garfield Hts., OH -$15.00 Phyllis Coladangelo, Willoughby, OH - $32.00 Maria Kovacic, Euclid, OH -$5.00 Ivan and Josie Rus, Wil-lowick, OH - $5.00 Donation Thanks to Marie Newman of Chisholm, MN who renewed her subscription and added a $41.00 donation. Marie writes, “I am 97 years old now. I sure miss all the good times I had in Cleveland going to all those Slovenian dinners, etc. You have more things going on now than 20 years ago. -What happened to Ray Mlakar? I enjoyed his articles and jokes. Donation Thanks to Vida Kalin of Cleveland, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $35.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Dr. Vlad Rus of Pepper Pike, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $22.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Ivanka Tesic of Avon Lake, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Monika Michaud of Powder Springs, GA who renewed her subscription and added a $23.00 donation. Sorry Thanks to Mary Skulich of Concord, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $17.00 donation. She writes, “We are so sorry to see you go. But we have enjoyed your paper so long. Loved our article and so many others who saw it did, too.” Sorry Dr. Bogomir M. Kuhar of Powell, OH renewed his subscription and wrote, “So sorry to hear you’re ending printing of the paper. Best wishes and our prayers are with you.” Donation Thanks to Helena Percic of Richmond Heights, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation. She writes, “Thank you for publishing the A.D. You did a good job. We are going to miss it.” Donation Thanks to Martin and Mimi Lisac of Mentor, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $20.00 donation. In Memory Thanks to Sylvia Klopcic of Parma, OH who paid for a memoriam and added a $22.00 donation in memory of Janez Klopcic. Donation Thanks to Jože A. Divjak of San Diego, CA who sent in a $50.00 donation along with a nice note. Federation of Seniors Picnic Federation of American Slovenian Senior Citizens Clubs Annual Picnic will be on Wednesday, Aug. 27 at SNPJ Farm on Heath Road, Kirtland, OH. Dinner will be served at 1 p.m. by Julie Zalar. Music by Wayne Tomsic Orchestra from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Admission for dinner and dancing is $13.00. For tickets see members (Barberton, Euclid, Holmes, Newburgh/Maple Hts., St. Clair and Waterloo) or call (216) 481-0163 or (440) 943-3784 BEFORE Aug. 20. --Matt Zabukovec, Secretary IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 446 East 152nd St. Cleveland, OH 44110 216-486-1105 Need Slovenian Translators in S.F. This summer the city of San Francisco, California is honored to host the 42nd International Children’s Games on July 10-15. This spectacular event considered to be the Olympics for children (ages 12-15), from 90 cities, 50 countries, and spanning 6 continents, will converge in this magnificent city for friendly competitions, educational experience, and cultural enrichment. Committee has unique task of searching for volunteer Slovene Interpreters to support the six city delegation from the Republic of Slovenia during the official SFICO events. For further information contact Allan Alcanica at www.sficg2008.com Slovenians “R" Us Sorry Thanks to Donna Ohman of Cleveland who renewed her subscription and enclosed this note: “Sorry to see the American Home come to an end. Enjoy reading it all. Best wishes.” Donation Thanks to Joseph C. Mi-helich of Cleveland who renewed his subscription, paid for two memoriams, and added a $100 donation. Wow. What a man. The Jerusalem artichoke has nothing to do with either Jerusalem or artichokes. It is actually part of the sunflower family. Don’t take life too seriously; no one gets out alive. —Bob Mills Are you looking for... Additional Life Insurance between $2,000 and $25,000 ? A Simple 6t Easy to Understand Application ? Payments designed around your needs ? No Medical Exams ? KSKJ AMERICAN SLOVENIAN CATHOUC 4^/ Has got a plan for you! To speak with a representative near your, call 1-800-THE-KSKJ ----------Proudly serving Amehcan-Slovenians since 1894.__ Support America - Support American Made Products Catholic Cemeteries Association announces a new program The Catholic Cemeteries Association and Rock of Ages Corporation have combined forces to introduce the American Value© program. This program offers high quality American made grave markers, an outer burial container and the grave of your choice to Catholic families at an exceptional value. If you have considered acquiring a burial package for yourself or a family member don’t miss this special opportunity. Name__ Address, City. State Phone_________________________________________ stoP into your Catholic Cemeteries Office or mail coupon to: Catholic Cemeteries 10000 Miles Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44105 ______________ m W*?), 2008 © Catholic Cemeteries ...I would like to sell my REAL ESTATE in SLOVENIA, but how ? We are here to help YOU to sell (or buy) your real estate lit SLOVENIA * Land, house, Apartcment • Flat, Farm, holiday house,... CALL US, send a fax or c mall! IFe haw, family tradition PALAČA NEPREMIČNINE d.o.o. Ul. 6. Junija 12A SI-1295 Ivanina Gorica GSM: 00 3864156 00 68 Tel/fax: 00 386 1 78 78 040 e mail: palaca@slol.net AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 24, 2008 ŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 24, 2008 Slovenia Hits High (Continued from page 1) path towards development, stability and prosperity of its neighboring region runs through European integration. Further, we believe that integrating the region to the West is in the general interest of the EU. With regard to the Balkans, one of the most difficult issues faced by the Slovenian presidency will 2 almost certainly be finding a S solution to the final status of < Kosovo, whose majority ethnic Albanians are declaring independence - a move Serbia vehemently opposes. Daniel Fried, Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs at the U.S. Department of State, recently said that by a “Happy coincidence the toughest issue and the most immediate one, Kosovo and its final status, is the issue on which Slovenia is the most prepared. That’s because, to state the obvious, you know the ground, you know the players, you know the culture, you know the issues. I can’t think of a better President of the European Union in this critical time than Slovenia.” While the words of this prominent U.S. official certainly boosted our confidence, they revealed the high expectations of our partners and the whole international community in the Slovenian leadership of the EU. Besides the Western Balkans, other priorities of Slovenia’s Presidency will be climate change and inter-cultural dialogue. On the former, we will lead the European effort in trying to reduce greenhouse emissions on our planet and thus try to stop global warming. On the latter, we will do all that we can to start a dialogue between different nations and regions, which we see as crucial for stability and peace in the world. In addition, Slovenia will also push for a speedy ratification of the Lisbon Treaty in all the EU member states. * * * While representing the Union vis-a-vis foreign countries, Slovenia is expecting to host the President of the United States, George W. Bush, whose attendance of the EU-US Summit is foreseen for the late spring this (440) 602-5120 year. If realized, this would be President Bush’s second visit to Slovenia. Some of us like to see this visit as particularly symbolic. Namely, President Bush stopped in Slovenia during his first trip to Europe back in 2001 and is expected to stop again soon during one of his last, if not the last, trip to Europe. In addition to the Summit with the United States, Slovenia will be representing the Union also in the summits with Russia, Japan, and Latin America. All these summits will be organized during the first six months of this year, however, only the EU-US Summit will take place in Slovenia. * * * Less than two decades ago, Slovenia did not exist on the map of the world, and the membership in the United Nations was merely a dream. Today the country on the sunny side of the Alps has not only become a member of several exclusive clubs in the world, but it is sitting in the driver’s seat of the greatest integration project in the world - the European Union. What was unimaginable to our ancestors is being realized by us today. Roster Updates The 2008 rosters which are printed periodically in the American Home throughout the year are still only $30.00. Please send $30 payment along with the names of your club’s 2008 officers and your meeting times and activity dates, to American Home Roster, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. An aqueduct Is a bridge which is designed to carry water. The Pont du Gard, for example, was built by the Romans nearly two thousand years ago. It’s Cool Being Slovenian Fax (440) 602-5124 Zele & Zele Co., L.P.A. Ronald Zele, Scott J. Zele, Zachary F. Zele Attorneys-at-Law 38106 Third Street Willoughby, Ohio 44094______ During a business trip in one of Cleveland’s worst winters, on Tuesday, Feb. 19 at 11 a.m., Rudy Flis was driving on 1-90 going on the Interbelt Bridge. All of a sudden a big chunk of ice flew off a truck heading in the opposite direction, and landed in the middle of Rudy’s car. It broke the front windshield and shattered bits of glass and shards all over him and the front seat. Rudy’ couldn’t see in front or behind, and tried to pull his car out of traffic, but he couldn’t see. He grabbed his cell phone and called 911 and asked the dispatcher to send a police cruiser to get him out of traffic and to the right shoulder. Within minutes a police car arrived, put on its red overhead lights, and stopped traffic so Rudy could make it to safety. This is what Rudy’s car looked like after his car was towed to his garage. A Chance to Win a Gaspari Print The Slovenian National Home offers the Slovenian community a chance to own a part of their heritage. The Slovenian National Home is raffling a print of the well known Slovenian painter Maksim Gaspari. This original 1924 painting is an allegory of Slovenian Culture set in Lake Bled and is in the archives of the Slovenian National Home. It was created to be reproduced and used as a stage curtain in the auditorium. On November 7, 1993 the Friends of the Slovenian National Home unveiled a restored Gaspari Stage Curtain. The title of the curtain is Mother Slovenia which represents the focal point of our Slovenian culture. The greatest of our folk artists, Maksim Gaspari, has captured many of our traditions in his paintings. The setting is on the banks of Lake Bled with the famous island and church in the background. This curtain has been viewed by many people that have attended various Slovenian events held in the auditorium. Prominent Slovenes are pictured in this famous painting including poet France Prešeren and writer Ivan Cankar. A professional reproduction has been made from the original painting and given to the Republic of Slovenia to be exhibited at the 2008 Slovenia Presidency of the European Union. A second reproduction has been framed, and will be raffled off on Sunday, May 18 at a special event. Tickets are $10.00 each or 3 for $25.00. If you wish to purchase a ticket for the print, please send a check made payable to: Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103. We will send you your raffle ticket. Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstances. -Milan Ribic Many historians consider Japan’s ruling dynasty to be the oldest in the world. Legend assigns the date 660 B.C. to the reign of the first emperor. Slovenian Business and Professional Association Inaugural Meeting Among those in attendance at the Slovenian Business and Professionals Association Feb. 14,2008 inaugural reception at the Castele Learning Center at Lutheran Hospital/Cleveland Clinic and Conference at 1703 W. 25'" Street in Cleveland were, left to right, Andy Ribic, Vera Marsic, Gloria Pust, Vcrena Krištof, Ron Chufo, John Srsen, Elizabeth Žalik, Neja Turk, and Dr. David Turk. ______(Pholo and texl by PHiL HRVATIN) Holmes Avenue Pensioners News © Book ‘Slovenia 1945’ Available Many eager HAP (Holmes Avenue Pensioners) members gathered for the Wednesday, April 9 meeting. Long time no see, so there Was lots of chit-chat. Much to catch up on. March 12 meeting was canceled due to severe weather and lack of parking spaces. Mountains of snow graced the area, and on-street parking ban was in force. No room for our usual big crowd. After Pledge of Allegiance, we remembered with silent prayer all our deceased members and friends we lost since February: ‘u’Louise Blanc; ftEd Lipovec, brother of Joe and Josie Tomsick; ^Grace Mihevc; ‘v’John Obat; and ‘u’Julie Sadar. May they rest in God’s loving arms. Our sympathies to the grieving families. Sunshine Lady Ann Eichler sent cheery greetings to ailing members Marion Bocian, Ann Dus, Louise Fujda, Mary Sinkovič, Art Tibyash, Ed Trader, and Dan Turk. We hear Danny is making good progress in therapy. Say a little prayer for Louise, she is still having difficulties. Please get well soon, everyone. Two new members joined °ur HAPpy bunch: Bill Trank and Dan Reiger. A hearty WELCOME. Fran Kajfez announced 177 members present. 148 are on Honorary roster. We have room for some more; right now there is NO waiting list. Matt K. collected 57.25 in badge fines, along with some donations. Keep np the good work, folks. Pay Your dues, too - this is the last bargain year. Prices go UP in 2009. (About time, too, as inflation is here.) Our tour directors Fran kajfez and Helen Kozlevchar have several hips going: the Riverside Dinner Inn trip to see the “Bermuda Triangle” comedy on May 8. $62 pp. The bus is filled, but there is a wait list; you may still get your chance to go. - A 3-day tour to French Lick Resort and Casino in Indiana is set for Sept. 23 - 25. $440 pp, and you get $10 rebate. A $200 deposit is due at the May meeting. Any ideas for future trips? Put them in the suggestion box for consideration. President John Kovelan read a nice Thank You letter Vida Kalin received from Samantha Stroud, Events Coordinator for Ronald McDonald House. Those little pull-tabs we all save for Vida are truly appreciated. A small item indeed, but it does a lot of good, collectively. We sang Happy Birthday to March and April celebrants, 31 altogether. No one stood up for an Anniversary observance. Guess people took Lent more seriously years ago. Matt Zabukovec presented Proclamations from the State of Ohio to our special birthday honorees from February. Bureaucratic paperwork takes a looong time, unless you owe them money. A bittersweet moment for Frank Sadar, who also received a special Anniversary proclamation. His loving wife ■GHulia was still with us in February. Many thanks to Myra Jerkič and this month’s helper Rich Cesen for conducting another successful 50/50 raffle. Beneficial for the club, and fun for all the lucky winners. John Kovelan also thanked all our other dedicated workers: Ruth and Ed Morel and their kitchen crew; Ruth and Frank Korelcc at the bar; John Spilar and Hank Skar-bez, ticket sellers and audi- tors (Helen Kozlevchar sat in for Hank, who was a little under the weather), and Bill Zabukovec, our sound engineer. Big round of applause to all. Our scheduled April visit to the Slovene Home for the Aged had to be canceled. They are (were) under quarantine, due to residents illnesses. No outside germs welcome. They have enough to deal with. Forever Young Tappers, ladies from 65 - 85+ years will entertain us on May 14. Wing-Ding dinners will be available after the meeting, $4.50 for 6 wings, any flavor, plus fries and Slovenian coleslaw - terrific bargain. Bingo will be back for June 11 meeting by popular demand. Picnic on FOE grounds in Willoughby is set for July 9. Sign-up sheets for various jobs will be available next time. The Federation picnic will be on Wed., Aug. 27 at SNPJ Farm in Kirtland. Julie Zalar is the chef, and Wayne Tom-sick plays for our listening and dancing pleasure. Get your tickets early - only $14.00 for dinner, dance, and gate admission. “Dance only” tickets are available for $4, special Seniors rate. People are abuzz with notice that American Home will cease publication after Aug. 21 and wondering “Why?” If it’s true, it will be sorely missed. Our Canadian friends already lament the loss since the U.S. Post Office refuses to accept Canadian mail from the American Home. There must be a way to keep the paper going. Is there any organization that will step up to the challenge. Slovenians, rally for the cause. --Mila Jera Probably you have heard about a very interesting book written by John Corsellis, the title is “Slovenia 1945.” In it he describes the time at the end of the Second World War. Thousands of refugees from Slovenia and other parts of Yugoslavia fled the communist terror to Austria and Italy. The returning Domobranci under the pretext of sending them from Austria to Italy were killed by Tito’s partisans. Live witnesses describe these horrendous acts of merciless hatred and murder. How the British occupying forces in Austria tried to force the rest of the refugees to return to Slovenia. It tells of the hardship they suffered in DP camps and how they survived all that. And finally how they established themselves in the countries to which they emigrated. It is a book well written and easy to read and makes an excellent gift. The last shipment was sold out in four weeks. I did receive the second shipment, so if you want the book, please hurry as they are going fast. If you are looking for a Slovene-English / English-Slovene Dictionary, we have them. It has 36,000 entries, helpful pronunciation, and appendix of useful expression. The price is only $24.95. Don’t forget the book of Dr. Metod Milač: “Resistance, Imprisonment & Forced Labor.” It is also available in the Slovenian language. Also a book written by Frank Gormek “Freedom Fighters.” It is all about an anti-communist organization fighting the partisans and the German occupation forces. Please call me (Felix Gaser) at home at (216) 381-2602 or at Slovenska pisarna at (216) 361-0300 Saturdays between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., on Sundays between 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. The Slovenska Pisarna is located in St. Vitus Village, 6114 Lausche Ave., Cleveland, across the street from St. Martin de Porrcs School. --Felix Gaser Joke Two elderly gentlemen from a retirement center were sitting on a bench under a tree when one turns to the other and says, “Slim, I’m 83-years-old now and I’m just full of aches and pains. I know you’re about my age. How do you feel?” Slim says, “I feel just like a newborn baby.” “Really? Like a newborn baby?” “Yep, No hair, no teeth, and I think I just wet my pants.” _________--Emma Pogačar Necessity dictates policy. —Jim Funeral Home 28890 Chardon Rd. Willloughby Hills, OH 44092 440“944~8400 Joe Zevnik, Licensed Funeral Director Dignified, Professional arid Personal Service AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 24, 2008 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 24, 2008 Roster of Organizations -------------------- ------------ Imenik slovenskih društev SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES President: Anthony Mannion; lsl Vice President: Edward Gabrosek; 2nd Vice President: Steve Zalar; Financial Secretary: Lou Grzely; Corresponding/Recording Secretary: Michelle Bartunek; Executive Secretary: Patricia Ipavec Clarke. Auditors are Anna Mae Mannion and Evelyn Pipoly. The Federation promotes the preservation of Slovenian culture and language through its eight Slovenian Homes in Northeast Ohio. SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 6409 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, OH 44103 (216)361-5115 President Emeritus: Edward Kenik; President: Robert A. Hopkins; Vice President: Richard Godic; Recording Secretary: Sylvia Plymesser; Business Secretary: Geraldine Hopkins; Treasurer: Alex Spinos; Board Members: Joanne Fordyce, Lawrence Hočevar, Michelle Perme, David Hočevar, Deborah Davidson, Clare Miller, Ronald Godic, Marjanca Hočevar, Dennis J. Bucar, Shelli March, Dale Lunder, Michael D. Japel, Jeff Zabukovec, John Leonard, and Heather Davidson. Alternates: Charles T. Ipavec, Zoeann Zak Mitchell, Nick Vertos-nik, and Antonia Zagar. COLLINWOOD SLOVENIAN HOME President: Evelyn Pipoly; Vice President: John Hozjan; Treasurer/Financial Secretary: Joyce Segulin; Recording Secretary: Jennie Tuma; Corresponding Secretary: Karen Richard. Auditors: Michael Pipoly, Jim Krann, Rich Zgrabik. Alternate: Arlene Martin. House Committee: Rich Zgrabik, Chairman, John Hozjan, Tom Urankar, and other directors as needed. Directors: Ann Dagg, Jane Hozjan, Mary P:odlogar, Steve Richard. SLOVENIAN WORKMEN’S HOME 15335 Waterloo Road Cleveland, OH 44110 President: Gerri Trebets; Vice President and Aux. Liaison: Dorothy Gorjup; Financial Secretary: Celeste Frollo, 17621 Crestland Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119; Vice President: Tom Čebular; Treasurer: Cynthia A. Čebular; Rec. Sec., Sunshine: Eleanor Godec, 28967 Sherbrook, Wickliffe, OH 44092 (440) 944-3281; Properties, Rental and Membership: Ken Kleinhenz; Rentals and Bar Chair: Gordon Luce; Audit., Mem. and Marketing: Pat Nevar; Audit, Bar and Marketing: Ken Zalar; Marketing, Audit: Kathy Hlad; Donations: Nancy Vasilko; Aux. President: June Slapnik; Balinca Pres.: Brian Polantz. SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 3563 East 80th Street (216) 883-2963 President: Tony Mannion; Vice-President: Albin Resnik; Secretary-Treasurer: Anna Mae Mannion; Recording Secretary: Anna Mae Kostura; House Committee: William Mannion; Auditor: Olga Dorchak; Directors: Dorothy Bishop, Florence Mirtel. SLOVENIAN SOCIETY HOME Euclid, Ohio President: Richard Tomsic; Vice President: Frank Korelec; Secretary: Donna Helmecy; Treasurer: Debbie Brazalovics; Recording Secretary: Kathy Gipson; Audit: Fran Schmidt; Audit, House Committee: Bob Johns; Audit, Sunshine: Dawn Kotnik; Clubroom Liaison: Karen O’Donnell; House Committee: Jim Sevier, Henry Kapel. First Alternate: Debbie Galasky; 2nd Alternate: Steffie Segulin; 3rd Alternate: Tom Ashcroft; 4lh Alternate: Lori Russell. WEST PARK SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 4583 W. 130 St. Cleveland, OH 44135 President: Chuck Gove; Vice President: Marie Pivik; Treasurer and Recording Sec.: Michelle Bartunik; Finance: Rudy Pivik; Dance Official: Marie Pivik; Auditors: Theresa Lach, Al. Zdolshek, Bill Zmrazek.. OF AMERICA National Officers 2003 - 2007 President: Kathleen Ferrante; Vice President: Betty Ann Kolesari; Secretary: Bonnie Pohar Prokup; Treasurer: Jonita Ruth; Scholarship Director: Mary Turvey; Auditors: Beverly Menart, Denise Bartlett, Nancy Henkel; Zatja Editor: Debbie Pohar; Design Director: Bonnie Pohar Prokup; Consulting Editor: Corinne Leskovar. Special Projects Director: Mary Lou Voelk. Meetings: SWUA Home Office, 431 No. Chicago St., Joliet, IL 60432. Tel (815) 727-1926. LOŽKA DOLINA President; Charles Zgonc; Vice President: John Telich; Secretary/Treasurer: Louis Zig-mund; Auditors; Matt Zabukovec, Frank Sech-nick, Albin Lipoid. Meetings April and September. ST. CLAIR PENSIONERS CLUB 6409 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, OH 44103 President: Sylvia Plymesser (216) 391-9453; Vice President: Emilee Jenko; Recording Secretary: Marcie Mills; Financial Secretary: Lawrence Hočevar, 1364 E. 43 St., Cleveland, OH 44103; Sunshine: Ann Rose Clemence; Auditors: Danny Reiger, Emilee Jenko; Tony Baznik; Tour Coordinator: Jeanette Ruminski. Meetings held on the third Thursday of each month at 1 p.m., in the Kenik Room of the St. Clair Slovenian National Home. EUCLID PENSIONERS President: Lori Sierputowski; Vice President: Jackie Ulle; Recording Secretary/-Reporter: Carolyn Janezich; Treasurer: Elsie Frank; Financial Secretary/Membership: Lillian Pugel; Auditors: Frank Sadar, Chairman, Stana Grill, Frank Sechnick, and Alternate: Lillian Dombrowski; Sgt.-at-Arms: Henry Pugel; Sunshine Lady: Doris Pokopac; Tour Organizer: Mimi Stibil. Meetings held first Wednesday of each month at 1 p.m. in the lower hall of Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio. - New members are welcome HOLMES AVENUE PENSIONERS President: John Kovelan; Vice President: Matt Zabukovec; Secretary: Jennie Tuma; Treasurer: Bill Zabukovec; Corresponding Secretary: Helen Kozlevchar; Sgt.-at-Arms: Fran Kajfez; Audit Comm: John Spilar, Hank Skarbez. Meetings the second Wednesday of each month at 12:30 in the Collinwood Slovenian Home. WATERLOO BALINCA CLUB Co-Presidents: Brian Polantz, Oliver Markon; Vice President: Ray Polantz; Secretary: Eleanor Godec; Treasurer: Marilyn Vidmar; Auditors: Mark Vesel, Vi Rupena, Jean Zdanowicz. WATERLOO PENSIONERS CLUB President: Pat Nevar; Vice President: Eileen Markusic; Recording Secretary: Grace Marinch; Treasurer: Dorothy Gorjup; Auditors: Eleanor Godec, Helen Joca, Frank Sadar. Meetings held every 2nd Tuesday of each month at 1 p.m. at Waterloo Hall. FAIRPORT SLOVENIAN RETIREES CLUB President: Tony Satej; Vice President: Rudy Schumer; Treasurer: Carol Satej; Rec. Secretary: Lee Jackopin; Auditors: Jo Gomik, Jo Minnell; Sgt.-at-Arms: Alice Martinčič; Ticket Sales: Dorothy Nemure. ST. CLAIR RIFLE AND HUNTING CLUB President: Richard Beck; Vice President: Ed Ujcich; Financial Secretary: Lonny Beck; Recording Secretary: Robert Sierputowski. SLOVENIAN GENEALOGY SOC. INTERNATIONAL INC. OHIO CHAPTER President: Ed Oshaben; Vice President: John Jaros; Secretary: Kathy Dillon; Treasurer: Loretta Pretzius. Meetings: Second Tuesday of March, May, September, and November, 7 p.m. at Recher Hall, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, OH 44119. - Join us for interesting, informative meetings about your Slovenian heritage. KLUB UPOKOJENCEV SLOVENSKA PRISTAVA Predsednik: Ivan Jakomin; Podpredsednika: Zdravko Novak in Charles Lončar; Tajnica: Martina Štepec, 1958 Brushview Dr., Richmond Hts., OH 44143, Tel: (440) 944-0016; Blagajničarka: Andreja Novak; Zapisnikar: Frank Urankar; Nadzorni Odbor: Edi Veider, Ani Rak; Odborniki: August Dragar, Julka Zalar, Marija Kocjan, Mary Vrhovnik, Slavka Intihar, Tone Štepec, Tončka Urankar, Ida Oreh, Poldi Bojc, Ivan Zupančič, Jože Radisek, Joži Rus. FOLKLORNA SKUPINA KRES President: Anna Gaser; Vice President: Paul Rozman; Secretary: Kati Kmetich; Treasurer: Stephen Baznik; Senior Representative: Paul Sedmak; Junior Representative: Jennifer Kmetich; Sophomore Representative: Holly Melnick; Freshman Representative: Erika Družina. GLASBENA MATICA President: Steve Royer; 1st Vice President: Lori Sierputowski; 2nd Vice President: Paul Zimperman; Secretary: Colleen Royer; Treasurer: Dan Hrvatin Next concert at the Slovenian National Home, St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, will be on Saturday, Nov. 17. PEVSKI ZBOR KOROTAN Predsednik: Tomaž Gorenšek; Podpredsednik: Frank Rihtar, Podpredsednica: Mary Ann Vogel; Tajnica: Viktorija Zalar, 2886 Istra Lane, Willoughby Hills, OH 44092-1430 Tel. 440-943-3844; Blagajnik: Ed Cup; Nadzorni Odbor: Mira Kosem, Zdravko Novak. Odborniki: Kati Cup, Martina Jakomin, Sonja Kolarič, Lojze Lončar, Silva Lončar, Frank Lovšin; Andeja Novak, Maruša Pogačnik - arhivarka in svetovalka. SLOVENIAN SINGING SOCIETY ZARJA President: Richard Tomsic; lsl Vice President: Jim Kozel; 2nd Vice President: Joe Bradač; Secretary: Kathy Matas; Treasurer: Barbara Elersich; Director: Doug Elersich. Rehearsals are held every Wednesday 7-9 p.m on the stage at the Slovenian Spciety Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, OH. For more information call (216) 481-1379 or (440) 257-2540. SLOVENSKA PISARNA Predsednik: Fr. Jože Boznar, podpredsed-nik-blagajnik in upravnik pisarne: Felix Gasar. nadzorni odbor: Viktor Tomince in Frank Šega. Tajnica in zapisnikarca: Zalka Likozar; književni referent: Mara Cerar Hull; od-bomiki(ce); Milka Odar, Ivanka Vidmar in Vida Oblak. Seje so po potrebi, v prostorih Slovensice pisarna na 6104 Lausche Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. Telefonska številka: 216—361-03-; fax številka: 216-361-0300. Pisarna je odprta ob sobotah od 10.00 do 12.00 ure in nedeljah od 9.30 do 21. ure. SLOVENIAN JUNIOR CHORUS Youth Circle 2 SNPJ President: Coleen Frank; Vice Pres.: Kristy Zivkovich; Rec. Secy: Elizabeth Penko-Suk; Att. Secy: Anthony Culkar; Treas: Ashley Russ; Historian: Samantha Volpe. Circle Director: Cecilia Dolgan; Asst. Circle Director: Agnes Turk; Music Director: Shirley Stall; Rehearsals: Thurs. 7 to 8:30 p.m., Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, Ohio. Next program: Slovenian Junior Chorus, Circle 2 Super Button Box Bash 25, Sun., April 1-12 bands; 1 to 9 pm., both halls, Concert: 3 p.m., Slovenian Soc. Home, Recher Ave., Euclid, OH Fall Concert: Sun., Nov. 11-3 p.m., Slovenian Junior Chorus, Circle 2 SNPJ, Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, OH. CATHOLIC MISSION AID Cleveland, Ohio Predsednica: Marica Lavriša, Podpredsednica: Helena Gorše, Blagajničarka: Mary : Zupančič, 2100 Country Club Dr., Wickliffe, OH 44092 in Marjanca Tominc, 470 Snavely Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143 (216)382-7139. Članstvo: Ani, Rudi Knez, Nežka, Viktor Tominec, Ani Nemec, Tončka Lamovec, Ivanka Tominec, Urši Štepec, Zofk Kosem, Mary Vrhovnik, Tončka Urankar, Lovro Rozman, Mari Miklavčič. KLUB LJUBLJANA Meetings held the last Tuesday of the month, I p.m., at Slovenian Society Hall, 10713 Recher Ave., Euclid. President: Ann Bauha; Financial Secre- ; tary and Treasurer: Stephanie Segulin (216) 451-1876; Recording Secretary: Louise Trunkley. Auditors are Ceil Zinder and Louise Trunkley. Bartenders: Frank Sadar and Frank Skoda. ST. MARY’S HOLY NAME SOCIETY Spiritual Director: Rev. John Kumse; President: Florian Osredkar; Vice President: Victor Nemec; Treasurer: William Kozak. OLTARNO DRUŠTVO FARE SV. MARIJE VNEBOVZETE Duhovni vodja: Rev. John M. Kumse; predsednica: Ani Nemec; podpredsednica: Nežka Cerer; blagajničarka: Mary Tomionc, 470 Snavely Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143, Tel: (216) 382-7139; tajnica: Marica Lavriša; zaisnikarica: Mari Celestina; nadzornice: Tončka Urankar, Mary Podlogar, Maria Frank; zastavonošina: Maria Frank. Skupno sv. obhajilo vsako prvo nedeljo v mesecu pri sv. mašo ob 10. dop. Ist dan popoldne ob 1.30 ura molitve, po blagoslovu pa weja v sobi za sestanke v šoli. ST. MARY’S COURT No. 1640 CATHOLIC ORDER OF FORESTERS Spiritual Director: Rev. John Kumse; High Court Trustee: Alan Spilar; Chief Ranger and St. Ct. Tr. Kathleen Spilar; Vice Chief Ranger: Mary L. Daley; Secretary: Jennie Jesek; Financial Secretary: John Spilar; Treasurer: Vicki Skarbez; Trustees: Gerry White, Hank Skarbez, Alan Spilar; General Agent: Dick Kuhar, Phone (440) 838-1889; Youth Director: Kathy Spilar (216) 289-3814; Past Chief Ranger: Alan Spilar. Meetings every 4ltl Wednesday of second month: Jan, March, May, July, Sept, Nov. in St. Mary’s school (meeting room), 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland, OH 44110. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION Branch #14, Euclid, Ohio President: - Secretary / Treasurer: Diane Varney; Vice President - Recording Secretary: Pat (Rabat) Budzilek; Auditors: Stana Grill, Antoinette Zabukovec; Reporter: Alice Kuhar; Sunshine: Diane Varney; Banner Lady: Josephine Kastigar. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION Branch #47 President: Olga A. Dorchak, 404 Dartmouth Trail, Sagamore Hills, OH 44067; Secretary: Elsie M. Spellacy (330) 699-! 0031); Vice President: Debbie Duris; Auditors: Kathleen Ferrante, Elsie Lavrenčič; | Zatja Reporter: Katherine Wallace, 393 Minnie Ct., Akron, OH 44311. Meetings held the 2nd Sunday of March, September, and November at Maple Heights Library. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION Branch 50 President: Rose Mary Toth; Vice President: Cookie (Catherine) Maxin; Treasurer: Frances Kajfez; Rec. Secy.: Jo Wutchiett; Dawn Reporter: Ann Tomsick; Auditors: | Louise Troglia, Lillian Homer. Meetings held 3rd Wednesday of March, ! April, May, June, September, October, ! November, December at the Euclid Public Library, at 1 p.m. ST. VITUS ALUMNI President: Danny Reiger; Vice President: Josephine Perpar; Recording Secretary: Dan-iella Avsec; Treasurer: F. Raymond Gobec; Corresponding Sec’y.: Daniella Avsec; Sgt.-at-Arms: Louis Shenk; Trustee: Joseph Zelle. Meetings, 7 p.m., on the first Thursdays I of January, April, July, and October in the I Social Room of St. Vitus School. Dues are $5 per year. Officers are nominated in October and sworn into office in January. CATHOLIC WAR VETERANS ST. VITUS POST 1655 Commander: Robert Mills Sr.; First Vice Commander: Dan Reiger; Second Vice Commander: Thomas Kirk; Third Vice Commander: Frances Erne Jr.; Adjutant: Michael Blau; Treasurer: John Kirk; Histo-rian: Anthony Grdina; Welfare Officer: William Lipoid: Judge Advocate: Michael Blau; Officer of the Day: Ronald Genovese; One-Year Trustee: Anthony Baznik: Two-Year Trustee: Albin Orehek; Three-Year Trustee: Joseph Baškovič; House Chairman: Richard Mott; Liaison Officer: Robert Mills Sr.; Chaplains: Rev. Bishop A. Edward Pevec, Rev. Joseph Boznar, Rev. Richard Evans, Rev. William Jerse, Rev. Victor Cimperman, Rev. Thomas Gallagher. ST. VITUS ALTAR SOCIETY Spiritual Director: Fr. Joseph P. Božnar; President: Ivanka Matič. English Recording Secretary: Marija Košir; Secretary: Helena Perčič; Treasurer: Neva Avzlahar. Monthly corporate communion on the 1st Sunday of the month at the 10:30 a.m. Mass followed by meeting in the St. Vitus Village Slovenian Room. Every Thursday, Holy Hour at 4 p.m., followed by the 4:30 Mass. NEWBURGH-MAPLE HTS. PENSIONERS CLUB President: Art Zanutic; Vice President: Flor-etice Mirtel; Financial Secretary: Olga Dor-chak (330) 468-7989; Recording Secretary: Clara Hrovat; membership/Sunshine; Olga j^ay; Auditors: Tony Kaplan, Kay Yuratovac, Frank Hrovat. Meetings held 4th Wednesday of each month at 12:00 noon. SLOVENIAN CULTURAL SOCIETY TRIGLAV Spiritual Director: Rev. Dr. Jože Gole; President: Craig Frohna; Vice-President: Jake Nlodic; Treasurer: Carmen Strmšek; Recording Secretary: Elisabeth Gordon; Corresponding Secretary: Helenca Frohna; Park Manager: Charlie Strmšek; Auditing Committee: Anne Sagadin, Vicky Schneider, Tom Smolič. Activities: May 28: Memorial Day Remembrance June 24,h: Prvi Piknik July 22nd: Mission Picnic August 19th: Drugi Picnic Sept, lb"1: Vinska Trgatev Dec. 2nd: Sveti Miklavž SLOVENIAN AMERICAN PRIMORSKI CLUB President: Mejak Joakin; Vice Pres.: Milavec Aldo; Treasurer: Ramšak Silva; Secretary: Stropnik Angela. Board Members: Grdina Srečko, Grdina Mary, Jenko Joseph Jr., Manjas Danilo, Milavec Sabina, Mejak Brigita, Ramšak Joseph, Sedmak Kristjan, Udovič Vera. Board of Review: Grdina Srečko, Milavec Sabina, Manjas Danilo. BELOKRANJSKI KLUB President: Rezka Smuk; Vice President: Rudy Benedejčič; Secretary: Nenca Cerer, 101 Win Drive, Willowick, OH 44095; Recording Secretary: Nežka Golobic; Treasurer: Alenka Winslett; Stock Master: Brian Winslett; Auditors: Mark Blanchard, Mimi Blanchard, Frank Smuk. ŠTAJERSKI-PREKMURSKI KLUB President: Mimi Kozina Cupar; Vice-President: John Kozina; Treasurer: John Cupar; Secretary: Majda Zorman. Odbor: Tonica Simičak, Martina Simičak, Mimi Kozina, Rezka Zelko, Kristina Ferlinc, Ančka Leben, Frank Fujs, Paul Skale, Silvia Pišom, Branko Pišom, Koloman Weindor-fer. Sat., Oct. 25 - 50th Anniversary celebration dinner-dance at Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair, Cleveland, Ohio. SLOVENIAN AMERICAN HERITAGE FOUNDATION President: Anthony W. Hiti; Vice President: Dr. Alexander Ukmar; Secretary: Joan Chermely; Treasurer: Dana Leonard; At-Large: August B. Pust, Dr. Rudolph M. Susel, Ann M. Opeka; Past Presidents: Dr. Karl B. Bonutti, Frederick E. Križman, Esq., Hon. August Pryatel, Dr. Vladimir J. Rus, Edmund J. Turk, Esq., Joyce Ann Hribar, Esq. SLOVENE HOME FOR THE AGED BOARD OF TRUSTEES President: Robert Klancher; Vice President: Phil Hrvatin; Treasurer: Celeste Frollo; Secretary: Vera Marsic. Trustees: Chris Chermely, Doug Elersich, Rudy Kozan, Florence Luce, Dale Luzar, Joe Miskulin, Milan Ribic, Richard Tomsic, Agnes Turk Scott Zele. Honorary Trustee: Ronald Zele; Administrator: Jeffrey S. Sas, LNHA. FEDERATION OF AMERICAN SLOVENIAN SENIOR CITIZENS President: Olga Dorchak; Vice President: Larry Hočevar; Secretary: Matt Zabukovec; Treasurer: Pat Nevar; Auditors: Dorothy Gorjup, Grace Marinch, Frank Sadar. SLOVENIAN AMERICAN NATIONAL ART GUILD President: John Stredk; Viqe President: Patricia A. Habat; Secretary: Jeannie Somrak; Treasurer: Lillian Bratina; Auditor: Ann Opeka; Heritage: Doris Sadar; Membership and Circulation: Carol Maruszak; Newsletter: Patricia A. Habat. Meetings held the third Monday of the month at 7 p.m. at Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio. AMERICAN SLOVENE CLUB President: Gene Drobnič; Vice-President: Emilee Jenko; Secretary: Terry Hočevar; Cor-res. Sec’y.: Emilee Jenko; Treasurer: Agnes Koporc. Meetings: 4 times a year. LILIJA Predsednik: Peter Dragar; Podpredsednik: Matija Grdadolnik; Podpredsednik: Srečo Gaser; Tajnik: Zdenka Zakrajšek, 10740 Angela Dr., Kirtland, OH 44094; Zapisnikar: Frank Hren; Blagajnišar-ka: Marija Marsic; Programski odbor: Matija Grdadolnik, S reso Gaser, Peter Dragar, Zdenka Zakrajšek, Mojca Slak, Ivan Hauptman, Ivan Jakomin. Oderski mojster: Slavko Štepec, Kuhinja: Ani Nemec, Julka Zalar; Točaja: Rudi Hren, Tone Štepec; Reditelji: Jože Tomc, Ivan Tomc, Lojze Zupančič; Športni referent: Matija Grdadolnik; Nadzorni odbor: Marija Tominc, Frank Zalar ML, Štefka Smolič SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION Branch 25 President: Frances M. Gazvoda; Vice President: Josephine Perpar; Sunshine Lady: Albina Pozelnik; Recording Secretary: Emilee Jenko; Treasurer: Ann R. Clemence; Auditor: Emilee Jenko. D.S.P.B. Vestnik President: Viktor Tominec; Tajnik: Anton Oblak; Blagajnik: Frank Šega; Odbornika: Stane Vidmar in Lojze Drobnič. Društvo prireja v mesecu maju spominsko sv. mašo in obisk pokopališča v mesecuav-gustu spominsko romanje za vse žrtve komunizma, nacizma in fašizma. ST. VITUS LODGE No. 25 KS K J President: Joseph V. Hočevar, Vice President: Joseph Baškovič; Recording Secretary: Financial Secretary: John C. Turek (216) 531-0230; Treasurer: Al Orehek; Athletic Director: Ralph Prawdzik; Auditors: Marty Turek, Brian Fabo, Norb Zak. Sgt.-at-Arms: Tony Baznik. ST. JOSEPH LODGE No. 169 KSKJ Spiritual Director: Rev. John Kumse; President: Phil Hrvatin; Vice President: Sandi Green; Financial Secretary: Anne Nemec, 708 E. 159 St., Cleveland, OH 44110, (216) 541-7243; Treasurer: Catherine Clack; Recording Secretary: Laura Miller; Youth & Athletic Director: John Nemec; Auditors: Jennie Tuma, John Hozjan, and Evelyn Pipoly Meetings are held the third Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the club room of the Collinwood Slovenian Home (Holmes Ave.). New members (up to age 90) are always welcome. For information on life insurance and annuities call licensed agents John Nemec (216) 541-7243 or Sandi Green (440) 946-2500. CHRIST THE KING LODGE No. 226 KSKJ President: Joseph Rigler; Vice President: Ray Zak; Sec./Treasurer: Erika Kurbos, 1875 Braebum Park Dr., Euclid, OH 44117 (216) 383-1212; Recording Sec.: Rosemarie Zupančič; Auditors: Johbn Zupančič, Nicole Mihalič, Charles Potenga; Athletic/Youth Director: Ron Zak; Spiritual Advisor: Rev. Joseph Boznar; Sergeant-at-Arms: Robert McDonough; Activities Director: Judy Ryan; Assistant to Activities Youth Director: Caitlin Mihalič. OUR LADY OF FATIMA Lodge No. 255 KSKJ Spiritual Advisor: Rev. John Kumse; President: Robert A. Schulz; Vice President: Jackie Hanks; Secretary-Treasurer: Connie Schulz, 5495 C. Sierra Dr., Willoughby, OH 44094-3513, Tel: (440) 944-2015; Auditors: Larry Duggan, Donna Duggan; Athletic Director: Darlene Schulz. Meetings held the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at Secretary/Treasurer’s home. CATHOLIC ORDER OF FORESTERS BARAGA COURT 1317 Spiritual Director: Rev. Joseph P. Boznar; Chief Ranger: Robert W. Mills Sr.; Past Chief Ranger: Dr. Anthony F. Spech; Vice Chief Ranger: Anthony Baznik; Recording Secretary: Frank Sraj; Financial Secretary: Angelo W. Vogrig, 17220 Tarymore Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119, Ph: 531-2662; Treasurer: Howard Eckert. Trustees: Anthony Baznik, Howard Eckert, Robert W. Mills Sr.; Youth Director: Angelo W. Vorig; Field Rep. Richard Kuhar (Ph. 838-18890. Meetings held the 2nd Friday of the month. Call Fin. Sec. for meeting location. BALINCARSKI CLUB SLOVENSKA PRISTAVE Časni Pred.: Felix Breznikar; Predsednik; Lojze Mohar; Pod. Pred.: Janez Švigelj; Taj-Blag: Tone Škerl. Odborniki: Ani Breznikar, Mici Mohar, Tončka Švigelj, Tone Vogel, Janez in Rezka Breznikar, Vera Žnidaršič, Marija Vrhovnik, Lojze in Angelca Debeljak, Tončka Bcrkopec, Zdenka Kavčič. Nadzorni odbor: Lojze Hribar, Vionko Vrhovnik. SLOVENIAN INDEPENDENT SOCIETY HOME 70 - 14"1 Street NW, Barberton, 44203 President: Edward Gabrosek; Vice President: Frank Smrdel; Recording-Secretary: Yvonne Simons; Secretary-Treasurer: Regina Bartram; Trustees: Bob Hauser, Kevin Otanicar, John Steiner; Administrative Board: Kenny Betts and David Stump. Meetings are held at I p.m., the third Sunday of each month September thru May. SKOVENSKE PRISTAVE Predsednik: Milan Ribic; Podpredsednik: 13 Metod Ilc; Podpredsednica/Tajnica: Metka Zalar; Tajnica / Camp: Ani Sterle; Zapisnikarica: MaryAnn Vogel. Odbornice / Odborniki: Jože Cerer, Tony Cerer, Jr., Tony Champa, Peter Domanko, Sonia Domanko, Frank Ferkulj, Gregor Frank, Larry Frank, Jože Grčar, Pavel Intihar, Teresa Kosem, Benjamin Košir, Michael Košir, Verena Krištof, Stanley Krulc, Jr., Emie Luzar, Irena Mazi, Joakin Mejak, Stane Mrva, Jože Novak, Filip Oreh, David Osenar, Branko Pisom, Andrej Ribic, Valentin Ribic, Klike Rus, Ron Rus, Stane Rus, Steve Saylor, Ferdo Sečnik, Edi Sedmak, Kristjan Sedmak, Vid Sleme, Tom Štepec, Martin Tominc, Edi Veider, Frank Vidmar, Frank Zalar, Jr., Elizabeta Žalik, Joe Žnidaršič, Tomaž Žnidaršič, Ivan Zupančič. Nadzorni odbor: Viktor Kmetic, John Sršen, Frank Zalar, Jr. Razsodišče: Jože Košir, Tom Štepec, Frank Uranksar. Pravni svetovalec: Tomaž Lobe. Members: Take part in AMLA events! ST. ANNE'S LODGE #4 AMLA President: Emilee Jenko; lsl Vice president: Madeline Debevec; 2nd Vice President: Stane Kuhar; Secretary: Louis Zigmund; Treasurer: Dolores Kraus; Auditors: Dorothy Stanonik, David Stanonik. LODGE 6 SLOVENSKI DOM AMLA President: Joe Petrie, Vice President: Wally Frank; Secretary-Treasurer: Janice Verch; Recording Secretary: Lillian Pugel; Audit Chmn.: Theresa Aveni; Auditors: Elsie Frank, Dorothy Lamm. LODGE KRAS No. 8 AMLA President: Celeste Frollo; Vice President: Vida Zak; Secretary-Treasurer: Anton Lavrisha, 1076 E. 176 St. (216) 531-3413, meti@aol.com; Recording Secretary: Sophie Matuch. Meetings held the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m., at Slovenian Home on Holmes Avenue in Cleveland, except July and August. AMLA LODGE CLEVELAND, No. 9 President: Robert Menart; 1st Vice President: Albert Amigoni; Secretary-Treasurer: Patricia Amigoni, 21051 Arbor Ave., Euclid, OH 44123. Recording Sec’y.: Gertrude Menart; Auditing Chmn: Gertrude Menart, Auditor: Ana Mihelich; F.A.C. Coordinator: Gertrude Menart; F.A.C. Jr. Coordinator: Robert Menart; Lodge Reporter: Albert Amigoni. Lodge meetings first Sunday of month at AMLA Home Office at 11 a.m. LODGE No. 12 RIBNICA AMLA President: James E. Czeck; Vice President: Vincent F. Ilacqua; Secretary-Treasurer: Carole Czeck; Recording Secretary: Gina Ilacqua; President, Audit Com.: Jaime Lončar; l’1 Auditor: Lillian Bratina; 2nd Auditor: Philip J. Yan, Sr.; F.A.C. Coordinator: Vince Ilacqua; Lodge Reporter: Carole Czeck/James Czeck; Lodge Contact: Carole Czeck. Meetings held Sunday, Feb. 25, May 20, Sept. 16, and Nov. 18 at 1:30 p.m., at 988 Talmade Age. (Sec. Home), except Dec. Annual Meeting. ST. MARY’S SENIORS Spiritual Director: Rev. John Kumse; President: Zora Kocin; Vice President: Elsie Jacobs; Secretary: Mary Zimperman; Treasurer: John Spilar. Meetings are held every lsl Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. in St. Mary’s School. For particulars and membership call Zora Kocin at (216) 289-0467. LADIES AUXILIARY SNPJ FARM President: Sophie Matuch; Vice president: Grace Marinch; Secretary: Gerri Trebets; Treasurer: Barbara Elersich; Auditors: Eleanor Godec, Dorothy Gorjup, Helen Sumrada. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 24, 2008 In Memory of Senator Frank J. Lausche America's Greatest Slovenian An Inspiration to All! The Frances and Jane S. Lausche Foundation James V. Debevec, President; Madeline D. Debevec, Secretary-Treasurer; John M. Urbancich, Trustee FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina AMERICAN IN SPIRIT SLOVENIAN FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 0241 00) Thursday, April 24, 2008 - Vesti iz Slovenije - Predsednik George Bush bo že drugič obiskal Slovenca in sicer junya V mesecu juniju bo Slovenija gostila srečanje na vrhu držav članic Evropske unije ter nekaterih drugih držav. To bo pred koncem slovenskega predsedovanja EU. Na to srečanje bo prišel tudi ameriški predsednik George Bush, navzoča bo tudi najvišje vodstvo Rusije. Srečanje bo tako imelo veliko pozornosti v svetu. Predsednik Bush bo v Sloveniji, kot sedaj pravijo, najmanj dva dni. Na svojem prvem obisku zgodaj v svoji predsedniški dobi se je Bush prvič srečal z ruskim predsednikom Vladimirjem Putinom. Slovenija že v predvolilnem obdobju -Levičarske stranke zatrjujejo, da ne bodo sodelovale v vladi z Janševo stranko Čeprav je šele mesec april, parlamentarne volitve bodo pa šele jeseni (datum še ni določen), politične stranke v državi se že angažirajo v kampanjo, prirejajo shode in zberejo svoje privržence na različne prireditve. Zelo je aktivna v tem levica, ki sicer še nima izdelanega skupnega programa ali koalicije kot take, voditelji teh strank pa trdijo, da ne nameravajo po volitvah pod nobenim pogojem pristati na sodelovanje v koaliciji, v kateri bi bila navzoča tudi Janez Janševa sedaj vladajoča Slovenska demokratska stranka. Sam Janez Janša je že dejal, da “bo SDS, če bo na volitvah uspešna, v novo vlado povabila vse stranke, ki imajo v svojem programu skrb za blaginjo in razvoj Slovenije”. Dodal je: “Sicer pa naša stranka predvolilne kampanje sploh še ni začela.” Zanimivo je to, da v Sloveniji izraz “levica” označuje vse politične stranke, ki so izšle iz komunistične partije, izraz “desnica” pa vse ostalo. Ker pa je levici uspelo za dobro desetletje vladavino v državi, pred prihodom Janševe koalicije pred tremi leti, je prav ta levica pridobila izredno moč v gospodarstvu in v civilni družbi tudi prevladujoč vpliv. Tako sedaj v prvih vrstah levičarskih strank in njih najbolj vplivnih pripadnikov sedijo ravno milijonerji in milijarderji ki, poleg drugih prednosti, bolj ali manj dominirajo npr. medije v državi. Precejšnja težava za Janševo vlado je sedaj spor s sindikati, ki zahtevajo povečanje plač, predvsem najnižjih (ti znašajo približno od 600 do 750 dolarjev mesečno). V državi je tako, da dobički mnogih podjetij tako v zasebni kot javni lasti naraščajo, plače delavcev pa ali ostanejo iste ali pa celo izgubljajo na vrednost zaradi zadnje čase sorazmerno visoke inflacije. Tako so bile v Sloveniji 5. aprila demonstracije, na katerih so sodelovali delavci iz različnih evropskih držav (sodelovalo je kakih 30 tisoč demonstrantov). Drži pač, da so plače v Sloveniji v povprečju dvakrat nižje kot v drugih evropskih državah (npr. Avstriji). Inflacija v Sloveniji je zadnje čase na stopnji 6,9% letno in je tako najvišja v vseh državah, kjer je valuta evro. Ameriško podjetje Hurrah’s International opustilo projekt za gradijo veleigralniškega in zabaviščnega središča Omenjeno ameriško podjetje je že nekaj let prizadevalo v sodelovanju z novogoriškim Hitom zgraditi takšno središče. Projekt je med drugim naletel na močno nasprotovanje s strani javnosti, tudi slovenska vlada si ni upala dati dosti podpore zaradi te domače opozicije. Tudi Kosovo bo kot nova država odpra svoje veleposlaništvo v Sloveniji Pred kratkim je predsednik nove države Kosovo Hashim Thaci v nekem intervjuju povedal, da namerava njegova “država”, ki jo prizna tudi Slovenija, kmalu odpreti svoje veleposlaništvo v Ljubljani. REŠEVANJE VPRAŠANJ S HRVAŠKO - Pred nedavnim je premier Janez Janša seznanil vodje parlamentarnih strank z delom komisy, ki sta jih slovenska in hrvaška vlada lani ustanovili za reševanje vprašanj meje. Vladne stranke so bile razumljivo bolj zadovoljne z Janševo razlago situacije in obetov kakor opozicijske, vendar je Janša rekel p© srečanju, da vsnj pri ključnih parlamentarnih dejavnikih v Sloveniji ne bo pri-hnjalo do izkoriščanja te teme v predvolilnem času. Jeseni bodo namreč v Sloveniji Parlamentarne volitve in se stranke že pripravljajo nanje- Premier je dodal, da se bo s Predsedniki parlamentarnih strank znova sešel po prvem sestanku skupine mednarodnopravnih strokovnjakov.Na fotografiji so vidni mdr. Zmago Jelinčič, Katarina Kresal in Andrej Bjyuk (pri trije na levi), na levi sta pa Janez Janša in Dimitrij Rupel Iz Clevelanda in okolice Upokojenci Slov. pristave— Mesečni sestanek Kluba upokojencev Slov. pristave bo v sredo, 30. aprila, ob 1. uri pop. na Pristavi. Več v dopisu na str. 16. Krofi in rezanci— Oltarno društvo fare sv. Vida ima prodajo krofov in rezancev v soboto, 3. maja dopoldne, kot vedno v društveni sobi. Krofi so en teden prej kot ponavadi. Novi grobovi Jean Križman Dne 8. aprila je na svojem domu v Willoughbyju umrla 86 let stara Jean Križman, hčerka Matijeta in Angele (oba pok.), sestra Albine Novak, Dorothy, Matt-a, Fredericka in Emila (vsi že pok.), 11-krat teta, 41-krat prateta, zaposlena je bila pri Stouffer Foods, kjer se je leta 1977 upokojila kot podpredsednica, zelo aktivna v številnih slovenskih organizacijah, med njimi Slovenski dom za ostarele in Slov. narodni dom na St. Clairju. Pogreb je bil 11. aprila v oskrbi Želeto-vega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Noela in pokopom na Kalvarije pokopališču. Družina je priporočala darove v pokojničin spomin Slovene Home for the Aged Foundation, 18621 Neff Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119 ali Friends of Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. Edward J. Špehar Dne 11. marca je na svojem domu umrl 86 let stari Edward J. Špehar, rojen 22. junija 1921, vdovec po Mary, brat že pok. Ru-dyja Špehar, zanj žalujejo svakinja Tillie Špehar, nečake Michael, Martin in Marvin ter pranečaki in pranečakinje, veteran 2. svetovne vojne, zaposlen do svoje upokojitve kot učitelj na Glenville High School, razveseljeval številne otroke in odrasle v bolnišnicah, starostnih domovih, ko je igral vlogo sv. Miklavža, faran je bil pri cerkvi sv. Viljema. Albina J. Pozelnik Umrla je 86 let stara Albina J. Pozelnik, hčerka Antona in Mary (r. Perko) (oba že pok.), sestra An-thonyja in že pok. Mary, Victorja in Mary, faranka celo življenje pri sv. Vidu, graduantka svetovidske far-(DALJE na str. 20) Predstavitev knjige— Jutri, v petek, bo ob 7. uri v dvorani Marije Vne-bovzete na Holmes Ave. predstavitev nove knjige v angleščini Slovenski eksodus 1945. Govoril bo g. Jerry Zupan, ki je knjigo prevedel. Govorili bodo tudi drugi. Javnost vabljena. Koncert pri sv. Vidu— V sredo, 7. maja, ob 7. uri zv. bo v cerkvi sv. Vida četrti in zadnji koncert CityMusic Cleveland. Vstopnine ni, prostovoljni prispevki pa bodo dobrodošli. Po koncertu prigrizek v farni dvorani. Spominska sv. maša— Društvo SPB vabi na spominsko sv. mašo, ki bo v nedeljo, 25. maja, na svetišču Lurške Matere božje na Chardon Rd. Maša bo ob 12. uri, daroval jo bo Rev. Pavel Krajnik. Popoldne ob 3.30 bodo molitve na pokopališču Vernih duš, ki jih bo vodil župnik fare sv. Vida g. Jože Božnar. Več v dopisu na str. 16. Obisk parlamentarcev— Pretekli teden je bila na obisku v našem mestu skupina petih članov slovenskega Državnega zbora, ki so hkrati člani parlamentarne Komisije za odnose s Slovenci v zamejstvu in po svetu. Ogledali so si razne naše ustanove, pretekli četrtek zvečer pa se srečali z več našimi rojaki v Keni-kovi sobi SND na St. Clairju. Skupino je vodil po mestu Gen. konzul dr. Zvone Žigon. Dvakrat v mesecu msyu— Naš list bo izšel 8. in 22. maja, zadnja številka pa bo izšla 21. avgusta. Naši dobrotniki— Dr. Jože Bernik, ki sedaj živi v Mengšu, Slovenija, je daroval $53 v podporo našemu listu. G. Rudi in ga. Mary Ann Hren iz Concorda, O., sta darovala $25. G. Martin in ga. Mimi Lisac iz Mentorja, O., sta darovala $38. Ga. Sylvia Klopčič iz Parme, O., je darovala $22, v spomin moža Janeza. Ga. Stefi Zam-len iz Clevelanda je darovala $20, v spomin moža Franka. Ga. Lillian Perez, Richmond Hts., O., je darovala $35. G. in ga. Gerald Filips iz Solona, O., sta darovala $15, v spomin Anthonyja in Therese Filips. Vsem darovalcem se za njih naklonjenost in podporo najlepše zahvalimo. Obisk prof. dr. Kajetana Gantarja v Clevelandu CLEVELAND, O. - V začetku tega meseca nas je v Clevelandu iz Slovenije obiskal filolog, profesor, predavatelj, pisatelj in prevajalec klasičnih jezikovk dr. Kajetan Gantar. Z njim smo se 1. aprila sestali v Slovenski sobi v Vasi sv. Vida, kjer nam je predaval o slovenskem jeziku. Prišel je na povabilo Slovensko-ameriškega sveta in svojih nekdanjih sošolcev na gimnaziji v Peggezu in Spittalu v Avstriji, kamor se je leta 1945 z drugimi begunci zatekel s svojim očetom. Upokojenci Slovenske pristave poročajo... CLEVELAND, O. - Pomlad je v deželi. Po dolgi, hudi zimi vabimo vse člane na mesečni sestanek na Pristavo v sredo, 30. aprila, ob 1. popoldne. Kdor le more naj pride že zgodaj in pomaga počistiti Pristavo, predvsem Orlov vrh. Za vse člane bo pripravljena dobra malica, in to ob eni uri pop. Letos bomo imeli naš piknik 3. avgusta, koline pa 12. oktobra. Dobiček našega piknika vsako leto darujemo Pristavi. V 20 letih, kar naš klub obstoja, smo darovali Pristavi več kot 80 tisoč dolarjev, v dobre namene pa več kot 100 tisoč dolarjev. Ponosni smo na našo Pristavo in veseli, da naš mlajši rod tako lepo skrbi, da bo ta ustanova v ponos vsem Slovencem v Ameriki še dolga leta. Naj priložim pesem o Pristavi, katero je spesnil pokojni Tone Košir, oče našega člana in vsem dobro znanega podjetnika Pavleta Koširja in njegovega brata Jožeta. Koširjevemu atu so komunisti ubili štiri sinove. Zdaj je že več let združen z njimi v nebesih. Tako lepo se jih spomni v kitici o Orlovem vrhu: Kapela nova je zgrajena, Junakom našim posvečena, Vero, dom so nam branili, Mučencev krono so dobili. Upamo, da nam bo Bog dal lepo vreme za naš prvi letošnji sestanek na Pristavi in da bo čim več članov prišlo ta dan, saj smo si ga po tej hudi zimi zaslužili. Na veselo svidenje! Frank Urankar Pozneje se je z očetom vrnil v Slovenijo, ker ga je, kot piše v svoji knjigi spsominov: Ugasli utrinki sanj: “...preganjala tudi misel, da bi v Ameriki najbrž prenehal ostajati kot Slovenec; prej ali slej bi utonil v angloameri-kanskem jezikovnem morju". Ker se je že zgodaj odločil, da bo študiral jezike, t. j. filologijo, posebno slovenski jezik, je bila odločitev primerna in edina mogoča resolucija. Prof. dr. Gantar je govoril o zgodovini in razvoju slovenskega jezika, o današnji vlogi jezika— ali—jezikov v vsakdanjem življenju in občevanju med različnimi narodi. O veliki zaskrbljenosti za jezik, ki jo mnogi v Sloveniji izražajo zaradi vdo- Spominska sv. maša bo 25. maja CLEVELAND, O. - Kakor vsako leto, vas vabimo tudi letos k tej maši, ki bo 25. maja, ob dvanajsti uri, na svetišču Lurške Matere božje na Chardon Rd. Ta sv. maša lepo sovpada z ameriškim praznikom “Memorial Day”, ko se Amerika spominja svojih vojakov in vojakinj, padlih za svobodo narodov po svetu. Tudi mi jih vključimo v svoje molitve. Posebno pa se spominjamo naših dragih, ki so umrli nasilne smrti med in še po končani 2. svetovni vojni, tako domobrancev in vseh naših bratov in sester. Popoldne ob pol štirih (3:30) pa bodo molitve na pokopališču Vernih duš na Chardonu za vse naše rajne. Sv. mašo na svetišču bo daroval č.g. Pavel Krajnik, molitve na pokopališču pa bo vodil č.g. Jože Božnar. Iskren pozdrav. Za Društvo SPB, v. t. ra tujih izrazov v slovenski jezik. Ti so se še posebno uveljavili v zadnjem ali zadnjih desetletjih, a je sam prepričan, da slovenski jezik ne bo izumrl. Svoje prepričanje o tem nam je podprl z razlago o pogovoru, ki ga je ob nedavnem obisku v Avstriji imel s prof. dr. Steven Vurmom (op. meh: upam, da pravilno pišem to ime, ki sem ga v dr. Gantrjevem govoru slišala le dvakrat). Temu profesorju, ki je tudi filolog za svoj jezik, je Gantar izrazil svojo skrb in ga vprašal, če misli, da bo slovenski jezik, enako kot mnogi drugi jeziki na svetu, umrl zaradi velikega pritoka tujih besed, umrl. Profesor ga je vprašal po zgodovini jezika našega najmajhnega naroda in dr. Gantar mu je pri-povedal takole: Iz 10. stoletja imamo brižinske spomenike v slovenskem jeziku; leta 1564 je bila v bila v slovenščino prevedena in tiskana biblija, ki je bila 12. po vrsti na svetu; imamo etimološki atlas slovenskih narečij; Strokovni slovar; najbolj razsežen latinsko-slovenski slovar; ter še kaj drugega. Prof. Vurm mu je odgovoril, da tako bogat jezik, ki ima tako globoko zgodovino besede - pisano in govorjeno - ne bo izumrl. Dr. Gantar je govoril tudi o drugih pritiskih na slovenski jezik: pod nadvlado Avstro-Ogrske je bil uraden jezik nemški, vendar je slovenski jezik ravno v tistem času zadobli svojo novo pisno obliko; v Prekmurju je prevladoval madžarski jezik, vendar se je tam razvila prekmurščina, ki Je še vedno ena izmed slovenskih narečij; v Istri in Benečiji Slovenci od nekdaj govorijo svoje rezijsko narečje. Med leti 1945 in 1990 je marksistični pritisk skušal spremeniti ali celo zatreti slovenski Jezik. Na primer, v nekaterih predelih Slovenije so po zakonu celih 60% stanovanjskega prostora, predvsem v predmestjih, namenili priseljencem iz juga- V pisanju so bile prepovedane besede kakor štrajk, Bog (z veliko začetnico), boglonaj, božično drevo itd. Nadalje, gospa, gospod in gospodična, posebno za učitelje. (In tako je beseda tovarišica postala naziv samo za učiteljico.) Mnoga imena krajev so bila spremenjena in šele v zadnjem času, v samostojni Sloveniji, so nekatere vasi dobile nazaj svoja nekdanja imena. Seveda, sedaj se slovenski jezik sooča z novimi in tudi večjimi izzivi. Ko se je Slovenija bolj približevala ostalim evropskim narodom in ko zadnja leta sprejema več ameriške angleščine, so prišli do veljave predvsem tehnični izrazi. Vendar med ljudmi ti že dobivajo dobre slovenske besede. Primeri: zgoščenka za “CD”, menjalnik za “transmission”, razpršilnik za “carburetor”, računalnik za “computer” ipd. Ker je jezik za narod zunanji izraz živega ljudstva, tako je povedal dr. Gantar, mu ne moreš diktirati novih besed. Te se morajo same uveljaviti in to neprisiljeno. Take besede postanejo del vsakdanje govorice. Samo tako se jezik lahko spontano razvija in raste v bolj bogato razgibanost. ❖ Dr. Kajetan Gantar spada v krog slovenskih književnikov, ki proučujejo slovenski jezik; med njimi so Janko Moder, Janez Gradišnik, Radoj-ka Vrančič. Obenem pa Je Gantar najboljši prevajalec, posebno klasičnih jezikov. Pri založbi Mladinska knjiga je v zbirki domačih in svetovnih klasikov pod naslovom “Kondor” izšel njegov izbor Sovretovega prevoda Homerjeve Iliade. Sam pravi v knjigi svojih spominov, da je "srečen, ker mi je moj poklic, moje predavateljsko in znanstveno del, moja prevajalska umetnost, vedno obenem tudi moj najljubši konjiček”. Poslušalci so ga tudi vprašali, kako Je preživel tista prva leta po vrnitvi iz Avstrije in poznejša preganjanja, ki mu jih je naložila oblast v diktaturi proletariata? Dr. Gantarjevi odgovori so nam živo prikazali, kako je oblast in po njej odgovorni organi našli pota in načine, s katerimi so mu preprečevali šolanje in delo, pa tudi povzročili zapor in krnili uspehe. Vendar je dr. Gantar vse povedal z velikim humorjem in prizanesljivostjo, ki je, kot vemo, znak velike potrpežljivosti in dobrega srca. Kot predavatelj je bil dr. Gantar zanimiv in lahko razumljiv govornik, kot človek pa odprt, spontan in prisrčen sogovornik. Vsi, ki smo prišli na to srečanje, smo lahko videli, kako daleč lahko potuje nekdo, ki so mu vera, narodna zavest in velika volja do dela v svojem poklicu glavne smernice v življe-nJu- Mara Cerar Hull Cleveland Public Radio WCPN 90.3 FM Tony Ovsenik: 31731 Miller Ave. Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44092 Phone: 1-440-944-2538 e-mail: tony.ovsenik@sbcglobal.net Saturdays 9-I0pm CONTRIBUTOR TO: RADIO OGNJISCE-LJUBLjANA NA PRISTAVO Pristava kliče, vabi nas, Prijatelj, pridi k nam v vas. Tako lepo je tukaj zdaj. Zgleda Ti kot mali raj. Le pridi sem prijatelj moj, Pomladni uživaj ta opoj, Tu veselje je doma, Da lahko vsak uživa ga. Mirno tu se odpočiješ. Se zraka svežega naužiješ. Domača družba se dobi, Kjer pozabiš vse skrbi. Kapela nova je zgrajena, Junakom našim posvečena, Vero, dom so nam branili. Mučencev krono so dobili. Krasen tisti Je teren. Kjer postavljen je bazen, Okolica lepo zelena, V raj prelepi spremenjena. Plavanje te okrepi, Čista voda te hladi, Lep užitek res imaš, Ko med valovi se igraš. Nova tudi je dvorana, Velika, svetla in prostrana, Ko se godba oglaša. Vse se giblje in vrti. Najbolj važna je kantina. Dobiš tam vino, razna piva, Kar srce Ti poželi. Vse na bari se dobi. Prijatelj moj, le pridi sem, Ti žal ne bo, to dobro vem. Vse kar nudi nam narava, To vse naša ima Pristava. (Pesem Je bila objavljena v Ameriški Domovini 27. maja 1981.) Pripoved prisilnega mobiliziranca v nemško vojsko KO BOM UMIRAL Ko bom umiral, mi oči zaprite z mehkobo, z vonjem pisanih ciklam, ob vzglavje mi jih nežno položite, da zrl vanje bom, ko sam bom, sam ... Morda pomlad me v sanje bo klicala, morda jeseni me bo vabil sad... Jaz vrnil vse ti bom, kar si posodil, kar dal na posodo si mi - moj brat. Ne maram joka ne obleke čme, ne maram gledati nikjer solza, saj roke v večnosti so vse srebrne, požegnane spet od Boga ... Vse, kar bilo mi je v življenju dano v veselje - morda tudi v bolečino, odložil sem; zdaj skozi božjo lino poslušam pesem kakor dete vdano ... Marijan Jakopič Slovenski dan v Clevelandu - I. del - Leta 1941 je nacistična Nemčija okupirala velik del Slovenije, to je Štajersko in Gorenjsko in obe kasneje pripojila veliki Nemčiji. Prebivalstvu je izdala državljanstvo do preklica. V začetku leta 1943 je pričela s protipravno mobilizacijo letnikov 1916 do 1927 v nemško vojsko. Okupacijska oblast je zaradi mobilizacije prekinila z izgonom Slovencev iz domovine. Na ta način so mobiliziranci omogočili, da je bilo ustavljeno izseljevanje in je tako ostalo v domovini okrog 200.000 Slovencev. Ta del slovenske medvojne zgodovine je bil v času komunističnega enoumja povsem zamolčan, tako je mlajšemu rodu popolnoma neznan. Šele v novejšem času si “Združenje mobiliziranih Gorenjcev v redno nemško vojsko v času 1943 -1945” prizadeva, da bi ta zamolčana zgodovina bila kot učna snov vključena v šolske učbenike. Večina nabornikov je bila vpoklicanih februarja 1943. Med njimi bi se znašel tudi jaz, pa sem bil tedaj oproščen zaradi zloma leve noge. V januarju sem si jo zlomil pri smučanju in jo imel tri mesece v mavcu. Tako sem bil vpoklican z drugo skupino v avgustu. Prevoz v Nemčijo je bil izveden v potniških vagonih. Prestali smo v kraju Lenggries v vznožju Bavarskih Alp južno bd Miin-chna in tam nastanjeni v dokaj solidne kasarne. Takoj prve dni smo. začeli s poznavanjem osnovnih vojaških veščin. Na vrsto so prišla vsa obvezna cepljenja za zaščito proti raznim boleznim. Injekcije so dajali v prsni koš in kot zadnja je prišla na vrsto najhujša, ki smo jo zaradi hudih bolečin imenovali “konjska". Po njej Ta dopis je eden od treh, ki jih je posredoval dr. Metod Milač. Pripravil ga je Jože Arhar, dr. Mi-lačev sošolec iz časa v Škofovih zavodih pred vojno. Objavljen bo v nadaljevanjih, nato bo sledil dopis od drugega tovrstnega mobiliziranca, na koncu pa dopis izpod peresa g. Arharja o mo-biliziranju kmetov v mesecu maju 1945. Prepričan sem, da bodo ti izvirni dopisi zanimali marsikaterega bralca in se zahvaljujem dr. Milaču za njegovo uslugo. Ur.AD smo popadali napol mrtvi po posteljah, čutili pa smo jo še dolge mesece zatem in bolečine na dotik z roko še po enem letu niso prešle. Železniške zveze so kljub vojnemu času dokaj dobro obratovale in je bil kraj Lenggries dosegljiv tako rekoč preko noči. Tako se je mnogo svojcev odločilo, da so ob nedeljah obiskali svoje drage. Jaz osebno tega nisem doživel, a kolikor se spominjam, se zaradi tega nisem žalostil. Nedelja je bila v celoti prosta, tako smo se mnogi udeležili svete maše v župnijski cerkvi. Načeloma je bila uvedena duhovna oskrba v nemški vojski, vendar v tem kraju ni bilo vojnega kurata. Tudi kasneje ga nikjer nisem zasledil. Po dobrem mesecu uvajanja smo bili določeni za prekomando. Dodeljeni smo bili transportu za južno Francijo. Tam so tik pred tem zapustili vojašnice Italijani, ki so (DALJE na str. 18) CLEVELAND, O. - Četrtek, 10. april 2008, Je bil v Clevelandu “slovenski”, saj so se zvrstili kar tri pomembni dogodki, tesno povezani s Slovenijo. V soorganizaciji Generalnega konzulata Republike Slovenije v Clevelandu, Clevelandskega združenja za mednarodne odnose (Cleveland Council on World Affairs) in Clevelandske državne univerze (Cleveland State University) je ob začetku 64. letne konference “Model Združenih narodov” kot častni govornik nastopil veleposlanik Slovenije v ZDA Samuel Žbogar. Veleposlanik je pred 400 srednješolci v Joseph Cole Centru na CSU govoril o možnostih in vlogi majhnih držav v mednarodni skupnosti, predvsem v Organizaciji združenih narodov in v Evropski uniji. Med srednješolci iz vsega Ohia je bilo tudi veliko slovenskih potomcev, skupina iz srednje šole na Shaker Hts. pa si je zadala, da bo na simulacijah resničnih mednarodnih debat predstavljala Slovenijo. Na Clevelandski državni univerzi je bilo ta dan podpisano pismo o sodelovanju med Republiko Slovenijo in Državnimi univerzami v Clevelandu, Kentu, Bowling Greenu ter Lakeland Community College. Pismo predvideva skorajšnje odprtje Centra za slovenske študije, v katerem bo poleg izvršnega direktorja deloval še profesor slovenskega jezika iz Slovenije, v okviru študijskega programa “Slovenske študije” pa se bodo vršili predavatelji različnih znanstvenih področij iz Slovenije, ki bodo predavali na temo slovenske zgodovine, kulture, ekonomije, etnologije in drugih področij. V imenu Republike Slovenije je pismo podpisal Generalni konzul dr. Zvone Žigon, zdravico po podpisu pa je izrekel veleposlanik Samuel Žbogar. V clevelandskem Union Clubu je v četrtek (10. aprila) potekala tudi po- (DALJE na str. 18) V NEPOZABEN SPOMIN MARIJAN JAKOPIČ Bog ga je poklical k sebi 20. aprila 1978 Trideset let je minilo, ko utihnil je Tvoj glas, cvetje le krasi gomilo, bolečin ni zbrisal čas. Naše misli in spomini obiskujejo Tvoj grob, pa molitev nas tolaži, da si rešen vseh tegob. Hvaležni smo Bogu za vsako uro Marijanovega življenja. Trdno upamo, da se nekoč snidemo. Dotlej pa bo živel v naših srcih najlepši spomin nanj. Tvoji: žena Joži hčerka Bernardka, zet Ron, vnuk Bronson sin Gregor, snaha Sandy, vnukinja Britney, vnuk Justin Upamo, da je bilo njegovo srečanje z Bogom kakor je sam zapisal: Izmil mi dušo boš kot prašno lice, s poljubom zbrisal z lic solza boš sled. Kot prost bom sleherne sveta krivice, za večnosti satovje zrel bom med. Marijan Jakopič Concord Township, OH., 20. aprila 2008. POTREBUJEM POMOČ V HIŠI Ženska, ki bi prevzela delo gospodinje za dva ali tri mesece, naj pokliče: 1-650-343-6049, ali piše gospodu: Val Yesihar, 2118 Roosevelt Avenue, Burlingame, California 94010 za nadaljne podatke in navodila Are you looking for... • Additional Life Insurance between $2,000 and $25,000 ? • A Simple 6t Easy to Understand Application ? • Payments designed around your needs ? • No Medical Exams ? si / t kskjA/ AMERICAN SiQVENtAN CATHOUC / JUNION Has got a plan for you! To speak with a representative near your, call 1-800-THE-KSKJ Proudly serving American-Slovenians since 1894. Pripoved prisilnega mobiliziranca v nemško vojsko (NADALJEVANJE s str. 17) imeli okupiran ta del Francije do kapitulacije. Imeli smo torej srečo, da nas niso odpeljali proti vzhodu in na rusko fronto. Naš končni cilj je bilo malo mestece v francoskih Alpah Embrun v de-partmanu Hautes Alpes. Streho so nam nudile stoletje stare kasarne, mogoče še iz Napoleonovih časov. Sledilo je trimesečno vežbanje na travnikih pod mestom ob reki Durance. Po vojni so v tej ozki dolini to reko zajezili za novo zgrajeon hidroelektrarno. Tako je sedanji videz pokrajine z umetnim jezerom močno spremenjen. Prilika je nanesla, da sem imel fotoaparat, še takega na meh, in sem tako fotografiral in ohranil nekaj spominov na tiste čase. Slike prikazujejo, kako smo kopali strelne jarke, medtem smo pa puške postavili v trikotne piramide. Bila je lepa jesen in v bližnjih vinogradih je zorelo rdeče grozdje. To so bili skromni manjši vinogradi, kolikor je nadmorska višina dopuščala, ta- V BLAG SPOMIN OB 15. OBLETNICI SMRTI NAŠEGA DOBREGA MOŽA, OČETA IN STAREGA OČETA MATIJA HUTAR ki ga je Gospod poklical 30. aprila 1993. V miru božjem zdaj počivaj, dragi, nepozabni nam, v nebesih rajsko srečo uživaj, do svidenja na vekomaj. Žalujoči ostali: Angela, žena Mimi, hčer; Mark, zet John, sin; Lisa, snaha Brian, Jonathan in Eric, vnuki Annie in Claire, vnukinji Jože, brat; Marija Simončič, sestra; oba v Sloveniji nečaki in nečakinje; ostalo sorodstvo v Ameriki in v Sloveniji. ko so se domačini bali za vsak grozd in je ob naši bližini vsak vinograd imel svojega čuvaja. Na pohodih do vežbališča ali na daljših marših smo obvezno morali peti nemške koračnice, ki smo jih kar nekaj hitro osvojili. Vsakokrat smo zapeli tudi kakšno slovensko, kot na primer “Če študent na rajžo gre”, ali “Delaj, delaj dekle pušeljc”. Oficirji nam tega niso prepovedali, kljub temu, da niso razumeli vsebine. Vežbali so nas strogo ločeno. Slovence v svoji četi in Nemce iz sosednje kasarne v svoji četi. Tudi ta kasarna ni imela vojnega kurata. V času bivanja tod, smo z dogovorom tamkajšnjega župnika dvakrat organizirali nedeljsko bogoslužje, katerega smo se udeležili do malega vsi in prepevali slovenske mašne pesmi. Pri orglah nas je spremljal France Jamnik, doma iz župnije Sora, kjer ga je domačin Lovro Slovenski dan (nadaljevanje s str. 17) slovna konferenca z naslovom “How to do business with (new) European Union countries.” Konferenco sta organizirala Generalni konzulat Republike Slovenije kot trenutno predsedujoče EU ter Neoi-bn - Northeast Ohio International Business Network. Svoje države so predstavili gospodarski svetovalci na konzulatih in veleposlaništvih Litve, Češke, Poljske, Slovaške, Romunije, Grčije in Slovenije, navzoče pa sta pozdravila tudi Generalni konzul Žigon in Veleposlanik Žbogar. Živahnega dogajanja pa s tem ni konec, saj te dni prihaja na obisk k Slovencem v ZDA tudi pet poslancev Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije, ki so sicer člani Komisije za odnose s Slovenci v zamejstvu in o svetu. Poslanci, ki sicer pripadajo različnim političnim strankam, bodo obiskali slovenske ustanove in združenja v New Yorku, Washingtonu, Chicagu, Pittsburghu in Clevelandu. Sporočilo posredoval Gen. konzulat RSloveniJe v Clevelandu Hafner, dolgoletni organist pred I. svetovno vojno v Šentvidu, učil orglanja. Jamnik je po vojni študiral teologijo in kot upokojeni salezijanec še danes aktivno deluje v župniji Šentrupert na Dolenjskem. Po umiku Italijanov iz Grenobla je Nemcem ostalo polno skladišče streliva v kasarni. Francosko odporniško gibanje je pripravljalo uničenje tega skladišča in pri tej diverzantski akciji je sodelovalo tudi nekaj slovenskih fantov na služenju v tej kasarni. O izvršeni diverziji je po nekaj dneh prišla vest tudi do nas v Embrunu. Informirani smo bili le bolj bežno, vendar dovolj, da smo preveč očitno pokazali svoje zadovoljstvo. To so opazili nemški rekruti v sosednji kasarni in poveljstvo je skočilo pokonci. Izdelali so načrt, da nas kaznujejo in za naslednji dan je bil napovedan marš do sosednje kasarne v 20 km oddaljenem kraju Guillestre, kjer je bila tudi četa Slovencev. Marš je bil izveden v popolni bojni opremi s puško na rami, pokriti s čelado, s plinsko masko za pasom, na hrbtu s tomistrom z vso opremo. Med maršom smo morali kar nekajkrat natakniti za daljši čas gas masko (DALJE na str. 19) Pesmi A V-0-1.-1.XA ■ j i it« inMelodije iz Naše Lepe Slovenije r t k*_ f&ftpbi Družina GS«¥&mri EDI MEf-VC IW>I tatydbf Orali rw WCSBW.jr« Ncddh 9'15 am Sredi 6*7 pni MM&miradt Drive WlllougMuj- Hilli, OH -MOM VTK Mtrw.wnfci.lllg V zahvalo in blag spomin Po dolgi bolezni je Vsemogočni poklical v večno domovino našega dragega moža, očeta, starega očeta, brata in strica Rojen: 19. julya 1927 Umrl: 11. decembra 2007 FRANK ZAMLEN Pokojni je bil rojen v Kamniku, Slovenija. V družini je bilo pet otrok -Ela, Olga, Teresa, Stane in Frank. Bili so srečna družina, dokler jim niso komunisti kruto ubili očeta v pričo otrok. Leto pozneje pa so ustrelili še mater. Zato so otroci leta 1945 vsi skupaj bežali v Avstrijo. Tam so vsi dobili primerno delo. Leta 1950 je Frank imigriral v Ameriko, za pjim pa še drugi člani družine. V novi domovini je Frank spoznal Štefko Habinc, s katero se je poročil leta 1953. V zakonu se jima je rodilo sedem otrok. Frank je kmalu dobil službo pri Twist Drill, kjer je delal 24 let, do svoje upokojitve. Pokojni Frank je bil zelo sposoben človek. Otroci imamo lepe spomine, kaj vse je ustvaril, da je zadovoljil naše domišl^e. Posebno smo uživali za božič. Jaslice, ki jih je ata postavil, so bile za nas otroke nekaj čudovitega. Te spomine bomo ohranili do smrti. Frank je bil član KSKJ - društva Srca Jezusovega. Pogreb je bil 14. decembra 2007 iz cerkve sv. Vida na pokopališče Vernih duš. Želimo se zahvaliti pogrebnemu zavodu Zak Funeral Home za lepo urejeno vodstvo pogreba. Naša prisrčna hvala g. župniku Jožetu Božnarju za molitev v pogrebnem zavodu in za darovano pogrebno sv. mašo. Vaša ganljiva pridiga nam je vsem segla globoko v srce in upamo, da nas bodo Vaše besede spremljale vse živ|jepje. Bog Vam poplačaj za vse! Iskreno se zahvalimo našemu prevzvišenemu škofu A. Edwardu Pevcu za obisk in molitve v pogrebnem zavodu. Naša zahvala tudi č.g. Viktoiju Cimpermanu za sodelovapje pri pogrebni sv. maši. Prisrčno hvala pevcem za lepo petje pri pogrebni sv. maši pod vodstvom Janeza Sršena in ob spremljavi organista Franclja Coffelta. Hvaležni smo Radijski družini pod vodstvom Ed|ja Mejača za objavo smrti našega dragega Franka. Vsemogočni naj obilo poplača vsem, ki so prišli pokropit pokojnega Franka, vsem, ki so prišli pokropit Franka, vsem, ki so darovali cvetje, vsem, ki so darovali za sv. maše, za St. Vitus Village in druge dobrodelne namene v njegov spomin, in vsem, ki so ga spremili na pjegov zadnji dom. Vsem, za katere smo imeli naslove, smo poslali naše osebne zahvale. Če kdo te ni prejel, npj sprejme to našo zahvalo kot posebej njemu namepjeno. Vsem še enkrat - Bog plačaj! Dragi Frank! Počivaj v miru in naj Ti bo lahka Ameriška zemlja. Bog naj Ti bo dober plačnik! Tvoji žalujoči: Žena: Štefka Hčerke: Suzi, z možem Joe; Judy, z možem John; Barbi; Shirley, z možem Jerry; in Lilly Sinova: Frank in Victor, z ženo Michelle Vnukinji: Alexandra in Rosemary Vnuki: David, Jerry, Jr., Zachary, Victor, Frank in Nicholas Za njim žalujejo tudi pjegovi sorodniki tu v Ameriki. Pripoved prisilnega mobiliziranca v nemško vojsko (NADALJEVANJE s str. 18) na glavo. Najhujša so bila pa izvajanja na povelje: “Hinlegen, auf, marsch, marsch”. Ne spominjam se, ali smo tisti dan dobili sploh kakšno hrano. Verjetno bi se maltretiranje nadaljevalo še v naslednjih dneh, da nas ni rešila že predhodno načrtovana prekomanda naslednji dan. Že zjutraj nas je na železniški postaji čakala kompozicija živinskih vagonov, v katere smo sicer popadali kot mrtvi po tleh, a presrečni, da smo rešeni še kaj hujšega- Vozili smo se noč in dan in enkrat sredi dneva Je bil na neki postaji organiziran topli obrok, ki nas je malo opogumil. Pristali smo na končni postaji Calais ob Rokav-skem prelivu. Nemci so se pričeli utrjevati ob celotni obali od Normandije do Dun-kerqua na beljgijski meji. Za nas so na obrobju mesta Calais izpraznili eno osnovno šolo. To je bil sedaj naš dom, bi rekel še kar udoben. V BLAG SPOMIN 16. OBLETNICE SMRTI NAŠE MAME, STARE MAME, PRASTARE MAME IN TAŠČE MARY STRANCAR 1902 - 1992 Umrla 28. aprila 1992 Šestnajst let je že minilo, odkar Te več med nami ni, toda ljubeč spomin na Tebe, draga... ostal bo nam do konca naših dni. Lahko naj Te zemlja krije, spavaj mimo in sladko, Luč nebeška naj Ti sije, mir in pokoj naj Ti bo. Žalujoči: Mary Zimperman, hčerka Donald Zimperman, zet Robert in Paul Zimperman, vnuka Maureen Meilus, Lori Pope, Donna Flynt, vnukinje pravnuki in pravnukinje Vežbanje vojnih veščin je bilo odmerjeno na minimum, večji poudarek je bil namenjen utrjevanju obale. Naša glavna zaposlitev je bila sestavljanje tako imenovanih "Rommel spare”. To so bile do dva metra visoke kovinske zapornice proti tankom in kamionom, ki so jih postavljali na vhodne ceste v mestih in raznih strateških prehodih. Delo se je vršilo v luki Calais, kamor so z ladjami dovažali sestavne dele raznih železnih profilov že narezanih, opremljenih z luknjami za matične vijave. Te dele smo z matičnimi ključi sestavljali v končni izdelek. Na podnožju smo jim pritrdili vrteče rolce, ki so kot nekakšna kolesca služile za transport, z njimi je bilo olajšano premikanje in nameščanje pri sestavljanju zapor. Material so dovažale manjše vojne ladje in mornarji, ki so bili deležni boljše hrane, kot smo jo prejemali mi, so nam včasih ponudili svoj od-višni obrok. Nismo se ga branili, čeprav moram reči, da nismo bili ravno lačni. Do luke smo v četi marširali preko centra mesta, torej vedno mimo velikega slavnega Rodinove-ga spomenika, ki ga je kipar izdelal v bronu na čast meščanom mesta Calais. Z občudovanjem sem zrl v to veličastno kompozicijo, ne da bi tedaj vedel za njegovo vsebino in avtorja. Šele kasneje sem pri šolskem predmetu umetnostne zgodovine ugotavljal vsebino tega spomenika in spričo takšne veličine umetnine sem kar obžaloval mojo takratno nevednost. Zgodilo se je tudi, da smo prekinili delo v luki in odšli na gradilišče bunkerjev, ki jih je gradilo podjetje “Todt”. Pri betoniranju vrhnje kupole so potrebovali več ljudi. Načelno so bili vključeni v to delo predvsem francoski zidarji, verjetno z zaslužkom, ko pa so v konicah potrebovali pomoč, so poklicali vojsko. Pri betoniranju kupole smo “štamfali" beton med železno armaturo globoko preko dva metra. Do prihoda v Calais je bil z menoj v enoti tudi bližnji rojak Zdravko Je-sihar iz Vikrč, s katerim sva zaradi bližine doma večkrat obujala spomine na domači kraj. V Calai-su je bil dodeljen drugi enoti in sva se tako razšla. Pozneje sem zvedel, da je tukaj dobil kontakt s francoskim odporniškim gibanjem in se mu pridružil. Po tajnih kanalih so ga premestili v Anglijo, kjer se je v kratkem času izšolal za pilota lovca. Pri mnogih vojaških zračnih akcijah na evropskem nebu se je izkazal kot zelo uspešen pilot lovec, za kar je osebno od Winstona Churchilla prejel odlikovanje za hrabrost. Po vojni se je naselil v San Franciscu, od koder zelo pogosto še vedno obišče svojo sestro Cirilo na domu v Vikr-čah. Mlajši rod, ki je obiskoval šentviško gimnazijo, se gospe Cirile, profesorice slovenščine in tujih jezikov na tej šoli, še dobro spominja. (DALJE PRIHODNJIČ) i Z Ameriško Domovino pokrivamo slovenski svet Your Bank's Rate Our Rate* 2.50% 5.10% KSK144/ Call 1-800-THE-KSKJ for representative agent near you! *Rate guaranteed for 12 months on a 7-Year plan. Rates may change without notice. V SPOMIN in ZAHVALO Vsem prijateljem in znancem sporočamo žalostno vest, da je nepričakovano 24. februarja umri naš dragi mož, oče in stari oče Umrl: 24. februarja 2008 i. LOJZE DROBNIČ Lojze je bil rojen v dobri, verni družini v vasi Perovo na Dolenjskem. Med vojno se je mladoleten kot njegova brata Jože in France priključil protikomunistični strani. Ob koncu vojne je tudi Lojze odšel na Koroško z Domobranci. Od tam pa je bil vriyen v Slovenijo, kjer je preživel strahote taborišča Teharje. Kot mladoletnik je bil izpuščen, posledice taborišča pa je nosil vse in nemalo zaradi pjih tudi umrl. Brata Jože in France pa nista imela iste sreče preživetja. Slovenski komunistični zločinci so ju umorili kot tisoče drugih zavednih rojakov. Lojzetu se je posrečilo, da je pobegnil iz Jugoslavije in končno prišel v Ameriko, kjer si je v svobodi in z zaposlitvijo ustvaril z ženo za družino prijeten dom. Zahvalo smo dolžni številnim Lojzetovim prijateljem in znancem, ki so Lojzetu v velikem številu pokazali, da je bil zelo cenjen in spoštovan in to v pogrebnem zavodu pri sv. maši in nato pospremili Lojzeta na pokopališče Vernih duš, Char-don, Ohio. Najlepša hvala č.g. A. Turner, župniku fare Our Lady of Mount Carmel, za daritev sv. maše in spremstvo na pokopališče, in č.g. J. Kumše, župniku fare Marije Vnebovzete za somaševanje pri pogrebni sv. maši. Najlepša hvala pevcem fare Marije Vnebovzete za slovensko petje pri sv. maši in za pesmi v slovo Lojzetu na pokopališču. Naša iskrena zahvala vsem prijateljem in sorodnikom, ki so darovali za sv. maše in druge dobre namene. Najlepša hvala vsem za darovano cvetje in vence v spomin našega dragega Lojzeta. Posebna zahvala društvu Upokojencev Slovenske pristave za molitev rožnega venca in zelo številno udeležbo v pogrebnem zavodu in pri sv. maši in za spremstvo rajnega Lojzeta na pokopališče. Prav lepa hvala slovenski radijski oddaji “Pesmi in melodije iz naše lepe Slovenije” za objavo smrti in v slovo s slovensko žalostinko. Najlepša hvala prijateljem pogrebcem, ki so nosili Lojzeta na božjo njivo Vernih duš. Hvala pogrebnemu zavodu Cosic za vzorno vodstvo pogreba. Razposlali smo zahvalna pisma, če smo koga po pomoti izpustili, prosimo, da nam to oprostite in sprejmite ta naš Boglon^j v nadomestilo. Dragi Lojze, naše iskrene želje so, da bi počival v božjem objemu za tvojo vseživljenjsko zvestobo večnemu Očetu in tvoji družini. Iskrena Ti hvala za tvojo dobroto in ljubezen, ki smo jo bili deležni od Tebe v življenju. Žalujoči: Milena, žena Sin: Danny in snaha Michelle Vnuk: Danny Drobnič; vnukiinji: Ashley in Nicole Malone Sestra: Tina Kanalec v ZDA in brat Ludvik v Sloveniji Starši: France in Justina, bratje Jože, Franc, Mirko in sestra Marija so že pok. Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1621. Z Madagaskarja sem prejela naslednje pismo od misijonarja Janeza Meseca: “V postnem času 2008. Draga gospa in prijatelji pri MZA! G. Izidor Grošelj in jaz, Janez Nemec, vam sporočava, da sva dobila Vaše pismo te dni, ko sva (se vrnila) po opravkih v glavnem mestu Atananarivo, pa tudi lep kupček denarja—vaša pomoč našim misijonom. G. Rok se je zelo potrudil in je že vse zamenjal v malgaški denar, kar pridejo celi kupi. Ko greva jutri na pot proti jugu otoka, bova peljala tudi deleže ostalih misijonarjev. Vozila bova seveda podnevi, ko ni skrbi pred cestnimi razbojniki. V lanskem letu sem bil prestavljen na sosednji misijon Vangaindrano. Izidor Grošelj je po dveh letih uvajanja že prišel na samostojen misijon Matanga. Je mlad, poln moči in gorečega navdušenja, a samota ni lahka. Večkrat, vsaj enkrat na teden, se oglasi, ko pride po opravkih v Vangaindrano in kakšno rečeva. Ima veliko dela z gradnjo šole (10 učilnic), kmetijsko farmo (100 goved, 20 prašičev), na prvem mestu pa je seveda pastoralno delo. V Vangaindrano je pastoralnega in katehetskega dela še veliko več. Ob nedeljah imamo v prostorni cerkvi sv. Jožefa dve maši, h katerim pride vsaj 1000 ljudi. Potem pa je še 15 podeželskih cerkva, ki imajo vedno nedeljsko bogoslužje, ki se ga udeležuje od 50 do 100 vernikov. V gradnji imamo dve leseni cerkvici, začenjamo pa tudi z gradnjo zidane cerkve sv. Andreja v vasi Tatamo. Veliko je gibanj, cerkvenih organizacij tako za mlad kot odrasle. Vsi potrebujejo duhovniške pomoči. Hvala Bogu imam dobrega kaplana-domačina, lanskega novomašnika, g. Xavier. Še posebej dela z mladino, mu zelo leži. Z nogometom vsako opoldne privabi marsikaterega mladostnika, ki je cerkvi že obrnil hrbet. Občasno prihajajo na pomoč tudi drugi duhovniki, saj je naša župnija ena največjih v škofiji. Še enkrat iskrena hvala in Bog povrni za vaše darove, predvsem za molitev. Tudi mi se vas vedno spominjamo v molitvah, še posebej pa se bomo spomnili pri oltarju pokojnih dobrotnic Marjance in Marije in vseh ostalih, ki so že odšli pred nami v večnost. Oba z Izidorjem vam voščiva vesele in blagoslovljene velikonočne praznike. Naj vam Vstali Zveličar V ljubeč in nepozabni spomin naši pokojni ženi in mami MARIJA ANDOLSEK ki je umrla pred devetimi leti 6. aprila 1999. Že devet let je, Marija, odkar si nas zapustila, in za vedno odšla v večnost. Toda še vedno si v mojem in naših srcih in pogrešamo te vsaki dan bolj. Pogrešamo tvojo ljubezen, pogrešamo tvoj smehljaj, tvoje prijateljstvo. Ničesar ni, kar bi zapolnilo vrzel po tvojem odhodu, ničesar, kar bi ublažilo hudo bolečino. Počivaj v miru, draga, nepozabna mama! Ostala nam boš v nepozabnem spominu vse do konca naših življenjskih dni. Naj ti ljubi Bog povrne za vso tvojo ljubezen in tvojo dobroto. Žalujoči: mož: Pavle hčerke: Mojca, Branka, Yolanda Willoughby Hills, Ohio, 24. aprila 2008. daje moči in veselja. Janez Mesec in Izidor Grošelj.” Še eno pismo je prispelo tudi s tega otoka in sicer od misijonarja Klemena Štolcarja: “Spoštovana! Bog plačaj za vaš trud in pokojnima dobrotnicama tudi nakloni blaženo večnost. Vsaj enkrat na mesec mašujem za dobrotnike in ste tako vključeni. Res pravi čas je prišla vaša pomoč, ker letos nam ciklonsko deževje ne prizanaša. Že tako je vsako leto konec marca in v april, da se pojavi vsesplošno pomanjkanje hrane. Otroci dobe značilno rdeče lase, znak pomanjkanja vitaminov in sestre v ambulantah zdihujejo nad množico bolnikov, ker so podhranjeni pač dovzetni za razne bolezni. Velika noč je tu, naj vam bo ponovno globoko doživeta in vesela, ker je naš Gospod premagal vso lumparijo sveta! Hvaležen pozdrav in z Bogom! Klemen Štolcar.” Obe pismi sta polni zahvale, ki naj jo sprejme naš Nebeški Oče, ki vse ureja, da pride ob pravem času vsaka dobrina na svoje mesto. Tudi mi se Mu vsak dan zahvaljujemo za vse dobrotnike, ki s svojim darom omogočajo naše delo za blagor bližnjega in širitev Božjega kraljestva na zemlji. V letošnjem letu so še darovali naslednji dobrotniki: M. Bajc $60; M. Vrhovnik $150; ARKO Electric $100; V.A. Kmetich $200; S. Oven (za R.O.) $60; N.N. $100; F. Hočevar $100; V.N. Tominec (v spomin Joe in Cilka Tominc) $50; $100 za s. M. Pavli-šic od Y.S. Cozza, $50 pa od V.M. Devine; D.F. An-drojna $50; M. Draginc $10 v spomin D. Žitnik, Slovenska pristava pa $30 v isti namen. M. Dular (v zahvalo) $75; N.N. $25; S. Kosem (v spomin D. Žitnik $25, F.T. Urankar v isti namen pa $20; J. Drobnick $500; V. Hawkins $3000; g. Cozza $100 in V.W. Devine $50 za s. Pavlišič; S. Oven $100; F.T. Urankar $100. Iskrena vam hvala za vsak vaš dar, ki ste ga namenili v pomoč misijonom. Naj vam dobri Bog obilno poplača s svojim blagoslovom vam iskreno žele vsi sodelavci pri misijonskem delu v zaledju in vas lepo pozdravljamo! Marica Lavriša 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44110 Razprava o zgodovinski vlogi škofa Gregorija Rožmana SILVO KUMER (Novice, 7. marca 2008) Šmihel, Avstrija - Škofa Rožmana so tudi na diskusiji v Šmihelu 29. februarja ocenili tako različno, kot so to sicer v Sloveniji že od procesa v letu 1946 do danes; ocena je na diskusiji segla od kolaboracije pa do ocene, da je svetnik; tako se je izrazila diskutantka v politiki. Predsednica KPD Šmihel Micka Opet-nik pa je v uvodu označila Rožmana za velikega sina šmihelske fare. O Rožmanu sta predavala zgodovinarja Tamara Griesser-Pečar in Avguštin Malle. Tamara Griesser-Pečar je orisala sliko škofa, ki ni bil prijatelj okupatorja, vse, kar je delal, pa je storil iz globokega protikomunizma in v skrbi za slovenski narod in Cerkev. Omenila je, da je Rožman v celoti interveniral za 1500 oseb, mdr. tudi za komuniste, ki pa jih je sicer za Cerkev smatral za bolj nevarne kot nacionalsocializem. Avguštin Malle je poudaril, da ne želi biti razsodnik in je znanstveno skušal načelno prikazati čas in okoliščine, v katerih se je v 2. svetovni vojni znašel škof Rožman. Malle je menil, da je treba videti diskusijo širše in je ne osredotočiti na eno samo osebo, saj je politiko Cerkve do okupatorja vodil vedno večji krog ljudi in ne en sam. Kar se tiče Rožmana, je Malle menil, da Je seveda znanih več interpretacij, kar pa je nesporno, so slike in filmski dokumenti (npr. o zaprisegi belogardistov leta 1944 in srečanje z generalom SS Rosenerjem), ki pa jih ni mogoče interpretirati v prid škofu in dajejo jasno sliko. ■ Ur. AD: Temu dopisu je dodanih še nekaj odstavkov pod naslovom “Info” in sicer: “Gregorij Rožman, ljubljanski škof, *1883, Do-linčiče, +16. november 1959, Cleveland, Združene države Amerike. 1907 posvečen v duhovnika; Leta 1929 je postal ko-adjutor škofa A. B. Jegliča, nato njegov generalni vikar; 1930 ga je nasledil kot ljubljanski škof. Ideološki protikomunizem je usodno zaznamoval njegovo zadržanje med 2. svetovno /vojno/ ter bil usoden za Rožmanov odnos do nemških okupacijskih oblasti in do slovenskih domobrancev. 5. maja 1945 se je čez Avstrijo in Švico umaknil v ZDA. Papež Pij XII. ni sprejel njegovega odstopa kot ljubljanskega škofa, vendar mu tudi ni omogočil srečanja, med katerim bi mu Rožman sam pojasnil svoje medvojna stališča. Škof Rožman je pokopan na pokopališču slovenskih frančiškanov v Lemontu pri Chicagu. 1958 je zadnjič obiskal Šmihel. Na sodnem procesu pred vojaškim sodiščem v Ljubljani je bil v odsotnosti pod obtožbo sodelovanja z okupatorjem obsojen na odvzem prostosti s prisilnim delom za dobo 18 let, izgubo državljanskih pravic za dobo 10 let po prestani kazni in na zaplembo premoženja. Vrhovno sodišče Slovenije je sodbo 1. oktobra 2007 zaradi številnih postopkovnih napak razveljavilo in Rožmanov primer vrnilo ljubljanskemu okrožnemu sodišču v novo sojenje. ■ NOVI GROBOVI (NADALJEVANJE s str. 15) ne šole, članica zveze gra* duantov te šole ter članica AMLA št. 27 in SŽŽ št. 25, 42 let je bila zaposlena pri Richman Bros. Pogreb je bil 26. marca v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida in pokopom na Kalvarije pokopališču. Darovi v pokojničin spomin fari sv. Vida, 6019 Lausche Ave. bodo s hvaležnostjo sprejeti. Prijatel’s Pharmacy Sl. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOK THE AGED PRE-SCIPTIONS,