Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! No. 28 American haur 'Amerišk SLOVENIAN MO. 91003 • 3 ■ a •= NOIEINI HStfM *M "N 'IS H191? 3££17 10832 "W Ny3f (USPS 024100) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JULY 12, 1990 ISSN Number: 0164-680X 50C Slovenia’s Prime Minister Visits United States Slovenia’s Prime Minister, Lojze Peterle, third from left, sings at bonfire at estate of John and Barbara Hočevar of Gates Mills, Ohio at about 10 on Saturday evening, July 7. (All photos by James v. Debevec) and we should decide our own Iz Clevelanda in okolice by James V. Debevec The first freely elected Prime Minister of Slovenia in the last half century, Lojze Peterle, came to the Greater Cleveland area last weekend as an honored guest of the Slovenian-American Council. The purpose of Peterle’s visit was a victory celebration made in conjunction with the Slovenian Day celebration at Slovenska Pristava on Sunday, July 8. Peterle was sworn into office last month as Prime Minister of Slovenia. He ran for office as a leader of the Christian Democratic party which was allowed to be formed in January of this year. The Slovenian-American Council immediately announced they were supporting the Christian Democrats and Farmers Union as well as the entire Demos slate and collected $86,000 for them. This was the first time in over 45 years free elections were allowed in Slovenia enabling someone other than a Communist party member to run for office. Peterle came in first in a field of 12 candidates and was then elected Prime Minister, the most important office in the country because he will head the Parliament which sets the policy of the government. On Friday evening, July 6, Peterle, 42, arrived at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport with Dr. Dimitrij Rupel, Foreign Minister, and Dr. Janez Dular, Minister for Slovenian Immigrants Worldwide, a newly created cabinet position. They were officially greeted by about 30 persons from the Council and members of Kres who presented each of the three with šopek (bouquet of flowers). On Saturday afternoon, July 7, Ameritrust Bank and the Slovenian-American Council co-hosted a business meeting with approximately 60 guests. Prime Minister Peterle explained the economic and political situation in Slovenia while Foreign Minister Rupel did some of the translation. Rupel, by the way, showed his educational background by expertly explaining in detail with drawings on the greenboard, the various political offices of the government of Slovenia. Dr. Matej Roesmann, President of the Slovenian-American Council, also translated both questions and answers for the benefit of those who do not understand the Slovenian language. Peterle’s basic message is he would like people in America and elsewhere to invest in Slovenia. He says this is a golden opportunity to be in at the beginning of a new economy. He said the government would help protect foreign businesses. He stressed this is not a cry for help, but a business arrangement purely for profit on the part of the investor. He noted Slovenia could not wait for the rest of Yugoslavia to catch up and indicated the European Common Market is receptive to a Slovenian business market. Peterle said that on July 2 Slovenia proclaimed a Declaration of Complete Sovereignty. “It is our country fate.” He said Slovenia could be a part of the Federaton of Yugoslavia, but if the arrangement does not work out, Slovenia will consider going alone and become an independent country. He said neighbors of Italy, Austria, and Hungary are not fearful of Slovenia’s independence because they do not wish to change any of its borders. He said Slovenia is now different. “We are thirsty for new initiatives, new economy, new culture and new social order. There will be no more dictators.” He said one of the first things they will do is change the language in the legislation and textbooks to eliminate Bolshevism ideologies. “The new government is open to all Slovenians regardless of where they were born, live, or their religion. All Slovenians are welcome to come home whenever they wish to visit or stay.” He indicated Slovenia is encouraging foreign investors through offices which will be (Continued on page 3) Peter Osenar, Group Executive Vice President of Ameritrust, welcomes businesspersons. Obisk vsestransko uspel— Kakor poročamo v obeh delih današnje A.D., sta se mudila med nami v Clevelandu zadnje dni predsednik slovenske vlade Lojze Peterle ter slovenski zunanji minister dr. Dimitrij Rupel. Priliko sta imela srečati se z mnogimi rojaki, kar je bilo posebej za Peterleta, ki je bil prvič med nami, zelo koristno. Upajmo, da bo temu prvemu obisku sledilo še več drugih, tako oni k nam in mi k njim. Seja— Društvo Ribnica št. 12 ADZ ima sejo to nedeljo pop. ob 2. na domu predsednika Louisa Šilca, 30417 Oakdale Rd., Wi-llowick, O. Članstvo vabljeno. Poizvedba— Tik pred prvo svetovno vojno sta prišla v Ameriko iz Iške vasi pri Igu, Slovenija, brata Franc Pirc (rojen 1885) in Tone Pirc (rojen 1889). Če bi kdo med našimi bralci o njiju kaj vedel oziroma bil v sorodstvu, ste naprošeni, da pokličete (»collect«) g. Lojzeta Grašiča na (619) 535-0548. V tiskovni sklad— Gradbeno podjetje Joseph Jereb Const., Ltd., Etobicoke, Ont., je darovalo $26 v tiskovni sklad Ameriške Domovine. Iskrena hvala za naklonjenost! Klub Rotary v Ljubljani— V Ljubljani so ustanovili podružnico mednarodne organizacije Rotary International, sicer prvič po zadnji vojni. Pretekli ponedeljek je urednik govoril o spremembah v Sloveniji in Jugoslaviji ter vzhodni Evropi in ZSSR članom Rotary kluba v Euclidu. Zahvali se g. Johnu Telichu in ostalim članom za gostoljubje in prijeten pomenek. Novi grobovi Mary P. Maglicic Umrla je Mary P. Maglicic, rojena Koren, vdova po umrlem možu Josephu, mati Daniela in Kennetha, 7-krat stara mati, sestra Frances Bernardic in Jean Koren (pok.). Pogreb bo iz Želetovega zavoda na E. 152 St. jutri, v petek, v cerkev sv. Pavla na Chardon Rd. dop. ob 9.30 in nato na Kalvarijo. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 7. do 9. Ivana (Jennie) Jerin Dne 7. julija je na svojem domu v Orwellu, O., umrla 92 let stara Ivana (Jennie) Jerin, rojena Končan, vdova po pok. možu Franku, mati Josepha, pok. Franka, Max-a (Phil) in Jean Collier, 5-krat stara mati, (dalje na str. 7) Večerna veselica na SP— V soboto zvečer, 14. julija, bo na Slovenski pristavi večerna vrtna veselica z večerjo in plesom. Za večerjo bo na voljo izbira med svinjsko pečenko in govejim zrezkom, pečenim na žaru. Večerjo bodo začeli streči ob 6. uri zvečer. Od sedme ure naprej pa bo za ples igral trio Staneta Mejača. Čisti dohodek večera je namenjen v poseben sklad za preureditev pristavske kuhinje. Vabljeni! Farni festival pri Sv. Vidu— Ta konec tedna, od petka do nedelje, bo letni poletni festival pri Sv. Vidu. Veliki šotor je že postavljen na šolskem parkališČu, vse podrobnosti o festivalu boste pa našli v posebni prilogi današnje A. D. Vsekakor pridite na festival in z vašim obiskom podprite največjo slovensko faro v ZDA! Krofi pri Sv. Vidu— Krofe bodo prodajale jutri in v soboto v društveni sobi avditorija, ob običajnem času. Piknik M.Z.A.— V nedeljo, 22. julija, bo na Slovenski pristavi letni piknik Misijonske Znamkarske Akcije. Piknik se bo pričel s sv. mašo ob 12. uri opoldne, daroval jo bo duhovni vodja MZA, č.g. Karel Wolbang. Po maši bo na razpolago kosilo. Opozorimo tudi na občni zbor MZA, ki bo naslednji dan, v ponedeljek, 23. julija, pri Mariji Vnebovzeti. Ob 7. zv. bo sv. maša, nato pa sestanek. Tako na piknik kot občni zbor so vabljeni vsi sotrudniki in prijatelji misijonov. Romanje v Lemont Z.O.D.— Zveza oltarnih društev ima letno romanje v Lemont od 11. do 13. avgusta. Cena za to romanje, ki vključuje avtobus, prenočišče in hrano, je $78 na osebo. Za rezervacijo sedeža na avtobusu in več informacije, pokličite eno sledečih: Amalija Košnik ... 881-4957 Rose Bavec.......531-6167 Mary Gerl........261-1316 Mary Amigoni .... 481-2275 Ga. Kisley....... 271-2976 Ne odlašajte, kajti je število sedežev na avtobusih omejeno. Žalostna vest iz Slovenije— Lado Štimpfel, Willoughby, O., je dobil sporočilo, da mu je na Vel. Strmici na Dolenjskem 5. julija 1990 umrla mama Marija Štimpfel roj. Kragl. Pred tednom dni se je vsa številna družina zbrala doma, da so skupno s sv. mašo praznovali 60. obletnico poroke. Pokojna zapušča moža Slavkota, sinove: Slavkota, Ladota, Lojzeta, Toneta; hčere Marijo, Rezko, Lojzko, Pepco, Tončko, Anico in Slavko ter 22 vnukov in 4 pravnuke. R.l.P. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JULY i2. 1990 Well, it no longer is a secret. The word is out that the best week day picnic is that of the Federation of Slovenian Pensioners Clubs. The proof is the increased attendance year after year. On Wednesday, yes Wednesday, August 15th members and friends will again gather at the SNPJ picnic grounds in Kirtland on Heath Road. Here they will greet old friends, meet new ones, and generally enjoy a wonderful day in the company of a very friendly, happy gathering. Sure there will be food! Sure there will be refreshments! Certainly there will be music! Both for dancing and listening pleasure! Throughout the afternon, balinca, horseshoes, etc. will be available. And, by the way, you button box maestros, don’t leave your boxes at home. Bring them along. We need your support in coaxing the vocal cords into action. One of the popular features of the picnic is the “Full course dinners’’ prepared and served by Julia Zalar and her group. But I must tel! you... if you want to enjoy one of these mouth-watering delectable dinners... you had better purchase your tickets by the 8th of August. Julia will need to know how many to prepare for, so don’t miss out and be sorry. Call either Mae Fabec at 942-3785 or me, Stanley Frank, at 391-9761 for tickets. The dinner tickets are $8.00 which also includes your admission to the grounds. Without a dinner ticket, the gate admission is $2.00. Sure we will have sandwiches, but they will not be available until after the dinners are served, that may be at about 3 p.m. So why not treat yourself to a wonderful dinner. Again this year, as a convenience and a relaxing ride to the picnic, we plan to have a chartered bus leave from the St. Clair area. The price is minimal, probably $5 but definitely not more than $6 for the round trip. I urge you to call me at 391-9761 for bus reservations and also for your dinner tickets. DO IT NOW! DON’T DELAY! Finally, let me emphasize, both the picnic and bus service are available to ALL. Members and friends are cor- dially welcome. Do take advantage of this invitation, telj your friends about it, and treat yourself to an enjoyable afternoon. Due to a previous commitment, I did not go along on the tour to Toledo on June 27, therefore the commentc hcie are those passed on to me. By 7:30 a.m. everyone was checked in and the bus was on its way. At about 9 a.m. a breakfast refresher stop was made, then on to Toledo. One of the main attractions of this trip was a tour of the Toledo Cathedral, The Cathedral of Our Lady, Queen of The Holy Rosary. I was informed it took 20 years before the Cathedral was fully completed. The original altar, made of imported wood, was the work of German craftsmen, and is truly a work of art. 1 was given other historical data and verbal description of this Cathedral, and its many artistic facets, but I am sure that mere words fail to paint a true picture of its beauty. On June 26 member Marion McElwee fell in her kitchen and did considerable damage to her hip. She was rushed to the hospital and had surgery. Due to a number of her other ailments, complications set in and she died on July 5th. Her funeral was private with no public viewing. May she rest in peace. We extend our sympathies to the members of her family and especially to her sister and our member Martha Jurich. Member Mamie Marin is now residing in the newly opened Gateway Manor Apartments at 4 Gateway Dr., Euclid. For your information, the Gateway Manor will have an open house on Sunday, July 15 from 2 to 5 p.m. If interested, stop in for a look. Member Frank Godic has returned from the hospital after additional surgery. We wish him speedy recovery. Our prayers are with you Frank. Our coming meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 19 and we will have a speaker. I will have tickets for the picnic dinner and also will accept reservations for the picnic bus. I need your commitment as soon as possible. See you at the meeting. Stanley Frank, Secretary The United Altar Societies is calling all members from St. Vitus, St. Mary’s, St. Lawrence and St. Christine churches. They are holding their annual pilgrimage to Lemont, Illinois on Saturday, August 11 and returning on Monday morning, August 13. $78.00 is the fee which includes meals and lodgings. Please do not forget this beautiful pilgrimage to our American Brezje in Lemont. This should be very important to us to go and pray to our blessed Mother Mary. For reservations please call Amelija Kosnik at 881-4957, Rose Bavec 531-6167, Mrs. Kisly 271-2976, Mary Girl 261-1316, or Marie Amigoni 481-2275. Hope to see you all on August 11. God bless you all with prayers. Marie Amigoni Anniversary Wishes Belated Happy 55th Wedding Anniversary wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kramer whose anniversary was June 22. Best wishes from family and friends. Correction Jean Cherway of Brookfield, Illinois is the mother-in-law of John Vidmar of Brookfield, Illinois. Newburgh Day at AMLA Newburgh Day will be celebrated on Saturday, July 28 at the AMLA Recreation Center in Leroy Township, Ohio. The Buttons & Bows Button Box Ensemble will play between 2:30 and 4:15 p.m. There will be a Polka Mass at 4:30 p.m. celebrated by Bishop A. Edward Pevec. Music from 5:30 to 9:30 will be played by the Vadnal Orchestra. There is $1 admission. Donation Enclosed is $40 for the Ameriška Domovina for a year’s subscription and the rest is for keeping up the good work. Avarina L. Cassidy Alliance, Ohio AMLA: Insurance For Every Need The American Mutual Life Association, your locally headquartered Slovenian fraternal, has an excellent Juvenile Term to Age 25 policy for youngsters 18 years of age and under, whereby at their 25th birthday, when they are in a position to afford their own insurance, they will receive a conversion credit to obtain permanent insurance, regardless of their physical condition at that time. AMLA also offers many permanent plans of insurance, including Whole Life, 20 Pay Life, 12 Year Vanishing Premium, and Single Premium policies. We’re certain to have one to match YOUR individual needs. We invite you to join AMLA so that we can provide benefits for you and for your family. With your membership you will help not only yourself but also assist AMLA to perpetuate our common bonds of heritage and culture. For more information, please contact any AMLA lodge secretary or membership campaigner you know, or call or write to: AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION 19424 South Waterloo Road Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Telephone: (216) 531-1900 On Wednesday, June 13 our president John Habat called the meeting to order. Mary Lavrich read the minutes for our recording secretary Jennie Tuma who is recovering from surgery and is doing well. Her husband, Bob, is also recovering. Present were 180 members. Please call our sunshine person Sylvia at 662-4119 if you know of a member who is ill. . Welcomed to the meeting were Frances and Joe Stariha who were recovering from an accident. Glad to see you well. Antoinette McGrath gave her report on our Slovenian culture and the neighborhood news. Keep up the good reports, it lets us know what is going on in our area. Louise Fudja gave her report on the meeting of the Slovene Home for the Aged at which she presented our donation. On Aug. 8 there will again be a free eye examination at the Slovene Home on Holmes Ave. Congratulations to all our members who celebrated June anniversaries and to Anne Orlikowski on her 80th birthday. Our trip on June 6 to Amish Country was indeed a huge success. Thanks to Mae and Frank Fabec for taking care of the raffle. Also to Millie Novak who faithfully donates home made noodles for the raffle. And thanks to our ladies in the kitchen who do such a wonderful job. Our annual Federation picnic will be held on Aug. 15 at the SNPJ Picnic Grounds. Please try to attend and meet members from other clubs. Julie Zalar will prepare the dinners. This article is late because 1 had gone to Tucson, Arizona to attend my nephew’s wedding. My son Ron and I had a great time even though the weather was 100°. My niece lives in the desert on the hill and had a swimming pool which was enjoyed by all. Ann Stefančič Reporter New Jersey Ethnic Festival The 1990 New Jersey Ethnic Festival will be held on Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 15 and 16 at Liberty State Park, Jersey City. Free admission. Happy Birthday Happy Birthday to our star writer Stanley Erzen of Char-don Rd., Euclid who became 85 years young on June 19th. Special wishes from all his many friends. Liked Lausche Edition Editor: We enjoyed the “Lausche Edition” and look forward to receiving the paper each week. Ed & Julie Harbie Seven Hills, O. Anton M. Lavrisha ATTORNEY-AT-LAW (Odvetnik) Complete Legal Services Income Tax-Notary Public 18975 Villaview Road at Neff 692-1172 Members and Friends of Club of West Side Slovene Lodges Cleveland, OH — After Fifty-One Years, we are sorry to report the sale of our Slovenian Home on Cleveland’s West Side at 6818 Denison Avenue. We are now going through the process of dissolution, according to Article “X” of the bylaws of the club. To all members of KSKJ, SNPJ, SDZ or AMLA who are members of lodges that make up the Club of West Side Slovene Lodges and friends: To update our mailing list, anyone having a share must contact us to receive your share of the liquidated assets. We urge you to help us by notifying anyone you know of or anyone you think may have a share in the club, to contact us by writing to: Club of West Side Slovene Lodges, c/o Elaine Saxby, Fin. Sec’y., 2903 Brookdale Ave., Parma, OH 44134. All this must be done no later than September 1,1990. We can not be responsible for any shares returned after September 1. On September 1, when we are sure our debts and all bills are paid and all shares are in, we then will determine the value of the shares. Joseph Klinec George Knaus George Knaus Real Estate, Inc. 819 E. 185th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Computer Multiple Listing Service “Just A Little Bit Better” 481-9300 Listen to our polka music every Sunday morning at 11:15 ON WELW, 1330 A.M. Vladimir M. Rus Attorney - Odvetnik 6411 St. Clair (Slovenian National Home) Slovenia’s Prime Minister Visits Friends inUnited States 3 An elegant lawn party on Saturday evening to honor Slovenia’s new Prime Minister, Lojze Peterle. Shown in foreground are, left to right, Msgr. Mavsar, Dr. and Mrs. Max Rak, Madeline Debevec, Tony Oblak, John Hočevar. The Prime Minister, left, sings along with Louis Bajc, Tony Nemec, Joseph Likozar, and Ivan Hauptman. (All photos by James V. Debevec) Businesspersons talk about economic opportunities in Slovenia. (Continued from pageJ) open in cities such as Brussels, Paris, and yes, Cleveland which he foresees as Slovenia’s economic center in America. A World Trade Center is being established in Ljubljana. Peter Osenar, Second Vice President of Ameritrust, thanked everyone for their attendance at the two hour meeting. In a private one-on-one interview with Prime Minister Peterle, the American Home publisher asked if the Ameriška Domovina would now be allowed entry into Slovenia if persons wished to send the paper to relatives and friends there. “But of course,” he said. ‘‘Why not?” We are now a free democratic nation.” About two hours later a lawn party was held at the magnificent and spacious estate of John and Barbara Hočevar in Gates Mills with Prime Minister Peterle as Guest of Honor. Included on the guest list of about 150 persons were members of the Slovenian-American Council Board of Directors and their spouses, significant contributors to their campaign, out-of-town dignitaries, and other Slovenian community leaders. As guests arrived, they were pleasantly delighted to discover courtesy valet parking freed them of the responsibility of finding a space for their car and walking back to the party. Uniformed police and plain-clothes detectives provided security for the guests who selected seats at tables under a spacious tent in the back yard. Classical music was played on one of the home’s outdoor terraces. Featured entree was roast lamb that had been rotating in the outdoor rotisserie which had been specifically designed and made by manufacturer John Dejak. It can roast three different items at the same time. The famous Julie Zalar supplied the rest of the tasty meal. One of the most unexpected and dramatic moments in the history of the Slovenian people in America took place next. No one who was there to witness it will ever forget it. After the meal, as is wont of the Slovenian people, a group of men formed a small circle and began singing softly in Slovenian about their former homeland. As the singing continued, the circle expanded. All at once everyone was stunned as the Prime Minister of Slovenia, Lojze Peterle, got up, walked to the circle and began singing with the group. Everybody was amazed at this sudden and dramatic event of having such a distinguished person take part in the singing as if he were a long time friend and member of a singing society- The usually unflappable Dr. Roesmann came running up to me as I grabbed my camera and said excitedly, ‘‘This is history in the making! — And we are all a part of it!” Well, the singing continued for about a half hour and eventually musician John Nemec dropped out and confided, “These guys have a repertoire of over 500 songs, I can’t keep up.” Slovenia’s Prime Minister, Lojze Peterle, explains the situation in Slovenia. John Hočevar, the host, saw what was going on and as the darkness was descending, he went into the clearing in the forest in his back property, and started a log fire. He asked the guests to bring their chairs with them and sit around the bonfire where it was a little warmer and cozier. As we sat around the fire, the evening passed into night and it became so dark in the woods one could only see the fire and the slim outline of the people present as the light from the blaze allowed. The people again began singing in Slovenian led by the booming voice and persuasive personality of Augustin Kuk from Scarborough, Ont., Canada. As the camaraderie of the group manifested which could only occur around the stark reality of a bonfire at night, we became a unit of people sitting around enjoying the majesty and sereneness of the occasion and each other’s company. The singing was pleasant and it brought back memories of my youth with my father and his friends singing at Debevc’s farm at night in Madison, Ohio. Tears began to form. The music was sad. All at once Mr. Peterle, who had been sitting in the front, got up and joined a few fellows standing nearby who were leading the singing. The Prime Minister spent the next hour harmonizing and proving he is a leader in more ways than one, by often leading the singing, that is, choosing the song to be sung and beginning the music. It was an enchanting evening. The hospitable John Hočevar leaned over and asked if we thought the party would continue for a while, in which case he would get some more logs for the fire. I said, “John, these people have been waiting for 50 years for this moment, let’s let it run its course.” He and his friends brought more logs and the magic of the night continued until about 11 p.m. at which time Mr. Peterle excused himself and thanked everybody for a wonderful time. The guests, however, were the ones who were indeed treated to an enchanting evening that no one could ever forget. It was one of the most remarkable, nostalgic and memorable evenings of my entire life. (To Be Continued) NEXT: All Day at Slovenska Pristava, including dancing to the Alpine Sextet, featuring Lojze Peterle on button box. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JULY 12, 1990 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JULY 12, 1990 Evolution in Europe: Tito’s Charnel House Bones Found in Caves in Yugoslavia Point to 1945 Massacres by Partisans By CHUCK SUDETIC Special to The New York Times KOČEVSKI ROG, Yugoslavia, July 8 — After the discovery of masses of human bones in secret graves in caves here and nearby over the last two weeks, a series of witnesses have come forward to report seeing large-scale shootings 45 years ago, painting a grisly picture of mass murder by the Communist Partisans led by Marshal Tito. The revelations are certain to produce an emotional re-evaluation of the Partisans, of Marshal Tito and of the Communist Government he dominated for 35 years until his death in 1980. The evidence of the killings of thousands of Yugoslavs by other Yugoslavs, emerging within weeks of the inauguration of non-Commmunist Governments in the Yugoslav republics of Slovenia and Croatia, will reopen old wounds. Ethnic Tensions Worsening Ethnic tensions have been growing in this country of many nationalities, which were long held together by Marshal Tito's strong leadership, Communist Party propaganda and a police presence. Some Yugoslavs fear the effect of the atrocities now being brought into the open. After Yugoslavia was invaded in April 1941 by the Germans, Italians, Hungarians and Bulgarians, the country was torn by guerrilla warfare. An estmated total of 1,700,000 Yugoslavs were killed, both in combat and in atrocities and reprisals by and against civilians. The fighting pitted Germans, Italians and other occupation forces, allied with a Croatian fasbist movement called the Ustashi, which governed a puppet state, against the Partisans and the Serbian royalist Chetnik movement. The Partisans and Chetniks fought against each other as well as against the Ustashi and the foreign invaders. 45 Years of Frightened Silence The evidence of the Partisan atrocities lies in masses of human bones found at the bottom of caves in Slovenia and Croatia and statements by witnesses who, after 45 years of frightened silence, have come forward. "I drove a busload of wounded Croatian soldiers from Holy Spirit Hospital in Zagreb to Sosiče in the last half of May 1945, after the war ended,” said Branko Mulic, a 79-year-old ex-Parti-san. He disclosed the site of a mass grave in a cave near Sosiče, a Croatian village. “I watched Partisan officers line them up and, one by one, bring them to the hole in the roof of the cave, shoot them in the back of the head and let their bodies fall into the pile at the bottom. The officers alternated who did the shooting so their guns would not overheat.” Mr. Mulic said Skulls with holes at the back, bullet fragments, crutches and wrist and arm bones bound with rope are all clearly AUSTRIA 1 L|ubl|ana(' ' • / (SLOVENIA HUNGARY '' CROA TIA ROM Adriatic t Sea V/ITALY /V 0 Miles 75 • Zagrel? Sosiče VOJVODINA BOSNIA AND 'Ar' . . : HERZEGOVINA/Belg,ade YUGOSLAVIA ‘v MONTENEGRO'' KOSOVO >1 ALBANIA- The New York Times Masses of bones have been found in secret graves in Kočevski Rog. visible in the remains, said Nikola Solic, one of a team of journalists from i the Zagreb newspaper Vjesnik. They used spelunkers’ gear to descend the cave’s sheer limestone walls I to reach the bones, about 120 feet below j the surface. The depth of the pile of bones is still unknown, he said. “As far as 1 know, they came every jday for two weeks and from time to i time thereafter,” said Jela Smeciklas, 80, a woman who said that she saw people being transported to the cave in trucks while she was tilling a plot. “I heard more screaming than shooting, and there was a lot of shooting.” ! ‘T could hear the voices of men, women and children,” she said. “Night and day they came. We heard the [screams at night.” Several Killing Sites Known The Sosiče cave is just one of several known sites where Communist Partisans settled accounts with members of Tito’s forces executed foes turned over by the British. Reports by anti-Communist emigres that about 500,000 people were killec are exaggerations, said Darko Bekic, a historian in Zagreb whose father narrowly escaped one of the massacres. Victims Turned Back by British Most of the victims were people whe fled or were trying to flee at the end oi the war, Mr. Bekic said. They were re turned by British troops from detention camps in Austria or were turned back at the border by British troops occupying southern Austria and northeastern Italy, Mr. Bekic said. On the basis of the limited evidence now available, the Sosiče cave contains 4,000 to 5,000 victims, most of whom were wounded soldiers brought from hospitals in and around Zagreb, Mr -t Bekic added. He discounted some reports that the I cave might contain the remains of as many as 40,000 people. “Nobody knows for sure," he said. “The Government must excavate it to find out the real answer.” Croatia’s new Parliament announced this week that it would form a committee, including foreign experts, to investigate the cave and Croatia’s overall casualties. While accounts of postwar Partisan atrocities ha\e been published in the West since the war and in Slovenia for the last six months, the issue was made public in Croatia only after the disclosure of the Sosiče grave last week. “There has been a change in the chief of police and people no longer fear repercussions,” said Milovan Sibl, a Croatian spokesman. “It wasn’t in the interests of the old regime to expose the caves, not because of Communism, but because the victims were Croats and the Government would then no longer be able to pin the blame for the Ustasi crimes on the Croatian people as a whole.” During the war, nationalist and religious enmity erupted throughout the country, driving members of virtually all the country’s nationalities to commit acts of brutality. Yugoslavs Killed by Yugoslavs Most of the nation’s war dead were killed by other Yugoslavs. The Ustashi championed Croatian separatism, while the Chetniks were largely in Serbia, which had dominated the new Yugoslav state during the period between the world wars. Only the Partisans tended to cut across the country’s ethnic divisions. In the postwar era, Marshal Tito, himself half-Croatian, reorganized the country on a federal basis, in which each republic nominally exercised a Nikola Solic'’Vjesnik A mass grave recently unearthed in Sosiče, Yugoslavia. Witnesses who have come forward since the discovery say large-scale shootings by Communists led by Marshal Tito took place in the area 45 years ago. the Ustasi, who themselves were responsible for mass killings of Serbs, Jews and gypsies during the war. But historians and witnesses say most of the Partisans’ victims in 1945 were Croats, Slovenes and Serbs drafted into armies allied with the Axis occupation forces amd members of the Četnik movement. In addition to combat personnel, nurses, nuns and children were killed. I - . - . Since the news of the Sosiče cave wide degree of autonomy. Neverthe-broke in Croatia last week, people from less, until his death, the one-party Com-throughout Yugoslavia have been tele-1 munist Government kept most real au-phoning Vjesnik to report mass graves thority in its hands, and massacre sites, said Silvije Toma-! To underpin its underpin its legitimacy, it fos- sevic, a Vjesnik editor. tered an image of Marshal Tito and the Historians have estimated that the I Partisans as humane, heroic liberators Partisans shot from 70,000 to 100,000 of all of Yugoslavia’s people from fas-people without trial within weeks of the1 cism and nationalism, war’s end. ‘When 1 heard that Partisans car- After 45 years of frightened silence, witnesses tell of shootings. ried out the killings, it made my head spin because it went against everything I heard in school,” said Nikola Hranilovic, a Sosiče resident who said he learned of the killings years ago but kept silent because he feared the police. “1 always heard that the Partisans fought tor our side and for our people. It never became clear to me. why they did this to women and men who were forced to join the army.” Both Croatian and Slovene officials and journalists have expressed concern that the disclosure of the mass graves might worsen the already-tense national relations within Yugoslavia, especially between Croats and Serbs. Today in a clearing in Kočevski Rog, in a mountain region about 45 miles south of Ljubljana, Archbishop Alojzij Sustar, President Milan Kucan of Slovenia and 30,000 Slovenes took part in a requiem Mass and reconciliation ceremony. Two nearby caves contain the remains of as many as 16,000 Slovenes and Croats. Croats conducted similar rites in Sosiče. Some Partisan veterans have already condemned these commemorations as anti-patriotic. The press in Serbia and other Communist-ruled republics has scarcely mentioned the issue. “It would be the worst situation to turn this into another cycle of vengeance," said Hide Biscevic, 'Vjesnik’s chief editor. “Until now, the political system was able to hide it and now it can’t be hidden anymore. But we must see that it does not lead to new instability.” “Serbs and Croats will all be better i off if they adopt the old Indian practice j and bury the hatchet forever,” Mr. * Mulic said. “They should realize that we are not born as Serbs and Croats, but naked.” Thanks to Prof. Peterle and Marko Kremžar The Slovenian-American Council (Slovenski-Ameriski Svet) wishes to express its thanks and gratitude to the many persons who attended the public gathering at Slovenska Pristava on July 8 to meet the first freely elected prime minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Professor Lojze Peterle. The other honored guest was Mr. Marko Kremžar from Argentina. Mr. Kremžar has worked on behalf of the various Slovenian communities in Argentina for many years and has been active as a Christian Democrat, as is Professor Peterle. The overall enthusiasm was apparent as both of these two gentlemen expressed the desire for Slovenia and Slovenians from around the world to start the process of transforming Slovenia from a Communist system to a Western style democracy. Both men also expressed a hope for patience as this process will not occur overnight. But changes will be made to legally protect the religious, civil, human, and property rights for all Slovenes in Slovenia. The many remarks made were that both gentlemen came across as honest, sincere men with integrity and dignity. Both Professor Peterle and Kremžar expressed their thanks for making them feel welcome and at home with so many people. The Slovenian-American Council also expresses its thanks to Slovenska Pristava for the preparation work performed before, during, and after this historic event. The following donations were received on behalf of the Slovenian-American Council: Mr. Tony Petkovšek, Cleveland $100 Anonymous, Cleveland $ 20 Mr., Mrs. Stan Osenar, Will. Hills, O. $250 Joseph Roesmann, Columbus, O. $200 Total .........................$570 The Slovenian-American Council hopes that the visitation by Professor Peterle indicates the genuine desire to provide assistance to this newly formed government with the resources available by organizations such as the SAC. Change is occurring in Slovenia. Persons such as Professor Peterle will make the needed changes in a positive manner. Donations may be forwarded to: Slovenian-American Council 1214 E. 61 St. Cleveland, OH 44103 Please do not forward cash but only checks or money order for safety reasons. Stane J. Kuhar, Treasurer, SAC STERLE-SANKOVIC Funeral Home (Formerly Sankovic-Johnston) 15314 Macauley Avenue (Corner of E. 152 & Lake Shore Blvd.) Joseph J. Sterle - Director (216) 531-3600 ATTENTION SLOVENIANS YOU ARE WANTED! BARTENDERS HOUSEKEEPING FRONT DESK WAITRESSES COOKS SEE: Mr. Collins, Plaza Hotel 5700 South Marginal Rd., Cleveland (off E. 55 by lake) 432-2220 Recent Deaths Coming Events... ANTHONY VALENCK Anthony Valencie, 71, a longtime resident of East 68 St., Cleveland, died suddenly Monday, July 5 of heart failure. Anthony was born in Cleveland and retired from National Acme where he was employed as a machinist. He was a member of the St. Vitus Dad’s Club. Mr. Valencie was the husband of Dorothy (nee Subel) (dec.), the father of Tony (Dallas, Tex.), and James, grandfather of Nicole, brother of Jennie Kosan. John (dec.), Josephine, Elsie Cavey, Matt and Edward. Visitation was at Zele Funei al Home. 6502 St. Clair Avenue. -Funeral services were Monday, July 9 at St. Vitus Church. Burial was in Calvary Cemetery. ANTHONY 1)01 JACK Anthony “Tony” Doljack, 71, a 15 year resident of Parma and formerly from E. 45th St., died on Sunday, July 8 at Holy Family Home after a long illness. Anthony was a Veteran of World War II serving in the U.S. Army. He was a pipefitter by trade and worked from the Pipefitters Union Local 120 for 40 years, retiring in 1978. He was a member of SNPJ No. 126 and the Brecksville Excelsior American Legion Post 196. Tony was the brother of Rudolph, Joseph, Jean Zevnik, and the deceased John, Frank, Mary (Whitey) Primosh and Anton, uncle and great uncle of many, and dear friend of Helen Jeris. Visitation and services were at Zele Funeral Home and burial in Calvary Cemetery. FRANK J HOČEVAR Frank J. Hočevar, 83, beloved husband of the late Sylvia (nee Gasser), father of Joanne Zakrajšek, father-in-law of Stan, grandfather of Stan, Larry, Arlene, Genene, greatgrandfather of four. Family received friends at the Zak Funeral Home, 6016 St. Clair Ave. Funeral Thursday with a 9:30 chapel and 10 a m. Mass at St. Vitus Church. Interment in All Souls Cemetery. Family requests donations be made to the Slovene Home for the Aged'. ALICE INTIHAR Alice Intihar (nee Zupančič), 93, beloved mother of Elsie Oberson, Victor and Frank (dec.), wife of the late Louis, grandmother of two, greatgrandmother of four. Family received friends at the Zak Funeral Home. 6016 St. Clair. Mass at St. Vitus Church, interment in Calvarv Cemetery. EDNA SAJETOWSKI Edna Sajetowsk! tnee Kwiatkowski), 80, died Jui.> 4th in Lake Hosnital West of heart failure. Edna was born in Pennsylvania. She was a former resident of Mentor, and was presently living in Euclid. She was the widow of Florian, the mother of Mitchell Sajetowski, Nancy Walhren (Columbus), and Suzanne Mihelič (dec.), grandmother of seven, greatgrandmother of three, sister o. the following all deceased: Emma, Frances, Mary, Lawrence, Frank and Mitchell. Visitation was at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St. Services Saturday, July 7 at St. Josaphat Church. Burial was in All Souls Cemetery. JULY 13, 14, 15 St. Vitus Summer Festival. Wed. July 18 Slovenian Pensioners Club of Euclid piciik at SNPJ Farm on Heath Rd. $8 admission includes dinner. Sunday, July 22 Testimonial Dinner honoring John Krofi, Newburgh’s Slovenian Man of the Year at the Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80 St., Cleveland. Dinner 2 p.m.., dancing 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. Donation $12.50. For tickets call 341-7540. Saturday, Julv 28 Newburgh Day at AMI A Recreation Center. Buttons & Bow > Button Box Ensemble 2.30 to 4:15 Polka Mass celebrated by Bisnop A. Edward Pevec at 4:30 p.m. and Music from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. by Vadnal Orchestra. Further information Alice Arko 341-7540. Sunday, Aug. 5 Senior Citizens Day at Slovenska Pristava. Wednesday, Aug. 15 Federation of Slovenian Pensioner Clubs Annual Picnic at SNPJ picnic grounds. Members and Friends welcome. Food, refreshments, music etc. Full course dinners (chicken & pork combo) by advance ticket only. For tickets call Mae Fabec at 942-3785, or Stanley Frank at 391-9761. For bus transporta tion call 391-9761 GRDINA-COSIC Funeral Homes I70H) Lake Shore Blvd. 1053 K. 62 St. 531-6300 431-2088 28890 Chardon Road Willoughby Hills 944-8400 A TRUSTED TRADITION FOR 85 YEARS In Memoriam ■i - yfl! Michael Telich Irma M. Telich 10-5-1895 — 7-14-88 11-20-02 — 8-29-89 Every day since you both departed we have you in our memories. Perhaps reflecting on your favorite sayings, a manerism, your smiles and give thanks we had you as long as we did. Our heritage came from you both and we thank you for such a sound/oMm/a-tion to nurture and develop. Son, John R. Sr. Daughter-in-law, Jan Grandchildren: Patricia, Michael, J., and John R. Jr. Mary Jo and Beth Ann Great-grandchildren: Jessica, Courtney, Patrick Michael III, Christopher, Joseph, Stanley, Colin, Tara and Trevor Carst-Naj»> Memorials 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 “Serving tne Slovenian Community. Saturday, August 18 “Artists under the Big Tent”, Chalet Debonne Winery, Madison, Ohio. Free admission and open to the public. Sunday, Sept. 2 St. Anne's KSKJ Lodge No. 150 Annual Celebration with Mass at 11 a.m. in St. Lawrence Church followed by dinner at 1 p.m. at Sterle’s. Saturday. Sept. 8 Fant je na Vasi annual concert al SNH with Alpine Sextet. Sundaj, Sept. 16 Wine Festival at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Sept. 30 St. Vitus Altar Society will have their annua! dinner on Sunday, Sept. 30 in the St. Vitus Auditorium AI Koporc, Jr. Piano Technician (216) 481-4391 In Loving Memon Of the 42nd Anniversary of the Death of Our Beloved Father and Grandfather ■ ■ m 5 £ ) C' I c < > cr CO Matt Intihar w ho died Jule I1948 Sadly missed by: Alma Eppick - dauo' e Edward Eppick - son-in-law Grandchildren, Great-grandchildren Zele Funeral Home Memorial Chapel 452 E. 152 St. Phone 481-3118 Addison Road Chapel 6502 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-0583 Mi smo bedno pripravljeni z najboljšo posrežbo BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21000 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio ZAK-ZAKRAJSEK Funeral Home 6016 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-3112 or 361-3113 • No Branches nor Affiliations f Zachary A. Zak, licensed funeral director NDEPENDENT SAVINGS IS NOW METROPOLITAN —iWfl ■ Same great products and services U Same competitive rates Same great personalized service ■ Same friendly people to serve you w METROPOLITAN i- SAVINGS BANK MommKin LENDER • Cleveland 920 E. 185th St. 486-4100 • Cleveland Hts. 1865 Coventry Rd. 371-2000 • Euclid 1515 E. 260th St. 731 -8865 • Mayfield Hts. 1351 SOM Center Rd. 473-2121 • Parma Hts. 6650 Pearl Rd. 845-8200 • Pepper Pike 3637 Lander Rd. 831 -8800 • Richmond Hts. 27100 Chardon Rd. 944-5500 • Shaker Hts. 20200 Van Aken Blvd. 752-4141 • South Euclid 14483 Cedar Rd. 291 -2800 • Willoughby Hills 2765 SOM Center Rd. 944-3400 Favorite Recipes Note: These cookies for the Ohio KSKJ Day were so delicious many of our subscribers asked for the recipe. Here it is: “BRAGGIN’ BEST” SUGAR COOKIES 1 cup Butter Flavored Crisco I cup vegetable oil I teaspoon cream of tartar 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup powdered sugar 1 cup granulated sugar 2 eggs, beaten 4 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt In a large mixing bowl, cream Crisco, vegetable oil and sugars. Add eggs and vanilla and beat well. In a separate bowl, sift flour, cream of tartar, baking soda and salt together and mix thoroughly. Add flour mixture to creamed mixture and blend completely. Chill cookie dough at least 10 minutes. When thoroughly chilled, shape dough into walnut sized balls or smaller. On a lightly greased baking sheet, arrange balls of dough. Using a glass with a flat bottom, dip glass into granulated sugar and flatten one ball. Repeat procedure for all dough balls. Bake 10 to 12 minutes at 350°F until cookies have a brown rim. Yield: 8 dozen. Barbara Kogovšek (Mrs. Gene) South Euclid, Ohio (Submitted by Mrs. Josephine Baškovič) RAINBOW DELIGHT 1 package (2 oz.) cherry gelatin 1 package (3-oz.) lemon gelatin 1 package (3-oz.) lime gelatin 1 package (3-oz) orange gelatin 2-1/4 cups frozen whipped topping, thawed Prepare cherry gelatin according to package directions using 1 cup hot water and 1 cup cold. When gelatin is slightly thickened beat with electric mixer about 2 minutes. Lightly beat in 3/4 cup whipped topping. Pour into a 1-piece angel food cake pan; place in refrigerator till firm. Repeat with each gelatin flavor. To serve, dip cake pan (just to rim) in warm water for 10 seconds and unmold onto serving platter. Note: A few drops of food coloring can be beaten into gelatin along with the topping to deepen the color. • • • BANANA YOGURT CAKE Part of making low-fat desserts appealing is making them look good. Decorate this impressive cake with chocolate icing with a lacy design and fresh berries. 2 cups all-purpose flour 1/3 cup sugar 3/4 tsp. baking powder 3/4 tsp. baking soda 1/4 tsp. salt 2/3 cup plain low fat yogurt 1/2 cup mashed ripe banana 1/4 cup cooking oil 1 tsp. finely shredded lemon peel 1 tsp. vanilla • • • 3 egg whites 3/4 cup sugar • • • 2 Tbsp. light corn syrup 2 Tbsp. water 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder Fresh raspberries (opt.) • In a large mixing bowl stir together flour, the 1/3 cup sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt; set aside. In a medium bowl stir together yogurt, banana, oil, lemon peel, and vanilla; set aside. • In a small mixer bowl beat egg whites tilt soft peaks form (tips curl). Gradually add remaining 3/4 cup sugar, beating on high speed till stiff peaks form (tips stand straight). Stir yogurt-banana mixture into flour mixture till moistened. Fold in about a fourth of the egg-white mixture to soften; then fold in remaining egg whites. • Pour the batter evenly into a greased (or sprayed with nonstick spray coating) and floured 9x9x2-inch baking pan. Bake in a 350° oven for 40 to 45 minutes or til a wooden toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool cake for 10 minutes in the pan on a wire rack. Remove cake from pan and cool completely on the wire rack. Place cake in a storage container or wrap with plastic wrap and store; this cake slices better when held overnight. • For icing, stir together corn syrup and water; add cocoa powder, stirring till smooth. Drizzle chocolate over cake in a lacy design. Let stand till set (about 30 minutes). You cn also drizzle icing in a lacy design on each serving plate and top with a piece of cake. Serve with raspberries. Makes 12 servings. Economists Warn Congress of Dangers from Deficits From the Wall Street Journal Two Nobel prize-winning economists warned Congress that the huge U.S. budget deficit is erroding the nation’s economy and its world standing. ‘‘The chronic deficit is an overcomsuming evil with insidious long-run consequences for American might and affluence,” Paul Samuelson, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology economist and 1970 Nobel laureate, said at a Senate Banking Committee hearing. The other Nobel prize winner, Lawrence Klein, an economist at the University of Pennsylvania, emphasized that the huge deficit in the nation’s current account, which measures the country’s trade in goods and services and financial transactions, is another ‘‘serious embalance.” “We have to finance the deficits,” he said, “and that has an impact on the money market, and it is the money market that has an impact in terms of interest rates and dollar exchange rates, that feeds back on the performance of the economy.” The two economists dismissed arguments that maintain the deficits don’t matter because the economy has expanded without interruption for the past seven years — the very years that the deficits swelled. Mr. Samuelson compared the nation’s predicament to that of an alcoholic, who might go years before feeling the devastating effects of drinking. Thanks Editor: Again, thank you for the article you had written on my book PEPCA’S STRUGGLE, and published February 22, in American Home and submitting the article to other newspapers, for which I had a number of comments. Enclosed is a check for $100.00 to renew the subscription, and a donation to the American Home newspaper. Thank you for your help. Sincerely yours, Josephine Janezic Greenfield, Wis. In Memory Editor: Enclosed is a check for $30.00. The five additional dollars are in memory of my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kozan. We continue to enjoy receiving the Ameriška Domovina. Margaret Bokar Plainwell, Mich. VIDEO Cassettes ANSAMBEL LOJZE SLAK In color, 60 minutes 25 songs. $35 & $2 post, and handling. Tivoli Enterprises 6419 St. Clair Ave. (216) 431-5296 Cleveland, OH 44103 P.S.We also take subscriptions for magazine “Slovenija” in English Ann Terček Euclid, Ohio SLOVENIAN CULTURAL CENTER IN LEMONT MAKES YOU AN OFFER! In return for your contribution of $100 to the Slovenian Cultural Center Building Fund, you will receive, by return mail, a statement of your contribution that entitles you to take part in a fabulous opportunity! You may be selected as the owner of a FORD TEMPO GL automobile, fully equipped, 1990 model, four door sedan! At the Slovenian Cultural Center's PICNIC, AUGUST 5, 1990, at St. Mary's in Lemont, someone’s name will be called - but you do not need to be present! All contributions will be gratefully accepted by the Slovenian Cultural Center’s Building Committee and acknowledged. Send in your $100 to the Slovenian Cultural Center, Box 634, Lemont, IL 60439 and attend the picnic! The Lion And The Mouse A lion was asleep in his den one day, when a mischievous mouse fcT' no reason at all ran across the outstretched paw and up the royal nose of the king of beasts, awakening him from his nap. The mighty beast clapped his paw upon the now frightened little creature and would have made an end of him. “Please,” squealed the mouse, “don’t kill me. Forgive me this time, O King, and I shall never forget it. A day may come, who knows, when I may do you a good turn to repay your kindness.” The lion, smiling at his little prisoner’s fright and amused by the thought that so small a creature ever could be of assistance to the king of beasts, but let him go anyway. Not long afterward the lion, while ranging the forest for his prey, was caught in the net which the hunters had set to catch him. He let out a roar that echoed through the forest. Even the mouse heard it, and recognizing the voice of his former preserver and friend, ran to the spot where he lay tangled in the net of ropes. “Well, your majesty,” said the mouse. ‘I know you did not believe me once when I said I would return a kindness, but here is my chance.” And without further ado he set to work to nibble with his sharp little teeth at the ropes that bound the lion. Soon the lion was able to crawl out of the hunter’s snare and be free. Moral: NO ACT OF KINDNESS, NO MATTER HOW SMALL, IS EVER WASTED. — Aesop. This stained glass window, left, commemorating St. Mary Magdalene, was donated by K.S.K.J. Društvo Sv. Marije Magdalene, No. 162 K.S.K.J. Organizations such as K.S.K.J. were instrumental in providing financial and leadership resources to build St. Vitus Church in 1932. Immaculate Conception window, right, was donated by the Catholic War Veterans St. Vitus Post 1655. This parish organization, like many others, has provided much volunteer time towards various projects of St. Vitus parish. St. Vitus Church Pastoral Staff Rev. Joseph P. Boznar, Pastor .. č.g. Jože Boznar, župnik Rev. William M. Jerse, Associate Pastor Mrs. Jeanette R. Polomsky, Principal Mr. David Križan, Director of Music Mrs. Jeanette R. Polomsky, Director of Pre-School Ms. Agnes Turk, Parish Secretary Ms. Olga Pepar, School Secretary Mass Schedule for Weekend of July 14, 15, and 16 July 13 — 7:30 a.m. (Slov.) and 8:30 a.m. (Engl.) July 14 — Same as above. Saturday Vigil Mass at 5:00 p.m. — Mass at 5:00 p.m. to be conducted by Very Reverend Thomas R. Chelena, pastor, St. Stephen Byzantine Catholic Church (Euclid, Ohio). July 15 — 8 a.m. (Slov.), 9:15 a.m. (Engl.), 10:30 a.m. (Slov.), and 12 noon (Engl.) St. Vitus parish was established in 1893 in the diocese of Cleveland to serve the Slovenian people in the Greater Cleveland area. St. Vitus is designated as a nationality parish. It is observing its 96th year as a parish in 1989. FOR Freedom AND Justice 1 Ameriška Domovina ....... g; li Ti 1 ^ » AMERICAN IN SPIRIT SLOVENIAN FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, July 12, 1990 Vol. 92 Vesti iz Slovenije 30.000 Slovencev se udeležilo sv. maše in poskus narodne sprave v Kočevskem Rogu — Predsednik vlade Lojze Peterle in zunanji minister Dimitrij Rupel obiskala ZDA KOČEVSKI ROG, Slov. — Preteklo nedeljo se je po poročilu novinarja Nev/ York Timesa Chuck Sudetica, objavljenem pretekli ponedeljek in reproduciran v angleškem delu današnje A.D., 30.000 Slovencev udeležilo sv. maše v bližini dveh jam, v katerih so zemeljski ostanki okrog 16.000 Slovencev in Hrvatov, pokoljenih od partizanov v prvih tednih po koncu druge svetovne vojne. Sveto mašo je daroval preteklo nedeljo slovenski metropolit in ljubljanski nadškof dr. Alojzij Šuštar, navzoč je bil tudi predsednik republike Slovenije, Milan Kučan. Novinar Sudetic poroča predvsem o odkritjih zadnje tedne v zvezi s pokoli hrvaških protikomunističnih borcev in civilistov. Časopisi in revije v Hrvatski so zadnji čas polni poročil teh odkritij ter objavljajo tudi slike o najdbah v raznih jamah, med njimi več v Sloveniji. Tudi v Sloveniji prihajajo na dan od posameznikov, ki so ali bili očividci pokolov, tu in tam celo udeleženci le-teh, ali pa so o njih vedeli, poročila o tem, kje so novi masovni grobovi. Nova slovenska vlada bo imenovala komisija, ki bo raziskala pokole in njih obseg, isto namerava prav tako nova in demokratična vlada v Hrvatski. Sudetic omenja, da so sredstva obveščanja v Srbiji komaj kaj poročali o teh pokolih, kar velja tudi za ostale jugoslovanske republike, kjer so še na oblasti komunisti z njihovim enostrankarskim sistemom. Zadnje dni sta bila na obisku v Clevelandu in Washingtonu, D.C., predsednik slovenske vlade Lojze Peterle in zunanji minister dr. Dimitrij Rupel. O tem obisku poročamo drugje v današnji A.D. Pretekli torek je novinar Cleveland Plain Dealer]a William F. Miller objavil daljši članek o obisku. Peterle in Rupel sta poudarila, da sta prišla v ZDA z namenom, seznaniti ameriško vlado in javnost z resničnimi cilji slovenskega naroda. Res je sicer, je rekel Peterle, da ZDA uradno ne priznavajo demokratično izvoljene slovenske vlade in imajo stike le s komunistično jugoslovansko vlado. Ko bo pa Slovenija do konca tega leta sprejela novo ustavo, je bil mnenja Peterle, bo tudi od ZDA prišlo,uradno priznanje samostojnosti Slovenije. Slovenija želi novo konfederalistično ureditev v soglasju z ostalimi jugoslovanskimi republikami, je pojasnil Peterle. Če do tega ne bo prišlo, se bo Slovenija zanimala za možnosti nekakšne povezave s Hrvatsko. V slučaju, da tudi v tem oziru ne bi prišlo do sprejemljivega izida, bo Slovenija postala neodvisna država, je Peterle dejal Millerju. Po obisku v Clevelandu, kamor je bil Peterle povabljen od Slovensko ameriškega sveta, sta on in Rupel odpotovala v Washington, D.C., kjer sta bila sprejeta v State De-partmentu in Svetu za nacionalno varnost. V kolikor smo obveščeni, naj bi se sestala med drugimi vidnimi ameriškimi funkcionarji z namestnikom državnega sekretarja Lawren-cea Eagleburgerja, v ameriškem zveznem kongresu pa z vplivnim članom predstavniškega doma kong. Lee Hamiltonom. V izjavah, podanih ob raznih prilikah med bivanjem v Clevelandu, je Peterle izrazil prepričanje, da demokratična Slovenija dobiva več in več podpore ter razumevanja v ameriških vladnih in kongresnih krogih. Po obisku v Washingtonu sta se Peterle in Rupel vrnila v Slovenijo. Dimitrij Rupel o najbolj perečih nalogah zunanje politike republike Slovenije LJUBLJANA, Slovenija — Pred svojim odhodom na obisk ZDA ta teden, je slovenski zunanji minister dr. Dimitrij Rupel pojasnil na seji komisije skupščine Republike Slovenije svoje gledanje o zunanji politiki, kateri naj bi sledila Slovenija. Svoje gledanje je strnil na štiri temeljna področja. Prva naloga je nadaljevanje že začetega dela v zvezi s poglabljanjem regionalnega sodelovanja z državami oz. regijami, ki mejijo na Slovenijo. Ker meni Rupel, da bo v okviru Jugoslavije prišlo do velikih sprememb v smer konfederalizacije, bo to pomenilo za slovensko zunanjo politiko več samostojnosti ali avtonomnosti. Na to se je treba že sedaj pripravljati. Tretje področje je nujnost, da Slovenija pripravlja ustrezne kadre, ki bi državo lahko zastopali na mednarodni ravni. Dosedanja politika Slovenije v tem oziru ni bila zavidljiva, je rekel Rupel. Že sedaj se mora Slovenija začeti bojevati za svoje predstavnike v okviru jugoslovanske diplomacije, ti predstavniki pa naj bi zasedali ustrezna mesta v delegacijah SFRJ v Združenih narodih v New Yorku in Ženevi, pri mednarodnih denarnih zavodih, v raznih veleposlaništvih itd. Četrto področje nalog obsega sodelovanje s slovenskimi manjšinami na tujem in tudi reševanje težav tujih manjšin v Sloveniji. »Rupel se zavzema za skladnejše sodelovanje z vsemi predstavniki Slovencev na tujem, saj meni, da je bilo doslej storjenih veliko napak na tem področju.« Ko je Rupel o svojih pogledih govoril na omenjeni seji, mu je stalno ugovarjal Jože Smole, češ da Ruplove trditve ne odgovarjajo resnici. Člani komisije so pa z večino podprli podajanje zunanjega ministra. Gorbačov ponovno izvoljen za voditelja sicer oslabljene komunistične partije — Rudarji po ZSSR za en dan štrajkali MOSKVA, ZSSR — Čeprav je moral med desetdnevnim kongresom sovjetske komunistične partije, ki zaključuje svoje delo, slišati na svoj račun številne, včasih tudi grobe kritike, je bil Mihail S. Gorbačov ponovno izvoljen za generalnega sekretarja. Njegovi kritiki, tako na politični levi kot desnici, sploh niso imela ne ustreznega protikandidata ne političnega programa. Po njegovi izvolitvi, je Gorbačov govoril delegatom v sicer zelo radikalnem tonu ter obljubil, da bo nadaljeval s svojim reformnim programom in ga izpeljal ne samo do konca, marveč tudi do končnega uspeha. Kontrola, ki jo ima nad partijo Gorbačov, je bila znova potrjena včeraj, ko so kongresni delegati izvolili za namestnika generalnega sekretarja 58-letnega ukrajinskega ekonomista in inženirja ter voditelja ukrajinske partije in tesnega sodelavca Gorbačova, Vladimira Ivaška. Kot številka dve na partijski lestvici, bo Ivaško vodil sprotno partijsko delovanje. Kako ključnega pomena je to mesto je razvidno v tem, da je zanj kandidiral tudi Jegor Ligačov, 69-letni voditelj konservativne struje v partiji, ki ni nič naklonjen Gorbačovu. Delegati so Ligačova, s tem tudi njegovo linijo, zavrnili. Zmaga na partijskem kongresu za Gorbačova pa ne pomeni, da bo imel lahko pot. Rudarji po Sovjetski zvezi so za en dan štrajkali zaradi neznosnih življenjskih razmer. Komunistični sistem izrecno odklanjajo. — NOVI GROBOVI — (Nadaljevanje s str. 1) 2-krat prastara mati, članica ADZ št. 1. Pogreb je bil 11. julija iz Grdina-Cosic zavoda na Lake Shore Blvd. v cerkev sv. Viljema in od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. Lucille Bizjak Umrla je Lucille Bizjak, rojena Fox, žena Franka, mati Connie DeCapite, Franka, Davida, Kathy Jankovič in Dan-a, 13-krat stara mati, sestra že pok. Helen Whitt. Pogreb bo danes iz Grdina-Cosic zavoda na Chardon Rd. v cerkev sv. Noela dop. ob 10. in nato na Vernih duš pokopališče. Frances Tiedman Umrla je Frances Tiedman, roj. Planisek, žena Carla, mati Linde Lindič in Karen (pok.), sestra Franka, Stephanye Gor-yanes ter že pok. Lucille Kri-vonak, Mae Logar, Johna in Williama. Pogreb bo danes iz Želetovega zavoda na E. 152 St. v cerkev St. John Nottingham Lutheran dop. ob 10. in nato na Lutheran pokopališče. Frank J, Hočevar Umrl je 83 let stari Frank J. Hočevar, vdovec po umrli ženi Sylvii, roj. Gasser, oče Joanne Zakrajšek, 4-krat stari oče, 4-krat prastari oče. Pogreb bo iz Zak pogreb, zavoda na 6016 St. Clair Ave. danes, v četrtek, dop. ob 9.30, v cerkev sv. Vida ob 10. in nato na pokopališče Vernih duš. Družina priporoča darove v pokojnikov spomin Slovenskemu domu za ostarele na Neff Rd. Anthony Doljack V nedeljo, 8. julija, je v Holy Family Home v Parmi po dolgi bolezni umrl 71 let stari Anthony (Tony) Doljack, zadnjih 15 let živeč v Parmi, pred tem pa na E. 45 St., brat Ru-dolpha, Josepha, Jean Zevnik ter že pok. Johna, Franka, Mary Primosh in Antona, prijatelj Helen Jeris, veteran 2. svetovne vojne, vodovodni inštalater po poklicu, vse do svoje upokojitve L 1978, član SNPJ št. 126. Pogreb je bil 11. julija iz Želetovega zavoda na E. 152 St. na Kalvarijo. Anthony Valencie Dne 5. julija je za srčnim infarktom nenadno umrl 71 let stari Anthony Valencie, rojen v Clevelandu in več let živeč na E. 68 St., vdovec po umrli ženi Dorothy, roj. Subel, oče Tonyja in Jamesa, 1-krat stari oče, brat Jennie Kosan, Josephine, Elsie Cavey, Matta, Ed-warda in Johna (pok.), zaposlen kot strojnik pri National Acme, vse do svoje upokojitve, član Očetovskega kluba pri Sv. Vidu. Pogreb je bil 9. julija s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida. Pokopan je bil na Kalvarije pokopališču. Georgeina S. Trunk Dne 5. julija je umrla Georgeina S. Trunk, rojena Coss, vdova po umrlem možu Augu-stu, mati Florence Marolt, Carla, Johna, Larryja, Denni-sa in že pok. Nilesa, 14-krat stara mati, 6-krat prastara mati, sestra Nannie Hammer in Mildred Howell. Pogreb je bil 7. julija iz Brickmanovega zavoda na Vernih duš pokopališče. KOLEDAR JULIJ 13., 14. in 15. — Poletni festival pri Sv. Vidu. 22. — Misijonska Znamkar- ska Akcija priredi piknik na Slovenski pristavi. Pričetek s sv. mašo ob 12. uri. 29. — Slov. šola pri Sv. Vidu priredi piknik na Slov. pristavi. AVGUST 5. — Dan upokojencev na Slovenski pristavi. 11. — Balincarski klub Slovenske pristave ima svoj piknik na Pristavi. 12. — SKD Triglav, Milwaukee, Wis., priredi drugi piknik, v parku Triglav. 15. — Federacija slov. upokojenskih klubov priredi letni piknik na SNPJ farmi. Kosilo bo servirano, nakaznice pa nujne v predprodaji. SEPTEMBER 8. — Fantje na vasi priredijo svoj vsakoletni koncert. 16. — »Vinska trgatev« na Slovenski pristavi. 23. — SKD Triglav, Milwaukee, Wis., priredi Vinsko trgatev, v parku Triglav. 30. — Oltarno društvo pri Sv. Vidu priredi letno kosilo v svetovidski dvorani. OKTOBER 13. — Pevski zbor Glasbena Matica priredi jesenski koncert ob 60. obletnici zbora, v SND na St. Clair Ave. 21. — Občni zbor Slovenske pristave. 27. — Štajerski klub priredi martinovanje v SND na St. Clair Ave. Igra Tone Klepec orkester. NOVEMBER 10. — Belokranjski klub priredi martinovanje v SND na St. Clair Ave. Igra Tone Klepec orkester. 11. — Slovenski mladinski pevski zbor kr. št. 2 SNPJ ima jesenski koncert v SDD na Re-cher Ave. v Euclidu. DECEMBER 2. — SKD Triglav, Milwaukee, Wis., priredi miklavževa-nje. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Avc. - 431-0628 - Cleveland, OH 44103 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec Publisher, English editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev, Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Košir NAROČNINA: Združene države in Kanada: $25 na leto za ZDA; $30 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $35 na leto, računano v ameriški valut: SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada; • U.S.A.: $25 per year; Canada: $30 in U S currency Foreign. $35 per year U.S. or equivalent foreign currency Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 Published every Thursday « No. 28 Thursday, July 12, 1990 »Slovenija je drugačna« Med svojim pravkar končanim obiskom pri Slovencih in slovensko čutečih v Clevelandu, je te besede večkrat ponovil predsednik nove, svobodno izvoljene ter zato demokratične slovenske vlade Lojze Peterle. Poudarjal je ob vsaki priliki, da seje Slovenija res temeljito spremenila, da je danes demokratična dežeia, ki želi stike in sodelovanje z vsemi rojaki in rojakinjami po svetu, z vsemi torej, ki te stike in sodelovanje želijo. Vabil je vse, naj obiščejo Slovenijo in jo spoznajo v vsej njeni realnosti. Izginili so časi, ko je Slovenija smatrala nekatere v tujini iz tega ali onega vzroka živeče Slovence in Slovenke za nezaželene. S tem je povedal tudi. da je konec dobe, ko je Slovenija smatrala nekatere rojake po svetu za več vredne kot druge m sicer zaradi njihovega naklo-njenejšega ali vsaj pasivnejšega gledanja na takratno komunistično oblasi. Nobenega namena ni torej, da bi nova demokratična oblast v Sloveniji ustoličila nekatere skupine, živeče v tujini, kot več vredne od ostalih oziroma jim dala zaradi politične naklonjenosti do trenutne vlade prednost pred drugimi skupinami. Slovenija bo odprta do vseh. Peterle, ki je napravil na vsakega, s katerim se je srečal ali ki ga je poslušal res izredno pozitiven vtis, je poudaril tudi, da je v Sloveniji s prihodom demokratične oblasti izginil prejšnji, od komunistov uveden politični besednjak. Za novo, za »drugačno« Slovenijo, ni več »izdajalcev«, »sovražnikov ljudstva« ipd. S tem v zvezi je dejal, da ima občutek, da je danes celo več enotnosti na tem področju v Sloveniji kakor pri slovenskih skupnostih v tujini. To je obžaloval in izrazil upanje, da bi se moglo temu napraviti konec. Predsednik slovenske vlade je v svojih javnih nastopih govoril tudi o težavah, s katerimi se Slovenija soočuje, tako političnih kot ekonomskih. Povedal je, da Slovenija sicer ni načelno za odcepitev od Jugoslavije, da pa mora priti do konfederalne preureditve Jugoslavije, takšne, ki bo sprejemljiva tako za Slovenijo kot ostale narode, ki danes tvorijo to umetno ustvarjeno državo; v drugačnem slučaju si pa Slovenija rezervira pravico do odcepitve, do svoje samostojne oz. neodvisne ureditve. Ko je govoril o Jugoslaviji, tako predvojni kot povojni, je poudaril, da sta obe državi končali v diktaturi. Tega Slovenija ni več pripravljena trpeti. Prav tako Slovenija (in tudi Hrvatska) ne more čakati na čas, ko bo demokracija le dosegla južne predele jugoslovanske države. V Sloveniji so začeli s pripravo nove ustave, ki Čudeži se še gode! CLEVELAND, O. — Ko bi nam kdo pred letom dni dejal, da bo Slovenija rešena komunistične diktature in da se bo darovala spravna daritev v Kočevskem Rogu, bi mu rekli: da, če se bo zgodil čudež. In čudež se je zgodil! Čudež pa je bil tudi pri nas na Slovenski pristavi. V spomin 45. obletnice begunstva, je Slovenska pristava priredila Slovenski dan, na katerega je bi! povabljen tudi predsednik nove slovenske vlade, gospod Lojze Peterle. Istočasno kot v Kočevskem Rogu, se je na Orlovem vrhu pri spominski kapelici Marije Pomagaj darovala spravna daritev, ki jo je opravil msgr. Jože Mavsar. Bog nam je dal krasen dan. Pristava je bila okrašena z za stavami in slavoloki, z rožami, in ogromna množica ljudi je to lepoto vsrkavala, kar se je videlo na vzradoščemh obrazih vseh, ki so bili ta dan prisotni Najbolj pa smo bih veseli vsi, ki smo na kakršenkoli način pripomogli, da je ta Slovenski dan tako lepo uspel. Gotovo bodo drugi vse bolj podrobno opisali to proslavo; jaz bi pa že danes rad vse Clevelandske Slovence povabil na dan upokojencev, ki bo na Slovenski pristavi v nedeljo, 5. avgusta. Letos bomo ta dan počastili člana našega kluba upokojencev, gospoda Janeza Varška. Pri sv. maši, ki bo ob 12. uri opoldne, se bomo pa še posebno spomnili vseh tistih ameriških Slovencev, ki so pred 45 leti organizirali Ligo slovenskih Amerikancev z namenom, da pomagajo slovenskim beguncem naseliti se v novi domovini, svobodni Ameriki Da omenim samo nekatere: lastnika Ameriške Domovine g. Jaka Debevca, Antona Grdino, Jacoba Resnika, Matta Intiharja, Matta Tekavca, Jožeta Grdino, Narobetove, Ižančeve, Drobničeve, Hozjanove, Petričeve, Pianeckijeve in še in še. Slovenske duhovnike s kanonikom J. Omanom in msgr. Gabrovškom na čelu. Slovenske frančiškane v Lemontu, posebno patra Bernarda Ambrožiča. Ko je bil takorekoč ves svet zaklet proti nam, se ti ljudje niso ustrašili lažnih obdolžitev in so nam pomagali, da smo si uredili novo življenje. Mnogi so na vse to že pozabili. Prav bi biio, da mi danes v njihov spomin obljubimo, da bomo pomagali naši dragi slovenski domovini tako požrtvovalno, kot so oni takrat nam. Pri tej spominski maši se bomo spomnili tudi vseh pokojnih članov Kluba upokojencev Slovenske pristave, posebno pred kratkim umrlega člana Jerneja Slaka, ki je bil prvi predsednik Slovenske pristave in jo vodii sedem iet. Dragi Jernej, vem, da si v družbi Hinkota Lobeta in Franka Kastigarja in vsemi pokojnimi člani Slovenske pristave v nebesih veselil čudeža, ki se zgodil doma in tudi tukaj pri nas. Frank Urankar Zlatomašnika — pozdravljena! LEMONT, 111. - Tihi, delavni lemontski hrib je danes (1. julija) počival pod toplim nebom — in obenem praznoval pri Mariji Pomagaj. Ni se dvigala običajna »kupica zrel’ga vin-čeca«, marveč posvečeni kelih z Gospodovo krvjo, v čast in priznanje zvestemu Kristusovemu služabniku, ki je Njegovo pot izbral za svojo — pred petdesetimi leti. Visoko je stalo sonce in dišeče vejevje je zastiralo prodorne žarke, ko je častitljivi p. Fortunat Zorman stal pred oltarjem, obrožen s so-patri, enako prevzet od božje bližine, kot vsa dosedanja leta. Ginjeno je maševal, še bolj ginjeno izgovarjal obredna besedila, in občutila je vsa množica vernikov, da mu je Oltar najljubša miza, ob kateri je tolikokrat použil svoj in naš Kruh Življenja. Res, tudi pletenico je imel pred seboj, pravi kruh, delo vdanih človeških rok, da bi ne pozabil vrelca svojih telesnih sil, ki mu jih posreduje mati Narava. Občinstvo, ki pozna njegovo delo, je delilo z njim občutje slavja in ugodja, z molitvijo, pesmijo in nagovori. Duhovniški, ozki sopotnik, p. Ludvik Ceglar, mu je položil na srce obilico prijateljskih besed, ter vere in upanja v Zveli-čarjevo in Marijino spremstvo na vseh daljnjih korakih. Smotrno ga je pozdravil tudi hvaležni, neutrudni Martin Hozian. Vidna znamenja delovanja patra Fortunata so številna in različna. Med prva sodi trajna vnema za m o 1 i t e v . Nenehno daje čutiti, da njemu molitev pomeni rešilni pas med razburkanimi življenjskimi valo- Piknik Misijonske Znamkarske Akcije CLEVELAND, O. - Zopet je pred nami piknik Misijon .kc Znamkarske Akcije, ki bo v nedeljo, 22. julija, na Slovenski pristavi. Piknik se bo pričel s sv. mašo opoldne, katero bo daroval duhovni vodja MZA, lazarist g. Karol Wolbang iz Scarborough, Ontario. Po sv. maši bo na razpolago kosilo in druge jestvine, kar bo kdo želel. Popoldan bomo preživeli v senci smrek med prijatelji in znanci, ali pa se podali v hladni bazen. Okrog pete ure bom še zapeli litanije Matere božje pri kapelici ter jo pi asili varstva na poti proti domu Gospodinje lepo prosimo za domače pecivo! V ponedeljek, 23. julija, bo ob 7. uri zvečer sv. maša v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete, nato pa letni sestanek in občni zbor, kakor vsako leto. Vsi sotrud-niki m prijatelji misijonov ste prav iskreno vabljeni! Po božji dobroti živimo v deželi blagostanja. Na to nedeljo se spomnimo, da veliko narodov trpi pomanjkanje, lakoto in položimo vsaj mali dar v pomoč bližnjemu. Bodimo usmiljeni, da bomo usmiljenje ob času prejeli! Iskreno Vas vabi na misijonski piknik MZA - Cleveland vi. V njej povezuje sebe in zemljane z Nebesi. Njej verjetno odstopa večji de! prostega časa; morda prebira skrivnosti rožnega venca tudi med sprehodi. Zato ima dolgo vrsto po-snemalcev na božjih poteh in ob vsaki procesiji, češ, naj sliši tudi prijazno zelenje, da nt prošnjah Vsemogočnemu gradimo svoja upanja. Druga njegova značilnost izvira iz vdanosti materi Sloveniji, ki jo je svojčas objadrai vzdolž in povprek — in hkrati tudi sosede-mejake. Ni menda kotička naše dežele, ki ga ne bi privlačil in vabil »nazaj v planinski raj«. Tam med Triglavom in Gorjanci je on povsod doma, kot Deseti Brat. Povsod se najdejo stopinje njegove, iz mladih dni; slednji kraj ga utegne pozdraviti, ko se poda v svojo rojstno vas. Mnogo si je prizadel, da bi vsi mi vzljubili zgledne može iz naše zgodovine, počenši od Ciril-Metoda do Barage in Slomška, ter danes živeče. Vse, kar je vedel o njihovih vrlinah, je prelil v Ave Maria, ki jo je večinoma sam polnil z nabožnimi in tudi literarnimi spisi. Ničesar mu ne želimo toliko, kot zanesljivega božjega spremstva. Leta ga še niso umirila; brezkončnega programa še ni dokončal, niti se mu odrekel. Rabil bo torej zanesljiva krepila... Drugi slavljenec Manj vidno in organizirano se je dovršila 50-letnica božjega služabništva frančiškanskemu patru Benu Korbiču. On ni množični duhovnik in ga redkeje srečujemo. Vendar ga ne (Dalje na str. 10) bo po Peterletovem mnenju morda sprejeta do konca leta. Ta ustava bo utrdila samostojnost in tudi demokratičnost Slovenije. Predvideva se dvodomni parlament, parlamentarni sistem, ohranjeno bo mesto predsednika Slovenije, odpadlo bo pa predsedstvo Slovenije. Ko bo nova ustava sprejeta na referendumu, bodo sledile normalne posledice, pri teh gotovo tudi volitve za novi parlament, nato tudi nova vlada. Ko je o teh zadevah govoril Peterle (in tudi zunanji minister Dimitrij Rupel), je bilo povsem jasno, da gre pri vsem tem samo za vprašanje (dalje na sir. 9) Veličasten Slovenski dan v Clevelandu, Ohio V nedeljo, 8. julija, je bil v Clevelandu, Ohio, Slovenski dan, na katerega je Slovensko ameriški svet povabil prof. Lojzeta Peterleta, prvega po zadnjih 50 letih svobodno izvoljenega predsednika slovenske vlade v Ljubljani. Ministrski predsednik Peterle se je udeležil sv. maše ob 11. uri dopoldne pri kapeli na Slovenski pristavi in je potem bil glavni govornik na sporedu ob 3. uri popoldne. Priobčujemo znamenito pridigo msgr. Jožeta Mavsarja iz Montane med sv. mašo: Pridiga msgr. Jožeta Mavsarja Danes smo se zbrali Slovenci v tujini združeni s Slovenci v domovini in po vsem svetu, da se zahvalimo Bogu in njegovi Materi za največji čudež v zgodovini našega naroda. Z veseljem v srcih zapojmo hvalnico, da nas je Bog ohranil, da slavimo prebujeno zavest naše samostojnosti in bratske enakosti. Obrnimo naše oči v to, kar je pred nami, priznajmo resnico z ljubeznijo in odpuščanjem. V tem smislu združeni s Kristusom in našimi mučenci sprejmimo NOV KRST PRI SAVICI s pesnikom Prešernom: da smo očeta enega sinovi ljudje vsi bratje, bratje vsi narodi, da ljubit mor'mo se prav uk njegovi. Predragi bratje in sestre! Pred 45 leti, na prvo soboto v majniku, smo mnogi zapustili ljubi dom in drago slovensko domovino ter upali, da se vrnemo v 14 dneh. Toda 14 dni se je raztegnilo na 45 let. Danes smo se zbrali v priljubljenem slovenskem središču, v novi deželi, da obudimo spomine na 45 let življenja v hladni tujini. Predvsem se želimo zahvaliti Bogu in naši ljubljeni božji Materi Mariji, ki nas je srečno vodila po tujini; da rečemo »boglonaj« vsem dobrotnikom, ki so nam pomagali graditi novi dom; da s spoštovanjem molimo za vse, ki so že odšli v večnost in tam slavijo dan vstajenja slovenskega naroda; in da se spomnimo vseh tistih, ki so ostali v domovini in morda trpeli še bolj kot mi, tu, v tujini. Obenem bi radi raztegnili roko preko oceana in se v duhu združili z nadškofom Šuštarjem in vsemi, ki so se prav danes zbrali v Kočevskem Rogu, da združeni z njimi molimo za lepšo prihodnost svobodnega slovenskega naroda. Še posebej se čutimo povezane z vsemi Slovenci po sve- tu, ker sta nas počastila s svojo navzočnostjo: zastopnik Slovencev v Argentini, in še posebej novi predsednik republike Slovenije, prvič, po 45 letih, svobodno izvoljen predsednik našega naroda, g. prof. Alojzij Peterle. Današnji zbor je pravzaprav romarski shod, ker združeni molimo, da bi Bog naklonil našemu ljubljenemu narodu lepšo in bolj trdno prihodnost. Kajti naša preteklost je bila vse preveč trpka in pisana s krvjo bratomorja. Če želimo ustvariti zdravo in trdno prihodnost, pa mora med nami najprej in za vedno izginiti vsako sovraštvo, ki nas je razdvajalo in izčrpavalo desetletja. Zgodovina je polna krvavih obračunov s sovražniki. Nepretrgana sled krvi, ki se vleče za človeštvom od paleolitika naprej, je eno samo prizadevanje pokončati sovražnika. Toda sovraštva ni mogoče uničiti z mečem: je kot sedmero-glavi zmaj, če mu odsekaš eno glavo, mu zrasteta dve novi. Bog sam nam je prinesel in pokazal načrt in sredstvo, kako premagaš sovražnika: »Ljubi- »Slovenija je drugačna« (nadaljevanje s str. 8) časa. Peterle in Rupel sta poudarila, da ni več poti nazaj v nedemokratično ureditev za Slovenijo, da je ta možnost izključena. Peterle je vabil tiste rojake in rojakinje, ki imajo to možnost, da se zanimajo za investiranje v Sloveniji. Razdeljena je bila brošura s potrebnimi podatki. Peterle, za njim pa tudi Rupel, sta poudarila, da pri investiranju ne gre s slovenske strani za kakšno beračenje. Slovenija se zanima za solidne investicije, takšne torej, ki bodo prinesle korist ne samo Sloveniji, marveč tudi investitorjem samim. Skratka, danes imamo res »drugačno Slovenijo«. Res je, da je še nerešenih več vprašanj iz preteklosti. Vendar se bo dalo vseh teh vprašanj rešiti v obliki slovenske države, ki je demokratična in svobodna. Da je do te demokratične Slovenije prišlo ne samo tako nepričakovano hitro, ampak tudi brez vsakega prelivanja krvi, lahko vsi pozdravljamo. Dr. Rudolph M. Susel MSGR. JOŽE MAVSAR iz Helene, Montana, je daroval sv. mašo preteklo nedeljo pri Spominski kapelici na Orlovem vrhu Slovenske pristave. Njegovo pridigo objavljamo na tej strani. LOJZE PETERLE, predsednik slovenske vlade in obenem predsednik krščansko demokratske stranke, je bil prisoten pri spominski sv. maši na Slovenski pristavi. Na našem posnetku ga vidite v spremstvu dr. Mateja Roesmana, predsednika Slovenske pristave in Slovensko ameriškega sveta (levo), ter msgr. Jožeta Mavsarja. te svoje sovražnike in molite za tiste, ki vas preganjajo...« Prepustimo novemu političnemu in cerkvenemu vodstvu slovenskega naroda, da uredita popravo krivic, ki so bile storjene med vojno in revolucijo. Upam pa, da bodo k tej odgovorni nalogi pritegnjeni tudi rojaki iz begunstva. Prvi in osnovni korak, ki ga moramo vsi narediti, pa je, da iz srca odpustimo drug drugemu, kot nam je naročil Kristus. Ta korak bo verjetno najtežji ter boleče opravilo za nas vse: v domovini in tujini. Za 25 letnico duhovništva, ki sem jo obhajal kot župnik v Townsend, Montana, sem prvič napravil tak korak. Takole sem pisal enemu izmed morilcev naše družine: »Predragi, danes bi se rad na prav poseben način zahvalil nebeškemu Očetu za dar mašniškega posvečenja. Ob tej priliki mi Kristus še posebej naroča: ‘Če torej prineseš svoj dar k oltarju in se tam spomniš, da ima tvoj brat kaj zoper tebe, pusti svoj dar tam pred oltarjem, in pojdi, da se poprej spraviš s svojim bratom, in potem pridi in daruj svoj dar.’ Po Kristusovem nasvetu bo ta daritev posebno všeč nebeškemu Očetu, če se pred sv. mašo spravim s Teboj. Iz srca Ti odpustim, v kolikor je kriv umora 10 članov moje družine. Naj Ti tudi ljubi Bog vse odpusti, Ti pa se na priprošnjo naše pokojne družine vrni k Bogu, da bomo enkrat vsi skupaj kot iskreni prijatelji slavili Boga. Kadar pa mi bodo vaše oblasti dovo- lile, da se vrnem v domovino na obisk, bova spila kozarec vina, da Ti pokažem mojo iskreno voljo, ki sem jo izrazil v temle pismu.« Bog mi je to prošnjo v nekaj letih uslišal. Težje pa je bilo odpuščanje ljudem, ki še danes bivajo v domu moje družine. To zgodbo sem prvič javno povedal na zadnji slovenski proslavi v Kaliforniji, letos meseca majni-ka. Bil sem študent v škofovih zavodih v Šentvidu nad Ljubljano. Moj ata me je obiskal in povedal, da je v sosednji vasi reven čevljar zelo nevarno zbolel. Noga se je tako zgnoji-la, da je zdravnik svetoval amputacijo noge, če hoče rešiti življenje. Revež ni imel ne zavarovalnine, ne denarja. Zdravnik se je obrnil na ata in ga prosil, če more plačati operacijo. Ata je takoj odgovoril: »Storite vse, da rešite življenje Jožetu. Jaz jamčim, da bo operacija plačana.« Kadarkoli sem pozneje šel mimo Jožetove hiše, me je vedno poklical: »Jožko, pridi notri! Naj Ti povem, da Tvojega ata ne bom nikoli pozabil. Če ne bi Tvoj ata plačal operacijo, bi bili tile otroci danes brez očeta.« Nekaj tednov po pokolu moje družine, mi je stari ata takole zaupal: »Jožko, ali veš, kdo je bil na Dobu, ko sem sam prosil za življenje ata, mame, bratov in sestre? Tisti Jože, ki mu je ata pred leti rešil življenje. Na ves glas je vpil* Smrt Mavsarju!« »Stari ata, tega Vam ne bom nikdar verjel.« »Le počakaj, pa boš vse verjel.« Res, ko je Tito prevzel o-blast, je bil naš dom z več zemlje dodeljen temu Jožetu. Njegova hčer še danes živi na našem domu. S težkim srcem sem se pred leti odzval njenemu povabilu, stopil v hišo skupaj s svojim škofom iz Montane, ter v znak sprave spil kozarec vina z njo in njenim možem v našem domu v Prapro-čah. Dragi gospod predsednik Peterle! Ne zanima me, kaj se bo zgodilo z mojim deležem naših travnikov, gozdov, njiv, vinogradov in s številnimi po-(dalje na str. 10) Grdina—Cosic Pogrebni Zavod 17010 Lake Shore BIvd. 531-6300 28890 Chardon Rd. 944-8400 1053 E. 62 Street 431-2088 V družinski lasti že 87 let POZDRAV DR. MARKA KREMŽARJA na Slovenskem dnevu v Clevelandu 8. julija 1990 DR. MARKO KREMŽAR, načelnik Slovenske ljudske stranke in živeč v Argentini, je prišel na Slovensko pristavo in se udeležil spominske sv. maše, ki jo je daroval msgr. Jože Mavsar. Dr. Kremžar stoji zraven predsednika slovenske vlade Lojzeta Peterleta. Med popoldanskim kulturnim programom je podal dr. Kremžar nagovor, ki ga prinašamo na tej strani. Gospod RUDI KNEZ je vodil pevski zbor med spominsko sv. mašo, pri kateri je bilo navzočih okrog 700 Slovencev in Slovenk, nekateri seveda tudi v narodnih nošah. Spoštovani gospod predsednik slovenske vlade, profesor Lojze Peterle, gospod minister dr. Dimitrij Rupel, predstavnik Slovenskega Narodnega Odbora g. Jože Melaher, predsednik Slovensko ameriškega sveta dr. Mate Roesman, mon-signor Jože Mavsar in spoštovani organizatorji Slovenskega dne, dragi rojaki in dragi prijatelji. V dneh, ko Slovenci ponovno jemljemo svojo usodo v Dr. Marko Kremžar je načelnik Slovenske ljudske stranke in ugleden predstavnik argentinske slovenske skupnosti. Živi v Buenos Airesu, Argentina. svoje roke, Vam prinašam slovenski pozdrav od rojakov iz daljne Argentine. Naj bi ta pozdrav segel, kot iztegnjena roka, do vsakega od Vas, ki ste zbrani tukaj na Slovenskem dnevu. Po predstavnikih Vaših organizacij, ki že desetletja povezujejo demokratične Slovence v Združenih državah kakor tudi v sosednji Kanadi, pa naj bi dosegel vse rojake, ki so v duhu z nami. Predvsem pa izrekam, v imenu slovenske skupnosti v Argentini, prisrčen pozdrav Vam, profesor Lojze Peterle, ki kot prvi demokratično izvo- Ob 24. obletnici, odkar je umrl naš dobri soprog, oče in brat JOHN SAURICH Izdihnil je svojo plemenito dušo dne 14. julija 1966 Kako pozabit’ to gomilo, kjer tvoje blago spi srce, ki vsem nam vdano bilo prav do zadnjega je dne. Pri Bogu srečen Ti prebivaj, po letih zemskega gorja v raju večno srečo vživaj, naj bo lepo ti vrh zvezda! Dad, we will always love you And we will never forget you Žalujoči: soproga Mary sinova John in Joe hčerki Mary Jane Jusek in Ursula Zebkar vnuki in vnukinje ter ostalo sorodstvo Cleveland, 12. julija 1990. Ijeni predsednik Slovenske vlade, obiskujete prvič rojake na ameriški celini in ste prvič gost slovenskega zdomstva. Na tem pomembnem potovanju Vas spremlja zunanji minister dr. Dimitrij Rupel, katerega zavzetost za slovenstvo je dobro znana med rojaki po svetu, in kateremu gre prav tako iskren pozdrav. Čeprav sem tudi sam gost na tem slavju, čutim dolžnost, da Vaju, predstavnika slovenske vlade, pozdravim še kot načelnik tistih krščanskih demokratov, ki združeni v Slovenski ljudski stranki ohranjajo v svetu — skozi vsa desetletja ko to v domovini ni bilo mogoče — prav isto družbeno politično smer, ki se pod Vašim vodstvom, predsednik Peterle, spet obnavlja med glavnino narodnega občestva. Rad bi poudaril, da izrekam te besede kot eden od rojakov, ki Slovenije niso zapustili prostovoljno, in ki se ji niso nikdar odpovedali. Smo ena od ran, ki jo je prizadela našemu narodu — revolucija. Vendar nismo zato nič manj del narodnega telesa. Nasprotno, prepričan sem, da po čudovitih poteh božje previdnosti predstavljamo za slovenstvo doslej nepoznano in neuporabljeno možnost za močnejšo rast in za plodno povezavo s svetom. Čeprav razseljeni po svetu, smo Slovenci v zdomstvu tesno povezani med seboj, a smo enako blizu bratom in sestram, ki žive na svoji zemlji. Zato lahko rečem, da danes rojaki iz vseh delov sveta opirajo oči v Cleveland, v to častitljivo postojanko slovenstva v Ameriki, in upajo, da se pričenja končno nova, pravičnejša doba tudi za Slovenijo v svetu. Z Vašo prisotnostjo, gospod predsednik, presega današnji Slovenski dan, po svojem pomenu, meje te velike in čudovite dežele in celo meje kontinenta. Z zaupanjem zremo na ta prvi javni stik med predstavniki mlade slovenske demokracije in med slovenskimi demokrati, ki so vztrajali v zvestobi slovenstvu sredi sveta, v času ko so bili za domovino uradno mrtvi in odpisani. To je prvi stik, ki ga imate, gospod predsednik, s svojim ljudstvom v diaspori, a gotovo ne zadnji. Zato dovolite, da ponovim iskreno vabilo, ki Vam ga je že pismeno izrazila Zedinjena Slovenija, krovna organizacija naše emigracije v Argentini, in sicer, da ob prvi priložnosti obiščete tudi tisti del slovenskega naroda, ki živi pod južnim križem. Vemo, da stojite pri krmilu slovenske ladje v izredno težkih razmerah. To je čas velikih odločitev, pri katerih smo Slovenci ponovno navezani le sami nase. Zato naj bi bil Vaš prihod med rojake na tej strani oceana tudi znak za pričetek pove- zave vseh slovenskih svobodoljubnih sil, na poti k polnosti slovenske notranje in zunanje svobode; svobode, ki je dosegljiva ob poravnavi krivic in ob skupnih naporih za pravično družbeno ureditev, na temelju zdrave individualnosti in velikodušne vzajemnosti ter enakopravnosti v družbi narodov. Pri teh naporih za našo drago Slovenijo, doma in v svetu, naj nam pomaga Bog, vladar narodov in zgodovine! _ • ---- ZLATOMAŠNIKA (nadaljevanje s str. 8) zabimo, ker nas vselej sprejme (in odslovi) s karakterističnim, prijateljskim smehljajem in globokim pogledom, kar utrjuje srečanja kot nepozabna. Nihče mu ne bi prištel teh let; morda niti on sam ne občuti nekega seniorata. Delo ga vzdržuje čilega in zdravega. Dolžnosti vikarja in upravnika Ave Maria ga očividno ne upogibajo. Iz življenjepisov se izve, da je on delno hodil po podobnih ovinkih, kot p. Fortunat, toda z veliko izjemo medvojnega gorja. V morišču Dachau v Nemčiji je s strahoto preživljal tista usodna leta... Le redki so tamkaj preživeli; Gospod je izbral še njega, rojenega Janeza, da bi ga po vojni burji zapos-Ijeval na potrebnejših župnijah. Pater Korbič ne išče številne črede, ampak se poglablja v človeka-posameznika, navadno trpečega, zapuščenega, celo obupanega. Bolniki so deležni njegovih besed; z njimi občuje kot s svojimi brati, ali sestrami. Tega se oni živo spominjajo in so hvaležni za uteho in krepilne obljube. Med štirimi očmi, torej najneposredneje, prinaša on Očetov blagoslov in tolažbo za vsako bolečino. Njegov nasmeh je prepričljiv božji dar, preliv vsevišnje Dobrote, med življenjem in ob slovesu, ko izčrpanim zemljanom velja le še pozdrav z neogibnim klicem »Na svidenje — zgoraj — na pragu brezmejne sreče«. Prodornost do individualne notranjosti je najbrž pridobil med srečevanjem obupanih obrazov pri nesrečnih taboriščnih žrtvah, ki so se druga za drugo poslavljale s sveta. Hvala Bogu, da je njemu bilo prizaneseno in mu bilo namenjeno vzvišeno pastirstvo na tukajšnjih tleh. Bog vaju ohrani med nami, draga slovenska korenjaka, dokler vama bo utripalo srce za razkropljene rojake! MXM Prijat el s Pharmacy St. Clair Ave. & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO. — AID FOR AGED PRESCRIPTIONS Msgr. Jože Mavsar (nadaljevanje s str. 9) slopji. Prosim pa Vas samo to, če mi bo zdravje dopuščalo, rad bi opravil slovesno sv. mašo v svoji farni cerkvi v Šentrupertu, kjer mi ni bilo dovoljeno opraviti prve sv. maše, z iskreno željo, da bi v svoji fari, pred oltarjem, odpustil vsem, ki so kakorkoli sodelovali pri umoru moje mučeniške družine. Isto bi želel storiti tudi v ljubljanski stolnici, da bi tam odpustil vsem ostalim, ki so kakorkoli soodgovorni za pokol moje družine. Želim pa in upam, da bomo začeli pisati slovenski martiro-logij, kot so ga pisali prvi kristjani: saj so bile to žrtve oziroma mučenci predane zvestobe krščanski veri in cerkvenim navodilom. Vsi Slovenci, v domovini in tujini, pa se potrudimo, da bomo tako živeli, da bomo vredni sinovi in hčere, bratje in sestre naših mučencev. Samo takšna pot nas bo pripeljala do vsenarodne sprave, ki je začetek nove strani slovenske zgodovine. Ne pozabimo resnice: najprvo smo Slovenci in potem šele pripadniki različnih političnih strank in gibanj. (konec) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA druži Slovence po vsem svetu! Slavnostni govor Ivana Korošca na Spominski proslava Tabora ZDSPB na Slovenski pristavi 10. junija 1990 (Prvi del) Vojni zločinci Dragi rojaki, prijatelji, dragi soborci! Prisrčno pozdravljam vsakega posebej izmed vas in vam prinašam pozdrave prijateljev iz Argentine, ki so to uro velikega spomina v duhu z nami, v poklon našim mrtvim bratom. Iskrena zahvala Zveznemu odboru TABORA za povabilo na to veličastno komemoracijo. . Ko se mi izrazili željo, da bi govoril za ta veliki dan, sem prosil naše mrtve brate, da mi oni dajo besedo v tem odločilnem slovenskem času. In kakor v odmev šumenja večnih gozdov so mi šepetali: »Povej vso resnico. Samo resnica bo osvobodila slovenski narod. Pravica bo pogasila sovraštvo, resnica bo vrnila ljubezen med brate«. Nisem govornik, ne diplomat, da bi znal zajeti v besedo, ki bi vas pritegnila in osvojila. Ostajam še vedno vojak — domobranec. Po božji roki potegnjen iz dolge vrste prodanih domobranskih bataljonov, določenih za pokol. Sem iz Teharja poslani kurir mrtvih — da izpolnim naročilo živim. Mi vsi kar nas je starejših, smo poslanci slovenske resnice. Tudi ti, mladina, da, tudi ti, mladi rod, vztrajaj z nami v zahtevi slovenske svobode, pravice in resnice, za kar je moralo umreti toliko slovenskih življenj. Mi vsi ostajamo domobranci, dokler vsa ta množica smrti ne bo počivala v miru — dokler resnica ne bo last vsega naroda — dokler pravici ne bo zadoščeno! 45 let pozneje. Človek bi mislil, da bodo leta prerasla spomin. Da nam bo vsakdanja skrb za obstoj ukradla ves čas. Da nas bo ovil materializem, kjer bo vsak mislil le nase. Pa je ravno obratno. Vsako leto jasneje stopajo pred nas dogodki: Na eni strani osebe z vsemi manipulacijami slovenske stiske okupiranega in razkosanega naroda. Na drugi strani utelešeno trpljenje, groza, uboji podivjane krvi. doživljamo orgije sadizma in mučenj v Teharju, Št. Vidu, Škofji Loki, Kočevju, OZNI. Vsako leto smo bližje na dolgi poti romanja do grobov naših pobitih bratov. Skoro pol stoletja je bil pre-grnjen mrtvaški prt nad vsemi grobišči v Sloveniji, kamor so namesto križa in rož zlivali gnojnico priviligirane slovenske boljševiške kaste. Dolga črna leta smo bili sami z našimi mrtvimi brati. Kakor da bi bila to logika časa. Kakor da smo bili muhe enodnevnice, ki imajo svoj vzrok, določeni padec in izginotje. Kar nas je preživelih in smo pripeti na vrnjene žrtve, smo bili v napotje ne samo tiranom v domovini, bili smo v napotje celo času tu preko oceana: »Kako da še vi niste odšli z njimi?« 45 let pozneje. V Kočevskem Rogu, Teharju, Škofji Loki, Toškem čelu, Brezarjevem Bregu, Hrastni-ških rovih, Krimski jami in nad vsemi morišči v Sloveniji se trga umazani mrtvaški prt. Iz tisoč grobov brsti resnica. Predrla je vso nakopičeno umazanijo laži in krivih obdol-žitev. V domovini diha nova slovenska pomlad. Saj smo vedeli, da mora priti. Saj smo verovali tudi v to vstajanje. Vendar noč trpljenja je bila tako moreče temna; noč sužnosti tako brez konca dolga. Dva rodova so varali in s terorjem prisilili v molk. Tretjega ne morejo več. Neustrašeno jim očita laž, pretvarjanje, korupcijo, umore. Mladina hoče slišati vso resnico, ne več pripovedke o »herojih in izdajalcih«. Dovolj ji je bajke o »zmagi slavnih partizanskih brigad NOV«, katere stara mati še vedno imenuje »bandite«. Dovolj ji je laži o »okupatorjevih hlapcih«, ko pa se stari oče še vedno spominja, da je šlo mnogo partizanskih »herojev« s kljukastim križem nacistom naproti. Tudi se stari oče spominja, da so v Straži pri Novem mestu popivali in se gostili poveljniki italijanske cesarske vojske in slovenske »narodno osvobodilne«. Daje naslednji dan italijanska posadka zapustila vas Stražo, na postajo pa je pripeljal vlak s tremi vagoni orožja, hrane in obleke. Da so partizani mobilizirali okoliške kmete, kateri so na 52 vozeh zvozili na italijanski dar »NOV« v dolino pod gozdom. Prav tako se stari oče spominja, ko je gledal goreči turjaški grad, ki so ga rušili italijanski topovi z »badolijevci in banditi«. Ne, tega stari oče ne bo pozabil do smrti... Ob vsej tej nezadržni zahtevi po resnici, pa se pojavlja psihozna želja nekaterih za spravo — po komunističnem vzorcu. Radi bi z odejo pozabe pokrili slovensko tragedijo. Zavračamo spravo zaradi sprave! Ne more biti sprave med »heroji in izdajalci«. Nočemo sprave ob zamolčani resnici! Povejmo jo vsi, vso resnico povejmo! Domobranci se ne bojimo tudi one, ki nas obremenjuje. Zopet so drugi, ki bi radi — ob pavšalni sodbi — vse posadili na isto zatožno klop, z enako krivdo in istimi grehi: »Vsi so krivi, vsi so pobijali, vsi so bili enaki!« Za komunistične pomore iščejo protiutež. Najprej so skušali izmaličiti postojanko Sv. Urha po faši-stično-nacistični priležnici Podbevškovi. Osebno sem poznal to žensko, ki je bila pripravljena služiti vsem v vsem — tudi tam na Sv. Urhu. Bil sem na postojanki Sv. Urh. Ob partizanskem napadu septembra 1943. sem vodil o-brambo. Ko nam je že zmanjkovalo streliva in je bila resna nevarnost poraza, je postojanka udarila v izpad ter pognala partizanske brigade v beg. Na bojišču so pustili 36 mrtvih, vključno 4 partizanke. Med padlimi je bil tudi nekaj vaških stražarjev, zajetih na Vel. Osolniku. Nekaj mrtvih so svojci odpeljali. Ostale pa smo pokopali v večje grobove ter jih zaznamovali z križi. Ločeno od grobov, v jarku, pa smo zasuli dve muli, ubiti ob napadu. Še predno so bile vaške straže, so Italijani često izvajali racije v tem gnezdu komunističnih veljakov: Zadvor, Za-voglje, Zalog, Zadobrova, Vevče, D.M. v Polju, Sostro, Dobrunje, Bizovik. Vedno so določili nekaj talcev, katere so streljali v gozdovih pod sv. Urhom. Ena največjih racij je bila ob partizanskem požigu papirnice Vevče. Takrat jo doletelo tudi mojega očeta. Zaradi številnih partizanskih provokacij, talcev in internirancev na Rabu, zaradi padlih partizanov ob napadu, zaradi preprečitve vdora v Ljubljano septembra 1943., z ozirom na prvo taborišče nacionalne ilegale in partizanskih umorih vaščanov ob tej, je sv. Urh važen zgodovinski mejnik revolucijske dobe, katerega DON MILLS, Ont. - Prof. F. Bučar je ob otvoritvi (slovenske) skupščine razglasil konec državljanske vojne. Ta se je dejansko končala sredi maja 1945. Od tedaj pa do letošnjih volitev smo trpeli na posledici civilne vojne, v formi enopartijske diktature. Te smo se rešili. Odprt ostaja problem narodne sprave in vojnih zločincev. Narodno spravo ponujajo na vseh koncih in krajih. Javljajo se mnogi neprizadeti, nepoklicani, javljajo se žrtve: Cerkev, Narodni odbor v eksi-lu, in domobranci. Glavni, odločilni subjekti: komunisti, partizani, člani OF, v svojih izjavah govore samo o napakah zadnje faze, o genocidu po zmagi revolucije. V bistvo stvari, priznanja, da so zakrivili državljansko vojno, priznanja, da opozicija ni izdala naroda, nego, da je reagirala v okviru dovoljenega, se ne spuščajo. Ko sprava ostaja nekaj nedosegljivega, preostane možnost urediti grobišča, postaviti spomenike in se omejiti na žalne komemoracije, brez globljega pomena sprave. Glede vojnih zločincev je predsednik vlade Lojze Peterle povedal: »Slovenija naj bo odprta za vse Slovence...razen, če pri tem ni šlo za dokazane vojne zločine.« Izjava je oči-vidno enostranska, ker omenja vojne zločince samo iz tabora nasprotnikov komunistične revolucije. Če je že hotel omeniti vojne zločine, bi moral omeniti oba tabora. To KP skuša zamegliti in umazati. S tem namenom so po vojni uprizorili krvavi teater »ljudskega sodišča« na sv. Urhu. Sklicali so miting in nanj nagnali svoje »ljudstvo«, da bo priča »pravični sodbi ljudskega sodišča belogardističnim zločincem«. Za scenarije so onečastili cerkev, razbili oltarje, tla in stene pa oblili s krvjo. Iz zaporov OZNE so prignali razbita in mučena: duhovnika Petra Križaja in domačina Alojzija Svetka, »kot ena izmed glavnih zločincev«. Pa noben od njiju ni bil na postojanki sv. Urh. Sestre in domobranska dekleta so morale odkopavati grobove. Ko so lopate zadele ob nekaj topega, so na povelje vse partijske zastave klonile v pozdrav. Dekleta so odkopale — glavo ubite mule. Vse izkopane so nato prenesli v grobnico, kot »žrtve belogardističnega divjanja«. Duhovnik Peter Križaj in domačin Alojzij Svetek tudi pod mučenji nista mogla priznati zločinov, ker jih ni bilo, pa so ju vseeno obsodili na smrt z obešenjem. Lani sem jih javno pozval, naj zopet skličejo miting in mi dovolijo prosto besedo, pa so se bali resnice. Nedavno so iznesli tudi nek genocid v Gorjancih. Borba na Javorovici ni bila genocid, je bila borba; terjala pa je mnogo partizanskih življenj. nujno terja statistika: V obdobju partijske monopolne o-blasti in delovanja, to je do 5. julija 1942, in po 15. maju 1945, je padlo izven vojaških akcij najmanj 15.000 ljudi. Obdobje državljanske vojne, to je od 5. julija 1942 do 7. maja 1945, zaznamuje manj kot 1000 civilnih žrtev, na obeh straneh. Očividno se je veliko več vojnih zločinov zgodilo v obdobju partijskega monopola! Ako pomislimo na Teharje, Kočevje in najnovejše strahote, odkrite po Mladini (Povojne koline — Logatec!), zveni strašno enostransko govoriti izključno o vojnih zločincih iz vrst nasprotnikov revolucije. Govora je bilo o razglasu amnestije za vse vojne zločine na Slovenskem. Demokratska, pravna, svobodna Slovenija ne more s plaščem pozabe zaščititi odgovorne. Naša dolžnost do zgodovine, do nedolžno pobitih, terja dosledni pravni postopek. Po drugi strani to stanje negotovosti ne more trajati večno. Skupščina naj predebatira predlog: za preiskavo vojnih zločinov se določi strankarsko neopredeljena komisija sodnikov in raziskovalcev, vključno zastopnik iz diaspore. Državljani naj bi imeli možnost prijaviti vse vojne zločine vse do, recimo, 15. junija 1995. Po tem datumu bi mogla biti državljanska vojna in njene posledice samo še zgodovinski predmet. Partija se utaplja v krvi lastnih zločinov, katere bi rada vsaj izenačila z nami. Ko je ideološko borbo prenesla na vojaško področje, so se na obeh straneh dogajali pozitivni in negativni primeri. »Dialog z orožjem nima meja.« Na tem, samo na tem, področju bi mogli najti podobnost. Toda zgodovinska resnica ne more obstati v pavšalnih sodbah. Umori med revolucijo niso bili »izpadi posameznih partizanov«! Pokola po vojni niso zapo-\edali partizanski desetarji. Ločiti moramo jasno. Bili sta dve skrajni, nasprotujoči se silnici. Teh silnic pa niso oblikovali posamezni osebni primeri, ne na eni, ne na drugi strani. Oblikovali so jih osnovni temelji silnic: vzrok — sredstva — namen! Prva silnica: Organizirana KP z jasnim, odločno brutalnim načrtom: Izkoristiti stisko okupiranega naroda za revolucijo z vsemi sredstvi do oblasti. S preizkušenimi boljševi-škimi metodami terorja. Z v Moskvi in Španiji izvežbanimi komisarji. Vse pa v plašču zaščite in opore Stalina. Druga silnica (posledica brutalnosti prve!): Osamljen in od vseh zaničevan slovenski narod. Pripet na svojo zemljo, vero in poštenost. Nato teritorialno okupiran in razkosan, (dalje na str. 12) Z vsakim letom ponovno Za zanesljivost in stvarnost cen pri “kupovanju” ali prodaji Vašega rabljenega avtomobila se Vam priporoča slovenski rojak Frank Tominc lastnik CITY MOTORS 5413 St. Clair Ave. tel. 881-2388 Dr. Peter Urbanc Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 860. Predsednik MZA Brideport-Fairfield, Conn., g. Anton Malenšek, je poslal tole poročilo 27. junija: »V nedeljo 17. junija smo imeli našo tradicionalno Te-lovsko procesijo po enajsti sv. maši v naši fari Sv. Križa (Holy Cross Church, Fairfield). Ker cerkev počiva na lepi poljani, imamo možnost, da je procesija vsako leto kar zunaj cerkve. Procesija se je začela v cerkvi in je šla do prvega oltarja. Cerkveni pevski zbor je vodil petje in vsi prisotni so prepre-vali naše lepe pesmi. Pri oltarju so bile opravljene prošnje (litanije) in evangelij, ki ga je pel v lepi slovenščini naš župnik g. Alojzij Hribšek. Od drugega oltarja je šla procesija z Najsvetejšim nazaj v cerkev. Komaj smo se posedli okoli miz, ko so nam začeli servirati odlično kosilo. Listki zanj so se prodajali posameznikom za dar $10, za otroke pod 12. letom starosti pa za $7. Glavna kuharica ga. Ivanka Perini je zopet pokazala svoje sposobnosti. Pomagale so ji ga. Barbara Klanšck, njene sestre in mati. V bari so stregli Jože in Andrej Višinski ter Karel Kle-sin ml. Zvesta Klesinova družina je prišla iz New Yorka, kot že preje vsako leto, na dan MZA. Žrebanje je vodila in zelo uspešno prodajala Ana Drmič. Da je bilo bolj živahno, je g. Karel Klesin igral harmoniko, kar je pritegnilo navzoče, da so lepo prepevali slovensko pesem, ki se vedno tako lepo sliši. Celotno vodstvo prireditve Misijonskega kosila je letos prevzel g. Jože Višinski. Brez njegove požrtvovalnosti bi letos ne imeli misijonskega kosila. Glavno pobudo nam je seveda spet dal naš dobri župnik Alojzij Hribšek. Finančno je misijonsko kosilo zelo lepo uspelo. Čistega dobička, z darovi vred, je bilo $1,200, za vse naše misijonarje in misijonarke. Vsaj malo jim tako pomagamd vsako leto, da lažje vršijo svoje poslanstvo v misijonskih deželah. Darovi so prišli iz: Listki $960. Žrebanje $85. Pecivo je prineslo $140 in bara $92. Darovali so pa naslednji dobrotniki in dobrotnice: Agnes in Grace Caspar $200; Neimenovani $20; družina Antona Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleel Ave. 641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! Malenšek $10 in Marija Markoja $5. Glavni garači za prireditev so bili: družina Jožeta Višinski, družina Antona Malenšek, družina Ane Drmič, ga. Ivanka Perini, že vsa leta zvesta pionirka MZA, Ana Ver-ner, Branka Hlade in Barbara Klanšek.« Ček za $1200, indorziran na MZA, je g. Malenšek v pismu dodal. Iz cerkvenega Oznanila povzemamo spodbudo g. župnika Hribška, ki mu želimo vse božje blagoslove za delo v fari, ki ji je postal po smrti dr. Farkaša slovenski dušni pastir, čeprav postaja fara teritorialna in so tri sv. maše od štirih vsako nedeljo že v angleščini. Takole spodbuja: »Praznik Sv. Rešnjega Telesa je nekako postal naš slovenski praznik v fari. Dajmo res storiti, da bo zares lep. Mnogim med nami, ki smo rasli na podeželju, prikliče prelepe mladostne spomine zaradi procesije, ki se je vila med polji in vrtovi. Naj bo tudi na našem parkirnem prostoru ta procesija dostojen izraz naše vernosti in morda obenem doživetje spominov iz preteklosti. Če morete, sodelujte pri petju, ali pa korakajte v tihi molitvi. Kosilo po procesiji, nekako ob 12.30 pop., je samo po rezervaciji. Dobiček (če ga bo kaj, saj je cena zelo nizka) bo v korist slovenskim misijonarjem. Tudi kak dar, ki ga prejmemo ob tej priliki, dodamo dobičku kosila.« Župnik Hribšek potem v farnem oznanilu govori o Škofijski kampanji. Pravi, da vsak teden prihajajo novi darovi. Eni veliki ($1000), drugi majhni ($25), toda vsak prispevek pomeni žrtev za darovalca. Samo Bog ve, kako občutno žrtev pomeni dar za družino, ki ga je prispevala. Pa tudi v mojem srcu se večkrat porodi občudovanje do nekaterih družin, o katerih mi je znano, kako morajo prešteti vsak dolar, da zadostijo vsem obveznostim. Obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz njihove vernosti, so pri teh družinah vedno pred izdatki za mnoge osebne potrebe. Družine in tudi mnogi odrasli družinski člani posamič kažejo tako zadržanje — tako globoko vernost. To so stebri naše župnije.« Naj vsem dragim sodelavcem in pionirkam MZA v Bridgeportu in Fairfieldu z okolico božji Misijonar pomnoži darove in talente sodelovanja pri delu za rast misijonske Cerkve. Osebno pa vsaki družini, kot posameznikom, vse kar kdo najbolj potrebuje. Medtem je piknik MZA Milwaukee, Wisconsin, v Triglavskem parku 8. julija, že za nami in bomo o njem poročali, čim dobimo kako poročilo. Clevelandska MZA pa se pripravlja na piknik na Slovenski 25. študijski dnevi DRAGA 90 bodo letos 31. avgusta, L in 2. septembra Jubilejna Draga bo pod geslom NOVO SLOVENSTVO pristavi 22. julija. Upajmo, da bodo vse te prireditve lepo uspele, saj so glavni vir letne misijonske pomoči, ki se iz tedna v teden celo leto nabira v pomoč vsem slovenskim misijonarjem in misijonarkam. Lepe znamke pošilja iz Subotice preko Nemčije sestra Ivana Cvijin. Rovanškovi, Vid in Marija, pošiljata iz Sudburyja $135 v U.S. valuti. $35 za enega misijonarja ali misijonarko za letno naročnino Ameriške domovine, in $100 za sv. maše za g. Franca Šeškarja v Nemčiji. On je iz Tomišlja doma, kjer so pred leti imeli vedno nekaj novih maš. Rovanškovi tudi omenjajo, da imajo zveze s San Franciscom z gdč. Angelo Gospodarič in Anico Judnič. V Sudburyju ni nič kaj novega med rojaki. V maju so obiskali v Montrealu sestro Vido Marijo v hiši sester Matere Terezije. Je srečna, da lahko dela v Kanadi. Ljudje, da so zelo za štiri sestre in uboge dobri. Obiskali so tudi slovensko župnijsko cerkev sv. Vla-dimira. Z Modicovimi iz Mil-waukeeja si dopisujejo. Razumljivo, Ižanci nikdar ne pozabijo svojih korenin. Družina Jožefa in Frances Rus piše tajnici Ferjanovi, da v Chicagu misijonsko »migajo in gibljejo«. V aprilu so izvolili nov odbor in ga ojačili z mlajšimi močmi; nekaj starejših je ostalo za vodstvo in sve tovanje. Na Cvetno nedeljo so imeli prodajo peciva. Velika zasluga starejših naseljencev fare Sv. Štefana. Priložili so ček za $20, za najbolj uboge v misijonih, v spomin gospe An-ci Tomažič, ki je umrla 25. maja na Floridi. Čudijo se Rusovi, da bi s. Frančiška Novak ne dobivala Ameriške domovine, kjer ji njihova družina že desetletja AD posreduje in je bila naročnina tudi letos obnovljena. Nato smo Upravo nedavno opozorili preko ge. Tushar, ki skrbi za obnavljanje letnih naročnin A.D. in vsako spremembo v naslovih čez leto. V več revijah smo opazili (Misli, Prijatelj) vest o smrti gdč. Vere Štekarjeve. Po težki bolezni je utrpela in bila v Novem mestu pokopana. Pred vojno je bila v Šmihelu predsednica Katoliške Akcije za dekleta. S svojo materjo in sestrama Frančiško in Anico je živela v Kandiji v skromnem bivališču. Hodila je kot šivilja po hišah in si tako služila dnevni kruh za celo družino. Bila je članica dekliške Marijine Kongregacije in zadnja leta je večkrat poromala v Medju-gorje. Štiri leta je zaradi svojega prepričanja bila v zaporu partizanskih ječ. Kljub rahle- mu zdravju so jo pošiljali delat na avtocesto. Ko je prišla domov, ni dolgo dobila nobene službe. Koliko sličnih zgodb smo že čuli in zlepa jih ne bo konca. Vera, počivaj v miru! Naj Ti Bog povrne tudi dobroto, da si leta skrivala moj no-vomašni križ, ki se ga rešila iz šmihelskega župnišča in poslala ,v Princeton, New Jersey. Rev. Charles Wolbang, CM 131 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario Canada MIN 3J7 Slavnostni govor Ivana Korošca (nadaljevanje s sir. 11) Narod politično needin, brez voditeljev, brez prijateljev. Narod s svojim škofom klicar-jem odločen proti vsaki tiraniji, z vero v svobodo, Boga in Mater božjo. Geslo prve silnice — KP — je bilo: »Razpnite čes Ves svet vešala, naš bog so: rop, požig, umor. Divjajte, kri zadivlja-la...« In geslo druge: »Bog — Narod — Domovina!« Za dosego svojih ciljev je šla partija brezobzirno in brutalno. Od paktiranja z okupatorjem do likvidacije lastnih simpatizerjev. Najpreje je šla v sabotažo jugoslovanske vojske. Potem je z Gestapom vohunila za Hitlerjevo peto kolono. Ob nemškem vdoru v Slovenijo so komunisti organizirali pohod do Save, s prošnjo nacistom, da zasedajo vso Slovenijo. Do Hitlerjevega napada na Sovjete, so bili slovenski komunisti Hitlerjevi prijatelji s pozdravom stegnjene desnice: »Heil!« Po napadu na Stalina — ne na Slovenijo — pa so slovenski komunisti stisnili pest v »Smrt fašizmu in svobodo narodu«. Kateremu narodu svoboda? Slovenski privilegirani kasti, narodu pa suženjstvo in smrt. Se spomniš, ko so peli: »Na klic kominterne, združite se v čete; v boj za svobodo, v boj za sovjete!« Se še spomniš? Ne, tega tudi jaz ne bom pozabil do smrti. Ko je vodstvo OF uvidelo, da narod odklanja njih podle manevre pretvarjanja, hrepeni pa po ilegali za resnično svobodo in zavetje pred okupatorjem in partizani, je decembra 1941. objavilo dodatno točko OF programu: »Kdorkoli bi se boril proti okupatorju izven OF, ga je treba imeti za petokolonaša in izdajalca ter ga likvidirati.« Ne, kdorkoli bi se kakorkoli boril proti okupatorju, je naš zaveznik. Tako bi mislil pošten Slovenec. Ne — je izdajalec in ga je treba likvidirati. Ta proglas je vzrok vse slovenske tragedije. Po tej logiki je danes dva in pol milijona slovenskih izdajalcev. In vendar se vodstvo OF ni zadovoljilo s tem monopolom. V svoji bolni domišljiji strahu, obenem pa v načrtni pripravi nujnega domačega sovražnika, je začela pobijati načelno vidnejše osebe z opravičilom, da pripravljajo organiziran odpor proti OF. V partizanskem boju za Sovjete, je bilo treba ubiti ing. Fanuša Emerja. Potem iz Štajerske, pred okupatorjem pri-begla akademika Župca in Kiklja. Pobili so duhovnika Er-licha. Zahrbtno so umorili slovenskega bana. Ugrabljali so in v gozdovih mučili slovenske župane, študente, duhovnike, delavce, dekleta, kmete. Cele družine z otroci vred so bili »izdajalci«. Ker med fani po vaseh ni bilo odziva za partizane, je partija začela s prisilno mobilizacijo in izzivanjem okupatorja. Ta je z represalijami prisilil moške, da so zbežali v gozdove, kjer so bili plen partije. Prav tako OF ni imela uspeha z bivšimi oficirji in podoficirji, kateri so čakali nacionalne ilegale. Da bi se jih partija iznebila, jim je poslala vabila za OF po uradni pošti v fašistični cenzuri. Okupator jih je aretiral in poslal v internacijo. Ali ni bilo to izdajstvo velikega kova? Partija je to imenovala — »taktična poteza«. (nadaljevanje in konec prihodnjič) MALI OGLASI House For Sale Euclid brick. 2 bdrm, 2 baths. High 60’s. Call 531-2716. (28-29) Apartment For Rent Lake Shore, E. 185 area. Modern, Ige 1 bdrm apt. Carpeted Appliances, A.C., Garage. Quiet bldg. No pets. Lease. $325/month. Call 338-3205. Excellent Investment: 4 suite brick building, Addison & St. Clair. Interested in buying or selling your property, please call Raymond Mlakar: 278-3081 or 328-5200. The Prudential Area 2-1-6 Realty (27-30) For Rent 8 rm. house, 3 bdrms., garage, fenced yard, new kitchen, nicely remodeled. $350 plus utilities and security. E. 61 Street. Call 678-6500. (26-30) Real Estate Buying or Selling. Call and ask for Anton at Cameo Realty at 261-3900 - Matic res. 338-3205 (x) ATTENTION: EARN MONEY TYPING AT HOME! 32,000/yr income potential. Details, (1) 602-838-8885 Ext. T-1772. ATTENTION - HIRING! Government jobs - your area. Many immediate openings without waiting list or test. $17,840 - $69,485. Call 1-602-838-8885, Exl. R1772. M;še barvamo zunaj in znotraj. Tapeciramo. (We wallpaper). Popravljamo in delamo nove kuhinje in kopalnice ter tudi druga zidarska in mizarska dela Lastnik TONY KR1STAVNIK Pokličite 423-4444 *************************************************** * M M M M M M M ************************************************* St. Vitus Summer Festival July 13, 14, 15 Message from the pastor Father Joseph P. Boznar This Summer on July 13, 14, and 15, our parish will once again hold its traditional Summer Festival which for the parishioners and the surrounding neighborhood, is the most important social event of the year. I cannot begin to tell you about the many persons who are involved in the preparation and implementation of this parish event. Suffice it to say that I am grateful to God for their untiring willingness to work on behalf of the parish, and for each one of YOU for supporting them in many different ways. Each year our parish festival contains a particular theme. This year that theme is “History and Freedom” harking to the recent changes occurring in Eastern Europe that is considered the birth or ancestral homeland for many of the parishioners of St.Vitus and in a similar manner many persons in the Greater Cleveland area. Included in this tabloid, the sixth edition, are important spiritual, cultural, social, and other pieces of information. Please take the time to read them. The net proceeds of this year’s Summer Festival will be used for the general maintenance of the parish facilities. In the Co-Chairman’s Message you will read a description of improvements completed over the past 11 years. Without the resources made available from this parish event, most of the improvements would have placed a much larger burden on the parish’s resources and affected the quality of life within the parish. For your generosity I thank you. I would also like to point out, and thank Very Reverend Thomas R. Chelena, pastor, St. Stephen’s Byzantine Catholic Church in Euclid, Ohio for accepting our invitation to celebrate the Saturday Vigil service in the Byzantine Catholic Rite. This Mass service, known as Divine Liturgy, will be celebrated on Saturday, July 14 at 5:00 p.m in St. Vitus Church. I hope you will be able to partake in this service as we often forget that the Catholic Church has approximately 20 various rites and seven “particular churches.” We are fortunate in the Greater Cleveland area to have most of the particular churches represented and experience the outward dimension of our Catholic faith. You will also note that the dinner, entertainment, and other data is provided in this eight-page tabloid. We also will have a grand drawing on Sunday, July 15 for the purchasers of tickets. An added dimension to this year’s Summer Festival is a photographic display of the various stained glass windows that are in our church. The photo display will be held in the auditorium. This Sacred art work is a part of our culture and very visible sign of our Catholic faith. Please take the time to view this presentation. I urge all our parishioners to assist in any manner possible to make this year’s Summer Festival a success, as it has been over the past 40 years. Our combined skills, talents, and time makes such an event possible. In closing, I thank each person who will experience the Summer Festival and hope each one has an enjoyble time on our parish grounds. Please enjoy the blessings of the fine weather Our Maker provides for us at this time of the year and the company of one another. Yours in Christ, Rev. Joseph P. Boznar, Pastor, St. Vitus parish f1 Welcome Dobrodo^M SMNT VITUS PARISH PRESENTS Summerfest 1990 • Daily Dinners • Live Entertainment • Stained Glass Photo Display HELD ON PARISH GROUNDS AT EAST 61 ST. AND ST. CLAIR AVE. • Games of Chance • Variety of Side Ethic Foods • Raffle - $7,500 in Cash Prizes July 13, 14, & 15 let freedom ring 0am, Bulgaria, ’ '"mm: uCh,?’ SLOVEN,A vr ■ I errnany j.lit jJiy Saint Vitus LET FREEDOM RING IN EASTERN EUROPE Summer Festival 1990 Celebrating Our 97th Year. Entertainment FRIDAY, JULY 13 Admission Charge: $2 Adult, $1 Child Maple Heights Button Box SATURDAY, JULY 14 Joey Tomsick Orchestra Alpine Sextet Orchestra Jeff Pecon Orchestra SUNDAY, JULY 15 Syrena Polish Dance Group Showcase Band Hawaiian Dancers Joe Fedorchack Orchestra >*..**...*.**.*»***.».***..**«.*....****..*...**..*..***.***.«.****«**^»*•**.****..******1 Festival Held on Parish Grounds E. 61st Street and St. Clair Avenue L 'V 2 Message and Farewell from the Co-Chairman by Stane J. Kuhar The St. Vitus Summer Festival will be held on July 13, 14, and 15 on the parish grounds located between E. 61 and 62nd Streets and St. Clair Avenue, in the near northeast neighborhood section of Cleveland often referred to as “Little Slovenia.” I wish to personally thank the Committee members for their many hours and talents in guiding this parish event for more than 40 years. Without their leadership there would be no Summer Festival. I wish to also thank the many volunteers, over 200 persons, who have faithfully served the parish, some only one year, others more than 40 years, for the benefit of the entire parish. Without their collective and individual sacrifices the Summer Festival would not have been so successful each year. I also thank the many patrons and sponsors of this tabloid newspaper for generously responding to the request of providing the money to print a quality newspaper highlighting the Summer Festival, and other articles of interest. This is the sixth festival tabloid. On behalf of the Festival Committee, and the entire parish, we welcome all those persons who will attend this year’s event and have a pleasant experience to taste, hear, and see a wide variety of foods, entertainment, and just the good company of other people that makes the St. Vitus Summer Festival such an enjoyable event. Included in this tabloid is a listing of dinner menus, times, dates, schedule of entertainment performers, and other special events. You will also note that a special photographic art display, highlighting the stained glass windows that adorn the parish church, will be exhibited in the parish auditorium. Please take a moment to see this display. When Father Joseph P. Boz-nar became pastor in 1979 he requested the assistance of the parishioners to help him as he took the duties and responsibilities of pastor of St. Vitus. Father Boznar asked many of the younger parishioners to become more involved with the many activities of the parish. In 1979 he asked approximately 14 younger parishioners to join the Festival Committee and help in this task. Within the next year the then Co-Chairpersons, James Logar and James Slapnik, requested that other members on the committee become cochairpersons as they had been responsible for many years in the capacity of Chairmen. At that time Father Boznar asked the following three persons to act as Co-Chairmen: Maggie Milakovich, Louise Strauss, and Stane Kuhar. Since that time in 1980 this has been the arrangement and those three have been the managers of the festival. I made a committment to Father Boznar at that time saying I would serve as Co-Chairman for 10 years. This is the 11th year and effective at the conclusion of this year’s Summer Festival I will be resigning as co-chairman. Eleven years as a Co-Chairman is long enough to accomplish what was originally planned: revise the Summer Festival and make the net proceeds the catalyst for upgrading the quality of life in the parish. From a broader perspective, the Summer Festival was turned completely upside-down. Changes were made in the following areas: • Live entertainment • Developing a theme each and Slovenian (Founders) Room in the parish auditorium. 7. Installation of new lighting system in parish auditorium. 8. Renovation and remodeling of storage facility and restrooms in auditorium plus installation of planters and ramp for disabled persons by church. 9. Support of scholarships for English and Slovenian schools. Other minor maintenance has also been performed. Suffice it to say that approximately $500,000 has been spent over the past 11 years on the above and other maintenance tasks for the parish facilities. The main importance is that while this upgrading and maintenance was being completed, other important parish tasks, such as the establishment of the Endowment Fund, implementation of the Pre-School, and development of a Senior Citizen Program, were able to come about without putting undue pressures on the overall Financial resources of the parish. Such an accomplishment is truly a testament to the many, again, volunteers, who have truly worked on behalf of the interests of the parish. St. Vitus parish, in short, has been a responsible and good neighbor in the St. Clair area. My own personal ideas and feelings over the past 11 years are those of being privileged to work with so many good people. I believe God has blessed me more than I realized over these past 11 years. I wish to thank my wife, Marge, and immediate family for providing the support and encouragement in the good and also trying times, and the many other people who have had to work closely with me when I had my good, and also bad, days. God bless you all. I wish the future Co-Chairman much success, whomever he/she may be, as I have had, and to be a positive factor in the workings of St. Vitus parish. I wish to extend a personal invitation to all those who will attend and partake in the St. Vitus Summer Festival and hope your experiences will be happy and a positive event. Make sure to mark off your calendar for July 13, 14, and 15 and attend the St. Vitus Summer Festival. Welcome/ Dobrodošli! ******************************************************* year • Adding a food concession stand outside • Expanding the selection of foods to items not used before such as pierogi and chevapčiči. • Printing of an advertising tabloid newspaper • Decorating the interior and exterior of the parish grounds • Incorporating different ideas, such as the 10K run • Initiating church concerts • Exhibiting works of art, such as the displays by the Slovenian National Art Guild • Expanding the understanding of Catholicism such as Divine Liturgy services. But none of these items could have been possible were it not for the many volunteers. I cannot stress enough the importance of the volunteers who have worked diligently during the past 40 years, especially in the past 11 years. One need but only look at how important the volunteers have been when one considers that each year approximately 1,500 to 1,600 dinners are served. That means that over the past 11 years 16,500 to 17,600 dinners have been served, not to mention the other foods that have been prepared and eaten. What does this all mean to a parishioner, and as an exten-tion, the surrounding neighborhood? It means the following: 1. Installation of All New Insulated Windows in the parish school. 2. Installation of new school roof. 3. Upgrading and maintenance of church windows, gutters, and total landscaping of parish grounds. 4. Insulation of school, auditorium, convent, and rectory structures 5. Upgrading of parish school library plus upgrading of interior of school including new carpeting, lighting and other works. 6. Remodeling of auditorium hallway, social room Dinner Schedule FRIDAY, JULY 13 MENU TIME PRICE (Portion) Fresh Fish or Stuffed Cabbage (Sarma) 4:30 p.m. -9:00 p.m. Adult $6.00 Child $3.00 SAT., JULY 14 Slovenian Style Dinner: 4:30 p.m. - Adult $6.00 Smoked/fresh sausage, etc. 9:00 p.m. Child $3.00 SUN., JULY 15 Roast Beef or 11:30 a.m. - Adult $7.00 Roast Chicken 3:00 p.m. Child $3.50 Children under 15 years old must be accompanied by an adult. ******************************************************** Raffle Prizes 31 CHANCES TO WIN Tickets $1 each, 6 for $5 First Prize (1)..........................$1,000 Second Prize (2) .........................$ 750 Third Prize (4)...........................$ 500 Fourth Prize (4)..........................$ 250 Plus 20 prizes of.........................$ 100 Drawing held on Sunday, July 15 at 10 p.m. Winners need not be present. Special Events July 14 - Byzantine Catholic Rite Divine Liturgy. Held at 5:00 p.m. in St. Vitus Church. July 15 - One (1) Vz-hour afternoon concert in Church. Times is from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. July 14 and 15 - Stained Glass Photo Display In Auditorium. Photo display of stained glass windows (From St. Vitus Church). -******************************************************** 4- How to get to St. Vitus Summer Festival £./l< >^v Office: 216/444 .^887 Appoir it men Is: 21G/444 2( >; 5<) The Cleveland Clinic Foundation Onr Clinic ( Vnter 0500 Kudu I Avenue Cleveland. < )hio 44105-5024 (216) 431-5296 IMPORTS FROM YUGOSLAVIA TIVOLI T .c . .. 1 .. -...... ■ I lOnltrprtse* HANDCRAFT - BOOKS - TEAS - RECORDS - SHEET MUSIC SLOVENE, CROATIAN 8. SERBIAN DICTIONARIES 6419 ST. CLAIR AVENUE JENNIE ZAMAN . 4 CLEVELAND, OHIO 44103 The Jeff Pecon Orchestra Uniqueness... (Continued from page 3) Churches formed into the Catholic Church. As stated in the book, Eastern Catholic Churches in America the “beginnings of the Catholic Church rest with one person: Jesus Christ. It is from Christ that our most basic understanding of faith, and all other...” understandings of virtues, etc., are known. The Chosen disciples of Christ, referred to as the Apostles, were selected by Christ to continue His mission on earth of “spreading the Good News to all corners of the world.” From the Apostles and their first actions of spreading the word of Christ has come to us to know the meaning of the phrase “Apostolic Church.” The relating events during and after the death of Christ developed what is known to Catholics as a “sacramental ministry and aspect.” The Seven Sacraments are Baptism, Penance, Holy Eucharist, Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders, and Extreme Unction (or Last Rites). From the Nicene-Constantinopolitan creed, developed during the Council of Nicea in 325, we also see the visible sign of the Church as “one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.” Within the first 100 years of the Church, referred to as the “Apostolic Age,” there were many converts to the followings and teachings of Christ who would readily give their lives for this New Found faith. The celebration of the Eucharist was considered as one of the most central, if not most important, acts of these followers of Christ, referred to as Christians. There is still much debate and academic discussion as to the actual form of worship during the beginnings of the Church. Suffice it to say that the focal point for the members of the Church was the sharing of the Holy Eucharist and the gathering together to worship the name of Jesus Christ. The original beginnings of the Church’s early missionary work also began in this era: St. Paul traveled in Asia Minor and through the coastline of Spain toward the various settlements in Italy. St. Thomas traveled to the then Persian Empire and further made a journey to India. St. Mark went to Alexandria and other places. From these early missionary travels and conversions by the Apostles and their disciples developed centers of learning and influence as time went on (over the next 100 to 200 years). It is from these series of events that various “primary sees” became established as centers for various regions as more and more converts joined the Church. Due to increasing numbers some form of organization had to occur otherwise there would be confusion and chaos in accurately communicating the teachings and messages of Christ to so many diverse and varied lands, cultures, and languages. In the area referred to as the “Western Hemisphere,’’ Rome became the seat for the “Western” or “Roman” Catholic Church. Conversely, the area in the “Eastern Hemisphere” the cities of Alexandria, Constantinople, and Antioch became the primary sees or centers within the then Roman Empire in the “East.” By the mid-400s Jerusalem was also granted the status of a primary see due to its historical significance where Christ preached and died. Two other areas in the then “Western and Eastern” world, Armenia (in the Persian Empire) and by India, did two additional particular Churches begin to emerge. In Armenia the distinct honor of being the first nation/country to proclaim its major religion as Christianity occurred by the third century. In India the “Chaldean rite” was taking form. In this area by India there are currently an estimated three million followers of this rite. Remnants of the original followers and disciples of St. Thomas the Apostle had only 20 or so disciples to convert this region into the followers of Christ. Therefore, it is from these (Continued on page 7) The Jeff Pecon Orchestra has been active in the Cleveland area since 1975. In addition to carrying on the long and proud Slovenian, Cleveland-Style Polka tradition of the very popular Johnny Pecon, the Pecons, John (Jr.) and Jeff, have expanded their horizons considerably to become not only one of Cleveland’s most versatile, but also one of the area’s highest quality musical organizations. The Pecon Orchestra is proficient in jazz, swing, big band, easy listening, standards, Latin, soft rock, and the polka and waltz traditions of virtually every major nationality. The band!s credits include an LP recorded on Classic Records, “Side by Side,” which has been distributed throughout the U.S., in Canada, and in Europe, as well as guest appearances on other recordings, radio, and television. The band tours regularly having performed in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Hawaii, Colorado, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Canada. Also the musical group was honored to receive the “Band of the Year” award from the Polka Hall of Fame Foundation. MAKE SURE WE'VE K.S.K.J. OFFERS - Life Insurance for the Entire Family Social and Athletic Activities for all Members Generous Scholarship Program Fraternal Greetings From The Supreme Board, Lodge Officers and All Members of the AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION ^THe \ 0: D in aM* T 19424 South Waterloo Road Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Phone: 531-1900 Congratulations and Greetings — Pozdravje Vam Slovenian Cultural Groups Slovenske Kulturne Skupnite Fantje na Vasi Telovadba Lilija Drama Group Kres Dance Group Korotan Choral Group Mladi Harmonikarji Young Accordion Players Društvo Slovenskih Protikomunističnih Borcev (DSPB) Cleveland, Ohio D.S.P.B. Veliko uspeha pri letnemu Festivalu želi Slovenska Šola Pri Sv. Vidu Congratulations 55th St. Shell Auto Care Service Center 5505 St. Clair, Cleveland 361-4697 Slomšek Circle/ Slomšek Krožek Žele Funeral Homes, Inc. 452 E. 152 St. Cleveland, Ohio 44110 James A. Slapnik, Jr. Florist 650 East 185 St. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 531-7887 ST. VITUS ALUMNI ASSOC IA TION Visit Our Table 7 For Information On Our Alumni * Association During the Summer Festival Joseph Armon Attorney at Law No Charge for Initial Consultation 1122 Leader'Building 566-9770 NDEPENDENT SAVINGS IS NOW METROPOLITAN SAVINGSBANK U Same great products and services ■ Same competitive rates Same great personalized service ■ Same friendly people to serve you .••*•••. W imk Munopiwniinr LENDER • Cleveland 920 E. 185th St. 486-4100 • Cleveland Hts. 1865 Coventry Rd. 371-2000 • Euclid 1515 E. 260th St. 731 -8865 • Mayfield Hts. 1351 SOM Center Rd. 473-2121 • Parma Hts. 6650 Pearl Rd. 845-4)200 • Pepper Pike 3637 Lander Rd. 831-8800 • Richmond Hts. 27100 Chardon Rd. 944-5500 • Shaker Hts. 20200 Van Aken Blvd. 752-4141 • South Euclid 14483 Cedar Rd. 291-2800 • Willoughby Hills 2765 SOM Center Rd. 944-3400 St. Vitus Altar and Rosary Society St. Vitus Holy Name/ Junior Holy Name Society St. Vitus Dad’s Club St. Vitus Mother’s Club St. Vitus Catholic War Veterans -and Ladies Auxiliary (1655) St. Vitus School St. Vitus C.Y.O. St. Vitus Food Pantry St. Vitus Slovenian Language School Lira and Youth Choirs St. Vitus St. Vincent de Paul Society St. Vitus Alumni Association SHELICA DRUG INC f « * Your One Stop For Savings 6025 St. Clair Ave. 431-1035 Mon. - Sat. 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Holidays 9 a.m.-3 p.m. We Accept Food Stamp & WIC Coupons 10% OFF Senior Citizen Prescriptions Home Health Care Sales & Rental Specialists Sheliga Drug Coupon $2.00Off A VI%/ VI L'Xft/ no ANY NEW OR :"S?1 hrfU TRANSFERRED PRESCRIPTION Present this coupon & receive $2.00 off your new or transferred I prescription not originally filled at Sheliga. Limit one coup" per customer. Not valid with any other offers or discounts Expires Slovenian National Home 6409-17 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 361-5115 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Hall for all occasions (Air conditioned) Congratulations on 96 years Nosan’s Slovenian Home Bakery 6413 St. Clair (361-1863) 567 E. 200th (481-5670) Home of the Slovenian Pastries POTICA — FLANCATE Louis Slapnik/Sons 6102 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Dr. & Mrs. Adolph F. Žnidaršič 23800 Chardon Rd. Euclid, Ohio 44143 “Isn’t it time your savings earned more than money?” “S10,()0() in the bank deserves a little extra recognition. We ll see t,hat you get it with the Ameritrust MajorSaver'"Account.” Damian Manch Mirjana S Zrn kK' Slan Kuhar Avl NkvhVMikiil branch Manager Retail bank Assistant urnost ClairVe M Clair Ate. širni Si Clair Ave VII |š-»ti VM Iš.U vil Iš-m Extra Attention. As a deposllor of Sio.ooo or more, you receive extra recognition with all banking transactions through custom designed checks and a specially embossed Asset" card available only to MajorSavers. Extra Privileges. Knjoy Mnvst haring ihccking with unlimiiwl chirkwriiinn and no sente chaige. A reduivd Visi innvst Me. Special amenities—a »ariity of services—all tee nf charjie Plus aihantv notiiv of speiial offers from Ameritrust. Extra Service. Guaranteed, tour promise of unesceHeil sente is this guanmtee: if we ever make a mistake on your MajorSaver statement, well pay you SS. Apply at the Ameritrust Office nearest you SuCsUMiwt Manni panatty • wtn'revl tor M'ly CO »*M<**al AmarrlrutM Company NM>on.M Aasooaiton MamDar fQIC /Imeritrust Servia- you can hank on Uniqueness... (Continued from page 5) seven centers that the particular Churches formed and developed during the first four hundred years of the existence of the Catholic Church. Due to differences in cultures, languages and political and historical events, changes began to emerge and severe the East from the West, and thus separating tbj various particular Churches from one another, plus the emergence of theological and philosophical differences between the East and West. Changes in the Church: East and West Over the next 1,000 years differences in the various theological and liturgical disputes continued to arise against a backdrop of changing landscape in terms of historical and political events. Thus disputes began to take a harsher stance of one region in the world against another. One of these disputes was the “Nestorian Controversy.” This controversy centered on a difference of a version in which there seemed to deny the unity of the Divinity and humanity of Christ. This controversy led to a second controversy referred to as “Monophysitism.” That is, the word “mono” in Greek means “one.” This controversy denied the unity of Christ’s divine and human natures and also the distinction between each nature. Monophysitism was rejected as a Church , teaching at the Council of Chalcedon in 451. From this point in time until the 1500s other such disputes led to a formal dissolution of unity between East and West in the Church which has been generally accepted by historians as occurred in 1054. One should note, however, that many other factors came into play prior to this recognized dissolution date in history such as questions on jurisdiction and theology. One should also note that the series of historical events, such as the invasion of the Roman Empire by the Mongols, had little effect on the historical development in the East. Or vice versa. Suffice it to say that due to a series of events occurring in East and West, and little reconciliation, two different paths were taken by the primary sees in the West and East. Reconciliation: Eastern Catholics Emerge After 1054 there were some attempts to reconcile differences between the various particular Churches in the East and West. One such occurrence was during the Crusades in the 13th century. Pope Innocent III made such an attempt to reunite Catholics in East and West. His vision, however, was to “incorporate the Byzantine Church into the Roman Church.” This approach failed to take into account the developments over the centuries of the liturgies and (Continued on page 8) Malensek’s Meat Market 1217 Norwood Rd. 361-1037 Fresh & Smoked Sausage; Rice & Blood Sausage Smoked Meats: Ribs, Chops, Hocks Želodec ANTON J. OGRINC D.D.S. 15609 Waterloo Rd. 531-6665 Tues., Thurs., Fri., 5227 Fleet A ve. 641-1760 Mon., Wed. FAMIL Y DENTISTR Y Edmund J. Turk Attorney at Law 6411 St. Clair Avenue Anthony F. Spech, MD, FACS 2475 E. 22nd St. 861-6338 6414 St. Clair Ave. 431-5307 Dr. Max Rak 15517 Waterloo Rd. Cleveland, Ohio 44110 531-0700 Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik 864 Stanwell Dr. Highland Hts., Ohio Uniqueness... (Continued from page 7) forms ot worsnipping plus a host of other events unique to the particular Churches in the East. This reconciliation did not succeed. A second attempt was made during the reign of Pope Gregory X in 1274 at a council session (Council of Lyons (France)). Due to the difficulty and understanding of Pope Gregory X about the circumstances of the faithful in the East at this time this reconciliation also failed. Another attempt was made during the Council of Florence from 1438 to 1445. While acceptance was made by the Pope and Patriarch of Constantinople a series of historical events changed the agreement and was eventually dissolved by 1472. Due to these attempts success was finally achieved in the 16th century. A union was accepted in the cities of Brest-Lvov in 1596. The acceptance was agreed upon by the Roman Catholic and Ukrainian Catholic Churches. The main distinction of this agreement is that both particular Churches respected each other’s liturgies as well as having equal status with one another. By 1646 the Byzantine Ruthe-nian diocese of Uzhorod also made a similar agreement with the Roman Catholic Church. Other East European counties, such as Bulgaria and Byelorussia, also followed suit as well as the Italo-Albanian Byzantine Church and the Byzantine Catholic Church in Romania. The other significant event • occurring during this time was the union of the Roman Catholic Church and the Melkite Byzantine Catholic Church through the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. One can see that this process was done over a long period of time and with much effort by the particular Churches in the Catholic Church. Unknown to many Americans and Canadians of Slovene descent were the workings of Bishop Anton Martin Slomšek toward the unity of the “Oriental Christians” in Eastern Europe with the Roman Catholic Church during the 1800s. Bishop Slomšek was instrumental in establishing the Confraternity of SS. Cyril and Methodius in 1851. By the time of Bishop SlomSek’s death in 1862 there were over 34,000 members in the Confraternity across Europe. Due to the workings of Bishop Slomšek over 100,000 persons returned to the Catholic Church. Known as the ‘‘Father of Modern Day Slovenian Language” Bishop Slomšek is also known as the “Apostle of Church Unity.” For his many workings on behalf of the Slovene people and the Catholic Church, Bishop Anton Martin Slomšek is currently being considered for canonization in the Catholic Church as a saint along side another familiar Slovene and missionary in North America, Bishop Frederic Baraga. Both Bishops Slomšek and Baraga are considered as the “Twin Apostles of the Slovenes.” While the Eastern Catholics have for many centuries been considered as “an extension of the Roman Catholic Church” this perspective has changed dramaticlly since Vatican II in the early and mid-1960s. As stated in the book, Eastern Catholic Churches In America the “decree on Ecumenism” (nos. 14-16) of Vatican II reaffirmed the right of Eastern Churches to govern themselves and maintain their “authentic theological traditions” in their integrity. The decree on the Eastern Churches (nos. 7-11) restored authority to Eastern Catholic Patriarchs and Major Archbishops.” Eastern Catholics in America A large migration to the United States of America occurred in the late 1800s and early 1900s by many East and Central European immigrants due to either economic and/or political events occurring in Europe. Included in this migration were many persons affiliated with Eastern Catholicism. Regarding the Melkite and Maronite Churches, these immigrants began to arrive during the same time period. Most settled in the Northeast or Midwestern states. As mentioned previously the early Melkite and Maronite believers were from the Middle East (i.e., Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine). The Ruthenians (i.e., Carpatho-Rus) and Ukrainian Byzantne Catholics were, unfortunately, grouped together as one particular Church despite the fact that they were indeed two distinct entities. This complicated matters in the United States as both par- ticular churches were often forced together by the local bishop in a Roman Catholic diocese. Equally complicated was the often uninviting and feeling of exclusion in this New World by the dominant Roman Catholic Church in the United States. Clergy and parishes v/ere placed under the jurisdiction of the local bishop and/or archbishop of the Roman rite. The prevailing view was that the Eastern Catholics became but an extension of the Roman Catholic Church in America. The confusion by many bishops in the United States during the late 1800s and early 1900s also led to a change in custom and tradition for the clergy (of the Eastern Catholics). By 1929 a ban was imposed on the clergy of the Eastern Catholics not to marry prior to ordination to the priesthood. That is, a celibate clergy. This was contrary and an imposition on a fundamental custom and tradition for the clergy of Eastern Catholics. Other events eventually led a breaking away from Catholcism by many of these recent immigrants, and some became “schismatic.” Therefore, these believers either formed their own dioceses, or they joined the Russian Orthodox Church in America, or another Orthodox Church. Suffice it to say, much misunderstanding led to a large loss of Eastern Catholics by the 1930s. Stane J. Kuhar. Saint Vitus Alumni SAINT VITUS ALUMNI Membership Application No. Date Name Meiden Address City State Zip Telephone ( ) Annual duer •; 5. Class Years attended Happy AnniversarySt. Vitus On Your 97th Year Anniversary PAKO Inc. Čestitamo Župniji Sv. Vida