NATURA SLOVENIAE 17(2): 59-65 SHORT COMMUNICATION Prejeto / Received: 28.10.2015 Sprejeto / Accepted: 11.12.2015 Found after 60 years: the hows and whys of Sphaeromides virei montenigrina (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae) rediscovery in Obodska pecina, Montenegro Teo DELIC & Boris SKET Oddelek za biologijo, Biotehniška fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Jamnikarjeva 101, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; E-mail:, Abstract. Despite being the biggest isopod crustacean in Dinarides, little is known about the genus Sphaeromides and its taxonomical status. Sphaeromides virei montenigrina, one of the three subspecies, has been known only thanks to a female specimen found and described in the late 1950s. Despite the intensive search, almost 60 years were needed to discover additional specimens in the cave Obodska pecina, Montenegro. In this study we present a review of the possible reasons for this long lasting search. Key words: Dinarides, Sphaeromides virei, montenigrina, stygobiont, Obodska pecina, Rijeka Crnojevica Izvleček. Najden po 60 letih: razlogi za ponovno odkritje Sphaeromides virei montenigrina (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae) v Obodski pečini v Črni gori - Čeprav so predstavniki rodu Sphaeromides največji podzemni raki enakonožci Dinarskega krasa, je o rodu le malo znanega, taksonomski status pa je še nedodelan. Sphaeromides virei montenigrina, eno od treh podvrst, ki je bila opisana v 50-ih letih prejšnjega stoletja, smo donedavna poznali le po samici, najdeni septembra 1956. Kljub pogostemu vzorčenju je bilo potrebnih skoraj 60 let, da je bilo odkritih nekaj dodatnih osebkov v jami Obodska pečina v Črni gori. V prispevku obravnavamo morebitne razloge za to. Ključne besede: Dinaridi, Sphaeromides virei, montenigrina, stigobiont, Obodska pečina, Rijeka Crnojeviča Introduction The biggest isopod crustacean living in the subterranean habitats of Dinaric karst is the well over 20 mm long and supposedly predatory Sphaeromides virei (Brian, 1923). This stygobiont, permanent resident of subterranean aquatic habitats, is known from more than 50 karst caves and springs connected to phreatic waters all along the Dinaric karst, from the extreme northeast of Italy to southern Montenegro (Sket 1964, own data). Beside the species from the Dinarides, several congeners have been recognized in different parts of southern Biotehniška fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani in Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo, Ljubljana, 2015 60 Teo DELIC & Boris SKET: Found after 60 years: the hows and whys of Sphaeromides... / SHORT COMMUNICATION Europe - southern France and Stara planina in Bulgaria and eastern Serbia (Sket 2012). Range fragmentation of the genus is traditionally explained by historical events, i.e. the retreat of the Tethys Sea, and the genus itself is perceived to be a »Tethyan relict« without known marine ancestors (Baratti et al. 2010a). Three subspecies have been recognized within the Dinaric species S. virei. S. v. virei (Brian, 1923), S. v. montenigrina Sket, 1957 and S. v. mediodalmatina Sket, 1964. While the type subspecies is found in caves in a belt along the northeastern coast of the Adriatic Sea, both latter subspecies are found within Montenegrin and Dalmatian mainland and inland, respectively (Sket 1964). Lately, specimens of S. v. virei and S. v. mediodalmatina were found living in syntopy in a spring cave Karisnica near Zadar, a fact raising questions about their taxonomic status (Sket 2012). The species status of both taxa was additionally supported by high molecular distances on cytochrome oxidase subunit I and 16S rRNA gene phylogenetic trees (Baratti et al. 2010b). Contrary to both northern subspecies, S. v. montenigrina has been known only from the type locality, Obodska pecina in Montenegro (Sket 1957, Sket 1964, Sket 2012). Moreover, it is known from a single female specimen caught by the late Egon Pretner in September 1956, in a residual pool. In the ensuing year, it was described by Sket (1957), who reported on the repetitive unsuccessful searches for additional specimens few years later (Sket 1964). Despite regular visits and sampling - Sket visited the cave about ten times, while a couple of his colleagues visited it less often, all mainly in favourable hydrological conditions - no specimen was collected until this spring. Meanwhile, several malacostracan species were found (Culver et al. 2004), even one new species (Fiser et al. 2006), but not a single specimen of Sphaeromides. In the light of a recent finding, this paper presents information on rediscovery of this elusive and mystic subspecies, and possible explanations for its almost 60 years long unsuccessful sampling. Material and methods Rijeka Crnojevica catchment, including Obodska pecina (42.351987 N, 19.004982 E) (Figs. 1, 2), is situated in southwestern Montenegro, at the southeastern part of the Dinaric karst. Owing to the intensive karstification by the end of Pliocene, 2.58 mya, there are no major surface watercourses in the area (Bonacci & Zivaljic 1993). These activate only after a heavy rainfall or intensive snow melting. Largely disintegrated fluviokarst, present in the valley, is a remnant of the historical river Cetinjska Rijeka that flowed from Ivanova korita to Cetinjsko polje and across Dobrsko selo to Rijeka Crnojevica (Radulovic 1989). Pliocene tectonic movements at the boundary of Cetinjsko polje interrupted hydrographic connections between the upper and lower parts of the river catchments, forcing the water to form exclusively underground water flow networks. Consequently, the main spring in the Obodska pecina is at 60 m a.s.l., while the permanent springs are situated along the river bed, below the level of the cave entrance. Although the entrance parts of the cave are mostly dry throughout the year, its maximum water discharge reaches up to 280 m3s-1 (Bonacci & Zivaljic 1993). NATURA SLOVENIAE 17(2): 59-65 60 Teo DELIC & Boris SKET: Found after 60 years: the hows and whys of Sphaeromides... / SHORT COMMUNICATION Figure 1. Entrance of Obodska pečina viewed from inside-out (photo: Primož Presetnik). Slika 1. Vhod v Obodsko pečino, fotografiran iz notranjosti (foto: Primož Presetnik). The cave entrance is a 12x14 m opening (Bonacci 1987) formed in Mesozoic stratified limestones and dolomites (Zivaljevic et al. 1971). The main gallery with dimensions reaching up to 35 m in diameter is oriented southwest and was partly formed by the water flow. The bottom of the gallery is covered by monumental limestone blocks, rock pebbles and sand as a result of ceiling breakdowns and water discharge, respectively (Fig. 1). In the dry season, the main gallery ends with a lake, 50 m long and 20 m wide. The lake ends with a siphon, leading to another cave gallery and further to unexplored submerged passages, approximately 340 m from the cave entrance (Ferk 2008). In the time of our (T.D.) visit on 1. 5. 2015, the water level was slightly raised and the water discharge was high due to the heavy spring rainfall. The water in the terminal lake was muddy and the visibility was approximately 1 m. Since just a small portion of the lake could be checked from the rocks on the shore, we decided to try with snorkelling. Visual inspection started upstream along the right lake bank, continued to the siphon, and finished downstream along the left lake bank. The sampling was carried out with the permission No. UPI-341/6 given by the Montenegrin authorities. NATURA SLOVENIAE 17(2): 59-65 60 Teo DELIC & Boris SKET: Found after 60 years: the hows and whys of Sphaeromides... / SHORT COMMUNICATION 14° E 15° E 16° E 17" E 18" E 19" E Figure 2. Approximate distribution ranges of the three Sphaeromides vireisubspecies based on all known sites (Sket 1964, Sket, unpublished data) . Slika 2. Približna razširjenost treh podvrst Sphaeromides virei na podlagi vseh znanih nahajališč (Sket 1964, Sket, neobjavljeni podatki). Results and discussion After almost 60 years, three specimens of S. v. montenigrina were found in the underground lake in Obodska Pecina, the only known locality of the subspecies (Figs. 1, 2). One specimen was found above the lake's inflow siphon, while the other two were collected close to the lake outflow siphon, within 25 cm distance. The specimens: i) 17 mm male, ii) 11 mm juvenile and iii) 10 mm juvenile, were immediately preserved in 70 % EtOH (specimens i and ii) and 96 % EtOH (specimen iii) and labelled. Specimens i and ii were used for morphological identification and possible male description, while the third specimen will be used to infer molecular relations within the genus Sphaeromides (see morphologically similar subspecies in Fig. 3). All the specimens are deposited in the Zoological Collection of the Biology Department, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. NATURA SLOVENIAE 17(2): 59-65 60 Teo DELIC & Boris SKET: Found after 60 years: the hows and whys of Sphaeromides... / SHORT COMMUNICATION Figure 3. Sphaeromides vireimediodalmatinafrom the river Ruda spring in southern Croatia (photo: T. Delic). Slika 3. Sphaeromides virei mediodalmatina iz izvira reke Rude na jugu Hrvaške (foto: T. Delic). There are several assumptions that could throw light on why this subspecies was found never again after 1956. We present only the most plausible ones. First, a (sub)population of Sphaeromides from Obodska pecina could live at the edge of the (sub)species range. Such marginal (sub)populations often exhibit sub-optimal habitats (according to suitability) and consequently, they often occur at low abundance and are more sensitive to habitat changes (Hanski 2012). According to Cukrov and Ozimec (2014), the nearest S. v. cf montenigrina population should be present in the cave system Vilina spilja - izvor Omble near Dubrovnik (Croatia). Subsequent identification of those specimens as S. v. mediodalmatina (not published) left Obodska pecina as the only known locality for S. v. montenigrina. That, however, doesn't exclude the possibility of more stable subspecies populations existing at yet unknown or inaccessible places. Second, high water levels that are usually connected with lower visibility could also be a reason for repeated unsuccessful sampling. Although silty sediments are generally missing in Obodska pecina (Ferk 2008), visibility is reduced due to higher concentration of organic and inorganic matter in the water current. In the periods of high precipitation, the cave lake turns into a muddy river (Ferk 2008), which implies that a good time for sampling is only during the low-water periods. Low water and a small stream running through the cave were present also during the first discovery of the subspecies (Pretner, pers. comm.). Obviously connected to the second is the third explanation considering an inappropriate sampling method. As mentioned, a dipnet sampling from the bank is possible only in a small portion of the lake, and only when the water is low and transparent. Therefore, cave diving, snorkelling or the deployment of baited traps seem to be more efficient methods. While only professionals are capable of safe cave diving or snorkelling, anyone can set the baited traps. NATURA SLOVENIAE 17(2): 59-65 60 Teo DELIC & Boris SKET: Found after 60 years: the hows and whys of Sphaeromides... / SHORT COMMUNICATION Fourth, the most discouraging reason is the devastating human impact on nature of the Rijeka Crnojevica catchment. The catchment area, variable at different spatial and temporal scales, covers only 76 km2 of mostly Mesozoic limestones (Bonacci 1987, Bonacci and Živaljic 1993). It is the particularly threatened by the largest urban area within the catchment, the city of Cetinje. Urban and industrial development of the town in the 20th century wasn't followed by effective measures to protect and conserve the environment. The resulting aftereffect is a possible harmful impact of communal and industrial waste water from urban areas on the natural resources (Radulovic 2012). According to Tomovic (2008), up to 60% of wastewater is discharged into sewers in Montenegro. Inappropriate management of wastewater and general lack of strategic development in karst areas are not the only issues affecting these fragile ecosystems. Changing of hydrographic conditions, the epigean or the subterranean (hypogean) ones, can also have a negative impact. As an illustrative example, nature of Cetinjsko polje was altered by construction of a reservoir after the extreme floods in 1986. After these, precipitation accumulation in the polje was changed (Radulovic 2012), affecting the interconnection between the upper and lower catchment areas. So far, there has been no report on changes in the water regime in Obodska pecina, but we cannot completely exclude its possible effects. Despite numerous visits, the remarkable size of the subspecies and occasional findings of other crustacean species, no less than 60 years were needed to rediscover the Sphaeromides population in Obodska pecina. This and similar findings throughout the Dinaric karst demonstrate that the high frequency of cave visits is an important, yet not sufficient prerequisite for the (successful) exploration of subterranean biodiversity. Additionally, usage of diverse sampling techniques, together with taking into account local climate and effects of altered land use, can bring new insights into the world's hottest subterranean point - the Dinaric karst. Acknowledgements We would like to thank Primož Presetnik who provided the photo of the cave entrance. We are also thankful to Špela Borko who found the first specimen, and Aja Zamolo and David Škufca for their help during the 2015 field sampling in Obodska pecina. We would further like to thank to our friend, Montenegrin speleologist Miloš Pavicevic, who acted as a field guide during the student research camp Ekosistemi Balkana - Buljarica 2013. NATURA SLOVENIAE 17(2): 59-65 60 Teo DELIC & Boris SKET: Found after 60 years: the hows and whys of Sphaeromides... / SHORT COMMUNICATION References Baratti M., Filippelli M., Nardi F., Messana G. (2010a): Molecular phylogenetic relationships among some stygobitic cirolanid species (Crustacea, Isopoda). Cont. Zool. 79(2): 57-67. Baratti M., Messana G., Filippelli M., Sket B. (2010b): New biogeographical and phylogenetic data about the genus Sphaeromides and its relatives (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae). In: Moškrič A., Trontelj P. 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