fj -Sj* rf'J Kanadsko slovensko zgodovinsko društ konferenco »Pridružite se nam« Anne Urbančič / Jožica Vegelj Znano je, da so vrata v Domu Lipa odprta vsem Slovencem, ki zaradi starosti ali bolezni potrebujejo oskrbo. V tem slovenskem prostoru pa najdejo zavetje tudi tisti, ki imajo drugačne potrebe. Tako si je Kanadsko slovensko zgodovinsko društvo (KSZD) v spodnjih prostorih Doma blizu avditorija s pomočjo darov in podpor za svoje delovanje uredilo prostore po arhivskih predpisih. Prostovoljci KSZD vestno in natančno po navodilih razvrstijo osebne pripovedi, društvene in individualne dokumente ter ročne izdelke Slovencev v Kanadi, da bi se ti ohranili za bodoče raziskovalce. Morda bo nekoč ravno član vaše družine, ki danes še niti rojen ni, želel zvedeti kaj več o vašem življenju v Kanadi. Pri KSZD bo mogel najti podatke, če mu jih bomo zapustili. Veliko Slovencev iz bližnjih in oddaljenih krajev je že sodelovalo pri programu » Pridružite se nam« in so na ta način že obogatili arhivsko gradivo. Da bi bilo delo pri zbiranju arhivskega materiala še bolj uspešno, smo 12. novembra 2011 v društvenih prostorih organizirali enodnevni seminar, na katerega smo povabili voditelje slovenskih društev in organizacij širom Kanade. Srečanja se je udeležilo 33 predstavnikov, med njimi tudi zastopniki iz British Columbie in Alberte. Gostje so se že pred začetkom programa vključili v živahne pogovore in kaj hitro našli skupni jezik, saj so vsi prišli na srečanje z istim namenom. Da je ves dan potekal v tako prijetnem, domačem vzdušju, pa gre zahvala tudi uslužbencem in vodstvu Doma Lipa, še posebno administratorki Theresi McDermit in Boguslavi Zelezinski. Program je bil razdeljen v dva dela. Začel se je s predavanjem, ki sta ga vodili dr. Anne Urbančič in Mary Rožmanc, v katerem so se navzoči poučili, kako organizirati zapiske in jih potem urejati, kot to določajo arhivska pravila. Na tej podlagi se potem zlahka ugotavlja, kako so organizacije nastajale in se skozi desetletja razvijale. Arhivsko delo prinaša veliko zadovoljstva in obenem ponosa na dosežke kanadskih Slovencev in njihove doprinose kanadski družbi. Svetovalka KSZD in slavnostna govornica Nichole Vonk, ki je glavna arhivarka pri United Church of Canada, je poudarila pomembnost arhivarstva in dodala, da je to edini način za ohranitev zgodovine ne le za KSZD ampak za širšo slovensko skupnost v Kanadi. Prevzeta je bila nad pripravljenostjo in navdušenostjo vseh prisotnih, da nadaljujejo to važno delo v svojih društvih in organizacijah. Za popoldanski program so bili udeleženci razdeljeni v tri delovne skupine, saj je tako pogovor oziroma seminar potekal bolj spontano. Dorothy Lenarčič je grupe seznanila s postopki in pravili snemanja govorne zgodovine. Frank Majzelj, navdušen arhivar, je razložil potek klasifikacije arhivskega gradiva in odgovarjal na številna vprašanja v zvezi z arhiviranjem. Frank Brence, ki je urednik lista KSZD "Our story", je prisotne vabil k sodelovanju z objavljanjem člankov o njihovih društvih, predvsem ob obletnicah in zanimivih dogodkih iz preteklosti, kar bo pripomoglo k uspešnejšemu zbiranju arhivskega gradiva. Pridite in obiščite arhive KSZD, zelo bomo veseli vašega obiska. Naš arhivar Frank Majzelj j e v pisarni vsako prvo soboto v mesecu ali po dogovoru. Za izreden obiska se lahko z arhivarjem dogovorite po elektronski pošti Člani KSZD Miriam Čekuta, Jožica S tem, ko prinašate fotografije, uradne spise, knjige, pisma in druge predmete, Vegelj, Nichole Vonk, Frank Majzelj pripomorete, da se bo slovenska skupnost ohranila v zgodovini Kanade. in Mary Rožmanc Voditeljici konference: Mary Rožmanc, Anne Urbančič in slavnostna govornica Nichole Vonk Prva vrsta: John Doma, Miriam Čekuta, Frančeska Lien-Konchar, Mary Donnelly, Pavla Kunaj, Frank Brence. Druga vrsta: Mary Rožmanc, Ivan Antolin, Magda Udovc, Francka Dim, Anne Urbančič, Dorothy Lenarčič, Milena Soršak, Norma Foster, Jožica Vegelj, Stane Kranjc. Tretja vrsta: Alexander Smoliak, Frank Majzelj, John Stiglič, Janez Vin-tar, Ignac Konte, Oskar Koren, Ida Pavlica, Frank Pintar. Poročilo arhivista Frank Majzelj Vse prejeto arhivsko gradivo pregledam in vpišem v seznam (Accession Record). To je spisek vsega gradiva, kdo ga je daroval, kaj ga sestavlja, ali podarjeno gradivo vsebuje tudi fotografije in tako dalje. Ko se širi spoznanje in zaupanje v naše delo, se število podarjenega arhivskega materiala veča iz leta v leto. Da delo ne zaostaja, mi redno pomagata dve študentki - Danielle Biss in Mimi O'Handly, poleg njiju pa še prostovoljci / študentje slovenskega rodu. Dva se predstavljata v tej številki Our Story na strani 4. V tabeli vidite naš dosedanji uspeh v številkah. Od leta 2004, ko smo resno začeli zbirati arhivsko gradivo, smo prejeli več kot 17,000 dokumentov. Letos smo tudi prejeli kolekcijo umetniških slik Andreja Stritofa. To kolekcijo, ki jo je umetnik želel podariti kanadskim Slovencem, je hranila gospa Cvetka Kocjančič. Cvetka je tudi darovala svoj obširni osebni arhiv, ki ga zbira že od začetka, ko se je naselila v Kanadi. Pričakujem, da se bo število podarjenega gradiva večalo. Pripravljeni smo posvetiti še več dela, da ne bo proces zaostajal. Posebno smo zainteresirani za zvočno zgodovino, s tem mislimo filme in magnetofonske trake. Ta tehnologija se neverjetno hitro spreminja. Paziti je treba, da se zaradi tehnike zgodovina ne zgubi. Še je čas, da se stari filmi prestavijo v digitalno obliko in magnetofonski traki v CD-je, zato se priporočamo, da KSZD darujete vaše dragocene spomine pomembnih prireditev v naši skupnosti, mi pa se bomo potrudili, da bomo vse gradivo shranili za poznejše rodove. Year Assesions Size Folders Files Photos Books Mags Art Artifact Records CD Other Total 2004 2 0.50 4 3 0 10 8 0 0 0 0 0 25 2005 4 0.75 37 997 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 1,038 2006 5 0.56 34 373 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 408 2007 36 2.26 136 5,518 3,972 5 0 0 1 0 9 0 9,641 2008 19 0.22 16 34 218 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 272 2009 25 1.31 20 34 105 27 0 0 2 1 2 0 191 2010 54 7.28 65 1,382 1,203 399 49 1 66 41 12 1 3,219 2011 58 4.30 138 1,236 211 760 93 55 25 1 7 75 2,601 203 17.18 450 9,577 5,709 1,203 152 56 94 43 35 76 17,395 Award of Excellence Jerry Ponikvar Three years ago, the Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation decided to recognize individuals of Slovenian descent who have made an extraordinary contribution to the Slovenian Community. This year's 2011 recipient was Jožica Vegelj. From the moment she arrived in Canada and joined her husband Ivan in marriage in 1960, Jožica became involved with the Slovenian community of St. Gregory Parish. This is a lady who deeply valued education and the nurturing of her Slovenian culture and heritage. In order to embrace her new country and to be a part of the Canadian mosaic, she soon realized how important it was to learn the English language. She enrolled in English language classes then pursued her secondary school graduation diploma through evening classes followed by further course work at Mohawk and graduating with a diploma in business and accounting. She has truly been a model for her three children Karl, Edward and Monica as well as countless others who have come to know her. groups and over the years sewed and made many of the Slovenian dance costumes. Whenever there was a need for baking poticas and kroffe, Jožica was there baking and fund raising for the parish. Jožica was involved as an instructor of the Slovenian heritage languages programme for 20 years. During this time, she developed the curriculum for grades three and four, she also served as liaison with the School Board. During this period, Jožica participated in the establishment of the Hamilton Slovenian Credit Union where she served as the first branch manager. She is a founding member of the Canadian Slovenian Historical Society and is presently the president. She is also a past member of the Canadian Slovenian Congress where she served as secretary and a member of VSKO. When I approached Jožica about this Award recognition, her response was "I am embarrassed". Jožica is most deserving of this special recognition as she receives the plaque which reads: "In appreciation for years of exemplary service and efforts on behalf of the Slovenian Community - 2011". Jerry Ponikvar, presenting the Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation Award of Excellence to Jožica Vegelj Jožica has been involved with and has given unselfishly to so many Slovenian organizations. She truly puts her faith into action and the axiom of "in giving you receive" into action. She has been involved with the St. Gregory Parish Altar Society, CWL and founding member of the Parish Cultural Committee. She was deeply involved with the youth folk dance V Želimo vam vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto 2012! Spet se božič nam najavlja, blizu je Silvestra čas. Novo leto že pozdravlja tebe, mene in vse nas. Srečne praznike želimo, zdravja ti privoščimo, smeh naj greje te vso zimo, da ti v srcu bo toplo! Meet two more volunteers Mateja Mihelcic The Slovenian Community at St. Gregory the Great has always been an important part of my life. This summer I had the opportunity to work with the Canadian Slovenian Historical Society to help create a library in the basement of the rectory. The entire project is a very large undertaking and will continue on past the summer but the beginning stages and preparations took place this last summer, mainly with organizing and creating a system. I learned so much over the summer and had such a great time working alongside Mrs. Vegelj and Mr. Majzelj. The process started with the enormous amount of donations from the Slovenian community as well as the books that were already there in the basement of the church rectory. Our first task was to try to sort the books into categories. It was so interesting to learn about different authors and the vast range of subjects that Slovenians have written about that I have never been exposed to before. The summer of 2011 served as a transitional time for me in between graduating high school and starting my post-secondary studies at the University of Toronto. My time spent at the Canadian Slovenian Historical Society helped me to enter the academic world as I got hands-on experience dealing with first hand evidence and historical information as well as a look into the evolution of our Canadian Slovenian Community through all of the parish bulletins, albums and mementos from the past 50 or more years. It is always fascinating to learn more about yourself and where you come from and I got that opportunity through working for CSHS. It was an experience I will never forget! Michael Noehammer I started volunteering for the historical society this past summer. My job is to document all the artefacts into the archives. Each artefact shows me how far Slovenians have come since arriving in Canada. The accomplishments made by Canadian-Slovenians are nothing short of amazing. I really enjoy working at the archives because it shows me step by step everything the Slovenian community in Canada has done to be where it is today. Working at the archives has also helped me learn about my heritage. I look forward to working with historical society and seeing what the future holds for our community. If you are interested in volunteering or in learning what the Canadian Slovenian Historical Society is all about, just call our archivist Frank Majzelj at 905-649-3563 or e-mail him at Are. you a student and need Community hours to graduate? We offer you this opportunity to broaden your knowledge and perform valuable service to your Community. OUR STORY is published by: Canadian Slovenian Historical Society 52 Neilson Drive, Toronto, ON M9C 1V7 For more information contact: Frank Majzelj Telephone: 905-643-3563 E-mail: IN THIS ISSUE Kanadsko slovensko zgodovinsko društvo priredilo konferenco "Pridružite se nam" Poročilo arhivista Award of Excellence Meet two more volunteers