ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME VI No. 12-1 May 1953 Published by the A. M. G. F. T. T. under the Authority of the Commander British • United States Forces, Free Territory of Trieste. La Editorlale Libraria S. p. A., Trieste - 1953 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT British - United States Zone-Free Territory of Trieste Order No. 66 CONSOLIDATED TEXT OF ORDERS AND PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE TRIESTE INDUSTRIAL PORT WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to consolidate, with amendments, all Orders and provisions concerning the Trieste Industrial Port, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“), NOW, THEREFORE, I, SIR JOHN WINTERTON, KCMG, CB, CBE, Major General, Zone Commander, ORDER: FIRST CHAPTER BOUNDARIES OF THE TRIESTE INDUSTRIAL PORT ARTICLE I The boundaries of the Trieste Industrial Port are delineated on the Plan marked as „Annex A“ attached to this Order. SECOND CHAPTER „ENTE DEL PORTO INDUSTRIALE DI TRIESTE“ ARTICLE II A public Body known as the „Ente del Porto Industrial di Trieste“ has been established, for the purpose of coordinating, developing and administering the Trieste Industrial Port. The „Ente“ has a duration of 20 years. ARTICLE III The „Ente“ shall promote the creation of technically equipped industrial establishments within the Trieste Industrial Port. To this end the „Ente“ shall have the power to : a) expropriate lands, buildings and other property within the Trieste Industrial Port either in its own name or in the name of industrial applicants ; b) purchase or acquire lands, buildings and other property either in its own name or in the name of industrial applicants whenever expropriation is not considered advisable ; c) arrange for the granting „in concession“ of domanial lands necessary for the development of the Trieste Industrial Port either for its own use or for the use of third parties ; d) sell or lease lands, buildings or other property to industrial enterprises or other applicants ; e) prepare projects, estimates and plans for the proper development of the Trieste Industrial Port; f) promote the construction of docks, sheds, roads, sewers and the installation of electric power, gas and water services, etc. ; g) develop the railway services necessary for the Trieste Industrial Port, including the linking up by rail of same port with the railway stations and the Trieste free areas (punti franchi); for this purpose appropriate agreements shall be entered into with the Railway Administration ; h) enter into agreements with the „Magazzini Generali“ for the use of their installations, of the harbour railway network and other services and for the use of the staff of same „Magazzini Generali“ ; i) levy charges or rents for services directly provided or given, including dock charges, etc., either upon industrial or shipping enterprises ; j) provide, through a special convention with Allied Military Government, for the surveillance and general police services within the Trieste Industrial Port; Ic) enter into contracts which are necessary to attain its aims ; l) grant, according to its discretion, loans and subsidies out of funds furnished for such purpose by Allied Military Government to Public Bodies and private enterprises entrusted with the carrying out of general service works within the Trieste industrial Port; m) carry out, in general, all acts necessary foT the 'most efficient exploitation, development and running of the Trieste Industrial Port including the setting up of special Committees when, necessary. ARTICLE IV The „Ente“ shall be composed of: a) a President to be appointed by Allied Military Government ; b) a Board of Directors set up in conformity with the following Article ; c) an Executive Committee, the composition and powers, duties and functions of which shall be established by the Administrative Regulations ; d) an Executive Director acting as Secretary of the Board of Directors to be appointed by the Board of Directors with the approval of Allied Military Government. ARTICLE V The Board of Directors shall be composed of : a) four representatives of the Allied Military Government, of whom one from the Comptroller’s office, two from the Directorate of Finance and Economics and one from the Directorate of Interior ; b) one representative of the Zone President; c) one representative of the Finance Superintendent; d) one representative of the „Ispettorato Generale del Genio Civile e deH’U. S.V. S.“ ; e) one representative of the Railway Administration ; J) one representative of the Harbour Master ; g) one representative of the Provincia of Trieste ; h) one representative of the Commune of Trieste ; i) one representative of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture ; j) one representative of the „Magazzini Generali“ ; k) one representative of the Ship-owners ; l) one representative of the Industrialists’ Associations ; m) one representative of the Trade Unions ; n) one representative of the „Ufficio del Genio Civile“ ; o) one representative of the „U. S.V. S.“ ; V) one representative of the Small Industries’ Association. The members of the Board of Directors shall be designated by the relative Bodies and shall be appointed by Allied Military Government. They shall hold office for two years and may be re-appointed to their office. The present Board of Directors, shall hold office until the new Board of Directors is appointed. A Vice-president shall be appointed by the Board of Directors through election from among its members. Allied Military Government may, however, withdraw the appointment of the President, of any member of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Director at any time and may request the designation of new representatives by the Bodies referred to in the first paragraph of this Article. ARTICLE VI The President and all members of the Board of Directors, with exception of the three representatives of Allied Military Government, must have their residence in the Zone. Neither the President nor any member of the Board of Directors shall : a) be in the pay of the „Ente“ ; b) act as arbitrator or advisor in any legal dispute in which the „Ente“ may be in any way concerned or involved ; c) take part either directly or indirectly in the supply of materials or goods, activities or services in which the „Ente“ may be in any way interested. ARTICLE VII The President shall be the Chief of the Administration and have authority over all personnel. He shall hold office for two years and may be re-appointed. The present President shall hold office until the new President is appointed. Ho shall : a) convene and preside over all meetings of the Board of Directors and of the Executivé Committee ; b) be the legal representative of the „Ente“ and sign all documents entailing obligations of a financial or legal nature ; c) ensure the execution of all the decisions of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Com-mittee ; d) maintain liaison with Allied Military Government. ARTICLE VIII The Board of Directors shall assemble once in every six months. The President may at any time convene an extraordinary meeting of the Board of Directors either on his own initiative or upon request of the Auditors cr of at least four members of the Board of Directors. The meeting of the Board of Directors shall be valid whenever there are present at least eleven members including the President. The decisions of the Board of Directors shall be valid only if approved by the absolute majority of the members present. The President of the „Ente“, in his capacity of President of the Board of Directors, shall have the casting vote in the event of the voting being equal. No decision shall be taken on matters which are not on the Agenda. The decisions of the Board of Directors shall become effective after they have been approved by Allied Military Government. For this purpose the President shall send, within ten days of the meeting, a copy of the decision taken to-Allied Military Government. If the Allied Military Government does not make any objection to the decision of the Board within fifteen days from the date of receipt of same, such decision shall be considered as, approved. ARTICLE IX The Zone President shall appoint two Auditors who shall examine the regularity and exactness of the book-keeping, accounting documents and of the balance-sheet and shall advise on such matters. The Auditors shall be entitled to examine all documents, registers and invoices of the „Ente“ and may avail themselves of the co-operation of the Executive Director and of the administrative Staff of the „Ente“ on all works necessary for the carrying out of their duties. The Auditors may refuse to approve any account submitted to them for examination but must state their reasons for so doing and submit same to the Zone President within ten days. The Auditors, jointly or individually, have the right to request the convening of an extraordinary meeting of the Board of Directors if important reasons so require. ARTICLE X The financial period shall begin on 1 July of each year and end on 30 June of the subsequent year. The „Ente“ shall compile a half-yearly budget of its proposed expenditure and its estimated income and shall submit same to Allied Military Government for approval not later than 1 May and 1 November in each year. The „Ente“ shall meet the expenses for works carried out or to be carried out in the Trieste Industrial Port from funds supplied by Allied Military Government and from the income derived from the operation of the Industrial Port. Allied Military Government shall determine by administrative measures, which works shall be at the total or partial burden of the State. The funds supplied by Allied Military Government for the execution of Demesne and public works carried out to the charge of the State shall not be reimbursed by the „Ente“. The funds shall, however, be recorded separately in the accounts and shall be shown in the balance --sheet amongst the circulating-accounts („partite di giro“). The expenses for the projects, for the direction of the works and the assistance in the relative resting of such works, as well as a quota of general expenses, shall be credited to the overhead accounts of the „Ente“. The funds furnished by Allied Military Government in terms of the first paragraph, letter (l) of Article III hereof for the purpose of granting the loans shall be repaid by the „Ente“ on the same terms, conditions and modalities as those imposed on the borrowers. The funds advanced by Allied Military Government for the purchase of lands, for the construction of industrial buildings and, in general, for the execution of works which are not a charge to the State, shall be reimbursed by the „Ente“ from the funds obtained from sales or leases of property and from other profits of the management. Such reimbursement, however, shall be postponed to the expiry of the first five years’ management and shall be made according to the terms, conditions and modalities which will be established by the Allied Military Government. A reserve fund is hereby established to which one tenth of all sums gathered by the „Ente“ shall be credited. In the first five years’ management of the „Ente“, however, the sums to be set aside for the reserve fund shall be fixed at the end of each financial period by common agreement between Allied Military Government and the „Ente“ and on the basis of the balance--sheet. An interest rate of 2% per annum shall be charged on all sums advanced by Allied Military Government in terms of the sixth paragraph of this Article. During the first five years’ period of management this rate shall be charged only on one half of the sums so advanced and shall be set aside into a special fund. For the whole duration of its activity the „Ente“ shall be permitted to use, free of charge, the areas, buildings, installations and machinery belonging to the State within the boundaries of Trieste Industrial Port. The „Ente“ shall not be permitted to enter into contracts, take up obligations or create burdens expiring beyond the anticipated period of its activity, without the authority of Allied Military Government. ARTICLE XI The Administrative Regulations compiled by the Board of Directors of the „Ente“ which are an integral part of this Order as „Annex B“, are hereby approved. ARTICLE XII Allied Military Government may, for serious reasons, dissolve the „Ente del Porto Industrial di Trieste“ even before the expiry of the term established in Article II hereof. Upon cessation, of the „Ente“ Allied Military Government shall appoint a liquidator to same. Any possible assets shall devolve to the State. THIRD CHAPTER EXPROPRIATIONS ARTICLE XIII The works which, within the perimeter of the Trieste Industrial Port are necessary for the construction and operation of industrial establishments, for social protection Institutions („per le istituzioni di protezione sociale“) and, in general, for works of public utilization, are hereby declared to be of public utility. In order to carry out such works the „Ente del Porto Industriale di Trieste“ may expropriate the immovables required. ARTICLE XIV The expropriation indemnity shall be calculated on the basis of the basic commercial („venale“) value of the immovable, the lands being considered as rural grounds regardless of the possibility of their being built upon. In determining the commercial value no account shall be taken of any increase in value whatsoever which may have occurred or may occur, either directly or indirectly, as a result of public works built or projected within the perimeter of the Industrial Port. No one shall be entitled to any indemnity by reason of termination of the lease-contracts caused by the above mentioned expropriations. As to the domanial lands included within the Industrial Port area, appropriate agreements between the Domain and the Body concerned shall be made. ARTICLE XV The „Ente del Porto Industriale di Trieste“ may also expropriate immovables originally used for industrial installations which, on the effective date of this Order, are no longer in use, and which within one year from the above date, have not resumed an industrial activity. In valuing such immovables, the principles indicated in the following paragraph shall be followed. Lands shall be valued on the basis of their commercial value at the time of expropriation, apart from their industrial destination and without taking into account any increase in value whatsoever which may have occurred or may occur, either directly or indirectly, as a result of public works built or projected within the perimeter of the Industrial Port. The surrounding walls, the houses used as dwellings or offices, the buildings used for industrial purposes and the relative appurtenances shall be valued on the basis of their commercial value, taking into account, their age, and the possibility of their utilization for industrial purposes. No one shall be entitled to any indemnity for termination of lease-contracts consequent upon such expropriation. ARTICLE XVI For the expropriation of immovables indicated in the foregoing Articles, the „Ente del Porto Industriale di Trieste“ shall publish the list of the immovables to be expropriated indicating the price offered for the relative expropriations. After elapse of 15 days from its publication, the Zone President, upon the ,,Ente“’s request, shall order the deposit of the sums offered and, following the presentation of the certificates proving that the deposit has been made, shall pronounce the expropriation and authorize the occupation of the immovables. In so far as not provided for by this Order, the provisions of the Law 25 June 1865, No. 2359, and subsequent amendments, shall remain in force. FOURTH CHAPTER FISCAL PRIVILEGES ARTICLE XVII The fiscal privileges provided for by Articles 7, 8, 9, 12, 13 and 14 of the Law 8 July 1904, No. 351, are hereby granted to such technically equipped industrial establishments as have been or will be set up, re-built, enlarged or converted within the Trieste Industrial Port by 31 December 1958. The fiscal privileges provided for by art. 11 of the above mentioned Law are hereby granted to new technically equipped industrial establishments only. Admissions to customs privileges in terms of the foregoing paragraph shall be granted by the Chief, Department of Finance, Allied Military Government. ARTICLE XVIII During the period from 21 May 1949 to 31 December 1958 all materials used for the construction, reconstruction, enlargement or conversion of industrial establishments in the Trieste Industrial Port and all machinery destined for permanent installation in the industrial establishments specified above, shall be exempt from payment of the licence duty referred to in R.D.L. 13 May 1935, No. 894, and subsequent amendments and from that of turnover tax. ARTICLE XIX As a temporary exception to the provisions of art. 47 of R.D.L. 9 January 1940, No. 2, converted, with amendments, into the Law 19 June 1940, No. 762, reimbursement shall be made of the turnover tax paid, for any reason whatsoever, up to 31 December 1951 for transactions (anywhere made) benefitting by the fiscal privileges provided for by this Chapter, provided a regular claim duly supported by appropriate documentation has been made to the Finance Superintendent by 11 December 1952. Appeal shall be admitted to the Department of Finance, Allied Military Government against the rejection of the claim for reimbursement decided by the Finance Superintendent. ARTICLE XX Deeds relating to the expropriation or purchase of property within the Trieste Industrial Port in favour of the State or of the „Ente del Porto Industriale di Trieste“ are hereby exempted from registration, stamp and mortgage duties. Deeds relating to the first transfer to third parties of such properties or of buildings directly constructed or to be constructed thereon by the State or by the „Ente del Porto Industrial di Trieste“ shall be subject to registration and mortgage duties at the flat rate of 500 Lire provided such deeds are made within 31 December 1958. All deeds and contracts, on the basis of which a guarantee is created in favour of the „Ente del Porto Industriale di Trieste“ for obligations undertaken towards it either of privilege or of pledge on movables, by means of mortgage transcription on immovables, ships and motor--vehicles, through the deposit of securities in cash or stock („titoli“) as well as by means of „fide-jussio“ by third parties, shall be subject to the minimum fixed registry and mortgage tax. The registry tax on contracts („contratti d’appalto“) for construction, repair, enlargement or conversion works to be carried out in establishments located within the perimeter of the Industrial Port and for the execution of public works carried out by the State or by the „Ente del Porto Industriale di Trieste“ is hereby established at the fixed rate of 500 Lire. ■ARTICLE XXI All deeds, contracts and operations necessary to grant, consolidate, guarantee, even by means of mortgage transcriptions, or extinguish the loans and subsidies indicated in Article III, letter 1), of this Order, shall be exempt from all taxes, duties or fees due to the State. This provision shall also apply to loans and subsidies already granted. However, taxes, duties or fees already paid shall not be reimbursed. ARTICLE XXII The fees due to Notaries for the stipulation of contracts and the drawing-up of deeds or any other service relating to the loans or subsidies mentioned in the foregoing Article are hereby reduced to one half. ARTICLE XXIII For the purposes of application of any tax, duty or fee provided for by any general or special law, the „Ente del Porto Industriale di Trieste“ shall benefit, for all acts performed in accordance with its statutory aims, from the same privileges as are enjoyed by State Administrations. The said „Ente“ shall likewise be entitled to all the fiscal privileges provided for by Article XVII, first paragraph, and XVIII of this Order, in respect of works which it will directly or indirectly perform within the Trieste Industrial Port. FIFTH CHAPTER FINAL PROVISIONS ARTICLE XXIV Annexes „A“ and ,,B“ mentioned respectively in Articles I and XI of this Order, are deposited, in the original, at the Directorate of Legal Affairs, Allied Military Government and, in copy, at the „Ente del Porto Industriale di Trieste“ where they may be freely inspected by any interested person. ARTICLE XXV Orders No. 102 dated 12 May 1949, No. 104 dated 12 May 1949 ; No. 119 dated 8 June 1949 ; No. 22 dated 6 February 1950 ; No. 75 dated 20 April 1950 ; No. 112 dated 3 June 1950 ; No. 118 dated 26 June 1950; No. 187 dated 27 September 1950; No. 199 dated 18 October 1950 ; No. 224 dated 8 December 1950 ; No. 12 dated 24 January 1951 ; No. 39 dated 20 February 1951 ; No. 57 dated 18 April 1951 ; No. 85 dated 22-May 1951 ; No. 112 dated 23 June 1951 ; No. 114 dated 25 June 1951 ; No. 194 dated 24 December 1951 ; No. 114 dated 3 June 1952, Art. IX, as well as any other provision inconsistent with the provisions of this Order are hereby repealed. ARTICLE XXVI This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 18th day of April 1953. T.J.W. WINTERTON Major General . Re/.: LD/Af52/172 Zone Commander Order No. 67 NEW CONCESSIONS OF TEMPORARY IMPORTATIONS WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to grant new concessions of temporary importation in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British- United States Forces ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, SIR JOHN WINTERTON, KCMO, GB, GBE, Major General, Zone Commander, ORDER: ARTICLE I Temporary importation of the following goods is hereby permitted for the purposes hereinafter specified and for a period of six months as from 3 October 1951 : DESCRIPTION Purpose for which temporary importation is allowed Minimum quantity which may be temporarily imported Maximum term allowed for re-export- ation 1. New outer and inner receptacles, of any ma- To be filled with products destined for exportation terial and type (concession valid from 1 July 1951) No. 100 6 months 2. Raw polytene For the manufacture of plates ; sheets, tubes, covering materials, electric conductors, insulating supports, hygienic and sanitary equipment and products for chemical use. Kilos 100 6 months With effect from 15 June 1951 and for a period of six months thereafter, temporary importation is hereby permitted of raw silk („seta tratta gieggia“), whether white or jellow, and of toussah silk for the production of textiles, socks and stockings, sieves („veli da buratti“) etc. The minimum quantity which may be temporarily imported and the maximum term for re-exportation of the products obtained are hereby fixed at 100 kilos and six months respectively. ARTICLE III With effect from 16 February 1952 temporary importation of the following goods is hereby permitted for the purposes hereinafter specified and for a period of six months : DESCRIPTION Purpose for which temporary importation is allowed Minimum quantity which may be temporarily imported Maximum term allowed for re-export- ation 1. Pine bark, including mil- For the extraction of tan- led bark nin (concession valid from 27 October 1951) Kilos 100 1 year 2. Aluminium and its al- For the manufacture of loys in ingots, blocks, aluminium alloys and of plates, wire, bands, semi-finished products, mo- bars and tubes tor-vehicles, component parts of mo tor-vehicles and works of any kind (con- cession valid from 1 Ja- nuary 1952) Kilos 500 1 year 3. Scrap aluminium and For re-melting and conver- aluminium alloys sion into aluminium and its alloys blocks (concession valid from 1 January 1952 Kilos 500 1 year 4. Raw and synthetic For the manufacture of rubber, natural and various products (conces- synthetic rubber sap, cession valid from 3 Le- raw guttapercha cember 1951) Kilos 100 1 year 5. Plaster models, drawings For the reproduction of and paintings wood, marble, bronze and mosaic works No. 1 2 years With effect from 4 July 1952 temporary importation of the following goods is hereby permitted for the purpose hereinafter specified and for a period of six months : Minimum Maximum Purpose for which temporary importation quantity term DESCRIPTION which may be allowed for is allowed temporarily re-export- imported ation 1. Cotton fabrics treated For completing, upholster- with wax or pegamoid ing and finishing motor- and imitation leather -cars and lorries (conces- consisting chiefly of po- sion valid from 1 January lyvinilic and synthetic resins with or without a cloth support ; speedometers and clocks ; bands for brake-blocks ; clutch disks and segments ; glass and plate-glass of special types for motor-cars ; nitrocellulose varnishes and relative solvents, synthetic varnishes 1952) 1 year 2. Natural and synthetic For the manufacture of camphor celluloid and various celluloid products (concession valid from 1 January 1952) Kilos 100 1 year 3. Cotton linters For the manufacture of celluloid and various celluloid products (combs for combing and ornamental, tooth and r*ail brushes, etc.) (concession valid from 1 January 1952) Kilos 500 6 months 4, Crude mineral oil For processing and subsequent use for the manufacture of electric cables (concession valid from 1 January 1952) Kilos 100 1 year 5. Malt For the manufacture of beer (concession valid from 18 December 1951) Kilos 100 1 year DESCRIPTION Purpose for which temporary importation is allowed Minimum quantity which may be temporarily imported Maximum term allowed for re-export- ation 6. New or used red copper For smelting or re-manu- or tinned ropes of any facturing for use in the lenght, consisting of mo- production of insulated re simple wires of any electric cables (concession diameter valid from 18 February 52) Kilos 100 2 years 7. Cobalt oxide For the production of co- bait salts (concession valid from 28 November 1951) Kilos 100 6 months 8. Paper For the printing of books - periodical publications and other matters (concession valid from 18 January 52) Kilos 100 6 months 9. Aluminium in sheets and For wrapping processed coils, less than mm. cheese in block and slices Kilos 100 6 months 0.02 thick and thermo- static aluminium in coils up to mm. 0.02 thick 10. Raw colic acid, un- For transformation into pu- greased rified desessicolic acid Kilos 100 6 months 11. Cadmium (metal) For the production of cad- mium salts Kilos 100 6 months ARTICLE V Temporary importation of materials for photographic and radiophonic recording (on disks, wire or bands) belonging to foreign journalists coming into the Zone on radio-press missions or for special „reportages“ shall be allowed for a period of six months commencing from 9 January 1952. Re-exportation of the materials referred to in the foregoing paragraph shall take place within three months from temporary importation. This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette and, pursuant to the administrative instructions already issued, shall be operative as from the dates respectively indicated in the foregoing Articles. Hated at TRIESTE, this 20th day of April 1953 Ref. : LD/A/53/14 Order No. 68 CONVERSION OF „LICEO MUSICALE TRIESTINO“ INTO A STATE INSTITUTION WHEREAS it is considered, advisable to provide for the conversion of „Liceo Musicale Triestino“ into a State Music Conservatory and to place same directly under the State ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, SIR JOHN WINTERTON, ICC MG, CB, CBE, Major General, Zone Commander, ORDER: ARTICLE I With effect from 1 July 1953 the „Istituto pareggiato Liceo Musicale Triestino“, which was made a non-profit-making body („ente morale“) by decree of the Trieste Area President No. 2138/1215, dated 11 February 1947, is hereby transferred directly under the State and shall take the denomination of „Conservatorio Statale di Musica Giuseppe TARTINI“. ARTICLE II The „Conservatorio Statale di Musica Giuseppe TARTINI“ shall be governed in the forms and manners as prescribed for State Music Conservatories by the existing Laws and Regulations as well as by the appropriate agreement to be stipulated between the Allied Military Government, the Province of Trieste, the Commune of Trieste and mentioned Conservatory. ARTICLE III The organic plan of the „Conservatorio Statale di Musica Giuseppe TARTINI“ is hereby established as follows : a) Artistic personnel 1 Director, II class — grade VI 1 Teacher, I class — grade VII — 1 Harmony, counterpoint, fugue and composition 4 Teachers, III class — grade IX — 1 Organ and Organ-composition 1 Singing (singers’ branch) 1 Choral music and chorus conducting 1 History of Music and Librarian VONNA F. BURGER Colonel Arty Chief of Staff for T.J.W. WINTERTON Major General Zone Commander 10 Teachers, IV class — grade X — 4 Piano 1 Harp 2 Violin 1 Viola with compulsory Violin 1 Violoncello 1 Literary subjects 10 Teachers, V class — grade XI — 1 Contrabass 1 Oboe z 1 Clarinet 1 Bassoon 1 Flute 1 Horn 1 Trumpet and trombone 1 Solfeggio, setticlavio, dictation and theory 1 General musical education (Complementary harmony) 1 Complementary piano. b) Secretariate Personnel 1 post, Vice-secretary group A, grade XI 1 post, Accountant-cashier group B, grade XI 2 posts, „Alunno d’ordine“ group C, grade XIII ARTICLE IV All nther teaching-subjects, contemplated by the existing provisions, for which there are no corresponding permanent (,,di ruolo“) posts in the organic plan set forth in the foregoing Article shall be provided for through temporary appointments („incarichi“). ARTICLE V This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 20th day of April 1953 Ref. : LDIAI53I51 Order No. 69 HOUSING DEVELOPMENT BOARD — AMENDMENT TO ORDER No. 26/1951 WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to modify the Housing Development Board, provided for by Article XI of Order No. 26, dated 7 February 1951, as amended by Article I of Order No. 13, dated 16 February 1953, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, 1, SIR JOHN WINTERTON, KCMG, CB, CBE, Major General, Zone Commander, VONNA F. BURGER Colonel Arty Chief of Staff for T.J.W. WINTERTON Major General Zone Commander ARTICLE I The following letter (i) is hereby added at the end of the first paragraph of Article XI of Order No. 26, dated 7 February 1951, as amended by Article I of Order No. 13, dated 16 February 1953: ,,(i) a representative of the „Ufficio Tecnico Erariale“.“ ARTICLE II The third paragraph of Article XI of Order No. 26, dated 7 February 1951, as amended by Article I of Order No. 13, dated 16 February 1953 is hereby cancelled and substituted as follows : . „The presence of at least five members of the Board shall be necessary for the decisions to be valid.“ ARTICLE III This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me, Dated at TRIESTE, this 20th day of April 1953 Ref. : LD/A/53/61 Order No. 70 AMENDMENT TO THE MINIMUM AMOUNT OF EARNINGS FOR THE RECKONING OF THE CONTRIBUTIONS DUE BY ARTISAN CONCERNS FOR APPRENTICES WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to reduce, pursuant to Article XV, Section 4, of Order No. 134, dated 8 July 1952, the minimum amount of earnings set forth by Article XV, Section 3 of mentioned Order No. 134, for the reckoning of the social insurance contributions due by artisan-concerns for apprentices, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-TJnited States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, SIR JOHN W INTERTON, KG MG, CB, QBE, Major General, Zone Commander, ORDER: ARTICLE I The minimum amount of earnings set forth in Article XV, Section 3, of Order No. 134, dated 8 July 1952, is hereby reduced to Lire 300 for the purposes of reckoning the contributions due for apprentices in artisan-concerns. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel Arty Chief of Staff for T.J.W. WINTERTON Major General Zone Commander This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette and shall be operative as from 3 February 1953. Dated at TRIESTE, this 21st day of April 1953. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel Arty Chief of Staff for T.J.W. WINTERTON Major General Ref. : LD/Af53/39 Zone Commander Order No. 71 TRANSFER OF PROPERTY FROM STATE DEMESNE (BENE PUBBLICO „ACQUE“) TO STATE „PATRIM0NIO" WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to provide for the transfer of certain properties from the State Demesne (Bene Pubblico „Acque“) to the State „Patrimonio“, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British- United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, SIR JOHN WINTERTON, KCMG, OB, CBE, Major General, Zone Commander, ORDER: ARTICLE I The following „particelle catastali“ of the Commune of Muggia 661/1 of 12.616 m2 723/1 of 5.803 m2 delineated in blue in the planimetrical map annexed to this Order, are hereby transferred from the State Demesne (Bene Pubblico „Acque“, foglio di possesso 1097) to the State „Patrimonio“. ARTICLE II The planimetrical map marked as Annex „A“ to this Order is deposited at the Directorate of Legal Affairs, where it may be freely inspected by all persons concerned. ARTICLE III This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 21st day of April 1953. VONNA F. BÜRGER Colonel Arty Chief of Staff for T.J.W. WINTERTON Major General Ref. : LDIAI53/35 Zone Commander TEMPORARY PROTECTION OF INVENTIONS PRESENTED AT THE FAIR OF TRIESTE WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to provide for the temporary protection of inventions, models, shop drawings and trademarks not covered by patents or by legally deposited applications therefor, which will be presented at the Fair oj Trieste for the year 1953 which will take place between 25 June and 12 July 1953, NOW, THEREFORE, I, SIR JOHN WIN TER TON, KCMG, CB, CBE, Major General, Zone Commander, ORDER: ARTICLE I Inventions, models, shop drawings and trademarks not covered by patents or by legally deposited applications therefor and presented at the Fair of Trieste for the year 1953, which will take place between 25 June and 12 July 1953, in accordance with relevant regulations, shall have by virtue of their presentation the temporary protection established by the Patent Laws now in force. ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. . Dated at TRIESTE, this 28th day of April 1953. H. R. EMERY Colonel G.S.C. Chief of Staff for T.J.W. WINTERTON Major General Ref. : LD/Af53/63 Zone Commander Administrative Order No. 29 APPOINTMENT OF THE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FUND BOARD WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to appoint the new Housing Development Fund Board provided for by Article XI of Order No. 26, dated 7 February 1951, as amended by Order No. 13 dated 16 February 1953, NOW, THEREFORE, I, SIR JOHN WINTERTON, KCMG, CB, CBE, Major General, Zone Commander, 1. — The Housing Development Fund Board provided for by Article XI of Order No. 26 dated 7 February 1951, as amended by Order No. 13 dated 16 February 1953, shall be composed as follows : a) Dott. Vincenzo Caffarelli — b) Avv. Marcello Travan — c) Dott. Otello de Gennaro — d) Dott. Nicola Lo Verre .— e) Dott. Edoardo d’Avanzo — f) Dott. Ing. Aldo Andreocci — g) Dott. Ing. Andrea Rados — h) Dott. Arch. Lucio Arneri — 2. — This Order shall become effective ative as from 1 March 1953. Chief of the Department of Public Works & Utilities, President Representative of „Avvocatura dello Stato“,’ Vice - President Representative of the Directorate of Interior, Member Representative of the Zone President’s Office, Member Representative of the Department of Finance, Member Representative of the „Ispettorato Generale Genio Civile“ and U.S.V.S., Member Representative of the „Ordine degli Ingegneri“. Member Representative of the „Ordine degli Architetti“, Member m the date it is signed by me and shall be oper- Dated at TRIESTE, this 20th day of April 1953. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel Arty Chief of Staff for T.J.W. WINTERTON Major General Ref. : LDIBj5SI21 Zone Commander APPOINTMENT OF A JUDICIAL AUDITOR WHEREAS the Judicial Auditor Dr. Guido NI MIS has been placed at disposal of the Allied Military Government and may be assigned to the Pretura of Trieste, for the purpose of serving the prescribed period of judicial apprenticeship, NOW, THEREFORE, I, SIR JOHN WINTERTON, KCMG, CB, CBE, Mayor General Zone Commander, ORDER: 1. — The Judicial Auditor Dr. Guido NIMIS is hereby assigned to the Pretura of Trieste, to serve the prescribed period of judicial apprenticeship. 2. — This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 20th day of April 1953. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel Arty Chief of Staff for T.J.W. WINTERTON Major General Ref. : LDfBI53l26 Zone Commander Administrative Order No. 31 APPOINTMENT OF A JUDICIAL AUDITOR WHEREAS the Judicial Auditor Dr. Boris BATTESTIN has been placed at disposal of the Allied Military Government and may be assigned to the Tribunal of Trieste, for the purpose of serving the prescribed period of judicial apprenticeship, NOW, THEREFORE, I, SIR JOHN WINTERTON, KCMG, CB, CBE, Major General, Zone Commander, ORDER: 1. The Judicial Auditor Dr. Boris BATTESTIN is hereby assigned to the Tribunal of Trieste to serve the prescribed period of judicial apprenticeship. 2. This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 20th day of April 1953 VONNA F. BURGER Colonel Arty Chief of Staff for T.J.W. WINTERTON Major General Ref. : LDfBf53l27 Zone Commander RE NAMING OF „ISTITUTO TALASSOGRAFICO“ OF TRIESTE WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to honour the memory of Prof. Francesco VERCELLI by acknowledging the work performed by him in the field of International Thalassography, NOW, THEREFORE, I, SIR JOHN WINTERTON, KCMG, CB, CBE, Major General, Zone Commander, ORDER: 1. The „Istituto Talassografico“ of Trieste is hereby re-named „Istituito Talassografico Francesco VERCELLI“. 2. This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 24th day of April 1953. H. R. EMERY Colonel G SC Chief of Staff for T.J.W. WINTERTON Major General Ref. : LDfB/53124 Zone Commander Administrative Order No. 33 APPOINTMENT OF ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT CHIEF OF STAFF WHEREAS Colonel Vonna F. BURGER, Arty, U.S. Army, appointed Chief of Staff of the Allied Military Government, British. United States Zone, Free Territory of Trieste, by Administrative Order N. 48, dated 13 September 1952, has received orders assigning him to duty elsewhere, NOW, THEREFORE, I, SIR JOHN WINTERTON, KCMG, CB, CBE, Major General, Zone Commander, ORDER: 1. Effective 23 April 1953 Colonel Harold R. EMERY, G.S.C. U.S. Army, is appointed Allied Military Government Chief of Staff, vice Colonel Vonna F. Burger, Arty, U.S. Army, relieved. 2. This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 23rd day of April 1953. T.J.W. WINTERTON Major General Ref. : LD/B/53/29 Zone Commander Notice No. 23 ADVISORY COMMISSION FOR ANTIQUES, FINE ARTS AND LANDSCAPES 1. NOTICE is hereby given that, by a measure dated 9 March 1953, the Chief, Office of Education, Allied Military Government, has provided, in conformity with Articles I and II of Order No. 11 dated 12 February 1953, for the appointment of an Advisory Commission for Antiques, Fine Arts and Landscapes. 2. The Commission shall consist of the following members : a) Prof. Luciano LAURENZI, Professor of Archeology at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy of Trieste University, for archeology, paleontology and ethnography ; b) Prof. Gian Luigi COLETTI, Principal of the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy of Trieste University and Professor of. History of Medieval and Modern Art at said Faculty, and Prof. Baccio ZILIOTTO, former Principal of the „Liceo-Ginnasio Dante“, for Medieval and Modern Art; : c) Dott. Vincenzo CAFFARELLl, Chief, Department of Public Works and Utilities, Allied Military Government, and Dott. Arch. Umberto NORDIO, Professor of Architectural Composition at the Faculty of Engineering of Trieste University, for monumental buildings, housing technique and natural beauty ; d) Signor Marcello MASCHERINI, Sculptor, Secretary to „Sindacato artisti di Trieste“, and Dott. Decio GIOSEFFI, Permanent Assistent at Trieste University, for contemporary figurative arts. 3. Prof Gian Luigi COLETTI has been appointed Chairman of the Advisory Commission. Dated at TRIESTE, this 22nd day of April 1953. G. FADDA Ref. : LD/Gj53/27 Chief, Office of Education CONTENTS Order Page No. 66 Consolidated text of Orders and provisions concerning the Trieste Industrial Port 197 No. 67 New concessions of temporary importations ................ .. .......... 205 No. 68 Conversion of „Liceo Musicale Triestino“ into a State institution....... 209 No. 69 Housing Development Board - Amendments to Order No. 26/1951 ........ 210 No. 70 Amendment to the minimum amount of earnings for the reckoning of the contributions due by artisan-concerns for apprentices ...................... 211 No. 71 Transfer of property from State Demesne (Bene Pubblico „Acque“) to State „Patrimonio“ .......................................................... 212 No. 72 Temporary protection of inventions presented at the Fair of Trieste .... 213 Administrative Order No. 29 Appointment of the Housing Development Fund Board...................... 213 No. 30 Appointment of a Judicial Auditor ..................................... 215 No. 31 Appointment of a Judicial Auditor ..................................... 215 No. 32 Re-naming of „Istituto Talassografico“ of Trieste ..................... 216 No. 33 Appointment-of Allied Military Government Chief of Staff ............. 216 Notice No. 23 Advisory commission for antiques, fine arts and landscapes ............. 217