History of medicine The History y, Pediatrics and Ophthal- mology. In the XVII century, Giorgio Scharpius, already famous in Montpellier (France), and the Irishman, Neil Glacon, who transferrecl himself from Toulouse (France), taught at the Bologna University. The period became famous due to Marcello Malpighi, supporter of the experimental methods. He used the microscope to study the capillaries of the pulmonary alveolus, cor- puscles of the kidney, corpuscles of the spleen, mucous bodies and epidermal follicles. His student, Antonio Maria Valsalva, investigatecl the ear, colon, vagus and created the "maneuver ofValsalva" (3, 4). The great number of students that came from many Italian regions and from abroad favored the creation of colleges. Some ofthe oldest colleges date back to 1257 and the most recent one was established in 1857. There were separate colleges established for Italian students from Bologna, Reggio, Parma, Lucca, Genova, and Pied- mont. There were also colleges established for stuclents from abroad: Avignon, Gregorian (for needy students from Limoges), former Yugoslavia, Hunga1y, Flanders and Spain (the latter stili exists). The Collegium Hungarico-Illiricum existed from 1557 to 1781 (9,10). The XVIII centmy witnessed the most critical period of the University because of the loss of every freedom, even that of thought and the prerogatives to appoint teachers. Favored were the citizens of Bologna, thus eliminating fair competition. Regardless of this situation, three brilliant women gave luster to the School of Medi- cine, Laura Bassi, Marina Gaetana Agnesi and Anna Mo- randi Marzolini who created anatomical models follo- wing Valsalva's instructions. Their models are on display in the museum of the Institute of Human Anatomy. Emilio Lelli's famous skinless anatomical models are in the Archigimnasio Theater of anatomy. Here, above the podium, one can see the window from which the person appointed by the Church would check on the teachers ' Acta Dermatoven APA Vol 9, 2000, No 2 History ofmedi cine The History oj Bologna University's Medica/ School (1). The Academy became well known and was recog- nized internationally, it cooperated with other Societies and Scientific Academies such as the Royal Society of London and France 's Academy of Science. Bologna University's Academy was famous in the fields of Mathe- matics, Astronomy, Physiology and Biology. The famous textbook "De viribus electricitatis in motu musculari" was published by Luigi Galvani (1). Figure 1 . Anatomical theatre in the old Bologna University, 16th century In the Napoleonic era, old ordinances were aboli- shed and the University became national. The old tea- ching hospitals, such as that of Life and that of Death, had already given way to the Maggiore Hospital. When the Medica! School was reorganized at the beginning of the 1800's, many professorship positions for the different specialties became available (1). Their respec- tive research institutes were transferred to the Saint Orsola Hospital where the clinical departments were located. Over the years the medica! department became well known thanks to Augusto Murri. The Orthopedics Clinic, located in the prestigious Rizzoli Hospital, reached international farne thanks to the work of Ale- ssandro Codivilla and Vittorio Putti. lessons without being seen. The crisis ended with the help of Luigi Ferdinanda Marsili, a member of the Royal Society of London, who also founded the Academy of Sciences at the University The newer history of Bologna University will be dealt with in another manuscript, which is being pre- pared. REFERENCES AUTHOR'S ADDRESS Acta Dermatoven APA Vol 9, 2000, No 2 1. I Professori dell'Universita di Bologna. L'Universita di Bologna nei tempi passati e nei tempi presenti. N. Zanichelli, Bologna 1919. 2. Maragi M. Dalle Scuole private all'Universitas Artistarum. Da R A. Bemabeo e G D'Antuono: La Scuola Medica di Bologna, Settecento anni di storia. Vol.1. Firma libri 1987. 3. Sarti M, Fattotini M. De Claris Archigimnasii bononiensis Professoribus a saeculo XI usque ad saeculum xiv 2 ° , ris t. Bologna 1888/1889 4. Leclerq HL. Histoire des Conciles, Paris 1913, L.lV, P.2, pag.1108 5. Sorbelli A. Storia dell'Universita di Bologna, Vol.1, Il Medio Evo Bologna 1940. 6. Maragi M. La cultura medica Arabo !slamica nelle antiche scuole universitarie Bolognesi. Strenna Storica Bolognesi, Bologna 1987 7. Forni GG. La chirurgia nello Studio di Bologna dalle origini a tutto il secolo XIV, Bologna 1948. 8. Martinotti G. L'insegnamento dell'anatomia a Bologna prima del secolo XIX. Studie memorie per la storia dell'Universita di Bologna Vol. 2, Bologna 1911 9. Gentili G. Il Collegio Ungarico - Illirico in Bologna. Estratto da: Strenna Storica Bolognese. XXXIX 1989, Patron Editore Bologna. 10. Gentili G. liber das Ilirisch-Ungarische Collegium in Bologna. ACTA Congressus Intemationalis XXIV historiae artis medicinae, Budapest 1976, 505-9. Paolo Morani, MD, projessor oj dermatology, Via Monari 3, 40137 Bologna, Jtaly 75