MARCH, 1961 — NUMBER 3 — VOLUME 33 A Little of This and A Little of That — Well Blended — To Make This Month’s Ohio State Fair ZARJA * DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION n 547SS fV SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA OF AMERICA V AMERIKI Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, III. Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, lil. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State of Illinois. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Spiritual Advisor—REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. 823 W. Mineral St., Milwaukee, Wis. * * * Honorary President—MARIE PRISLAND, Sheboygan, Wis. Honorary Convention Delegate—BARBARA KRAMER, 480 Kansas St., San Francisco, Calif. * * * BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Founder—MARIE PRISLAND, 1034 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan, Wisconsin President—JOSEPHINE LIVEK, 331 Elm Street, Oglesby, III. Secretary—ALBINA NOVAK, 1937 W. Ccrmak Road, Chicago 8, Illinois Treasurer—JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR, 2045 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois Auditor—MARY OTONIČAR, 1110 E. 66th Street, Cleveland 3, Ohio Auditor—KATIE TRILLER, 1724 Stanton Ave., Whiting, Indiana Auditor—ANN PODGORŠEK, 301 97th Ave. W„ Duluth, Minn. * * * DIRECTORS of Recreational and Sports Activities: Women's Division—ELIZABETH ZEFRAN, 1941 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Juvenile Division—CHRISTINE MENART, 741 Main St., Vandling, Pa. * * * Managing Editor—CORINNE LESKOVAR, 2032 W. Ccrmak, Chicago 8, Illinois Vice-President—FRANCES GLOBOKAR, 19192 Abbey, Euclid 19, Ohio State President of Colorado-Kansas-Missouri— ANNA PACHAK, 2009 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colo. State President of Wisconsin— ROSE KRAEMER, 4304 So. K.K., Cudahy, Wise. State President of Ohio-Michigan— ANTOINETTE TANKO, 1 it. Clair Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio State President of Pennsylvania-Neiv York— MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabane, Pa. State President of California-Oregon-Washington— ROSE SCOFF, 2208 Mariposa, San Francisco, Cal. State President of Illinois-Indiana— MARY MULLER, 1846 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois State President of Minnesota— BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn. * * * Finance Committee: JOSEPHINE LIVEK, MARIE PRISLAND, Sec’y., ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR * * * Scholarship and Benefit Committee: MARIE PRISLAND, President; JOSEPHINE LIVEK, ALBINA NOVAK * * * Home Office: 1937 W. CERMAK ROAD, CHICAGO 8, ILLINOIS Tel. Bishop 7-2014 ZARJA — THE DAWN Published monthly — Izhaja vsak mesec Annual Subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually - Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111. Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Zenske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the tenth of the month. V si dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 10. v mesecu. On the Cover . . . Homemaking—Slovenian Women’s Union style—means more than it seems to. It’s knowing how to make the dishes our mothers and grandmothers were so famous for —and it’s knowing beautiful forms of handcraft such as knitting, crocheting and sewing—and it’s training our youngsters in fine, educational group recreation. So, our cover picture Is a story in itself, and with It we invite all the Ohio and neighboring branches to attend the Ohio State Fair, Baking Demonstration and Style Show taking place this month on March 11 and 12th at the St. Vitus School Auditorium, East 61st and Glass Ave. From left to right, Chairman of the event, Mrs. Antonia Tanko, who is the state president of Ohio, and in front of her, performers Jimmy Kikel and Karen Lo Conti. We haven’t the name of the little girl being measured. Baking ladies are Stella Koporc, (Br. 50) Louise Vovko, (Br. 50) Vickie Faletič, (Br. 25) Betty Jevec who is captain of the Br. 50 junior drill team and Pauline Srsen. The little girls in folk costumes are in the dancing group directed by Margaret Rebol and Jimmy /i&.tme of 8 drummer boys. Frances Seitz is in charge V>1.. I1API*Y BIRTHDAY IN MARCH Supreme Officer March 3—Ann Podgoršek, Supreme Auditor, Duluth, Minn. Branch Presidents: March 4—Mary Kovac, Br. 63, Denver, Colo. March 4 — Tillie Spehar, Br. 14, Euclid, Ohio March 10—Helen Shuster, Br 37. Greaney, Minn. March 15 — Mary Godez, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wise. March 16 — Pauline Kokal, Br. 96, Universal, Pa. March 20—Frances Hren, Br. 38, Chisholm, Minn. March 20— Betty Ann Murphy, Br. 77, N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa. March 24—Agnes Dragovan, Br. 34, Soudan, Minn. March 28—Helen Corel, Br. 93, Brooklyn, N. Y. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! junior performers to be seen at the two day event. Baking demonstrations will be held continuously and handcraft exhibits will be set up by each branch participating. A style show will be held on Sunday. The Fair is expected to attract large crowds and is receiving publicity throughout the state. JJ P-D ■£n the United States in Ely and many °f my cousins are residing there now. I guess when you are a Pechaver, Ely is in your blood. We pray for a successful convention and know Ely will add richly to the possibility with Workers such as Barbara Rosandich, who Is ever ready to put all her efforts toward a successful completion t° any task. Success and happiness to Ely from Sunny San Francisco. Social Night was held on Thursday, February 9th with dinner at Van-nessi’s one of our nicer eating places. °h, those calories! We are having many nice times due to the leadership of our president, Jerri Adami. The harmony we have been enjoying has been largely due to Jerri and her {now-how! Nice going, ole gal; It’s 0Ur pleasure to serve one such as you. Well, the exact date of our Ilawai-an trip is now settled. July 15 to We fly Jet from San Francisco or Los Angeles. Much planning has gone into this trip to utilize each day to the fullest . A good time will be had by all, I promise. Hawaii itself is so beautiful, flowers every where, trade winds blowing lightly, blue skies and bluer water with the day's temperature around 82 degrees. The water temperature is a few degrees less but warm at all times. Even tho I look like a whale in a swim suit I still love to sit in this warm water. One can hardly imagine the beauty and tranquility found here. Hawaii is called the Paradise of the Pacific and with little wonder. Pack your bags of cotton dresses and come West, Gals! Hawaii awaits you and yours . . . God must truly have loved the Hawaiians to have put so much beauty in such a small spot. If you desire any additional information about Hawaii after you receive your brochures simply drop me a note or write directly to the Hawaii Visitors Bureau 2285 Kalakaua Ave., Honolulu, Hawaii and they will send literature to answer all questions. Your Directress will see to it all your wants are satisfied. Mother of the Year, Mary Ansel, is both pleased and proud of the honor bestowed on her. Mary has worked for many years for the success of our branch and has ever been ready with her helping hand; those pinkies of Mary’s have found their way to the dishpan during Social Nights on many an occasion. Cakes are donated, baked and paid for by Mary (and enjoyed by me). She has always been ready when called on to do more than her share; her pleasant personality and smiling face has added much happiness to our meetings. Her niece, Betty Doherty, and Sister Tillie Kambick work side by side with Mary as the family is a closely knit one. We can only say it is a pleasure to be one of Mary’s friends and I have found much happiness in this friendship. Congratulations to Mary Ansel, our treasurer, on her honor of Mother of the Year. We know Husband Joe, daughters Agnes and Edith, son-in-law Ed Kurnick and grandchildren are most proud. Let’s all work to make the Trip to Hawaii a thing of pride for our founder and friend, Marie Prisland. Keep up the good work and make Zveza bigger and better in 61. Fran Chiodo, reporter No. 14, Euclid, Ohio — Our newly-elected president, Tillie Spehar, did very well when she took office for the first time at our February meeting. She is young, energetic, and will profit wth experience. Good luck, President Spehar! Our former president, Amalia Legat, was present with the rest of the many members who attended the meeting. She expressed her thanks to every one for the help and kindness she received during her long term of office. We hope to see Sister Legat at many of our meetings in the future. We were glad to see sisters Antonia Ipavec, Mary Pecek and Mary Vrh at this meeting. We hope to see you more often at our future meetings. Also attending this meeting was Stana Grill, daughter-in-law of our vice-president, Mary Stražišar. Welcome to our branch. Delegates elected for the 12th Nat-tional Convention are sisters Mary Iskra and Pauline Cesar. Alternate delegates are sisters Caroline Turk and Frances Kog. Sister Jennie Golic and her husband picked the perfect time to vacation and leave the cold and snow we have been experiencing. They are going to Arizona to visit their son, Ray and his family, then on to Mexico to do some sight-seeing. On their return they will stop in Nashville, Tenn. and visit with their daughter, Mildred, and her family. Happy Vacationing!! Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gainar (Sister Louise Gainar) announce the engagement of their daughter, Lois Jean, to Mr. Robert J. Peterlin. No wedding date has been set. In January we lost our Zarja member, Frances Pust. To her husband we extend our deepest sympathy. The “good time treasury" was fattened with donations by the following members: Frances Plevnik, Mary Tich, Frances Prijatel, Rose Leskovec, Antonia Ttebec, Jennie Ivanclc, Mary Kausek, and Antonia Ipavec. Thank you very much, ladies. No members have been added to our sick list this month, but in case any of our members have been overlooked we wish you a speedy recovery. Sister Frances Zuzek of Ivewanee Ave. has recently moved to 124 ya Eel River Road, Logansport, Indiana. The saying goes that if March comes in like a lion it goes out like a lamb, but we hope all the days will be calm as "lambs,” especially, for those who are having birthdays; Josephine Blatnik, Frances Baloh, Mary Bradac, Frances Gerchman, Frances Erzen, Josephine Kastigar ,M a r y Klun, Josephine Kozlevčar, Mary Mule, Florence Lapuh, Mary Pike, Amalia Povirk, Jean Roberts, Mary Rome, Matilda Ropret, Josephine Skerl, Mary Sporal, Margaret Stanonik, Marie Stark, Frances Stopar, Pauline Ulle, Jennie Vodnik, Ann Snyder, Anna Zadnik, and Mary Knaus. Pauline Cesar No. 17, West Allis, Wise.—We had a very nice attendance at our January meeting and it is gratifying to see so many faces. Keep it up, we enjoy having large numbers of members. IN LOVING MEMORY Slovenian Women’s Union Scholarship Award The Slovenian Women’s Union and its Scholarship Committee would like to help talented young people who have the necessary ability and perseverance to complete a college education. High school graduates! File your application with the Committee! The Scholarship grant is $200 per year. One of the objects of the grant is academic achievement and not financial assistance only. The applicant — if a girl — must be a member of our organization, if a boy, his mother , grandmother or a sister must be a member of our Union. All applications shall be filed on or before April 30th. For further information and applications write to: MARIE PRISLAND, President Scholarship Committee 1034 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. •f ANTONIA YAKE Mrs. Antonia Yake of 10543 Avenue O, Chicago, Illinois, and member of Br. 1C, passed away suddenly on Saturday, January 28, 1%1. Mrs. Yake was bora in Slovenia and came to America about 40 years ago. She celebrated her 73rd birthday on Sunday, January 15, 1961 with all her relatives and friends around her — so it was quite a shock when we heard of her sudden death. Mrs. Yake was one of our most active members and will be sadly missed at our meetings as she attended meetings very regularly. We will always remember her cooperation and generosity toward the many affairs our branch sponsored—the many pairs of beautiful crocheted pillow cases and the many, many walnut poticas she donated—she was always ready and willing to help. She was a charter member of our branch and in May of 195G was chosen “Mother of the Year” for her outstanding work. She was a very dear friend of our family and her friendship will always be remembered for all the good things she did for us in our time of need. Mrs. Yake is sadly missed by her family: daughters Louise Kojan, Anne Jardin, Olga Castiglia and Mary; sons Anthony, William, and John; and seven grandchildren. 'Eternal rest grant unto her, o Lord, and may the perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen." Gladys K. Buck Coming first on the agenda is the Silver Anniversary Bowling Tournament in Milwaukee at Hank Marino’s Recreation, 536 W. Wisconsin. Our vice-president, Marion Marolt, is working very hard to get the backers for the tourney. Bowling is a wonderful sport and there is indication that interest is mounting up. Members, if you have a daughter, sister, niece (or how about yourself?) who is not a member and is a bowling enthusiast, have her join the ranks of the S.W.U. and when the next season comes around, she can bowl with us. The tournament is a wonderful event for our bowlers to look forward to, and even bowling once a year in tourneys can be very rewarding. So, let’s all go down this March IS and 19tli and cheer our bowlers on. The 3rd Annual Wisconsin State Day and Convention will be held here in West Allis at St. Mary’s Auditorium, So. 60th and W. Madison Sts. on Sunday, April 23rd. The neighboring branches and ours will meet in the auditorium at 10:15 a.m. and will march into church together for the 10:30 High Mass. The Mass will be offered for the good intention of the S.W.U. At 12:00 noon, dinner will be served at the auditorium with a short program following. At 2:00 p.m. the State Convention meeting will take place. The delegates and members are urgently asked to attend this meeting and have an interesting round table discussion for the progress of S.W.U. There will be a social gathering for members, friends and families after the dinner. All neighboring branches, friends, families and members are most cordially invited to attend the affair. Dinner donations will be $2.25 for adults and $1.25 for children. Reservations must be made one week in advance. Members will be getting their dinner tickets in the mail and please notify your secretary as to your reservation. Let’s all get behind the S.W.U. Bowling Tourney and then, to the Wisconsin State Day and we will have the S.W.U. on top where she belongs. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to our sick members, Mary Bolskar, Mary Pornath, Kate Horvath, Gertrude Pugel, Mary Kastner, Theresa Kerbin, Frances Marolt, Fanny Pi-woni. Greetings to all members and we’ll be seeing you at our meeting. Marie Floryan, secretary No. 19, Eveleth, Minn.—The attendance at the February meeting was very good. Thanks to all for coming and to Father Jerse for the announcement of the meeting which he made at the Sunday Mass. The importance of the February meeting was the election of delegate which would have been too late If we waited for the next month. It resulted in my election as delegate to the convention which will start in Ely on May 21st and Mrs. Sterle is the alternate. The Mother of the Year honor goes to Mrs. Matilda Rebetz. Congratulations. All members are kindly requested to attend our meeting on May 11, when we will have the annual Mother’s Day celebration. Mary Goričan was initiated into our midst. Her mother, and sister Renita have been with us for a number of years. We are proud of this family which is always ready to help us. A big thank you note goes to Mr. Orehek, publisher and owner of the Eveleth News for his kindness and willingness to publish our news which is appreciated by all the members. This is very important especially when we have news topics to report. Miss Orehek, the daughter of the publisher, is our member of whom we are also proud The best of luck to you, Mr. Orehek! To all members who are on the sick list we extend wishes for a speedy recovery. Mary Shukle, Jr. is presently confined at the Duluth hospital! May she soon recover! Our editor is to be congratulated for the fine work on Zarja which we all like to read very much. Thanks also to all the faithful contributors of interesting articles. Wishing everyone a very happy Easter! Mary Lenich, sec’y No. 20, Joliet, III.—Our first meeting of the branch in Jan. was very well attended. All seats were occupied and it seemed to us like old times. We were also very pleased to have the attendance of many officers of our local societies. I hope that you will be able to be among us during the year, as you will find it beneficial, for at every meeting a name will be drawn who will be at the meeting, and if your name is drawn and the member is not present the dollar goes back OF SPECIAL IMPORTANCE TO WISCONSIN STATE CONVENTION ALL BRANCHES & DELEGATES SLATED FOR APRIL 23rd At the semi-annual Board of Directors meeting in January, it was decided that the Union forward the proceeds from the handiwork exhibit and sale which is to be held at the 12th National Convention in Ely, Minn, on May 21-24, 1961 to the Slovenian Franciscan Sisters in Lemont, 111. to help them with the building of a new St. Joseph’s Home for the Aged. The officers and delegates are requested to bring all forms of handwork for the sale and also any contributions which branches or individual members wish to make. The names of all contributors will be in Zarja. The current balance in the Union’s Benefit Fund will also be added to the Sisters’ Fund. We hope that this appeal will bring good results as it is for a most worthwhile and charitable cause. Marie Prisland Chairman, Benefit Fund Committee The Wisconsin State Convention will be held on Sunday, April 23rd in West Allis, Wis., with the hostesses, branch no. 17. Holy Mass will be offered for the good intention of the S.W.U. at St Mary’s Help of Christians at 10:30 a.m. At noon, a delicious turkey dinner will be served and a short program will follow. After the program, the Wisconsin State Convention will commence. Let’s have a good representation from all the fine branches in the state, both at the meeting and the banquet. The branch having the largest number of members at the Wisconsin State Convention: meeting will get an award. More details will be in the April issue. Rose Kraemer, state president to the treasury. The door prize was won by Mrs. Catherine Suhodolec. Our pastor and spiritual director, Monsignor M. J. Butala, installed the officers for the present year: (The names are in the Slovenian text). Our chairman of the auditing committee was not present as she was attending the funeral of her father, Mr. Joseph Menart, in Cleveland, Ohio. The members extend her and the family their sincere condolences, and at this time also sent a sympathy card to Mrs. Josephine Muster with the signatures of all members present. Our officers gave an offering for a Requiem Mass for the deceased father of Mrs. Muster. Members who are reported sick are: Mrs. Catherine Zadel who was in the hospital for her eyes, and is now convalescing at home, also Mrs. Mayme Kochevar from Raynor Ave., Mrs. Sue Glavan from N. Broadway, Mrs. Dorothy Shukley from Summit St., Mrs. Anna Ancel N. Center Street and Mrs. Mary launch, Marble Street. To all we wish a speedy recovery. A Golden Wedding Anniversary was observed by Mr. and Mrs. John Drag-ovan from N. Nicholson St. Due to illness of both Mrs. Catherine Drag-ovan who is ill for some time at home, and Mr. Dragovan who was taken ill to the hospital that morning, the children and a large number of relatives attended the golden anniversary High Mass for their parents. Silver Anniversary was celebrated hy Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Pershey. kince both are choir members, the large choir came to sing for their Mass at 7 A.M. Both are active in the parish and Mrs. Pershey is our member for many years. 36th wedding anniversary was cele-hiated by our active friend Mr. John . Jevitz and his wife, Lottie, who our member for many years. Among their family, two daughters and two sons and other relatives it 'vas a nice gathering. Mr. Jevitz is 6 superintendent for the Forest reserve, is secretary for the repub-lcan Party, is the organizor of the Old Timers Baseball, where they have many hundreds of members who are from all walks of life and which organization! under the direction of Mr. Jevitz who was its president for many years and is at present its honorary president is a very successful organization. We wish all the wedding anniversary celebrants much happiness in the future with many healthy years ahead. Our congratulations to all! At our January meeting, the most popular mother for the branch also was selected. It is Mrs. Mary Terlep who will have this honor this year. She will succeed Mrs. Anna Korevec who was the popular mother for the past year. Mrs. Mary Terlep has been our treasurer for many years in the past, she was also crowned queen of Zveza three times at various conventions, she was also a delegate many times, and brought many new members into our branch. She had been a very active officer while holding office as treasurer. Our congratulations to Mrs. Mary Terlep! At our January meeting the members complimented on the articles written by Mrs. Prisland “Oh, ta Svet,” they all agreed it is very inr teresting. The trip to Hawaii was also discussed, with hopes that at least some of our members would take time for such a wonderful vacation. All interested please get more information from our treasurer, Mrs. J. Sumic. At the conclusion of our meeting, lunch of various goodies has been served such as delicious potica baked by our auditor, Mrs. Mary Lesnik, various cakes, other tempting food, with hot coffee and other beverages. Anything your heart desired. It was a real treat to all present. Our singing club of the branch also presented various songs, later community singing followed with our director, Mrs. Jennie Sprengel. Various movies in color were shown by Mr. Joseph Erjavec. The movies consisted of various activities in our community and also special affairs of the members. Since this was the first showing of these films, it drew much interest from the members. Hope to see you at our next meeting in March. Josephine Erjavec LET’S GO TO HAWAII Joliet, III.—By the facts that we here in the Midwest have become Easterners, the Californians are our new Midwesterners and the far West is what we’re aiming at, Hawaii. We will be the first fraternal group in the land in this most unique excursion under leadership of our renown founder, Marie Prisland. It will be most noteworthy credit to the S.W.U.— thanks and appreciations to Fran Chiodo and Branch 13 of the Golden Gate city. In that we got into the graces of our beloved president Kennedy thru his stomach with the 50 lb. potica our American Slovene Ladies of Minnesota baked—let’s also join the president in the furtherest flung frontier and show with him the way that America Marches on—S.W.U. style. The special price of $339.00 for an exotic tour of America’s newest and most interesting frontier is most reasonable and within the reach of everyone. Let’s come prepared to talk about this proposed expedition at the coming midwest S.W.U. Bowling tournament in Milwaukee. The younger women in the S.W.U. will appreciate this wonderful dedication more because they deem it a fitting tribute to the mother of us all, Marie Prisland. Dad and son can spend a thousand dollars on a Canadian fishing trip, daughter can throw away a grand disporting on the board walks of Atlantic City—why not give Mother just a fraction of this and offer her the treat of her life—a trip to Hawaii with her most cherished and exalted friend, Sister Marie Prisland. Leave your pots and pans and pastimes. On to Hawaii! Josephine Sumic LET’S ROLL. ROLL. ROLL ALONG! In a few more days, the 25th annual Midwest Bowling Tournament will be the highlight of the year in Milwaukee . A hearty welcome to all bowlers and boosters! Those of you who have bowled before will meet your old friends, others will make new acquaintances on the weekend of March 18th and .1 !Xth, 19G1. Saturday evening, the doubles and singles will be rolled. Later on, a get-together social gathering will take place at Marino’s, which is the headquarters for the tourney. Rudy Pugel will play a few polkas to keep you in the good old S.W.U. spirit. On Sunday, Masses at St. John’s the Evangelist Church will be at 7-9-10 and 11 a.m. Transportation from the Shroeder Hotel to St. John’s Church is very convenient. Team bowling will start at 11 a.m. on Sunday. There will also be a liquor chest awaiting some lucky person. Since it is the 25th anniversary of the Midwest Tournament, let's make it the most successful and biggest tournament in the history of S.W.U. bowling. Rose Kraemer, state president SILVER ANNIVERSARY TOURNAMENT Joliet, III.—Thru all indications the 25th Anniversary Midwest S. W. U. Bowling Tournament, which is to be held at the Hank Marino Bowling Lanes in Milwaukee, Wisconsin March 18 and 19, that this will be the biggest and greatest classic in the history of the S.W.U. Chicago is leading the parade with 16 teams and other S.W.U. localities are following to swell the ranks as the biggest tournament ever held. That it will be the greatest is the definition of what the good S.W.U.’s are doing in Wisconsin under the leadership of Rose Kraemer and Marian Marolt. They are making huge plans and vast preparations in all the features of athletic, fraternal and social enjoyments. Mr. (S.W.U.) Pugel, the proprietor of the world famous Hank Marino Lanes, promises to make things interesting in his own entertaining way for all the bowlers, visitors and spectators. Some of the biggest names in bowling have made history in the sport on these same lanes and we know that we will fill some of the pages of this history during this tournament. So far, none of us hit a 300 score—here is the time to do it. Then there are many other unlooked for treats awaiting us in this beautiful Wisconsin city. This being the 12th S.W.U. Convention year, much discussion concerning the many innovations the S.W.U. is in dire need of, will be voiced by our younger and active women. The modern S.W.U. American girl Is emerging from the old fashioned Miss—she is beginning to realize the grand potentialities contained in her membership ki the S.W.U. She is also beginning to assume the responsibilities that rest on her to make her mother organization also her organization. Let’s everyone of us go to Milwaukee on the days of March 18 and 19 as bowlers, as visitors, as spectators and partake in this , the grandest jamboree of S.W.U. spirit. By that time the ground hog will have emerged and the weather will be fine —spring-time. The ride to Milwaukee thru the beautiful Illinois-Wisconsin country side will be most rewarding in itself. I, personally, will be happy to meet again with many S.W.U. friends whom I cherished these 25 years of S.W.U. bowling. In being one of the founders of the tournament. I participated as an officer and as a bowler in every one of them. There will be a greater incentive in greeting you this time —please relate to me all your personal feelings in everything pertaining to the constructive advancement of our S.W.U. And the band played. Milwaukee, Here we come! Josephine Sumic, President Mid-West Bowling Ass’n No. 20, Joliet, III.—Checking over my files, I find that there is an accumulation of notes that never made the column. As the season is drawing to a close, I think It best for me to make use of these notes now. The Program Committee, headed by Mary Rudman, merits a special mention for its efforts in planning the bowlers’ Christmas Party. It is an understatement to say that all the bowlers and guests, Joyce Flynn and her mother, Mrs. Stroh, were completely satisfied with one of the most appetizing buffets this side of the Pump Room. A belated “Thank You” to Mary and her committee, Bee Kos-telc, JoAnn Deangelus and Marje Waj-chert, for volunteering their time and talents in arranging this program for the bowlers. Gen Klainsek was all for co-operating with me in making my prediction for ’G1 that a record series would be realized in the league—but the blasted pins just wouldn’t! If it were not for the two blows in her last two frames of her last game on the night of Jan. 16th, instead of a 579 —which is nothing to sneeze at—she would have made my prediction come true. Of course, there is one consolation in that—her 579 is tops this season. There is increasing anticipation on the part of the bowlers with the approaching of the 25th Annual Mid-West Bowling Tournament, sponsored by the Athletic Board of the SWU on March 18th and 19th in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Furthering the interest of thi3 tournament locally is Jo Sumic, president of the SWU Athletic Board, and Agnes Koerber, secretary of the branch’s bowling league. It is the extra curricular activities of the tournament that appeals to most of the bowlers. Have fun, girls, and don’t forget to bring home the trophies. While on the subject of tournaments, there are quite a number of local bowlers entering various tournaments. To all who are out to test their luck, may my predictions prove true by you! J. G. No. 21, Cleveland, Ohio—Our president, Theresa Lach, opened our meeting with a prayer followed by the minutes of the last meeting. At the February meeting, our 1961 officials were installed by sister Cecelia Brodnik who has years of experience as the Installing officer. Warmest welcome to our new president, Theresa Lach. We are expressing our deepest sympathy to member Frances Cimperman on the loss of her mother, who passed away on January 20th, at the age of 80 years. May she rest in peace. The members who contributed financially towards our treasury are: Josephine Struna from Pomona, Calif., Anna Zamoni, Frances Perusek, Josephine Weiss, Ann Pelcic, Stella Dan-cull. A hearty thak you to all the fine ladies. Carol Zupan, and Charles Yirgils were married Jan. 7th at St. Mel’s Church. Rev. E. Fred Ritty officiated. The couple left for a ski trip—honeymoon. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Zupan, granddaughter of Mrs. Pauline Zupan. The bridegroom graduated from Ohio State University where his fraternity was Lambda Chi Alpha. Best wishes and congratulations are extended to the happy couple for a blessed wedded life. Mrs. Victoria Brack left to make her new home in New Smyrna Beach, Fla. in the month of Dec. The family of Steven Brodnik moved to Miami, Fla. in Jan. He’s the son of Mrs. Cecelia Brodnik. We wish them loads of luck. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cimperman who have become grandparents for the 5th time —with the birth of a grandson. Also, best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. John Pelcic who have a brand new grandson, their fourth. Happy birthdays to our following celebrants in February: Julia Oblak, Theresa Zupancich, Agatha Ecker-field, Julia Chesnik, Mary Vehar, Jackie Skufca, Jennie Kmet, Mary Hosta, Frances Cimperman, Josephine ELY CHOOSES CONVENTION COMMITTEES! Ely, Minnesota—We now have started the ball rolling and getting plans set for the National Convention of the Slovenian Women’s Union which will be held at Ely, Minnesota, “the friendly city” as it is called, May 21-24. A special meeting was held on Wednesday, Feb. 8th to get committees for the various duties: General Chairman—Barbara Rosandich, state president of Minnesota The following are on the committees: Registration—Mary Shikonya, Mary Sustersicli, Mary Zgonc and Margaret Somroclc Housing—Mary Jamnik and Mary Starkovich Banquet Decorations and Souvenirs—Mary Omerza and Ann Stupnlk Program and Entertainment—Mary Hutar Publicity—Mary Shikonya and Margaret Somrock Meals for Delegates—Mary Jamnick, Rose Pucel, Rose Ferderber, Katherine Slogar, Mary Jerich, Jennie Deyak, Caroline Deyak and Mary Korošec Souvenir Booklet Advertisement—Theresa Kos-chak, Angela Marolt, Katherine Slogar, Rose Ferderber and Rose Pucel Fund raising (TV set)—Stephanie Vranesich and Emma Pucel Handiwork Sale—Molly Zupancich and Florence Markovich. Director J. Železnikar will be in charge PS. This sale is to make money for a very good cause; for the Old Aged Home at Lem-ont, 111. I do hope that all the delegates as well as members donated some lovely handiwork for this doing, or cash donations will be very much appreciated. Notice to Supreme officers, delegates and visitors, who plan to attend the convention at Ely, please contact Mary Jamnick, 1202 E. Sheridan St., or Barbara Rosandich, 1212 E. Sheridan, to let them know what kind of rooms they would want, and where they would prefer private homes, motels or hotels. Hotels: Kosir’s Motel—15 units Forest Hotel—46 rooms Rates G.00-12.00 Rates 3.50-8.50 10 blks. from St. Anthony’s 3 blks. from St. Anthony’s (Rides Available) Motels: West Gate Motel—7 units Rates 5.00-7.00 6 blks. from St. Anthony’s Savoy Cabin Court—20 uts Rates 4.50-7.50 11 blks. from St. Anthony’s (Rides Available) Motel Ely—9 units Lakeland Motel—6 units Rates 7.50-9.00 Rates 6.00-8.00 8 blks. from St. Anthony’s 11 blks. from St. Anthony’s Four Star Motel—10 units Lonnies Motel—7 units Rates 6.00-8.00 Rates 5.00-7.00 9 blks. from St. Anthony’s 13 blks. from St. Anthony’s Private homes are also available in varying distances from St. Anthony’s. In regard to the banquet tickets, we will sell them to the delegates at the time of their registration. Others who wish to attend must buy their tickets in advance. The price of the tickets will be $2.50. On behalf of the Slovenian Women’s Union of Ely. Minn., we extend to you all our invitation to come and spend the convention celebration with us. I regard to the program, we will let you know in the next report when everything will be made definitely. Here’s hoping and praying for a successful convention. Fraternally yours, Mary M. Shikonya, publicity chairman Intihar. Our best wishes. Birthdays in March are: Frances Kozely, Mary Sanker, Mary Stevens, Anna Widmar, Katie Maglicic, Mary Rahne, Carol Cimperman, Jennie Kmet, Josephine Weiss and Anna Pischel. We wish each and everyone of- you a very happy day. Sorry to hear of our Slovenian reporter’s Illness. Frances Kavc is a fine lady and to her we wish a very speedy recovery. In closing, I wish to say plans are being made for our Mother’s Day party. Make sure you attend our next meeting. Stella E- Dancull, secretary No. 23, Ely, Minn. Dawn Club — We had our regular meeting at the Jugoslav National Home on Jan. with President Ann Miklavsich, presiding. We will be having our meetings here from now on. Barbara Brennan led the prayer. Barbara Rosandich spoke on the plans for the coming convention in our city this May. We will all be striving to make it a big success as this will be the first convention to be held in Ely. There are several other conventions coming along, so we want ours to be a special success. Various committees are being formed now. We’ll have a report on the February winter carnival in a later issue. Another big addition to our city is the Hidden Ski Valley, a short distance from town. A 90 ft. ski jump has been erected for added enjoyment. After the business meeting, games were played with the following ladies as the lucky ones for the evening: Mary Shikonya, Mary Tolyan and Rose Ferderber. A very colorful lunch was served by the committees; Rose Pucel, Ann Levar, Molly Richards and Janette Vidmar. The attendance wasn’t too good— every member should make it a point to come to the important meetings in the next few months. Speedy recovery to all who are ill. Ann Rowe, reporter No. 23, Ely, Minn. — Our regular monthly meeting was held on Feb-luary 5th at the parish hall. The election of delegates took place, which Barbara Rosandich was elected and Mary Shikonya as alternate. Also, a very important discussion took place in regard to the coming convention to be held at Ely, on May 21-24. At this meeting there were very many good ideas end suggestions for program and etc., in regard to the convention. Volunteers were asked to come to our special meeting which was held on February 8th. Committees for the various duties were chosen. Donation to the Red Cross for the amount of $5.00 was given. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Glavan on the arrival of a sweet daughter. Mrs. Glavan is our member and her mother and grand mother, so now there will be four generations in our branch. Her mother is Mary Melovasich, grandmother is Agnes Skraba. We wish a speedy recovery to the following members who are confined to the local hospital; Johana Somrock, Frances Kramer, and Sophie Petrie. Am extending to you all a warm welcome to Ely, Minnesota in May for the Slovenian Women’s Union Convention. Barbara Rosandich, secretary No. 24, La Salle, III. — We were pleased that the card party held for the benefit of the St. Roch’s school turned out so successfully. To all members who attended and donated various articles of food, prizes and cash, heartiest thanks. We ask that any members who still has tickets will please make returns as soon as possible. All committees worked very hard for this event and we wish each one of you good health in return for your efforts Our regular meeting for April will take place on the 2nd Sunday instead of the 1st which happens to be Easter. Best wishes for speedy recovery to our good members Antonia Hefferli and Julia Sever who are home under doctor’s care. Hope you will feel good again soon. Sympathy is extended to the family of the late Anna Dancak, our very good member who passed away at the young age of 45 years. Her husband, two daughters, a son and two sisters plus many other relatives survive. May the good Lord reward her well for her suffering on earth. Happy Easter wishes to you all. Angela Strukel, secretary No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa.—At our January meeting we discussed matters concerning the event we intend to have on Sept. 24, Penna Zveza Day. We also nominated Antoinette Stay-duhar as Mother of the Year. Mrs. Anna Trontel will be our delegate for the Convention this year. The door prize was won by Mrs. Frances Balkovec. After the meeting we all certainly enjoyed the baked food brought by Mrs. Josephine Oblak. A group of members paid their last respects and prayed the rosary at the bier of our member, Mrs. Barbara .Simcic, who passed away on Jan. 27 after a long illness. Barbara Simcic was the oldest member in our branch. To her bereaved family our deepest sympathy. May her soul rest in peace. To our members who are ailing, we wish all a speedy recovery. It would be nice if some of our members would take time out and visit our sick members. Best wishes to all for a very happy and joyous Easter and may God bless you all. Mrs. Ann Frankovic, secretary No. 33, Duluth, Minn.— Our pres., Liz Smolnikar, reported on the bake sale (which was held Jan. 29th) at our February meeting where we were happy to see a good attendance. The success of the bake sale was due to the fine response given by all members who donated baked goods and cash. We thank you all. Frances Danko was elected delegate to the oonvention in Ely and Liz Smolnikar is the alternate. From the results of the pre-convention membership drive, we are proud to report that we are the only Minnesota branch who has an honorary delegate. She is Rose Ann Munsell, our recording secretary. Congratulations, Rose Ann. Donations of handwork was solicited from the members. These articles will be sold at the convention and proceeds will go to the Sisters’ Home for the Aged in Lemont, HI. This is a very good cause, so let’s all try to do our best. Bring your pieces of handwork to the meeting. Games were played after the meeting and an enjoyable lunch was served. To our sick members, a speedy recovery. Ann Podgoršek, reporter No. 34, Soudan, Minn.—Members of Branch 34 met at the Catholic Men’s clubrooms for the January meeting with Mrs. John Pahula presiding in the absence of Mrs. Edward Dragovan. After routine business was transacted, election of officers for 1961 was in order and all present officers were unanimously re-elected as folows: president, Mrs. Edward Dragovan; vice-president, Mrs. John Pahula; sec-retary-treasurer, Mrs. Mary Pahula; recording secretary, Mrs. Nick Tek-autz; trustees, Mrs. Frank Planton, Mrs. John Zavodnick and Mrs. Joseph Gornick; reporter, Mrs. Anthony Ya-pel. Mrs. Mary Pahula was nominated as delegate to the National Convention in Ely for Branch 34. Election will take place at the February meeting, and all members were urged to be present Following the business meeting a social hour was enjoyed and winners at “50” were Mrs. Mary Pahula and Mrs. Michael Musich and at “Cootie” Mrs. Ernest Mustonen and Mrs. John Tekautz. Mmes. William Lilya and Joseph Jamnick, the hostesses, served a delicious lunch to conclude the evening’s activities. Hostesses for the February meeting were to be Mmes. Nick Tekautz. and Ludwig Mesojedec and Mrs. Mary Pahula. Our sincere sympathy to Mrs. Joseph Mesojedec and John Stepan and their families in the loss of their beloved mother, our member, Mrs. Angela Stepan. She died unexpectedly, of a heart attack (thrombosis) at the Soudan hospital on Dec. 29th. May God grant her eternal rest! A large group of members wras present at the February meeting with M r s. Edward Dragovan presiding. First on the agenda was the election of a delegate to the National Convention in Ely, in May. Mrs. Mary Pahula was chosen delegate, and Mrs. Nick Tekautz as alternate. Mrs. Michael Musich was chosen as Mother of the Year from our branch. During the business meeting It was decided to dispense with the March meeting which falls during Lent and members may pay their dues directly to Mrs. Pahula at her home. Following the business meeting a social hour was held and prize winners at “Cootie” were Mmes. Ernest Mustonen and James Brulla, and at “500” Mines. Louis Zupanich and Frank Planton. At a table decorated in a Valentine motif, the hostesses Mmes, Nick Tekautz, Ludwig Mesojedec and Mrs. Mary Pahula served a delicious lunch. Our April meeting will take place on Wednesday, April 19th, and the hostesses wrill be Mrs. Zollar and Rose Zollar. Now that the Lenten season is here let us all try to observe it properly, so that we may receive many graces from our Risen Saviour on Easter morning—that is my wish for all SWU members. Sincerely yours, Mrs. Anthony F. Yapel, reporter No. 38, Chisholm, Minn. — At the February meeting, discussion was held on the early preparations for Zveza Day in Chisholm next fall. It was decided that we give the arrangements over to St. Ann’s lodge and we will help with all the extra features. We hope in this way to have greater success and to save ourselves strenuous work and worries. Also decided was that dues will be collected every month on the 25th at the National Home. A further decision was made that the members attend the 12th National Convention banquet in Ely on May 21st. The fare to Ely will be free for all members as we will take care of transportation with the money we collected for this purpose since last year. We ask that reservations bo in early so that we know how large a bus to charter. The delegate for the convention from our branch is yours truly and alternate is Sylvia Petricli. In May !■ A «i« A .1. ■>■ In Memoriam In loving Memory of our ' dear Mother, grandmother and ’ , great-grandmother, , I Mrs. Mary Godec • , who passed away five years ago, March 11, 1956 . « ► “In our hearts your Memory lingers, 1 Always tender, fond and true. • i There’s not a day dear mother, •, , We do not think of you.’’ j Sadly missed by son Rudolph, , daughters, Mrs. Joe (Mary) Nasie, Mrs. Martin (Katie) < Zallar and Mrs. Urban (Rose) ' i Rent, numerous grandchildren. , Greaney, Minn. Mrs. Godec was a loyal member of hr. 37, Greaney, Minn. On the picture, she is holding ' . one of her youngest grand- > , children, Charlene Marie God- , ec taken at Christmas-time, ' 1955. Slate President of Ohio-Micliigan Reports Our Eastern Get-together Bowling Tournament in February will be detailed in the next edition. At this writing, we are in preparations for a 16 to 20 team entry and I do hope there will be increased interest and excitement in this sports activity. Then, next year, we can plan a 24 team tourney with more teams and more prizes. All the highlights of this year’s event will be in the April issue. Our Zveza Fair, Style Show and Baking Demonstrations will be held at St. Vitus Auditorium, E. 62nd and Glass Ave., on March 11 and 12th. Everyone must know about it by now as tickets are selling like hot cakes. If any of our members wish to have more tickets, contact the officers of your branch or you can get them at the door. Everything is well under control—the ladies are all very busy sewing, knitting, crocheting and anxiously awaiting the big two day Fair. Cooks and bakers are also all prepared to do the demonstrating. I am certain that all who attend will learn a lot of new ideas and ways of making their favorite pastries. For instance,, all young girls and ladies who don’t know how to roll or stretch out dough for strudel, etc., will have the experts showing how it’s done. The baking demonstrations will be continuous both days. Grdlna’s Bridal Shoppe is also preparing to put on the most beautiful Style Show you have ever seen on Sunday at 4 p.m. All the flower arrangements will be made by the florists who are also our members, namely, Mary Stare of Br. 25, (Parkview Florist) and Ann Slapnik of Br. 50, (Slapnik Florist). I’m sure the show will be a memorable one. A number of ladies are also entering as models with their own outfits— made by themselves. It will be well worth the effort as the first prize will be $10.00, second is $5.00 and each one will receive a nice gift. Also, in the junior group, the first prize will be $5.00 and all others entering will be remembered with a gift. Junior and Senior Drill Teams with their new perky uniforms are also ready to give you a wonderful performance. The boys in their spirited drum corps will delight all and our dancing dolls dressed in their colorful peasant dresses will perform beautiful Slovenian dances. There will be booths of displays done by our branches. The things made by the members will be shown at these booths and we know it will be a beautiful array. Many, many activities are in store for all who attend. Our founder, Marie Prisland, has promised us to be present for the two days of the affair and I am sure she would be more than happy to meet you all. Also, our dear friend, Albina Novak, wouldn’t miss this great affair either, as she just loves to come back to Cleveland and meet all her dear friends. Let us all join the crowd and make this a truly great Zveza Fair. We’ll be seeing you, March 11 and 12th! Convention days are only a couple of months away and I am certain that all the branches have elected their delegates to represent you all. Each delegate would like to have her sister members bring up the pros and cons at your meetings in the next two months and good suggestions for the bettemient of the branches and the Union. Then, she can attend the convention as an informed person and really join in all discussions. The bus from Cleveland to Ely, Minn, will be $33.50 round trip providing we have 37 or 39 passengers. This is very reasonable. All who are going to Ely should contact me and join this group of delegates and visitors, Ex. 1-1938. Wishes to all for a Happy Easter. Toni Tanko we will also have a little Mother’s Day party and honored guest will be our Mother of the Year, Bertha Rob- Best wishes to ali. Anna Trdan, secretary Mo. 45, Portland, Oregon—We had a nice attendance at our first meeting of the year at Mrs. Bezel’s home. We enjoyed the apple strudel and coffee which Mrs. Pezel served, and wTe want to thank her for all her effort. Congratulations to Mrs. Eve Policli who was selected as Mother of the Year of our branch. The annual Holy Mass for the living and deceased members of our branch will be held as for many years in the past, at St. Mary’s Cathedral on Palm Sunday, March 26th at 9:45 a.m. After church services, we will have breakfast at the Mallory Hotel. We are hoping for a large turnout as this event is held only once a year. Wishing you all a happy and blessed Easter, and to all our sick members a rapid recovery so you can enjoy the approaching nice spring weather. Louise Struznik, secretary No. 46, St. Louis, Mo.—I hope by the time we have our next meeting the weather wll be better. We have bad so much snow here in St. Louis we are all pretty well fed up with all. So our next meeting will be in April the second Sunday of the month. We will again meet at our treasurer’s house on 6255 Westway PI. For our mother’s day party in May we haven’t decided where to go. So, you ladies better all come to April meeting to decide where you want to bave the mother’s day party. We elected Mary Grabian for our Mother of the Year at the December meeting. On the 3rd of January I rushed my mother, Mrs. Mary Staker, to the hospital. She is now home and doing fine. She wishes to thank the S.W.U. 46 for the nice plant the lodge sent to her in the hospital, the ladies who came to visit her in the hospital and who sent her cheer up cards and to the ones who called her on the phone. It’s been very tiresome to be indoors these dreary, snowy days; So, it’s nice to get a call once in awhile and visit, An important date to remember is our Easter Communion . It will be °n March i9th the Feast of St. Joseph, at St. Joseph Church at 12th and Russell at 8:00 Mass. If any of you ladies would like to make potica or coffee cake please let me know. We will again go with the Sacred Heart °f Jesus Society and have breakfast with them. They so generously asked Us again, the least we can do is donate something to eat. They stand *'l of the expense of the breakfast. So call me if you will bring some-thing along. I am told Mr. Jacob Speck is doing O.K. He had a sick spell around the first of the year and was in hospital for a few days. Now, he is home again. He is husband of Sophie Speck. So remember our Easter Communion March 19th, St. Joseph’s Church at 12th and Russell, 8:00 Mass. Marie Thompson, sec’y No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio—March 30th is the date set for our next meeting. Remember, it’s every third Monday of the month at St. Vitus club room at 8 p.m. This will be a very interesting meeting because members will hear the results of our big 2 day bazaar and then, plans will have to be made for our annual Rummage Sale. Please, members, even at this early date, contact your friends and neighbors to save articles that are still useful for us to sell. At this time, our branch wishes to extend congratulations to Nancy Beck our junior member, who has achieved one of the highest scholastic honors. She was chosen a member of the National Honor Society. To achieve this honor, a student must have high grades in all studies and social work. Besides this, Nancy has also helped our junior members at various occasions in youth group activities as she is also an accomplished pianist. Nancy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Beck. Her mother is at the present time our secretary, Marie Beck. Louise Mlakar is still recuperating from a bad fall, but nothing is keeping this gal down. Her hands were very busy making articles for our bazaar all during her convalescence. To all our faithful members, those who have in any way helped to make the bazaar a success, we wish to say thank you a million times. Remember to pay your dues—it’s so easy, just mail in your check to our secretary, Mrs. Marie Beck, 25854 Highland Rd., Cleveland, Ohio, tel. Ke 1-6481, or pay on meeting nights. Frances Sietz, president No. 52, Kitzville, Minn.—Our meeting was held Feb. 1st at the Little Grove. We had twenty-three members present and this brings us to ask our members to try and make it to the next meeting. We would like very much to see every one of you. For it is you and only you who can make our meeting a success. Our meeting was opened with a prayer. We voted on the Mother of the Year. We all know that the word mother has a great meaning and any mother bearing the title is deserving of the honor. But we do wish to con-ratulate Sister Julia Mancuso who was selected for our branch. We all know she is the mother of four wonderful children, three sons and one daughter and is also a grandmother. Sister Julia Mancuso does help with the young children and any time help Is needed she is at hand. We all know that she will do her part in holding down the title of “Mother of the Year.” Congratulations, again. Sister Mary Musech was chosen for delegate to the Ely Convention, and Rose Chiodi was chosen as alternate. We then concluded the evening with a prayer led by our president, Sister Josephine Oswald. The social of the evening then took place. Sisters Angeline Hrovat, Angeline Russ, Jennie Crea, and Frances Oswald were hostesses and a lovely lunch was served. Games were played and prizes were awarded to the following: Door prizes to Sister Mary Musech, all others; Sisters Josephine Oswald, Evanna Prelesnik, CeMa Pal-itanc, Julia Mancuso, Gertrude Koch-evar, and Dorothy Russo. The delightful evening came to a close all too soon. Now we wish to take this opportunity to wish a speedy recovery to all our sick members, Sisters Lena Strazishar and Mary Tool who were in the Hibbing General Hospital and are now convalescing at home and to Sister Angeline Hrovat who is also ill at home. God speed to a rapid recovery. And to all others whom we have missed, we hope and pray that you will soon be up and around and that we will see you all at our next meeting, which is March 1, 1961 at the Little Grove. May God bless you all and keep you all in the best of health. .Gertrude KocHevar, reporter No. 63, Denver, Colo. — Our Jan. meeting was well attended. About 40 ladies were present. We had election of officers followed by our yearly party. I want to thank all the women who donated all the wonderful food. Also, I wish to thank Sisters Mary Podboy and Agnes Medved who donated $1.00 each to our treasury. We wish to thank Sister Frances Kucler who donated a beautiful pair of crocheted pillow eases for a money-making project later. I must not forget to thank Julia Podboy who assists me at every January meeting. Our worthy Mother of the Year was elected. Mrs. Josephine Siegworth took the honor this year. I would like to remind the members who are in arrears with their dues, to please bring them up to date. We would like to see all our members at the meetings. They are held every fourth Sunday at 2:00 P.M. in the Slovenian Home. Best regards to all . Mollie Svigel, secretary No. 55, Girard, Ohio—The refreshment committee for the January meeting was in charge of Mrs. Mary Sves-ko as Chairlady, and assisted by her daughter, Margaret Sveslco, Miss Beatrice Brayer, and Mrs. Angeline Hlasta. The Birthday Wishes for the past two months were extended to the following: Mrs. Emma Zore, our Slovenian reporter, Mrs. Ivanka Florjančič, Mrs. Josephine Gorence, Mrs. Angela Scaglione, Mrs. Johanna Leskovec, Mrs. Theresa Pavlinac, Mrs. Geraldine W'esthart, and Mrs. Mary Zadnikar, Mrs. Anna Catone, Mrs. Mary Lukz, Mrs. Mary Svesko, Mrs. Mildred Wolford, and Miss Annette LaPolla. At this time would like to announce ladies not to forget our Annual Pre-Lenten Bake Sale which will be held at Swabek’s Flower Shop, March 25th and Mrs. Theresa Lozier will be our Chairlady. Contact her for your donations and reservations for your favorite pastries and breads. Mrs. Anna Leskovec was in the hospital and heard from her son, Henry, that she is doing well and hope I’ll get to visit you soon; and our Slovenian reporter, Emma Zore has been on and off our sick list. To both of you we hope that the spring weather will bring you to some of our meetings again. Will close extending to our officers at the headquarters, local officers, our members, and their families a "VERY BLESSED AND HAPPY EASTER." Anna Marie Racick No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. — At our January 10, 1961 meeting, Ann Sato-vich was selected delegate to the National Convention to be held at Ely, Minnesota in May, with Mary Drob-nick selected as alternate. Other members are also planning to attend. Lunch was served following the business meeting. Games were played with the following awarded prizes: Ann Satovlch, Caroline Kozina, Theresa Hattam, Mary Massich, Rose Chemugal, and Mary Ayotte. We are happy to learn that Em’tna Kozak is home and well again after a sojourn in a Duluth hospital. The Slovenian ‘Pasty’ Ladies have a pasty sale every week—are they a little busy ‘beehive.’ And they sure make tasty pasties! Now with the nice weather we expect a larger attendance at our meetings. We had a long spell of below zero weather. Mrs. Anna Rapinac and Sophie Gar-maker are still out in California enjoying warm weather. Fran Puhek has just returned after spending about two months visiting her sons in California. It has just occurred to me that Ann Satovich mentioned that a little surprise is in store for us at the next meeting. What can it be????? Mary Ayotte, reporter No. 67, Bessemer, Penna.—Hello to all Zarja readers. I am the new reporter for Br. No. 67 and hope to keep you informed on all our activities. We celebrated our 25th Anniversary in February by going out to Johnny Garneau’s for dinner. Everyone had a good time. At our meeting all our presiding officers were unanimously elected to remain in office for the coming year. We chose as our Mother of the Year, Mrs. Anna Novad. She is well deserving of this honor. Congratulations Ann! One new member was received into the branch. We hope you will enjoy your membership with us. A hearty welcome to Mrs. Mary Dobrich. All members who are behind on their dues, please take care of this matter. It will make it a lot easier for our secretary to keep her books in order. We hold our meetings the second Sunday of each month and would like to see more members attend. A speedy recovery to Yena Stanlsh, Ann Ribarich and Frances Samsa, who are on our sick list. Congratulations to our president, Mary Snezic, who is now a great grandmother. See you at our next meeting Mary Percic, reporter No. 73, Warrensville, Hgts., Ohio— In April, our branch celebrates its 25th anniversary. We have six charter members, they are; Frances Gliha, who was our branch’s first president, Louise Chesnik Majersik, Louise Ep-ley, Sophie Mauer, Josie Mauer and Ann Horvat. Our branch had 21 members when it was first started in 1930 and today we have 118 members. We lost seven members through the years. Our past presidents are Frances Gliha, Mary Walters, (deceased) Anna Yane, DOUBLE RING CEREMONY IN FONTANA Frances Travnik, Mary Turk anil Mary Juratovac. On April 23rd, we will celebrate our 25th anniversary with a banquet held at the Slovenian Home in Newbury. Our honored guest will be the supreme secretary, Albina Novak, from Chicago who was present at the first meeting of our branch, installed the first officers and initiated the charter members. We hope to see everyone there. Tickets are $2 50 for adults and $1.00 for children under twelve. There will also be music at G:30 p.m. for dancing. The dinner will be at 5 p.m. The menu includes chicken, pork chops and sauerkraut with sausages. April 9th at the 9:45 a.m. Mass at St. Jude’s church, we will have our anniversary Mass. Thirty-eight members attended the February meeting. Hostesses were Ann Fike, Ann Yager and Anna Rogel. Rose Zbasnlk was elected as our delegate to the convention in May. Two teams from our branch attended the bowling tourney on Feb. 19th. Our deepest sympathy is extended to Josephine Novak and Jennie Nosse, both of whom last their mothers recently. Members Jane Stelmas and Irene Yager recently underwent operations. Our wishes to them for speedy recoveries. We had one new member last Month—welcome to our branch, Josephine Knapp. To all who are celebrating anniversaries and birthdays, our very best wishes and may God bless you all. Rosemary Mauer, reporter No. 74, Ambridge, Pa.—Our December meetings were held as usual and the officers were re-elected to remain another term. Our secretary accepted the task for another year with the understanding that all our members) Pay up their dues in time so that she is able to meet the monthly statement. Please, members, remember to check what you owe and pay up— as it is the only businesslike way to do things. We can’t expect her to pay from her own pocket and then try to collect. This is a very important matter, so take it to heart. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Rud-0]Ph and Julie Kuhel on becoming grandparents for the first time. Deepest sympathy to our sister, Antonia Sumrock and family on the loss °f her husband, Joseph. We were happy to read about the gotica sent to the White House by I"8- Ursula Ambrozich of Eveleth, i*1- It really sounded good—and I I were there to see it. We wigij very happy anniversaries ° all -who are celebrating this month Mint green and daffodil yellow complimented the wedding attire and decorations when Miss Mary Lou Lipovec married Frank Vidergar last Aug. 27th at Fontana, Calif. The former Miss Lipovec chose a gown of white pure silk organza for the ceremony at St. Joseph’s Church and her bridesmaids carried out the theme ot' mint green and yellow in their gowns. The bridal table and wedding cake were also trimmed to harmonize with the color scheme. Mary Lou and Frank were united in marriage by Fr. Henry Stec. That evening they received hundreds of guests at the Slovenian Home in Fontana. The bride is employed as a secretary and the bridegroom is studying at the California State Polytechnic College in Pomona. They have made their home In Fontana. Mother of the bride is the former Mrs. Mary Lipovec who herself became a bride on Feb. 4th when she married Mr. Michael Glad. (See Br. 100 report.) Mrs. Mary Vidergar, mother of the groom, wras br. 100’s chosen Mother of the Year in 1960. They are all loyal members of Br. 100. and happy birthdays, too. A very happy Easter to all— I know It’s a little early, but by the time you read this, Easter preparations will be well under way. God bless you all with health and happiness. Mary Habich, president No. 95, So. Chicago, III.—The attendance at our February meeting was poor, so we had to postpone our selecton for a delegate to Ely, Minn, for the March 1st meeting, hoping to have a larger attendance then. There are a few of our members who were in arrears with their dues, who have neglected to meet their responsibilities. We had to drop a few of our members on this account. By and large, the vast majority of our members have come forward on their own and made arrangements for repayments of their dues. We stand ready to help the few who are in arrears to help in anyway within our means. So should any of you find yourselves in this situation, please contact Mildred Poropat, our secretary. Remember, as a member you have an obligation to fulfill, so don’t shirk your responsibilities. Our chief concern has and always will be, “How can we best serve our members.” One of my most important services is to see that I get everybody’s name correct and the correct story. It sometimes happens that I don’t, because on occasions I Mr. & Mrs. Frank Vidergar We extend heartiest felicitations to the Vidergars and the Glads for many years of blissful wedded life, and to the Vidergar-Lipovec families for happiness in their newly united households. (Ed.) learn about it indirectly. Please do overlook some of my inconsistencies, for example, in the last month’s issue, I made a mistake on Mary Medonlcli’s mother’s name; it should have read! Ann Siniunic instead of Matilda, Also, I slipped up on Margaret Simunic who so generously donated a cake, and her time and energy to make our Christmas party a success. My apologies. Please, ladies, don’t be bashful to relay your messages to me directly. Call me at ES 5-5789: I will be more than happy to write it up. The following hostesses on hand to serve coffee and cake were: Mary Medonich, Ann Pave, Mildred Poropat and yours truly. We are ever so grateful to the following ladies who have contributed financially toward our treasury: Mary Brozynsld, Agatha Mesin, Lucille Sar-ich, Eva Starcevich, Margaret Udo-vich, and Helen Zeffiro. Many thanks. The following birthdays will be honored in March: Catherine Alfir-evich, Catherine Banovich, Zorka Beg-icli, Anna Bozlch, Ann Bukovac, Man-da Dosen, Helene Golich, Ann Gran-ich, Elaine Granlcowski, Cecelia Isek, Margaret Johnson, Matilda Jones, Mary Karich, Lucy Kopilash, Evelyn Markezicli, Helen Mazar, Rose Nowak, Ann Pave, Ann Pearson, Catherine Placzkowski, Helen Rapaich, Matilda Sabljak, Viola Spitz, Eva Starcevich, Rose Yergovich, Josephine Zadro andi Marie Zeffiro. We extend hearty get-well wishes to Frances Seabloom who has been hospitalized and is convalescing at home now. I am happy to report that Georgia Gaspar is doing very well. We hope that she continues to improve so she can be with us regularly again. It was nice to see Eva Starcevich at our February meeting. She, also, is handicapped due to several operations on her leg. Also present were Lucille Sarich and Antonia Svorcina who were ill and recovered. Agatha Mesin sends a note of thanks to each and everyone who sen her cheery notes of encouragement during her illness. It is difficult to tell you how saddened we are on the loss of one of our good members, Mary Duich, who passed away after a lingering illness on January 13, 19G1. She was 70 years old at the time of her death and had been a member of our branch for 19 years. She was the beloved wife of the late Nick, loving mother of Margaret Innis, Mary, Nick and Emil, mother-in-law of William Innis, and Shirley Duich and one grandchild. With her passing the members of her family have lost a bright, brave spirit, and a genuine mother. Her love and devotion to her family as a widow of 19 years, is a well - known legend to all of us. Through all this ordeal one must remember and be assured that love is the only thing that can be taken with one, and also left behind. Only her family can fully appreciate the enthusiasm and interest she had given to our branch. Our heartfelt sympathy to the members of her family. Sister Mary Duich will be remembered in our prayers and Masses. May she rest in peace. I join with the following members who served as pallbearers: Ljuba Trgovac, Anna Jovanovich, Mary Sim-unic, Catherine Cacich, Anna Nago-da and Helen Pesut and with all the members of our branch in expressing appreciation, whose efforts, spirit and loyalty have made it possible to pay our last respects, and prayed with me at the graveside. Thank you. A reminder to all members, our meetings are held every first Wednesday of the month at the Croatian Hall 9618 Commercial Ave. We encourage all to attend. Mildred James, president M. P. : and Mi'S. Jacqueline Kennedy, the new “First Lady” of the United States, was asked for her favorite recipe. She offered the recipe for Boston baked beans. Mrs. Kennedy’s Boston Baked Beans 4 cups pea beans; 1 small onion, chopped; % pound salt pork, diced; % cup brown sugar or molasses; % cup catsup; 1 teaspoon dry mustard; 2 teaspoons salt; 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce; 1 cup boiling water; and *4 pound salt pork in strips. Cover pea beans with water. Bring slowly to a boil. Drain, cover with fresh water and simmer slowly; when the skins burst open when blown upon, the beans are sufficiently cooked. Drain and add: onion, diced salt pork, sugar, catsup, mustard, salt, Worcestershire sauce and boiling water. Place in a greased casserole dish and decorate the top with *4 pound salt pork, in strips. Bake, covered in a very slow oven G-8 hours; uncover for last hour of baking. Add additional water or soup stock if the beans become dry. j* jt THE NEW AMERICA’S “First Lady” is a stylesetter. Mrs. America en masse is going to be following in her fashion footsteps as long as Mrs. Kennedy resides in the White House. To know what an impact the beautiful Mrs. Kennedy has already had on the fashion world all you need to do is glance through a fashion magazine and see how many of the current models have the Jackie Kennedy look. All over the country women will be imitating her hairdo, copying her clothes and trying to achieve her air of careless, unconcerned elegance. Yes, six months from now the “new look” will be the young “Jackie” look. J* ,«st „»t THIS COUNTRY of ours can. never get enough color. While black will always hold its own as superelegant, we are really insatiable for color. Color is youth and gayety. Color is lively and becoming. Color creates a mood. There will be an aura of pink over fashion this spring. Pink shades of watermelon, azalea, mauve, bonbon, wild rose, parfait and rose crystal. Pink is feminine and romantic. Be sure to have a pink dress this spring. It’s smart any hour of the day or evening. If you think you are looking older blame it on your attitude. If you droop around, tired and discouraged, you’ll look and feel drab. Don't blame it on your children or on your house. Other women have children and housework too—but they find time for THEMSELVES. Organize your work and time! A proper organization is the answer if you feel overwhelmed with work. There is no magic wand that can make you look young, fresh and pretty—it’s just plain effort and sensible living. No. 100, Fontana Calif.—Our first meeting was held on Monday at the home of Mary Evanich. Our past president, Mary Vidergar was the installing officer. Then, our new president, Dorothy Petrich, took office. The reason for this change in location of our meeting was due to the fact that after the meeting, we had a lovely surprise bridal shower for our own Mary Lipovec. We all had a wonderful time—Mary Evanich, who gave her home for this occasion wras a wonderful hostess. We had a delicious lunch and played games. On Saturday, Feb. 4th, we all attended the wedding supper of our Mary Lipovec who had been a widow for many years. She married Michael Glad. There were hundreds of guests present and everyone was happy that evening. We all wish you both the best of luck and happiness. We welcome most heartily our new member, Ann Sjoholm. Hope she’ll be happy among us So sorry to report that our reporter, Frances Lukanich suffered a heart attack and is now convalescing at home. Hurry and get better, Frances, as we miss you. And, to all who are ill, speedy recovery and God’s blessing for better health. To all celebrating birthdays and anniversaries, best of luck. Please do not forget our next meeting on March 2nd at the KSKJ hall, 7 o’clock sharp. See you there. Anna Petrich, reporter No. 105, Detroit, Mich.—Our meeting was held at our president, Julia Panzica’s home. We had a lovely luncheon for which we want to thank her very much. Since she’s working every day, it takes twice the effort to prepare for a crowd—so we extend warmest thanks for her wonderful hospitality. The usual hostess gift was received by Julia Zrimec. The officers for the year were elected and Julia Panzica has accepted the presidency for another year for which we are thankful to her. Katherine Musick also accepted the secretarial work and many thanks to her, also. Our new treasurer is Pauline Adamic She was gracious to accept it. By the way, Bob Adamic, Pauline and John’s son, got married on the 21st of Jan. We wish the young couple many years of happy married life. Alice Kocjan is flying the jet to a two week vacation in Florida. We do wish her a very enjoyable vacation. We, in Detroit, have had zero weather, but so far, not too much snow. We are thankful for this as it’s all too long a wait until spring. Rose Jamnik, reporter Marie Prisland: • • • Dr. J. D. Ratcliff opisuje— ČUDOVITI KRVNI OBTOK Najčudovitejše transportno omrežje na svetu je sistem našega krvnega obtoka. Daljši je od katerekoli železnice na svetu; meri od četrt do pol milijona čevljev v dolžino. Tiho, samogibno preskrbuje noč In dan s potrebno količino krvi vsak telesni del in organ, vsako tkivo, noseč hrano In odnašajoč odpadke od nekaj nad sto trilijonov celic človeškega telesa. Krvni obtok sam izdeluje svoja Prometna sredstva—rdeča ln bela krvna telesca. Vsak trenutek izdela milijon rdečih telesc, da nadomesti enako število preminulih celic. Vse okvare popravlja krvni sistem sam. Vbod igle uniči na stotine krvnih kapilar—to so silno drobne cevke razprežene po vsem telesu—Nove celice takoj nadomestijo uničene. Če se urežemo, se ranica takoj prevleče s tanko fibrinasto mrežico, ki zadrži rdeča krvna telesca. Brez tega bi že najmajnša ranica povzročila odtek krvi in smrt. Bo človeškem telesu steče pet kvartov krvi na minuto, to je 7200 kvartov na dan. Žile so žive, utripajoče mišične cevi. Kri v silovitih sunkih vstopa vanje iz srca, žile odvodnice ali arterije pa ta tok same izravnavajo s tem, da se ob utripu srca razširijo, med utripom pa skrčijo. Tako kri doseže najodalnejše veje v telesu. ©b smrti se žile odvodnice same izpraznijo. Zato so včasih menili, da so to zračni kanali, kar priča tudi latinsko ime—arterija. Šele v 17. stoletju je slavni angleški zdravnik William Harvey odkril pravo bistvo krvn«ga obtoka. Obtok ima dvojno nalogo. Arterijska kri—toraj odtočna kri — prinaša celicam različno hrano; kisline za gradnjo tkiv, sladkor za energijo, rudninske snovi, vitamine, hormone in kisik. Na povratku k srcu, kri skozi vene odnaša odpadke in odvečno vodo. Sledimo usodi in poti grižljaja mesa. V želodcu in v malem črevesu ga kislina raztopi v kakih 20 aminskih kislin. S črevesnih sten razstoči kot las drobni izrastki (kakih 5 milijonov jih je), te kisline vsrkavajo. Ostanek mesa pograbi reka krvi in ga nese dalje. Prva postaja 80 Jetra, glavni regulator krvnega obtoka. Jetra skrbe zato, da kri vsebuje zmeraj pravilno količino sladkorja ih aminskih kislin. Če smo jedli preveč, bo v krvi preveč aminov, zato jih bodo jetra nekaj shranila za pozneje, tar je preveč pa uničila. Jetra so toraj silno važen organ. Od jeter dalje deluje krvni sistem kot tekoči trak. Doseže vsako celico v telesu ter povsod odklada potrebne tovore; nekateri tovori grade tkivo telesa, drugi tvorijo novo kožno plast, itd. Sladkor iz kave in krompir jo ubereta po podobni poti 'ot meso. V črevesju se spremenita v glukozo—grozdni sladkor. Tudi ta odide najprvo v jetra. Če je glukoze Preveč, se spremeni v glikogen in se shrani. Kadar ga mišice rabijo, se spet spremeni v grozdni sladkor in kri ga hitro odnese na pravo mesto. Zalogo grozdnega slad-'°ija jetra izrabijo v 12 do 24 urah, potem je zmajnka. Drugi vir goriva so maščobe. V črevesju se raztopijo v maščobne kisline. Zaloge maščob preskrbujejo ,e ° z energijo m to celo dolgo potem, ko sladkorja v Jetrih več ni. .. Posebno zanimive so beljakovine v krvi. Vsaka be-Jakovina ima svojo posebno nalogo, ravno tako kot imajo Posebne naloge osebni in tovorni železniški vagoni. Ena e ■lal£ovina prenaša jod, ki ga potrebuje ščitna žleza, druga nosi fosfor za zobe, tretja kalcij za kosti in tako dalje. V obtoku je zmeraj približno an kvart kisika. Hemoglobin, (krvno rdečilo), železo vsebujoča beljakovina, ki daje krvi lepo rdečo barvo, je nosilec tega plina. Hemoglobin s kisikom oddaja oglijlkov dvokis, ki ga pljuča vsrkajo kot žejna goba. Najpomembnejši in najčudovitejši del krvnega obtoka je omrežje kapilar. To so čisto majčkene žilice, Zveze med arterijami in venami, (po arterijah kri odhaja iz srca, po venah pa se vrača nazaj v srce.) V teh drobcenih kapilarskih cevkah, tako majhnih, da se rdeča telesca skozi nje rinejo ena za drugo, izpolni kri svojo zadnjo nalogo—nahrani celice in pobere odpadke. Stene kapilar so drobceno lukničave, tako da kisik iz krvi prehaja skozi nje v celice, odpadki pa iz celic v kri. Tekočina iz kapilar pa prehaja v ostale dele telesa. Odpadke odnaša kri v pljuča in ledvice. Ledvice so podobne cedilu, ki Imajo približno 300 čevljev drobnih cevk. V 2-l-tih urah ta dva mala organa, podobna velikemu fižolu, precedita nad 180 kvartov krvi. Nesnago— predvsem scalino in amonijak—izločita v približno dva kvarta tekočine. Ostala prečiščena tekočina se vrne v kri. Kakor jetra urejujejo amonske kisline in sladkor, tako ledvice nadzirajo rudninske snovi v kivi. Če je v krvi preveč natrija, kalcija, magnezija in fosfora, ga ledvice odstranijo, da kri nosi natanko potrebno količino mineralnih snovi. Kontrolnih središč krvnega obtoka je več, med drugimi tudi tako zvani "plexus solaris,” ki leži tik nad želodcem. Udarec v ta del telesa povzroči pravo zmedo. Krvna telesca oKrog želodca se raširijo, da vsrkajo toliko krvi, da je zmajnka v možganih. Posledica: človek omedli. Nekaj takega, sicer v majnši obliki, se dogaja po jedi. Glavna pozornost obtoka je obrnjena na prebavo; možgani so zategadel s krvjo prikrajšani. Zato postanemo dremavi po kosilu. Radi tega je po obilni jedi nevarno plavati, ker ni dovolj krvi za želodec in za mišice. Mišice so krvi lačne, zato jih zvije krč. Knako čudovita kakor krvni obtok je kri sama. Poglejmo rdeča telesca: Šest do sedem kvartov krvi od-rastlega človeka vsebuje 30 trilijonov teh drobnih celic. Nastajajo večinoma v kostnem mozgu z neznansko hitrico 72 milijonov na minuto. Na poti skozi jetra stara krvna, telesca umrjejo, toda 85% za življenje važnega železa ostane v krvi. ki odide nazaj v kostni mozek in pomaga tvoriti nova rdeča telesca. Ko se ne bi železo v telesu tako čudovito ohranjalo, bi vsi pomrli blede smrti za slabokrvnostjo. Kri je toraj nad vse važna in imenitna tekočina; čudovit je sistem, po katerem kroži. Bitje, ki ga čutite, kadar se primete za zapestje, je tiho, mirno, redno in skromno utripanje enega izmed največih čudežev stvarstva . . .” Morda bo gornja zdravniška razlaga o obtoku krvi za nekatere moje čitateljice suha in nezanimiva. Vseeno je važno, da jo preberete večkrat. Vse premalo smo poučeni o sestavi in delovanju našega telesa. Na svoje telo postanemo še le takrat pozorni, ko pride bolezen. Za vse druge stvari, ki jih kupimo, se bolj zanimamo in smo bolje poučeni kot o sestavi svojega telesa. Podobne zdravniške razlage kot je gornja, so jako na mestu in za vse nas poučne in koristne. ★ * * Iz otroških ust: Tujec: “Fantek, zakaj jokaš? Kaj se je zgodilo?” Fantek: “Oh, u-u-u ... z levim ušesom moram k zdravnku, ker me boli, mama mi je pa obe ušesi umila.’’ * # * Mali Tonček je zvečer klečal ob svoji posteljici ter molil večerno molitev. Kar se sredi molitve ustavi in pravi: “Ljubi Bogec, počakaj malo, zdi se mi, da bom kihnil.” * * + Katehet: “Zakaj se je treba zvečer priporočiti angelu varhu, Jožek?’' Jožek: "Zato, ker se včasih zgodi, da gre človek, zvečer zdrav spat, zjutraj pa mrtev vstane.” ZAPISNIK POL-LETNE SEJE DIREKTORIC V GLAVNEM URADU V CHICAGO, ILL. 30. 31. JANUARJA 1961 Pol-letna seja odbora Direktoric se je pričela v pon-deljek dne 30. januarja 1961 v Glavnem uradu v Chicago, 111., ob pol deseti uri dopoldne. Prisotne so bile naslednje direktorice: Predsednica Josephine Livek, ustanoviteljica Marie Prisland, tajnica Albina Novak, blagajničarka Josephine Železnikar in nadzornice Mary Otoničar, Katie Triller in Anne Podgoršek. Prva točka dnevnega reda je bila pregled poslovnih knjig. Po zaključku pregleda, je bil obisk Metropolitan Banke in pregled depozitov v varovalnem predelu (Safe deposit box). Vse investicijo so bile najdene v redu kakor poročano v tajniškem poročilu. Nadzornice so izrazile svoje zadoščenje, da so bile vse finančne zadeve najdene v najlepšem redu. Popoldne so direktorice nadaljevale sejo s čitanjem poročil. Poročila gl. predsednice Pozdrav direktorice in dobrošle na prvi pol-letni seji v tem letu 1961. To je zelo važna seja zaradi priprav na našo 12 redno konvencijo, ki se bo vršila letos v Ely, Minn. Imamo samo dva dneva časa za razgovore, kar ni veliko. V zadnjih 6 mesecih sem opazila precejšnje aktivnosti med našimi članicami. Drž. konvencije so pomnožile svojo udeležbo odkar so pričele poslovati pred tremi leti. Zanimanje narašča in članice se pričenjajo zavedati, da taki letni sestanki nudijo vsaki priliko izmenjati misli. Mlajše članice, ki sodelujejo se zavedajo svoje odgovornosti kot dobre članice in kažejo zanimanje za delo. Morale bi biti bolj in bolj postavljene na odgovorne položaje, tako, da imajo priliko pokazati svoje sposobnosti in talente. Bila sem navzoča na konvenciji v Colo. in Wise, and sem imela priliko videti srečne obraze članic, občutek skupnosti in obljubo, da bodo drugo leto zopet prisostvovale konvenciji. Ob takih prilikah se ustvari tudi ugled odbornicam, ki so na čelu priprav in organizacije, katero predstavljajo. Priznanje vsem drž. preds. za njihovo odlično vodstvo in zanimanje, ki je napravilo te prireditve nepozabne. Isto velja za vse njihove pomočnice, ki so pomagale k uspehu dneva. Izvršni odbor je dne 29. nov. se sestal z našim aktuarjem Mr. Tiffany glede možnosti izboljšanja zadev organizacije: povedal nam je, da ni mogoče situacije izboljšati pod sedanjim čarterjem. To bomo danes podrobneje razpravljale. Razposlala sem pisma vsem podružnicam v pogledu pred-konvenčne kampanje in pozvala članstvo k sodelovanju. Če upoštevamo čase, smo lahko zelo zadovoljne zaradi pridobitve mnogih novih članic. Čestitke članicam, ki so si prislužile častni naslov ČASTNE DELEGATINJE. One so upravičene do voznega listka v konvenčno mesto Ely, Minn, in nazaj. Smo v novem letu 1961. To leto je zelo pomebno za nas. PRVIČ, to je 35 letnica ustanovitve Slovenske Ženske Zveze. Da se ta dogodek primerno proslavi, je Frances Chiodo iz San Francisco svetovala, da se napravi izlet to poletje v Havaii. Če bi se udeležilo 100 članic, potem bi bila vožnja cenejša za nas vse. Za podrobnosti pišite: Mrs. Frances Chiodo, 624 San Bruno Ave., San Francisco 10, Cal. DRUGIČ, umestitev 35-tega predsednika naših Zedinjenih Držav, g. J. F. Kennedy, ki je prvi katoličan- predsednik v zgodovini naše dežele. Zelo sem ponosna. TRETJIČ, 12 redna konvencija se bo vršila od 21. do maja v Ely, Minn. B. Rosandich, ki je naša drž. preds. za Minn. mi je poslala knjižico z naslovi hotelov in motelov. Vsi trije dogodki so važni. Upam, da bo ob koncu tega leta storjen napredek ne samo za Zvezo, ampak tudi za našo deželo. Naj nam Vsemogočni pomaga pri ciljih, 'katere želimo doseči. Novo leto se je pričelo z mnogimi aktivnostmi; prva 'velika prilika je Srednje zapadna kegljaške tekma, ki bo dne 18. in 19. marca v Milwaukee. 11. in 12. marca bo ohijski drž. bazar in razstava ročnih del v Clevelandu. Dne 23. aprila drž. konvencija za Wisconsin v West Allis. S. okt. bo v Chicagu drž. konvencija in proslava 35 letnice Zveze in podružnice. 19. marca bo 25 letnica podr. št. 71 v Strabane, Pa Zanemarila bi svojo dolžnost, če ne bi omenila žalost, ki je zadela našo ohijsko drž. preds. ses. Antoinette Tanko ob nenadni izgubi njenega ljubega moža. Nas je vest pretresla. G. Tankota sem srečala v Clevelandu. Bil je zelo prijazne in družabne narave. Naj počiva v miru. Tebi, sestra Tanko, globoko sožalje. To zaključuje moje poročilo. Upam, da bomo imele prijetno zborovanje. Josephine Livek Poročilo Tajnice Finančnega odbora in predsednice Šolninskega in dobrodelnega odbora Pozdravljene vse navzoče glavne odbornice! Zbrale smo se, da se pogovorimo o Zvezi, pregledamo poslovanje in napravimo nove načrte za prihodnost. Pri vsem želim mnogo uspeha Moje poročilo je sledeče: Od našega zadnjega sestanka sem investirala $19,573.60 in sicer takole: $8,000.00 v bonde katoliške škofije v Buffalo, N. Y. Bondi nosijo 5.60% obresti ter se potečejo 1. maja 1971. Kupljeni so bili za ceno $8,000.00 $8,000.00 v bonde katoliške škofije v Jolietu, 111. Bondi nosijo 5%% obresti ter se potečejo 1. feb 1970. Cena je bila $98.22 za bond. Skupno $7,857.60. Oboji navedeni bondi so jako dobro ocenjeni. (AA rating.) Boston Mutual Fund. 200 delnic. Cena $18.58 delnica. Skupno $3,716.00. Investicija nosi 4% obresti. Ob zaključku vsakega leta so izplačane posebne dividende na glavnico, kar obresti še poviša. Šolninski sklad Dohodki: Anna Pachalc, državna pred. za Colorado ...... $10.00 Josephine Železnikar in Ann Podgoršek za pesmarice ............................ • ‘............. 3.60 Anna Pachak, državna pred. za Colorado poklonila svojo letno plačo .............................. 25.00 V spomin pokojnega Antona Tanko ........................ 46.00 Darovale so: Albina Novak, $5.00; Mary Lenich, $5.00; Pauline Stampfel, $5.00; Frances Sietz, $4.00; Mamie Marin, $2.00; Ella Starin, $2.00. Po dolarju: L. Mlakar, A. Trebar, R. Želodec, E. Jevec, S. Zagorc, M. Bostian, A. Kumse, Iv. Zelenik, J. Bencan, M. Bencin, F. Bencin, M. Debevec, C. Žnidaršič, C. Traven, M. Hočevar, N. Strukel, R. Pujzdar, R. Leskovec, A. Šuster, P. Cesar, M. Iskra, J. Blatnik, A. Legat. Obresti od Community Federal S. & L., St. Louis. Mo. ............................................... $ 106.25 Obresti od Sheboygan Savings and Loan, Sheb... 37.95 Skupno $ 228.80 Preostanek 30. junija ............................ $7,229.88 Skupna vsota $7,458.68 Stroški: Ann Frances Bresak, Lorain, Ohio, šolnina .... $100.00 Larry J. Pfeil, Lakewood, Ohio, šolnina.............. 100.00 Skupno $200.00 Preostanek 31. decembra 1960 • ..................... $7,258.68 Dobrodelni sklad Preostanek 30. junija 1960 ................... $174.65 Dohodkov in stroškov ni bilo Preostanek 31. decembra i960 .................. 174.65 Skupna vsota v obeh skladih ................... $7,433.33 Premoženje obeh skladov je naloženo: Community Federal S. & L., St. Louis, Mo $5,000.00 Sheboygan Savings & Loan, Sheboygan, Wis. .. 2,207.06 Čekovna vloga 31. dec. 1960 ....................... 226.27 Skupno v obeh skladih 31. dec. 1960 ............... $7,433.33 Najvažnejša točka na našem programu- bodo gotovo Pravila in priporočila za konvencijo. Gl. predsednica je v Zarji apelirala na podružnice naj na svojih sejah v decembru razmotrivajo pravila in priporočila za izboljšanje pošljejo predsednici za sestavo pravil. Ker je decembrska Zarja izšla potem, ko je večina podružnic seje že imela, apel predsednice ni mogel biti upoštevan, zato do danes nisem prejela od nobene podružnice kakega Priporočila k pravilom. Morda pa članstvo misli, da glavni odbor najbolj zna, kje in kake izboljšave so potrebne, da se napravijo. Provizorična pravila so toraj pripravljena in vam bodo predložena v pregled in razmotrivanje. Sestanek smo imele z aktuarjem glede novega razreda za mladino, kjer bi se plačevalo samo gotovo dobo 'n bi zavarovalnina bila izplačljiva. Aktuar je mnenja, če bi želele uvesti tak razred, je treba čarter spremeniti. Naj to odloči konvencija. TJpam, da se je članska kampanja dobro obnesla in da nam bo gl tajnica podala lepo poročilo z lepim številom novega članstva. Tudi moja domača podružnica se 3e v kampanji potrudila in pridobila 23 novih članic v vse tri oddelke ter za dobro mero še pet družabnih člani Po vrhu. Toliko novih članic je za našo malo naselbino že kar čudež Težavno je nove pridobivait. Starjše so večinoma včlanjene, mlajše se pa za društva ne zanimajo dovolj. Vse priznanje toraj onim pridnim delavkam, ki vkljub vsem zaprekam še vedno pridobivajo nove, širijo naše vrste ter pomagajo Zvezi do napredka. To slcončuje moje poročilo, Marie Prisland Poročilo glavne tajnice Iskreno pozdravljene! Upam, da nam bo ta seja prinesla mnogo uspešnih sklepov, predvsem važne so pa pred-konvenčne priprave za Zvezino konvencijo, ki se bo formalna pričela v nedeljo 21. maja, 1961 v Ely, Minnesota. Veseli me, da morem poročati o pridni delavnosti Mrs. Barbara Rosandich, državne predsednice za Minnesoto, ki je stalno v zvezi z glavnim uradom z informacijami glede priprav za naš obisk. Imenovani so bili odbori, ki so na delu, da navežejo stike z osebami in meščani, in se trudijo, da bo mesto pripravljeno nuditi delegatkam >n obiskavalcem gostoljuben sprejem. Upajo, da se bodo izletniki pridružili delegatkam in uživali ugodnosti izleta v kraje, ki jih niso še nikoli poprej videli, v slikoviti Minnesota. Poverilnice so bile poslane vsem podružnicam, z 100 ali več članicam in so upravičene za redno delegatko. Združene podružnice bodo prejele obvestila v prvi polo-vlci februarja. Združevanje podružnic je utrudljivo delo. Nemogoče je ugoditi onim z malim številom članstva, Čeprav bi rade imele svoje članice za zastopnice; storila sem kar je bilo mogoče v tem oziru in bi rada dobila nasvet od vas, kako bi se večini zadovolilo. Predkonvenčna kampanja je dosegla presenetljiv us-Peh v primeri 3 kampanjami v zadnjih letih, čez 500 novih članic je bilo vpisanih. Dokončno poročilo bo objavljeno v Zarji pred konvencijo. Podružnica št. 25, Cleveland, Ohio, z marljivima sodelavkama tajnice Mrs. Otoničar in podpredsednice Mrs. Vicld Faletič, je vpisala čez 90 članic. Mrs. Mary Otoničar je naša prva častna delegatka. Drugo mesto si je pridobila podružnica št. 2, Chicago, 111., kjer smo nekatere članice pomagale Mrs. Anni Zorko doseči kvoto za imenovanje častne delegatke in to odliko je tudi Mrs. Zorko dosegla. Tretje, četrto in peto mesto pripada podružnicam št. 17 West Allis, Wis., z Mrs. A. Floryan, pridna tajnica, ki si je zasluzila odliko častne delegatke; v podružnici št. 33, Duluth, Minn-esota so članice združile svoje napore za imenovanje Mrs. Munsell kot častno delegatko; peto mesto pa pripada podružnici št. 73, Warrensville, Ohio,kjer si je Mrs. Mary Szabo prislužila naslov častne delegatke. Polovico dosežene kvote sta dosegli Mrs. Margaret Fischer, tajnica podružnice št. 1, Sheboygan, Wis., in Mrs. Vicki Faletič, podpredsednica podružnice št. 25, Cleveland, Ohio. Naše Iskreno priznanje vsem, ki so sodelovale v pred-konvenčnl kampanji in naše čestitke onim, ki so dosegle častne naslove. Nagrade bodo razposlane v mesecu aprilu, to je tri mesece po zaključku kampanje, kot določajo pravila za vsako kampanjo. V zadnjih šest mesecih leta 1960 je umrlo 71 naših članic od teh 66 v razredu A, vrazredu B 3 in 2 v mladinskem oddelku. Za smrtnine .ie bilo izplačanih $7,375.00 Smrtninski skladi so primerno napredovali, stroškovni sklad pa ni aktiven. Narasla obrestna mera naših vložb, je pomagala vsem skladom. Številčni podatki so v celotnem šestmesečnem pregledu dohodkov in stroškov, ki je vključeno v to poročilo, v angleškem delu (stran 51). Izvršni odbor se je sestal z našim aktuarjem Mr. Carl Tiffany v svrho pospešitve našega bodočega delovanja in ugodnosti izplačil članicam. Konvencija bo seveda odločujoč faktor o spremembah v bodočem razvoju. V septembru mi je bila dana priložnost, da sem v družbi urednice Corinne Leskovar in družine obiskala Minnesoto in se udeležila državnega Zvezinega dne. Hvaležna sem Leskovarjevim za uslužnost. Corinne je napravila dober vtis in prepričana sem, da so vsi navzoči cenili njen obisk. Podružnica št. 19, Eveleth, z njeno tajnico Mary Lenich, je storila vse, da je Zvezin dan 1960 zelo dobro uspel. Hvala vsem! Dne 2. oktobra sem se udeležila Zvezinega dne v Clevelandu, Ohio Podružnice v Ohio so se zbrale v okraju Collinwood, mesta Cleveland. Bila je velika prireditev in številna udeležba na konvenciji, ki se je vršila popoldne, kakor na banketu, ki je sledil. Državna predsednica Antonia Tanko zasluži naše najlepše priznanje za svoje neutrudljivo in požrtvovalno delo. Predlagano je bilo, da se pripravi načrt za nove vrste prireditev v korist udeležujočih se podružnic. To bo modna razstava in velik bazar ter razne demonstracije v kuhi, itd. v mesecu marcu 1961. Obenem bo zopet izredna priložnost za podružnice, da denarno opomorejo svoje ročne blagajne. Ako bodo odbornice in članice nadaljevale delo s takim navdušenjem, uspeh ne bo izostal. Želim vsem veliko uspeha! Čestitke našim kegljaškim skupinam, ki bodo prisos-vovale v letnih tekma, ki se imajo vršiti v februarju in marcu. Upam, da se bodo dobro zabavale in čestitke zmagovalkam. Prodaja kuharskih knjig se počasi bliža koncu. Moja obljuba o doprinosu pribitka v konvenčni sklad, še vedno drži, in resno upam, da bodo naše pridne pomagalke nadaljevale s pošiljanjem naročil in pomagale razpečavati kuharske knjige, ki so še na zalogi. Jaz bom storila po svoji najboljši moči, da se ta projekt v splošno zadovoljnost letos zaključi. Končno, toda nič manj važno naj bo moje pojasnilo k zakasnelem razpošiljanju Zarje. Tiskarna ima težave z uslužbenci, iz česar slede te neprllike. Članice naj vzamejo na rnanje, da urednica ne nosi nobene krivde, in da ne bo dolgo, ko se bo stanje izboljšalo. Upam m v načrtu Imam potovanje v Evropo v letoš- njem poletju. Potovanje bo kratko in bo trajalo le za dobo mojega dovoljenjega dopusta. Potovalna pisarna Hollander v Clevelandu me je prosila, da vodim skupino z ozirom na moje pretekle izkušnje, in pripravljena sem, dokler mi zdravje dopušča, uporabiti svoja izkustva v dobrobit članic in rojakov, ki nameravajo letos potovati v Slovenijo Sedaj je čas za priglasitve. Ob zaključku izrekam zahvalo našo zvesti blagajničarki Mrs. Josephine Železnikar in tajnici finančnega odbora Mrs. Marie Prisland za prijazno sodelovanje, s spoštovanjem, Albina Novak (Nadaljevanje prihodnjič) P. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. Križev pot, pot življenja Življenje je polno čudnih zapletljajev. To kar pričakujemo se ne zgodi in kar želimo ne pride. Redko kdaj lahko rečemo, da gre po naši volji. Navadno pravimo: Kakor drugi hočejo. Da je v takih razmerah vera velikanskega pomena ni treba še posebej povdarjati. In vendar s božje zapovedi tako teške. Vedno stojimo pred odločitvijo ali za Boga ali proti Bogu. Napoved starčka Simeona o Kristusu se vedno izpolnjuje. Takole je rekel: Ta je postavljen v padec In vstajenje mnogih. To se je godilo in, se godi skozi vso zgodovino cerkve. Posebno huda je odločitev za ali proti takrat ko smo v preizkušnjah in trpljenju. Lahko rečemo, da ima vsak človek svoj križev pot. Toda v tem nam Kristus kaže pot. Njegov križev pot nam daje upanje in spodbudo, tla se odločimo zanj. Poglejmo naslednjo zgodbo, ki nam bo povedala več kot pa vse pridiganje. Tomaž Berger je bil znan kot zelo bogat mož. Bil pa je tudi zelo spoštovan in znan kot mož dobrega srca in plemenitega značaja. Stal je na pragu svoje hiše in pričakoval pošte od svojega sina Riharda, ki bo v nekaj dneh zapel novo mašo. Cela vas ga je blagrovala zaradi te velike časti, ki ga bo doletela. Tudi sam ni nikomur skrival, kako je ponosen na svojega sina. Poštar odda časopise in pisma. Nobenega pisma ni vmes od sina. Pač pa je prišlo neko drugo pismo, ki nosi pečat mesta, kjer sin Študira. Odpre pismo. Bilo je od direktorja semenišča. Oče bere, bere in trepeče. Kot bi ga zadela kap se zameje pri besedah: sin je teško bolan. Takoj naj pride eden domačih. Zdi se mu, da se mu majejo tla pod nogami. Ne, ne. Vzdržati mora. Zbrati se mora. Mati ia sestra ne smeta zvedeti. Hitro se odloči. Sam bo šel v mesto. Sreče matere in sestre ne sme razbiti. Na kratko kot je bil navajen razodene svoj sklep ženi in hčeri ter oddide. Vsak korak, ki ga je napravil, ga je spominjal na Riharda, ki ga je tolikokrat spremljal na tem potu v mesto, kjer je študiral. Kako mu vse te podobe spričo bolezni sina, parajo dušo. In sedaj mora na pot k umirajočemu, ne, ampak k sinu, ki se mu je zmešalo, kar je za tako ponosnega moža kot je on hujše kot smrt. Tomaž Berger stoji pred svojim sinom. Strašno se mora premagovati, da ga ne zlomi. Pristopi k postelji in ponudi roko sinu s pozdravom: Bog s teboj, Rihard. Kako je. Nobenega odgovora. Sin ne prepozna očeta. Očetu nezadržano teko solze po licu. Tedaj bolnik pogleda na očeta in se zdi da ga je spoznal ter zastoka besedo: oče. Pri tem pa ga popade strašno besnilo. Vse hoče razbiti, raztrgati. V tem besnenju se mu iztrga grozen krik: mati. Mati pa med tem stoji doma pred sliko svojega sina in se blaženo smehlja. Prisotni zdravniki so ugotovili, da je bolezen neozdravljiva. Zaradi strašnega besnenja, ki je postajalo vedno hujše, so morali dati bolniku prisilni jopič. Oče je vso noč prečul pri sinu. Domov še ni sporočil, kako je. Še dovolj zgodaj bodo zvedeli. Sin je v teku noči spoznal očeta in t.o spoznanje ga ni več zapustilo. Vse drugo je bilo zavito v meglo in temno. NL nobenega dvoma več, sin mora v umobolnico, kjer bodo noči se hujše kot je bila ta. Naslednje jutro sta se podala na pot, oče in sin, ki je takoj zdivjal, če se ga je dotaknila tuja roka. Očetu pa se je dal voditi kot otrok. Srečno sta prišla do nam embne postaje. Kaj sedaj? ali naj se izpostavita vsem zvedavim in izprašujočim ičem? Oče se odloči. Vzame sinovo roko in pravi: pojdi, Rihard, in jo zavije na gozdno pot, ki je vodila na hrib, kjer so stale postaje križevega pota. Z vso grozo stopi staremu Bergerju zavest njegove nesreče pred oči. Obstane pred prvo postajo in bere: Jezus je obsojen. Že dva dni tudi on. Ves čas se mu vsiljuje vprašanje: zakaj? Tedaj povzdigne oči in vidi kako Gospod pri drugi postaji voljno sprejema križ. Tedaj ga prešine misel: Tudi jaz hočem v ponižnosti spre- jeti svoj križ. Tako romata oče in sin od postaje do postaje. Oče pri tem razmišlja, kako nerazumljiva so božja pota. Pri četrti postaji poromajo njegove misli na dom materi in sestri Rihardovi. Kako jim le bo? Tedaj vpraša sina: Rihard, ali kaj misliš na dom? Nobenega odgovora. Oče mu postavi še drugo vprašanje: Ali kaj misliš na mater? Tedaj je, kakor, da se je nekaj prebudilo v njem, spregovoril: Močna mora biti ... in ti ... in vsi. Potem je zajokal. Kakor neznosno breme je padlo vse to na starega moža. Da, pot bolečin je to. Oče, je zaprosil sin, vzemi to. Pri tem je pokazal na prisilni jopič. Ne, saj ni več daleč, ga miri oče. Strah ga je bilo, kaj bi se zgodilo, če bi sin zdivjal brez jopiča. Sin iznova prosi in pravi: Bom čisto miren. Oče mu usliši prošnjo, pri tem pa iz vsega duše prosi Boga za pomoč. Štirinajsta postaja. Gospoda polože v grob. Pot. se tu prevali v dolino in tam preko mosta je žalostna hiša za umobolne. V daljavi se sliši poštni rog. To prevzame sina, da zajoka na glas in se nasloni očetu na ramo. Kako to deluje na toliko preiskušenega moža. Tedaj se zave: Jezusa polože v grob. In Tomaž Berger je pokal v tisti hiši spodaj ponos in upanje svojega življenja. Oče in sin nadaljujeta pot. Že sta na sredini mosta in tedaj pravi sin- Oče, tu spodaj bi bil mir in potegne očeta k ograji in pokaže na reko. Očeta je mrzlo spreletelo. Malo, da mu ni vzelo razuma. Kmalu se zopet zbere. K temu mu je pomagala podoba križanega, vdelana v ograjo mosta. Iz vse duše je zaprosil Gospod Bog, samo tega ne. Bilo mu je jasno: stran mora od tod. Zato reče sinu: Pojdiva, Rihard. Kakor v odgovor pa zopet pra- vi sin: Oče, tam doli bi bil mir. Rihard, pravi oče, ko se je z vsem naporom premagal in obrnil glavo sinovo k sliki križanega: temu na ljubo, greva. Kod, da je sin razumel, je ponovil besede: Temu na ljubo. Nato sta odšla. Kmalu sta prišla na cilj. Oče, se je mimogrede pogledal na hodniku umobolnice in opazli, da je popolnoma osivel v teh dveh dneh. Po nasvetu zdravnika, se sploh ni poslovil od sina. Zvečer je bil že doma. Nikogar še ni bilo z dela domov. Tomaž je sedel za mizo s klobukom na glavi in čakal. Kmalu sta prišle mati in hčerka. Vsa vesela hiti hčerka povpraševati: kdaj da bo nova maša. Tedaj pravi oče: Mati zapri okno. Ko se to zgodi obe hčerka in mati pričakujeta, kaj jima bo povedal. Tedaj vstane, se odkrije, tako, da sta mogle videti njegove sive lase, stopi pred križ, ki visi na steni in pravi počasi in jasno: On ne pride več domov. Dva v dušo segajoča klica sta napolnila vso hišo. To je resnična zgodba. Tako pot kot jo je hodil stari Tomaž Berger hodi mnogi od nas, seveda na svoj način. Moč, luč in tolažbo pa najdemo v besedi: Njemu na ljubo. Vsem Članicam S.Ž.Z. Vesele In Blagoslovljene Velikonočne Praznike ZARJA IN THE WHITE HOUSE We wrote of Potica in the White House in last month’s issue and since then, there is also Zarja in the White House! The January and February issues were sent and subsequently we were favored with this reply from the President and Mrs. Kennedy. NOVI PREDSEDNIK IN MRS. KENNEDY SE ZAHVALITA ZARJI Na desni je posnetek zahvale, ki ga je Zarja prejela °d našega predsednika John F. Kennedy in njegove soproge Jacqueline, za čestitke ob priliki umestitve. Naše članice so z zanimanjem čitale poročilo o “potici v Beli hisi” o kateri je poročala Zarja v febr. številki in enako so mnoge članice pohvalile lepo sliko predsednika in njegove družine na naslovni strani Zarje v januarju. Obe številki sem poslala v Washington, D. C. in tako se je menda prvič zgodilo, da je bila ne samo potica, ampak tudi ZARJA V BELI HIŠI. Corinne Leskovar THE WHITE HOUSE <. 1961 U.S.POSTAGE Zarja - The Dawn Slovenian Women's Union 1937 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VJ Poziv gl. odbornicam in delegatkam Na zborovanju gl. odbora meseca januarja letos je bil sprejet predlog, da zopet imamo razstavo in prodajo ročnih del na konvenciji, ter da bo izkupiček od tega poklonjen gradbenemu skladu za Dom ostarelih, ki ga bodo postavile č. šolske sestre v Lemontu. V ta sklad bo poklonjena tudi vsota, ki se točasno nahaja v našemu Dobrodelnemu skladu. Apelira se na vse glavne odbornice in delegatke, da na konvencijo prinesejo ročna dela, ako nimajo teh, pa darujejo v denarju. Istotako se apelira na podružnice, da bi po možnosti prispevale v ta sklad. Darovi se naj pošljejo na glavni urad. Imena darovalk bodo objavljena v ZARJI. Gl. odbornice, delegatke in podružnice v državi Minnesota lahko svoje prispevke pošljejo državni predsednici sestri Barbari Rosandich, ki bo imela razstavo in prodajo ročnih del v oskrbi na konvenciji. Upamo, da bo ta apel našel med članstvom lep odziv, saj se gre za važno, dobrodelno ustanovo. Marie Prisland Predsednica Dobrodelnega odbora. st. 1, Sheboygan, Wis.—Na seji v tebr. smo ukrepale o raznih priredit-katere upamo izpeljati v tekočem letu. Najprej se priporoča, da članice, ki obhajate svoje rojstne dneve v jan., febr. in marcu, se gotovo udeležile seje dne 12. marca, ko oomo slavile skupno rojstne dneve. a gl. seji je bilo potrjeno, da vsaka Prispeva 50tf v ta namen. Za dele-Satinjo za Wis. drž. konvencijo, ki Se bo vršila v nedeljo dne 23. aprila v West Allis, smo izvolile našo pod-Preds. Ruth Sheck. Vsem, ki ste namenjene se udeležiti tega pomemb-®ega dneva, se priporoča, da se pri-^ja-site na prih. seji, ali pri odbornicah ^ary Godez (tel. 77667), ali pri Mary et'tasich (tel. 24789). Glede proslave letnice podr. nismo prišle do kontnega zaključka, zato smo odložile ta 'Ogovor na prih. sejo. Odobrile smo ^*di članarino za 1. 19G1, Community filfare Council ln darovale smo za j.001 ostarelih naših rojakov Sv. Jože-'l v Lemontu znesek $10. Ses bla-D_^ničarka je prinesla iskreno zahvalo J**1-- od našega spoštovanega g. žu-B. j. Wilimek za darovano vsoto družini, ki živijo sedaj v Colo., za njihov trud ko so bili tukaj v zvezi s pridobivanjem tikcev CCC Club Award, sponsored od lokalnega radio HBL. Okoli $300 so spravile te dobre članice skupaj s pridobivanjem teh tikcev. Pozdrav in zahvala ses. Rem-shak in Mary. Velikokrat se spominjamo na vas. Tudi čestitike so na mestu in sicer sestram M. Turk k zali vnukinji Lori Ann Tagel in Frances Krolnik ob novem vnučku, ki je bil rojen v daljni mrzli Alaski. Mati je naša ses. Maxim Krolnik-Kaprilian. Novorojenčkom vso srečo in dolgo življenje, a mnogo veselja staršem. Našim bolnim sestram pošiljamo pozdrav in želje za zdravje, ki je največje bogastvo na tem svetu. M. Godez, poročevalka te: za novi dom naših šolskih ses- r; Ses. Prisland je omenila, da bi j, J izrekle zahvalo ses. Josephine n?jQlsbak in njeni hčerki, naši bivši Želimo izreči naše globoko sožalje zvestima članicama Mrs. Mary Poldan in Mrs. Katherine Foys, ki sta obe izgubile svoje soproge v februarju. Mr. Frank Poldan je preminul po kratki bolezni in Mr. Martin Foys je odšel k večnemu počtiku po dolgotrajni hudi bolezni. Vemo, kako zelo bosta oba pogrešana ne samo od njunih družin, ampak tudi mnogih prijateljev. Na seji smo molile za pokoj njunih dus. Na bolniški listi so članice: Christine Šinkovec, Mary Ferenchak in Anna Hrovat Veseli smo, da je okrevala Margaret Kure in bila z nami na seji. Vsem bolnim članicam skorajšnje ozdravljenje. Na marčni seji bomo imele pol-umi film o kancerju. Bo zelo poučno kako se zdravi ta kruta bolezen. Članice so vabljene, da pripeljejo goste na to sejo. Na svidenje v četrtek dne 9. marca oh 8 uri. Corinne Leskovar °dbo: rnici Mary Mislcowiz in njeni Št. 2, Chicago, III.—Ob lepi udeležbi članic, so na naši zadnji seji bile sprejeti dve novi članici: ga. Ivanka Ger-zel in gdč. Pavla Mušič. Preds. Albina Novak jima je izrekla prisrčno doborodošlico z upanjem, da se bosta redno udeleževale sej, ki so vedno zanimive in družabne. Razpravljale smo o izletu članic v Ely za konvencijo in upamo, da bo mnogo članic izkoristilo ugodno priložnost obiskati lepo Minnesota. Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. — Dne 6. jan. smo zopet pospremile na zadnji poti eno našo članico Anna Tekavec, ki je preminula po dolgi in mučni bolezni. Bila je zelo aktivna pri naši podr. in je rada hodila na seje ln drugače vsepovsod pomagala. Zapušča hčer Justino ln 4 sinove. Blagi sosestri, ki je bila tudi moja osebna prijteljica, želim mirni počitek poleg prerano umrlih 7 otrok in soproga. Mož ses. Mary Težak je tudi umrl. Bil je rahlega zdravja, toda vedno dobre volje Vsem preostalim iskreno sožalje. Sožalje tudi Theresl Plut, sestri pok. Antona Težaka. Mr. in Mrs. John D. Butkovich sta izgubila zeta, soproga njune hčerke Warren DeVries. ki je umrl star komaj 43 let. Sožalje! Dober prijatelj podr. Joseph Rus (Aplotarjev Jože) je izročil svoje real estate podjetje in zavarovalnico Jack Paulovec, zato se sedaj obračajte na tega mladega slov. rojaka, ki tudi lepo govori slovensko. Njegova mama je tudi naša članica. Naj velja: svoji k svojim! Naša podr. je darovala $10.00 v sklad za novi dom ostarelih v I>emon-tu, 111. Na bolniški listi so: Elsie Kocman, Jennie Jarc, Mary Škufca, ki se zdravijo v bolnišnici. Mary Germ si je zlomila roko na ledu pred hišo. Mary Novak iz Klanca je prestala nev- arno operacijo na roki. Vsem želimo ljubega zdravja. Upam, da je bil uspeh zadnje kampanje ugoden. Ne bo dolgo, ko bodo delegatinje in odbornice potovale na konvencijo v Ely. Vse članice SŽZ smo ponosne na sliko družine našega novoizvoljenega preds. John F. Kennedy na naslovni strani Zarji. Vsa čast naši urednici Corinne, ki nam je našo Zarjo okrasila in jo tako lepo urejuje. Posebno jan. številka Zarja nam bo vedno ostala v neizbrisnem spominu. Hvala ti Corinne. (Me veseli, da Vam je ugajalo. C.) Me članice pa bodimo hvaležne, da smo včlanjene v tako dični SŽZ. Tajnica želi, da bi bil ases. plačan redno. Prav je, da plačate vsaj vsake 3 mesece. Naslov taj.: F. S. 1113 Mahren Ave. Lahko plačate tudi pri meni, ako vam je bližje. Na febr. seji smo izvolile sledeče delegatinje: Frances Simonich in Angela Škrjanec ter Antonia Klun in Frances Skul kot namestnice. Za zaslužno mater pa A. Pachak. Vsem, ki ste mi poklonile to izredno čast, iskrena hvala in God bless you all. S tem se tudi naznanja, da bomo imele izlet ali romanje v Lemont meseca julija na Zvezin dan. Vse, ki bi rade šle s skupino se javite spodaj podpisani. Ste dobrodošle če tudi niste čla. naše podr. Johanna Pauček in Theresa Starr se zdravite v bolnišnici. A. Pachak, preds. Št. 6, Barberton, O.—V nedeljo 4. febr. je bila seja in udeležilo se nas je seje kar 3. Vreme je bilo res grdo in seveda ste zaradi tega ostale doma? Sedaj pa bo seja 5. marca In sicer v cerkveni dvorani in tako bo za naprej vsaka prva nedelja v mesecu, v cerkveni dvorani. Prosim, da si zapomnite in pridite v lepem številu. Ker se velikonočna nedelja naglo približuje, in ker vem, da tisto nedeljo ne bo nobena prišla, Vam vsem želim vesele Velikonočne praznike. — Vse, ki ste v zaostanku s članarino, prosim, da poravnate prej ko mogoče. Veselo Alelujo tudi glavnemu uradu. M. Fidel, tajnica Št. 10, Collinwood, O.—Jan. seja je še bila kar precej dobro obiskana, toda še daleč ne zadostno. Lahko nas bi bilo še enkrat toliko, ako bi se članice malo bolj zanimale. Novi odbor je bil zaprisežen, kakor to zahtevajo pravila. Častno delo zaprisege je opravila ses. J. Batich. Preds. M. Urbas je sprejela novo članico M. Slaypah. Ko je ona opravila, smo ji vse sestre segle v roko in jo prav prijazno sprejele v našo sredo in ona se je lepo zahvalila in rekla, da se počuti prav po domače med nami. Svoj rojstni dan je slavila naša dolgoletna In aktivna članica Josephine Šuštaršič. Postregla nas je s prav okusnimi kifelci in tudi z žlahtno kapljico, da smo bile prav Židane volje. Draga J., želim ti, da bi učakala še mnogo let tako vesela, zdrava in mladostna, kot si sedaj. Bog te živi. Za častno mater so članice izvolile mojo malenkost, za kar se vsem skupaj prav lepo zahvalim za to čast. Ostala mi bo v lepem spominu celo moje življenje. V blagajno so darovale sledeče članice: J. Asseg, M. Korošec, J. Gom-bach, M. Rakovetz, M. Zrimšek, M. Sustarsic, F. Kastelic, in J. Batich. Po par tednih v bolnici, se sedaj nahaja doma pod zdravniško oskrbo Anton Novak, soprog naše pridne ln aktivne članice M. Novak. Ona se zelo trudi in žrtvuje za napredek podr. Vse članice št 10 želimo Toni-ju, da bi se hitro popolnoma pozdravil. Vsem bolnim sestram enako želimo, da bi vam ljubi Bog dal zdravje, ki je največji zaklad sveta. Sedaj ko se nam bliža ljuba pomlad, bo za vse bolje, tudi za bolnike, ker zima ni dobra, posebno ne za nas ostarele ljudi, vedno človeka nekaj boli, če drugo ne pa nas muči prehlad. Sestrski pozdrav. Antonia Repic, poročevalka Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. — Vabim vse članice na sejo dne 5. aprila v cerkveni dvorani, 1028 So. 9th St. točno ob 1 uri popoldan. Na tej seji imamo za rešiti več važnih zadev. Ker se letos vrši konvencija v Ely, Minn, bi še posebno prosila vse članice, da pridete v velikem številu na to sejo, kjer bo vsaka članica lahko povedala svoje predloge za napredek naše Zveze. Imamo večje število sester na bolniški listi in bi prosila, da bi obiskovale bolne sestre. Prosim tudi, da bi tiste članice, ki dolgujete na ases-mentu prišle in poravnale svoj dolg. Tudi bi bilo dobro pridobiti nove članice, ker smo lansko leto izgubile 7 članic. Vsem preminulim naj bo lahko mrzla gruda in naj počivajo v miru. Preostalim naše sožalje. Bolne sestre so: Kathie Stuller, Josephine Berginz, Josephine Kusnik, A n n e Brulc, Mary Jeray, Mary Tamse, Mary Ermen, Molly Kolenc, Annette Schim-enz, Helen Presečnik. Prosim, da jih obiščete. Pozdrav gl. uradnicam, vsem sestram SŽZ, posebno še pri št. 12, vsem članicam, katere obhajate rojstni dan ali pa god, želim vse najboljše. Mary Schimenz, tajnica Št. 14, Euclid, O.—Komaj smo nastopili novo leto, pa smo že v februarju. Tako hitro minevajo leta, meseci in tedni; taka je minljivost tega sveta. Zima nam je letos že kar predolga, ni konca mraza in snega, da se moramo kar peči tiščati.—Na febr. seji se je zbralo nepričakovano lepo število članic ln vse odbornice smo bile zares vesele, ker smo videle vse stole zasedene. Posebno je bila vesela lepe udeležbe naša nova preds. Tili Špehar. Da bi le tudi v naprej bila tako lepa udeležba na sejah, pa bo šlo dobro naprej. Preds. nam je prečitala pismo iz gl. urada glede konvencije, ki bo letos v Minn. Izbrane so bile kot naše delegatinje Pauli Cesar in Mary Iskra. Na novo je bila sprejeta Mrs. Stana Gril. V preteklem mesecu so preminule dve članici: Mrs. Žnidar (Ženeva) in Mrs. Pust (Cleveland). Naj blagima pokojnima sveti večna luč in žalujočim ostalim izrekamo naše iskreno sožalje. Mrs. Pust je trpela 20 let zaradi hude bolezni, katero je tiho in vdano prenašala. Pri nas se kar pridno pripravljamo za razstavo skupnih društev. Imele bomo lepe stvari našega dela. Tudi za delo v tistih dneh se je kar precej priglasilo. V molitev priporočamo Mrs. Frances —Gerčmanivo mamo, ki so zelo slabi v svoji neozdravljivi bolezni. Veliko trpijo. Urška Trtnilcova je tudi prav slaba, hudo je shujšala. Pred kratkim je prišla iz domovine tričlanska družina k svojim sorodnikom tukaj. Mrs. Barbi Magonja, njen mož in sin so prišli k teti, naši članici Mali Povirk v Euclid 207 St. Dobrodošli. Ta večer so darovale v ročno blagajno : Mrs. Plevnik, Mrs. Tleh, Mrs. Prijatelj, Mrs. Leskovec, Mrs. Orehek, Mrs. Ivančič, Mrs. Kaušek, Mrs. Epa-vec, Mrs. Frances Kog pa lepo izdelane otročje navratnlke. Vsem skupaj Bog povrni na vašem zdravju in veselju. Upam, da se zopet v tako lepem številu vidimo na prihodnjih sejih. Tudi Mrs. Čebulj lepa hvala, ker nam po seji vedno kaj dobrega prinese na mizo. Vsem članicam najlepši pozdrav. Antonia Šuštar Št. 15, Newburgh, O. — Ker je to moj prvi dopis, želim vsem vso srečo in zdravje v tem letu, urednici pa potrpljenje z mojim poročilom. Januarska seja podr. je bila še precej obiskana. Sklenile smo, da bomo imele prodajo peciva 5. febr. po mašah v šolski dvorani in članice so obljubile, da bodo nekaj spekle in tako pomagale k uspehu za našo blagajno. O poteku bom poročala prihodnjič. V decembru so darovale v društveno blagajno: Mrs. Frances Novak 5 dol., Mrs. Helen Mirtel 3 dol. in Mrs. Rozi Rodič $2.50. Vsem prav lepa hvala. Čla. Mary Rogel, ki je izgubila moža, izrekamo iskreno sožalje. Pokojnemu pa večni mir. Za častno mater podr. smo izvolile Mrs. Verono Škufco, ki je v resnici dobra članica. Več sester je bolnih in nekatere že dalje časa ter jim vsem članice želimo, da bi jim Bog in Marija naklonila ljubega zdravja, da bi zopet kmalu prišle na seje. ČLANICE, POZOR! Zveza bo to leto spet poklonila šolnino dvema študentoma; vsakemu 200 dolarjev. Do šolnine je upravičena vsaka deklica, ki je članica Zveze ter vsak fant, katerega mati, stara mati ali sestra je članica Zveze. Prosilci morajo z odliko dopolniti višjo šolo ter imeti namen vpisati se v kreditiran kolegij ah univerzo. Sestre, opozorite svoje nadarjene otroke, da se prijavijo za šolnino. Zadnji čas priglasitve je 30. aprila. Za nadaljna pojasnila se obrnite na: MARIE PRISLAND, predsednica Šolninskega odbora, 1034 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan. Wis. Vsem, ki ste v jan. in febr. praz-novale svoje rojstne dneve, želimo, da jih še mnogo let zdrave in vesele °bhajale. Sejem modne razstave bo U. in 12. marca v farni dvorani pri Sv. Vidu in ste vse članice vabljene na to prireditev. Sesterski pozdrav vsem in zdravo Veliko noč. Frances Lindich, preds. in poro. St- 18, Cleveland, Ohio — Pozdravljene vse sosestre, posebno pri št. 18! žalostno je za odbornice, ko ne pridete na redne seje. Ne vem kaj bo z nami. Tajnica in jaz tudi ne more-Va vse narediti! Pri podružnici ima-’Uo lepo število zvestih članic, ki Pošljejo svoj asesment po pošti, neka-*ere pa prineseje na dom, toda na se--10 vas pa ni. Upam, da se boste v tem oziru poboljšale. Vsem bolnim želimo, da bi kmalu okrevale, kakor tudi bolniki v družinah naših članic. Moj mož je bolan že semeni mesecev in se je moral zopet po-_atl v bolnico. Moja roka, katero sem gomila, se pa tudi počasi zdravi. To-(„a navzlic vsem temu, vedno najdem as za seje in tako bi morale storiti u
  • i tudi me pomagale k uspehu. T. 1'otokar, F. Perme, M. Drobnič in Ana Godlar so obljubile, da bodo delale v dvorani če katera more darovati za >iaši skupni štant, kakor ročna dela, I,redpasnike in drugo za prodajo, tako 'la bo tudi naša podr. deležna uspeha. rosimo naše nobre članice za sodelovanje. l>ne 7. jan. se je poročila hčerka Antona in Ane Tekavec. Olgi, sedaj •trs. William Hoffman, želim, da bi bila srečna v novem stanu. Mr. in Mrs. Mihael Pinculic sta ' ne 29. jan. obhajala 40 letnico svoje Poroke. Naše čestitke in da bi zdrava počakala še mnogo obletnic. Elenore '^ewood, naša nova članica si je šla ati zdravja v Huron Rd. bolnico. V isto bolnico je morala tudi Mary Kalin,, ki se je podvrgla operaciji. Obema želimo skorajšnjega zdravja. Sožalje Mary Bunjevec nad izgubo soproga George, ki je preminul v febr. Naj v miru počiva . Po zadnji seji smo zopet imele okrepčila, kar je prinesla naša preds. T. Potokar, za kar ji gre iskrena hvala, kakor tudi sledečim dobrim članicam, ki so darovale v denarju: Mary Praznovski, Mary Vodičar, Mally Gregorc, Mary Strnad, Ana Krmavnar in Kose Matko. Hvala tudi tistim, ki ste prinesle "sale tax stamps” in se priporočamo. Pozdravljene in blagoslovljeno Veliko noč vam vsem, želi ter kliče na svidenje na aprilski seji— F. Perme, poročevalka Št. 33, New Duluth, Minn.—Poročam žalostne in tudi vesele novice. Moj mož je bil v bolnici St. Mary lansko leto, ker je bil zelo bolan, toda kako veselo smo bili presenečeni dne 9. jan. letos, ko so nas naši sinovi, njihove neveste lepo počatili za našo 50 letnico zakonskega življenja. Ne da se popisati, kako smo bili veseli čestitk ter mnogih daril. Iskreno se želim zahvaliti vsem prav vsem, ki so nas bogato obdarili, vsem za karte in čestitke, vsem sestram ter tudi mojim sorodnikom na Ely. Posebno pa še našemu Fathru Lovšin, ki so dali pint krvi ter vsem drugim. Vsakemu posebej naša zahvala iz srca. Naj Vam Bog vsem povrne z ljubim zdravjem. Molila bom za vas. Zimo imamo še vedno hudo po naši Minnesoti. Naši Zvezi pa želim mnogo novih članic v tem letu in bodite vse najlepse pozdravljene. Lep pozdrav tudi vsem uradnicam SŽZ. Mrs. Frances Boben Št. 38, Chisholm, Minn. — Na seji dne 1. febr. je bilo navzočih lepo število članic. Najprej smo razmotri-vale o Zvezinem dnevu in banketu. Po debati smo se sporazumele, da bomo dale to v oskrbo krožku Sv. Anne, kateremu načeljuje Frances Bizal. S tem je nam starejšim odvzeto dosti dela in skrbi, toda vseeno upam, da bomo pomagale, karkoli bo potrebno, tako da bo boljši uspeh na obe strani. Nadalje je bilo sklenjeno, da se naj asesment še naprej pobira 25-tega v Narodnem domu. Predlagano in podpirano je bilo, da se članice udeležijo banketa v času konvencije, ki se bo vršila v maju v Ely, Minn. Vožnja bo brezplačna, ker bomo zato vzele iz blagajne, za kar smo že od lanskega leta nabirale. Članice naj se čimprej priglasijo, da bomo vedele za koliko oseb naročiti bus.—Za delegatinjo je bila izvoljena Ann Trdan, taj. in za namestnico Sylvia Petrich. V mesecu maju bomo imele malo zabave in obenem počastile našo častno mater Berto Robnik.—To so glavni sklepi in podatki naše febr. seje. S sestrskim pozdravom vsem članicam SŽZ. Anna Trdan, taj. Št. 41, Cleveland, O.—Ta nesrečna zima in mraz sta te dni malo popustila, tako je bila udeležba na zadnji seji povoljna. Za konvenčno delegatinjo je izvoljena spodaj podpisana, za namestnico pa ses. Mary Debevec. Navzoče članice so pridno segle po vstopnicah za naš bazar in razstavo ročnih del, lci se vrši dne 11. in 12. marca v dvorani Sv. Vida. Vse ste prijazno vabljene na to zanimivo prireditev. Na oddih v sončno Kalifornijo je odšla ses. Urška Ule-Sepic, v Florido sta pa za nekaj tednov odšla ses. Nellie Pintar in njen soprog . Vsem trem želimo lepega razvedrila in srečen povratek. Po prestani operaciji se zdravi na domu ses. Olga Benčič, na domu se zdravijo tudi sestre: Ana Skolar, Kristina Urbas in Katie Sostaršič. Vsem želimo čimprejšnjega zdravja. V blagajno je velikodušno prispevala ses. Mary Hosta-Lušin, dalje so prispevale tudi sestre: A. Yapel, A. Winter, E. Winter, D. Ferra, K. Kovačič, K. Plemel, M. Debevec, L. Romih. A. Husta, M. Raddell, M. Kren, F. Stegu, K. Artel, C. Debenjak in M. Klaus. Vsem prisrčna hvala. Slavljenki rojstnih dnevov sta bili na zadnji seji, ses. Rose Strumble in Ančka Skok, obe sta prinesli fino pecivo, kapljico je pa preskrbela Ančka Rebolj. Prav lepa hvala. Rose in Ančki pa želimo še mnogo zdravih let. Dobrodošlico k podružinci kličemo sestri Rose Vičič. Za stalno se je preselila v Fontano, Cal. ses. Nettie Hren. Mnogo zadovoljstva, Nettie, v lepi Kaliforniji. Vse, katere dolgujete na članarini še za lansko leto, ste prošene, da čimprej poravnate. Pridite vse na prihodnjo sejo. S sestersldm pozdravom, Ella Starin, taj. Naši agilni tajnici št. 41 in blag. Ohiskih podr. želimo vse najboljše za njen rojstni dan 23. marca. A.N. Št. 47, Garfield Heights, O,—Ko to pišem smo sredi zime. Letos gre vse tako, kakor so modrovali v starih časih: “da sv. Neža moža doma priveže in sv. Blaža že vprašujejo kam lcrav-ljaš, ko je še mrzlo in sneži . . .” Nas v modernem času ne ovira nobena zapreka. Vse gre po začrtani poti. Skupne podružnice v Ohio oz. Clevelandu, se pripravljamo z vso vnemo na sejem (Fair), ki bo 11. in 12. marca pri Sv. Vidu. V dvorani bo tudi kazanje kako se pripravi pecivo, ročna dela in> moda oblek bo na ogled. Za najboljše izdelke bodo še posebne nagrade. Pričakujemo lepe udeležbe. Če bo vsaka članica pripeljala s seboj vsaj eno prijateljico, pa bo dovolj drenja. Glede sklepov gl. letne seje, moram poročati, da je vse ostalo pri starem. V odboru je samo ena sprememba; ker je bila prejšnja 1 nadzornice zadržana, je bila na njeno mesto izvoljena Rosely Shuster. Spremeni se zne- sek darila nevestam in novorojenčkim od $2.00 na $5.00. Letos bomo praznovale 30 letnico ustanovitve podr. dne 7. maja z okusno večerjo in domačo zabavo v S.D.D. na Prince Ave. Točen čas bo poro-čan pozneje. Sklenjeno je bilo, da je vsaka članica obvezana za eno vstopnico, ki stane $1.50. Skušajte jih kaj več prodati. Ob tej priliki bomo praznovale tudi materinski dan, ki bo en teden pozneje. Lepa hvala našim pridnim agita-torcam, ki so vpisale nove članice. To so sestre: Mary Sholar, Terezija Bizjak, Helen Tomažič, Anna Kres-evic in moja malenkost. Nove članice v razred: Frances Jakulin, Therese Niesen, Gloria Novak, Jennie Novak. Eleanore Stražišar, Christine Skocaj in Helen Jerman. V mladinskem oddelku: Rozalia Jakulin, Sheron Nowolaniec, Theresa Nowolaniec, Mary L. Stražišar, Virginia Stražišar, Patricia Yerman, Judy Walters in Carole A. Pugely. Vam vsem kličemo dobrodošle, da bi se počutile vesele v krogu sosester S.Ž.Z. Hvala sestram, ki so na gl. seji darovale v ročno blagajno: Louise Zidanic, Luise Kostelec, Agnes Miler, Jennie Gerk, Mary Rusjan, Helen Tomažič, Anna Kresevic in Ivana Dedek. Skupaj darovano: $13.80. Vsem bolnim članicam želim ljubega zdravja, da bi zopet lahko redno prihajale na seje. Srečne stare mamice so: Jennie Bizjak, Mary Rusjan in Jennie Pugely. Če pa še kje drugje štorklja oprezuje, mi pa sporočite, ker potrebujemo novic. Pozdravljene vse do prihodnje seje. Jennie Pugely, taj. Št. 54, Warren, O.—Letos imamo hudo zimo in snega več kot preveč. Kljub hudemu mrazu, je bila udeležba na seji še kar dobra. Dobre sestre so prinesle dosti dobitkov in izvrsten cake ter vseh vost jello. Vedno nekaj novega. To so sestre: Ann Volk, ki je febr. obhajala svoj rojstni dan, dalje Jennie Shine in Mary Rub-inic. Iskrena hvala vsem skupaj. Razpravljale smo o več važnih zadevah, predvsem, da se kolikor mogoče v lepem številu udeležimo razstave clevelandskih podružnic v marcu in da bomo za materinski dan imele v kaki restavraciji skupno večerjo. Za častno mater je bila na dec. seji izvoljena Joanne Ponikvar, ki je že več let naša zapisnikarica. Iskrene čestitke. Volile smo tudi dele-gatinjo. Zopet moram poročati žalostno novico, da je zapustila to solzno dolino dolgoletna članica Frances Banish, rojena na Dolenskem v Sloveniji. Tukaj zapušča soproga Martina, s katerim sta pred 4 leti obhajala zlato poroko. Zapušča tudi 3 hčere in 4 sinove. Pokopana je bila iz St. James cerkve na “All Souls” novo pokopališče. Bog jo je rešil dolgega trpljenja. Naj ji sveti večna luč, preostalim naže sožalje. Hvala vsem, ki ste prišle moliti rožni venec in se udeležile pogreba. Apeliram na vse, da se udeležite aprilske seje, ki bo dne 6. aprila, da bomo vedele za koliko naročiti večerjo in tudi več drugih važnih stvari bomo razpravljale. Naš dolgoletni prijatelj Joseph Turk iz Girard, je tudi že dalje časa bolan in mu s soprogom želiva skorajšnjega okrevanja, da nam bo še kako veselo povedal. Z njim smo prišli 1921 v Ameriko, torej pred 40 leti. Vsem Jožetom in Josephinam želim vesel imendan Vsem sosestram veselo Alelujo in mnogo sesterskih pozdravov. Rose Racher Št. 55, Girard, O.—Zadnji mesec, ko sem poročala imena odbornic za leto 1961, sem pomotoma izpustila ime naše zapisnikarice. Zelo mi je žal in upam, da Theresa Severinski, ki je bila ponovno izvoljena, ni bila užaljena zaradi te pomote. Na zadnji seji smo sklenile, da bomo imele dne 25. marca Bake Sale. Vse članice ste prošene, da napečete čim več potic, krofov in piškotov in prinesete v Swabeck’s Flower Shop ob 9 uri zjutraj. Rojstne dneve so zadnji mesec praznovale: Anna Cutan. Annetta Lapolla, Mary Lukz. Mary Svesko in Mildred Walford. Vesel rojstni dan vsem in še na mnoga leta. Na lunch committee so bile zadnji mesec: Mary Svesko, Margaret Svesko, Gail Hlasta in Beatrice Brayer. Ker je bila Mary Svesko na čelu in ker je Mary izvrstna kuharica, je razumljivo, da je bil lunch res zelo dober in okusen. Hvala committee za odlično postrežbo. Zadnji mesec smo dobile dve novi članici in sicer: Mrs. Rose Juvančič in Mrs. Mary Sernik. Rose je soproga Dr. R. Juvančič. Obema kličemo vse članice dobro-došle v naši sredini. Pri Lozier’s so zopet postali stari očka in stara mamica; njihova hčerka Mildred Wolford je namreč zopet povila lepega sinčka z imenom Donald William. To ime nosi po njegovem stričku, ki bo s časom postal duhovni gospod. Pri družini imajo sedaj že 4 fante in 1 punčko. Naše iskrene čestitke. Na bolniški listi je bila Anna Leskovec, a upam, da se sedaj že precej dobro počuti. Mr. Joe Turk je tudi še zmiraj bolan. Želimo in upalno, da mu bo ljubi Bog kmalu povrnil ljubo zdravje. Do prihodnje seje—Na svidenje. Emma Zore Št. 64, Kansas City, Kans.—Naša jan. seja je bila prav dobro obiskana. Izvoljen je bil ves stari odbor. Predlagano in potrjeno je bilo, da bi se oddalo na listek posteljno pregrinjalo (kwilt), da bi se tako opomogla naša blagajna, ke se je že precej znižala. Prosim članice, ko boste dobile tikete, dajte se vsaka malo potruditi in razpečajte tikete, da tako ne bo za nobeno preveč dela. Po seji je več članic obhajalo rojstne dneve. Imele smo se izvrstno. Skupno smo zapele vsem slavljenkam “Happy Birthday” in ker je bil ravno god Sv. Neže, smo Agnes Lipovac in Agnes Zakrajšek zapele tudi "Happy Nameday.” Joe in Bob Palcher pa sta nam na harmoniko igrala poskočne polke in valčke in sledile so razne slovenske pesmi. Joe in Bob najlepša vama hvala za igranje. Regina Čop, Anna Perešič in Mary Stojkovič so darovale dobre pohance in šunko. Agnes Lipovac in Helen Kovač oskusno masleno povitico. Mary Majerle, Mary Hotujec, Josephine Zupan, Štefania Malnar, Anna Kostelec, Antonia Kostelec smo pa kupile pijačo in klobase. Vse je bilo tako dobro v prijetno družbi. Anna Blaž-evič je podarila coffee cake. Če sem katero pomotoma izpustila, naj ne zameri, saj veste, da to ni moj namen. Na prihodnje seje pa pripeljite vsaka po eno novo članico in bo še bolj luštno ko nas bo več. Zime do febr. še nismo imeli prehude, samo dva mala snežička in ni bilo nobenkrat mrzlo do ničle PRIJETEN ODDIH V SLOVENIJI — 1961 Z LADJAMI; 4. maja AMERICA 18. maja COLOMBO 25. maja UNITED STATES 11. junij HANSEATIC Slovesni sprejemi v Ljubljani! Izlet v Polhov Gradec ter drugam. SŽZ priredi tudi v tem letu 1961 romanje v: FATIMO-LURD-RIM ter obisk v Slovenijo! BLED TRAVEL 6113 St. Clair Avenue EX 1-8787 Z LETALI-JET do ZAGREBA 11. maja SABENA-JET 28. maja SABENA-JET 11. junij KLM-JET 25. junij SAS-JET Banketi v Ljubljani ter v Zagrebu! SERVICE Cleveland 3, Ohio A Najlepši pozdrav celokupnemu članstvu in mnogo uspeha dični. organizaciji. Antonia Kostelec, preds. in poro. Št. 68, Fairport Hairbor, O.—Zopet nekaj vrstic v našo priljubljeno Zarjo. Zima pri nas nadaljuje svoje delo od lani, da imamo kar preveč snega in kar velikokrat toplomer zleze pod ničlo. Pa moramo v naših krajih to kar pričakovati. Toda potolažimo se, saj smo vsak dan bližje pomladi. Klub hudi zimi, je bila naša seja v prvem mesecu tega leta, kar po-voljno obiskana. Ker naša podr. ne šteje veliko članic, smo si za naša zborovanja v klubovih prostorih najele bolj malo sobo, a bila je prav polna in je bilo res lepo videti, ko nas je bilo toliko skupaj. Le tako naprej, saj vse rade slišlimo kako stoji naša podr. Vse članice pomagajmo odbornicam, da blagajna ostane v dobrem stanju, ker imamo v pravilih, da se plača vsaki bolni članici 3 dol. in po moči prispevamo za kake druge dobre ideje. Po seji, za kratek čas pokrivamo številke in mali dobitek se plača iz blagajne. To nalogo je vzela za celo leto Jennie Žnidaršič, da ona preskrbi dobitek. Zadnji dobitek ses. Frances Škrabec. Po seji imamo vedno tudi mali prigrizek, ki je tudi plačan iz blagajne, katerega pa preskrbi preds. Torej le odločite se in pridite na naše seje, saj je samo enkrat na mesec in je tudi prijetno, da malo pokramljamo o naših domačih zadevah. Resno je zbolel soprog naše dobre članice Frances Škrabec, ki se nahaja v Memorial bolnici v Painesville. Želim mu, da se mu zdravje hitro povrne. Bodite najlepše pozdravljene in Bog bodi z vami vse sestre Zveze in čit-ateljice Zarje. Angela Lunka, poročevalka Št. 71, Strabane, Pa.—Zimo imamo hudo mrzlo in danes ko to pišem tako naletava sneg, da ga je padlo že 8 inčev. Kljub snegu in mrzlemu vremenu, je bila naša febr. seja dobro obiskana. Drage sestre, lepo bi bilo, če bi prišle v takem številu na vsako sejo. Na tej seji smo izvolile delegatinjo za 12 redno konvencijo Annie Strle in za namestnico Frances Tomšič. Skle-ile smo tudi, da bomo 19. marca z banketom slavile 25 letnico ustanovitve naše podružnice. V 25 letih je umrlo 17 članic in posmrtnina je znašala $1,950.00 Ses. Agnes Rozman je že dolgo časa bolana in ji želimo skorajšnjega zdravja. Huda zima je povzročila, da je veliko ljudi bolnih. Vsem želim ljubega zdravja. Lep pozdrav gl. odbornicam in članicam Zveze. Mary Tomsic, preds. Financial Report for the Month of January, 1961 Finančno poročilo za mesec januar, 1961 Članarina—Assessment Number of Podružnica—Branch A & B Jun. Zarja Misc. Total Memb. Jun. 1. Sheboygan, Wis. 74.20 4.10 .80 .45 79.55 164 43 2. Chicago, Illinois 182.75 17.90 1.05 201.70 379 181 3. Pueblo, Colorado 129 35 13.70 .20 3.15 146.40 300 145 4. Oregon City, Ore. 6.25 .20 .60 6.85 23 5. Indianapolis, Ind. 91.10 11.40 1.20 103.70 117 58$ 6. Barberton, Ohio 53.45 2.10 .10 1.05 56.70 137 22 7. Forest City, Pa. 66.70 20.10 .50 87.30 145 230 8. Steelton, Pa. 27.65 .50 28.45 64 5 9. Detroit, Mich. 39 7 10. Cleveland, Ohio 153.65 5.80 5.50 164.95 356 58 12. Milwaukee, Wis. 295.80 21.90 4.30 322.00 255 73 13. San Francisco, Cal. 53.00 2.10 1.75 56.85 123 21 14. Euclid, Ohio 142.00 4.10 .20 3.40 149.70 339 41 15. Cleveland, Ohio 122.50 3.20 1.20 126.90 267 32 16. So. Chicago, 111. 66.15 6.50 .20 1.65 74.50 148 66 17. West Allis, Wis. 69.46 3,50 1.50 74.45 161 38 18. Cleveland, Ohio 27.20 .60 .30 28.10 75 6 19. Eveleth, Minn. 61.80 5.40 1.55 68.75 148 54 20. Joliet, 111. 179.30 17.10 4.75 201.15 468 171 21. Cleveland, Ohio 38.45 4.70 1.05 44.20 97 47 22. Bradley, 111. 24 23. Ely, Minn. 98.50 6.70 .10 2.55 107.85 242 67 24. La Salle, 111. 76.35 9.30 2.65 88.30 183 90 25. Cleveland, Ohio 366.35 20.30 10.80 397.45 820 208 26. Pittsburgh, Pa. 46.90 1.20 .75 48.85 116 12 27. No. Braddock, Pa. 69.40 1.40 .30 71.10 71 '7# 28. Calumet, Mich. 35.85 .50 2.30 1.05 39.70 86 6 29. Broundale, Pa. 16.95 2.10 19.05 40 21 30. Aurora, 111. 22 1 31. Gilbert, Minn. 48.05 4.60 .20 1.35 54.20 108 46 32. Euclid, Ohio 111.00 5.40 .90 117.30 117 29& 33. Duluth, Minn. 52.45 6.40 1.75 60.60 121 66 34. Soudan, Minn. 21.80 .70 .10 22.60 47 7 35. Aurora, Minn. 39.60 4.80 .20 1.20 45.80 83 48 37. Greaney, Minn. 10.80 .80 .45 12.05 27 8 38. Chisholm, Minn. 63.05 .60 1.90 65.55 144 6 39. Biwabik, Minn. 17.75 1.90 .15 19.80 47 19 40. Lorain, Ohio 45.35 .50 1.45 47.30 105 5 41. Cleveland, Ohio 88.15 3.20 2.50 93.85 224 32 42. Maple Hgts, Ohio 137.20 .25 137.45 44 % 43. Milwaukee, Wis. 42.15 9.00 2.00 53.15 106 90 45. Portland, Ore. 23.45 .80 1.20 25.45 61 8 46. St. Louis, Mo. 14.30 .20 .15 14.65 32 2 47. Cleveland, Ohio 43.30 4.90 2.05 50.25 113 21 48. Buhl, Minn. 4.35 .30 .10 .60 5.35 14 3 49. Noble, Ohio 18.85 .15 19.00 45 50. Cleveland, Ohio 121.20 9.00 130.20 86 30 51. Kenmore, Ohio 7.80 .30 8.10 IS 52. Kitzville, Minn. 26.90 1.90 .15 28.95 56 19 53. Cleveland, Ohio 18.35 1.30 .15 19.80 39 13 54. Warren, Ohio 35.25 7.80 .40 .15 43.60 81 79 55. Girard, Ohio 33.05 1.40 1.20 35.65 85 14 56. Hibbing, Minn. 52.85 1.80 .25 54.90 121 18 57. Niles, Ohio 22.45 3.20 .15 25.80 67 33 59. Burgettstown, Pa. 47.10 2.70 .90 50.70 35 9@ 61. Braddock, Pa. 25 6 62. Conneaut, Ohio 15.95 .10 1G.05 33 63. Denver, Colo. 56.05 6.20 .20 .50 62.95 116 62 64. Kansas City, Kans. 54.10 .80 54.90 67 4& 65. Virginia, Minn. 30.95 2.50 .40 33.85 71 26 66. Canon City, Colo. 22.75 1.90 .90 25.55 51 19 67. Bessemer, Pa. 44.95 4.80 .20 49.95 88 4S 68. Fairport Harbor O. 20.80 .10 20.90 37 1 70. W. Aliquippa, Pa. 13.50 .60 14.10 15 3$ 71. Strabane, Pa. 50.30 2.00 2.40 .95 55.65 112 23 72. Pullman, 111. 15.65 .50 .15 16.30 36 5 73. Warrensville, Ohio 49.90 4.50 54.40 121 45 74. Ambridge, Pa. 22.05 .60 22.65 42 6 77. N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa. 23.45 2.90 .80 27.15 58 29 78. Leadville, Colo. 41.70 .90 42.60 27 9-f- Št. 88, Johnstown, Pa.—Bodite pozdravljene članice SŽZ Od naše podr. vam nimam kaj posebnega poročati, ker sem bila bolana in nisem mogla na sejo. Članic nimamo dovolj, da bi imele svojo delegatinjo, razen če bi se v ta namen združile z drugo podružnico. Vseeno ste članice in prijatelji Zveze vabljeni, da ob tej priliki konvencije obiščete Minn. Cena bo nizka; iz Clevelanda do Ely samo $33.00 in iz Chicago do Ely $20 dol. na obe strani. V Clevelandu in Chicagu delajo na tem, da bi najeli posebne buse. Snega imamo, ko to pišem toliko, da ne vemo kaj bi z njim. Menda se bo do 4. julija že stopil. Članice, ki dolgujete na asesmentu, pridite, da poravnate. Zopet smo izgubile zvesto članico Mrs. Frances Jaklevič. Naša podr. izraža užaloščeni družini globoko sožalje. Bog daj večni mir in pokoj in večna luč naj ji sveti Pozdrav celi Slov. Ž.Z. Mary Lovše, taj. Št. 93, Brooklyn, N. Y,—Tukaj priobčujem pismo gospoda župnika iz starega kraja, ki tako-le piše: "Dragi amerikanski dobrotniki: Je že precej časa odkar ste me zelo prijetno iznenadili po Heleni Hodnik z zneskom $125.00, za kar se vam vsem, ki ste pomagali in darovali za cerkev v Banjoloki, najlepše zahvalim. Pošta je izplačala 74,850 dinarjev. Torej je plačala dolarje po 600 din, odbitek je prav malenkosten. Takoj po prejemu sem se ze zahvalil, kakor iz-gleda se je pismo izgubilo. Najprej be rad prebelil cerkev zunaj in zakristijo znotraj. Elektrike tudi še nimamo v cerkvi, potrebno bi bilo še marsikaj, a kaj si moremo pomagati ko je vse tako drago, narod pa je že povečini pobegnil iz teh krajev, da je doma ostalim res težko vzdrževati cerkev. Vsem dobrotnikom še enkrat Bog povrni. Vam hvaležni, Anton Pogorelec, župnik” Naša članica Kath Šuštaršič je izgubila soproga. Šla sta skupaj na pogreb sestre v Californio in tam je naglo obolel in umrl. Pokopali so ga v Cal. Naše sožalje vsej familiji. Pokojni naj v miru počiva. Dne 14. maja se je poročila Lillian Volkar, hči naše dobre članice Cilke Volkar. Novemu paru želimo obilo sreče v zakonu. Minulo poletje smo obiskale Anna Vlachič v Koboken. Imela je operacijo na očesu in se sedaj zdravi loma. Želimo ji zdravja in da pride zopet v Brooklyn na sejo, ker jo zelo pog-kraj. Gotovo bo tudi letos šle nekatere. Moja sestra Agnes Peršič in 2 hčeri so zadnje poletje obiskale stari kraj. Gotovo bo tudi letos šle nekatere. Najlepše pozdrave vsem članicam širom Amerike. Helen Hodnick, blagajničarka Članarina—Assessment Number of Podružnica—Branch A & B Jun. Zarja Misc. Total Memb. Jun. 79. Enumclaw, Wash. 15.45 1.90 .70 .15 18.20 33 19 80. Moon Run, a. 9.20 9.20 22 81. Keewatin, Minn. 10.00 .30 10.30 27 83. Crosby, Minn. 9.50 .60 .30 .55 10.95 20 6 84. New York City, N.Y. 31.40 .80 1.30 33.50 76 8 85. DePue, 111. 11.95 .50 .10 .25 12.80 29 5 86. Nashwauk, Minn. 10.00 .10 10.10 19 88. Johnstown, Pa. 31.45 2.80 .75 35.00 70 29 89. Oglesby, 111. 40.65 6.10 .30 .65 47.70 105 61 90. Presto, Pa. 23.70 1.70 .10 .75 26.25 63 17 91. Oakmont, Pa. 28.45 1.20 29.65 53 12 92. Crested Butte, Colo. 11.80 .20 12.00 22 2 93. Brooklyn, N. Y. 29.45 .40 .50 30.35 70 4 94. Canton, Ohio 19 5 95. So. Chicago, 111. 102.00 5.60 .30 107.90 187 56 96. Universal, Pa. 24.70 .20 .60 .15 25.65 53 2 97. Cairnbrook, Pa. 12.10 .80 12.90 24 8 99. Elmhurst, 111. 10.30 10.30 22 100. Fontana, Calif. 18.40 1.10 1.20 20.70 41 11 102. Willard ,Wis. 9.15 .90 10.05 7 3 104. Johnstown, Pa. 11.30 11.30 27 105. Detroit, Mich. 6.65 .50 7.15 16 5 106. Meadow Lands, Pa. 20 2 Total — Skupaj $ 4,617.30 313.10 13.40 81.70 5,025.50 9359 2856 $—Assessment paid for January and February #—Assessment for December and January &—Assessment for November and December %—Assessment from July to Jan., 1961 H—-Assessment for Jan., Feb., March Income — Dohodki: Assessment from members — Članarina od članic ........................ $5,025.50 Rental income in January — Najembina v januarju.......................... 160.00 Interest on bonds and from banks — Obresti .............................. 789.20 Total — Skupaj ..................... $5,9T4.70 Disbursements — Stroški: Funeral Benefit Claims paid for the following deceased members — Smrtnine: Anna Tekavec, Branch 3, Pueblo, Colorado ................................. $ 100.00 Agnes Hintermeyer, Branch 8, Steelton, Pennsylvania ........................ 100.00 Louise Susek, Branch 12, Milwaukee, Wisconsin .............................. 100.00 Anna Trogar, Branch 12, Milwaukee, Wisconsin ............................... 100.00 Frances Haložan, Branch 12, Milwaukee, Wisconsin ........................... 100.00 Josephine Znidarslc, Branch 14, Euclid, Ohio ............................... 100.00 Agnes Horvath, Branch 20, Joliet, Illinois ................................. 100.00 Frances Cimperman, Branch 25, Cleveland, Ohio .............................. 100.00 Angela Stephan, Branch 34, Soudan, Minnesota................................ 100.00 Mary Brintz, Branch 37, Greaney, Minnesota ................................. 100.00 Frances Yaklevich, Branch 88, Johnstown, Penna.............................. 100.00 Mary Duich, Branch 95, So. Chicago, Illinois ............................... 100.00 Benedictine Press — Zarja — The Dawn, January .............................. 750.00 Salaries & administration — plače gl. uradnic & .admin...................... 857.65 Printing, postage, tel sundries — tiskovine, telefon in razno .............. 301.07 Rent for office — Najemnina za gl. urad ..................................... 75.00 Director of Internal Revenue — Dohodninski in soc. davek.................... 371.78 Traveling & per diem — Potovalni stroški in dnevnice ....................... 509.99 Total — Skupaj ........................ $4,065.49 Balance Dec. 31, 1960 — Preostanek 31.1960 ................ $450,041.13 Income in Januery, 1961 — Dohodki v januarju, 1961 ........... 5,974.70 Total — Skupaj ........... $456,015.83 Disbursements January, 1961 — Stroški v jan., 1961 .................... 4,065.49 Balance January 31, 1961 — Preostanek 31. jan., 1961 .... $451,950.34 ALBINA NOVAK, Secretary ATTENTION SECRETARIES! Please mail the monthly reports before the deadline—in order that they will be received at the Home Office before the first of the month. This is specially important in the next few months before the Nat’l Convention. Albina Novak, Supreme Secretary OFFICERS OF S.W.U. BRANCHES — 1961 No. 1, SHEBOYGAN. WIs. Pres.: Mary Godez, 524 No. Water St. Sec'y.: Margaret Fisher, 515 Washington, Kohler, Wis. Treas.: Mary Vertacie, 1814 So. Sth St. Meetings: Second Sunday. School Hall. No. 2. CHICAGO. III. Pres.: Albina Novak, 1931 W. Cermak Sec’y.: Mary Muller. 1846 W. 23rd St. Treas.: Mary Tomazin, 1902 W. Cermak Meetings: Second Thursday, Church Hall. No. 3. PUEBLO, Colo. Pres.: Anna Pachak, 2009 Oakland St. Seo’y.: Frances Simonich, 1113 Mahren Treas.: Frances Skul, 1107 Mahren Meetings: First Wednesday, Church Hall. 7 p.m. No. 4, OREGON CITY, Ore. Pres.: M. Polajner, 1112 J. Adams St. Sec’y.: Mary Gerkman, R. 2, Box 69 Meetings: Second Tuesday, 8 pm. No. 5, INDIANAPOLIS. Ind. Pres.: Margaret Sustersic, 721 No. Kecbam St. Seo’y.: Julia Zupanclc, 2826 W. 10th St. Treas.: Antonia Bayt. 748 N. Warman Meetings: Fourth Sunday, S.N.D. W. 10th St. No. 6, BARBERTON, Ohio Pres.: Pauline Barbarich, 278 13. Hop Ave Sec’y.: Mary Fidel, 86 - 16th St. N.W. Treas.: J. Kiloran, 906 W. Tusc. Ave. Meetings: First Sunday, Club House. No. 7, FOREST CITY, Pa. Pres.: Anna Kameen, 87 Depot St. Sec’y.: Christine Menart, 741 Main St., Vandling, Pa. Treas.: Josephine Gostisha, 1010 No. Main Meetings: Second Sunday, Zvon Hall, 2 p.m. No. 8, STEELTON, Pa. Pres.: Mary Messersmith, 323 Myers St. Sec’y.: Anne Pavellch, 222 Myers St. Treas.: Katie Belicic, 245 Fredrick St. Meetings: First Sunday. No. 9, DETROIT, Mich. Pres.: Henriette Van Haverbeck, 21070 Ehlert, Warren, Mich. Sec’y.: Mary Jamsek, 342 Geneva. Highland Park 3, Mich. Meetings: Every third month. Secretary’s home. No. 10, CLEVELAND, Ohio Pres.: Mary Urbas, 835 E. 156th St. Sec’y.: Mary Camloh, 15726 Holmes Ave. Treas.: Mary IComldar, 795 E. 157th St. Meetings: Second Tuesday. Slov. Home. 15810 Holmes Ave. No. 12, MILWAUKEE, Wis. Pres.: Frances Plesko, 2908 W. Green- field Ave. Sec’y.: Mary Schimenz. 732 W. Pierce St. Meetings: First Wednesday, Church Hail. No. 13, SAN FRANCISCO. Calif. Pres.: Geraldine Adami, 1938 16th Ave. Sec’y.: Ann Stich, 579 Rhode Island Treas.: Mary Ansel, 691 Kansas St. Meetings: First Thursday, Slov. Home. No. 14, CLEVELAND 19. Ohio Pres.: Tillie Speliar, 1200 E. 173rd St. Sec’y.: Pauline Cesar. 20975 Arbor Ave. Treas.: Mary Iskra, 18814 Muskoka Ave. Meetings: First Tuesday. Slov. Home, Recher Ave. No. 15, CLEVELAND 5, Ohio Pres.: Frances Lindich, 4024 E. 62nd St. Sec’y.: Frances Novak. 3552 E. 80th St. Treas.: Mary Skufca, 3708 E. 77th St. Meetings: Second Wednesday. S.N.D., 80th Street. No. 16, CHICAGO 17, III. Pres.: Katie Triller, 1724 Stanton, Whiting, Ind. Sec’y.: Gladys Buck, 10036 Ave. L Treas.: Anna Buck, 10036 Ave. L Meetings: Second Thursday, St. George’s Hall. No, 17. WEST ALLIS, Wis, Pres.: J. Schlossar, 1420 Victoria Circle, Elm Grove, Wis. Sec’y.: Marie A. Floryan, 5830 W. Mineral Treas.: Frances Piwoni, 2636 So. 70th St. Meetings: Third Sunday. St. Mary’s Hall. 1 p.m. No. 18. CLEVELAND, Ohio Pres.: Nettie Strukel. 473 E. 142nd St. Sec’y.: Ann Strukel. 534 E. 143rd St. Treas.: Ann Strukel Meetings: Every 2nd Tuesday 8 p.m. No. 19, EVELETH. Minn. Pres.: Antonia Nenigar, 117 Jones St. Sec’y.: Mary Lenich, 609 Jones St. Treas.: Mary Lenich Meetings: Second Wednesday, Auditorium No. 20, JOLIET, III. Pres.: Emma Planinšek. 1314 Elizabeth Sec’y.: Frances Gaspich, 619 Nicholson St. Treas.: Jos. Sumlc, 1305 No. Center St. Meetings: Third Sunday. Ferdinand Hall, 2 p.m. No. 21, CLEVELAND, Ohio Pres.: Theresa Lach, 13110 Crossburn Sec’y.: Stella Dancull, 13390 Settlement Acres Dr., Cleveland 30, Ohio Treas.: Josephine Weiss, 12619 Kirton Meetings: First Wednesday, J.D.N. Hall. No. 22, BRADLEY, III. Pres.: Antoinette Lustig, 296 N. Michigan Sec’y.: Mollie Metschuleit, 324 So. Grand Treas.: Anna La Montagne, 284 So. Grand Ave. Meetings: 4tli Thursday at member’s homes No. 23, ELY, Minn. Pres.: Katherine Grahek, 619 E. Chap. St. Sec’y.: Barbara Rosandich, 1212 E. Sheridan St. Treas.: Mary Shikonya, S46 E. Chap. St. Meetings: 1st Sunday St. Anthony Hall 7:30 P.M. No. 24, LA SALLE. III. Pres.: Mary Itrogulski, 1237- 6th St. Sec’y.: Angela Strukel, 536 La Harpe St. Treas.: Mary Kastigar, 1146 - 7th Street Meetings: 1st Sunday St. Roch’s School hall No. 25, CLEVELAND, Ohio Pres.: Pauline Stampfel, 6108 St. Clair Sec’y.: Mary Otoničar. 1110 E. 66th St. Treas.: Mary Otoničar Meetings: Second Monday, St. Vitus School Hall. No. 26, PITTSBURGH, Pa. Pres.: Anna Trontel, 701 Kendall St. Sec’y.: Anna Frankovlc, 5332 Keystone St. Treas.: Antonia Stayduhar, 5607 Wickliff Meetings: Third Tuesday, Slov. Home. No. 27, NORTH BRADDOCK, Pa. Pres.: Mary Stephenson, 1721 No. Ridge Sec’y.: Mrs. Frances Kucic, 146 Churchill Road. Turtle Creek, Pa. Treas.: Frances Celigoi, 1719 Poplar Way Meetings: First Sunday. 1629 Ridge Ave. No. 28, CALUMET. Mich. Pres.: Ann Heinemann, 432 - 5th St. Sec’y.: Mary Bonenfant, 1259 - 11th St. Treas.: Stephanie Ryan. 107- 6th St. Meetings: 2nd Wed. St. Joseph’s Church Hall No. 29, BROUNDALE, Pa. (P.O. Forest City, Pa.) Pres.: Mary Pristavec, Vine St. Sec’y.: Mary Hadley, 217 Vine St. Treas.: Jos. Debevec, 337 Main St. Meetings: First Monday. No. 30. AURORA. III. Pres.: Emma Tomse, 550 Spruse St. Sec’y.: Theresa Zefron, 1227 Superior St. Treas.: Barbara Fayfar. 611 Honkes Ave. Meetings: Second Tuesday. Members’ homes. No. 31. GILBERT. Minn, Pres.: Anna Zgonc, Box 784 Sec’y.: Antoinette Luclch, Box 752 Treas.: Antoinette Lucich Meetings: Second Wednesday, Community Hall 8 P.M. No. 32, EUCLID. Ohio Pres.: Theresa Potokar, 19850 Renwood Sec’y.: Teresa Popovič, 24631 Glenforest Road. Euclid 23. Ohio Treas.: Molly Gregore, 19670 Orminston Meetings: First Tuesday, St. Christine’s Hall. No. 33. DULUTH. Minn. Pres.: Elizabeth Smolnikar, 216 Proco Ct. Sec’y.: Mary Shubltz, 518 - 99tli Ave. W. Treas.: Mary Shubltz Meetings: Second Wednesday. St. Elizabeth’s Hall, 7:30 p.m. No. 34, SOUDAN, Minn. Pres.: Agnes Drasrovan. Box 5 Sec’y.: Mary Pahula, Box 26 Treas.: Mary Pahula Meetings: Third Wednesday, C.M. Club Hall. No. 35, AURORA. Minn. Pres.: Mary Smolicli, 112 W. 3rd Ave No. Sec’y.: Frances Bradach, 28 No. Erie St. Treas.: Frances Bradach Meetings: Second Wed. 8 p.m. Church Hall No. 37, GREANEY, Minn. Pres.: Helen Shuster Sec’y.: Mary Krall, Gheen, Minn Treas.: Anna Skraba, Gheen, Minn. Meetings: Second Sunday. Church Hall. No. 38, CHISHOLM, Minn. Pres.: Frances Hren, 300 - 1st St. N.W. Sec’y.: Anna Trdan, 215 - 5th S.W. Treas.: Sylvia Petrich, 229% - 5th St. S. W. Meetings: First Wednesday, S.N.D. No. 39, BIWABIK, Minn. Pres.: Margaret Setnikar Sec’y.: Frances Anzelc, Box 67 Treas.: Frances Anzelc Meetings: Second Sunday, Church Basement. No. 40, LORAIN, Ohio Pres.: Frances Bresak, 1769 E. 31st St. Sec’y.: Angela Kozjan, 1628 W. 29th St. Treas.: Mary Pavlovčič, 1765 E. 34th St. Meetings: Second Wednesday. S.N.D. 7:30 p.m. No. 41, CLEVELAND, Ohio Pres.: Rose Pujzdar, 1238 E. 169th St. Sec’y.: Ella Starin, 17814 Dlllewood Treas.: Mary Debevec, 14926 Sylvia Ave. Meetings: First Tuesday, Slov. Work- men’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd. No. 42, MAPLE HEIGHTS, Ohio (P.O. Bedford. Ohio) Pres.: Antonia I^egan, 5120 Stanley Ave. Sec’y.: Louise Prhne, 5141 Miller Treas.: Matilda Cook, 5082 Thomas St. Meetings: 2nd Tuesday every second month SND No. 43 MILWAUKEE, Wis. Pres.: Josephine Kolar, 2213 So. 16th St. Sec’y.: Rose Kraemer, 4304 So. K. K. Cudahy, Wis. Treas.: Rose Howe. 1023 So. 6th St. Meetings: 2nd Sunday, St. John’s Auditorium No. 45, PORTLAND, Ore. Pres.: Mary E. Roso, 215 S.E. 86th Ave Sec’y.: Louise Struznik, 915 No. Stafford Treas.: Rosemary Roso, 215 S.E. 86th Ave. Meetings: First Thursday. No. 46, ST. LOUIS, Mo. Pres.: Josephine Prebil, 4309 California Sec’y.: Helen Skoff, 6255 Westway PI. Treas.: Helen Skoff Meetings: First Sunday, 4309 California ” Avenue. No. 47, CLEVELAND, Ohio Pres.: Theresa Bizjalc, 8601 Vineyard Sec’y.: Jennie Pugely, 10724 Plymouth Treas.: Antonia Dolinar, 8805 Vineyard Meetings: 2nd Sunday. 8601 Vineyard Feb., April, June, Sept., Oct., Dec. No. 48. BUHL. Minn. Pres.: Rose Molick, Box 272 Sec’y.: Mary Glavan, Box 624 Treas.: Mary Arko, Box 455 Meetings: 1st Tuesday every second month, Public Library No. 49, NOBLE, Ohio Pres.: Mary Stusek, 29654 Grand Blvd., Wickliffe, Ohio. Sec'y.: Mary Stusek Treas.: Mary Gombach, 22300 Arms Ave. Meetings: Second Sunday, every third month, 22300 Arms Ave. No. 50. CLEVELAND. Ohio Pres.: Frances Sletz, 308 Richmond Rd. Sec’y.: Marie Beck, 25S51 Highland Rd., Cleveland 24 Meetings: Third Monday, St. Vitus School Hall No. 51, KENMORE, Ohio (P.O. Akron, Ohio) Pres.: Jennie Zoker, 2110 Manchester Rd. Sec'y.: Helen Sterle, 440 Fritch Ave. Treas.: Dorothy Zakely, 601 Marengo Meetings: First Sunday, Slov. Club Home. No. 52, HIBBING, Minn. (Kitzville) Pres.: Jos. Oswald, 330 - 2nd St., Ilibbing Sec'y.: Rose Chiodi, 312- 4th St. Treas.: Rose Chiodi Meetings: First AVednesday, Little Grove Club Room. No. 53, CLEVELAND, Ohio Pres.: Mary Oblak, 4111 Pleasant Valley, Parma, Ohio Sec’y.: Mary Kolanz, 3!)70 W. 22nd St. Treas.: Mary Kolanz Meetings: First Thursday, 3070 W. 22nd Street every third month No. 54, WARREN, Ohio Pres.: Rose Racher, 2205 Burton St. Sec’y.: Mary Waltko, 20G8 Milton St. Treas.: Mary Waltko Meetings: First Thursday, Slov. Hall. No. 55, GIRARD, Ohio Pres.: Theresa Lozier, 152 Churchill Rd. Sec’y.: Mary Ann Mehalco, 1022 N. State Treas.: Alary Ann Mehalco Meetings: Second Thursday, S.N.D. No. 56, HIBBING, Minn. Pres.: Anne Satovich, 3414 W. 4th St. Sec'y.: Mary Meadows, J410-15th Ave. E. Treas.: Mary Drobnick, 3609 W. 4th Ave. Meetings: Second Tuesday, Assumption Hall. No. 57, NILES, Ohio Pres.: Frances Jerman, 2110 Robbins Sec'y.: Mary Macek, 12 Pittsburgh St.. Girard, Ohio Treas.: Mary Strah, R.D. #1, Mineral Ridge, O. Meetings: Second Tuesday at Mrs. Yer-man’s Home No. 59, BURGETTSTOWN, Pa. Pres.: Margaret Latella, Charles St. Sec’y.: Virginia Bendlch, Main St. Treas.: Margaret Godlsh, 1 E. Market St. Meetings: First Wednesday, Slov. Home. No. 61, BRADDOCK, Pa. Pres.: Johanna Chesnik, 1223 Milton St. Sec’y.: Pauline Stolec, 2019 Monroe, Pittsburgh 18, Pa. Treas.: Jennie Novosel, 901 Greensburg Pike, E. Pittsburgh. Meetings: Second Sunday, Croat. Home. No. 62, CONNEAUT. Ohio Pres.: Shirley Rose, G26 Orange St. Sec’y.: Anna Mundi, 703 Broad St. Meetings: Second Wednesday. No. 63, DENVER, Colo. Pres.: Mary Kovac, 4795% Pearl St. Stc’y.: Amalia Svigel, 4939 Washington Treas.: Johanna Krasovicl), 5180 Washington St. Meetings: Fourth Sunday, Slov. Home.. No. 64, KANSAS CITY, Kans. Pres.: Antonia ICostelec, 617 Splltlog Sec’y.: Catherine Lastelic, 637 Orville Treas.: Regina Con, 317 Orchard Ave. Meetings: 4th Sunday, Holy Trinity Hall No. 65. VIRGINIA, Minn. Pres.: Mary Verblch, 1007 - 7th Ave., N. Sec’y.: Jennie Tavchar, 719 - 10th St. N. Treas.: Jennie Tavchar Meetings: Third Tuesday Sacred Heart Church Hall No. 66, CANON CITY, Colo. Pres.: Agnes Lukeman, Rt. 1, Florence, Colo. Sec’y.-treas.: Cecile Adamic. 1330 So. 4th St. Meetings: 2nd Sunday, every 3rd month. Lodge Room, 319 Elm St. No. 67, BESSEMER, Pa. Pres.: Mary Snezlc, Box 47 Sec’y.: Frances Samsa, Box 45 Trens.: Mary Brodesko. Box 449 Meetings: Second Sunday, Croation Hall 8 p.m. No. 68, FAIRPORT HARBOR, Ohio Pres.: Jennie SateJ, 688 Mentor Ave. Sec’y.: Mary Grzely, 1055 N. St. Clair, Painesville, Ohio Treas.: Mary Grzely Meetings: Third Sunday, Club Hall, 617 3rd St. No. 70, WEST ALIQUIPPA, Pa. Pres.: Stella Cicconi, 104 Main Ave. Sec’y.: Frances Gentile, 141% Main Ave. Treas.: Mary Derglin, 85 Maple Ave. Meetings: Second Tuesday, 104 Main. No. 71, STRABANE, Pa. Pres.: Mary Tomsic, Box 202 Sec’y.: Frances Tomsic, Box 94 Treas.: Mary Boštjančič, Box 68 Meetings: Second Wednesday, KSKJ Hall, 7 p.m. No. 72, CHICAGO, III. (Pullman) Fres.: Angela Bezlaj, 11431 Champlain Avenue Sec’y.: Jennie Orazem, 11435 Champlain Ave., Chicago 28, 111. Treas.: Jennie Orazem Meetings: 2nd Wednesday, 11437 Champlain, 1:30 P.M. No. 73, WARRENSVILLE, Ohio Pres.: Kay Yuratovac, 19511 Sumpter Rd. Zone 28 Sec’y.: Louise Eppley, 20294 Emery Rd., Cleveland 28, Ohio Treas.: Agnes Walters, 24717 Emery Rd. Meetings: 1st Monday at 22710 Vera St. No. 74, AM BRIDGE, Pa. Pres.: Mary Habich, 160 Maplewood Ave. Sec’y.: Stephanie Plese, 112 Merchant St. Meetings: Second Sunday, Slov. Audit. No. 77, N.S. PITTSBURGH, Pa. Pres.: Betty Ann Murphy, 907. Haslage Sec’y.: Mary Chrnart, 937 Haslage Ave., Spring Hill, Pittsburgh 12, Pa. Treas.: Eliz. Conway, 1610 Waltz St. Meetings: Second Thursday, Javor Hall. No. 78, LEADVILLE, Colo. Sec’y.: Mary Vidmar, 414 W. Third St. Treas.: Mary Fajdiga Meetings: Last Thursday, 414 W. Third St., 1:30 p’.m. No. 79, ENUMCLAW, Wash. Pres.: Mary MiheHck, 1730 Hlllcrest Sec’y.: Fanny Ramshak, 669 Stevenson Treas.: Jennie Beaver, Box 96 Meetings: Second Sunday, every third month, Members’ homes. No. 80, MOON RUN, Pa. Pres.: Ann Petanovich Sec’y.: Mary Christian, RFD 1, Box 57, McKees Rocks, Pa. Treas.: Josephine Pogachnick, Box 171 Meetings: First Thursday, Miners Hall. No. 81, KEEWATIN, Minn. Pres.: Anna Jackovich Sec’y.: Anna General Treas.: Margaret Cenjar Meetings: Second Thursday, Village Hall. No. 83, CROSBY, Minn. Pres.: Helen Kovali, 217 - 3rd St. N.W. Sec’y.: Mary Deblock, Box 61, Ironton, Minn. Treas.: Mary Deblock, Box 12, Riverton Meetings: First Monday, 8 p.m. No. 84, NEW YORK CITY, N.Y. Pres.: Angela Voje, 1825 Woodbine St. Ridgewood. Brooklyn, N.Y. Sec’y.: Anna F. Svet, 1830 Cornelia St., Ridgewood 27, L.I., N.Y. Treas.: Ivanka Ferrari, 60-46-68 Rd Ridgewood Meetings: 2nd Tuesday, Julius Grill, 60-47-60 Lane Ridgewood No. 85, DE PUE, III. Pres.: Mary Stupar, Box 381 Sec’y.: Marla Jermene. Box 205 Treas.: Mary Zobavnik Meetings: Second Sunday, S.N.D., 2 p.m. No. 86, NASHWAUK, Minn. Pres.: Helen Kolar, 207 - 1st St. Sec’y.: Mary Zakrajšek, 602 - 2nd St. Treas.: Catherine Stlmac, 3 Central Meetings: Second Wednesday, St. Cecelia Hall No. 88, JOHNSTOWN. Pa. Pres.: Mary Kuzma, 218 View Street Sec’y.: Mary Lovse, 205 Oakland Ave. Treas.: Mary Zupan, 516 Forest Ave. Meetings: Second Wednesday. St. Ann’s Church Hall. No. 89. OGLESBY. III. Pres.: Frances Nemeth, 120 N. Kenosha Sec’y.: Nancy KleczewskI, 119 E. 3rd St. Treas.: Sophie Frank. 311 Elm St. Meetings: 2nd Monday, Dickenson House. No. 90. PRESTO. Pa. Pres.: Sophie Sorcan, Iiirwan Hgts. Bridgeville Sec’y.: Mary Rupnik. 701 Chartlers St. Treas.: Ann Sorcan, Kirwan Hgts. Bridgeville Meetings: Third Sunday, St. Barbara’s Hall, Presto. Pa., 3 p.m. No. 91, OAKMONT, Pa. Pres.: Anna Flisek, 721 - 3rd St. Sec’y.: Amalia Sorch. 409 Virginia Ave. Treas.: Bertha Persln. 830 - 3th St. Meetings: 1st Tuesday. March May, Sept., Dec., at secretary’s home No. 92. CRESTED BUTTE. Colo. Pres.: Frances M. Greenfield Sec’y.: Josephine Somrak Treas.: Margaret Malenšek Meetings: First Sunday. Frank’s Cafe. No. 93, BROOKLYN. N.Y. Pres.: Helena Corel, 238 Ridgewood Ave. Sec’y.: Anna Kerkovich, 360 Knickerbocker Ave. Treas.: Helen Hodnick, 6042 - 68 Rd. Meetings: Third Tuesday, Slov. Hall No. 94, CANTON, Ohio Pres.: Kathryn Pauline, 1201 - 41st S.W. Sec’y.: M. Krznarich, 610 Paterson S.W. Treas.: Mary Krznarich Meetings: Fourth Sunday. No. 95, SO. CHICAGO, III. Pres.: Mildred James. 10727 Ave. M Sec’y.: Mildred Poropat, 8314 Saginaw Treas.: Stephanie Magnuvite, 9655 Commercial Meetings: 1st Wednesday at Croation Hall No. 96, UNIVERSAL, Pa. Pres.: Pauline Kokal, 2811 Reiter Rd.. Pittsburgh 35, Pa. Sec’y.: Mary P. Klemenčič, 3401 Clements Rd. Pgh 35 Treas.: Mary E. Oblock, R.D. 1, 668 Center Rd., Monroeville, Pa. Meetings: 2nd Sunday, Members’ homes. No. 97, CAIRN BROOK, pa. Pres.: Nancy Satkovlcli, Box 128 - 2nd St. Sec’y.: Mary Satkovlch, Box 125 - 3rd St. Treas.: Frances Naret, R.D. 1, Central City Meetings: 2nd Sunday, secretary’s home 2 P.M. No. 99, ELMHURST, III. Pres.: Victoria Volk, 243 Larch Av«. Sec’y.: Mary Podgornik, 148 Maple Treas.: Mary Rebek, 248, Larch Avenue Meetings: 1st Sunday, Members’ homes No. 100, FONTANA, Calif. Pres. Dorothy Petrich, 9350 Palmetto Ave. Sec’y.: Patricia Vidergar 17261 Ivy Meetings: 1st Thursday: K.S.K.J. Hall 7 p.m. No. 102, WILLARD, WIs. Pres.: Johanna Artach Sec’y and Treas.: Mary Staut R. 1 Meetings: Second Sunday. No. 104, JOHNSTOWN, Pa. Pres.: Rose Hribar, 622 Cooper Ave. Sec’y.: Theresa Zallar, R.D. 1, Box 163 Treas.: Mary Anzelc 1115 Virginia Meetings: Third Sunday, Ss. Cyril and Methodius Hall. No. 105, DETROIT, Mich. Pres.: Julia Panzica, 11395 Grandmont Sec’y.: Katherine Music, 7528 Plnehurst, Dearborn, Mich. Treas.: Dorothea Hatala, 18839 Carrie Meetings: At member’s home*. No. 106, MEADOW LANDS, Pa. Pres.: Agnes Zltko, Box 557 Sec’y.: Catherine Hoefler, Box 197 Treas.: Anna Pavello Meetings: Third Thursday. Church Hall. JUNIOR'S PAGE STRIKE UP THE BAND! The drum corps is ready—rrrrrrrr! boom! And, Master Jimmy Kikel of Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio, who is just six years old, will be right in line with the other drummer boys—8 of them in blue and white uniforms— when the whistle blows and the captain calls “march,” on Saturday and Sunday, March 11th and 12th at ti e Ohio State Fair. Jimmy strikes a professional pose, doesn’t he? And, who do w'e see here? * Performers for the Ohio State Fair this month at St. Vitus Auditorium in Cleveland, Ohio. They are the two little Slovenian dancing girls, Karen Lo Conti and Pauline Srsen of Br. 25. They’re only 6 years old, too, but they know a lot about dancing to Slovenian polkas, and their group of 12 girls will show everyone how they do it at the Ohio Fair. Margaret Re-bol is their instructor. In the center is captain of the junior drill team of Br. 50, Miss Betty Jevec. Betty is seen in a white satin uniform with gold braid, just like the one her teammates will wear. There are 20 girls in her team, ranging in ages from 12 to 16 years. There will also be baton twirling under the direction of Captain Pat Sustercic and her assistant, Pat Peters. HI, BOYS AND GIRLS! Anything nice happen to you last month? Come on, let’s hear about it! Three nice things happened to me. First, I read Patrick Ziegenhom’s first pen pal letter, which I was very happy to see on the Junior Page. Second, I received a lovely Valentine and even tho the writing wasn’t too clear, as she is only 4 years old, I know it was from Miriam Leskovar because it was postmarked Chicago. Her little brother Luddie’s name was on the card, too. Third happy thing was that I attended my first pajama party. It was a surprise birthday party for one of my school mates. We played all kinds of games and sang songs and then, started to toss pillows. But, we tried to behave as nice as we could so our hostess would think we’re all polite girls! Special message to all the boys of the Junior group. Get your pens ready and write a short letter to Patrick. Let him know you enjoyed his letter very much. All you have to do is write: Dear Pat—and then, the letter will just write itself. Mail your letter to our Editor, Zarja—The Dawn, 1937 W. Cennak Rd., Chicago 8., 111. Easter is coming! We need some decorations of bunnies and Easter eggs for our page. Any artists around? If there are, you too can send in your sketches to our Editor. So, with a ‘‘cheep, cheep” which means good bye in Chickenland, I’ll sign off. DONNA Elizabeth Ann and Julia Dearborn are the daughters of Mr. & Mrs. F. Dearborn of Kansas City, Kans., and guess what? On Jan. 12th, their baby brother Frederick was born! They are certainly happy to have a little boy around and no one is happier than their grandma, Mrs. Antonia Kostelec, the president of Br. G4. Their mommy is also a member of the Kansas City branch. They surely look ready for the Easter parade with their sweet smiles and perky bonnets! SMILING SISTERS COME AND SEE US AT THE FAIR! HI, JUNIORS! Easter holiday is just around the corner! Hope the bunny brings you a lot of surprises—do be good and earn them! Let me hear from you—and let’s show others that we’re on the map, too—Ohio has lots of junior activity, and I hope they’ll inspire the other 49 states to do something soon. Why don’t you do this? Send us a snapshot of yourself or your family and tell us what you are doing in the picture or what the occasion is. Then, we’ll print it on this page. There won’t be anything to write—just mail us the picture. Hope to see one in next month’s issue, from YOU! How about getting your friends and relatives to join our S.W.U.? This is the time for sending in applications for scholarships. Try.—Mrs. Prisland will accept all requests—so far, no one has ever applied from the state of Penna. Study.—do your best and help your parents, brothers, sisters, friends and the aged. It all pays off in the end, you'll see! Hope to hear from you soon—so long until next time! And, Happy Easter! Christine Menart, juvenile director PEN PALS WRITE! Hello Patrick! Good for you to break the ice! Maybe now more boys and girls will write in and let us know what they do for recreation, too. How about your being the leader for the boys, just like I am trying to do for the girls? Just by reading your nice letter, the Junior members can see you are a very active member. Keep up the good work and write in again, sometime. DONNA PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS jmHttttttWfcHtffBSg DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois JOHN ZELEZNIKAR and SONS FUEL OIL 2045 W. 23rd St. VI 7-6891 Chicago 8, 111. We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate & Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities Nad pol stoletja že nudi ljubeznivo bratsko pomoč svojim članom in članicam, vdovam in sirotam v slučaju bolezni, nesreče ali smrti KRANJSKO SLOVENSKA KATOLIŠKA JEDNOTA Najstarejša slovenska podporna organizacija v Ameriki Certificates: 48,000 Premoženje: $13,000,000.00 K.S.K. Jednota sprejema moške in ženske od 1C. do 60. leta starosti; otroke pa takoj po rojstvu in do 18. leta pod svoje okrilje. K.S.K. Jednota izdaja najmodernejše vrste certifikate za odrasle in mladino od $250.00 do $5,000.00. Če še nisi član ali članica te mogočne katoliške podporne organizacije, potrudi se in pristopi takoj — bolje danes kot jutri! Starši, vpišite svoje otroke v K.S.K. Jednoto! Za pojasnila o zavarovalnini vprašajte tajnike ali tajnice krajevnih društev KSKJ v vaši naselbini, ali pa pišite na: GLAVNI URAD 351-353 No. Chicago Street Joliet, Illinois ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT DR. VICTOR R. CERCEK ZOBOZDRAVNIK — DENTIST 1930 West Cermak Rd. Tel.: Bishop 7-7179 CHICAGO 8, III. PARK VIEW LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS A Service to Fit Every Budget 1727-31 W. 21st Street CAnal 6-7172-73 CHICAGO ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN CHICAGO 8, ILL. ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors & Embalmers Virginia 7-6688 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin H. GRDINI) S SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 56 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: Kenmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio