PRIDELKI ZGODNJIH POSEVKOV IN SADJA, SLOVENIJA, 2003 PRODUCTION OF EARLY CROPS AND FRUITS, SLOVENIA, 2003 Podatki o pridelkih zgodnjih poljščin in zgodnjega sadja so bili izračunani iz podatkov o površinah zemljišč in o številu dreves ter iz podatkov o povprečnih pridelkih na hektar in sadno drevo. Leto 2003 je bilo zaradi suše za pridelovalce zgodnjih žit neugodno. Po zbranih statističnih podatkih je skupni pridelek pšenice in pire s 117 tisoč tonami na nekaj manjših površinah (za 4 %) kar za tretjino (33%) manjši od doseženega v letu 2002. Pridelovalci ječmena so v primerjavi z letom prej posejali za 11 % več zemljišč s tem žitom in pospravili za 18 % manjši skupni pridelek. Delna spomladanska pozeba in zgodnjepoletna suša v letu 2003 sta slabo vplivali tudi na pridelek zgodnjih vrst sadja, razen višenj, ki so v tem letu zelo dobro obrodile. Data on production of early crops and early fruit were calculated from the data on area and the number of trees and from the data on average yield per hectare and per fruit tree. Because of drought, 2003 was not a favourable year for producers of early cereals. According to collected data, total production of wheat and spelt of 117,000 tons on only slightly smaller area (by 4%) is a third (33%) lower than in 2002. Compared to 2002, this year barley producers produced 18% less barley on 11% more area sown with this cereal. Spring frost and early summer drought had a bad impact on production of early fruits in 2003, except sour cherries, which cropped very well. Slika 1: Pridelek zgodnjih žit, Slovenija, 1993–2003 Chart 1: Production of early cereals, Slovenia, 1993–2003 © SURS © SURS 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 pšenica in pira / wheat and spelt ječmen / barley V 1000 ton In 1000 tons V 1000 ton In 1000 tons rž / rye tritikala / triticale 27. NOVEMBER 2003 27 NOVEMBER 2003 15 KMETIJSTVO IN RIBIŠTVO AGRICULTURE AND FISHING št./No 39 št./No 314 Statistične informacije, št. 314/2003 2 Rapid Reports No 314/2003 1. Pridelek zgodnjih posevkov, Slovenija, 2003 Production of early crops, Slovenia, 2003 Pridelek (t) Production (t) Površina (ha) Area (ha) skupaj (t) total (t) indeksi indices 2003 2002 na/ha (t) yield (t) Pšenica in pira 34364 116674 66,72 3,40 Wheat and spelt Rž 630 1368 67,13 2,17 Rye Ječmen 13709 39302 81,65 2,87 Barley Oves 1964 3645 61,93 1,86 Oats Tritikale 1820 4921 74,94 2,70 Triticale Oljna ogrščica 2309 4099 79,14 1,78 Oil turniprape Krompir, zgodnji 544 7471 49,56 13,73 Potatoes, early 2. Pridelek zgodnjega sadja v intenzivnih sadovnjakih, Slovenija, 2003 Production of early fruits in orchard plantations, Slovenia, 2003 Pridelek (t) Production (t) Površina (ha) Area (ha) skupaj (t) total (t) indeksi indices 2003 2002 na/ha (t) yield (t) Češnje 113 241 27,6 2,1 Cherries Višnje 65 518 163,5 8,0 Sour cherries Marelice 31 44 19,1 1,4 Apricots Jagode 76 1226 97,9 16,1 Strawberries Borovnice 23 93 98,6 4,0 Bilberries Ribez 1 2 63,9 2,0 Currants Maline 2 4 33,3 2,0 Raspberries 3. Pridelek zgodnjega sadja v ekstenzivnih sadovnjakih, Slovenija, 2003 Production of early fruits in extensive orchards, Slovenia, 2003 Pridelek (t) Production (t) Število dreves Number of trees ves (t) total (t) indeksi indices 2003 2002 kg/drevo kg/tree Češnje 133210 2779 105,7 20,86 Cherries Višnje 20674 327 85,3 15,84 Sour cherries Marelice 24228 218 48,2 8,99 Apricots STATISTIČNA ZNAMENJA STATISTICAL SIGNS - ni pojava - no occurrence of event ... ni podatka ... data not available Ø povprečje Ø average * popravljen podatek * corrected data 0 podatek je manjši od 0,5 dane merske enote 0 value not zero but less than 0,5 of the unit employed 0,0 podatek je manjši od 0,05 dane merske enote 0,0 value not zero but less than 0,05 of the unit employed 1) izpostavno znamenje za opombo pod tabelo 1) footnote ( ) nezadostno preverjen ali ocenjen podatek ( ) incomplete or estimated data (( )) nenatančna ocena (( )) inaccurate estimate z podatek zaradi zaupnosti ni objavljen z data not published because of confidentiality Statistične informacije, št. 314/2003 Rapid Reports No 314/2003 3 METODOLOŠKA POJASNILA METHODOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS Namen statističnega raziskovanja Purpose of the statistical survey je posredovati javnosti podatke o površinah in pridelkih zgodnjih poljščin in zgodnjega sadja za leto 2003. Podatki so pomembni za prikaz trenutnega stanja, analizo in nadaljnje načrtovanje kratkoročne in dolgoročne politike. The purpose of the statistical survey is to collect data on area and production of early crops and early fruits. These data are important for showing the current situation, analysis and planning of short-term and long-term policy. Enota opazovanja Observation unit V letu 2003 smo podatke pridobili od tako imenovanih evropsko primerljivih družinskih kmetij (EPK), ki so bile zbrane z vzorcem in vseh kmetijskih podjetij, ki po podatkih Poslovnega registra Slovenije opravljajo kmetijsko dejavnost. In 2003, we collected data from the so called European size class farms selected with a sample and from all agricultural enterprises that according to the Business Register of Slovenia perform agricultural activity. Podatke o zgodnjih posevkih in sadju na družinskih kmetijah smo za leto 2003 pridobili z naslednjimi statističnimi raziskovanji: Data on early crops and fruit on family farms were collected with the following statistical surveys: – z raziskovanjem strukture kmetijskih gospodarstev, junij 2003 so bili zbrani podatki s pomočjo popisovalcev o: – with interviewers in the Farm Structure Survey, June 2003: – površinah poljščin, – data on area of crops, – številu dreves v ekstenzivnih sadovnjakih; – data on the number of trees in extensive orchards; – z ocenjevanjem kmetijskih svetovalcev podatki o: – with expert estimates: – povprečnih pridelkih poljščin in sadja – data on average production of crops and fruit, – s popisom vrtnarstva, julij 2003 podatki o: – with the Census of Horticulture, July 2003: – pridelovalni površini jagod – data on production area of strawberries, – s popisom intenzivnih sadovnjakov v letu 2002 : – with the Census of Orchard Plantations in 2002: – bruto površina intenzivnih nasadov po sadnih vrstah – data on gross area of orchard plantations by fruit species. Podatke o zgodnjih posevkih in sadju pri kmetijskih podjetjih smo za leto 2003 pridobili z naslednjimi statističnimi raziskovanji: Data on early crops and fruit in agricultural enterprises were collected with the following statistical surveys: – z raziskovanjem strukture kmetijskih gospodarstev, junij 2003 so bili zbrani podatki o: – with in the Farm Structure Survey, June 2003: – površinah poljščin, – data on area of crops, – s popisom vrtnarstva, julij 2003 podatki o: – with the Census of Horticulture, July 2003: – pridelovalni površini jagod – data on production area of strawberries, – s popisom intenzivnih sadovnjakov v letu 2002 – with the Census of Orchard Plantations in 2002: – bruto površina intenzivnih nasadov po sadnih vrstah – data on gross area of orchard plantations by fruit species, – z rednim statističnim raziskovanjem o doseženih pridelkih zgodnjih posevkov in sadja v letu 2003 podatki o: – with the regular statistical survey on production of early crops and fruit in 2003: – skupnem pridelku poljščin in sadja. – data on total production of crops and fruit. Način zbiranja podatkov Method of data collection 1. Raziskovanje strukture kmetijskih gospodarstev 2003 1. 2003 Farm Structure Survey Kmetijska gospodarstva so družinske kmetije, ki ustrezajo merilom evropsko primerljive kmetije, ter kmetijska podjetja, družbe in zadruge. Agricultural holdings are family farms satisfying the criteria of European size class and agricultural enterprises, companies and co-operatives. Podatke o kmetijskih podjetjih, družbah in zadrugah smo zbrali z vprašalnikom po pošti. Data on agricultural enterprises, companies and co-operatives were collected by mail questionnaires. Podatke o družinskih kmetijah smo zbrali s pomočjo popisovalcev. Vzorčni okvir s približno 86 000 družinskimi kmetijami je bila podatkovna baza, sestavljena ob Popisu kmetijskih gospodarstev v letu 2000, osvežena s podatki statističnih raziskovanj, izvedenih po letu 2000. V vzorcu je bilo približno 15 000 družinskih kmetij. Data on family farms were collected by interviewers. The sampling frame with about 86,000 family farms was the database prepared on the basis of 2000 Agriculture Census data. It was updated with data collected with statistical surveys after the year 2000. The sample covered about 15,000 family farms. 2. Popis vrtnarstva 2. Census of Horticulture Podatke smo zbrali s pomočjo popisovalcev, ki so bili večinoma terenski kmetijski svetovalci Kmetijsko-gozdarske zbornice Slovenije. Popisani so bili vsi tržni vrtnarski pridelovalci zelenjadnic, zelišč, jagod, sadik, gojenih gob, cvetja in okrasnih rastlin. Seznam tržnih vrtnarskih pridelovalcev je bil pripravljen na osnovi Popisa vrtnarstva 2000, osvežen s podatki statističnih raziskovanj izvedenih po letu 2000. Pred popisom so tako pripravljen seznam še dopolnili terenski kmetijski svetovalci in specialisti za vrtnarstvo Kmetijsko-gozdarske zbornice Slovenije. Data were collected by interviewers, mostly by experts of the Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry. All market horticultural producers of vegetables, herbs, strawberries, cultivated mushrooms, flowers and ornamental plants were covered. The list of market horticultural producers was prepared on the basis of the 2000 Census of Horticulture and updated with data collected with statistical surveys after the year 2000. Before the census, the list was supplemented by the experts of agricultural advisory services and experts for horticulture at the Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry. Statistične informacije, št. 314/2003 4 Rapid Reports No 314/2003 3. Ocene svetovalcev 3. Expert estimates Podatke o povprečnih pridelkih smo v letu 2003 za družinske kmetije (EPK) zbrali po cenilnih okoliših s pomočjo kmetijskih svetovalcev Kmetijsko-gozdarske zbornice Slovenije. Slovenija je razdeljena na 307 cenilnih okolišev, ki v povprečju obsegajo 2700 ha kmetijskih zemljišč. Svetovalec oceni za družinske kmetije (glede na svoje poznavanje stanja na terenu) povprečni pridelek na hektar, na rodno drevo in na trto za posamezni cenilni okoliš. Data on average production on family farms were collected by estimation districts with the help of experts of the Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry. Slovenia is divided into 307 estimation districts with an average agricultural area of 2,700 hectares. For an individual family farm experts estimated average yield per hectare, per fruit tree and per vine on the basis of their knowledge of the situation. 4. Popis intenzivnih sadovnjakov 4. Census of Orchard Plantations Podatke smo zbrali s pomočjo popisovalcev, ki so bili večinoma terenski kmetijski svetovalci Kmetijsko-gozdarske zbornice Slovenije.V popis so bili vključeni vsi pridelovalci sadja, ki so po Popisu kmetijskih gospodarstev 2000 uporabljali najmanj: Data were collected by interviewers, mostly by experts of the Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry. The census covered all fruit producers using at the 2000 Agriculture Census at least: - 10 arov intenzivnih sadovnjakov / oljčnikov ali - 0.1 hectare of orchard plantations / olive groves or - 20 oljk ekstenzivnega oljčnika ali - 20 olive trees in extensive plantations or - 5 arov jagodičja brez jagod. - 0.05 hectare of berries, excluding strawberries. 5. Redno statistično raziskovanje o pridelkih zgodnjih posevkov in sadja v kmetijskih podjetjih, družbah in zadrugah 5. Regular statistical survey on production of early crops and fruit in agricultural enterprises, companies and co-operatives Podatke o skupnem pridelku zgodnjih poljščin in sadja smo zbrali po pošti od vseh kmetijskih podjetij, družb in zadrug. Data on total production of early crops and fruit were collected by mail from all agricultural enterprises, companies and co-operatives. Definicije in druga pojasnila Definitions and other explanations Kmetijska podjetja so podjetja in zadruge, ki po podatkih Poslovnega registra Slovenije podjetij opravljajo kmetijsko dejavnost. Agricultural enterprises are enterprises and co-operatives which according to the Business Register data perform agricultural activities. Družinske kmetije imenujemo tudi evropsko primerljive družinske kmetije (EPK), če ustrezajo določenim merilom. Po merilih, uporabljenih v popisu kmetijstva 2000 so evropsko primerljive kmetije tiste, ki imajo v uporabi: Family farms are called European size class farms if they meet certain criteria. According to the 2000 Census of Agriculture, European size class farms are those having: – najmanj 1 ha kmetijskih zemljišč; − at least one hectare of utilised agricultural area, or – če imajo manj kot 1 ha kmetijskih zemljišč v uporabi, pa tudi tista, ki uporabljajo: − if they have less than one hectare of utilised agricultural area – najmanj 10 arov kmetijskih zemljišč in 90 arov gozda ali – at least 0.1 hectare of agricultural area and 0.9 hectare of forest or – najmanj 30 arov vinogradov in/ali sadovnjakov ali – at least 0.3 hectare of vineyards and/or orchards or – 2 ali več GVŽ (glav velike živine) ali – at least two livestock units (LSU) or – 15 do 30 arov vinogradov in 1 do 2 GVŽ ali − 0.15 to 0.3 hectare of vineyards and one or two LSU or – več kot 50 panjev čebel ali − at least 50 beehives or – pridelujejo zelenjadnice, zelišča, jagode, gojene gobe, cvetje in okrasne ratline za prodajo. − are market producers of vegetables, herbs, strawberries, cultivated mushrooms, flowers or ornamental plants. Intenzivni sadovnjaki so strnjeni nasadi sadnih dreves (10 arov in več) oz. jagodičja (5 arov in več), namenjeni pretežno za prodajo pridelka. Nasadi so urejeni tako, da se v njih lahko uporablja sodobna agrotehnika in jih je lahko mogoče mehanizirano obdelovati in negovati. Orchard plantations are continuous plantations of fruit trees (0.1 hectare or more) or berries (0.05 hectare or more), mostly intended for sale. Plantations are arranged so that modern agricultural technology can be used and that they can be mechanically cultivated. Ekstenzivni sadovnjaki (kmečki sadovnjaki) so travniški nasadi sadnega drevja, pretežno starih sort. Extensive orchards (farm orchards) are meadows with plantations of fruit trees of mostly old species. Povprečni pridelek na hektar ali na drevo je srednji pridelek. Pri kmetijskih podjetjih je izračunan iz pospravljenih in uskladiščenih količin ter posejanih površin in števila rodnih dreves. Pri družinskih kmetijah pa ga oceni kmetijski svetovalec in pri tem upošteva posevke, travinje, sadna drevesa in trte z nizkim in visokim pridelkom na vsem cenilnem območju. Average yield per hectare or per tree is the average yield. In agricultural enterprises it is calculated from gathered and stored quantities and from the area sown and the number of fruit-bearing trees. In family farms it is estimated by experts taking into account crops, grassland, fruit trees and vines with low and high production in the whole estimation district. Pridelek je tako imenovani uskladiščeni pridelek, v katerem so upoštevane količine, izgubljene pri spravilu in 13,5 - odstotne vlažnosti žit. Pri kmetijskih podjetjih je to uskladiščen pridelek, pri družinskih kmetijah pa je izračunan iz posejanih površin, travinja, površin intenzivnih sadovnjakov, števila dreves v ekstenzivnih sadovnjakih, števila trt v vinogradih in ocenjenega povprečnega pridelka na hektar, drevo in trto. Total production is the so-called stored production, taking into account quantities lost during gathering and the 13.5% moisture in cereals. In agricultural enterprises it is the stored production, while in family farms it is calculated from areas sown, grassland, the area of orchard plantations, the number of trees in extensive orchards, the number of vines in vineyards and the estimated average yield per hectare, per fruit tree and per vine. Statistične informacije, št. 314/2003 Rapid Reports No 314/2003 5 Objavljanje rezultatov Publishing Letno: Yearly: - Statistične informacije. Kmetijstvo in ribištvo. Pridelek zgodnjih posevkov in sadja - Rapid Reports. Agriculture and Fishing. Production of Early Crops and Early Fruits - Statistični letopis - Statistical Yearbook - Rezultati raziskovanj - Results of Surveys - Slovenija v številkah - Slovenia in Figures KOMENTAR COMMENT Podatki o pridelkih zgodnjih poljščin in zgodnjega sadja so bili izračunani iz podatkov o površinah zemljišč in o številu dreves ter iz podatkov o povrprečnih pridelkih na hektar in sadno drevo. Data on production of early crops and early fruits were calculated from the data on area and the number of trees and from the data on average yield per hectare and per fruit tree. Leto 2003 je bilo zaradi suše za pridelovalce zgodnjih žit neugodno. Po zbranih statističnih podatkih je skupni pridelek pšenice in pire s 117 tisoč tonami na nekaj manjših površinah (za 4 %) kar za tretjino (33%) manjši od doseženega v letu 2002. Povprečni hektarski pridelek pšenice in pire je tako s 3,4 tone najmanjši v zadnjih desetih letih in za 8 % manjši od letine 1997, kot najslabše v tem obdobju. Sušno obdobje v času rasti in klasenja je slabo vplivalo tudi na pridelek ostalih vrst zgodnjih žit. Pridelovalci ječmena so v primerjavi z letom prej posejali za 11 % več zemljišč s tem žitom in pospravili za 18 % manjši skupni pridelek. Z ržjo posejane površine so se v zadnjih petih letih zmanjšale za polovico, dosežen skupni pridelek v letu 2003 pa je s 1 368 tonami kar za 45 % manjši od zadnjega petletnega povprečja. V istem obdobju so se povečale površine posejane s tritikalo. Letošnji skupni pridelek je bil na za skoraj štirikrat večjih površinah le za 5 % večji kot pred petimi leti, čeprav je bilo posejanih skoraj štirikrat več površin. Because of drought, 2003 was not a favourable year for producers of early cereals. According to collected data, total production of wheat and spelt of 117,000 tons on only slightly smaller area (by 4%) is a third (33%) lower than in 2002. With 3.4 tons per hectare, average yield of wheat and spelt is the lowest in the past ten years and 8% lower than in 1997, which is the second worst yield in this period. Drought during the period of growth and earing had a negative impact on production of other types of early cereals as well. Compared to 2002, barley producers produced 18% less barley on 11% more area sown with this cereal. In the past five years rye areas decreased by a half and the 2003 production of 1,368 tons is 45% lower than the last five-year average. In this period, areas under triticale increased. However, compared to five years ago, this year total production of triticale improved by only 5% although almost four times greater areas were sown. Delna spomladanska pozeba in zgodnja poletna suša v letu 2003 sta slabo vplivali tudi na pridelek zgodnjih vrst sadja z izjemo višenj, ki so v tem letu zelo dobro obrodile. V intenzivnih sadovnjakih so zelo slabo obrodile češnje, saj je povprečni hektarski pridelek z 2,1 tone za 63 % manjši od povprečnega pridelka zadnjih deset let. Podobno velja za marelice, katerih povprečni hektarski pridelek je z 1,4 tone najmanjši v tem obdobju. Jagode so sorazmerno dobro obrodile, medtem, ko je bil pridelek ostalih vrst zgodnjega jagodičja glede na hektarske pridelke slab. Spring frost and early summer drought had a bad impact on production of early fruits in 2003, except sour cherries, which cropped very well. Cherries in orchard plantations cropped very badly since the average yield per hectare of 2.1 tones is 63% lower than the average of the past ten years. The same situation was registered as regards apricots. Average yield of 1.4 tons per hectare is the lowest in this period. Strawberries cropped quite well, while yield of other types of early berries was much worse. V ekstenzivnih sadovnjakih so od zgodnjih sadnih vrst slabše obrodile le marelice. Of all types of early fruit in extensive orchards, only apricots cropped worse. Sestavila / Prepared by: Jožica Joja Krznar Izdaja, založba in tisk Statistični urad Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 - Uporaba in objava podatkov dovoljena le z navedbo vira - Odgovarja generalna direktorica mag. Irena Križman - Urednica zbirke Statistične informacije Avguština Kuhar de Domizio - Slovensko besedilo jezikovno uredila Joža Lakovič - Angleško besedilo jezikovno uredil Boris Panič - Tehnični urednik Anton Rojc - Naklada 140 izvodov - ISSN zbirke Statistične informacije 1408-192X - ISSN podzbirke Kmetijstvo in ribištvo 1408-9335 - Informacije daje Informacijsko središče, tel. (01) 241 51 04 - El. pošta: - Edited, published and printed by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 - These data can be used provided the source is acknowledged - Director-General Irena Križman - Rapid Reports editor Avguština Kuhar de Domizio - Slovene language editor Joža Lakovič - English language editor Boris Panič - Technical editor Anton Rojc - Total print run 140 copies - ISSN of Rapid Reports 1408-192X - ISSN of subcollection Agriculture and fishing 1408- 9335 - Information is given by the Information and Documentation Centre of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, tel.: +386 1 241 51 04 - E-mail: -