ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 4 • 2013 • 1 REWIEWS / POROČILA, 71-72 CONFERENCE REPORT »SOCIOLOGY AND SPORT IN THE FACE OF NEW CHALLENGES« - 10th EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR SOCIOLOGY OF SPORT CONFERENCE (EASS) Cordoba, Spain, 8th -11th May 2013 Interesting presentations, Cordoba - the city with undeniable historic beauty, the uniqueness of Festival los Patios (Flower courtyards festival) and the outstanding hospitality and enthusiasm of the organising committee from Asociacion Espanola de Sociologia del Deporte were the main characteristics of the Conference. This year nearly 160 participants from 25 countries attended the Conference with four honourable keynote speakers: Peter Donnely (Canada), Tess Key (United Kingdom), Kari Fasting (Norway) and Henning Eichberg (Denmark). Topics such as: Crisis in Sport Governance, Equity in Sport with Breaking the Stereotypes, Play as Production - Critical Femenology of Productivity and Sociological aAalysis of Sport and Health Policy Failings reflected the changes and the challenges that the societies must cope with nowadays in the time of economic crisis. Three thematic symposia were presented with the topics of: Cultural Changes, Sport Organisation Research and Gender, which were also the most exposed topics among the other 17 parallel sessions. The sessions that were the most visited were the following: Social Policies, Globalization, London 2012, The Body, Health, Migration, Social Theory, Spaces and Social Values. At the EASS Conference the 4th EASS Young Researcher Award was also granted. This year the first place went to Fabian Studer (University of Bern, Switzerland) for the paper "Destandardised Career Entry?" An Analysis of the Transition to Professional Life by a Swiss Sports Science Graduate. In the summary the following social topics can be highlighted, as follows: The sport participation (differences in life span, state of the art in the school sport, sport as social and gender inequity, sport as inclusion or exclusion), Sport, health and space, Effect of changes on cultural and social values... All of these topics reflect the present situation in societies all around the world. From the social point of view, the London 2012 Olympic Games were also significantly touched upon. The only insufficiently covered topic was perhaps the one we would have to put more attention to - all aspects of elderly population participation in sport (health impact, social capital, inclusion/exclusion etc.). The magnificent Conference venue (Palacio de Congresos), the hospitality of the organizers and a very rich social programme enabled us to mingle and share a lot of professional thoughts and ideas for further collaboration. Furthermore, we all cherish pleasant memories of the time spent in Cordoba. The next, 11th EASS Conference 2014 will take place in Utrecht, the Netherlands, from 7th to 10th of May and will be organized by the Mulier Institute. Saša Pišot 71 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 4 • 2013 • 1 REWIEWS / POROČILA, 71-72 POROČILO S KONFERENCE »SOCIOLOGIJA IN ŠPORT V LUČI NOVIH IZZIVOV« - 10. KONFERENCE EVROPSKEGA ZDRUŽENJA ŠPORTNIH SOCIOLOGOV (EASS) Cordoba, Španija, od 8. do 11. maja 2013 Zanimive predstavitve, Cordoba - mesto, ki mu ne gre zanikati zgodovinskih lepot, edinstvenost Festivala los Patios (Festival najlepših cvetočih dvorišč) in izredna gostoljubnost organizacijskega odbora španskega združenja športnih sociologov (Asociación Española de Sociologia del Deporte) so glavne značilnosti letošnje konference. Skoraj 160 udeležencev iz 25 držav se je udeležilo odmevnih uvodnih predavanj Petra Donnelya (Kanada), Tess Key (Velika Britanija), Kari Fasting (Norveška) in Henninga Eichberga (Danska). Teme, kot so: kriza upravljanja v športu, enakost v športu (rušenje stereotipov), sociološke analize pomanjkljivosti športnih in zdravstvenih politik, so bile teme, ki so odražale aktualne spremembe in izzive, s katerimi se spopada današnja družba v časih ekonomske krize. V okviru konference so bili predstavljeni tudi trije tematski simpoziji s temami: kulturne spremembe, raziskovanje športnih organizacij in spol, ki so bile tudi najbolj poudarjene med ostalimi 17 paralelnimi sekcijami. Naj omenim le nekaj naslovov: socialne politike, globalizacija, London 2012, telo, zdravje, migracije, družbene teorije, prostor, družbene vrednote ... EASS konferenca vsako leto podeli nagrado za prispevek mladega raziskovalca, letos že četrtič. Prvo mesto je tokrat pripadlo Fabianu Studerju (Univerza v Bernu, Švica) za prispevek z naslovom "Destandardiziran karierni vstop"- Analiza prehoda švicarskih diplomantov fakultete za šport v poklicno življenje. Pri povzemanju predstavljenih prispevkov bi lahko izpostavila še nekatere družbene teme, kot so: participacija v športu (razlike v različnih življenjskih obdobjih), analiza stanja šolskega športa, družbena in spolna neenakost v športu, šport kot vključitev ali izključitev, šport, zdravje in prostor, vpliv sprememb na kulturne in družbene vrednote ..., ki so tudi teme, ki odražajo trenutno stanje družbe po vsem svetu. Dotaknili so se tudi preteklih olimpijskih iger v Londonu leta 2012 in njihovega družbenega konteksta. Na konferenci sem kot že nekaj let pogrešala več prispevkov na temo gibalne/športne aktivnosti starejših z več vidikov (vpliva na zdravje, socialnega kapitala, vključenosti/izključenosti itd ). Veličastno prizorišče kongresa (Palacio de Congresos) in zelo bogat družabni program sta nam omogočila izmenjavo izkušenj in nadaljnjih idej za sodelovanje in seveda pustila prijeten spomin na Cordobo. Naslednja, 11. konferenca EASS 2014 bo potekala v Utrechtu na Nizozemskem, od 7. do 10. maja 2014 v organizaciji inštituta Mulier. Saša Pišot 72