Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana, ISSN 1318-2269 5Kinesiologia Slovenica, 12, 2, 5–12 (2006) Mario Baić* Hrvoje Sertić Čedomir Cvetković DIFFERENCES IN PHYSICAL FITNESS LEVELS OF GRECO- ROMAN WRESTLERS WITH VARYING DEGREES OF SUCCESS RAZLIKE V TELESNI PRIPRAVLJENOSTI RAZLIČNO USPEŠNIH ROKOBORCEV GRŠKO-RIMSKEGA SLOGA Abstract The aim of this paper is to determine differences between wrestlers of various degrees of success as regards their physical fitness levels. The sample of subjects comprised 43 Croatian national team Greco-Roman wrestlers aged 15 to 17 years (cadets). They were divided into three groups on the basis of their sports achievements at the national championship (first, second and third places). 16 variables that to the largest extent comprise the Polish test battery for advanced wrestlers (Starosta & Tracewski, 1981, 1998) were used. The obtained results were processed by means of MANOVA and ANOVA. Results showed that three variably successful groups of wrestlers significantly differ in their level of physical fitness. A significant individual contribution to the intergroup differences was obtained for strength endurance of the arms, specific speed and specific endurance. The obtained intergroup differences can be explained by the higher values of sport experience (in years) with the more successful wrestlers. This thesis should be further verified because some expert wrestling coaches believe that the more successful wrestlers in the national team mostly come from the better organised wrestling clubs in which they train under the guidance of high quality, educated coaches. The results may help in defining the framework of model characteristics of cadet wrestlers. Key words: cadet wrestlers, motor abilities, cardiores- piratory fitness, model characteristics Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, Croatia * Corresponding author: Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb Horvaćanski zavoj 15 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia Tel.: + 3851 3041246 Fax: + 3851 3634146 E- mail: mario.baic@zg.t-com.hr Izvleček Namen tega prispevka je opredeliti razlike v telesni pripravljenosti različno uspešnih rokoborcev. Vzorec je zajemal 43 rokoborcev grško-rimskega sloga iz hrvaške reprezentance, starih od 15 do 17 let (kadeti). Razdelili smo jih v tri skupine glede na njihove športne dosežke na državnem prvenstvu (prvo, drugo in tretje mesto). Uporabili smo 16 spremenljivk, ki v večini obsegajo poljsko baterijo testov za uspešnejše rokoborce (Starosta & Tracewski, 1981, 1998). Dobljene rezultate smo obdelali z MANOVO in ANOVO. Rezultati izbranih spremenljivk za ocenjevanje telesne pripravljenosti je pokazala, da so med tremi skupinami različno uspešnih rokoborcev značilne razlike. Posamične statistično značilne prispevke k razlikam med skupinami smo odkrili v moči in vzdržljivosti rok, specifični hitrosti in specifični vzdržljivosti. Ugotovljene razlike med skupinami lahko pojasnimo z več športnimi izkušnjami pri uspešnejših rokoborcih. To tezo je potrebno še nadalje preveriti, saj nekateri trenerji rokoborbe, ki so strokovnjaki v tem športu, menijo, da uspešnejši rokoborci v reprezentanci večinoma prihajajo iz bolje organiziranih rokoborskih klubov, kjer trenirajo pod vodstvom izobraženih, vrhunskih trenerjev. Dobljeni rezultati pa lahko služijo za določitev okvirnih značilnosti modela rokoborcev kadetov. Ključne besede: rokoborci kadeti, motorične sposo- bnosti, kardiorespiratorna telesna pripravljenost, zna- čilnosti modela 6 Physical fitness level of wrestlers Kinesiologia Slovenica, 12, 2, 5–12 (2006) INTRODUCTION An increase in one’s physical fitness level is a basic component of all types of wrestlers’ prepara- tions for competition. This is an extremely important part of the training programme and a prerequisite for the appropriate preparation for high-performance achievements (Baić, Marić, & Valentić, 2004; Starosta & Tracewski, 1998). The importance of certain physical fitness com- ponents for success in a bout varies between wrestlers across various ages. The development of co-ordination is the most important in physical conditioning of boys and younger cadets. In that age differences in strength are not yet pronounced not important, so most victories are won on the expense of better co-ordination and flexibility of wrestlers. However, strength and endurance are becoming ever more important for the performance of older cadets and younger juniors. Intensive growth and development induced by puberty facilitates training programmes aimed at enhancing strength and endurance, high levels of which are extremely important for the good performance of senior wrestlers (Marić, Baić, & Aračić, 2003). There are few research studies investigating differences in the structure of the physical condition of variably successful wrestlers of the cadet age. Stine, Ratliff, Shierman and Grana (1979) found greater isokinetic upper body strength in successful secondary-school wrestlers than in less successful ones. Cisar, Johnson, Fry, Housh and Hugheas (1987) came to the same conclusions and for school-age wrestlers found that the composition of isokinetic strength separated the more successful from the less successful wrestlers. Faff, Starczewska-Czapowska and Borkowski (1999) found that anaerobic capacity discriminated more successful from less successful top-level senior wrestlers. The significance of specific endurance and co-ordination in distinguishing between top-level cadet wrestlers of varying degrees of success was also confirmed by Baić (2003). Frequent changes to the rules further complicate the physical condition programme designing for cadet wrestlers. The aim of this paper is therefore to determine the differences in physical fitness level indicators of variably successful Croatian cadet wrestlers as regards their competition results. METHOD Participants The sample of participants comprised 43 Croatian national team wrestlers aged 15-17 years (cadets). They were divided into three groups on the basis of their result-specific successful- ness (rankings) at the national championships. The first groups of wrestlers (H1) comprised of 16 wrestlers who were ranked first at the national championships, the second one (H2) of 14 wrestlers ranked second at the national championships and the third group (H3) of 13 that were ranked third. Their characteristics are presented in the Table 1. Instruments An esteemed Polish test battery for assessing the basic and specific preparedness of advanced wrestlers was used in this study. This test battery is described in detail in many articles (Baić, 2003; Baić, Starosta, & Marić, 2003; Starosta, 1984; Starosta & Tracewski, 1981, 1998). One part of these tests was not used in this research (trunk lifts with twists and loads, lift, snatch, forward handspring, forward somersault in squat position, backward somersault in squat Physical fitness level of wrestlers 7Kinesiologia Slovenica, 12, 2, 5–12 (2006) position and the strive – running around the head (merry-go-round), whereas one test was used in a somewhat changed form (undergrasp pull-ups on the horizontal bar). In several articles by various authors (Marić, Baić, Sertić, & Vujnović, 2005; Sertić, Baić, & Segedi, 2005; Starosta, Baić, & Sertić, 2005) the very good metric characteristics of this test battery were determined on a sample of top-level wrestlers. The tests used for the assessment of basic preparedness were: maximum turn in jump, zigzag run, run with turnover, undergrasp pull-ups on the horizontal bar, arm bending and stretching with support on parallel bars (dips), maximal load press in a recumbent position – bench press, squat with a maximal load, maximum high jump from both feet (vertical jump), 20-m run with a flying start, 1,500-m run and back lifts. The tests for assessing specific (wrestling) preparedness were: backward handsprings, bridge from a standing position, the snatch from the neck, bridge from a standing position, pirouettes and throwing the manikin applying the belly to back souplé. Procedure This study was carried out in Zagreb in annual cycles ranging from the year 2000 to 2001 and to 2002 according to the ‘Set of tests assessing basic and specific preparedness of advanced wrestlers’ (Starosta & Tracewski, 1981). In such a perennial experiment the standardisation of measurement conditions involves meeting the requirements regarding measurements conducted in the same training (preparatory) period, in the same part of the day (hour), in the same order and with the same, prescribed sport appliances and the same sport outfit of subjects, with the same warm-up conditions and under the leadership of the same research leaders. Arithmetic means and dispersion parameters were determined for all the variables. When determining the differences between the variables for the assessment of the physical fitness level of three variably successful groups of Croatian wrestlers the multivariate (MANOVA and univariate (ANOVA) analyses of variance were used. Since the univariate analysis of variance cannot confirm the contribution of a certain group to the overall difference between all groups, this was determined by a series of post-hoc analyses, that is, by means of the Newmann-Keuls test. The obtained data were processed using the software package Statistica 5. Table 1: Characteristics of the sample Group 1 (H1) Group 2 (H2) Group 3 (H3) Numerus n = 16 n = 14 n = 13 Age (years) M = 16.06SD = 0.77 M = 15.79 SD = 0.80 M = 15.85 SD = 0.69 Body weight (kg) M = 66.20SD = 12.74 M = 66.61 SD = 15.07 M = 65.97 SD = 15.77 Body height (cm) M = 172.81SD = 7.84 M = 173.18 SD = 7.76 M = 171.22 SD = 8.05 Sport experience (years) M = 5.56SD = 1.49 M = 4.89 SD = 1.40 M = 4.62 SD = 1.67 Training sessions per week M = 4.56SD = 1.09 M = 4.69 SD = 0.63 M = 4.00 SD = 0.91 8 Physical fitness level of wrestlers Kinesiologia Slovenica, 12, 2, 5–12 (2006) RESULTS By analysing the arithmetic means and obtained dispersion parameters (see Table 2) of the variables for assessing the physical fitness levels in three variously successful groups of Croatian wrestlers it was found that in all the tests applied for assessing strength: undergrasp pull-ups on the horizontal bar, dips, maximal load press in a recumbent position – bench press, squat with a maximal load and maximum high jump from both feet (vertical jump), endurance (1,500-m run and throwing the manikin applying the belly to back souplé), flexibility (back lifts) and in some tests of specific co-ordination (backward handsprings and the snatch from the neck) and specific speed (bridge from a standing position) the results decreased with a drop in the successfulness (rankings) of the group of wrestlers. Table 2: Central and dispersion parameters of variables for assessing the physical fitness level of the three variously successful groups of Croatian cadet wrestlers No. VARIABLES GROUP (H1)n = 16 GROUP (H2) n = 14 GROUP (H3) n = 13 M SD M SD M SD 1. Maximum turn in jump (no. of degrees) 687.20 56.18 728.64 82.57 684.54 73.39 2. Zigzag run (s) 23.60 1.06 23.68 0.89 23.50 0.96 3. Run with a turnover (s) 12.67 0.96 12.66 0.73 12.61 0.92 4. Undergrasp pull-ups on the horizontal bar (no. of repetitions) 16.00 5.93 11.43 5.30 11.33 5.12 5. Dips on parallel bars (no. of reps.) 15.75 4.66 11.86 5.75 11.75 8.15 6. Maximal load press in recumbent position – bench press (kg) 70.43 18.98 65.58 13.78 60.46 13.08 7. Squat with maximal load (kg) 95.83 21.41 85.32 17.85 83.55 22.56 8. Maximum high jump from both feet (cm) 56.93 6.69 56.91 8.81 53.98 6.49 9. 20-m run with flying start (s) 2.51 0.16 2.64 0.27 2.55 0.16 10. 1,500-m run (s) 390.42 35.18 400.10 31.04 404.00 45.23 11. Back lifts (cm) 58.30 11.10 56.89 7.39 53.33 7.52 12. Backward handsprings (s) 3.29 0.92 3.30 0.85 3.34 0.73 13. Bridge from above upper, so-called bridge execution (s) 2.00 0.29 2.08 0.22 2.11 0.33 14. The snatch from the neck (s) 8.42 0.95 8.78 1.10 9.05 1.26 15. Pirouettes (s) 6.38 0.88 5.98 0.68 7.12 1.30 16. Throwing the manikin applying the belly toback souplé (no. of repetitions) 56.30 6.36 54.00 7.29 47.67 6.77 Legend: H1 winners of the first place at a national championship H2 winner of the second place at a national championship H3 the third place at a national championship The best results in the tests employed for defining the framework characteristics of Croatian cadet wrestlers are bolded. The results obtained by applying the multivariate analysis of variance showed that the three variably successful different groups of Croatian wrestlers differed from each other in a statisti- cally significant way (Wilk’s lambda = 0.22, F(32,50) = 1.76; p < 0.05 ). The univariate analysis of variance made it possible to determine that out of all the variables for assessing the physical fitness levels of the athletes (see Table 3) the variables for assessing the strength endurance of the arms Physical fitness level of wrestlers 9Kinesiologia Slovenica, 12, 2, 5–12 (2006) (undergrasp pull-ups on the horizontal bar), specific speed (pirouettes) and specific endurance (throwing the manikin applying the belly to back souplé) contributed statistically significantly to the differentiation between the groups. Table 3: Univariate analysis of variance of the variables for assessing the physical fitness of wrestlers (n = 43) No. VARIABLES SS df MS SS df MS F p - Effect Effect Effect Error Error Error level 1. Maximum turn in jump 17049.631 2 8524.816 197452.845 39 5062.893 1.684 0.199 2. Zigzag run 0.239 2 0.119 36.999 39 0.949 0.126 0.882 3. Run with a turnover 0.034 2 0.017 28.947 38 0.762 0.022 0.978 4. Underg ra sp pu l l-ups on t he horizontal bar 211.048 2 105.524 1182.095 39 30.310 3.481 0.041 5. Dips on parallel bars 154.012 2 77.006 1484.964 39 38.076 2.022 0.146 6. Maximal load press in recumbent position 614.638 2 307.319 8668.079 35 247.659 1.241 0.302 7. Squat with maximal load 1001.351 2 500.675 12809.028 30 426.968 1.173 0.323 8. Maximum high jump from both feet 77.790 2 38.895 2140.446 39 54.883 0.709 0.499 9. 20-m run with flying start 0.091 2 0.045 1.102 25 0.044 1.029 0.372 10. 1,500-m run 854.924 2 427.462 30467.817 24 1269.492 0.337 0.717 11. Back lifts 169.956 2 84.978 3001.144 37 81.112 1.048 0.361 12. Backward handsprings 0.011 2 0.005 21.653 30 0.722 0.007 0.993 13. Bridge from above upper, so-called bridge execution 0.091 2 0.046 2.747 35 0.078 0.581 0.565 14. The catch (snatch) from the neck 1.401 2 0.700 23.352 19 1.229 0.570 0.575 15. Pirouettes 7.889 2 3.944 33.279 36 0.924 4.267 0.022 16. Throwing the manikin applying the belly to back souplé 449.112 2 224.556 1400.767 30 40.692 4.809 0.015 Legend: SS the sum of squares between the groups df degrees of freedom between the groups df Effect = k – 1 SS Error the sum of squares within the groups df Error degrees of freedom within the groups SS Error = MS Error – MS Effect df Error = F – F = MS Effect / MS Error p level of significance of difference By comparing the arithmetic means (by means of post hoc analysis) individual differences were determined between all the analysed groups of variously successful wrestlers H1 and H2, H2 and H3 and H1 and H3 (see Table 4). The statistically significant difference seen between the groups H1 and H2 is reflected in the differences between the values of the test for assessment of the strength endurance of the arms (undergrasp pull-ups on the horizontal bar). The test for the assessment of specific speed (pirouettes) statistically significantly differentiated between the groups H2 and H3, whereas the statistically significant difference found in the test for the assessment of specific endurance (throwing the manikin applying the belly to back souplé) was 10 Physical fitness level of wrestlers Kinesiologia Slovenica, 12, 2, 5–12 (2006) responsible for the differences between the groups of wrestlers H1 and H3, as well as between the groups H2 and H3. Table 4: Post-hoc comparison of arithmetic means (M) of the variables undergrasp pull-ups on the horizontal bar, pirouettes and throwing the manikin applying the belly to back souplé VARIABLES M GROUPS GROUP H1 GROUP H2 GROUP H3 Undergrasp pull-ups on the horizontal bar 16.00 H1 / 0.035* 0.079 Undergrasp pull-ups on the horizontal bar 11.43 H2 0.035* / 0.964 Undergrasp pull-ups on the horizontal bar 11.33 H3 0.079 0.964 / Pirouettes 6.38 H1 / 0.300 0.059 Pirouettes 5.98 H2 0.300 / 0.013* Pirouettes 7.12 H3 0.059 0.013* / Throwing the manikin applying the belly to back souplé 56.30 H1 / 0.438 0.016* Throwing the manikin applying the belly to back souplé 54.00 H2 0.438 / 0.030* Throwing the manikin applying the belly to back souplé 47.67 H3 0.016* 0.038* / Legend: * p < 0.05 H1 winners of the first place at a national championship H2 winner of the second place at a national championship H3 the third place at a national championship DISCUSSION In the interpretation of the results of the selected variables for the assessment of physical fitness level it was found that the three variously successful groups of Croatian wrestlers differ statistically significantly. The significant individual contribution to the intergroup differences were obtained for the following variables: undergrasp pull-ups on the horizontal bar (strength endurance of arms), pirouettes (specific speed) and throwing the manikin applying the belly to back souplé (specific endurance). These results are in concordance with previous research (Marić, Baić, & Aračić, 2003), where the mentioned dimensions are the first three dimensions in the hypothetical factor structure of the successful performance of wrestlers. The obtained statistically significant differences in the test for assessing the strength endurance of the arms (undergrasp pull-ups on the horizontal bar) between the groups of wrestlers H1 and H2 may be interpreted in accordance with the importance of this component for increasing the tempo of a bout and for the realisation of stronger wrestling holds upon which the efficacy of throwing and number of pull-ups due to a static hold on the horizontal bar depend. Great strength endurance of the arms creates the basis for mastering the advanced technical-tactical complexes of arm-positioning that result in an efficient way of fighting in the second and third parts of a bout when the opponent is sweaty and therefore slippery. Statistically significant dif- ferences in the test for the assessment of specific speed (pirouettes) between the H2 and H3 Physical fitness level of wrestlers 11Kinesiologia Slovenica, 12, 2, 5–12 (2006) groups of wrestlers can be interpreted in line with the great significance of speed when ap- plying a greater number of techniques employed in a bout in a standing position or in a position on the floor. An adequate level of specific speed enables an efficient and more highly assessed execution of advanced wrestling techniques performed through the wrestling bridge on one hand but, on the other, it makes the counterattack of an opponent impossible. The comparison of results obtained for strength endurance, speed and explosive strength with the results of previous research involving top-level European-level cadet wrestlers (Baić, 2003; Kokinidis, Tselios, & Galov, 2002) showed that the Croatian groups of wrestlers had worse results in the tests for assessing strength endurance and speed, but performed better in the tests for explosive strength. The statistically significant differences obtained in the test for assessing specific endurance (throwing the manikin applying the belly to back souplé) between the H1 and H3 groups of wrestlers, as well as between the H2 and H3 groups, are explained by the importance of this ability for success in wrestling since motor co-ordination, that is, the stability of technique and tactics at a high tempo of a fight throughout the whole bout depend on endurance. A higher level of endurance enables the preconditions for the improved concentration of wrestlers during a bout. The higher the concentration the more accurate the realisation of techniques, which makes it possible to score a point and to increase one’s technical efficiency. The obtained intergroup differences can be explained by the higher values of sport experience (in years) of the more successful wrestlers. This thesis should be further verified because some expert wrestling coaches believe that the more successful wrestlers in the national team come mostly from the better organised wrestling clubs in which they train under the guidance of high quality, educated coaches. The obtained results will help define the framework of model characteristics of cadet wrestlers. The model values would be the best results in all the applied tests taken by the winners of one of the top three places at the national Greco-Roman wrestling championship for cadets. REFERENCES Baić, M. (2003). Razlike u razini izabranih motoričkih i funkcionalnih sposobnosti kod poljskih i hrvatskih kadeta hrvača klasičnim načinom [Differences in the level of selected motor and functional abilities by Polish and Croatian cadet wrestlers in the Greco-Roman style. In Croatian]. Unpublished master’s thesis, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia. Baić, M., Marić, J., & Valentić, M. (2004). Bazične i specifične hrvačke vježbe u parovima za razvoj snage i fleksibilnosti trupa. Kondicijski trening, 2(2), 34-43. Baić, M., Starosta, W., & Marić, J. (2003). Differences in level of selected motor abilities by Polish and Croatian cadet wrestlers in classical style. In W. Starosta & W. Osinski (Eds.), I. Proceedings book of 8th international scientific conference (pp. 27-30). Leszno: State School of Higher Vocational Education in Leszno. Cisar, C., Johnson, G., Fry, A., Housh, T., & Hugheas, R. (1987). Preseason body composition, build and strength as predictors of high school wrestling success. The Journal of Applied Sport Science Research, 1, 66-70. Faff, J., Starczewska-Czapowska, J., & Borkowski, L. (1999). Differences in aerobic and anaerobic fitness between successful and less successful elite wrestlers. In V. Strojnik & A. Ušaj (Eds.), Book of abstracts 12 Physical fitness level of wrestlers Kinesiologia Slovenica, 12, 2, 5–12 (2006) of 6th International scientific conference Sport Kinetics (p. 57). Ljubljana: Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana. Kokinidis, S., Tselios, С., & Galov, M. (2002, May). Influence of age, height and weight upon the results from tests for control over growing Greek wrestlers. Paper presented at the 10th International congress on physical education and sport, Komotini, Greece. Marić, J., Baić, M., & Aračić, M. (2003). Kondicijska priprema hrvača [Physical conditioning of wrestlers]. In D. Milanović & I. Jukić (Eds.), Proceedings of international expert meeting Conditional preparation of athletes (pp. 339-346). Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology. Marić, J., Baić, M., Sertić, H., & Vujnović, I. (2005). Metric characteristics of selected tests for the evaluation of basic training status in top level wrestlers. In D. Milanović & F. Prot (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International scientific conference Kinesiology (pp. 435-438). Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology. Sertić, H., Baić, M., & Segedi, I. (2005). Metric characteristics of chosen acrobatic tests for advanced wrestlers. In J. Sadowski (Ed.), Proceedings of International scientific conference Coordination motor abilities in scientific research (pp. 247-252). Biala Podlaska: Jozef Pilsudski Academy of Physical Educa- tion in Warsaw. Stine, G., Ratliff, R., Shierman, G., & Grana, W. (1979). Physical profile of the wrestlers at the 1977 NCAA Championships. Physician and Sportsmedicine, 16, 653-655. Starosta, W., & Tracewski, J. (1981). Zestaw prob sprawnosci ogolnej i specjalnej dla zaawansowanych zawodnikow zapasow [Set of tests assessing basic and specific preparedness of advanced wrestlers]. Warszawa: Instytut sportu. Starosta, W. (1984). Sprawność ogólna i specjalna zaawansowanych zapaśników (styl klasyczny i wolny) w świetle badań prowadzonych w latach 1981-1984 [Basic and specific preparedness of advanced wrestlers (classic and free style) in the research conducted in the period 1981-1984]. Warszawa: Instytut sportu. Starosta, W., & Tracewski, J. (1998). An objective method of assessing the level of motor abilities in advanced wrestlers. In J. Sadowski & W. Starosta (Eds.), Proceedings of International scientific confer- ence Movement coordination in team sport games and martial arts (pp. 249-254). Warsaw: Academy of Physical Education. Starosta, W., Baić, M., & Sertić, H. (2005). Reliability of the chosen Polish test for evaluating specific training status in advanced wrestlers. In J. 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