ZARJA URADNO GLASILO . SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE V AMERIKI OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION OF AMERICA NUMBER 2 MARCH-APRIL 2003 VOLUME 75 24th SWU National Contention Site WONDERFUL DULUTH, MINNESOTA! NTERNATIONAL FALLS EMBARRASS T ACONITE HARBOR MOUNTAIN ■ -A* iron! 4aC» AURORA O HOYT LAKES CHISHOLM EVELETH BBING GRAND RAPIDS TWO HARBORS Duluth From June 12 to 16, 2003 we will be in the northern state of Minnesota, and the historic city of Duluth, on the great Lake of Superior! “SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION BUSINESS” will be combined with a “HOLIDAY FOR YOUR FAMILY!” (d Looking forward to visiting to the cities an3 towns where our m^rhbers Wirf airfFwdrk^ Ironj«^f^^^i exciting interpretative center on the Iron Range. Camp Heritage will be opened at th/flawUtolfc^Suites Hotel for family activities. Read more about the Convention in this issue. ommittee of Duluth Branch #33 beckons us to come to the Convention and to enjoy their beautiful State! W^W^W^WJ%WJ%WJ%WJ%WJ%WJ%WJ%WJ^ WJ%WJ%WJ%WJ%WJ%WJ%WJ%W)%WJ%W]^WJ% HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN MARCH National Officers: Mar. 16 - Fran Morison, Nat’l. Auditor, Brookfield, IL Presidents: Mar. 12 - Josephine Janezic, Br. 43, Milwaukee, WI Regional President, Wisconsin HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN APRIL Presidents: Apr. 15 - Phyllis Fon, Br. 5, Indianapolis, IN Apr. 24 - Charlotte Laurich, Br. 38, Chisholm, MN Regional President, Minnesota Apr. 25 - Kathleen Emerson, Br. 105, Detroit, MI Secretaries: Apr. 24 - Delores Puhek, Br. 2, Chicago, IL MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! ZARJA - THE DAWN (ISSN 0044-1848) Postmaster: Send all changes of address to: ZARJA - THE DAWN, 4851 S. Drexel Blvd., Chicago, IL 60615-1703 NUMBER 2 MARCH-APRIL 2003 VOLUME 75 Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women's Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze. Published six times per year - šest krut na leto. Annual Subscription for non-members, $15.00 — naročnina $15.00 letno za ne-članice. Publisher: SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION OF AMERICA 431 No. Chicago St., Joliet, IL 60432 Telephone (815) 727-1926 Periodicals Postage Paid at Joliet, IL and at additional mailing offices All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the firsrweek of the month — vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do I. v mesecu. Editor, CORINNE LESKOVAR Editorial Office: 4851 S. Drexel Blvd., Chicago, IL 60615-1703 Email: CORLESKOVARfa AOL.COM Telephone: (773) 548-8878 - Facsimile: (773) 268-4899 Internet webpage: e-mail: swuhomeC« On line newsletter: lzalokar(n In this Issue: President’s Message 1 National Secretary 2 Special Projects Director 3 Convention News 5-6 Junior Director 7 Book Review 8 Membership Campaign Results 9 Magic Month - Winners 10 Genealogy Search 12 Heritage Recipes 15 Activities of our Branches 19-32 IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER MARCH 18 Br. 20, Joliet, IL ST. JOSEPH'S TABLE PARTY, St. Joe's Park APRIL 4-5 Br. 20, Joliet, IL RUMMAGE SALE, St. Joe’s Park 12 Br. 93, New York, NY EGG PAINTING AND 'BUTARICE' MAKING EVENT JUNE 8 Br. 47, Garfield Hts., OH COMMEMORATIVE MASS, St. Lawrence Church, 10 a.m. 12-16 6WU NATIONAL CONVENTION - DULUTH, MN MOTHERS-MEMBERS PARTIES IN MAY 4 Br. 102, Willard, WI 5 Br. 14, Euclid, OH 8 Br. 5, Indianapolis, IN 21 Br. 54, Warren, OH national certified counselor MARIE T. STELOW, MS, LCPC Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor 370 Houbolt Road Suite 201 Individual, Couple Joliet, IL 60431 & Family Therapy Phone: (815) 773-2303 Suzanna Zupančič-Brathwaite Web & Graphic designing, Programming and Consulting Oblikovale spletnih strani in grafike, programirale Adres/Naslov: Tel.: + 1(718) 778-8645 482 Montgomery St.. #2F E-mail: suzilastmdesignmg com Brooklyn, NY 11225, USA Website, Located m He* York City m? can provide lot local, nalml and midwide clients TRANSLATION SERVICES Slovene, English, German, Bosnian, Croatian Marjana Lipitz, professional translator Interested in quality translation of old letters, cards or other documents? Call (518) 464—4472, or send an email to — Bonnie Pohar Prokup --------------------- SWUA National Secretary/Treasurer OUTSTANDING! Membership Campaign Update: The campaign is doing super fantastic! Already in 49 days we have 48 New Members. This is the best we have ever done. See where we were during the same time period the last three years: 2002 - 17 new members, 2001 - 5 new members, 2000 - 14 new members. Think we can make our goal of 150? I DO! Let's keep up the great job we are doing and continue to build on our future. It is up to each and every one of us. To all of you who helped with the 48 new members I thank you greatly. To everyone else - it’s not too late. You can do it! BRANCHES ARE SHOWING US THAT THE FUTURE IS NOW! Special thanks to Suzi Brathwaite-Zupancic of Br. 93 for developing the Illinois Yahoo User Group. Something new for all Illinois online users to keep in touch on a regular basis on All Things Slovenian. This was modeled after the Br. 93 NYC Yahoo User Group which seems to be quite successful. Anyone wanting to join from Illinois please send a message to: Br. 22: Thank you for the wonderful things you said about this National Board. We appreciate it! Quote from the Br. 22 article “This brief column cannot end without expressing deep gratitude to our National Officers for enlivening our Slovenian organization with their talents, leadership and genuine enthusiasm, plus a large dose of energy! Thank God for you, Ladies!" Br. 23: Love your article in the past ZARJA. We can tell you are following the SWUA Vision/Mission Statement. Keep up the good work! Br. 100: Thank yuou for the wonderlul words in your last article. We are thrilled that you are enjoying the New Neighborhod and that you notice our improvements in the ZARJA. "We are all pleased with the growth that the SWU has experienced this year. The "New Neighborhood" has brought some interest, and events advertised in that publication are picked up by many folks across the country ... even those who never even heard of SWU. Oddly enough, I think there are some of our members who have Internet access, but still are not on the mailing list for the New Neighborhood. They are missing something very special. The ZARJA is increasingly informative. All of this is very exciting and much of it can be credited to the new younger active officers and branch leaders." (? ' — ^ NATIONAL PRESIDENT Kathleen Dorchak “Making Plans for a Bright2003!” The excitement is mounting as we continue our work to make this National Convention one of our best ever. Duluth is wonderful city with much to offer and if you have never been to the state of Minnesota, this is your opportunity to see it in all of its beauty. Consider making Duluth in June top priority in your travel plans this year. It’s a trip you won’t want to miss. More information about the convention and camp Heritage for juniors in this issue of ZARJA. I hope all of you join me in congratulating Mary Lou Voelk as our new Heritage and Special Projects Director. Mary Lou has taken on this challenging position until our convention. As a past educator, she is committed to preserve our heritage and traditions that have made our Slovenian homes so special. To achieve her goals, Mary Lou has many ideas and suggestions to revitalize our Museum and Library for our members and the Slovenian community. Mary Lou is asking for support from our members as volunteers in a variety of areas. I encourage members to contact her and hopefully offer your services where you can. Read her article in this issue. Mary Lou, we wish you success as our Heritage Director. We know you will do a great job! OUR TOP “RECRUITER” Adrienne Micklich, new President of Br. 34, Soudan, MN Hats off to Adrienne Micklich. new president of Br. 34, Soudan-Tower, Minnesota and top recruiter for new members! As of this report, Adrienne has 11 new members in this membership campaign, but says she’s still sending them in every day! What’s her secret? Just one w'ord. HERITAGE, starts her off! She says that as a daughter of a long-time member, her mother, Frances Dolensek of Chisholm and later, Ely, Minnesota, she remembers seeing ZARJA in her house since she was little. She realizes that to preserve our heritage is everyone’s duty and that just telling people that we have to keep it up. that it’s very important; each of us should "step up" and act. She mentions our Museum and Scholarship Kathleen: and ZARJA to each and everyone she meets. So far she has enrolled all her kids, and relatives! That’s a big source for new members - families, she says! Adrienne was named as Member of the Year in 2002 and her life history was in ZARJA in the July-Aug. issue. Her husband, Don, is a radio personality for over 25 years on station WELY, and plays dedications to listeners all over the world since the station is on the internet. Don and Adrienne, not only a wonderful couple, but here we have two people doing their part to strengthen our Slovenian “roots" and SWU sisterhood! sje sfc * I’d like to extend congratulations to the new branch officers for the 2003 year. Quite a few new and young officers have taken on the leadership of our branches. I find it heartwarming to know that our members are anxious to keep our organization strong by accepting these challenges. I look forward to meeting many of you at our National Convention in Duluth in June. 1 extend a special thank you to all members that participated in our “2003 Museum Magic Month” calendar fundraiser. I am sure many of you were very happy to be winners. We appreciate your help in the success to raise funds for our Heritage Museum. Ready to “Escape to Slovenia” in September? We are planning a trip with Kollander World Travel to Germany, Austria, and Slovenia on September 13th through September 27th, 2003. We hope you will consider traveling abroad with us for these two weeks. Plans for this trip are new and exciting. Look for further information in this ZARJA and make your plans to travel with us in September. Tickets for our “Frosty Morning Quilt” Raffle will be available until our National Convention. One dollar will buy one ticket and $5.00 for 6. Thank you for supporting this fundraiser. National Secretary, Bonnie Prokup is working hard for our membership campaign in 2003. You can support our organization, your branch and yourself by encouraging friends and family memebrs to join us. Members are the heart and strength of our organization. Let’s all work together to make our 2003 membership campaign successful. 2003 is going to be a year of growth and change. In the words of Oprah Winfrey, “When I look into the future, it’s so bright it bums my eyes.” I see a bright light in our future and I hope all of you see the same light as we share our love of each other in our family of SWUA. Love, peace, and laughter, Kathleen 3088 Markle Drive Silver Lake, Ohio 44224 Telephone: (330) 686-1336 Fax: (330) 688-6203 E-mail: National Secretary, Bonnie Pohar Prokup: The Future is Now! The Future is Now! Not tomorrow, or the next day, but NOW! And NOW is an exciting time for SWUA! What a great year 2003 should be for us! We will be celebrating our National Convention up in the beautiful city of Duluth, MN with an exciting line up of events awaitin'* our visit. We have another Membership Campaign - The Future is NOW! A new Interim Heritage Director, my dear friend, Mary Lou Voelk, and many other changes and additions to the Slovenian Women’s Union of America. “The Future is NOW" is this year’s membership Campaign slogan. Letters have gone out to the National Officers, State Presidents and Branch Presidents letting them know about our 6-month goal of 150 New Members. Sounds like a lot? Not really, we can do it! But it will take everyone’s help. Be sure to read more about it in this issue. We are in this together and it’s all about NOW! I am asking for everyone's help to see this become a success! We are a team! • 150 Goal for this campaign! , Y • 100 Reaching for the Top! • 48 New members already in 49 days! Campaign Climbers are getting up there! The National Convention is right around the comer. Delegate forms need to be returned to me. In addition I am looking for nominations for all National Board Positions. We are looking for some enthusiastic members who want to continue building what we started. Would you like to help preserve the living spirit of the founders and past membership by promoting and nourishing the legacy left to us for future generations? Would you like to reach individuals by uniting them through their common interest in Slovenian culture and traditions? Would you like to help find the resources, communication, and foster friendship in honor of our cultural heritage? Would you like to be a part of a team that will help the SWUA see another 75 years? If you answered yes to all of these questions, then you are perfect. Please contact me if you have any further questions. I am very excited about the Heritage Museum. As many of you know our plans have been on hold while we were looking for the perfect person to take over. And we found her - Mary Lou Deyek Voelk. You will meet her in this ZARJA. We are truly lucky to have her as she comes with a great background and is very knowledgeable in all things Slovenian. If you have some spare time and would like to join us in our heritage work - we would love it! Invoices have all been delivered by this time. If you have not received one please let me know as that indicates a problem. If you have not paid yet - please do so now. Included in this year’s invoice was a survey for every adult member. I hope you had a chance to fill it out. Are you moving? Please let us know. Do you realize if you move and don’t tell us the Postman shows up on my doorstep and each time that happens I owe 70 cents. I know it doesn’t seem like a lot but it sure adds up. So please, let us know. Also check for the list of members who did move and their invoices were returned to me. In the past few months I noticed an increase of family members trying to claim the Burial Insurance Policy of a member who quit years ago. Also, at billing time I am getting questions from our members about their policies and what they are worth. Let me try to explain. The Burial Insurance Policy is an added benefit to your membership. The dues you pay each year do not only go towards the Insurance Policy. Your dues help pay for the ZARJA and the overall organization. Keep in mind it costs almost $13.00 a year to send each member their ZARJA. Many of our members are paying either $8.00, $10.00 or $12.00 a year depending on their age and when they joined. The other portion is paying $15.00. As you can see its very hard to make ends meet with the monies being brought in. The Burial Insurance Policy is something that was started 75 years ago as an incentive for members to join. Back then $100 or $300 was a lot of money. Today it is not the same as flowers cost almost that much and realizing this and other issues, the Burial Insurance was discontinued after 1/1/00 for all new members. For all those members who still have insurance keep in mind the bylaw: 3.11 Members who fail to pay their yearly assessment by the third month of every year will be cancelled and shall forfeit all benefits for any insurance claims submitted in the remaining portion of the year. Enjoy the rest of this winter and before we know it spring will be here and we will be picking fresh dandelions for salad. Bonnie Pohar Prokup 3119 Carrie Street Peru, IL 61354 W prokup@aol. com THE FUTURE IS NOW! . * J MEET YOUR SPECIAL PROJECTS PERSON! It was about 3 years ago that I contacted Bonnie Prokup via email. I had sensed an awakening within the SWUA, and thought the Board needed to hear a congratulatory message. Be it known, Bonnie Prokup is a recruiter! Within 3 months, 2,500 surveys arrived on my doorstep. And then the following year a heritage video, “Looking Through My Eyes,” was produced, an endeavor that required a mental immersion into the SWUA and its history and yes, its future. And now, as Director of Special Projects, I have been asked to reorganize the heritage museum as interim director. I introduce myself as Mary Lou Deyak Voelk, born of Slovenian parents, Frank and Mary Perovshek Deyak in Ely, MN. What a difficult time, the Depression! Daddy worked in the underground mine, always leaving home with a wave and a smile, so thankful to have this job! My sister Judy (Ostrander) and brother Frank arrived during the next 10 years. Life was good for our family, as it is supposed to be. I grew up within an extended Slovenian family. That meant gathering at Grandpa Perovshek’s every Sunday and on holidays with aunts, uncles, and cousins. Then there was the butchering and sausage making and the wine making. My mother and aunts were members of the SWUA and the Drill Corp! (Please turn the page.) The Splasher Cloth Mary Lou is holding tells a Slovenian saying that there is nothing nicer in the world than a “lucky” home. —► ? ' kp^ujana m. s&mi shčidnnstni MARY LOU: The following story has always remained vivid in my mind, I believe it was my “rite of passage.” I was about 9 years old, and had been invited to a home by a friend I had made at school. Her grandfather lived with them. 1 ran all the way home to tell Mother about this man that talked this strange language. Well, I found out it was Finnish. Up until that time I just assumed the whole world was Slovenian! Yes, childhood was good, as it is supposed to be. And yes, I was married in Ely, MN, by a Slovenian priest to Gene Voelk. Together we raised our four children, Deborah, Michael, Thomas and John in Duluth, Minnesota. Gene was a school principal, and 1 was a techer in the Duluth public schools. I received a degree in Elementary Education, a certification in Special Education from the University of MN, Duluth, and a Master of Education from the University of Wisconsin, Superior. My teaching career was not only a livelihood, but also a chosen vocation. We are both retired now, and 8 grandchildren have come into our lives. Time has now passed; age has added nostalgia and hopefully, some wisdom to my frame of reference. And while Mother and Dad are now gone, I realize that their “Slovenian" ideals and work ethic gave me the tools I needed in life to create and achieve the dream of a good life. Yes, life has not always been easy, but life is good, as it is supposed to be. As Director of Special Projects, I have been asked to begin a reorganization of the heritage museum. I accept this interim position in honor and in memory of family. The center is in desperate need of organization and direction. Within its walls are precious pieces of Slovenian history that need to be preserved. It must be done in honor of every Slovenian immigrant who forged the way to create what we know as the good life. I come into this position with some knowledge of what it will entail. It is called work. I was and continue to be active in the Slovenian Genealogy Society (SGS). As president of the Wisconsin branch of the SGS, I initiated an idea, the "Willard Cemetery Project”. Together with George Plautz, Larry and Sue Pakiz and my husband Gene we photographed and indexed the two cemeteries that holds such Slovenian history for the area. This information is now available on the internet. I know 1 am not the only one who has “inherited" the work ethic known to Slovenians, or one who bums with an energy passed on by their Slovenian families. I encourage each member to make his or her personal commitment with realization that this building can become a research and genealogical center of the Slovenian people. But it will only become what you allow it to be. Its future is in your hands. Let us all prove to ourselves, our families and future generations that the lineage continues. And with God’s grace, future generations will be able to say, Yes, life is good, as it is supposed to be. By the time you read this, an organizational meeting about this heritage center will have been held in Joliet for those members living in the surrounding area. The results of this meeting will be in the next issue of ZARJA. I expect to deliver a message filled with ideas, enthusiasm, pride and plans for the future. To everyone that reads this message, if you have an idea, we want to hear about it, if you have something to donate, we will accept it. If you just need to talk, I will respond. I expect and know that I will hear from multitudes. Sincerely, Mary Lou FOR YOUR INFORMATON... SLOVENIAN HERITAGE MUSEUM The Museum was founded in 1978, by Irene Odorizzi as SWU Heritage Director and dedicated in 1983. It is maintained mainly by volunteers from Branch #20. Branches and members from all over the U.S. contribute to the displays and exhibits either monetarily or with artifacts. All donations arc welcome, and volunteers very appreciated. EXHIBITS AND DISPLAYS: Artifacts, memorabilia, ancestral keepsakes, photos, rare books, and mementos from Slovenia are accepted for display. MEMORIAL PLAQUE: Donations ($100) are accepted for the Memorial Plaque displayed in the Museum. You may have your name, or that of a friend or relative, engraved on a metal plate and displayed on the walnut plaque. MEMORIALS: Donations of lesser amounts are recognized with a lovely blue gift card. Acknowledge someone’s birthday, anniversary or special occasion with this unique remembrance. Memorial cards are also available for the deceased. This is a lovely way to remember an immigrant of Slovenian descent, one of the reasons why the Heritage Museum is in existence. Orders and checks should be addressed to: Slovenian Heritage Museum, 431 N. Chicago St., Joliet, IL 60432 Wonderful Duluth is ready for SWU! Save the dates of June 12-16, 2003 for the Slovenian Women’s Union National Convention in Duluth, Minnesota. Plan now to make it a family vacation. CAMP HERITAGE is a highlight for your children, ages 5 and up! There will be many “heritage” activities for them. (See next page). Camp Heritage will be offered during the same hours as the Convention is in session, at the same hotel! And, in Duluth, families can also enjoy: Great Lakes Aquarium Hiking and Biking Trails Depot Train Museum and Historical Society Golf Courses and Charter Fishing Marine Museum BONANZA! A family amusement place in the Hawthorne Suites Hotel. Other activities are being planned for the Convention-goers: A Harbor Dinner Cruise Father Frank Perkovich’s Polka-Mass Ironworld, USA, an interpretative center and great place to work on your genealogy. Julian H. Sleeper House Museum in St. Paul to view the Slovenian Cultural Exhibits, and, Mall of America, the largest shopping mall in the continental USA with hundreds of stores and an indoor amusement park, Camp Snoopy with full-size rides and fun. Demonstration of Bobbin Lace-making and an Art Exhibit in the Hospitality Suite. Convention Craft Sale will benefit our SWU Heritage Museum. Silent Auction with such prizes as: Slovenian Splasher Cloths, framed and ready for hanging, a Wall Quilt, and a Christmas Creche Snow Globe. Your donations of items valued at $25 or more will be accepted for the Auction. We would like to have prizes that have some relevance to your town or community or nationality. See you in June in our wonderful city of Duluth and beautiful state of Minnesota! Bev Menart, Lisa McDonell, Rosemary Donald, Co-Chairmen Any questions: Telephone: (218) 626-3183; E-Mail: menartvamama(a Slovenian Women’s Union Convention Raffle Proceeds for the Slovenian Women’s Union Heritage Museum Hand-made, full-size QUILT, by National Auditor, Beverly Menart, in blue, cream and gray colors, in a pattern called, “A Frosty Morning” Drawing: Tickets, $1.00 each JUNE 16, 2003 - 6 for $5 00 “ DULUTH, MINNESOTA We will fill out your tickets, and place them into the Raffle for you. You will not receive any tickets. Send to SWU National President, Kathleen Dorchak, 3088 Markle Drive Silver Lake, Ohio 44224 Telephone: (330) 686-1336 Email: KDORCHAK@NEO.RR.COM Name: __________________________________ Number of Tickets: ___________ Address: _______________________________ Make your checks to S.W.U. City, Zipcode: _________________________ Amount Enclosed: _____________ "1 1* ♦♦ * ♦♦ a 1 *♦ 1 H * a * :: ►*< i* a * 8 ►T< S f * * a * a *1* r * a * ♦♦ ♦♦ »;< a « ►T< tt 8 •i »V tt »t«y •v Camp Heritage for Juniors! This is a FIRST for our Junior Members ages 5 and up: a Fun and Activities Camp! It will take place at the forthcoming National Convention, June 12-16, 2003 in Duluth, Minnesota, at the Hawthorne Suites Hotel and will be in session from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., during the same hours as the business session of the convention. Some of the SLOVENIAN HOLIDAY TRADITIONAL THINGS you will be learn to make and enjoy at the Junior Camp: • “Lectova srca” This is a heart-shaped honey gingerbread cookie. People give them as gifts to loved-ones. • “Sveti Miklavž” St. Nicholas - the Slovenian Santa Claus -why he comes bearing gifts. • “Janko in Metka” - Hansel and Gretel - of Storybook fame • “Jaslice” - Christmas Creche - How Slovenians make them and display them in the Bela krajina region of Slovenia • “Butara” - Greens Bouquet - The first plants growing in the spring are gathered in a special way. Slovenian Children’s Folksongs • You will learn three simple songs and perform them at the Convention Banquet Bishop Baraga, America’s first Sainthood Candidate of Slovenian origin • Elizabeth Delene, of the Bishop Baraga Association in Marquette. MI will present the story of the missionary of the Upper Peninsula, Frederic Baraga. Games and Surprises, even more than we can tell you at this time! Sign up for Junior Heritage Camp now! Beverly Menart, Lisa McDonell and Rosemary Donald, Co-Chairmen SWU STATEMENT OF OUR VISION, MISSION AND PURPOSE VISION - To preserve the living spirit of the founders and past membership by promoting and nourishing the legacy left to us for future generations. MISSION - To reach individuals by uniting them through their common interest in Slovenian culture and traditions. PURPOSE - To provide resources, communication, and foster friendships in honor of our cultural heritage. The Future is Now! Membership Campaign is easy to join! Use the new member application on the back inside cover of this ZARJA. Fill it out and send with remittance to Membership Chairman Bonnie Prokup, Nat’l Sec’y 3119 Canie St., Peru, 1L 61354 Vesele velikonočne praznike Slovenian Traditional “Easter Butare” are carried in Palm Sunday Processions From the Junior Activities Director Angela Stare: r ,, . f „ ANGELA STARE Greetings! Lepe pozdrave to all of our readers, and especially our t-MAIL. junior members. I hope that many BARTSTARPANS.NET of you get a chance to read this won-derful magazine. Remember, this <«.,. page is designed just for you, please ' ' read it and if there is anyone who would like to comment or add any suggestions as to what they would like from ‘their’ page, do let me know. I hope that many of you took advantage of the address I provided in the last issue of the ZARJA; a school in Ljubljana Slovenia; and to possibly find a ‘pen-pal’ to write to. Are any of you juniors attending branch meetings? Do you get involved in any of the activities that your branches make available to you? I would like to know what interests you and what I can do to ‘learn’ more about your involvement in the Slovenian Women’s Union. To all those celebrating birthday’s in March and April, may 1 take this opportunity to wish you the happiest and best birthdays and God’s many blessings on you this year. As we prepare for the holidays in March and in April, let us remember the inspiration of St. Patrick, who he was and why we remember him on his Feast Day. In April we will again prepare our hearts for the beauty of Easter. Let us be mindful of this holy season and renew our desire to lead holy and exemplary lives. A happy, blessed Easter to all of you! A Slovenian Tradition... is taking special food to church for blessing on Holy Saturday. This food represents the passion of Christ: red colored eggs signify His blood, a round loaf of Potica is His crown of thorns, long pieces of horseradish are the nails that were used to crucify Jesus on the cross. See if your church offers the Blessing of Food as most Slovenian churches do. This sketch of ladies carrying “Žegen” (blessing) is by the known Slovenian artist, France Gorse. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM FINAL NOTICE: Scholarship Application deadline March 10, 2003 Scholarship Donations December 2002 and January 2003 $5.00 donations: SWU Branch 23, Ely, Minnesota (+Margaret Tomljanovich), Bill Slogar (tJosephine Pucel), Dolores Maki (fJohn Francel) $10.00 donations: Anna Hodnik (+AnneTushar), SWU Branch 1, Sheboygan, WI, (tMary Vertacic), Marge Church (+Ann Tercek), SWU Branch 42, Maple Heights, OH, (tAnn Tercek), Mary Turvey (tAnn Tercek). $20.00 donation: Ivanka Matic (+Ann Tercek) $25.00 donation: SWU Branch 32, Euclid, OH -Scholarship Fund $33.00 donation: SWU Branch 54, Warren, OH -Scholarship Fund $40.00 donation: Wally & Jo Lustik (20)-Scholarship Fund Donations have been down this past year. Gifts of any size would be greatly appreciated. Estate planning can include a gift to our SWU Scholarship Foundation. Donations to the SWU Scholarship Foundation are tax exempt. In estate planning, if you would like to leave a legacy for Slovene children you may want to consider the SWU Scholarship Foundation. Donations can be sent to Mary Turvey, Director, 52 Oakridge Drive, Marquette, Michigan 49855. All gifts will be acknowledged and published in ZARJA. I recently received a letter from Judy Pucel Zupancich of Silver Bay, MN. She was inquiring about the book “Immigrant Woman" after reading the book reviews in the Nov./ Dec. ZARJA. Her local librarian had the answer, it was found at the Univ. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Judy is now reading the book through a wonderful service called “inter-library loan” (resource-sharing activities of Wisconsin libraries at the local and state level). For anyone wishing to find “Immigrant Woman” or any other book, your local librarian is definitely the answer. And may I offer a suggestion? If any reader does find a book that contains historical value, please share your find with the SWUA. It would be valuable to have a database of where copies of hard to find titles are located. “FOOTSTEPS THROUGH TIME” by Irene M. Planinšek Odorizzi And now on to another book, “Footsteps Through Time." While reading Irene Odorizzi’s book the name Anna Petek appeared in one of the chapters. This was a red flag name. Anna Petek was the name of my dear friend’s grandmother, and the setting was also familiar, the Iron Range of Minnesota. I called Beverly and read her a few pages. She is now researching the dates and names mentioned in the book. Even though it might not be her grandmother, the setting and the times are indicative of the poverty, grief and hardships her grandmother probably experienced as a new immigrant. And after hearing my words over the phone, Beverly said she felt the presence of her grandmother and her heart aches for the sacrifices endured by an immigrant woman named Anna Petek. I did write to Irene Odorizzi, thanking her for the foresight in publishing these family stories. How else could anyone believe what new Americans endured without having such documentation. Thank you, Irene! Submitted by Anonymous SWUA Member (Footsteps Through Time is available for perusal at the SWUA museum library. Many SWUA members have copies as Irene Odorizzi is a long-time, dedicated member of the SWUA who served actively as the SWU Heritage Director for over 23 years, 1976-1999. She published and sold this book on her own in the late 1970's. Therefore, ask your fellow members about borrowing this book. We know that it can be purchased from: Polka Hall of Fame Shore Cultural Center 291 East 222nd Street Euclid, OH 44123 (216) 261-FAME (3263) http:/1 www .polkafame. com/giftshopl books. html) The New Neighborhood Online Comments by Lynn Zalokar List your coming events! Are you on the internet? Do you have an e-mail address? Please sign up for the SWUA online newsletter “The New Neighborhood.” The newsletter is our new Slovenian neighborhood and is delivered monthly to your “in box.” This is a forum to post information, ask questions or help out with anything related to our Slovenian heritage and culture. It’s becoming the way to link up with fellow members (we have over 500 subscribers!). Many SWUA branches are re-organizing - this is the place to list an upcoming meeting or event! Is there a restaurant, bakery, event you’d like others to know about? Are you seeking out any of these places? Are you new in town or in the workforce, and interested in meeting a fellow member for lunch or dinner (and know that you already have something in common)? Are you planning a trip to Slovenia and looking for tips? Check out past issues of the newsletter on the website. To subsribe, just send an e-mail to Book Discussion Group Forming in Northern Illinois! We would like to get a book discussion group together to meet the first Saturday of each month (on a monthly or bi-monthly basis) at the heritage museum in Joliet. We need a book discussion leader and participants. Please call or send an e-mail if you are interested in this group. The SWUA library is full of great books for the reading list! Give us your suggestions too! V__________________________________________________________J WOMEN IN BUSINESS DIRECTORY was published in the January-February, 2003 issue. Please refer to it for the listing of our members who are soliciting your business. Correction: LINDA’S LENSES, Inc. Where Photography is Personal 30861 Jasmine Court North Olmsted, OH 44070 (440)427-0548 www. LindasLenses. com AND, THE NUMBERS ARE IN.,. THE 2002 MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN! “Reaching Up and Beyond - Each One, Reach One” 175 new members recruited! Congratulations to all the branches. We appreciate your hard work 30 branches participated in this year’s Campaign -Each one, Reaching one! There were many that reached out even more... • 1 Br. 20, Joliet, IL recruited 38 new members! • 2 Br. 2, Chicago, IL - 25 new members! • 3 Tie between Br. 35 - Aurora, MN and our newly reorganized Br. 93 - New York City, NY - 11 new members each! 5-10 new members! 1-4 New Members! 3 - Pueblo, CO 5 - Indianapolis, IN 24 - LaSalle, IL 39 - Biwabik, MN 42 - Maple Heights, OH Most new members this Campaign -38-Joliet, IL Biggest increase in membership this Campaign -11-New York, NY (Br. 93 had 9 members in January, 2002 - and 11 new members were added during this Campaign - more than 100% increase!) 1 - Sheboygan, WI 6 - Barberton, OH 12 - Milwaukee, WI 13 - San Francisco, CA 16 - South Chicago, IL 23 - Ely, MN 25 - Cleveland, OH 32 - Euclid, OH 33 - Duluth, MN 38 - Chisholm, MN 40 - Lorain, OH 43 - Milwaukee, WI 47 - Garfield Heights, OH 55 - Girard, OH 89 - Oglesby, IL 95 - South Chicago, IL 100 - Fontana, CA 102 - Willard, WI 103 - Washington, D.C. 105 - Orion, MI INDIVIDUAL RECRUITERS: Br. 2, Dolores Puhek, 17 new members! Br. 35, Anita Vovk, 6 new members! Br. 20, Jean Herbst, 4 new members! Br. 42, Teresa Gorup, 4 new members! A big thanks to our sponsors for their donations! DRB Imports, Lemont, IL The Kobe House Bakery, Sugar Creek, MO Merichka’s Restaurant, Joliet, IL Santa Papers by Hunter, Inc., Fairview Park, OH Seasonal Creations, LaSalle, IL Smolich Brothers Homemade Sausage, Joliet, IL Thanks everyone for your participation and support! The membership Committee: Charlotte Laurich, Br. 38, Chisholm, MN Bonnie Pohar Prokup, Br. 24, LaSalle, IL Jonita Ruth, Br. 20, Joliet, IL Lynn Zalokar, Br. 93, New York, NY Note: Board Members Jonita Ruth (13 new members) and Bonnie Pohar Prokup (4 new members) were exempt from the contest but helped bring in new members too -many thanks! How did the winners “Reach Above and Beyond?” “We feel that the ZARJA plays a big part in recruiting new members. Our branch activities during the year are an added plus. We try to have programs through the year that will be of interest to the membership. People like to belong and get involved in ‘heritage’.” Br. 20, Joliet, IL “I am enthusiastic about the organization. People know that I am sincere. They hear all that the branch does. I do a lot of public relations. ” Dolores Puhek, Br. 2, Chicago, IL “I wanted to spread the Slovenian heritage so I thought I’d start with my children. I also have a friend who has been interested in Slovenian history. Share the wonderful information with others.” Jean Herbst, Br. 20, Joliet, IL “Last year the entire family went to Slovenia. It was an opportunity for the family to meet their cousins. It was a wonderful trip and gave my girls an insight into my heritage. Having them join SWUA Branch 42 will keep that heritage alive and I'm proud that they can now have the opportunity to share it with me.” Teresa Gorup, Branch 42 “We hold regular meetings and invite those of Slovenian descent to attend. We have grown from 9 original members to 30* in less than a year. Communication is the key. We get e-mail addresses from new members and get them on our yahoo user group and “The New Neighborhood” online newsletter. We also use to send out invitations for each of our events.” Br. 93. New York, NY *This number includes those who transferred to Br. 93 from other branches and new members in 2003. NEW MEMBER ENROLLMENTS Branch with over 25 members 1 Sheboygan, Wl 2 Chicago, IL 3 Pueblo, CO 5 Indianapolis, IN 10 Cleveland, OH 12 Milwaukee, Wl 13 San Francisco, CA 14 Euclid, OH 16 South Chicago, IL 20 Joliet, IL 23 Ely, MN 24 LaSalle, IL 25 Cleveland, OH 26 Pittsburgh,PA 30 Home Office, Joliet, IL 32 Euclid,OH 33 Duluth, MN 34 Soudan, MN 35 Aurora, MN 38 Chisholm, MN 39 Biwabik, MN 40 Lorain, OH 42 Maple Heights, OH 43 Milwaukee, Wl 47 Garfield Heights, OH 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 GOAL 0 1 0 2 4 16 7 10 25 50 17 0 7 6 12 0 0 4 7 14 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 1 2 4 0 3 5 4 8 0 6 2 0 1 2 0 0 2 4 39 39 43 38 76 0 7 9 2 4 3 1 10 6 12 1 5 5 3 6 0 1 3 0 1 11 23 39 22 N/A 1 1 3 2 4 6 9 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 11 22 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 9 18 3 0 2 3 6 6 5 4 5 10 1 2 3 2 4 5 1 3 2 4 50 Euclid, OH 68 Fairport Harbor, OH 71 Strabane, PA 79 Enumclaw.WA 89 Oglesby, IL 93 New York City, NY 95 South Chicago, IL 100 Fontana, CA 102 Willard, Wl 103 Washington, D.C. 105 Orion, Ml Total Branch with under 25 members 22 Bradley, IL 54 Warren, OH 55 Girard, OH 56 Hibbing, MN 57 Niles, OH 59 Burgettstown, PA 74 Fairoaks, PA 81 Keewatin, MN 85 Depue, IL 101 Bedford Heights, OH Total 3 3 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 0 3 11 22 0 0 1 1 2 8 0 0 1 2 2 3 5 2 4 8 11 17 2 4 0 2 3 1 2 312 I99 2000 2001 2002 2003 GOAL 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 4 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 13 AND THE WINNERS ARE ... MUSEUM MAGIC MONTH DRAWING $500 Winners: Olga Dorchak, Sagamore Hills, Ohio Michael Kravcar, San Diego, California $300 Winners: Marjorie Church, Macedonia, Ohio Josephine Aiuto, San Francisco, California Antoinette Papesh, Euclid, Ohio Marla Mae Allen, Joliet, Illinois Winners’ names were drawn at the SWU Home Office by Father Jim Radek, Pastor of St. Joseph’s Church; Father Tom Paul, Spiritual Advisor of Br. 20; Retired Circuit Court Judge William Penn; recently elected Nancy Voots of the County Board of Will County; candidate in an upcoming election for City Council, Jan Quillman; also a National Board Member, some Br. 20 officers and a few members. With the exception of Judge Penn, all are S.W.U. members. Pat Figurowski conducted the drawings. Above we see Jan Quillman doing her dutiful ticket pick! $100 Winners: Daniel Ivanich, Joliet, IL Mary Lou Isaacs, Chicago, IL Barbara Križman, Springboro, OH Dorothy Jemeycic, Sierra Madre, CA Anne Konczal, West Allis, Wl Eileen Kochevar, Comstock Park, MI Nancy Henkel, Peru, IL Kurt Perse, Pueblo, CO Maria Gulas, Joliet, IL Albina Rasp, Westchester, IL Madelyn McKittrick, Garfield Hts., OH Mary Kociancic, Garfield Hts., OH Evie Schomer, Milwaukee, Wl Hermine Dicke, Cambridge, Wl Jeanne Mezgec, Valley View, OH S.W.U. Br. 43, Greenfield, Wl Jennifer Flenard, Joliet, IL Maria Gulas, Joliet, IL Josephine Klun, Garfield Hts., OH Henry Schoonover, Golden Valley, MN Maryann Rot, Tower, MN Marge Rachor, Joliet, IL Mildred Pucel, Joliet, IL Stephanie Segulin, Cleveland, OH Rita Fordonski/ Lois Laken, Crest Hill, IL Were you unable to recruit in the past three years? It's not too late to catch up. I believe you can do it. Especially because the prizes are great. (See enrollment figures on page 10.) Prize 1 - A $100 value grab bag for the Branch that brings in the most new members compared to what they brought in last year. Prize 2 - A $50 value grab bag for the Member who brings in the most new members. Prize 3 - A gift for the State President who increases her territory of new members over the new members from the previous year. This gift will be given at the National Convention. In addition, every Branch that increases their number of NEW members (over last year’s) will be listed in a prominent location at the National Convention in Duluth, MN. We see that you are writing about our success in the ZARJA, Online Newsletter, via mail and emails - now tell all of your friends and family. Tell them we have so much to offer someone of Slovenian descent or for those interested in Slovenia, regardless of their background. Once you get started it gets so easy. I will end this with a favorite quote of mine “Yesterday is not ours to recover but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.” Lyndon B. Johnson Bonnie Pohar Prokup National Secretary, SWUA and 2003 Membership Chairperson you can be active again. BRINGING SOME ADDED ZEST! Branches across the country have been announcing that they are electing new, younger officers to take over branch activities! We extend our best wishes and welcome to those elected in the early months of 2003, namely: KAREN ZARICH, Secretary, Br. 5, Indianapolis, IN GERALDINE PETRICH, President and PAT LAMMI, Secretary, Br. 23, Ely, MN PAM PERDAN DIRK, President, Br. 32, Euclid, OH ADRIENNE MICKLICH, President, Br. 34, Soudan, MN GAIL MINTON, Secretary, Br. 38, Chisholm, MN ROSE MARY TOTH, President and “COOKIE” CATHERINE MAXIN, Vice President, Br. 50, Cleveland, OH NANCY HENKLE, President, Br. 89, Oglesby, IL SUE PAKIZ, Secretary, Br. 102, Willard, WI Here’s to you, Girls! YOU ARE OUR FUTURE LEADERS! 7 \ NATIONAL OFFICERS’ NOMINATIONS BY APRIL 30, 2003 In advance of the 24th SWU National Convention in June, the President has appointed Secretary, Bonnie Pohar Prokup as chairman of the Nominations Committee. See Bylaws Article IV. Branches are requested to send in written nominations for positions that will be elected at the Convention by April 30, 2003. The National President will chair the Convention Bylaws Committee. V_____________________________) The Future is Now! That is right, The Future is Now! Not tomorrow, nor the next day but Today. This is an exciting year for the Slovenian Women’s Union of America and time to make a noticeable gain in our membership, right before our upcoming National Convention, where we hope to see many of you. “The future is NOW” is just like it reads. We need to do it now, not tomorrow or the next week. I would like to finish off this four-year term with one of the best campaigns ever. I am proposing that we all try to bring in 150 new members before June 30, 2003. I do believe its possible with your help. Members are easier to find that one thinks. You don’t need to live in a large Slovenian area. Look at the success of branch 93 in NYC. A few years ago this branch was ready to disband as the members were aging. In just two short years they are the fastest growing branch in decades. We need to get out there and spread the word. You can leave applications in your local library, try a Slovenian Heritage Day in your town, and send letters to family and friends you know who may be interested. Start with getting your sister, brother, sons, daughters, nieces, nephews and friends. I bet you could find a few in this list alone. Is your branch not active? This is where new members can help. Get some younger members in there that would be happy to help with the paperwork and organization. I’ve seen it happen in other branches. And before you know it Ask Tončka! O V: Tti/j f/h' i.l-l fiC.U-. /.’KV.Vi) v.M’i v,j *»’0 KU.OM£rKKi • 30Q'MIt£S ,<\sV p\ Dear Genealogists: Congratulations to Branch 71, Strabane, PA and Branch 103 for being first to participate in the SWU Branch Genealogy Project. Hopefully, more of our branches will be responding in the near future. It is an exciting time for us. We have been working back in time to find our ancestors. The time machine, hidden in our genes, has been finally discovered within the past 20 years. Now through the discovery of mitochondrial DNA, with it’s markers that trace mutations, there is a chance that we can determine who our earliest ancestor was. Africa was the cradle of all humans, beginning about 50.000 years ago. After a catostrophic event, about 30 to 40 millions years ago, when the sea level reduced part of Africa to desert land, some peoples went to Australia, traveling through India and leaving their genes there for scientists to recently discover. The first Australian are the aborigines, who are still a good part of the population today. A second wave of people left Africa much later, about 10.000 years ago, moving north into Europe, as hunters, following their prey. As the first cave men they settled in Southern France. Caves still in existence reflect the artwork of these first artists known to humanity, along deep scratch marks of bears. Again, climate problems caused the cave people to migrate further north, following their prey into a region north of Afganistan and then up into the arctic circle. From the arctic circle, people moved into Asia and across the Bering Sea during the ice age. Only about 10-12 people came across, and remain as Inuites. After a time these people moved down into the Rocky Mountains where they are identified as Native Americans and again later, only about 10 people migrated into South America as it’s earliest settlers. The population of the entire world has only 35 or 36 original maternal origins. This means everyone on our planet belongs to one of 35 women. Professor Bryan Sykes, a geneticist of Oxford University, did mitoDNA on 10,000 people in Europe and discovered that this large group had between all of them only 7 different origins. In another words, all of the people he tested in Europe can claim one of 7 women as their ancestral mother. From the best seller “The Seven Daughters of Eve," author Bryan Sykes, shows here a map, identifying the locations of the seven women. Notice that Katrine is in our Slovene region, which means many living in the Alps and southern regions had test results that proved them to be descendants of Katrine. We can not rush to judgment on this test. The Slovene people migrated into Slovenia in the 7th Century. They were a Slavic group that came in from southern Russia, Czechoslovakia and Bohemia, as those areas are identified presently. Also consider that there were 01 SlX.4 I ho Seven Gardens of Eden:' the, lands of our ancestors ? people traveling through Slovenia; it was a crossroads from north to southern Europe since ancient times, Napoleon and his army were in that area for a time, and much earlier Romans controlled the region. Women from other regions had settled in Slovenia. Some of my genealogy friends are going to order testing to see if their mitoDNA matches that of another woman relative, maybe a descendent from an earlier branch of the family. The buccal swab kit is now priced at $200 on average, but at some time in the future will probably be much more reasonable. Women inherit their maternal mitoDNA through their maternal line. Mothers have transferred their DNA through chromosomes to their daughters, from the beginning of time. The first woman who is the mother of all “Seven Daughters” was named Laura. Even today in Africa, Laura’s DNA is evident in women of that region. For more information see the following websites: http://mctieman. com/mtdna. htm http://w ww. oxfordancestors .com Happy hunting! Q ueries: ERJAVEC, STRUJBL - Looking for the ship manifest of Joseph Erjavec and Theresa Strujbl Erjavec who immigrated to the U.S. in 1890 or 1891. I have searched the Ellis island databases and cannot locate them. Are these databases complete? Please contact: Vera (Ancel) Muir (847) 991-5249 or e-mail Dear Vera: From the Ellis Island org. website, I find I cannot find either of my grandparents. I know the names of the ships and years of immigration and have tried a number of variations of their surname spellings. An informer of the Ellis - Island Museum advised that some records were in poor condition, unreadable, not included perhaps as a human error or could have been destroyed in a fire at Ellis Island in 1897. Continue to try various spellings on their website. Good luck! Tončka 904 Margaret Street Iron Mountain, Michigan 49801 SWU “Back to Our Heritage Tour,” 2003 Preliminary Itinerary: Saturday, September 13: Departure from our home cities and rendezvous in our gateway airport. Board our overnight transatlantic flight and depart the United States bound for Munich, Germany. Complimentary meals and beverages will be served during the flight. Sunday, September 14: Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Morning arrival to Munich airport where we will be met by our waiting guide and motorcoach for transfer to our hotel in Munich. Afternoon city tour with local guide. Welcome to Bavaria Dinner. Overnight in Munich, Bavaria. D Monday, September 15, Munich. After breakfast, we travel to the “Neuschwanstein” castle, the dream castle built for Mad King Ludwig of Bavaria and the msot photographed castle in the world. We’ll continue to the picturesque village of Oberammergau, where Germany’s original “Passion Play” is enacted every 10 years. After lunch on our own, we’ll return to Munich. Dinner at a local restaurant. Overnight Munich, B, D Tuesday, September 16: Munich. We have set the entire day aside as a free day to spend as you wish. Perhaps you’ll wish to do some shopping or stroll the festive Marienplaz, home of the famous 43 bell Glockenspiel. Dinner and overnight. B, D Optional Excursions: - Full day excursion to Schorobenhausen, where they cultivate Asparagus. Enjoy the cooking lessons, asparagus museum and visit to the cultivation fields. - Drive to Chiemsee for a ferry boat ride to a beautifully wooded island on which the Herrenchiemsee Castle stands. Begun in the late 1800's, and never completed, King Ludwig enjoyed the castle not even a full week before his mysterious death. Wednesday, September 17: Munich/Salzburg/Lake Bled. Following breakfast, a morning drive through scenic southeastern Bavaria takes us to Mozart’s golden Salzburg, Austria in its perfect setting of Tyrolean mountains and forest. For more than a thousand years this city has been residence of splendor-loving Prince-Bishops, who gave Salzburg this everlasting look of nobility and beauty. Known the world over for its music, castles, churches, museums and pastry shops, our guide takes us on a narrated sightseeing tour of Salzburg’s important monuments and buildings. Some free time to sightsee and shop through Salzburg’s narrow old streets and elegant squares. We continue south through high mountains, across Austria on our way to Kranjska Gora, a well-known ski resort in Slovenia by the Austro-ltalian border. “Welcome to Slovenia’’ dinner and overnight at our hotel in Kranjska Gora. B, D Thursday, September 18: Bled and Bohinj. Following a leisurely breakfast, we begin our tour today with a visit to the 10th century Castle Bled, which overlooks the Lake Bled scene. Next, we'll have some fun with a gondola ride to the little island in the middle of the Lake -- cruise by way of canopied wooden boats, manually propelled by caramen. We’ll also visit another popular Slovenian resort - Bohinj, where we board the Mt. Vogel Cable Car ski lift. This exciting journey takes us close to 6000 feet above sea level and provides a spectacular view of the surrounding Julian Alps including the famous Mt. Triglav. Afterwards, we’ll have not tea in the mountain hut. Our travels will also include a visit to Brezje, the beloved Marian shrine of Slovenia. Dinner tonight at the restaurant Lectar (serving traditional specialties) in nearby Radovlica, a well-preserved medieval era town. Return to Kranjska Gora for overnight. B, D Friday, September 19: After breakfast, we depart for Višarje, a pilgrimage site in Italy close to the Slovenian border. We’ll take a cable lift to the top, where we'll attend Mass and have lunch. Descend and drive via Austria around the Woerter See to Klagenfurt where we will visit Maria Saal Church, the “Cradle of Slovenian Christianity.” Return to Kranjska Gora for overnight. B, D Saturday, September 20: After breakfast, drive across Vršič Mountain Pass to Trenta Valley, with time to visit the Spring of the Soča River and the Triglav National Park Museum, dedicated to the Trenta guides, the pioneers of Slovenian alpinism and the park’s flora and fauna. Continue to Kobarid to visit the WWI Museum. Check into Hotel Park in Nova Gorica. Dinner with Brda wines in the vineyards. B, D Sunday, September 21: Venice, Italy. Full day motorcoach excursion to Venice. Upon arrival city sightseeing tour and free time for Sunday Mass at St. Mark’s Church. Our tour will include a short stop at the Murano Glassworks. Return to our hotel in Nova Gorica for dinner and overnight. B, D Monday, September 22: Morning visit to Sveta Gora, a Slovenian pilgrimage site near Nova Gorica. We’ll then visit Artist Kogoj’s Glass Gallery. On to Idrija to see the Hospital Franja. Lunch at the Kendov Dvorec Mansion. Afterwards, you can choose to spend some time at the mansion watching a bobbin lace-making demonstration or tour the Idrija quick silver mine. Dinner at Mokrice Castle. Overnight at Hotel Terme, Čateske Spas. B, L, D Tuesday, September 23: Free day for spa activities. Dinner in the evening at Otočec Castle with reception given by the Lord of the Castle. Overnight at Hotel Terme, Čateske Spas. B, D Wednesday, September 24: Free morning for spa activities. In the afternoon excursion to the Rogaška Slatina crystal factory with time for shopping. Continue to a Champagne Cellar and from there with carriages to a local gostilna for dinner. Return to our hotel for overnight at Hotel Terme, Čateske Spas. B, D Thursday, September 25: To Ljubljana. Following breakfast, we depart for L|ubljana, the capital of Slovenia. En route we’ll stop at Nova Štifta to visit the Church of the Assumption. Following hotel check in, our guide will take us on a sightseeing tour combined with an interesting walking tour of the historic section of old Ljubljana. Dinner at a local restur-ant or gostilna and overnight at our hotel in Ljubljana. B, D Friday, September 26: Ljubljana. Free day for independent shopping, sightseeing, etc. You may choose an optional excursion today, or take more time to visit relatives and local friends. Tonight “Farewell Dinner” in a local restaurant or gostilna with entertainment. B, D Saturday, September 27: Early morning departure for the airport for our return flights home. B This all-inclusive tour has been designed to give you the best value by including a complete range of activities and special meals including dinner at traditional restaurants famous for their authentic cuisine and atmosphere, a private deluxe motorcoach is dedicated to our group, and first class hotels have been carefully chosen throughout the itinerary. Travelers are welcome to join from any major gateway city in the U.S. and Canada and will rendezvous with the group either in the U.S. or Europe. The tours are also made famous by the excellent local Slovenian guides who will travel with us throughout the trip. All hotel taxes, service charges and gratuities have been prepaid as well as tips to waiters for all included meals - leaving you more money for shopping while traveling. Space is limited so we encourage your quick response and look forward to welcoming you on the tour. The total cost of the trip including airfare is $2,895. Your deposit in the amount of $300 per person is due immediately and final payment for the tour will be due July 9. KOLLANDER WORLD TRAVEL 971 East 185th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Tel. (800) 800-5981 - (216) 692-1000 SPECIAL PRICE $15.00 The SWU Cookbook, MORE POTS AND PANS” is available for the sale price of $15.00 for a very limited time! That’s a fantastic price for such a valuable book! Besides the authentic Slovenian recipes and specialty dishes we all love, and hundreds of other tested recipes of foods that your families love to eat, there is the heritage aspect of this book! Illustrations by Nancy Bukovnik bring a whimsy and delight to every chapter heading. Photos abound! And Heritage Notes tell you how and why and where the recipe was popular. There’s lots of other information and all presented in an easy-to-read format. Get your specially-priced copies today. Cookbook Order Form “MORE POTS & PANS” Please send me Name copies at SI5.00 per book including postage and handling. Address City ____ State Zipcode m + Make check payable to and send order to: Slovenian Women’s Union 431 North Chicago Street Joliet, IL 60432 Why Buy Single Premium Whole Life Insurance? Because... ♦ It provides your family with a tax-free death benefit! + It has immediate cash value! ♦ It has one single payment! Sample one-time payment for non-smokers - for $10,000 of life insurance: AGE FEMALE MALE 60 54,315.00 54,895.00 65 5,045.00 5,655.00 Available 70 5,835.00 6,425.00 from ages 75 6,665.00 7,155.00 0-90 80 7,455.00 7.815.00 85 8,155.00 8,375.00 90 8,725.00 8,815.00 AMERICAN SLOVENIAN CATHOLIC UNION ♦ 2439 Glenwood Ave., Joliet, IL 60435 A Financial Family That Feels Like Home 1-800-843-5755 Veda ‘Ponikvar: ^ Trom Our Oierit> ‘Kitchens Iron Range Favorites In Northern Minnesota, new fallen snow covers the entire Iron Range. The last three weeks of January were bitter cold with the temperature each morning between 20° and 31° below zero. In Tower, Minnesota, one morning registered 41° below zero, actual degrees! But spring will come and June and the national SWU is almost at our doorstep. We continue featuring the favorite recipes of our noted cooks and bakers residing in Minnesota whose leadership and dedication in the SWU is legend. Jean Korsman of Gilbert is a contributing columnist for the magazine. Vibrant, energetic and knowledgeable; she has dedicated many years to our organization. She also served as our past National President. These recipes are from Jean Korsman. Different, Crispy Chicken 1 whole chicken, cut in pieces or 12 drumsticks \x'i teaspoon salt; pepper to taste 2 eggs, beaten 1.2 teaspoon dry thyme l/2 teaspoon paprika 1.2 teaspoon onion powder l/2 teaspoon dry mustard About l'i cup flour Method: Rinse chicken well and pat dry. (May remove skin, but of course it’s better left on) Sprinkle salt and pepper evenly. Add spices to beaten eggs, wisk. Roll chicken FIRST in egg mixture, THEN in the flour. Let stand 15 minutes. In frying pan heat about 1 cup oil. Brown chicken lightly. Spray foil lined pan and bake chicken in pre-heated oven (375°) for 40 to 50 minutes or until done. A nice change from “breaded” chicken. Delicious with mashed potatoes and gravy made with drippings. Winter Floret Medley 1 garlic clove, minced 1 tablespoon olive or canola oil 2 cups broccoli florets l'i teaspoon salt Dash of pepper !/4 cup water In large skillet, saute garlic in oil for 1 minute. Add remaining ingredients and bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer 6-8 minutes or just until tender. Kentucky Colonel’s Cole Slaw 1 cup Miracle Whip dressing Cabbage cut to your liking !/4 cup white vinegar >y4 cup salad oil l/4 to lf2 cup sugar 1 teaspoon salt Mix dressing, oil, vinegar, sugar and salt together well. (Can use blender) Store in jar in refrigerator. This is enough for about 5 lbs. of cabbage. Add grated carrot for color and some like finely minced onion and green pepper. Thai Chicken and Sesame Noodles 1 cup prepared Good Seasons Oriental Sesame Chicken Salad Dressing, divided 1 pound boneless skinless chicken breast halves, cut into strips 2 tablespoons each chunky peanut butter and honey l/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper 8 ounces spaghetti, cooked, drained 3/4 cup each shredded carrot and sliced green onions ,;4 cup chopped cilantro Pour ''3 cup of the dressing over the chicken in medium bowl; toss to coat. Cover. Refrigerate one hour to marinate. Drain, discard dressing. Mix remaining 2/3 cups dressing, peanut butter, honey and pepper. Set aside. Cook chicken in large skillet on medium-high heat 8 minutes or until cooked through. Mix chicken, spaghetti, carrot, onions and cilantro in large bowl. Add peanut butter mixture; toss to coat. Garnish with cilantro sprigs and carrot curls. Serve immediately. Blueberry Pancakes 1 egg 3/4 cup milk 2 teaspoons oil 1 cup pancake and waffle mix 1 cup Post Great Grains whole grain cereal Beat egg in large bowl; stir in milk and oil. Add pancake mix; stir just until moistened. Stir in cereal. Let stand 5 minutes. Pour 1;4 cup batter onto hot griddle for each pancake; cook until bubbles on top. Turn to brown other side. Garnish with fresh blueberries and raspberries and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Makes 8 pancakes or 4 servings. Luscious Lemon Cheesecake Dessert Graham cracker crust: Crush 18 grahams (about 1 !/2 cups crumbs), add ‘'4 cup sugar and *'3 cup melted butter or margarine; press firmly in greased pie pan. Chill until set, about 45 minutes. 1-3 ounce package lemon jello 1 cup boiling water 3 ounces cream cheese 1 cup sugar 8 ounces (1 cup) evaporated milk (well chilled in freezer) Method: Mix three ounce package lemon jello in 1 cup boiling water. Stir well. Save out 3 teaspoons of mixture and cool the rest to a soft set. Mix the 3 ounces of cream cheese with the 3 teaspoons jello that has been set aside. Add the sugar and mix until smooth. Whip the evaporated milk until it forms stiff peaks, (must be very cold to do this). Whip the soft set jello and add to the whipped milk. Fold in the cream cheese mixture. Pour into crust and chill. May sprinkle some crumbs on top. This recipe can be doubled and put into buttered 9x13 inch pan. Makes a very tasty and light dessert. General Fund Donations From Our Members This Invoice Donations report is for January-February, 2003. It shows the wonderful loyalty of many members. We thank them for the free-will donations sent with dues for the year, 2003. Donor Gen'l. Fund Dobersek, Stavia(12) 20 Doherty, Elizabeth(13) 10 Adamic, Frances (105) $10 Dorchak, Olga(47) 15 Adkisson. Helen (34) 10 Duche, Christine(50) 5 Aiuto, Josephine (13) 40 Dybul, Zenobia(43) 10 Ambrose, Marlene (20) 10 Echols, Emily P(103) 5 Andrews, Frances Mary (25) 5 Eckert, Jeanette( 100) 10 Anonymous 40 Egdington, George L(30) 10 Anonymous 10 Eggen, Lillian(30) 5 Anonymous 50 Evanich, Mary(12) 10 Anonymous 15 Fascianna, Lena(16) 5 Anonymous 10 Pass, Dolores M(103) 15 Applebaum, Margaret (1) 10 Fedran, Theresa 0(12) 10 Artac. Josephine (102) 10 Ferguson, Leslie(20) 5 Attaway. Margaret(20) 10 Ficek, Frances(24) 20 Auito, Mary S(28) 10 Figurowski, Patricia(20) 10 Babich, Joseph(20) 5 Flanders, Agnes(50) 15 Bacho. 0lga(50) 2 Flynn, Dorothy(13) 35 Bailey. Bernice Prosen(30) 20 Fowler, Vianne(30) 10 Banker, Helen(25) 5 Fraid, Elizabeth M(102) 25 Barnett, Stephanie(3) 5 Frangesch, Mary(12) 5 Bartlett, Denise P(43) 5 Friesenhahn, Barbara(5) 88 Baughman, Anna(20) 20 Furlan, Vida(50) 5 ’mem ot Anna Czigany and, Judith Forney Furry, Heidi S.(35) 100 Bayuk, Edward W(102) 5 'mem of Joseph Bradach and Behrman. John & Helene(16) 20 Maria Bradach Bell, Daniel C.(2) 10 Gabrovic, Audrey! 12) 10 Berkopec, Jane(50) 5 Galleberg, Agnes(33) 10 Bestic. Virginia(55) 10 Gasperic, Ann L.(12) 10 Bevec, Jana(103) 3 'mem of Ann Krizan Bizal. Frances A(38) 10 Gazvoda, Frances(25) 50 Bizal, Martina(38) 10 'mem of mother Frances Gazvoda Blatnik, Holly(50) 5 Germak, Gabnelle "Yelka"(68) 10 Blatnik, Mary C(50) 10 Gillen Family(50) 5 Blatnik, Robert(50) 10 Glavich, Sally(3) 10 Blatnik, Rose Marlene(50) 10 'mem of Cathenne Glavich Ahner Bledsoe, Hennetta(IOO) 5 Godec, Angela(23) 25 Boitz, Pa!ricia(23) 10 Godec. Josephine(47) 10 Bokar. Margaret(50) 10 Godfrey, Dorothy(30) 10 Bolek, Ludmilla A(47) 10 'mem of Rose Zbasnik Bonazza, Carmella(52) 10 Goergen. Carol A(13) 25 Bone, Kathryn(39) 10 Good, Deborah(33) 10 Bozic, Alice(50) 10 Gomik, Josephine(32) 10 Bradack, Rose(68) 5 'mem of Ann Tercek Bradish, Mary(40) 10 Gorton. Katherine(l) 10 'mem of sister Josephine Gosline, Josephme(30) 20 Bratovich, Mary(79) 5 Grahek, Mary(23) 15 Bregant, Mary(43) 5 Greben, Josephine(50) 2 Brodnick, Molly(10) 10 Gregonch, Mollie(20) 10 Brown, Deborah(20) 10 Hanzlik, Maria(2) 5 Brozina, Dorothy(10) 8 Havaich, Elizabeth(57) 2 Buck, Gladys K(16) 10 Healy, Margaret(105) 10 Burkland, Miriam(2) 25 Henkel, Nancy(89) 15 Cabot, Dorothy(47) 5 Hervatin, Edith(68) 10 ’mem of Mary Culkar Hervatin. Lucille T(30) 10 Carey, Delores(50) 10 Hiza, Mary(3) 2 Carlson, Deanna 0(30) 10 Hlad, Vera M(25) 10 Castiglia. Olga(l6) 10 Hlavaty, Mary Ann(25) 10 Ceglar, Bemice(25) 5 Hodnik, Anna L(35) 10 Cesnik, James M(103) 15 Hofrichter, Emma L(90) 15 Cigale, Antoinette) 103) 10 Horvat, Andrea(20) 10 Clements, Theresa(50) 10 Hrovat, Mary J{47) 10 Cooke, Chnstine Mary(32) 20 Hubbard, Lucy Elizabeth(35) 20 Cooke. Mary(32) 10 Ivanich, Daniel(20) 10 Couwenhoven, Ann(103) 10 Ivons, Jean( 10) 15 Crotty, Mary Lou(39) 12 Jakopič, Christme(66) 10 Davidson, Sally(23) 10 Jakovich, John(20) 10 DeBevc, Frances M(3) 5 James, Margaret A(20) 10 Debevec, Pauline(25) 10 Janezic, Josephme(43) 11 Deed, Albina Rose(20) 5 Jenkin, Emma(66) 10 Demshar, Rosemary (100) 15 Jenko, Emily(25) 5 'mem of mom Rose Baraga Jermence, Mary(85) 10 Dickson, Helen S(30) 35 Jovle, Anlonija(12) 10 Dieterich. Emma(40) 10 Judnic, Cynthia(2) 10 DiMatteo. Mary T(63) 5 Jurcak, Emma(30) 10 Dirk, Mar C(32) 5 Juvančič, Rosemary(55) 10 Divjak, Frances(12) 2 Kabara, Dorothy(20) 5 Djubenski. Mary(102) 7 Kapel, Anne(100) 20 Kaprelian, Maxine(1) 20 McNally, Thomas 11(2) 6 Kellett. Rose(89) 20 Meden, Josephine(2) 10 Kinnear, Evelyn(13) 10 Mershnik, Theresa F(12) 10 Kirk, Dorothy(25) 10 Metesh, Bemice(20) 5 Kirschner, Mary(50) 10 Mihelich, Clare(20) 10 'mem of Ann Tercek Mikec, Albina(2) 5 Klabe, Kathenne(23) 5 Millman, Helena M(24) 10 Klemenčič, Frances L(10) 10 Millonig, Lydia B(103) 3 Klun, Frances(93) 5 Mills, Marceline(25) 10 Klun, Madelyn A(35) 10 Misic, Josephine(50) 10 Klune, Rose Mary(3) 5 Mladic. Helen(2) 10 Kobe, Stephana(32) 10 Mollett, Antonia(5) 25 Kobow, Estelle(12) 4 Moravchek, Violet(50) 10 Kociancic. Mary Rose(47) 10 Morrison, Bemice(2) 10 Kodrich, Dolores(12) 20 Motta, Frances(103) 5 Kokal, May(103) 10 Mramor, Nancy(50) 10 Konczal. Anne E(43) 10 Mramor, Stan(3) 10 Konechnik, Dolores(5) 10 Mueller, Maureen(20) 25 Kopfensteiner, Kathleen(2) 10 'mem of Caroline Culik McGuckin Koporc, Agnes(25) 5 Muller, Mary(2) 10 Korošec, Jean(10) 5 Muren, Julia(6) 12 Korpnick, LaVeme(12) 25 Mutz, Pa1ricia(20) 5 Korst, Joyce A(20) 10 Nanut, Anna F(13) 20 Kosi, Barbara(2) 25 Nestor, Christine(50) 5 Koss, Josephine(32) 28 'mem of Ann Tercek Kostello, Michael J(103) 50 Nevelos, Dorothy J(63) 8 Kotler, Milena(103) 100 Novak, Genevieve(97) 10 Kotnick, Martha(1) 10 Novotny, Jean(30) 8 Kouchich, Jennie(43) 10 Nowakowski, Anne(50) 15 Kovacic, Nika B(103) 10 O'Blak, John(20) 10 Krašovec, Bemice(3) 10 Ogoreuc, Frances Alice(32) 10 Krasovec-Perez, Eileen(3) 10 Ogrinc, Josephine(16) 10 Krese. Antonia(16) 5 Okicki, Mary(50) 10 Kretic, Ann(50) 10 Oldenburg, Frances(20) 10 Križman, Jean A(50) 15 Orlikowski, Ane(50) 5 Krogulski, Barbara(24) 3 Ovnik, Judith(2) 15 Kroviak. Janice(20) 5 Ovnik, Lorraine(2) 15 Kuhar, Andrew(25) 5 Pachak-Holfeltz, Marcia Ann(3) 25 Kuhar, Nicholas(25) 5 Pakiz, Rose(102) 7 Kunovar, lrene(43) 5 Palcic, Mary H(93) 10 Kurjan, Emma(40) 5 Palmer, Mary Ann(23) 35 Kwiecmski, Mary Anne(39) 5 Paskutis, Louise(59) 10 Lambert, Frances(5) 5 Pavlovčič, Frances A(40) 10 Lapornik, Justina A(103) 20 Pavlovčič, Lenora M(40) 10 Larek, Rose(12) 2 Pecavar, Stanka(13) 20 Laskowski, Paula Uremovic(20) 10 Pekol, Rose(102) 10 Leach, Agnes C(13) 5 Pelan, Mary(71) 2 Legris, Antomette(22) 12 Perdan, Alexandra(32) 4 Lesar, Agnes(102) 5 Perdan, Pamela(32) 15 Leskovar, Corinne(2) 25 Perko, Ann J(3) 10 Lesnik. Mary(20) 10 Peterson, Marjorie(38) 5 Lilek, James(20) 15 Petrich, Geraldine{23) 5 Lind, Rose Marie(39) 2 Petrich, Julia(2) 5 Lipic, Hilda(100) 5 Petrich, Rosemary(16) 5 Little, Lorelei(30) 10 Petrick, Hermina(3) 10 Logar, Jane Frances(57) 2 Petrusich, Louise G(13) 10 Lushina, William(24) 25 Phillips, Beverty(30) 15 Lustig. Gabrielle(22) 10 Pinchak, Helen L(91) 5 Lustik, Josephine(20) 20 Pirjevec, Barbara J(34) 10 Madromch, Bemadine(13) 10 Pisoni, Viola(46) 15 Malloy. Mary(2) 5 Plautz, George(102) 10 Malone, Nancy Carol(30) 15 Plut. Dolores(20) 10 Marel, Eleanor(91) 5 Podlesnik, Ann(2) 10 Marino, Kathryn(56) 5 Polen, Elizabeth A(59) 8 Mam, Helen(23) 13 Polutnik, Slephanie(40) 5 Marolt, Mary(10) 12 Polyner, Jean A(23) 20 Marolt, Pauline(23) 10 Ponikvar, Joanne(54) 10 Marquardt, Lydia(20) 20 Popich, Katherine A(30) 10 Martin, Matilda(95) 10 Prebil, Margaret(16) 15 Mariino, Bartara(95) 5 Prey, Rose Ann(89) 20 Massaia, Amelia(30) 10 Prijatel, Evelyn(23) 10 Malic, lvanka(50) 5 Prime, Donna(10) 10 Matic, Vesna(50) 5 Pryately, Christine A(103) 15 Mattson, Agnes Dragovan(34) 5 Rak, Gene F(30) 20 McAlpine, Ann(38) 10 Reich, Barbara(2) 20 McAsey, Mary(20) 10 Riddlebaugh, Mary Jane(32) 5 McFarland, Helen L(66) 15 Rifelj, Sophie(43) 10 McIntyre. Mollie(22) 2 Rigler, Manja R(2) 11 Rib. Frances M(30) 10 Shubitz, Genevieve M(33) 25 Toth, Rose Mary(50) 5 Wojdula, Elsie(2) 10 Rogers, Mary(3) 10 Shuster, Max L(30) 10 Tratnik, Marie L(43) 20 Wolf, Mary(50) 10 Roland, Virginia(103) 25 Sisto, Helen(2) 10 Trunkel, Sophie(102) 10 Yadlosky, Jane(23) 20 Rupar, Joan(1) 5 Skebe, Matilda(IOO) 10 Ukovich, Susan(20) 15 Yakos, Vida(l2) 5 Rupar, Pauline(1) 5 Smith, Marcia Jean(30) 10 Urankar, Dorothy F(32) 10 Yerman, Mary F(13) 10 Rupe, Stella(50) 20 Snyder, Magdeline(63) 10 Urick, Barbara(35) 10 Yovanovich, Frances(5) 17 Rupnik, Vida(50) 5 Sovich, Josephine(50) 10 Valasek, Mildred(70) 5 Yucevicious, Frances(2) 15 Ruthenberg, Helen(12) 9 Spelich, Delores(24) 15 Valenčič, Jennie) 106) 10 Zabak, Agnes D(47) 10 Rutkowski. Bemadine(20) 5 Stanek, Christine(2) 10 Vatovec, Rose(47) 10 Zadel, Vem G(30) 20 Ruzic, Geraldine(102) 8 Starken, Lucille(39) 5 Vett, Louise(54) 10 Zagger, Anna(55) 12 Ryan, Mary Pat(28) 10 Stefanich, Lillian(20) 15 Vidergar, Mildred(6) 2 Zajc, Virginia(IOO) 5 'mem of Stephanie Ryan, Treas Br. 28 Stelow, Marie(20) 35 Vidmar, Frances B(83) 20 Zajec, Marilea(20) 8 Ryba, Carol A(30) 5 Sterle, Mary(32) 10 Vidmar, Nicholas(20) 5 Zakosek, Thomas(20) 10 Sacsek, Mary(91) 10 Sterle, Rose(38) 10 Vinyard, Elizabeth(20) 10 Zakrajšek, Angela(47) 5 Sainato. Frances(54) 5 Štiglic, Alice(20) 5 Vodnik, Antonia) 12) 20 Zakrajšek, Mary(86) 35 Sandvick, Cathenne(28) 20 Stofac, Mildred(3) 10 Vogrin, Mary(50) 15 Zalar, Elsie(lO) 10 Scalise, Mik)red(7l) 10 Strupeck, Viola(2) 10 'mem of Ann Tercek Zalar, Julia(50) 10 Scavarda, Catherine(66) 10 Sturm, Helen(50) 10 Voytko, Angeline(40) 10 ZaJes, Mary(8) 10 Scheidt, Marie(20) 10 Sustarich, Virginia F.(13) 10 Vozel, Rosemarie(2) 5 Zallar, Helen(39) 10 Schickowski, Marie(1) 10 Swenson, Judith(23) 5 Vrhovnik, Mary(2) 5 Zalokar, Marilyn(16) 3 'mem of Margaret Fischer Swietek, Helen(24) 10 Vukelich, Mary J(83) 5 Zalokar, Mildred(2) 10 Scholp, Elizabeth(20) 10 Swintosky Family(30) 16 Wadycki, Julie Anne(2) 10 Zaverl, Agnes(23) 5 Schutta, Shir1ey(43) 5 Tarro, Mary Ann M(56) 20 Wadycki, Pamela(2) 15 Zegas, Patrick Urick(93) 10 Schultz, Frances(20) 5 Tavcar, Frances M(25) 10 Wangler, Anne(24) 20 Zevnik, Darlene(1) 15 Sebalj, 0lga(20l 10 Taylor, Marie McNally(2) 5 Wanthal, Mary(20) 15 Zuga. Karen(54) 35 Sever, Wanda K(47) 10 Telich, Florence(23) 12 Webb, Ida Barut(46) 5 Zupančič, Milka(100) 20 Shalins, Olga M(93) 5 Telia, Mary(66) 10 Welch, Sandra (24) 10 Zupancich, Judith(23) 5 Shine, Elsie(54) 5 Theno, Helen M(23) 10 ’mem of Mary Vogrinc Shine, Wanda Virginia(54) 10 Thomas, Amelia(103) 10 White, Frances(66) 10 Shisila, Christine(30) 8 Thomas, Diane(105) 10 Wieck, Matilda R(43) 10 Total .... 4813 Sholar, Ray(30) 5 Tonkli, Blanka M(25) 5 Wilson, Alice N(35) 15 Thanks for your INVOICE DONATIONS! These donations came with dues payments. We thank the members for their generosity. Donor Zarja Heri- Schol- tage arship ($) ($) ($) Baldin.Oon(24) 10 Bud, Katherine (2) 10 Daniel Gergisch,(1) 10 'mem of mothcharter Agnes Gergesch DeBofd.Ann(85) 10 Donges, Agatha (40) 10 Dorchak,oiga(47) 25 Fedor, Franell (30) 100 Ferkul, Mary(39) 5 3 Furlong, Frances'Fritzi' (56) 10 Govedmk, Jean(20) 10 “Butcher Aprons” available The popular apron, perfect for outdoor cooking, for men and women, is now available at the SWU Home Office! Great Mother’s Day and Father’s Day gifts! Unisex! One size fits all! Bright blue color with logo: LOVE IS IN EVERY S-LOVE-N1AN! $25 post paid ($22 for cash and carry) Send in your orders to the SWU Home Office: 431 No. Chicago St., Joliet, IL 60432 Tel. (815) 727-1926 Icenhour. Mary Louise (30) 15 Jamnick, Dorothy M (35) 10 Janezic, Karen (43) 5 Jemeyac, Dorothy (30) 10 Kambich, Anthony (20) 25 25 'hon of mother Helen Kambich Kumick. Agnes(13) 20 'hon ot Edward Kumick lukancic-Valetugo, Helen A (20) 25 Lustik,Wally&Jo (20) 50 30 Massucd, Patricia (20) 100 McHenry, Mary Lou (42) 50 'mem ol parents Louis Mary Fink Michetetti, Mary (56) 15 Nauheimer. Dolores (2) 10 Newhouse, Jerome W. (23) 10 Perhay,Ann(105) 10 Poropat, Mildred (95) 10 Sherek, Jerry (39) 10 Simonich, Helen L (35) 10 Smith, Josephine (50) 10 'memolAnnTercek Spelich, Delores (24) 10 Swintosky, Dorothy (30) 15 20 Testen, Mary Ellen (20) 10 Yemec, MaryAnn(105) 20 Zakrasek. Dorothy M (3) 20 Zaman, Jennie(IO) 5 Zubek, Genevieve (2) 10 Br. 32, Euclid, OH 25 Can We Do It? $9,000 will pay the projected cost for the Nov.-Dec. issue of ZARJA. With your invoice donations this year, collected in January and February, 2003, we have already have a total of almost $5,000. Think we can collect enough for this one special issue? Goal: $9,000 Present Total $4,800 Can we make this goal? Your donations are very much appreciated DONATIONS FOR ZARJA Topping all the donations of recent months is $500 from Br. 20, Joliet, Illinois. The members offer this donation with thanks and anticipation for more publicity of their events in 2003! THANKS VERY MUCH! Other ZARJA doantions are as follows: $100.00 Estate Donation, tAlice Zema (30) $100.00 Br. 39, Biwabik, MN $ 50.00 Josephine & Walter Lustik (20) for superb ZARJA. $ 50.00 Br. 59, Burgettstown, PA $ 50.00 Mary Lou McHenry (42) in memory of parents tLouis and Mary Fink $ 30.00 Angela Shine in memory tMary Delost $ 25.00 In memory of t Anton and Helen Kambich $ 20.00 Rosemary Mlakar (100) in memory tFlorence Stmad $ 20.00 Mary Artac Urban (102) $ 20.00 Ann Tercek (Br. 50) in memory of daughter tCarol Picirello $ 20.00 In memory of tEdward P. Kumick $ 20.00 Sandra Farrell in memory of tEdward P. Kumick $ 10.00 Br. 47, Garfield Hts., OH in memory of tMary Sholar $ 10.00 Jean Korsman and Eine Karish (39) in memory of tAnne Tushar $ 10.00 D.A. Jemeycic (30) Dr. Seth Hawkins; MUSEUM HAS SPECIAL EXHIBITION Just about everyone loves a good party, a premise proven on Prešeren Day, February 8, when forty-two people, a majority of them Slovene-Americans, packed the Julian H. Sleeper House Museum in St. Paul, Minnesota. The party was part of the ongoing Special Exhibition on the History and Culture of Slovenija, the first comprehensive museum exhibit anywhere in the U.S. on Slovenia. It was the second-highest daily attendance in the ten-year history of the JHSH. To celebrate the Slovenian national cultural holiday named after Dr. France Prešeren, the event featured a bilingual performance of six of Dr. Preseren’s poems, in Slovene by Dr. Monika Žagar, professor of foreign languages at the University of Minnesota, and in English by Dr. Seth C. Hawkins, JHSH director and longtime intercollegiate competitive speaking coach. The poems performed were Kam? (Whither?), Nezakonska mati (The Unwed Mother), Orglar (The Minstrel), Matiju Čopu (To Matija Čop), Magistrale (Master Theme) from the famous sonnet sequence, and of course ending with Zdravljica (A Toast), the Slovenian National Anthem. The JHSH also wishes to thank Johnny and Mary Jo Pouchnik, who not only attended in folk costume, but entertained the other guests with accordion music and vocal renditions of their favorite Slovene songs. Dr. Frank Medved enabled us to have two types of potica, and the museum’s wine cellar yielded seven different types of Slovenian wines. The Special Exhibition on Slovenija has been so popular that, in its first four months, it drew over twice as many visitors as the JHSH had in its best previous yearly attendance. Research indicates that much of this gain is due to a combination of publicity through the SWUA and ZARJA, and the in-print and on-line calendars of the St. Paul Convention and Visitors’ Bureau. While the Special Exhibition on Slovenija was already packed with the artifacts, wall displays, tourist brochures, and library resources described in the November 2002 ZARJA, there are some new items squeezed in, and more on the way, so you may want to visit again. Extremely realistic fascimiles of Dr. Prešeren’s manuscripts have received much attention. There are more consumer goods, including a wonderful table salt package showing Martin Krpan carrying his horse. SWUA President Kathleen Dor-chak donated some herbal tea from the ever-industrious monks of Pleterje Abbey. And the beloved Maček Muri children’s books have induced spinoffs, including cute dolls of the famous left-handed black cat, and Gorenjka chocolate bars with scenes from the books. By the time you read this article, we will have returned from Kurentovanje in Ptuj and from conferences with U.S. Ambassador Johnny Young, in Ljubljana, bearing more surprises for the exhibition. When you visit the JHSH, be sure to ask for your free lapel pin from the tourist bureau, showing the four-flower logo. Also, pick up your free poster showing Martin Strel, the only person to swim the entire Danube and the entire Mississippi: no one else has done either, but Martin did both! Martin ’ s daughter came from Trebenje to see the exhibition, and Martin and Dr. Hawkins will pay a ceremonial visit together to a school in Celje. If you visit the Special Exhibition on Slovenija in April, you will get a gift of free money! While supplies last, each visitor may select her choice of one of six denominations of Slovene paper money, from Trubar on the 10 tolarjev note, up to Plečnik on the 500. Some items in the gift shop are going quickly, but such delights as Avsenik baseball caps and Pivo Union logo souvenirs may still be around. Limited copies of Dr. Bogataj’s beautiful books on Slovenian handicrafts, and an architectural guide to Ljubljana, are new gift shop offerings. Even if you will be among the crowds on the June 16 SWUA Convention field trip to the Special Exhibition, do pay an earlier visit if you are within driving distance. Phone the JHSH at (651) 225-1505 for an appointment, and guarantees that you will see more than you expected about your heritage. MOLITVE NA POTI S KRIŽEM Kristus še vedno umira. V ljudeh, ki vsak dan okoli nas trpijo in umirajo, se On še naprej daruje svojemu Očetu za zveličanje sveta. Križev pot je tudi pot življenja; pravi kristjan tega ne bi smel pozabljati. Michel Quoist: Molitve Christ is still dying. In the death and suffering of those around us His gift of redemption is still being given through the Father for the salvation of the world. The Way of the Cross is also the Way of Life; as Christians we should not forget this. All you that weep, all you that mourn, All you that grieving go, Lift up your eyes, your heads adorn. Put off your weeds of woe. The sorrows of the Passion week Like tearful dreams are fled. For He has triumphed Whom you seek, is risen - that was dead. Henry Langan Stuart: Resurrexit Activities of our Branches Reports due first of month preceding publication. NO. 2, CHICAGO, IL Meetings: 3rd Sunday St. Stephen’s lower hall Our first meeting of 2003, Jan. 19 was on a very cold bitter Sunday afternoon, 23 members braved the weather and attended our celebrating “Ring in the New Year.” We started our meeting with prayers, then our Pres. Fran Mori-son read a beautiful poem. We had the election of officers for another year, again the same officers will remain in office: Pres. - Fran Mori-son; V.P. - Jean Hrastar; Treas./Sec. - Delores Puhek; Rec. Sec. - Geneva Cerjak; Sentinel - Elsie Reich Ciszek; Kitchen Committee; Marija Rigler and Rich Rakovec; Auditors - Marie Ovnik, Jennie Kovacic and Ann Bunetta; Reporter, Daisy. Our meetings are now held on Sunday afternoon, we are hoping some of our younger members will come to the meetings with new ideas. We would really enjoy seeing new faces. Please try to attend. Since we are having meetings the 3rd Sunday of each month, unfortunately there will be some changes on the dates and you will be notified. Mary Ann Partyka received her 50 Year SWU Pin. Homebound members received gifts at Christmas (Santa Claus Mugs filled with candy); Ann Scieszka, Chris Pirman, Millie Persa and Stella Longosz. Thanks to Delores Puhek for delivering them each year. Greetings and get well wishes to our homebound members and also to those who were in the hospital: Helen Fitzgerald, Jennie Worth, Frances Jas-bec, Jean Hrastar, Rose Mary Litwin and me. Gen Buol brought a case of books titled: “Two Homelands (“Dve Domovini”) it is written in both Slovene and English. I have been reading one and it is interesting. If any of our members are interested to get one, please contact Gen Buol or Fran Morison. Our condolences to Bernice Gorkis Foley who lost her daughter, Hillary; a sad time for Bernice since she recently lost her husband, Jim in Nov. 2002. To Karen and Michael Tomsa on the lost of father and grandfather, Emil Kersivoy. To Jeanette Frontier who lost her husband, Peter (Nov. 2002). He was Frances Silko’s son-in-law, and Joseph Skala’s brother-in-law. To the family of Elsie Simonelec: her sister and aunt of Rich Rakovec, Clare Lesa. To the Srabameck family on the death of Stanley Srabameck. He was very active with KSKJ, and many Police Organizations. He was also Police Chief of Bridgeport, IL. They were a large Slovenian family who settled in the St. Stephen area. Many of his sisters were our members. Many of us remember Mae who was active with the Choir, Plays and our Bowling League. An omission to the last ZARJA on the death of Ronnie Zefran. Ron and his wife Jane retired to a farm in Durand, IL, and raised miniature horses which Ronnie was always happy to show pictures of, especially one that was named “Lizzie” after his mom. I’m sure it is very lonesome for Janie since Ronnie was a talker and you could not be sad with him around. Our condolences to Jane and also to his children. The Nat’l. Convention will be held in Duluth, MN. Their members are working very hard to make this event a lot of fun. If you are interested, please call Fran Morison. Did you know the “Oscars are made right here in Chicago? Our officers treated us to a beautiful, delicious luncheon and we toasted the New Year with a fruit of the vine, Grapejuice. Thank you, Corinne, for continuing to assume the responsibilities of the ZARJA!!! Please keep our troops in your prayers that they will return safely home and there will be Peace in the world. “Love lights more fires than hate can extinguish Ella Wheeler-Wilcox Love, DAISY Welcome “NEW” Members 2003 Name Branch Kukenberger, Cynthia M 103 Mum, Sylvia 12 Treder, Adeline 12 Harden, Antonia 13 Frontier, Jeanette 2 Gomick, Laurie 2 McNally, Taylor 2 Rus, Susan 2 Skala, Joseph L 2 Balzanto, Michelle 20 Baughman, Anna 20 Contos, Janet 20 Haug, Sonia B 20 Hrvatin, Arthur 20 Kambich, Anthony 20 Madrigal, Renee Marie 20 Michelich, AlanT 20 Palcisko,LisaM 20 Mayer, Jennifer 23 Baldin, Don 24 Ernat, Sandra Mallie 30 Carmody, Mary 30 Reinhardt, Jo Ann 30 Anderson, Cathy 34 Berg, Mary Ann 34 Cherico, Frana Marie 34 Dolenshak, Rudy F 34 Driscoll, Jeanne 34 Hill, Mary Ann 34 Križnar, Mary Jean 34 Leek, Darlene M 34 Wiermaa, Mary Jo 34 Zimmerman, Beatha 34 Zobitz, Joan 34 McHenry, Mary Lou 42 Kren, Paulette 55 Kren,Tricia 55 Batagely, Barbara A 93 Burger, Mariana 93 Elhadad, Martina 93 Knezevic-Kong, Sonja 93 Kočevar, Vasilisa Sazonov 93 Mosquin, Sonja 93 Nemec, Milena 93 Paulin, Borisse B. 93 Sexton, Elena 93 Straser, Vesna 93 NO. 3, PUEBLO, CO Meetings: 1st Tues. St. Mary’s Church Hall We didn’t have a meeting in January so I have no report at this time. Slovenian roots were the theme of a homecoming heritage celebration at St. Mary’s Church in January. Accordianist Rich Eurich and the 30-member Prešeren Glee Club Choir provided ethnic music for the mass, and a photo display in the church basement illustrated the parish’s past, present and future. A reception featuring ethnic foods was served after the mass. St. Mary's originally was a "national church” meant to serve a specific nationality of Pueblo immigrants, the Slovenians, who had come to the city to work at the steel mill. The following have been recuperating from surgery: Katherine Kochevar, Bernice Krašovec and Elsie Zupančič. Katherine and Bernice had knee surgery and Elsie had hip surgery. Anna Stark has been recovering from injuries incurred in a fall and her brother and wife, John and Edith Stark, sustained injuries in an automobile accident. A speedy recovery is wished for all. We would be amiss if we didn’t congratulate David Starcer, a student at John Neumann Catholic School, on being awarded the Ralph Welte Memorial Scholarship. Selection for the awarding of this scholarship is made on the basis of academic achievement and citizenship. David is the son of David and Jean Starcer and grandson of Rose Starcer and Evelyn and Raymond Vertovec. As always, remembered in our prayers are the sick, home-bound, caretakers and nursing home residents. PAULINE PAUCHICK NO. 5, INDIANAPOLIS, IN Meetings: 1st Thursday SND, from May to December Branch 5 members are hopefully keeping warm in this crazy winter we have been having. 1 cannot remember when we have had so much snow and cold that has stayed around so long. I am definitely ready for it to move on!!! Watch for your raffle tickets in the mail. We will have our semi-annual raffle at the May meeting, and are getting many nice prizes donated. If you wish to donate a prize, contact Karen Zarich... 852-3212 or Phyllis Fon... 852-9850. Mark your calendars for our 11:00 a.m. May 8 meeting. We will provide the meat and ask our ladies to bring a special side dish or dessert. We will honor our Member of the Year and 50 year members at this time. I heard that several members have not been receiving their ZARJA. If you know of someone who did not get one, please contact “SWUA” at (815) 727-1926. By the time I find out about missing magazines, it is really too late to do anything about it. Thanks!! Please keep our sick members on your prayer list. It seems to be growing all the time. Please let Karen know of anyone in the hospital so we can send them a card... It’s nice to be remembered! I know we all had a great time at our Christmas meeting, so let’s bring a friend (new member!!) and your favorite dish to our May meeting and I know the officers will make it another memorable event!!! As always, be careful out there and say a little prayer for our country and for the men and women defending it. PHYLLIS FON, President NO. 12, MILWAUKEE, WI Meetings: 3rd Thursday St. Peter’s Church Hall except July & August We had our Christmas party on Dec. 5th at Klemmer’s Restaurant. Mary Bukovnik, our charter member, arrived with her daughter, Marilyn and sister, Ann Paulin. Ann is also a long-time member and helps in the kitchen at meetings. Mary had a birthday in December. Tony Starich and Mary Evanich had December birthdays as well. Tony keeps young, at 91 years of age, by dancing every week Thursday at the Serb Hall from 1 to 4 o’clock. Thanks to Nellie our Vice President who took care of the food we selected, and the prizes. Also, Fran Remshak and Sylvia Kotze for help with prizes. Leona Zigman was in the hospital and is up and around now. Ludy Babich was also in the hospital for tests for her diabetes and heart problems. Julia Schlicht passed away Jan. 27th at the age of 88 years. She had complete funeral services at Wisconsin Memorial Park Chapel of the Flowers. She was a retired employee of Allen Bradley. STAVIA DOBERSEK NO. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CA Meetings: 1st Thursday Slovenian Hall on Mariposa St. We had a delightful Pot-luck dinner in December, always good to see a few more members. By now you have received your yearly Calendar with all our meetings and events listed. A big thank you to Michele Twers who does a beautiful job. The same slate of offices was unanimously voted, so again, we extend a gracious thank you to president Josephine Aiuto, vice president Louise Petrusich, secretary Moreen Spencer, recording secretary and reporter Beverly Jackson, treasurer Michele Twers and auditors Virginia Sustarich, Ann Sustarich and Doreen Sustarich. Get well wish to Doreen Sustarich who has had her share of surgery the last few months. She is now on the mend and we miss her! Also, a correction from the last report in ZARJA: Jeremiah Thomas Lehane was bom on Oct. 12, 2002. These wonderful babies grow fast enough... Motions were made to honor Lois Stanfel Jensen as our Mother of the Year in 2003. This delightful lady will celebrate this May; we also voted to send Ceta Zagar as our delegate to the. National Convention in Duluth. We were looking forward to the Valentine Luncheon in February while extending best wishes to members on their birthdays: March, Eleanor Hnilo, Dora Šimenc, Josie Plut, Gail Hilton and for April, wishes to Kathleen Trombetta and Ina Henderson. With the present world situation these are very scary and turbulent times and so much uncertain ahead, but we can be kind to each other. “Whatever we possess becomes a double value when we have the opportunity to share it with others." Happy Easter, everyone! BEVERLY JACKSON “Missing Persons” Jan/Feb 2003 Can you provide the right addres ses for any of these members? Adamic, Ann Balich, Helen Benedik, Ann Brager, Elsie Bronder, Joyce Bucovnik, Mary Agnes Callans, Nancy Feuerbom, Leanne Fuller, Mary Ann K. Gonzalez, Elizabeth Hecomovich, Mary Ilich, Anna Janes, Dorothy F. Janes-Senney, Sharon Karges, Cyndi Klune, Jennie Kotar, Theresa Krall, Mary E. Legan, Anne Lenassi, Joyce Lipich, Laura Lyon, Benjamin Margando, Mary Mirtel, Jeannie Muren, Mathilda Oberch, Mary Piletič, Frances Romano, Linda Schifler, Mary Sheridan, Amy E. Siegler, Hailey L. Somrock Robinson, Melissa Staut, Andrew J. Stemot, Ann M. Stupica, Angela F. Taucher, Mary Thomas, Maria Mejac Towne, Ann Vertacic-, Mary Renee Wilkerson, Mary Wolfgram, Kathleen Yamnik, Molly C. Yavornik, Mary Zebrowski, Beth Ellen Zupančič, Jožefa NO. 14, EUCLID, OH Meetings: 1st Tues., 6 p.m. SIov. Society Home I finally emerged from the frigid single digit winter temperatures to get this report out. First of all, we enjoyed another lovely Christmas Dinner this past December. A colorful Christmas scene greeted us as we walked into the hall with brilliant crimson “Jingle Bell” poinsettias on each table from Pettiti Nursery, sold to us at cost. Favors which graced each place setting were with an inspirational message “ wish you a very Happy Christmas.” Diane and Larry Varney did an outstanding job decorating the hall. Thanks to all! Joann Bowman assisted our regular bartender, Ed Koren and became an expert in making a “kosmati popek” (fuzzy navel). Larry Varney was busy mingling among guests selling tickets and greeting folks. Youngest guests enjoying the holiday fun were Diane and Tony Savor’s daughter, Ashley, and Holly and Jeffrey Melnick with mother, Helen. Ever-smiling grandma, Kristina Blatnik presided at the table along with son, Frank and wife, Shanti. A full table of 15 folks with Fran Prijatel’s family including Uncle Pete and their friend, Jeff Cornelius from St. Mary’s Seminary joined in the fun. We had busy elves running gifts to winners. Thank you Jeffrey, Holly, and Ashley for a job well done and to Steve Valenčič our loud-voiced number caller! At the table of door prizes was a lovely huge poinsettia donated by Jimmy Slapnik and wife, June which was the final prize which everyone hoped to win. Thanks Jimmy, June and all the folks who brought these lovely gifts. Diane Varney presided over a short informational meeting. First of all, elections were held with the roster of officers similar to previous years: President, Jennie Fitzthum; Vice President, Patricia Habat; Sec./Treas., Diane Varney; Rec. Sec., Diane Varney; Sunshine person, Jennie Fitzthum; Auditors, Stana Grill, Antoinette Zabukovic; Banner Lady, Josephine Kastigar; Reporter, Alice Kuhar. Catching up on latest news: Diane thanked Mrs. Kastigar for being so diligent in delivering our banner to the funeral homes upon the death of a member. Diane Varney will be attending the national S.W.U. convention in Duluth, Minn, along with alternate, Jennie Fitzthum. Greetings to our members at Gateway complex. Rose Rodgers is a new resident at Gateway Manor. Greetings to past president, Pauline Krai. Longtime past vice president, Vera Bajec had a fall and broke her hip and is now on the mend back at Gateway. Get-well to Secretary, Addie Humphreys who was on the sick list. President, Jennie Fitzthum had a fall and recovered nicely enough so that she was able to attend our dinner, then in January had to spend a few days in the hospital but returned home good as new. Also on the sick list are Jo Emser, Josephine “Pep” Stupica and her sister, Vickie Lindic. Stay well, ladies! Sympathy to the family of recently departed Mary Gerl. Also condolences to the family of past president, Mary Stražišar who devoted so many faithful years to S.W.U. May our dear Lord grant our faithful departed eternal rest. Stay in touch ladies because Diane reported that perhaps we will hold a couple of meetings this summer at Gateway Manor. She also thanked Sophie Mazi who once again prepared and outstanding family-style dinner from soup to roast chicken and breaded pork chops to strudel. Everyone is invited to join us at our upcoming Mothers’ Day Dinner to be held on Tuesday, May 6 at 6:30 p.m. For reservations call Jennie Fitzthum at (216) 261-1196 or Diane Varney (330) 923-^034. Wishing everyone a Happy Saint Patrick’s Day and a Very Happy and Blessed Easter filled with lots of colorful pirhe and potica! ALICE KUHAR NO. 16, SO. CHICAGO, IL Meetings: 2nd Saturday, 1 p.m. monthly except Jan.-July-August St. George’s Hall Greetings to everyone for a beautiful spring! My apologies for missing our last issue... mea culpa - just too sick. Our Helen Behrman was ecstatic when her son, John M. graduated with Distinction from DePaul University Chicago. He earned a double masters degree in business. Our most sincere congratulations, Johnny. We are so happy for you and your mom! Kathy Monahan is also very proud of her number 2 son, Tim, who just recently received his sheepskin. He is at present teaching at Oak Park-River Forest High School. By the way, Tim is my grandson and am very proud of him. Our best wishes to these two fine young men for great futures. Our officers were all unanimously elected: Mary Theresa Ehnat, president, Mary Jane Strus, vice president, Vida Kumse, recording secretary, Sylvia Spretnjak, treasurer and Fran Novak, auditor. Good luck and God bless them thru 2003. I know you saw their picture in ZARJA last time but wasn’t it nice of Sandy Bittner, our member, to meet our ladies at church in Indianapolis with her daughters, Katie and Kristi? They also are our members - the girls have grown since 1 last saw them. Our Olga Kowalkowski had surgery on her left rotator cuff. She is now in rehab. Hopefully she will be free of her pain now. Hope to see you soon, Olga. Helen Pastirik fell and broke a wrist. This will really put a stop to this very active lady. Tho she is over 90 years old she has always kept busy working at the bingo at her church. See you soon, Helen. We have a few members who are still ill and we are remembering them in our prayers. Ann Lustig, Manda Lustig, Julie Vrlich, Clara Savi-ano and Mary Puterko. We miss you. Condolences to our neighboring Br. 95 on the loss of their beloved past president, Millie James. She wore that mantle a long time and did it well. Our sympathy to her family and friends. Stephanie Golob passed away on November 6th at the age of 90 years. Steph and Joe celebrated 62 years of togetherness. She is survived by one son and three daughters, seven grandsons and Five great grandsons. Stephie was a good member and a great croche-ter of afghans. To her family we extend our sympathy and our prayers. May she rest in peace. Hang in there and have a happy today, tomorrow and always. MARGE PREBIL NO. 20, JOLIET, IL Meetings: 3rd Tuesday except June to September St. Joe’s Park Hall On January 19 we had our meeting and installation of officers by Fr. Tom Paul, our spiritual advisor. We also had a surprise anniversary party for Fr. Paul, who had celebrated his 25th anniversary of ordination in November. Lillian Cepon made a delicious cake for the occasion. Judge Penn (retired) provided the entertainment, which was very enjoyable, as we sang along with his accompaniment. Carlene Canibic won the 50/50 prize. The name of Mary Lynn Bruno was drawn for the attendance award. Since she wasn’t present, the award continues to accumulate for the next meeting. Will your name be picked next? Mary Anzelc was the lucky winner of the quilt, which had been made by Anna Kobe for Branch 20. The proceeds of this raffle went to help with the expenses of the alternate delegates who will be going to the National Convention in Duluth. The Silent Auction proceeds from the past four years are also intended for this reason. As you read the previous issues of ZARJA, hopefully you are interested in attending the National Convention. For information, call Jonita Ruth (815) 726-6990. See ZARJA for further information. Families are also welcome. The Minnesota Branch is working very hard to show visitors a good time. Do make room and plane reservations ASAP, unless you plan to drive. Remember, we are looking for more new members for our 75th anniversary of Branch 20. Dues are $15 per year. We would like to reach the goal of 75 new members. Three prizes will be offered for getting the most members: First prize, $100, second, $75, and third, $50. These will be awarded at the banquet. Let’s go for it! Reserve October 5, 2003 to attend the 75th anniversary banquet. We sent get-well-wishes to Marlene Ancel, Cele Wolf, and Bernice Skriner. The Museum Magic Month Calendar raffle is over. Thank you to all who participated in this program. Look for winners in this issue. Congratulations to the winners! We extend congratulations to Tim and Rhonda Policandriotes on their new addition to the family, and also to the grandparents, June and Victor Boštjančič and Pat and Jim Policandriotes. Belated wishes to Mark and Debbie Brsan, who celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary on October 8, 2002. Congratulations! Please remember to contribute to our scholarship fund, which helps the junior members of Branch 20. Send donations to Jean Herbst, 912 Barber Lane, Joliet, IL 60435. With regard to the Woman of the Year nomination, mail in your choice to Charlene Kobe, 25228 Black Road, Joliet, IL 60435, or bring it to the meeting on March 18. For the St. Joseph Table on that day, Branch 20 will buy the main dish, chicken. You are requested to bring a dish to pass. Come and enjoy! All members, families and guests are invited. On April 4 and 5, Friday and Saturday, our Branch is having a rummage sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. You may drop off clothing or household items at St. Joseph Park on Thursday, April 3, 9:30 p.m. Volunteers will be needed. The chairperson is Jennifer Flenard. (Phone: 439-1644) April 15, Tuesday, at 7:00 p.m., we will have our meeting at St. Joseph Park Hall. After the regular meeting, Jonita Ruth will show a video. Come and enjoy seeing this and one another. “If there is any secret to staying younger longer, or prolonging life, the secret is work." -Dr. Heinz Wolterek My wonderful colleague. Sr. Mary Ann Hamer has been helping me prepare the articles for our Br. 20 and I would just like to thank you for all her interest and help. God bless you, Sr. Mary Ann! Submitted by, SR. MARLENE AMBROSE, OSF New Phone No. (815) 727—3686 NO. 23, ELY, MN Meetings: 1st Monday St. Anthony’s Church Hall September thru May Branch 23 in Ely, MN had their meeting on Monday at 2:30 p.m. instead of in the evening to accommodate for the weather and night driving. In BR. 20’S NEW AND RECENTLY INSTALLED OFFICERS Seated, left to right: Agnes Dobczyk, Vice Pres.; Father Tom Paul, Spiritual Adviser; Char Kobe, Pres.; standing, left to right: Mary Kay Demick, Bernice Nemanich, Josephine Lustik, Auditors; Jeanne Herbst, Financial Sec.; and Sister Marlene Ambrose, Reporter. Not pictured are Grace Doerk, Rec. Sec., and Kathy Stonich, Sgt. at Arms. 75th Anniversary coming! With great pleasure Br. 20, Joliet, IL announces the 75th Anniversary Celebration on Sunday, October 5th, 2003 in conjunction with the IL-IN State Convention. We are inviting all members of SWU from coast to coast to come and help us celebrate! The program will begin with Holy Mass and end with a gala Banquet. For more information, call Jonita Ruth, (815)725-6990 or Pat Figurowski, (815) 741-1863. Br. 20 Celebration Committee $500 Scholarship Awards Br. 20 is offering Scholarship Awards of $500 to qualified junior and adult members of Br. 20 seeking higher education. For further information, call Committee Member, Jonita Ruth, (815) 726-6990. the winter here in the North Woods it gets dark between 4 and 5:30 p.m., so our March and April meetings will also be held the first Monday at 2:30 p.m. at St. Anthony’s Church Hall. We had a very good turnout and were updated on the Heritage Center in Joliet. We discussed ways that we could help with the upkeep. It’s too bad that we are so far away, but everyone agreed that we could help in a monetary way. Our Treasurer gave a report on the membership dues that will be sent for our members “over 90” from our branch. A card will be sent to each of them telling them that it’s our way of honoring them for their loyalty. Our delegate to the National Convention will be Jane Yadlosky and the alternate will be Geraldine Petrich. Jane went over some of the changes to the by-laws as were in the last ZARJA. She explained that if any of our members have any disagreements or questions to let her know so she can present them for discussion. Gen Erchul won the door prize and Gloria Smuk won the 50/50 drawing. The lunch committee of Merijo, Julie, and Tootsie had the most delicious bars with coffee and tea. Thanks, gals. Ely was really busy this weekend. It’s the annual winter festival time and you should see the snow sculptures in our park. They are beautiful and to think that tho we had a shortage of snow, enough was hauled for the blocks to be carved. Our winter has been real ly nice-we did have one week of below zero temperatures, but all in all it had been unusually warm and not much snow so far. Winter is surely going by fast. Before we know it, we’ll be packing for the SWUA Convention! Congratulations to Veda Ponikvar for the special honor she received recently. Her section in the ZARJA, “From our Heritage Kitchens” is very interesting and challenging too. The Shrimp and Angel Hair Pasta is outstanding. To Angela Stare, “Hi!” I met you at the last national convention. Your section for Juniors is GREAT! I love the puzzles and brain busters. Yes, I must be “young at heart” like most of our members because I sure enjoy doing them. Thanks! Give a lot of hugs and kisses to your loved ones! XOXOXO JANE YADLOSKY Reporter NO. 24, LA SALLE, IL Meetings: 3rd Thursday Eureka Savings Bank Mar.-Apr.-May-June Sept.-Oct.-Nov. There were 10 members and one guest at our meeting in November and we decided to NOT hold our election of officers with so few present. Loretta Story won the attendance prize. Wendy Lauer and Michelle Pangrcic served refreshments after the meeting. We don’t meet in January because of the weather and I don’t think we would have had many come out. We hope we can,get back in the groove as we start the new year with our March meeting. Congratulations to Loretta Story and husband, Joseph, on the new addition to their lovely family. Their son, John Story and his wife, Stacey, became the parents of a son, Connor Joseph, on January 19th in Omaha, NE. No matter what the weather, our birthdays come around at the same time every year and we wish a Happy Birthday to our March celebrants: three Junior members, Josephine Pohar Brady, Cassie Witek, and Julie Fiocchi and adult members, Theresa Kinczewski, Helena Millman, Sandra Welch, Mary Gertrude Piletič, and Mary Hewitt. We also have a nice group celebrating in April: Junior Member, Ashley Collins, Recording Secretary, Adele Gensler, Mary Jean Weihman, Marianne Schweickert, Theresa Wellner, Frances Jean Ficek, Mary Ann Brunner, Ann Cassiday and Debbie Pohar. Thank you to Josephine Grabowski and Helen Swietek who made Christmas merrier for our shut-in members and to Michelle Pangrcic who purchased gifts for a needy child. Our next meeting will be on March 20th at 7:00 p.m. in the Eureka Bank meeting room. It’s very comfortable with plenty of parking room, and I’m sure Barb Pohar, our Hospitality Chairman will find two members to provide the refreshments. We had a lovely holiday season and now we’re in a serious time of penance and reflection and prayer. Pray for peace. May all of you have a Happy Blessed Easter. ANNE WANGLER, Reporter NO. 25, CLEVELAND, OH Meetings: 2nd Sunday, 1:30 p.m. St. Vitus Social Room Now that we are in the year 2003, let’s hope it will be a healthy and prosperous one... Please, no more talk of war. I’m going to be a little late with some of my news as I didn’t get copy in for the January edition. Bear with me, please. On Dec. 29 our own Albina Pozel-nik’s brother celebrated his 90th birthday. Belated wishes Tony... may you enjoy many many more. What a nice fellow! We had our Christmas party at Sterle’s Country House. Jo Perpar graced our tables with beautiful favors at each place setting. Each of the members attending the party received a stocking filled with goodies from Albina Pozelnik. Thank you, ladies... Emilee Jenko agreed to accept the position of recording secretary. Woman of the Year will take place in May. We will be voting at our meeting in March. Albina Pozelnik made a motion that the original officers remain at their present positions. Mary Urbančič is a resident of St. Vitus Village. The St. Clair Pensioners Christmas Party was held at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair. It was well-attended and we had fun-fun-fun. Gene Drobnič is still in Cape Coral with her family and sends best wishes to all. She misses us. Our deepest sympathies to the Ann Tercek family on her passing. May she rest in peace. Ann was a dedicated member and President of Br. 50 for 32 years. She will be missed by all. Don’t forget to purchase raffle tickets for the quilt to be raffled off at the Convention on June 16. Tickets are 6 for $5. Just loved the štruklji recipes. Can’t wait to try them. Sounds yummy... God bless Bob Hall, Kathy Dor-chak’s husband, on his recovery. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers for his future good health. A big hello to all our shut-ins, also hello to all in nursing homes and get well to all in hospitals. Remember this: Support all the Slovenian homes. They are in need of all our support... Encourage the youngsters, also. We need young blood. Keep our heritage and culture on the move... Do your best! Let me leave you with this thought. A Day is made more beautiful when touched with kindness. Luv Ya... Na svidenje... EMILEE NO. 32, EUCLID, OH Meetings: 3rd Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. Euclid Public Library, Erie Room A belated Happy New Year to all. As I sit to write this news the snow is so beautiful and it is snowing so nicely. However, it means we must be extra careful. We thank Rudy Perdan for an excellent job as president in 2002. Now, at his request, we have a new president. The Perdan’s daughter, Pam Dirk is at the helm. Good luck, Pam. Our new president and all officers are in place so the next meeting will be on April 16th at 6:30 p.m. at Euclid Library. Remember this date and do come to the meeting. I’m sure you received your dues notices by now and hope everyone is paid up to date. Our Christmas party was lovely. We elected a delegate to the National Convention and she will be Adrienne Jager, and alternate is Charlotte Perdan. Hopefully, we will have a good convention. Get well to our sick members, to our deceased family members and friends, our prayers. God Bless. Spread your wings - this year is for you! DOROTHY LAMM NO. 33, DULUTH, MN Meetings: 1st Thursdays monthly except January and July St. Elizabeth’s Church 95th Birthday! On January 18th Anna Stukel celebrated her 95 th birthday at St. Elizabeth’s Church Hall with many friends and relatives; her daughter Agnes (Babe) came from Reading, PA and grandchildren and great grandchildren came from Detroit, MI, Colorado and Minneapolis, MN. Her daughters, Ann Menart and Polly Stojevich live in Duluth and are members of Branch 33. It was a very delightful and warm gathering. All of the family attended Mass together and in the evening Anna and her family and Fr. Noel Stretton went to eat at the Embers Restaurant in Duluth. This made the day complete with unforgettable memories. Anna was Mother of the Year in 1976 and was Vice President of Br. 33 during the 1979 Convention in Duluth. She is a very remarkable woman. Winnifred Ellena became a great grandmother on Nov. 27th. Her great granddaughter’s name is Elle Carlson. Br. 33 will now be meeting on the Officers of Br. 34 spotlighted! Recently, the members of Br. 34, Soudan-Tower, MN had a meeting in January to install their new officers and set plans for the new year’s activities. Of course, the Nat’l. Convention in Duluth is one event all Minnesota is waiting for! The new officers for 2003 are, from left to right, Emma Betoume, treasurer, Agnes Mattson, recording secretary, Lorraine Berg, vice president and newly elected president, Adrienne Micklich! The members also named Kay Dean as Mother for the Year and will celebrate in May. Read more about Br. 34’s sensational membership increase in this issue. Last year they brought in one new member - this year, in one month, they already have more than 11 new members! It’s all because of their new president, Adrienne who says she just asks and everyone is willing to join SWU! Brava! Thanks for your good example, Adrienne! Watch our campaign reports in coming ZARJAs. We have a goal of 150 new members by May 31st! first Thursday of the month instead of Wednesday. We do not meet in January and July. Our big project this year is the National Convention. Plans are made and loose ends are being tied. We all look forward to hosting this event, and hope to see and meet you all. Submitted by: BEV MENART NO. 34, SOUDAN, MN Meetings: 3rd Wed., 1 p.m. St. Martin’s Church Hall Jan. to May; Sept., Oct. & Nov. Greetings from the frozen north. Our meeting was at the new meeting room of St. Martin’s Catholic Church on Jan. 15th. It was called to order by president, Adrienne Micklich and the highlight of the meeting was the installation of officers as follows: President, Adrienne Micklich; Vice President, Lorraine Berg; Treasurer, Agnes Mattson; Recording Secretary, Emma Betoume. As your new president I hope I can live up to my mother’s expectations -she was a 50-year member of the Chisholm and Ely lodges of SWU. Her motto was “Once a task is begun, never leave it till it’s done; be the labor great or small, do it well or not at all.” Mom would be proud to know I was Mother of the Year in 2002 and delegate to the National Convention in 1995 in San Francisco. Present at the meeting in January were Ag Mattson, our delegate to the coming Convention in June in Duluth, and also, Kay Dean who will be our Mother of the Year this May, 2003. A delicious cake was served by hostesses, Lorraine Berg and Adeline Mus-tonen. Thanks to my fellow members of Br. 34 for being such a big help to me. Special thanks to past president, Theresa Berg who constantly believes in me. Na svidenje - Greetings to all. ADRIENNE MICKLICH NO. 35, AURORA, MN Meetings: 6 per year Community Sr. Center Our Christmas dinner-meeting was held on Dec. 8th at the American Legion clubrooms. Pres. Vovk opened our meeting with prayers for all the members who are ill and in nursing homes. Thanks to all present officers who agreed to serve another year. They are: Anita Vovk, president, Dorothy Jam-nick, Vice President, Bernice Ceglar, Rec. Sec., Gabriella Goritchan, Sec. and Betty Turk, Sgt.-at-Arms. Phyllis Turk will continue to serve as our sunshine chairman. Have you paid your dues, filled out the survey sent with the invoice? Please note all over 80 year members must pay their own dues. Thank you. High school seniors interested in applying for the 2003 SWU Scholarship please write to Mary Turvey for an application form. The deadline is this month. We will honor our Mother of the Year in 2003, Anna Hodnik, on Sunday, May 4th. Congratulations, Anna! President, Anita Vovk was chosen as our delegate to the National Convention in Duluth. We are looking forward to an interesting convention and seeing all our SWU sisters again. Get well wishes to Ann Royer, Suzanne Wheeler and Dorothy Jamnik. Dorothy had a setback and is back in the Eveleth nursing home recovering from another surgery. Sympathy and prayers are with Pauline Kapela who lost her brother, to Helen Zuponcic, Alice Wilson and Margaret Cina who lost their brother Henry Bradach and nephew, Joseph Bradach, Jr. and to Heidi Furry and family on the loss of father and grandfather, Joseph Bradach. We are sending our condolences to the family of Olga Berdice - she passed away in January. May they rest in peace. Hostesses for the Feb. 9th meeting and dime social were Betty Rokser, Helen Simonich and Mary Noson. President Vovk closed the meeting with prayers for our deceased members. Now we were ready to enjoy a delicious dinner served by the American Legion Auxiliary. Favors were candy-filled gift boxes made from Christmas cards by Anne Orazem. Again, Anita donated several lovely prizes won by several lucky members. Thank you, Anita! Instead of a gift exchange, we donated a monetary gift of $48 to our local nursing home activities department. This gift is appreciated. Thank you, ladies. Wishing everyone a Blessed Easter. ANNE M. ORAZEM NO. 38, CHISHOLM, MN Meetings: 1st Wed. except June & Jul. Slovenian National HOme Our first meeting of the new year was held on Wednesday, February 5th in the lower level of the Slovenian Home. The main busiess of that meeting was to finalize plans for a bake sale, which is to be a fund raiser in February to send our delegate to the national convention in June. I asked that each member read the proposed by-law changes that were published in the last issue of the ZARJA. We would like to have their input in the coming meetings so that our delegate is aware of how our membership feels concerning the proposed changes. Frances Zalec, whose life story appeared in the last ZARJA was honored at a party given by her children on the occasion of her 90th birthday. The party was held in the lower level of the Slovenian Home. Many of her friends and acquaintances came to wish her a happy birthday. We would also like to congratulate another member of our branch. Veda Ponikvar was honored recently by our neighboring community of Hibbing. She was given the Chamber of Commerce Lifetime Achievement award for her diligence, integrity, compassion and talent, and for her efforts in uniting the central Iron Range Communities. This is just one of the many accolades she has received, and she is truly deserving of all of them. Veda is still actively involved with SWU as the Food columnist in ZARJA. Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 5th, and let’s hope by that time our weather will have moderated and we will be enjoying an early spring. Best wishes to all from Chisholm, MN. CHARLOTTE LAURICH, Recording Secretary NO. 39, BIWABIK, MN Meetings: 1st Sunday monthly St. John’s Church A short meeting was held on January 5th before our “Christmas Party.” 32 members and guests were in attendance so we were in a festive mood, especially after a complimentary glass of wine! The tables were beautifully decorated with white tablecloths and green placemats, and a variety of Christmas centerpieces and candles. The menu of our catered dinner was delicious. The party continued with the “official” game of our branch, (shaking dice and choosing from a huge tableful of wrapped prizes, then stealing from each other until the “timer” signals the end!) Great fun. We were so happy to have our long-time member Marge Dew-hurst brought over from the nursing home by her granddaughter to share in the festivities, along with members who have been unable to participate in our regular meetings. It was like old times; and one of our most enjoyable functions. Just before I was ready to send this letter off, I received a check in the mail for $10 from the SWU Calendar Fund, and the note telling me that one of my tickets sold was a winner! The lucky recipient was my son-in-law. Hank Schoonover. Last year Roy’s nephew won, so I have been lucky twice! * * * Our Valentine meeting was enjoyed by 14 of us on Sunday, Feb. 2nd. The main topic of business was the letters from President Bonnie and our Editor Corinne concerning the final push for new members before June. It was decided to distribute our beautiful membership brochures to the Church message rack and to other public bulletin boards. We hope to get a few responses. Milka Skorjanec was unanimously chosen as our “Member of the Year”, 2003. Milka is a 50 year member, having joined SWU in 1952 in Gilbert, transferring to Biwabik when Gilbert merged with us a few years ago. We are grateful for her membership, and honored to have her as our “Mother of the Year.” Milka was our Slovenian Baker extraordinaire when Br. 39 hosted the State Convention in 2001, frying many dozens of Flancati for a banquet treat! Congratulations, Milka! JEAN KORSMAN NO. 42, MAPLE HTS., OH Meetings: Quarterly, 2nd month of the quarter, 2nd Saturday Maple Hts., Library Hi, members! At the November meeting our slate of officers for 2003 agreed to retain their posts. Thank you, one and all, for a job well done and may you continue in the spirit of SWU. I reported last issue on the passing of member, Marie Vercek who in less than two weeks was followed in death by her brother, Eugene. As most of you know, Eugene was the devoted husband of the late Vida Perusek Vercek. We again extend our deepest sympathy to sisters, Hattie and Josephine and to all the Vercek relatives on their devastating loss. At this time we would like to also extend our condolences to Br. 50 on the loss of their outstanding member and long-time president, Ann Tercek who passed away in January. May all these loyal Slovenians and SWU devotees rest in peace. Happy March birthdays to: Anne Kastelic Volo, Ann Zupančič, Albina Mroczka, Tina Buehner Pomfrey, Kimberly Balach, our spiritual advisor, Sr. Joan of Arc and my granddaughter, Katie Kossakowski. Happy April birthdays to: Helen Husky, Arlene Legan, Eleanor McAr-dle, Imelda Blazy, Terry Anzo, Dorti Zidar and Mary Jo O’Neill who joined the ranks of motherhood in September with the birth of lovely lb. Josephine. Mary Jo is the granddaughter of our long-time member, Mary Fink. Congratulations from us all. WINTER-WAY BACK THEN! We certainly have had a substantial winter this season. We’ve had so many mild winters in recent years that a return to the real thing becomes harder to take. Somehow they still don’t measure up to the winters of my youth. Back then the snow started in November and never stopped until April. We didn’t have the snow moving equipment available today so a good shovel and a strong back were the basic essentials. The plowing of streets was less efficient but thelraffic was also very minimal, so our long walk to school was usually on the street. I don’t recall anyone riding a school bus or gettig a ride from a parent - things that are taken for granted in today’s society. We wore what were called “snow pants,” a garment styled similar to today’s sweat pants but made of heavy wool. This was topped with a heavy wool jacket or coat and was paired with a knitted stocking cap pulled over our ears, just above our eyes. A long, soft, wool scarf or muffler was a must and was wrapped around and around our necks and tucked into the last fold. It covered our mouths and stopped just below the eyes. A pair of knitted gloves and buckled rubber “galoshes” (boots) completed the ensemble. It’s a wonder we were able to navigate and still carry our books and lunch which was, by the way, wrapped in newspaper and tied with a string. Eventually, we did progress to a brown paper lunch bag. We had very little in material things but I don’t remember anyone complaining -not that it would have made a difference. The “Slovenian Mama/Ata Manual of Rules” was as binding as the U.S. Constitution! We knew who was “boss!” Greetings to all our ailing members. Special greetings to Rose and Tony Meljac who reside in Emerald Ridge Senior Health Community in Solon and to Mitzi Champa at Light of the Hearts Villa whose husband, Lou, has been experiencing major health problems. Happy St. Patrick’s Day and St. Joseph’s Day and a Blessed Easter to everyone. Remember that when you were bom you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you are the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying. Zbogom! LIL SADOWSKI NO. 43, MILWAUKEE, WI Meetings: 4th Wednesday St. John Evangelist Rectory Our October meeting, while well-attended, was short on officers. Recording secretary, Annie Konczal had a knee replacement and was in therapy. Treasurer, Mary Martino was also in therapy following her recent heart surgery. Both ladies are now doing well. We had a delicious meal which in- cluded “miške,” and watched a home video brought to us by member Ray J. DeLopst, who, along with niece, Denise Bartlett and daughter, Karen Goodman, went to Slovenia to participate in their family’s grape harvest. The video was very entertaining and informative. We also got to sample some of the wine that he brought back. He did not say if he had personally stomped the grapes! Five prospective new members joined us for our meeting. It is interesting how we meet up with other Slovenian people - through work, through general conversation and through business contacts, to name but a few. A pi lgrimage to Our Lady of Sorrows in Illinois was suggested for an April bus trip. Betty Ann Kolesari was selected to be our delegate for the June, 2003 National Convention in Duluth, MN. Officers for 2003 were felected. They are the same as 2002. On a sad note, Frances Sagadin’s husband died. Josephine Nimmer also died. Please remember them in your prayers. Some of us don’t know much Slovenian and we are learning a few words and phrases. But, we did try by singing Happy Birthday in English and Slovenian. ***** Our Christmas party, at Klemmer’s, was celebrated on January 25, 2003, after all the other holiday parties were over, and our Porprovini (loosely translated as “the party after the party”) was a great success. Delicious food, good companionship and a delightful gift exchange. It was so pleasant and relaxed that we are planning on doing this again next year. President Josephine Janezec initiated six members: Ray J. DeLopst, Lucy Kaczorek, Tillie Kveder, Terry Majcher, Rita Majerle-Klug and Barbara Martinka. MariLynn Young, daughter of Ray DeLopst and a member since her birth, was welcomed back to Milwaukee. MariLynn had been living in San Diego. Thanks to Patricia Tomaszewski, who graciously donated a large Slovenian Hag to the branch. Until next time, na svidenje! YVONNE JOHNSTONE KHALDY, for Anne Konczal NO. 47, GARFIELD HTS., OH Maple Hts. Public Library March, May, Sept. and Dec. Hello to all our members. Our Christmas Party was attended by 20-25 members and guests. We had a potluck dinner with loads of desserts which were enjoyed by all. Our condolences go out to Mary Kociancic and family on the death of her husband, Anthony. Also to Millie Stautihar and family on the death of her husband, Frank (Gas); and to the family of Mary Culkar on her passing. We also would like to express our condolences to Br. 50 and the family of Ann Tercek on her passing. They will all be greatly missed. Best wishes for a speedy recovery go out to Elsie Spellacy and Julie Mezgec. Hope to see you out and about soon. Our next meeting will be March 9th 2003 at 1:00 p.m., at the Bedford Library. Also please try and attend the National Convention from June 12-16. Our Mass for living and deceased members will be June 8th at 10:00 at St. Lawrence Church. Birthday wishes go out to our March and April members. March: Catherine Barta, Barbara Culkar, Joyce Rozman, Millie Stautihar and Mary Vicek. April: Mary Gorišek, Dolores Hrovat, Samantha Spellacy, Eleanore Stražišar and Rose Vatovec. KATHERINE WALLACE NO. 50, EUCLID, OH Meetings: 3rd Wednesday Euclid Public Library except July & August Hello to all! Allow me to introduce myself. I am Cookie (Cathy) Maxin and I am the new Vice President of Br. 50. Rosemary Toth is the new President and both of us are brand new to our positions. We are sorry about the loss of our dear Ann Tercek who was our leader for many years. Now, as new officers, we are hoping for the cooperation of all the members. We also have a new reporter, Allison Hrovat. We wish to extend thanks to Vi Moravchek for doing such a good job as our voice in ZARJA for so many years. We wish Vi all the best. Carol J. Piccirello 1943-1993 In our memories You are always near, Loved and remembered Bringing many a silent tear. You are in our hearts forever. Your loving family, Ann Tercek, Mother, Denise Motyka, and Debra Stella, Daughters, Scott Stella, Son-in-Law, Lauren Stella, and Ryan Stella, Grandchildren Nancy Mramor and Joan Podmore, Sisters Mary Maxin, Cookie Maxin, Mary Miller and Rose Mary Toth Here is a list of our new officers: President, Rosemary Toth, (440) 958-9141; Vice President, Cookie Maxin (Cathy), (440) 969-9349 and e-mail:; Treasurer, Mary Miller, (440) 946-4931; Rec. Sec., Mary Maxin; Auditors, (1) Dorothy Winter, (216) 481-3472; (2) Fran Kajfes, (440) 943-0124; Dawn Reporter, Allison Hrovat, (216) 481-9123. Mother of the Year for 2003 is Mary Maxin. Congratulations to everyone, new and old! COOKIE MAXIN * NO. 54, WARREN, OH Meetings: 3rd Wednesdays Feb. thru May, Sep., Nov. & Dec. Happy and Blessed Easter to all. We certainly have had an old-fashioned winter here in Ohio. Spring will be welcome and I can’t wait to see the tulips blooming all over my yard after having the ground covered with snow for so long. Vacationing in Las Vegas is our member, Louise Vett and husband, John. Hopefully they’ll win a bundle ha,ha! My daughter, Pat and husband, Mark from So. Carolina are planning a trip to Paris. It’s a special gift for Pat’s birthday. They are so excited and plan to do a lot of sightseeing. My husband and I will be traveling west to visit friends that we met on our last trip to Europe. Karen Zuga is traveling. too, because of her position at Ohio State Univ. Congratulations to 50th Wedding jubilarians, Mary and Cappy Diana. We still have Angela Petrich Kaferle and Mary Zuga in nursing homes and Anne Savor is doing fairly well at her new home. She will be 97 years young in June. We miss her at our meetings - she is quite witty. Good to see A1 Shine, Virginia’s husband, doing much better. He is secretary for AMLA and very dedicated to this organization. Our May luncheon will be on Wed. May 21st at 1:00 p.m. at Cafe 422 unless you hear otherwise. I will be calling you for reservations. I hope you have all responded to the SWU annual invoice statement and answered the survey for secretary, Bonnie. I want to compliment the National Board - you have done a tremendous job. Good luck and God’s blessing at the national convention. JOANNE PONIKVAR Branch 50 Officers for 2003 Christmas was a special time for members of Br. 50, Cleveland-Euclid, OH. They had a great number in attendance and made plans for a year ahead with new officers! Who did they select? Rose Mary Toth was named president and Catherine “Cookie” Maxin, as Vice President. Cookie is the daughter of the secretary, Mary Maxin. At this meeting the members were concerned when Ann Tercek, their president of over three decades, asked to be replaced. Because of her inspiration, they responded with enthusiasm and Rose Mary and Cookie are now at the helm of Br. 50. We were sad to hear that just a few days later, Ann passed on to her heavenly reward. Following the funeral, attended by a large group of members and friends, a beautiful memorial celebration was held by the members in Ann’s honor, and a sincere expression of sympathy was extended to Ann’s daughters and family. Ann Tercek will never be forgotten and Br. 50 now is continuing by her inspiration and love! In Memory of Ann Tercek Ann Tercek was born in 1914 near Pittsburgh, Pennsyvalnia. Her family consisted of her parents, Louis and Jennie Vidmar and three brothers, Louis Jr., Vincent and Frank. Ann came to Cleveland in 1935 and worked as a waitress where she met Frank Hočevar and married him in 1939. They had three daughters, Nancy, Carol and Joan. After 31 years of marriage, Frank passed away in 1970. Shortly after that she became the president of Branch No. 50 of the Slovenian Women’s Union. In 1975 she married Charles Tercek who was a big help to Ann with all of her duties as President. Ann was a very busy president for the club for 32 years and put her heart and soul into the organization, as she was so proud of her Slovenian heritage and loved people. In less than 10 years, Ann helped the club grow from 240 to 400 members, making it the second largest branch in the Slovenian Women’s Union. Ann was Mother of the Year in 1972 She was instrumental in having the Branch #50, Marie Prisland Cadets started up again. Ann, the late Frances Seitz, and Carole Traven bought materials and made the uniforms for the Cadets. There was so much enthusiasm, 36 ladies signed up immediately. The Cadets performed drills under the direction of Frances Seitz. They marched in parades, attended out-of-state conventions and, started the tradition of paying their respects by praying and attending all of the deceased members’ funerals. With all of these activities, Ann also was the Ohio-Michigan Regional President for 10 years, conducting meetings every 3 months and a Regional Convention every October. In Ann’s 32 years as president, she was a delegate to the Slovenian Women's Union "National Convention” many times. This year it will be in June in Duluth, Minnesota, but our Ann will not be attending. Ann was chosen as “Mother of the Year” in 1991 and always used to say she felt like a Mother to all of the Br. 50 members. She was so dedicated and truly loved each and every member. It is sad to say goodbye to Ann. But we, the members of Slovenian Women’s Union Branch No. 50, will have Ann in our hearts forever. Ann would want the members to continue on with this wonderful organization with as much love and enthusiasm as she had, and that we will do, in her honor. Daughter, Joan ANN TERCEK NEVER TO BE FORGOTTEN MEMBER, OFFICER, AND FRIEND She left us very unexpectedly - just a few days after the members met at the Christmas party of Br. 50 in December. She had been sick a long time and had to slow down in her activities, her favorite being visiting friends all over the Cleveland and Euclid area. She would come to the door, always carrying something good to eat, or a gift that she would graciously present. Ann was a member of SWU since her girlhood and an active drill team member. After the re-vitalizing of the Marie Prisland Cadets, Ann made sure the uniformed group attended all the important events in the Slovenian community. Marching down the street, or gathering at a member’s bier, Ann always led the way. She loved pretty clothes. She loved soft colors and nice smelling lotions. She had her hair done weekly, and kept it blonde. She loved to attend functions at the Slovenian halls, and sang with the church choir at St. Mary’s in Col-linwood where her husband, Charlie, was an active musician, singer and all-around-good-fellow. She loved to travel, too, and Slovenia was her special place. She wrote to me last year that she would be foregoing travel to Slovenia since Charlie was gone and she wasn’t feeling too well. It made her sad to give up that independent spirit that made her such a warm and attractive companion on the group tours. As president of Br. 50, Ann was always on top of things - caring for sick members, attending funerals and keeping records straight with the Home office and ZARJA office. She often alluded to the busy life she had during past years as State President of Ohio-Michigan and Delegate to Conventions. Two weeks before she died she wrote me saying: “I can’t walk much anymore and my first thought is that I won’t be able to attend the convention. I went to everyone since 1972. That year we had 250 members and in less than 10 years, we jumped to a membership of over 400.” And, the very last note I got from Ann was to wish me a Happy New Year and ask me to repeat the Memorial poem in ZARJA for her beloved daughter, Carol who died in March of 1993 at the age of 50. Many unforgettable people have been a part of our sisterhood and Ann Tercek is one that all of us will agree always filled our spirits, and always gave her best smile. Corinne Leskovar NO. 85, DEPUE, IL Meetings: at Members’ Homes We have had some cold winter weather with snow and even rain. Due to this, plus other interferences, we have not had any meetings lately. The officers did agree to remain in office for the year 2003. We do have a few birthdays. Belated birthday wishes to Muriel Jermene on Jan. 27th, Mary Oberch on Feb. 24th; Mary is at Prairie View Nuring Home in Princeton. Mary Kuhar will celebrate her birthday on April 6th. She is at the Spring Valley Nursing Home. We wish them all the best, our love and prayers. I waited every day in January to hear that I was a winner of the Magic Month Calendar drawings, but I just was not lucky enough. Congratulations to all the winners and “better luck next time: for the rest of us. 1 think this is a nice way to raise money. (Winners on pg. 10.) Our days are getting a little longer and even though we have some cold weather ahead, we can at least start thinking of spring! Keep praying for peace. Take care, everyone and God Bless. MARY JERMENC NO. 89, OGLESBY, IL Meetings: 2nd Mondays except Jan., Feb., May, June, July and August Dickinson House Out with the old and in with the new! That’s how we are describing our 2003 election. Rose Ann Prey, president, will be exiting and Nancy Henkel will follow in her footsteps. Rose Ann has been a faithful president for 16 years - and her record speaks for itself. You really deserve a change and rest! Nancy Henkel is the granddaughter of Louisa Kernz who served in the formative years of our branch and was very active in all she did for us. Just can’t say enough and appreciate all that took place before we come on the scene. We welcome Nancy and wish her the best. Darlene Wasielewski will serve as Nancy’s Vice President. Still on the roster will be Mitzi Banich as Financial Secretary, Marilyn Argubright as Chaplain and also Sunshine Chairman, Angie Nico remains as our liaison of- ficer and Auditors include Josie Argubright, Eunice Supan and Jo Schmidt. Last, but not least, I am next to be replaced by Alice Jean Ebner who will take over my duties as Recording Secretary and Reporter. Alice is also a granddaughter of Louise Kernz. I’m certain she must be proud of them following in her footsteps. After 17 years of reporting for ZARJA (it does not seem that long), I say farewell to my reporter duties. I must also say a special thank you to Corinne for her patience and sense of humor to have done such a fabulous job all these years. So, this is my last report. I’m sure Alice Jean will be someone to be proud of. Branch 89 wishes them all the best. Bye, for now. “You never really quit a job you love, part of it you take with you, leaving a part of yourself behind.” Love you, EUNICE NO. 93, NEW YORK, NY Contact: Andrea Selak Tel. (212) 420-1240 Email: andreaselak(a Živijo from Branch 93! We met in January at Noi Cafe (Italian bistro) in Greenwich Village to map out plans for the year. Over brunch, we set our goals, which include getting to know each other better, learning more about Slovenian heritage and traditions and meeting monthly except for the summer. We also plan to focus on building our Branch’s membership and have already begun implementing initiatives (for ex. a mailing was sent out through the Slovenian Consulate in NYC.’thank you to Mirjam Hladnik for making this happen.) At the meeting, we determined that Lynn Zalokar will serve as President of Branch 93 for 2003, and I will stay on as Secretary. Our members have been doing some amazing things over the past few months! Tea Rozman Clark and Mirjam Hladnik have formed an unofficial support group for Bosnian refugee women in Postojna, Slovenia. They marketed knits handmade by the women and the project yielded proceeds of $1,000, which went directly to the women (their only source of income). They plan to expand the project this year and work with other women’s groups. Tea, as we know from page 36 of the May-June ZARJA, started a program “Books for African Children” through Global Education Associates in NYC. Cynthia Shaw and Tea met as new members of Br. 93 and through “networking” or getting to know each other - Cynthia suggested Tea contact the Brooklyn Friends School (where she is a Chorus Director). Tea got a very generous donation of over 1,000 books which were then sent to Africa through Global Education Associates! During our meeting in January, we planned a number of events for the year. On February 8th, we met for afternoon tea at the Washington Square Hotel in Greenwich Village. Marta Stemberger and Tea Rozman Clark put together a brief explanation of two holidays: “Kulturni dan” (Day of Culture, the anniversary date of France Prese-ren’s death, the famous Slovenian poet) and “Gregorjevo” or “Valentinovo” (the Slovenian version of Valentine’s Day). On March 2nd, we plan to meet (location TBD; members should look out for an Evite with details) to discuss plans for our April 12th meeting. We are planning a big event for April 12th, when Tea will teach the group the Slovenian art of egg dyeing with plants and onion skins. We also plan to display things appropriate to Easter and spring such as ‘butare’. Egg painting will be followed by a meal and a session with Cynthia’s folk dance group (English contra dancing). Future plans call for the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens in May, the Slovenian Consulate picnic in June and a wine tasting in September. SWUA members, if work or leisure travel brings you to NYC please join in on any of our events! If you have any questions or need more information about Br. 93 plans, please contact me. ANDREA Easter Cards for sale! Easter cards designed by Bernadette Kovacic Fitzsimmons, depicting Slovenian Easter Eggs (pirhi), at $2.50 each, are available at the SWU Heritage Museum, 431 No. Chicago St., Joliet, IL 60432. They are beautiful - each is a treasure itself. Single Birthday Cards are the same price. A packet of 4 cards: Sympathy and Get Well - 2 of each, is $10. (For orders under $10, add $2.50 for p