RESULTS OF PALEOSTOMATOLOGICAL ANALy SIS OF MATERIAL FROM THE CAVE NEAR GORNJI VAKUF (SOUTH-WEST BOSNIA) IZSLEDKI PALEOSTOMASTOLOŠKIH RAZISKAV GRADIVA IZ JAME PRI GORNJEM VAKUFU (JUGOZAHODNA BOSNA) Amila ZUKANOVIć 1 , Jasminko MULAOMEROVIć 2 & Damir MARJANOVIć 3 Izvleček UDK 903.5:572.7(497.6) Amila Zukanović, Jasminko Mulaomerović & Damir Marja­ nović: Izsledki paleostomastoloških raziskav gradiva iz jame pri Gornjem Vakufu (Jugozahodna Bosna) Med vsemi raziskanimi speleološkimi objekti v bližini vasi Kru- pa, je s paleokulturnega vidika najbolj zanimiva »Jama št. 5«. V notranjosti jame je bilo najdeno, poleg odlomkov lončevine in kovinske igle, tudi bogato antropološko gradivo, številne človeške kosti in zobje. Antropološko-morfološke preiskave dela tega gradiva kažejo, da gre za predzgodovinsko grobnico z ostanki najmanj 13 ljudi. Analiza kosti z radiokarbonsko analizo 14 C je pokazala, da so ti ljudje živeli 2765 ± 75 let pred sedanjo- stjo. Dejstvo, da antropološko gradivo vključuje tudi ostanke otrok, kaže značilnosti pokopavanja iz tega časa na območju Uskoplja. To jamsko grobišče je eno največji� s tega območja. Paleostomatološke preiskave zob in odlomkov čeljustnic nam jasno dokazujejo zdravstvene posege iz tisti� časov. S pomočjo žarkov x je bil v kosti odlomka čeljustnice odkrit kovinski de - lec. Domnevno je ta kovinski delec odlomljeni del instrumenta, ki so ga uporabljali za ruvanje zob. Ključne besede: jamsko grobišče, kostni ostanki, 14 C, paleostomatološka preiskava, Uskoplje, Bosna. 1 Faculty of Dentistry, University of Sarajevo, 71.000 Sarajevo, Bolnička 4a, Bosnia and Herzegovina , 2 Speleological society „Speleo dodo” , 71000 Sarajevo, Branilaca Sarajeva 30, Bosnia and Herzegovina, jasminko.mulaomerovic@ b� 3 Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotec�nology, University of Sarajevo, Kemalbegova 10, 71.000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Her - zegovina, Received/Prejeto: 07.02.2007 COBISS: 1.01 ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3, 485-492, POSTOJNA 2007 Abstract UDK 903.5:572.7(497.6) Amila Zukanović, Jasminko Mulaomerović & Damir Marja­ nović: Results of paleostomatological analysis of material from the cave near Gornji Vakuf (South­West Bosnia) Among explored speleological objects near t� e Krupa village, close to Gornji Vakuf, t� e most interesting cave from paleocul- tural aspect, is t� e cave named “Cave number 5” . In t� e internal part of t� at cave, besides ceramic fragments and one metal nee- dle, ric� ant �ropological material � ave been found, compounds of numerous � umans bones and teet�. Anato-morp � ological analysis of t� e one part of material s� owed t� at t�is site is a pre - �istoric crypt wit � remains of at least 13 people. Radiocarbon 14 C bone analysiss results s� owed t� at t� ose people lived 2765 ± 75 before presence. The fact t� at ant�ropological material in - cludes some remains w�ic � belonged to c �ildren s � ows some c� aracteristics of burial culture of t� at period on area of Us- koplje. This cave crypt is t� e one of t� e biggest on t�is region. Paleostomatological analysis of teet� and jaw fragments gave us clear evidence about t� erapeutic interventions performed in t�is period. x-rays analysis s � owed presence of t� e metal body inside t� e bone in one mandibular fragment. It’s supposed t� at t�is metal is broken part of instrument used for toot � extrac - tion. Key words: cave burial, bone remains, 14 C met� od, paleostoma- tological analysis, Uskoplje, Bosnia. ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 486 Speleologist of Bosnia and Herzegovina organized t� eir traditional camp for year 2003 near Gornji Vakuf. Major- ity of exploration � as been done in speleological objects around Bistrica and Krupa villages near Gornji Vakuf town (Figs. 1 and 2). As muc� as we know, speleological explorations of t�is area � ave been performed only in few caves near Krupa village, in period 1971-1973, for water supplying needs for Gornji Vakuf, and eventual touristic arrangement (Gašparović, 1979). Head of t�is researc � was Ratimir Gašparović, but �is report of t �is researc � or any ot� er maps of t� e objects are unknown. Frenc� en - gineer Albert Bordeaux (1987) w� o passed t�roug � t �is area about 1900 year, mentioned one cave and old mines in t�is part of Vranica mountain. Some speleological explorations probably also � ave been performed at t� e end of 1950’s, during abounding geological researc� es of Vranica mountain, but also t� ere’s no evidence and data about t� at exploration. Amir Topčić from Gornji Vakuf started first explorations and recognitions of area of t� e west slope of Vranica in last few years (Topčić, 2000). There are few t�ings known about traces of � uman’s culture in caves of t�is area. Arc � eological lexicon of Bos- nia and Herzegovina doesn’t mention any cave from t�is area. Old arc� eological site on t� e �ill above source of Krušnica, wit� stone wall and ceramic fragments, its’ dat - ed in early iron age (Marijan, 1988). Franjo Martinčević (1901) noticed story of old man Matko from Bistrica w�ic � sad t � at some people from village enter in to t� e cave above source of Krušnica, and t� at one of t� e visitors found old ceramic pot on t� e cave s� elf, w�ic � s � ouldn’t take out because � e was scared. A.Topčić found ceramic fragments in few caves, w�ic � are t � oug� t to � ave been in ceremonial proceedings. Because of t� at, during t� e speleological camp, special attention was given to t� ose caves but also to t� e caves w� ere we could expect similar founds. During field recognition, single pieces of ceramic were found under Baba Janja cave and Velika Pećina cave. We visited 8 caves wit� intention to collect data’s about traces of � uman’s culture. In Velika Pećina cave, Pećina in Guser, caves number 4, 5, 6 and 7 (marked wit� numbers cause t� ey don’t � ave names), Mala Pećina cave and Cave t�ree entrances (Mulaomerović, 2004), it � as been found few or less fragments of ceramic w�ic � s � owed continu- ity of living from bronze age till middle age. INTRODUCTION Fig. 1: Geographic position of Gornji Vakuf on the map of Bosnia and h erzegovina. Fig. 2: Krupa village near Gornji Vakuf – at the bottom of the rock creep is the spring of Krušnica river; in marked part there are numerous caves entrances. Fig. 3: The last part of the chanel with bones covered with cave sediments. AMILA ZUKANOVIć, J ASMINKO MULAOMEROVIć & D AMIR MARJANOVIć ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 487 Cave number 5 is of course, considering founding till now, t� e most interesting cave, first at all because of findings of bigger number of � uman bones.(*) Along corridor inside t� e cave, also big number of ceramic frag- ments is found, w�ic � can be wide dated – from iron till middle age. Also, in t� e middle part of passage, 10 centi- meters dept�, one metal needle is found. Bones are found at t� e end of passage, at t� e space of 10-15 meters. Some of t� em are covered and fixed wit� cave sediments on t � e slope w�ic � is formed under one small c �imney t �roug � w�ic � water easily passes. (Fig. 3). On t� e first sig� t it’s evident t� at all t� ose bones belong to t� e rests of several people. Those are mostly fragments of bones of t� e � uman’s trunk, skulls, upper and lower extremities and some permanent and decidual teet�. All bones and teet � are mixed all around t � e cave, probably because of t� e water activity. The biggest part of t� e bones is covered wit� cave sediments and by t � at fixed for t� e underlying surface, w� at unable collecting all material for analysis. The only material w�ic � could be taken for identification were bones and teet� placed in t� e water or in t� e clay, mostly near t� e cave’s walls and bones w�ic � were just partially covered wit � sediments. Material is collected from 7 marked places. MATERIALS AND METHODS Found material presents fragments of skull bones (ossa cranii) – one part of left temporal bone, fragment of rig� t temporal bone, two frontal bones (one fragment and one complete), rig� t and left pelvic bone, and one part of rig� t metacarpal bone (ossa membri inferioris), rig� t forearm bone and part of left clavicular bone (ossa mem- bri superioris), parts of jaw bones (4 fragments of man- dibulae, one complete mandibula and one fragment of rig� t maxilla), and 6 primary teet� (dentes decidui) and 30 permanent teet� (dentes permanentes). All material first was mec� anically cleaned wit� wa - ter and soft brus�. Cave sediments from teet � were re - moved mec� anically, using � and instruments for dental calculus scaling. One part of t� e bones w�ic � were cove- red wit� cave sediments was cleaned mec � anically and rest was moved wit� acetyc acid suspension. Material was analyzed using following met� ods: • Anatomic–morp� ological analysis of bones and teet�: For description of osteological findings, interna- tional anatomical nomenclature Terminologia Anatomi- ca, from 1998. year � as been used. For morp� ological features of teet� crowns and roots, standards of Arizona State University Dental An- t�ropology System - ASU Dental Ant �ropology System (C�risty et al, 1991) � ave been used. For bones and teet� analysis, 4 x magnifying lens � as been used. • Radiocarbon 14 C analysis for bone absolute age datation: Age span is given in �istorical ages (AD/BC), wit � probability expressed in percentages, inside 1σ mistake, and � as been determined based on dendroc�ronological calibrating curve according to Stuiver & Reimer (1986) and Bronk & Ramsey (1995). • Metrical and odontometric analysis of teet� and bone fragments: All measurements was performed wit� millimeter measurer (Dentalschiebelehre) produced by Dentaurum company. Measures of eac� bone and eac� toot� were tak- en t� ree times, in intervals of one mont� , after t� e mean of t� ose individual measures was taken as final result. All measurements were performed by t� e same person. • x -Rays analysis: Jaws fragments and teet� are radiograp �icaly re - corded and analyzed. Ortopantomograp� OP100 ma - c�ine produced by Instrumentarium company and Uni - versal Oralix mac�ine produced by Dentex company � as been used for recording, using Kodak T-MAT E (150x300 mm) and Kodak Insig� t Occlusal (57x76 mm) x–Ray films. • DNA toot� extraction: Optimized Qiagen extraction protocol was used for DNA extraction from toot�. DNA was determined and quantified by use of QuantiBlot® assay (Applied Biosys- tem, Foster City, CA, USA) (1996). The PowerPlex® 16 kit (Promega Corp., Madison, WI) � as been used for am- plification of targeted loci. Amplification was carried out as described previously (Promega Corporation, 2001). The total volume of eac� reaction was 25μl. The PCR am- plification � as been carried out in PE Gene Amp PCR System Thermal Cycler (ABI, Foster City, CA) according to t� e manufacturer’s recommendations. Electrop� oresis of t� e amplification products was preformed on an ABI PRISM 377 genetic analyser (ABI, Foster City, CA), using 5% bis-acrilamide gel (Long Ranger® Single® Packs). Raw data � ave been compiled and analyzed using t� e acces- sory software: ABI PRISM® Data Collection Software and Gene Scan®. Numerical allele designations of t� e profiles were obtained by processing wit� Powertyper16 Macro. RESULTS OF PALEOSTOMATOLOGICAL ANALy SIS OF MATERIAL FROM THE CAVE NEAR GORNJI VAKUF ... ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 488 Material analysis s� owed presence of several people’s findings. Results of anatomical and morp� ological analy- sis of teet� and bones, s � owed t� at t� ere are remains of between 13 and 20 persons. W� ereas all material from t� e site wasn’t analyzed, number of people w� ose re- mains are found in t� e cave can easily be more t� an 20, w� at future researc� es will s� ow. Human remains from t� e site belong to persons of dif- ferent age in moment of deat� . Among t� ese persons, t� ere were also few persons of c� ildren age, w� at can be seen from findings of upper and lower jaws wit� mixed denti- tion, decidual teet� , and ulna bone of c� ild 1-mont� old. Radiocarbon 14 C analysis of bone sample s� owed t� at people w� ose remains were found, lived 2765±75 before presence (today), w� at belongs to t� e period of early iron or late bronze age. Due to absence of t� e positive colorimetric detec- tion, approximated amount of DNA recovered from t� e toot� was less t � an 0,15 ng/μl. Consequently, 5 μl of DNA extract was amplified by usage of prolonged PCR proto- col. STR profile was obtained only at Amelogenin – sex determining locus. This result suggested t� at female per- son was carrier of t�is biological specimen. One fragment of lower jaw requires special attention (Figs. 4 and 5). This fragment is from left side of man- dibula. The fracture lines of t�is fragment passed: in ad - vance till canine’s alveolus (t�roug � w �ic � also fracture line passes, back till ascendant branc� of ramus mandib- ulae so only retromolar area wit� ascendant part of linea obliqua and linea milo� yoidea can be seen. Anterior and posterior edges of ramus mandibulae are preserved to 25 mm �ig �. Down fracture goes t �roug � canalis mandibu- laris. Lingual side of fragment is intact, but fracture line passed t�roug � biggest part of bucal side. Total lengt� of fragment is 57,8 mm. Empty alveolus of canine, first and second mandib- ular premolars are signs of postmortem teet� loss. There’s a first permanent molar present. Be�ind it, t � ere’s long retromolar area. Alveolus of second and t�ird molar (if it existed) can’t be seen, because new bone is created on t� at place, after t� ose teet� are lost during t � e lifer (ante mortem teet� loss). First molar alvelus and empty alveoli of first and second premolars s� ows bone lost of vestibular crest of alveolus, but on ot� er sides of alveolus crests t� ere are no signs of any bone loss. Bone loss values are: First molar: Vestibular alveolar crest of distal root alveolus till cementoenamel junction (CEJ): 2.6 mm Vestibular alveolar crest of mesial root alveolus till cementoenamel junction (CEJ): 3.5 mm Second premolar alveolus: Vestibular alveolar crest is 2.6 mm lower t� an ot� er alveolar crests, considering t� at complete alveolar edge is lower positioned according alveolus of first premolar. First premolar alveolus: Vestibular alveolar crest is 4.8 mm lower t� an ot� er alveolar edges. Vestibular edges of empty alveolus of caninus, first and second premolars and first molar � ave bone de�iscence. Interproximal bone between canine alveolus and first premolar are well preserved, regular structure and � eig� t but interproximal alveolar bone between second premolar and first molar is reduced � eig� t, wit� regular structure of superficial bone lost. RESULTS Fig. 4: One fragment of the mandibular bone with first permanent molar (external view). Fig. 5: One fragment of the mandibular bone with first permanent molar (internal view). AMILA ZUKANOVIć, J ASMINKO MULAOMEROVIć & D AMIR MARJANOVIć ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 489 Bone around second premolar is roug�, ragged wit � many perforations. First left mandibular molar teet� description (36): The maximum mesiodistal crown lengt� – 10,95 mm, maximum buccolingual breadt� –10,15 mm, maxi - mum crown � eig� t – 6,9 mm, crown area – 111,14 mm. Those data s� owed t� at t�is toot � is smaller in all dimensions of average dimensions of t�is toot �, w � at can be found in tables of anatomical teet� measures w �ic � Konj� odžić (1978) measured for recent yugoslav popu- lation. Morp� ological features of toot� 36 according to ASU: Radical number: 2 Anterior fovea: This sign can’t be determined due to present abrasion of t� ese teet�. This sign it’s not recom- mended for classification in persons older t� an 12 years. This toot� belonged to person more t � an 14 years old so from t� at reason t�is sign in t �is case is not determined. Groove pattern: Even if toot� � as �ig � level of abra - sion, t�is sign can be determined. But in our case, be - cause of abrasion, we can’t be sure w�ic � type of occlusal morp� ology t�is toot � � as. Cusp number: It’s not possible to determine cusp number because of abrasion, only two lingual cusps are visible on abraded oclusal surface. Deflecting wrinkle: This toot� belonged to t � e per- son w�ic � in moment of deat � was more t � an 14 years old. From t� at reason, and also because of t� e abrasion, t�is sign is difficult to notice. Distal trigonid crest: Can’t be determined w� en abrasion of first grade is present – t�is molar toot � � ave second grade of abrasion. Protostylid: 0 Cusp 5 /h ipoconulid/, Cusp 6 /Entoconulid/, Cusp 7 /metaconulid/: Can’t be determined due to abrasion. Tooth wear: 2 There’s wide toot� wear on occlusal surface in oro- vestibular direction. Abrasion erased vestibular cusps completely, also fissure system vestibular to central fis- sure, so on t� e place of t�is morp � ological features left only slope wit� lig � t declivity to central fissure. Distoap- proximal ridge is totally abraded. Mesioapproximal ridge � as full � eig� t only in lingual part. Lingual cusps are also abraded in occlusal area, specially t� eir external slopes, DISCUSSION Preliminary results of DNA analysis open slig� t possibil- ity for additional molecular examination of discovered skeletal remains. However, before t� at, optimization of existing DNA isolation and amplification protocols will be required. but fissure w�ic � separate mezial from distal lingual cusp is present. On mesioapproximal side of t� e toot�, t � ere’s contact surface on t� e place of t� e contact wit� second premolar during t� e lifetime. On t� e distoapproximal side, t� ere’s no abrasion on t� e place w� ere contact point or surface wit� second molar s � ould be present. On ECJ, on mezioapproximal surface of t� e toot� initial carious lesion is visible, w� at also x-rays analysis confirmed (Fig. 6). On t� e top of lingual cusps, t� ere is w�ite enamel opalescence. On upper t�ird of toot � crown, on central and distal part of vestibular side and, t� ere is enamel de- fect. That defect � as s� arp border and firm bottom, w� at lead us to conclusion t� at t� at defect appeared as con- sequence of t� e mec� anic force, and it can be described as non complicated dental fracture on enamel ec� elon (fractura dentis simplex). x-ray analysis confirms t � at second molar � as been lost during t� e lifetime (ante mortem). On t� e places w� ere alveolus of second and t�ird molars s � ould be found, t� ere’s bone wit� normal trabecular structure. On occlusal dental x-ray film, w� ere all mandibular bone fragments wit� first molar can be seen, on t � e place w�ic � belongs to bottom part of second molar distal root alveolus, clear s� ape of metal body is visible. Fragment analysis wit� magnifying glass s � owed t� at metal body is not on surface of t� e bone, but it’s placed deep in t� e bone structure. It’s supposed t� at t�is metal is broken part of instrument for toot� extraction used for second molar extraction. Fig. 6: X-ray of fragment of the mandibular bone with first permanent molar. RESULTS OF PALEOSTOMATOLOGICAL ANALy SIS OF MATERIAL FROM THE CAVE NEAR GORNJI VAKUF ... ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 490 Review of paleostomatological literature from t� e former yugoslavia region didn’t give any results w�ic � designate on t� erapeutic intervention like toot� extrac - tion. Mikić (1981) gives catalogue data review of former yugoslavia area, of all pre�istorical periods, and men - tioned t� at only on two arc� eological sites from iron age (Glasinac in Bosnia and Đevđelija in Macedonia) are found jaws w� ere is evidenced ante mortem toot� loss (intra vitam).The same aut� or also gives interesting data, t� at on t� e bot� sites t � e ot� er teet� left � ave very few carious lesions or don’t � ave it at all. That suggests t� at t� e reason w� y t� ose teet� are extracted is not due to t � e caries w�ic � progrediated in painful diseases w �ic � leads to t� at toot� extraction. This fact is in accordance also wit� results from our study – on all 36 teet � t � ere’s no deep carious lesions. On just few teet� initial carious le - sions was evidenced. Possible reasons for second molar extraction on t� e fragment of t� e mandibular bone can be trauma, par- odontological disease or caries. Trauma: On t� e upper parts of buccal and distoap- proximal side of crown of first mandibular molar t� ere’s enamel defect w�ic � appeared due to trauma. It’s possible t� at t�is crown damage appeared at t � e same time w� en trauma affected second mandibular molar, w� at caused complications followed by pain and consequent toot� extraction. But it’s also possible t� at enamel defect on first molar appeared during extraction of second molar w� ere bad extraction tec�nique or loosing control un - der instrument for toot� extraction leaded to first mo - lar damage. Metal body inside alveolus of second molar supports t�is t � eory. This piece of metal is probably part of instrument for toot� extraction w �ic � small part frac - tured during toot� extraction and stayed inside postex - straction wound. Parodontological reasons If t�is toot � was extracted because of t � e parodontal disease, parodontal abscesses w�ic � caused t � e pain were t� e most probable reason for toot� extraction. Extraction because �ig � level of toot � mobility (w �ic � appears in parodontal diseases) is not possible reason for extraction because canine alveolus � as �ig � degree of bone resorp - tion comparing wit� bone resorption of first molar, and bot� of t � em didn’t lose ante mortem. It’s important to mention t� at alveolar bone resorption w�ic � is visible especially on t� e vestibular part, is not necessary con- sequence of parodontal disease. It’s more probable t� at alveolar crest p� ysiologically migrated apical because of t� e continuous toot� eruption and abrasion. If we know t� at abrasion degree of t�is toot � is 2, according to ASU system, we can easily suppose t� at t� ere was abrasion also on ot� er teet�. C � anges of cementoenamel junction - al- veolar crest (CEJ-AC) distance are also connected wit� continuous toot� eruption, abrasion and facial growt �, not only wit� pat � ological factors w�ic � increase t � e CEJ-AC distance. Caries: It’s not so possible t� at second molar extrac- tion � appened because of pulpal or periodontal diseases w�ic � occurred as consequence of caries progression. First molar appears in t� e mout� first of all permanent teet� and usually it’s first affected wit � caries. This first molar on t� e bone fragment � ave just initial caries le- sion on t� e cervical part, and t� ere’s no reason to believe t� at second molar (w�ic � appears in t � e mout� 6 years after first one), developed caries lesion w�ic � could lead to complications w�ic � s � ould be t� e reason for toot� extraction. Even more, none of t� e teet� w �ic � � ave been found on t�is location � ad any deep carious lesions, only initial caries lesions � ave been found. No matter w�ic � is t � e reason for t�is toot � extrac - tion, it’s obvious t� at it’s extracted wit� some instrument w� at points to t� e presence and performance of t� e t� er- apeutic interventions in t�is �istorical period. Literature review s� owed also some evidence of stomatologycal in- terventions in iron age period on area of former yugosla- via – Mikić described one mandibula found on Glasinac site, w� ere clear evidence of mec� anical scraping is pres- ent on t� e place of second premolar and first molar, w� ere scraping went to bottom of alveolus, w� ere also one part of external alveolar bone is moved. The aut� or supposes t� at t�is is t � e trace of surgical intervention of sanation of toot� gangrene or periodontitis (Mikić, 1973). Literature didn’t give any data about similar found- ing. Lovrinčević & Mikić (1989) made radiological and p� oto documentation of osteological material wit� pat� ological c� anges on �istorical populations of yougo- slavia, but t� ere’s no evidence of foreign object located intraossealy. The reason w� y t�is toot � is extracted is unknown. The bone w�ic � is present on t � e place of extracted sec- ond molar � as regular structure, like t� e bone structure around, wit� out any pat� ological c� anges. It means t� at moment of deat� of t � at person � appened at least six mont� after toot � extraction, because it’s known t � at p� ysiological process of bone regeneration w�ic � can be radiological verified takes 8 weeks. After period of at least 6 mot� s, t� ere’s no visible difference in toot� bone structure between new formed bone on t� e place of ex- tracted toot� and old bone. On our radiological film, t� ere’s no difference between t� e bone on t� e place of extracted second molar and t� e rest bone. It means t� at new formed bone is older t� an 6 mont�, e.g. moment of deat� of t �is person � appened at least six mont� s after toot� extraction. Analysis of t�is mandibular fragment s � owed t� at t�is person � ad more t� an 14 years in t� e moment of AMILA ZUKANOVIć, J ASMINKO MULAOMEROVIć & D AMIR MARJANOVIć ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 491 CONCLUSION Researc� es performed in speleological objects near Bis- trica and Krupa villages near Gornji Vakuf s� owed pres- ence of � uman remains’ traces. The biggest attention of explorers engaged t� e cave named “Cave number 5” . In t� e internal part of t� at cave, besides ceramic fragments and one metal needle, ric� ant �ropological material � ave been found, compound of numerous � umans bones and teet�. Anato-morp � ological analysis of t� e one part of material s� owed t� at t�is site is pre �istorical crypt, w� ere are remains of at least 13 people. Radiocarbon 14C bone analysiss results s� owed t� at t� ose people lived 2765±75 before presence. The fact t� at ant�ropological material includes some remains w�ic � belonged to c �il - dren, points some c� aracteristics of burial culture of t� at period on area of Uskoplje. This cave crypt is t� e one of t� e biggest on t�is region. Paleostomatological analysis of teet� and jaw frag - ments gave us clear evidence about t� erapeutic interven- tions performed in t�is period. x-rays analysis s � owed presence of t� e metal body inside t� e bone in one man- dibular fragment. It’s supposed t� at t�is metal is broken part of instrument used for toot� extraction. It can also be sad t� at, based on t� ose modest re- searc� es, t� at caves in area of Bistrica and Krupa villages, t� e traces of � uman abode in different �istory periods are found, and some of t� ose findings very clearly and directly point on t� eir ritual usage. deat�. Second molar wasn’t in function for a long time before its extracted w� at can be concluded because t� ere’s no contact surface on t� e distoaproximal side of first molar. This person � ad first and second premolars, first and second molars, but t�ird molar never existed or was also extracted, w� at is less possible. Special meaning of t�is site location is t � at cave burial is c� aracteristic of earlier �istorical periods. For bronze and iron age it’s typical skeletal burial in tumulus and flat necropolis as muc� as cremation. Burial in t � e cave is very rare in t�is period. The evidence of cave burial is present on Škocjanske Jame area, in Tominčeva jama cave (Leben, 1975), w� ere in 1903 20 � allstate skeletons � ave been discovered and excavated. On t� at place also few c�ild skeletons is found. Tombs also � ad been found in Ajdovska jama cave near Nemška Vas, and in t� e area of Kras, sout� west Alps and Panonic area as well (Korošec, 1981-1982; Leben, 1970; Guštin, 1977; Dombay, 1960; Ruttkay, 1970). Cave burial evidence is also found in t� e cave Bezdanjača near Vr� ovina in Lika. That site is dated in middle and late bronze age based on ceramic and met- al founding (Drec� ler-Bižić, 1981). On t� at site several dozen skeletons � ad been found, w�ic � ant �ropological analysis made Pilarić G. No matter t� at t�is necropolis � as been used for a long time, on t� at location any c�il - dren skeletons never found. In t� e cave site near Gornji Vakuf, it’s evidenced t� at few skeletal remains certainly belong to c�ildren, w � at points on different cultures of burial. This data opens many questions for w�ic � answers will give future researc� es on mountain Vranica area. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In t� e exploration in July 2003 participated: Am- ila Zukanović, Tarik and Emir Dizdarević, Davor Dautbegović, Ivica Bošnjak, Mirjana Palavra, Ajna and Jasminko Mulaomerović. In t� e exploration in No- vember 2003 participated: Il� an Dervović, Jasminko Mulaomerović, Mustafa Duratbegović, Amir Topčić, Amila Zukanović, Tarik Dizdarević, Edis Duvnjak i Samir Pokvić. RESULTS OF PALEOSTOMATOLOGICAL ANALy SIS OF MATERIAL FROM THE CAVE NEAR GORNJI VAKUF ... ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/3 – 2007 492 Bronk, R.C., 1978: Radiocarbon calibration and analysis of stratigrap� y: t� e OxCal program. - Radiocarbon 37: 425-430. Bordeaux, A., 1987: “Narodna Bosna” . – In: Fojnica kroz vijekove.- Skupština opštine Fojnica & SOUR “Vese- lin Masleša” , Fojnica – Sarajevo. (According to issue of PLON, Paris, 1904.). C�risty, G., Turner, I. 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