ACTA BIOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA 2004 Vol. 47, Št. 2: 83-94 Sprejeto (accepted): 2004-09-17 Respiration rate and respiratory electron transport system (ETS) activity of chironomid larvae from mountain lakes (NW Slovenia) Stopnja dihanja in aktivnost dihalnega elektronskega transportnega sistema (ETS) pri ličinkah trzač iz gorskih jezer (SZ Slovenija) Tatjana SIMČIČ National Institute ofBiology, Večna pot lll, Sl-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; tel: +386(0)14233388, e-mail: Abstract. Respiration rate (R) and electron transport system (ETS) activity were measured in larvae offour chironomid species, Chironomus thummi (Kieffer), Paratanytarsus austriacus (Kieffer), Procladius (Holotanypus) spp., and Zavrelimyia barbatipes (Kieffer) from three mountain lakes. ETS activity and res- piration rate, measured at a standard temperature of 20 °C, differed significantly between species (ANOVA: p<0.001). ETS activity ranged from 10.3 µL 0 2 mg- 1 DW h- 1 for Zavrelimyia to 27.6 µL 0 2 mg-1DW h-1 for Paratanytarsus. The lowest respiration rate was observed for Procladius (4.0 µL 0 2 mg- 1DW h- 1) and the high- est for Paratanytarsus (12.4 µLO2 mg-1 DW h- 1). ETS activity and respiration rate of chironomids decreased with increasing size of the animals (p<0.001); b values for ETS activity and respiration rate were 0.82 and 0.66, respectively. Respiration rate correlated significantly with ETS activity for ali four species investigated. This study revealed that the ETS/R ratio differed between species (ANOVA: p<0.001). A low ratio (0.98) was determined for Zavrelimyia, while Procladius showed the highest value (3 .88). The differences can be explained by body size, and the eco- logical preference and tolerance of each chironomid species. Key words: Chironomidae, Diptera, benthos, ETS/R ratio, ETS activity, respi- ration, metabolism Izvleček. Stopnjo dihanja in aktivnost elektronskega transportnega sistema (ETS) smo določali pri ličinkah štirih različnih vrst trzač , Chironomus thummi (Kieffer), Paratanytarsus austriacus (Kieffer), Procladius (Holotanypus) spp., in Zavrelimyia barbatipes (Kieffer), ki smo jih nalovili v treh gorskih jezerih. Aktivnost ETS in stopnja dihanja, ki smo ju merili pri standardni temperaturi 20 °C, sta se značilno razlikovali med vrstami (ANOVA: p<0.001). Aktivnost ETS se je gibala 84 Acta Biologica Slovenica, 47 (2), 2004 med 10.3 µL 0 2 mg·1DW h·1 pri ličinkah Zavrelimyia in 27.6 µL 0 2 mg-t DW h·1 pri ličinkah Paratanytarsus. Najnižjo stopnjo dihanja smo določili pri ličinkah Procladius (4.0 µL 0 2 mg-1DW h·1), najvišjo pa pri ličinkah Paratanytarsus (12.4 µL 0 2 mg· 1DW h· 1). Aktivnost ETS in stopnja dihanja ličink sta se zmanjševali z naraščajočo velikostjo živali (p<0.001); vrednosti b sta znašali 0.82 za aktivnost ETS in 0.66 za dihanje. Opazili smo pozitivno korelacijo med stopnjo dihanja in aktivnos- tjo ETS pri vseh štirih vrstah. Raziskava je pokazala značilne razlike v razmerju ETS/R med vrsta- mi (ANOVA: p<0.001). Nizko razmerje (0.98) je bilo določeno pri ličinkah Zavrelimyia, medtem ko je bilo pri ličinkah Procladius določeno najvišje razmerje (3.88). Različna razmerja so posledica raz- lik v vrstno-specifični telesni velikosti ter različne ekološke preference in tolerance pri posamezni vrsti trzač. Ključne besede: Chironomidae, Diptera, bentos, razmerje ETS/R, aktivnost ETS, dihanje, metabolizem Introduction The family Chironomidae is widely distributed in ali types of aquatic environments, where they form the major part of nearly all freshwater communities, and they occupy a variety of niches. The relatively short life cycle and large total biomass of the numerous larvae confer ecological energetic significance on this taxon, as both consumers and prey, and the partitioning of ecological resources by a large number of species presumably enhances the biologic stability of aquatic ecosystems (MERRITI & CUMMINS 1984). As chironomid larvae play an important role in aquatic food webs, an estimation of their respi- ratory energy loss is essential in order to estimate the energy flow through the ecosystems. Direct determination of respiration usually involves incubating animals in a controlled environment, and determining the time-dependent change in oxygen concentration. These methods are tirne consum- ing and impractical. The development of enzymatic techniques, however, has allowed metabolic activity to be estimated from the electron transport system activity (OWENS & KING 1975, PACKARD 1985). The electron transport system (ETS)-assay, based on the reduction of tetrazolium salt (INT) in the presence of a cell-free homogenate of the organisms and excess substrates of the ETS, has proved to be useful for estimating the metabolic activity of different organisms (PACKARD 1985, DEL GIORGIO 1992, G.-T6TH & AL. 1995). It is simple, rapid and extremely sensitive and has been used extensively with marine plankton (KENNER & AHMED 1975, BAMSTEDT 1980, VOSJAN & OLANCZUK- NEYMAN 1991) and freshwater plankton (BORGMANN 1978, JAMES 1987, DEL GIORGIO 1992), benth- ic organisms (CAMMEN & al. 1990, MusK6 & al. 1995, 1998), marine sediments (VOSJAN & OLANCZUK-NEYMAN 1977, RELEXANS 1996), and freshwater sediments (TREVORS 1984, G.-T6TH & AL. 1994). The slow response ofETS activity to short-term variations in environmental factors makes the method superior to direct respiratory measurements on incubated animals (BAMSTEDT 1980). It is, however, necessary to determine empirically the relation between the highest potential metabolic activity and realised oxygen consumption in order to interpret the ETS , -..... ' ·;; ~ 25 ·.::: Cl (.) oIJ ~ s 20 E-< N i:i:i o ...l 15 :i. '-' 10 5 o Chironomus Paratanytarsus Procladius Zavrelimyia 20 18 b) 16 - 14 2 -~ - ci,~. ; o 8 o~o o ~ o o o o 0.5 1.5 Body mass (mg) • Procladius l!I Zavrelimyia i> Paratanytarsus o Chironomus 0.93 0.86 0.75 0.21 Figure 2: The relationship between (a) ETS activity and body mass (DW), and (b) respiration rate (R) and body mass of different chironomid Iarvae at 20 °c. Slika 2: Razmerje med (a) aktivnostjo ETS in telesno maso (DW) ter (b) stopnjo dihanja in telesno maso pri ličinkah različnih vrst trzač pri 20 °C. T. Simčič: Respiration rate and respiratory electron transport system ... 89 Respiration rate Respiration rate differed significantly between species (Tab. 1). The highest values were obtained for Paratanytarsus (12.4 µL 0 2 mg·1 h·1) and 'Zavrelimyia (11.9 µL 0 2 mg·1 h-1), while respiration rates of Chironomus (5.7 µL 0 2 mg-1 h-1) and Procladius (4.0 µL 0 2 mg- 1 h- 1) were approximately two and three times lower (Fig. 1 b ). The regression between respiration rate and body mass of chironornids was statis- tically significant (log R = 0.60- 0.34 log DW; r=-0.71; n=43; p<0.001; Fig. 2b); b value was 0.66. The ETS/R ratio The ratio ETS/R differed significantly between species (Tab. 1). A relatively low value, close to 1, was determined for 'Zavrelimyia, while the highest ratio of 3.88 was obtained for Procladius (Tab. 2). Positive correlation between ETS/R ratios and body mass was observed (r=0.61; n=27; p<0.001). Respiration rate correlated strongly with ETS activity for all-four species (Fig. 3). Correlation coefficients and regression constants for relationships between ETS activity and respiration rate for each species are shown in Tab. 3. Table 3: Relationship between ETS activity and respiration rate of four chironomid species (