| 186 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 65/2 | UVODNIK | EDITORIAL Gregor Klemenčič predsednik Zveze geodetov Slovenije | president of the Association of Surveyors of Slovenia DIGITALNI IZZIV DIGITAL CHALLENGE Na začetku letošnjega poletja je pred nami že nova številka Geodetskega vestnika. Poletje je za mnoge najlepši letni čas, ko si po vseh naporih med letom privoščimo letni dopust. In s tem čas zase in za družino, ko lahko v brezskrbnih dneh vsaj za kratko pozabimo na bremena vsakdanjika in se posvetimo sebi. Prijetno poletno opravilo je tudi branje in prepričan sem, da se bo marsikdo prav z veseljem pog - lobil v tokratno številko Geodetskega vestnika kje na ležalniku ali v viseči mreži, ob šumenju morja in v zavetju borove sence. Ob koncu poletja bomo izvedli že 49. Geodetski dan, ki bo letos v Kopru. Naslov letošnjega dogodka je Izzivi digitalne preobrazbe katastra. Izbran je skrbno, saj je pred nami nekajletno obdobje, ko bo kataster nepremičnin v Sloveniji doživel korenite spremembe. Skrbno so izbrane tudi teme vsebinsko bogatih predavanj, ki bodo osvetlile digitalizacijo katastra iz različnih zornih kotov. Digitalen, kakovosten, več - namenski kataster je ključnega pomena na področju upravljanja prostora. Kataster, trdno vpet v sodo - ben državni koordinatni sistem, je večnamensko digitalno jedro vira informacij prostorske podatkovne infrastrukture, ki omogoča vsem drugim deležnikom nadgrajevanje z lastnimi podatki o naravnem in grajenem prostoru. Edinstvena lastnost katastra je povezava lege, oblike in lastnosti parcel in stavb s po - datki o lastništvu. T e lastnosti nima in je ne more nadomestiti nobena druga evidenca. Pri tem je še kako pomembna geodetska stroka, ki skrbi za kakovost katastra in zagotavlja temelje za informacijsko podporo upravljanju prostora. Izrednega pomena je trdno družbeno razumevanje vloge katastra in vsestranska podpora vseh deležnikov. Geodetska stroka pa mora spremljati družbene izzive pri upravljanju prostora ter se aktivno odzivati z rešitvami in izboljšavami. Obdobje, ki nas loči od uporabe Zakona o katastru nepremičnin v aprilu 2022, bo izredno zahtevno in bo od nas vseh terjalo veliko aktivnosti, da bomo na vseh področjih geodetske dejavnosti pripravljeni na izvajanje zakona. Potrebnih bo veliko različnih izobraževanj za pravilno razumevanje vseh sprememb, ki nas čakajo. Ob tem ne bomo smeli pozabiti na ustrezno komunikacijo z javnostjo in drugimi deležniki, saj je to ključnega pomena za razumevanje prostorskih podatkov, ki jih danes uporablja vsak državljan. Živimo v obdobju silnih digitalnih družbenih sprememb in digitalni kataster je eden ključnih v tem procesu. Prepričan sem, da smo geodeti na to pripravljeni, izziv pa nam bo zagotovo, kako bomo kot stroka povezano usmerjali korake k skupnemu cilju. Priložnosti in možnosti je veliko, izkoristimo jih ter kot družbeno pomembna stroka pokažimo svojo veljavo. | 187 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 65/2 | UVODNIK | EDITORIAL Naj nam v prihodnje ne zmanjka optimizma in tvornega medsebojnega sodelovanja. Srečno in vse dobro. The beginning of this year’s summer brings with it a new issue of Geodetski vestnik. Summer – for many, the best season, the season when they take their annual vacations and can shake off the burdens of the jobs for some time. It is the time for themselves, for their families, carefree days when one can, at least for some time, put aside everyday demands and focus on themselves. One of the pleasures of summer is reading, and I believe that many will gladly dip into the most recent issue of Geodetski vestnik in their lounger or hammock, in the shade of a pine tree and embraced by the relaxing sounds of sea waves. At the end of the summer, the 49th Land Surveying Day will be organised: this year in Koper. This years’ title is Challenges of the Digital Renovation of Cadastre. It has been chosen very carefully as the next few years is the period of extensive changes in the field in Slovenia. Equally carefully chosen are the topics of interesting lectures that will look at cadastre from different perspectives. A digitalised, high-quality, and multi-purpose cadastre is essential in spatial management. A cadastre, firmly embedded in a state-of-the-art state coordinate system, is a multi-purpose digital information core for spatial data infrastructure and enables all the stakeholders to upgrade it with their own data on natural and built environments. A unique characteristic of the cadastre is the link between the position, the shape, and the characteristics of plots of land and buildings with informa- tion about ownership. No other record is able to offer this; no other form of evidence can substitute for it. The land surveying profession that maintains the quality of the cadastre and builds the foundations of information support for land management is essential here. Another key aspect is a solid understanding of the role of the cadastre in society and the comprehensive support of all stakeholders. The task of the land surveying profession is to follow society challenges in space management and actively respond with solutions and improvements. With the Real Estate Cadastre Act entering into force in April 2022, the period before us is full of challenges and calls for numerous activities; the surveying profession has to be able to support its implementation. A proper understanding of all the changes ahead calls for proper education. Of course, one should not forget about effective communication with the public and other stakeholders, as this is one of the most important founda- tions for proper understanding of spatial data being used by every citizen in contemporary society. We live in a period of tectonic digital shifts in our societies, and the digital cadastre has a pivotal role in this process. I am positive that surveyors are well-prepared, and undoubtedly the profession is facing a challenge of how to guide everybody uniformly towards a common goal. Opportunities and possibilities are ample; let us use them and prove our worth as a profession that is important for society. Keep up a spirit of optimism and constructive cooperation in the future. Good luck and all the best.