NO. 56 AMERIŠKA DOMC'/IIMA Ik AMERICAN IN SPIRIT POOOgN IN lANCUACA ONS-Y SLOVENIAN MORNING NCWSPAPM AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (ISSN 0164-680X) Friday, July 27, 1984 VOL. LXXXVI Doma in po svetu PREGLED NAJVAŽNEJŠIH DOGODKOV Predsedniška kampanja že v polnem teku -Reagan branil svojo politiko pred napadi Mondalea in Ferraro WASHINGTON, D.C. - Tako na svoji televizirani tiskovni konferenci pretekli torek zvečer kot v kampanjskih nastopih v Teksasu ta teden je predsednik Reagan branil svojo politiko in zavrnil trditve demokratskih tekmecev Walterja Mondalea in Geraldine Ferraro, da je njegova politika Škodovala revnejšim in starejšim slojem, pomagala pa predvsem bogatejšim. Nobenih Podatkov ni, ki bi potrdile take očitke, je dejal Reagan. V Teksasu je vprašal poslušalce, ^i se je njihov gmotni položaj izboljšal v času njegovega predsednikovanja. Odgovor Je bil pritrdilen, kar je bilo seveda tudi pričakovati, vendar je Reagan govoril tudi za širšo javnost. Reagan je tudi zanikal, da namerava Predlagati povišitev zveznih davkov po no-Vembrskih volitvah. Na demokratski kon-Venciji je bil Mondale dejal, da ima Reagan flačrt za takšno povišitev, a se ne bo upal to Povedati javno pred volitvami. Mondale je Pa Priznal, da bo on sam predlagal povišitev avkov, ker je ta korak edina rešitev za o-gr°men primanjkljaj v zveznem proračunu. Demokrati gledajo v preteklost, je dejal eagan v Teksasu, mi republikanci pa v odočnost. Politični analitiki smatrajo, da je cksas ena ključnih držav v predsedniški ampanji. Kot kaže, imajo republikanci rednost deloma zato, ker je podpredsednik e°rge Bush iz te države. R'del Castro pripravljen na izboljšanje odnosov z ZDA - Pogajanja o Srednji Ameriki tudi možna 3 odstotke v letu. Ker bo ta stopnja letos po vsej verjetnosti manjša od 3%, bi ne prišlo do povišitve Social Security pokojnin v letu 1985. Tega pa politiki obeh strank niso hoteli in zato je prišlo do omenjenega zakonskega osnutka, ki bo imel lahek pot skozi kongres. Kot kaže, bo povišitev vseh Social Security pokojnin znašla okoli 3%, kar pomeni $3 več za vsakih sto dolarjev sedanje pokojnine. Precej nejasnosti v Izraelu po volitvah -V teku pogajanja o koalicijski vladi -Prednost baje ima premier Jitžak Šamir JERUZALEM, Izr. — Politična slika v Izraelu po ponedeljkovih parlamentarnih volitvah je še vedno nejasna. Vladajoča Likud stranka je sicer v precejšnji meri obdržala položaj, napredovala pa je tudi vodilna opozicijska stranka, ki ji načeljuje Šimon Peres. Potrebna bo koalicijska vlada, a ni še znano, ali jo bodo sestavili likudovci pod premierom Jitžakom Šamirjem ali laburisti. Opazovalci političnih razmer dajejo trenutno prednost Šamirju, vendar poudarjajo, da bo vsaka vlada šibka, ker bo odvisna od glasov majhnih in ideološko sprtih strank. Zaradi tega, govorijo nekateri analitiki o možnosti novih volitvah v nekaj mesecih. Laburistični vodja Peres je zmernejši v svoji politiki od Šamirja. V volivni kampanji je Peres dejal med drugim, da bi upočasnil postavljanje novih židovskih naselbin na arabskem ozemlju ter da bi v zunanji politiki iskal mirovno pogodbo z Jordanijo. V Beli hiši in State Departmentu so upali, da bo na volitvah zmagal Peres nad Šamirjem, ker je slednji ideološki naslednik Menahema Begina in Beginove politike. j, GIENFUEGOS, Kuba - Včeraj so na n t Praznovali 31. obletnico napada na c ° vojaško oporišče, ki ga smatra Fidel astro za začetek revolucije zoper takratne-samodržca Fulgencia Batiste. Na oblast a Kubi je Castro prišel 1. 1959. Osrednja oslava je bila v mestu Cienfuegos. Sla-^°stno govornik je bil Castro, ki je govoril Ure. Med drugim je izrazil pripravljenost in tPOgajanja z ZDA glede Srednje Amerike udi o vrnitvi domov tistih kubanskih be-D ^-kriminaiccy, ki jih je pred tremi leti s al v ZDA skupaj z drugimi begunci. ^ Castro je sicer kritiziral politiko ZD/ pa u^e *n Srednje in Latinske Amerike, n Roh°Sekn0 naPadal predsednika Reagana °bi kubanski samodržec govoril c C* U Hesseja Jacksona. Prav tako j< °bli ^ ^alil kubanski družbeni sistem tei tikeUt da Kuba ne bo nikoli opustila poli Rea eSnega sodelovanja s Sovjetsko zvezo na ganova administracija je sicer pripravlje Čeni^lstati na pogajanja s Kubo glede dok bonx ^dev, vendar o kakem bistvenem i; dinlr,^11 °dnosov ali sploh vzpostaviti falskih stikov ni govora. ^Vezni senat odobril povišitev Social dvoJ^ Pokojnin - Spodnji dom bo brej JAAAAA — opuuitjl UUHI UV Ul C/ a Soglašal, za predlog je tudi Reagan Zni ^SHINGTON, D.C. - Sinoči je zve Predi0nat Z 08romno večino 86:3 odobri Pokojrf-’ po katerem bodo Social Securit; l9g5 m*16 P°v^ane začenši s 1. januarjen St**.. ^beneca dvoma ni Ha ho tudi nr#»H stavniiu^Uenega dvoma ni, da bo tudi pred ^eafian ' C*°m Predlog odobril, predsednil w ' a-------- renCj Je Pa rekel na svoji tiskovni konf p retekli torek, da podpira predlog. kojjjir. ^e*javnem zveznem zakonu, so p< EoW 6 Social Security povišane le pod p< I Znaša inflacijska stopnja najmai Šibka vlada v Izraelu pomeni tudi, pripominjajo analitiki, da ne bo mogoče spoprijeti z gospodarskimi težavami v državi. Inflacijska stopnja je namreč dosegla 400% na leto. Kot kaže, bodo Izraelci iskali veliko več finančne pomoči od ZDA in jo po vsej verjetnosti, upoštevajoč razpoloženje v kongresu in Beli hiši, tudi dobili. Jutri začetek poletnih olimpijskih iger v Los Angelesu - Trajale bodo 16 dni -Jugoslovanska ekipa šteje 147 športnikov LOS ANGELES, Kalif. - Jutri se začnejo letošnje olimpijske igre v tem mestu. Trajale bodo do 12. avgusta. Sovjetska zveza in velika večina komunističnih držav igre bojkotirajo, izjeme so Jugoslavija, Romunija in Kitajska. Jugoslovanska ekipa šteje 147 športnikov in športnic, vsega skupaj pa bo v okviru iger v Los Angelesu 210 oseb. Kot kaže, imajo atleti SFRJ možnosti za nekaj kolajn. V ekipi je tudi več Slovencev, med njimi znana plavalca Borut in Damjan Petrič in skakalka v višino Lidija Lapajne, ki je iz Nove Gorice. V ameriški ekipi je med največjimi upi za zlato kolajno gimnast Peter Vidmar, ki je slovenskega rodu in trenutno eden najboljših na svetu. Včeraj zopet nesreča Amtrak vlada, tokrat v Južni Karolini — Povzročitelj nesreče tovorni avto, ki je stal na železniškem tiru GOOSE CREEK, S.C. - Sinoči je zopet prišlo do nesreče Amtrak vlaka, že peti v tem mesecu. Sinočnjo nesrečo je povzročil tovorni avto, ki je bil na železniškem tiru, ko je vanj trčil vlak. Strojevodja vlaka nesreče ni mogel preprečiti. Ubita je bila ženska, potnica v tovornem avtu, njen mož pa je bil le lažje ranjen. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Piknik Slovenske šole— Slovenska šola pri Sv. Vidu vljudno vabi vse rojake in rojakinje na svoj piknik, ki bo to nedeljo na Slovenski pristavi. Pridite! »Nevburški dan«— Jutri, v soboto, bo tradicionalni »Nevburški dan« na ADZ letovišču v Leroyu. Vabljeni ste vsi člani in prijatelji ADZ na to vedno prijetno družabno srečanje. »Bloodmobile« pri Sv. Vidu— V četrtek, 2. avgusta, od 1. do 7. uri zvečer bo v cerkveni dvorani pri Sv. Vidu »Bloodmobile« Rdečega križa. Vsi zdravi odrasli do 65. leta starosti so vabljeni, da darujejo nekaj svoje krvi in s tem pomagajo komu rešiti življenje. Novi grobovi Joseph Barbis V četrtek, 26. julija, je v Euclid General bolnišnici umrl 88 let stari Joseph Barbis s 726 E. 160. ceste, rojen v Podtaboru, Slovenija, mož Jennie, roj. Delost, oče Josepha ml., Ru-dolpha, Williama in Arthura (pok.), 10-krat stari oče, 3-krat prastari oče, brat Tonyja, Mary Jenko, Johna, Franka, Johanne Boštjančič in Pauline Galat, zaposlen pri Atlas Bolt & Nut Co. vse do svoje upokojitve 1. 1965, član društva Kras št. 8 ADZ, SNPJ št. 142 in Kluba slovenskih upokojencev na Holmes Ave. Pogreb bo iz Želetovega pogrebnega zavoda na E. 152. cesti jutri, v soboto, zjutraj ob 8.15., v cerkev Marije Vnebovzete ob 9., nato na pokopališče Vernih duš. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes, v petek, popoldne od 2. do 5. in zvečer od 7. do 9. John F. Lovko Včeraj je v Portsmouth, Va. umrl 81 let stari John F. Lovko, bivši Clevelandčan in polkovnik ameriške vojske v pokoju, mož Sandre E., oče Jacqueline L. Schwartzman, Richarda J. in dr. Kennetha R., brat Mary Kovak, Anne Lovko in Rudolpha, 12-krat stari oče, 1-krat prastari oče. Pogreb bo iz pogrebnega zavoda Foster, Portsmouth, Va., v ponedeljek, 30. julija, ob 3. popoldne na Arlington National pokopališče. John Paselo V sredo, 25. julija, je v St. Vincent Charity bolnišnici po dolgi bolezni umrl 78 let stari John Paselo z E. 66th Place, rojen v Clevelandu, mož Mary, roj. Pevec, brat Clare Lyzen ter že pok. Ann Ziemak in Julie, stric in prastric. Pogreb bo iz Želetovega pogrebnega zavoda na 6502 St. Clair Ave. danes, v petek, zjutraj ob 8.45., v cerkev sv. Vida ob 9.30, nato na Kalvarijo. Pozdravljeni!— Sinoči sta prispela v naše mesto koprski škof Janez Jenko in urednik Družine dr. Drago Klemenčič. Med nami bosta dobra dva tedna. Pretekli torek smo v AD objavili spored srečanj in drugih nastopov škofa Jenka in dr. Klemenčiča, angleški prevod je pa v današnjem angleškem delu. Pozdravljeni med nami! Škof Jenko bo maševal— Jutri popoldne ob 3h bo škof Jenko maševal za stanovalce Slovenskega doma za ostarele na Neff Rd., to nedeljo dopoldne ob 10.30 pa pri Sv. Vidu. Po nedeljski maši bo sprejem v avditoriju. Vabljeni! Rev. Philip Ferjan bolan— Včeraj nas je po telefonu obvestil č.g. Karl Wolbang, da je Rev. Philip Feryan, OFM, prestal težko operacijo v Teksasu. Naprošeni ste, da se Rev. Feryana spominjate v molitvi. Operiran je bil v ponedeljek. Velika razprodaja— V ponedeljek, 30. julija, se bo začela velika razprodaja vsega blaga-v Anzlovarjevi trgovini, 6214 St. Clair Ave. Nekateri popusti segajo kar do 50%. Več v oglasu v angleškem delu današnje AD. Starokrajski festival— V sredo, 1. avgusta, se bo začel že tradicionalni Starokrajski piknik, ki ga organizirajo trgovci na E. 185. cesti s radijskim napovedovalcem Tonyjem Petkovškom na čelu. Festival bo trajal vse do nedelje, 5. avgusta. Vsi vabljeni! Goljufi nikoli ne počivajo— Pretekli petek ste v angleškem delu A.D. gotovo brali o primeru, v katerem so goljufi dobili več kot $20,000 od neke Slovenke, ki živi v collinwood-ski okolici. Večkrat smo v našem listu svetovali, naj ne zaupajte vam neznanih ljudi, predvsem ne, ko se zanimajo za vaš denar. Včerajšnji Cleveland Plain Dealer je poročal, da so policisti goljufe le aretirali, ako bo pa ogoljufana rojakinja dobila nazaj svojih izgubljenih $23,283 - ali vsaj del tega denarja - je odprto vprašanje. Naj bo ta žalosten primer svarilo za vse bralce našega lista! VREME Pretežno oblačno danes z možnostjo dežja. Najvišja temperatura okoli 70° F. Spremenljivo oblačno jutri, zopet z možnostjo dežja in najvišjo temperaturo okoli 73° F. V nedeljo deloma sončno z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 75° F. Isto vreme tudi v ponedeljek in torek. Najvišja temperatura oba dni v srednjih 70-ih. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 Sl. Clair Ave. — 431-0628 — Cleveland OH 44103 --------------------83-------------------------- AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (ISSN 0164-680X) James V. Debevec — Publisher Dr. Rudolph M. Susel — Editor Published Tuesdays and Fridays except first two weeks in July and one week after Christmas NAROČNINA: Združene države: $28.00 na leto; $14.00 za pol leta; $8.00 za mesece Kanada in dežele izven Združenih držav: $40.00 na leto; $25.00 za pol leta; $1 5.00 za 3 mesece Petkova izdaja; $ 1 5.00 na leto; Kanada in dežele izven Združenih držav: $20.00 na leto. SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $28.00 per year; $14.00 for 6 months; $8.00 for 3 months Canada and Foreign Countries: $40.00 per year; $25.00 for 6 months; $ 1 5.00 for 3 months Fridays only: $15.00 per year — Canada and Foreign $20 Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home, ________6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103_____ ________No. 56_________Friday, July 27, 1984 Očetovo poslanstvo v družini Zadnje čase se mnogo govori in piše v zvezi z družino. Družina je v krizi, stare vrednote ne veljajo več, novih pa še nimamo. V moderni družini je oče izgubil svojo veljavo, žena pa meša enakopravnost z enakostjo. Vedno več je družin, v katerih otroci doživljajo ozračje sovraštva, nezaupanja, razočaranja in zato uhajajo na slaba pota. To je samo nekaj primerov, ki jih lahko izsledimo po raznih revijah in ki govorijo o družini. Vsekakor človeštvo bolj in bolj spoznava, kaj pomeni družina za vzgojo otrok, torej za našo bodočnost. Razumljivo je torej, da bomo čim večjo skrb in pažnjo posvečali prav našim družinam. Trudili se bomo, da bomo pri naših otrocih oblikovali prava čustva, dobro voljo in zdravo presojo. Vse drugo, kot pravi evangelij, bo navrženo. Mnogi ugovarjajo, da je za tako delo potrebno ogromnega časa. Tega pa danes ni. Vsi smo zaposleni in trudni, ko se po napornem delu vračamo domov. Vendar tudi če posvečamo lastnim otrokom veliko ur na dan, to ne pomeni še biti dober vzgojitelj. Ni važno, koliko časa jim posvečamo, mnogo važnejše je, kdo smo. Če smo mi dobri in trdni, če smo srečni in veseli, bodo tudi naši otroci prejeli te darove. Bodimo torej mi starši prežeti s plemenitostjo, polni dobre volje in zdrave presoje. Naš prvi cilj naj ne bo vzgajanje naših otrok, ampak najprej in predvsem vzgoja nas samih. Edino s svojim zgledom bomo našim otrokom luč v temi. Seveda pa je to mnogo lažje govoriti kot narediti. Gotovo, ni lahko biti dober oče. Vendar kdor se je odločil, da bo postal oče, mora dati temu nazivu tudi ustrezno vsebino. Tradicionalno pojmovanje, da je vloga matere v družini in zlasti pri vzgoji pomembnejša kot očetova, ni le razbremenilo očeta in zmanjševalo njegovo udeležbo v večini družinskih opravil, temveč nam še sedaj zatira pogled in nam zamegljuje predstave o tem, kakšen pomen ima oče v današnji družini in kakšna je njegova vloga pri vzgoji otrok. Kakšna je tradicionalna predstava o očetu? Oče je glava družine, nedostopen, vzvišen, vsi se ga bojijo, vsi se mu morajo klanjati, je nedosegljiv. Tak je bil nekoč oče in mogoče je še. Vendar se je v sodobni družini vloga očeta spremenila. Prejšnji gospodovalni oče, egoist, prežet z občutkom večje vrednosti počasi izginja. Na njegovo mesto prihaja vedno pogosteje oče zaupnik in prijatelj, ne pa tiran. Nedvomno je to ena največjih pridobitev, ki jih je otroku prinesla današnja družba. Oče postaja spet človek. Naraven, dobrohoten, pripravljen pomagati, igrati se z otroki. Če je oče prijatelj, se otroku ni treba več bati, mu ni treba lagati, se skrivati pred njim, prikrivati mu svojih čustev veselja in igrive živahnosti. Kot človek in prijatelj se lahko oče povsem približa otroku. Lepo je gledati, kako otrok uživa, ko se lahko z očetom sproščeno igra. Zakaj bi oče otroku ne naredil tega veselja? Tako pojmovano očetovstvo ni napor ali muka, temveč polno in bogato roditeljsko življenje, katerega sad je zdrav in zadovoljen otrok. še nekaj velja ob vsem tem povedati. Zavedati se moramo, da smo slovenska družina. V naših družinah naj se torej sliši slovenska beseda. Učimo svoje otroke lepe slovenske govorice, učimo jih, naj se je ne sramujejo, ker ni lepše stvari pod soncem kot melodija, ki smo jo prvič slišali iz ust naše matere. Slovenski jezik je najdražja dota, ki smo Pred Baragovima dnevoma 1984 LEMONT, IU. - Pred »Baragovima dnevoma 1984« smo doživeli dvoje, kar je vplivalo na pripravo na to vsakoletno obhajanje. S tem pa so postale naloge, ki izhajajo iz tega obhajanja, večje. Vse premalo se zavedamo, da vsak uspeh prinaša večje obveznosti. Pred nekaj meseci smo dobili novo književno delo o Baragu: »Duhovni lik škofa Friderika Baraga«, napisal dr. Andrej Pirš. S tem delom je dosegel naslov doktorja teologije. Ta knjiga je pomembna, ker je v njej opisana duhovna podoba misijonarja in škofa Friderika Baraga. Njegovi nauki, ki so vodili njegovo misijonsko in dušnopastirsko delo, so imeli namen utrditi vernost katoličanov in jih usposobiti za odpor proti zunanjim sovražnikom Cerkve, ki so v imenu prosvetljen-stva in napredka zavrgli možnost razodetja in vpliva vere na javno življenje. V tej knjigi je prikazano, da so Baragovi verski nauki skladni z nauki drugega vatikanskega koncila. snica v Marquettu na Baragovo rojstni dan 29. junija 1984, je poslal na to slovesnost svojega asistenta William-a T. Johnstone-a, ki je »Assistant Postmaster General«. On je imel tudi glavni govor, v katerem je osvetlil Baragove zasluge za kulturni in socialni napredek Indijancev na področju Velikih jezer. Program je vodil »Postmaster« v Marquettu James J. Holtz. The Hon. Frank J. Lausche, bivši senator in guverner Ohia, je bil povabljen, a ni mogel priti, prebrano pa je bilo njegovo pismo. Goste je pozdravil David Swanda, City Manager, Marquette, Mich. Med zastopniki je bil krajevni katoliški škof Most Rev. Mark F. Schmitt in episkopalni škof škofije Northern Michigan Rt. Rev. Thomas K. Ray, ki je zaključil slovesnost z blagoslovom. Vojaki »K. J. Sawyer Air Force Base Color Guard« so ob začetku programa pred petjem državne himne prinesli zastavo ZDA in svojo zastavo in ju postavili na desno in levo stran odra, na katerem so bili častni gostje. Predstavnike krajevnih društev Baragove zveze je predstavil direktor Baragove zveze Rev. Charles Strelick. dva zastopnika iz Clevelanda, iz Chicaga Antona Gabra ml., predsednika čikaške Baragove zveze in njegovo mamo Ano Gaber, Corinne Leskovar, zastopnica SŽZ, P. Fortunata Zorman OFM, urednika Ave Maria in zastopnika sloven skih frančiškanov iz Lemon 3 in p. Tadej Trpina, župnika pri Sv. Jožefu v Jolietu. Vsi navzoči smo dobili Pr0. gram, ki ga je izdal krajevni poštni urad. Na programu * bile opisane zasluge škofa r derika Baraga in dodana J bila tudi Baragova Po5tn dopisnica z datumom 29. jun 1984, Marquette, Michigan-P. Fortunat OFM OPATU V SPOMIN (V angleščini napisal Stanley J. Frank; v slovenščino preš1 Dan J. Postotnik.) tavil Drugi dogodek je bil izid Baragove poštne dopisnice, ki jo je izdal vrhovni urad »The United States Postal Service«. Da je prišlo do tega, je bilo treba prikazati Baragovo delo, ki je bilo popolnoma misijonskega značaja, pod takim vidikom, da je bilo dokazano, da je Baragovo delovanje koristilo prosvetnemu in družbenemu napredku Indijancev in drugih prebivalcev na področju njegovega misijona v deželah Velikih jezer. Z izidom Baragove dopisnice je bilo prvikrat od vrhovnega oddelka federalne vlade prikazano Baragovo delo, ki zasluži priznanje tudi v našem času. Namen javnega priznanja je, prikazati sedanjim državljanom ZDA zglede dejavnosti in žrtev ljudi, ki so gradili ZDA. Izid Baragove dopisnice je bil združen s slovesnim programom v Marquettu, Michigan, ki je središče Baragovega delovanja in škofije, katere prvi škof je bil Friderik Baraga. Slovesnosti so se udeležili civilni in verski dostojanstveniki, razni zastopniki krajevnih in vrhovnih državnih oblasti, zastopniki Baragove zveze in domačini. »Postmaster General« William F. Bolger, ki je določil, da se izda Baragova dopi- CLEVELAND, O. - Sredi junija smo prejeli novico, da je po dolgi in mučni bolezni umrl dne 16. julija 1984 v Coloradi preč. g. opat Bonaventura Bandi, O.S.B., upokojeni škof opatije sv. Križa v Canon City, Colorado. Sv. maša zadušnica se bo brala v njegov spomin v cerkvi sv. Vida v petek, 3. avgusta 1984, ob 7. uri zvečer. Farani in njegovi prijatelji so lepo vabljeni, da se te sv. maše udeleže. Pokojnik se je rodil v mestu Brooklyn, New York, 26. aprila 1914. Starši so mu dali ime Lovrenc. Ko je bil še fantiček, se je družina preselila v Cleveland, Ohio, v svetovidsko naselbino. Obiskoval je farno šolo pri Sv. Vidu, nato pa šolanje nadaljeval na višji šoli Cathedral Latin in univerzi John Carroll. Njegova starša, in posebno njegova mati, sta veliko pomagala pri farnih prireditvah, in kjerkoli je bila potrebna njuna pomoč. Ko je mladi Lovrenc Bandi dosegel pravo starost, je postal mašni strežnik. Takrati župnik pri Sv. Vidu, č.g. Jernej Ponikvar, je hitro spoznal, da ima mladi Lovrenc tiste lastnosti, ki bi ga lahko vodile do duho- jo dobili od staršev. Skrbno smo ga dolžni ohraniti, olepšati in zapustiti svojim otrokom. Škof Anton Martin Slomšek, ta izredna osebnost, da ga želimo celo povzdigniti na oltar, je napisal: Oj ljubi, lepi in pošteni slovenski materni jezik, s katerim sem prvič svojo ljubeznivo mamo in dobrega ateja klical, v katerem so me moja mati učili Boga spoznati, v katerem sem prvič svojega Stvarnika častil. Tebe, materinski jezik, hočem kakor najdražji spomin svojih rajnih staršev hvaležno spoštovati in ohraniti in skrbeti, kolikor morem, za tvojo čast in lepoto. V slovenskem jeziku hočem do svoje poslednje ure hvaliti Boga, v slovenskem jeziku učiti moje ljube brate in sestre. Želim kot hvaležen sin svoje ljube matere: kakor je moja prva beseda slovenska bila, naj slovenska bo tudi moja poslednja beseda. - Govor prof. Franka Žerjala na Družinskem dnevu v Gorici, 17. junija 1984. (Kat. glas, 28.VI.1984) IWW1 i*i m <11 ircn iin.m 11,0 11 i.m irm i kega stanu. f ilkvar pomagal d * , > je tudi Lovrenca vzel P e okrilje in mu usmeri iuhovniškega poklica-Gospodarska kriza v h’ , letih je bila zelo M*' ' lostim mladim Pr‘*cra\e do viSje izobrazb^ renc Bandi pa je vZtra,^s0 amagal sam, ker star 1 trav mu šolanje j« ‘k. litev ni doP“st,LovreDC :ga časa, je bil aktiven v farm fjj n organi^™, 1 mašah. Uv j0 objavo farnih ^ye. :dnik prvega tuna. , to- , obložen z delodi’ „ z obvezno^j 3ma’ uf kaj ic oje' p0zabl ’ rati dnh°v' 1 rili: postati pisal v oei. Co\o- vCan°nh Smdii^i končanih b,l star 28 Xei’Lfry ______ Vida ,942-). maja 19 jp ib v Cb dote0 1 Rii je h*' 3 kariero. J dire|C' X "C. '•=. Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 629. LEPO USPELI PIKNIK MZA CLEVELAND je za nami. Vreme je bilo nadvse prijetno. Menda še no-ten piknik ni bil v tem pogledu tako blagoslovljen. Sonce nas je božalo in rahel vetrič je podil na obzorju rahle oblake, ki 80 se kasneje razblinili v meglice. Slovenska pristava je bila e ob 10. dopoldne v nedeljo, • julija, kot v pričakovanju ^cga, kar se je na njej čez dan dogajalo. Opoldne je bil Orlov vrh ; 0 Uuden in nad sto rojakov Prisostvovalo sv. maši za v tla*c misijonarje, misijonsl sodelavce MZA in za vse n pene onih, ki so bili prisotr • Frank Kuhel in ga. Marii vrisha sta čitala berili, g ^ Kokal je vodila petje ' Petelin je pomagal ■ Kuhlom pripraviti oltar pobrati nabirko pri sv. maši Duhovni vodja MZA arles Wolbang je opravil s o in govoril o važnosti Poti misijonskega sodelov J®-. Vključil je v Najsvetej: stil-lteV VSe’ k* 80 nas 2e ki j mec* drugimi g. Albii nika in s. Magdaler in Jnč- kot gdč. Elko Pretn; 8°- Mary Malovrh. Spomr v & °SC VSe*1 bolnih in trpeč vbosti, kot tudi potn sam S0?e*uj°^ib družin in pi Czn|kov. Mislili smo na v ke 6 ^‘jonarje in misijona vsi$aj ^t0 vsak° leto dan, li delo*13 P.^mkii misijonsko si d-u HiRmKu misij onsk ski n^Čin dOŽivljamo na dih sedi ?8Ši je večina r ' inj. a h kosilu, saj so riLna5e.zveste kuhari kih ‘kaj’ kar najraje ob gedin°Strežej0: roast be ^ira^ “ U nesel T°ny C°lnar je le drobni SVoiega vrta bne vrtnice in gaTCe in 1 razlan f ' Frances Bar »magj a njihova imeni carousel« obti * v BL^ o^CBEC i Oble,, °d L"3 VseleJ P h liubl 046 m stai 4nton P J Un>ri d. mojem suknjiču. G. Janez Prosen je prinesel lepe nageljne v lončkih, ki so jih ljudje hitro pokupili. Pecivo je bilo na izbiro in so vsega pokupili, kakor so ga dobre žene prinašale: Marija Goršek, Ivanka Tominec, Nežka Tominec, Mihaela Zakrajšek, Jelka Kuhel, Frances Kosem, Pepca Tominc, Marija Miklavčič, Marija Marolt, Mary Kokal, Mary Vrhovnik, Anica Nemec, Vida Švajger, Tončka Urankar, Mary Štrancar, Cilka Tominc, Stanka Grdadolnik, Margaret Rebol, Milena Gobetz, Hermina Balažič, Marija Žakelj, Ludmila Škerl, Helena Gor-she, Vida Jakomin, Maria Ribič, Angela Hribar, Mari Celestina, Marica Lavrisha, Julka Zalar, Tončka Lamovec, Paula Sršen in več drugih, ki so prinesle pecivo kot so na piknik prihajale. Letos je MZA prosila tudi za dovoljenje točiti alkoholne pijače: Frank Kuhel, Miro Celestina, Štefan Marolt, Vinko Rožman, Milan Goršek, Rudi Knez in Roman Švajger in več drugih je pomagalo točiti tudi mnogo lahkih pijač in prodajati sladoled, ki ga imajo otroci zelo radi, pa se ga tudi odrasli ne odpovejo radi, kadar postane vroče. »Mladi harmonikarji« so letos plačali za to dovoljenje, ki je stalo lepih $63.00. Pri prodaji listkov za hrano in pijačo so se vrstili razni odborniki in odbornice Odseka celo popoldne do 9. ure zvečer, ko se je Pristava začela polagoma prazniti. Ves čas je bila v akciji ga. Mary Miklavčič, ki je prodajala listke za žrebanje na Občnem zboru dva dni kasneje, V BLAG SPOMIN OB PETI OBLETNICI SMRTI NAŠEGA LJUBLJENEGA MOŽA, OČETA IN STAREGA OČETA Jože Miklavčič Izdihnil svojo plemenito dušo dne 28. julija 1979. Spomin na Te je naš zaklad, saj vsak od nas Te imel je rad. Pri Bogu zdaj se veseliš, a v srcih naših še živiš. Žalujoči: Žena - Mary hčer - Mary z družino sinovi - Jože, Stane in Peter z družinami ter ostali sorodniki. Eudid, O., Slovenija, 27. julija 1964 pa tudi za sliko Martuljkove skupine, ki jo je daroval g. Janez Povirk, kot tudi za prt in lepo vazo za cvetlice. Prvi dobitek $130 je zadela Marija Zupančič; afgan mladi Jože Celestina, ki se bo v kratkem poročil; Mihael Lekan je zadel posebno posodo; Michelle Decere iz Harrison, N.Y. $50; Helena Gorshe »silverware«; Mary Grčar »Corning-ware«; Andrew Urbas 3 zvezke dr. Rožmanovega življenjepisa; Miha Vrenko je zadel Povirkov© sliko; Francka Hočevar prt in Poldi Bojc vazo. Iz Toronta je bila na pikniku gdč. Julka Zarnik, ki je pomagala pri pecivu, z nekaterimi drugimi. Mimo že omenjenih, ki so prinesle pecivo in mnogo pomagale potem v kuhinji ali drugod, smo opazili še Anico Knez, Mary Prosen, Veroniko Gerič, Anico Košir, Ivanko Povirk in Francko Merela. Bernard Lavrisha je pomagal, kjer je bilo potrebno, in Rudi Knez je pripravil petje za litanije Matere božje ob petih popoldne pri kapelici. Pristopili so še župnik Jože Božnar ter Roman Švajger, Tone Nemec, Jernej Slak, Frank Lovšin, Janez Povirk in Fr. Wolbang. Orlov vrh je bil precej poln in krasno petje Marijinih himn je donelo v dolino pod nami. Župnik g. Victor Tomc je prihitel med nas in Fr. Joseph Lekan. Zadržan je bil g. dr. Pavle Krajnik. Salezijanec g. Louis Tomc je povabljen dejal, da bi ga lahko »po-pikali komarji«. Pa je dobri Bog vedel, da želimo pomagati misijonarjem in so se pasli drugod. Po litanijah je do 9. zvečer igral ansambel Triglav: John Nemec, Dominic in Emily Gorshe, Cathie Nemec in Marvin Špehar. Veseli smo bili njihovih naporov. Med gosti smo opazili družino Erika Kovačiča iz Washingtona, D.C., in gdč. Tončko Cigale iz istega mesta. Iz Girarda, Ohio, sta prihitela Stanko in Ivana Seljak. Advokat Albin Lipold je prišel med nas in omenil, da je finančno poslovanje MZA doseglo lansko leto zavidljivo stanje in da so bile vse knjige in obračuni v odličnem redu pod blagajnikom Štefanom Maroltom, ob V BLAG SPOMIN 21. OBLETNICE SMRTI MOJE NEPOZABNE MATERE MARIAN DEBEVC ki nas je nenadoma zapustila 19. julija 1963. Tvoje roke, ki dobrega toliko storile, utrujene sedaj mirno počivajo, k Bogu moje prošnje se dvigajo, da srečna si zdaj nad zvezdami. Žalujoča: Julija Grabelsek - hčer Madison, Ohio, 27. julija 1984. Prevzv. škof Janez Jenko in dr. Drago Klemenčič! Pozdravljeni med nami! Slovensko-ameriški Primorski klub v Clevelandu sodelovanju Rudija Kneza. Za spremembo letos ni bilo med nami nobenega misijonarja, čeprav je bil na kontinentu dober teden preje župnik g. Janez Grilc iz Venezuele, ki bi zelo rad na pikniku ostal, a ni imel več kot dva tedna časa za obiske med nami. Odfrčal je nazaj iz Chicaga. Najstarejša misijonska sodelavka med nami je bila gdč. Jožefa Staniša, mlada 91 let. Družina Franka in Pauline Pustotnik iz Geneve, ki je pred leti presenetila piknik z živim, mladim teličkom, je pripravljena nanovo storiti nekaj, kar še nismo doživeli. Ponudila je za drugo leto za piknik mladega kozlička, ki ga bodo vtakni-li v »kajbico«, da bo otrokom v veselje. Odlična ideja, ki smo je bili zelo veseli. Predsednik Slovenske pristave je bil med nami ves popoldan in lahko je bilo z njim urediti, kar smo potrebovali. Zvečer je tudi g. blagajnik Pristave pomagal urediti račune, da smo lahko plačali dolgove še isti dan, predno smo se vrnili v mesto. Več ljudi je omenilo, da bi raje videli, če bi zvočniki med piknikom mirovali, češ, da se je težko pogovarjati, če se močni glasovi križajo v zraku. Temu bo v bodoče lahko od-pomoči. Res je bilo opaziti vsevprek skupinice rojakov, ki so se mirno meseboj pogovarjali in duhovno ter misijonsko zbliževali. V BLAG SPOMIN TRETJE OBLETNICE Alojz Mišmaš ki je umrl 26. julija 1981. Žalujoča žena — Lenka; otroci — Monica, Constance, Susan in Daniel; sestra — Marija; bratje — Vinko, Jože, Henrik in Ludvik v Sloveniji; tašča — Juliana Petek; in ostali sorodniki v Sloveniji in Ameriki. Willoughby Hills, Ohio 27. julija 1984. Levji delež za vso pripravo na piknik je imel odbor MZA Cleveland in predsednica ga. Marica Lavrisheva, ki mu predseduje že celih 10 let. Na Občnem zboru v torek, 10. julija, je bil dosedanji odbor v celoti znova potrjen. Pogrešali smo tri odbornike. Prav je, dfa se na Občnem zboru, ki se je s sv. mašo začel in je doživel lepo udeležbo kakih 30 rojakov, vsi sodelujoči srečamo. (Nadaljevanje prihodnjič) Rev. Charles Wolbang, CM 131 Birchmount Road, Scarborough, Ontario Canada MIN 3J7 Anton M. Lavrisha ATTORNEY-AT-LAW (Odvetnik) Complete Legal Services Income Tax-Notary Public 18975 Villaview Road at Neff 692-1172 Pnjatel s Pharmacy St. Clair Ave. & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO. — AID FOR AGED PRESCRIPTIONS Ob 18. obletnici, odkar je umrl naš dobri soprog, oče in brat JOHN SAURICH Izdihnil je svojo plemenito dušo dne 14. julija 1966 Kako pozabit’ to gomilo, kjer tvoje blago spi srce, ki vsem nam vdano bilo prav do zadnjega je dne. Pri Bogu srečen Ti prebivaj, po letih zemskega gorja v raju večno srečo vživaj, naj bo lepo ti vrh zvezda! Žalujoči: soproga Mary sinova John in Joe hčerki Mary Jane Jusek In Ursula Zebkar vnuki in vnukinje ter ostalo sorodstvo Cleveland, 27. julija 1984. OPATU V SPOMIN (nadaljevanje z 2. str.) cerkve sv. Mihaela v Canon Cityju, cerkve Presvetega Srca v Boulder, Colo., in kaplan Penrose bolnišnice v Colorado Springsu. Dalje, študiral je na Columbia in Catholic univerzah. Prejel je M.A. v ameriški literaturi od Seton Hall univerze 1. 1949. Poučeval je angleščino, verouk, novinarstvo, tipkanje, poleg tega pa še dirigiral šolski pevski zbor. Dne 3. maja 1976, ko je bil star 62 let, je bil č.g. Bonaventura Bandi ustoličen kot peti opat ali škof opatije sv. Križa v Canon Cityju. Ko je nastopil to visoko in odgovorno službo, je bil opat Bandi že bolan. Ko mu je bilo 58 let, je moral v bolnico in se podvreči nevarni operaciji. Imel je namreč rak. Zdravniki so mu takrat dali le 6 mesecev življenja. Z zdravljenjem in po več operacijah, se je teh 6 mesecev podaljšalo na 12 let. Toda ta kruta bolezen ga je polagoma priklenila tako, da ni mogel več izvrševati svojih duhovnih posli. Skozi vsa leta njegove bolezni je pokojni potrpežljivo prenašal svoje trpljenje z zaupanjem v Boga ter z besedo in zgledom dajal spodbudo drugim, ki so bolehali za isto kruto boleznijo. Kljub temu, da je bilo njegovo duhovniško delo koncentrirano na ameriškem zahodu. In Loving Memory of the28th anniversary of the death of Agnes Kastelic (July 27, 1956) A wonderful mother, woman and aid; One who was better God never made; A wonderful worker, so loyal and true; One in a million - that was you. Just in your judgment, always right; Loved by everyone you knew, A wonderful mother — that was you. CHILDREN: Alice Opalich, Matt Kastelic (dec.), Josephine Klemenčič, Dorothy Urbancich, and families July 27, 1984. mi v fari sv. Vida v Clevelandu moramo biti ponosni na tega energična sofarana, ki je zra-stel v naši naselbini in je bil sin naše slovenske fare sv. Vida! Predragi opat Bonaventura Bandi! Odslužil si svoje delo na zemlji. Bil si vedno zvest svojemu poklicu in pomagal z vzgojo neštetim študentom, ki se Te bodo spominjali sedaj in v poznejših letih s hvaležnostjo v njih srcih. Bog naj Ti obilo poplača za vsa Tvoja dobra dela in trpljenje tu na zemlji, in naj Ti podari večno veselje v nebesih! V priznanje o. Sandijevega dela kot duhovnik in vzgojitelj benediktinskega reda, je bil ustanovljen štipendijski sklad v svrho finančno pomoč potrebnim študentom. Prispevke lahko pošljete na sledeči naslov: Abbot Bonaventure Bandi Scholarship Fund, Holy Cross Abbey, Canon City, Colorado 81212. Računalniki -novi sošolci Podatki o tem, kako hitro se učilnice ameriških šol polnijo z računalniki, so naravnost presenetljivi. Število šolskih računalnikov raste iz dneva v dan, da ni mogoče zapisati točne številke, koliko jih je ta čas po šolah, v nekaterih šolah pride en računalnik že na devet učencev. Toda za temi podatki se skrivajo manj razveseljive stvari. Študije, ki so jih o računalnikih v šolah opravili, kažejo, da samo število teh naprav še zdaleč ne pomeni, da se računalniki tudi enako učinkovito uporabljajo. Poprečni čas, ki ga učenci posvetijo delu z računalnikom, je zelo majhen in ne preseže ene šolske ure na teden, ponekod pa je še krajši. Druga plat izrabe šolskih računalnikov pa je tudi neugodna. Primerjava kaže, da v ekonomsko premožnejših šolskih sistemih, kjer se šolajo otroci iz premožnejših slojev, tu gre večinoma za belce, uvajajo boljše in uporabnejše učne metode, medtem ko v revnejših šolskih sistemih, kjer je običajno veliko črnskega prebivalstva, uvajajo skromnejši in manj perspektiven pouk računalništva. MALI OGLASI PARKGROVE 2 family, 5 & 5, plus room on 3rd. Extra full bath in basement. Price just reduced. Owner will consider all offers. 2 bdrm bungalow. Good condition. All redecorated. Assumable mortgage at 12 1/2%. Only $34,900. LOCATION REALTY 5311-8788 (56-57) For Sale By Owner Double 5-6. 2 1/2 car garage. Lge. lot. Near St. Clair. 361-5257. VRTNARICO IŠČEMO Izkušeno vrtnarico slovenskega, hrvaškega ali srbskega rodu iščemo. Skrbela bi za cvetje in drugo vrtnarsko delo. Prevoz nudimo. Pokličite 731-6064 po 4h pop. FOR SALE All brick 6 apt. bldg, with big office or store space, 6408 St. Clair. Good investment. For more details call MARICA UGRIN — REALTOR 944-3953 STANMOR REALTY — 946-2240 St. Christine’s Area 3 bdrm colonial. Lge. kitchen, dining room, enclosed porch, full basement, garage. Possible income single. Lot and a half. Needs T.L.C. $42,500. Owner wants offer now! Call Bill Sikora. MIKE SIKORA REAL ESTATE 731-3373 Really Inc. 951-0480 APT. FOR RENT 1 bedroom - up. 881-1536 (52,54,56) LJUBLJANA Special VISIT BEAUTIFUL SLOVENIA THIS SUMMER AND FALL Round Trip Air Fare Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Detroit to LJUBLJANA ONLY $699°° Departures Setember 2, 9 Departure August 19 ONLY $74900 KOLLAIMDER TRAVEL CLEVELAND 971 E. 185th Slroet Cleveland, OH 44119, l?16) 692 2225 Toll Free (8001 321 5801 Pittsburgh (412) 678-6500 Chicago (312) 878 1190 FOR ALL YOUR CHRISTENING NEEDS ANZLO VAR'S DEPT STORE TRIANGLE CLEANERS Expert Tailoring and Alterations Phone 432-1350 1136 E. 71 St. ROSIE JAKLIČ, lastnica Carst Memorials Kraška kamneseška obrt 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 Edina Slovenska izdelovalnica nagrobnih spominikov Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! Single Home For Sale Alum, sided. 4 bdrms. 1 1/2 car garage. Lge fenced in yard. St. Vitus area. 881-6297. SECLUDED WICKLIFFE. Semi ranch. 2 bdrms and bath on 1st. 3 bdrms and lavatory on 2nd. Full basement. Attached garage. BORDERS ON GOLF COURSE. 60’s. DREAM COME TRUE SEEING IS BELIEVING WICKLIFFE. Fantastic raised ranch. Gorgeous sunken living room with wood-burning fireplace. Huge formal dining room. PERFECT KITCHEN, plus cherry paneled family room with a corner fireplace and rotisserie. 3 bdrms. 2 baths. MOTHER-IN-LAW SUITE, with separate entrance. $129,000. So many extras, you can’t miss this. SOUTH WILLOUGHBY BRICK SEMI RANCH. Spacious living & dining rooms. Eat-in kitchen. 2 bdrms and bath on 1st. PLUS 1st floor family room. 3 bdrms & bath up. 2 car attached garage. Mint cond. GREATLY REDUCED. Owner must sell. Low 70’s. SALOTTO REALTY 5850007 (56,58) For Sale St. Vitus Area 2 family, alum, siding, fenced in lot. Well kept. Must see. (Owner Florida bound). St. Vitus Area Modern single. Alum siding, carpeting, garages. 3 bdrms. Plus more. Mainline Real Estate Corp. 6516 St. Clair Ave. 431-8181 (54,56,58) SOBA V NAJEM zgoraj, moškemu ali ženski. Pokličite 481-3365 (53^6) FOR SALE 2 Family Home on E. 76 St. -4 rooms and bath down and up. Move in condition but could use some redecorating. Priced very reasonably to finalize estate. 531-1179 (53-56) FENCES - OGRAJE Postavljam nove ograje in popravljam stare. Prodajam po zmerni ceni potrebni material za ograje in ga dostavljam brezplačno. Imam ge® metra za merjenje vrta. P°^ čite vsaki čas na 391-0^3 (FX) For Rent 3 rooms - down. Ne^ V remodeled. No P6** 2 3 * 5' Security deposit. Near S ■ Vitus. Call after 5 P-"1-432-0806. (54-57) Kirtland, Ohio 48 1/2 acres, choice Ian0 with oil well. Off route 30b, 1 mile east on Billings P-Price & terms negotiable. Call collect 1-821-0780. (54-57) ROJAKI POZOR! Izvršujem vsa zidarska 1 tesarska dela, kopalnice, kuhinje, porče, dimnike it Ogled brezplačen. 944-1470 m'55(p%) FOR SALE Remodeled Brick 5 sUI -with empty store front P 3rd floor, near SU V $62,000. KOLO REALTY G. MARTIN T.K. General Contractors, Inc* Predelujemo kuhinje, kopalnice, delamo strehe, »driveways«, nove garaže in vsa potrebna gradbena dela na hišah ali poslovnih stavbah. Hiše barvamo zunaj in znotraj in tapeciramo. Zidamo tudi nove hiše in poslovne stavbe. - Vprašajte za brezplačen predračun! " - 831-6430 - SLOVENSKI HOTEL »BLED« V RlM^ PEL »BLED« - VIA S. CROCE IN GERUSAlTM^^ K DniMA _ DIM . TFT - TELEX HBLED Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home •Ameriška Domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JULY 27, 1984 Reagan Salutes World Struggle for Freedom *marks of President Reagan signing ceremony for Cap-!Ve Nations Week Proclama-0n on July 16, 1984: JH,E PRESIDENT: I know I ^°r ^Ce Pres'dent Bush nen I say that we’re delighted de,- ifVe y°U 311 here and e*'8hted to welcome you. But very much aware that in *°ur case that word “delight” not nearly suffice. 1 look at you and I know I’m sf* m8 at People who have Eam anc* suffered the full S0 ut °f totalitarian terror, loved y°U *ost fronds and and 0nes your struggles, li s°nie of you risked your beu and a** your earthly sc rgs. And you’ll bear s tor the rest of your life. Cou°u re men and women of devoid’ heroes who have f0r ped (a lifetime to struggle freed 0cEs greatest gift — for 0ni,, °m- And for that, I can here wfo, I m hon°red to be be Wlth you today, and I’ll alwaPyrs0Ud t0 stand by you strugou nnderstand that the Prp.88.6 for freedom is the time struggle of our trafien; °ne of the great ly s- eS our age i$ that ug-denv flster walls continue to behinri°r,kthe millions trapped Vearn- tbem the most basic And imt8S tbe human spirit. We m 6 Us make it plain that We ty»| ***aivt U pictin LJ tyrantSt anc^ w'^ condemn hUm‘„ 'vho deny their citiz. diCtaf rights, whether they riS10« of the left or — in ^ten thought to my! few ti aCt’ Pve mentionec there u68, ~~ 1 don’t th ‘f y°u foil?1 right beca either u,° 0VV tbat ^ar en°l they’v- ay> you suddenly f they come together, t charan* . have the sa 0llght ttenst,cs- 1 think tip or dStart talking about ;1timatde°Wn ~ up t0 freed0rn e ln mdividi Order, ’ insistent with Nu/h rfSOc>ety, or do rive at , tatIsm until you But fV^htarianism. ty and fbe sake of our sect ‘teedom ?r tbe salce °f < nature ’fet Us understand ^allenKe tth!. Single greal l 'vorii0 buman rights n^age nft0day: It,s HUts itself f °ne system t! Sand, ! above God, tl eves’ and ?htro1 over PcoP1 ^lstenCe l!131 defies its v Jive to by the relentl t elandCOnc,uer more a tSy nS ^nd that systen ^tanisrj^0”1 oboist tota Sy nat tbe lesson of histo >4ed°HnS ^ have b< J°ral f"dr by force - not i’ and cert n°\ by perSI Sb.Cs of uj rtainly not by i wsofh,- lnly n°t b >0 by ;°rs'- No. they U {^uJ jCes of vio1 Skia y’ and Cze 1 by bombs, che poisons, and forces,starvation in Afghanistan, Vietnam, and Kampuchea. And everywhere, by the forces of persecution against innocent people — people whose only crime might have been a simple faith, a love of their God, a longing to worship as Moslems, Buddhists, Jews, or followers of Jesus Christ. They were taken captive by force and they remain captives by force. The citizens of Nicaragua are the latest to join this unhappy lot. Victims of the campaign of persecution against liberty and faith that follows every communist takeover. The Archbishop of Managua, Miguel Obando y Bravo, and the members of his flock have recently been singled out as enemies by the Sandinista regime. Last week the Archbishop said, “We’re in the presence of a Marxist-Leninist government that cannot accept an independent Church. The government’s goal,” he said, “is to eliminate the Church, to eliminate priests who are loyal to the Pope and to the Church hierarchy.” And Pope John Paul II said, “I express my firm disapproval in my intimate participation in the suffering of the Church in Nicar-ragua.” And I know I speak for millions of Americans who join the Pope in saying we, too disapprove, and yes, people of Nicaragua, we, too, suffer with you. Democracy is far from perfect. But democracy does not wage war on its neighbors; it doesn’t build walls to keep its people in; and it doesn’t organize armies or secret police to spy on them and keep them quiet. Democracy reflects all the mistakes, all the frailties, but also all the deepest hopes and dreams of the human spirit. And democracy rests upon a noble principle that has and always will make tyrants tremble — government derives its legitimacy from the consent of the governed. And that is why people with their innate good sense have never chosen of their own free will to live as slaves. But millions have risked their lives to escape the darkness of oppression and to live in the sunlight of freedom. And that’s why we can say here today with certain knowledge that oui* path is the right and good path t and that, yes, democracy is the way of the future. To all those trapped in tyranny, wherever they may be, let us speak with one voice — not as Republicans or Democrats, but as Americans — saying you are not alone; your dreams are not in vain. Hold on to your dreams because the tide of the future is a freedom tide and totalitarianism cannot hold it back. We’re peaceful people. We occupy no countries. We seek no confrontation with any nation. As I’ve said repeatedly, there’s nothing we want more, nothing we’re trying harder to achieve than to bring about a more peaceful world. Peace is our highest aspiration. We’re prepared for peace and prepared to persist for peace. We will always summon our freedom to work another day to make this world a safer place. But as we go forward in this worthy endeavor, let us also remember who we are and what we stand for. We’re a nation under God, and His divine spirit of truth and love must guide and always remain central to our existence. Yes, we stand for peace, but we stand for peace with freedom and for peace with dignity. And when we speak of the dignity of the individual, nothing could be more tragic than the fate of the Nobel Prize winner, Doctor Andrei Sakharov, and his wife, Yelena Bonner, who are currently suffereing severe persecution and are cut off from the rest of humanity. The world demands to know the fate of these two good and courageous people. So to those who believe our policy must always be willful ignorance of ugly truths, must be silence in the fact of (Continued on page 7) Rudi Knez, center, director of Korotan singing group, smiles in appreciation after the chorus completed singing in the tent at the St. Vitus Summer Festival on Sunday evening, July 9. Korotan was one of many groups which sang in the tent which was erected on the parking lot on E. 62nd and St. Clair Ave. Co-Chairman, Stan Kuhar, said he has some expanded ideas for next year’s popular and successful fund-raiser. lili Coming Event si St. Vitus Says Thanks to All Sunday, July 29 St. Vitus Slovenian School picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sat.- Mon., Aug. 11, 12, 13 United Altar Societies yearly pilgrimage to Lemont, 111. Sunday, Aug. 12 Belo Kranjski Club Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. The Toni Klepec Orchestra entertains. Sunday, August 12 KSKJ Picnic at St. Joseph grounds on White Rd. Saturday, August 18 Clam Bake at Maple Heights Slovenian National Home from 6 to 9 p.m. Music by Maple Hts. Button Box Club and Eddie Buehner Orchestra. Sunday, Aug. 19 AMLA Family Day at the Recreation Center. Sunday, August 19 St. Mary’s Church Feast Day Celebration at old church (Baraga Hall) from 3 to 9 p.m. Sat., Sun., Aug. 25, 26 3rd Festival of the Slovene Folklore Institute at the AMLA Center in Leroy. Saturday, Sept. 8 Open House at Ameriška Domovina from 10 a.m. until noon. Symposium in the afternoon at Slovenska Pristava with a dinner to follow. Sunday, Sept. 9 Ameriška Domovina Day at Slovenska Pristava with Mass with Bishop Edward Pevec as main celebrant. Dinner and picnic the rest of the day. The St. Vitus Festival Committee, on behalf of the entire parish community of St. Vitus, wishes to express its deepest heartfelt thanks to the many volunteers, parishioners, patrons, and sponsors who made the Sum-merfest ’84 a huge success. The estimated crowd of 7 to 8 thousand persons gave many positive and favorable comments about this year’s event. A key ingredient toward making the Summerfest ’84 a great event was the advertising provided by many sources such as American Home, Perry News, St. Clair Suburban News, Tony Petkovšek, Dr. Milan Pavlovčič, William F. Miller (Plain Dealer), and' Channel 3 (NBC). The results of the St. Vitus 10K (6.2 miles) Benefit Run held Sunday, July 15 are as follows: 1 — Ed Vilt, Parma, 33:04 2 — Philip Brett, Cleveland, 33:57 3 — Joe Žakelj, Cleveland, Many persons from the western and southeastern areas of Greater Cleveland attended this event for the first time and were extremely pleased by the service received from the many volunteers. The committee also appreciates the many man-hours and sacrifices by the volunteers. Only a united effort enabled a successful completion of this Slavic celebration in the heart of this near northeast side neighborhood in Cleveland that so many call home. Again, thanks to everyone who came and experienced a unique weekend on the parish grounds of St. Vitus. Stane J. Kuhar Co-Chairman 36:11 4 — F. Osredkar, Euclid, 36:37 5 — Tony Hren, Bedford Hts., 37:04 These are official results. Bogomir M. Kuhar Race Director Winners in St Vitus 10K Run AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JULY 27, 1984 Memo From Madeline Terček Family Stays Busy, Successful By Madeline Debevec The following letter arrived in the mail this week: Dear Madeline: This has been a very busy and exciting year and I thought T’d share it with you. This spring A1 and I and three of our sons — John, Tom and Charlie — visited our youngest son, Rob, a student at Heidelburg University in Germany. Rob has been there since last July and spent last summer, in Berlin. He served as our personal guide while we toured Germany and Austria. He arranged this part of our trip — trains, hotels (pensions), restaurants, museums — he sure does know the area and the language!. While that was great fun, the most exciting part of our trip was still to come. In Vienna, we rented a van and drove to Slovenia and tried to locate and visit as many relatives as possible during a much too short stay. This visit was a real test of Al’s ability to speak Slovenian, and a challenge driving on the snow-covered mountain roads. We also had an oppor- tunity to visit Trieste and Venice. All in all (it was) a great experience; one we will remember for years to come. Rob is currently an assistant art teacher at the TASSIS School, a private prep school in Thorpe, Surrey, near London, England. He plans to return to the good ol’ USA in August to begin his senior year at Williams College in Massachusetts. Charlie, who was graduated from Middlebury College in Vermont last June, also is teaching at the TASSIS School. Charlie is teaching a journalism course, and English language class, editing the daily newspaper and coaching the soccer team. May also was quite exciting for us as A1 was selected to speak to the national convention of the Forging Industry Assn, at Hilton Head. As an employee benefit consultant and president of Administrative Service Consultants Inc., his talk and the two workshops he conducted dealt with alternative funding and alternative plan design of employee medical benefit plans. While A1 spoke and worked, I enjoyed the beach. Bishop Janez Jenko of Slovenia to Visit Cleveland Slovenians Bishop Janez Jenko of Koper, Slovenia, is visiting in the Cleveland area and will be pleased to meet with as many local Slovenians as his schedule permits. Travelling with Bishop Jenko, who has led the Koper diocese since its establishment in 1977, is Dr. Drago Klemenčič, editor of the very influential religious weekly Družina (The Family), which is published in Ljubljana. This afternoon at 1:30 p.m. Bishop Jenko and Dr. Klemenčič will meet with Cleveland Bishop Anthony Pilla and at 3:00 p.m. they will travel to Borromeo Seminary for a meeting with Bishop Edward Pevec. Highlights of the Bishop’s and Dr. Klemencic’s schedules are a Mass at 3:00 p.m. tomorrow afternoon for the residents of the Slovene Home for the Aged on Neff Rd. On Sunday, July 29, Bishop Jenko will have the 10:30 a.m. Mass at St. Vitus Church. There will be a brief reception following the Mass. Plans are for Bishop Jenko to visit friends in the Pittsburgh, Pa. area on Monday, while on Tuesday he leaves for a three-day visit to northern Minnesota. On Saturday, August 4, at 7:30 p.m. at Borromeo Seminary, Dr. Klemenčič will speak on religion and religious life in Slovenia. The public is invited to attend. While Dr. Klemenčič will speak in Slovenian, it is anticipated an English account of his remarks will be provided. After Dr. Klemencic’s presentation, questions from the audience will be welcome. On Sunday, August S, at 12:00 noon, Bishop Jenko will have a Mass at the Slovenska Pristava. A lunch will be available at 1:00 p.m. and of course an opportunity for informal conversation with the Bishop and Dr. Klemenčič. Of course, the public is welcome. Monday, August 6, will be Bishop Jenko’s and Dr. Klemencic’s last day in the Cleveland area and Mayor George V. Voinovich will hold a reception for these distinguished guests from Slovenia in his office at City Hall. Just a few weeks ago Bishop Jenko, who is 74, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of his ordination as a priest. Bishop Jenko was invited to visit Cleveland and the United States by the Slovenian American Primorski Club. sun and sightseeing in Savannah. Ah, that’s the life! June proved to be equally thrilling. Mark R. Terček, our second eldest son, was graduated with honors from the Harvard Business School. He received a master’s of business administration. Attending the graduation ceremonies in Cambridge, Mass., and sharing our excitement and pride was my mother, Frances Kosmerl. Grandma Trcek (Josephine), while not able to attend, was equally happy and pleased with Mark’s achievement. Mark currently is visiting friends and his brothers in Europe and will begin an investment banking career with Goldman Sachs in New York City. He will live with his brothers, John, also an investment banker and law student at Fordham University, and Tom, an industrial designer, in their loft in the Village. Since we have no one at home at the present time, we were quite pleased when our daughter, Cindy Shimko, recently told us that she and her husband Jack plan to move back to Cleveland. Jack will pursue a degree at the Cleveland Podiatric School. So as you can see, Madeline, we’ve been busy and having fun. We always enjoy your Friday newspaper — it’s interesting to read the news and happenings of your readers. When we hear the mailman’s ring on Saturday, A1. and I both rush to get the mail and fight over who will read the American Home first. Keep up the good work. Cordially, Agnes Terček Hudson, Ohio (Many thanks to Agnes for this interesting letter and sharing the latest news of her industrious family with our readers. We are all proud of their accomplishments.) * * * Korencics Celebrate Golden Anniversary Sophie and Joe Korencic of Euclid, Ohio, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at a July 8 surprise party thrown by their daughter and son-in-law, Barbara and Jerry Meadows of Newbury. Out-of-town guests who made the gala included Ann Haswell of Sun City, Ariz., Sally Andrews from New York, Betty and Roy Varty of Port Orange, Fla., and John Kaltenbach and son Doug of Madison Heights, Mich. Joe has been employed at Central Petroleum for 54 years. The Korencics, married June 30, 1934 at St. Mary’s Church in Lorain, have twin grandsons, Bret and Dwayne, who’ll be attending the University of California at Berkeley on four-year scholarships. * * * New Births Jenny and Nicholas Cipollo of Elkhart, Ind., announce the birth of a son, Mark Joseph, on May 22. He weighed 4 lbs. and is doing well. Antonia Maria and Eric Snyder of Solon, Ohio, announce the June 29 birth of Carl Eric, weighing 7 lbs. and 8 ozs. Twenty-three-month-old Robert is happy with his new baby brother. Frank and Antonia Sega of Willoughby Hills, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snyder of Kentucky and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cipollo of Elkhart are the lucky and proud grandparents. Our best wishes and con- gratulations to all. * * * People in the News Mamie Kraly of Massape* qua, N.Y., retired from Fair-child Weston Systems Inc. on June 15. She had been a supervisor with the company for 13 years. Her brother. Bill Jansa, and his wife Jean of Euclid visited Mamie and husband Tony for a week and celebrated ncr retirement with a family dinner. Louis Zorich is one of the featured performers j” the latest Muppets movie, “Moppets Take Manhattan, a delightful film that’s currently playing nationally. Finally, get well wishes to Rose Novsak of E. 61 Street, who underwent surery at S • Vincent Charity Hospital. Euclid Slovenian Pensioners The Slovenian Pensioners Club of Euclid had its July meeting on Tuesday, July 3 instead of Wed., July 4 because of the holiday. Guest speakers were J. Timothy McCormack, County Auditor and Ronald Šuster, State Representative, who spoke to us about the Homestead Exemption Program and the Energy Program and changes that may be made in them because of our present day inflation. Many of our members, including our president and his wife, Frank and Emma Cesen, were not with us as they are on tour with the Vadnal Orchestra in Slovenia. Very nice! Our new Sunshine Lady is Marie Selan replacing Mary Zifko who resigned at her own request. Thank you, Mary, for a job well done while in office. On the agenda was our picnic July 25 at SNPJ Farm, and our participation in the Old World Festival parade on Enjoys paper Editor: Enclosed please find check in the amount of $38.00 for one year subscription, and $10.00 donation toward your printing fund in memory of my husband, Tony Hosta. I enjoy the newspaper both Slovenian and English. Keep up the good work. Marie Seme Hosta Cleveland, O. Best Wishes Editor: Enclosed is a check for a one year renewal and an additional $5.00 is donated toward the printing press fund. Our best wishes for a brighter and successful operation of your printing establsihment. Helen Novinc, Helping this month as funer attendants are Mary an Harry Brule and Mary an Bob Koch. Winners at the meeting wer Vicki Svete and Stan ey Launch. . ^ Refreshments will again oe served every other nionth before; We had none t i month, but we did enjoy tne accordion music by 3° Kersman which added to enjoyment of the social no after the meeting. Helen Levstick Eleanor Cerne P«vey Reporters In Memory )sed is my subscrip^, : year plus $5.00 to ess or whatever the per needs, in men* J mother, Mrs. Mary Frances Sema" Beachwood^t^ “20 Beautiful Songs for piano and accordio 3 Volumes I, * the World's Polka & Wal«^ 91 Slavko Avsenik Preserve PaPer Starting Monday, July 30 the entire stock at Anzlovar’s Dept. Store 6214 St. Clair Ave. is reduced at least 20%. Men’s, Women’s, Children’s, Infants clothing is reduced as much as 50%-SA VE -SAVE- SA VE -SAVE- SA VE Anzlovar’s Dept. Store, 6214 St. Clair Ave. Soup Contest Added to E. 185th Street Festival Baraga Postcard Becomes Reality Ever sit down to a bowl of homemade brotij^ and say to yourself, “This is so good I’ll it could win a contest?” fhe seventh annual E. 185th treet Old World Festival is giving amateur chefs a chance ° test their soup-making skills. “Souparama” starts at 11 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 4 at the °>g tent on the St. Joseph High nool grounds during the estival. Prizes go to cooks of °P SOuPs> in addition to • u hshing of the recipe and an ttview on Alice Kuhar’s (1330)USel” °n WELW"AM Judging is based on ap-i ar®^ce» taste and texture of ^iems in four categories: th' L 1”’ C^ear souP — no jckening, but may contain “^Plings or noodles; im? *SOUp — some thicken-s“cl1 as cream, pureed 8e ables or light rouz; thi„favT’ ^ick soup — heavy cuing; can include meat. poultry, vegetables, legumes or pasta; chowders. Cold soup — fruit soups, vichyssoise or borscht. Soups entered should be ethnic in origin, in compliance with the Old World festival theme. At least one quart must be submitted, fully prepared and cooked in advance. An area will be provided to reheat soups, with entrants required to bring a small pot or crock for reheating. All soups must be made from scratch. No canned, frozen or dry mixes may be used as ingredients. All entries will be placed in a soup bar and sold. Contestants can submit as many soups in as many categories as they wish, but each soup requires an entry blank. Forms are available from American Home or Tony’s Polka Village. They must be completed and returned to the Polka Village, 971 E. 185 St., Cleveland 44119 .no later than Friday, Aug. 3. |lomšek Pilgrimage to Rozman’s Grave in ill. 2oDIU,r1in8 the weekend of June 1 3 *5US l°ac* SociIrr? of the Slomšek annn f eft c,eve,an<1 on its ciscan £,l8rimage to the Fran' ofpu Monastery, Mary Help On Qlst'ans» in Lemont, 111. cessir. aturday evening, a pro- Way n ^as held through the Pilerin,0[ the Cross> each thev .u elding a candle, as red n readed their way past ^citine?]! marking the Path> halloufJr6 rosary- In the quiet it wa,. 3 grounds in darkness, spiral VCry imPressive and in-0n a Franciscan Vovk w r0m SIovenia- Rev-spectj as ’n Lemont on an in- ciscan oJ0Ur for the Fran' •hont m der’ °f which the Le-onastery is part of the ®eeks Old Photos Hoijjp 9°iiinwood Slovenian Photo,^ching for old to Perh t^'e. Collinwood area ^em in3?!? .'nciude some of ec*ition nf V?lr i ^-page special to be nnu,- American Home August 'S^eC* 'n t^ie midd*e bringy?hUBhave any old photos *he Coin!!1 to t^le basement of 7;30 d nwood Home at the Ha Versary greetings 1° Jea^eC^'ng Anniversary ^OWskv , and Mickey ^ July 24, and to Cy K* Wishes fVanSek’ July 29-‘kk JenJto from Fmilee and ^jitor;^ Memory tm?^thepan!18- $5'00 dona- Steph: anie Segulin Slovenian province. Before the start of the holy sacrifice of the Mass, Mr. Jože Likozar spoke about the Bishop Dr. Gregory Rožman, who lies buried in the monastery grave. The speech in Slovenian was also printed in the Tuesday, July 10 edition of the Ameriška Domovina. Services were concluded in the early afternoon with the singing of Slovenian litanies and benedicton. The pilgrims, on the way home, stopped in Joliet, to visit the Slovenian church of St. Joseph. The pilgrimage was satisfying spiritually and enjoyable untler ideal weather of blue skies, sun, and cool air. Discussions are already in progress for next year’s trip to Lemont. Joseph Zelle Birthday Greetings Ann Rovanšek July 29. Best wishes and love from Emilee and Rikk Jenko. James V. Debevec, II celebrates his 17th birthday on July 29. Fondest wishes from his relatives and friends and fellow staff at the American Home. Frank Jaksic of Brooklyn, NY celebrated his special day on July 21 while visiting his mother Anna Jaksic and family of Cleveland. Happy Birthday to these Special Residents of the Slovene Home for the Aged. for the Month of July: Anna Frangesh, 77 Mary Sušnik, 88 Juan Tome, 79 Christine Duilo, 85 John Lokar, 89 Martin Svete, 82 Margaret Grosel, 100 John Perse, 97 Rose Zalar, 65 Olga Toni, 91 Anna Kushleika, 89 Anthony Komorowski, 74 Nick Kekic, 88 Anna Primožič, 84 Ursula Andren, 87 Helen Pecek, 89 James Pizmoht, 79 Thomas Petrovič, 91 Official introduction of the U.S. Bishop Baraga 13-cent postcard was held in a public ceremony on June 29,1984 at Marquette, Michigan. It climaxed a number of years of concerted effort on the part of many interested individuals. Included among these was former Senator Frank J. Lausche, who was indisposed and was unable to attend the formal ceremonies. Despite the fact Frederic Baraga was a Catholic missionary, there was much opposition to dedicating the postcard to the churchman. The event in Marquette was a public civic event. Many dignitaries as well as representatives of other religious convictions participated at St. Peter’s Elementary School. Postmaster James J. Holtz of Marquette presided. The Rev. Darryl J. Pepin sang our National Anthem to open the ceremonies. The Rev. J. William Robertson, vicar of the Holy Innocents Church in Little Lake, Michigan, said the invocation. Mr. David A. Svand, City Manager of Marquette, welcomed the guests. Rev. Charles J. Strelick, executive director of the Bishop Baraga Association introduced distinguished guests as well as Slovenian visitors from Chicago, Milwaukee, Cleveland, and other Slovenian communities. Remarks were then made by Ms. Agnes B. Rufus, director of promotion for the Bishop Baraga Association. She was followed by the Most Rev. Mark F. Schmitt, D.C., Bishop of Marquette. There was also a musical presentation in which the Rev. Darryl J. Pepin, composer of the Baraga Hymn, performed and was enthusiastically applauded. He spoke in the Chippewa language, followed by a group of Chippewa Indian women who sang several songs in their native tongue. In the absence of the postmaster general, Mr. William T. Johnstone, the assistant postmaster general, traced the activities of the missionary bishop in Michigan 150 years ago. Rev. John S. Hascall, O.F.M., Cap., director of the Chippewa Indians in Northern Michigan, was an honored guest. To close the ceremonies, the Right Rev. Thomas K. Ray, the episcopal bishop of the diocese of Northern Michigan, delivered the benediction. The Frederic Baraga postal card is the newest 13-cent postcard issued by the U.S. Postal Service. The stamp in brown, blue, black and white, pictures the Apostle of the Chippewas sitting at the head of a bark canoe with an Indian guide paddling the canoe. The card is available at the philatelic desk of the main post office in Cleveland. Collectors of special stamp issues and others can have the post card stamped for the First Day of Issue by sending the card to the local postmaster. Traditionally a period of 30 days is honored, so stamp collectors have until July 29 of this year to make their purchases. Finally, there was extensive publicity for this event. The New York Times had a story in its philatelic column, the Plain Dealer in Cleveland also featured the commemorative postal card, and Linn’ Stamps News had two articles, one on the dedication and another on Baraga as Michigan’s snowshoe priest. Radio, TV and the news media were very much in evidence. Joseph Zelle Captive Nations Speech (Continued from page 5) persecution, and appeasement or surrender to aggression, I say, no, that price is far too steep and we dare not and will never pay it. If our observance of Captive Nations Week is to have meaning, then it must be observed in word and in deed. Today, I’m calling on people everywhere who enjoy the blessings of liberty to join with us in helping the freedom fighters in Afghanistan because they need our support, they want our suport, and they deserve our support. The cause of peace is not served by a conquering force of more than 100,000 Soviet troops, the cause of peace will only be served when those troops are out and Afghanistan belongs again to the Afghan people. And today, I’m appealing to those who refuse to help the freedom fighters in Nicaragua. Refuse to assist their courageous struggle for democracy, for freedom of the press, and for freedom of assembly and worship in their homeland. I urge you to ponder long and hard to reflect on the fatal consequences of complacency and isolationism, and, above all, to understand that freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. I’m proud to tell you that we’ve begun an initiative that will bring words of truth and a message of hope to millions of imprisoned people throughout the world. The construction budget of the Voice of America was only $2.6 million in 1981. So our administration has developed a six year, $1 billion program to modernize the Voice of America. And I am pleased to report that the Congress has voted to provide nearly $100 million for 1985. We are also committed to expanding significantly the ability of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, to communicate with the peoples of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. And we’re pleased that the Congress has authorized the establishment of Radio Marti which will broadcast the truth to the people of Cuba. There is cause for hope and promise. And so, I thank you for your faith, for your courage and 1 thank you for standing together. Because, with you by our side, we’ll keep our sights on the farthest stars, we’ll climb higher, we will be a shining city on a hill. Our time is now. And, now. I’m going to sign the Captive Nations Week proclamation and thank you very much and God bless you all. now '24% Effective Annual Rate $ NDEPENDENT IAV1NGS Checking ISIS E. 260th, Euclid, Ohio 44132 731-8865 920 E. 185th, Cleveland, Ohio 44119 486-4100 2765 Som Ctr. Rd., Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 944-3400 27100 Chardon Rd., Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 944-5500 A Subsidiary of Independent Share Corp. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JULY 27, 1984 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JULY 27, 1984 St. Vitus Mass Dedicated to Abbot Bandi Aug. 3rd By Stanley Frank “After a long illness, the Rt. Rev. Bonaventure Bandi O.S.B., retired Abbot ofHoly Cross Abbey in Canon City, CO, died on Saturday, June 16.” This was the news that we received here in Cleveland. A Mass in his memory will be celebrated in St. Vitus Church on Friday evening, August 3, at 7:00 p.m. Parishioners and friends are invited to attend and particinate in this service. Born in Brooklyn, NY on April 26, 1914, the abbot was baptized, Lawrence. While still a very young lad, his family moved to Cleveland, OH and settled in the St. Vitus area. He redeived his basic education at St. Vitus School, then went on to Cathedral Latin High, and then to John Carroll University. His parents and especially his mother, spent many hours helping at the parish functions, and wherever and whenever needed. Lawrence, as soon as he was old enough, became a Mass server, and it became evident to his pastor, the then Father Ponikvar, that this young man was destined for the priesthood. As many others, he took him under his guidance, and helped steer him in that direction. The Great Depression years of the 30’s were lean years and it became necessary for many a young man or young lady to forsake a desire for further education, and seek work, however menial and low paying, to help make ends meet. Lawrence, the eldest of five children, managed to get part-time work, and summer work at times, in various establishments; a grocery store, meat market, and drug store. While attending John Carroll, he dropped out of school for a while and went to work in a manufacturing plant. Because he learned quickly, and because of his natural ability as a leader, he soon became a supervisor, and could have progressed further and made a career in that line. Nevertheless, he had set his goal, and the desire to become a man of the cloth, a priest to serve in God’s work, never diminished. It was also during these years, that he saw the need and was instrumental in the organization of a Holy Name Society at St. Vitus. This organization fast became a strong support of the parish and the right hand of its pastor. Lawrence was its first secretary. 1984 marks the 50th anniversary of this organization, and it was Abbot Bonaventure’s hope to attend its celebration this fall. Among other accomplishments of this vibrant and Roy G. Sankovič FUNERAL HOME Sankovic-Johnston Funeral Home NEWLY REMODELED AND EXPANDED 15314 Macauley Ave. (Cor. of E. 152 St. and Lake Shore Blvd.) 531-3600 Funerals to meet the financial status of all families. ___ Roy G. Sankovič, director BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio Grdina Funeral Homes 1053 East 62 Street 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 431-2088 531-6300 Grdina Furniture Store 15301 Waterloo Road 531-1235 ZAK-ZAKRAJSEK Funeral Home 6016 St. Clair A ve. Phone — 361-3112 tel. st. 361-3112 Zachary A. Zak, licensed funeral director energetic young man was the organization of a Gregorian Chant Choir, which sang at the Holy Name Sunday Masses. He also saw the need for a church publication, and became the Editor of the first parish news bulletin, “The Holy Name News,” which was a four page to eight page monthly publication. Although occupied with schooling, helping his family, and ever active in the parish activities, he never lost sight of his true goal; the role of a priest in God’s vineyard. In June of 1936, he left the St. Vitus area and headed for Canon City, CO to begin his long-desired career. He achieved his goal and was ordained on May 16, 1942 as a Benedictine priest, and offered his first Solemn Mass at St. Vitus on May 30, 1942. He returned to Colorado to take up his duties there, and began a long and distinguished clerical career. He served as Prefect, headmaster of the school, Camp director, Sub-Prior, business manager, novice master, and Prior. He was a founding member of the National Catholic Camping Association. He served as pastor of St. Michael’s Church in Boulder, CO, and Chaplain at Penrose Hospital in Colorado Springs. His educational background consisted of studies at Columbia and Catholic Universities. He received the first Masters in American Literature from Seton Hall University in 1949. He also studied in Colorado University and Colorado College. His love for photography earned him membership in the National Press Photo Association. He taught English, Religion, Typing, and Journalism and also directed the Abbey School Glee Club. On May 3, 1976, at the age of sixty-two, he was elected the fifth Abbot of Holy Cross Ab-bey. At age 58, he was hospitalized and underwent extensive surgery for cancer. The doctors gave him 6 months. With periodic treatments, more surgery, and medication, he stretched the 6 months to 12 years. Gradually the body broke down, but not the spirit. He accepted his pain and continued to carry on to the best of his ability. Throughout, by word and by example, he gave encouragement to ot^eTS j', flicted with this dreade disease. Although his work as a pries was concentrated in the West, we at St. Vitus parish, m Cleveland, should be.proud o this young man who grew up in our area, a son of St. Vitus. Energetic and vibrant, e became a man of great stature in the eyes of many and 1 anl sure in the eyes of God. 5?5w!vvvvv??v!v!?vl .v.v.v.v.v.v TCvvvT*’ Deaths! .v. S::::::*:: V.V HELEN KERZISNIK Helen Kerzisnik (nee Dub-nicka), 63, of 5374 Stanard Ave., died suddenly on Monday, July 16 at St. Vincent Charity Hospital. She came to America in 1921, leaving her homeland of Bosca, Czechoslovakia. She was a member of the St. Vitus Mothers Club, Catholic War Veterans and the Ladies Auxiliary. She was the wife of John, mother of Ann Jordan and Dolores, sister of Margaret Zurovchak (dec.), Anne, Joseph, Emil, Mary Hasek, Albert and Clara Hrovat. Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 6502 St. Clair Ave. Services were at St. Vitus Church. Interment at All Souls Cemetery. JOSEPHINE URANKAR Josephine Urankar (Pepa) (nee Silc), 86, died recently at the Manor Care Nursing Home in Willoughby after a 15 month illness. She was a lifetime resident of the St. Clair area. For the past 40 years she had lived at 4206 St. Clair. She was born in Ribnica and came to Cleveland in 1920. She was the widow of Matthias who died in 1945. She was the mother of Matthias, Josephine Kubasky, and Dorothy Juranko (Clearwater, Fla.); grandmother of 10, great-grandmother of 10; sister of Louis, in Yugoslavia: Angelia, Johanna, Frank and John, and the following deceased: Joseph and Michael. She was a member of AMLA St. Anne No. 4, Slovenian Womens Union No. 25, and Western Slavonic No. 29. Friends were received at Zele Memorial Chapel, 458 E. 152 St. Interment at Calvary Cemetery. ROSE LEVSTEK Rose Levstek, nee Jaklich, 75, passed away at her daughter’s home in Willowick on Monday, July 23. She was born in Cleveland and was a former resident of Addison Road for 32 years. She was living with her daughter for the past year. She was a member of St. Vitus Mother’s Club, St. Vitus Altar and Rosary Society, and Slovenian Women’s Union No. 25. She was the widow of Frank, who passed away in 1967, mother of Rose Marie Svete and Frank Jr.; grandmother of four, great-grandmother of three; sister of Ann Zupančič, Frank and Joseph (all dec.). Friends called at Zele Funeral Home, 6502 St. Clair Ave., where services were held Wed., July 25 and at St. Vitus Church at 9:30 a.m. Interment at All Souls Cemetery. STEPHEN TOMAIKO Saturday afternoon Stephen Tomaiko died unexpectedly in St. Vincent Charity Hospital. He was a retired manager from the Quality Pants Co. His father, Joseph Tomaiko, and his mother, Agnes, (roj. Maurer) are both deceased, but he is survived by his wife, Albina, (roj. Zagar). He also leaves behind a stepmother, Susan Tomaiko, along with sisters Margaret Kandrac, Ann Richards and Betty Sadey. A brother Joseph Jr. predeceased him. Funeral services were Wednesday from the Fortuna Funeral Home, 5316 Fleet Ave., and the Mass was celebrated at St. Lawrence Church at 10:00 a.m. Interment in Calvary Cemetery. MARY GLIVAR Monday morning, after a lingering illness, Mrs. Mary Glivar (roj. Nose) died in Deaconess Hospital. She was a member of S.Z.Z. No. 15. Born in Brezovem Dolu, Fara Ambrus, Yugoslavia, she came to America in 1921. During the war years she was employed at Superior Carbon Co. as a drill press operator. Her husband, Joseph, died in 1962. She is survived by two daughters, Mary Rochford of California, and Olga Macinka and two sons, Joseph and Ed- ward. A son John predecease her. She is grandmother of > great-grandmother of 18 an great-great-grandmother o three. She also leaves behin sister Dorothy Sadar 0 Canada and a brother of Yugoslavia. Other brothers and sisters who predecease her were John Nose Sr., J6 nie Takaucic, and 1 Yugoslavia: Frank, Sop ' > and Theresa. Her paren > Jacob Nose and Maria (rd)’ Šinkovec) are also deceased. Funeral services are Friday the Fortuna Funeral ^onV’ 5316 Fleet Ave., at 8:30 a.m-and at St. Lawrence Church a 9:00 a.m. Interment Calvary Cemetery. ŠTEFANIJA MaTKllne ; Her husband Louis is dece ed, but she is survived by tn daughters, Florence Vostat -Stella Disterhof, and Palombaro. She is at. mother of three and g grandmother of one. i(.a She was a member ot D No. 34 of AMLA. Tuurs- Funeral services were eral day from the Fortuna hu at Home, 5316 Fleet Ave., a ^ St. Lawrence Church a y a.m. Interment in ^ Cemetery. Excellent Editor: „h,»ck f°r I am enclosing my c nnual $38.00 to cover thf • n for renewal of my subscrip Ameriška Domovina a ^ remainder is a donate ^jth Ameriška Domovina great appreciation for y cellent newspaper. Anonymous (name withheld by re ^ W. Palm Beach, Zele Funeral Home 452 E. 152 St. Memorial Chapel 11g Phone 481-4* Addison Road Chapel g3 6502 St. Clair Avenue Phone 36 Mi smo vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo postrežbo^