© Author(s) 2021. CC Atribution 4.0 License Impact of climate change on landslides in Slovenia in the mid-21st century Vpliv podnebnih sprememb na pojavljanje zemeljskih plazov v sredini 21. stoletja v Sloveniji Mateja JEMEC AUFLIČ1, Gašper BOKAL1, Špela KUMELJ1, Anže MEDVED2, Mojca DOLINAR2 & Jernej JEŽ1 1Geological Survey of Slovenia, Dimičeva ulica 14, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija; e-mail: mateja.jemec@geo-zs.si, gasper.bokal@geo-zs.si, spela.kumelj@geo-zs.si, jernej.jez@geo-zs.si 2Slovenian Environment Agency, Vojkova 1b, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija; e-mail: anze.medved@gov.si, mojca.dolinar@gov.si Prejeto / Received 3. 8. 2021; Sprejeto / Accepted 13. 10. 2021; Objavljeno na spletu / Published online 28. 12. 2021 Key words: climate change, landslides, models, hazard, prediction Ključne besede: podnebne spremembe, zemeljski plazovi, modeli, nevarnost, napoved Abstract Slovenia is affected by extreme and intense rainfall that triggers numerous landslides every year, resulting in significant human impact and damage to infrastructure. Previous studies on landslides have shown how rainfall patterns can influence landslide occurrence, while in this paper, we present one of the first study in Slovenia to examine the impact of climate change on landslides in the mid-21st century. To do this, we used the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5 climate scenario and future climatology simulated by six climate models that differed from each other as much as possible while representing measured values of past climate variables as closely as possible. Based on baseline period (1981-2010) we showed the number of days with exceedance of rainfall thresholds and the area where landslides may occur more frequently in the projection period (2041-2070). We found that extreme rainfall events are likely to occur more frequent in the future, which may lead to a higher frequency of landslides in some areas. Izvleček Vsako leto Slovenijo prizadenejo ekstremne in močne padavine, ki sprožijo številne zemeljske plazove, kar povzroči znaten vpliv na človeka in škodo na infrastrukturi. Prejšnje študije plazov so pokazale, kako padavine vplivajo na pojav plazov, medtem ko v tem prispevku predstavljamo eno izmed prvih študij v Sloveniji, ki proučuje vpliv podnebnih sprememb na zemeljske plazove sredi 21. stoletja. V ta namen smo uporabili scenarij značilnih potekov vsebnosti toplogrednih plinov (RCP4.5) in uporabili simulacije šestih podnebnih modelov, ki so se med seboj čimbolj razlikovali, hkrati pa kar najbolj enako predstavljali izmerjene vrednosti podnebnih spremenljivk v obdobju meritev. Na podlagi referenčnega obdobja (1981-2010) prikazujemo število dni, ko padavine presežejo sprožilne količine padavin in območja, kjer se lahko plazovi v projekcijskem obdobju (2041-2070) pogosteje pojavljajo. Rezultati kažejo, da se bodo ekstremni padavinski dogodki v prihodnosti zelo verjetno pojavljali pogosteje kot danes, kar lahko na nekaterih območjih povzroči pogostejše pojavljanje zemeljskih plazov. GEOLOGIJA 64/2, 159-171, Ljubljana 2021 https://doi.org/10.5474/geologija.2021.009 Introduction Landslides pose a serious threat to populations worldwide, causing fatalities, property damage, and significant economic losses. The occurrence of landslides is influenced by several factors re- lated to the stability of the slopes. Among the most important triggers is rainfall, which is one of the fundamental climate variables. In a chang- ing climate, the frequency and intensity of rain- fall events are expected to increase, although in some places the average amount of rainfall would not show any significant change. The first beginnings of research on the ef- fects of climate change on slope instabilities and landslides, as well as model scenario studies, date back to the end of the 20th century, when 160 Mateja JEMEC AUFLIČ, Gašper BOKAL, Špela KUMELJ, Anže MEDVED, Mojca DOLINAR & Jernej JEŽ the ntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued the first climate change assess- ment report Heerdegen (1991). Recently Gariano et al. (2016) published comprehensive research about landslides in a changing climate where research and methods related to climate change impact on landslides are divided into three groups. The first group combines research focus on climate change impact assessment methods. Dikau & Shrott (1999) analyzed landslide out- comes in Europe in relation to climate change between 1850 and 2000, establishing criteria for (a) landslide identification, (b) past precipitation distribution and relationship to climate varia- bles and landslide phenomena, and (c) develop- ment of hydrogeological models to assess climate change impacts. Sidle & Ochiai (2006) analyzed the processes that cause landslides. They also considered the effects of climate change on tree species growth and land use but pointed out the complexity of the variables studied. McInnes et al. (2007) published the Proceedings of the Par- ticipants in the Conference on Landslides and Climate Change (Ventnor, UK). Crozier (2010) examined the mechanisms of landslides and the stability of slopes affected by climate change. Coe & Godt (2012) identified 14 different meth- ods for estimating the effects of climate change on landslides. They divided all the methods into three groups: a) long-term monitoring of land- slide movement, b) feedback analysis, and c) projection analysis. An important finding of all the considered methods is the high uncertainty as a consequence of the prediction of short-term intensive precipitation. On the contrary, stud- ies that attempted to predict landslide activity through changes in air temperature and annual/ seasonal precipitation show less uncertainty. The second group focus on the slope stability assess- ment with climate projections. Numerous stud- ies have examined the impact of climate change on landslides using the method of empirically upgrading the spatial scale of global circular model simulations (GCM) and using past meas- urements of meteorological variables as an input for slope stability (Buma & Dehn, 1998; Collison et al., 2000; Tacher & Bonnard, 2007; Bonnard et al., 2008; Jakob & Lambert, 2009; Chang & Chiang, 2011; Coe, 2012; Comegna et al., 2013; Rianna et al., 2014; Gassner et al., 2015; Alvioli et al. 2016). The main findings of the research are that the intensity and duration of precipitation significantly affect the rise of groundwater and pore pressure in the soil. The third group inves- tigate climate change impacts on slope stability and landslide hazard. The influence of climate and its changes on landslides may be defined in general terms as: (a) local or regional (or global), (b) short-term or long-term impact, (c) direct or indirect. Local influence studies have been in- vestigated using total/cumulative precipitation, precipitation intensity, air temperature, weather system (Collison et al., 2000; Malet et al., 2005; Tommasi et al., 2006; Dixon and Brook, 2007; Ri- anna et al., 2014; Zollo et al, 2014), regionally for areas ranging from a few 100 m2 to a few 1000 km2 (Rebetez et al., 1997; Malet et al., 2007; Gariano et al., 2015; Ciabatta et al., 2016), nationally or supra-regionally (Sidle & Dhakal, 2002; Schmidt & Glade, 2003; Winter et al., 2010; Stoffel et al., 2014; Paranunzio et al., 2016). The short-term impacts of climate change span from a few years to a century or two, while the long-term impacts are measured from several centuries to several millennia (Trauth et al., 2000; Schmidt & Dikau, 2004; Borgatti & Soldati, 2010; Yin et al., 2014). Direct impacts of climate are those that direct- ly affect the occurrence of landslides, such as changes in the precipitation regime that affect the amount of precipitation that can cause land- slides (Guzzetti et al., 2007; Jakob & Lambert, 2009; Stoffel et al., 2014). Indirect effects of cli- mate affect environmental and landscape condi- tions, and these affect landslides, for example, a change in precipitation regime can change the type of land use, leading to a change in slope sta- bility (Glade, 2003; Schmid & Glade, 2003; Sidle & Ochiai, 2006; Wasowski et al., 2010). In Slovenia, the research of climate change impact on landslide occurrences using climate change projections has not yet been studied. Meanwhile Komac (2005), Jemec Auflič & Komac (2013), Jemec Auflič et al. (2016), Jemec Auflič et al. (2018) research rainfall induced landslides based on evidenced landslide events. The re- sults showed that the main triggering factors for numerous shallow landslides are intensive and prolonged rainfall. These findings contributed to the formation of national rainfall induced land- slide warning system (MASPREM) in Slovenia in 2013 (Jemec Auflič et al., 2016, Jemec Auflič et al., 2018) which is continuously being developed and improved. The first rainfall threshold curve for rainfall-induced landslides at the national level was presented by Rosi et al. (2016) using a statistical approach, by Jordanova et al. (2020) using an empirical approach, while Bezak et al. (2016, 2018, 2019) introduced rainfall thresholds for the smaller regions in Slovenia using mainly hydrological data. However, extreme or intense 161Impact of climate change on landslides in Slovenia in the mid-21st century rainfall events trigger more than a hundred landslides in Slovenia every year (Jemec Auflič et al., 2018). The main objective of this paper is to study climate change impact on landslides in the mid of 21st century in Slovenia. For this purpose, we used the Representative Concentration Pathway climate scenario (RCP4.5), which is considered a moderately optimistic scenario and predict a gradual reduction of emissions and a stabiliza- tion of the radiative contribution shortly after 2100 (IPCC, 2018). In detail, we present the num- ber of days with exceedance of rainfall thresholds and the area where landslides may occur more frequently in mid of 21st century period. We con- sidered RCP4.5 data as the baseline period (1981- 2010) based on which we made the assessment of the impact of climate change on landslides in the future. Data and methods Climate models data Climate change scenarios play an important role in the preparation of a landslide risk assess- ment and adaptation measures. The course of cli- mate change in the future depends on actual cur- rent and future greenhouse gas emissions, which are represented by four Representative Concen- tration Pathway climate scenarios (RCPs). These scenarios are based on human activities and as- sociated emissions of CO2, CH4 and N2O, and oth- er air pollutants. The scenarios can be identified by the value of radiative forcing at the end of the 21st century, a measure of enhanced greenhouse effect compared to pre-industrial times in units of watts per metre squared (W/m2) (van Vuuren et al., 2011). Greater radiative forcing implies great- er changes in the climate system. To assess the impacts of climate change up to the 21st century, the Slovenian Environment Agency (ARSO) uses the simulations of region- al climate models from the EURO-CORDEX project (Benestad et al., 2018; Bertalanič et al., 2019). For the purpose of this study, we utilized the climate variable precipitation. The horizon- tal resolution of the regional models used in our study is around 12 km. The modeling period is 1961-2070 for all models and 1971-2070 for some. The time step of the model results is one day. Out of 14 combinations of global and regional climate models, six models (Table 1) were selected that are as different from each other as possible while matching the measured values of climate varia- bles in the past as closely as possible. All of the six models are considered equally reliable or un- reliable. Data were prepared for the moderately opti- mistic scenario RCP4.5, which assumes signif- icant mitigation measures for greenhouse gas emissions for two time periods, the baseline pe- riod (1981-2010) and the projection period (2041- 2070). Daily precipitation data were downscaled from 12 km resolution to 1 km (Fig. 1). The down- scaling of the data was performed on a daily ba- sis for all six climate models. Precipitation are calculated based on the maximum amount of precipitation that falls on a single cell over a one-year period. The average for the entire projection area is then calculat- ed based on all annual maximum precipitation. The precipitation projections are overlaid with the rainfall trigger values within the algorithm, which determines the areas where the rainfall thresholds are exceeded and the degree of ex- ceedance. Table 1. Table of climate models (abbreviations provided by ARSO), which are abbreviations of the meteorological centers that prepared the data (e.g DMI- Danish Meteorological Institute, KNMI-Netherlands Meteorological Institute, SMHI- Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, IPSL- Institute Pierre-Simon Laplace France). With * we marked the CLMcom centre. The Global Climate Model (GCM) provided boundary conditions, and the Regional Climate Model (RCP) recalculated the data to a smaller scale (about 12 km). Tabela 1. Seznam podnebnih modelov (okrajšave je pripravil ARSO), ki so kratice meteorološkegih centrov, kjer so podatke pripravili (na primer DMI- Meteorološki inštitut Danske, KNMI- Meteorološki inštitut Nizozemske, SMHI- Meteorološki in hidrološki inštitut Švedske, IPSL-Ištitut Pierre-Simon Laplace Francija). Z * je označen center CLMcom. Globalni podnebni model (GCM) je dal robne pogoje, regionalni podnebni model (RCP) pa je preračunal podatke v manjšo skalo (okoli 12 km). Model Global climate model (GCM) Regional climate model (RCM) CCLM1* CERFACS-CNRM-CM5 CCLM4-8-17 CCLM2* MPI-ESM-LR CCLM4-8-17 DMI EC-EARTH HIRHAM5 IPSL IPSL-CM5A-MR WRF331F KNMI HadGEM2-ES RACMO22E SMHI MPI-ESM-LR RCA4 162 Mateja JEMEC AUFLIČ, Gašper BOKAL, Špela KUMELJ, Anže MEDVED, Mojca DOLINAR & Jernej JEŽ Determination of the rainfall frequency and climate change impact on landslides Determining the number of days with exceed- ed rainfall threshold was an important input to the climate change impact assessment. Land- slide-triggering rainfall threshold, values deter- mined within the MASPREM system are deter- mined based on engineering-geological map (EG map). EG map was created based on merging the lithology units of Slovenia according to EG char- acteristics such as soils, soft rocks and rocks; on the basis of their origin and on the basis of the composition, rock strength and particle size ranges (Ribičič et al., 2003). For defining rainfall thresholds, the frequency of spatial occurrence of landslide per spatial unit was correlated with a EG map, and 24-hour maximum rainfall data with the return period of 100 years (Komac et al., 2013; Jemec Auflič et al., 2016). The result of fre- quency of landslide occurrence and rainfall data provides a good basis for determining the critical rainfall threshold over which landslides occur with high probability. The maximum threshold is defined as the level above which a landslide al- ways occurs (White et al., 1996). In the case of the MASPREM system, the maximum rainfall threshold is 70 mm, especially for the EG units where clayey, slaty clays, marls and scree compo- nents predominate. The number of days with exceeded rainfall threshold for landslide occurrence was deter- mined by an analytical overlap operation follow- ing the workflow shown in Figure 2. In the first phase the six time series climate models (RCP4.5) for baseline and projection periods were separat- ed into individual raster’s using ArcGIS set tool “Make NetCDF raster layer” (Fig. 2, A), based on which the extreme yearly precipitation events were defined for the individual raster cell. The cells representing areas with exceeded rainfall threshold have value 1, all other areas were set to 0. In the second step (Fig. 2, B), we created a threshold event model that determined the num- ber of days with exceeded rainfall thresholds based on rainfall thresholds and extreme year- ly precipitation events. The main purpose of the analysis was to determine the difference in the number of days with exceeded precipitation trig- gers in the projection period (2040-2070) com- pared to the baseline period (1981-2010). This also gave us an overview of the number of ex- treme events (whether there will be only one ex- treme event or several) and where they will occur spatially. To estimate the impact of climate change on landslides by mid-century, extreme yearly precip- itation events were combined into 30-year maxi- mum precipitation events using the data grouping model (Fig. 2, C). To assess the impact of climate change on landslides, we used the MASPREM system algorithm (Komac et al., 2013; Jemec Au- flič et al., 2016). The system predicts rainfall-in- duced landslides using fuzzy logic based on the 1:250,000 scale landslide susceptibility map, rain- fall thresholds and rainfall forecast model. In this paper 30 years of maximum precipitation events were used as input data to replace the ALADIN forecasts used in the MASPREM system (Fig. 2, D). Fig. 1. Example of climate model simulation of daily precipitation downscaled from 12 km resolution to 1 km for Slovenia, produced by ARSO. Sl. 1. Primer dnevnih pa- davinskih podatkov simu- liranih s podnebnim mo- delom in z zmanjševanjem skale pretvorjenih iz 12 km ločljivosti v 1 km, ki ga je izdelal ARSO. 163Impact of climate change on landslides in Slovenia in the mid-21st century The MASPREM model was then transformed and written into a Python script, allowing the model to run quickly and reliably. This map was over- laid with rainfall thresholds and processed with a 1: 250,000 scale landslide probability model for Slovenia (Komac & Ribičič, 2006). The landslide prediction model was converted from a numer- ical part to a descriptive part and presented in the form of a 5-point scale: 1 - negligible, 2 - low, 3 - medium, 4 - high, 5 - very high probability. The results in the form of map represent the ar- eas where an increased probability of landslides due to changes in precipitation in the period 2041- 2070 can be expected for the entire territory of Slovenia at a scale of 1: 250,000. The ESRI software environment (ArcGIS Pro 2.5.0, ArcGIS Server 10.8) was used to generate landslide probability in baseline and projection periods, input data, and associated statistics. Scripts were created for each content set using the Python programming language, which auto- mated and streamlined the entire process of cre- ating probability projections. The scripts were created in the ArcPy environment, which al- lowed the use of ESRI software tools outside of the program itself. Results and discussion The results are presented spatially and in tab- ular form for the whole Slovenian territory for six climate models (CCLM1, CCLM2, DMI, IPSL, KNMI, SMHI) for the moderately optimistic sce- nario of greenhouse gas emissions (RCP4.5). The maps of climate change impacts on landslides show only landslide source areas, mainly for the shallow landslides, while deep-seated landslides are more difficult to predict with the applied methodology. The frequency of exceedance of rainfall threshold To estimate the number of days with exceeded rainfall thresholds in the projection period (2041- 2070), we compared the number of days when the value of precipitation exceeded 70 mm in base- line and projection periods. Results are tabulat- ed and spatially presented with the percentage of mid-century area which reflect difference in the number of days with trigger precipitation amounts exceeded between the baseline and projection periods for all six models (Figs. 3, 4). Figure 3 shows the percentage of areas with ex- ceeded rainfall thresholds between the baseline and projection periods for six selected climate Fig. 2. Workflow to determine the number of days with exceeded rainfall threshold and the impact of climate change on lan- dslides. Letters A, B, C, D indicate different sub-workflows. Sl. 2. Proces določanja pogostosti padavinskih dogodkov in vpliva podnebnih sprememb na plazove. Oznake A, B, C, D ozna- čujejo različne procese. 164 Mateja JEMEC AUFLIČ, Gašper BOKAL, Špela KUMELJ, Anže MEDVED, Mojca DOLINAR & Jernej JEŽ models. While the number of days with exceeded rainfall thresholds in 1981-2010 and 2041-2070 periods and the comparison (difference) between them are shown in the Fig. 4. Positive values of the number of days are represented by EG units where more precipitation events are expected in the mid-century (projection period), while neg- ative values indicate EG units where there will be less extreme precipitation events than in the baseline period (1981-2010). Comparing the number of precipitation days exceeding the exceeded rainfall threshold, i.e. 70 mm of rainfall, between the baseline and pro- jection periods, the area fraction varies within each model (Fig. 3). The frequency of precipita- tion events in mid-century (2041-2070), when at least 70 mm of precipitation is expected, will be higher in areas in the north-west, north and east of Slovenia than in the baseline period. ARSO in- dicates a daily precipitation amount of 50 mm or more as very intense rainfall events (Bertalanič et al., 2019). In the case of a moderately optimistic release scenario, the number of days with such intense precipitation will start to increase in the west of the country. Considering the impact of climate change, more than 10 such precipitation events are expected to occur in the middle of the century only in smaller areas of Slovenia, cov- ering 3 to 16 % of the land (Figs. 3, 4, red areas), while up to 10 such events are expected in 37 % to 47 % of the land in the west, north and east of Slovenia according to the annual average (Figs. 3, 4, orange areas). Calculations of the impact of climate change on the frequency of precipitation events exceeding the rainfall threshold show that in the middle of the century these precipi- tation events will be lower than in the baseline period only in smaller areas of Slovenia (cover- ing up to 8 %) (Figs. 3, 4, green areas). In recent years, Ujma Journal has reported that, on aver- age, extreme precipitation events (short intense or prolonged rainfall) have caused landslides at least twice a year for the past 20 years (Ujma, 2000-2020). The Ujma Journal, published by the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief, which is responsible for administrative and professional protection, rescue, relief and other tasks related to protection against natural and other disasters in Slovenia, annually collects the most important disaster events in the country, including precip- itation-related events that triggered landslides. Although these results are not directly compara- ble due to uncertainties in climate change pre- diction models and information sources, as they are on the one hand events that actually occurred and on the other hand, predictions according to climate change prediction RCP4.5, it can be not- ed that the number of precipitation events that may trigger landslides in the mid-21st century is higher than the exact number of precipitation events that have triggered landslides in recent years. This finding is of particular concern be- cause the prediction models consider all rain- fall events with a threshold above 70 mm, above which a landslide always occurs. Fig. 3. Percentage of areas with exceeded rainfall thresholds between baseline and projection periods - comparison between six selected climate models simulations. Sl. 3. Delež površine s preseženimi sprožilnimi količinami, ki ustrezajo razredu spremembe v številu dni nad sprožilno količi- no padavin med primerjalnim in projekcijskim obdobjem – primerjava med simulacijami šestih izbranih podnebnih modelov. 165Impact of climate change on landslides in Slovenia in the mid-21st century Fig. 4. Number of days with exceeded rainfall thresholds in the periods 1981-2010 and 2041-2070 and comparison (difference) between them. Sl. 4. Število dni s preseženimi sprožilnimi količinami padavin v obdobjih 1981-2010 in 2041-2070 ter primerjava (razlika) med njimi. < -10 < -10 - 0 0 0 - 10 > 10 CCLM1 CCLM2 DMI IPSL KNMI SMHI D if fe re n ce 20 40 - 2 07 0 19 81 - 2 01 0 D if fe re n ce 20 40 - 2 07 0 19 81 - 2 01 0 166 Mateja JEMEC AUFLIČ, Gašper BOKAL, Špela KUMELJ, Anže MEDVED, Mojca DOLINAR & Jernej JEŽ Future patterns The results of the impact of climate change on the probability of landslides for the territory of Slovenia at a scale of 1: 250,000 are presented in tabular form (Table 2) and spatially with the per- centage of the area in the baseline and projection periods for all six models simulations (Fig. 5). In the moderately optimistic emissions sce- nario, an increased probability of landslides in classes ranging from low to very high probabil- ity is expected in case of all six climate models simulations at mid-century, although the pro- portions do not differ significantly. Areas with a very high to high probability of landslides will occupy 5% more land in the areas of eastern and northeastern Slovenia and in the area of the Id- rijsko Cerkljansko and Škofjeloško hills than in the baseline period (Table 2, Fig. 5, purple are- as). By mid-century, the moderate to low prob- ability of landslides will be 7 % higher overall in the areas of eastern, northeastern and north- western Slovenia and in smaller parts of the Škofjeloško-Cerkljansko area (Table 2, Fig. 5, medium purple areas). In the middle of the cen- tury, the percentage of the area with a very low probability of landslides will decrease by up to 10 % (Table 2, Fig. 5, blue areas). As expected, the proportion of area with a negligible proba- bility of landslides does not change over either time period. These are areas where the natural conditions of the territory (geological structure, morphology) are such that landslides occur very rarely. Komac and Ribičič (2006) defined 24 % of the area as being at high to very high prone to land- slides, considering only the natural geological and geomorphological background of the area. In this study these data were compiled together with rainfall, i.e. climate scenarios, and show that the probability of landslide occurrence in the mid-21st century is almost 8 % higher than in the baseline period according to the susceptibili- ty to landslides given by Komac & Ribičič (2006). Ciabatta et al. (2016) investigated the im- pact of climate change on landslide occurrence in Umbria, central Italy, using GCM projections RCP8.5 (the worst scenario) applied to an ex- isting regional landslide early warning system (Ponziani et al., 2012) and assessed increase of landslide occurrence for 30 % in the period 2040- 2069. Comparing their results with the similar approach in this paper, except that we used a moderately optimistic climate scenario (RCP4.5), we found an increase in landslide probability of 5 Table 2. Proportion of landslide areas in relation to the moderately optimistic scenario of greenhouse gas emissions between the baseline and projection periods - comparison between six selected climate models simulations. Tabela 2. Deleži površine plazljivih območjih glede na zmerno optimistični scenarij izpustov toplogrednih plinov med primer- jalnim in projekcijskim obdobjem – primerjava med simulacijami šestih izbranih podnebnih modelov. Class Climate change impact on landslides CCLM 1 1981- 2010 CCLM 1 2041-2070 CCLM 2 1981-2010 CCLM 2 2041-2070 DMI 1981-2010 DMI 2041-2070 0 Negligible 18,04 % 18,04 % 18,04 % 18,04 % 18,04 % 18,04 % 1 Very low 71,17 % 68,37 % 71,26 % 69,05 % 71,82 % 63,57 % 2 Low 5,33 % 5,04 % 5,93 % 6,39 % 5,87 % 6,38 % 3 Medium 3,54 % 4,60 % 2,89 % 3,02 % 2,51 % 4,16 % 4 High 1,43 % 3,06 % 1,34 % 2,53 % 1,26 % 4,22 % 5 Very high 0,49 % 0,90 % 0,54 % 0,97 % 0,50 % 3,64 % Class Climate change impact on landslides IPSL 1981-2010 IPSL 2041-2070 KNMI 1981-2010 KNMI 2041-2070 SMHI 1981-2010 SMHI 2041- 2070 0 Negligible 18,04 % 18,04 % 18,04 % 18,04 % 18,04 % 18,04 % 1 Very low 74,68 % 63,90 % 71,91 % 65,58 % 72,22 % 65,35 % 2 Low 4,27 % 6,65 % 5,71 % 5,64 % 6,03 % 5,54 % 3 Medium 1,66 % 5,41 % 2,49 % 4,45 % 2,41 % 4,45 % 4 High 0,98 % 4,33 % 1,34 % 4,73 % 0,97 % 4,52 % 5 Very high 0,38 % 1,68 % 0,51 % 1,56 % 0,33 % 2,10 % 167Impact of climate change on landslides in Slovenia in the mid-21st century Fig. 5. The impact of climate change on the probability of landslides in the periods 1981-2010 and 2041-2070 for the territory of Slovenia for six models simulations. Landslide susceptibility is divided into 5 classes ranging from negligible to very high using an equal interval algorithm (0,20). Sl. 5. Vpliv podnebnih sprememb na verjetnost pojavljanja zemeljskih plazov v obdobjih 1981–2010 in 2041–2070 za območje Slovenije za šest modelov. Verjetnost pojavljanja plazov je razdeljena na 5 razredov od zanemarljive do zelo velike z uporabo algoritma enakih intervalov (0,20). negligible low medium high very high CCLM1 CCLM2 DMI IPSL KNMI SMHI 20 40 - 2 07 0 19 81 - 2 01 0 20 40 - 2 07 0 19 81 - 2 01 0 168 Mateja JEMEC AUFLIČ, Gašper BOKAL, Špela KUMELJ, Anže MEDVED, Mojca DOLINAR & Jernej JEŽ to 7 % for the period from 2040 to 2070. Based on the results of this study, we can assume that the use of RCP8.5 models on the territory of Slove- nia would significantly increase the occurrence of landslides in the mid-21st century. Conclusions This paper highlights the impact of chang- ing rainfall patterns in landslide-prone areas in Slovenia by the mid-21st century based on the RCP4.5 moderately optimistic climate scenario. The results indicate that the frequency of rain- fall events in the mid-century (2041-2070), when at least 70 mm of rainfall is projected, will be higher in areas in the north-west, north and east of Slovenia. More than 10 such rainfall events are expected in smaller areas of Slovenia covering 3 to 16 % of the area, while up to 10 such events are expected in 37 % to 47 % of areas in the west, north and east of Slovenia. Similarly, the results of the impact of climate change on land- slides in Slovenia in the mid-century shows that landslides are more likely to occur in the areas of eastern and northeastern Slovenia and in the area of the Idrijsko-Cerkljansko and Škofjeloško hills. In these areas, about 12 % more landslides are expected with respect to the baseline period. The authors of the report “Climate change assessment in Slovenia until the end of the 21st century” provided by Bertalanič et al. (2019) clearly indicated that we can expect 20 % more precipitation events in the middle of the centu- ry. They also found that a slightly larger increase in precipitation amount is expected in winter in eastern Slovenia. While in the other seasons, the trend and magnitude of precipitation change are strongly dependent on the release scenario and partly on the type of model, and the changes are mostly smaller than the natural variability of precipitation. Moreover, an increase in the in- tensity and frequency of extreme precipitation is also expected. Since landslides are closely related to the rainfall distribution, intensity and duration of a rainfall event, the results of the assessment of climate change impacts on landslide occurrence depend strongly on the expected trends in rain- fall changes. Predictions of how climate change will impact on landslides depend largely on the climate regime, the geomorphological charac- teristics of the area, and the geological setting in Slovenia. Gariano et al. (2016) highlighted also the long-standing human interventions in the country, which could speed the occurrence of landslides. The interaction between natural and human factors is complex and contributes to the uncertainty in assessing the impact of climate change on landslides. 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