Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 31/48 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 12. 08. 2012 19. in 20. NEDELJA MED LETOM 19th & 20th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail Web page Kruh iz nebes Jezus je v znamenitem govoru v Kafarnaumu polagoma razkrival sebe kot kruh iz nebes za življenje sveta. S tem, da je na gori namnožil kruha in rib, je dokazal svojo čudežno moč. Ko so ga hoteli postaviti za kralja, je množico opozoril, naj ne misli le na zemeljski kruh, ki mine, ampak na nebeški kruh, ki vodi v večno življenje. V nadaljevanju je povedal, da je on sam ta kruh in da prihaja iz nebes. Zato ta kruh tiste, ki se z njim hranijo, vodi v nebesa. Kdor je od tega kruha, ne bo umrl, ampak bo živel vekomaj. V zadnjem odstavku današnjega evangeljskega odlomka pa nas preseneti z nepričakovano trditvijo: Kruh, ki ga bom jaz dal, je moje meso za življenje sveta. Judje pa so, pravi sv. Janez, nad temi izjavami godrnjali. Razlog tega godrnjanja je bil: Mi vendar verno, kdo je ta Jezus. Poznamo njegove starše, kako torej trdi, da je prišel iz nebes? Kako more obljubljati, kar je nebeško? Tu je jedro vseh Jezusovih prepirov z Judi in vseh kritik, ki jih je deležno krščanstvo od prvih začetkov do današnjega dne. Bistveno vprašanje je namreč: ali je Jezus samo človek, navaden človek iz Nazareta, sin samo človeških staršev, rojen samo od moža in žene, kot smo vsi drugi ljudje - ali pa je v njem kaj več, kaj drugega, kaj božjega, nekaj, česar mu samo človeški starši niso mogli dati, nekaj, kar je na poseben način prejel iz nebes, od Boga, od Absolutnega, Večnega, Neskončnega, Svetega. Jezus trdi o sebi to zadnje. Krščanstvo že dve tisočletji vztraja pri tej trditvi. Nešteti so dajali zanjo življenje. Milijoni s to resnico vsak dan hranijo svojega duha in verujejo, da jih vodi v večno življenje. Spoštujemo vse, ki mislijo drugače. Zase pa trdno vztrajamo v prepričanju, da je Jezus iz Nazareta resnično to, kar zase trdi: Kruh, ki je prišel iz nebes. 12th ANNUAL SLOVENIAN DAY CAMP Another Great Week This year our Day Camp welcomed 52 campers for a week filled with fun! As we gave thanks at church every morning, we also prayed that the rain would hold off until 3pm - gratefully, God heard the prayers of our children, and we had wonderful weather all week. We again had special guests and activities, and the support for our camp was again overwhelming. We again say thank you to the unwavering support of the St. Joseph's Society. A great big thank you, to the Slovenian Credit Union who again helped to make our camp a success. Thank you to the Catholic Women's League who we can always count on, and Milan Ferletic, who in the memory of Darinka Ferletic kept her love for children alive in spirit at our camp. The biggest thank you for support of our Slovenian Day camp, however, goes to all the parents, grandparents and of course the children whose enthusiasm play a huge part in our success! Although much of the organizing happens before the camp, our week would not be possible without our volunteers who keep the children safe, and enthusiastically bring on the fun all week. Thank you for your commitment to our camp. Believe it or not, there are a few kids who have participated in our camp since its conception, yes, they've been with us for 12 years; first as campers and now as volunteers. I think this is a testament to its success. It is important that we remember that our Slovenian Day Camp is one way we work at trying to build friendships within our Slovenian Community in the hopes of keeping our great spirit alive. From all our young campers and leaders, we thank our parishioners who have always been enthusiastic and great supporters of our parish youth. Mark August on your calendars for next year for our 13th annual Summer Day Camp! Heidy Novak Slovenski park August 4 - 5 It was a beautiful, warm, sunny weekend featuring a VolleyBall Tournament, DJ music Sat, Balinca Tournament, Kids games, Band, Sunday. Roast pig, swimming, and fun in the sun. MaryAnn First Reading 1 Kings 19:4-8 God's angel brings food to Elijah in his state of despair. Second Reading Ephesians 4:30 - 5:2 We are invited to follow Christ by loving each other as he has loved us. Gospel John 6:41-51 Jesus is the living bread, come down from heaven. 'The bread that I shall give is my flesh, for the life of the world." For residents of Jerusalem, weekends can be quite complicated. Muslims celebrate Friday as their day of special prayer, the Jews keep the sabbath on Saturday, and Christians celebrate the Lord's Day on Sunday. Down through the years Friday has, of course, been a special day in the Christian calendar as well. If Sunday is the day we remember the Lord's resurrection, Friday is the day dedicated to remembering his suffering and death. Our ways of remembering have been both memorials of what Jesus did for us and also signs of witness to the wider world. Put simply, Catholics were known for going to Mass on Sunday and abstaining from meat on Fridays. At present we go to Mass on Sundays still - but maybe not with the same regularity as in the past - and since our acts of penance on Fridays have become a matter of personal choice, there is perhaps not such a clear sign given by us as a community to the world. Some Bishops' Conferences are encouraging the renewal of abstinence on Friday as a shared sign of witness to Christ's passion. All that we have comes from God. This is where we begin. In our first reading Elijah is in a state of despair, unable to continue with his appointed task as God's spokesman. God's angel comes not once but twice to feed him, and then Elijah is able to continue on his journey to the mountain of God. Without being fed by God he can do nothing. In the Gospel it is Jesus who claims to come from God and to feed us. This is the bone of contention among his listeners. How can this man, whose human origins they know, come from God? But Jesus is insistent. The prophet's promise that the people will be taught personally by God is being fulfilled in him. Jesus, who has seen and been with God, is the only one who can bring God's gift into the world. The nature of the gift to those who open their hearts and minds to him is overwhelming. It is variously described as eternal life, the bread of life, the bread that comes down from heaven, the flesh of Jesus himself offered for the life of the world. The Lord has fed his people in the past: he fed his people in the desert with manna, and he fed Elijah in the wilderness. This food is different because it is a sharing in God's own eternal life. We enter into the eternal life of God our Father as we are fed by his Son, who gives us his own self. His gift to us of himself is total, for he hands himself over to suffering and death on our behalf. Here we find ourselves at the heart of the mystery of our salvation and at the heart of our Eucharistic belief. The Christ who feeds us is the Christ who dies for us, and it is in his act of dying that he feeds us. St Paul invites us to follow Jesus in this act of sacrifice, loving others as he has loved us, giving up our lives as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. We try to bring both elements of Christ's gift to us into our worship and into our lives. The Eucharist we celebrate is by definition an act of thanksgiving. We open ourselves to all Christ wishes to give us. We listen to his word, we see his peace in each other, we receive him in the bread and in the wine. We acknowledge how each moment of our life is touched by the extraordinary power of God, and our Sunday celebration especially brings us together to open ourselves as a community to all that his mysterious gift entails. Yet we also are called to enter into Christ's suffering and death, in our own lives but also in our worship. We can use Friday as a day to keep in touch with how Christ's giving is tied to his suffering and passion. In our prayer we strip away all that binds us to illusion and sin. We can try to give a shared witness to the world through our fasting and abstinence. We give of ourselves in imitation of Christ in our almsgiving and in commitment to each other, especially to those who are poor. The gift of Christ's life becomes the gift of our lives, and as he rises from the dead so we too rise to new life in him. Obvestila - Announcements darovi_ Za misijone: $50 Tony in Elisabeth Ferko. Za gradbeni sklad ob smrti +Irme Hull namesto rož: $50 Jožica Recek; $100 Tanja Vogrinčič; $50 Tony in Marija Franc. Za gradbeni sklad ob smrti +Ciril Virant namesto rož: $50 družina Novak P. večna luč_ V mesecu avgustu večna luč gori za +Tončko Demšar po namenu družine Šetej. pogreba v mesecu juliju_ 15. julija 2012 je umrla Irma Hull v 88. letu življenja. Od nje smo se poslovili in zanjo molili v Donald V. Brown Funeral Home 18. julija. Pogrebno sv. mašo smo obhajali v župnijski cerkvi Sv. Gregorja Velikega v četrtek 19. julija ob 10. uri in jo nato položili k večnemu počitku na pokopališču Gate of Heaven Cemetery. Možu Ludviku, hčerki Zori, sinu Cirilu in vsem drugim domačim iskreno sožalje. 17. julija 2012 je uml Ciril Virant v starosti 75 let. Od njega smo se poslovili in zanj molili v Markey Dermody Funeral Home v ponedeljek 23. julija. Pogrebno sveto mašo smo zanj darovali v župnijski cerkvi Sv. Gregorija Velikega 24. julija ob 10. uri in ga nato položili k večnemu počitku na pokopališču Gate of Heaven Cemetery. Ženi Slavki, hčerkama Susie in Angie ter drugim domačim iskreno sožalje. društvo sv. jožefa - quebec_ The Slovenian Society of St. Joseph has organized a very exciting 5 day/4 nights excursion to the beautiful Charlevoix Region of Quebec - September 2-6, 2012. Tour highlights: 1 night stay at the Hotel Normandin in Quebec City; 2 nights at the Fairmont Richelieu in Charlevoix; 1 night stay at the Best Western in Montreal; 4 breakfasts, 1 lunch and 3 dinners; visit to St. Anne de Beaupre shrine; visit many interesting sites and experience the real French joie de vivre; tour of the Biosphere in Montreal; Charlevoix Casino with $10. slot play; all taxes and gratuities included. Cost per person: $789. dbl; & $769 tpl. Cheques payable to Maxima Tours. For registration - contact Jerry Ponikvar 905 -333-5813 or Frank Erzar 905-643-0285. romanje v baragove kraje_ Kot je bilo že nekajkrat v Vestniku objavljeno, bo v jeseni romanje v Baragovo deželo, in sicer od 21. do 25. septembra. V tem času so bila že vsa mesta v avtobusu zapolnjena, vendar je v zadnjem času prišlo do nekaj odpovedi iz utemeljenih razolgov. Zato se je sedaj nekaj mest sprostilo. Kdor se torej želi prijavti, naj to stori čim prej. Organizatorici romanja vljudno prosita, da najpozneje do 15. avgusta poravnate stroške za romanje. Najlepša hvala za razumevanje. dvorana - gradbena dela_ Načrtovana obnova in posodobitev dvorane poteka skoraj docela po predvidenem časovnem razporedu. Potem ko je bil v preteklih mesecih ob dvorani zgrajen jašek za dvigalo, je v začetku avgusta podjetje v njem že začelo z montažo dvigala. Tudi keramika v sanitarijah je skoraj nared. OD 12. 08. 2012 DO 19. 08. 2012 svete maše - masses 19. NEDELJA MED LETOM 12. Avgust Ivana Šantalska za žive in rajne župljane ff Marija in Franc Celec ff Jernej in Lucija Ponikvar 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Vera z družino družina Ponikvar Ponedeljek - Monday 13. Avgust Hipolit in Poncijan f Blaž Čulig 7:00 p.m. Bogu v zahvalo za 45 let poroke ff Družina Kološa f Jožef Jerič Katica Dorin z družino Rozalja in Anton Čule Olga Čulig Ignac in Marija Horvat Torek - Tuesday 14. Avgust Maksimiljan Kolbe f Ivan Mertuk ff Ivan, Angela in Renata Zorko f Matej Čurič f Janez Šušteršič 8:00 a.m. Kathy and Joe Prša Veronika Obal mama žena z družino Sreda - Wednesday 15. Avgust Marijino Vnebovzetje f Karel in Stanko Ceglar f Slavko Erzetič f Martin Glavač f Ana Wizani 7:00 p.m. Anton in Marija Bukvič Manja Erzetič žena Marija in družina Francka Cestnik Četrtek- Thursday 16. Avgust Rok f Stanko Bratuž 7:00 p.m. f Antonia Demšar f Jože Jerič / za zdravje Terezije Jerič ff Marija in Jakob Peršin žena Dorothea Ježovnik Amalija Štadler Elka Peršin z družino Petek - Friday 17. Avgust Hijacint f Ivan Obal f Ivan Sobočan ff Franc in Verona Korošec f Jožef Jerič 7:00 p.m. Terezika Zelko Anica Miklavčič Ignac in Marija Korošec Manja Erzetič Sobota - Saturday 18. Avgust Helena po namenu ff Ana Intihar in Jože Jerič f Janez Zagorc f Marija Ternar f Ivan Obal 8:15 a.m. 5:30 p.m. N. N. Tony in Marija Franc družina Erzar družina Žalik (Montreal) sin Frank Obal 18. NEDELJA MED LETOM 19. Avgust JanezEudes za žive in rajne župljane ff starši Vlašič in sin Matija f Blaž Čulig maša - Triglav Park 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Jožica Vlašič Štefan Kenbič z družino OD 19. 08. 2012 DO 26. 08. 2012 svete maše - masses 18. NEDELJA MED LETOM 19. Avgust JanezEudes za žive in rajne župljane ff starši Vlašič in sin Matija f Blaž Čulig maša - Triglav Park 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Jožica Vlašič Štefan Kenbič z družino Ponedeljek - Monday 20. Avgust Bernard f Ivan Sobočan f Ivan Obal ff pokojni Kovač f Jože Jerič 7:00 p.m. Ivan Kirec z družino Ivan Kirec z družino Jožef in Evfemija Tompa Pavla in Frank Pelcar Torek - Tuesday 21. Avgust Pij X. f Ivan Obal f Štefan Plevel f Irma Hull f Irma Hull 8:00 a.m. žena Veronika žena Marija in družina Amalija Štadler Margita Sreda - Wednesday 22. Avgust Dev. Marija Kraljica f Ivan Dobršek, obl. ff družina Simončič f Ivan Dobršek, obl. f Ivan Dobršek, obl. 7.00 p.m. Anton in Marija Bukvič družina Simončič Manja Erzetič Tony in Marija Franc Četrtek- Thursday 23. Avgust Roza iz Lime f Ivan Sobočan ff Štefan in Barbara Kovač f Tončka Demšar f Jože Jerič 7:00 p.m. Marija Pangus Marija in Ignac Korošec Simončič Kathy in Martin Simončič Kathy in Martin Petek - Friday 24. Avgust Jernej f Franc Obal f Ivan Sobočan f Matija Vlašič f Florian Miklavčič 7:00 p.m. S. O. D. Hanc Joe z družino Dorothea Ježovnik Štefan in Francka Antolin Sobota - Saturday 25. Avgust Ludvik f Jože Jerič f Stane Napast ff pokojni strici in tete f Ivan Obal f Stanko Ferenčak 8:15 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Jožef Ritlop žena Frančiška Napast z družino Marija Košir Frančiška Napast Gizela Žalik 19. NEDELJA MED LETOM 26. Avgust Tarzicij za žive in rajne župljane f Marija Ternar ff Marija in Ermes Cantoni 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Ana Matajič družina Truden tif svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971.