24th Int. Symp. “Animal Science Days”, Ptuj, Slovenia, Sept. 21st−23rd, 2016. Acta argiculturae Slovenica, Supplement 5, 41–44, Ljubljana 2016 COBISS: 1.08 Agris category code: L10 MAPPING OF HETEROZYGOSITY RICH REGIONS IN AUSTRIAN PINZGAUER CATTLE Maja FERENČAKOVIĆ 1, 2, Maja BANADINOVIĆ 3, Mario MERCVAJLER 4, Negar KHAYAT- ZADEH 5, Gábor MÉSZÁROS 6, Vlatka CUBRIC-CURIK 7, Ino CURIK 8, Johann SÖLKNER 9 Mapping of heterozygosity rich regions in Austrian Pinzgauer cattle 1 Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, Svetosimunska 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia 2 Corresponding author, e-mail: mferencakovic@agr.hr 3 Same address as 1, e-mail: majabanadinovic@hotmail.com 4 Same address as 1, e-mail: mario-215@hotmail.com 5 University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Department of Sustainable Agricultural Systems, Division of Livestock Sciences, Gregor Mendel Str. 33, A-1180 Vienna, Austria, e-mail: negar.khayatzadeh@students.boku.ac.at 6 Same address as 5, e-mail: gabor.meszaros@boku.ac.at 7 Same address as 1, e-mail: vcubric@agr.hr 8 Same address as 1, e-mail: icurik@agr.hr 9 Same address as 5, e-mail: johann.soelkner@boku.ac.at ABSTRACT Heterozygosity, the state of possessing different alleles at a given locus of an individual, is functionally related to inbreeding, heterosis and biodiversity. We questioned the appearance of regions with extraordinary high rates of het- erozygosity, here “Heterozygosity Rich Regions” (HRR) in the genomes of a cattle population. We used 120 Pinzgauer bulls genotyped with 611102 SNPs and detected 14702 HRR unequally dispersed in the genome. Mean coverage of SNP chip data with HRR was 0.99 %. In total we found 11 regions with high frequency of SNPs being in HRR on nine chromosomes yielding 21 genes of which 17 have described functions. We further identified genes located in HRR and discussed their importance and function. The results of this study point to the analysis of HRR providing additional understanding of the genomes of livestock. Key words: cattle, Pinzgauer, heterozygosity rich regions, SNP data 1 INTRODUCTION Heterozygosity, the state of possessing different al- leles at a given locus of an individual, is functionally re- lated to inbreeding, heterosis and biodiversity. Balancing selection is a common term for three types of selection (heterozygote advantage, negative frequency dependent selection, or fluctuating selection) that maintain higher than expected levels of heterozygosity and allelic diver- sity within populations. Heterotic balancing selection is caused by selective advantage of heterozygous genotypes showing overdominance. The existence of the overdomi- nance has been proved empirically, but its occurrence is generally considered as a rare phenomenon. However, such genes have been identified for traits that are “multi- plicatively” determined (Gemmell and Slate, 2006; Krieg- er et al., 2010) and might be present more commonly. The other explanation for the maintenance of polymor- phism is negative frequency dependent selection, also type of balancing selection, with the mechanism ex- plained for MHC inheritance (Hedrick and Thompson, 1983; Hedrick, 1994. In fluctuating selection, the last type of balancing selection, polymorphism is maintained in a population by fluctuation of the selective pressure in a relatively short time (Bell, 2010). A good example of fluc- tuating selection in Cepaea is shown in Cain et al. (1990). Furthermore, the relationship between genetic di- versity and fitness is an important issue in different areas Acta agriculturae Slovenica, Supplement 5 – 201642 M. FERENČAKOVIĆ et al. of evolutionary biology (Charlesworth and Charlesworth, 1987; Ellegren and Sheldon, 2008). The importance of understanding the relationship between genetic diversity and fitness is in assessing the evolutionary potential of the population and to simultaneously predict the reduc- tion of their genetic variability. In addition, heterozygosi- ty-fitness correlations (HFC) have been used to study the relationship between genetic diversity and fitness at the individual level in a variety of organisms (Coltman and Slate, 2003). Most HFC studies in animal populations report a linear, positive relationship between measures of individual heterozygosity and fitness-related traits (Olano‐Marin et al., 2011). In livestock population, besides the overall genome heterozygosity (Curik et al., 2010, 2014), not a lot has been done in analyzing genomic aspects of heterozy- gosity such as existence of regions rich in heterozygo- sity. Williams et al. (2016) analyzed the heterozygosity in the Chillingham cattle, using the genotypes obtained through a set of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP chip), and confirmed the lack of variability in this ex- tremely homozygous breed. Although Runs of Homozy- gosity (ROH) segments covered 95 % of the genome in this breed, they also found some regions that were strictly heterozygous and called them “Runs of SNP Heterozygo- sity”. The authors consider that such regions, unlike ROH regions, could contain loci that contribute to the survival rate, fertility and other fitness traits (McParland et al., 2009), and can be segments of the genome where diver- sity could be very beneficial. However, the term “Runs of Heterozygosity” is somewhat misleading. While for runs of homozygosity all base pairs between genotyped SNPs are considered to be homozygous, the non-genotyped base pairs between genotyped heterozygous calls are surely not all heterozygous. The main goal of this study was to analyze genomic aspects of heterozygosity and frequency of HRR in Aus- trian Pinzgauer cattle as well as to identify genes, togeth- er with their functions, that are in HRR. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1. QUALITY CONTROL OF GENOTYPES A total of 121 Austrian Pinzgauer bulls were geno- typed with Illumina BovineHD Genotyping BeadChip containing 777972 SNPs. DNA was isolated from the sperm obtained during the regular procedure of taking ejaculate in artificial insemination stations. Using SAS 9.4. software, we first excluded all SNPs that were not assigned to any chromosome and those assigned to sex chromosomes and mitochondrial DNA. In the next step, we removed SNPs with “GenTrain Score” smaller or equal to 0.4 and SNPs with “GenCall Score” smaller or equal to 0.7. Further we used PLINK v1.07. (Purcell et al., 2007) to exclude all SNPs that were missing in more than 10 % of individuals and individuals that lacked more than 5 % of the SNPs. 2.2. ESTIMATES OF GENETIC PARAMETERS RE- LATED TO DIVERSITY The following genetic parameters were estimated: (i) the number of polymorphic SNPs, (ii) the number of monomorphic SNPs, (iii) observed heterozygosity (HETOBS) which was calculated as a proportion of ho- mozygous individuals for each SNP and averaged over the individual chromosome or an entire genome, (iv) expected heterozygosity (HETEXP) based on allele fre- quencies (2pq). We also estimated the inbreeding coef- ficient FIS which is defined as 1-(HETOBS/HETEXP). This inbreeding coefficient is equivalent to Wright’s (Wright, 1949) within-subpopulation fixation index with values in the range of −1 to +1. For the evaluation we used PLINK v1.07 and SNP &Variation Suite (v8.4.0 Win64; Golden Helix, Bozeman, MT, USA www.goldenhelix.com). 2.3. DETECTION OF HETEROZYGOSITY RICH REGIONS HRR were detected using SNP &Variation Suite. For this purpose, we prepared a data set in which we replaced the status of each SNP and converted homozygous SNPs into heterozygous and vice versa in order to trick the al- gorithm for detection of ROH segments. HRR were de- fined as a sequence of at least 50 heterozygous SNPs in a row, where the minimum length of the HRR segment had to be at least 1kb. The density of SNPs had to be at least one SNP per every 50 kb. To account for genotyping errors, we allowed a maximum of two missing SNPs, four homozygous genotypes within HRR (Williams et al., 2016) but these genotypes were not allowed to be in a row (Ferencakovic et al., 2013). To detect the parts of ge- nome in which the SNPs are often found in HRR we cal- culated the proportion of each SNP in a HRR in the total sample of animals. Then we chose 0.1 % of SNPs with the highest frequency and analyzed the regions in which they were located and checked whether we could find genes in them. The functions of the genes were taken from the on- line databases http://www.uniprot.org and http://www. genecards.org (last access 31.05.2016). We used genetic map UMD 3.1.1. (http://bovinegenome.org/?q=node/61) for the genome mapping. Acta agriculturae Slovenica, Supplement 5 – 2016 43 MAPPING OF HETEROZYGOSITY RICH REGIONS IN AUSTRIAN PINZGAUER CATTLE 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. QUALITY CONTROL OF GENOTYPES AND ESTIMATES OF GENETIC PARAMETERS After quality control, we were left with genotypes of 120 animals, having 611102 SNPs on autosomal chromosomes covering 2507812473 bp of the genome. The estimated total genetic parameters for this popula- tion were: (i) the number of polymorphic SNPs; 603076 (98.7 %) while the number of monomorphic SNPs was complementary (8026; 1.3 %), (ii) the average observed heterozygosity (HETOBS); 0.346 (range: 0.320 – 0.363), (iii) expected heterozygosity (HETEXP); 0.341 (range: 0.329–0.342). Estimated inbreeding coefficient FIS was −0.0133 (range: −0.0638 to 0.0644). We also calculated the number of monomorphic and polymorphic SNPs and estimate of HETOBS for each chromosome. The lowest HETOBS was on chromosome 2 (0.316) while the highest HETOBS was on chromosome 27 (0.365). Genetic param- eters evaluated in this study show a high polymorphism rate of SNP markers (98.7 %) obtained by Illumina Bo- vineHD Genotyping BeadChip. Chromosomal or total HETEXP (0.34) values in Pinzgauer cattle were not devi- ating from those obtained in other breeds (0.25–0.34) (e.g. Williams et al., 2014). Estimated inbreeding coeffi- cient FIS was found to be negative (mean: −0.0133, 95% confidence interval: −0.0177; −0.0087), suggesting the avoidance of close pedigree inbreeding. Negative values could also indicate potential problems in genotyping, but we think this was not the case as we have applied severe quality control. Furthermore, Ferenčaković et al. (2013) showed that, in comparison to other breeds, inbreeding level, FROH (1.4 to 6.2 %, depending on minimum ROH size) and FPED (1.9 %) is low in this breed. 3.2. HETEROZYGOSITY RICH REGIONS IN THE GENOME OF THE PINZGAUER CATTLE In the genome of Pinzgauer cattle, the total number of detected HRR was 14702. The largest region, regard- ing the length in base pairs, (1,386964 Mb) was located on chromosome 21, and the shortest (0,058072 Mb) was observed on chromosome 10. Regarding the number of SNPs, the largest segment contained 210 heterozygous SNPs in a row, and the shortest 50, which, was our de- fault minimum. In comparison to the length of ROH seg- ments found in this breed by Ferenčaković et al. (2013.), HRR were much smaller and rarer. The lowest coverage of the genome represented by SNP chip data with HRR was on chromosome 13 (0.28 %) while the highest cov- erage was observed on chromosome 5 (1.40 %). In to- tal, the average coverage of the with HRR was 0.99 % (0.57–1.13 %). These results could not be compared with any other research since, for now, there has been only one published study with a similar research objective (Wil- liams et al., 2016). 3.3. PARTS OF THE GENOME WITH A HIGH PROPORTION OF SNPS IN HETEROZYGOSITY RICH REGIONS After we determined the threshold of 0.1 % SNPs with the highest frequency in HRR, there were 611 SNPs passing it. Those SNPs formed 11 regions on nine chro- mosomes (Table 1). Chromosomes 1, 3, 9, 11, 16, 18 and 19 had only one region, while chromosomes 2 and 6 had two regions. In these 11 regions, we found a total of 21 genes. The second region on chromosome 6 (Table 1) did not have recorded genes, nor did have regions on chro- mosomes 9 and 19. Of the 21 recorded genes, 17 had Chromosome Beginning of the region (bp) End of the region (bp) Number of heterozygous SNP in the region 1 131553025 131702250 18 2 65395949 65574548 77 90526660 90590242 48 3 54166354 54261102 23 6 7770842 7857073 16 80607709 8072311 47 9 43960964 44119040 68 11 61932165 62057011 13 16 42625201 42840188 76 18 25753024 25855179 20 19 47269324 47452230 51 Table 1: Parts of the genome with the highest proportion of SNPs in HRR Acta agriculturae Slovenica, Supplement 5 – 201644 M. FERENČAKOVIĆ et al. known and described function, while the others were an- notated as coding genes, but without function. Based on gene functions obtained on http://www. uniprot.org and http://www. genecards.org (last access 31.05.2016), we concluded that genes found in HRR are important in biological processes. Our premises are finding good example in 5 from 17 genes with known and well described function. Interesting was ALS2CR11 gene located on chromosome 2, which, in humans, has a function related to juvenile amyotrophic lateral scle- rosis. The disease has different symptoms of the better known amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and its in- heritance is recessive (http://www.malacards.org/card/ amyotrophic_lateral_sclerosis_2_ juvenile, last access 31.05.2016.). There is also a group of genes on chromo- some 3 (F1N4W2, GBP6 and GBP5) whose role is asso- ciated with with binding and metabolism of guanosine triphosphate (GTP) in innate immune and inflammatory response. On chromosome 11 we found the gene MDH1 encoding the enzyme malate dehydrogenase. Malate dehydrogenase catalyzes the oxidation of malate to ox- aloacetate in the Krebs cycle. Here we have presented only five of 17 genes with known and well described functions. Those were chosen as examples because their functions in important bio- logical processes are familiar to broader audience. 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