Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home •Ameriška domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Serving in Ohio and nationwide over 150,000 American Slovenians No. 44 (USPS 024100) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 1, 1990 ISSN Number: 0164-680X 50C Memo from Madeline,.. Jadran Celebrates 70th by Madeline I). Debevec On Saturday, November 10, the Jadran Singing Society under the direction of Reginald Resnik will celebrate its 70th Anniversary with a Dinner/Program/Dance at the Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Road. A delicious dinner prepared by Steffie Smolič and her workers will be served from 5 to 6:30 p.m. The 7:00 program will include Slovenia’s new National Anthem “Zdravica,” “Domov Slovenski Kraj,” excerpts from “Gorenjski Slavček,” and “Masquerade in Vienna,” Avsenik’s “Mi Ga Spet Žingamo” and “Srečno Novo Leto” plus other chorus selections. Of course, you will also hear “Jadran Songbirds” Florence Unetich and Angela Žabjek as well as be entertained by Jadran’s Button Box Ensemble. Dancing to the Fred Kuhar Orchestra will commence at 9 p.m and continue until midnight. Donation for this delightful evening is only $14.00. Tickets may be purchased at Tony’s Polka Village, the SWH Clubroom or by contacting either Angela Žabjek at 531-3979 or Betty Rotar at 481-3191. ♦ * * STRNISA-SINKORA Engagement Dr. and Mrs. Fred Strniša of Scotch Church Road, Patter-sonville, New York, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Jeanette J., to Thomas J. Sinkora, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sinkora of Fabian Drive, Schenectady, New York. The future bride is a graduate of Schalmont High School. Christian Jameson Cobb She is an administrative secretary at Independent Cement Corporation, Albany. Her fiance is a graduate of Draper High School and attended Hudson Valley Community College. He is a service manager at RV America and Marine, Clifton Park. An April 1991 wedding is planned. Miss Strniša is the granddaughter of Fred V. Strniša and the late Josephine Strniša of Cleveland, Ohio. * * * Christian Jameson Cobb Makes His Debut Congratulations to Brian Cobb and Maria-Lah Cobb of Willoughby Hills, Ohio on the birth of their first child, a son, Christian, on September 27th. He weighed in at 9 lbs. and 2 ozs. and was 21 inches in length. Proud first time grandparents are Josef and Marie Lah and happy first time great-grandparents are Josef and Anna Lah of Cleveland, and Mary Derling of Madison, Ohio. * * * TRA VEL NEWS: The following post card was sent from San Juan, Puerto Rico, “Greetings to all. Enjoying our Joey Tomsick ‘Caribbean Cruise’ very much. Weather is perfect, people friendly, and the islands are all interesting. We are happy we came and are getting some rest, too. Charlie and Ann Terček” * * * PEOPLE: Joe Kusar, a native of Euclid, is vice president of Tolleson Lumber Company, headquartered in Perry, Ga. He is responsible for the company’s wood preserving operation. He is a graduate of Euclid High School and Ohio State University. Mary Hribar, a native of Euclid, is director of student activities at Tiffin University in Tiffin, Ohio. She is responsible for educational, cultural and social activities programs and advises student government and coordinates staffing procedures for the university’s student center. Hribar received a bachelor of art degree in public relations from Bowling Green State University in 1988. She is working on her master’s degree in college student personnel at Bowling Green. * * * Stopar-Hinske Wedding Maria Hinske married Joseph A. Slopar June 30 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church in Wickliffe. The Rev. Nicholas Taylor officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hinske of Summerville, S.C. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stopar of Wickliffe. Donna Kuta of Willowick was matron of honor with bridesmaids, Carol Horgan of Eastlake, sister of the bridegroom, Jennifer Shum of Willowick and Jean DiFranco of South Euclid. Jennifer and Kelly Sweeney of Willowick were junior bridesmaids and Ann Marie Horgan of Eastlake, niece of the bridegroom, was flower girl. Mark Carlile of Cleveland served as best man. Ushers were James Horgan of Eastlake, brother-in-law of the bridegroom, Thomas and Joseph Hinske of South Carolina, brothers of the bride. Michael Hinske of South Carolina, brother of the bride, was junior usher ancf Daniel Horgan of Eastlake, nephew of the bridegroom, was ringbearer. A reception at Recher Hall in Euclid honored the couple before a wedding trip to Florida. They live in Cleveland. The bride is a graduate of Lakeland Community College in Kirtland and is a respiratory therapist for Lake Hospitals Systems. Her husband is a graduate of Cleveland State University and is a systems control engineer for Reliance Electric Co. in Euclid. * * * Cathedral Latin Alumni Association 1990-1991 Board of Trustees include Frank Hlad, ’68, and Anthony Pozelnik ’31. Other prominent Slovenians mentioned in the September AlumNotes are: Bishop A. Edward Pevec, ’43, Cleveland’s Chief of Police Edward Kovacic ’48, Eugene Kogovšek ’52 newly elected National President of the American Slovenian Catholic Union (KSKJ), and Ken Prešeren ’72. Ken has been chosen to the Greater Cleveland’s All-Decade Major Slow Pitch Team at second base by Soft-ball U.S.A. Ken played football and baseball at Latin. He was a member of the Non-Ferrous’ ASA National Open Championship Team of 1986. * * * Christmas Boutique A Christmas Boutique will be held in the St. Ann Dining Room of Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, 21281 Chardon Rd., Euclid, OH on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, November 9, 10, and 11 from 10 a.m. to 6 Circle your calendar today. * * * Vera Marsic of Eastlake, Ohio and Peter Hauptman of Richmond Heights, were part of the "Slovenians For Voinovich” rally taking part in the “Nationalities for Voinovich/DeWine” celebration held last Saturday beginning at 12:30 at the Euclid Civic Center. Voinovich. running for the office of Governor of Ohio, spoke about bringing more jobs to the state. He also talked with pride about his Slovenian/Serbian heritage and the high values his parents and grandparents taught him. He said they had instilled in him the strength to bring him through adversities and the desire to help others through public °^ce- (Photo by James V. Debevec) Prestigious Polka Show Cleveland’s own Tony Petkovšek will host his 29th Thanksgiving Polka Party in the heart of Downtown Cleveland at the city’s most renowned hotel, Stouffer’s Tower City, located on Public Square smack in the middle of renovated, sparkling downtown Cleveland. The city’s exquisite Christmas lights display is located right in front of the hotel. Cleveland’s newest and finest shopping mall is in the hotel complex. The glamorous hotel features two ballrooms, elegantly decorated with crystal chandeliers and tasteful paintings. The hotel will offer a special 50% discount for polka persons staying the weekend with a rate of $75 per night which includes tax and tips. Amenities of the hotel include swimming pool, health club courtesy (free) limousine transportation, direct rapid transit to airport, adjacent parking, two televisions, three telephones in each room, complimentary coffee/newspaper. There will be dance activities at the hotel on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings. Over a dozen polka bands will perform on Thanksgiving from 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Donation for the Thursday show is $8.00 which includes free parking for advance ticket holders. For tickets or further information call Tony’s Polka Village in Cleveland. * * * Belokranjski Club will celebrate their traditional “Martinovanje” tasting the new season’s wine, on Saturday, Nov. 10 in the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue, starting at 6:30 p.m. Dinner will be Family Style. Music will be by Tony Klepec Orchestra. Donation is $16.00. For tickets please call 289-0843 or 481-3308. Holiday Bake Sale Let’s begin this joyful season with pastry expertly baked by the Progressive Slovene Women of America Circle 1 of Waterloo Road. Our usual fine pastry of poticas, breads, krofe will be available by calling Fran Mauric 531-6393, Dolores Dobida 951-1694 or Dorothy Silc, 481-6071. Potica orders must be in no later than Nov. 9th. Pick up will be on Tuesday evening, Nov. 13 and Wed., Nov. 14. Our donuts will be made on Tuesday, Nov. 27 and pick-up will be after 2 p.m. Call your orders in now so you won’t be disappointed later. We all wish you happy holidays for this coming season and thank you for your past patronage, enabling Progressive Slovene Women to continue in their benevolent endeavors. Turkey Festival St. Mary (Collinwood) parish will hold their Thanksgiving Festival on Sunday, November 18 in the school cafeterial. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA. NOVEMBER 1, 1990 ELECT COMMON PLEAS JUDGE JAMES D. SWEENEY FOR JUDGE COURT OF APPEALS Paid for by Sweeney for Judge Committee, George F. Saris, Chairman indorsed by: • Federation of Oerman-Ameriean Societies of Greater Cleveland . AFL-CTO . Sun 'lewspapers . Citizens League preferred RE-ELECT JUDGE DONALD G. NUGENT Court of Common Pleas HONESTY ★ INTEGRITY ★ DEDICATION Endorsed by Every Civic, Labor and News Organization "Highly Recommended” Cleveland Bar Association, Norman Minor Bar Association Fraternal Order of Police, Cleveland Police Patrolmens Association "Preferred” Citizens League "Best Qualified” Cuyahoga County Bar Association • Ohio Supreme Court Award for Excellent Judicial Service • • Veteran United States Marine Corps • Graduate: St. Ignatius High School, Xavier University, Loyola University of Rome, Italy and Member of St. Christopher’s Parish Committee for Re-Election of JUDGE DONALD C. NUGENT; Peter E. Glynias Chairman; 328 Cornwell Road, Rocky River, Ohio 44116 Dr. Jože Mencinger, Slovenia’s Deputy Prime Minister, Visits Economic Opportunities in Slovenia Discussed Last Saturday morning and early afternoon, the recently formed Slovenian American Economic Council hosted a seminar “Doing Business With Slovenia.” It was held at the University Club, 3813 Euclid Avenue, in Cleveland. The main speaker was Dr. Jože Mencinger, who serves as the Deputy Prime Minister of Slovenia and is charged with guiding the country’s economic policy. The meeting was chaired by Daniel A. Pavšek, Vice President of Ameritrust Company N.A. Among other speakers were Josip Skoberne, secretary for International Programs of the Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia, who provided extensive data on the economic situation of Slovenia and on possibilities for foreign investment there as well as trade opportunities. Tone Macuh, acting president of the LBS Bank— New York, a wholly owned subsidiary of Ljubljanska Banka of Slovenia, spoke about that institution and the services it can provide. Phyllis Kaminsky, an associate with Ruder-Finn Consultants in Washington, D.C., although described in the program as speaking on doing business with Slovenia, in fact provided a detailed overview of the political situation in Slovenia and Yugoslavia and in effect suggested more lobby-style activity than actual business dealings. The speakers from Slovenia all emphasized that recent changes in the legal systems in both Slovenia and Yugoslavia were in the direction of a radical opening up toward private investment and a market based economy. Dr. Mencinger indicated that even more extensive changes would be adopted by the Slovene government and parliament by the end of the year. The thrust of their arguments was that Slovenia is now a good place to do business with and that governmental and economic bodies in that country are prepared to meet American and Western investors on a purely business basis, with each side seeking to gain economic success. In this respect, the speakers reiterated what Prime Minister Peterle indicated during his visit to Cleveland in July, namely that Slovenia is not looking for MARK A. STANTON Court of Common Pleas Cuyahoga County Mark A. Stanton For Judge Committee — Patrick S. Parker, Chairman Lori A. Wheeler, Treaaurer, 1717 Sperry’s Forge 'frail, Westlake. Ohio 44145 handouts but just the chance to do business on an equal basis. In one of the question and answers periods that followed each speaker’s presentation, Peter Osenar, a Group Executive Vice President for Retail Banking with Ameritrust, elicited the response from Skoberne that foreign employers of persons in businesses in Slovenia would be bound by the general contract in existence between employers and unions in Slovenia. This contract severely limits the freedom of action employers have in terms of dealing with their employees. After lunch there was a panel discussion involving the speakers and a number of other individuals. Among the remarks made, Dr. Mencinger several times expressed concern about the economic consequences for Slovenia about losing its market in Serbia and other southern parts of Yugoslavia. Skoberne, however, disagreed about the impact, citing statistics to show that Slovenia could survive such a boycott without undue difficulty. In response to a question about how the current crisis between Slovenia and Serbia would finally be resolved, and whether Yugoslavia would survive, Dr. Mencinger indicated that he did not believe that a confederal arrangement for the nations of Yugoslavia could be achieved and made to work. His view was that in the end Slovenia would emerge as a completely independent country. The meeting was extremely informative for those who attended. All of the speakers from Slovenia spoke excellent English, clearly were highly qualified, and on balance optimistic for the longer term. Some of those who attended arrived a little late or had to leave early because of other commitments, but it seemed over forty persons attended. After his visit to Cleveland, Dr. Mencinger traveled to Toronto, where he was hosted by the Canadian equivalent to the Slovenian American Economic Council and also spoke to a large gathering marking the anniversary of Slovenia’s gaining its independence from Austria in 1918 (October 29, though the Toronto celebration was on Sunday, Oct. 28). The main speaker at that celebration was Dr. Mate Roess-man of Euclid, Ohio, president of the Slovenian American Council and of Slovenska Pristava. President of the Slovenian American Economic Council is Michael Perles, a local banker with Third Federal Savings and manager of its downtown office. Roger Sustar, president of Fredon Co. of Mentor, Ohio is V.P. of S.A.E.C. Rudolph M. Susel Šuster Named Legislator of the Year State Representative Ron Šuster was named legislator of the year by the Ohio Union of Patrolmen Association. He was honored for his “untiring efforts and dedicated service to the citizens of Ohio.” Šuster was the only representative so honored. Šuster is seeking re-election to the Ohio House. He has served the 19th District since 1981. Ron has chaired three major committees including the sensitive Ethics Committee. Ron Šuster is the son of Frances (Pry at el) and Joseph. He is married to Patricia (Hočevar). They have three children, Jennifer 15, Joseph, 14, and Michael August, 12. He is a shareholder in all of the Slovenian Homes and a member of many Slovenian fraternal organizations. Ron graduated from St. Joseph high school. He received his college degree from Adelbert College, Western Reserve University and his law degree from Case Western Reserve Law School. He served as an assistant Cleveland Law Director, Assistant County Prosecutor, Assistant Ohio Attorney General and as Highland Heights Law Director. Ron has a neighborhood law practice on E. 185 St. He has also served as a labor arbitrator and authored landmark legislation in finding alternative methods to dispute resolution. Homer Exhibit Extended The Cleveland Museum of Art is pleased to announce its current exhibition, Reckoning with Winslow Homer: His Late Paintings and Their Influence, originally scheduled to close Nov. 18, has been extended thru Sunday, Nov. 25. This groundbreaking exhibition presents marine paintings by the great American master (1836-1910). Homer’s views of the Main Coast and its surging seas, which he painted during the last twenty years of his life, are shown with paintings by other American artists who were inspired by his dramas of sea and shore, including George Bellows, Edward Hopper, John Marin, and Marsden Hartley. Following its showing in Cleveland, the exhibition will travel to the Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, Ohio (Dec. 16 - Feb. 10), and to the Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. “Judge — Cheryiffamey KEEP HER ON THE BENCH Domestic Relations Division Court of Common Pleas Paid for by Friends of Judge Cheryl Karner: Congressman Edward F. Feighan and Ihe Honorable Benny Bonanno, Chairmen: 1367 West 6lsi Cleveland, Ohio 44102. 3 > Welcome to Dr. France Bučar! Dr. France Bučar, President of the Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia, will be visiting the Cleveland area this weekend. We extend him a cordial welcome and hope that his visit among us will serve to deepen the already strong bonds between the people of Slovenia and those of us who together comprise the Slovene American community. In addition to serving as the principal speaker at the Slovenski Večer sponsored by the Slovenian American Heritage Foundation this Sunday at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue, Dr. Bučar will visit with Bishop A. Edward Pevec, and will attend Sunday Slovenian Mass at St. Vitus Church, to which the public is cordially invited. On Saturday afternoon, Dr. Bučar will participate in prayers at the Slovenska Pristava on All Souls Day. When accepting the invitation of the Slovenian American Heritage Foundation to speak at the Slovenski Večer, both Dr. Bučar and the Slovene Parliament, which approved his visit, expressed the desire to meet with as many representatives of Slovene American organizations as possible. Among the many items on Dr. Bučar’s schedule, accordingly. will be meetings with the Federation of Slovenian National Homes, Slovenian American Council, Alliance of Slovenian Americans, visits to the Slovene Home for the Aged, Baragov Dorn, American Mutual Life Association, American Home Newspaper, Kollander Travel, and an interview with Tony Petkovsek’s radio program. Dr. Bučar also will meet representatives of several Slovene American fraternal organizations and will be guest at a reception given by the Yugoslav Consul General in Cleveland, Matjaž Jančar. In July. Slovene Americans were able to meet the Prime Minister of Slovenia, Lojze Peterle, and Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel. Now we have the honor of greeting Dr. Bučar, who is the equivalent in Slovenia of the U.S. Congress’ Speaker of the House and Senate Majority Leader combined. The visits of these democratically elected leaders of Slovenia to the United States during a time when major reforms are under way in their own country indicaK: the importance they attach to maintaining and building even stronger ties with the Slovene American community. Let us commit ourselves to respond in the same spirit of friendship! Rudolph M. Susel PAUL E. PFEIFER for ATTORNEY GENERAL The American Nationalities Movement has endorsed PAUL E. PFEIFER for Attorney General. Senator PFEIFER is a third generation American of German heritage, and a member of Greater Beneficial Union of Pittsburgh, a Fraternal Organization. PAUL PFEIFER has served the Ohio Senator 14 years. He is a former Ass’t. Attorney General, a former Ass’t. County Prosecutor and has over 20 years courtroom experience. PAUL PFEIFER was born and raised on his family’s livestock and dairy farm. Today, he own’s and operates a small livestock farm in Bucyrus, Ohio. More than any other legislator of the past decade, Senator PAUL PFEIFER has made a mark on Ohio’s criminal code. As chairman of the Senate’s powerful Judiciary Committee for eight of the last ten years, he has led the charge that created tough, mandatory sentences for violent criminals, re-enacted Ohio’s death penalty, launched the nation’s second largest prison construction program, and established the state’s Organized Crime Commission. SENATOR PAUL PFEIFER hold to the values we all share ... those of God, Family and Country. Please VOTE on November 6th, and please VOTE for PAUL PFEIFER for Attorney General. Paid for by the Committee for Paul E. Pfeifer, Sandra Messer, Treasurer. 4ERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 1, AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 1, 1990 4 Congratulations to Glasbena Matica Editor: Congratulations to singing society Glasbena Matica on the Fiftieth Anniversary of your being re-named on the assumption of the directorship of the late Mr. Anton Schubel in the forties. However, the chorus is in reality older in years and has members who are still active from the original Zarja and at the split in the late twenties becoming the Independent Zarja until the name change. The chorus did prepare and present for their guests for this celebration an excellent dinner with all that goes with it, prepared by Steffie Smolič and her staff. The waitresses did a tremendous job of serving approximately 450 guests in record time. The ladies also did a swift job of clearing off the tables to allow for the presentation of the concert. The concert covered the many facets of Glasbena through the years such as various operatic selections, English musicals and the ever beloved Slovenian selections. Glasbena of late has been doing a tremendous job on the Musical Medleys. There is a new vibrancy coming through and the singers seem to have a good time in performing them. But the Slovenian selections are still the HEART of the chorus and they outdo themselves in tugging at the heartstrings of the audience in the beautiful renditions of the sad, joyous and in the semi-classical numbers. Thank you all dear Glasbena singers for an enjoyable and memorable evening. A friend. (name withheld by request) Raymond R. November FOR JUDGE COURT OF APPEALS EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT February 10 Term Recommendation: Recommended for Judge, Court of Appeals by the Cleveland Bar Association American Slovenians Endorsed by the Plain Dealer Feb. 10 term - Raymond R. November “In the interests of widening the perspective of the Cuyahoga County judiciary, November is preferred.” Plain Dealer 9-24-90 Paid for by the November for Court of Appeals Judge Campaign Committee, Karen White, Treasurer, 1217 Giel Avenue, Lakewood, Ohio 44107. Professional Experience: Private practice of law for over 28 years before Municipal, County, Appellate and Federal Courts. Education: • Cleveland Heights High School • Western Reserve University, B.B.A. . • Western Reserve University College of Law - Bachelor of Laws - Master of Laws Lecturer and Former Assistant Professor of Business Law: • Cleveland State University - 10 years • Lambers CPA Review • Cuyahoga County Bar Association - Real Property Law Seminar, Chairman and Speaker • Ohio State Bar Association - Civil Procedure Seminar, Speaker Professional Activities - Past and Present • Cleveland Bar Association - Member - Cleveland Bar Journal, Chairman Editorial Committee - Law in Urban Affairs Committee Member - Bar Applicant Committee Member - Law for Young People Program Participant • Cuyahoga County Bar Association - Member - Law and Fact, Editor - Law Day Committee Member - Family Law Committee Member • Ohio State Bar Association - Member - Rules of Civil Procedure Committee, Discussion Group Chairman • Cleveland State University - University Relations Committee - Business Law Study Group, Chairman - Review, Accounting, Business Law, Editor and Contributor Awards: • Cleveland Bar Association - Meritorious Service • Cleveland State University - Accounting Association Personal: Married, three children, two grandchildren. Circle / and 7 Have Celebration On Saturday, Oct. 20, Circle 1 and 7 celebrated their 50th and 55th anniversaries with a dinner-dance held at the Slovenian Home on Waterloo Rd. Fran Mauric and Julie Zorc were co-hostesses. After a delightful mean prepared by Marie Dular the program took place. Introduced were honored guest, the Slovenian Consulate, Tony Petkovšek, and his guests. 50 year members who were present received their plaques: Circle 1: Sophie Bactou, Circle 2: Jennie Mezzec, Circle 7: Joyce Plemel, Ester Larabee, Stella Simsic, Millie Bradač. The remaining recipients will be presented their plaques in person. For our entertainment we had Angie Žabjek and Florence Unetich sing in Slovenian including the new Slovenian National Anthem. Florence Unetich gave a brief history of the PSWA starting in 1934. It was organized to “enlighten women.” It was very interesting to hear how the women worked together to do so many charitable works. The program closed with more songs by Angie and Florence. We appreciate all members and friends who attended, all who worked to put the program together and especially to Fran Mauric and Julie Zorc. After the program there was Hello to All Editor: Hello to all. 1 set other work aside on the day the American Home comes in the mail. There is much interesting news to read. Sorry for the friends and families of those who have passed away. Also express my sorrow to those who are ill. After I finish reading I save the paper so others can enjoy the paper. These are persons of other nationalities. Pauline Železnik Garrettsville, Ohio Supports Voinovich Editor: On November 6th, the citizens of Ohio will have the opportunity to elect a new Governor, who will lead Ohio through the 1990s, setting the foundation for the 21st century. The candidates are former Mayor of Cleveland, George V. Voinovich and Attorney General Anthony J. Celebrezze. In making our decision, we should reflect on the state’s present problems and the skills the Governor must possess to overcome these problems. Upon reflection, gubernatorial candidate George Voinovich clearly deserves our support and vote for Ohio’s next governor. Unlike our present governor, George Voinovich has made a genuine commitment to solve the problems that plague Ohio. On top of his long list of priorities is the need to improve Ohio’s schools, which is vital to Ohio if it is to compete effectively in the marketplace, where technology and science are the links to economic prosperity. Thomas P. Celestina Kettering, Ohio dancing to the music of Eddie Andres. Circle 7 held a card party on Friday, Oct. 12th. We thank all who attended to make it a success. To all members who do such a wonderful job every year to make it a success, we thank you. To Mitzi Yeray who again baked for us we say thanks. This is our biggest event of the year and we look forward to another one next year. Ann Stefančič Reporter Christmas Party The American Slovene Club Annual Christmas Party will be held Dec. 10 at Alexander’s Restaurant, 22305 Lake Shore Blvd., Euclid. Members were given announcements at the October 29 meeting. Those members not present will be sent the flyer. Deadline for receipt of reservations is Dec. 5. Guests are invited. If you have not received your notice by the middle of November, please contact Eleanor Pavey, Chairperson, at 531-4445. Yugoslav Art The Cleveland Museum of Art presents a free lecture in Gartner Auditorium on Satur- day, Nov. 3 at 2 p.m. in the Lecture Hall. The speaker will be Nikola Račkov and his topic is “Yugoslav frescoes and music.” ZAK-ZAKRAJSEK Funeral Home 6016 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-3112 or 361-3113 • /Vo Branches nor Af filiations f Zachary A. Zak, licensed funeral director Maintaining FAMILY VALUES Vote FOR JUDGE in CUYAHOGA COUNTY EDUCATED ★ Graduated, OSU, B.S. in Business Administration ★ Graduated, CSU, College of Law, 1983, ]uris Doctor EXPERIENCED ★ Experienced Trial Attorney with the law firm of PERK & MILLER ★ Admitted to practice in Federal District Court •k Served six years on Cleveland's Board of Education ★ Served two years as President Cleveland Board of Education ★ Served ten years on Cleveland City Council ★ Served four years, Board of Revisions, Quasi judicial Office INVOLVED Member Cleveland Bar Association Member Cuyahoga County Bar Association Member Ohio State Bar Association Director, OACDL Special Counsel to Ohio Attorney General Past Dean Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity Past President Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Council Life member Karlin Club Member Knights of Columbus Paid tor by Perk for ludRe Committee Ruby Pelc, Co-Chairman. 6028 Fir Ave Voinovich & DeWine Vote November 6 for Honest, New Leadership for Ohio ★ George Voinovich will make education a priority in Ohio. Under his leadership Ohio will become the Education State. ★ George Voinovich is committed to the needs and concerns of our senior citizens. As a State Representative, he was the chief House sponsor of the Homestead tax exemption resolution which brought substantial property tax savings to Ohio’s 300,000 elderly and disabled homeowners. ★ George Voinovich is a leading advocate in promoting international trade between Ohio and Eastern-Central European countries. Under his administration, Ohio will establish a trade office in Eastern Europe. ★ George Voinovich was actively involved in the defeat of federal proposals to tax our fraternal societies. He was named “Fraternalist of the Year” by the Ohio Fraternal Congress. In George Voinovich we will have a Governor dedicated to our family, religious and fraternal values. HE IS ONE OF US! “You show me someone who is proud of his ethnic heritage, and I’ll show you a great American.” Paid for by Voinovich for Governor Committee Paul C. Mifsud, Chairman, 8 East Broad Street. Columbus, Ohio 43215 U leteli' bUfcNfc AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 1, 1990 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 1, 1990 6 Celebrezze Helps Elderly Compare Health Insurance Attorney General Anthony J. Celebrezze, Jr. has initiated a program that provides free counseling to older adults on health insurance. He started this program as a pilot in Summit County. Because it has been enthusiastically received there, Celebrezze is expanding it throughout Ohio. Attorney General Celebrezze found that many retirees have been purchasing duplicate health insurance policies and leaving gaps unfilled in their coverage. His program helps older adults develop skills needed to compare benefits and premiums among the various policies. It also provides impartial information on the entire range of health insurance options available. Specificially, Celebrezze’s of- fice trains volunteers who are willing, in turn, to counsel older adults in understanding their Medicare coverage and also how private insurance and Medicaid can fill the gaps in their Medicare coverage. The instruction covers Medicare, Supplementary Insurance, long term care insurance, and Medicaid. Celebrezze has allocated $100,000 in staff time to training volunteers. The staff is drawn from Celebrezze’s Health, Education and Human Services Section. This section usually litigates violations against nursing homes. However, with health insurance duplication, the staff found education more effective than legal action. Senior citizen counseling pro- Vote for Glasujte za CimN COMM O \ I' I. /: A s COCRT Jl DCH John J. Curran - Attorney. Experience: Formerly Referee, Court Administrator and Judge of Common Pleas Court. Endorsements: “Preferred” Citizens League - “Best Qualified” Cuyahoga County Bar Association - “Stand Out” Candidate, Cleveland Plain Dealer -A.F.L. - C.I.O. and U.A.W. - Federation of the German American Societies of Greater Cleveland - and American Slovenians Paid for by The Committee to Elect John J. Curran, Judge, Lois Tempke.Treasurer, 19430 Marwood Ave., Clveland, OH 44135. grams are a low-budget, responsible way of helping senior citizens get more value from their health insurance dollars. Any person or group wishing to establish a volunteer counselling program may contact the Office of Ohfo Attorney General Anthony J. Celebrezze, Jr. at: Health, Education and Human Services Section, 30 East Broad St., 15th Floor, Columbus, OH 43266-0410. Telephone (614) 466-8600. Recently, a chart was prepared comparing policies of 48 companies selling Medicare Supplement insurance in Ohio. For a free copy of this chart, send a business-size stamped self-addressed envelope to: Jim Fultz, Ohio Department of Aging, 50 West Broad St. 8th Floor, Columbus, OH Your neighborhood ^5915 St. Clair Avenue Open 7:00 a.m. - 12 midnight Every Day of the Year Lottery tickets - Cold Beer & Wine We Also Carry Imported Slovenian Wines and Radenska Mineral Water We also sell Daily Lottery Tickets. Julius Sable, Owner Xlecl RonSuSTER OUR STATE REPRESENTATIVE “1990 Legislator of the Year’’ A Proven Leader/An Effective Voice DEMOCRAT The Endorsements are in: The Plain Dealer ...among the best” The News-Herald “job security - top priority...” The American Home: r(The ultimate legislator, totally responsive to the people in his district. The entire family is of SlOVenian heritage and proud Of It. Paid for by Friends of Ron Suiter, co-chairman John KovacK: 18519 Underwood Ave. Cleveland. OH. vote*0* GiflsU-ite 7,0 SARA J. HARPER “A GOOD JUDGE” JUDGE 8TH DISTRICT COURT OF APPEALS — CUYAHOGA COUNTY FULL TERM COMMENCING FEBRUARY 12, 1991 NON-PARTISAN ELECTION Sara J. Harper Has The Ability To Make Skillful Decisions Based Upon The Law, Past Experience And Training. Paid for by The Harper for Judge-Court of Appeals Committee, Alice H. McCrady, Treasurer, 3304 East 123rd Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44120, 921-7050 The American Slovene Club of South Florida met on Sunday, September 4 in Nob Hill Hall, 10400 Sunset Strip, Sunrise, Florida. No meetings were held in June, July or August. Many of our members travel north to visit family and friends. The weather here reaches very high temperatures during the summer months. Sorry to report two of our members moved away. Margaret Bongiorni moved to Spring, Texas and her sister, Mary Delfrate moved to Daytona Beach. They are both Slovenian and enjoyed being here with us. They both baked a delicious potica for us to enjoy after our meeting. They will be missed. Good luck to them in their new location. Our next meeting was on Oct. 7. Edward Atkinson sent us a card thanking everyone for their prayers and good wishes during his convalescence from his left knee replacement operation. A very dear member, Mary Grubelic died on August 23. She had been a member since 1978. Mary had a great desire to go to Yugoslavia and visit the shrine in Medjugorje but with her health failing, she just could not travel that distance. May she rest in peace. We were pleasantly surprised that Mary Grilc was celebrating her 80th birthday. She gave a treat to everyone with wine, cheese and crackers. Thank you, Mary, may God bless you with many more years of health and happiness. The club gave her a vase of red carnations. Mary and Bill Pene celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary. Nancy and Ed Blatnik celebrated their wedding anniversary. Sophie Phillips celebrated her birthday along with Ivan Willis. Ivan had his 89th birthday. Ivan, we will have a big party on your 90th next year. Good luck and God love you. Welcome to our new member Mary Stearns. Good luck to Mary and Bill Papesh who now are permanent residents in Lake Worth, Fla. They moved down from War-rensville, Ohio. Bill entertains us after dinner with his accordion music. Ellie (Slak) Meuser Concert The Slovenian Junior Chorus, SNPJ Circle 2 will present a “Fall Concert’’ on Sunday, Nov. 11 starting at 3:30 p.m. in the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue, Euclid. The 50-voice choir ranges in age from 5 to 16 and is under the direction of Cecilia Dolgan. The concert will feature Slovenian songs by the chorus, dancers and instrumentalists of the group. An additional attraction will be a “Disney Spectacular,” a musical review of twenty popular songs from Walt Disney movies. Accompanist for the program is Ed Sumrada. Following the concert, there will be a social with food and refreshments available, and music for dancing by the Sumrada Orchestra. Donation for the event is $5 for adults. Tickets may be purchased at Tony’s Polka Village, 971 E. 185 St., Cleveland, or from members, or at the door. The Slovenian Junior Chorus was recently nominated for the Cultural Achievement annual award for the Cleveland-Style Polka Hall of Fame. Death Notices JELENA DUJMOVIC Julena Dujmovic, 84, passed away Thursday, Oct. 25 after a short stay at the Suburban Pavilion Nursing Home in Warrensville Heights. She was born in Vele Mune, Yugoslavia and came to America about four years ago. Jelena Dujmovic (nee Peloza) beloved wife of Miho Dujmovic (dec.), mother of Mary Umek (Willoughby Hills), John (Chesterland), and Joseph (Euclid), stepmother of Anica Dujmovic (Yugoslavia), grandmother of six, and great-grandmother of one; sister of Anton and Josip Peloza (both dec.). Funeral Mass was Saturday, Oct. 27 at 9:30 a.m. at St. Christine Church in Euclid. Interment in All Souls Cemetery. Friends called at the Sterle-Sankovic Funeral Home, corner of E. 152nd and Lake Shore Blvd., 15314 Macauley Ave. Meat War American meat eaters are at risk from sloppy work in filthy slaughterhouses, European Community officials said this week, urging a ban so no U.S. meat crosses the Atlantic. An EC report says rotting livers were marked for shipment to Europe and that general slaughterhouse conditions were “worse than in Africa.” U.S. meatpackers said the charges were false. Carst-Nagy Memorials 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 "Serving tne Slovenian Community.” Saturday, Nov. 3 Testimonial honoring John Lokar at Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland. Dinner 6 p 8, music by Tony Klepec Orchestra. For tickets call 531-4405 or 531-5668. Saturday, Nov. 3 Prayers for deceased said at Slovenska Pristava, Harpersfield, Ohio at 3 p.m. Special guest Dr. Bučar, president of the Presidium of the Slovenian Parliament will speak. Saturday, Nov. 3 Indianapolis, Ind. — 50th anniversary dance, 9 p.m. celebrating 50 years of Slovenian National Home, 2717 W. 10th St. Entertainment by Wiseguys featuring Polka Pete, and a polka contest. Sunday, Nov. 4 Slovenski Večer sponsored by the Slovenian American Heritage Foundation featuring guest speaker Dr. France Bučar, President of the Parliament of Slovenia. Sunday, Nov. 4 Holmes Hall Buttonaires Button Box Bash at Slovenian Home, 15810 Holmes Ave, Cleveland from 1 to 9. Donation is $2. Sunday, Nov. 4 Pancakes and Sausage Breakfast at SNPJ Farm, Heath Rd from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. $3 for adults, $1.50 for children under 12. Tickets at farm on the day of the event. Saturday, Nov. 10 Belokranjski Klub Wine Festival at Slovenian National Home, St. Clair. For tickets call 481-3308. Saturday, Nov. 10 Jadran dinner, singing program, dance at Slovenian Workman’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd. beginning with meal at 5 p.m. For tickets call any Jadran member or Betty Rotar at 481-3187 or Angela Žabjek at 531-3979. Sunday, Nov. 11 SNPJ Circle 2 Fall Concert, 3:30 p.m. at the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid. Tickets $5 can be purchased at Tony’s Polka Village, 971 E. 185 St., or from members or at the door. Sunday, Nov. 11 Sunday afternoon at West Park Slovene Home with Jack Bill Orchestra. Wednesday, Nov. 21 Club of Associations members sponsor Pre-Thanksgiving Jam Session from 8 p.m. till ?? at the Slovenian National Home St. Clair clubroom. Sandwiches and refreshments. Thursday, Nov. 22 Tony Petkovsek’s Annual Polka Party at Stouffer’s Tower City Hotel, public square downtown Cleveland from 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. with free parking for advance ticket holders. Tickets at Tony’s Polka Village, phone (216) 481-7512. Friday, Nov. 23 Collinwood Slovenian Home 8th Annual After Thanksgiving Dance with music by Johnny Vadnal. Friday, Nov. 23 Post Thanksgiving Cabaret Dance with Full Ballroom for Dancing featuring Jeff Pecon and the Slogars and Meisner Bands at Slovenian National Home on St. Clair. For tickets call 361-5115. Saturday, Nov. 24 AMLA 80th Anniversary Dinner Dance at Slovenian National Home, St. Clair. Fred' Kuhar Orchestra. For more information call 531-1900. Sunday, Dec. 9 AMLA Children’s Christmas Party at Slovenian National Home. Tuesday, Dec. 11 PSWA Circle 2 Potica Baking Day. For poticas call 531-3595 weeks in advance. ☆ ☆ Keep ☆ ☆ = JUDGE = ☆ ☆ Performance Counts ☆ ☆ Common Pleas Court CUYAHOGA COUNTY VOTE FOR JUDGE CARL J. CHARACTER ON NOV. 6«h ENDORSEMENTS ★★★ PREFERRED Greater Cleveland Citizen's League HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Greater Cleveland Bar Association BEST QUALIFIED Cuyahoga County Bar Association Judge "Character is head and shoulders above his opponents.” THE PLAIN DEALER, Oct. 12,1990 • Cosmopolitan Democratic League of Cuyahoga County • United Auto Workers • AFL/CIO • CCWPC • 21st District Congressional District Caucus • Black Shield Police Association • Federation of German-American Societies of Greater Cleveland • Cleveland Police Patrolmen's Association • Fraternal Order of Police • CAMEO • BWPAC • A.F.S.C.M.E. • G-PAC • Polish National Alliance • Teamsters Ohio D.RJ.V.E. • Hispanic Bar Association • Norman S. Minor Bar Association • Vanguard Fire Fighters • Polish American Congress • Sun Newspapers • Call & Post • El Nuevo Dia • East Side Daily News • Plain Dealer Paid for by Committee to Keep Judge Character, 3705 Lee Road, Shaker Height*. Ohio 44120; Manohar Oaga, Treasurer Congresswoman Mary Rose Dakar, Congressmen Louis Stokes & Edward F Fetghan, Mayor John M. Coyne. Co-Chairs Zele Funeral Home Memorial Chapel 452 E. 152 St. Phone 481-3118 Addison Road Chapel 6502 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-0583 Mi smo vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo posrežbo. Vladimir M. Rus Attorney ■ Odvetnik 6411 St. Clair (Slovenian National Home) 391-4000 GRDINA-COSIC Funeral Homes 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 1053 K. 62 St. 531-6300 431-2088 28890 Chardon Road Willoughby Hills 944-8400 A TRUSTED TRADITION FOR 85 YEARS AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 1, 1990 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 1, 1990 8 What Is Culture? by Stane J. Kihar During a recent conversation I had with a young lady in the legal profession she indicated to me about a growing interest in learning more about her ancestral background. She is three generations removed from the roots of her forefathers in the geographical area referred to as Slovenia, the northwestern republic in current day Yugoslavia. “I want to learn more about the culture,” she stated, “but I don’t want anything to do with the politics” (in Slovenia). This and similar statements I have heard over the past few years have struck me as an interesting observation from two perspectives. The first is the shrinking means to transmit culture to the youth of Slovene descent at an early age when a child is most receptive to learning a new language, habits, values, et al., about themselves. On a positive note, an increase by adults to become familiar with conversational Slovenian has been growing. For example, a current language course is being taught by Mojca Slak in conjunction with the Mayfield Heights school district in the evening for adults; and a lodge associated with A.M.L.A. also provides basic Slovene for adults. But these types of courses are for adults. Currently, only two centers have continued the mission of making the Slovene language, song, poetry, plays, and other facets of the Slovene culture available for children in the Greater Cleveland area: St. Mary’s (Collinwood) and St. Vitus (St. Clair area). Both of these two centers have consistently been at the forefront for approximately 40 years in the role as transmitters of Slovenian culture. The religious, lay persons, parents, teachers, and friends of these two centers should be congratulated for making the many sacrifices to maintain these two institutions for so many years. As an added bit of irony the many so called intellectuals concerned with “Slovenian Studies” and other academic endeavors have been a .quiet and silent voice to promote these two centers for the next generation of Americans of Slovene descent. With so much funding and research work being completed over the past two decades one can only wonder what real and tangible results will be provided for the next generation. The one true voice to promote these two entities and others has been the American Home (Ameriška Domovina) for many years. The Ameriška Domovina has been a voice in the desert. We should not become complacent and expect an unlimited means to transmit events in the various Slovenian communities in North and South America without providing the support and resources to have the Domovina continue into the 21st century; and thereafter. It is not a given. Nor should we falsely assume its existence without making the necessary means available to print the Domovina. The bottom line is subscribe and have a friend or family become subscribers. The second perspective pertains to the overall aspect of culture; and it does, directly or indirectly, pertain to the first perspective. That is, culture is not only confined to the images of drinking beer and/or wine, eating klobase or krofe, and dancing the polka but also to those aspects that actually provide a guiding light, in this particular instance, of what Slovenian culture encompasses: the gentle but perceptive poetry of the priest poet Simon Gregorčič, the Romantic and deep-feelings of country in the poetry of France Prešeren, the realistic short-story writings of Ivan Cankar, the picturesque and lively characteristic descriptions of rural life and vivid images of death and destruction by Karel Mauser, and the pastoral and spiritual essays and prayer books by Bishops Frederic Baraga and Anton Martin Slomšek. These and others in the various arts, such as paintings and sculpture, provide for us a glimpse and overall picture of Slovenian culture over the past 500 years. The movement of raising the national consciousness for the Slovene people about their culture and national identity did, contrary to the young lady’s remarks at the beginning of this article, involve the art of politics. We cannot assume that the Slovene people were given their rights and means to develop their language and culture from the then Hapsburg Empire because the Slovenes were nice people. The right to be a distinct and unique nationality took many hundreds of years of political Fighting by many persons such as Dr. Rev. Janez Evangelist Krek and others to have the Slovenes achieve at a minimum the right to practice their native tongue without feeling the pains and attempts to become imprisoned as was the case during World War II. The recently held democratic elections in the Republic of Slovenia for the first time in 45 years was the climax of fusing culture and politics and achieving the means for reversing almost half-a-century of decay and decline for the Slovenes in Yugoslavia. The banning of books, works of poetry, and other forms of art and culture by the Slovenian Communist Party for almost five decades did have an impact on culture in Slovenia, as it did for similar type nationalities in Eastern Europe as well as in other countries where a dictatorship existed. To close our eyes on the reality that politics does not play a role in shaping culture blinds us to the type of system that fosters and breeds the likes of Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin, or Tito. 1 hope the young lady, like so many others, does take the time to truly understand more about her heritage and culture, and at the same time gain a greater appreciation for the many sacrifices made to promote and further the cause of cultural identity and make an effort to continue to enhance the beauty and good of the Slovene culture. Pancake Breakfast Drive out and enjoy the crisp fall weather on your way to the SNPJ Farm on Heath Road on Sunday, Nov.4 for the Pancake and Sausage Breakfast sponsored by the Farm Improvement Committee. Delicious golden brown pancakes, tasty sausage links, orange juice and coffee or milk will be on the menu for $3 for adults and $1.50 for children under 12 years of age. Serving will begin at 9 a.m. and continue until 1 p.m. Tickets may be purchased at the SNPJ Farm on the day of the Breakfast Tower of Polka Power TONY PETKOVSEK'S 29th POLKA WEEKEND "New For The Nineties On The Northcoast" Thanksgiving Day Polka Party Thursday, November 22, 1990 — 5:00 pm till 2:00 am Stouffer's Tower City Plaza Hotel Public Square, Cleveland, Ohio (Cooperation of the Cleveland Slovenian Radio Club) ENTERTAINMENT GRAND BALLROOM 5:00 pm Harry Faint/Staiduha 6:30 pm Jeff Pecon Orchestra 8:00 pm Steve Meisner (Wise.) 9:30 pm Don Wojtila Band 11:00 pm Alaska Polka Chips 12:30 pm Frankie Yankovic "Ki (Cash Bar - NO BYOB) I SPECIAL GUESTS r tY Walt Ostanek tV Roman Possedi tY Al Battistelli tY Hal Richards tY Joey T. & Lynn Marie ng" Bob Kravos tY Nancy Hlad Emcees — Tony Petkovšek / Joey Toms DONATION/ADMISSION $8.00 Adv (Free parking Thursday evening with advai GOLD ROOM 6:00 pm St. Stephen’s Button Box 7:30 pm Frank Palombi (Penna.) 9:00 pm Teddy Zalac (Youngstown) 10:30 pm Rich Yurkovich (Wise.) 12:00 mid. Lipa Button Box (Canada) Iron Range All-Stars ick ance or at Door ice purchase tickets) r.vE.i'* ■ o mi i i iivsii^jl. CD * - — x > FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23 H gj Noon - 4:00 pm Sm Z Jam Session "Happy Hour" Q Pool/Atrium on 6th floor (/) Free Admission SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24 6:00 p.m. "Polka Mass" Bishop A. Edward Pevec Accompanied by Joey Tomsick 7:30 pm till 2:30 am Frank Palombi (Penna) Young Cleveland All Star Band Alaska Polka Chips Alaska Button Box Gang Jamming $4.00 — Gold Room 7:30 pm till 2:30 am Lipa Button Box Club Joey Tomsick Orchestra Joey T & Lynn Marie Iron Range All Stars (Minn.) Rich Yurkovich (Wise.) $4.00 — Gold Room /ffl NATIONAL CLEVELAND STYLE Listen to WELW / _ E; POLKA HALL OF FAME 1330 AM DAILY AT 4 PM / y AWARDS SHOW III • SATURDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 24 SAT. AT NOON fr-fc py- Spectacular Stage Show Production — Ufetime Achievement and Annual Awards as Voted On by Members of Sponsoring AMERICAN SLOVENIAN POLKA FOUNDATION EUCUD SHORE CIVIC CENTER - 291 East 222nd and Lake Shore Boulevard WCPN 90.3 FM / ^ Presenting the foremost polka stars • Open House in Hall of Fame Room noon till 5 pm SUNDAY NOON TILL / , i Auditorium Show at 2:15 pm • Donation $10.00 (reservations and membership available in advance) 1 PM FOR INFORMATION AND TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE trffr 971 East 185lh Street • Cleveland, Ohio 44119 TONY PETKOVŠEK or JOEY TOMSICK (216) 481-7512 OR NATIONALLY TOLL FREE 1-800-321-5801 VARIETY OF ETHNIC EVENTS IN GREATER CLEVELAND ALL WEEKEND LONG’ KOLLANDER TRAVEL 'itSti liMt!;!. 15f.t »et tr.ttMMMUUlSI WUSk kmmmamtmtMttmmmttmttmemummmimmmftintmmtmmm Polka Party Update Ron Suster’s Statehouse News honor Representative Šuster i 11 The greatest gathering of polka fans from across the country will converge on the Polka Capital of Cleveland, for the Thanksgiving holiday weekend with this year’s theme “New for the Nineties on the Northcoast.” Radio personality Tony Petkovšek is set for the traditional “Thanksgiving Day Polka Party,” Thursday, November 22, to take place at the new downtown Cleveland location of Stouffer’s Tower City Plaza Hotel and Ballrooms on Public Square. The event with the coopera- Meeting St. Anne Lodge No. 4 will meet on Wednesday, November 14 at 1:30 p.m at St. Vitus Social Room. On the agenda will be AMLA’s 80th Anniversary Dinner Dance which is being held on Saturday, November 24 at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave. A discussion will follow concerning St. Anne’s Lodge assistance to a needy family for the Thanksgiving holiday. Marie Orezem, our secretary, will collect dues for all AMLA lodges at 1 p.m. St. Anne Lodge extends a most cordial ‘‘Happy Thanksgiving Day To All.” Fraternally, Madeline D. Debevec St. Vitus Mothers Club til The monthly meeting of the St. Vitus Mothers Club will be on Wed., Nov. 7 at 7 p.m. The speaker will be Sister Mary Avsec, who currently resides at the St. Vitus convent. Sister helps to take care of the elderly parishioners and also helps with the care of the shut-ins of the parish. On Nov. 7 the club will also be holding the Sunshine Raffle. Try to bring a small gift for the raffle. Also on Nov. 7 the Archconfraternity service will be held at 6:30 p.m. at St. Vitus Church. All members are asked to meet at 6:15 in the church. Just a reminder that on Nov. 17 and 18 the Mothers Club will be holding' its annual bake sale after all Masses in the St. Vitus Auditorium. Button Box Bash The Holmes Hall Buttonaires will hold their annual Button Box Bash on Sunday, November 4 at the Hall, 15810 Holmes Avenue, Cleveland. Doors open at 1 p.m. and entertainment will be from 2 to 9. Participating bands will be the Cleveland Lake Erie Button Box Club, Kusar’s Button Box Gang, Erie Shores Button Box, The Northern Ohio Players and Frankie Spetich’s Magic City Button Boxers. An open jam session for visiting button boxers will be at 5 p.m. Donation is $2 and musicians with instruments and children will be admitted free. The Holmes Hall Buttonaires are one of the nominees selected for Best Button Box Group for the National Cleveland-Style Polka Hall of Fame. tion of the Cleveland Slovenian Radio Club will run from 5 p.m. until 2 a.m. in the hotel’s Grand Ballroom and Gold Room featuring a dozen out of town and Cleveland bands, marking the 29th anniversary of Tony Petkovsek’s longest running daily radio programs currently on WELW-AM daily and WCPN-FM Sundays. The $8.00 advance tickets will include free hotel parking and are available from Tony’s Polka Village, 971 East 185th St., Cleveland. Dance-only admission tickets at $8.00 will also be available at the door on the night of the event. Groups are expected from Alaska, California, Canada, the Midwest and Pennsylvania with about 15 states represented altogether. For the first time, the several hundred fans will be based at the deluxe Stouffer’s Hotel (adjacent to the new “Tower City” complex) for the entire holiday weekend with jam sessions scheduled nightly in the Gold Room and Friday afternoon in the Atrium/Pool area from noon until 4:00 p.m. Youth-oriented dances in the Gold Room open to the public will take place Friday, Nov. 23 and Saturday, Nov. 24 evenings from 7:30 p.m. until 2:30 a.m. with local and out-of-town artists performing. Bishop Edward Pevec will celebrate a Polka Mass in the hotel on Saturday evening at 6 p.m. The weekend will also feature the 3rd Annual Awards Show of the Polka Hall of Fame taking place on Saturday, November 24 at 2:15 p.m. at the headquarters, Euclid Shore Cultural Center at 291 E. 222 St., in addition to polka activities at area taverns and ethnic halls. For information on this exciting and innovative weekend for polka and ethnic music fans, feel free to call nationally toll-free at (800) 321-5801 or Ohioans and Clevelanders can call at (216) 481-7512. —Joey Tomsick AI Koporc, Jr. Piano Technician (216) 481-4391 M y, State Representative by Ronald Šuster State Representative District 19 State Representative Ronald Šuster was recognized by the Ohio Association of County Boards of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities for his support of Senate Bill 46 and a companion bill which reforms the guardianship law benefitting persons with mental retardation and developmental disabilities and for his efforts to ensure its passage in the Ohio House of Representatives. Charles Arndt, Executive Director fo OACBMRDD, said, “We are pleased to Post Thanksgiving Dance The Slovenian National Home at 6417 St. Clair is sponsoring a dance on Friday, November 23 from 6 p.m. until midnight. Music will be provided by the Steve Meisner Orchestra, the Jeff Pecon Orchestra and the Don Slogar Ensemble. Refreshments will be available. Admission is $5.00. For more information or tickets, contact the secretary at 361-5115 days, Tuesday thru Saturday or Publicity Chairperson at 943-5190 evenings. “I’d rather be a failure at something I enjoy than a success at something I hate.” —George Burns >oooooooooooooo©oa. $40.00 OFF | with Purchase of Eye Glasses Kves examined by Dr. S. W. Bannerman J. F. OPTICAL 6428 S(. Clair Ave. 775 K. 185 St. 361-7933 531-7933 ► oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc for his efforts in working for the passage of SB 46 which provides substantive reforms of guardianship law to the benefit of persons with mental retardation and developmental disabilities. Through Representative Suster’s leadership, the bill has been successfully enacted into law.” In Memory Editor: Enclosed is a check for $25.00 in memory of the anniversary of my parents, John and Frances Grill. Rose A. Rodgers Euclid, O. oooooooooooooooc Stay on top with our Premium (D. 8.352 8.01' % RATE 13 Month Premium Certificate Now being offered to new and existing MajorSavers. • S 10,000 in any savings account qualifies you as a MajorSaver" • MajorSaver Premium Certificates available in any amount • Enjoy the safety and security of guaranteed high yields Get the recognition and rewards you deserve. Become a MajorSaver today. Limited-time offer! Interest is compounded continuously Substantial penalty may be required for early withdrawal Rates subject to change Above rate effective 10/1/90 Please call your nearest Ameritrust office for current rates /Imeritrust Service you can bank on. Member FDIC 1990 Ameritrust Company National Association ELECT WILLIAM J. DAY JUDGE COMMON PLEAS COURT YOUR CHOICE FOR THE 90’s ■r HONEST INDUSTRIOUS EXPERIENCED Endorsed by Cleve. Police Patrolman's Ass’n. John T. Corrigan Women’s Political Action Committee Grassroots Political Action Committee Cosmopolitan League Polish National Congress Cuy. County Democratic Party Cleveland Plain Dealer Currently Ass t. Prosecutor, Cuy. County Formerly Member Local 880 Assistant Professor Cleveland State ‘Day, academically accomplished, self-confident and vigorous in proclaiming his goals for the bench, appears sharper and more crisply focused. Day should be elected’ Cleveland Plain Dealer O) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 1, 1990 AMERfSKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 1, 1990 , This poem is dedicated to the many parents who have young sons participating in football. It was written by Sue Erzen, who is our daughter-in-law, and it took many months to put these words into rhyme form. Sue read this poem at the Annual Football Awards Party. At the conclusion of her speech she received a standing ovation from the audience and many an eye was being dabbed with a handkerchief. Our grandson plays football for Darien High, Connecticut freshman team. Submitted by Stan Erzen Youth Football from a Mom’s Point of View Listen my son and you shall hear The memories I have of your Football year. First, 1 recall wondering why it was fun To be tackled and blocked on the field as you run. And from those moments I began to infer That exertion and pain are what you prefer. I kept hoping that your injuries would be harmless and few As the dangers seemed obvious from my point of view. But you never hung back nor were hesitant to play. The more hits, dirt and yards the better the day. / shall always have two memories of your football team. They played very well, and they also played dean. My part in your efforts was to wipe the stains out With my team of Goop, Whisk, Chlorox and Shout, And cleaning those clothes was definitely a pain -Scrubbing out mud, and all the grass stains. As I sat in the stands and watched you perform I must confess my dismay at your white uniforms. Uncomplainingly faithful Fd washed all your clothes white And secretly curse that you weren’t dressed like Black Knights! I also remember all the after game trials -Your fatigue, hunger, and the absence of smiles Until food and showers renewed your good cheer And optimistic behavior once again would appear. Later your practices would inspire you with hope Vanishing memories of defeat and vanquishing mopes Until by the weekend everyone would be psyched And ready to witness the “Blue Dragon’’ might. I then understood that the meaning of this game Is the challenge of playing it - again and again. Lastly, I remember the phenomenal growth that you had Each time that you donned all that gear and those pads. Somewhere beneath all that stuff was my child, But standing before me was a man huge and wild. That transformation gave my heart strings a tug As you grew not only too big but too hard to hug. I couldn’t even bestow a light kiss on your cheek Because of that helmet all hard, white and sleek. \ The rushing and crushing on the field as you played Made me know that your growing up can’t be delayed. Gone are those images of childhood days. Now I picture you executing offensive plays. Instead of toddling beside me along the sidewalk I see you tackling huge bodies and making a block. Instead of angelic comments and questions of yore I hear grunts, yells and shrieks as you rush to the fore. I guess this game which is so physically tough May help prepare you for other times that are rough. Those pads and protection may make you feel strong But please remember it’s values that fight against wrong. The values inside you are your real armor in life Convictions and character are what overcome strife. Football is still somewhat baffling to me -The plays, the violence, (he game strategy. What I remember, son, more than all of the rest Is that you ’re a good sport and playing your best. Thanks for the memories we’ve been able to share, Inspite of that white uniform you had to wear! Sue Erzen November, 1989 Disunity in Yugoslavia The Wall Street Journal The Communist-ruled republic of Serbia in effect abolished Yugoslavia’s internal common market by imposing duties on goods from its reform-minded sister republics of Slovenia and Croatia. The move undermined the liberal economic reforms of federal Premier Ante Markovič and appeared to push Yugoslavia a step closer to political disintegration. Voinovich name surfaces as cabinet replacement In the Wednesday, Oct. 24 Walt Street Journal an article by Albert R. Karr on page 16 described the resignation of Elizabeth Dole from her post of Labor Secretary. In outlining possible replacements the story stated: “White House insiders said no decision on her successor is likely until after the Nov. 6 elections. Among the possible candidates are two Republicans who could be considered if they lose in the elections. One is Illinois Rep. Lynn Martin, who is waging an uphill battle in her campaign to unseat Democratic Sen. Paul Simon. Another possibility is former Cleveland Mayor George Voinovich, a slight favorite in his campaign for governor of Ohio.” “Having it all doesn’t necessarily mean having it all at once.” —Stephanie Luetkehans Re-Elect JUDGE DANIEL O. Lillian Mollinak Soltesz, Chairlady, 35291 Solon Rd., Solon, OH 44139 CORRIGAN Common Pleas Court Public Service.... • Practicing Attorney -1964-1970 • Member, Cleveland Board of Education 1964-1970 • President, Cleveland Board of Education 1969-1970 • Elected Judge Common Pleas Court 1970 to date On November 6 Re-elect U.S. Congressman Honorable ED FEIGHAN Mr. Ed Feighan was and is always representing his constituents in his Ohio Congressional District. Mr. Ed Feighan is an excellent lawmaker and in Washington, D.C. strongly protects the working people. He has the support from all civic, cultural and political as well as the nationality organizations We strongly recommend to all citizens in his district to re-elect Ed Feighan on Nov. 6 and send him back to the Congress of the United States in Washington, D.C. Paid for by Ed Feighan for Congress Committee, 1340 Depot Street, Suite 202, Rocky River, Ohio 44116. Treasurer Michael Mayor, RE-ELECT JUDGE RICHARD J. // McMONAGLE A® / ^ COMMON PLEAS COURT ENDORSED BY: • CITIZEN LEAGUE “Superior candidate, extremely well qualified, possessing exceptional leadership skills.” • CLEVELAND BAR ASSOCIATION — Highest Rating • CUYAHOGA CO. BAR ASSOCIATION — Best Qualified • FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE • CLEVELAND FIRE FIGHTERS • U.A.W. • A.F.L.-C.I.O • AFSCME • DESIGNATED MAN OF THE WEEK WJW-TV 1989 AMERICAN SLOVENIANS EXPERIENCED KNOWLEDGEABLE PATIENT Committee to Re-elect Judge Richard J. McMonagle Sam Bobko, Treasurer, 4177 West 227th Street, Fairview Park, Ohio 44126 Bea Zimmerman Given Recognition Bea Zimmerman, a member of AMLA’s Modern Crusaders Lodge 45, was chosen to receive the “1989 Oustanding Volunteer Award” from the Board of Trustees of University Hospitals. The award was given to Bea in particular for her efforts on behalf of Rainbow Babies and Childrens Hospital, a unit of the University Hospital system. The citation reads that the award was given for her caring and enthusiastic contributions to the Heinz baby food label saving program, the Children’ Miracle Network Telethon, the Rainbow Katie Fund Kids’ Run, and to the Rainbow Special Event Volunteer Program. The award was presented to Bea (Albina) at a reception by the University Hospital Board of Trustees. As a result of this award, Bea was chosen “Person of the Week” and appeared on the “Live on Five” program on Cleveland television channel 5 on June 1, 1990, where she was interviewed by hostess Wilma Smith. addition to her volunteer duties at Rainbow, she enjoys golf, needlework and loves to bake for her friends. Finally, we note that Bea also received a Resolution of Congratulations from Cleveland City Council. The resolution was adopted on October 8, 1990, and was sponsored by Collinwood area councilman Michael D. Polenšek, Carinthian Priests Visit Kochevski Rog Every yqar Slovenian priests of Carinthia in Austria make a pilgrimage to Slovenia. This year some 40 of them came to Ljubljana. Here they attended a common Eucharistic devotion in the church, Mary, Help of Christians, at Rakovnik. A concelebrated Mass with an address was led by Msgr. Stanislav Hochevar, superior of Slovenian Salesians. The group’s next stop was Kochevski Rog. Here was the scene of mass executions of Slovenian homeguardsmen by the Communists after the conclusion of hostilties in World War Two. In the company of Rev. Bozhidar Metelka, pastor in Kochevje, the priests were briefed about the tragedy. Moreover, they were informed about the reconciliation of the whole nation since the revolution during and after the war. A public ceremony and funeral as a symbolic Christian burial was held at Kochevski Rog last July for all the victims throughout Slovenia. Based on an article, “Koroški duhovniki obiskati Rog,” Družina, Oct. 7. Bea is the widow of Otto Zimmerman; they had been married for many years prior to his death. Although she has no children of her own, Bea does have a niece and nephew, who are her pride and joy. Until her retirement, Bea was employed at Zagar Tool Co. In Special Thanks Sincere appreciation and warmest thanks to Rev. Charles Ceglar of Hamilton, Ont., Canada who donated $50.00 to the Ameriška Domovina. (Titu of (I'lriu'laui) Resolution NO. 2466-90 For Councilman Michael D. Polenšek By Councilman Brady, Coats, Prangos, Jackson, Johnson, Lewis, Lumpkin, McGuirk, Miller, O'Malley, Patmon, Patton, Pianka, Robinson, Rokakis, Rybka, Smith, Turner, Westbrook, Willis. WHEREAS, this Council is most pleased to learn that Albina Zimmerman recently received the Outstanding Volunteer Award as presented by the Board of Trustees of University Hospital; and WHEREAS, the Outstanding Volunteer Award was presented to Bea Zimmerman for the caring and enthusiastic contributions she has made on'behalf of Rainbow Babies and Childrens Hospital. Through her efforts, Bea has been instrumental in the the Heins baby food label-saving program, and her vast contributions and extraordinary efforts to the success of the Childrens Miracle Network Telethon and the Kids Run Rainbow Special Event Volunteer Program have proven exemplary; and WHEREAS, this award was presented to Albina Zimmerman at a reception by the University Board of Trustees, along with over ‘100 associates, who saw fit to present her with this prestigious honor; and WHEREAS, Bea Zimmerman has been retired from the employment of Zagar Tool. In addition to her volunteer duties at Rainbow, Bea enjoys golf, needle work and loves to bake for her friends; and WHEREAS, Bea Zimmerman was married to the late Otto Zimmerman for many years. Although she doesn't have any children, Bea's niece and nephew are her pride and joy and she Instills in them love and support for their fellow man, as well as what little time and one's love can do for others; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Council recognizes the outstanding contributions and achievements of Albina (Bea) Zimmerman; congratulates her upon receiving the Outstanding Volunteer Award of the Rainbow Babies and Childrens Hospital; and further wishes her continued good fortune and Godspeed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk of Council be and she is hereby requested to transmit a copy of this Resolution of Congratulations to Councilman Michael D. Polenšek for proper presentation. Adopted October 8, 1990 ;_____________ Jay'Westbrook, President of Council I, Artha Woods, Clerk of Council of the City of Cleveland, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 2466-90, adopted by the council of the City of Cleveland, October 8, 1990. WITNESS my hand and seal at Cleveland, Ohio, this Ninth day of October, 1990. // Arlha \ Dismayed Editor: While I have been an avid supporter of most of the ideals and philosophy put forth in the A.D. throughout the years, I must express my dismay over one of your recent political endorsements (AD, 10/18/90). It is a good and fraternal gesture to support fellow Slovenians both in business and politics, speaking in general. However, support for any candidate who consistently votes and supports the killing of our preborn brothers and sisters cannot deserve our support until such a position is publically abandoned with words and action. Of course, I am referring to your endorsement for Dennis Eckart (D-l 1) for re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives. In its recent congressional analysis, the National Right to Life Committee showed Rep. Eckart with a nearly 100% pro abortion, pro-contraception voting record. As he portrays himself as a fellow Slovenian and Catholic, this is not just some small quibbling point. When he was sent the biannual questionnaire from the Ohio Right to Life Society, he just flatly refused to answer their justified inquiries. Does such silence reflect support for unrestricted killing of preborn babies, through surgical and (now) chemical means? One can only speculate given a solid track record which seems to point to an affirmative “yes.” Your reading voters in District 11 — and anywhere else for that matter — would do well to closely scrutinize the voting records and positions of those who wish to represent us. If a politician would willingly sacrifice the most innocent and defenseless of humans, he or she most certainly do not deserve our support in any way, regardless of nationality. Dennis Eckart has shown himself to be such a politician. Conversely, your other endorsements, George Voinovich (for governor) and Ron Šuster (for state rep.) most certainly deserve support for having courageously fought and publically spoken for the preborn without reservation. Sincerely, Bogomir M. Kuhar, PD, FASCP Ingomar, Pa. Thanks Editor: 1 recently had a stay at St. Vincent Charity Hospital. I want to thank everyone who sent me such beautiful cards, prayers and calls. Thank you to Father Bill Jerse for visits. It’s sure good to be home again. Rose Poprik Anton M. Lavrisha ATTORNKY-AT-I AW (Odvetnik) Complete Legal Services Income Tax-Notary Public 18975 Villaview Road at Nell 692-1172 Recipes Best Ohio Cheeseburger by Barbara Bratel Collier Used with permission of The Sun Journal Parker Bosley, a longtime advocate of Ohio-raised meats and produce, was head chef at Sammy’s in the Flats before he started Parker’s (restaurant on St. Clair). Bosley also is director of Cleveland Restaurant School, which he operates from his restaurant. BEST OHIO CHEESEBURGER Parker Bosley, Parker's 1 pound ground beef (see 1 below) Cooking oil 1 large onion, sliced thin and carmelized (see 2 below) 6 slices Jersey Jack cheese (see 3 below) 12 slices French bread Season meat with plenty of salt and pepper. Form into six hamburgers. Let meat rest for 20 minutes to reach room temperature. Fry burgers in oil until medium or medium-rare. Top each burger wtih carmelized onions and slice of cheese. Put under broiler to melt cheese. 1. It is important to use beef such as chuck with well-marbled yellow fat. Lean beef is tasteless and will become dry. 2. To carmelize onions, put thin slices of onion in skillet with 2-3 tablespoons butter. Toss and stir over medium heat to obtain light-brown color. Cover with water and boil until all water has evaported. Season with salt and pepper. 3. Jersey Jack cheese is produced by Minerva Dairy in Minerva, Ohio. It is made from all Jersey cream, which producing a flavorful and creamy cheese. BANANA CAKE 1/4 pound butter or margarine 11/2 cups sugar 2 egg yolks 2 ripe bananas (mashed) 2 cups cake flour I teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 cup buttermilk 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 egg whites In a large bowl cream butter add sugar, egg yolks and bananas. Sift together flour baking powder, baking soda and add alternately with the buttermilk. Add vanilla. Beat the egg whites until stiff, fold into batter, pour batter into two 8-inch greased and floured cake pans. Bake in a 350-degree oven for 25 minutes or until1 cake tests done. Anne Tomsick Euclid, Ohio 1 1 American Government Issues New Statement on Yugoslavia On October 19, the United States Department of State through its official spokesman, Margaret Tutwiler, issued a statement on U.S. policy toward Yugoslavia. The wording is significant particularly in the emphasis both that democracy is a prerequisite for the country and also that Yugoslavia must be a “voluntary” union. The text of the statement is as follows: — The U.S. Government is concerned about increasing political and ethnic tensions in Yugoslavia and their potential impact on the transition to democracy and free markets which we have encouraged throughout Central and Eastern Europe. — The U.S. firmly supports unity, democratic change, respect for human rights, and market reform in Yugoslavia. — We believe that democracy is the enduring basis for a united, prosperous, and voluntary Yugoslav union. — Free and fair elections, both at the republic and federal level, are essential to establishing democracy throughout Yugoslavia. — As in other elections in Central and Eastern Europe this year, the upcoming elections in all Yugoslav republics should be open to international observers. — We would strongly oppose any use of force that would block democratic change in Yugoslavia. BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio STERLE-SANKOVIC Funeral Home (Formerly Sankovic-Johnston) 15314 Macauley Avenue (Corner of E. 152 & Lake Shore Blvd.) Joseph J. Sterle - Director (216) 531-3600 IŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 1, 1990 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 1, 1990 An Open Letter to the Slovenian-American Community, The November election comes at a critical time in our country. Traditional family values, which we Slovenian-Americans hold dear and have sacrificed for, are in jeopardy. We must elect leaders with strong family values and a proven record of standing up for the values we cherish. Three of these campaigns are vitally important to our community. For the governor’s race, George Voinovich clearly stands as a competent and honorable man with a strong faith in God. The second vital cmpaign is in the 25th Senate race. Loren Loving Vail will be an excellent state senator as she upholds traditional values in the State legislature. The third is the 19th Ohio House District race and we clearly feel that Ron Šuster has an excellent record of defending the rights of the unborn. He deserves the right to be re-elected. ★★★★★★★★★★a******************************************************************** r.it »if'fg Unit George V. Voinovich “George Voinovich will provide the competent leadership Ohio needs in dealing with economic development issues, education, and the environment. He is a man of integrity and therefore I wholeheartedly support him.” — Loren Loving Vail Loren Loving Vail “Loren Vail is my choice for the Ohio Senate in District 25. She will provide the necessary leadership for the success and continued development of our schools and businesses. Loren knows that ethics and accountability are the ingredients for an honest and concerned leader. I endorse Loren Loving Vail for the Senate.” —George V. Voinovich Ronald Šuster “Ron has demonstrated a tremendous degree of loyalty, dedication, and commitment to the values that we Slovenian-Americans treasure. He is totally responsive to the needs of the people in his 19th District and when necessary, the entire Slovenian community. He deserves to be re-elected.” —James V. Debevec We strongly urge everyone to vote for these candidates in the Nov. 6 election. X George V. Voinovich For Governor: X Loren Loving Vail For state Senate 25th District: X -RkOIlS-ld Šuster For State Representative 19th District James V. and Madeline D. Debevec John and Amelia Dejak John and Barbara Hočevar Rudy and Vicky Kolarič Paul and Cilka Košir Stan and Marge Kuhar John Nemec Tony and Vida Oblak Peter and Sue Osenar Branko and Maruša Pogačnik Raddell’s Sausage Shop Tom and Jean Raddell Dr. Matej and Pepca Roesmann Frank and Antonia Šega Slovenian American Council Joseph and Judy Slovenec Mark and Mary Rose Tichar Frank and Tončka Urankar Paid for by the above named individuals who are friends of George Voinovich, Loren Vail, ancj Ron Šuster, 503 E. 200 St., Euclid, OH 44119 FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina i a ■ AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Section II AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, November 1, 1 990 Vol. 92 Vesti iz Slovenije Dr. France Bučar in dr. Jože Mencinger imela več pomembnih pogovorov med obiskom v Washingtonu, D.C. Zadnje dni sta se mudila na obisku v Washingtonu, D.C. predsednik parlamenta Republike Slovenije dr. France Bučar in podpredsednik slovenske vlade dr. Jože Mencinger. Med drugim, je bil dr. Bučar gost pri National Press Clubu, v State De-partmentu sta bila sprejeta od vplivnega ! namestnika državnega sekretarja in bivšega veleposlanika ZDA v Jugoslaviji Lawrencea Eagleburgerja. V zakladnem tajništvu sta bila sprejeta pri pomožnemu tajniku J. French Hillu, obiskala sta trgovinsko tajništvo, sprejeta sta bila v jugoslovanskem veleposlaništvu. Drugi obiski so bili pri Svetovni banki, pri minnesotskem kongresniku Williamu Frenzelu, ki je znan kot prijatelj predsednika Georgea Busha, in v Brookings Institution, kjer je znana poznavalka jugoslovanskih razmer Susan Woodward sodelovala in je beseda tekla o tem, kako naj bi učinkoviteje predstavljali Slovenijo ameriški javnosti. Sodeč po teh in še drugih stikih in pogovorih, je bil Bučarjev in Mencingerjev obisk v Washingtonu uspešen. Le s ponovnimi stiki z vplivnimi dejavniki ameriške zunanje, politične in gospodarske politike bodo mogli voditelji Slovenije ustvarjati potrebno naklonjenost v ZDA in drugod po svetu za njih državo. Približno polovica slovenskih državljanov za demilitarizirano Slovenijo — Večina pa pripravljena braniti domovino s silo Stranka Zeleni Slovenije je sprožila zahtevo, naj bo samostojna Slovenija tudi demilitarizirana država. V zvezi s tem je časopis Delo v telefonski anketi, pri kateri je sodelovalo 667 oseb, ugotovil, da podpira ta predlog 48.7% Slovencev, 33.7% je proti, 17.5% pa vprašanih oseb ni vedelo, kako naj bi odgovorilo. V anketi so vprašali še o gledanju na možnosti vojaškega udara, kajti se o tem veliko govori. Od tistih, ki so na to vprašanje odgovorili, jih je 42.4% izjavilo, da je tak udar s strani jugoslovanske vojske mogoč, skoro enak odstotek (41.1%) pa da ni. Ostali niso vedeli, kako odgovoriiti. Naslednje vprašanje je bilo, če bi bila ogrožena suverenost Slovenije, bi jo bili anketiranci pripravljeni braniti z orožjem v roki. Možni so bili štirje odgovori. Največ, 43.2%, je odgovorilo »da, vsekakor«, dodatnih 36% pa »da, vendar le v nuji«. Tretji odgovor, »ne, nikakor«, je dalo le 12.9%, ostalih 7.9% pa je odgovorilo »ne vem«. Veliko slovensko podjetje Elan šlo v stečaj — V Trbovljah štrajkajo rudarji Kriza v slovenskem gospodarstvu je prizadela tudi najmočnejša podjetja. Tako je moral v stečaj podjetje Elan, ki je imelo velik ugled ne samo v Sloveniji, ampak tudi v tujini. Dne 19. oktobra je sporočila predsednica poravnavalnega senata Dragica Pirih, da je bil zavrnjen predlog za prisilno poravnavo in tako ni bilo drugega izhoda kot stečaja. Za stečajnega upravitelja je bil imenovan sodni izvedenec Vojislav Cvetkovski iz Ljubljane. Vsi delavci Elana za zdaj ostanejo v delovnem razmerju. Odločitev za stečaj je po poročilu v Delu popolno presenetila vse, od delavcev do direktorjev. Nekateri menijo, da bo morda Elan zaradi stečaja zelo poceni kupil kdo od tujcev. Nihče ne ve, kakšna bo usoda več tisoč delavcev, trenutno zaposlenih pri tem podjetju. V Trbovljah so štrajkali rudarji. Zahtevajo kar stoodstotno povečanje osnov osebnih dohodkov in sicer za vse proizvodne delavce, ti pa predstavljajo 70 odstotkov vseh zaposlenih. V Trbovlje je prišel dr. Miha Tomšič, minister za energetiko v slovenski vladi, ki je rudarjem povedal, da njihova zahteva enostavno ni realna. V Mariboru in drugih krajih po Sloveniji tudi pride do štrajkov ali vsaj groženj po tem osnovnem delavskem orožju. Tisti, ki štrajkajo, pa malo mislijo na to, odkod denar za povišanje njihovih plač. Nova razlaga o vzroku za angleško vrnitev domobrancev in drugih Jugoslovanov s Koroške — MacMillan »opran« V Londonu je 22. oktobra izšlo več kot 740 strani dolgo poročilo o okoliščinah v zvezi z vrnitvijo v Jugoslavijo maja in junija 1945 okrog 26.000 Slovencev in drugih beguncev iz Jugoslavije. Preiskavo, ki je trajala štiri leta in jo je vodil britanski brigadni general v pokoju Anthony Cowgill, je sprožila objava knjiga »Minister in pokoli« avtorja grofa Nikolaja Tolstoja. Sodelujoči so pregledali dokumente v uradnih arhivih v Londonu, Washingtonu in Jugoslaviji, zasebne in polzasebne listine ter imeli pogovori s številnimi pričami. In ugotovitve? Novinarka Dela v Londonu Alja Košak poroča (20. okt.) takole: »Preiskava je predvsem ‘oprala’ Harolda MacMillana in V. britanski korpus s temeljno ugotovitvijo, da so trditve, da so bile repatriacije rezultat ‘zarote’ med Haroldom MacMillanom in višjimi oficirji V. korpusa (to je poveljstva, ki je bilo neposredno vpleteno v repatriacije), popolnoma brez podlage. Ni niti dokazov o namernem uničevanju in prikrojevanju dokumentov. V. korpus ... je ves čas deloval v skladu z ukazi višjega poveljstva in to poveljstvo tudi o vsem obveščal.« Košakova poroča po tiskovni konferenci v Londonu, na kateri so bili predstavljeni izidi preiskave, da je le-ta našla le manjšo vlogo za MacMillana, prav tako za brigadne-ga generala Tobyja Lowa (lorda Aldingto-na), ki je bil uspešno tožil Tolstoja. Zaključuje Košakova svoje poročilo: »Na tiskovni konferenci so tudi poudarili, da je nemogoče do konca razumeti, zakaj je do repatriacije iz Koroške prišlo, ne da bi pri tem upoštevali resno vojaško in politično krizo ob koncu vojne, ki je nastala zaradi Titovih poskusov, da bi s silo osvojil južno Avstrijo in severovzhodno Italijo. Ob tej krizi in nujnosti, da postanejo britanske vojaške sile v Avstriji popolnoma operativno sposobne, je prišlo do repatriacij na tak način, kakor so bile izvedene. V. korpus je imel na Koroškem samo 25.000 vojakov, ki so morali nadzorovati na sto tisoče predanih vojakov in beguncev. Kot je feldmaršal Alexander 16. maja 1945 izjavil Churchillu: ‘Počistiti moram to območje.’ Repatriacije so bile posledica te politike. V zaključnih ugotovitvah zapisnika, ki je bil na tiskovni konferenci izročen novinarjem, je v zvezi z repatriacijo Jugoslovanov rečeno: ‘Kompleksnost zaporedja dogodkov, s čimer je bilo predanih okrog 26.000 jugoslovanskih disidentov v skladu z ukazi glavnega štaba feldmaršala Alexandra, je v celoti dokumentirana v poročilu, in kot je Alexander pozneje sam izjavil, je do odločitev o tem prišlo na podlagi vojaške nujnosti glede na takratne okoliščine, toda to je tudi pomenilo, da problema ni mogel obravnavati tako, kot si je želel.’« Dr. Bučar v Clevelandu— Jutri zvečer pride v Cleveland na tridnevni obisk dr. France Bučar, predsednik parlamenta Republike Slovenije. Bil je že v Chicagu in Washingtonu, trenutno je v Kanadi, po obisku v našem mestu pa se bo vrnil v Slovenijo. To nedeljo bo dr. Bučar glavni govornik na Slovenskem večer Slovensko ameriškega kulturnega sveta v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clair Avenue, v soboto popoldne bo na Slovenski pristavi, v nedeljo dopoldne pa bo prisoten na slovenski maši pri Sv. Vidu. Dr. Bučar bo imel tudi več drugih srečanj in pogovorov, kajti je namen, da se med obiskom seznanja čimbolj popolno z našim življenjem tukaj. O obisku bomo pozneje seveda še poročali. Dr. Bučarjev obisk potrjuje, da želi Slovenija ohraniti in poglobiti stike z nami. Naj si za to prizadevamo tudi mi, po naših najboljših močeh. Skupno sv. obhajilo— Oltarno društvo sv. Vida bo imelo skupno sv. obhajilo to nedeljo pri osmi sv. maši. Popoldan ob 1.30 bo kratek sestanek, nato gredo članice v cerkev, da se udeleže evharističnega češčenja. Članice lepo vabljene, v čim večjem številu. Oltarno društvo fare Marije Vnebovzete bo imeli skupno sv. obhajilo to nedeljo pri sv. maši ob 10. dop. Ob 1.30 bodo molitve, in molitve tudu za pokojne članice društva. Sledila bo redna seja, v običajnem prostoru. Članice vabljene. Opravičilo— V »Naznanilu in Zahvali« za Franka Zevnika, ki je bilo objavljeno pretekli teden, smo pomotoma izpustili cel stavek, za kar se prizadetim iskreno opravičujemo. Stavek se glasi: »Družina Zevnik bi se rada tudi zahvalila g. dr. Maksu Raku za njegovo zdravniško pomoč v bolnici in na domu med boleznijo pokojnega.« List šele prihodnji petek— Ker bo urednik od ponedeljka do srede po vsej verjetnosti na obisku v Washingtonu, D.C., bo naš list prihodnji teden izšel šele v petek zjutraj. Urednik je bil zopet povabljen v State Department. Radiothon na WCSB— V soboto se konča enotedenski »radiothon« na radijski postaji univerze Cleveland State WCSB-FM, na sporedu katere je oddaja Pesmi in melodije iz lepe Slovenije. Tudi če niste postajo klicali in obljubili podporo, jo bodo gotovo z veseljem kar tako sprejeli. Prispevke oziroma čeke naslovite na: CSU — Development Fund, in pošljite na naslov: Cleveland State University, Rhodes Tower - Room 956, Cleveland, OH 44115. Belokranjsko martinovanje— Belokranjski klub vabi na svoje martinovanje, ki bo v soboto, 10. novembra, v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clair Avenue. Za vstopnice in več informacije, pokličite Matt Hutarja na 481-3308, ali pa Vido Rupnik na 289-0843. Dopis boste našli na str. 3. Koncert— Pevski zbor Jadran prireja svoj jesenski koncert v soboto, 10. novembra, v Slovenskem delavskem domu na Waterloo Rd. Za vstopnice in več informacije, pokličite Angelo Žabjek (531-3979) ali Betty Rotar (481-3191). Letos praznuje Jadran svojo 70-letnico. Zboru in vsem sodelujočim ob tem visokem jubileju čestitamo! Novi odbor— Na občnem zboru Slovenske šole pri Sv. Vidu je bil izvoljen sledeči odbor: Preds.......Matija Plečnik Podpreds....Tone Ovsenik Tajnica.......Lojzka Sever Blagajnik.......Ivan Zupan Nadzornika....Stane Kuhar ... Jože Gabrič Zastopnik Slovenske pristave.......Jože Košir Odborniki: Vsi starši otrok Slovenske šole pri Sv. Vidu. Zadušnica— V nedeljo, 4. novembra, ob 10.30 dop. bo v cerkvi sv. Vida sv. maša za Emanuela Grase-llija ob 25. obletnici njegove smrti. Krofi— Oltarno društvo pri Sv. Vidu bo imelo prodajo krofov v soboto, 10. novembra, začenši ob 8. uri zjutraj v društveni sobi šolskega avditorija, torej običajnem prostoru. Pridite! Mladina bo nastopila— V nedeljo, 11. novembra, ste vabljeni v Slovenski društveni dom na Recher Ave. v Euclidu na jesenski koncert Slovenskega mladinskega zbora kr. št. 2 SNPJ. Koncert se prične ob 3.30, mladi pevci in pevke (stari so od 5. do 16. leta) bodo pod vodstvom Cecilije Dolgan. Vstopnice so po $5 in jih imajo člani zbora, dobite jih tudi pri Tony’s Polka Village in pri vhodu v dvorano na dan prireditve. Spominska darova— Rose A. Rodgers, Euclid, O., je darovala $25 v tiskovni sklad v spomin na starša Johna in Frances Grili. Jennie Zakrajšek, Willo-wick, O., je pa poklonila $10 v spomin na moža Franka. Darovalkama za njih naklonjenost naša iskrena hvala.! Volitve ta torek— V torek bodo volitve. Ne pozabite iti na volišča, kajti je to vaša državljanska dolžnost! Ameriška Domovina je Vaš list! AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave. - 431-0628 - Cleveland, OH 44103 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec — Publisher, English editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel — Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Košir NAROČNINA: Združene države in Kanada: $25 na leto za ZDA; $30 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $35 na leto, računano v ameriški valuti SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $25 per year; Canada: $30 in U.S. currency Foreign: $35 per year U.S. or equivalent foreign currency Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 Fax (216) 361-4088 Published every Thursday »3 No. 44 Thursday, November 1, 1990 Dr. France Bučar Jutri pride v Cleveland dr. France Bučar, predsednik parlamenta Republike Slovenije. Povabil ga je Slovensko ameriški kulturni svet, da bi bil govornik na Slovenskem večeru to nedeljo v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clair Avenue. Dr. Bučar je že bil v Chicagu in Washingtonu, v Cleveland pa pride po obisku v Torontu in Ottawi, Kanada. V Clevelandu bo ostal do ponedeljka, ko se bo vrnil v Slovenijo. Pozdravljamo ga v naši sredi in želimo, da bi bil obisk tako zanj kot za nas koristen in spodbujajoč. Sam dr. Bučar kot tudi slovenski parlament, ki je njegov obisk odobril in priporočil, sta izrazila željo, da bi se mogel dr. Bučar srečati s čim širšo paleto slovensko ameriškega življenja. Izgleda, da bo ta želja uresničena, kajti je samo v Clevelandu pripravljenih več srečanj s predstavniki naših tako zelo različnih organizacij. V novih razmerah, nastalih v Sloveniji po zrušitvi enopartijske oziroma komunistične diktature, je zelo važno, da ustvarjamo na obeh straneh »velike luže« pravilno sliko drug o drugem. Taki obiski, kot je dr. Bučarjev, lahko k temu veliko prispevajo, v korist vseh. Želimo dr. Bučarju prijetno počutje med nami in se mu že vnaprej opravičujemo, če smo zanj pripravili prezahteven spored srečanj! ' Dr. Rudolph M. Susel George Voinovich za guvernerja Ohia! Ta torek bodo po ZDA volitve. Volitve so v demokratični družbi vedno izredno važne, to kljub temu, da se mnogi državljani tega ne zavedamo. Za nas, ki živimo v Ohiu, imajo volitve poseben pomen zato, ker kandidira na republikanski listi za mesto guvernerja naš rojak George V. Voinovich. Vsi bralci gotovo že vedo, da je Voinovich Slovenec na materini strani, velja pa to poudariti. Poleg tega je bil Voinovich tekom svoje dolge kariere vedno zvest tistim principom, ki jih zagovarja ta list in tudi, o tem smo lahko prepričani, velika večina naših naročnikov in bralcev. Zaradi tega je ta list Voinovicha tudi vedno podpiral, od njegove prve kampanje za ohij-sko zakonodajo, skozi vse številne druge, do treh uspešnih kampanj za župana Clevelanda, do predlanskega neuspelega tekmovanja za mesto zveznega senatorja iz Ohia, pa do letošnje za guvernerja Ohia. V dolgi karieri sicer komaj 54-letni Voinovich ni bil nikoli povezan z nobenim škandalom. Njegova poštenost je splošno priznana, celo bi rekli, v kampanji proti njemu, ki ga vodi demokratski tek- mec. Politični analitiki so mnenja, da bo Voinovich prihodnji torek zmagal, a da se mu je začel približati demokratski tekmec. Zato je važno, da gremo vsi ta torek na volišča in izpolnimo našo državljansko dolžnost. V Sloveniji so se za pravico za svobodne, večstrankarske volitve morali boriti od zadnje vojne do letošnjega leta, naj mi v ZDA ne zanemarimo to temeljno pravico, ki jo pravzaprav uživa manjši del človeštva na Zemlji. Mi v Ohiu naj tudi ne pozabimo drugih naših rojakov, ki iščejo našo podporo, predvsem Ronalda Šuštarja za ohijsko zakonodajo in Dennisa Eckarta za poslanca v zveznem predstavniškem domu. Dr. Rudolph M. Susel /Z NEWYORSKE PROSVETE Več let smo imeli farani Sv. Cirila dovoljenje od newyor-ške policije, da smo gotove ure v nedeljo smeli parkirati svoje avtomobile na severni strani 8. ceste, kjer je sicer parkiranje prepovedano. Na svojih avtomobilih smo imeli posebne tablice, na katerih je bilo napisano, da prisostvujemo obredom v cerkvi Sv. Cirila. To se je naenkrat spremenilo pretekli teden, ko je policija prepovedala vsako parkiranje na severni strani. Naš župnik je o tem obvestil farane v soboto po telefonu in jim svetoval, da gredo od doma prej kot običajno, da bodo našli prostor za parkiranje kje na tretji ali drugi aveniji ali na sosednih ulicah. Upravičeno sem sklepal, da bo udeležba na uri manjša. A sem se motil! Udeležba je bila celo malo večja kot običajno. Hvala lepa, slovenski farani! S svojim obiskom v takih razmerah ste dokazali, da ste res dobri Slovenci in katoličani. Le tako naprej! Ne bo nas še konec! Spored je otvorila kakor že tolikokrat naša mlada pianistka Vanesa Solar. Na klavirju je igrala komad »Autumn Leaves« lepo in predano kakor vedno. Za njo je nastopila naša požrtvovalna in plemenita dr. Dominika Lango. Na klavirju jo je spremljala Roksanda Ce-rovic, Črnogorka in dobra prijateljica Slovencev. Dominika je pela dve originalni slovenski skladbi »Molitev« in »Plani-nar«. Odrastli so skupaj z otroci utihnili in napeto sledili odličnemu petju. Avgusta meseca je objavila revija »National Geographic« dolg in temeljit članek s slikami o razmerah v Jugoslaviji. En urednik in fotograf sta bila več mesecev v Jugoslaviji in obiskala vse republike. Vozila sta se z izposojenim avtom, ki je imel na njuno zahtevo tablico, ki se je začela z L J, to je Ljubljana. Iz opisa razmer v Jugoslaviji in posameznih republikah smo izbrali najboljše in najbolj zanimive spise in jih prevedli. Podal nam jih je prof. Peter Remec temeljito in razločno. Helka Puc Clement pa je recitirala dobeseden prevod pisanja o Sloveniji. Poglejmo, kaj pišejo! Kosovo. V Prištini ljudje šepetajo, če govorijo, ker se bojijo, da bi jih kdo slišal. Na ulicah so ljudje ves čas pod surovim nadzorstvom policajev, ki imajo na glavah jeklene čelade in proti kroglam zavarovane predpasnike, v rokah pa brzostrelke. Nad 35 Albancev so ubili v prvih šestih mesecih. S tanki, bombami in vojsko so Srbi uničili vsako avtonomijo Kosova, katerega 90% prebivalcev je albanskega porekla in so bili tam stoletja prej kakor Srbi. Sedanji predsednik Srbije Miloševič ima v načrtu naseliti na Kosovem več sto tisoč Srbov in dobiti na ta način večino. Makedonija. V Makedoniji nam je povedal predsednik vlade Bogomil Gjusel tole: »Srbi hočejo podjarmiti ne samo Kosovo, ampak tudi Makedonijo. Miloševič trdi, da morajo dobiti Srbi nazaj zemljo, ki jim je bila vzeta po prvi svetovni vojni in dana makedonskim kmetom. Ti obdelujejo zemljo že od takrat in jim ne bo nihče vzel!« Hrvatska. Na Hrvatskem je v svobodnih volitvah zmagala najbolj drzna opozicija. Vodi jo Franjo Tudjman, zgodovinar in pisatelj, ki je bil svojčas partizanski general. Leta 1972 je napisal knjigo, na podlagi katere ga je sodišče kot izdajalca obsodilo na 20 let zapora. Tito je kazen znižal na dve leti zapora. On trdi, da hočejo Hrvati konfederacijo in če te ne dobijo, se bodo ločili od Jugoslavije. Medjugorje. Pred 10 leti ni bilo v Medju-gorju niti hotela niti poštene restavracije. Danes ima 12.000 postelj za turiste in desetkrat več taksijev kot letališče v Beogradu. Ko je bil urednik tam, je videl, kako je 10.000 ljudi klečalo in molilo, ko je sonca zahajalo. Med njimi je bilo tudi več Nemcev, ki so na glas peli Marijine pesmi. Slovenija. Slovenija je najbolj zahodnjaška republika Jugoslavije. Pred kratkim so vrgli Slovenci iz svojega naslova »socialistična« in postali preprosto »Republika Slovenija«. Slovenski komunisti so se pa odločili, da so siti federalne stranke in so izstopili. Mladi Rudi Tavčar, član Slovenske gospodarske zbornice, mi je povedal, zakaj sovraži nacionalni gospodarski sistem: »Mi predstavljamo samo 8% prebivalstva, pa u-stvarjamo 20% narodnega dohodka in tretjino izvozov na Zahod. Toda federaciji mora- mo odstopiti večino trdne valute, nimamo pa nobenega nadzora, kako se denar porabi. Poleg tega prispevamo 27% federalnega proračuna.« Slabi odnosi med Slovenci in Srbi so dosegli višek zadnjo zimo. Jezni, ker se jim je zdelo, da Slovenci ne razumejo njihovih akcij na Kosovem, so Srbi in Črnogorci organizirali karavane več tisoč ljudi, ki naj bi šli v Ljubljano »vzgojiti« Slovence. Slovenski voditelji so se pripravili na upor, ker so se bali, da bo sicer prišlo do spopadov na ulici in do državnega udara. Postavili so tudi barikade. Srbi so popustili. Med najbolj uspešna slovenska podjetja spada letalska družba Adria, ki je prenehala s komunističnim sistemom in povezavo z JATom. Zaključila je že 20 let z dobičkom. Predsednik republike Milan Kučan je pa tole povedal: »Jugoslavija ne pozna demokracije in je na pragu državljanske vojne. Mi zaostajamo za razvojem v Evropi. Mi se moramo pridružiti evropski skupnosti. To pa je nemogoče, dokler bodo Srbi vztrajali na svoji politiki na Kosovu. Samo (dalje na str. 3) Pevski zbor Jadran praznuje 70-Ietnico Pričela se je jesenska kulturna sezona v dvoranah. Prireditve, med njimi tudi koncerti, se vrstijo ena za drugo. Tudi mi pri pevskem zboru Jadran ne bomo izostali. Naš koncert bo v soboto, 10. novembra, v Slovenskem delavskem domu na Waterloo Road. Koncert bo kot običajno združen z večerjo in plesom. Večerjo bodo kuharice pričele deliti ob 5. uri popoldne v spodnji dvorani. Serviranje bo med 5. in 6.30 zvečer. Ob 7. uri se bo v glavni dvorani pričel koncert, na katerem bomo podali mnoge priljubljene slovenske pesmi. Vstopnice za lep večer so po $14 na osebo in jih imajo člani, ali pa pokličite Betty Rotar na 481-3191 ali pa Angelo Žabjek na 531-3979. Vstopnice ima tudi trgovina Tony’s Polka Village na E. 185 St. Letošnji koncert bo izjemen zato, ker naš zbor Jadran praznuje svojo 70-letnico. Pridite in praznujte z nami! Obenem pa v imenu zbora vljudno vabim vas, ki ljubite slovensko pesem, niste pa aktivni pri katerem od naših pevskih zborov, da se nam pridružite. Veseli vas bomo. Posebej potrebujemo moških glasov, saj ravno zadnji čas je nekaj članov bolnih. Želimo jim hitre povrnitve zdravja v upanju, da bodo sodelovali na našem spomladanskem koncertu. Spomladi letos smo pa izgubili za vedno mojega moža Franka Zakrajška. Dolgo let je vneto in z veseljem prepeval, vse dokler mu je zdravje dopuščalo. Zelo ga vsi pogrešamo. Vidimo se na koncertu Jadrana 10. novembra v SDD na Waterloo Road! Jennie Zakrajšek Belokranjci vabijo na svoje veselo martinovanje 10. novembra Iz cvička zlata kapljica, le Bela krajina to ima. In kdor bo vince cvička pil, ostal bo vedno zdrav in žil. Zato pojdimo v vinski hram, ker vince sam ne pride k nam. Privošči si ga glaž ali dva, saj vsi smo iz kraja vinskega. CLEVELAND, O. — Belokranjski klub priredi svoj tradicionalni družabni vinski praznik, martinovanje, v soboto, 10. novembra ob 6.30 zvečer v veliki dvorani Slovenskega narodnega doma na St. Clair Avenue. Ob tej priliki vljudno vabimo vse prijatelje in znance, da se nam zopet letos pridružite, da se skupno poveselimo na tem lepem vinskem prazniku. God Sv. Martina nam je še v lepem spominu, kako smo ga vedno lepo praznovali doma v Beli krajini, bil je to nadvse vesel praznik. Tudi v Beli krajini je bila navada, da so se za ta praznik zbrali prijatelji in znanci ter skupno praznovali. Pri polni mizi raznih dobrot, katere so pripravile gospodinje, smo dobre volje prepevali, nazdravljali, ter krstili mošt v novo vino. Na ta način smo nekako pozabili na vsa težka dela skozi celo leto v vinogradu. Zato naj te navade ne opustimo, dragi prijatelji, pridružite se nam, saj vam pripravljamo vesel večer. Ne bo vam žal, obljubljamo! Večerja bo deljena »family style«. Za ples in zabavo bo igral naš član Tony Klepec in njegov orkester iz Girarda, Ohio. Pri bari bodo postregli naši fantje z dobro kapljico. Za varnost na parkališču je tudi letos poskrbljeno. Torej na svidenje 10. novembra v SND na St. Clairju. Za rezervacije kličite 481-3308 ali 289-0843. Vabijo veseli Belokranjci Materinščina Slovenangleščina »HIŠA SREČANJA« VIŠARSKA MARIJA Že več kot šeststo let kraljuješ na tej gori, sredi čudovito lepih vrhov, med okleščenimi, a ponosnimi viharniki, blizu poskočnih gamsov in žilavih kozorogov, med nebeško lepimi cvetlicami — na Svetih Višarjah, na tromeji med slovanskim, germanskim in romanskim svetom, kjer so naši davni predniki namesto mejnika postavili cerkvico Tebi v čast. (Iz Višarskih razgledov) CLEVELAND, O. — Tik ob cerkvici pa je naša »Hiša Srečanja«, za katero je že več tednov v teku nabiralna kampanja za dosego cilja — $150,000,- — ki mora biti nabrano vsaj do decembra tega leta. Za na Sv. Višarje se lahko poslužimo dveh poti: prva težka in naporna, strma in počasna peš; druga pa brez truda in napora, v kratkem času po žicnici. Včasih se zdi, da se naša kampanja poslužuje prve poti, toda z vztrajnostjo bomo vsaj pripomogli k dosegi cilja. Prepričani smo, da z božjo in Marijino pomočjo ne bomo opešali sredi poti. Teden za tednom objavljamo imena novih darovalcev in tudi ta teden jih imamo. Imena sledijo: Baragov Dom, Inc., Cleveland, O.....................$50.00 Mr. Hočevar Matevž, Cleveland, O....................$10.00 Mr. & Mrs. Lojze Jarm, Cleveland, O..................$25.00 Mrs. Kette Marija, Bessmer, Pa.......................$10.00 Mr. & Mrs. Likozar Jože, Cleveland, O...............$100.00 Mrs. Noggy, A. Mary, Euclid, O. (v spomin na mater)... $100.00 Mrs. Perko, Milka, Euclid, O........................$10.00 Mrs. Pičman Justina, Euclid, O......................$50.00 Mrs. Tominc Pepca, Cleveland, O....................$150.00 Miss Yavornik Mary, Cleveland, O....................$50.00 Mr. & Mrs. Vodišek Mirko, Peoria, 111................$20.00 Mrs. Paula Vrečar, Bessmer, Pa.......................$10.00 Skupaj ta teden.....$ 580.00 Štiri prejšnje objave, skupaj ...$3190.00 Skupaj do danes........$3770.00 Pripombe darovalcev — danes v angleščini: »I want to donate $100.00 in my mother’s memory. Her name was Mary Sesek. Later she married a man — my father, Frank Oblak. She told me how happy they were when they would go to Sv. Višarje. They would sing and pray in a group. I was happy to listen to her. Thank you and God bless. Mary Wolf Noggy.« Mrs. Noggy, thank you for such a nice comment and the generous donation. — A.O. Čeke lahko nakažete na enega izmed spodaj navedenih članov Slovenskega ameriškega sveta. Prosimo, da ne pošiljate gotovine po pošti. Vsem dosedanjim darovalcem: Bog plačaj! Frank Urankar, 396 Steven Blvd., Richmond Hts., O. 44143 Lojze Bajc, 693 E. 179 St., Cleveland, OH 44119 Anton Oblak, 1197 E. 61 St., Cleveland, OH 44103 Za odbor: Anton Oblak IZ NEWYORSKE PROSVETE (nadaljevanje s str. 2) Svoj čas sem v Rodni grudi objavil nekaj člankov o slo-venangleščini, jeziku, ki po sili razmer nastaja in je nastal med našimi izseljenci na angleških jezikovnih področjih, zlasti v Severni Ameriki in Avstraliji. Prav prizadeval sem si, da bi dobil kaj takega gradiva, vendar je bilo to oteženo še s predpisom, po katerem Beograd odloča, kaj od slovenskega tiska sme od zunaj v domovino. Medtem so se razmere v nekaj letih bistveno spremenile. Namesto sile ali napora, da so se Slovenci odpravili na tuje in se jim tam v govor in pisavo čedalje pogosteje vmešava angleščina, sta se amerikanščina in angleščina lahkotno zavihteli čez Lužo in Rokav in se udomačili v številnih dnevnih ali tedenskih tiskih v Sloveniji. Namesto da bi si torej prizadeval za zglede iz slovenskih časopisov Ameriki in Avstraliji, zdaj mirno lahko posežem po domačih iz Ljubljane, pa se v njih že kar prepogosto vrtijo takale besedila: »Skinheadov ni bilo videti, nek mladenič v obliki dvodelne ornare in s skinhead videzom je celo nosil majico z napisom »I’m not Skinhead.« Ali: »Črna melodrama Accidental Tourist: melodrama v času plastične ,high-concept‘ filmarije, stampeda nadaljevanj in epskih thrillerjev z moško romanco, potemtakem v času, ko je melodrama out.« Trenutno so torej jezikovne razmere v starem kraju, v matični Sloveniji, v marsičem precej žalostne, zlasti v nekaterih časopisih, kjer se mladi in stari — mladi tudi in predvsem v jeziku — poskušajo izviti iz vesi stare miselnosti in vseh vrst kalupov, šablon in kopit, državnih, političnih, ideoloških, in se pri iskanju neodvisnosti, svobode in suverenosti zaganjajo tudi v jeziku — upam vsaj — bolj najstniško in nezrelo, kakor bi bilo treba, saj se dostikrat ravnajo po pravilu: Mladost je norost, čez jarek skače, kjer je most. Tak most je jezik, bistveni del človeške osebnosti. In ker vemo, da ima jezik poleg vsak-danjesporazumevalnih vlog in nalog lahko tudi globljo, po svoje skrivnostnejšo in močnejšo funkcijo in poslanstvo, ko namreč kot materinščina povezuje ljudi v rodovne skupnosti in narode, je igranje z jezikom lahko nevarno in usodno. Svarilni zgledi so na dlani. Slovenščina drugega rodu naših izseljencev, naj bo v vsakdanjem pogovoru ali v tisku, lepo priča, kaj lahko obravnava, do kod se lahko povzpne. Ne more ne v znanost ne v umetnost, ostaja med plotovi pokrajinstva, brez ustreznih osnovnošolskih in srednješolskih stopenj, kaj šele univerze in akademije. In vendar narod mora imeti vse te stopnje in vse možnosti, ki se mu s tem odpirajo k resnični suverenosti in skupnosti. Hlastanje slovenangleških najstnikov je torej, kakor prvim, po svoje razumljivo, ker si hočejo dati predvsem duška in izraziti kljubovanje vsemu staremu, niso pa še našli pravega novega in so trenutno zadovoljni s tem, da so drugačni, in jim je dobro in novo in drugačno vse, kar ni dosedanje in staro. Slovencev nas niti vseh ni veliko, komaj dva milijona. Za enotno in strnjeno naselje- no skupnost je to v polpretekli dobi kar zadostovalo, da smo se iz razdrobljenosti petdesetih narečij rešili v skupni knjižni jezik, ki nam je omogočil sproščeno tekmo na vseh področjih znanosti in umetnosti, govorenja in tiska, od slenga in žargona do visoke pesmi in razprave, od narečja do eseja. Tej zgodovinski nalogi in preizkušnji smo bili kos sredi vseh mogočih preizkušenj, ko smo bili državno in politično nesamostojni in si je moral jezik tako rekoč vsako pravico in možnost izbojevati. Vendar je to obdobje za nami, za nami pa tudi marsikatera prednost preteklosti v primerjavi s sedanjostjo in prihodnostjo. Namesto nekdanje narečne razdrobljenosti dobivamo čedalje več tujih priseljencev, rodovna enotnost se redči in krha z mešanimi zakoni, radio in televizija, trgovina in promet, kino in turizem, politična, ideološka in vsakršna mednarodnost skrbi za vse prej kakor za intimne rodovne povezave. Vse govori za to, da novi val slovenangleščine lahko ni samo muha enodnevnica, domislek in postavljaštvo mladih, ki se jim je posrečilo pogledati čez plot domačijstva in navdušeno kikirikajo po novem, v slovenangleščini. Dokler se jim od višine in vratolomnega skoka vrh plota vrti v glavi, pač še ne morejo trezno presoditi, da je to deset korakov nazaj, da je to jezikovna stopnja, ki smo jo v zvezi s slovennemščino že prebolevali dolga stoletja in jo precej preboleli, da je to stopnja, na katero so nas poskušali potlačiti jugoslovenarski centralisti, unitaristi in ilirci s skupnimi jedri in podobnim, da je to stopnja, na kateri so bili dolga leta imenitni Prekmurci, čeprav so se mogli s krčevito trdoživostjo vzdržati le na višini osnovne šole in pokrajinstva, da je to stopnja, na kateri so navsezadnje Vindišarji v Avstriji, da je to stopnja, kakor že rečeno, drugega in tretjega rodu naših izseljencev v Ameriki in v Avstraliji, katerim je popolnoma jasna perspektiva: v četrtem in petem rodu je slovenščine komaj še za pod drobnogled. Dokler je namreč slovenangleščina še na taki stopnji — le nekaj piscev v le nekaj časopisih — je to še eksotika, le ena od slogovnih patin, muha enodnevnica od danes do jutri, kakor smo jih takih preživeli že na ducate. Treba je samo, da pisci prebolijo otroško bolezen slovenangleških koz in ošpic, pa bo ostalo le nekaj obrunkov in znamenj na zdravem jezikovnem telesu. Bog daj, da bi bilo tako, vendar je pred vrati Združena Evropa s tisoč novimi vprašanji in problemi za vsa življenjska področja, tudi za jezike, še posebej jezike manj številnih narodov, še posebej za Slovence, ki so kljub vsemu še zmeraj brez dokončno samostojne državne skupnosti, obdani pa z vse prej kakor jezikovno nenevarnimi sosedi. Rojaki po svetu morajo biti (dalje na str, 4) če ne bomo mogli doseči demokracije, bomo začeli misliti na odcepitev.« Čudil sem se, da je toliko ljudi, ki sem jih srečal, moralo v ječe, ker so povedali svoje mnenje. Med njimi je tudi Jože Pučnik, predsednik Demosa (Demokratske opozicije Slovenije). Bil je zaprt 7 let, ker je pisal o psihološki literaturi s političnim namigom. Po 23 letih profesure v Zahodni Nemčiji se je vrnil in postal politični voditelj 6 strank. »Ljudje nočejo ničesar slišati o komunizmu. Komunizem nima uspeha. V svobodi živeti ne more. Smo za konfederacijo, edino možnost za obstoj Jugoslavije. Če pride do vojaške intervencije, je Jugoslavija mrtva. Komunisti niso sposobni ustvariti za nas življenje.« Nato smo pozdravili v svoji sredi mlada zakonca Marka in Cynthijo Remec. Vinko Bugar je opomnil navzoče na misijone in povedal, zakaj rabijo naše prispevke. Judita Prelog pa nas je opozorila na vinsko trgatev in župnik, kakšne korake misli podvzeti, da nam bo policija vrnila pravico parkiranja. Zvedeli smo tudi, da bo na maratonskem teku v New Yorku 4. novembra tekmovala 56 let stara sestra naše dr. Dominike Lango, ki bo prišla sem iz Slovenije. In konec? Zupanovi otroci, dva Burgerja in en Delak so nastopili in pod vodstvom Nejčeta Zupana zapeli »Če študent na rajžo gre«. In sodba prosvetarjev: »Vse je bilo odlično, le otroci so prehitro končali!« Nejče, zapomni si! Dr. Zdravko Kalan Pnjatel s Pharmacy St. Clair Ave. & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO. — AID FOR AGED PRESCRIPTIONS_______ SLOMŠEK, KLIC IN IZZIV »Sveta vera bodi vam lui, materin jezik bodi vam ključ do narodne omike!« — Škof Anton Martin Slomšek — CLEVELAND, O. - Geslo, ki je vodilo, ne le življenje in delovanje našega svetniškega kandidata, temveč življenje in usmeritev mnogih rodov slovenskega ljudstva. Četudi se življenjske razmere bliskovito spreminjajo, obstajajo osnovne resnice in dejstva, ki jih nihče ne more obiti in prav tukaj najdemo pomembno vlogo učenja Cerkve, v katere zgodovinskem obeležju ima Slomšek še vedno odlično in pomembno mesto. Prav zato si Slovenci širom po svetu prizadevamo, da bi dosegel čast oltarja in s tem postal svetilnik ne le majhnemu narodu, kot Slovenci smo, temveč celotni družini božjih otrok, ki se združujemo v Cerkvi. To spoznanje je nagnilo člane Slomškovega krožka v župniji Marije Vnebovzete, da so posvetili 29. navadno nedeljo cerkvenega leta spominu na ZAHVALA Nepričakovano je 21. septembra 1990 na svojem domu v Gospodu zaspala in odšla v večno domovanje naša nadvse ljubljena sestra, svakinja, teta, sestrična in zvesta prijateljica 1920 1990 AGNES (NEŽKA) SODJA Pogreb blage pokojnice je bil 24. septembra iz Želetovega pogrebnega zavoda v cerkev Marije Vnebovzete in od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš, Chardon, Ohio, kjer truplo čaka Vstajenja v sekciji 32, parcela 545, grob 1. * Ob tej neizmerno težki in boleči izgubi izrekamo najglobljo zahvalo vsem, prav vsem, ki so sočustvovali z nami, nam velikodušno pomagali, nam karkoli dobrega storili. Globoko zahvalo naj prejme č.g. župnik John Kumše za darovano pogrebno mašo, za opravljene pogrebne obrede, za spremstvo na pokopališče, za molitve in blagoslov ob grobu, kot tudi za molitev sv. rožnega venca ob krsti. Iskrena hvala č.g. Viktorju Tomcu za somaševanje in spremstvo na pokopališče. Zelo hvaležni smo g. organistu in pevkam fare Marije Vnebovzete za ganljivo, v srce segajoče petje pri pogrebni maši. Toplo zahvalo naj prejmejo nosilci krste naše drage rajnice. V veliko tolažbo nam je, da so se društva, katerim je pokojna pripadala, tako lepo poslovila od nje. Iskrena hvala članicam Oltarnega društva fare Marije Vnebovzete, članstvu društva sv. Jožefa št. 169 KSKJ in članstvu Belokranjskega kluba za molitve sv. rožnega venca v pogrebnem zavodu. Dalje hvala za molitve ob krsti članstvu Dramatskega društva Lilija, članstvu Kluba upokojencev na Holmes Avenue, članicam Slovenske ženske zveze št. 14, članicam društva Homemakers iz Euclida in članicam Slovenian American National Art Guild iz Euclida. Bog povrni vsem! Iskreno se zahvaljujemo za številne mašne darove, za razne dobrodelne darove ter za krasno cvetje. Iz dna srca smo hvaležni vsem, ki so našo ljubljeno rajnico pokropili, nam izrazili sožalje in sočustvovanje. Naj dobri Bog povrne vsem, ki so se udeležili pogrebne svete maše in spremili pokojno prav do njenega zadnjega počivališča. Srčna hvala dobrim sosedom za vso naklonjenost in pomoč v tem težkem času. Iskrena hvala kuharici in njenim pomočnicam, ki so pripravile izvrstno kosilo za pogrebščino v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Avenue. Lepa hvala pa tudi vsem darovalkam slastnega peciva. Hvaležni smo dr. Milanu Pavlovčiču in g. Toniju Petkovšku za njuno sočutno naznanilo smrti naše drage pokojnice. Najlepša hvala Želetovemu pogrebnemu zavodu za vso naklonjenost in pomoč, najbolj pa za spoštljivo vodenje pogreba. Zahvalne kartice smo poslali vsem, ki so ob smrti kakorkoli počastili našo drago Agnes in sočustvovali z nami. Če smo koga spregledali, naj tem potom prejme našo iskreno zahvalo! * Tam onkraj zvezd je raj nebeški in večni mir brez hrepenenja, kjer vrtnice cveto brez trnja, kjer ni za radostjo trpljenja. Naj Bog Ti da svoj večni mir, ljubljena, nepozabna Nežka! ŽALUJOČI: brat Marko Sodja z ženo Ido, svakinja Ana Sodja, nečaki in nečakinje, dve sestrični in bratranec, prijatelja Frank in Vida Rupnik, belokranjski rojaki in rojakinje. Ljubljana, Bela krajina, Cleveland, 1. novembra 1990 velikega voditelja našega naroda in prošnji za njegovo beatifikacijo. Velik portret našega svetniškega kandidata, ki je last Vinka Rozmana, nas je tudi vidno dvigal k molitvi in nam približeval Slomškovo misel, ki jo je v svoji razlagi božje besede naredil bolj otipljivo in sprejemljivo rev. Mirko Ružič, župnik in psiholog iz Rač pri Mariboru v Sloveniji. Razumeti Slomškovo veličino pomeni: poglobiti se v razmere in čas, v katerem je živel in delal. Bilo je to obdobje germanizacije našega naroda, ki se je hotela vtihotapiti v vse ustanove in tokove oblikovanja vsakdanjega življenja. Prav zaradi tega je škof Slomšek uvidel pomembnost škofijskega sedeža v takem področju, da je dosegljiv večjemu delu vernih ljudi. Zato se je odločil za ta velikanski korak prenosa sedeža škofije iz Št. Andraža v Labodski dolini v Maribor. Še danes se čudimo temu ogromnemu podvigu. Vedeti moramo, da takrat ni bilo cest in železnice, po katerih bi človek mogel neovirano potovati in prevažati prtljago in tovore. Po dolini Drave so takrat potovali s splavi, saj ni bilo ceste. Vso pot od Dravograda do Radelj je bil pragozd, v katerem se je skrivalo mnogo razbojnikov in roparjev. Vendar ne samo potovanje, tudi priprava prostorov za škofijsko poslovanje ni bilo majhna stvar, ki je za seboj skrivala mnoge probleme in težave, ki jih vsi vi, ki ste se preselili iz domovine, prav dobro poznate. Kljub vsemu temu se Slomšek ni u-strašil tega veličastnega podviga, ki bi ga lahko primerjali s podvigom Apola 2, ki je človeka ponesel na luno. S tem, ko je bil škofijski sedež v Mariboru, se je v njem pod vodstvom Slomška utrjevala slovenska zavest in se preko knjig, ki jih je pisal, prenašala med široke ljudske množice. S tem se je germanizacija ustavila. To, da ima danes Slovenija severno mejo tukaj, kjer jo ima, se lahko zahvalimo samo Slomšku in njegovemu dalekovidnemu koraku. Slovenangleščina (nadaljevanje s str. 3) kar najbolje poučeni o razmerah v stari domovini, tudi glede jezika, saj je njim materinščina prav posebna nezanemarljiva in nezamenljiva kategorija: ponos in trpljenje, osebna izkaznica in rodovna vez, obenem pa v manjših jezikovnih gručah in otočkih pravzaprav prva zanemarljiva in zamenljiva stvar, ko gre le še za osebno preživetje in je materinščina samo obstranska kategorija, ki se v nekaj rodovih dokončno pozabi in namesto nje pride druga materinščina, najbrž niti ne več občutna s tako svetostjo in prvobitnostjo, kakor je zaradi prav posebnih razmer ravno slovenščina. Janko Moder Kodna gruda (10-1990) Celoten kontekst Slomškovega dela je osnovan na njegovem izostrenem posluhu za malega človeka, ki ga je vseskozi vodil in nagibal, ne le k pisanju pesmi, ki so zaradi svoje bližine večinoma ponarodele, temveč tudi k pisanju knjig, s katerimi je hotel malega človeka prosvetliti in usposobiti za kvalitetno življenje. Ta poteza svetniškega škofa lahko nagovori tudi nas Slovence in kristjane tukaj v ZDA. Vsakdanjik nam govori, da nam največkrat manjka prav čut za malega človeka. To pa ni le tisti preprosti človek, ki nima šolske izobrazbe, ampak je vsak človek, ki ga je življenje pritisnilo ob tla, ki mu zmanjkuje moči za korak v jutrišnji dan, ki je ostarel in osamljen, skratka primeri, ki jih danes in tukaj ni malo. Verjetno bi tudi tukaj bil potreben še en Slomšek, da bi nas, zakrknjene in v materializem pogreznjene kristjane prosvetlil. Verjetno lahko marsikdo v skritem kotu svoje duše, sam pred svojim Bogom iskreno prizna, da se ga je tudi polastila ta sodobna slepota, ki ruši in kali njegov notranji mir. Vsakdo je bolj nagnjen k temu, da se pridruži imenitnežu, kakor malemu človeku. O tem področju verjetno premalo premišljujemo in tudi duhovniki premalo mislimo nanj v svojih nagovorih in razlagah božje besede. Kajti kakor hitro človek spozna in se sooči z živo problematiko, se v njem z božjo pomočjo nakopiči energija, s katero potem to problematiko lahko kontrolira in ima v oblasti. Tega se je zavedal naš svetniški kandidat Slomšek, zato je tudi s pisano besedo oznanjal še po svoji smrti, z zgledom pa tudi nas nagovarja. Nevarnost, ki nam danes preti, ni potujčevanje, ampak razčlovečenje, ki ga povzroča (dalje na str. 5) V BLAG SPOMIN Ob prvi obletnici smrti našega ljubega moža, očeta in starega očeta JOE (JOŽE) ARKO ki je v Gospodu zaspal 30. oktobra 1989. Že eno leto Te zemlja krije, v temnem grobu mirno spiš; srce Tvoje več ne bije, bolečin nič več ne trpiš. Nam pa žalost trga, rosijo solze nam oči; dom je prazen in otožen, odkar Te več med nami ni. Žalujoči: žena Rose David in Steve, sinova Margie, snaha Brian, Jennifer, Kevin, in Erič, vnuki in vnukinja. SLOMŠEK, KLIC IN IZZIV (nadaljevanje s sir. 4) — NOVI GROBOVI — zagledanost v materialno obeležje življenja in želja za prestižem, ko človek teži za tem, da bi bil bolj imeniten kot njegov sosed, prijatelj ali znanec. Tudi o tem, kaj kdo smatra za imenitnost, bi lahko ustvarili cel filozofski sistem, ki bi temeljil na življenjskih izkušnjah od zgodnjega otroštva naprej. Ta vprašanja se posebej živo zastavljajo vsem našim rojakom po širnem svetu, ker nas je Bog obdaril z razumnostjo in nam po naših starših vtisnil pridnost v navado, da se prav zaradi tega ne bi razčlovečili, kajti s tem se lahko ponovi hujša tragedija kot po vojni, namreč ne le, da bo brat brata moril, ampak, da bodo otroci svoje starše pobijali zato, ker več niso produktivni, in da bodo starši pobijali svoje otroke (kot to že marsikje počno v imenu »višje socialne zavesti«, da morijo tiste, ki se niti braniti ne morejo v telesu lastne matere!). Ta nevarnost preži tudi na nas, vendar, ker smo nanjo opozorjeni, se ji lahko izognemo. Zato pa ne bo dovolj le pogum in spoznanje, ampak še bolj pomoč, ki ne prihaja od hrane in pijače, ampak iz sveta, ki nam je vtisnjen v duši in je nadčasoven in božji. Najbolj tragično pri vsem tem opazovanju se mi zdi iskanje osebnih koristi pod zastavo svojega naroda, kar je najbolj prefinjena sebičnost, iz katere se lahko hitro rodi seganje po tujem življenju, kakor nam pričajo zakulisja magnatov. Presojanje vsakdanjika pred Bogom je edino sigurno sredstvo zato, da človek ne zapade v zanke materializma. To pa lahko z lahkoto izluščimo tudi iz Slomškovega gesla. Vera je luč, ki človeka osvešča, da njegovo življenje ni le splet nekih materialnih zakonitosti, ampak, da je dar Stvarnika, ki je »po svoji podobi ustvaril človeka«, kot beremo v svetem pismu. Človekov Duh-duša je ta božanski del v nas, ki pa je položen le kot možnost, ki naj bi jo razvijali, poglabljali in gradili. To izvršujemo v verskem delovanju in izražanju našega vsakdanjega stika in odnosa z Bogom. Vera je namreč odnos dveh oseb, mene kot posameznika in Boga, ki mi je Oče. Omejitev življenja s peterimi čuti na materialni ravni nas lahko zavede, da ne zaznamo duhovnega dela svoje človeške narave. Vera pa je vzvod preseganja, je področje tistega najbolj notranjega dogajanja v nas, ki nas lahko najbolj osreči, če se mu odpremo in predamo. Težnja po sreči je eden osnovnih motivnih dejavnikov v nas, zato pa preži na nas nevarnost, da zaradi omejitve življenja preko peterih materialnih čutov zajadramo v svet pogube. Vlogo samozavedanja v našem vsakdanjiku ima molitev, ki je žal v mnogih srcih zamrla. Vsakomur, ki jo prakticira, pomaga do jasne samozavesti o samem sebi, ko to doseže, pa je tudi sposoben zavesti o Bogu in s tem je odprt za odnos z njim. Ta odnos se odvija potem neprisiljeno v obnebjih zaupanja, intimnosti in predanosti, temu pa je Kristus dal neposredno oznako življenja iz ljubezni. Ker sega to življenje najgloblje v vsakdanje življenjsko obeležje, je tukaj povezano s tistim izrazom, ki ga imenujemo kultura. Tako prihajamo v drugi del Slomškovega gesla, ki preko materinega jezika poudarja narodno kulturo in omiko. Mislim na celoten splet povezav, ki so del posameznikovega zavestnega dneva. Vsak narod ima svojo narodno, enkratno, neponovljivo, samobitno kulturo, ki mu je dragocena in sveta, saj edino v njej more najti svojo identiteto. Identiteta pa posamezniku omogoča razcvet osebnosti in ustvarjalnosti, kar je za nas Slovence živa razsežnost. »Ponosem sem, da sem Slovenec«, ta izraz velikega moža potrjuje dejstvo, da je veliko naših rojakov zasvetilo in zablestelo širom po svetu. Korenine pa vemo kje so. So v družini. Naša slovenska tradicionalna družina je označila posebno potezo Slovenca, ki je ni mogoče kar tako skriti ali izničiti. Delo za družino je tako tudi en vidik graditve človekovega dostojanstva. Vera pa je temelj, na katerem družinska zgradba stoji trdno in neomajno. Kjer tega temelja ni, je velika nevarnost, da življenje obvisi na samo otipljivih danostih. Zato je ob Slomšku tudi ta razsežnost našega bivanja postavljena pod kritično vprašanje: kje je moja družina, na čem temelji in kam gre? Čeprav lažje vidimo druge, nam to nič ne pomaga v lastnem razvoju, če se ne zazremo vase. Jasno spoznanje nas bo navdalo s pesmijo in ljubeznijo, ki sta bili vodilni niti Slomškovega življenja. Ob njegovem liku in vodilu še mi zastavimo korak v svetel jutrišnji dan. Mirko Ružič Sv. Vid, Cleveland, O. MALI OGLASI For Sale Richmond Hts. Brick ranch. 11 yrs old. Family rm. Hardwood floors. Pella windows. Fin. basement, 2 car attached garage. Mint cond. Asking $129,000. Call John Zakel. Realty One 289-2445 or 531-0809 Real Estate Buying or Selling. Call and ask for Anton at Cameo Realty at 261-3900 -- Matic res. 338-3205 (x) W:še barvamo zunaj in znotraj. Tapeciramo. (We wallpaper). Popravljamo in delamo nove kuhinje in kopalnice ter tudi druga zidarska in mizarska dela. l astnik TONY KRISTAVNIK * Pokličite 423-4444 KOLEDAR NOVEMBER 4. — Slovensko ameriški kulturni svet priredi »Slovenski večer« v SND na St. Clairju. 10. — Belokranjski klub priredi martinovanje v SND na St. Clair Ave. Igra Tone Klepec orkester. 10. — Pevski zbor Jadran priredi jesenski koncert ob zboro-vi 70-letnici v SDD na Waterloo Rd. Igra Fred Kuhar orkester. 11. — Slovenski mladinski pevski zbor kr. št. 2 SNPJ ima jesenski koncert v SDD na Re-cher Ave. v Euclidu. 18. — Zegnanjski festival pri Mariji Vnebovzeti. 21. — Klub društev SND na St. Clair Ave. priredi polka zabavo v klubskih prostorih v starem poslopju. Pričetek ob 8. zv. 23. — Slovenski narodni dom na St. Clair Ave. priredi ples. Igrajo Pecon, Slogar in Meis-ner orkestri. DECEMBER 2. — SKD Triglav, Milwaukee, Wis., priredi miklavževa-nje. 7. — Slovensko ameriški kulturni svet priredi predbožično srečanje s škofom Pevcem, v semenišču Borromeo. 9. — Slov. šola pri Sv. Vidu priredi Miklavževanje. Pričetek ob 3. pop. v dvorani sv. Vida. Zahvalni dan polka zabava letos prvič v središču Clevelanda Tudi letos, že 29. leto, prireja radio napovedovalec Tony Petkovšek ob sodelovanju Cleveland Slovenian Radio Club Zahvalni dan polka zabava. Posebnost letos je v tem, da bo ta prireditev prvič v pravem središču mesta Clevelanda, v Stouffer’s Tower City Plaza hotelu in hotelovih prostornih dvoranah. Vstopnice za zabavo so že v predprodaji pri Tony’s Polka Village na E. 185 St. v Clevelandu (481-7512). Prav tam dobite tudi več informacije. MALI OGLASI Wanted A mature woman, preferably Slovenian, for housework. Twice monthly, flexible hours, reasonable pay. Call 261-6905. (44,45) Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! David H. Wretschko Dne 29. oktobra je na posledicah ledvične bolezni v University bolnišnici umrl 36 let stari David H. Wretshko, znan kot vodja Dave Wretscko orkestra, ki je igral na mnogih slovenskih prireditvah, mož Constance, roj. Sterle, sin Davida in Sigrid, brat Diane Dennis in Heidi Wretschko, zet Johna in Marie Sterle. Pogrebni obredi bodo nocoj ob 7.30 v pogrebnem zavodu Grdina-Cosic na 28890 Chardon Rd. Olga Klinec Umrl je Olga Klinec, rojena Porabje za ohranitev slovenskega jezika Tudi cerkev v Porabju — morda prevsem cerkev in šola, imata največje zasluge, da se je na tem območju Madžarske, onkraj Prekmurja, ohranil slovenski jezik. Vendar je nastala po smrti porabskega kaplana Janosa Kuharja (bil je podoba neuklonljivega kaplana Martina Čedermaca), ki se je boril za slovenski jezik v Benečiji), začel slovenski jezik počasi izginjati iz cerkve na Gornjem Seniku. Nadomestil ga je madžarski duhovnik. Verniki so izrazili željo, da bi radi imeli spet slovenskega duhovnika. O tem so se predstavniki krajevnih oblasti že pogovarjali s somboteljskim škofom. Ta je predlagal, da bi poslali na Gornji Senik primernega duhovnika iz Slovenije. Iz Dobrovnika je že odpotoval na Madžarsko kaplan, ki bo opravljal dušno pastirstvo v madžarščini za madžarsko manjšino v Lendavi. Cerkev v Gornjem Seniku bo tako dobila morda že to jesen spet duhovnika, ki bo privabljal naše ljudi s slovenskim jezikom in ga obujal k novemu življenju. V BLAG SPOMIN 4. OBLETNICE SMRTI NAŠE LJUBLJENE ŽENE, MATERE, STARE MATERE IN PRASTARE MATERE IVANA ŠEPIN ki je umrla 6. novembra 1986. Štiri leta Te zemlja krije, v hladnem grobu sladko spiš. Srce Tvoje več ne bije, bolečin več ne trpiš. Meni solze oči rosijo, ko Te več pri meni ni. Dom je prazen in otožen, ker tukaj več Te ni. Žalujoči: Franc — mož Antonija Šega, Anica Klamer, Veronika Janežič hčerke In ostalo sorodstvo. Slabe, vdova po Charlesu A., mati Dennisa in Melanie Klinec, 1-krat stara mati, hčerka že pok. Johna in Mary Slabe, sestra Williama (pok.). Pogreb bo v soboto, 3. novembra, s sv. mašo dop. ob 9. v cerkvi St. Therese of The Child Jesus. Družina priporoča darove v pokojničin spomin dobrodelni ustanovi vaše izbire. Mike Rosic Umrl je Mike Rosic, mož Stany (Pat), roj. Nose, oče Steve-a, 3-krat stari oče, 2-krat prastari oče. Pogreb je bil v oskrbi Želetovega pogrebnega zavoda. Joseph F. Hočevar Obredi za Josepha F. Hočevarja, ki je umrl 18. oktobra, bodo v soboto, 3. novembra, ob 1. popoldne v Želetovem pogrebnem zavodu na E. 152 St. Obrede bo opravil Rev. Pat Minor. David Pucell Dne 5. oktobra je umrl 42 let stari David Pucell, sin Ru-dolpha G. (že pok.) in Mary E. Pucell, brat Rudyja ml., Alana in Mary E. Wilson, stric Mallery Wilson. Po pogrebnih obredih je bil položen k večnemu počitku na pokopališču Sunset Memorial Park. Seja Seja Kluba graduantov farne šole pri Mariji Vnebovzeti bo v četrtek, 8. nov., ob 7. zv. v šolski jedilnici. Klub namerava sodelovati v farnem žeg-nanjskem festivalu, ki bo v nedeljo, 18. novembra, ob tem pa še posebej išče nove člane in članice. Če ste morda gradui-rali iz te farne šole in bi radi postali član(ico), lahko pokličete za več informacije Josephine Kozel Farinacci na 442-6214. V BLAG SPOMIN PETINDVAJSETE OBLETNICE SMRTI NAŠEGA LJUBLJENEGA, NEPOZABNEGA SOPROGA, OČETA, STAREGA OČETA, PRASTAREGA OČETA IN TASTA Emanuela Grasselli ki nas je /a vedno zapustil dne 2. novembra 1965, Gospod, daruj mu mir, naj večna luč mu sveti, ker si dobrote vir, uiiva raj naj sveti. Žalujoči: soproga SILVA sin Dr. ROBERT hčerki: ERIKA por. ing. BAJUK, ELEANORA por. Dr. GRUNES snaha, zetje, vnuki, vnukinja in pravnukinje ter ostalo sorodstvo. Cleveland, O., 1. novembra 1990. KOLINE DOBRO USPELE WICKLIFFE, O. - Kljub bolj slabemu, deževnemu vremenu, je bil obisk na Slovenski pristavi v soboto, 13. oktobra, kar dober. Ves teden so nam napovedovali lepo vreme, vendar ko je bil čas za to, se nam je vreme spremenilo. Bil je hladen, pust dan, a tak samo zunaj. V kuhinji in dvorani je bilo toplo — toplo v srcu in prijateljstvu ter veselju! Pokazalo se je, da ima naš Klub upokojencev Slovenske pristave številne prijatelje, katerim se prisrčno zahvaljujemo. Hvaležni smo jim še posebej, ker jih slabo vreme ni prestrašilo in so vseeno prišli. Sicer pa je večina gostov vedela že iz prejšnjih let, da bo postrežba hitra, hrana izvrstna, tako da se kaj takega ne sme zamuditi. Naši pridni prostovoljci so vse to pripravljali že od četrtka naprej. Tako so mogli po teh dolgih urah v soboto postrežiti našim gostom. Vse je bilo sveže, od prve do zadnje dobrote. Mislim, da ni bil nihče razočaran, saj je bilo vse prodano. Mnogi so kupovali tudi za domov in še bi lahko prodali, posebno še krvavice. Vse to je bilo mogoče samo s prostovoljnim, požrtvovalnim delom, ki sta ga vodila naš mesar Vinko Vrhovnik in pa Frank Urankar. Rad bi se zahvalil vsem po imenu, a se bojim, da bi koga nenamenoma izpustil, zato upam, da bo ta skromni »Bog plačaj« vsaj v malo zadoščenje vsem, ki so pripomogli k tako lepemu uspehu. Prav lepo se naš klub zahvaljuje tudi dr. Milanu Pavlovčiču in Dušanu Maršiču za obvestila po radiju. Najlepša hvala tudi Ameriški Domovini, ki je objavila naše oglase in vabila. Brez vseh teh naših podpornikov ne bi imeli tako lepega uspeha. Zato še enkrat prav vsem naša najlepša in iskrena hvala! P.I. Ravno kuhane klobase čakajo v dvorani na Slovenski pristavi. Na levi je Štefan Režonja, na desni pa Jože Kristanc. Testo za jabolčni zavitek vlečejo. Od leve so gospe Julka Mejač, Tončka Urankar, Marija Koren in Angelca Hribar. Jabolka lupita Terezija Ferkul in Slavka Intihar. Klobase delajo (od leve): Jaka Mejač, Lojze Hribar, Janez Skubic, August Dragar. Zadaj je Frank Ferkul. Vidijo se pa samo roke še od drugega prostovoljca, Franka Zalarja. Jabolka lupijo. Stojijo (od leve) Tone Vogel, Jože Sojar, Rudi Klammer in Antonija Klammer. Sedijo, prav tako od leve, pa Pavel Intihar, Anica Hočevar in Josephine Kastigar. V kuhinji so zaposleni (od leve) Jože Koren, Frank Urankar, Vinko Vrhovnik. Hrbet pa kaže Frank Ferkul. Grdina—Cosic Pogrebni Zavod 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 531-6300 28890 Chardon Rd. 944-8400 1053 E. 62 Street 431-2088 V družinski lasti že 87 let MALI OGLASI Home For Rent: Extremely well maintained home includes 2 bedrooms, Living Room and Formal dining. $325.00 per month + deposit. Call Ted Henninge for details - Acacia Realty 289-4663. Just Listed - Euclid Brick - Investment double, maintenance free, 3 bdrm’s up & down, rec room. Quality construction. $104,500. Louise Vombergar Dagg Just Listed Elegant - Euclid Colonial - 3 Bedrooms, Formal dining room, Rec. room, Enclosed porch, Newly decorated thru-out. New carpeting, Large lot, 2 car Garage. Mint condition $75,900. Bonnie Marinčič Gould Just Listed - Euclid Colonial - 3 Bedroom Beauty - Room for possible 4th, Formal dining rm with Built-in cabinets, Eat-in kitchen, fabulous hardwood floors, Porch, Aluminum Siding, New IVi car Garage. $69,900. - Bonnie Marinčič Gould Lakefront - Mentor Sensational Lakefront property with Executive Ranch -Custom Amish Built, 3 Bedrooms, Library, Jacuzzi room, Solarium, Skylights, Formal dining room, Family room, Exclusively decorated. A-l condition. Great Beach that is protected by 3 Seawalls. Yours for $429,900. Bonnie Marinčič Gould. Grovewood - Super clean 2 Bedroom Colonial. Big Family room. 2 car Garage. Owning looking for offer. $50’s. - Toni Bowers. Acacia Realty Professionals, Inc. — 289-4663 (43-44) For Sale Used firewood burner in good condition. Low price. Call after 5 p.m. — 486-7026. (43-44) IZVRŠUJEM RAZNA HIŠNA DELA! Pokrivanje strehe ter garaže z žlebovi. Komplet kopalnice z montažo in polaganje keramike, raznih poda in omete v kleteh in polaganje parketa, in vodovoda. Mirko Ditinger: 391-9218 (43-44) Vacation Rental 1 or 2 bdrm beach condo in San Diego area. Fully equipped. Reasonable rates. Call 1-619-434-1543 (home) or 1-619-434-9180 (business). (43-46) For Rent Large office consisting of 3 rms, suitable for doctor’s or other professional’s office. Beachland Medical Bldg., E. 200 & Lake Shore. Call John E. Lokar at 731-5515 for more information. (X) Misijonska srečanja in pomenki (Zaradi premalo prostora pretekli teden, ni bilo mogoče objaviti celotnih MSIP št. 873. Ob tem poročanju še nimam MSIP 874, zaključujem pa z MSIP 873. Ur.) Jezuit Vladimir Kos z Japonske svoj zadnji članek »Misijonska nedelja je praznik Misijonskega Zalednega Aktiva« takole končuje: »Praznik za vse, povezane z MZA, pa je v tem, da je v klicu vesoljne Cerkve na to nedelja tiha pohvala tega in ponižna zahvala za to, kar si Cerkev obeta vsaj ta dan od Misijonskega Zalednega Aktiva, a kar Cerkvi nudi MZA celo leto. Vsak, povezan z MZA, bi se moral te pohvale in te zahvale veseliti, saj je po Cerkvi med nami prisoten na bojze-skriv-nosten način sam Kristus! Cerkev sestavljajo na zemlji ljudje, v marsičem preveč ljudje, in vendar je kljub tej človeški razsežnosti lastnost Cerkve še ena, bistvena razsežnost: bož-je-skrivnostno-nadnaravna, in to razsežnost polni sam Kristus: »Kristus je Glava in Kristus skrbi za to, da celo Telo dobiva hrano in da deluje kot celota tja do svojih sklepov in vezi in tako raste po božjem načrtu« (Kol 2:19; namesto ‘po božjem načrtu’ bi lahko prevedli v tej dobi računalnikov ‘kot ga je Bog programiral’). V različnih dobah dvatisočletne Cerkve so tisti, ki jim je bila poverjena skrb bodisi za celotno Cerkev bodisi za določena področja, na različne načine ocenjevali potencial in delovanje misijonskega zalednega aktiva: nekateri so se njegovega osnovnega pomena v polni meri zavedali — prim. Kol 4:11 —, nekateri so ga kot samoumevnost predpostavljali, spet drugi so se morali predajati reševanju zamotanih problemov na samem misijonskem polju, a za zaledje niso imeli več časa. Toda v 21. stoletje prihajajoče 20. stoletje se lahko ponaša vsaj z dvakrat javno izpričano zavestjo — kot pravimo »uradne« — Cerkve: z nepretrganim vsakoletnim praznovanjem Misijonske nedelje, in z velikopotezno misijonsko listino Ad Gentes 2. vatikanskega zbora. Obe dejstvi združuje veselje ob pogledu na moderno — učinkovito misijonsko — zaledno delovanje, obenem pa ponižna zahvala Troedinemu Bogu za to veliko milost, ponižna zahvala tudi vsem udom Cerkve, ki to delovanje omogočajo. Najbrž listino ‘Ad Gentes’ — recimo: na splošno — poznamo; navajanje posameznih tozadevnih mest bi zahtevalo izdatne časopisne stolpce; naj tokrat zadostujeta dva značilna stavka. Prvi je vzet iz 15. odstavka 2. poglavja in se tako glasi: »Pri uresničenju vseh teh / dalekosežnih misijonskih ciljev / igrajo / katoliški / laiki eno najvažnejših vlog, vredno čisto posebnega poudar- ka.« Drugi stavek pa je vzet iz 21. odlomka 3. poglavja; čeprav zadeva najprej Cerkev, ki je pognala prve žive korenine v misijonski zemlji, je vendar vsebina stavka obče-cerkvena: »Če ni aktivnih laikov, evangelij ne more prepojiti zmožnosti, življenja, in dela — nobenega ljudstva.« Kar je hvale in zahvale — in prošnje za vse večje sodelovanje pri evangelizaciji sveta — v teh javnih besedah Cerkve, zveni kakor stavki iz tistega »pisma, ki ga Kristus piše na naša srca... z Duhom živega Boga« (2 Kor 3:3). Kar je bož-je-skrivnostno-nadnaravnega v teh stavkih, je Kristusov glas — Gospod izraža po svoji Cerkvi Svoje veselje nad našim sodelovanjem pri uresničevanju Božjega Kraljestva v svetu, in Svojo nespremenljivo željo, da zmeraj bolje sodelujemo; in če nas je strah pomenljivega števila naših slabosti in pomanjkljivosti, nam zagotavlja tako kot je bil zagotavljal enemu največjih misijonarjev cerkvene zgodovine, Sv. Pavla: »Moja milost zadostuje: najmočnejša je, ko se človek zaveda svoje šibkosti.« (2 Kor 12:9) Praznujmo torej Misijonsko nedeljo v zavesti dvojnega praznika! »Ljubezen, s katero udje Cerkve ljubijo Boga, ta ljubezen jih nenehoma vleče v misijonsko delovanje in jim vliva željo, da bi kot oni sami tudi vsi ostali ljudje bili deležni duhovnih dobrot v tem in bodočem življenju.« (Ad Gentes 1.7) Če pa me vprašate, ali imamo pravico le do dvojnega veselja na Misijonsko nedeljo, bom najraje odgovoril: »Do trojnega veselja!« Naše misijonsko sodelovanje je namreč tudi sodelovanje pri gradnji boljšega sveta v vsej razsežnosti te besede ‘svet’: »V zgodovini človeka se je evangelij izkazal resničen kvas za svobodo in napredek v čisto to-ze-meljskih razsežnostih; predvsem pa je zmeraj in povsod kvas za dosego bratstva, edinosti in miru.« (Ad Gentes 1.8). (Konec) Rev. Charles Wolbang CM 131 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario Canada MIN 3J7 MALI OGLASI FOR SALE Grovewood Double, 5 & 5. All large rooms. 2 car garage. $59,900. Rental rooms, up. Grovewood area. $380. George Knaus Real Estate 481-9300 For Sale Colonial. 3 bdrms. 1 Vi baths. In-law suite - Vi bath. Finished basement. Rec room. W.B. F.P. $83,000. Call 946-1276 evenings. <43.44) Cleaning Days. Earn $5.50 to $7/Hr. Residential cleaning. Part or full time. Car a must. Call 481-0383. Leave message. (41-44) FREEDOM INTEREST Checking ★ Interest Up To 7.00 % ★ FREEDOM from monthly service and transaction charges when vou keep a minimum balance of $1,000 in checking or $5,000 in one savings account. ★ FREEDOM from limits on the number of deposits you make or checks you write, ★ FREEDOM from overdraft charges with our optional Personal Line of Credit. (Askfordetails.) ★ FREEDOM from a//Automated Teller Machine (ATM) usage fees with ATM Card. (The card is FREE, too!) LIMITED TIME OFFER 200 FREE CHECKS Balance Level $15,000 and up $10,000.00 to $14,999.99 $5,000 to $9999.99 $2,500 to $4,999.99 $1,000.00 to $2,499.99 $100.00 to $999.99 Interest Rate 7.00% 6.50% 6.25% 6.00% 5.50% 5.25% Your Friendly Neighborhood Bank Cleveland 486'4100 Pepper Pike 831 -8800 J 0 Cleveland Hts.371-2000 Richmond Hts.944-5500 METROPOLITAN Euclid...................731-8865 Shaker Hts...752-4141 ^ ^ Mayfield Hts.473-2121 South Euclid.291-2800 Parma Heights.845-8200 Wliioughby Hills 944-3400 Metropolitan Savings Bank of Cleveland • Member FDIC Ke.£lect Judge Daniel O. Corrigan Common Pleas Court Judge Daniel O. Corrigan was elected judge in 1970 at the age of 37. Corrigan is a hard-working judge who keeps his docket up to date. Corrigan has been endorsed by the Cuyahoga County Bar Association and received a “preferred” rating from the Citizens League. He graduated from Holy Name High School in 1952. In 1956-57, he served as a seaman and a gunner’s mate in the U.S. Navy, with a year’s service in the Persian Gulf. Corrigan graduated from John Carroll University in 1959 and from Cleveland-Marshall Law School in 1964. He served on the Cleveland Board of Education from 1964 to 1970. Corrigan married Mary Jo Soltesz in 1959. They have seven children: Daniel P., 30, Mary Beth, 28, Rose Marie, 27, Michael, 25, Matthew, 23, Christopher, 14, and Melissa, 11. Michael, a lieutenant junior grade in the Navy, is headed for sea duty. Re-Elect JUDGE DANIEL O. CORRIGAN Lillian Mallipak Soltesz, Chairlady, 35291 Solon Rd., Solon, Ohio 44139. 1954 - 1967 - Attended Cleveland Public Schools. Graduated from Collinwood High School. 1967 - 1974 - Attended Case Western Reserve University. Received Bachelor of Arts Degree and Juris Doctorate Degree. 1982 and 1989 Attended National Judicial College in Reno, Nevada ★ EXPERIENCED ★ 1981 - Elected to the Cleveland Municipal Court 1983 - Present - Judge, Common Pleas Court of Cuyahoga County. 1983 - Appointed to Common Pleas Court 1984 - Elected to Common Pleas Court 1988 - Re-elected to Common Pleas Court 1989 - Faculty Advisor, National Judicial College, Reno, Nevada 1988 - Instructor, Ohio Judicial College, Columbus, Ohio Sat by Assignment on: 1988 - Common Pleas Court Franklin County 1987 - Eleventh District Court of Appeals (Portage and Geauga Counties) 1987 - Court of Claims of State of Ohio 1986 - Court of Claims of State of Ohio Judge Jones For Justice, Sandra Berry, Treas., 216/363-1990 • 3729 Silsby Rd.. Cleve, OH 44118 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 1, 1990 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 1, 1990 Elect Nov, 6 The New Governor of Ohio ANTHONY J. cefe FOR GOVERNOR A Family Man Fighting for Ohio’s Working Families His Experience: • Graduate U.S. Naval Academy • Veteran U.S. Navy • State Senator • Secretary of State • Attorney General Endorsed by Police and Education: Recognized for his strong efforts in educating Ohio’s school children on drug resistance and fighting to keep Ohio’s streets safe from drugs. • Endorsed by the Ohio Educational Association • Endorsed by the Fraternal Order of Police • Endorsed by Ohio’s Ethnic Communities: • Federation of Italian American Societies • American Slovenians • Polish American Congress • Polish American, Inc. • Cosmopolitan League of Cuyahoga County 13 Nationalities • Women’s Cosmopolitan League His Record of Fighting to Keep Your Costs Down: As your federal government ignores the savings and loan scandal and the proliferation of toxic waste sites TONY CELEBREZZE fights Ohio’s war. • Prosecuted waste haulers for dumping out-of-state trash in Ohio Fought to protect consumers: • Went after Auto Manufacturers who put the wrong engines in cars. • Collected close to $9 million in Consumer restitution over his career as Attorney General • Protected Ohio flood victims at Shadyside by sending investigators to register contractors. • Went after Home State Savings & Loan long before the federal government and other states, resulting in 9 convictions and the recovery of depositors funds. EDUCATION: • Instituted in Ohio’s schools the DARE (Drug Awareness Resistance Education) Program. • Sponsor of Mock Trial Program in Ohio’s High Schools. ELDERLY: • Provides counseling for Ohio’s elderly in reviewing their MEDICARE COVERAGE. • Went after Medicaid Providers who fraudently overbilled patients. Governor / Lieutenant Governor Anthony J. Celebreeze, Jr. / Eugene Branstool Anthony J. Celebreeze, Jr. Age 49; Residence, Cleveland; JD Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, MS George Washington University, BS U.S. Naval Academy; State Senator 1975-79; Ohio Secretary of State 1979-83; Attorney General of Ohio 1983-present. Eugene Branstool Age 53; Residence, Utica; BS Ohio State University; U.S. Naval Officer 195-62; farmer 1962-present; State Representative 1975-82; State Senator 1983-firesent. Paid for by Celebrezze Committee / Robert E O'Shaughnessy. Treasurer / 42 East Gay Street, 14th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★***************************************************************************** COMMISSIONER BOB GARDNER SAVES' * ^ jl. m * 3, + % + > + o * O * o * < ¥- z o 3»- < Eliminated unnecessary use of County vehicles. * g Instituted program of competitive bids for Lake £ - County. l i Saved over $300 Thousand on one contract alone. * ° Established a Central Purchasing System - * thousands of dollars savings to taxpayers. * Lake County Taxpayers Money What has Bob Gardner, your County Commissioner done for Lake County to save taxpayers money? • Computerized numerous County offices. Improving efficiency of County operations Commissioner Bob Gardner has brought fiscal responsibility to Lake County Government. Bob has earned your support for RE-ELECTION! Re-Elect Bob Gardner, Lake County Commissioner on November 6, 1990. Paid for by the Committee to Re-Elect Gardner Commissioner, Charles P. Baker Jr., Chairman, 13 Wintergreen Hill, Painesville, OH * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * ¥• ♦ * ♦ 3»- 3I- 3f 34- 3»- ♦ 3^ Tt- rk- The Ferguson Record Received the 1990 Award for Excellence in Financial Reporting—the highest award given by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada. Issued over $40.7 million in findings for recovery against 19,200 persons who illegally received welfare benefits. 'fa Issued more than $25 million in findings for recovery of public monies while conducting over 42,000 audits of state and local governments as Auditor of State. fat Has been in the forefront of efforts to modernize accounting and auditing techniques in state and local government in Ohio. "fa Is the only candidate with private industry accounting and auditing experience. Re-Elect A tradition of excellence in public service Paid lor by Friends of Ferguson, Vincem J Gilday, C P A. Treasurer, 4044 Hillside Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio 45204 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 1, 1990 Re-elect EDWARD H. ZUPANČIČ z u p A N C I C Your LAKE COUNTY AUDITOR Because He’s Qualified • Competent and Cares! “Slovenian and Proud Of It!” EDUCATION • Bachelor of Science Degree • Accounting Finance Dyke College • Associate Degree in Accounting - Cuyahoga Qommunjjy college • Graduate > St. Joseph High School - Cleveland EXPERIENCE Auditor • Lake County, 1987 - Present Finance Director • City of Willowick. 1979 • 1987 Deputy Director of Finance • City of Willowick, 1977 • 1979 Auditor & Supervisor Tax Department City of Cleveland, 1971-1977 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS SecretaryTTreasurer N.E. Auditor's Association of Ohio National Government Finance Officers Association International Association of Assessing Officers Ohio Weights & Measures Association Associate Member • Ohio Township Association PERSONAL Married-Wife, Penny; Three sons. Edward, Frank, Matthew Lake County Resident 15 years COMMUNITY ACTIVITY Member of St. Mary Magdalene’s Parish Commissioner Boys Softball League Member • 22nd Division Kiwanis Club Paid lor by Committee to Re-Elect Edward H. Zupančič, Auditor, W.R. Moyer, Chairman, 12 Meadowlawn Drive, Apt. #5, Mentor, OH 44060 ijy SHERROD BROWN SECRETARY OF STATE “I believe that every Ohioan has the right to cast a ballot freely and to have it counted fairly.” —Secretary of State Sherrod Brown * ★ Sherrod Brown has registered overi V2 million new Ohio voters through what has been called “the most intensive and wide-ranging voter registration program in the nation” ★ Sherrod Brown has knocked down barriers and made Ohio polling places accessible to the elderly and physically disabled ★ Sherrod Brown has fought for limits on campaign spending and on the influence of special interests ★ Sherrod Brown has run his office so efficiently that it earns more money than it spends SHERROD BROWN IS FIGHTING TO PROTECT OHIO’S VOTBRS Paia tor and Authorized by The Ohio Democratic Party, James M Ruvolo, Chairman, 88 East Broad Street. Suits 1820, Cniumbus, Ohio 43216 “Eric Fingerhut is my friend. Having led both my campaign and transition team, I know Eric is absolutely committed to public service. I wholeheartedly endorse Eric for Ohio Senate.” Mayor Michael R. White Eric Fingerhut.. .A Community Leader • Campaign Manager for MayoFMike While • Transition Director, Mayor Mike White • Associate Director, Cleveland Works ' • Chair, Common Cause of Ohio • Trustee, Handgun Control Federation • Leader in the Fight Against CSX • Endorsed by: Ohio AFL-CIO, OEA-EPAC, Sierra Club of Northeast Ohio, Cuyahoga County Young Democratic "WE DESERVE THE BEST" On November 6, make Eric a leader in the Ohio Senate. Paid fur by Committee to Elect Eric Fingerhut. W Scott Seeley. Treasurer. 20310 Chagrin Blvd #3. Shaker Hts . Ohio 44122. 991 ERIC Vl» ER1C 1 a. Fingerhut DEMOCRAT FOR OHIO SENATE* * * Mayor White and the community endorse Eric Fingerhut for Ohio Senate. Endorsed by: The Plain Dealer The Sun Newspapers The Sierra Club Ward 11 Democratic Club Ohio Education Assn.-EPAC Polish-Americans, Inc. Cosmopolitan Democratic League of Cuyahoga County Federation of German Americans Ohio AFL-CIO United Auto Workers The News Herald The Citizens League Eric Fingerhut, an attorney with the firm of Hahn, Loeser & Parka, la the Democratic nominee for the Ohio Senate In the 25th Senate District. Eric has lived In Greater Cleveland his whole life. He ettended the Cleveland Heights - University Heights public schools, graduating from Cleveland Heights High School In 1977. He earned a Bachelor's Degree from Northwestern University with Highest Honors, and received a law degree from Stanford University, where he was a member of the Law Review. Eric's professional career has been a unique blend of public Interest and private sector service. From 1984-85, Eric served as a Staff Attorney with the Older Persons Law Office of the Legal Aid Society of Cleveland. Eric moved to the private practice of law from 1985-87, where he represented Individuals and businesses In a wide variety of legal matters. In 1987, Eric was appointed Associate Director of Cleveland Works, an Innovative and highly successful program dedicated to reducing the welfare rolls by helping parents on public assistance find and retain Jobs with health benefits. At Cleveland Works, Eric played a significant role in the development of legislation which Is beginning the process of making basic health Insurance available and affordable for all Ohioans. In January, 1989 Eric became the Campaign Manager of State Senator Michael R. White's campaign for Mayor of the City of Cleveland. Eric guided the campaign through the primary upset and then to victory over George Forbes In November. Eric then directed Mayor-Elect White's transition effort and served the new administration as a Special Assistant to the Mayor. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 1, 1990 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 1, 1990 FOR A BETTER PLACE IN LIFE Issue 4: Without Issue 4, we'd have no local programs for mentally retarded citizens. We need Issue 4 Nobody asks to be born retarded or disabled, but three in every thousand babies are - every year. Issue 4 is our commitment to the most vulnerable among us. A Record We Trust The Board runs an excellent program, like an excellent business. It’s kept its promises, balanced its budget for 18 years in a row and has not asked for an increase in five years. Continue Your Support Issue 4 is our only local support for retarded and disabled citizens. In 1973, 1979 and again in 1985, voters approved the issue. This issue accounts for 60% of the funds for the program. SERVING PEOPLE WITH MENTAL RETARDATION Paid for by Friends of the Mentally Retarded, David Goldberg, Treasurer, 1030 Terminal Tower, Cleveland, Ohio 44113 and the American Home Publishing Co., Inc.