197 Conservation Assessment of a critically endangered endemic Polygonum samsunicum (Polygonaceae) with emended description from Turkey Abstract Polygonum samsunicum is one of the endemic species from Turkey. Up to now, it has been only known from the type locality (Samsun /Ladik). This research intends to define the global conservation status and strategies of locally distributed endemic P. samsunicum which has been confronted with the danger of extinction due to an- thropogenic effects in recent years. In this research, we did extensive field studies and collected all needed data for determining the precise conservation status of P. samsuni- cum. We reported nine additional populations from Upper Tersakan valley, where the Mediterranean climate is dominant, and the size of populations, altitude, coordinates, habitat types, and the threats it faces in each locality were given. GeoCAT analyses at global levels indicate the grade of occurrence 21.609 km2 and area of occupancy 10.094 km2 and there could be an inferred decline due to habitat loss and fragmenta- tion of the original population, suggesting local endemic species might be classified as CR, based on criteria B1ab (i, ii, iii) + 2ab (i, ii, iii) in the Red List categorization. Its parts are also consumed by local people due to its medicinal features. For in-situ con- servation, phenological life history and detailed ecological studies, as well as population monitoring and ex-situ conservation studies should be continued together. Establishing cooperation between universities, research institutes, and local management authorities is strongly needed for long-term monitoring of population size, distribution, overgraz- ing, and public awareness. Izvleček Polygonum samsunicum je ena od endemičnih vrst Turčije. Do sedaj je bila znana samo s tipske lokacije (Samsun /Ladik). V članku smo opredelili globalni varstveni status in strategije lokalno razširjene endemične vrste P. samsunicum, ki ji v zadnjem času grozi izumrtje zaradi antropogenih vplivov. Izvedli smo obsežne terenske raziskave in zbrali vse potrebne podatke za natančno oceno varstvenega statusa. Poročamo o devetih do- datnih populacijah iz zgornje doline Tersakan s prevladujočim sredozemskim podne- bjem in njihovi velikosti, nadmorski višini, koordinatah, habitatnih tipih in grožnjah. Analiza GeoCAT na globalnem nivoju je pokazala, da se vrsta pojavlja na 21,609 km2 in območju zasedenosti 10,094 km2 ter bi lahko prišlo do upadanja populacije zaradi izgube habitata in razdrobljenosti prvotne populacije. Zato lahko lokalno endemično vrsto uvrstimo kot CR na osnovi kriterijev B1ab (i, ii, iii) + 2ab (i, ii, iii) v klasifikaciji rdečega seznama. Rastline lokalni prebivalci nabirajo zaradi zdravilnih lastnosti. Za in-situ varovanje so potrebne fenološke in podrobne ekološke raziskave ter monitoring populacij, prav tako pa tudi raziskave ex-situ varovanja. Sodelovanje med univerzami, raziskovalnimi inštituti in lokalnimi inštitucijami je za dolgoročni monitoring velikosti populacij, razširjenosti, prekomerne paše in ozaveščanja javnosti nujno potrebno. Key words: endemic, IUCN assessment, Polygonum samsunicum, species conservation action plan, Turkey. Ključne besede: endemiti, IUCN ocena, Polygonum samsunicum, akcijski načrt ohranjanja vrste, Turčija. Corresponding author Fergan Karaer E-mail: fergankaraer@hotmail.com Received: 16. 10. 2021 Accepted: 2. 12. 2021 Fergan Karaer1, Ferhat Celep2, Ayşegül Celep3 & H. Güray Kutbay1 DOI: 10.2478/hacq-2021-002721/1 • 2022, 197–209 1 Faculty of Science and Arts, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun, Turkey. 2 Kırıkkale Üniversitesi, Kirikkale, Turkey. 3 Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Afyon Kocatepe University, Afyon, Turkey. 21/1 • 2022, 197–209 198 Karaer et al. Conservation Assessment of a critically endangered endemic Polygonum samsunicum Introduction Natural ecosystems degraded and decline rapidly because of the human populations increase. The demolition of habitat through human detriment seems to be the prin- cipal cause of the loss of biodiversity (López-Pujol et al., 2006). Turkey has a great variety of biotic and abiotic diversity, i.e., climatic, edaphic, geographic & geologic, and pollinator diversity. These factors lead to Turkey is one of the most important plant biodiversity centres in the world with about 11707 plant species and ca. 35% endemism ratio (Davis et al., 1965; Güner et al., 2012). In addition, three different phytogeographic regions are come together in Turkey, as Mediterranean, Iran-Turani- an, and Euro-Siberian (Circumboreal) phytogeographic regions (Zohary, 1973; Thomson, 2020). Due to the rap- id population increase in Turkey, many natural habitats have been fragmented and reduced in size or degraded (Kaya & Raynal, 2001). Particularly the effects of overgrazing, illegal cuttings, population increase, unconscious agricultural practices, unplanned urbanization, road, dam, and hydroelectric power plant constructions have led to the large-scale de- struction of important habitats for many species in Turkey (Celep et al., 2010; Subaşı et al., 2020). Rapid degradation of natural ecosystems causes the extinction of plant spe- cies. It is estimated that 12 endemic species have been ex- tinct in Turkey in the last few decades (Ekim et al., 2000). Many studies show that narrow endemic species are vulnerable to extinction and one of the most important being the demolition of their habitats. Because of that, endemic species are the first to experience the negative effect of habitat demolition or fragmentation. The pre- cise evaluation of the preservation status of especially rare endemic species is a necessary most essential condition in order to prevent its extinction (Bernardos et al., 2006). In this context, The IUCN Red List is globally known as a standard not only serving to highlight extinction risk lev- els of species but also providing guidance to species con- servation responses, identifying priority (IUCN, 2012a; IUCN, 2012b; IUCN, 2012c; IUCN, 2019). Current conservation strategies on plant diversity are not sufficient enough to prevent a continuous decline in biodiversity. Mediterranean-type ecosystems (MTEs) are suffering from high habitat loss because of human im- pact (Myers et al., 2000; Le Roux et al., 2019; Thompson, 2020). Moreover, nowadays, MTEs are among the most vulnerable due to global warming (or climate change) worldwide (Spampinato et al., 2019). The genus Polygonum L. has 39 species (45 taxa) in Turkey. Eleven taxa of them are endemic (24.44%), 2 of which are doubtful records (Keskin, 2012). Polygonum samsunicum was firstly described by Yıldırımlı & Lebleb- ici (1989) as one of the local endemic species only known from Ladik-Samsun County in Turkey. P. samsunicum has a very restricted distribution areas, limit of its distri- bution, population dimension, and potential threats of the populations are not well known. So far, the first au- thor has proposed the IUCN category as CR (Critically Endangered) for P. samsunicum, with only an estimate of the distribution area in the Turkish Red Data Book (Ekim et al., 2000). Based on extensive field studies and observations sup- ported by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, this research aims to determine the extinc- tion risk of rare endemic P. samsunicum, on a global scale and its conservation strategies in consideration of the ur- gency of deficiencies. For this purpose, the distribution, population size, habitat characteristics of P. samsunicum, and threats on the species are determined and the protec- tion acts are recommended. Material and Methods The type location of P. samsunicum was affirmed by the field studies. After that, we did extensive field surveys to determine the distribution areas of the species between May and October 2015. All the consisting information appropriate to the ecological, phenological, taxonomic and distribution of P. samsunicum were collected from natural habitats and the other possible distribution areas (Davis et al., 1988; Yıldırımlı & Leblebici, 1989; Güner et al., 2000; Karaer, 2003; Karaer, 2013). In addition, the species that attendant with P. samsunicum was collected and identified. The nomenclature from the International Plant Names Index (IPNI) and The Plant List (TPL) was accepted. The holotype in the HUB herbarium and the isotype specimens in the EGE (İzmir) herbarium were obtained. Isotype specimens in herbarium B (Berlin), and E (RBG Edinburgh) are available online. For all localities, coordinates, number of the individu- als (population size), elevation, habitat type (following the IUCN habitats classification scheme version 3.1), and the threats (following the IUCN threats classifica- tion scheme version 3.2.) were recorded (IUCN, 2012a; IUCN, 2012b; Akçakaya, 2016). All coordinates were defined by using the Global Positioning System (GPS). Habitat and threat types of each locality were provided from field observations. The numbers of individuals in the population were forecasted using the following formula by sampling 10 quadrats haphazard from each locality, the quadrat di- mensions were 5 × 5 m (Guidi, 2010). 21/1 • 2022, 197–209 199 Karaer et al. Conservation Assessment of a critically endangered endemic Polygonum samsunicum n Ns = ∑(µi/25) Si i = 1 Wherein, Ns is the number of individ- uals of a species, µi is the mean number of individuals in a locality i, and Si is the total area of locality i; µi /25 is the density per m2 (Guidi, 2010). Calculation of the Grade of Occurrence (GOO, km2) and Area of Occupancy (AOO, km2) was carried out by using Geo-Cat (Bachman et al., 2011). Due to the nar- row and local distributions of the species and the details on spatial data, which are available in the AOO, by using a grid of 1 km2 has been calculated. A 1 km2 grid can be used for assessment when high precision data are avail- able (IUCN, 2012a; IUCN, 2012b). AOO and GOO population numbers and field observations were used to reassessment the conservation status of this species im- plementing the IUCN (2012c) Categories and Criteria (ver 3.1). Results After extensive field studies, we found that P. samsunicum is distributed in Ladik, Kavak, and Havza counties about 70–80 km south of Samsun city (Figure 1). The altitude of the areas varies between 600 and 1200 m. Taxonomic Situation Although P. samsunicum was first collected by Yildirimli in 1978, in Samsun-Turkey, Ladik Region, near Aslantaş village road, it was described 11 years later (Yıldırımlı & Leblebici 1989). According to Yıldırımlı & Leblebici (1989), P. samsunicum is similar to P. salebrosum Coode & Cullen, endemic in Muğla and Antalya (western Mediter- ranean region of Turkey). Polygonum samsunicum differs from P. salebrosum by its flower size (3 mm), flower color (rose red, white and banded), and shorter tepals (Coode Figure 1: The general appearance of Polygonum samsunicum, A: Inflorescence, B: Flower, C: Root, stem & leaves, D: Ladik is type location in its natural habitat (Photos F Karaer). Slika 1: Izgled vrste Polygonum samsunicum, A: socvetje, B: cvet, C: korenina, steblo in listi, D: značilna lokacija Ladik z naravnim rastiščem vrste (Foto F Karaer). 21/1 • 2022, 197–209 200 Karaer et al. Conservation Assessment of a critically endangered endemic Polygonum samsunicum & Cullen, 1967; Yıldırımlı & Leblebici, 1989; Güner et al., 2000). In addition, Keskin (2009) reported that P. is- tanbulicum differs from P. samsunicum by its indumen- tum (pustulate) and nutlet size (6 mm, not 1.8–2.5 mm) and habitat and altitude (only 69 m above the sea level). Expanded and Amended New Description We provide here an emended description based on our observations of living plants and add photographs of them (Figure 1). Characteristics for which the P. samsu- nicum was first identified are given in bold and our inves- tigation is reported in light. Also, we describe here raw stamen, nectareous, ovarium, and fruits characteristics. Polygonum samsunicum Yıld. & Leblebici, Willde- nowia 19(1): 87–89 (1989). Figure 1 Tip: A6 Samsun: Lâdik, on the road of Aslantaş Village, open Quercus sp., limestone areas, 900 m, 22.vii.1978, Ş. Yıldırımlı 1224! (Holotip HUB! isotypes B! E! EGE!) Suffrutescent with hardy woody stocks, perennial herbs, bark grey brown. STEMS much branched, erect, decumbent, or prostrate up to (5–) 30–90 cm tall, glabrous, branches curved; branchlets papillate, striate, grooved, internodes 5–10 (20–30) mm. LEAVES sim- ple, alternate, shortly petiolate or subsessile 2–4 mm, clawed, base articulate; stipules often united to a sheath ochrea brown, hyaline tapering to apex conspicu- ous white or silver-coloured and 10–18 veins oblique, acute; leaf blade grey-green abaxially, green adaxially grey, elliptic, oblong-elliptic, lanceolate, linear (8–)9– 12(15–30) × (2–)3–4.5 (–6) mm, sub leathery, abaxially with prominent midvein and conspicuous lateral veins, adaxially with conspicuous midvein, base broadly cune- ate or rounded, margin revolute, straight, crisped or sub undulate, acute or obtuse at apex. INFLORESCENCE lax, axillary, terminal, elongate spicate, racemose or some flowers fascicle, 6–10 cm; bracts similar to leaves but smaller than the leaves 4–10 mm, blade green el- liptic, oblong-elliptic, margin straight, crisped or sub un- dulate, apex obtuse, 2–3(–4) flowered, peduncle absent. Pedicel (2–)3–4.2 (–5) mm occasionally articulate at the base, red-pink, buds pink-rose or red-pink. FLOWERS small, actinomorphic, sometimes monoecious, usually hermaphrodite. Perianth (tepal) not enlarged in fruit, pink to red with black spots early period red or pinkish soon pinkish or white, 5-parted; tepals obovate apex ob- tuse, ca. (2–)2.5–3.5 (–4) mm, fused base, lobes longer than the tube, red or green veined. Stamen 8 (–9) rarely sterile stamen 1, filaments free, dilated at the base, tri- angular, glabrous, dorsifixed, anthers 2-loculed, opening lengthwise exteriors whitish, yellow, elliptical-rectangu- lar. Nectareous, bright, indistinctly disc-shaped, gland swollen base. OVARIUM superior, stylus short 3, ovary 1-placenta, placentation basal, stigma capitate. FRUIT trigonous, biconvex, or biconcave nut/achene. Achenes (Nuts) included in persistent shorter than or rarely longer than persistent perianth, black-brown, shining, broadly ovoid, trigonous, 1.8–2.5 (–4) mm, densely granular punctulate. Seed 1 with straight embryo and conspicuous endosperm. Etymology: The species epithet comes from Samsun city in Turkey. Distribution, habitat, and ecology Polygonum samsunicum has been known only from its type locality since 1989 (Yıldırımlı & Leblebici, 1989). We recently identified nine new localities seven in Ladik (Ladik 1 Cement, Ladik 2, Mazlumoğlu, Alay- urt, Çadırkaya, Teberoğlu, Ahmetsaray Villages), one in Maden (Havza), and one in Başalan (Kavak) during our conservation planning studies for the species (Table 1). Upper Tersakan Valley where the Mediterranean climate dominant was determined as the main distribution area of the species (Figure 2). While flowering is between June and July, fruiting is between July and August. It grows in an open diverse Quercus forest and roadsides in the south facing of valleys. The distribution area of the species is located at the transition zone of the Central Canik Mountains and the Central Anatolian region (CAR) caused rich plant bio- diversity. Like lower Tersakan valley (Celep et al., 2006), the plants of the degraded maquis vegetation of Mediter- ranean elements are distributed in the area. Black Sea region (BSR) is situated in the northern part of Turkey and it has a relatively Euro-Siberian type ho- mogeneous vegetation and there were different commu- nities especially around river valleys. Mediterranean en- claves are very widespread in coastal regions and around stream valleys of BSR. The main cause of the penetrance of Mediterranean enclaves into the BSR is climatic and geomorphological changes during Quaternary (Karaer et al., 1995; Karaer et al., 1999; Karaer et al., 2010; Kilinc & Karaer, 1995). Thus, P. samsunicum shares its habitat with plants be- longing to the forest and degraded forest vegetations to- gether with the plants of the steppe vegetation and Medi- terranean elements. According to the field observations, Mediterranean floristic elements and the Euro-Siberian floristic elements are the most common in the habitats of P. samsunicum. Because these areas are located on the south-facing slopes of the valley. This area is in the A6 square in the grid scheme of Davis et al. (1965). 21/1 • 2022, 197–209 201 Karaer et al. Conservation Assessment of a critically endangered endemic Polygonum samsunicum The species is distributed between elevations of 645– 1188 m east, north, northeast slopes of Karadağ Moun- tain in the Kavak (Samsun) and along with the south- ern part of the Tersakan valley between elevations of 645–1005 m on rocky substrates rich in the limestone where is not very inclined. Ladik is located between the BSR and CAR. Semiarid Mediterranean bioclimate and the Cold Winter Mediterranean subsection of bioclimate are seen in Ladik according to the method of Emberger (1952). The precipitation regime in the research area is East Mediterranean Type 2 (Sp.W.A.S/ Spring, Winter, Autumn, Summer). For these reasons, “transition cli- mate” is seen locally. According to this, summers are dry and hot, winters cold and rainy in Ladik (Akman, 1999). The mean annual average temperature is 9.4 °C and pre- cipitation is 602 mm average in a year. It can be seen that severe rainfall is received in April to May and October and November, while the dry period extends from the beginning of June until the end of September (Anony- mous, 2020). There are two large soil groups in the research area. These are brown forest soils and chestnut soils. The spe- cies mainly grows in brown forest soils with high lime content and lime-rich volcanic material. These soils can easily be eroded by the destruction of the vegetation cover formed by widespread grass, bushes, or sparse trees (Anonymous, 1984). P. samsunicum prefers calcareous habitats in the open ar- eas of damaged Quercus pubescens Willd., Q. cerris L. var. cerris, Q. infectoria G. Olivier, and Q. petraea (Mattusch- ka) Liebl. subsp. iberica (Steven ex M. Bieb.) Krassiln. The species is also found in field borders (Figure 3). Figure 2: The location of the Polygonum samsunicum population studied (red triangle and number). Slika 2: Lokacije obravnavanih populacij vrste Polygonum samsunicum (rdeči trikotniki in številke). 21/1 • 2022, 197–209 202 Karaer et al. Conservation Assessment of a critically endangered endemic Polygonum samsunicum Figure 3: Habitats of Polygonum samsunicum. Quercus cerris destruction area, field edge and road widening (Top), Yukarı Tersakan valley (Ahmetsaray village, Bottom) (Photos F. Karaer) Slika 3: Rastišča vrste Polygonum samsunicum. Degradiran gozdni otok s cerom (Quercus cerris), rob njive in razširitev ceste (zgoraj), dolina Yukarı Tersakan (vas Ahmetsaray, spodaj) (Foto F. Karaer). Quercus cerris var. cerris, Fagus orien- talis Lipsky, Carpinus betulus L. mixed forests are common in the upper Medi- terranean euxinic province of the distri- bution areas of P. samsunicum. On the other hand, while there are F. orientalis forests in the less mountainous Euxine province, there are pure and mixed for- ests of F. orientalis and Pinus sylvestris in the mountainous regions. In addition, P. nigra J. F. Arnold subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe forests can be seen in narrow areas on the western slopes of the transition areas under the effect of the Black Sea climate. At the bottom of Tersakan valley, Salix triandra L., Frax- inus angustifolia Vahl. subsp. oxycarpa (Willd.) Franco & Rocha Alfonso etc. are also found. Polygonum samsunicum also grows in broadleaf and sclerophyllous Oak and broadleaf forests, and conifer for- est communities in Carpino-Quercetum cerridis Kutbay & Kılınç 1995 association and it forms ecotone zone of the Bunio-Quercetum pubescentis Karaer (unpublished data) degraded forest association. The associated species of the association are Q. cerris var. cerris, Q. pubescens, P. nigra subsp. pallasiana, C. betulus L., C. orientalis Mill, Acer campestre L. subsp. campestre, Ulmus glabra Mill, Euony- mus latifolius (L.) Mill. subsp. latifolius, Crataegus monog- yna Jacq. subsp. monogyna, Genista tinctoria L., Cornus sanguinea L. subsp. australis (C. A. Mey.) Jáv., C. mas L., Rhododendron luteum Sweet, Rubus canescens DC. var. ca- nescens, R. hirtus Waldst. et Kit., Rosa canina L., Clematis vitalba L. The main accompanying plants of the P. samsunicum are Sambucus ebulus L., Bunium microcarpum (Boiss.) Freyn & Bornm., Helianthemum nummularium (L.) Mill. sub- sp. tomentosum (Scop.) Schinz et Thellung, Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke subsp. vulgaris, Geum urbanum L., Hy- pericum perforatum L., Achillea arabica Kotschy, Teucrium polium L., Astragalus microcephalus Willd. subsp. micro- cephalus and Dactylis glomerata L. subsp. lobata (Drejer) H. Lindb. In addition, shrub and herbaceous taxa belonging to the maquis vegetation are scattered in the area. These taxa are Phyllrea latifolia L., Cistus laurifolius L., Jasminum fruticans L., Clematis flammula L., Origanum vulgare L., Fumana arabica (L.) Spach, Micromeria myrtifolia Boiss. & Hohen, Aira elangatissima Schur. (Figure 3). Recommended threatened category It was first determined that P. samsunicum is mainly dis- tributed in Ladik, Havza, and Kavak (Karadağ) regions in the Upper Tersakan Valley. During our studies, we increased it to ten populations (Table 1). The distribu- tion area of P. samsunicum varies between 0.002 km2 and 4.6 km2. The current total estimated population size is calculated here to be 2960 individuals: 150 in Aslantaş 21/1 • 2022, 197–209 203 Karaer et al. Conservation Assessment of a critically endangered endemic Polygonum samsunicum Village (AK1)/Ladik, 38 in Ladik 1 Cement (LDK1)/ Ladik, 62 in Ladik 2 (LDK2), 280 in Mazlumoğlu Vil- lage (MO)/Ladik, 12 in Alayurt Village (AK)/Lâdik, 1723 in Çadırkaya Village (ÇK)/Lâdik, 345 in Teberoğlu Village (TK)/Ladik, 20 in Ahmetsaray. Village (ASK)/ Ladik, 75 in Maden location (MH)/ Havza and 255 in Başalan Village - Karadağ (BK)/ Kavak; the estimated population size of each locality ranges be- tween 12 and 1723 individuals. GeoCAT analyses at the global level calculate GOO values 21,609 (ca. 22) km2 and AOO values 10,094 (ca. 10.1) km2, and that there is a concluded decrease due to habitat loss and fragmenta- tion of the original population suggesting that this spe- cies might be classified as CR; we obtained the Red List categorization of CR for P. samsunicum, based on criteria B1ab (i, ii, iii) + 2ab (i, ii, iii). Agricultural activities, various orchards, and wide her- bicide use are the common threats to the population of the taxon. In addition, opening new agricultural fields, and activities for road renovation and widening, and for- est destruction are creating a risk of destroying the habitat of this species (Table 1). Extensive grazing pressure and obtaining the necessary soil for the Cement factory are observed in particular, at Aslantaş Village locality. The in- dividuals of the species are shorter stature, particularly in the overgrazed areas. Discussion Habitat loss and fragmentation due to agricultural ac- tivities and grazing (sheep) are the greatest threats to the whole population of P. samsunicum. Deforestation and other activities i.e., roads widening, are also creating a risk of destroying the habitat and individuals of the spe- cies. Whereas, the effects of grazing on the population are not fully known. Some studies show that overgrazing causes a decrease in plant biomass, reduced plant cover, contributes to the change of plant communities with de- clined plant height, and threatens vegetation and endem- ic plants (Cui et al., 2005; Teaguea et al., 2011; Hanke et al., 2014; Su, 2017). In our research, it was observed that P. samsunicum in- dividuals were shorter and more glaucous grey in Ladik 1 locality where grazing pressure was found. When habitats of a rare and endemic species are damaged and degraded by misrule and other various human activities, species’ distribution areas, population sizes, and genetic variabil- ity will be reduced, and the members thereof will become vulnerable to extinction more extensively than other spe- cies (Heywood & Iriondo, 2003; Işık, 2011). Fragmentation of habitats may also cause an indirect adverse impact on plants due to the fact that pollinators or seed dispersers may have difficulty in finding their host plants (Mullu, 2016). It was suggested that agricultural activities and causing habitat fragmentation which is ma- jor threats to ecosystems (Subaşı et al., 2020). The knowledge of the reproductive biology of P. sam- sunicum is incomplete. However, the rise fragmentation due to continuing serious agricultural activities in the distribution area was highlighted to be a plausible threat for this species, suggesting difficulty with gene transfer among subpopulations, which might contribute to popu- lation fragmentation. Particularly in areas close to the roadside, it has been observed that the plants can carry the parasitic pathogen fungus, which rarely gives a whitish appearance to the leaves. While the biggest population size was defined in Çadırkaya Village, the smallest population size was calcu- lated in Alayurt village (Table 1). The current population size of P. samsunicum is conjectural to be ca. 22 km2 and anticipated to decrease in the number of individuals and the number of localities due to habitat losses. According to IUCN (2019), the current status of the P. samsunicum can be appraised as CR based on the B criteria in terms of GOO value <100 km2 (ca. 22 km2) B1b (i, ii), AOO value <10 km2 B2b (i, ii). However, Section 4.11 in the IUCN guidelines (IUCN 2019) suggests that “The term ‘location’ defines a geographically or ecologically distinct area in which a single threatening event can rapidly affect all individuals of the taxon present”. All subpopulations of the species were aforethought a single location due to the presence of a single major threat in the habitats (status (a) under Criteria B1 and B2). Be- sides, continuing reduction area, extent, and quality of the habitat fulfill condition (iii) under Criteria B1b and B2b. As result of all these valuations, we evaluated the global conservation status of CR for P. samsunicum, based on the new IUCN Red List criteria (IUCN, 2019), B1ab (i, ii, iii) + 2ab (i, ii, iii). IUCN Red List proposes neces- sary protection measures and studies for P. samsunicum (Table 2). To establish a long-term protection measure for P. sam- sunicum, it is necessary to complete the deficient data on the phenological features of the species as precedence. Understanding the reproductive biology (reproductive success, pollination, seed germination, and seedling, etc.) of the taxon besides the genetic structure of the popula- tion is important. However, as such studies request long- term researches, we propose an integrated protection plan for P. samsunicum through in-situ protection, population monitoring, and ex-situ protection in order to prevent the destruction of the existing gene pool. 21/1 • 2022, 197–209 204 Karaer et al. Conservation Assessment of a critically endangered endemic Polygonum samsunicum Local people and institutions could work with the gov- ernment for limiting the cultivated areas, or preventing habitat loss and fragmentation by restricting the opening of new crop fields and road renewal – expansion works, grazing pressure within the distribution area in the future. Besides, the naturalization of farmlands could constitute a new habitat for the reintroduction of the species. Conclusion Polygonum samsunicum (Polygonaceae) is one of the lo- cal endemic species which has been confronted with the danger of extinction due to anthropogenic effects in re- cent years from Turkey. In this research, we reported a total of ten populations from Upper Tersakan valley (N Anatolia), where the Mediterranean climate is dominant, and the size of populations, altitude, coordinates, habitat types and the threats it faces in each locality was given. GeoCAT analyses at global levels indicate the grade of occurrence 21,609 (ca 22) km2 and area of occupancy 10,094 (10.1) km2 and there could be an inferred decline due to habitat loss and fragmentation of the original pop- ulation, suggesting local endemic species might be classi- fied as CR, based on criteria B1ab (i, ii, iii) + 2ab (i, ii, iii) in the Red List categorization. For in-situ conservation of the species, phenological life history and detailed ecologi- cal studies, as well as population monitoring and ex-situ conservation studies should be continued together. Estab- lishing collaboration between research institutes and lo- cal government authorities is sorely needed for long-term monitoring of population size, distribution, overgrazing, and public awareness. Funding This research project was supported by the Republic of Turkey General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks of the Ministry of Agriculture and For- estry. Fergan Karaer  https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3781-2128 Ferhat Celep  https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3280-8373 Ayşegül Celep  https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5718-9487 H. Güray Kutbay  https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9511-9159 References Akçakaya, R. (2016). Kirmizi liste siniflari ve ölçütleri (ver. 3.1). IUCN Library System. 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Conservation Assessment of a critically endangered endemic Polygonum samsunicum N o. / % Lo ca lit y Es tim at ed Po pu la tio n Si ze In di vi du al Ar ea of si te s (k m 2) El ev at io n (m ) H ab ita t (I U C N h ab ita ts cl as sifi ca tio n sc he m e) As se ss ed th re at s (I U C N th re at c la ss ifi ca tio n sc he m e) 1 As la nt aş vi lla ge (A K 1) 0, 40 0 15 0 0, 84 5 94 7– 10 05 1. 4 Fo re st –T em pe ra te 3. 8 Sc ru bl an d – M ed ite rr an ea n -ty pe sh ru bb y ve ge ta tio n 14 .1 A ra bl e La nd 14 .2 P as tu re la nd 14 .3 P la nt at io ns P in us n ig ra fo re st, ca lc ar eo us su bs tr at e 14 .4 R ur al G ar de ns 2. 1. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r f ar m in g 2. 3. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r g ra zin g, ra nc hi ng , o r f ar m in g 3. 2 M in in g & q ua rr yi ng 4. 1 Ro ad s & ra ilr oa ds 5. 3. 1 In te nt io na l u se : s ub sis te nc e/ sm al l s ca le (s pe ci es b ei ng as se ss ed is th e ta rg et [h ar ve st] 9. 1 D om es tic & u rb an w as te w at er 9. 3. 2 So il er os io n, se di m en ta tio n 9. 4 G ar ba ge & so lid w as te % 3, 96 3 5, 07 3, 91 1 2 La di k 1 (L D K 1) , Ç im en to 0, 10 7 38 0, 21 5 94 0– 95 0 3. 8 Sc ru bl an d – M ed ite rr an ea n- ty pe sh ru bb y ve ge ta tio n 14 .1 A ra bl e La nd 14 .2 P as tu re la nd 14 .3 P la nt at io ns P in us n ig ra fo re st, ca lc ar eo us su bs tr at e 14 .4 R ur al G ar de ns 14 .5 U rb an A re as 1. 1 H ou sin g & u rb an a re as 2. 1. 1 Sh ift in g ag ric ul tu re 2. 1. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r f ar m in g 2. 1. 3 Ag ro -in du str y fa rm in g 2. 3. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r g ra zin g, ra nc hi ng , o r f ar m in g 3. 2 M in in g & q ua rr yi ng 4. 1 Ro ad s & ra ilr oa ds 5. 3. 1 In te nt io na l u se : s ub sis te nc e/ sm al l s ca le (s pe ci es b ei ng as se ss ed is th e ta rg et [h ar ve st] 9. 1 D om es tic & u rb an w as te w at er 9. 3. 2 So il er os io n, se di m en ta tio n 9. 3. 3 H er bi ci de s & p es tic id es 9. 4 G ar ba ge & so lid w as te % 1, 06 3 1, 28 0, 99 3 3 La di k 2 (L D K 2) , 0, 38 7 62 0, 77 4; 92 5– 93 2 3. 8 Sc ru bl an d – M ed ite rr an ea n- ty pe sh ru bb y ve ge ta tio n 14 .1 A ra bl e La nd 14 .2 P as tu re la nd 14 .3 P la nt at io ns P in us n ig ra fo re st, c al ca re - ou s s ub str at e 14 .4 R ur al G ar de ns 14 .5 U rb an A re as 1. 1 H ou sin g & u rb an a re as 2. 1. 1 Sh ift in g ag ric ul tu re 2. 1. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r f ar m in g 2. 1. 3 Ag ro -in du str y fa rm in g 2. 3. 1 N om ad ic g ra zin g 2. 3. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r g ra zin g, ra nc hi ng , o r f ar m in g 3. 2 M in in g & q ua rr yi ng 4. 1 Ro ad s & ra ilr oa ds 5. 3. 1 In te nt io na l u se : s ub sis te nc e/ sm al l s ca le (s pe ci es b ei ng as se ss ed is th e ta rg et [h ar ve st] 9. 1 D om es tic & u rb an w as te w at er 9. 3. 2 So il er os io n, se di m en ta tio n 9. 3. 3 H er bi ci de s & p es tic id es 9. 4 G ar ba ge & so lid w as te % 3, 83 6 2, 09 3, 58 4 4 M az lu m oğ lu (M O ) vi lla ge (L âd ik ) 1, 27 3 28 0 0, 44 3 87 6– 89 1 3. 8 Sc ru bl an d – M ed ite rr an ea n- ty pe sh ru bb y ve ge ta tio n 14 .1 A ra bl e La nd 14 .2 P as tu re la nd 14 .3 P la nt at io ns P in us n ig ra fo re st, c al ca re - ou s s ub str at e 14 .4 R ur al G ar de ns 2. 1. 1 Sh ift in g ag ric ul tu re 2. 1. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r f ar m in g 2. 1. 3 Ag ro -in du str y fa rm in g 2. 3. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r g ra zin g, ra nc hi ng , o r f ar m in g 2. 3. 3 Ag ro -in du str y gr az in g, ra nc hi ng , o r f ar m in g 4. 1 Ro ad s & ra ilr oa ds 5. 3. 1 In te nt io na l u se : s ub sis te nc e/ sm al l s ca le (s pe ci es b ei ng as se ss ed is th e ta rg et [h ar ve st] 9. 1 D om es tic & u rb an w as te w at er 9. 3. 2 So il er os io n, se di m en ta tio n 9. 3. 3 H er bi ci de s & p es tic id es % 12 ,6 06 9, 46 2, 05 1 5 Al ay ur t vi lla ge (A K ) (L âd ik ) 0, 01 0 12 0, 00 2 83 5– 87 2 1. 4 Fo re st –T em pe ra te 3. 8 Sc ru bl an d – M ed ite rr an ea n- ty pe sh ru bb y ve ge ta tio n 14 .1 A ra bl e La nd 14 .2 P as tu re la nd 14 .3 P la nt at io ns P in us n ig ra fo re st, ca lc ar eo us su bs tr at e 14 .4 R ur al G ar de ns 2. 1. 1 Sh ift in g ag ric ul tu re 2. 1. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r f ar m in g 2. 1. 3 Ag ro -in du str y fa rm in g 2. 3. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r g ra zin g, ra nc hi ng , o r f ar m in g 4. 1 Ro ad s & ra ilr oa ds 5. 3. 1 In te nt io na l u se : s ub sis te nc e/ sm al l s ca le (s pe ci es b ei ng as se ss ed is th e ta rg et [h ar ve st] 9. 1 D om es tic & u rb an w as te w at er 9. 3. 2 So il er os io n, se di m en ta tio n % 0, 09 9 0, 41 0, 01 0 6 Ç ad ırk ay a vi lla ge (Ç K ) (L âd ik ) 4, 60 0 17 23 9, 81 4 74 5– 76 8 3. 8 Sc ru bl an d – M ed ite rr an ea n- ty pe sh ru bb y ve ge ta tio n 14 .1 A ra bl e La nd 14 .2 P as tu re la nd 14 .3 P la nt at io ns P in us n ig ra fo re st, ca lc ar eo us su bs tr at e 14 .4 R ur al G ar de ns 2. 1. 1 Sh ift in g ag ric ul tu re 2. 1. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r f ar m in g 2. 1. 3 Ag ro -in du str y fa rm in g 2. 3. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r g ra zin g, ra nc hi ng , o r f ar m in g 2. 3. 3 Ag ro -in du str y gr az in g, ra nc hi ng , o r f ar m in g 3. 2 M in in g & q ua rr yi ng 4. 1 Ro ad s & ra ilr oa ds 5. 3. 1 In te nt io na l u se : s ub sis te nc e/ sm al l s ca le (s pe ci es b ei ng as se ss ed is th e ta rg et [h ar ve st] 9. 1 D om es tic & u rb an w as te w at er 9. 3. 2 So il er os io n, se di m en ta tio n 9. 3. 3 H er bi ci de s & p es tic id es 9. 4 G ar ba ge & so lid w as te % 45 ,5 69 58 ,2 1 45 ,4 17 7 Te be ro ğl u vi lla ge (T K (L ad ik ) 1, 81 8 34 5 3, 29 3 73 0– 74 8 3. 8 S cr ub la nd – M ed ite rr an ea n- ty pe sh ru bb y ve ge ta tio n 14 .1 A ra bl e La nd 14 .2 P as tu re la nd 14 .3 P la nt at io ns P in us n ig ra fo re st, ca lc ar eo us su bs tr at e 14 .4 R ur al G ar de ns 2. 1. 1 Sh ift in g ag ric ul tu re 2. 1. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r f ar m in g 2. 1. 3 Ag ro -in du str y fa rm in g 2. 3. 1 N om ad ic g ra zin g 2. 3. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r g ra zin g, ra nc hi ng , o r f ar m in g 2. 3. 3 Ag ro -in du str y gr az in g, ra nc hi ng , o r f ar m in g 4. 1 Ro ad s & ra ilr oa ds 5. 3 Lo gg in g & w oo d ha rv es tin g 5. 3. 1 In te nt io na l u se : s ub sis te nc e/ sm al l s ca le (s pe ci es b ei ng as se ss ed is th e ta rg et [h ar ve st] 9. 3. 3 H er bi ci de s & p es tic id es % 18 ,0 05 11 ,6 6 15 ,2 37 Ta bl e 1: Th e 10 si te s P ol yg on um sa m su ni cu m h as b ee n lo ca te d, w ith a lti tu de ra ng e, h ab ita ts cl as sifi ca tio n sc he m e co de d an d id en tifi ed th re at s ( IU C N , 2 01 2a , I U C N , 2 01 2b ). Ta be la 1 : D es et lo ka ci j v rs te P ol yg on um sa m su ni cu m z ra zp on om n ad m or sk e vi šin e, k la sifi ka ci jo v h ab ita tn e tip e in o ce na g ro že nj (I U C N , 2 01 2a ; I U C N , 2 01 2b ). 21/1 • 2022, 197–209 207 Karaer et al. Conservation Assessment of a critically endangered endemic Polygonum samsunicum N o. / % Lo ca lit y Es tim at ed Po pu la tio n Si ze In di vi du al Ar ea of si te s (k m 2) El ev at io n (m ) H ab ita t (I U C N h ab ita ts cl as sifi ca tio n sc he m e) As se ss ed th re at s (I U C N th re at c la ss ifi ca tio n sc he m e) 1 As la nt aş vi lla ge (A K 1) 0, 40 0 15 0 0, 84 5 94 7– 10 05 1. 4 Fo re st –T em pe ra te 3. 8 Sc ru bl an d – M ed ite rr an ea n -ty pe sh ru bb y ve ge ta tio n 14 .1 A ra bl e La nd 14 .2 P as tu re la nd 14 .3 P la nt at io ns P in us n ig ra fo re st, ca lc ar eo us su bs tr at e 14 .4 R ur al G ar de ns 2. 1. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r f ar m in g 2. 3. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r g ra zin g, ra nc hi ng , o r f ar m in g 3. 2 M in in g & q ua rr yi ng 4. 1 Ro ad s & ra ilr oa ds 5. 3. 1 In te nt io na l u se : s ub sis te nc e/ sm al l s ca le (s pe ci es b ei ng as se ss ed is th e ta rg et [h ar ve st] 9. 1 D om es tic & u rb an w as te w at er 9. 3. 2 So il er os io n, se di m en ta tio n 9. 4 G ar ba ge & so lid w as te % 3, 96 3 5, 07 3, 91 1 2 La di k 1 (L D K 1) , Ç im en to 0, 10 7 38 0, 21 5 94 0– 95 0 3. 8 Sc ru bl an d – M ed ite rr an ea n- ty pe sh ru bb y ve ge ta tio n 14 .1 A ra bl e La nd 14 .2 P as tu re la nd 14 .3 P la nt at io ns P in us n ig ra fo re st, ca lc ar eo us su bs tr at e 14 .4 R ur al G ar de ns 14 .5 U rb an A re as 1. 1 H ou sin g & u rb an a re as 2. 1. 1 Sh ift in g ag ric ul tu re 2. 1. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r f ar m in g 2. 1. 3 Ag ro -in du str y fa rm in g 2. 3. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r g ra zin g, ra nc hi ng , o r f ar m in g 3. 2 M in in g & q ua rr yi ng 4. 1 Ro ad s & ra ilr oa ds 5. 3. 1 In te nt io na l u se : s ub sis te nc e/ sm al l s ca le (s pe ci es b ei ng as se ss ed is th e ta rg et [h ar ve st] 9. 1 D om es tic & u rb an w as te w at er 9. 3. 2 So il er os io n, se di m en ta tio n 9. 3. 3 H er bi ci de s & p es tic id es 9. 4 G ar ba ge & so lid w as te % 1, 06 3 1, 28 0, 99 3 3 La di k 2 (L D K 2) , 0, 38 7 62 0, 77 4; 92 5– 93 2 3. 8 Sc ru bl an d – M ed ite rr an ea n- ty pe sh ru bb y ve ge ta tio n 14 .1 A ra bl e La nd 14 .2 P as tu re la nd 14 .3 P la nt at io ns P in us n ig ra fo re st, c al ca re - ou s s ub str at e 14 .4 R ur al G ar de ns 14 .5 U rb an A re as 1. 1 H ou sin g & u rb an a re as 2. 1. 1 Sh ift in g ag ric ul tu re 2. 1. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r f ar m in g 2. 1. 3 Ag ro -in du str y fa rm in g 2. 3. 1 N om ad ic g ra zin g 2. 3. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r g ra zin g, ra nc hi ng , o r f ar m in g 3. 2 M in in g & q ua rr yi ng 4. 1 Ro ad s & ra ilr oa ds 5. 3. 1 In te nt io na l u se : s ub sis te nc e/ sm al l s ca le (s pe ci es b ei ng as se ss ed is th e ta rg et [h ar ve st] 9. 1 D om es tic & u rb an w as te w at er 9. 3. 2 So il er os io n, se di m en ta tio n 9. 3. 3 H er bi ci de s & p es tic id es 9. 4 G ar ba ge & so lid w as te % 3, 83 6 2, 09 3, 58 4 4 M az lu m oğ lu (M O ) vi lla ge (L âd ik ) 1, 27 3 28 0 0, 44 3 87 6– 89 1 3. 8 Sc ru bl an d – M ed ite rr an ea n- ty pe sh ru bb y ve ge ta tio n 14 .1 A ra bl e La nd 14 .2 P as tu re la nd 14 .3 P la nt at io ns P in us n ig ra fo re st, c al ca re - ou s s ub str at e 14 .4 R ur al G ar de ns 2. 1. 1 Sh ift in g ag ric ul tu re 2. 1. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r f ar m in g 2. 1. 3 Ag ro -in du str y fa rm in g 2. 3. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r g ra zin g, ra nc hi ng , o r f ar m in g 2. 3. 3 Ag ro -in du str y gr az in g, ra nc hi ng , o r f ar m in g 4. 1 Ro ad s & ra ilr oa ds 5. 3. 1 In te nt io na l u se : s ub sis te nc e/ sm al l s ca le (s pe ci es b ei ng as se ss ed is th e ta rg et [h ar ve st] 9. 1 D om es tic & u rb an w as te w at er 9. 3. 2 So il er os io n, se di m en ta tio n 9. 3. 3 H er bi ci de s & p es tic id es % 12 ,6 06 9, 46 2, 05 1 5 Al ay ur t vi lla ge (A K ) (L âd ik ) 0, 01 0 12 0, 00 2 83 5– 87 2 1. 4 Fo re st –T em pe ra te 3. 8 Sc ru bl an d – M ed ite rr an ea n- ty pe sh ru bb y ve ge ta tio n 14 .1 A ra bl e La nd 14 .2 P as tu re la nd 14 .3 P la nt at io ns P in us n ig ra fo re st, ca lc ar eo us su bs tr at e 14 .4 R ur al G ar de ns 2. 1. 1 Sh ift in g ag ric ul tu re 2. 1. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r f ar m in g 2. 1. 3 Ag ro -in du str y fa rm in g 2. 3. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r g ra zin g, ra nc hi ng , o r f ar m in g 4. 1 Ro ad s & ra ilr oa ds 5. 3. 1 In te nt io na l u se : s ub sis te nc e/ sm al l s ca le (s pe ci es b ei ng as se ss ed is th e ta rg et [h ar ve st] 9. 1 D om es tic & u rb an w as te w at er 9. 3. 2 So il er os io n, se di m en ta tio n % 0, 09 9 0, 41 0, 01 0 6 Ç ad ırk ay a vi lla ge (Ç K ) (L âd ik ) 4, 60 0 17 23 9, 81 4 74 5– 76 8 3. 8 Sc ru bl an d – M ed ite rr an ea n- ty pe sh ru bb y ve ge ta tio n 14 .1 A ra bl e La nd 14 .2 P as tu re la nd 14 .3 P la nt at io ns P in us n ig ra fo re st, ca lc ar eo us su bs tr at e 14 .4 R ur al G ar de ns 2. 1. 1 Sh ift in g ag ric ul tu re 2. 1. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r f ar m in g 2. 1. 3 Ag ro -in du str y fa rm in g 2. 3. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r g ra zin g, ra nc hi ng , o r f ar m in g 2. 3. 3 Ag ro -in du str y gr az in g, ra nc hi ng , o r f ar m in g 3. 2 M in in g & q ua rr yi ng 4. 1 Ro ad s & ra ilr oa ds 5. 3. 1 In te nt io na l u se : s ub sis te nc e/ sm al l s ca le (s pe ci es b ei ng as se ss ed is th e ta rg et [h ar ve st] 9. 1 D om es tic & u rb an w as te w at er 9. 3. 2 So il er os io n, se di m en ta tio n 9. 3. 3 H er bi ci de s & p es tic id es 9. 4 G ar ba ge & so lid w as te % 45 ,5 69 58 ,2 1 45 ,4 17 7 Te be ro ğl u vi lla ge (T K (L ad ik ) 1, 81 8 34 5 3, 29 3 73 0– 74 8 3. 8 S cr ub la nd – M ed ite rr an ea n- ty pe sh ru bb y ve ge ta tio n 14 .1 A ra bl e La nd 14 .2 P as tu re la nd 14 .3 P la nt at io ns P in us n ig ra fo re st, ca lc ar eo us su bs tr at e 14 .4 R ur al G ar de ns 2. 1. 1 Sh ift in g ag ric ul tu re 2. 1. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r f ar m in g 2. 1. 3 Ag ro -in du str y fa rm in g 2. 3. 1 N om ad ic g ra zin g 2. 3. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r g ra zin g, ra nc hi ng , o r f ar m in g 2. 3. 3 Ag ro -in du str y gr az in g, ra nc hi ng , o r f ar m in g 4. 1 Ro ad s & ra ilr oa ds 5. 3 Lo gg in g & w oo d ha rv es tin g 5. 3. 1 In te nt io na l u se : s ub sis te nc e/ sm al l s ca le (s pe ci es b ei ng as se ss ed is th e ta rg et [h ar ve st] 9. 3. 3 H er bi ci de s & p es tic id es % 18 ,0 05 11 ,6 6 15 ,2 37 21/1 • 2022, 197–209 208 Karaer et al. Conservation Assessment of a critically endangered endemic Polygonum samsunicum N o. / % Lo ca lit y Es tim at ed Po pu la tio n Si ze In di vi du al Ar ea of si te s (k m 2) El ev at io n (m ) H ab ita t (I U C N h ab ita ts cl as sifi ca tio n sc he m e) As se ss ed th re at s (I U C N th re at c la ss ifi ca tio n sc he m e) 8 Ah m et sa ra y V ill ag e (A SK 0, 20 0 20 ; 0, 44 5; 77 3– 78 5 1. 4 Fo re st – Te m pe ra te 3. 8 Sc ru bl an d – M ed ite rr an ea n- ty pe sh ru bb y ve ge ta tio n 14 .1 A ra bl e La nd 14 .2 P as tu re la nd 14 .3 P la nt at io ns P in us n ig ra fo re st, ca lc ar eo us su bs tr at e 14 .4 R ur al G ar de ns 2. 1. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r f ar m in g 2. 1. 3 Ag ro -in du str y fa rm in g 2. 3. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r g ra zin g, ra nc hi ng , o r f ar m in g 2. 3. 3 Ag ro -in du str y gr az in g, ra nc hi ng , o r f ar m in g 4. 1 Ro ad s & ra ilr oa ds 5. 3. 1 In te nt io na l u se : s ub sis te nc e/ sm al l s ca le (s pe ci es b ei ng as se ss ed is th e ta rg et [h ar ve st] 9. 1 D om es tic & u rb an w as te w at er 9. 3 Ag ric ul tu ra l & fo re str y effl ue nt s 9. 3. 2 So il er os io n, se di m en ta tio n 9. 3. 3 H er bi ci de s & p es tic id es 9. 4 G ar ba ge & so lid w as te % 1, 98 1 0, 68 2, 06 1 9 M ad en di str ic t ( M H ) (H av za ) 0, 30 0 75 ; 3, 65 4 64 5– 66 4 3. 8 Sc ru bl an d – M ed ite rr an ea n- ty pe sh ru bb y ve ge ta tio n 14 .1 A ra bl e La nd 14 .2 P as tu re la nd 14 .3 P la nt at io ns P in us n ig ra fo re st, ca lc ar eo us su bs tr at e 14 .4 R ur al G ar de ns 14 .5 U rb an A re as 1. 1 H ou sin g & u rb an a re as 2. 1. 1 Sh ift in g ag ric ul tu re 2. 1. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r f ar m in g 2. 3. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r g ra zin g, ra nc hi ng , o r f ar m in g 3. 2 M in in g & q ua rr yi ng 4. 1 Ro ad s & ra ilr oa ds 5. 3. 1 In te nt io na l u se : s ub sis te nc e/ sm al l s ca le (s pe ci es b ei ng as se ss ed is th e ta rg et [h ar ve st] 9. 1 D om es tic & u rb an w as te w at er 9. 3. 2 So il er os io n, se di m en ta tio n 9. 3. 3 H er bi ci de s & p es tic id es 9. 4 G ar ba ge & so lid w as te % 2, 97 2 2, 53 16 ,9 10 10 B aş al an vi lla ge (B A) (K av ak ) 1, 00 0 25 5 2, 12 4 11 01 –1 18 8 3. 8 Sc ru bl an d – M ed ite rr an ea n- ty pe sh ru bb y ve ge ta tio n 14 .1 A ra bl e La nd 14 .2 P as tu re la nd 14 .4 R ur al G ar de ns 2. 1 An nu al & p er en ni al n on -ti m be r c ro ps 2. 3. 2 Sm al l-h ol de r g ra zin g, ra nc hi ng , o r f ar m in g 4. 1 Ro ad s & ra ilr oa ds 5. 3 Lo gg in g & w oo d ha rv es tin g 5. 3. 1 In te nt io na l u se : s ub sis te nc e/ sm al l s ca le (s pe ci es b ei ng as se ss ed is th e ta rg et [h ar ve st] % 9, 90 6 8, 61 9, 82 7 To ta l 10 ,0 94 29 60 21 ,6 09 21/1 • 2022, 197–209 209 Karaer et al. Conservation Assessment of a critically endangered endemic Polygonum samsunicum Conservation action Proposed Research needed Adopted 2-Species management 2.4 Ex-situ conservation Practices should be continued, ecological and phenological features should be checked. 1.2 Population size, distribution & trends 3-Species management 3.4 Ex-situ conservation Five individuals were ex-situ to the Vezirköprü (Samsun) district, which has a similar habitat. Can be ex-situ to different similar areas 1.2 Population size, distribution & trends 4-Education and awareness 4.2 Training 4.3 Awareness & communications Awareness trainings continue. First of all, the communication network can be expanded by giving awareness trainings to the teachers. 1.3 Life history and ecology Table 2: Protection measures needed and research needed proposing and carried out, for Polygonum samsunicum and coded according to IUCN (2012a, 2012b, 2012c). Tabela 2: Predlagane in izvedene mere varovanja in raziskave za vrsto Polygonum samsunicum in šifre v skladu z IUCN (2012a, 2012b, 2012c).