284 Documenta Praehistorica XLVI (2019) Introduction One of the major events in human prehistory was the transition from hunter-gatherer lifestyle to agri- cultural food production in the Holocene, which sig- nificantly influenced the way of life in this era. This transition was followed by the beginning of a fully sedentary way of living, the cultivation of domestic plants and breeding of animals. Many scholars have hypothesized that these changes had a dramatic im- pact on population size and structure, resulting in a significant increase of the world population, the de- mographic process known as the Neolithic demogra- phic transition (Bocquet-Appel 2008; 2011). Moreover, with an increase in population size an overall decline in health has also been documented worldwide (Cohen, Armelagos 1984; Cohen, Crane- Kramer 2007). Usually named among the main caus- es of this decline are changes in diet, a limited food Quantifying prehistoric physiological stress using the TCA method> preliminary results from the Central Balkans Kristina Penezic ´ 1 , Marko Por;ic ´ 2,1 , Jelena Jovanovic ´ 2,1 , Petra Kathrin Urban 3 , Ursula Wittwer-Backofen 3 , and Sofija Stefanovic ´ 1,2 1 Biosense Institute, Novi Sad, RS kristina.penezic@biosense.rs< sofija.stefanovic@biosense.rs 2 Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, RS mporcic@f.bg.ac.rs< jelena.jovanovic@biosense.rs 3 Institute for Biological Anthropology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau, DE petra.urban@anthropologie.uni-freiburg.de< uwittwer@anthropologie.uni-freiburg.de ABSTRACT – The Neolithic way of life was accompanied by an increase in various forms of physio- logical stress (e.g. disease, malnutrition). Here we use the method of tooth cementum annulation (TCA) analysis in order to detect physiological stress that is probably related to calcium metabolism. The TCA method is applied to a sample of teeth from three Mesolithic and five Neolithic individuals from the Central Balkans. The average number of physiological stress episodes is higher in the Neo- lithic group – but the statistical significance of this result cannot be evaluated due to the small sam- ple size, therefore these results should be taken as preliminary. IZVLE∞EK – Ωivljenje v neolitiku je spremljal porast razli≠nih oblik fiziolo∏kega stresa (npr. bolezni, podhranjenost). Predstavljamo uporabo analitske metode anulacije zobnega cementa (TCA), s katero lahko odkrivamo fiziolo∏ki stres, ki je verjetno povezan s presnovo kalcija. Metodo smo uporabili pri analizah vzorcev treh mezolitskih in petih neolitskih posameznikov iz osrednjega Balkana. Povpre≠- no ∏tevilo fiziolo∏kih epizodnih stresov je v neolitski skupini ve≠je – vendar zaradi majhnega ∏tevila vzorcev tega rezultata statisti≠no ne moremo ovrednotiti in ga predstavljamo kot preliminarnega. KEY WORDS – stress-layers; tooth cementum annulation (TCA); Mesolithic; Neolithic; Central Balkans KLJU∞NE BESEDE – plasti-stresov; metoda anulacije zobnega cementa (angl. TCA); mezolitik; neolitik; osrednji Balkan Kvantificiranje fiziolo[kega stresa v prazgodovini s pomo;jo metode anulacije zobnega cementa (TCA)> preliminarni rezultati iz osrednjega Balkana DOI> 10.4312\dp.46.17 Quantifying prehistoric physiological stress using the TCA method> preliminary results from the Central Balkans 285 to be higher in the Neolithic than in the Mesolithic sample, as predicted by theory and previous empiri- cal studies. Archaeological context Mesolithic and Early Neolithic sites have been disco- vered on the territory of the Central Balkans (Fig. 1). One of the key areas is the Danube Gorges, where a series of settlements yielded well-preserved archaeo- logical remains which document the chronological continuity of occupation along the Danube River from the Mesolithic to the Neolithic (10 000–5500 cal BC) (Radovanovi≤ 1996; Roksandi≤ 2000; Bori≤ 1999; 2002a; 2002b; Bori≤, Miracle 2004; Bori≤, Stefanovi≤ 2004; Bori≤, Dimitrijevi≤ 2009). The Mesolithic-Neolithic sequence in the Danube Gor- ges is characterized by a specific material culture, in- cluding complex settlement architecture (trapezoi- dal buildings), sculpted sandstone boulders, and spe- cific mortuary rites (Srejovi≤ 1972; Radovanovi≤ 1996; Jovanovi≤ 2008; Bori≤ 2011; 2016). Archaeo- logical excavations of these sites uncovered more than 500 human skeletons (Roksandi≤ 2000; Bori≤ et al. 2004; Stefanovi≤ in press). The inhabitants of these sites were semi-sedentary hunter-fisher gatherers, who settled in the vicinity of natural whirlpools which provided good hunting and fishing spots (Bori≤ 2002; Ωivaljevi≤ 2012). During the Mesolithic and transitional Mesolithic- Neolithic phases the economy was mainly based on aquatic resources (Clason 1980; Bartosiewicz et al. 1995; 2001; 2008; Dinu 2010; Bori≤ 2011; Dimitri- jevi≤ et al. 2016) and wild game (Bökönyi 1972; 1978; Dimitrijevi≤ 2000; 2008). In the Early Neoli- thic (post c. 5900 cal BC) domesticated animals (cat- tle, ovicaprid, pig) started to appear (Bori≤, Dimitri- jevi≤ 2007). In addition, in the Neolithic period peo- ple included more plants in their diet, possibly ce- reals (Filipovi≤ et al. 2017). The only domesticated animal that appeared before the Neolithic is the dog, locally domesticated during the Mesolithic (Bökö- nyi 1978; Dimitrijevi≤, Vukovi≤ 2015). During the Neolithic phase, hunter-fisher-gatherer communities in the Danube Gorges began to have intensive contacts with first farmers in the region (Bori≤ 2002; Bori≤, Dimitrijevi≤ 2007; Bori≤, Price 2013). The beginning of the sixth millennium BC in the western central Balkan region is associated with the Early Neolithic Star≠evo culture (6200–5200 cal BC) (Whittle et al. 2002). Aquatic resources and wild range, and the low level of food quality (Cohen 2008). Besides changes in diet, an increase in ferti- lity with narrow birth spacing, increased sedentism and life in villages close to domestic animals, result- ed in poor hygienic conditions and higher rates of zoonotic disease (Bocquet-Appel 2008; Stock, Pin- hasi 2011). Studies across Europe based on human skeletal re- mains document a general decline in health status (Jaro∏ova, Do≠kalova 2008; Wittwer-Backofen, To- mo 2008; Papathanasiou 2011; Stock, Pinhasi 2011; Ash et al. 2016; Jovanovi≤ 2017). These show that around 50% of the individuals examined had some kind of growth disruption as a consequence of the new lifestyle in the Neolithic period, while in the Mesolithic only 20% of individuals were affected by growth risk factors during childhood (Jaro∏ova, Do≠kalova 2008; Wittwer-Backofen, Tomo 2008; Papathanasiou 2011). A recent study with a focus on the diet and health of Mesolithic-Neolithic inhabi- tants of the central Balkan region also showed that Early Neolithic people had limited nutritional resour- ces and a greater prevalence of various dental and skeletal pathological conditions, as well as growth disturbances (Jovanovi≤ 2017). Stable isotope val- ues show that, at the beginning of the 7 th millenni- um, hunter-fisher-gatherers from the central Balkans, mainly dependent on aquatic resources, increased their consumption of terrestrial resources (Bonsall et al. 1997; Grupe et al. 2003; Bori≤ et al. 2004; Neh- lich et al. 2010; de Becdelievre et al. 2015; Jovano- vi≤ 2017). At the same time, the frequency of caries increased, possibly due to a diet rich in carbohydra- tes (Turner 1979; Powell 1979; Larsen, Griffin 1991; Larsen 1995). Furthermore, analysis of micro-plant fossils (starch grains) found in dental calculus lends weight to the argument that Neolithic people in the Central Balkans started to consume more terrestrial resources, and probably significant amounts of car- bohydrates (Jovanovi≤ 2017). This dietary shift and poor hygienic conditions in the Neolithic Central Bal- kans resulted in the higher incidence of non-specif- ic stress markers such as enamel hypoplasia, cribra orbitalia, and porotic hyperostosis (Jovanovi≤ 2017). In this paper, we address the aspects of the Meso- lithic-Neolithic transition related to health by looking at the changes caused by physiological stress at the microscopic level. We apply the method of tooth ce- mentum annulation analysis to a sample of Mesoli- thic and Neolithic individuals from the Central Bal- kans. We expect the frequency of variation in the ce- mentum layers as indicators of physiological stress Kristina Penezic ´, Marko Por;ic ´, Jelena Jovanovic ´, Petra Kathrin Urban, Ursula Wittwer-Backofen, and Sofija Stefanovic ´ 286 game still played a significant role in the diet of Neo- lithic inhabitants of the Danube Gorges, as indicated by stable isotope and archaeozoological analyses (Bori≤ et al. 2004; Bori≤, Dimitrijevi≤ 2006; Bori≤ 2008; 2011). Animal husbandry and stock-breeding played a major role in subsistence, but wild game re- mains (red deer, roe deer, wild boar, and aurochs) were also found (Bökönyi 1974; 1984; 1988; Clason 1980; Vörös 1980; Greenfield 1993; Bla∫i≤ 1985; 1992; 2005; Arnold, Greenfield 2006). Cultivated cereals (such as wheat and barley) and pulses (len- tils, peas), were also identified at some Early Neoli- thic sites (Filipovi≤, Obradovi≤ 2013). Although there is a large number of excavated sites, burials are very rare (Bori≤ 2014). They are mostly found as single inhumations in a flexed position, located within the settlement. Tooth cementum Tooth cementum has a principal function of anchor- ing the tooth in the jaw, attaching the fibre of the pe- riodontal membrane to the tooth root surface (Con- don et al. 1986; Liebermann 1994). Tooth cemen- tum surrounds the dentine and forms in annual la- yers, with the first deposited layer defining the ce- mento-dentine junction. The cementum extends from the enamel-dentine junction to the apex of the root, varying from a thin layer close to the tooth crown up to 0.5mm thickness at the apex at older age (Schrö- der 2000). Incremental bands, annual layers, or cementum growth layers (Klevezal’, Myrick 1984) are rhyth- mic depositions of the tooth cementum. They con- sist of alternating dark and bright lines, differing in mineralization as seen under transmitting light mi- croscopy (Wittwer-Backofen 2012). These deposi- tions are seasonal, and are visible in a broad variety of mammalian species (Grue, Jansen 1976, 1979; Lieberman 1993, 1994; Grupe et al. 2012). In hu- mans, structured appositional growth of the tooth cementum can be seen in the acellular extrinsic fi- bre cementum concentrated in the middle third sec- tion of the root (Wittwer-Backofen 2012). Compared to morphological traits correlated to age, the advantage of this method is the often better pre- servation of teeth compared to bones. Tooth cemen- tum is less vulnerable to decomposition processes than osteological remains (Grupe et al. 2012). For adults, this age estimation method resulted in more precise ages than estimates based on standard mac- roscopic indicators of age (Grosskopf 1990; Wittwer- Backofen et al. 2004; Naji et al. 2016). An indivi- dual’s chronological age is estimated by adding the average age of tooth root formation by tooth type and sex to the mean number of counted incremen- tal layers, or by applying a mathematical algorithm which comes close to this procedure (Wittwer-Backo- fen et al. 2004; Grupe et al. 2012; Gupta et al. 2014). Under optimal conditions, TCA provides a highly pre- cise age at death estimate with an error margin of ±2.5 years (Wittwer-Backofen et al. 2004), or addi- tionally a determination of the season of death (Kle- vezal’, Shishlina 2001; Wedel 2007). Due to its strict appositional growth, the acellular extrinsic fibre cementum is a valuable tool for the reconstruction of certain life-history parameters (Ka- gerer, Grupe 2001). More specifically, TCA layers differ from each other in width and appearance, and it is assumed that these irregularities are formed as a response to life-events of physiological stress re- lated to the sensitive calcium metabolism. Further clinical studies into the origin of these pat- terns showed that surgery performed on the spine and/or bones, and other orthopaedic interventions, renal disease, tuberculosis, and pregnancies leave a visible mark in the tooth cementum (Kagerer 2000; Kagerer, Grupe 2001; Caplazi 2004), suggesting that stress layers could be interpreted as reflecting specific life-events. However, diabetes, thyroid disor- ders, metabolic bone diseases such as osteoporosis, malnutrition, rachitis, periodontal disease, or leprosy do not leave visible traits in the dental cementum (Kagerer 2000; Kagerer, Grupe 2001; Bertrand et al. 2016; Broucker et al. 2016). Another study on captive great apes showed that extreme weather lea- ves marks, too (Cipriano 2002). This was explained by the lack of sunlight, caused during a long cold winter, leading to reduced vitamin D levels. What all these occurrences have in common is their impact on the calcium metabolism. Conditions such as kid- ney diseases and traumas mobilize calcium in the body and influence the concentration of available calcium (Kagerer, Grupe 2001). Pregnancy and lac- tation are processes that are energetically costly (Medill et al. 2010), and these physiological de- mands as well as increased hormone activity also cause alterations in the cementum layers. An in- creased thickness of cementum layers is also con- nected with weaning or menarche, as well as with dry and rainy seasons in baboons (Dirks et al. 2002). Even in periods of extreme calcium demand, such as pregnancy or lactation, the growth process of the in- cremental layers is not interrupted, leading to the Quantifying prehistoric physiological stress using the TCA method> preliminary results from the Central Balkans 287 fact that the number of AEFC layers is closely cor- related to chronological age and does not depend on major life events or living conditions. Correlation of stress markers and pregnancies has been docu- mented in humans (Kagerer, Grupe 2001; Künzie, Wittwer-Backofen 2008). During pregnancies, due to low levels of metabolically available calcium, the cementum layers are still produced but appear diffe- rently mineralized, broader, and with higher or low- er translucency than other layers (Kagerer, Grupe 2001). Peter Kagerer and Gisela Grupe (2001.79) showed that in all cases of pregnant women the “translucent layers corresponded exactly with the age when the female had been pregnant, inter- birth intervals were maintained and exactly data- ble”. Besides humans, these changes in cementum have been detected in polar bears (Medill et al. 2010), dolphins (genus Stenella) (Klevezal’, Myrick 1984), great apes (Cipriano 2002) and black bears (Carrel 1994). These layers are described as “hypomineralized in- cremental lines”, “conspicuous incremental lines” or “broad and translucent layers” (Kagerer, Grupe 2001), “irregularities in terms of hypomineralized bands”, and “influence on the quality of incremen- tal lines”, and “stress-related variation in line qua- lity” (Cipriano 2002). As these lines do refer to a certain stress-related life-events, in this study they will be referred to as stress layers. However, despite the vast evidence of the occurrence of cementum la- yers that correspond to life-events, a standardized methodological approach for the determination of such stress layers is not available yet. The variation of these layers involves two features: (1) disparities in width of the layers, with stress events supposed to result in broader layers, and (2) difference of optical appearance under transmitting light microscopy, with a greater contrast between dark and bright lines, i.e. the stress-related layers are broader and appear darker. To count the pairs of light and dark lines that represent one year in age determination, we use the dark lines as markers as they are easier to determine visually. The first line, the eruption line, is also a dark one. When it comes to the darker appearance of the lay- ers, there are no strict criteria for the definition of a layer being darker or lighter, whereas the width of the respective cementum layer can be evaluated by measurements. It thus rather depends on the sub- jective impression of the observer. This leads to high- ly subjective determinations of potential stress lay- ers. Galina A. Klevezal’ and Albert C. Myrick (1984. 104) described in their research the dentine of to- othed whales and dolphins that consist of numerous layers having different optical densities. The varia- tions in optical appearance are described as subjec- tive: “DSLs (deep stained layers) in males were subtly different in character from those observed in females. Nevertheless, clear distinctions between DSLs in males and in females were difficult to de- scribe, and we have here used the same definition for both sexes.” In their study the presence of ‘doubt- ful’ layers is noted, emphasizing that the criterion for that description is subjective (Klevezal’, Myrick 1984). As an indicator for a determination of a stress layer the presence and visibility of striking incremental layers through all sections of the same tooth (Kage- rer, Grupe 2001) is suggested. Materials, methods and results Sample description Eight archaeological specimens (currently investi- gated at the Laboratory for Bioarchaeology, Depart- ment of Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, Univer- sity of Belgrade) from the Mesolithic and Neolithic periods were analysed for tooth cementum stress la- yers (Tab. 1). All samples are from individuals with- out visible traumata and from secure archaeological contexts. They originate from excavated archaeolo- gical sites that have clear prehistoric contexts (Fig. 1). For some directly dated individuals a radiocar- bon date is available, whereas others are assigned to a period (Mesolithic or Neolithic) based on the dat- ing of the entire site and the burial position. In the Danube Gorges, Mesolithic individuals are buried in supine position, whereas Neolithic individuals are buried in flexed position lying on their sides (Bori≤ 2011). As a preparatory first step, all samples were photographed, 3D scanned, and a cast was made of each tooth before the sample preparation took place. TCA sample preparation Only single-rooted teeth were investigated. The ge- neral protocol for the preparation of samples was based on the work of Ursula Wittwer-Backofen (2012). Teeth were embedded into Biodur epoxy resin (Biodur E12 resin with hardener E1 in the ratio 100:28) and the middle third of the tooth was cut cross-sectionally with a slice thickness of 80μm using a Leica 1600 rotating diamond microtome. This resulted in 7 to 17 sections per tooth. Each section was observed visually and individually by Kristina Penezic ´, Marko Por;ic ´, Jelena Jovanovic ´, Petra Kathrin Urban, Ursula Wittwer-Backofen, and Sofija Stefanovic ´ 288 the first author using the transmission light micro- scope Leica DM RXA 2 with magnifications of 20x and 40x. Photographs of all regions of interest were taken using a digital tubus camera Leica DC 250 and saved in a database. Each pair of light and dark cementum layers was counted for the age at death estimation (SFig. 1–SFig. 8 at http://dx.doi.org/ 10.4312/dp.46.17). Three sections from each tooth were selected for stress layer evaluation. The average number of layers was calculated by averaging the number of layers counted covering all sections (total number of sections for each tooth). One representa- tive photo from each section was analysed. Age at death is calculated by adding the sex- specific average age of tooth root eruption for the respective tooth type, as noted in Pe- ter Adler (1967), to the average number of cementum layers counted on all sections. Methods for stress layer determination We used two different methods for the de- termination of stress layers according to their width and colour of appearance. Both me- thods are based on the assumption that ce- mentum layers influenced by physiological stress show a significantly broader exten- sion compared to regular cementum layers. The verification and counting of stress lay- ers was a blind procedure in the sense that the researcher making the count did not know which particular tooth was being ana- lysed. This measure was taken in order to avoid preconceptions about the sex and the period that the samples come from (Neolithic or Mesolithic), and to avoid these expecta- tions influencing the results. Method 1 consists of measuring each pair of dark and bright layers (Fig. 2) by using the Leica software Image measurement tool. The detailed measure- ments (i.e. the thickness of the pair of lines) were taken from three selected sections of the same tooth. For each section the average width of layers and the corresponding standard deviation was calculated. All layers with values greater than the average +1 stan- dard deviation value were defined as stress layers. This method indicated stress layers based on their differing width, independent of their visual appear- ance or observer determination. Archaeological Grave Sex Tooth Macroscopic TCA age Period Absolute date site (FDI) age estimate estimate 95% CI (reference) Vlasac 38 Female 42 30–59 70 ± 2.5 Mesolithic 7514–7351 cal BC (this study) Vlasac 24 Male 21 25–29 44 ± 2.5 Mesolithic 6640–6220 cal BC (Boric ´ 2011) Padina 18b Female 35 π30 65 ± 2.5 Mesolithic 9115–8555 cal BC (Mathieson et al. 2018) Vin;a–Belo brdo VII Female 43 15–18 23 ± 2.5 Neolithic 5565–5470 cal BC (Tasic ´ et al. 2015) Lepenski Vir 66 Male 22 25–30 34 ± 2.5 Neolithic 5995–5848 cal BC (this study) Lepenski Vir 8 Female 44 30–49 36 ± 2.5 Neolithic 5990–5790 cal BC (Bonsall et al. 2015) Ajmana 11 Female 41 π30 60 ± 2.5 Neolithic \ Lepenski Vir 9 Female 13 π15 55 ± 2.5 Neolithic 5980–5740 cal BC (Bonsall et al. 2015) Tab. 1. Samples analysed for tooth cementum stress layers (where no date for the specific individual was available field was marked with “/”, this individual was assigned to a period according to burial posi- tion and the dating of the site). Fig. 1. Map of the research area with sites from which the samples in this study originate Quantifying prehistoric physiological stress using the TCA method> preliminary results from the Central Balkans 289 Method 2 is based on calculating the average thick- ness of the incremental layers by measuring the thickness of the whole cement band at four different areas of a section. This procedure was done on three sections from the same tooth. The average value of the thickness of the band was divided by the num- ber of layers counted from the specific section. Stress layers were determined visually by the observer, se- lecting layers that appeared wider and darker. Only these pre-determined layers were measured, and if their thickness was greater than the average incre- mental layer thickness, it was described as a stress layer. This method relies on the observer’s pre-selec- tion of stress layers. In order to compare the results yielded by the diffe- rent methods we compared the number of stress la- yers determined by each of the two approaches and counted the number of matches. Matching layers are those classified as stress layers by both methods ap- plied to the same section and position in the cemen- tum band. The percentage of matching stress layers for each section is presented in Table 2. As the match between the number and position of stress layers identified is very high (see the Results section) it was decided to use only the first method, as it is more ob- jective (in that it does not involve the subjective pre- selection of layers). Verifying and counting stress layers After identification of the stress layers for each sec- tion and each tooth, the next step was the verifica- tion of the appearance of cementum stress layers on an individual level. A stress layer was considered as verified on an individual level if it appeared in the same position on at least two out of three sections of one tooth. Therefore, the total number of stress la- yers per individual (each individual is represented by a single tooth) is the total number of verified stress layers. In order to compare the positions of stress la- yers from different sections (which have different cementum band widths) the following procedure is applied (see Figure 3 for the illustration of the pro- cedure): ❶ The sections are represented visually – each count- ed cementum layer is represented by a rectangle, stress layers marked in green. ❷ In order to make the sections of different widths comparable, they are stretched to same length. ❸ In order for a stress layer to be verified and count- ed, there have to be at least two layers at the same relative position (i.e. there is at least some overlap between the layers). The cementum band thickness profiles for each individual are shown in the Supple- mentary Material (SFig. 9–SFig. 16 at http://dx.doi. org/10.4312/dp.46.17). The evaluation of stress lay- ers per individual was made according to this proce- dure, as shown in Figure 3. Calculation of individual burden of stress Cementum layer anomalies are indicators of stress burden, and the number of verified stress layers needs to be statistically corrected for the total num- ber of TCA layers. This is done in order to account for the differences in age between individuals (as older individuals had more chance to experience stress). It is implemented by dividing the number of verified stress layers by the individual total number of TCA layers. Strictly speaking this is not an age correction, as the eruption time for different teeth may differ, therefore the differences in the total number of layers may not directly reflect differences in age, but for practical purposes it is equivalent to age correction given that differences in tooth erup- tion times are a few years at most. The resulting va- lue can be interpreted as a number of verified stress layers per year of life covering the period after the specific tooth erupted. Results The stress layers are present in all individuals inves- tigated in this study, with the number varying be- Fig. 2. The tooth cementum band under the micro- scope. The identification and measurement of a tooth cementum layer is illustrated. Kristina Penezic ´, Marko Por;ic ´, Jelena Jovanovic ´, Petra Kathrin Urban, Ursula Wittwer-Backofen, and Sofija Stefanovic ´ 290 tween two and 11 per person. The num- ber of stress layers identified per person is consistent over all sections and between the methods. The results of the compari- son of the two methods are presented in Table 2. The percentage of matching lay- ers varies between 67 and 100 percent, with the mean value of 93.6 percent. In 64 percent of cases (sections) there is a full match between the layers identified as stress layers by both methods. The results show that both methods of stress layer identification yielded identical or very similar results in the majority of cases. However, it should be emphasized that this convergence refers only to the two specific protocols for classifying ce- mentum layers as stress layers – it should not be in- terpreted as a measure of the absolute validity of any of the methods in terms of discriminating between the real stress layers and those not affected. The lat- ter can only be achieved by a clinical study where the medical history of an individual is known. The number of verified stress layers is correlated with the total number of TCA layers (r = 0.675, p = 0.033, see Fig. 4) which is not surprising given that, whatev- er the etiology of stress layers is, longer lifespan means more oppor- tunity for stress layers to occur. The values of the number of verified stress layers per year of life (after tooth eruption) for each individual are presented in Table 3. The range of values is between 0.04 and 0.13 for the Mesolithic group, and be- tween 0.08 and 0.15 for the Neoli- thic group. The average values of the number of verified stress layers cor- rected for the total number of veri- fied stress layers (number of veri- fied stress layers per year of life after tooth eruption) are 0.085 and 0.1 for the Mesolithic and the Neo- lithic groups, respectively. Therefore, the average number of verified stress layers per year of life after tooth eruption is higher in the Neo- lithic than in the Mesolithic, but there is a substantial degree of overlap (Fig. 5). No statistical tests are per- formed as the sample size and po- Fig. 3. Illustration of the stress layer verification: different rows represent different sections of the same tooth; stress la- yers (determined either by Method 1 or Method 2) in each sec- tion are marked in green; despite the fact that more than one stress layer is identified in each section individually (green rectangles), there is only one verified stress layer for this tooth, as only two layers from sections 2 and 3 overlap (the verified stress layer is marked). Individual Section Method 1, Method 2, Nr. of Percent Nr. Nr. of stress Nr. of stress matching matching layers layers layers Vlasac 38 1 7 8 7 87.5 Vlasac 38 2 6 7 6 85.71 Vlasac 38 3 9 9 9 100 Vlasac 24 1 4 4 4 100 Vlasac 24 2 4 4 4 100 Vlasac 24 3 6 6 6 100 Padina 18b 1 6 6 6 100 Padina 18b 2 3 3 3 100 Padina 18b 3 4 4 4 100 Vin;a VII 1 3 3 3 100 Vin;a VII 2 2 2 2 100 Vin;a VII 3 2 2 2 100 Vin;a VII 4 2 3 2 66.67 Lepenski Vir 66 1 6 7 6 85.71 Lepenski Vir 66 2 4 5 4 80 Lepenski Vir 66 3 4 5 4 80 Lepenski Vir 8 1 4 4 4 100 Lepenski Vir 8 2 5 5 5 100 Lepenski Vir 8 3 5 6 5 83.33 Ajmana 11 1 10 10 10 100 Ajmana 11 2 5 5 5 100 Ajmana 11 3 11 11 11 100 Lepenski Vir 9 1 9 9 9 100 Lepenski Vir 9 2 7 6 5 83.33 Lepenski Vir 9 3 7 8 7 87.5 Tab. 2. Comparison of the two methods for the identification of ce- mentum band stress layers. wer of the test are too low for meaningful analysis, therefore we only report trends. Discussion and conclusion In this study, we explored the tooth cementum stress layers from the perspective of the differences in health and general stress between the Mesolithic and Quantifying prehistoric physiological stress using the TCA method> preliminary results from the Central Balkans 291 Neolithic populations. As expected, the number of stress layers when corrected for the total number of TCA layers is higher in the Neolithic group than in the Mesolithic group, but the statistical significance of this trend cannot be evaluated due to low sample size. The results are also consistent with the picture of the Neolithic Demographic Transition formulated by Jean-Pierre Bocquet-Appel (2008; 2011), if some of the detected stress layers are induced by pregnan- cies. They might suggest both increased fertility, as the major driving force for Neolithic population growth, and increased burden of disease, as demon- strated by Ursula Wittwer-Backofen and Nicolas Tomo (2008). This would imply that TCA-based ana- lysis of physiological stress can make a substantial contribution to the field of paleodemography. As teeth are among the most durable elements of the skeleton, in terms of resistance to decay and preser- vation, the analysis of TCA stress layers can be used in situations when the application of macroscopic methods of recording physiological stress is preclud- ed due to missing bones. Moreover, some conditions detectable with macroscopic methods, such as hypo- plasia, occur early in life, usually prior to permanent teeth eruption, whereas stress episodes that should theoretically be reflected in the cementum bands could oc- cur later in life. To further support these first observations, a larger sample size will be evaluated in the next step in order to confirm or refute our preliminary results concerning the differences be- tween the Mesolithic and the Neo- lithic populations with a statisti- cally relevant sample. Fig. 4. Total number of TCA layers vs. number of verified stress layers. Archaeological Grave Sex Period Total number Number of site of verified stress layers stress layers per year Vlasac 38 Female Mesolithic 7 0.13 Vlasac 24 Male Mesolithic 3 0.08 Padina 18b Female Mesolithic 2 0.04 Vin;a–Belo brdo VII Female Neolithic 1 0.08 Lepenski Vir 66 Male Neolithic 2 0.08 Lepenski Vir 8 Female Neolithic 3 0.12 Ajmana 11 Female Neolithic 5 0.09 Lepenski Vir 9 Female Neolithic 7 0.15 Tab. 3. Number of verified stress layers per year of life (after tooth eruption) for each individual. Fig. 5. Boxplot showing the distribution of the num- ber of verified stress layers per year by chronolo- gical phases. We are grateful to Jugoslav Pendi≤ for his help with Fig. 1. This research is a result of the Project “BIRTH: Births, mothers and babies: prehistoric fertility in the Balkans between 10 000–5000 BC”, funded by the European Re- search Council (Grant Agreement No. 640557; Principal Investigator: SS). 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