Image Anal Stereol 2000;19:67-70 Original Research Paper STEREOLOGICAL ESTIMATES FOR ROUGHNESS AND TORTUOSITY IN CEMENTITIOUS COMPOSITES Piet Stroeven Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Stevinweg 1, 2600 GA, Delft, The Netherlands (Accepted January 28, 2000) ABSTRACT Relatively weak interfaces between aggregate grains and the cementitious matrix initiate the damage evolution process leading to fracture. Coalescence between nearby interface cracks is promoted by the small nearest neighbour distances in a dense random packing of the aggregate. The fracture surface is therefore modelled as a dividing plane from which particles protrude. Assuming spherical aggregate, roughness is obtained as the global geometrical-statistical expression for the increase in fracture surface area due to a multitude of dome-like caps of various sizes. Transport phenomena in concrete are equally influenced by the aggregate, because traversing water-born molecules or ions have to go around the dense grains. This route is additionally promoted by the relatively high porosity in the interfacial transition zone. The planar and linear concepts of tortuosity in the transport path are analogous to those of roughness. Keywords: cementitious materials, fracture surface, particle-matrix interface, particle size distribution, roughness, tortuosity. INTRODUCTION Cementitious materials belong to a class of macroscopically heterogeneous materials. They can be conceived at the meso-level of the microstructure as densely packed multi-sized relatively dense, stiff and strong particles of an aggregate stabilized by a cementitious binder. This particulate component constitutes an effective load-bearing skeleton in the compression domain. The wider the range of particle sizes employed in the aggregate or in the (blended) cement, the higher the total packing density which can be achieved (Jiang and Roy, 1994). Instead, under tensile loads, the skeleton will be separated into portions by yielding of the bond between groups of particles and the cementitious binder, the latter being the weakest link in the micro-mechanical system. A single fracture surface is resulting, which bears evidence of the particulate nature of the material. An otherwise flat or slightly curved plane, the so called dividing plane, reveals protruding particles that were in the path of the plane/crack. The morphological characteristics (texture) of the fully developed fracture surface can therefore be considered a ‘fingerprint’ of the material. Under compressive loads, generally, several fracture surfaces are formed, but the material's identity will be similarly reflected by the textural features of these fracture surfaces. Roughness is frequently employed to define surface texture in a global way. Research has demonstrated the concept of a particle-matrix interface to be more complex in cementitious materials. In reality, a very thin interphase layer is formed around particles (of, say, 50 µm). This layer is commonly attributed as Interfacial Transition Zone (ITZ). The existence of the ITZ can be considered leading to a second order effect on the estimation of roughness of a fracture surface. This means that the fracture path may not always follow the supposedly smooth surface of the aggregate particle, but may deviate into the ITZ. The relatively high porosity in the ITZ has relevance for durability, since it governs the rate of ingress of gaseous or fluid substances into the concrete. For the estimation of tortuosity of the transfer route, the existence of the ITZ can be considered yielding a second order influence, as well (Jaiswal et al., 1997). The simplest morphological concept reflecting the transport and fracture paths consists of a flat plane that is only curved around particle obstacles. The analytical approach in this paper is based on this physical model. This surface of macroscopical dimensions, shown in Fig. 1, is composed of inter-connected planar parts of a dividing plane, and of dome-like caps and indentations of spherical particles intersecting with the plane. Because of obvious reasons, the largest part of each particle is embedded. In transport or fracture problems alike, the textural ‘finger print’ originating from the large number of caps and indentations should be quantified. 67 Stroeven P: Roughnes and tortuosity in cementitious composites Fig. 1. Fracture surface or transport path in a computer-simulated concrete; a fracture or transport profile is additionally indicated (see Stroeven, 1999). TEXTURE ANALYSIS The size of the intersection circle and the height of the cap of a particle intersecting with the dividing surface are denoted by x and h, respectively, as shown in Fig. 1. The solution to the morphological problem is governed by the density functions of x and h, defined by