Editorial Editorial Once again, the Journal of Criminal Justice and Security is publishing an English language issue, and as Associate Editor for English Issues for the Journal, it is our honour and pleasure to introduce it to you and the rest of the academic and practitioner communities who have interests in the subject dealt with here. While this issue is not a thematic issue, most of the articles in this edition deal with corporate and information security and cybercrime. The contributions here are of much contemporary interest, as current research points to enormous financial losses suffered by countries, organisations and individuals due to the impact of criminal offences committed in cyberspace. Practitioners in the field of cyberspace security find that increasing awareness is a much more efficient and inexpensive method of protection enabling a higher level of security in cyberspace and in the corporate world. Another of the articles addresses the field of video surveillance and corporate security in companies in Slovenia, and outlines the basic principles, the reasons for their use and the consequences for the companies affected. The remaining articles are very eclectic and timely, and provide excellent examples of the types of current research taking place in the former Yugoslav Republics. The authors of the respective articles and Journal Editors hope the following contributions are found to be both interesting and educational to you the reader. Chuck Fields & Gorazd Mesko Associate Editors of English Issues 103 Uvodnik Odgovorna urednika angleških številk revije Varstvoslovje z veseljem predstavljava tokratno številko revije akademski in strokovni javnosti. Kljub temu da številka ni tematska, večina prispevkov obravnava področje korporativne in informacijske varnosti ter kibernetske kriminalitete. Tema je zelo aktualna, saj trenutne raziskave ugotavljajo, da zaradi kaznivih dejanj v kibernetskem prostoru prihaja do ogromne finančne škode za države, organizacije in posameznike. Strokovnjaki s področja informacijske varnosti poudarjajo, da je visoka stopnja osveščenosti uporabnikov najcenejši in najbolj učinkovit način zagotavljanja informacijske in korporativne varnosti. Eden od prispevkov predstavlja osnovna načela in vzroke za uporabo videonadzora v slovenskih podjetjih z vidika korporativne varnosti. Ostali članki v tej številki pa prinašajo odlične primere raziskav s področja bivših jugoslovanskih republik. Avtorji izbranih člankov in uredniki revije upamo, da bodo pričujoči prispevki zanimivi in poučni za bralce. Chuck Fields in Gorazd Meško Odgovorna urednika angleških številk revije 104