Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years of serving American- Slovenians AMERI' Ameriška Domo SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Vol. 102, No. 48 USPS 024100 Serving over 200,000 American Slovenians ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 14, 2000 60< TT fl i 1'ofe u Macrx Gra bOOT' ' CktXXcO-S ^(WvvAXJc^ f-rcr&L^a t , \\ \ / Si^ SeJ^ak ' U / U 5a/H k(Ashn&£ .. AA\r ' 2repute ^ w (fyUafauu {fUMt St. THany & School The students and staff of St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Slovenian language school wish all Ameriška Domovina readers Christmas joy from the bottom of our hearts. We hope you will join us in keeping Slovenian Christmas traditions alive by gathering around the jaslice (manger scene), celebrating Midnight Mass, and enjoying homemade potica (nut roll). Our school continues to provide school-agers of Slovenian background with Saturday morning lessons in reading, writing, songs, literature, and traditions of our heritage. This year we are encouraged by the growth of our pre-school and kindergarten classes. As you know, our school is self-sustaining, financially supported through tuition, fundraisers, and donations. Some of the items purchased this year with donations are new story books, vocabulary-building poster charts, and a contour map of Slovenia. As in years past, we. are turning to individuals and groups who value the work of our school in preserving the Slovenian culture in Cleveland. Our children say Hvala lepa (thank you) for your encouragement and financial support. May God bless you abundantly in the New Year 2001! Slovenian Mt. Everest Skier Planski ore EoTfv Feats LJUBLJANA - A 38- year-old Slovenian who became the first person to ski non-stop down the world’s highest mountain, Mount Everest, said last week he was ready to repeat that feat on the highest peak on every continent. “To ski down each continent’s highest mountain is an interesting challenge,” Davo Karničar said. “1 hope to begin with this adventure next spring.” Karničar, who skied down the 8,850-meter (29,040-foot) Mount Everest two months ago, said he planned to start with New Zealand’s Mount Cook because it resembled European mountains. “I hope to complete the adventure 18 months later on Mount McKinley in Alaska,” he said. Karničar said he hoped the fame the Mount Everest feat had brought him would make it easier to raise money. “There is a lot of fuss around my person, but few people care about how I manage to pay my bills.” A father of three who has become a hero in his m’ive tiny Alpine republic, Karničar lost two fingers to frostbite in an initial failed attempt to conquer Mount Everest in 1996. He has also skied down Mount Blanc, Eurone’s highest peak, and Annapurna, in the Himalayas like Mount Everest. Christmas with Kompare and Kompare Christmas is a time of giving they say. And so we haste unto the busy streets and stores to buy something die intended one will appre-ciate. Oftentimes we forget what the real Christmas sPfrit is all about. We even lose our tempers as we scurry along. There has to be a better way to begin our Christmas celebration. Well, there is. A gift you can give to yourself that will stay with you for sometime to come is by attending a special Christmas concert at die church of St. Mary of the Assumption on Holmes Avenue in the Collinwood drea of Cleveland on Friday, Dec. the 15th at 7 p.m. The performers of this concert, come directly from Slovenia in the persons of Soprano Nina Kompare, her lather, the trumpeter, Franc konipare and guests, organ's! Dominik Krt and zither P'ayer Tomaž Plahutnik. The soprano voice of Mina Kompare has been hailed as the golden voice by musical experts of Slovenia and Europe. Nina is a schooled singer having studied in Great Britain in Birmingham conservatory. She also studied in Ljubljana school of music and ballet. She studied under professor Marcos Bajuk. Nina has already performed with the Birmingham Symphony and the Ljubljana Symphony. She has a number of solo concerts behind her with various musical groups. The World Youth Chorus was also part of her musical experience with which she traveled worldwide, including New York and Japan. Her voice will delight you. The master on trumpet and flugel horn, Franc Kompare, also has many years of musical entertainment behind him. He was the originator of a number of folk ensembles, Marela among them, and has traveled extensively with his trumpet. The Vito Muženič ensemble was a group that Franc came to Cleveland with some years ago. He was also the originator and director of a church youth choir for many years. He set out a few years ago on his own and originated the so-called Slovenian spiritual music with his mellow sound on the advice of professor Anton Trsten- jak. Franc has five solo recorded projects to his credit and on the last two he has included his daughter’s golden soprano voice. With them will be two accomplished musicians in their own right. Dominik Krt will be featured on the organ and Tomaž Plahutnik will provide the string sounds on his zither. The program MC will be another well known personality to most of us by the name of Marija Ahačič from Toronto. Marija, you may know, recorded a couple of selections with the Avseniks in the early years. Father John Kumše, pastor of St. Mary in Collinwood, invites us all to this special feature concert in preparation for the coming Christmas holy days on Friday evening at 7 p.m., Dec. 15th. The Catholic weekly Družina and monthly Naša Luč are underwriters of this tour. For $15,00 you can really enjoy this concert in preparation of Christmas joy. —Tony Ovsenik Selfishness makes Christinas a burden; love makes it a delight. St. Vitus Christmas Choir Concert bates Friday, Dec. 29 6:30 p.m. St. Mary (Coll.) *- Monday, Jan. 1 3 p.m. St. Vitus Free Admission Donations Welcome Christmas began in the heart of God. It is complete only when it reaches the heart of man. Christmas Vacation ant Early Printing Next week we will rint on TUESDAY, Dec. L instead of Thursday. 1 icre will be no American Lome the week between Christmas and New Years. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 14, 2000 Jinrs Journal By Jim Debevec The meeting of the American Home Read Warriors is now in session. Two weeks ago a great Cleveland Browns football player Lou “The Toe” Groza passed away from a heart attack. He not only was a terrific place kicker, he also played left tackle, a dual role unheard of by today’s specialization standards. 1 didn’t have a chance to read the stories about Groza in last Thursday’s newspapers, so I saved them and leisurely read all the articles Friday evening. That is one ■ of the advantages of a newspaper, you can read the stories you choose aXyour convenience. I particularly enjoyed the article written by Plain Dealer sports columnist Bob Dolgan who did a great deal of research and spoke with dozens of for-mer-Brbwns teammates. It was wonderful reading about the Cleveland Browns when they were a pride to the city and its citizens. Congratulations Bob Dolgan on a job well done. * Another reader from Durham, NC, Terri Grdina Koch (daughter of Tony and Betty Grdina of Cleveland) said she was intrigued about the game “Letter-boxing,” which had been played in England during the latter part of the 19th century. She thought it might be fun to play it in this country and will do some research on the subject. * Bill and Jean Edwards of Phoenix, Arizona were the only ones to send in an answer to my earlier question of who were the three kings who came to pay homage to the baby Jesus. Although it was supposed to be a trick question because the gospels say they were “Magi,” meaning wise men (not kings), Mr. Edwards convinced me that they should win the prize for identifying “Gasper, Melchior, and Balthasar.” So there you have it, they are declared the winners and good sports for entering. If they watch the mails closely, one day they may discover the grand prize of $6 million (I entered their name in a popular magazine subscription contest.) Feel free to send any comments to Jim’s Journal, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 or ah@buckeyeweb.com P.S. - Thanks to St. Vitus Slovenian School and their elf messenger Stane Kuhar for the St. Nicholas gifts of assorted delicious cookies for Madeline and a lovely stick for me. It was what I always wanted and truly deserve. How very thoughtful. 1 planted it in the back yard and hope to watch it grow throughout the years. If it is too dead to come back to life in the spring, perhaps a deer will munch on it and find nourishment, or maybe a bird will build a nest with it. I have been feeding the birds all winter and there are dozens of them who come to feed each day. They are mostly a variety of gray in color, not as vibrant as the ones who visit in the summer. My sincere hope is we will have a new President before the robins return next Spring. * Being a member of the Read Warriors I finished a couple of books which coincidentally had an English background. At this time of the year “More Holmes for the Holidays” was particularly enjoyable. It chronicles various stories about Sherlock Holmes during the Christmas season. Also finished “Half a Wing, Three Engines and a Prayer,” by Brian D. O’Neill. It was about the B-17 bombers and their crews stationed in England during the Second World War. It was amazing that we did win that war. Sometimes the Army would send 500, 600, 800 or more planes to bomb a target in eucudS^ Tf=baA/El*mm+ Making your dreams come true for 45 years! Contact us today to turn dreams into reality. 261-1050 or travel@euclidtravel.com 22078 Lakeshore Blvd. wwvv. euclidtravel. com www.cruisegiants.comwww.condocentre.com Germany or a submarine base in Norway, and return with none of them hitting the target. The German fighter planes and flak usually knocked out 20% of the US planes during each raid. At this time of year it is fitting to remember our US servicemen who gave so much so we can have freedom and the right to vote, even if certain politicians and lawyers are trying to make a mockery of the entire process. God bless our men and women in the US Armed Forces! We DO appreciate you all! Next week we PRINT on Tuesday, so correspondents please get your articles in by Friday or Saturday. Thanks. Hope everyone has a great Christmas and a New Year in which you prosper and have an abundance of good health. A Klobase Thank You by RUDY FLIS Christmas is coming, the geese are getting fat. Please to put a penny in the old man’s hat; If you haven’t got a penny, —a half penny will do, If you haven’t got a half penny; God bless you! -Beggar’s rhyme. Each Christmas season, I have lunch with special customers. It would be impossible to take all to lunch, so the other customers get klobase. Each have contributed to my well being and I must say, “Thank you.” A thank you can be sincere, or it can be a word. I hope my customers accept my thank you as sincere, as I share my heritage with them. A few months from now, will my customers remember Rudy Flis? Why take that chance? I know they will remember the capturing aroma of the Slovenian klobase Rudy Flis gave them. I know they will remember it was Rudy Flis who went to Malensek’s for the succulent tasting meat, garlic and spices married by hot smoldering fruit wood we call smoked klobase. Did you know Malensek’s smoke-house is almost a hundred years old? Man, that smoke-house has made many a soul happy over the years. Don’t you think this smoke-house should be a part of Slovenian heaven? Don’t laugh. With God, all is possible. Right? I enjoy Christmas season most. I observe people treating each other warmly and they seem to be more tolerant with each other. I like that. I wish it were that way year round. I missed last Christmas season with my customers. I was home resting because of a miracle, my new heart valve. “Thank you, Lord.” But this Christmas season, I will be out and about with my customers, with my new heart valve and my new “machine,” (company car). I will enjoy it. And I pray my customers will enjoy my visit and my special Christmas gift from the heart of my heritage, “smoked klobase,” the soul food of Slovenians and many other Slavic people. Aren’t my customers lucky my mom and dad decided to come to America? “The light that shines from the humble manger is strong enough to lighten or way to the end of our days.” -Vita-Rays HISTORY ABOUT A CHRISTMAS CAROL mjl By John Mercina A friend of mine claims to have found the following explanation for a well known Christmas carol on the Internet. True or not, the explanation sounds plausible. The author is unknown. from 1558 until 1829, Roman Catholics in England were not permitted to practice their faith openly. Someone during that era wrote this carol as a catechism song for young Catholics. It has two levels of meaning: the surface meaning plus a hidden meaning known only to members of their church. Each clement in the carol has a code word for a religious reality which the children could remember. • The partridge in a pear tree was Jesus Christ. • Two turtle doves were the Old and Mew Testaments • Three French hens stood for faith, hope, and love • The four calling birds were the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John • The five golden rings recalled the Torah or Pentateuch, the first five books of the Old Testament • The sis geese a laying stood for the six days of creation • Seven swans a -swimming represented the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit - Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution, Leadership and Mercy • The eight maids a tnilking were the eight beatitudes • Nine ladies dancing were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit Love, J°y» Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Faithfulness, and Self Control • The ten lords a-leaping were the ten commandments • The eleven pipers piping stood for the eleven faithful disciples • The twelve drummers drumming symbolized the twelve points of belief in the Apostles' Creed. A Holy and Joyful Christmas to YOU and YOUR families ! ^oAiv IfLencina/ Starting Over in America by ANTON ŽAKELJ translated and edited by JOHN ŽAKELJ (Continued from last week) Sunday, Feb. 20, 1955 Karl and his family didn’t visit as they often do. - I wonder if he took offense that I didn’t pay him for driving us around. Monday, Feb. 21,1955 Back to work. Louie asked if I was handing out c>gars. The others asked if Cilka was alright. Tuesday, Feb. 22,1955 Bill is friendlier, but I can’t forget his yelling at me- He had hardly ever talked with me before — now all this yelling. Wednesday, March 2,1955 Max Erste started work-|n8 at the shop again. There ls plenty of work and not enough good workers. For two months, they have been talking about a second shift, but they haven’t hired enough workers. I think Bill still remembers what the previous co-owner, Mr. Humphrey (“Red”) told him ■ take care of your Slovenian Workers, because you won’t find any better. We worked 11 hours to-day. -At the same time, other shops are letting their work-ers go. According to the news reports, there are 3 - 4 ufillion unemployed in the country, and they expect 5 million by the summer. If >ou have a job, hang on to it. Saturday, March 5, 1955 I went to Smrekar’s and b°ught $10 worth of seed to Send to my sister and brother 'n Slovenia. Sunday, March 6,1955 Cilka is feeling worse and is becoming more worried. I’m worried, too... Monday, March 7, 1955 This afternoon at the shop, Kristanc had an accident at his machine. He broke his left arm. Saturday, March 12,1955 Frank and Helen Cerar got their citizenship papers. Cilka went to see Dr. Ukmar: “Everything is fine.” Sunday, March 13,1955 It has been nine months and we are still waiting... Cilka is pale, but feeling good. She is often tired and worried that she might be getting tuberculosis (she had something similar in Slovenia), since she is coughing so much. Monday, March 14,1955 At the shop, they hired Perpar, Štepec and three Americans. I’m feeling indisposed and hopeless. I should have gone to work at Hydraulic in January. Cilka is feeling worse, and worried. This is not at all like it was with our first three children. Tuesday, March 15,1955 I was tired at work. My arms and my heart are hurting. The Cerars got word their sister Mara would be coming from Yugoslavia on Thursday. Wednesday, March 16, 1955 We have 50 workers at the shop now. Zupan helped me at my machine. In the evening we went to church and then to a movie “Quo Vadis?” - It was beautiful. (To Be Continued) Mario Presents INTERNA TIONAL CHRISTMAS MUSIC 1560 ON Your A.M. Dial on WATJ Vour Host: Mario Kavcic American and International Selections Saturday, bee. 23 from 12 noon until 3 p.m. 1560 WATJ * Box 776 * Chardon, Ohio 44024 1-440-286-1560 9 1-800-946-1560 Fax: 1-440-286-2727 Glasses Found If you lost a pair of glasses at the St. Clair Pensioners Christmas Party, please call 531-2743. Christmas Donation Thanks to Queen of Peace Lodge #24, AMLA for the beautiful Christmas donation of $25.00. Christmas Donation Thanks to St. Vitus Alumni of Cleveland for the $25.00 Christmas donation. In Memory Thanks to Ann Lekan of Parma, Ohio who gave a donation to the American Home newspaper in memory of her husband, John Lekan. In Memory Thanks to Olga Kalar of Euclid, Ohio who donated $20.00 to the Ameriška Domovina in memory of her husband, Ludvik Kalar. Donation Thanks to Tony Ovsenik of Willoughby Hills, Ohio who donated $20.00 to the Ameriška Domovina. Donation Thanks to Slovenska Pristava, Inc. who donated $50.00 to the Ameriška Domovina. Sam/ood [IttHnt Sltmki •(LKr Jftreplace RESTAURANT W*0S L»h« Sbor« Bvd. Sho»f U Shopptnj C«r Lunchts • Dinners • CocklaiU One of the best known family restaurants for homemade entrees and desserts Seafood • Sizzling Steaks Chops & Chicken Excellent International Cuisine Cozy Atmosphere Reasonable Prices Excellent Service & Value ☆ Special Recognition Award for Food Service Sanitation DAILY BUSINESSMAN’S LUNCHES 11:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Mon.-Thiirs. 11 a.a-10 p.m., Fri. 4 Sat. 11 a.m,-11 p.m., Sum 1130 am-8'30 pm i 1 ^ n 3 ■ ”1 . i l W.MAIER(^ | DOORS UNLIMITED ^Garage door yepair and re-, | placement. Entrance and j [ storm‘doors. Door openers ] ] arid electrical repairs. | Call (Slovenian) Walter j | Majer; at 216 - 732-7100. | pager: 216-] ; Emergency ; 506-8224. The Perfect Gift A gift subscription to the American Home Newspaper is the perfect Christmas present that will last the entire year. Your recipient will think of your thoughtfulness each time the paper arrives. Besides that, you will be supporting the only independent Slovenian newspaper while insuring your wonderful Slovenian heritage will be perpetuated. And we’ll send a card to the new subscriber telling of your informative gift. Subscriptions are $30 a year. Mail to American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103; or call (216) 431-0628; fax: (216) 361-4088 ore-mail: ah@buckeyeweb.com Name............................................. Address.......................................... City, State, Zip:................................. Your name Address........ City, State, Zip Dr. Zenon A. KIos E. 185“' Area ^ 531-7700 — Emergencies -Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet & Fun Services) Merry Christmas Bill’s Automatic Transmission Service Automatic Transmission Specialists 4 Speed Differential Clutch Hydraulic - Ultramatic - Dynaflow -Power Glide - Power Flite - Fordomatic -Turbo-Glide - Jet-Away Bill Modic, 1311 E. 55 St., Cleveland - 391-9188- | Happy Holidays I to A ll! S | Dr. and Mrs. M. Joseph I Chrzanowski u i 8 D.D.S., Inc. Family Dentistry 782 E. 185 St. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 1 692-2010 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 14, 2000 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 14, 2000 ©HAPpy News © Ho! Ho! Holmes Avenue Pensioners greeted the holiday season in style with their annual Christmas Dinner on Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 13th. Members were in a festive mood as they enjoyed a meal prepared by Joe Stavanja and danced to the music of A1 Battistelli. This event is as old as the organization itself and remains the highlight of the year. There is nothing more satisfying than being in “the old neighborhood” and spending an afternoon with friends who share a common background and lots of wonderful memories. What better holiday gift can there be?! Participants that afternoon certainly couldn't think of any. At this time of year, many members take off for points south for the winter. President John Kozlevchar reminded these “snow birds” that the deadline for HAP dues is March Ist. He encouraged them to make their payment before leaving the area. We certainly don’t want to lose good members for failure to pay their dues. Everyone was happy to learn of the special honor awarded to one of our own. Hank Skarbez. Hank received the “Medallion Circle Award” at the recent Holy Name Society dinner for distinguished men giving outstanding service. Congratulations, Hank, for being so highly and deservedly honored. Congratulations were also extended to our Golden-Plus anniversary celebrants of the month Hank and Lil Pugel, who marked 52 years of wedded bliss. Helen Pavšek reported that an audit of the HAP treasurer’s books proved that, financially speaking, everything is “A-okay.” Our long-time, truly amazing “keeper of the books,” Louise Fujda deserves high praise for not only maintaining such perfect accounts, but for providing us all with such precise monthly reports on the status of the HAP funds. Thanks, Louise, for continually keeping us high in “credits” and low in “debits” - just like a true Slovenian ©. At November’s meeting, members were treated to a speaker from the Greater Cleveland “Better Business Bureau” who informed us that the BBB is not a governmental agency, as so many believe, but, rather, simply a consumer group that collects information on local businesses and often works with government agencies as well as the community at large. The office maintains reports on over 20,000 different companies and appreciates input from individuals who are both satisfied or unhappy with companies they have dealt with. Such continued feed-back serves to keep their rating information current and more accurate. Although the BBB does not recommend a specific business for a particular kind of job, they will, if contacted, send out lists of companies they rate as good in the area in which one is interested. They also can send out a brochure listing the various charities to which they have given a favorable rating. At this time of year, when we all receive numerous requests for donations from a wide variety of charities, many with similar sounding names, it probably is wise to check such a list to insure that our well-intentioned funds are going to a truly honorable organization. Speaking of “this time of year,” I want to take this opportunity on behalf of all 300 active and 81 honorary HAP members to wish one and all a blessed Christmas. May the days prior to the 25th be less frantic than usual, giving us a little more time for quiet introspection on the true significance of the holiday. May Christmas eve and Christmas day itself be shared with family. For those who face the absence of a family, may you find the courage to seek comfort and support through friends, and memories of past Christmases. And, for the coming year, may you continue to enjoy the blessings of family, good health, the company of good friends. To all - Peace, Pax, Mir ! BRICKMAN & SONS 1 | FUNERAL HOME 1 21900 Euclid Avenue, Euclid, Ohio f 481-5277 Pepper . . . and Salt MERRY CHRISTMAS AMR HAPPY NEW YEAR Beverly Valencie Euclid Council-at-Large $ Happy Holidays *’ | to All! | Maple Heights Catering 17330 Broadway Maple Heights, Ohio Andy Hočevar in Sinovi — lastniki Tel.: v trgovini (216) 663-7733 ) — Visit Us Soon — —We Are Open from 6 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. -— SEVEN DAYS A WEEK — — SERVING BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND DINNER — Mary Vesel Family Phone: 243-7373 iT 7533 Pearl Rd., Middleburg Hts, Ohio ^ Growing Up in Collinwood Our Slovenian Christmas (Conclusion) by JOE GLINŠEK Edible treats were part of everyone’s Slovenian Christmas tradition. Despite lean years in the 1930s, we always ate well, ospecially at Christmas. Mom laid our table with a dinner of fat roasted capon and Slovenian desserts of potica and flancate. There vvere dates, figs, oranges, chestnuts and other nuts to be shelled. For Mom, who Was aHergic to most other nuts> there were fancy cashes from “Morrow’s Nut House” on Public Square. Remember that tantalizing smell? Dad taught me to play £ ess, or more accurately, low set UP the board and I^0Ve various pieces, during some quiet lull in the olidays, we played chess at east one full afternoon every year. It was a Christmas tradition for just the two °b us. I never won but the memory is still with me, al°ng with a nice inlaid hoard and chessmen. I made tlle board into a small table s used in our Florida me, and it always reminds me of my father Since we ignored the ree minute rule, it was s°metimes a frustrating experience to play chess with th3 iJ cou*d literally go to e itchen, make a sand-'ch and have it half eaten 1 e he contemplated his H* moves. I played lc ly and badly, but each ear 1 learned to be a little ore patient, because I knew P eased him to play chess Wlth his son. hhat’s about how Christ-mas Played out in the 1930s and San® tra^*t'ona^ the ^0Ven'an carols around P'ano. Music was in our ^ene pool, and it was or-^a|ned that I would start les-,ls at age six. Mom had hi?0 studied on the old had m^n ?pri8ht’ and She choir 1 ^ad *n t^le c^urc*1 We ' he Slovenian carols ter h *0Ved were in a tat-thaT ifnC'ent hooh of hymns n„Q las long since disap-(I ^ Zvezdice Božje i 0h°kat ^e Christmas stars) car,lL °n^ one 1 remember. 1 SomSU11P'ay the melody, but , c of the words elude me. touch”6 Mikewas “an easy P . ’ especially around ^ riSlmas. Certain senti- p-ntal s°ngs like “Roses of ^ar y. The Rosary,” and °0nli8ht and Roses,’ M0i Were al coins in pocket change. 1 had only to catch him in the living room and start teasing him with a few other tunes. The requests would come, and then the money. I’m fortunate to have nothing but wonderful memories about Christmas. Joe Glinšek ‘Grew up Slovenian" in Collinwood and now lives in Sarasota, FL. This article is excerpted from a book he hopes to have published. Til fM XI »Si T.u Xi-—ia^a-»q* BLAGOSLOVA IN RADOSTI POLNI \ BOŽIČ TER SREČNO NOVO LETO! I St. Vitus Holy Name Society Cleveland, Ohio A BLESSED AND JOYFUL CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR {grayer' trw • tAe yuflel of (/iJA /si/Tomsk/ eve, SfiendAf enyau/r loved eneA, @{emem6er me. let a rjfendeJlattw Ao/Uy y our te nder lie-arl autA ^^AriAtmaAJo^ Č^Žule tAeyeeorA AaceeedtngjJbrove to- 6e S&ajbjbier tAamyou 'oe ever AmHvn lefo-re. ■ Joseph Zelle Chardon Village 302 Claridon Rd., Remodeled 4 B.R. Single, 2 baths, fireplace - Master B.R. on 1st floor. Vacant. $169,000. Shown by appointment. Call Jack Strekal 440-350-9004 or 216-496-1324 or Ann Ibold 440-286-9054. * * * Lots for Sale $40s and up. Geauga County. Call for information - Jack Strekal, 440-350-9004 or 216-496-1324 or Ann Ibold 440-286-9054. MERRY CHRISTMAS AMD % 5 ^ HAPPY MEW YEAR ^ Eugene and Vida Vercek, % 5884 Dunham Rd., Maple Hts, Ohio 44137 Vesele Božične Praznike in Srečno Novo Leto Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for those who wish to send the very best' BIG BOUQUET FLORIST 480 East 200 Street • Euclid, Ohio 44119 4 PHONE 486 4343 or FLO-WERS Happy Phone orders gladly accepted CHRISTMAS Bus. 531-7447 MODEL MEA T MARKET FRESH MEATS Home Made Quality Sausage Smoked Meats and Cold Cuts of All Kinds f , ^ 610 East 200th Street Končar Family Euclidj 0hio 44U9 ORDERS now being accepted for your fresh & smoked meats & sausages old-fashioned hams boneless hams Želodec Božične Praznike in Srečno Novo Leto From the Officers, Staff and Members of THE POLKA HALL OF FAME 291 E. 222 St., Euclid, OH 44123 (216) 261-3263 Holiday Hours: Mon.-Fri. 12 noon - 5 p.m. Saturday 10 - 2 p.m. Specializing in Import & domestic recordings CD / Cassettes / LPs / Videos CHRISTMAS SPECIAL - Purchase 3 recordings, receive 1 of equal or lesser value FREE (4 for 3) ways good for a few Michael J. Mivsek and Associates Catalog Home Delivery & Services. Fine Line Retail Clothing. Cosmetics - Food -Home Care Products, etc. Natural Vitamin and Mineral Supplements. Call (216) 361-9909 7 a.m. - 10 p.m. for Information KRONSKI'S SAUSAGE Call in your order Now: 1 -800-443-3833 Kronski sausage - a gift from the old country for friends, relatives or yourself. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 14, 2000 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 14, 2000 TREE OF LOVE: Al Pestotnik places another card bearing the name of a donor and the amount he gave on the huge Christmas tree at the Slovene Home for the Aged. Watching the action and later adding their tunes to the festive occasion were members of the “Ansambel Veseli Svatje” orchestra under the leadership of Ivan Jurkovič and Stan Teskac. Pictures from left to right are Paul Lavrisha, Tony Hočevar, Stan Teskac, Paul Jurkovič, Al Pestotnik and Ivan Jurkovič. December 20, 1973 (Memories) (Memories) True Spirit of Christmas by JAMES V. DEBEVEC (Reprinted from the Dec. 13,1974 Ameriška Domovina^ The true spirit of Christmas is giving. Christ was born to give his life for mankind. The three wise men gave presents to the Christ Child. Saint Nicholas gave surprise gifts to children in Myra, Asia Minor in the 300’s. We have continued this custom in America. 1 recall one of the most heartening episodes of gift giving during the Slovene Home for the Aged fund-raising marathons on Dec. 15 and 23,1971. A loan of $600,000 had been secured from St. Clair Savings and Loan Association and a project to raise funds to pay back some of the borrowed money was undertaken. A huge evergreen tree was placed in the spacious reception room of the Home on Neff Rd., off E. 185 Street in Cleveland. Tony Petkovsek’s Polka Radio Club, under the direction of John Pestotnik and his brother, Al, was answering the telephones. A listener would call in and make a pledge toward the Home. Tony read it over his WXEN radio show, and a large card bearing the donor’s name and amount of pledge was placed on the tree. By the end of the day during the first radio marathon, $38,000 was raised. The total had been swelled when Chairman of the fundraising committee Michael Telich completely took everyone by surprise when he got things started by “kicking in” $25,000 in behalf of himself and his wife, Irma. Two years later, people donated another $8,000 during a nine-hour collection. At that time, Home Directors James Kozel and Marie Shaver explained about a plaque being placed in the Home with generous contributors’ names permanently inscribed there. Former Senator Frank J. Lausche donated his desk which he used while he was Governor of Ohio. Also attending the event were Councilman Dave Trenton and Robert Novak, State Representative, Tim McCormack, County Auditor George V. Voinovich, Judges August Pryatel and Francis Talty, and Father Paul Krajnik from St. Mary’s church in Collinwood. Fred Križman, chairman of the Board, was extremely pleased. As the day headed towards its conclusion, the room became full with the smiling faces of the residents, their nurses, and aids, radiothon volunteers, and Home directors. The workers knew their tireless efforts were not in vain. The tree took on a beautiful glow with its many cards. And the people who donated? They were truly blessed with the spirit of Christmas, the giving of gifts from the heart. MERRT CHRISTMAS AMI) HAI R Y NEW TEAR Cyril Grilc St. Augustine Towers - 7821 Lake Avenue Apt. 416 Cleveland, OH 44102-6401 MERRY CHRISTMAS AMD HAPPY MEW YEAR Ed, Carol & Connor Hren Munson Twp., Ohio Listen to * X^H.ppr SLOVENIAN ^ HOUR On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio 90.3 FM -,cJl Tpny Ovsenik '440-944-2538 SEASONS GRFoBTIN&S for a wonderful Holiday to all our fellow Slovenians near and far. The Officers and Board of Trustees Bethlehem-Murska Sobota Sister City Association MERRY CHRISTMAS AMI) HAPPY NJBW YEAR! Al Markič Distributors and Heritage Music 2316 Belvoir Blvd., Cleveland, OH 44121 Ph: 216-531-4230 HAPPY HOLIDAY To All Our Members and Friends and to All American Slovenians i . # V« vVs.' flv- '-7- ir Slovenian American Heritage Foundation Mihelin Travel Bureau Established In 1952 --- HAPPY HOLIDAYS — 4118 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Phone: (216) 43G5710 Fax: (216) 431-5712 1-800-536-6865 e-tnalli capybarn@lx.netcom.com I I I "Serving Customers Throughout the U.S.A. and Around the World!" a ■ i ■ i i i i fr Mlakar’s Walk Down Memory Lane ^ fa by RAY MLAKAR Well, I am back with more jokes. A couple of country bumpkins, Harry and Larry were running away from home. Since it was dark they carried a flashlight. They eventually came to a large body of water. “1 know how we can get across,” Harry said, “I’ll flash the light on the water and you can walk across on the beam.” “1 may not be very smart,” Larry said, “but I know that’s not going to work. As soon as I get halfway across, you’ll turn off the light.” OK, one more. Man does not live by bread alone, he las to handle some hot potatoes, know his onions, be Worth his salt and try not to reach the boiling point. It’s ■ttle wonder that man is constantly in a stew back tc telling our younger generaLon how we niade money - the hard way. •am sure that a lot of the old folks from West Park re-niember how we picked eans at Rossbough’s Farm 'n hd'ddleburg Hts. He was known as the Bean King for l16 had acres and acres of String Beans. He was one smart farmer. He bought Itimself an old used run-down school bus and he w°uld drive throughout the neighborhood to pick up o'ks to take them to the bean farm. A lot of old Italian 0men went and since they nnt u P ln years> they did ^ , 3Ve to Pick beans, but the Hed them and repacked b°ys didbtaKSkets' The young the beaif f he P‘Ck,ng' Being man’ tarm was 0Llt >n no-buc. S 'and tbere were no so t?5 8l°in8 'n that direction, Un m' , ean ^arm had to pick p e help on a daily basis. eas '?k'nS f*16 beans was not ha h ^ 3 ,0ng sl10t, 011 your n s and knees or bending until your back was over ready to break under the hot sun. You might say that was blood money you earned, by the sweat of your brow. I never worked for the bean king, but I did work for a big bean farm across from Puri-tas Springs Park. I got there by bus. Being under 16, it cost only two cents for bus fare, plus a penny for transfer to the Pu-ritas Springs bus that I caught at Stop Twelve. At the time I wondered if it was worth it. 1 picked beans for 10 cents for a half bushel and believe me that is a lot of beans to pick to fill up that basket. If I picked two baskets in the course of a day, it was a lot. It certainly worked up a hunger tantrum for by 10:30 in the morning I was reaching for my lunch, what else but jelly sandwich. Lunch meat was available, but being on the poor side, our • sandwiches were always grape jelly which Ma made from our own grapes. After picking beans in the hot sun all day, before I caught the bus for the ride home, I would always go into Puritas Spring Park and scout under the roller coaster, for every now and then I would Find loose change that someone lost from their pockets when going down the big hill on the roller coaster. To find a nickel or dime, I thought I was John D. Rockefeller. As I look back now, if I had my choice, I would sooner cut lawns than pick beans for when one got through picking beans, it appeared as if you were rolled in some dirt pile. Back in those days there was no such thing as being given a weekly allowance from your parents. Not long ago it was on the news program that in taking a poll, the average allowance for a young girl or boy going to school is $50.00 a week. That is hard to comprehend. The officers and staff of the holy family society of the USA extend their wishes for a Blessed Christmas and a aPPy New Year to all of our members and friends Back in the early days I can’t remember ever earning $50.00 a week, for back in the late 1940s, I was in the Army earning $100.00 a month. If the kids today had to scrape and earn money like we did, they would think they were in some sort of concentration camp. We came up the hard way with all of life’s knocks and bumps. With that to tell the truth, 1 would not change place today with the lifestyle the young folks have today. It is only when you earn money the hard way that you get to appreciate it and spend it wisely. Well, time to get off my soap box, get put of my dirt covered overalls and say so-long for this week. May the Good Lord bless and watch over all of you and keep you in his loving care and keep your burdens light. May the spirit of Christmas Holidays be with you, throughout the year. Christmas is the season for kindling the fire of hospitality in the hall, the genial flame of charity in the heart. - Washington Irving. Slovenian Christmas Radio Paul Lavrisha will host a Slovenian radio program on AM 830 WKTX starting at 12 noon until 3 p.m. on Christmas Day. For dedications, Christmas greetings, write to: Slovenia Radio, 6507 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. Or leave a message at 216 391-0035. PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster happy homdays - YANESH CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. 63 Years Experience Ask Your Neighbors About Us! EXPERT REPAIRS • RE-ROOFING RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL WORK We specialize in solving flat roof problems, and we will guarantee results. EAST SIDE 29013 EUCLID AVENUE WICKLIFFE, OHIO 44092 (440) 943-2020 WEST SIDE 12205 SOBIESKI ROAD CLEVELAND, OHIO 44135 (216) 941-5010 AKRON 510 EAST CUYAHOGA FALLS AVENUE AKRON, OHIO 44310 (330) 923-2021 TOLL FREE 888-878-2455 TAX TIME IS NEAR! Come In or Call Us for Appointment Cleveland Accounting Service 6218 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 881-5158 Merry Christmas - and Happy New Year Vesele Praznike in Srečno Novo Leto Slovenian Workmen’s Home Slovenian Workmen’s Home Auxiliary 15335 Waterloo < < <216-481 -5378> > > Fish Fry Every Friday 11:30 AM till 8 PM Take Outs Available Halls & Meeting Rooms Available to Rent Call for Appointment Rental Hours Monday 7 - 9 PM Saturday 10 AM -1 PM Visit Us Soon AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 14, 2000 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 14, 2000 HAPPT HOPIDATS VESBfcE. PRAZNIKE'IN SREČNO NOVO RETO Travelmax, Inc 911 East 185'b St. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 216-692-1700 Hansa Import House, Inc. Hansa Travel Service 2717 Lorain Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44113 216-6585 or 216-281-3177 Buchner Globe Tours 328 Euclid Square Mall Euclid, Ohio 44132 216-731-8606 Patria, Inc. 791 East 185th St. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 216-531-6720 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year WITH A VISION TO THE FUTURE St. Vitus Lodge #25 K.S.KJ. SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR PRESIDENT VICE-PRESIDENT FINANCIAL SECRETARY RECORDING SECRETARY TREASURER ATHLETIC DIRECTOR AUDITORS: REV. JOSEPH P. BOZNAR JOSEPH S. BAŠKOVIČ JOSEPH V. HOČEVAR JOHN C. TUREK JOHN HOCEV4 . ALBIN M. OREHEK RALPH PRAWilZIK JAMES V. DEBE /EC CHARLES WINTER SERGEANT-AT-ARMS FUNERAL COORDINATOR DELEGATE TO S.N.H. WENCEL FRANK STANLEY FRANK To All our Customers and Friends BEST WISHES FOR Merry Christmas VESELE SREČNE CD PIKE MERCURY LINCOLN PRAZNIKE ŽELI VSEM nc CDNKS 9647 MENTOR AVE., MENTOR. OHIO uncotn msRCURY YOlKSUIAGEn <§> HVUnDfll ^ Quality Service - Sales - Body Shop CD PIKE Bos® ______ __ 9647 MENTOR AVE. ''O'-KSWA ON MENTOH-PJIINESVIIJUC TOWNSHIP LINE BOUTE 20 mentor. Ohio 44060 PHONE LAKE COUNTY 357-7533 - PHONE CUYAHOGA 942-3191 Daily Car Rental - Lease - Long or Short Term on All Lincoln - Mercury - Volkswagen Hyundai Vesel Božic A Memorable Past Christmas Present ^^s^sg«5»;agfi:s»ss»55»;»;sge ft by FRANK ZUPANČIČ (Reprinted from the Dec. 13, 1974 American Home newspaper.) It was December of 1934. The nation was still in the deep throes of an economic depression. Able-bodied men, many with large families to support,, were out of work. Our St. Clair area of Cleveland was especially hard hit. Many of our pio-neer Slovenian immigrants Were unskilled laborers -and they were the first to be laid-off. It was a week before Christmas. Snowflakes were gently wafting to the ground. A tow-headed lad of nine was gazing intently into the window of the Smrekar Variety Store on St. Clair Ave. His eyes were as big as saucers for the little youngster was viewing the many gleaming Christmas toys in the window. Tinkertoys, elector sets, toy trains failed to capture his attention. Instead, our nine-year-old focused his wide eyes on a green wind-up toy model of that year’s Chrysler Airflow automobile. While other cars Were still square-shaped and Chrysler was a streamlined miniature version of the real thing. It was ahead of its time in automobile styling and had front headlights and tail lights that operated just like a real car. Hurriedly, the blondhaired lad rushed into the store. Excitedly he inquired of the owner, Mrs. Smrekar, “How much is that green Chrysler in the window?” The friendly, smiling proprietress answered, “Sonny, it’s a well-made toy. It sells for $1.98. Hastily the corduroy-knickered boy sped home and informed his mother of the wondrous sight at the Variety Store. His mom, in the process of preparing supper, beef soup with a lot of bones and not so much meat, replied, “So you say you like that little car that sells for $1.98? Well, I don’t know if Santa will bring the kids very much this year. You know times are bad, young man.” She then reflected on the state of matters. Her husband only worked two or three days a week. Even then, there were rumors that the company would go into bankruptcy. And besides, a $1.98 would be much better spent on bare 1 essentials such as food and wearing apparel. The boy’s two brothers, upon hearing their youngest member of the family speaking glowingly of the shiny Chrysler toy, took him aside and said, “Forget about that car, you’ll probably get a new shirt and a bag of assorted nuts from Saint Nick.” Well, Christmas morning finally dawned, and our fairhaired lad rushed downstairs to see what Santa had deposited under the Christmas tree. To his amazement, there under the spreading pine branches was his beautiful little Chrysler toy. He couldn’t contain his excitement, jumping up and down, and shouting with uncontrolled emotion, “It’s the best Christmas present that anyone could ever receive!” And how do I know about ^ this story - well, the little ^ fellow was me. M 1 sincerely hope that you, $ too, will find it possible to reflect on some of your most cherished Christmas memories during the coming busy holidays. ( + May he rest in peace) MERRY CHRISTMAS' & HAPPY HEW YEAR Kimberly Jewelry 1683 West Exchange Street Akron, Ohio 44313 (330) 867-3990 Slovenska Zlatama Vesele Praznike Srečno Novo Leto DRUŽINE GRAJZL Ralph & Kathy Al & Linda David & Tracy Al (Slavko) & Frances & John Jesenko HAPPT HOME)ATS SHELLTS RESTAURANT 6106 St. Clair Avenue (216) 431-1126 Take Out Available Jjj# | % *o*-iike, ,his Airflow g®^ g®^ g"^ 8»^ 8«.^ 8®^ g®«** g®^ 8®*^» g®^ g®^ g®^ g“'^» g®-^ g®**» g®,^ g®^ g®^ g®-^ g®®^ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 g®«fc. 0 g»^ 0 0 0 »•«* 0 l-Sfc 0 0 *■?*> 0 0 *•■56 0 0 0 0 S*<6 Merry Christmas & 3-Caj)j)y Mew year MeseCe 'Božične Traznihe To Our XSXJ Members and JriencCs from tHe JCSJCJ Xfome Office Staff ancC tfie "Boardof "Directors SAntfiony T. MravCe CTO Tugene Xogovsek NationaC 'President American SCbvenian Cathode Union (XSXJ) 2439 (gCenwoodAve., Jodet, IL 60435 1-800-843-5755 o fax: (815) 741-2002 9.25% Interest Yield GUARANTEED for 12 months on Deposits of $25,000 and above OR 8.75% Interest Yield GUARANTEED for 12 months on Deposits of $1,000 - $24,999 g®4Sfe- 0 g®^ 0 g®^ 0 g®*fc. 0 g«•** 0 g®4Sjt- 0 g®**- 0 g®** 0 0 g®^ 0 g®5* 0 g® ■*"!»• 0 g®** 0 g®*fr AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 14, 2000 r From All of Us at ALBIE’S Restaurant We Wish You a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year \ The Euclid Office & Medical Plaza 26250 Euclid Avenue Euclid, Ohio 44132 albert somrack Owner/Manager $ 1 s $ * 2 <5 Hours: Monday thru Friday 8 am to 4 pm (216) 289-0836 i i I To All Our Customers and Patrons Slovenia and Yugoslavia Establish Diplomatic Ties Belgrade already announced at the end of Prescription drug help for Veterans If you are a veteran - regardless of whether your present illness or disability derived from your time in military service - you may be eligible for the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) low-cost prescription drug program. For more information, call the Department of Veterans Affairs, toll free, at (877) 222-8387 (between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. Eastern time) or call your nearest VA facility (number in blue pages of phone book). LJUBLJANA - Slovenia and Yugoslavia officially established diplomatic ties last Saturday during Yugoslav Foreign Minister Goran Svilanovic’s visit here, his Slovenian counterpart Dimitriu Rupel said. Slovenia’s government adopted the text of the agreement on the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries earlier last Friday, Rupel said. November its intention to establish diplomatic relations with Slovenia, strained since the former Yugoslav republic declared independence in 1991, followed by brief clashes with the Yugoslav army. Svilanovic met with Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Drnovšek and President Milan Kučan last Saturday. 1 HAPPY BOMBAY'S YO ABB OUR CUSTOMERS MERRY CHRISTMAS MBE MAIL BOXES ETC: SIMS BROS. BUICK, INC 21601 Euclid Ave. 481-8800 Chrysler Plymouth Michael G. Perko Manager M-F 8:30-7 pm Eudid-Rkhmond Shopping Center Mall Boxes Etc* Franchised Centers are Independently owned and operated. SIMS CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH, INC. 20941 Euclid Ave. 692-3900 Happy Holidays to All American Slovenians in the United States LBS BANK - NEW YORK “Global Banking with the Local Touch" LBS Bank offers a wide range of services designed to meet all of your commcfcial and retail banking needs, including: Individual/Corporate Checking Account Savings Accounts Money Markets/CD’s/Time Deposits Domestic/Internationa] Wire Transfers Commercial Loans -Working Capital Facilities -Domestic/Intemational Trade Financing -Small and Medium Sized Business Loans -Loans to Local Companies Under the Community • Reinvestment Act LBS BANK - NEW YORK 12 East 52nd Street, New York, NY 10022 Tel. (212) 207-2200 Fax (212) 593-1967 - Telex 229976 New York State Chartered Bank - A member of FDIC Internet: WWW.lbsbank.com lbs Bank is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nova Ljubljanska banka - d.d., Ljubljana, Slovenia Heap on more wood!—the wind is chill; But let it whistle as it will, We’ll keep our Christmas merry still. —Sir Walter Scott Merry Christmas and Happy New Year S otnrafi ‘Kitchens CUSTOM CABINET DESIGN CENTER Now that you're ready to make your dream come true. Realize your dream of having a custom kitchen with the professional staff and quality products Somrak's can provide. Visit our showroom and see the stuff dreams are made of. hours MON-FRI 8:30-5 Distributors of Fine Cabinetry ^ 9 26201 RICHMOND RD. BEDFORD HEIGHTS. 464-6500 EVENINGS BY OHIO 44146 APPOINTMENT Christmas When / was a Lad t by JOSEPH GORNICK (Reprinted from the Dec. 13, 1974 Ameriška Domovina) It was the Christmas season at our home many years ago. A week before Christmas we set up a 5-foot pine tree in the center of our living room. The tree was trimmed with many colored glass balls, holy picture cards, candy, hand strung candy chain, shiny trinkets, and tinsel. We took turns lighting the 36 candles, spread about the tree. Mother was busy that week preparing nut bread (potica), doughnuts (krofe), and home-baked bread, the top spread with scrambled eggs. The baking took place in a wood-coal burning stove in the kitchen, giving a pleasing aroma throughout the house. On the night before Christmas, after supper, mother and father sprinkled holy water from room to room, and prayed along the way. We than knelt on our knees, praying the 3 decades of the rosary, then followed the singing of holy Christmas songs. Soon after, we blew out the candles and went to bed around 9 p.m. On Christmas morning we all received presents, consisting of pencils, tablets, clothing and mixed nuts. We were happy, and exchanged greetings. In a joyful mood, we went to church, and wished everyone a Merry Christmas. The tree was taken down on the feast of the Epiphany. (t May he rest in peace) ST. CHRISTINE CHURCH 840 East 222nd Street Euclid, Ohio 44123-3317 David S. Turk, M.D. Specializing in Urology Prostate, Bladder, and Kidney Health SOUTHWEST UROLOGY, INC. Michael T. Barkoukis, M.D. Arturo S. Basa, M.D. Michael T. Berte, M.D. Lawrence A. Gervasi, M.D. Tim A. Sidor, M.D. David S. Turk, M.D. Accepting Most Insurance Plans Second Opinions Welcome (440) 845-0900 Several Convenient West Side locations Available M»y you anti your family have a blessed and joyous C hristmas and New Year. Rev. Francis Sterk and the St. Christine Staff k Mass Schedule Sunday. December 24, 2000 Christmas Eve 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Sunday Mass 4:00 p.m.—Christmas Eve Mass 5:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Children’s Mass 12:00 a.m. Midnight Mass Monday, December 25th. 2000 Christmas Day 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m.—Bishop Pevec Monday. January 1st. 2001 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. T Confession Schedule Sunday, December 10th, 2000—2:00 p.m. Communal Penance Service Saturday. December 16th 3:00 p.m.—3:45 p.m. Monday- -Fridav, December 18th—22nd, 2000 7:00—8:00 p.m. Saturday. December 23rd. 2000 9:00 a.m.—10:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m.—3:45 p.m. Monday, January 1st is not a Holy Day of Obligation. Make the gas company wonder if you’ve moved. Our Freedom 90 gas furnace is one of the most efficient you can buy. Over 90% efficient - compared to around 65% for most older furnaces. You can shrink your monthly gas bill to a fracUon of Us former self. And enjoy greater peace of mind, thanks to the Freedom 90s lifetime limited warranty. So see your American-Standard dealer about the Freedom 90. and give your neighborhood meter reader something to wonder about. AMERICAN JHI STANDARD Built To A Higher Standard G^Hfocr 944-9444 207 A,pha Park Highland Hts, OH 44143 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 14, 2000 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 14, 2000 Christmas - Božič - 2000 St.Vitus Church - Cerkev Sv. Vida SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION - SPOVEDOVANJE SATURDAY-SOBOTA, December 23, 2000 Please follcw the regular weekly schedule to Sun., Dec. 24, 2000. Sledite spored v oznanilu do nedelje 24. dec. 2000. CHRISTMAS EVE - SVETI VEČER Sunday, December 24th, NO Christmas Vigil Mass. V nedeljo 24. decembra, NE bo večerne sv. maše. 11:30 p.m. - Christmas choral singing Božično zborovsko petje 12:00 a.m. - Midnight Mass - Polnočnica CHRISTMAS DAY - SVETI DAN 9:00 a.m. - Christmas Day Mass (Eng.) 10:30 a.m. - Christmas Day Mass (Slov.) 11:30 a.m. - Christmas Day Sung Litanies New Year’s Day - Novo Leto 2001 A.D. Please follow the regular weekly schedule to Sun., Dec. 31. On Sunday, NO Vigil Mass for New Year's Day. Sledite spored do nedelje 31. decembera, 2000. V nedeljo NE bo večerne sv. maše za Novo Leto. 10:00 a.m. - All Parish Mass Vsežupnijska Maša 3:00 p.m. - Christmas concert at St. Vitus Church Božični koncert pri Sv. Vidu HAPPY NEW YEAR! - SREČNO NOVO LETO! 7:30 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. - 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. SUNDAY - NEDELJA, December 24, 2000 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. -10:30 a.m. Dear Parishioners: In a few days we shall be remembering the birthday of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Jesus, the fulfillment of God's promises to the chosen people, the One who will take away the sins of the world and reconcile the sinful humanity back to God. Humanity has witnessed many different kinds of "saviors" throughout its long history. Jesus alone stands above all these other saviors. By His caning on earth, by His teachings and most of all, by His giving of life on the Cross, Jesus realized God's loving plan for humanity. Through Him, we cone to the Father, and in Him we have the promise of eternal life. ■ May the joy of Christmas come in great abundance upon our parish and our parishioners, our families and friends. May He continue to bless and to watch over our city and our neighborhood. May His loving hand guide our lives and our labors throughout the New Year 2001. Your Priests at St. Vitus Duhovniki pri Sv. Vidu, Father Joseph Boznar Father Victor Cirtperman Father Vincent Moraghan w w CHRISTMAS • BOZIC • 2000 Church of St. Mary of the Assumption • Župnija Sv. Marije Vnebovzete • Cleveland, Ohio Dear Friends and Parishioners of St. Mar/s, May Christmas Peace fill our homes and our parish! On the first Christmas, God entered the world in our human form,.. "the Word became Flesh and dwelt among us." At the end of this Jubilee Year and on the threshold of the New Millenium, Christ still dwells with us as the Prince of Peace and Lord of Life. May we make room for him in our hearts. May we, like the angels who announced his birth, continue to be messengers of the good news of the Gospel. May we, like the Wise Men, offer the Lord the gift of our faithfulness and service. May we, like the shepherds, make haste to worship our Lord, not only on Christmas but faithfully every Sunday. We invite you to celebrate with us the Savior's birth and to prepare for His coming into your own hearts with the Sacrament of Confession. May Christ's peace be with you throughout this Christmas Season and in the New Year 2001. With Christmas joy and peace, Fr. John Kumse, Pastor Sr. Maryann Quinlivan, Pastoral Minister Sr. Mary Ellen Brinovec, School Principal SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION ZAKRAMENT SV. SPOVEDI Wednesday, December 20, 2000 sreda, 20. decembra Thursday, December 21, 2000 četrtek, 21. decembra Friday, December 22, 2000 petek, 22. decembra 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - 7:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. MASSES - SV.MASE 4th Sunday of Advent - December 24th 8:00 a.m. English Mass - angleška maša 10:00 a.m. Slovenian Mass - slovenska maša 12:00 noon English Mass - angleška maša CHRISTMAS EVE - SVETI VEČER 5:00 p.m. Children’s Mass - Otroška maša 11:30 p.m. Christmas songs by the choir - božične pesmi 12:00 a.m. Midnight Mass - Polnočnica CHRISTMAS DAY - SVETI DAN 8:00 a.m. English Mass - angleška maša 10:00 a.m. Slovenian Mass - slovenska maša 11:00 a.m. Sung Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary Pete litanije Matere božje z blagoslovom 12:00 noon English Mass - angleška maša FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY - PRAZNIK SV. DRUŽINE Sunday, December 31, 2000 Ordinary Sunday Mass Schedule - Običajen nedeljski urnik 5:00 p.m. Saturday Vigil, 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., and 12:00 noon NEW YEAR'S DAY 2001 - NOVEGA LETA DAN 2001 Sunday, December 31, 2000 5:00 p.m. Vigil Mass angleška maša Monday, January I, 2001 10:00 a.m. Parish Mass farna maša CHRISTMAS CONCERT BOŽIČNI KONCERT Friday, December 29, 2000 6:45 p.m. St. Vitus Young Adult Choir in the Church Saturday, December 23, 2000 sobota, 23. decembra 4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. AltMOMD CHEE-SB EACOM PIMECCHB This recipe is courtesy of my friend Sherry Jensen. It looks very festive for the holidays.! Ingredients: 1% C. toasted almonds 1 8-oz. package cream cheese, softened '/j C. mayonnaise 5 strips of bacon, fried crisp, then crumbled 1 T chopped green onion Vi t dill weed Vi t pepper Directions: Toast the almonds at 300°F. for about 15 minutes. Mix all the other ingredients together, then chill overnight. Form into the shape of a pinecone on a serving platter. Beginning at the narrow end, press almonds at slight angles into the cheese mixture in rows. Continue overlapping until all cheese is covered. Serve with crackers. —Kim Ann Kaifesh Our Family Recipes 1 1 j ’WIENER SCHNITXRR i 1 ! ! (by MARIEN KAIFESH) I This is my mother’s recipe that I make for i Christmas Day dinner. Andrea and Jessica love it. • Prepare and fry the same day, if possible. 1 Ingredients: . pork cutlets (trimmed of fat) Flour ] F.ggs (beaten) j Bread crumbs Salt Donations Thanks to the following for their generous donations to the Ameriška Domovina: Mr. and Mrs. Anton Vogel, Euclid, Ohio $13.50 Mrs. Michael Fraile, Cleveland — $5.00 Jožefa Horvat, Berwyn, IL - $5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Mirko Hrovat, Chesterland, OH — $10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kranjc, Willoughby Hills, OH -$10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Izidor Manfreda, Cleveland — $10.00 Milan Zajec, Cleveland — $5.00 Helen Sweltz, Cleveland - $10.00 John Berkopec, Euclid, OH -$10.00 Ivanka Kraljic, Elk River, MN- $10.00 Rose Grabar, Holley, NY -$10.00 Ljudmila Bohinc, Cleveland -$10.00 Stanley Sajovic, Ft. Lauderdale, FL — $10.00 Frank and Marie Mejač, Milwaukee — $10.00 Frank Jenna, Toronto — $5.00 Cecilia Sušnik, Etobicoke, Ont. — $15.00 Maria and Hinko Zupančič, Cleveland — $10.00 Milena and Louis Drobnič, Willoughby Hills, OH — $10.00 Sylvia Turk Family, Bratenahl, OH — $10.00. -------------! RUTTER RARE | COOKIES i ihis is one of Mom’s (Joann Kaifesh) old 1 '[Christmas cookie recipes. It’s very [versatile - you can make the same cookie [and decorate it a bunch of ways and it 1 looks like a big variety. I usually roll some in green and ! red sugars, in multi-colored sprinkles, and make a [ recipe each with cut-up red and green maraschino I cherries. You can also put M&Ms on them. ! Ingredients: 2 sticks of butter, softened 1 C sugar 4 egg yolks (reserve whites for decorating) 3 C flour 1 t cold water [ 1 t vanilla ! Directions: I Cream butter and sugar, add egg yolks, vanilla and \ [cold water. Mix in flour. Roll into balls the size of a| 1 walnut shell, decorate as you like, and bake at 325°F. 1 I for 15 minutes. [ —Kim Ann Kaifesh [ I Our Family Recipes \ Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s HAIR SALON 5216 Wilson Mills Road 461-7989 / 461-0623 Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 directions: Wash and trim pork cutlets. Pound flat (they should e thin but not falling apart.) Pat dry and salt both sides °t cutlet. Dredge each cutlet in flour. Dip and cover all sides with egg. Dip and cover all sides with bread Crumbs. Pry in !/2-inch of oil in a frying pan until golden r°Wn on both sides. Keep warm in a roasting pan with rack at an oven temperature of 150-200°F. Do not cover ern’ or they will be soggy instead of crispy upon serving. •=\~ —Kim Ann Kaifesh Our Family Recipes WHITE SMOWEAHdS These are a traditional Christmas cookies Mom °Ann Kaifesh) makes every year! lnSredients: * T butter 'AC sugar 1 1 vanilla 2 C flour 1 C crushed nuts Actions: Kim Ann ream butter and sugar, add vanilla, flour and Croshed nuts. Roll into balls and bake at 350° for 15 minutes. Before serving, roll in powdered sugar. -Kim Ann Kaifesh ____ ^ Our Family Recipe T|) > Woere S 3 difference between beauty and charm: a beautiful man is one I notice, a charming woman is a beautiful one [M10 notices me. (Zoal 7» Sr SCovckozk! HowTo Be A Good Guest At A Holiday Dinner (NAPS)—When you go to see friends or family for a holiday dinner, remember the expectations for guests. Much is written on the etiquette of being a good host, but there also are rules for being a good guest. Here are a few tips to ensure that you will be on the top of everyone’s list to be invited back next year. “Being a good guest starts in your own home, not when you reach the front door of your host,” says Deb Grenert, Lifestyle Expert for Rubbermaid. “You never want to show up at a holiday dinner empty-handed, but you also don’t want to make more hassle for your host. Follow these simple rules to ensure you’ll be helping the host.” • Call a few days before to offer your help. Find out whether your host wants you to make your famous cranberry sauce, garlic mashed potatoes or candied yams. Many big holiday feasts need extra tables and chairs, which you may be able to provide. Or ask if you can help clean—chores always seem less tedious when done with someone else—or babysit children while your host prepares the house. • Don’t show up empty-handed. Even if your host refuses any help or a dish, do not show up empty-handed. Bring something, whether it be a bottle of wine or a festive floral display to dress up the table or your famous holiday specialty. Don’t make more of a hassle if you decide to cook, prepare your specialty in a container that also can be used as a serving dish. The new Rubbermaid line of Professional Food storage containers are durable for the ride over, and attractive for decorating the dinner table. • Transport without the mess. You want to put your best food forward by having your special dish taste as delicious as it looks. To keep the garlic smell of your mashed potatoes from affecting your homemade apple pie, use separate, sealed, airtight containers when transporting your food. The containers also will keep items from spilling in the car. There are containers specially made for any dish you concoct—food storage products specific for pies, cakes and vegetable displays. • Bring hot dishes over hot. Those mashed potatoes may be steaming right after you’ve cooked them, but the car ride can take the steam out of that hot dish. For a quick solution, look to another holiday, the Fourth of July. Although used more often to keep things cool, an insulated cooler, will keep your food warm during transit. These products trap heat as well as cold, keeping your mashed potatoes oven fresh and steaming upon arrival. Your host will appreciate not having to find oven space to warm up that dish, and may use the cooler to store beverages, freeing up valuable refrigerator space. • Offer to clean up. Everybody enjoys eating, fewer people like cleaning up afterwards. Pitching in with the dirty dishes, glasses, and leftovers not only lessens the burden on everyone, it also can be a social event. Your host will likely reward you with a heap of the holiday favorite—leftovers. For more information on surviving the holidays, visit www. survivetheholidays.com. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 14, AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 14, 2000 14 jj& Wishing Everyone HAPPT HOMDATS To All Our Friends and Patrons FROM THE Board of Directors St. Clair Slovenian | National Home f 6417 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Call for Hall Rental (216) 361-5115 ili§t x LJ MERRT CHRISTMAS AND HAPPT NEW TEAR 2000 % Stan J. Erzen ^ 22561 Chardon Rd., Euclid, OH 44117 MERRT CHRISTMAS AMD A IIA1 I I NEW TEAR Marcie and Bob Mills and Family Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year FROM Louis Slapnik & Son, FLORISTS 6102 St. Clair Ave. - 431-1126 POINSETTIAS We can supply you with all your Christmas Needs: Greeting Cards, potted plants, gifts, etc. City & Suburban deliveries, Master & Visa cards accepted S MERRY CHRISTMAS H 8 AND HAPPY NEW YEAR yj W. Maier Doors Unlimited if dnrnop Dnnr Rpnnir nnH Rpnlarprnpnt a? Garage Door Repair and Replacement Servicing all Your Electrical Needs Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Robert and Elaine Debevec 6828 Dave Drive — Madison, OH 44057 New Years Eve Dinner-Dance A New Year’s Eve Dinner-Dance sponsored by St. Mary (Collinwood) Parish Council will be held in the school hall, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland, on Sunday, Dec. 31 beginning at 6:30 p.m. Veseli Godci will play for the event. Donation is $45.00 and includes breakfast. Reservations are limited. Call the rectory at 761-7740. Tables or individual reservations will be taken. HAPPY MEW YEAR Joe and Josephine Baškovič 481 Derby Run Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44092-2677 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ****************** * DID YOU KNOW * * Slovenia ... Joseph »die * ****************** “Sacred music plays to the heart, the soul ...” “Music is first of all in the person. One cannot express it, cannot be a musician, who is not of a noble , good, affable heart, he who does not have a faith in himself and fellow man. This applies to the composer and to him who interprets it via the orchestra or a vocal chorus. Music is the most perfect art; it talks directly to the heart and soul. My choral journey has already lasted 45 years, the foundations began with the church choir of sv. Lucija on the Soca River, with my father who played the organ for 38 years and conducted the choir. Mother was father’s first soloist, an excellent singer.” Conductor Marko Munih ~ DRUŽINA Vthnika Bakery Shop has grown to be the fifth largest bakery in Slovenia since its beginning 25 years ago. Starting with 4 tons of breads and cakes, today it averages 16 tons daily. Slovenik is the Slovenian Papal Institute in Rome. On November 22, Mrs. S. (Alice) Opalich Richmond Heights, Ohio % James A. SLAPNIK, JR. I FLORIST - CVETLIČAR 650 E. 185 St. 531-7887 BEST WISHES FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS SEASON AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! % Happy Holidays To all my Clients and Friends Dr. Frank Mršnik JoAnn Bldg. E. 185 St. Cleveland MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR ST. CLAIR PENSIONERS CLUB Cleveland, Ohio Merry Christmas and Happy New Year m I Charlie & Majda Lončar Family 1960, it opened its doors to Slovenian priests and visitors to Rome. The fortieth anniversary was celebrated with some 140 Slovenian attendance. guests in % l 31025 Miller Ave., Willoughby Hills, Ohio MERRY CHRISTMAS AMD HAPPY MEW YEAR Walter Majer (216) 732-7100 ff Emergency pager: (2J6) 506-8224 ^ 1 It’s Cool to be Slovenian At Christmas I no more desire a rose/ Than wish a snow in May’s newfangled mirth; But like of each thing that in season grows. —William Shakespeare Love’s Labour Lost Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Osenar and David and Michael Willoughby Hills, Ohio Al Koporc, Jr. Piano Technician (2161 481-1104 ANA MEDVED Services for Ana Medved (nee Štrus), 93, were held at St. Mary Church, 15519 Holmes Ave., on Saturday, Dec. 9th at 9:30 a.m. Ana was born in Sela pri Dobu Fara Set Vid Pristični, Slovenia. Ana was a member of St. Mary Altar and Rosary Society. She was employed at General Electric’s Nela Park for 12 years. Ana was the widow of Ignacij; the mother of Anton (Ana) and the following, all ln Slovenia: Olga Janezic, Roza Ajdic, Milan (deceased) Ignacij, Lojze ^I-D., and Ana Škufca; grandmother of Tony and Victoria Liptak; and 17 in Movenia; great-grandmother of Andrew Liptak. Rurial in All Souls Cemetery. friends called at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St> Friday, Dec. 8 JENNIE M. BOOTH Jennie M. Booth (nee Ferko), wife of Robert N.; Mother of Kathleen Ashley (Michael), Richard (Catherine), Kevin (Diane), Jeanine Duda (Wally); sister °J the late Joseph and Gus; daughter of the late Joseph Ijd Jennie; grandmother j)f carst-nagy Memorials 15425 Waterloo Rd. 4S1-2237 Jeremy, Michelle, Douglas, Sarah, Christopher and Justin. Family received friends Friday, Dec. 8 from 2-8 at the Zak Funeral Home, 6016 St. Clair Ave. Funeral Saturday, Dec. 9 at 9:30 a.m. with Mass in St. Vitus Church. Interment All Souls Cemetery. JOHN J. FEMEC Services for John J. Fe-mec will be held Friday, Dec. 15 at 9:30 a.m. at St. Mary Church, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland. John, a long-time resident of Euclid, passed away in Gateway Health Care Center on Tuesday, Dec. 12. Mr. Femec served in the US Army in WWII. He was retired from Addressograph Multigraph Corp., where he was employed as a shipping clerk. Mr. Femec was a member of St. Mary Holy Name Society, SNPJ #142 and St. ' Mary’s Seniors. He was the husband of Ann (nee Elovar); the brother of Robert and the following deceased: Louis, Charles, Mary Bogolin, Val Keenan, Anne Gerrick, Helen Pavšek, and Edith Coyne. He was the uncle of many. Friends may call at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Thursday, Dec. 14 2-4 and 6-8 p.m., where services will be held Friday at 8:45 a.m., and at St. Mary Church (Holmes Ave.) at 9:30 a.m. burial in All Souls Ceme-terj Donations in his memory to St. Mary Church. “Serving the Slovenian Community.” Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL LOCATEP AT 452 E. 152 Street Phone 481-3118 _ Family owned and operated since 1908 In Memory Thanks to Julie and Ed Harbie of Seven Hills, Ohio who donated $25.00 to the American Home newspaper in memory of parents Chris and Julia Peternel; brother and sister-in-law Frank and Mary Peternel. At Christmas play and make good cheer, for Christmas comes but once a year. —Thomas Tusser ... the star rains its fire where the Beautiful sing, for the manger of Bethlehem cradles a king. --Josiah G. Holland Christmas is not just a day... It is a spirit which should permeate... our lives. To believe that the spirit of Christmas does change lives., is the essence of our faith in Christ. 432-1114 Ann’s Dressmaking and Alterations Tues.-Sat.-: 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. (Same Day Serviče) Weddings, Special Occas 'ns 6027 St. Clair Ave., Cleve. A Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Ronald Zele Co., L.P.A. Attorney At Law Brush Building 26111 Brush Avenue, Euclid, Ohio 44132 216-289-9500 Fax: 216-289-6416 MERRT CHRISTMAS AMR HAPPT MRW TEAR Stanley J. Frank 1 Gateay Drive #213 Euclid, Ohio 44119 Phone: 216 - 531-5400 MEJRRT CHRISTMAS AMR HAPPT NEW TEAR Frank and Lena Liewiorek 1162 East 61 St. Cleveland, OH 44103 Merry Christmas Paul J. Hribar Joyce Ann Hribar - Attorneys at Law - Omni Bldg. - Suite 500 27801 Euclid Avenue - near 1-90 261-0200 PROBATE, ESTATE PLANNING, REALESTATE MATTERS AND GENERAL CIVIL PRACTICE Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ( J GABRIEL Insurance Agency Professional Insurance Management Remember — If It’s Insurance — We Sell It! Auto • Homeowners • Business • Bonds Life • Annuities • Hospitalization Call Bill Gabriel 731-6888 Fax 729-2840 8251 Mayfield Rd., Suite 208 Chesterland, O. 44026 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 14, H i s < Z > O s o o 8 S% tn iJ 1^ J Merry Christmas 2> a/2 L^O±LC FUNERAL HOME SPACIOUS LUNCHEON ROOMS AVAILABLE FOR FAMILY USE AFTER SERVICES • Burials / Memorial Services • Cremations • Trusts Available • Itemized Pricing • Traditional Services • Community • Entombments Rooms Available 440-944-8400 % 28890 Chardon Road • Willoughby Hills 2nd Location 17010 Lakeshore Blvd. Cleveland, Ohio 44110 ( ^ozmsz/jj ^xdina i j 216-486-2900 Dan Cosic and Joe Zevnik - Funeral Directors FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina I 3 r AMERICAN IN SPIRIT SLOVENIAN FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, December 14, 2000 - Vesti iz Slovenije - V Sloveniji po 1. januarju se tudi ne bo smelo uporabljati kostne moke Minister za kmetijstvo Franc But je 12. decembra podpisal odredbo (objavljena bo v uradnem listu), ki prepoveduje uporabo kostne moke za prehrano živali. Odredba bo začela veljati s 1. januarjem, trajala bo Pa vsaj do 30. junija 2001. Države evropske unije podobne ukrepe že izvajajo. Na-nien teh ukrepov je varovati ljudi pred boleznijo norih krav oziroma BSE. V kmetijskem ministrstvu so sporočili, da bo Slovenija v vmesnem obdobju poiskala ustrezne rešitve v zvezi s sežigalnico in Morebitnim uničenjem mesno-kostne moke. Vlada je imenovala tudi pogajalsko skupino, ki bo s podjetjem Koto poiskala najugodnejšo rešitev za skladiščenje in proizvodnjo mesno-kostne moke. Tako naj bi zagotovili nemoteno odstranjevanje odpadkov v Sloveniji in morebitno nevarnost za zdravju ljudi oziroma živali. Po obisku zunanjega ministra ZRJ Gorana Svilanoviča v Sloveniji Preteklo nedeljo je odpotoval iz Slovenije zunanji minister Zvezne republike Jugo-slavije Goran Svilanovič, ki se je med biva-nJem v državi, srečal tako s kolegom Dimi-tr‘jem Ruplom in premierom Janezom Dr-uovškom in predsednikom Milanom Kuča-norn- Slovenija in ZRJ bosta vzpostavila °dnose takorekoč prvič, kajti je ZRJ odsto- pila od teze o izključnem nasledstvu nekdanje SFRJ. Ta korak s strani ZRJ je bil tisti, ki je odprl možnost navezave diplomatskih odnosov, je dejal Rupel. V sporazumu med Slovenijo in ZRJ je med drugim zapisano, da ZRJ soglaša, da Slovenija odpre generalni konzulat v Podgorici s konzularnim območjem, ki obsega Črno goro. Prvi sestanek držav naslednic nekdanje SFRJ bo že prihodnji ponedeljek in torek v Bruslju, sestanek bo vodil posrednik sir Arthur Watts. V Ljubljani odslej park z dvema imenoma Mestni svetniki v Ljubljani so pred kratkim izglasovali odločitev, s katero so del sedanjega Argentinskega parka v mestu (tisti del, ki se drži evangeličanske cerkve) preimenovali v Park slovenske reformacije, drugi del pa je ostal še naprej Argentinski park. Ime Park slovenske reformacije je med obiskom predsednika Milana Kučana pri vodstvu slovenske evangeličanske cerkve v Murski Soboti predlagal njen senior Geza Erniša, 1 '' Do odločitve je prišlo na izredni seji mestnega sveta 4. decembra, ki jo je sklicala županja Ljubljane Vika Potočnik. Tečajnica Banke Slovenije - Srednji devizni tečaj Banke Slovenije za 12. decembra: Ameriški dolar, je prinesel 240,11 SIT, kanadski pa 157,59. j^NEZ DRNOVŠEK SKUPAJ S ČLANI NOVE SLOVENSKE VLADE: V spodnji vrsti z e so Igor Bavčar, minister brez listnice, ki vodi evropske zadeve; Rado Bohinc, mini-za notranje zadeve; Tea Petrin, ministrica za gospodarske zadeve; Andreja Rihter, "Ostrica za kulturo; Lucija Čok, ministrica za šolstvo in šport; Dimitrij Rupel, mini-^er za zunanje zadeve. V drugi vrsti so Anton Grizold, minister za obrambo; Janez ^r"ovšek; Jakob Presečnik, minister za transport in komunikacije. V tretji vrsti: Anton °P, minister za finance; Franc But, minister za kmetijstvo (in možen naslednji predse-1 SLS SKD); Dušan Keber, minister za zdravstvo. V zgornji vrsti so s » minister za delo, družino in socialo (v letih 1990-94 delal doktorat U”*Verz> Cleveland State); Ivan Bizjak, minister 0 °Ue in planiranje. Vlado Dimov-iz ekonomije na za pravosodje; Janez Kopač, minister za Iz Clevelanda in okolice Koncert— Jutri, v petek, zvečer ob 7. uri bosta v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete nastopila na koncertu trobentač Franc Kompare in njegova hčerka, sopranistka Nina Kompare. Na sporedu bodo klasične božične ter tradicionalne slovenske. Dar: $15. Tabor SPB vabi— Tabor SPB vabi rojake na tradicionalno božičnico to nedeljo, 17. decembra, ob 2.30 pop. Božičnica bo v šolski dvorani pri Sv. Vidu. Pridite! CD zgoščenka, kaseta— Cerkveni zbor pri Sv. Vidu je izdal posebno CD zgoščenko oz. kaseto z naslovom “Sveta noč”, na kateri so številne priljubljene slovenske Marijine pesmi. Traki so po $10, kupite jih pri sledečih: Tom Sršen (440) 352-7455; Joanne Celestina (216) 486-1973; Martina Jakomin (440) 944-6997; Polka Hall of Fame (216) 261-3263 ter trgovina Patria Imports na E. 185 St. Imajo jih tudi v župnišču pri Sv. Vidu. Zbor bo imel božična koncerta v petek, 29. dec., ob 6.30 zv. pri Mariji Vnebov-zeti, in v ponedeljek, 1. januarja 2001, pop. ob 3h v cerkvi sv. Vida. Novi grobovi John J. Femec Dne 12. decembra je umrl John J. Femec, mož Ann, roj. Elovar, brat Roberta, Mary Bogolin, Val Keenan, Anne Gerrick, Helen Pavšek, Edith Coyne ter že pok. Louisa in Charlesa, veteran 2. svetovne vojne, zaposlen do upokojitve pri Addressograph Mul-tigraph, član DNU pri Mariji Vnebovzeti in SNPJ št. 142. Pogreb bo jutri, v petek, v oskrbi Želetovcga zavoda s sv. mašo dop. ob 9.30 v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete s pokopom na pokopališču Vernih duš. Ure kropljenja so danes pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 7. do 9. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokojnikov spomin župniji Marije Vnebovzete. Jean A. Paik Umrla je 90 let stara Jean ,A. Paik, rojena Lu- (dalje na str. 24) Bralcem v vednost— Naslednja številka AD bo nosila datum 24. decembra in bo zadnja letos, natisnjena bo pa že v torek. Tisti, ki želijo kaj objaviti v omenjeni številki, morajo dopise dostaviti najkasneje do ponedeljka o-poldne. Poznejša dostava morda ne bo mogla priti, v list. Prva številka v novem letu 2001 bo izšla 4. januarja. Očala najdena— V Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clairju so bila najdena očala in sicer na božičnici kluba upokojencev St. Clairja. Pokličite 216-531-2743. 25. obletnica poroke— Stan in Lori Žnidaršič sta obhajala 25-letnico po^ roke v krogu svojih domačih. Njun sin Stan je študent na Bowling Green State University, hčerki Melissa in Jessica sta študentki na Lake Catholic High School, sin Anthony pa obiskuje farno šolo St. Gabriel v Mentorju. Čestitkam se pridružuje brat Henry z družino ter starši Stane in Marija iz Kirtlan-da, Ohio. V Silvestrovanje— To bo pri fari Marije,?,' Vnebovzete, seveda 31. decembra, od 6.30 zv., v šol ' ski dvorani. Za ples in zabavo bodo igrali “Veseli godci”. Cena je $45.00 na osebo in vključuje tudi zajtrk. Rezervacije sprejema župnijska pisarna pri M.V. Kličite 216-761-7740. Krasen uspeh— Preteklo nedeljo je Ameriška Dobrodelna Zveza oz. AMLA imela svojo vsakoletno božičnico za mlado članstvo in sicer v obeh dvoranah SND na St. Clairju. Prišlo je kar kakih 800 mladih članov in še dvakrat več odraslih. Bilo je nadvse veselo v lično okrašenih dvoranah. Božični darovi— Primorski klub je kot božični dar poklonil listu $100. AMLA društvo sv. Ane št. 4 je darovalo $100, kakor je Belokranjski klub. Tabor ZDSPB je poklonil $50. Vsem najlepša hvala. Vsi darovi so zabeleženi slej ali prej v angleškem delu Ameriške Domovine. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (LISPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $30 letno za ZDA; $35 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $40 letno (v ZD valuti) Za Slovenijo, z letalsko pošto, $160 letno SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $30 per year; Canada: $35 in U.S. currency Foreign: $40 per year U.S. or equivalent currency Slovenia: $160 per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly for $30 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 48 _ Thursday, December 14, 2000 V TIHOTI BOŽIČNE NOČI “KO JE VSE OBJEMAL GLOBOK MOLK in je bila noč v svojem teku na pol pota, je prišla tvoja vsemogočna Beseda, Gospod, iz nebes, s kraljevega prestora.” Te besede iz knjige Modrosti stare zaveze obrača Cerkev na čudovito božično skrivnost. Sveti Janez Evangelist pove isto nekoliko drugače: “In Beseda je mesto postala in med nami prebivala.” Drug evangelist pove to visoko skrivnost v še bolj razumljivih besedah: “In porodila je sina prvorojenca, ga povila v plenice in položila v jasli, ker zanju ni bilo prostora v prenočišču.” Zgodilo se je to v Betlehemu na Judovskem. Zakaj prav tam in zakaj v tako čudnih okoliščinah? Davno poprej je Bog položil v pero preroka stare zaveze odločno napoved: “In ti, Betlehem, zemlja Judova, nikakor nisi najmanjši med mesti Judovimi; zakaj iz tebe bo izšel vojvoda, ki naj vlada moje ljudstvo Izraela.” Prerokba se je morala izpolniti, toda kako, ko je pa Marija, izvoljena za mater Obljubljenega, živela z Jožefom v Nazaretu, milje in milje daleč od Betlehema? In je bilo že kar mogoče uganiti, da je rojstvo Obljubljenega blizu? Božja Previdnost je imela svoje načrte, ki so bili na prvi pogled kaj človeški, v resnici je bil za njimi božji sklep. In stoji zapisano: “To prvo popisovanje se je vršilo, ko je bil Kvirinij cesarski namestnik v Siriji, in hodili so se vsi popisovat vsak v svoje mesto. Šel je torej tudi Jožef... iz Nazareta... v Betlehem... z Marijo...“ Ta cesarski ukaz je brez dvoma povzročil ljudem velike težave in sitnosti. Skoraj vsak je moral od doma, na: potovanje, da se je vpisal tam, kjer je imel njegov rod svoj začetek. Prava tiranska zahteva! Ta vzklik je gotovo šel od ust do ust in godrnjanja ni moglo biti malo. Ni čudno, da so bili v Betlehemu domačini in prišleki od drugod pošteno razdraženi in polni nejevolje. Res so bili vsi med seboj v bližnjem ali vsaj daljnem sorodstvu, vsi iz rodovine Davidove, vendar drug drugemu tujci, drug drugemu v napotje. Kje naj prenočuje vsa ta množica, kar naenkrat skupaj nagnana? Prenočišča so bila v tistih časih komaj zasilna streha nad glavami, ležišča na golih tleh. Kdor se je nekoliko zakasnil, ni imel kam položiti glave, saj je bila še za noge huda stiska. Ne bomo se čudili, da za Marijo in Jožefa - ni bilo prostora... In sta morala iti v razpadajočo stajo, ki je postala tako slaven “betlehemski hlevček!” O, da so ljudje vedeli, koga so z Marijo pognali iz svoje srede! O, da so slutili, kar so malo kasneje pastirji slišali iz angelovih ust: “Oznanjam vam veliko veselje, rodil se vam je danes Zveličar, ki je Kristus Gospod.” Z drugo besede: Bog sam je postal med vami - brezdomec! In vendar je prav On tisti, pri katerem smo vsi doma. Tako se nam je razodela in se nam zopet in zopet razodeva - v tihoti božične noči - skrivnost božje Ljubezni! /z božične številke avstralskega mesečnika MISLI December 1960 Milvvauški Triglavski Miklavž je prišel in odšel WAUKEGAN, 111. - Ko smo na zadnjem sestanku izvolili novi odbor (ki je kar stari odbor!), je bilo življenje na Parku Triglava v Milwaukeeju nekako uradno zaključeno. Seveda samo uradno, ker je bilo v resnici še veliko dela, pre-dno zapade sneg. Glavni problem je bilo listje, ki ga ni bilo ne konca ne kraja. Vendar, odkar imamo Crai-ga in njegovega traktorja, je tudi listje bolj za špas kot pa zares. Naši neumorni možje so posekali še nekaj dreves in Park je bil pripravljen za zimo. Ker pa je v dvorani dobra peč, je kar težko ostati ob nedeljah doma. Tako smo se na Martinovo nedeljo spet zbrali pri obloženi mizi, da je sveti Martin požegnal vin’ - in pa še nas “ta stare”. Mlajši rod pa je sedel pred televizorjem in čakal, kdo bo zmagal. Med tem se je ponujal sneg, a ga ni bilo dovolj in se je 3. decembra pripeljal Miklavž iz Chicaga z avtomobilom. Predno je prišel Miklavž v spremstvu sv. Antona, angelčkov in parkljev, sta nas predsednik Leon in Craig presenetila s filmom iz življenja na Parku. Videli smo stare slike, ko se je Park začel, in pa 50-letnice društva, ki smo jo obhajali letos. Nato sta naredila majhen koncert (gl. foto) mlada člana Nathan na klavirju in Kathy na violini. Brez vsake skupne vaje sta zaigrala nekaj božičnih pesmi v veselje nas vseh. Med koncertom je bil Miklavž že na poti v dvorano. Ko je prišel na oder smo vsi zapeli Sveto noč, nato pa so prihrumeli par-kelčki, zelo razposajeni in živahni. Mlada generacija! Pred par leti so še sami prišli pred Miklavža z rožnimi venci v roki, da so bili varni pred peklenščki. Zato so bili letos do malih zelo prizanesljivi. Imeli pa so piko na svoje očete in so dva kar zares odnesli izpred odra. Vsi smo uživali prijetno popoldne. Kuharice so pripravile dobro malico in tudi bara je bila pri roki. Brez te res ne gre! Tudi srečolov je nekako obvezen pri naših srečanjih, če ne, nekaj kar manjka. Kar prehitro je vse minilo, malo smo povasovali, pa je bila že črna noč, predno smo odšli domov. Vsem Triglavanom, ki so imeli rojstne dneve v novembru in posebno še tiste, ki jih bodo imeli v decembru, želimo vse najboljše, posebno še tistim, ki bodo obhajali 80-letnico, pa tega nočejo priznati! To velja v prvi vrsti za našo zvesto članico Maričko, ki vse leto znaša skupaj dobitke in skrbi za srečolov že leta in leta. Pa jih bo 80 in noče, da bi kdo vedel, ker sedaj je vse še kar OK, skrbi jo le, kaj bo, ko bo stara! Vseeno, vse najboljše Marička! Tudi Martinu Simčiču, ki je zelo bolan, želimo vse dobro v upanju, da se bo kmalu pozdravil. Vsem, ki radi prihajate na naš Park, voščimo vesel Božič, srečno Novo leto -in na svidenje poleti 2001! Za Triglav M. K. V zahvalo in ljubeč spomin Thomas Lubey I960 - 2000 Želimo izreči iskreno zahvalo č.g. Jožefu Božnarju za vso pomoč, skrb, tolažbo in usluge ob izgubi našega dragega Tommy-ja. Iz dna srca topla hvala direktorici za tako lepo izbrane Marijine pesmi med sv. mašo. Bilo je nadvse ganljivo. Enako najlepša hvala Želetovemu pogrebnemu zavodu za vso naklonjenost. Naša prisrčna hvala č. sestri Mary Avsec za vse usluge in prijaznost. Žalujoča družina Lubey Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & F.. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS PRIZORA IZ TRIGLAVSKEGA MIKLAVŽEVANJA: Bilo je 3. decembra. Na fotografiji spodaj sta mlada člani mil-vvauškega Triglava Nathan in Kathy. Urednik tednika MAG Danilo Slivnik o kontinuiteti in medijih v Sloveniji Trst/Gorica - Časnikarski krožek Slovenskega kulturnega kluba v Trstu je v okviru svojih dejavnosti v tekoči sezoni v soboto, 25. novembra, priredil v Peterlinovi dvorani v Trstu srečanje z znanim slovenskim časnikarjem in urednikom tednika Mag Danilom Slivnikom. Slivnik je govoril o nedavnih volitvah v Sloveniji. o sestavljanju nove vlade in o vplivu medijev na volilno kampanjo. V svojem posegu in v kasnejšem razgovoru z udeleženci srečanja je urednik Maga podal svojo analizo in gledanje na politično in družbeno stvarnost v Slovenji in na vlogo medijev v tranzicijskem procesu. Dejal je, da politična situacija zanesljivo ni v redu in da vsega tega ne bi bilo brez medijev, saj nobenega tranzicijskega procesa ni brez medijev. V današnji družbi so mediji vse, brez njih ni dogodka. V socialističnem sistemu so bili mediji propaganda, do njih pa se je vzpostavil Pasiven odnos, saj ljudje sPloh niso razmišljali o tern, kaj mediji poročajo. S sPremembo režima bi bili morali začeti razmišljati, pa niso. je po Slivnikovih be-Sedah kontinuiteta izkoristi-*a m je del slovenskih me-^'iCv (npr. radio in televizi-la) začel vsiljevati v podza-Vest ljudi negativno podobo Politike in demokratičnega Parlamentarnega sistema. Naslednji korak te manipulacije so bili selektivni naPadi na politične stranke, Pt* čemer je pomladna stran potegnila krajši konec. Vpliv kontinuitete, je še dejal predavatelj, je danes zelo močan. Kontinuiteta ima povsod svoje ljudi in zelo dobro ve za pomen medijev. Slovenski mediji so po Slivnikovem mnenju krivi za 20% rezultata na zadnjih državnozborskih volitvah. In vendar je bilo slovensko novinarstvo tisto, ki je ob koncu osemdesetih let dalo pobudo za spremembo režima in za demokratizacijo. Sedaj pa se vzpostavlja odnos neke uslužnosti in kvaliteta pada, ker interes politike ni kvaliteta, ampak to, da mediji zastopajo in prenašajo v javnost njene interese. Tako se forsira novinarstvo nizkih strasti, forsira se propaganda, zaradi tega pa so po Slivnikovi oceni razmere slabše kot pred petimi ali desetimi leti. Slovenska javnost, je še dejal Slivnik v razgovoru z udeleženci večera, je zmanipulirana. To je treba u-gotiviti in se temu prilagoditi, česar pa pomladne stranke niso naredile. Med njimi so bili tudi spori, ki so vodili v nenehno neučinkovitost, del slovenske pomladi pa je bil nenehno tudi vprežen v politiko kontinuitete. Slednja je nastopala kot blok, katerega nesporni šef je Milan Kučan, čeprav bi si mandatar za sestavo vlade in bivši premier Janez Drnovšek hotel oblikovati svoj klan, zaradi česar je razumeti tudi težave pri sestavljanju nove vlade. Z Ameriško Domovino ste vedno na tekočem! Vesele Božične praznike in srečno, zdravo Novo leto želiva vsem r°jakom širom sveta, ki prejemajo Ameriško Domovino Stane in Karolina Kodrin Willoughby Hills, Ohio Blagoslovljene in miru polne Božične praznike ter srečno, uspešno in zdravo Novo leto želiva vsem prijateljem ter Slovenkam in Slovencem v Združenih državah Amerike in Kanadi! Vsem vam, ki ste v zadnjih slovenskih volitvah 15. oktobra letos za poslance v slovenski Državni zbor, dali svoj glas tistim kandidatom, ki se zavzemajo za pravice slovenskih ljudi po svetu, se najlepše zahvaljujem. S svojim glasom ste odločno pomagali tudi pri moji izvolitvi za poslanca v volilnem okraju Škofja Loka. Hvaležen sem vam in se zavezujem, da bom kot poslanec v slovenskem parlamentu vedno in povsod aktivno delal za pravno državo, enakost za vse državljane, za poštenost in razvidnost pri delu v javnem življenju in za povezavo vseh Slovenk in Slovencev doma, v zamejstvu in po svetu. BESEDA VELJA! Jožef Bernik, poslanec Državnega zbora in soproga dr. Marija Bernik Škofja Loka, Slovenija Božični dan radio oddaja Pavle Lavrisha bo na božični dan od 12. do 3. popoldne vodil slovenski radijski program in to na postaji WKTX 830AM. Oglase in čestitke pošljite na naslov: Slovenija radio program 6507 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, OH 44103 Telefon: 216-391-0035 Dokumenti so, le poznati jih je treba Levi blok, ki je premočno zmagal na nedavnih volitvah, bo sedaj po Slivnikovem mnenju imel cel kup problemov. Z vzpostavljanjem nove gospodarske strukture bo prišlo do novih konfliktov, kar bo privedlo tudi do vzpostavljanja neke normalne strukture. Pri tem pa si bodo tudi pomladne stranke morale postaviti določena vprašanja, kako je z njimi, saj mora priti do reorganizacije. Po Slivnikovih besedah je na pomladni strani bila prelahko sprejeta ocena, da je slovenski narod katoliško in protikomunistično usmerjen, kar pa ni imelo zveze z realnim stanjem. Brez nekega časopisa oziroma medija, ki bi bil vsaj zmeren do pomladne strani, pa se situacija ne bo spremenila. Če namreč obstaja alternativen časopis, so to prisiljeni upoštevati tudi drugi časopisi. IŽ NOVI GLAS, Trst/Gorica 30. novembra 2000 Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. Cleveland, Ohio Tel. 216-641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod. Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! Ljubljana - Dr. Tone Ferenc je od svojih 29 objavljenih knjig kar nekaj namenil znanstvenemu objavljanju dokumentov iz obdobja druge svetovne vojne na Slovenskem, in to izvirnih dokumentov iz italijanskih ali nemških arhivov ter študij v ustreznih tujih jezikih. Dela pač namenja tuji strokovni in laični javnosti. S takim namenom je nastalo tudi delo Rab - Arbe - Arbissima. Konfinacije, racije in internacije v Ljubljanski pokrajini 1941-1943, skupaj skoraj petsto strani študije, 489 italijanskih in nemških dokumentov ter prvič objavljeni seznam 2424 imen v italijanskih taboriščih umrlih Slovencev in Hrvatov iz Ljubljanske pokrajine in Gorskega Kotarja. Tako kot njegov lani izdani zbornik Premalo se u-bija (izdala sta ju Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino Slovenije in Društvo piscev zgodovine NOB) želi avtor tudi s tem domačim in pred- vsem tujim zgodovinarjem ponuditi vire za pisanje ali kritično preverjanje že napisanega, (preveč brezbrižni ali pohlevni) “državi” pa tako rekoč položiti v roke dokaze o tem, kaj se je dogajalo pred fojbami, zaradi katerih ji Italija nenehno izstavlja račune. Po sto izvodov knjige je natisnjenih v italijanščini in angleščini in izdajatelja jih sama poskušata posredovati ustreznim italijanskim in tujim institucijam, ki se ukvarjajo z zgodovino vojne in njenimi posledicami. M. V. Delo fax, 11. dec. 2000 Slovensko upravljanje gospodarsko izredno pomembnega sedmega pomola v tržaškem pristanišču Ali bo naveza med Koprom in Trstom vzdržala? Trst/Gorica — Odbor tržaških pristaniških oblasti je 21. novembra soglasno sklenil, da na osnovi prijavljenih kandidatov podeli koncesijo za upravljanje sedmega pomola v tržaškem pristanišču podjetju Luka Koper v navezi s tržaškimi in drugimi partnerji. V ta namen se bo v prihodnjih mesecih ustanovila posebna delniška družba, v kateri noben soudeleženec naj ne bi imel absolutne večine kapitala. Za tržaške politične razmere gre za vsekakor izredno pomembno odločitev, s katero se je zaključil posto- pek za dodelitev koncesije za upravljanje prometa z zabojniki (= “containers”) na sedmem pomolu. Posebno pozornost je vzbudilo zlasti dejstvo, da so za omenjeni sklep pristali vsi člani zadevnega pristaniškega odbora, vključni tisti, ki se prepoznavajo v desnem političnem polu in torej podpirajo Antonionijev deželni odbor. To potezo si tržaški politični in gospodarski krogi razlagajo različno. Mnenje treznih tržaških dejavnikov je, da je končno le prevladalo spoznanje, da mora Trst sodelovati z vsemi, zlasti še s svojimi neposrednimi sosedi, ki je v tem primeru pristanišče Koper oziroma Slovenija. Kljub temu pa ostaja še nepojasnjeno ozadje vzrokov in nagibov, zaradi katerih so dodelitev koncesije za bodoče upravno obdobje 30 let sedmega pomola v zadnjem trenutku sprejeli tudi že omenjeni krogi Pola svoboščin, ki so do zadnjega ostro polemizirali z “razprodajalci” tržaškega pristanišča slovenskemu vplivu in kapitalu. Po nekaterih virih naj bi za dosego soglasja odločilno prispeval predsednik pristaniške oblasti dr. Ma-resca, ki je bil pred pičlima dvema letoma imenovan na to mesto in velja za odprtega človeka. Njegova prva večja naloga je bila prav ta, da po odpovedi nizozemskega upravitelja ECT poišče novega. Ob tem je pomembno poudariti, da se je Luka Koper predstavila kot poslovno in kadrovsko sposoben kandidat z dolgoletnimi izkušnjami na področju kontajnerskega prometa. Zato v tem smislu ni imela enakovrednega tekmeca. Zelo verjetno je, da je ta okoliščina mnogo pripomogla k temu, da so tržaški desničarski krogi bili tako rekoč prisiljeni ugrizniti v zanje, politično gledano, “kislo” jabolko ali si prevzeti odgovornost za razvoj tržaškega pristanišča. To je razvidno zlasti iz “pojasnil”, ki so jih v naslednjih dneh po podpisu dogovora dali javnosti prek tiska in drugih javnih občil, saj so namreč za pristanek zahtevali in dosegli jamstva, da Koper ne bi izkoristil danega položaja v škodo Trstu. To bo verjetno držalo do določene meje, vendar je treba vprašanje ocenjevati v širšem političnem okviru. Vsi, ki so imeli pravico odločati, so imeli pred sabo edino realno rešitev za upravljanje sedmega pomola. Tisti, ki bi v svojem nasprotovanju vztrajali brez nudenja drugih alternativnih rešitev, bi v očeh tržaške javnosti in zlasti gospodarskih krogov izpadli kot večni nergači in nasprotniki novih prijemov. Zato sedaj opravičujejo svoj pristanek s pripombo, da bodo skrbno pazili, kako se bo vedla Luka Koper in še zlasti kako bo zmogla odplačevati prevzete dolgove oziroma realizirati ustrezne dobičke. Ko bi prišlo do zadevnih težav, bi bil pravi trenutek, da spet dvignejo svoj glas in zahtevajo ustrezne zaključke. Ne glede na takšna in podobna razmišljanja pa ostaja dejstvo, da je moral “mali” Koper priskočiti na pomoč “velikemu” Trstu, kar pomeni priznanje gospodarski solidnosti koprskega pristanišča in celotni Sloveniji nasploh. Sklep o umestitvi novega upravitelja sedmega pomola bi se moral uresničiti v začetku februarja prihodnjega leta. V tem prehodnem obdobju pa je pričakovati, da se bodo na tem področju dogajale še zanimive stvari. Alojz Tul NOVI GLAS, Trst/Gorica 30. novembra 2000 Skrb za invalidne potnike na letališču Brnik Brnik - Na brniškem letališču namenjajo veliko pozornosti invalidnim potnikom. Pomagajo jim letališke stevardese, ki jih spremljajo vse od okenca za prijavo na let, prek carine in kontrole potnih listov do letala. Pri prenosu potnika na invalidskem vozičku v letalo so si doslej morali pomagati s posebnim nosilom1 v obliki sedeža, zdaj pa je letališko podjetje kupilo posebno vozilo za invalidne potnike. Sprejelo jih bo pri izhodnih vratih letališke stavbe, jih prepeljalo do letala in jih dvignilo do potrebne višine. V letalu jih bodo na posebnih vozičkih, prirejenih za prevoz po ozki letališki kabini, prepeljali do njihovega sedeža. Z novim vozilom bodo lahko dvignili invalidne potnike do višine štirih metrov, kar zadošča tudi za večja letala, kot so A-320, B-737, B-757, B-767, torej za vse tipe letal, ki ta čas pristajajo na brniškem letališču. Vozilo, ki je izdelek znanega italijanskega proizvajalca letališke opreme Avio-gei, izpolnjuje vse zahteve standarda kakovosti ISO 9001, prav tako pa tudi mednarodnih letaliških organizacij ICAO in IATA. Zanj so odšteli 33 milijonov tolarjev (US $137.000, op. ur. AD). L. S. Delo fax, 10. dec. 2000 Solčavski plaz še leze Solčava - Regijski Center za obveščanje je 8. decembra spet poročal o pomikanju Mecesnikovega plazu v Podolševi nad Solčavo. Ta naj bi v zadnjih dveh dneh napredoval za 140 centimetrov, zato ostajajo v veljavi vsi ukrepi civilne zaščite. ■ Kot je pojasnil tajnik solčavske občine Janez Čer-ček, je'še vedno velika bojazen, da bi se zemeljska gmota utegnila tudi utrgati: “Plaz se od začetka novembra vsak dan pomakne približno za meter. Najnevarnejše je pri pontonskem mostu in sečišču s panoramsko cesto ter na vrhu plazišča, kjer je teren podoben živemu pesku.” Preteča gmota je dolga približno 2,5 kilometra in široka do 150 metrov. Vesele božične praznike in srečno Novo leto vošči Jože Sojer 292 E. 235 St., Euclid, OH 44123 Vesele božične praznike in srečno Novo leto Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! V V • • VOSC1JO Matt in Stani Grdadolnik ter družine Grdadolnik in DiMare Euclid, Ohio Vesele božične praznike in srečno Novo leto vošči Milena Dovič 370 E. 266 St., Euclid, OH 44132 Z AMERIŠKO DOMOVINO STE VEDNO NA TEKOČEM Drive in - or Walk In BRONKOS Drive-in Beverage 510 East 200th St. DMH Corp. Euclid, Ohio 44119 531-8844 Imported and Domestic Beer and Wine Soft Drinks - Milk - Ice - Snacks Imported Slovenian Wines Radenska Mineral Water -■=> We have all Ohio Lottery Games <= Open Mon. - Sat. 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday (No wine sold) 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Owner - David Heuer BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. (216) 481-5277 Between Chardon Rd. & E. 222 St. in Euclid, Ohio ANICA RESNIK Toronto, Kanada - NAŠE ŽIVLJENJE - ... je kot voda, ki od malega izvira do končnega izliva v reko, jezero in morje teče prek vseh časov v večnost in nosi s seboj vso moč, lepoto in težo preteklih časov. V nedeljo, 12. novembra, se je v dvorani pri Brezmadežni zbralo okrog sto fantov in deklet, večina rojenih v letih 1950 do 1960 v župniji Marije Pomagaj, ki so obiskovali šole in organizacije v otroških in mladostnih letih. Med njimi so bili Matija Lebar, Andrej Pahulja, Ovčjakovi fantje in dekleta, ki še danes s svojo glasbo osrečujejo naše ljudstvo. Na srečanje so povabili č.g. Toneta Zr-neca, svojega nekdanjega Upnika, učitelja in voditelj3 mladinskih zborov pri Mariji Pomagaj v letih 1960-1970, da z daritvijo sv. maše blagoslovi ta izredni dogodek in z njimi podoživlja srečne in kulturno bogate mlade čase. Organizacijo tega srečanja je vodil Boris Grmek s po-tuočniki Andrejem Pahulje, Marto Demšar in Marto Ovčjak. Naj to srečanje mladih pomeni začetek no-Ve dejavnosti v slovenski družbi v Torontu: Slovenec Sem, Slovenec hočem ostati. ^ dneh od 17. do 20. ttovembra je v Metro Toronto Convention Centre v okviru Toronto 2000 Inter-tmtional Art Fair razstavljal zt°k Šmajs-Muni iz Velenj na štajerskem. Čast in pri-2rianje modernemu umetni-Slovencu (roj. 1953), da Se je pridružil razstavi 60 Umetnostnih galerij iz 16 dežel po svetu. komorni dekliški zbor °x Hirica iz Ilirske Bistri-Ce fe v nedeljo, 26. novem-ra Prepeval pri Mariji Po-tr'a^aj> 28. novembra pa j^stopU pri Brezmadežni s °ncertom ljudskih in u-'befnih pesmi. Disciplinira- no petje odkriva poslušalcem lepoto otožno romantičnih melodij slovenske duše. Danilo in Helena Vovk imata največ zaslug za torontski obisk tega zbora. Za dan državnosti, 1. decembra, sta veleposlanik dr. Božo Cerar in častni konzul za Slovenijo Jože Slobodnik pripravila srečanje s torontskimi Slovenci v prostorih slovenskega konzulata v Mississaugi. Tretjega decembra so članice Katoliške ženske lige pri Mariji Pomagaj pripravile nedeljsko kosilo in prodajale pecivo. Obisk je bil zadovoljiv, uspeh popoln, dobiček pa gre za dobrodelne namene doma in po svetu. Povabile so na kosilo še domače cerkvene pevce, ki nedeljo za nedeljo lepšajo cerkveno bogoslužje. V nedeljo, 10. decembra, smo pri Mariji Pomagaj poslušali božični koncert, kjer so nastopili Nina in Franc Kompare. Ta dan je pridne male in velike otroke obiskal sv. Miklavž. ...Še stojim ob vodi. Iz preteklosti teče v sedanjost. Pred petdesetimi leti smo prišli iskat novo življenje v novo deželo. Fant je našel dekle in ona njega. Iz skupne ljubezni je rastla družina. Zazvonilo je pri Mariji Pomagaj in nato pri Brezmadežni, v Hamiltonu, v Winnipegu in Montrealu. Štela so se leta, dvajset, trideset, štirideset, petdeset. Zdaj se vrste jubileji, srebrni, zlati... V septembru sta z družino in prijatelji praznovala 45 let zakonske zvestobe in ljubezni ing. Peter in Stephanie Pavlin, v oktobru pa zlato poroko Ivan in Francka Preželj, vsi aktivni člani župnije Marije Pomagaj. Slovenska restavracija Linden je bila kraj vesele- Primorski Klub ŽELI VSEM VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE TER SREČNO IN ZDRA VO NO VO LETO! ga slavja. Za mnoge znance in prijatelje pa je življenje izteklo v večnost. Jože Lenarčič je v oktobru zapustil družino in “domačijo” na Slovenskem letovišču. V novembru je Lojze Gruntar, velik dobrotnik župnije Marije Pomagaj in Doma Lipa, po kratki bolezni odšel v Večni dom. Tam se je v istih dneh srečal s . Francem Goriškom iz župnije Brezmadežne. Katarino Košir je v starosti dvaindevetdeset let poklical Gospodar življenja in jo združil z možem Francem. Pred mnogimi leti, v začetku župnije Marije Pomagaj, je pokojna Katarina s petimi otroki po težkih časih v Sloveniji prišla za njim v Kanado in ga našla že v predzgod-njem grobu. Za praznovanje Rojstva Gospodovega nas bo pripravljal č.g. Lojze Furlan iz koprske škofije. Naj zunanji božični šum in hrup z vsemi modernimi okraski ne zaduši pravi pomen Božiča v naših dušah! Naj v srcu in duši današnjega človeka zasveti jasna luč prave Resnice, ki prinaša človeku mir, ljubezen in dobrota do bližnjega, luč vere, ki dviga malodušnega iz globin dvomov in obupa, blaga luč modernemu človeku, da ob revnih jaslicah pri Sveti družini začuti polnost in svobodo čiste ljubezni, ki se daruje in veseli življenja in hvali Stvarnika za vsa Njegova velika dela. Srečne, blagoslovljene praznike vsem ljudem dobre volje! Listen to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio Tony Ovsenik 440-944-2538 Blagoslovljene božične praznike in srečno, zdravo Novo leto želimo vsem! Družina Klesinova 1930 Himrod Street Ridgewood, NY 11385-1231 Namesto božičnih kart pošiljamo pomoči potrebnim Vesele božične praznike in srečno Novo leto želi vsem prijateljem in znancem Martin Walentschak 785 Walnut Drive Euclid, Ohio 44132-2131 Pesmi ,.. in Melodije iz Ncisc Lepe Slovenije 2405 somrackDrive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 Radijska Družina Cleveland 440-953-1709 tf.l/fax web: www.wcsb.org ED MEJAC Vodja Radijske Dntžine WCSB 89.3 FM Nedelja 9-10 am Sreda 6-7 pm Vesele božične praznike in srečno Novo leto VOSCI Družina Jarem v Štefka, Terri, Helen in Tony z družino EUCLID, OHIO Blagoslovljen Božič ter vso srečo v Novem letu 2001 želim vsem mojim sorodnikom in prijateljem Olga Kalar 22700 Arms Avenue Euclid, Ohio 44123 Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1358. Advent je povabilo, da božje obljube zaživijo v krščanskem občestvu. Že dva tedna je skoraj minilo od začetka adventa. Ob vsakem začetku si predočimo obljube, ki bi spremenile nas same. In kako resni smo pri svojih obljubah? “Ozrite se kvišku in dvignite glave: vaše odrešenje se približuje!” Nenavezanost na razkošje in dobrine tega sveta, povezanost z Bogom. Zato: “Čujte in molite!” Ko se Sveto leto počasi steka, je prav, da tudi mi sodelujoči v misijonskem zaledju počastimo Kristusa v evharističnem kruhu in se zahvalimo za milosti jubilejnega leta. Prihodnost vsakega človeka je nepopisan list. Kristjani smo povabljeni, da ga popišemo z dobrimi deli, z odpuščanjem, ljubeznijo do bližnjih, do trpečih, razočaranih. V svet moramo prinašati Kristusovo luč, njegovo veselo novico, odprtost za življenje. In ko nas ljubezen do Boga skloni k potrebam človeka-brata, se nam od-pro vrata,' ki vodijo do srca nebes. Od srca do srca iz misijonskega sveta: Oglasil se je misijonar J&nez Muj-drica iz Zambije: “Kmalu bo že spet božič in čas, da Vam napišem par besed. Pišem redko, le enkrat na leto, toda spominjam se vas vsak dan pri maši in vseh dobrotnikov, ko prosim Jezusa za vaše zdravje in srečo. Hvala za pozdrave in petsto dolarjev, ki ste jih poslali po misijonarju Lojzetu Podgrajšku. Denar bom porabil za revne študente na učiteljišču. Že pet let je, odkar delam na tem učiteljišču. Delo s študenti me zelo veseli. Veliko debatiramo o tem, kako naj vzgoja spremeni posameznika in družbo, v kateri živimo. Na žalost je naš študentski list bil prepovedan, ker smo bili malo preveč kritični do naše družbe. Molite za moje študente, da bodo vztrajali v borbi za lepšo bodočnost. Zdravje mi še kar dobro služi. Od časa do časa rabim palico, pa ne za pretep, ampak za hojo. Pravijo, da je psihološko, ker sem - “razočaran, da nisem postal škof’ -. Pa še drugič kaj več. Prisrčen pozdrav iz afriških daljav. Veseli božič in srečo v 2001! Janez Mujdrica, SJ” Oglasila se je Anica Tusharjeva, glavna predsednica MZA, iz Gilberta, Minnesota, in sicer piše takole: “V oktobru nas je obiskal naš duhovni sin Fr. John Kuziona iz Malavija. Ob tej priliki so nekateri darovali za njegove potrebe, za njegov misijonski apostolat. Dobrotniki so se sami odzvali potem, ko je daroval sv. mašo in pridigo koncem tedna. Pa tudi med tednom je maševal dnevno, bila je prav lepa udeležba. Skupno je bilo zanj zbrano in darovano $1680. Polovico tega je bilo darovano za sv. maše, kar bo zelo rad opravil. Povedal je, da nimajo dovolj maš od ljudi. Pač pa od škofijskega urada dobi 9 mašnih štipendij, od vsake dobi komaj 1 dolar. Maroltova in Kovatoviče-va družina je dala izredno lepo vsoto njemu v dar. Poleg njih so darovali še sledeči: Jože in Silva Dolenc, Milka Škorjanc, Cilka Zupančič, Julia Tushar, Fr. Janez Šuštaršič, J. & A. T. ter Mary Paternost; vsi so darovali za sv. maše. Dalje: Rezka in Andrej Pucko, Rose Veronick, Kirn Primerjeva družina, Frances Priner, Fred Shusterich družina, Rose Konnors, Fr. Frank Perkovich in še dr. Ken Holbeck, kateri mu je tudi popravil brezplačno bolan zob. Vsi darovalci so prinesli sami od sebe brez vsakršnega naprošanja. Gotovo je bilo Bogu še bolj všeč, ker smo mu na ta način omogočili nadaljevanje njegovega misijonskega poslanstva v Malaviju. Dalje poroča Tusharjeva: Misijonska nedelja 2000 na Gilbertu: “Ker nas je na Gilbertu ostalo še zelo malo, ne prirejamo nikakršnih misijonskih prireditev, pač pa napravimo nabirko za vse misijonarje. Tako so darovali: $500 - Rev. Stanley Dolšina, Duluth, Minn. Po $100: Joe in Silva Dolenc, Maria in Stanley Ferkul, Leopolda Schutte. $60: John in Anica Tushar. Po $40: Mary Bajda, Julka in France Samsa (Bemidji, Minn.), Cilka Zupančič. Po $30: Andrej in Rezka Pucko, Katherine Trampusch. $25: Ivanka Sešek. Po $20: Vida Lanari, Martina Michals, Mary Paternost, Milka Škorjance. $10: Rose Kobe. Skupaj znaša nabirka $1155. Za Prijatelje Radia Ognjišča so darovali po $60 Joe in Silva Dolenc ter John in Anica Tushar. Skupna vsota $1275 je bila odposlana Rudiju Knezu za vse misijonarje. Posebej je bilo darovano še $200 za maše, kar smo odposlali misijonarjem. Vsem skupaj in vsakemu posebej moja prisrčna zahvala v imenu vseh misij o-(dalje na str. 23) Vesele božične praznike in srečno Novo leto vošči Družina Stane Mrva 3014 Rockefeller Rd., Willoughby Hills, OH Vesele božične praznike in srečno Novo leto Želi vsem prijateljem in znancem Ivanka Matic z družino Odbor Štajerskega in prekmurskega kluba ŽELI VSEM SVOJIM ČLANOM, ROJAKOM IN PRIJATELJEM VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE TER SREČNO NOVO LETO! VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO! i DRUŽINA VIKTOR TOMINEC 24912 Pleasant Trail Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 Vesele božične praznike ki so pozabili, nje ki izgubljajo upa-rajo ^ ki te preži- S sn ?Ct Je uJeta svetloba v kristale. rneIodij^VOWka S° P°lnC ki ir, jo veter trosi po Jn 'ŽCnjh poJjamh’ lju.. JO Prinaša v srca ^ tcr vabi skrivnosti svete noči. Tina Rot V Ventne pozdrav vsem! blitvi povezani, Sonja Ferjan Lunness Rd., Toronto N M8W 4M7 Canada Tel-: (416) 255-2519 g Vesele, blagoslovljene Božične praznike g * in srečno novo leto! g Mara C. in Gary R. Hull 1440 Bunts Rd. - Lakewood, OH 44107 ‘T Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto! Jože in Mili Lekan Willoughby Hills, Ohio g Družina w Janez Semen Willoughby Hills, Ohio ŽELI VSEM PRIJATELJEM IN ZNANCEM BLAGOSLOVLJEN BOŽIČ IN ZDRAVO, SREČNO NOVO LETO Precision Grinding Corp. PRECISION GRINDING AND GENERAL MACHINGING 6717 St. Clair Ave. Phone: 391-7294 Želimo vsem rojakom vesele božične praznike in vso srečo v novem letu! Želiva vsem prijateljem in znancem Blagoslovljen Božic, ter zdravo in srečno novo leto. Frank and Ivica Mavsar Cleveland, Ohio Družina Dragica Pust Cleveland, Ohio Želi vsem prijateljem in znancem Blagoslovljen Božič in srečno, zdravo novo leto. Vesele in blagoslovljene božične praznike \ in srečno novo leto! t t t S g g K l ^ Hvala vsem, ki ste se letos spomnili na podjetje LAVRISHA Construction & Repair 6507 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 216-391-0035 Upam, da ste zadovoljni z delom, ki sem vam ga napravil. Voščim vsem vesele božične praznike in srečno Novo leto! PAVLE M. LAVRISHA A note of thanks for all your calls during this past year. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! msmiLB ROŽieML PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO EETO Frank & Julka Zalar f 25200 Pleasant Trail Richmond Heights, OH 44143 Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto g voščijo I Jože, Rozi in Chris Selan Barbi, Jimmy, Grace in Corrin Nemeckay Michelle, Rich, Rebecca, Samantha | in Zachary Sikora -----------------------------------g Vesele božate praznike in srečno Novo Leto želimo vsem! Jože in Francka Kristanc z družino 344 E. 264,h St. Euclid, Ohio 44132 t S želijo prijateljem in znancem g 1 Rudi in Anica Knez in Družini Vesele Božične Praznike in Srečno Novo Lelo! Heinz Mikota, D.D.S. Tel.: 431-3772 6420 St. Clair Ave Cleveland, Ohio 44103 S t Blagoslovljene božične praznike in j? srečno novo leto želi vsem prijateljem in znancem Tony, Vida, Marko in i Veronica Oblak * Euclid, Ohio Vsem članom in prijateljem želimo srečno in blagoslovljeno Novo Leto PRISTAVSKI UPOKOJENCI NOVI GROBOVI (nadaljevanje s str. 17) zar, mati Dolores Mihelich in Geraldine Goodwin, 5-krat stara mati, 11-krat prastara mati, sestra An-thonyja, Ann Doles, Franka, Veronice Gerjevic, Mary Eckart ter že pok. Josephine Brodnik, Josepha in Johna. Pogreb je bil 12. dec. v oskrbi Zeletovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Družina priporoča darove v pokojničin spomin Slovene Home for the Aged Foundation, 18621 Neff Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119. Florence Cvelbar Umrla je Florence Cvelbar, rojena Nichols, vdova po Johnu in po Paulu, mati Geraldine Schuman, Normana Nichols in Kennetha Nichols, stara mati in prastara mati. Pogreb je bil 11. dec. s sv. mašo v cerkvi Immaculate Heart of Mary na Lansing Ave. s pokopom na pokopališču Brooklyn Hts. William A. Brletic Dne 8. decembra je umrl 77 let stari William A. Brletic, mož Dorothy, roj. Juha, brat Mildred Brletic, Berthe Milovich ter že pok. Anne Potts, Catherine, Stevena in Josepha. Pogreb je bil 12. dec. s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida v Lorainu, Ohio. Mary A. Paik Dne 5. decembra je u-mrla 90 let stara Maty A. Paik, rojena Grainer, žena Josepha in vdova po Franku Gričar in Michaelu' Kocjan, mati Richarda Gričar, Franka Gričar in Michaela Kocjan, pastorka Dolores Mihelich in Geraldine Goodwin, 14-krat stara mati, 13-krat prastara mati, sestra že pok. Josepha, Charlesa, Ann Tews in Louisa. Po- ? grcb je bil 9. dec. s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Felicite in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Darovi v pokojničin spomin Slovenian Home for the Aged Foundation bodo s hvaležnostjo sprejeti. Mary J. Leskovec Dne 2. decembra jc u-mrla 91 let stara Mary J. Leskovec, rojena Justin, vdova po Edwardu, mati Margaret Katz, Edwarda in Judith Duke, 9-krat stara mati, 15-krat prastara mati. Pogreb je bil 9. dec. s sv. mašo v cerkvi St. Justin Martyr s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. 4 o I j I ! VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO! s i i *5 Tony and Mary Vogel in družina * s i Vesele, miru polne božične praznike ter sreče, ^ 2 Euclid, Ohio zdravja in uspehov polno novo leto želi vsem ^ " Družina * s 0 mm ' m Matija Lončar i 1 i Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto Frank & Metka Dejak 1731 €. 230 St.. €uclid, Ohio 44117 I Vesele Božične Praznike in Srečno Novo Leto! o o Lojze in Silva Lončar in družina 9630 Woodcroft Ct. Kirtland, Ohio 44094 1 Vesele Božične Praznike in Srečno Novo Leto! i I Folklorna skupina Kres Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ! § l $ A Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto! ALBINA MRŠNIK Z DRUŽINO 19300 l ake Shore, Cleveland, O. 44119 <5 S \ | 4 4 a Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto Emilee and Rikk Jenko l i ! l 5 I Vesele božične praznike in srečno Novo letu vam želijo Milan, Blažena, Br*rbi, Suzi in Franki RIHTAR kakor tudi David, Kerry, Jack in Max i \ >* 4 L SLOVENSKE DRUŽINE NA TIBBITS ROAD V KIRTLAND, OHIO [ voščijo svojim sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem i i 'S VESEL BOŽIČ in SREČNO NOVO LETO Jože, Vera Žnidaršič Stan, Denise Krnic Joe, Mimi, Berta Marinko Tone, Ludmila Škerl Janez, Tončka Švigelj Feliks, Ana, Breznikar Herman, Julija Miller John, Carolann Leskovec Jože, Lilliana Starck