' T -V ~ '«** . M »fi-V* ON THE COVER... Crucifixion of Christ This wooden sculpture from the year 1370 is a treasure kept at the Church of St. George in Piran. It shows the magnificent figure upon a cross made to simulate the branches of a tree. We behold on His countenance the look of a spirit unbroken through suffering. Photo: "UMETNOSTI ZAKLADI SLOVENIJE" HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN MARCH National Officers: Mar. 1 - Cirila Kermavner, National Vice-President, Cleveland, OH Mar. 3 - Jennie Flisek, Regional President of Penna-NY-DC, Oakmont, PA Mar. 9 - Victoria Bobence, National President, Soudan, MN Mar. 16 - Frances Morison, Director of Women’s & Youth Activities, Chicago, IL Presidents: Mar. 2 - Joyce Vieich, Br. 20, Joliet, IL Mar. 8 - Mary Zakrajšek, Br. 86, Nashwauk, MN Mar. I 1 - Anna Mae Melle, Br. 91, Oakmont, PA Mar. 13 - Martha Koren, Br. 14, Cleveland, OH Mar. 13 - Josephine Artac, Br. 102, Willard, WI Mar. 18 - Mary Messersmith, Br. 8, Steelton, PA Mar. 19 - Louise Catterlin, Br. 55, Girard, OH Mar. 28 - Dorothy Lamm, Br. 32, Euclid, OH Mar. 31 - Adeline Mustonen, Br. 34, Soudan, MN Secretaries: Mar. 8 - Mary Podgornik, Br. 99, Elmhurst, IL Mar. 15 - Ann Dickovich, Br. 81, Keewatin. MN Mar. 25 - Frances Kucie. Br. 27, N. Braddock. PA DATES TO REMEMBER... Apr. 2- CARD & GAMES PARTY, Br. 16, So. Chicago, IL Apr. 16 - PA-NY-DC STATE CONVENTION, Br. 91 hostess at Acme Club in Acemetonia, PA Apr. 22 - RUMMAGE SALE, Br. 20, Joliet, IL, St. Joseph’s Park, 8-4:30 p.m. Apr. 29 - SPRING DANCE, Br. 79, Enumdaw, WA, VFW Hall oootiocecoecooecooeoososoeoeoooosoec ZARJA - THE DAWN (ISSN 0044-1848) Postmaster: Send all changes ot address to: ZARJA -THE DAWN, 2032 W. Cermak Rd„ Chicago, IL 60608 NUMBER 3 MARCH, 1989 VOLUME 61 Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women's Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze. Published monthly except January, June it! August — izhaja vsak mesec razen januar, junij in avgust. Annual Subscription for non-members, $K).(X) — naročnina $I0.(X) letno za ne-članice. Publisher: SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA 431 No. Chicago St., Joliet, IL 60432 Telephone (815) 727-1926 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, IL All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the first week of the month — vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do I. v mesecu. Editor, CORINNE LESKOVAR Editorial Office: 2032 VV. Cermak Rd., Chicago, IL 60608 Telephone: (312) 847-6679 Apr. 30 - MOTHER OF THE YEAR PARTY, Br. 1, Sheboygan, WI at St. Cyril’s Church Mav 9 - MOTHER OF THE YEAR PARTY, Br. 42, Maple lists., OH Mav 17 - MOTHER OF THE YEAR PARTY, Br. 10, Cleveland, OH May 17 - MOTHER OF THE YEAR LUNCHEON, Br. 54, Warren, OH, Elks on Kt. 422 May 21 - MOTHER OF THE YEAR PARTY, Hr. 35, Aurora, MN, Holy Rosary Church Hall May 21 - MOTHER’S DAY PARTY, Br. 79, Enumdaw, WA June 22 - JUNIOR’S PICNIC, Br. 12, Milwaukee, WI at Jackson Park July 16 - ZVEZA DAY IN LEMONT, Br. 2, Chicago. IL at Lcniont, II. Sep. 10 - WISCONSIN STATE CONVENTION, Br. 102 Willard, WI Oct. 15 - CARD PARTY, Br. 12, Milwaukee, W I NDEPENDENT AVINGS BANK 1515 E. 260th, Euclid, Ohio 44132 731-8865 920 E. 185th, Cleveland, Ohio 44119 486-4100 2765 SOM Center Rd., Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 944-3400 27100 Chardon Road, Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 944-5500 6650 Pearl Road, Parma Hts., Ohio 44130 845-8200 d\fationa£ 'ičzA/^zaacjL II5 4 7 c 8 “A JOY-FILLED LENT” Wherever one travels in Northern Minnesota the topic of conversation is focused on “snow.” With over 60" of snow on the ground it is a cause for joy and concern. The ski and snowmobile enthusiasts are thrilled with the white fluff. On any given weekend the area has winter sports activities for young and old. Last weekend the 20th All-American Sled Dog races were held in Ely, Giant’s Ridge near Biwabik held their 5th annual Pepsi Challenge ski races with over 800 participating, and the Wilderness Trek cross-country ski races between Tower-Soudan and Ely are scheduled for the following weekend. Ice fishing on our lakes brings out only the rugged, strong and healthy bodies, a special characteristic admired by the “couch potato.” Hockey is played in almost every community from the little PeeWees on through high school and college, an exciting and "fun to watch” sport. So—winter creates varied and entertaining activities for all to enjoy. Whoever said our winters were dull! The Department of Natural Resources has expressed concern for the deer; if this trend continues, the heavy snow threatens disaster. Even the wolves are practically swimming in the deep snow, making it difficult for them also. It has been brought to our attention that some branches have not been auditing their financial accounts regularly. According to the By-laws a minimum of two (2) Auditors is required. Branches with large memberships should have the treasurer’s books audited twice a year, at six-month and annual intervals unless required sooner. Regional Presidents who have treasuries must also have their books audited before their Regional Convention, subsequently giving the Treasurer's Report at the business meeting along with the Auditors’ Report. A reminder to all eligible Junior members graduating from high school this year, get busy and send in your application for the Slovenian Women’s Union Scholarship as the deadline is March 31st. Concern as to the proper ownership of the Secretary and Treasurer records needs to be addressed. In the event of the demise of a branch officer, the books must be given to another S.W.U. branch officer or member. No one has a right to dispose of S.W.U. records. They are the sole possession of the S.W.U branch organization. The history of your organization is written in the secretary’s book and they must be preserved. Take time to check this matter out immediately as tomorrow oftentimes is too late. Discuss this at your meeting and then act accordingly. During my daily Lenten readings, Dr. Carr Elizabeth Worland speaks of Lent as "A Time of Celebration.” To have an opportunity to love the Lord more fully every day surely is a cause for celebration. Lent is a time of increased prayer, self-denial and service, a cause for joy. JOY can and must accompany our prayers. JOY can and must accompany our trials and self-denial. JOY can and must accompany our service. Whatever we do this Lent, make sure our Lenten activities are done for the right reason-to know and love God better. May you have a joy-filled Lent and may God Love You! Victoria “Tory” Bobence, President Slovenian Women’s Union of America MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN NOTES TORY’S BOUQUET CAMPAIGN Cash prizes according to the following points! $1 cash for one full point, 50 cents cash for every half point and 25 cents for every quarter point! Class B new member earns a full point, Class A, half point and Junior, one quarter point! Think Spring! Your prospective members will bloom as our Zveza flowers! Applications and further information available from your branch secretary or from the S.W.U. National Secretary, Olga Ancel, 431 N. Chicago St., Joliet, IL 60432. NO. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WI Here it is! January is past and we are still enjoying our great winter. No snow to shovel and comfortable living conditions. It is great to see the elderly out and around this winter. Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Ruth and I decided that seeing it is possible for all the members to get around we will treat you to a special St. Patrick’s Day torte. Maybe a little "B” game if we have enough members present. See you in the church hall, March 21, 7 p.m. We are pleased to announce that Pauline Rupar is our Mother of the Year. We are celebrating on April 30, 1988 at St. Cyril Church, 10:30 mass with program and potluck dinner to follow. Please mark your calendar, not to forget this important date. Branch 1 is saddened by the death of Mary Borsecnik. Mary was a 60-year member. May the soul of Mary rest in peace and God grant her eternal rest. A belated Happy Birthday to our President, Ruth Sheck, who celebrated Feb. 4. Enjoy the beautiful spring. May God’s grace and blessings be upon all who sincerely love our Lord, Jesus Christ. AGGIE GRUENKE NO. 2, CHICAGO, IL If Bush and Quale think they are the only ones holding an inauguration party in January, 1989 they don’t know about Br. 2 (and we are not spending $50 million). Our decorator, Ray Nusko turned St. Stephen’s hall into a political arena, our hall was decorated in red, white and blue - banners, flags, hanging in front were the U.S., Chicago and Slovenian flags; our table and place settings were also in the same color scheme. We even had an ex-president Nixon escort the officers for the installation which Father Thad performed. Fran presented Luba Troha with a beautiful corsage for all the years she has been the sentinel, also a beautiful corsage to Mary Foys for all the work she does for our meetings. Br. 2 thanks you both. There was a lot of business discussed at the meeting. Fran thanked and congratulated the membership for all our accomplishments and efforts such as what was done in 1988. However, the clock continues to move and a new set of challenges is facing us in 1989. To achieve those challenges will require continuing effort of the members. A few projects in the near future are: 1. PICNIC - Lemont, Illinois -July 16, please keep this on your calendar. Need prizes. Also, if you have any ideas contact Fran or one of the officers. Workers will be needed. 2. History of S.W.U. - Please if your mother, grandmother or you were active in Branch 2 or any other branch, just jot down any activity that you know of and send to one of the officers. It may not seem like much to you, but information is really needed, this will help the people who are compiling the information for the book. 3. Scholarship - More to be discussed at the next meeting. Who should be eligible and how the scholarship should be distributed! Any comments, please contact Fran. 4. Cheer Basket: A good New Year’s Resolution to remember the Cheer Basket each month. Fran asked that each member bring at least one item to the meeting. Please remember the less fortunate people. 5. Baraga Symposium - Will be held over the Memorial week-end -Lemont, Illinois - May 27-28. Keep this date marked on your calendar. Should be interesting, with speakers, tidbits of info, of what has been going on over the last year...Particulars will follow. How many of you know that Mary Foys has a beautiful collection of dolls that she has dressed in different costumes, periods, themes, which she has sewn herself. At our meeting, she brought 3 dolls that were dressed in costumes called “Pearlys” - the garment is covered completely in pearl buttons. The people that wore this outfit were London peddlers; the weight of these outfits was as much as 60 lbs. Can you imagine walking around with this? The girl peddlers wore big hats and long dresses and the men had their jackets, cap and pants also covered with buttons. Mary’s girl dolls all carried little baskets with fruit inside. It was very interesting. Thank you, Mary, for sharing this with us. Tina and Glen Schwerin celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary with their family and friends; a big party was held at Lilac Lodge. Many guests and relations came from out of town. Tina and Glenn are spending the winter in California. On January 18, Ray & Gloria (Novak) Nusko celebrated their 25th Anniversary with a party at the Candlelight Inn. Same date, Barbara (Tuzak) and Ron Jakubowski celebrated with a week-end at the Marriott Inn. Congratulations to you all, and may God grant you many more years together. Mamie & Bill Fabian with their daughter, Carol, and family spent the Christmas holidays on a Caribbean cruise, visiting St. Martin, San Juan, the Bahamas and doing lots of shopping in St. Thomas. The weather was great and they had a real good time. Corinne Leskovar spent the holidays in New Hampshire with her son Tonči’s family. It was good to see the grandchildren; they are getting big and they all had a nice time together. Please pray for our sick, Chris Pirman, Elsie Ciszek, Jennie Puhek, Jo Lukas, Kay Tuzak. We also have several members in the hospital: Stella Longosz, Lottie Skinkis and Gizela Hozian. Let’s hope they will all be with us at the next meeting. We were sorry to hear of Mary Muller’s accident while she is in California. She has several broken bones from a fall and at present must have assistance with her daily routine. We hear she is now home. Branch 2 just lost one of our senior members who has been with the lodge for many years, sang with the original St. Stephen’s choir, and was always involved with many Slovenian organizations. For the past few years she had been unable to attend meetings because of illness, but she was always there in spirit to help support and pray for the success of any project. Our condolences to Rose Mary Litwin and the Densa family on the loss of her Mother and grandmother, Antonia Densa. We will miss her, but we know she is now singing with all the Angels in heaven. Please remember Antonia in your prayers. Dates to remember: March 9 - SWU Meeting, St. Joseph Table, Chairperson: Ann Mladic March 19 - Altar Society Games, St. Stephen's Gym A belated Happy Birthday, Father Kalist - January 23. May God grant you many more. Sorry, it was an oversight! At the 90th Anniversary Dinner for St. Stephen's those beautiful table favors were made by Jo Lukas and her committee and the place settings were given by SWU - Br. 2. Enjoy the spring-like weather, hope it stays. Until next time. Take Care. Love, DAISY NO. 10, CLEVELAND, OH On Jan. 18th the meeting was called to order by Danielle Susel, vice-pres., due to the absence of president, Marie Gombach. 25 members were present. Prayers were said for our sick and deceased members. Minutes were read by Joyce Le Nassi for Ann Stefančič and approved. Rosemary Susel gave her financial report and was approved. Correspondence was read. Many Christmas cards were sent and we thank all who sent in such generous donations and paid their dues which are now due for 1989. Congratulations to our member, Alice Opalich, who celebrated her 90th birthday. A letter was read, written by our president, Marie Gombach, to the members present. Discussed was our Mother of the Year to be selected for 1989. Nominated and unaniously voted was Rose Micklich. Congratulations, Rose. She will be honored on May 17th. Keep this day open; we hope to see many of our members attend to help us honor Rose. A poem was read by Justine Girod. Thank you, Justine and we were glad you were able to attend our meeting. Our belated Christmas Party was cancelled due to unforseen circumstances. Our deepest sympathy to Veronica Gerish on the sudden loss of her son. To the family of Olga Toni who was 95 years of age when she passed away, our condolences. She was the mother of a very dear friend of mine. Also, to Victoria Pianecki on the loss of her 105 year old father, Frank Rovere. Please notify our secretary of the death of a member so that we can pay our respects. Discussed were plans for a special meeting that was held Feb. 22nd for the gathering of material for the history of our branch for the history book to be published by the SWU. Our date has been set for Wed. 17th at 1 p.m. to honor our Woman of the Year, Rose Miklich. The regular March meeting will be held on the 15th at 1 p.m. at the SND on Holmes Ave. Dues for 1989 will be collected and after the meeting we will enjoy delicious pastries. Thanks to all the members who baked. ANN STEFANČIČ NO. 12, MILWAUKEE, WI Our January thaw sure has proven good for our meeting day. We had a record show of members in attendance. It was very good to see so many of the former regulars with us again. Stavia started us with prayer. All officers were present with the exception of our Vice-President, Jo Wilhelm who wasn’t feeling too well and asked to be excused. The upcoming card party was discussed and tickets were available but since then we learned that the people in charge of the hall forgot to notify the owner and she had given the day to someone else. So, now we won't be having the card party until Sunday, October 15, 1989 at John’s Hall. Please change the date on your calendar. In a way I’m glad as it gives us more time to plan and doesn’t crowd the spring with Easter being so early. We were reminded of our State Convention to be held in Willard on Sunday, Sept. 10, 1989. Keep that date in mind also. Mary Kiel was asked to line up a bus for the occasion as well as trying to get a one day bus tour for the summer sometime. Wishing her success in both assignments! The Junior Picnic will also be possible this June 22 at our usual spot in Jackson Park. Seniors are invited to be with us as well. Mary Skusek was reported in the hospital and Tillie Russ is to go for tests. We wish all our ailing members “good recovery”. Thanks to al I the December and Jan-uary "birthday girls” and we all enjoyed a very good lunch again served by Mary Kiel, Agnes Morrow, Mary Evanich, Mary Bucovnik, Ann Sac- hen, Sophie Rozman, Bernice Pow-alke and Phyllis. We sang Happy Birthday to all. Remember the cookbooks and Mrs. Mum’s Poetry Book are still for sale. We also played our favorite games before finally ending the day. Good health in the new year to all! M.D. NO. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CA Greetings from San Francisco for the new year, 1989. We elected our slate of officers and they are as follows: President, Jo Auito, Vice-Presi-dent, Anna Fabian, Treasurer, Michele Twers, Financial Secretary, Moreen Spencer, Recording Secretary. Beverly Jackson, Auditors, Virginia Sustarich and Ann Sustarich, Reporters, Beverly Jackson and Pol-dica Podgornik (Slovenian). May we have another successful and fun year. Our December meeting was a Christmas Party with 20 members present. We exchanged gifts and had a wonderful lunch with scrumptious desserts. We opened our January meeting with 9 members present. We brought bag lunches and dessert was provided. We discussed our Pot Luck for March which will be held at noon. Contact Jo Auito for later details. We had a Valentine Social in February. I would love to see more members joining us with the warmer weather coming. Our meetings are brief and to the point and we have lots of laughs together! Several of our members have been sick and we certainly hope they return to our group soon. We were very happy to welcome a new social member, Mary Budiselich. Her usual smile is a pleasant addition. We send love and good wishes to Sylvia Burk-land. You are missed and we hope to see you soon. Get well wishes to all our members who are ill and loving thoughts to those who are just unable to attend. May the year 1989 be a blessed and a happy year for all our sisters. Be kind to each other and be careful of your thoughts; they may become words at any moment. BEVERLY JACKSON Hermine Dicke: MORE REPLIES from SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS It is a pleasure to present three very capable scholarship winners: Margaret Hodnik, 1974, Branch No. 35; Patricia Turvey (great granddaughter of Marie Prisland), 1975, Branch No. 1; and Rosanne M. Savol, 1963, Branch No. 20. Margaret Hodnik: “The Slovenian Women’s Union scholarship helped pay for my education at Macalester College in St. Paul, MN, where in 1978, I received a BA degree in English literature. College was very challenging. I met many interesting people and had the chance to experience the Twin Cities metropolitan area. Coming from a small town, and moving to a city broadened my horizons in general. After working for an advertising firm for a short time, I have been employed at The Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company in St. Paul, MN for the past 8-1/2 years. Starting in the space planning department, I worked on various projects related to the company’s new 21-story headquarters from designing office floor plans to the planning and executing the move to the new office for our 1000 employees. I was promoted to a supervisory position in the marketing department, to manager of direct mail marketing. I am now manager of direct response (telemarketing and direct mail) with 75 employees. My formal education helped in my career, but my family background also made it possible. I learned my managerial skills from my mother (Anna Hodnik) who is really organized; my sense of fairness in dealing with people from my father and my sense of cooperation from my favorite aunt. Along with Slovenian work ethic, these influences benefitted me. The 1980’s brought tremendous changes for women in the workplace. Jobs previously held by men began being filled by women. Being in such a situation, I sometimes felt like ‘a stranger in a strange land’ - a pioneer of sorts in a mostly male world - reminding me of how my grandmothers must have felt coming to a new country and a very different life. Presently I am single. My ‘family’ in particular, are my nieces and nephews, very special to me!” Patricia Turvey: “I feel that I have truly benefitted as a Slovenian Women’s Union scholarship winner, and would like to thank the S.W.U. once again for their support in my education. In 1979, I graduated cum laude from Michigan Technological University in Houghton, MI with a Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Technology, as well as minors in microbiology and research development. Upon completion of a 12-month internship at St. Vincent Hospital in Green Bay, WI, I was certified by the American Society of Clinical Pathologists as a medical technologist. For two years I worked in all areas of the evening shifts at St. Vincent Hospital with much patient contact in the emergency room, intensive care units, mental health wards, oncology and pediatric areas. But it was very rewarding as the results of my work were apparent each day. I then accepted a position at Abbott-Northwestem Hospital and moved to the ‘Minneapple’. Living in the Twin Cities was fabulous! I was employed in the chemistry laboratory at the hospital, and was responsible for the toxicology, cardiac enzyme and electrophoresis areas. It was a high-pressure, fast-paced job, but the knowledge I obtained was immense. Currently, I am employed by the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. I work in the enzyme lab, performing many tests used to diagnose genetic abnormalities, and I teach medical laboratory technician students, post doctor-als, and pathology resident in this area. I am engaged to Dr. John Fetsch, a surgical pathologist, here at Mayo and plan to be married in the summer of 1989.” “Oh Ta Svet!” Rosanne M. Savol: “I am happy to participate in the S.W.U. 40th anniversary of the scholarship program. The scholarship I received was a tremendous help to my college education. To be sure, the financial assistance was important, but looking back, I realize that the S.W.U. ‘vote of confidence’ in my future was even more valuable than the money. After graduation from St. Francis Academy (Joliet, IL) in 1963, I attended the College of St. Francis in Joliet. 1 graduated from CSF in 1967 with a bachelor of science degree in Chemistry. For the next four years I worked as a chemist at Argonne National Laboratory. Then I decided to make a change. For a year I studied the history and philosophy of science at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana. The move to Indiana proved to be a good choice. In 1972, I joined Miles Inc., in Elkhart, Indiana in a management position dealing with government regulations. I work for the Diagnostics Division of Miles which manufactures clinical tests used in doctors’ offices, hospitals and by diabetics in their homes. Our products are reagent strips for testing urine and blood. As manager of Regulatory Affairs, I am responsible for obtaining product approvals from the Food and Drug Administration and other governmental agencies. My job is a wonderful blend of science, medicine and business which I find very satisfying. Through my work I have been active in several national professional societies and trade associations. I have been Chairman of the St. Joseph Valley Section of the American Chemical Society. This year I was elected Vice President for Membership for the Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society. I am also happy that I’m living in Northern Indiana, a vibrant, ‘not too big, but not too small’ midwest community. I thank the S.W.U. for its support of education. Enclosed is a donation for the scholarship program to help celebrate its 40th anniversary. LAST NOTICE! FIVE $1,001) SCHOLARSHIPS IN 1989! Dear High School Seniors: You are eligible for a $1,000 scholarship if you have been a Slovenian Women’s Union member for at least three years and are contemplating enrollment in an accredited college or university in the fall. Since the deadline for submitting pertinent information is Mar. 31st please apply by filling out the form below and mailing it immediately to Hermine Dicke, 3717 Council Crest, Madison, WI 53711. We wish all of you much happiness and success in your final high school semester. Cordially, Hermine Dicke, chairman S.W.U. Scholarship Committee NO. 17, WEST ALLIS, WI It’s March which means spring cannot be too far away, although we did have a rather somewhat mild winter, we wholeheartedly welcome spring with its first colorful yellow crocuses and daffodils with a few patches of green here and there. With St. Patrick’s Day on Friday, March 17th, we become Irish-Slove-nians for a day and just a week later, we look forward eagerly to the glorious celebration of Easter on Sunday, March 26th. We lost another member, Theresa Verbnik who passed away on Saturday, Jan. 21st at the age of 91 years. She had been a resident at St. Joseph’s Home for the Aged for the past 3 years. Mass of Christian burial took place at St. Joseph's Home on Jan. 24th with burial at Mt. Olivet Cemet- ery. Our sincere condolences to the Verbnik families. Br. 102 of Willard will host the State Convention on Sunday, Sept. 10th, 1989 at Willard, Wisconsin. Members, I know it is a bit early, but plan to attend and keep the date in mind. Our very active member, Jackie Nimmer, with daughter, Joan, left on Feb. 1st for a well deserved vacation to Palm Desert, California to visit with friends and sight-see. They will also visit with her daughter, Nancy and family in Scottsdale, Arizona before returning home about the 8th of March. If a change of beneficiary is needed on your policy, please contact Sec. Joan Yaklich to make the necessary changes; also if you are sending in your dues book and payment, please enclose return postage. Happy St. Patrick’s Day and a Blessed Easter to all members and friends. FRAN PIWON1 GOAL REACHED! 60 NEW MEMBERS IN ONE YEAR! Congratulations Branch 20! NO. 20, JOLIET, IL It’s official, we reached our goal-60 new members as a tribute to our 60th anniversary year!! Total number of new members is 63! Our top recruiter was Jonita Ruth with 14, Olga Ancel and Theresa Papesh are next with 6 each. Thank you to all recruiters, and welcome to all recruitees! A belated thank you to Frank Cepon for his part in the video taping of the church ceremonies during Convention time; just found out Jonita had his help. Fifty years ago sounds like a long time; but under that heading in a column in the Joliet Herald, was learned “Mayme Laurie was named captain of the Slovenian Women’s Union Cadets of branch 20 at the annual election of officers. Also elected were Leona Laurie, lieutenant; Marie Terlep, vice-president; Mildred Gregorich, secretary; Isabelle Gregorich, treasurer; Isabelle Musich and Elizabeth Petak, trustees and Olga Erjavec, reporter.” Does that bring back memories? Bea Request for Scholarship Application I am considering applying for one of the S.W.U. scholarships which will be awarded to members who will be 1989 high school graduates. Please send me the official application form which must be completed by March 31. □ I am a high school senior planning to attend an accredited college or university NAME _ STREET. CITY____ STATE & ZIP CODE Mail to: Hermine Dicke, 3717 Council Crest, Madison, WI 53711 Kostelc does the research for this column; she is a former cadet and her husband was our manager for a while. But not that far back, was it, Bob? We send get well wishes to Margaret Polnaziak, Louise Dobczyk and Dorothy Cwudzinski and a prayer they will be in good health very soon. Anniversary congratulations to Jo and Dick Tezak who celebrated their 40th, with friends and family. Jo is our newly elected vice-president. Alice Kraus, a fashion design and merchandising major at Rosary College, joined other student designers in a show “Focus on Fashion”, which took place at the Daley Center in Chicago. Alice is accomplishing her goal of becoming a fashion designer along with tending to the needs of her family of eight. Joseph Zdralevich, owner-operator of a Joliet ara landmark, Merichka’s, died recently. Merichka’s has long been associated with Branch 20; they have been sponsors of a bowling league since it began in 1936. Joe’s mother, Mary, was a member of our branch. Our condolences to his family. Condolences also to Betty Fas-siotto on the death of her sister, Lucille Mihelich, and to Bemadine Ukovich and Joyce Vicich on the death of their brother-in-law and uncle, Sylvester Ukovich. Joe Lesnik, son of Joan and John Lesnik, is an outstanding music student. He attends Lockport Township High School and for each of the last two years, he has achieved Illinois Music Education Association’s All-State Band status. As a junior, Joe was named sixth chair euphonium player; this year he was named the second chair player. A member of Drama Club and Thespians, Joe has appeared in several theatrical productions . Outside of school, he has earned the rank of Eagle Scout. He plans to pursue a medical career at the University of Iowa. April 22 is the date chosen to conduct the rummage sale to help finance our newly established Scholarship Fund. It will be held at St. Joseph’s Park from 8 to 4:30 p.m. Ann Drago-van is in charge; more details will be available at a later date. March 21 will be our next meeting date; 7 p.m. at the park hall. In March we always honor all Josephines; join us for the festivities. Happy Easter and a beautiful Spring. HELEN PLUT NO. 24, LA SALLE, IL I’m writing this on a cold, snowy, blustery winter day. It sure is a change from that recent springlike weather we’ve had during January. There isn’t a great deal of news from this area. It seems everything comes to a stand-still when there are no meetings. There isn’t a great deal of news from this area. It seems everything comes to a stand-still when there are no meetings. We offer our sympathy to Ann Piletič and Fannie Piletič who recently lost their brother and brother-in-law Frank Piletič after a short illness. May God grant eternal rest to his soul. Mary Gomik has been a patient at Illinois Valley Community Hospital and is now at Monte Cassino Nursing Home in Toluca, IL. Minnie Carter enjoyed a happy family event recently. Her granddaughter, Cathy Loch and Darrin Raiter were married on February 4 at Resurrection Church. Congratulations to the newlyweds and best wishes for a long life together. All of the officers agreed to serve for another year. Our 1989 season will begin with the March meeting—March 16 at 7:00 p.m. in the La Salle Catholic School-Resurrection Bldg. Financial Secretary Betty Stack will be there before the meeting to collect dues. We hope to see many of you at our opening meeting. Hoping you are all experiencing a Lenten Renewal and will have a Happy, Blessed Easter. ANNE M. WANGLER, Reporter NO. 25, CLEVELAND, OH Our Christmas party was so nice, you could not help but enjoy yourself! Josie Mohorčič and Jennie Strumbel prepared a feast - again. Thank you to both. A lot of ladies came, they appreciate a good thing when they see it and of course, taste it, too. Hello to "Mitzi” Mihalič. She now has a little more time and can join us at the meetings. Don’t forget, all you ladies out there who are our members... meetings are every second Tuesday of the month at the social room at St. Vitus, 1:30 p.m. A warm welcome to our branch -to new members, Josephine Baškovič (Pep) - a volunteer at a many worthwhile functions, alone, or with her husband Joe; - Frances Piletič, a lady who never says the word “no". She is there to help you or talk with you. And a nice “Hello” to our two junior members, Melissa R. and Katharina Popovich. Really, really good birthday wishes to all our members who were, or will celebrate the “DAY”! I know, for a couple, so here they are: Jennie Feme was a spry 85, Josie Mohorčič, Mary Turk, Jo Sustarsic reached their “49th”. Caroline Rozic still going strong at 80. Caroline, thank you for all those cute Christmas decorations you make by the thousands and then donate to clubs. In this birthday column I have to include my boss, Dr. Joe, his son, Jared and Kathryn Chrzanowski. God bless you all! As we were voting for the Mother of the Year, there were no "nays”. It tells you something! Everybody loves this year’s “Mother of the Year”, Jennie Strumbel. Congratulations, Jennie! We extend our deepest sympathies to Jožica Merc and Blanka Tonkli in the loss of their wonderful mother, Joža Varsek. Also to Mary Kotar in the loss of her dear mother, Mary Kotar. Mary took care of her mother for many years. Here are some ladies who need our prayers: Mary Ponikvar from Vera Beach, Florida had to have surgery to help her along, her husband wrote. Molly Deželan is at St. Vincent’s hospital. Agnes Koporc wrote that her mother, Agnes Kosec had a fall which resulted in fractured hip and pelvic bones. She is recovering and having therapy at Lake Shore Manor. Some cards would be appreciated by all ladies. Write or call me for addresses. Thank you to Marija Cugelj for helping me with the Christmas article. Happy namesday to all “Josephines”! Congratulations! A happy event! John and Nettie Zarnick became great grandparents! It’s the first and second time! Sara Renee Szilagrje came into this world on Nov. 14th, weighing 8 lbs. 6 oz. Well, then came Dea Marie Signorelli! She was all prepared to come into the world on Dec 9th and weighed in at 8 lb. 1 oz. Wish all of them luck! May gladness of the Risen Christ be with you always! CIRILA KERMAVNER Irene M. Odorizzi cJj-E.ritacjE.uaKC edition for only $10 for six months. Sent lo American llome, 6117 Si. Clair., Cleveland, Oil 44103. 1‘RESER V1NG YOUR HERITAGE 111 ROUGH A SUBSCRIPTION TO THE AMERICAN HOME MAKES AN EXCEL!.ENT CHI T. AMERICAN SLOVENIAN CATHOLIC UNION Ik /89*. LIFE INSURANCE FOR THE FAMILY HOME OFFICE: 2439 GLENWOOD AVENUE • JOLIET, IL 60435 (815) 741-2001 Victoria “Tory” Interest in growing cultivated blueberries has increased considerably in recent years. Minnesota’s harsh climate made it difficult to produce bluberries with any success. However, two vigorous blueberry varieties were introduced through the University of Minnesota which have good winter hardiness, minimum upright growth and large fruits. Northblue and Northsky varieties have proven to survive our severe Minnesota winters. Northblue Blueberry is a half-high blueberry surviving - 30 to - 35 degrees F. With a good snow cover, 3 to 5 pounds of large, flavorful fruit per bush can be expected. This cultivar which grows 20 - 25” tall can make a handsome ornamental with its large, glossy, dark green leaves that turn red in the fall. In the spring they are covered with pink buds. Northsky Blueberry produces between 1 to 3 pounds of sky blue, sweet, fresh-flavored berries growing 10 - 18” tall, surviving -35 to —40 degrees F. This season a new blueberry cultivar has been introduced, named North Country Blueberry, which has exceptional quality. It is hardy to —35 degrees F, grows 18 to 24” high and 30 - 40” wide and produces 2 to 5 pounds of fruit per plant. If given proper care these blueberry plants can be grown in most parts of the United States. Once planted the bluberry plants increase in size and productiveness. Bluberry ‘Berkeley’ Blueberries grow best in full sun and loose well-drained soil with good air circulation. Add humus by using sphagnum peat moss, leaf mold, and sawdust. Soil should be very acid with a pH of 4.0 to 5.5 for optimum blueberry production. Soil Sulphur should be applied to the soil at the rate of about 1 cup per plant at planting time. Iron sulphate can also be used to lower pH. Although aluminum sulphate also lowers pH, it is toxic to roots, therefore not recommended as a soil acidifying amendment. Plant disease-free 1 or 2 year old plants, 3 to 4 feet apart in rows 6 feet apart, preferably in the spring. Plant the bush about the same depth as it was in the nursery. Water well when planting so that there are no air pockets around the roots. After planting, mulch with 4 to 6” of decomposed sawdust, leaf mold, or peat moss. Prune the branches back to about 9” from the ground as soon as planted. It is very important to do this the first year as it gives the plant a chance to establish itself. Bushes should not bear the first two years after planting; if flowers develop during this period, they should be removed. After two seasons, allow a crop to develop. Plants should be fertilized in early spring with Miracid. Blueberry plants require frequent, light irrigation since the roots are fibrous and shallow (90% of blueberry roots are in the top 6” of soil). Provide at least 1” of water per week during the growing season and throughout the harvest time in order to receive maximum berry size, quality and yield. To the gourmet, there is nothing better than a bowl of picked blueberries with cream or a piece of delicious blueberry pie a la mode. Bobence Happy Gardening! FROM THE EDITOR 23-6 966 My China Diary “Good luck” at the grand opening of a new business - the wreath and inscriptions from a friendly Korean neighbor. The warm welcome back to our ship, with banners flying and champagne at dockside did a lot to bring smiles to our tired faces. Rudy and I could hardly wait to get into our cabin and collapse on our nice, soft beds. We were treated to a good American dinner and saw a fantastic show that night before we retired. The next morning we had massages and facials, previously arranged. Was that good planning? I’ll say! We hardly had the energy to leave the cabin until late in the afternoon when the blue sea and bright sunshine overtook us. A stroll on the deck was about all the exercise we could manage. The very interesting historical lectures given before each port of call were viewed on our cabin tv. The trip to Pusan, Korea took two nights and a day and a half. We arrived after lunch and again headed enthusiastically for our sight-seeing buses. This time our guide was a local fellow whom we had difficulty understanding. He spoke a mixture of English and Korean - a third language as it were. A young student, a protegd of his, helped him over the rough spots and since he was sitting next to Rudy and me, we took advantage of his knowledge and asked him all sorts of questions, such as: What were the wooden beaded cushions that we saw in many of the cars we passed by? From our higher seats in the bus we had been looking down on the parked cars and almost every one of them had some sort of cushion on the driver’s seat - most of them made of small wooden beads! He assured us that they were very comfortable to sit on and made one less tired. He couldn’t convince us, and although we had ample opportunity to buy them, this was one item neither Rudy nor I thought we’d be using in America. The Koreans are neat and clean and do use a lot of pillows and seat covers in their cars, but we thought the wooden ones would be torture! A Military cemetery was another interesting sight, but we got caught in the rain and the trip was cut short. A monk stands at ease before one of the courtyard structures at the Pomosa Temple. It is a very old place and they lead a very austere life. Rudy and Jang - one can tell from their faces that the shopping spree is just about over. The next stop was to the Pomosa Buddhist Temple were we climbed through old gardens to reach the top of a hill where a whole little village of monks, all dressed identically in grey draped gowns, were at their chores, or walking, talking, smoking, talking on the telephone (yes, just like the teen-agers do at home, we saw a young boy monk in animated conversation at a telephone kiosk). Some of the oldtimers had long beards and all had their heads shaved. We peeked into their main temple hall to witness a prayer hour - a silent affair, with the monks on their haunches in rows before a giant buddha statue. Their shoes, little white slippers, had been left in neat rows at the doorway. Apparently each has his own place, otherwise 1 don’t know how anyone could find his own shoes! The day was grey, the monks were grey, the atmosphere was rather grey, as we did feel a little that we were imposing on their privacy. These monks are very ritualistic and strict as far as educating their young. We were told that the free time for students is limited and most of their class work is memorizing hundreds of pages of their philosophy. Soon we came to the time for some shopping on our own. We had the company of Jang again and he led us thru a labyrinth of shops in so many narrow little streets, so full of people, so noisy, so bustling, that I knew we’d never find our way out without him! We didn’t find the energy anymore to do serious shopping as did some of our ship-mates, for Gucci bags, Louis Vuitton suitcases, etc., but we did find a nice large suitcase that would accommodate a lot of the souvenirs we “overbought” on our trip and some Reeboks at $3 per pair which was the going price. Everyone on our ship came back with Reeboks, I think! It was fun, tho, and we got the flavor of a country that was unlike China, yet not as “western” as Japan. The Korean labor force is not as “cheap” as it used to be. Years ago, Japan was the cheapest - then Korea and now cheap labor is only found in China. Korea has lost that distinction! Koreans are very good looking orientals. The young women are beautiful and the children, absolutely adorable. I’ve seen their national dress worn by Chicago Koreans at various ethnic festivals and remember them for their exceptional, graceful beauty and gorgeous colors. As we waited for our buses at the designated place in Pusan City, one of the female guides approached us and we had a nice sidewalk conversation. When she found out that Rudy and I were from Chicago, she got very excited, saying that she had relatives in Chicago but didn’t known where they lived. Her name was Kim and her relatives were also Kim - but more than that we couldn’t learn. We took a picture together anyway - she was a darling girl! A pretty Korean girl, Kim, asked me to say hello to her American relatives who live in Chicago. Anna L. Hodnik Leam Slovenian! We are into the season of Lent which is a time to reflect on how we live our lives in accordance to God’s commandments. It is a time for spiritual growth through prayer, sacrifice and good works. During this time, the church has a special meditation - The Way of the Cross - in which we accompany Jesus as he was mocked, scouraged, crowned with thorns, and hung on the cross, dying for our sins. Anita Vovk has prepared this meditation and language lesson for us this month. Thanks, Anita! Sveti Križev Pot^ Holy Way of the Cross Priprava: O pridite, stvari, kaj glejte, se godi; edini Božji Sin strašno za nas trpi. PRVA POSTAJA: Pilat obsodi Jezusa na smrt. Molimo te, Kristus, in te hvalimo. Ker si s svojim križem svet odrešil DRUGA POSTAJA: Jezus vzame križ na svoje rame. MOLIMO:------- TRETJA POSTAJA: Jezus pade prvič pod križem. MOUMO:-------- ČETRTA POSTAJA: Jezus sreča svojo Mater. MOLIMO:------- PETA POSTAJA: Simon iz Cirene pomaga Jezusu križ nositi. MOUMO:-------- ŠESTA POSTAJA: Veronika poda Jezusu potni prt. MOLIMO:------- SEDMA POSTAJA: Jezus pade drugič pod križem. MOLIMO:------- OSMA POSTAJA: Jezus nagovori jeruzalemske žene. MOLIMO:------ DEVETA POSTAJA: Jezus pade tretjič pod križem. MOUMO:------- DESETA POSTAJA: Jezusa slečejo in mu ponudijo vina z žolčem mešanega MOLIMO:------ ENAJSTA POSTAJA: Jezusa pribijejo na križ. MOLIMO:------ DVANAJSTA POSTAJA: Jezus umrje na križu. MOUMO:------- TRINAJSTA POSTAJA: Jezusa snamejo s križa in položč Mariji v naročje. MOLIMO:------ ŠTRINAJSTA POSTAJA: Jezusa položč v grob. MOUMO: OČE NAS: ZDRAVA MARIJA Usmili se nas, O GOSPOD, usmili se nas! SKLEP: O jezus, hvali naj ves svet te vekomaj. Po svojem križu nam podeli sveti raj. post—Lent doba—season priprava—preparation stvari—things glejte-you look kaj se godi—what is happening edini-only strašno-dreadfully trpi-suffering, enduring obsodi—condemns odrešil—redeemed vzame-he takes rame-shoulder pade-he falls prvič—first time pod—under, beneath sreča—he meets svojo-his nositi—to bear, to carry poda—to hand, to give prt—cloth potnik—traveler drugič—second time nagovori--he speaks prva postaja—first station druga—second tretja—third četrta—forth peta-fifth Sesta-sixth sedma—seventh osma—eighth deveta—ninth deseta—tenth enajsta—eleventh dvanajsta-twelfth trinajsta—thirteenth štirinajsta--fourteenth na smrt—to death molimo-we pray hvalimo—we thank, we praise slečejo—they are taking off his clothes ponudijo—they are offering žolčem-gall mešanega—mixed pribijejo—they are nailing Jezus umrje-Jesus is dying snamejo—taking down from polože—he is laid v grob—in the grave usmili se nas—have mercy on us sklep-conclusion vekomaj-forever sveti raj-Holy Paradise DOPISI ŠT. 10, CLEVELAND, OH Danes 18 januarja smo imele sestanek naše podružnice. Seje se je udeležilo kar lepo število članic. Bil je zelo lep dan, toplo kot spomladi, brez snega. V tem času je to kar nekaj neverjetnega, tako toplo kot še nikdar, ob tem zimskem času. Kaj nam bo pa pomlad prinesla, mogoče slabše, dež in sneg. Članice so tudi poravnale članarino. Predsednice ni bilo na sestanku - je bila na potovanje. Seja se je vršila kot po navadi. Božičnica je bila odpovedana, kot je bilo objavljeno, ker so bile članice različnega mišljenja. Zato so se pa danes boljše iskazale, so prinesle precej peciva in za grlo poplaknit dobrega čaja, tako smo se kar dobro imele. Za Mater tega leta smo izbrale Rosi Miklič. Obrovnavale smo tudi druge stvari od zadnjih sestankov. Gospa Žele nam je prečitala en verz, da so bile boljše volje. Par članic sem pogrešala, ker jih ni bilo. Lojzka Lavrich je tudi že toliko ozdravela, da je prišla na sestanek. Gospa Tomšič je zelo bolna, je v bolnišnici že tri tedne. Bog daj, da se kmalu vrne domov. Tudi ostalim članicam želim dobrega zdravja in lepe pozdrave vsem skupaj v imenu naše podružnice, mogoče na svidenje na drugi seji. Nadaljevan|e 4. februarja Danes nadaljujem moje novice. Po zadnji seji sem napisala že celo pismo in ga nisem oddala. Le po novem letu smo izgubili par naših najožjih članic. Danes je bil pogreb tudi od gospe Ane Tomsic. Zelo veliko ljudi jo je spremilo na njeni zadnji poti. Cerkev je bila skoraj polna ljudi in v pogrebnem zavodu Žele na 152nd St. kjer je ležala je bilo polno ljudi. V velikim številu so se poslovili od nje, velik dokaz njene ljubezni in spostovanja, ker so jo obsuli z krasnimi venci cvetja. Njeni hčerki gre posebna hvala in njeni družini, ki je tako lepo skrbela za njihovo mamo. Torej v imenu naše podružnice št. 10 vseh članic Tomšičevi družini ob izgubi njihove dobre in skrbne mame in stare mame naše globoko sožalje. G. Tomšič je bila dolgoletna članica, vedno se je udeležila sestankov. Večkrat je pa bila bolna na srcu in večkrat je bila v bolnici. Do zadnjega si je želela videti svoje prijateljice in zadnji teden sem sla na njen dom, ker so rekli, da pride domov. Pripeljali so jo in še isti dan so po morali peljati nazaj v bolnico. Rada je pomagala tudi društvom. Zato so ji ob zadnjem dnevu vsi prijatelji in prijateljice izkazali veliko spoštovanje. Vsem našim članicam bolnim in v bolnicah želim čimprejšnjega zdravja. Vsem ostalim pa blagoslovljeno Velikonoč. T. FERRACCIOLI ŠT. 17, WEST ALLIS, Na naši “State" Konvenciji, dne 22. sept. 1988, smo imele prav dobro udeležbo in je vse lepo izpadlo. Dne 30. okt. 1988, je umrl Anton Marolt, ljubi mož od Marion, naše predsednice in glavne nadzornice S.Ž.Z. Star je bil komaj 69 let. Tone je veliko storil v korist naše Zveze. Naj mu Bog da večni mir in pokoj! Družini izrekamo globoko sožalje! 5. dec. 1988, smo zgubile aktivno članico Angelo Starich. Bila je komaj 69 let stara. Nobeno delo ji ni bilo preveč za našo Zvezo in je skupaj z Jackie Nimer (us-tanoviteljca) delala še bolj, da so vedno imele velik uspeh, kar so prevzele. Borila se je in mnogo trpela ker je imela raka. Do zadnjega je imela voljo in korajžo živeti. Naj Angela v miru počiva, saj je bila zvesta služabnica tudi svojemu Bogu! Naše sožalje družini! Naša dobra članica Theresa Verbnick je umrla 21. jan. 1989. Bila je že 91 let stara. Živela je sedaj v St. Joseph’s Retired Dom in tam je bila pogrebna sv. maša dne 24. jan. 1989. V molitvi se naj jo spominjamo! Sorodnikom naše sožal|e! Naša Mati za leto 1989 (Mother of the Year) je naša tajnica Joan Yaklich. Ona je tudi državna predsednica. Imele bomo proslavo za njo meseca maja, da jo počastimo in se njo spominjamo. Zapište to, da bo meseca maja slovesnost za našo Joan. Ker ne bo dolgo, da bodo prazniki, Vam vsem odbornicam in članicom želim prav veselo Aleluja, zdravja in mnogo pirhov in dobrot. JOSEPHINE IMPERL Po dolgem času se zopet oglasim, ter dam vedeti, da sem še živa. Bolezen srca ter hrbtenice me je zelo potrla, da res nimam veselja. Živiva z možem v apartmentu, ker nisem mogla več zdrževati dela. Sedaj imam čas za pisanje ali tudi to ne gre več kot poprej. Tu pa tam še kaj napišem ali ne z veseljem kot poprej. Pri naši podružnici se je veliko spremenilo. Izgubile smo marljivo članico Angie Starič. To je velika izguba za našo podružnico, ker ona je bila nenadomestljiva. Nikdar ni bila preveč utrujena za delo društev. Naj ji sveti večna luč. Družini sožalje. Jaz sem bila tolikokrat v bolnici in pri zdravnikih da nisem mogla ne na pogrebu ne pokropiti, vendar jo nisem pozabila v molitvi. Mesečne seje se ne udeležujem več, ker ne vozim auto, bi bilo nevarno zame in druge z menoj. To je velik udarec zame, ker sem imela auto vedno na razpolago. Moj moz tudi ne vozi več in je težko dobiti voznika. K zdravniku in v bolnico, to je vse. Tu pa tam napišem malo pesmico - vse v angleškem jeziku. To je bilo toliko izgovora za knjigo “Rože z mojih vrtov" ker je pisano več v slovenščinia in pravijo da ne znajo brati slovensko. Meni pa angleško ne gre kot bi rada. Pa tudi en dan nisem šla v angleško solo. Pa vseeno sem spravila skupaj eno malo knjigico v moji pohabljeni angleščini. Če je katera radovedna, pišite mi in jo Vam rada pošljem za $3, pa za poštnino še dodajte 50 cents. Niso težke za prodati kot je prva v trdih platnicah. Malo za jok, malo za smeh in nekoliko modrosti vse iz enega gre meha, vse na radost je starosti ne mladosti. Še kar rada bi bila vesela, ali ne gre več. Vedno sem rada pisala ali roke nočejo več. Se bom morala podati starosti. Prilagam cele kose pozdravov vsem članicam Zveze ter Vam želim obilo uspeha v letu 1989 posebno pa zdravja katerega vsi želimo. MARY MURN \Lsn Palm Sunday we begin to observe Holy Week. All the crosses and statues in church are covered with purple cloths in preparation for Good Friday. On Holy Wednesday and even before that day, the boys of the town begin piling pieces of old wood near the church that will be used on Holy Saturday for a giant bonfire. Meanwhile, the “tenebrae” prayers are started, every hour on the hour. All this is done without much excitement, except that our children like to gather about outdoors and make noises with their wooden noisemakers. Holy Thursday begins with a solemn high mass in church during which time the bells ring out the Gloria. From then on, the altar boys make sounds only with wooden clappers;' and instead of our church bells ringing for the angelus, morning, noon and evening, only the sound of wooden clappers is heard from the bell-tower. That day is a day of prayer. Then, on Good Friday, we make little crosses from the hard branches in the old “butare” from the previous year. These little crosses are nailed to inside and outside of the doorways of the bams and hay racks while we pray for good harvest and healthy animals. At three o’clock all work stops and the family prays "Our Father" in observance of the death of Jesus on the cross. Later we go to church to pray. There the windows are darkened and everything is covered in purple. On Holy Saturday, early in the morning, the boys hurry with burning pieces of coke that they had prepared earlier by drying wood chips (gobe) and run to the large bonfire that the pastor has blessed on the grounds of the church. These pieces of burning coke are brought back into the house to start the fires in the family stove. It is symbolic that heat and warmth come from that blessed bonfire. HOLY WEEK RT DOMZflLE! At mass on Holy Saturday, at the Gloria, the bells are “untied” and again allowed to ring and also the main altar is stripped bare. Those who are not in church rush to the stream where they wash their faces and then carry water to their homes so that those who could not go to the stream have the same water in which to wash. It was thought that water drawn at that moment is blessed and has power to cure and make your face clean and nice. From three o’clock on, food is brought to church for the blessing. There are many villages near Domžale so those villagers come, from near and far, with their baskets and wait at the various roadside shines where the pastor of the provincial church will come to bless the food. These baskets are covered with the most beautiful cloths that the maidens have sewn especially with designs symbolic of Easter. The large baskets are carried by two girls, one on each side, or a girl could carried her basket on her head, if she is strong and agile. It was also thought that the girl who comes home first from the food blessing will be the first to get married that year. In the evening everyone goes to the procession of Resurrection at the main church. The whole church is dark as it had been during the previous days. The procession winds around the village, very solemnly, the men and women separated into groups. Oftentimes there is a group of musicians, too. Church lodges are there as are school children and representatives of the towns, and the firemen in their uniforms. The whole procession sings together, alternating with music by the band. It is the greatest honor for the young men to carry our three parish banners. It is a difficult task, the reason being that each banner has four long poles which they have to manipulate so the banner will fly nicely in the wind. Coming back into the church, the organ sounds loudly and the whole church is lighted. There are no more purple clothes on the altars; it’s like stepping into heaven! On Easter Sunday, the blessed food is eaten with much pleasure because everyone has fasted during the 40 days of Lent. Now we can eat all day! Meat, potica, eggs and more! In the afternoon, we have another procession in Domžale and this is without singing or music. This is the "promised” procession since the year 1896 when a large earthquake shattered Slovenia. Our pastor then pledged that each Easter there would be a procession through the town of Domžale, in thanksgiving for the lives saved and in prayer for God's protection. After the procession everyone goes to the meadow to play a game with wooden sticks taken from the Palm Sunday “butara”. Here we have fun all day and even the next day, breaking our hard cooked and colored eggs. Each one who has his egg broken has to pay a “penny” to the one who wins the game! Another thing, everyone has to have new clothing on that day, no matter how poor the family! (With thanks to Cirila Kermavner and K. mama.) DOMŽALE VELIKI TEDEH Ustavimo se malo v Domžalah, kako so tam praznovali veliki teden. Na veliko sredo in tudi že nekaj dni preje so fantje nosili skupaj stare deske. Nametali so jih tam kraj cerkve. Popoldne na veliko sredo so se začele enourne molitve (tenebrae). Po končanih molitvah so šli večji fantje zbijati deske. Nekaj so jih razsekali na trske, druge so pa pustili večje. S tem so sedaj postavili grmado za veliko soboto. Vse to ni bilo brez gledalcev. Mlajši otroci so se zbrali okoli njih in jim z ragljami delali druščino. Veliki četrtek se je začel s slovesno mašo, kjer so pri gloriji "zavezali zvonove”. Od tu naprej je ministrant namesto zvončka rabil mali klopotec z lesenim kembeljnom. V zvonikih so pa imeli velike raglje, da so oznanjevali ljudem angelovo češčenje - zjutraj, opoldne in zvečer. Popoldne so šli zopet ob štirih k molitvam. Veliki petek - Iz butare, ki je bila blagoslovljena na cvetno nedeljo so vzeli nekaj leskovcih šibic. Iz njih so naredili ale križce, katere so potem nabili na vrata “štal”, za zdravje živine, na skednje za dobro letino. Na zunanjo in notranjo stran vrat. Ob tretji uri se je delo zaustavilo, da so izmolili “Očenas” v spomin Jezusove smrti na križu. Ob štirih so se odpravili k molitvam; kakor tudi “kušniti Bohka”. V cerkvi so bila zatemnjena že tudi vsa okna in vsi svetniki so bili zagrnjeni z vijolčastimi pregrinjali... Za veliko soboto so si fantje pripravili gobe. Nabrali so jih v “gmajni” z dreves, že približno mesec preje. Morale so se dobro presušiti, da so bolje prijele ogenj. Gobe so nataknili na “drot” žico, da so jih lažje potisnili v ta “žegnan ogenj”. Na veliko soboto zgodaj zjutraj so hiteli fantje z vseh strani z gobami k grmadi, k farni cerkvi, kjer je bilo že vse ožarjeno od grmade in ogenj so že gospod požegnali. Potaknili so gobe v “ta požegnan ogenj”, da so zagorele. Domov grede so jih pa vrtili - gobe, da niso ugasnile da so lahko čimpreje prižgali štedilnike in peči. Ta ogenj naj bi varoval hišo pred nesrečami in bil blagoslov za vse v hiši. Na veliko soboto pri jutranji maši so se pri gloriji zvonovi “odvezal”’, odkrili so tudi glavni oltar, da ni bil več zagrnjen. V tistemu hipu, ko so odvezali zvonove so ljudje, kateri niso bili v cerkvi, pohiteli k potoku Pliščici, da so si umili obraz. V vedrih pa so nesli domov vodo, da so se še oni umili, ki so bili v cerkvi. Rekli so, da tisti hip je bila voda blagoslovljena, da je imela posebno moč, da si imel čist in lep obraz. Popoldne ob treh je bil blagoslov jedi. Okrog Domžal je bilo več vasi, ki so bile brez cerkva - podružnic. Bile so precej oddaljene od fare, zato so pa župnik določili ure za blagoslov jedi za tiste vasi. Ljudje so se zbrali ob določeni uri pri vaškemu znamenju - katerega je imela vsaka vas - kamor je potem župnik prišel blagosloviti “žegnati”. Za žegen so bili jerbasi pogrnjeni z lepimi “štikanimi “prti,, katera so dekleta naštikala zanalašč za velikonočni jerbas. Jerbas sta nosili po dve dekleti, vsaka na eni strani. Katera je bila pa malo bolj korajžna in seveda tudi vešča ga je pa nosila s svitkom na glavi. Od "žegnanja” so dekleta hitela domov, ker katera je bila prva doma iz cerkve, naj bi se tisto leto poročila. Zvečer so odšli k “vstajenski procesiji, v farno cerkev. Pričetek je bil iz cerkve, kjer je bilo vse temno. Vse je bilo še zagrnjeno z vijolčastimi zavesami -križi, svetniki, okna.. Procesija je bila zelo veličastna. Vila se je skozi Domažale. Bila je tudi godba. Moški so šli skupaj, ženske pa tudi skupaj. Vključena so bila društva, šole in zastopniki oblasti. Pa gasilci v krojih, tudi. Pri procesiji so enkrat peli pevci in, ko so ti končali je igrala godba. To se je nadaljevalo vse do prihoda nazaj v cerkev. Fantje so nosili bandera. Domžalka fara je imela tri bandera... Vsak fant je bil ponosen, če je smel nositi bandero. Pa so morali znati, da so prav nosili, ker bandero je imelo štiri palice. Vsak fant po eno palico. Paziti so morali, da se jim ni nagnilo ali pa zasukalo. Morali so lepo hoditi, da je bandero lepo plavalo ne cincalo. Prišedši nazaj v cerkev, so zabučale orgle. Cerkev je bila vsa razsvetljena. Nič več vijoličastih zaves - pregrinjal. Pravijo, da so se počutili kot bi stopili v nebesa. Velikonočna nedelja - maša Jedli “žegen” to je bilo pravcato uživanje, ker skozi post ni bilo nič mesa. Sedaj se je pa lahko jedlo ves dan. Meso, potice, pirhe in še in še... V nedeljo popoldne so imeli v Domžalah še eno procesijo. Ta je bila brez petja in godbe. To je bila “zaobljubljena” procesija. Leta 1896. je bil velik potres v Sloveniji. Tamkajšni župnik so se zaobljubili, da se bo vsako velikonočno nedeljo vila procesija skozi Domžale. V njej naj bi bila prošnja k Bogu, naj jih varuje, da se kaj takega ne bi več zgodilo. Po procesiji so se šli “trkljanje". Na travi so naredili trkljalnico iz leskovih palic, vzetih iz butare - cvetne nedelje. Postavili so dve krajši palici, vsaka z zarezo na vrhu pokonci v zemljo in za en pirh širine. V zarezi na krajših palicah so zataknili dve daljši palici, ki so jih potem zataknili v zemljo, da je viselo doli, da se je lahko pirh trkljal. Pirh je bil “potrkljan”, če je zadel drugi pirh. Kateri pirh je bil zadet je moral lastnik tistega zadetega pirha plačati paro (denar) tistemu, ki ga je zadel. Tako so otroci, kakor tudi mnogi fantje in dekleta prebili velikonočno nedeljo popoldne in na velikonočni pondeljek se je nadaljevalo. Pa še to - za veliko noč je moralo vsako dekle in otrok imeti novo obleko, pa če je bilo se težje z denarjem pri hiši. Hvala R. mami! CIRILA KERMAVNER mšfl SLDUEMSKfl DEDIŠČim NAŠA POT PO SLOVENIJI Iz “Slovenske ure” na radijski oddaji v Chicagu ''Vv ^ Polhov Gradec . Idrija \ #*r' * TUUBUANA BriCa f ■ „ Vrhnikii ____ Crm vrh^ Grosuplje* AidOVSCina *Lo^ulec Taborska'"1 •, • iama n križ* ... < • VipaVa Predjamski Postojnska jama^ Kanc •Cerknica Deželica NOTRANJSKA • Postojna .Senožeče - , J . "f"'«* .Lipica Cerkniško jez. Škocjanske jame /VJ ^ Sežana •V,- ■ • Kozina Snelnik f" rtar«,. . I •Hrastovlje BtsuVča J fr. - ■ A l Kakor se imenuje gorenja Kranjska GORENJSKO, dolenja Kranjska DOLENJSKO, tako je notranja Kranjska NOTRANJSKO. Ta deželica je bila predzadnji del slovenske zemlje, po kateri je stekla znamenita Južna železnica Dunaj - Ljubljana - Trst že leta 1857. Izmed slovenskih pokrajin ni nobena tako nenavadna po površini zunaj in po podzemlju znotraj kakor je Notranjska. Njen svet je kraški - to se pravi skalovit, nerodoviten in poln podzemeljskih jam. Na planotah so tudi veliki gozdovi, na ravninah krška polja, po katerih tečejo reke ponikalnice, katere vidimo nekaj časa na površju, pa nam nenadomo izginejo v jame. Največja nenavadnost - nekateri pravijo tudi čudež - je v tej pokrajini Cerkniško jezero, ki obsega 26 km prostora. To je jezero in čudo, ki ga nekaj mesecev vidimo in zopet ne vidimo. Poleti je tu s travo porasla planjava; ko pa nastopi jesensko deževje in ko se spomladi tali sneg, se iz podzemlja dvigne voda in zalije ves ravni svet več metrov na globoko. Čudo! Isti bruhalniki postanejo čez čas tudi požiralniki. Tega jezera človek ne more ukrotiti - ne za stalno osušiti in ne za stalno ojezeriti. Ko voda odteče, planejo okoličani na ribe in ne vedo kam z njimi. Nekateri pa pravijo, da ima Notranjska še večji čudež, kakor je Cerkniško jezero. In temu mnenju se bomo tudi mi pridružili. Ob mestu Postojni nudi slovenski Kras izreden pojav - Postojnsko jamo, katero obišče in si jo ogleda tudi na tisoče tujcev iz vse Evrope. Podobne jame so še na svetu, ali Postojnske nobena ne prekaša; ocenjujejo jo kot najlepšo. Kakšna je torej? Celotna jama je dolga okoli 17 km. Za turistični ogled je urejenih nad 5 km dolgih rovov, ki nekateri prehajajo v prave dvorane. Po stenah in okrog so sami svetleči - stoječi in viseči, majhni in visoki kakor stebri, tudi široki kapniki, ki so nastali iz vodnih kapelj s staljenim apnencem. Navzgor in navzdol nastali kapniki so potrebovali na milijone let, da jih vidimo take, kakršni so. Postojnska jama je pravi kamniti gozd v prelivajočih se barvah. Že v prejšnjem stoletju so prebivalci Postojne spoznali, da bo njihova jama vir dohodkov; uredili so jo tako, da je dostopna mladim in starim. Potegnili so malo železnico in jo osvetjili z električno razsvetljavo že leta 1884. V tistem času so našteli na leto okrog 4000 obiskovalcev, danes pa do milijona. V tej jami občudujejo edino jamsko živalico, kateri pravijo človeška ribica. Idrijske čipke so cenjene kot umetnost po vseh mestih Evrope. Imajo toliko vrednost, da so dediščina, ki gre iz roda v rod. Postojnska jama je najlepša med vsemi jamami v Evropi. Iz raztopljenega apnenca so nastali blesteče stebri in velike zavese. To jamo obišče nad miljon turistov letno. Blizu Postojne si turisti radi ogledajo starodavni grad z imenom Predjamski grad. Legenda pripoveduje, da je tukaj živel pred stoletji vitez Erazem Predjamski, katerega so oblegali njegovi nasprotniki, a niso mogli priti do njega. Kako le? Grad je bil potisnjen v visoko in globoko skalo, pred njim pa z vodo zalit jarek. Odkod njegovi pajdaši dobivajo hrano? Nekoč je Erazem vrgel na oblegalce košaro češenj. Našel se je pa izdajalec, ki je pokazal izhodni rov iz skale. T a grad je za vsakega redka posebnost. Pojdimo pogledat mesto Idrijo, ki je staro in znano po rudniku živega srebra. Mesto je skrito v nekakem kotlu sredi hribov; tja najlažje pridemo iz Logatca. Iz tistih časov, ko je Kolumb odkril Ameriko, je neki kmet na kraju današnje Idrije, ko je pri studencu namakal lesen škaf, se je vanj natekla težka srebrna tekočina in tako je slučajno odkril živo srebro. Prišli so sem tuji rudarji in tako že skoraj 500 let kopljejo cinober in iz njega pridobivajo živo srebro. (V zadnjem času se sliši, da bodo ta rudnik zaprli). Znano je bilo, da so ti rudarji dobili čudno tresočo bolezen in kmalu pomrli. Da so tudi rudarske žene kaj zaslužile, so uvedle domačo obrt - kljekljanje čipk, ki se je sčasoma razširilo po vsej okolici. Danes so po teh čipkah zelo znane Žiri, kjer imajo dekleta svojo čipkarsko šolo. To je izredno fino ročno delo, katerih izdelke rade kupujejo gospe po vseh mestih Evrope. Notranjska se pravzaprav pričenja takoj za ljubljanskim barjem. Tam je lep kraj Vrhnika in blizu nje v kotu skrit med zelenjem izvir reke Ljubljanice, kateremu domačini pravijo Močilnik. Izpod kraške skale ne priteče studenček, ampak že velika celovita reka Ljubljanica. Vrhnika je zelo znana kot rojstni kraj pisatelja Ivana Cankarja. VSTAJENJE - VELIKA NOC On, ki po bičanju trpljenju je veličastno vstal k življenju. Ptice zborih so zapele, Velika noč je tu, radujmo se vesele. Narava se je vsa zbudila, da bo njega počastila. Ki je svoje dal življenje, prestal to strašno je trpljenje. Vse v zelenje se obleče. On je vstal - več žalovati neče. Z veseljem cvetke se krasijo, da spodobno njega počastijo. Misli naše k Bogu pohitijo, srce od sreče poje melodijo. O, hvala ti predobri Bog, Pomlad je tu, veselje vse okrog. Mary Štangelj Murn Iz knjige “Rože z mojih vrtov” VELIKI PETEK Veliki petek, vse je potihnilo, iz zvonika še zvonov slišati ni bilo. To dan je žalosti - to ni dan veselja. V molitvi tihi - spomin je Jezusa trpljenja. Zvonovi tiho gledajo v vasico, proti cerkvi gre stari mož z ženico. Na kolenih bosta tiho križ poljubila, za otroke vroče Kristusa prosila. Kristus čuvaj hčerko, ki po svetu tava, naj ostane vedno na duši in telesu zdrava. Za sina tudi križani, ki sva ga zredila, pošteno, da živi, sreča naj bo mu mila. V zaupanju te prosimo uboge me sirote, čuvaj ti nad njimi, varuj jih vse zmote. Sta oče, mati vse odkrila tuge še solza se je utrnila v obrazu gube. (asa SlownskflJ^ m KsaverMeško FRANČIŠEK IN GOBAVEC Branje za postni čas (okrajšano) 7rančišek je na svojem potu zagledal ob cesti zavrženega gobavca, človeka s strašno boleznijo. Proti svoji volji se je zgrozil, ko sta proti njemu štrleli dve roki polni odprtih ran in z odpadlimi prsti. Groza in stud sta stresala Frančiška. Pa se je junaško premagoval ter se bližal nesrečnežu. A čim bliže je prihajal, tem teže je dihal. Vse ozračje naokrog je bilo zasmrajeno in zastrupljeno z gnilobo, ki je izpuhtevala iz bolnikovih ust in ran. Daši se ga je lotevala omotica, se je Frančišek šiloma premagoval. Toda ko je stal pred bolnikom in je razločno in od blizu videl njegovo strašno lice brez nosa, brez ustnic, vse razjedeno in raztrgano, mnogo strašnejše kakor lice kakega mrliča, se je skoraj zgrudil. Popadel ga je tak gnus, da je začutil bodečo bolečino v prsih in v drobovju in je moral proti volji izpljuniti. In stresla ga je taka nepremagljiva groza, da se je obrnil in je zbežal z vso naglico kar počez čez polje in po ostrem kamenju med oljkami gor proti cerkvci svetega Damijana. Pač je slišal za seboj tožeče, obupne klice na pol mrliča, a razločeval ni, kaj kiče in vzdihuje, tako naglo in nevzdržno je hitel. Drhteč, poten po vsem telesu od groze in gnusa, ki sta mu vzvalovila srce do globočin, pred podobo Križanega, je pokleknil na hladni tlak, a tik ob steni, da se je mogel za glavo in vsem gornjim telesom nasloniti ob zid. Dušilo ga je v grlu, da je le s trežavo dihal. Ni mogel začeti moliti in zdelo se mu je, da se mu bo kar zavrtelo v glavi in bo po dolgem padel na tla. V teh silnih bolečinah in kakor bi upal, da se bo tako poprej in laže otresel grozotne prikazni bolnika, ki jo je še vedno gledal pred seboj tako jasno in strašno kakor prej na polju, je na pol zamižal. Upal je tudi nekako podzavestno, da se bo tako poprej umiril in se mu bo srce tem prosteje, tem veseleje dvignilo v višave, duša se mu bo globlje potopila v brezna božjih skrivnosti. Tako na pol miže je upiral pogled v podobo Križanega. Nenadoma pa se mu je po vseh žilah, po vsem telesu razlila čudna vročina, še bolj strašna in bolj boleča kakor poprej ob pogledu na bolnika. Počasi, kakor jih ne bi prav upal odpreti, je odpiral oči in venomer upal, da se moti, da ga vara vid. A je strmeč in z grozo spoznal, da ni prevara, ampak strašna resnica: Gospod na križu je od temena do prstov na nogah udarjen z gobami! Obraz mu je razjeden in razoran, da ni več podoben človeškemu obrazu, nos odgnit, ustnice kakor s silo odtrgane, da se vidijo izmed okrvavljenih ostankov zobje, prav kakor pri gobavcu spodaj pred bolnišnico. Na levi roki so že odpadi vsi prsti, da štrli roka tja po deski kakor s krastami posejana, vsa razrezana, okrvavljena palica. Oči pa zro izmed ran in bul dol nanj, na pol proseče, na pol očitajoče in neskončno, neskončno žalostno. Frančišek je ves vzdrhtel, malo da se ni zgrudil nezavesten na tla. A je čutil, da omedleti ne more in ne sme, ampak da mora vztrajati pred Gospodom, priča Njegovega ponižanja in Njegove bolečine. Rad bi spet zaprl oči, povsem stisnil veke, da ne bi videl ničesar; pa jih ni mogel! Moral je strmeti v podobo razdejanja in bolečin. Spregovoril bi bil rad, zmolil najgorečnejšo molitev, polno ljubezni in kesanja, prosil rad Gospoda iz Globočine srca odpuščanja. Toda jezik mu ni bil pokoren; kakor kepa svinca mu je ležal v pol odprtih ustih; ne ene besedice ni mogel izgovoriti. Kar je zaslišal tih, neskončno žalosten in obenem čuovito mil glas in ni prav vedel, ali mu govorita srce in vest ali res trpeči Zveličar s križa: “Vitez hočeš postati, o Frančišek, pa si tak slabotnež in strahopet-nik!" “Grešil sem, o Gospod, odpusti mi!" je hotel vzklikniti Frančišek. A je vzdihnilo le srce, brez glasu in brez besede. Gospod pa je gledal s podobe vedno enako: na smrt žalosten, na pol očitajoče, na pol proseče. “Frančišek, "je zaslišal Frančišek spet glas in spet ni jasno vedel, ali mu res govori na križ razpeti Sin božji, ali nemirno srce, očitajoča vest. “Frančišek, ali ni najsijajnejše viteško zatajevati in premagovati samega sebe? Ali ni naj lepša, najvišja plemenitost biti brat ubogim, zaščitnik zatiranim, tolažnik in pomočnik trpečim?" "Je, Gospod! Grešil sem zoper njo in Tebe, o Gospod - usmili se me!” je hotel pritrditi Frančišek, se spovedati in na glas zaprositi odpuščanja. A je prosilo samo srce, zakaj iz ust ni bilo glasu. Videl pa je Frančišek, kako oči gobavega Gospoda zro vanj predimo in vroče, vendar že znatno mileje. In spet je zaslišal glas in zdaj je čutil in vedel PIRAN - MINORITI čisto zagotovo, da govori Gospod s križa, ne samo vznemirjeno srce in ranjena vest: “Kar koli ste storili najmanjšemu mojih bratov, ste meni storili." Tedaj je v trenutku, kakor na ukaz mogočne čarobne besede, padla s Frančiška tista težka otrplost, ki mu ni dala ne ganiti se ne spregovoriti in vzklikniti. Zrušil se je pred Gospodom v prah, udaril s čelom ob kamniti tlak in ječš, z žgočo bolečino v srcu zaprosil: “Moj Bog in moj Gospod, kako sem te zatajil! Odpusti mi, moj sladki, zame trpeči Jezus! Kar je začutil v sebi silno, zmagovito moč. Skočil je na noge, stopil z mladostno prožnostjo in ognjevitostjo k oltarju, se zavihtel s hrepenenjem velike ljubezni na oltar, objel z obema rokama križ in gobavca, pritisnil lice k njegovemu vsemu raz- NEZNANI AVTOR IZ 17. st. - FRANČIŠEK S KRIŽEM jedenemu licu, nemirne prsi k njegovim v gnilobnih in krvavečih ranah zevajočim prsim. Močil je njegov trpeči obraz s solzami in govoril šepetaje, kakor govori svoje vroče skrivnosti najvišja ljubezen, ki se boji glasnih besed, ker bi nemara ranila z njimi skrivnost sladke skrivnosti: “Moj sladki Jezus, moj trpeči Gospod, kako te ljubim, ljubim..." Ves prerojen je prišel Frančišek iz cerkve. Hitel je dol med oljkami na odprto polje. Bal se je, da bolnika tam ne bo več našel. A ko ga je zagledal, se je razveselil kakor da bi našel velik zaklad. Poklonil se je gobavcu in poprosil: “Odpusti mi brat, zakaj hudo sem grešil zoper Boga in tebe. Skaži mi milost, da bom tvoj strežnik." Objel je gobavca in mu je vroče in ljubeče poljubil razjedeni in gnijoči obraz. NAS POST Tu in tam se zdi, da bi radi spremenili naše cerkve v slaščičarne, kjer bi bilo mogoče nakupiti vsega, kar bi si naš zahtevni okus zaželel. Naše oči bi se kar iskrile ob pogledu na slastne torte, kar sline bi se sam cedile ob omamnih vonjavah in če bi naleteli še na prijetno družbo ter prijateljstvo zalili z osvežujočo pijačo, potem bi bil to res dan, ki bi ga pomnili. In zakaj ravno cerkve spremeniti v slaščičarne? Zato, ker tam slišimo toliko grenkega? Ker se moramo ravno v cerkvi skoraj brezpogojno soočati s pravim življenjem, ki ne pozna samo tort ter sladkarij, temveč tudi trpljenje in bolečino? Ker nas v cerkvi učijo, da smo tu v tej solzni dolini samo prehodno in je torej nesmiselno, da se prevč ženemo za vsem mogočim, saj slava, bogastvo, uspehi... vse to so kot milni mehurčki, ki se poigravajo v zraku in izginjajo v kruto neznanost, ki nam je nedosegljiva. Ja, res je, težko je govoriti o lagodnem krščanstvu, o komfortni veri in pri tem ostati pristen kristjan, kar pa je pri tem pomembnejše pa je dejstvo, da je ravno cerkev in krščanstvo tisto kar nas postavlja na realna tla življenja. Ravno krščanstvo je tisto, ki upa povedati, da življenje ni samo slaščičarna in na drugi strani samo grenkobno vzdihovanje v obupu, ampak je morda vijugasta cesta med enim in drugim. Ravno tu pa postni čas zadobiva svojo veljavo. Tu seveda ne mislimo samo na meso, ki ga ne bomo jedli ob petkih ter se na veliko noč, kar v najlepši obleki pojavili med cerkvenimi vrati, ampak mislimo na post, ki pomeni pregled bilance našega krščanstva in našega življenja nasploh. Post za nas bo dosegel namen šele tedaj, ko bomo nehali mevžasto tarnati nad pokvarjenostjo vsega okrog nas, saj to ne napoveduje nobene bodočnosti, ampak tedaj, ko bomo odkrili sebe kot sokrivce te pokvarjenosti in poskušali kaj izboljšati. Postu ne bomo dali nobene veljave, če bomo samo kritizirali in preklinjali polomijo in neuspeh, ampak če bomo zgrabili za delo še z večjo silo, samodisciplino in trdno voljo. Vsepovsod je mogoče najti krivce za naše nadloge, krize, nerazumevanja, vsemogoče ljudi smo že postavili na zatožno klop, jih obsodili... pa se je kaj spremenilo? Bore malo. Spremenilo pa se bo, ko bomo na zatožno klop postavili same sebe, kajti tedaj se bo začel naš pravi post in tedaj bo naše krščanstvo zares postalo živa sila. ^ Marija Magdalena in vrtnar Marija Magdalena je bila spet sama ob grobu na vrtu. Vse zunanje je zanjo zgubilo moč in pomen, dokler ni bilo v zvezi z njeno bolečino. Stala je pred grobom in jokala. V nemirni bolečini se je sklonila v grobno duplino. Tedaj je zagledala v njej dva angela, enega ob vzglavju, drugega ob vznožju. Angel je vprašal: "Žena kaj jokaš?” Magdalena dahne: “Vzeli so mojega Gospoda in ne vem, kam so ga položili.” Ne da bi angela dobro pogledala, se je obrnila, hoteč preiskati vrt. Zdaj je zapazila, da stoji nekdo pred njo, a ni dvignila oči. Nek glas je vprašal: "Zena, kaj jokaš? Koga iščeš?” To vprtašanje jo je zadelo v dušo. Ta mož, ki ga še ni dobro pogledala, je po njenem mnenju moral biti vrtnar. Ali je morda on odstranil truplo? Iskreno je tedaj nagovorila dozdevnega čuvaja vrta: "Gospod, če si ga ti odnesel, povej mi, kam si ga položil, ga bom jaz vzela.” "Marija!” To je bilo kakor opozorilo, naj ga polgeda natančneje. Brezupno jokajoča se je namreč spet obrnila od njega. Njegova beseda, izgovorjena s prizvokom, je predramila globino njenega srca. Le eno besedo je spravila iz sebe in vzkliknila: “Raboni!” - “Učenik!” Pozdravila ga je prav tako kakor pred njegovim trpljenjem in smrtjo. Ljubeče jo tedaj Jezus opomni: "Ne dotikaj se me, zakaj nisem še šel k svojemu Očetu. Pojdi k mojim bratom in jim reci: “Grem k svojemu Očetu in vašemu Očetu, k svojemu Bogu in vašemu Bogu.” To ji naroči in izgine. V drugo je prišla Marija Magdalena k učencem,' povsem drugače vznemirjena kot prvikrat in vzkliknila: “Gospoda sem videla!” i' i it , v S VSEM CITATELJICAM ZARJE VESELO IN BLAGOSLOVLJENO VELIKO NOČ! Angela Pasler je članica podr. št. 43, Milwaukee. Letos 27. maja bo izpolnila 103. leto. Svetu je poklonila največje bogastvo, ponos, ljubezen in hrepenenje - tri cvetke, ki ne bodo nikoli ovenele pod silovitim Krnom. Naše čestitke! Ured. “Stoletna lastovka v domačem gnezdu” “PRIMORSKI DNEVNIK”, avgust, 1987 »Sto eno leto pa res ni nobena reč«, pravi Angela Pasler iz Smasta pri Kobaridu in se smeje, da je je polna hiša. Potlej pa le prizna, da je še posebej srečna zato, ker se je še enkrat rodila, saj je stara komaj eno leto in je dobila za 101. rojstni dan plenice. Tistih sto let, ki jih je preživela prej, pa so samo veseli in žalostni spomini. Samo nekakšna blodnja spominov in doživetij in vsega, kar človek lahko doživi v stotih letih. »Pa nisem vesela, ko gledam to svojo rojstno vas. Res nisem vesela. Vse je tako zmodernizirano kakor pri nas v Ameriki. »Ko sem bila še punčka, je bilo vse drugače. Takrat 29. maja 1886. ko sem se rodila, so bili ti kraji še strašno samotni in odrezani od sveta. Le Soča je takla tod mimo in Krn je stal, mogočen, kakor stoji še sedaj. »V naši družini je bilo osem otrok. Bila sem šesta po vrsti, zdaj pa sem ostala sama. Vsi so pomrli, in ko se spominjam tistih časov in brata, ki je bil poln vragolij kakor jaz, se spominjam tudi batin, ki sem jih dobila od mame. To je bilo pa takole. Pri naši hiši smo že od nekdaj zvonili pri Sv. Lovrencu in ko je bilo žegnanje, je naša mama spekla polno cajno hostij. Jaz in brat pa sva jih nesla gori na grič k cerkvici. To pa ni bilo tako enostavno. Ko sva prišla z bratom do prvega ovinka, je rekel: 'Jaz bi pa malo pokusil božje piškote’. In res si nisem dala dvakrat reči. »Kar jedla sva jih in še opazila nisva, kdaj jih je skoraj zmanjkalo. Potem je pa doma šiba pela. Joj, kako sem stokala, pa ni nič pomagalo. V vsem svojem življenju nisem pojedla toliko hostij. Spomin v meni je tako svež, kakor da bi se včeraj zgodiio.« Spomin na Gregorčiča Angela Pasler se kar prime za spodnji del trubuha in vsi se smejemo tej njeni spominski mladosti. Zunaj pa je sonce in vse je tako sveže in poletno in polno rož. Še kamni cvetijo in Angela boža z nežnim pogledom tisti svoj kamniti in rožni svet in kar vztrepeta, ko pridejo sosedje in jo gledajo kakor prikazen iz nekega drugega sveta. Saj je več kakor stoletnica. Saj je v resnici stara že sto eno leto in komaj pred nekaj dnevi je priletela z letalom iz Amerike, iz Milwaukeeja, kjer živi že kar štirunsedemdeset let. »Amerika! Amerika! To so bile takrat sanje mladih ljudi. Parnik in velika luža in velika mesta na drugem koncu sveta. Tudi mene je zamikalo, pa moram prej povedati še nekaj drugega. Bila sem stara kakšnih dvajset let in sem služila v Dornberku pri nekem kmetu, kamor je rad zahajal takrat že slavni pesnik Simon Gregorčič. Pisal je lepe domoljubne pesmi in veliko smo jih tudi mi mladi znali na pamet. Bil pa je tudi za hece. Enkrat reče: ‘Od kod pa si, ko si tako luštna’, Jaz pa: ‘Od vsepovsod’. Bila sem z vsemi žavbami namazana in se nisem dala kar tako ugnati v kozji rog. Ko se naslednjič srečava, je že vse vedel o meni. Pa je rekel: Ti si pa psičarca.’ Tako se rekli nam Smaščanom zato, ker je bilo v vasi že od nekdaj veliko psov. Jasno, da sem bila užaljena. 'Gospod župnik gor, gos- pod župnik dol. Če ne bi bili far, bi vas zdajle udarila okrog ušes.’ Kar tiho je bil in me je od tistega časa pustil pri miru. No pozneje se je opravičil. Rekel je: ‘Gospodična, saj nisem mislil nič slabega’. Tako se je epizoda s Simonom Gregorčičem, slavnim Goriškim slavčkom končala. Pa mi je še danes žal, da sem bila tako odrezava. Bila sem tudi na njegovem pogrebu leta 1906. Vsi smo jokali, še Soča in Krn. Pripeljali so ga z belimi konji in ga potem nesli na pokopališče k Sv. Lovrencu. Čeprav je imel v svojem življenju veliko nasprotnikov, je bil med ljudmi silno priljubljen.« In Angela Pasler zrecitira kakor prava šolarka Gregorčičeve verze: Tik ob Soči mal je griček, tam očetje moji spe, tamkaj, bratje, mal kotiček moje naj kosti dobe! Recept za dolgo življenje »Tudi mene velikokrat žene v ta naš planinski raj. Pa sem tako daleč tam v Ameriki. Zdaj sem drugič doma po štirinsedemdesetih letih. Prvič sem prišla leta 1950. Zdaj pa so rekli otroci: ‘Mama, nikamor ne greš. Zate je taka pot prenaporna.' Jaz pa: ‘Kaj boste vi meni ukazovali. Grem pa pika.’ In sem šla. Povzpela sem se tudi na grič k Sv. Lovrencu, da bi pozvonila. Pa ni nobenih vrvi na tistih zvonovih.« Saj pravzaprav ne boste verjeli, da je Angela Pasler, z dekliškim imenom Ivančič, res tako sveža in dobrega spomina pri sto enem letu. Pa je res. »Tudi bolna nisem nikoli bila. Saj ni bilo časa. Takrat ko sem prišla v Ameriko, sem rekla: samo SUNRISE BAKERY Located in Hibbing, Minnesota, has been making fine baked goods for over 75 years. Family owned and operated for 3 generations, Sunrise Bakery has developed a nationwide reputation for their delicious Slovenian Potica. ORDER FORM Please add $4.50 shipping & handling 1. WALNUT POTICA The all-time favorite, always a great gift! (1 lb.) $9.95 Each additional loaf (1 lb.) 6.95 2. FRUITCAKE Make with the finest Blue Ribbon fruit and nuts soaked in brandy. No citron, and only fresh 1 |b. 6.95 creamery butter! 2 lb. 12.95 3. WILD RICE Wild Rice as only grown in Minnesota! 1 lb. 6.25 4. CHOCOLATE HOCKEY PUCK Regulation size hockey puck made of pure milk chocolate with creamy caramel pecan center (send the name of hockey player and we'll print it on top of the puck!). Really a unique gift! 4.95 5. CHRISTMAS STOLEN Rich, sweet dough filled with pecans and fruit filling, topped with cherries and pecans. 5.95 6.COTTAGE CHEESE APPLE STRUDEL A full strip of ival old-fashioned apple strudel. A rich dough is stretched paper thin and rolled with cottage cheese or sliced apples and pure butter. Warm before serving. Great with ice cream! 2 lb. average 11.95 7. PEANUT BRITTLE Made with pure creamery butter and chuck full of peanuts. 1 lb. 4.95 8. DIVINITY Light, fluffy, candy, chuck full of pecans. 1 lb. 5.50 9. MINNESOTA MUGS Filled with Wild Rice or hard candy. The perfect gift for the former Minnesotan. 10. ROMANO CHEESE BREAD Made with freshly grated Romano cheese and pepper. An unusual gourmet bread. 1 lb. loaf 11. YULE KAAGE Scandinavian favorite! Rich, sweet dough full of citron and white raisins. 12.KOLACKYS Prune, apricot, cream cheese (specify flavor) 6.95 3.25 3.25 11.95 ITEM NO NO OF UNITS WT PKOOUCT NAME AMOUNT WE INSURE DELIVERY ON ALL ORDERS. SHIP TO STREET . CITY ___ .STATE_ . ZIP CODE_ CUSTOMER PHONE NO.. MAIL ORDER TO: SUNRISE BAKERY, INC. 1813 - 3rd Avenue East, Hibbing, MN 55746 Phone: 218-263-4985 or 218-263-3544 Toll Free: 1-800-533-906 za tri leta. Samo toliko, da zaslužim kakšen tolar, pa grem domov. Obrnilo pa se je čisto drugače. Dobila sem delo v tovarni, kjer so pletli ležalne mreže, in se počasi izučila za šiviljo. Potem pa sem srečala Antona, svojega bodočega moža, doma z Blejske Dobrave. Nič ni imel. Pa sem mu rekla: Ta prvo dobi službo, potem pa pridi.' Pa je res držal besedo. Leta 1915 sva se poročila. Potem so se nama rodili štirje otroci. Mož je bil avtomehanik, pa ga je preveč rad pil. Tako sem morala biti sama za vse. Imela pa sem srečo, da smo stanovali zraven tovarne in sem lahko med delovnim časom gledala skozi okno, kaj počno otroci. Če je bilo kaj narobe, sem šla lahko tudi domov. To je bilo pa res nekaj dobrega.« Angela Pasler je prišla s sinom in hčerko za dobrih štirinajst dni in tisti dan, ko smo jo obiskali, je bila že vsa na trnih, da ne bi kaj pozabila in da bo vse v redu, ko bodo šli nazaj v. Ameriko. »Vse življenje sem bila samostojna. Moj recept za dolgo življenje je, da si samostojen in da se nikogar ne bojiš. O, to pa ne. Bala se pa nisem nikogar. Čeprav smo težko živeli, smo bili zmerom ponosni, da smo Slovenci. En tak ponosen Slovenec je bil tudi Alojz Adamič, ameriški pisatelj slovenskega rodu, doma iz Blata pri Grosupljem. Njegove knjige so nam v tistih časih veliko pomenile.« Lastovke hrepenijo po domu »Zdaj pa so mi že vsi šraufi zarjaveli. Stara sem, pa me smrt ne mara. Pa bom enkrat kar umrla. Zares mislim, da ne bom več prišla domov, čeprav je tu pri mojem nečaku Janezu tako lepo.« Pa pravijo tisti, ki jo dobro poznajo, da niti približno ne bo držalo, kar govori. Samo malo dolgčas ji je po Ameriki, saj živi tam skoraj vse svoje življenje. Ko pa je v Ameriki, ji je dolgčas po Smastu in po Soči in po Krnu in drugih planinah, kjer je bila včasih pas- tirica. Pa zapišimo samo še tole. Angela Pasler, ki živi pri svoji hčerki v Milwaukeeju v ZDA, je zares prava slovenska korenina. Še zmerom jo zanima, kaj se godi po svetu, in pravi, da je televizija odlična iznajdba. Za stoletnico ji je čestital tudi Reagan. Sama pa še zmerom speče kruh in potico in pravi, da je najboljša hrana, ki jo pridela sama na domačem vrtu. »Kar lepo sem preživela stoletje. Ko sem bila majhna nam je mama dala tri kompirje v oblicah, pa smo šli spat. »Človek mora biti ponosen, samo tako lahko pomaga tudi drugim. Če sem mogla, sem pošljala denar in tudi pakete, takrat po vojni so bili paketi iz Amerike pravo veselje. Ampak leta tako hitro tečejo. Tečejo, tečejo leta kakor poje to pesmico preko radijskih valov slovensko-ameriška pevka Marija Ahačič. Nimamo pa Krna, ne Soče, ne Kobarida in smo kakor lastovke, ki hrepenijo po domu.« ^unrise Walnut Potica ‘C traditional &jropean-<5tyk