avtorji ■ authors 231 Lucie Milcent Lucie Milcent je svetovalka na EU projektih, s poudarkom na področjih izobraževanja, inkluzije in trajnosti. Magistrirala je na univerzi Bretagne Sud v Franciji, na področju aplikativnih tujih jezikov, kjer se je special­ izirala za upravljanje projektov EU (»Communication et Échanges Européens«). Trenutno sodeluje z več španskimi organizacijami, razvija in upravlja projekte na področju inkluzivnega izobraževanja (ETTECEC, Mi Hijo Y Yo, All Volunteers, Club Escafandra) in je vodja raziskovalnega projekta H2020 na Univerzi Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Lucie Milcent is a consultant on EU funded projects, specialised in ed­ ucation, inclusion and sustainability. She holds a Master’s degree in Applied Foreign Languages with a specialty on EU cooperation proj­ ects (“Communication et Échanges Européens”), from the Université Bretagne Sud in France. She now works with several Spanish organisa­ tions, developing and managing projects in the field of inclusive educa­ tion (ETTECEC, Mi Hijo Y Yo; All Volunteers, Club Escafandra), and is a Project Manager for an H2020 research project in the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Ana Mladenović Ana Mladenović je v aprilu 2015 zaključila magistrski študij sociologije, v sklopu katerega je vpisala modul Študiji spola in spolnosti. Od oktob­ ra 2015 je zaposlena kot mlada raziskovalka na Pedagoškem inštitutu v Ljubljani, kjer pripravlja doktorsko disertacijo s področja edukacijskih ved in feministične teorije. Ana Mladenović completed her Masters in Sociology with a focus on Gender and Sexuality Studies in April 2015. Since October 2015 she is an early stage researcher at the Educational Research Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia, where she is writing her PhD dissertation in the field of educa­ tion and feminist theory. Andreja Oprešnik Andreja Oprešnik je diplomirana sociologinja (UN) in profesorica peda­ gogike (UN) ter študentka druge bolonjske stopnje programa Pedagogika in Sociologija na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Mariboru. Andreja Oprešnik is a graduate sociologist (UN) and a teacher of peda­ gogy (UN) as well a student of the second Bologna level of the Pedagogy and Sociology program at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Maribor.