SLOVENIA ISSN 1448-8175 Austral i a Post p ri nt a p prove d PP 534387/00013 SOUTH AUSTRALIA ISSUE No. 36 Summer 2005/06 NEWSLETTER The Slovenia South Australia Newsletter is an initiative of the Slovenian Club Adelaide Inc. and is published by the Slovenian Club Cultural Subcommittee. Vesel Božič in Srečno Novo Leto Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2006 od / from zbor / committee Slovenian Club Adelaide Slovenia South Australia: Input and involvement from all South Australian Slovenians is welcomed and encouraged. Expressions of interest and contributions should be forwarded to the President at least one week prior to the Slovenian Club Committee's scheduled meetings (second Sunday of every month). editor: Cultural Subcommittee contributions: Tomo Les Ernest Orel Rosemary Poklar Adrian Vatovec Sources: include STA, Slovenia News, Sinfo, Slovenia Business Weekly, Slovenia.svet, Ice Insight Central Europe,, Delo, Mladinska knjiga, Slovenia South Australia sponsors: > Slovenian Club Adelaide > Office for Slovenians Abroad, Ljubljana, Slovenia Contributions are being sought from the Slovenian community for Issue No.37 of the Slovenia South Australia Newsletter. Contact the editorial committee. Radio Committee Contact the Slovenian 5EBI radio broadcast committee if you wish to acknowledge someone's birth, birthday, death, engagement, wedding, anniversary, get well wishes, achievement or some other community announcement. Radio broadcast committee members are Vida Končina, Ernest Orel (President), Olga Orel, Cvetka Petrovski, and Rosemary Poklar. Thank you to all our Slovenian listeners who donated to the 5EBI Adelaide radiothon. Lepa hvala vsem darovalcem za 5EBI Adelaide radio-thon: $50 - Slovenski Klub Adelaide, Claud in Bruna Casini, Ernest in Olga Orel, Anica Rant $30 - Barbara Stojanovič, Rudi in Ana Kranjc $20 - Štefan in Rezi Gabršek, Marjo in Katica Segulin, Jadran Jagodnik, Marjo Jenko, Rudi Perkovič, Tone Gustinčič, Ciril Galič, Vlado in Liza Lah, Franc Lavrenčič, Danilo Kreševič, Franc in Meri Železnik, Branko Kreševič, Pajo in Sonja Kovačevič, Alojz in Virginia Madon, Šteljo in Ana Likar, Tončka Kostaš, Ivan in Rozika Legiša, Juliana Viola, Oto in Rezika Trošt, Alojz in Olga Poklar, Emil Borlak, Jože in Cilka Jerebica, Štefan in Lenka Ivančič, Balinaiji Slovenski Klub Adelaide, Franc in Anita Magajna, Ivan in Meri Benc, Milan in Kathy Bunderla, Tone in Hedvika Ivančič $15 - Hans in Anica Szivatz, Marija Bernik $10 - Viktor Konestabo, Jadran Vatovec, Polda Vatovec, Lojze in Rozi Kreševič, Kristina in Albert High, Lojze in Olga Hrvatin, Nik in Magda Kodele, Francka Wetzel, Miran in Marija Jug, Anica Zupančič, Franc Ivančič, Franc in Rozika Šnofl, Marija Milošič, Vida Katern, David in Ivanka Pahor, Frank in Vida Končina, Tone Jesenko, Marta Zrim, Alma Faletič, Štefania Videz, Meri Puž, Jože in Cvetka Jamnik, Milan in Ivanka Lukač, Franc Visič, Berta Kačič, Cvetka Petrovski, Francka Klobas, Teresa Švartz, Nikola in Dana Bric, Magda Rother, Rudi in Jana Mezek, Marija Šriber, Melena Ketler, Angela Dodič $5 - Anica Strgar The Slovenian program in Adelaide has been broadcast for 30 years and we thank the listeners for your ongoing support. GLASBA - MUSIC Slovenian Choir Adelaide (Slovenski pevski zbor Adelaide) rehearsals every second Sunday at 4.00pm, in the clubrooms. A Christmas Carol from the choir's songbook, Hitite, kristjani, commonly known in English as O Come All Ye Faithfull. Hitite, kristjani Hitite, kristjani zradostjo navdani, Opridite, pridite v Betlehem. Dete iz raja knam kot kralj prihaja. O, pridite, molimo, o, pridite, Molimo, o, pridite, molimo Jezusa. Pastirji veseli khlevu so hiteli, K ubogim pokleknili jaslicam. Verni, hitite, njim se pridružite. O, pridite, molimo, o, pridite, Molimo, o, pridite, molimo Jezusa. Očetove slave je odsvit z višave, V telesu človeškem je bog sam skrit. Dete rojeno, v jasli položeno. O, pridite, molimo, o, pridite, Molimo, o, pridite, molimo Jezusa. O Come All Ye Faithfull o come all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant, o come ye, o come ye to Bethlehem; come and behold him, born the king of angels; 2 o come let us adore him, o come let us adore him, o come let us adore him, Christ the lord sing choirs of angels, o sing in exultation, sing all ye citizens from heaven above (angels we have heard on high) singing glory to god in the highest glory o come let us adore him, o come let us adore him, o come let us adore him, Christ the lord gloria in excelcis deo Christ the lord Johannes Aquila - in the year 1383 -Marija z Jezusom, fragment iz Turnisca, (Mary with Jesus, fragment from Turnisca). Freska, 56.5 x 41 cm. Narodna galerija (National Gallery), Ljubljana. CONSULAR We welcome to the Embassy of Slovenia in Canberra, Bozna Fosnaric in the position of 3rd secretary. Bozna replaces Andrej Rode. We wish Bozna a most enjoyable term in Australia. Hot Spots There will always be Paris and Rome, but if you are looking for a European holiday with a difference, take a look at these options. Estonia, Poland and Slovenia may not be the first places you think of when you plan a European sojourn but travel agencies say they are the hot, new destinations. Flight Centre's national marketing manager says many of Europe's smaller cities are now realizing the tourism potential of their intriguing cultural histories, relatively untouched scenery and are more affordable than some of the larger European cities. Ljubljana, Slovenia This is a treasure off the beaten track, but it won't stay that way for long. Although its name is hard to pronounce and travelers may have to check a map to find it, Slovenia's pint-sized capital is very much a city on the rise. Slovenia joined the European Union as a wealthy newcomer, mostly from its commercial and cultural hub. Along with a vibrant student culture, look for a thriving market square and its famed Three Bridges. Visit the 1000 year old hilltop castle for fabulous views of the city. The Adelaide Advertiser November, 2005 Deset jedi, ki vas ohranjajo mlade Vse, kar pojeste, vaše telo uporabi za vas ali - če so jedi nezdrave -proti vam. Gotovo si želite, da bi bili videti čim mlajši, da bi ostali čim dlje zdravi in da bi vam možgani še dolgo služili. Zapomnite si, kar date v telo, se kaže tudi navzven, zato jejte hrano, ki je vrelec mladosti. Ljudje poznamo določene zakonitosti, ki veljajo pri hrani. Če hočemo, recimo, shujšati, avtomatsko črtamo iz seznama maščobe, sladkor in preveliko količino ogljikovih hidratov, namesto tega pa posegamo po sadju in zelenjavi, ribah in belem mesu. Ampak - ali veste točno, katere jedi so tiste, ki vsebujejo toliko antioksidantov, da vas ohranjajo mlade? Pred vami je spisek živil, ki jih imejte redno na svojem nakupovalnem seznamu. Ribe Če ribe jeste le dvakrat na teden, lahko zmanjšate tveganje, da dobite srčni napad za celih 30 %. Zahvala gre omega-tri-maščobnim kislinam, ki ohranjajo žile čiste ter zmanjšujejo stopnjo trigliceridov (nevarne maščobe) v krvi. Zgledujte se po sredozemski kuhinji in v jedilnik vključite ribe, ki preprečujejo tudi raka dojk, raka na debelem črevesju in ohranjajo zdrava vaša pljuča. Posebej priporočljive so sardele in losos. Brokoli Brokoli bi morali oboževati, saj ta zelenjava preprečuje nastanek vseh vrst rakastih obolenj. To pa zato, ker je tako poln antioksidantov, da jih je težko našteti: najmočnejši je sulforafan, ki preprečuje strdke na debelem črevesju. Bogat je tudi z vitaminom C, betakarotenom, kromom ... Prav posebej je priporočljiv za ženske, saj pomaga iz telesa odstranjevati škodljivi estrogen, ki spodbuja raka. Paradižnik Je posebnež med jedmi, ki delujejo proti staranju. Njegov največji adut je likopen, zelo redek antioksidant. Pri temperaturni obdelavi se ta ne uniči, tako da tudi vse jedi, narejene iz paradižnika (paradižnikova juha, kečap, paradižnikove omake, konzervirani pelati ...), vsebujejo snovi, ki vas ščitijo pred staranjem in vrsto rakastih obolenj. Naravni polnozrnati kosmiči Gre za doma zmešane kosmiče. Ovseni kosmiči, sončnična semena, suho (še najbolje doma sušeno) sadje ... Zakaj doma zmešani? Ker nimajo dodatkov (beri: sladkorja in konzervansov), ki jih vsebujejo pakirani v trgovinah. Kosmiči namreč znižujejo tveganja bolezni srca, kapi, diabetesa, hkrati pa pomagajo ohranjati vitko telo, saj urejujejo prebavo. Ker vsebujejo veliko vitamina B12, spodbujajo delovanje možganov in kratkoročni spomin. Agrumi Vsak otrok ve, da so pomaranče in limone zdrave, ker vsebujejo veliko vitamina C. Ta se bori proti raznim infekcijam, vendar ne postavlja le on agrumov na vrh jedi, ki preprečujejo staranje. V njih se namreč skrivajo tudi karotenoidi, kalij in flavonoidi; grenivka pa vsebuje posebno sestavo vlaknin, ki znižujejo holesterol in so celo zdravilo proti arterosklerozi. Kalij je odgovoren za zniževanje visokega krvnega tlaka. Nemastno mleko Najverjetneje veste, da je mleko glavni vir kalcija, ki pomaga (ženske pazite!) v boju proti osteoporozi. Mleko vsebuje tudi v živilih redek vitamin D, ki pripomore, da kosti z absorbacijo kalcija ostanejo trdne. Tu so še ostali nemastni mlečni izdelki -predvsem jogurt in sir. Ta živila lahko preprečijo črevesnega raka in znižajo krvni tlak. continued on page 8 FAMILY DAY At the conclusion of Adelaide's famous Christmas Pageant, November 12, the Adelaide City Council held a Family Day along the North Terrace precinct scattered at South Australia's cultural institutions. Part of North Terrace was closed off to traffic enabling families to walk in safety and enjoy the entertainment. Slovenian Choir Adelaide was one of the acts invited to take part in the activities and performed at the following locations - the Migration Museum, The Art Gallery of South Australia, the South Australian Museum, and the State Library of South Australia. Thank you to the following people from our community who either participated or assisted on the day - Alda Batista, Ivan Benc, Emil Borlak, Mimi Božanič, Karlo Filipčič, Tone Gustinčič, Tone Ivančič, Marjo Jenko, Jože Jerebica, Franc Končina, Justina Scheider, Anita Scheider, Peter Schneider, Polda Vatovec, Irene Vatovec, Cassandra Vatovec and Adrian Vatovec. Thank you to Darian Hiles and Lynette Russell from Multicultural Christmas. Left - Anita and Peter Schneider Above - at the Art Gallery of South Australia Left - Cassandra Vatovec (facing) and Justina Schneider Above - at the South Australian Museum m m a Above left -Justina Schneider Above -you handsome devil you! Left - at the Migration Museum HOW LUCKY CAN YOU GET? Slovenian children must be the world's most luckiest kids. During The month of December there is the potential to receive presents on three separate occasions from three grand men. St. Nicholas (Miklavž) on December 6 (centre in photo), Father Christmas on December 25 (left in photo), and Father Frost (Dedek Mraz) on December 31 (right in photo). RECOGNITION Long time Slovenian Club member Jovo Bozanic was recognized for his significant service to the Allied war effort during WWII. August 15, 2005, marked the 60th Anniversary of the end of the war and to mark this occasion the Australian Department of Veterans' Affairs commissioned a Commemorative Medallion which was issued to the veteran service men and women. Jovo is seen above holding his Commemorative Medallion, which he received from the Australian Federal Government MP Rod Sawford (pictured with Jovo). Proudly flanking Jovo are his son Peter Bozanic (left), wife Mimi, daughter Anna Tankosic and grand daughter Jana Tankosic. The awards ceremony was held in the Port Adelaide RSL Hall in October 2005. Following the ceremony, son Peter hosted a dinner in honour of his father. SLOVENIA'S NEW EURO COINS - 1 JANUARY 2007 The Slovenian Finance Ministry and the Central Bank of Slovenia have unveiled the layout of Slovenia's euro coins, which are due to become legal tender on 1 January 2007. What mainly sets them apart from the euro coins of other countries is the inscription "Slovenija" running in the circle along the outer rim of the coin. The two-euro coin will feature poet France Prešeren, who is currently on the 1,000-tolar note, accompanied by a part of his manuscript of "Zdravljica" (A Toast), the Slovenian anthem. The one-euro coin will have Primož Trubar, the author of the first printed book in Slovenian, who is currently on the 10-tolar note, and a line of text from his work. The 50-cent coin will feature Triglav (2,864m), Slovenia's highest mountain, two Lipizzaner horses will adorn the 20-cent coin, and the 10-cent coin the blueprint for the never constructed parliament building as proposed by architect Jože Plečnik. The five-cent coin will depict the famous painting Sejalec (Sower) by impressionist painter Ivan Grohar, the two-cent coin will feature the landmark Prince's Stone, where they installed Karantania dukes in the 6th century, while the smallest coin, the one cent, will have a depiction of a stork. The Slovenian coins will join 61 billion euro coins currently in circulation. They will replace the 508 million tolar coins. Note: coins shown below are not actual size 2 euro coin poet France Prešeren 1 euro coin author Primož Trubar 10 cent coin architect Jože Plecnik's proposed parliament building 5 cent coin painter Ivan Grohar's painting Sejalec (Sower) Continued from page 3 Rdeče meso Veliko žensk ne je rdečega mesa, ker pazijo na linijo in mislijo, da je bolj mastno. Res se priporoča meso, ki smo mu odrezali vse maščobe, najboljše pa je popečeno na oljčnem olju ali žaru. In katere antioksidante vsebuje? V prvi vrsti cink, ki krepi odpornost telesa pred virusi, bakterijami in kancerogeni. Rdeče meso kljub temu jejte zmerno in ne več kot 10 dekagramov na obrok. Špinača Vsebuje vrsto antioksidantov, najbolj značilen pa je lutein, ki je tako močna učinkovina proti staranju kakor betakaroten. Prav tako vsebuje folno kislino, ki varuje vaše možgane in arterije. Špinača zmanjšuje nevarnost za nastanek rumene pege, ki je zelo pogosta pri starejših ljudeh. Oreški Zelo zdravi so na primer mandlji z veliko vitamina E, ki preprečuje nastanek kardiovaskularnih obolenj. Pravzaprav je boj proti tovrstnim obolenjem značilnost vseh oreškov, saj z nenasičenimi maščobami pomagajo zniževati stopnjo slabega holesterola v krvi. Prav tako vsebujejo sestavine, ki vaše žile ohranjajo mlade. Jagodičevje Borovnice, brusnice, jagode, maline -končno jedi, ki jih jemo skoraj vsi. Antioksidante vsebujejo predvsem pigmenti v sadežih: močnejša, kot je barva, več antioksidantov vsebuje. Borovnice in brusnice vas bodo obvarovale pred vnetjem sečil, jagodičevje na splošno pa pred vsemi vrstami raka. Petra Kern Ten foods that will make you feel younger 1. Fish 2. Broccoli 3. Tomatoes 4. Natural whole-wheat flakes 5. Citrus fruit 6. Fat-free milk 7. Red meat 8. Spinach 9. Nuts (almonds etc) 10. Strawberries DNA evidence indicates common genetic characteristic between the ancient Etruscans, Veneti and Slovenians Extract from paper presented by Joe Skulj. The entire paper can be obtained from the author. Frequencies and age estimates of the mtDNA haplogroups that occur in Europe reveal common genetic substratum characteristics. The age estimates of the haplogroups and their major sub-clusters in Slovenians and other populations of Europe, show that the Slovenian weighted average age is ~27,460 years versus ~26,710 for the European average, making the Slovenian lineages ~ 750 years older than the average European's. Therefore, it should be of no surprise that, genetic affinities are found between present day Slovenians and the skeletal remains of the ancient Etruscan nobles from their necropolises. Of the 'Etruscan' skeletal remains, the ~2,500 year old ones from Adria, show the closest genetic relationship with the extant Slovenians. Four out of five i.e. 80% of the Venetic skeletons have mitochondrial sequences found in the Balkans and now 20 % of Slovenians have lineages in common with them. Thus the genetic results agree with the Continuity Theory and the Slovenian version of it, known as the Venetic theory, which maintains that Slovenians are indigenous to their lands and that ancient Veneti and Slovenians have a historical connection. Adria, which is located in the present day Veneto in Italy, was part of the Roman province of Venetia et Histria during the Roman era, as was most of the present day Slovenia. There is also a genetic similarity between 6000 to 14000 year old skeletal remains from eastern Alps and the present day Slovenians indicating a degree of genealogical continuity from Neolithic to the present day. CONCLUSIONS: Genetic information indicates that Slovenia contains a large percentage of ancient populations. There is evidence of genealogical continuity between the 6,000-14,000 year old skeletons in the Alps, ancient Etruscans and Veneti and the present day Slovenians. Genetic information makes it evident, that Slovenians are indigenous to their land as indicated by the mtDNA relationship with the ~2,500 year old skeletal remains of the Etruscans and Veneti, particularly those from Adria. The Y-chromosome DNA data on the extant populations also support this premise. Genetic evidence supports the historic quotation from the biography of St. Columban written in 615 A.D. and cited by Tomazic- "Termini Venetiorum qui et Sclavi dicuntur" - the land of the Veneti who are also called Slavs ([avli 1996). Source: GLASILO Since 1996, GLASILO Magazine has provided news, literature and commentary for and about Canadians of Slovenian heritage. Slovenian as one of the official EU languages. It is estimated that about half a million Slovenians live abroad, including 150,000 in neighbouring countries. Only some 60,000 of them have Slovenian citizenship. In a related matter, the Slovenian cabinet appointed in November 2005 Zorko Pelikan as the new state secretary of the Government Office for Slovenians Abroad. Zorko, who assumed his post on 1 December, succeeded Franc Puksic, who resigned in July over disagreements with the government, the Government Media and PR office said. KNJIGE - BOOKS Govt Adopts Bill on Slovenians Abroad The Slovenian government in September 2005 adopted the bill on Slovenians abroad, which deals with the jurisdictions of state authorities on cultural, economic and educational ties with Slovenians abroad, and includes provisions on repatriation. The government adopted the bill, with a view to pool all provisions dealing with this field in one place, thereby improving cooperations with communities living outside Slovenia. The bill includes special provisions on the preservation of Slovenian language and education, and creates the first ever comprehensive legal basis for the funding of organisations of Slovenian immigrants. The bill refers to three different groups of people: Slovenians with Slovenian citizenship; Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship; and those without Slovenian citizenship and without status. The status of Slovenian without citizenship will provide certain benefits and will apply for all people who for one reason or the other cannot obtain Slovenian citizenship. Those eligible for repatriation include people living in difficult conditions or in countries hit by severe crisis, as well as Slovenians who have made significant contributions to promoting the country abroad. The objectives of the bill are to assert national identity, facilitate all-round cooperation, and promote the learning of 2ARK0 PETAN SMEJTE SE PREVIDNO S Smejte se previdno Zbirka novih aforizmov našega najbolj znanega in mednarodno priznanega aforista je iskriva podoba slovenskega značaja, zgodovine, politike in intime. To je Slovenija v kratkih izrekih, ki koreninijo globoko v narodni duši, pa so hkrati neprizanesljivo intelektualno sodobni in moderni. Petanovi aforizmi so spisani za pisano občinstvo, saj si prav vsakdo lahko izbere svojega, pa najsi bo politični prvak ali pa vaški bebček. Žarko Petan ne odneha. Laugh Carefully Collection of sayings about the image of the Slovenian character. Authored by Žarko Petan. CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR STAMPS 2005 Christmas and New Year mail from Slovenia this year will carry stamps designed by Slovenian artist Jelka Reichman. Christmas - Children with Candles New Year - A Girl by the Window Prijazni snežak Na zasneženem travniku se živali odpravljajo na zabavo. A veverica je prehlajena, zajčico pa zebe. Snežak mu podari šal in kapo. Friendly snowman The animals are setting out on a snowed meadow for a party. The squirrel has caught a cold and the rabbit is freezing. ZGOŠČENKE -CDs New CD, Vse Najboljše (All the best), from Slovenian rocker Peter Lovšin. 100 g sugar 1 packet vanilla sugar 1 dl cream 200 g cottage cheese 50 g ground hazelnuts or walnuts 50 g butter 1.5 dl milk 2 tablespoons rum Chocolate shavings or whipped cream for decoration Mix the warm chestnut puree with milk, melted chocolate and butter. Add rum and 70g of sugar and mix. Mix the cottage cheese with the rest of the sugar, vanilla sugar, whipped cream and one tablespoon of rum. When pouring the ingredients into glasses, alternate the layers of chestnut cream and cottage cheese and decorate them with hazelnuts, chocolate shavings and some whipped cream at the end, if desired. SINFO CD Vesel Božič In Srečno Novo Leto - Različni. CD Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year - various artists What's Cooking? CHESTNUT AND COTTAGE CHEESE CREAM Seen & Heard Year 12 exams for the Slovenian language were held in Australia on October 19, 2005. The rules for students coming to study in Australia will be relaxed for a number of countries, allowing citizens of some countries which were previously considered "high risk" to gain a student visa. Notably students from some of the new European Union counties, such as Slovenia, will now face a lower benchmark for being able to speak English, and they will not need to have as much cash in savings to come here. This government policy is driven by the fact that Australia now faces a shortage of skilled workers. Ingredients: 400 g chestnut puree 100 g cooking chocolate Slovenian rock group Siddharta won best regional award at the 2005 MTV Europe awards. Na 14. izboru za Miss Slovenije 2005, ki je potekal v Cankarjevem domu v Ljubljani, je med 12 finalistkami naslov najlepše Slovenke osvojila 21-letna Sanja Grohar iz Kranja. The 14th Miss Slovenia for 2005, chosen among 12 finalists at a gala event at Cankarjev dom Ljubljana in September, is 21 year old brown-eyed brunette Sanja Grohar from the town of Kranj. Miss Grohar, who received a Peugeot 1007 as the main prize, will now compete for the Miss World title in China in December. Donald Trump, the 59 year old American multi-billionaire, and his 35 year old Slovenian wife Melania Knauss (Melanija Knavs) are expecting their first child. The child is expected to arrive in the northern spring of 2006. Trump has three children with his first wife Ivana Trump and one with his second wife Marla Maples. The major European network of arts festivals has selected the managing and artistic director of the Ljubljana Festival Darko Brlek its new president for a four-year term. Ljubljana Festival has been a member of the European Festivals Association (EFA) since 1977. Brlek being elected the EFA president is great recognition for the Ljubljana Festival and secures Slovenia a place in the European cultural milieu. The EFA, based in Belgium's Gent, comprises over 90 festivals, 13 national festival associations and four European networks from 35 countries. The Slovenian government adopted a new wine bill in October which, according to Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Marija Lukacic, will boost the competitiveness of Slovenian wineries whilst also ensuring consumer protection. One of the centrepieces of the bill is a cut in the number of wine regions from 14 to 8 (Goriska brda, Vipavska Valley, Karst, Slovenian Istria, Dolenjsko, Bela krajina, Prekmurje, Stajersko) and the determination of three wine countries -Primorsko, Posavje and Podravje. The aim of reducing the number of winegrowing regions is to raise competitiveness, Lukacic said. "Under the present system, almost every winery was its own winegrowing region and the grapes cannot be sold in other regions." November 1, the Day of Remembering the Dead is a national celebration that originates from ancient times. The date was set in 835 AD by Pope Gregory IV. In Slovenia this custom consists of bringing flowers and lighting candles to the graves of dead relatives and friends. The Slovenian population surpassed the two million mark for the first time since independence in 1991, data from the National Statistics Office shows. According to the figures, Slovenia's population grew 0.15% in the second quarter of this year to stand at 2,001,114. The growth is largely a result of immigration and longer life expectancy, the office said. The Statistics Office highlighted that this is the second-highest population count for Slovenia; the only time it was higher was at the time of independence in June of 1991. Over the last 40 years, the average life expectancy has risen by 8.5 years on average, with men now living 73.5 years on average and women 81.1 years. Moreover, the number of foreigners making up Slovenia's population has risen in the past years to stand at 2%, while as many as 11% of Slovenia's population was born outside of the country. BUSINESS SLOVENIA The Slovenian Government has adopted a programme for the setting-up of commercial offices abroad. The programme will enable the provision of more complete services for Slovenian companies and improve Slovenia's international competitive rating. According to the head of Foreign Economic Relations Directorate, 16 trade offices should be operating next year, 12 within an embassy or consulate and 4 under the Slovenian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (TIPO). Trade offices will first be established where Slovenia already has a diplomatic or consular mission. Trade offices will offer free services (preparing business and market profiles, news, etc.) and payable ones (specific services, search 11 for business partners, in-depth market analyses, etc.) to small and medium sized enterprises. *** Slovenia ranks 9th alongside the Czech Republic in the latest Worldwide Press Freedom Index, which is published annually by Reporters Without Borders. The index measures the state of press freedom in the world. It reflects the degree of freedom journalists and news organisations enjoy in each country, and the efforts made by the state to respect and ensure respect for this freedom. Rank Country Note 1 Denmark 0.5 Finland 0.5 Iceland 0.5 Ireland 0.5 Netherlands 0.5 Norway 0.5 Switzerland 0.5 8 Slovakia 0.75 9 Slovenia 1.0 " Czech Republic 1.0 21 Canada 4.50 31 Australia 6.50 44 USA 9.50 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Urednik Sprejema članke v slovenščini ali angleščini. Dobrodošla je tudi dobra kritika in vsaka dobra ideja. Letters to the editor are to be addressed to Slovenian Club President. All letters will need to make postal or email delivery by the weekend prior to the scheduled Club Committee meetings to ensure inclusion in the next issue of the newsletter. The Slovenian Club Committee reserves the right to withhold publication of any letter which in their opinion constitutes personal criticism or attack of an individual or organization. SPORT UPDATE BOCCE BOCCE BOCCE BOCCE Bocce set Women Federation 1st Competition 1st - Rozika Sever, Loreta Lachi Women Federation 2nd Competition 1st - Dorotea Ljubicic, Onorina Bersan Results of the Slovenian Club Bocce Competition, played at the Slovenian Club, and sponsored by Mirko Husnjak Joinery are: 1st - Karlo Filipcic, Lidia Vrabec, Paul Vidmar 2nd - Sergio Lachi, Magda Kodele, Herta Vidmar 3rd - Florio Valcic, Rozika Sever, Maria Valcic, Dario Dezen Tomo Les The Slovenian national kayak team returned from the world championships in Sydney Australia with a bronze medal. Andrej Nolimal, Dejan Kralj and Peter Kauzer, otherwise known as the European champions, finished third behind France and Italy. Petkovšek and Pegan Crown Season with World Champions Titles The 38th World Gymnastics Championships held in Melbourne, November 2005, ended with a double Slovenian victory, which saw Mitja Petkovšek on parallel bars and Aljaž Pegan on high bar become world champions. *** CONGRATULATIONS ČESTITKE All the best - vse najboljše! Birthday - Rojstni dan September - Marjan Podobnik (50th) October - Bianka Galič (80th), Ivanka Ivančič, Polda Vatovec, Franc Železnik, Milan Lukač November - Franc Magajna December - Anica Strgar, Ivan Gologranc Engagement November - Simon Ivančič and Tamara Edwards Wedding - Poroka November 27 - Nikki Milanovič and Luigi Neski Anniversary October - 40th anniversary year, Slovenian-Australian Association Triglav, Canberra. Janez Andrej Herrlein 1738 - 1817. Portret Primičeve Julije in bratca. Olje / platno, 57.5 x 74 cm. Narodna galerija, Ljubljana. Portret of Primic's Julia and her brother. Oil on canvas, 57.5 x 74 cm. National Gallery, Ljubljana. Obituary - Osmrtnica The Slovenian Club, on behalf of the Slovenian community of South Australia, wishes to express its sincere condolences to the family and friends of : Peter Pavel Rant Born in Ljubljana, Slovenia, 29/5/1925. Passed away Adelaide, 13/9/2005. 80 years old. Committed at St Mary's Pioneer Cemetery, Morphett Vale. Dearly loved husband of Anica. Loved father and father-in-law of Helena and Vlade, Martina and Vinko, Simon and partner Jane, Louisa and Gino. Respected Stari Ata of Ana, Martina, David, Branko, Emma, Ivan, Bianca, Joseph and Christian. PERSONAL NOTICES Notices to be forwarded through the Club President, in writing (Slovenian or English). All letters will need to make mail delivery by the weekend prior to the scheduled Club Committee meetings to ensure inclusion in the next issue of the newsletter. HALL HIRE HALL HIRE Main Hall (seats 250) members: $350.00 non-members: $700.00 Clubrooms (seats 120) members: $135.00 non-members: $250.00 Hall&Clubrooms (seats 350) members: $450.00 non-members: $850.00 Further information from the Club President or Secretary USEFUL ADDRESSES Slovenian Club Adelaide Founded in 1957 11 Lasalle Street Dudley Park SA 5008 tel: 8269 6199 fax: 8269 2406 internet: Slovenian Club opening hours: 7.00 - 8.00pm Fridays for Yoga 2.00 - 10.30pm Sundays Slovenian Catholic Church 51 Young Avenue West Hindmarsh SA 5007 tel: 8346 9674 fax: 8346 3487 email: 5EBI FM Radio (stereo FM 103.1mhz) 10 Byron Place Adelaide SA 5000 office tel: 8211 7635 studio tel: 8211 7066 Slovenian program times: Wednesdays 7.00 - 7.30pm Sundays 2.00 - 2.30pm Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije (Slovenian Embassy) Advance Bank Centre Level 6, 60 Marcus Clark Street Canberra act 2601 PO Box 284, Civic Square Canberra ACT 2601 tel: (02) 6 243 4830 fax: (02) 6 243 4827 email: internet: www. Urad Republike Slovenije za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu (Office of The Republic of Slovenia, Office for Slovenians Abroad) Železna Cesta 14 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 430 2810 fax: +386 1 478 2296 internet: SBS Radio (stereo FM 106.3 mhz) Federation Square Melbourne VIC 3000 tel: (Melbourne): (03) 9685 2519 tel: (Sydney): (02) 9430 2828 Slovenian program national broadcast: Tuesdays 9.00 - 10.00am Listen to Slovenian program at any time on Internet radio: hp?language=Slovenian Ministrstvo za Kulturo (Slovenian Ministry for Culture) Maistrova 10 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 478 5900 fax: +386 1 478 5901 internet: Slovenska Izseljenska Matica (Slovenian Emigrant Association) Cankarjeva 1/11 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 425 1673 fax: +386 1 241 0280 internet: publisher of slovenija.svet Slovenian Media House PO Box 191 Sylvania NSW 2224 Internet: Internet publisher Slovenian Australian Institute PO Box 15 Camperdown NSW 2050 Internet: Internet publisher Radio Slovenija 1 Program of Slovenians abroad. Friday night (Slovenian time) 8.30pm -11.00pm Middle wave 326.8 m or 918 kHz. Internet radio: RTV Slovenija II Slovenian Magazine Every second Friday at 8.55pm (Slovenian time) Satelite: Eutelsat, Hot Bird 3, 13 degrees East, transponder 80, 12302, 880 MHz, polarisation Y, coding system Viaccess. Internet (view anytime): The Slovenia Times Fortnightly newspaper in English, published in Ljubljana. Internet: Slovenia South Australia NEWSLETTER ADVERTISEMENTS Advertise your business Contact Club President or Secretary. Sample advertisements may be submitted as hardcopy or on floppy disk or CD, or have it made up by the editorial committee. Rates: Business card size $10 %page (210mmwide x 75mm high) $15 (105mm wide x 150mm high) $15 / (210mm wide x 150mm high) $30 (105mm wide x 297mm high) $30 % (210mm wide x 225mm high) $45 full page (210mm wide x 297mm high) $60 Slovenian Club Adelaide Yoga classes professional instructor classes for young and old you can join any time and just go at your own pace Every Friday Night 7- 8pm $2.50 The ancient Indian art of Yoga improves all aspects of your life. mind, body & soul all equipment provided by the Slovenian Club (wear something comfortable) Do you require a Justice of the Peace? Free service Contact Danilo Kresevic Telephone 8340 7010 If you are involved with Media, Arts, Archiving, or Teaching the Slovenian language you could find yourself at an ALL EXPENSES PAID seminar in Slovenia. As the seminars are conducted in Slovenian you must be able to understand Slovenian. Refer to the notice board in the Clubrooms for announcements of upcoming seminars. Excellent seminars! The Office for Slovenians Abroad runs seminars for people who are actively involved in their local Slovenian community. Bus trip to Christmas Lights of Lobethal Monday December 12 Cost $15 Bus leaves Slovenian Club at 6.30pm and returns 11.00pm Contact Olga Hrvatin Phone 8336 3665 ■ "li'/1*' V > * ■ • '•»Hi* * -í > * tíT1'; , * í,1* " ^ % MIKLAVZEVANJE ST. NICHOLAS Bring your children Sunday December 11 The fun starts at 3.00pm Miklavž (St. Nicholas) arrives at 4.30pm Slovenian Club Adelaide BOZICNA VEČERJA - CHRISTMAS DINNER Sunday D ecember 1S commences at 6.30pm Members $15 Non-members $18 book with Cvetka Jamnik at Slovenian Club SILVESTROVANJE NEW YEARS EVE 7.00pm Saturday December 31 Bring your own party food (kitchen is closed for the night) Bar wi ll be open Music provided by DJ Members FREE entry Non-members $10