SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 48/59 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 26.11. 2023 34. NEDELJA MED LETOM KRISTUS KRALJ 34TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS 905-561-5971, ext. 2 E-MAIL hallrental@ Na zadnjo nedeljo cerkvenega leta obhajamo praznik Kristusa, Kralja vesoljstva. V Kristusu bo ves svet dosegel polnost, on ima pravico, da so mu pokorni vsi ljudje. Po drugi strani je on kralj, ki skrbi za dobro vseh. Prvo berilo, vzeto iz preroka Ezekijela, nam predstavlja Boga kot pastirja, ki gre iskat svoje ovce in skrbi zanje, pa tudi kot sodnika, ki bo sodil med »ovco in ovco, med ovni in kozli«. Evangelij te poglede povzame in poglobi. V drugem berilu Pavel pravi: Kristus »mora kraljevati, dokler ne položi vseh sovražnikov pod njegove noge.« Evangelij se začne z veličastnim prizorom. Jezus je prepričan o svoji moči, svoji oblasti, ker pravi: »Ko pride Sin človekov v svojem veličastvu in vsi angeli z njim, takrat bo sedel na prestol svojega veličastva.« Gre za slovesno ustoličenje. Sin človekov, ki je bil v zemeljskem življenju ponižen, ki pa je v resnici Božji Sin in ima pravico do najvišje slave, prihaja v svoji slavi z vsemi svojimi angeli, saj je njegova slava nebeška. Sede na prestol svojega veličastva. Potem ko je trpel, je bil Jezus poveličan in povabljen, da sede na Očetovo desnico. Psalmist pravi: »Gospodov govor mojemu Gospodu: 'Sêdi na mojo desnico!'« (Ps 110,1; Mt 22,42-45). Oblast poveličanega Kristusa se kaže v njegovi moči, da izvrši vesoljno sodbo, ki konča vso človeško zgodovino. Pred njim so zbrani vsi narodi in on bo ločil ene od drugih, kakor pastir loči ovce od kozlov. Jezus svojo oblast postavlja v službo najbolj ponižnih, najbolj trpečih, najbolj potrebnih. To je razodetje Kristusovega kraljestva. Jezus se poistoveti z vsemi tistimi, ki so v potrebi, ki trpijo, ki so v življenju v težavah, da bi spodbudil tudi nas, da bi bili pozorni in požrtvovalni do vseh teh ljudi. Kristusova oblast ni v zatiranju ampak v služenju ponižnim in potrebnim in to je nekaj izrednega za kralja. VESTNIK 2023 | Nato sledi tisto najbolj presenetljivo. Jezus pravi: »Lačen sem bil in ste mi dali jesti, žejen sem bil in ste mi dali piti...« Pravični so presenečeni. Ne spominjajo se, da bi bili tako velikodušni do Jezusa, da so ga srečali v takih razmerah, zato vprašajo: »Gospod, kdaj smo te videli lačnega in te nasitili ali žejnega in ti dali piti? ...« Jezusov odgovor je preprost: »Kar koli ste storili enemu od teh mojih najmanjših bratov, ste meni storili.« V prvem berilu Bog po preroku Izaiju obljublja, da bo poiskal svoje ovce, da bo poskrbel zanje: »Sam bom pasel svoje ovce in sam jim bom dajal počitek.« Tako se kaže vsa njegova dobrota. Ta dobrota, ki je bila obljubljena, je bila uresničena z Jezusovim prihodom in z njegovim načinom poistovetenja z ljudmi, ki so v težavah in potrebah. Še vedno po preroku Ezekijelu Bog obljublja: »Izgubljene bom poiskal, razgnane pripeljal nazaj...« Jezus izpolnjuje to božjo obljubo s svojo skrbjo za vse najmanjše, najbolj slabotne, najbolj prezirane. Potem smo v evangeliju priča drugemu delu kraljeve sodbe: »Proč izpred mene, prekleti, v večni ogenj, ki je pripravljen hudiču in njegovim angelom! Kajti lačen sem bil in mi niste dali jesti.« Tudi v tem primeru so ljudje presenečeni in pravijo: »Gospod, kdaj smo te videli lačnega ali žejnega ... in ti nismo postregli?» Vendar jim odvrne: »Resnično, povem vam: Kolikor niste storili enemu od teh najmanjših, tudi meni niste storili.« Ob koncu sveta bomo sojeni po ljubezni, po ljubezni do Jezusa, ki smo jo pokazali njegovim bratom in sestram. Jezusovo kraljestvo je kraljestvo ljubezni, kraljestvo, ki hoče ljubezen razširjati povsod: dejansko ljubezen, ne čustvene ali površne ljubezni; ljubezen, ki v resnici služi potrebnim; ljubezen, ki na vse načine spreminja svet s pomočjo velikodušnega služenja. V drugem berilu Pavel pravi: »Kajti on mora kraljevati, dokler ne položi vseh sovražnikov pod njegove noge.« Glavni sovražnik je človekova sebičnost, ki nasprotuje Kristusovemu kraljestvu ljubezni. Kristus nenehno deluje v človeški zgodovini, da bi nas osvobodil sebičnosti in nas napolnil z ljubeznijo. V srcih resnično kraljuje samo takrat, kadar so osvobojena sebičnosti in živijo v resnični ljubezni, ki jih priganja, da služijo najbolj ubogim. (prim. Oznanjevalec 2008, št 4) 518 | VESTNIK 2023 34TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME R: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. First Reading Ezekiel 34:11-12. 15-17 The Lord promises to look after the flock himself. Second Reading 1 Cor. 15:20-26. 28 All shall be brought to life in Christ. Gospel Matthew 25:31-46 The last judgement of the nations. “In so far as you did this to one of the least of these… you did it to me.” Illustration In his sermon at the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II in Westminster Abbey in September 2022, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, took as his theme the servant leadership that had marked the life of the late Queen. The fact that this resonated so well with millions of those who listened was that her commitment to her Christian faith and to a life of service was a theme marking her whole life. Her service of her Lord was revealed in her service of others; the power she exercised was not that of might. It was something she publicly committed to on her twenty-first birthday. That same commitment to service was made by or for each one of us at our baptism and confirmation. Today we are invited to reflect on our personal commitment to the Lord, serving him in others. Application Gospel Teaching The account of the last judgement given towards the end of Matthew’s Gospel is interesting in both its contemporary use of example and its offering of a clear moral imperative for the future. The separating of sheep from goats would have been a frequent task for the shepherds of Christ’s day; the animals were herded together and separated when it came time for market or stocktaking. Matthew uses an everyday image to convey an easy-tounderstand principle to his hearers. We too shall face judgement; it is a certainty of our faith. It is a simple judgement, not complicated by questionnaires or examinations; the Lord – to whom all hearts are open – will point us one way or the other. Matthew reminds us in the story that when that separation of the “sheep” from the “goats” takes place, it will be too late to do anything about it. There is no opportunity to put our side of the story, no bargaining or appeals process, no jury of our peers. If we want to influence the decision, we had better do it now, while we still have the chance. St Benedict puts it eloquently in his Rule: “Run while you still have the light of Christ!” The Gospel gives clear, unequivocal examples of how to make sure we are the right side of the line. Our judgement depends on how we live our lives now. Every day, as we pray the Our Father, we ask: “Thy kingdom come.” This is not an appeal for God to get on with it and complete the work of creation so we can all live in peace and harmony. It is a presenting of ourselves to become the instruments of that kingdom-building in offering our own lives in imitation of Jesus, whose kingdom-building comes to its climax in the power of the cross. Our commitment to the kingdom is to be of total self-giving in a life of Christian service – feeding those who are hungry, giving drink to those who are thirsty, making the stranger welcome, clothing those who are naked, visiting those who are sick and those in prison. Our faith is a faith of service, and it is that which will determine whether we stand on the right or the left hand of the Lord. Judgement is both something that will take place in the future and – at the same time – something that takes place at every moment of every day of our life. A shepherd is constantly faced with decisions to make about the care of the sheep, to find food, water, shelter; for so many in our world today those human rights are limited, withheld or denied. We shall be judged on our responses now, not on our aspirations or desires. The American civil rights campaigner and priest Philip Berrigan said: “If they come for the innocent without walking over your body and mine, then a curse on our life and a curse on our religion.” The celebration of Christ the King is far from cosy and comfortable; it is a renewed challenge for us to act now, through our lives of service, for the building of God’s kingdom, a kingdom of truth and life, a kingdom of holiness and grace, a kingdom of justice, love and peace. If we listen to scripture and act on it in lives lived in imitation of Christ, the servant king, we too shall reveal our love of the Lord in the service of others; we shall have no need to fear judgement. VESTNIK 2023 | 519 520 | VESTNIK 2023 VESTNIK 2023 | 521 CWL & SOD Thank you to everyone who prepared and participated in our annual Memorial Mass dedicated to remembering and praying for deceased members of our Catholic Women’s League and Slomšek Altar Society. We hold close to our hearts the memory of these women who have gone before us and we are grateful to them for blessing our lives. - Thank you. Rosemary 522 | VESTNIK 2023 Hvala gospodu Pascalu Sarjašu za angleško mašo prejšnjo nedeljo. Želimo mu veliko trdnega zdravja na delu in poslanstvu, ki ga opravlja v Franciji na devetih župnijah, ki jih upravlja s še dvema duhovnikoma. Torkovi večer pri sv. Jožefu se nadaljujejo. Ta zadnji je bil nekaj posebnega, saj je Frank Novak praznoval svoj 80. rojstni dan in navada je, da se za tako obletnico poskrbi za nekaj posebnega - tokrat je bila tudi posebna torta. Pa zapeli smo tudi: »Kokor kapljic ...« VESTNIK 2023 | 523 It is hard to believe that Christmas is coming quickly. We would like to share the Christmas tradition of potica for those who may not have the time make it for the season festivities. I will be hosting a potica baking session for those who would like to make their own this year, and there will be an opportunity to order potica ready made to take home and share with family and friends. The details of cost and timing will be shared next week, however, we wanted to let everyone know that this will be available to you. - Heidy Novak, 905-317-6002 New Year's is also in the works and planning has begun. In order to make it the best New Year's ever, we will be selling tickets at each Mass for your convenience, or you can contact Heidy to make reservations and you can pay by e-transfer. We have decided to provide the early bird option with tickets selling for only $100 until December 17th. After that, the ticket prices will increase to $120 with no exceptions. We are also very excited to be highlighting Slo Beat playing their first New Year's event ever. They never let us down in the entertainment department, so be sure to secure your tickets and join us as we ring in 2024 here at our parish with family and friends. Wishing you a wonderful Sunday, Heidy Novak on behalf of your parish council. 905-317-6002 Na račun »Eno Srce, Ena Duša« »One Heart, One Soul« ste za našo slovensko župnijo sv. Gregorija Velikega do 24. novembra 2023 pripevali: $187,112.Hvala vsem, ki ste že prispevali. Naš cilj je, da dosežemo vsoto 200.000,524 | VESTNIK 2023 WITH GRATITUDE We are humbled and grateful by the love and generosity the Slovenian community have shown us. Frank’s service was a beautiful tribute to his life and it wouldn’t have been possible without the support from so many of you. We would like to offer our sincere thanks to the hands that helped with the funeral. From the people that spent many hours looking for and preparing the pictures (we narrowed it down to 500!), setting up and cleaning up the hall, preparing and cooking the delicious meal we shared, the livestream video, serving at the bar, and so many more that anonymously contributed in their own way, we thank you. Special thanks to Father Drago who made himself available to our many questions and his extraordinary mass service that touched our hearts. Also, a special thanks to Heidi Novak. Frank may have had the last laugh by having you cook for his celebration but you couldn’t have done a more magnificent job. Thank you. Frank was a great supporter of this beautiful community. He was right, Slovenians really do have the biggest hearts. With gratitude, Pam Gimpelj, Silvia Stankovič, and Elizabeth Gimpelj Children’s Liturgy of the Word We are excited to welcome the children of St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church to our first Children’s Liturgy of the Word! This is a special time for children ages 3-11 to gather together to celebrate the Word of God in a caring and kid-friendly way. Our first Children’s Liturgy of the Word will take place on Sunday, December 10th, 2023. Where? St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church When? Sundays at 11:00 a.m. mass Ages? 3-11 years old VESTNIK 2023 | 525 O BVESTILA - A NNOUNCEMENTS KOLEDAR DOGODKOV MIKLAVŽ - DECEMBER 3RD, 2023 - Nov. 26 - Slovenski Park - Fall AGM - Dec. 02 - Lipa Park - Tree DecorationExecutive Social - Dec. 03 - Lipa Park - Santa Clause & Festive luncheon - Dec. 03 - Slovenska Šola -St. Gregory the Great Miklavževanje - Mass: 10:00 a.m. - Dec. 10 - Bled - Christmas Social & Cookie Sale - Dec. 10 - Slovenski Park - Members Christmas Party - Dec. 17 - Breslau - Mass 1:00 p.m. - Dec. 17 - London - Mass 4:00 p.m. - Dec. 31 - St. Gregory the Great - New Year’s Eve - Jan. 1 - Lipa Park - New Year’s Day Luncheon Šola has received good news from Miklavž! He will visit our parish on December 3rd, 2023. We will start the day with Mass at 10:00 a.m., followed by a delicious homemade lunch in our upper hall at 12:00 noon. Miklavž and his angels will visit and out on a special show after lunch. I hope you will all join us in celebrating Miklavž, so we can continue this beloved Slovenian tradition. For reservations, please contact Sandy at or 905-977-8464 CLEANING OF THE CHURCH - Dec. 10th - Lojzka Novak & team BRALEC - READER Slovenian - Olga Glavač English - GIFT BEARERS AT SLOVENIAN MASS - Nov. 26th - Milena Volčanšek & Majda Lukežič - Dec. 3rd - Slovenian School family - Dec. 10th - Jose Hapke & Mary Holder DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA - TORKOVI VEČERI »Torkovi večeri« so vsak torek od 7:00 p.m. do 10h zvečer v prostorih društva sv. Jožefa - Villa Slovenia. Villa Slovenia - Tuesday’s night social gatherings started and they go from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. 526 | VESTNIK 2023 PRVI PETEK Ta teden bomo stopili v mesec December. In 1. December pade ravno na prvi petek v mesecu. Kot običajno bo priložnost za sveto spoved ob 6:00h zvečer, molitev pred Najsvetejšim, molitev rožnega venca ob 6:30 in sveta masa ob 7h zvečer. Lepo vabljeni. VEČNA LUČ V mesecu decembru bo večna luč gorela po namenu Rose Marie Gage - Vengar za pokojnega Antona in Tilko Vengar. OGNJIŠČE Naročnina za revijo Ognjišče ostane enaka kot lansko leto in sicer $91.- Če ne boste odpovedali računam, da boste še naprej naročniki na revijo za leto 2024. IZ SLOVENSKE KARITAS DAROVI - DONATIONS Spoštovani, Iskreno se vam zahvaljujemo za dosedanjo podporo pomoči ljudem v stiski ob poplavah. Ob vseslovenski nabirki se je zbralo 945.539,93 EUR. Zahvala tudi vsem, ki ste zavihali rokave in zastavili svoje moči neposredno v kraju, kjer so se zgodile poplave ter tudi še vedno dajete veliko podporo sodelavcem župnijske karitas. Škofijske karitas so ob pomoči župnijskih do sedaj razdelile dobrih 6 mio EUR iz darov posameznikov in podjetij. V celoti je razdeljena tudi nabirka. Tako je Karitas skupaj z državnimi sredstvi do sedaj razdelila 11,5 mio EUR pomoči. Pomoč na Karitas je v različni obliki iz teh sredstev prejelo 4.064 gospodinjstev po vsej Sloveniji. Na voljo imamo še manjši del sredstev zbranih v Sloveniji v novembru in mednarodna sredstva, predvsem čakamo na 1,2 mio EUR iz nabirke na Poljskem, s katero bomo v naslednjem mesecih in letu spremljali ter pomagali najbolj prizadetim 150 družinam. Še enkrat hvala za vaš trud in veliko blagoslova pri vašem delu! Lep pozdrav, Peter Tomažič generalni tajnik Slovenske karitas Svete maše - Masses † 34. NEDELJA † MED LETOM †† KRISTUS KRALJ †† † †† 26. NOVEMBER Valerijan Oglejski, šk. †† †† Our Lord Jesus Christ, †† King of the Universe †† † DON BOSCO Za gradbeni sklad so darovali: V spomin na pok. Viktorijo Zamuda: - $100 - Toni in Marija Franc - $100 - Viktor in Kim Franc - $100 - Marija in Peter Markeš V spomin na pok. Matija Škerl: - $200 - Peter in Linda Novak - $100 - Družini Marija Žvan in Watson - $200 - Janez Cestnik - $ 74 - Stan Pelcar V spomin na pok. Frank L. Gimpelj: - $100 - Marco Osso Hvala vsem za vaše darove in podporo. V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Mesiček Franc November 27, 2005 Dim Ivan November 27, 2013 Hočevar Ivan Janez November 30, 2012 Tacalsky Elvira Lucia November 30, 2021 Farkaš Elizabeth December 1, 2006 Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 A.M. Julijana Sagadin Ann Božnar Pok. starši Svoljšak Štefan Mlinarič, obl. In družina Jože Zadravec Pok. bratje in sestra Pok. iz družine Sarjaš Pokojni iz družine Kolarič Paula in Rudy Levstek 11:00 A.M. Pavel in Paul Richard Novak Joe Lackovič ------Marija Volf John Božnar z družino Družina Svoljšak Matilda Prša Francka in Štefan Antolin Ljudmila in Franc Zadravec Ignac in Terezija Sarjaš z družino Terezija in Ignac Sarjaš z družino Levstek & McLean Families Helen Špiler Žena Vera z družino SV. MAŠE - MASSES: Mon. to Fri.: 7:00 P.M.; Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slo); Sunday: 9:30 A.M. (Slo); 11:00 A.M (Eng) - From July to Fall Banquet only 10:00 A.M. - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: By appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 to 7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971 or Cell: 905-520-2014 VESTNIK 2023 | 527 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES PONEDELJEK - MONDAY †† Pavel in Paul Richard Novak 27. NOVEMBER † Kline Leopold Virgil in Modest, šk. 7:00 P.M. Jožica Novak Društvo sv. Jožefa (3) TOREK - TUESDAY 28. NOVEMBER † Mariella Celeste † Ermanno Lanari 7:00 P.M. Friend Wife SREDA - WEDNESDAY 29. NOVEMBER † Anka Recek † Eileen MacKanzie 7:00 P.M. Marija Hočevar N.N. ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 30. NOVEMBER † Janez Hočevar, obl. † Anton Vinčec 7:00 P.M. Žena Marija Hočevar Marija Korošec z družino Katarina Labouré, red. Saturnin, muč. Andrej, apostol PRVI PETEK - FIRST FRIDAY † Franc Verdnik 1. DECEMBER † Elizabeth Donko Marija Klementina, muč. † Jakob Muhič Jr. † Marija Bukvič SOBOTA - SATURDAY Za duše v vicah † Joe Kolenko 2. DECEMBER † Gina Miklavčič Silverij, papež † Cecilija Sobočan Bibijana (Vivijana) muč. † Martin Simončič †† Pok. prijatelji in sorodniki † † 1. ADVENTNA NEDELJA † 1ST SUNDAY OF ADVENT †† † 1. DECEMBER † Frančišek Ksaver, red. 528 | VESTNIK 2023 7:00 P.M. Marija Košir Olga Glavač z družino 5:30 P.M. Družina Muhič Anton Bukvič z družino Marija košir Anica Miklavčič z družino Anica Miklavčič z družino Kathy Simončič Žena Kathy Amalija Štadler z družino Za žive in rajne župljane Alojzija Novak, obl. Anton Vinčec Jože Zadravec Štefan in Marija Kovač Izidor Fujs Frank L. Gimpelj ------Sin Frank z družino ONLY AT Vera Lackovič z družino 10:00 A.M. Fran in Ljudmila Zadravec Hči Ljudmila in Franc Zadravec Aranka z družino Mary in Robert Kure Miklavževanje 12:00 NOON Upper Hall - Slovenska šola MASS IS