huh Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 42/53 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 15. 10. 2017 28. Nedelja med letom 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Tel.: 905-561-5971 Fax: 905-561-5109 E-mail gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail hallrental@ Povabilo na svatbo Delegacija velikega zbora je na veliki torek v jeruzalemskem templju slišala še tretjo Jezusovo priliko o svoji žalostni usodi v prihodnosti. Neki kralj je pripravil svojemu sinu poročno pojedino. Kako nekaj izredno lepega je morala biti, je mogoče sklepati iz tega, da so na Vzhodu praznovali svatbe od enega do dveh tednov in da je moralo biti na njih kar največ gostov. Kralj je goste povabil že nekaj časa pred praznovanjem, tik pred njim pa je poslal svoje sle goste obvestit, naj pridejo. Ti so vabilo zavrnili. Na Vzhodu je sleherna zavrnitev povabila pomenila zelo veliko žalitev, koliko večjo šele odklonitev kraljevega povabila. Kralj je imel dobro srce in močne živce. Za žalitev se ni zmenil, ampak je znova poslal sle k povabljenim. Ti se tudi to pot niso odzvali na njegovo željo, ampak so odšli po najbolj navadnih vsakdanjih opravkih. Ostali so se celo tako daleč spozabili, da so sle zgrabili in pobili. Kralju je bilo tedaj dovolj. Nad morilce je poslal svoje čete. Te so jih pobile, njihovo mesto pa upepelile. Svatbena dvorana je bila še vedno brez gostov. Kralj je zdaj poslal sle na stičišča mestnih cest s podeželskimi potmi vabit vse, ki bodo šli mimo. Do tod prvi del prilike. Poslušalci so jo gotovo razumeli. Kralj je Bog. Svatbo, to je nebeško kraljestvo, Oče pripravlja po svojem Sinu. Sli so preroki in apostoli, ki vso izraelsko zgodovino vabijo izvoljeno ljudstvo k Bogu. Povabljenci so Izraelci, posebno še njihovi voditelji, ki se za božja vabila ne menijo. Vojska, ki jo je kralj poslal nad to ljudstvo, bo rimski cesar Tit: ta je leta 70 prišel nad Jeruzalem, ga pet mesecev oblegal, potem pa zažgal, prebivalce pa dal mučiti in tako množično križati, da je zmanjkovalo prostora za križe. Shodnice je bilo konec, začela se je Cerkev. Vabilo vanjo je vesoljno: Bog vabi vanjo vse ljudi vseh narodov. Nadaljevanje prilike. Kralj je vstopil v slavnostno dvorano, da se bo srečal z gosti. Med njimi je opazil nekoga brez svatovske obleke. Dal ga je zvezati in vreči v kraj teme in strašnega trpljenja. Ali je mož res zaslužil tako kazen? Na svatbo se ni vsilil, ampak so ga nanjo povabili kraljevi sli, in povabljen ni bil doma, kjer bi si lahko priskrbel svatovsko obleko, ampak na cesti. Jezusu je šlo za sporočilo prilike, zato je vnesel vanjo to neverjetno okoliščino, kot so to radi počeli učitelji na Vzhodu. Prvi del prilike je govoril o celotnem nebeškem kraljestvu, to je o njegovih obeh dobah, zemski in nebeški. Njen drugi del pa opisuje le njegovo nebeško dobo. Božje vabilo je zastonjsko, a tudi zahtevno. Vsakdo je vabljen v Jezusovo mesijansko kraljestvo, a za ostajanje v njem tudi v njegovi večni dobi, ne zadošča samo sprejeti vabilo, ampak tudi vršiti božjo voljo. Sklepni stavek o veliko poklicanih in malo izvoljenih se nanaša na prvi del prilike, na neodzivanje Judov predvsem na Jezusova vabila. WORLD MISSION SUNDAY - October 22ND, 2017 Next Sunday, October 22nd, 2017, our parish will celebrate World Mission Sunday. It represents a global sign of the universal Church and Mission. We are invited to reach out and help build the Church in the most remote areas across our world. Your prayers and donations will support churches, hospitals, schools, and vocations to priesthood and religious life. Please show your generosity as much as possible during this collection, because it provides assistance to the young dioceses in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Pacific Islands. Rediscovering MISSION At the Heart of Christian Faith ♦ s 446 | VESTNIK 2017 srečanje bolnikov in starejših Vsako leto imamo, v sredo po zahvalni nedelji, (letos je bilo to 11. oktobra) srečanje za bolne in starejše. Ob enajstih dopoldne smo se zbrali k obhajanju svete daritve med katero so mnogi prejeli tudi zakrament bolniškega maziljenja. Po maši pa so članice Slomškovega oltarnega društva pripravile nekaj okrepčila kar v atriju cerkve. Hvala Jožici Vegelj in Pameli Gosgnach, ki sta nosile glavno težo priprave. Hvala pa tudi vsem, ki so pomagali pri postrežbi. Ob druženju so si mnogi izmenjali novice, saj se v taki sestavi ne vidijo pogosto. Hvala vsem, ki ste ob srečanju tudi darovali za Slomškovo oltarno društvo. VESTNIK 2017 | 447 Kitchen Secrets Cooking Session It looks as though the enthusiasm about making potica is always at a high... With 10 cooks in the kitchen this week, we again shared not only our recipe tips, but some of the secrets of our parents. Everyone had a memory of how their mom made potica and shared a trick of this craft with our group. At this session, we also had the "Forever Slovenian" Documentary crew in the kitchen with us. As we shared stories and reconnected with friends, it was a fabulous reminder of how luck we are to be Slovenian. The film crew asked questions and welcomed stories on growing up here at St. Gregory's and it reminded us all of how special it is to belong to this Slovenian community. In the end, not only did we enjoy another great day in the kitchen, we enjoyed the fabulous taste of a great Slovenian tradition, Potica. Our next session will be in November 25, 2017, we'll keep you updated with the details. Heidy Novak, October 14, 2017 448 | VESTNIK 2017 VESTNIK 2017 | 449 SLOVENSKI MEŠANI PEVSKI ZBOR MOTIV iz NOVE GORICE Mešani pevski zbor MOTIV iz Nove gorice združujejo pevke in pevci iz Vipavske doline. Posebej se je pripravil kot pevski zbor za obisk Slovencev v Kanadi. Pevski zbor izvaja Slovenske narodne in umetne pesmi. Posebej rad prepeva domoljubne. Poleg tega poje maše in liturgične pesmi. Pevski zbor šteje 24 članov. Sestavljen je iz izkušenih pevcev, ki pojejo že od svoje mladosti. Za obisk pri Slovencih v Kanadi je posebej pripravil mašo, pesmi za petje pri maši in Slovenske ljudske pesmi za koncertno izvedbo. Zborovodja je Miran Rustja Most of the participants in this group are coming from Vipava region - Nova Gorica. Their repertoire is extensive and very rich. Group counts 24 members, of which most of them are performing since younger age. It is an experienced assembly of talent and performance at the highest level. Come and join us for this unique extravaganza. MOTIV from VIPAVA region - NOVA GORICA in CANADA From Friday, October 20th to Sunday, October 29th, 2017 Performance - Hamilton St. Gregory the Great Church Saturday, October 21st, 5:30 p.m. Mass Performance - Hamilton St. Gregory the Great Church Sunday, October 22nd, 9:30 a.m. Mass Visiting community - Monday, October 23, Niagara Falls and Lipa Park Visiting community - Tuesday, October 24, Montreal Visiting community - Wednesday, October 25, Ottawa Toronto Brown's Line CONCERT in the Church of Brezmadežna after evening Mass Friday, October 27, 2017, reception to follow in the church hall 450 | VESTNIK 2017 An event and facility presented for members and supporters of St. Gregory and the Hamilton Diocese vestnik 20171451 začetek bo ob 5:30 uri ~ večerja ob 7:00 uri Marriages that are cared for reap rewards as the years pass: both people feel connected and in love; children feel secure in the love of their parents; they share times of joy and an ability to pull together when trials present themselves. Couple care includes spending time together, using good communication skills, and asking each other, "What are we doing well, what could we be doing better." The rewards for continuous care of your marriage are endless! From: Teresa Hartnett, Family Ministry Office, 905-528-7988 ext. 2250 Response: I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my who life long. First Reading Isaiah 25:6-10 The prophet recounts what God has done for us, inviting us to God's banquet and causing us to rejoice. Second Reading Philippians 4:12-14. 19-20 In the hardships of his life St Paul knows that God gives him strength. Gospel Matthew 22:1-14 The wedding feast is ready and we have been invited to it. "The wedding hall was filled with guests." Illustration It is hard to imagine that anyone receiving an invitation to a royal wedding would refuse to go. When Prince William married Catherine Middleton in 2011 guests naturally included their own families, members of other royal families, religious and political leaders; but, breaking with precedent, half the guests were friends from their childhood and university days, as well as representatives of charities they supported, celebrities and some people who would never have expected an invitation. As everyone present at dinner was deemed "equally important" to the couple, the tables were a mix of royals, family members and friends. Only fifteen of the two thousand invitees declined, most of them through ill health. The Crown Prince and Princess of Japan could not come be- 452 | VESTNIK 2017 cause their country had been hit by earthquake and tsunami. And the Prince of Liechtenstein was attending the beatification of John Paul II, which clashed with the wedding. Gospel Teaching In today's Gospel Jesus presents a strange story about a royal wedding. Servants delivered personal invitations to the wedding of a king's son, but no one turned up. When the banquet was ready the king sent more servants to tell them to come. But they made limp excuses, beat up the servants and killed them. Then the story becomes really bizarre. The furious king despatched troops to burn down the town where these murderers lived. After that, by which time the food on the table must have been stone cold, he sent another lot of servants out into the streets to fetch in anyone at all, good and bad alike, until the hall was filled with guests. The theme is the familiar one of the failure of God's chosen people to respond to what God expected of them, and their replacement by others who did. It is a peculiar story, but those who first heard it would know some things we may not. They would know that the first servants sent out were the prophets Moses, Elijah, Elisha and others, whose message was ignored. The second lot of servants were more prophets, like Isaiah, who, in the first reading, talked about God preparing a banquet of rich food and fine wines for all people. The prophets made heartfelt appeals for men and women to repent and accept God's invitation to enter the kingdom of God, but they were scorned, ill-treated and some of them were killed. The sending of the troops to burn up the city while the food was on the table refers to the tragedy of AD 70: the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans and the massacre of its inhabitants, which Jesus warned would happen because of their rejection of God's kingdom. The first readers of St Matthew's Gospel would have had vivid memories of it. After that, the servants went out along the roads and invited anyone they could find, good and bad alike; people who would never have expected an invitation. These Gentiles responded to their invitation with joy, and the wedding hall was filled with guests. Application These last servants who travelled the roads to bring in guests were the apostles and missionaries of the Church. The king told his servants to "go", the same word used later in Matthew's Gospel when Jesus tells the apostles to "go" and make disciples of all nations. They travelled beyond Jerusalem into Gentile lands, to Europe, Asia, Africa and eventually America and Australia. And they are still going out, these missionaries, priests, sisters and laypeople, suffering hardships as Paul, in the second reading, told us he did, inviting men and women into the kingdom of God. And all of us in different ways are part of that mission of spreading the Gospel. The beauty of this parable is that it presents the kingdom of God as a wedding banquet, highly desirable and attractive. Moreover, the Lord freely invites us to be his guests. We do not have to be worthy; we couldn't be worthy of God's invitation. God invites both the good and the bad. God wants us all to be there. But why was an unfortunate man thrown out for not wearing a wedding garment? At baptism a white garment is put on. We are clothed in Christ. It is a salutary reminder that we are called to grow into the likeness of Christ we have put on, and live the Gospel life. VESTNIK 2017 | 453 Obvestila - Announcements pevske vaje za mešani zbor_ V četrtek, 19. oktobra, so pevske vaje za mešani pevski zbor. Zbor bo pel v nedeljo, 29. oktobra, spomin vseh rajnih. dogodki v bližnji prihodnosti_ ♦ 15. oktober: Lipa park - Oktoberfest -Thanksgiving Luncheon with the Band Blue Waves, Lunch starts at 1:00 p.m. ♦ 15. oktober: Triglav - Vinska trgatev -Oktoberfest ♦ 17. oktober: SCON meeting at St. Gregory the Great - 7:30 p.m. ♦ 21. oktober: Sv. Gregorij Veliki - »RAISE THE ROOF« - Fundraising event ♦ 28. oktober: at Brown's Line - VSKO organize, at 5:30 p.m., Banquet for the support of Slovenian Radio and Glasilo (20 years) ♦ 29. oktober: Mass at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery at 2:00 p.m. - prayers after Mass ♦ 2. november: London - at 2:00 p.m. Mass at St. Peters Cemetery ♦ 11. november: Sv. Gregorij Veliki - Martinovanje ♦ 12. november: London-Triglav - Mass at 2:00 p.m. and social ♦ 12. november: Lipa park - Martinovanje - at 1:00 p.m., - ansambel ŠIBAJ gift bearers - darove prinašajo ♦ 15. oktober, 9:30 a.m.: Stanko in Jožica Vegelj ♦ 22. oktober, 9:30 a.m.: Emilija Mertuk in Gizela Hauzar ♦ 29. oktober, 9:30 a.m.: Marija Glavač in Mary Glavač ♦ 5. november, 9:30 a.m.: Aranka in Danny Dundek ♦ 12. november, 9:30 a.m.: Ivan in Angela Antolin štrudelj Po mašah lahko še kupite štrudelj! poroka - marriage V soboto, 21. oktobra 2017, se bosta v naši cerkvi poročila ženin Brandon Lucas PACHECO, sin očeta Amaden in matere Fatime in nevesta Cynthia Carmen-Marie MOSCA, hči očeta Tony-ja in matere Doreen (rojena Bregar). Čestitke obema ob tako pomembnem življenjskem koraku. Naj ju spremlja božji blagoslov na skupni poti. balinanje - bocce_ Two weeks ago the invitation to come out for balinanje was accepted by enough parishioners that we were able to get 4 teams together to play a few rounds. We enjoyed a simple lunch, reminisced from the days when we would all get together to play sports on Sunday afternoons, and watched as some of the younger players made some amazing shots on the bocce court! We are happy to say that we talked about planning another afternoon to come together and will keep you up to date on the details. Thank you to all who came out and we look forward to getting together again soon! 454 | VESTNIK 2017 darovi - donations Namesto cvetja na grob pokojne Elizabete Grič je Vera Gonza darovala $50 za gradbeni sklad. Za gradbeni sklad smo prejeli dar $400. Za misijone je Marija Glavač darovala $100. Oltarnemu društvu je Francka Cestnik darovala $50. Oltarnemu društvu je Marija Žvan z družino darovala $50 v spomin na pokojno sestrično Tilko Vengar. Iskrena hvala vsem za vaše darove. Bog vam povrni. zahvala -thankyou_ We like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the love and support we have received. Words can't express how grateful we are. You can be sure that Elizabeth Gerič would have been so happy, with such a beautiful Mass, thank you so much Father Drago. A huge thank you to the Catholic Women's League. Mom would have been so proud, along with the Ladies choir who all sang so beautifully and the ladies who worked very hard in the kitchen with Mrs. Elizabeth Gimpelj to give us a delicious meal and thank you Nancy for setting up the hall. Again we can't thank everyone enough. Sincerely with Love Joe, Shelly and Jožef Gerič retrouvaille_ Do you feel alone? - Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue ... or have you just stopped talking to each other? Retrouvaille has helped 10's of 1000's of couples experiencing marital difficulty. For confidential information about or to register for the program beginning with a weekend on November 3, 2017, please call 905-664-5212 or email: hamiltonretrouvaillel or visit the web site at "Grief Relief"_ Has someone you cared about died? Are you grieving the loss of the person's presence in your life? Are you wondering if these feelings are normal? You are not alone! "Grief Relief" - a six week educational and support series dealing with grief When: Tuesdays, Oct. 24 - Nov. 28 Time: 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. Where: Diocese of Hamilton Chancery Office - 700 King St. West, Hamilton (next to the Cathedral Basilica) Facilitated by Karen Hulley (Trained Grief Facilitator); There is no cost to participate. You are free to attend all sessions, or any one or more you can. To register call the Family Ministry Office: 905-528-7988 ext. 2249, or email:, or on-line at -t, svete maše - mass times: Monday: 8:00 a.m., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 p.m., Saturday: 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 a.m. (Slovenian), 11:00 a.m. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend in September Sunday 111 Mass is only at 10:00 a.m. (Slovenian-English) - krsti /baptisms: For an appointment, call one month before. poroke/ marriage: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to don bosco call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971, VESTNIK 2017 | 455 Od 15. 10. 2017 Do 22. 10. 2017 svete maše - masses 28. Nedelja Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. med letom f Janez Kosednar Žena z družino 15. Oktober Terezija Avilska, redovnica-cerk. učit. f Anna Hochevar 11:00 a.m. Peter in Francesca Kure Ponedeljek - Monday 16. Oktober f Drago Kornhauzer 8:00 a.m. Sestra Gizela Marjeta, red. Torek - Tuesday f Irma Gerič, obl. 7:00 p.m. Rose Gerič 17. Oktober f Martin Farkaš Zena Farkaš Ignacij Antiohijski, šk. f Jožica Mrvar Vera Gonza Sreda - Wednesday 18. Oktober Luka, evangelist Po namenu f William 7:00 p.m. Ana Tadič N.N. Četrtek - Thursday 19. Oktober Pavel od križa, duh. f Ivan Zupančič f Elizabeta Gerič 7:00 p.m. Žena z družino Cecilija Sobočan Petek - Friday 20. Oktober Irena, mučenka ff Za rajne župljane f Elizabeta Gerič f Elizabeta Gerič 7:00 p.m. Jožica Novak Manja Erzetič Elizabeta Farkaš Po namenu 8:00 a.m. N.N. Sobota ff Štefan in Matilda Ftičar 5:30 p.m. Marjan Hozjan z družino Saturday ff Matija in Verona Hozjan Sin Marjan Hozjan z druž. 21. Oktober f Marija Horvat Dorothea Ježovnik Uršula, dev.-mučenka f Vinko Cestnik Zena in družina ff Alojzij in Julijana Tonkli Hčerka Francka Cestnik 29. Nedelja Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. med letom f Rozalija in Franc Grobelnik Hči Jožica Pavličič z družino " .. , , ,. f Maks in Maksimilian Sagadin 11:00 a.m. Julija Sagadin z družino Misijonska nedelja Za zdravje Julija Sagadin z družino Mission Sunday 456 | VESTNIK 2017