iS A h Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 44/53 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 29. 10. 2017 30. Nedelja MED LETOM 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Tel.: 905-561-5971 Fax: 905-561-5109 E-mail gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail hallrental@ Največja zapoved Razne skupine Jezusovih nasprotnikov so na veliki torek kar tekmovale med seboj, katera od njih bo zastavila Jezusu vprašanje, na katero ne bo znal odgovoriti. Najprej so pohiteli v tempelj učenci farizejev in herodovci, potem saduceji, končno farizeji. Eden od teh zadnjih, po poklicu učitelj postave, je Jezusa vprašal, katera zapoved v Mojzesovi postavi je po njegovem mnenju najvažnejša. Treba je vedeti, da je postava določala vse življenje Judov. Težava je bila v tem, ker je vsebovala ogromno zapovedi in prepovedi. Rabini so našli v njej 248 zapovedi (toliko delov naj bi imelo človeško telo) in 356 prepovedi (kot je dni v letu). Oboje so delili še naprej na velike in male. Tako so npr. zapoved o posvečevanju Gospodovega dneva razdrobili na 1521 določil. Jezus je odgovoril, da je največja zapoved v postavi ljubiti Boga z vsemi močmi. To zapoved so Judje poznali iz veroizpovedi, ki so jo molili vsako jutro in vsak večer: »Gospod je naš Bog, Gospod edini. Ljubi Gospoda, svojega Boga, z vsem srcem in vso dušo in vso močjo.« Ne da bi bil vprašan, je Jezus povedal še drugo zapoved, zapoved ljubezni do ljudi. Tudi ta zapoved je zapisana v postavi, čeprav nekako skrita v drugem besedilu: »Ne maščuj se in ne bodi zamerljiv do sinov svojega ljudstva, temveč ljubi svojega bližnjega kakor samega sebe.« Jezus poudaril še neizpodbitno prvenstvo teh dveh zapovedi: ljubezen je vsota in povzetek vseh zapovedi, zapisanih v svetem pismu. Ljubezen je kakor ogrodje zgradbe: če tega odstranimo, se vsa zgradba zruši. Izvirnost Jezusovega odgovora je bila v dvojem: v tem, da je postavo »poenostavil«, in opozoriti, da je ljubezen do Boga in ljubezen do ljudi povezal, tako da ene brez druge ni. Prva zapoved še vedno ostaja prva in da torej ni mogoče reči, da tisti, ki ljubi ljudi, že tudi ljubi Boga. Na drugi strani se pa ljubezen tistih, ki pravijo, da ljubijo Boga, kaže predvsem v njihovi ljubezni do ljudi. Jezus je dal s svojim odgovorom navodilo, ki je po pomenu neprekosljivo, za človekovo življenje, za razumevanje med vero in etiko, za pot posameznika in celotnega človeštva (Schnackenburg). St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Parish Presents St. Martin's Day Dance and Wine Festival 6:30 pm Saturday, November 11, 2017 Special invitation to all former Soča Dancers! Live Slovenian and Pop Music by "Europa" Folklore Performance by "Mladi Glas Dance Group" Slide show & Display celebrating the early years of F.S. Soča Admission only $12 Supper Available for Purchase Bring this year's home made wine and enter the contest. Bring your home made potica and enter the contest Raffle for great prizes including a traditional Goose. Reconnect, Reminisce and Revel at this fun filled evening. Last Saturday, October 21st, your Parish Council hosted our second annual "Let's Raise the Roof" to over 192 guests and brought in a final tally of $6,637.50. Our evening began with the fabulous performance by Mixed Choir MOTIV from Nova Gorica (Slovenia) under the direction of Miran Rustja, at our Saturday evening mass. Afterward we began our community builder and fundraiser in the hall, and all were ready to "Raise the Roof" enjoying the evening with family and friends. There were games, draws, competitions, prizes, drinks and lots of food for everyone! From the lineups at the Plinko board, Balloon Darts, the Numbers Wheel, to our Entertaining Emcees, Raffle prizes and DJ 's who played 'till 1:30am, it was clear that there was something at this event for everyone! Throughout the evening we were also fortunate enough to have »Duo Karosec«, musicians play as we waited in line to get into the hall and listened to their wonderful performance as we enjoyed our buffet dinner. The evening came together wonderfully for everyone to enjoy. However, we all know that an event like this doesn't happen without many hands, ideas and the willingness of fabulous volunteers happy to give their time to this community builder and fundraiser. To name everyone involved in the unfolding of this event, would be difficult without accidentally leaving someone out... so, to everyone who did the planning, the set-up, the clean-up and to those who gave their time to help out with the games, raffles, food, bar and entertainment and of course to everyone who generously donat- 458 | VESTNIK 2017 ed to our event or secured donations... on behalf of our entire Parish community... we say THANK YOU! And of course, to everyone who came out to support our Slovenian community, THANK YOU! It seems to be safe to say that there is enough of us who are willing to contribute in any way we can towards our community's future. With a little involvement from everyone, there is hope for our Slovenian future! We look forward to our next annual "Let's Raise the Roof" event - we are certain that it will be run even better, even smoother and will surely be another fabulous event here at St Gregory the Great Slovenian Parish! - Heidy Novak, President of PC VESTNIK 2017|459 Response: I love you, O Lord, my strength. First Reading Exodus 22:20-26 The Lord hears the cry of the poor. Second Reading 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10 The Thessalonians are the great example to all believers. Gospel Matthew 22:34-40 The greatest commandment of the Law. "Which is the greatest commandment of the Law?" Illustration Images of children have the power to change history. The image of a naked little girl fleeing her village after a napalm attack during the Vietnam War is seared into our memories. A policeman carrying the dead body of a little boy drowned as he and his family tried to escape the fighting in Syria by crossing the sea to Greece in a rubber dinghy; a little boy sitting in the back of an ambulance having just been dug out of the rubble of a bombed house in Aleppo. These are images that can never be forgotten. They accuse the world of crimes against humanity. How can anyone justify such horrors perpetrated against innocent children? Public opinion turned against American involvement in Vietnam after the publication of that one picture. People's perception of the issue of refugees and of the war in Syria were profoundly affected by the publication of the other images and yet the horror continues. There are other stories, however, of heroic charity: of communi- 12 | VESTNIK 2017 ties preparing day after day, night after night, to rescue refugees who have been abandoned at sea by people traffickers; of governments expending scarce resources to save lives. Many of us wonder just what we can do besides responding to the never-ending appeals for help from the various aid agencies. Gospel Teaching Moses recognised the tendency of some people to forget their own origins and to protect their newly gained prosperity. He reminds the people that they were a refugee people themselves and slaves in Egypt. This memory should help them deal kindly and honestly with people in need, widows, orphans, poor people. As God had responded to their cries of distress, so God will continue to hear the cry of those who are poor and punish those who oppress them. Throughout the history of God's dealings with Israel, this is a constant theme. The prophets remind the people again and again of the demands of the Law: that the love of God and neighbour are at the heart of all their religious observances, and that God has chosen Israel to be a light to the nations, so that the witness of their lives would help the whole of humanity to come to the knowledge of God's saving love. Today St Paul commends the Thessalonian community for the way in which they have faithfully followed the Gospel life he had taught them. They have done this so well that they have become an example for everyone, not only the neighbouring communities. This, surely, is the way that evangelisation is meant to work, by the witness of transformed lives. The Christian community at Thessalo-nica did what God's chosen people had failed to achieve in all the centuries before. The secret lies in the greatest commandment of the Law as spelt out by Jesus: "You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind"; and "You must love your neighbour as yourself." The Law and the Prophets hang on these two rules. Application Images of dead and traumatised children have a profound effect on the way we see our world. Like the people of Israel and all the generations before us, when we settle into a comfortable and secure way of life, we want to protect it. We can conveniently forget all the struggles our ancestors endured: the wars that dislocated their lives; the poverty that drove them from their homelands in search of a better world; the hardships they suffered to bring up their children with a more secure future. But the images of children shock us into mindfulness. The Lord hears the cry of those who are poor and, if we are attuned to the word of God, that cry resonates in our hearts. If we are to love God with all our heart and soul and mind, then we are bound to be touched by the horrors that are perpetrated all around us. We will be moved with compassion as God is moved with compassion and we will see that to respond to our neighbour's need is, in fact, to love ourselves, as human beings united with the whole of humanity in God. When the Christian community responds with prayer and practical help to the crises of our times, then it will truly be a light for all the nations to see. We will be teaching the Gospel by the example of our lives and building the new creation. VESTNIK 2017 | 13 Obvestila - Announcements pevske vaje za mešani zbor_ V četrtek, 2. novembra, so pevske vaje za mešani pevski zbor. Zbor bo pel v nedeljo, 26. novembra, za praznik Kristusa kralja. dogodki v bližnji prihodnosti_ ♦ 29. oktober: Mass at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery at 2:00 p.m. - prayers after Mass ♦ 2. november: London - at 2:00 p.m. Mass at St. Peters Cemetery ♦ 11. november: Sv. Gregorij Veliki - Martinovanje ♦ 12. november: London-Triglav - Mass at 2:00 p.m. and social ♦ 12. november: Lipa park - Martinovanje - at 1:00 p.m., - ansambel ŠIBAJ gift bearers - darove prinašajo ♦ 29. oktober, 9:30 a.m.: Marija Glavač in Mary Glavač ♦ 5. november, 9:30 a.m.: Aranka in Danny Dundek ♦ 12. november, 9:30 a.m.: Ivan in Angela Antolin molitve na pokopališčih_ Ko vsako leto, bo tudi letos ob 2:00 p.m. sveta maša na pokopališču Holy Sepulchre, ki jo bo daroval škof. Anthony Tonnos. Po maši, t.j. ob 3:00 p.m. bodo molitve pri križu (za šotorom). Ob 3:30 p.m. se bomo zbrali za molitev na pokopališču Gate of Heaven pri kapelici. Ob 5:00 p.m. pa bomo molili za pokojne, ki so pokopani na Our Lady of the Angels pokopališču. Za molitev se bomo zbrali v mavzoleju. maša na pokopališču v londonu V četrtek, 2. novembra, bo sveta maša v mavzoletu pokopališča St. Peters v Londonu. Maša se bo darovala za vse pokojne člane društva Triglav. Za mašo, za + Štefana Horvata, sta darovala tudi Štefan in Francka Antolin. cwl Reminder Wednesday, November 1st: * 6:00 pm - Executive meeting * General meeting after 7:00 p.m. Mass Ladies, please, join us to talk about and plan upcoming events. večna luč_ V mesecu novembru bo večna luč svetila po namenu družine Pinter za pokojno Frančiško in Staneta Napast. prvi petek_ 3. novembra je prvi petek v mesecu. Obiskoval bom bolnike, zvečer ob šestih pa bo priložnost za sveto svpove, molitev pred Najsvetejšim in sveto mašo. Prav je, da se v mesecu novembru še posebej spomnimo v molitvih veh naših rajnih, tudi tistih, za katere nihče ne moli. kitchen secrets_ Kitchen Secrets will be hosting another cooking session on Saturday November 25th at 9:00 a.m. at St. Gregory's lower hall kitchen. The recipe we will be sharing is "Segedin golaž". We have had quite a few requests for this dish, so if you are interested, please email me at as I have limited 14 | VESTNIK 2017 spots available. Looking forward to another good day in the kitchen with friends! darovi - donations Za »Raise the Roof« akcijo - gradbeni sklad - so darovali: - $100 Franc in Vera Marie - $100 Martin in Stanka Malveič - $100 Frank in Marica Majzelj - $50 John Kranjc Iskrena hvala za vaše darove in Bog vam povrni. popolni odpustek za duše v vicah V novembru_ Cerkev naklanja v prvih osmih dneh novembra popolni odpustek za vsak obisk pokopališča in molitev za rajne. Popolni odpustek lahko darujemo za naše rajne, če opravimo spoved, prejmemo sveto obhajilo, obiščemo pokopališče in molimo vero in Očenaš po namenu svetega očeta. Prav tako ga je mogoče prejeti v vseh cerkvah in javnih kapelah 1. in 2. novembra ter na prejšnjo ali na naslednjo nedeljo, če smo bili pri spovedi in obhajilu, ter če molimo po namenu svetega očeta. (Po namenu svetega očeta zmolimo Oče naš, Zdravo Marijo, Slavo. Vendar moramo pred molitvijo izreči: "Po namenu svetega očeta") Odpustek lahko namenimo rajnim, ki so še v stanju očiščevanja in jim lahko pomagajo tisti, ki so že pri Bogu in mi, ki še romamo po zemlji s svojimi molitvami, darovanimi mašami, dobrimi deli in odpustki, sami sebi namreč ne morejo več pomagati. Duša vam bo neskončno hvaležna, če boste na dan Vernih duš v vicah, 2. novembra šli k maši, sprejeli Sveto obhajilo, obiskali grob duše za katero prosite, zmolili rožni venec in se potrudili tisti dan ne narediti greha! Ko se boste trudili biti brez greha v mislih, besedah in dejanjih, boste spoznali, kako duša trpi v vicah. Saj mora v Nebesa priti popolnoma čista. SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday: 8:00 a.m., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 p.m., Saturday: 8:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 a.m. (Slovenian), 11:00 a.m. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend in September Sunday 111 Mass is only at 10:00 a.m. (Slovenian-English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to don bosco call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. VESTNIK 2017 | 15 Od 29. 10. 2017 do 5. 11. 2017 svete maše - masses 30. Nedelja med letom 29. Oktober Žegnanjska nedelja Za žive in rajne župljane f Jože Burgar, obl. tt Albin Žagar, obl. In vsi pokojni ff Za vse pokojne iz naše župnije 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. Svakinja Marija Špiler z dr. Družina Mlačak Maša na pok. Burlington Ponedeljek - Monday 30. Oktober ff Pokojni Gačnik in Borštnik 8:00 a.m. Družina Torek - Tuesday 31. Oktober f Štefan in Marta Žalik 7:00 p.m. Matilda Prša Sreda - Wednesday 1. November VSI SVETI f Elizabeta Gerič ff Janko in Tončka Demšar ff Pok. iz druž. Erzetič, Šribar, Hodnik 7:00 p.m. ff Pok. iz družine Grebene ff Pokojni iz druž. Rajter-Horvat CWL- KŽZ Demšar-Scarcelli Manja Erzetič Lojze in Peter Grebene Družina Mes Četrtek - Thursday 2. November Spomin vernih rajnih ff Pokojn iz društva Triglav f Elizabeta Gerič (30. dan) ff Pok. iz družine Grebene f Janez Kosednar ff Za verne duše v vicah Po namenu f Martina Kolar 2:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. London-pokopališče Olga in Joe Hanc Lojze in Peter Grebene Žena z družino Tone in Marija Bukvič Ana Tadič Mož Prvi Petek First Friday 3. November Viktorin Ptujski, škof ff Jože in Marija Heric 7:00 p.m. f Za duše v vicah ff Pokojni škofje, duhovnki, diakoni ff Mamica in stric f Fr. Stanko Ceglar Hčerka Anica Tone in Marija Bukvič Hamiltonske škofije Matila Bratuž Tone in Marija Bukvič Sobota Saturday 4. November Karel Boromejski, škof ff Rajni salezijanski dobrotniki f Matija Vlašič ff Verne duše v vicah f Karel Volčanšek f Marica Horvat f Štefan Zadravec f Elizabeta Gerič 8:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. SDB Žena in otroci Družina Pinter Družina Jožica Vlašič Žena Terezija Terezija Zadravec 31. Nedelja med letom 5. November Za žive in rajne župljane ff Danijel Jesih in vsi pokojni ff Starši, brata in sestra f Albin Žagar 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Družina Mlačak Jožica Novak Margaret Žagar 16 | VESTNIK 2017