Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 47/55 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 17. 11. 2019 33. nedelja med letom 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Phone: 905-561-5971 Cell: 905-520-2014 E-mail gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail hallrental@ Vdano in veselo služimo Gospodu Na današnjo nedeljo, predzadnjo v cerkvenem letu, govori božja beseda o približevanju poslednjemu dnevu. Prerok Malahija v berilu pravi, »da pride dan, razžarjen kakor peč ..., vendar vam, ki se bojite Gospodovega imena, vzide sonce pravičnosti.« Če Bogu služimo, potem nas bo rešil tudi stiske poslednjega dne. Živeti pomeni imeti pravo spoštovanje do božjega imena. »Vsi predrz-neži in vsi, ki delajo krivično, bodo strnišče; dan, ki pride, jih bo sežgal«, zapiše prerok Malahija. Koga bi mogli prišteti med predrzneže? Gotovo tiste, ki se postavljajo na božje mesto, ki krojijo pravila za življenje po svojem okusu ne glede na pričakovanja Boga. Zato se morajo vsi, ki delajo krivico, bati tistega dne. Psalm pa pravi: »Veselijo naj se pred Gospodom, ker prihaja sodit zemljo. Sodil bo svet s pravičnostjo, ljudstva bo vladal s pravo mero.« Če si prizadevamo biti blizu Bogu, nas tistega dneva niti naj ne bilo posebno strah. Gospod bo sodil svet s pravičnostjo. Apostol Pavel postavlja sebe za zgled, ker ni pri nikomer jedel kruha zastonj, čeprav bi skupaj s svojimi sodelavci imel do tega pravico. Želi se postaviti za zgled, da bi ga posnemali. Tesaloničane (Solunčane) spominja na navodilo, ki jim ga je dal, ko je bil pri njih: »Kdor noče delati, naj tudi ne je.« Nekateri godrnjajo: »Saj bo vse skupaj kmalu propadlo, zakaj bi pa delal.« Samo Bogu je pridržana skrivnost, kdaj prideta novo nebo in nova zemlja. V prepričanju, da Bog nagrajuje dobra dela, naj bi tudi skrbno delali. Najbrž je nekatere, ki so slišali, da Gospod lahko kmalu pride, nagnilo, da so se dela izogibali. VESTNIK 2019 | 435 Pretresljivo zvenijo Jezusove besede: »Prišli bodo dnevi, ko od tega, kar vidite, ne bo ostal kamen na kamnu, ki bi ne bil zrušen.« Značilno je, da je pogled na rušenje Jeruzalema Jezus povezuje s koncem sveta. Jeruzalemski tempelj je bil res porušen leta 70 po Kristusu. Za tiste, ki so to doživeli, je bilo to v resnici podoba poslednjega dne. Veliko tega, o čemer govori današnji evangeljski odlomek, se je že zgodilo. Nekateri so napovedovali konec sveta, drugi ga še napovedujejo. Tudi danes se narodi dvigajo proti narodom. Potresom ni videti konca, še manj kužnim in drugim sodobnim boleznim ter lakoti, ki uničuje milijone ljudi. Prav tako so nekateri govorili o znamenjih z neba. To pa še ne pomeni, da takih in še silnejših znamenj ne bo tudi v bodoče. Poznamo mučence, ki so dali svoja življenja za Kristusa. Uresničilo se je nemalokrat, kar je rečeno v današnjem evangeljskem odlomku: »Jaz vam bom namreč dal zgovornost in modrost, ki ji vsi vaši nasprotniki ne bodo mogli kljubovati ali ugovarjati.« Številni pričevalci so pokazali, kako se je v njihovi preizkušnji pokazala resničnost Jezusovih besed. Pogumno so prenesli trpljenje, ki jih je zadelo. Čeprav nas božja beseda danes spominja na »tisti dan«, ki bo prišel ob koncu časov, nas obenem tolaži, da je Gospod vedno z nami. »Vsi vas bodo sovražili zaradi mojega imena, toda še las z glave se vam ne bo izgubil. S svojo stanovitnostjo si boste pridobili svoje življenje«, pravi Jezus ob koncu današnjega evangeljskega odlomka. V knjigi Drobne zgodbe za dušo Božo Rustja navaja zgodbo o pripravljenosti. Judovski rabin je imel navado, da je govoril svojim učencem: »Spoko-rite se en dan pred svojo smrtjo.« »Toda kako?« so ga spraševali. »Kako naj nekdo ve, kdaj bo umrl? Lahko umremo kadarkoli, lahko jutri, naslednji teden ali prihodnje leto.« Rabin je tedaj ponovil: »En dan pred smrtjo.« V nadaljevanju so navedene Jezusove besede: »Pazite in bedite, ker ne veste, kdaj pride ta časi« (Mr 13,33). »Bodite torej budni, ker ne veste ne dneva ne ure!« (Mt 25,13). (Prim. Oznanjevalec 2004) 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Response: The Lord is coming to judge the peoples with equity. First Reading Malachi 3:19-20 Harsh words for the wicked who will be left with nothing, but great consolation for those who remain faithful to God. Second Reading 2 Thessalonians 3:7-12 A warning to those who will not contribute in any way to the community but who offer constant criticism to all and sundry instead. Gospel Luke 21:5-19 Nothing can compare with the glory of the Son of Man, in this world or the next. Things in heaven and earth may pass away, but the Son of Man coming in glory will gather his own to himself in the end. "Your endurance will win you your lives." Illustration A paradox: in the ancient world, people believed only in the heavens and the earth (which they assumed was flat anyway), but they also thought that everything was much closer to them than we know it to be today. Now we know that the universe is huge, and are used to more and more scientific information becoming available to us on a regular basis. Some people say that the price of this factual information is that we run the risk of losing the sense of mystery about the great beyond. When people had little knowledge of the great beyond which they could see above them, they saw it as something to be afraid of. Even the Israelites, 518 j VESTNIK 2019 God's chosen people, the people of the covenant, inherited the belief that celestial objects like the sun, moon and stars were really some kind of supernatural beings which had the ability to influence the lives of humans - usually in a malevolent way. This view of the heavens was prevalent in Jesus' time, and the opening of the letter to the Ephesians alludes to this when it speaks of the God whose "power [is] at work in Christ... far above every Sovereignty, Authority, Power, or Domination, or any other name that can be named". This background is important for at least part of the Gospel passage for today. Gospel Teaching It has been said that the art of teaching is to tell students what you are going to tell them, then tell them - and finally remind them of what you told them. That may be slight exaggeration, but the number three was used a lot in connection with teaching in bygone civilisations and cultures. We may see signs of this in some of the old folk songs and certainly nursery rhymes and children's stories of the distant past: three blind mice, Goldilocks and the three bears and so on. Gospel parables often describe their scenario in threes. In the good Samaritan parable, there is a priest and a Levite who both pass by on the other side of the road, ignoring someone injured, before the third person, a Samaritan at that, stops to attend to the injured man's needs. The parable of the talents involves gifts given to three people to invest for their master. And so it goes on. In today's Gospel, Jesus the prophet speaks of things yet to come, and most of the events predicted would have taken place by the time this Gospel was written, so it was already known that these had been fulfilled - the end of Jerusalem, the destruction of the Temple, wars, persecutions - the latter can be read of in the Acts of the Apostles. Likewise, floods, earthquakes and other disasters were known to have happened; and unfortunately such things are still happening today. This is historically interesting to us, but perhaps the remainder of what Jesus has to say is more relevant to our own day Application There is one part of the story that has not yet been fulfilled: the part that refers to the heavenly powers. Let's remind ourselves that these, known to us now as astronomical entities, were considered by the ancients to be malevolent powers. People would have been amazed to hear Jesus say that the day would come when they would not only fall from the sky, but that their demise would be spectacular. Even this is not the end of the story. The last word, as we find just a few verses later in Luke's Gospel, goes to "the Son of Man coming in a cloud" - an expansion of the arrival of God in a cloud when Moses received the Law on Mount Sinai. The emphasis is not on a new spectacle, however; it is on the destruction of every evil and malice that could harm God's people. When the Son of Man returns, it will be to establish for ever the fullness of God's kingdom; there will be no more pain or suffering of any kind. Jesus' disciples - in his time and in our time too - may have to face hardship, but it is important that they endure, remain faithful to Jesus' words and live their lives according to his teaching. They are to act as Jesus acted. The strategy is, of course, to have disciples focus on the kingdom of God, and thereafter all else will be given to them. Disciples need to steel themselves against all that distracts them from the teaching of Jesus, who alone has the message of eternal life. VESTNIK 2019 | 435 BLED SLOVENIAN CULTURAL CLUB 30™ ANNIVERSARY LOVSKI BANKET V sobota, 23. november 2019 7:00pm večerja HUNTERS BANQUET Igra Branko Pouh For more information, please contact Ivan Krusic at (905) 393 - 6594 TICKETS —$35.00 EUROPEAN SCENINC TOURS - June 14 - July 1, 2020 Breathtaking scenic bus trip Ljubljanski grad, Mesto Ljubljana Brezje - Bohinj - Bled - Portorož - Postojna Rogla - Pohorski stolp, Energijski park Lendava stolp, Vinarium - Tropski vrt Most na Soči, Idrija; Salzburg - Avstrija Book now! per person To book a trip, a deposit will be required This once in a life time trip includes flight from Toronto-Zagreb (Croatia) - Your group will arrive by luxury bus and your accommodations will be at the fine establishment of Gostilna Vidrgar For information & bookings call 519-461-0653 leave message! * Lunches not included on bus trips * Admission to attractions not included Price includes: Bus trips, Return flights, Lodging & 3 meals per Day * at Gostilna Vidrgar 520 j VESTNIK 2019 3. NOVEMBER - MOLITVE NA POKOPALIŠČIH st Peter s Cemetery Vsako leto se na najbližjo nedeljo prazniku vseh svetih in vernih duš, zberemo na pokopališčih k molitvi za naše rajne. Tako smo že v soboto ob dveh popoldne, na pokopališču sv. Petra, darovali sveto daritev za pokojne člane društva Triglav in vse pokojne Slovence v Londonu. Še posebej se pri tej maši spomnimo tistih, ki so nas zapustili od lanskega novembra. Družini ali sorodnikom pa ob koncu maše damo napis in svečko, ki ju med mašo položimo na mizico pred oltar, tako, da se lažje vsi spomnimo zadnjih pokojnih. Ob molitvi in petju smo se tako v lepem številu spomnili vseh rajnih. VESTNIK 2019 | 435 V nedeljo, 3. novembra, smo se nekateri popoldne ob dveh zbrali pri sveti maši v mavzoleju pokopališča Holy Sepulchre. Sveto mašo je daroval hamiltonski škof Douglas Crosby, poleg sva bila še stalni diakon je jaz. Po maši smo se zbrali pri križu, za mavzolejem. Tam smo zmolili za rajne, ki počivajo na tem pokopališču. Nato smo nadaljevali z molitvami na pokopališču Gate of Heaven, kjer imamo Slovenci svojo sekcijo in tudi kapelico. Ker smo tukaj vsi zbrani skupaj, se nas je tudi več zbralo. Ob pesmi, molitvi smo se spomnili vseh naših rajnih, ki počivajo na tem pokopališču, med drugimi tudi duhovnika g. Stanko Ceglar in g. Ivan Dobršek. 522 j VESTNIK 2019 Molitve smo imeti tudi na pokopališ-> ,-ču Our Lady of the Angels, kjer je v zad-, njem času več in več pokopanih naših . faranov, ker je to pokopališče tudi najbližje. Odkar so zgradili mavzolej se zberemo v velikem številu v avli mavzoleja, saj ob petih popoldne postane že kar temno in hladno. Hvala vsem, ki se za ta dan zbirate, da skupaj molimo za naše Our Lady of the Angels Cemetery rajne. Naj počivajo v božjem miru. am VESTNIK 2019 | 435 Announcements, Martinovanje, New Year In September, our parish held our annual Fall Banquet in conjunction with the scholarship and community service presentation. It was a wonderful Sunday and the success is in part due to the many hands that came together to organize, setup up and clean up. We shared a plea for help and it was answered with many willing volunteers. What usually takes 5 of us five to six hours to prepare, took 12 of us one hour that day. Although we celebrated one community service award recipient, it takes many hands, many minds, and much dedication and commitment from volunteers to keep our Slovenian community alive and thriving. Along with what we have here, we have the SCCN which is a group of individuals from each of our 6 Slovenian clubs and communities in the Niagara Region who work together to keep our heritage and Slovenian ties strong. Although St. Gregory the Great Parish is the central hub of all the clubs that make up the SCCN, it is still important to help out where and when we can, and participate in the various events hosted by our Slovenian neighbours if we want them to exist as part of our Slovenian Community in the next 10 years. Last week, we hosted "Martinovanje" here at St. Gregory's and the event was fabulous. The displays were remarkable, highlighting the many dancers of our folklore groups over the many decades but in particular this year was focused on the dancers since the year 2000. The food was delicious, krofe a hit and the music wonderful. Ansambel Europa did a great job and kept the attention of all our guests. Mladi Glas also shared their folk dancing talents with us, and it was clear that 524 j VESTNIK 2019 everyone there was enthusiastically watching their performance. We had 5 home made wine entries with the winners being: 1. Stanko Petek, White wine 2. Ivan Miketic, Red wine 3. Derek Perc, Red wine The time and effort put into this event was evident. It was clear that those who spent their time organizing and preparing for last Saturday night have a real passion for not only our Slovenian community but our culture. The only thing we would have wished for was a few more people to take advantage of this event. With only 80 guests in attendance it was difficult to feel that this event is still appreciated by our community. Although the energy in the hall was high for the number of guests we had in attendance, we question if the effort that goes into organizing all our parish events is something we should continue to put our energy into. We hope that moving forward, all generations of our community and our neighbouring communities will make note of our event dates on their calendars and come join us at some of our social gatherings. Our next major event being planned by the St. Gregory the Great Parish Council and the Slovenski Park Executive board is "NEW YEARS EVE" . We are again joining forces with our Slovenian neighbours at Slovenski Park and determined to make New Years Eve a fabulous party to ring in the New Year, 2020. We have so many great ideas that we are working with, and are excited to announce that our theme this year will be "The Red Carpet". With many plans yet to be finalized we have decided to try something a little new this year. VESTNIK 2019 | 435 We have already started selling New Year's Eve tickets. The price until December 15th will be: $80 for adults, $55 for students. The cost of these tickets after December 15th will be: $99 for adults and $65 for students. There is a reason for having 2 priced tickets and that is to help the planning committee better plan and prepare for guest numbers rather than have to finalize all the details last minute. Tickets are printed and already on sale. Remember, tickets are to be paid for to confirm your reservation. So... to ensure your place at our 'New Year's Red Carpet event', be sure to contact Heidy Novak at or 905317-6002. Wishing you all a wonderful Sunday. 526 j VESTNIK 2019 VESTNIK 2019 | 435 528 j VESTNIK 2019 Annual Day of Prayer for Canadian Home Missions - Nov. 16 Missionary work was established by the apostles. The first missionaries arrived in Canada in company with the explorers and after their arrival, they continued their work in North America. Even now, four hundred years later, there are still some areas without missions. Encouraged by Pope Francis, our home missions need our attention. The "Day of Prayer for Canadian Home Missions" hopes to achieve this goal by asking God's blessing on our mission areas. Our Canadian missionaries and the Catholics they serve need our prayers. Each Canadian Diocese is choosing its own time to celebrate our Canadian missions. Our Diocesan date is November 16 and 17, 2019. - Please join the initiative Prayer for Canadian Home MISSIONS Heavenly Father, we pray for our Canadian home missions, from sea to sea to sea. Take into Your care, through our prayer, our brothers and sisters in faith. We ask protection and strength in faith, hope and love. Grant zeal with compassion to the missionaries who share the Gospel. Let your face shine upon them. Through our Lord, Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen After the Communion we will pray together this prayer. More information you have in the hallway on the table. There is also envelope if you want to support Canadian Home Missions. V atriju cerkvi je na mizi več materiala, ki so nam ga poslali iz misijonske pisarne, da bi razumeli zakaj tokrat govorimo ne o misijonih na splošno, po svetu, ampak o misijonskem delu po Kanadi, še posebej po severnem delu Kanade. Po obhajilu bomo skupaj zmoli tudi molitev, si so nam jo poslali in si jo na mizici lahko vzamete tudi v angleščini. VESTNIK 2019 | 435 Obvestila - Announcements DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI_ ♦ 17. nov. : Lipa Park - Martinovanje Luncheon ♦ 23. nov. : Bled - Hunter's Banquet-Lovski banket ♦ 24. nov.: St. Gregory - Mass 10:00 a.m. ♦ 24. nov. : Slovenski Park - Fall AGM 2:00 p.m. ♦ 27. nov. : CWL & SOD - Memorial Mass 7:00 p.m. ♦ 6. dec.: Lipa Park - Tree Decorating - Executive Social ♦ 8. dec.: St. Gregory the Great - Slovenska šola - Miklavževanje. Mass 10:00 a.m. ♦ 8. dec.: Lipa Park - Santa Claus & Festive Luncheon ♦ 15. dec.: Sava - Mass 12:00 p.m., Dinner & Mi-klavž-Santa Claus ♦ 15. dec.: Slovenski Park - Members Christmas Party 2:00 p.m. ♦ 15. dec.: Triglav - Mass 4:00 p.m. at St. John the Divine, Social ♦ 15. dec.: Bled - Božičnica - Christmas Lunch ♦ 24. dec.: St. Gregory the Great - Christmas Eve -English Mass 6:00 p.m., Slovenian Mass 10:00 p.m. ♦ 25. dec.: St. Gregory the Great - Christmas Day -Slovenian Mass 9:30 a.m., English Mass 11:00 a.m. ♦ 26. dec.: Lipa Park - St. Stephan - Mass 3:00 p.m. ♦ 31. dec.: New Year's Eve at St. Gregory the Great Hall, at Sava Club Breslau and at Bled ♦ 1. jan. 2020: Lipa Park - New Year's Day Luncheon GIFT BEARERS - darove prinašajo_ ♦ 17. nov. 11:00 a.m.: Čule Family ♦ 24. nov. 10:00 a.m.: Milena Volčanšek ♦ 1. dec. 9:30 a.m.: Kolenko Family ♦ 8. dec. 10:00 a.m.: Slovenian School ♦ 15. dec. 9:30 a.m.: Jože in Albina Antolin ♦ 22. dec. 9:30 a.m.: Karl in Milka Ferko ♦ 25. dec.: 9:30 a.m.: Danny in Aranka Dundek ♦ 29. dec. 9:30 a.m.: J. Vegelj in Eva Erzetič CWL - KŽZ äs J Bib£ St. Gregory the Great Catholic Women's League and Parish welcomes The St. John's Bible to 10:00 AM Mass on Sunday, November 24th. Following Mass there will be a short presentation from members of our Hamilton Diocese pertaining to the history and making of this beautiful Bible. The Prophets and Letter & Revelations Volumes will be open for viewing before and after Mass. This is an opportunity to view a remarkable sacred work of art! Izredna prilika! Lepo vabljeni! Rosemary, predsednica Diocesan Newsletter For information about Activities and Events of interest in the Diocese of Hamilton, subscribe to the online Diocesan Newsletter at 530 j VESTNIK 2019 DAROVI - DONATIONS Za gradbeni sklad, za kritje stroškov nove strehe, sta Jakob in Angelca Muhič darovala $300. Za cerkev sta darovala Vlado in Mary Mlačak $250. - Iskrena hvala za vaš dar! SAVA Breslau - TRIGLAV, London_ V nedeljo, 10. novembra, smo se zopet zbrali k sveti maši pri društvu Sava - tokrat smo imeli mašo ob enih popoldne kar v društvenih prostorih. Ob štirih popoldne pa smo zbrali v lepem številu za mašo tudi pri društvu Triglav v Londonu - kot je navada, smo imeli sveto mašo v cerkvi St. John the Divine. Po maši pa gospe vedno pripravijo nekaj za pod zob. Hvala vsem! miklavž prihaja! Slovenska šola pri sv. Gregoriju v Hamilto-nu vljudno vabita na Miklavževanje v nedeljo, 8. decembra, 2019, po 10:00 maši, ob 11:45 am bo odlično kosilo v cerkveni dvorani, nato pa pride Miklavž s spremstvom. Rezervacije za kosilo sprejema Sandy Ferle-tič; lahko jo pokličete na telefonsko številko 905-977-8464 ali pa ji pošljete email na: St. Nicholas will soon be visiting our parish once again. The Slovenian School invites you to our annual St. Nicholas Celebration on Sunday December 8, 2019. After 10am Mass, please head over to the hall for lunch, which will be served at 11:45am. After lunch, St. Nicholas and his angels will come to visit our parish's children. For reservations, please call Sandy Ferletic at (905) 977-8464 or by email at If you would like a specific table please call early as seats are given on a first come/first serve basis. Uradne ure za konzularne zadeve v Torontu - torek, 19. nov., od 15.00 do 18.30 ure. - torek, 17. dec., od 15.00 do 18.30 ure. Konzularne ure so v prostorih Generalnega konzulata na naslovu: 731 Brown's Line, Toronto, Ontario M8W 3V7. Priporočamo, da pred nameravanim obiskom konzularnih ur v Torontu, preverite termin na Veleposlaništvu v Ottawi. Telefon: +1 613 565 5781 SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday: 8:00 a.m., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 p.m., Saturday: 5:30 p.m. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 a.m. (Slovenian), 11:00 a.m. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is only at 10:00 a.m. (Slovenian-English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest - please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971, VESTNIK 2019 | 435 lif od 17. 11. 2019 do 24. 11. 2019 svete mase - masses 33. Nedelja med letom 33rd Sunday in OT 17. November Elizabeta Orska, red. Za žive in rajne župljane f Franc Marič f Irma Dorenčec ff Rozalija in Franc (obl.) Grobelnik ff Pokojni iz družine Čule f Joe Hanc f Marija Horvat f Ante Čule 9:30 a.m........... Toni in Marija Franc Toni in Marija Franc Hčerka Jožica z družino 11:00 a.m. Družina Čule Chelsea Weir Družina Žižek Družina Žižek Ponedeljek - Monday 18. November Posvetitev Lateranske B. Za zdravje Za srečo v zakonu 8:00 a.m.N.N. N.N. Torek - Tuesday 19. November Matilda, redovnica f Bogu in Materi Božji v zahvalo ff Pok. Starši, bratje in sestre ff Jožef (obl.) in Eufemia Tompa f Majda Cvelbar 7:00 p.m. Jožica in Ivan Vegelj Angela Kobe Alojz Sarjaš z družino Majda Lukežič Sreda - Wednesday 20. November Edmund, kralj ff Anton in Tilka Vengar Bogu v zahvalo f Jožica Radman f Marija Bukvič 7:00 p.m. Rose Marie in Tony Vengar z dr. Rose Marie Vengar z družino Rose Marie Vengar z družino Rose Marie Vengar z družino Četrtek - Thursday 21. November Darovanje Dev. Marije f Edy Kodarin ff Pokojni stari starši ff Pok. iz družine Sarjaš f Franc Marič 7:00 p.m. Jože Gimpelj Družina Vuk Terezija in Ignac Sarjaš N.N. Petek - Friday 22. November Cecilija, devica-mučenka f Alex Zolis V čast Jezusovi krvi f Ignac Korošec f Ana Nedelko 7:00 p.m. Družina Novak Ana Tadic Žena z družino Marija Korošec z družino Sobota f Rudi Hanc, obl. 5:30 p.m. Žena z družino ff Terezija in Štefan Marinič Družina Raduha Saturday f Ana Nedelko Družina Raduha 23. November f Ana Veselič Družina Fabina Klemen I., papež muč. ff Pok. starši, sestra in brat Pozderec ff Pokojni sorodniki Julija Sagadin z družino Julija Sagadin z družino 34. Nedelja med letom 34th Sunday in OT 24. November Kristus Kralj Christ the King Vietnamski mučenci Za žive in rajne župljane ff Elizabeta in Robert Kramar, obl f Franc Marič f Janez Krenos ff Pok. iz družina Škrban f Sidonija Drvarič, obl. f Ana Nedelko f Irma Dorenčec 10:00 a.m. St. John's Bible presentation before and after the Mass Ivan in Angela Antolin Marija Peranič z družino Martin Škrban z družino Martin Škrban z družino Hči Družina Žižek Družina Žižek 80 j VESTNIK 2019