A GLORIOUS AND JOYOUS EASTER TO ALL! „ JOfficial Publication 'of the Slovenian Womens Union of America Number 4 I APRIL, 1952 Volume 24 SLOVENIM WOMEN’S UNION SLOVENSKA ŽEN. ZVEZA OF AMERICA V AMERIKI Organized December 19, 1926 in Chicago, 111. Ustanovljena 19. dec., 1926 v Chicagi, Illinois Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State of Illinois Inkorporirana 14. dec., 1927 v državi Illinois MEMBER OF: National Council of Catholic Women The Catholic Association for International Peace Spiritual Advisor — Rev. Matthew F. Kebe ................ 223 - 57th St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Founder-Honorary President —- Marie Prisland . 1034 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. President — Albina Novak ..................... 2073 Broadview Rd., Cleveland 9, Ohio 1. Vice-President — Josephine Livek ................... 331 Elm Street, Oglesby, Illinois 2. Vice-President *— Mary Tomsic ........................... Box 202, Strabane, Penna. 3. Vice-President — Anna Pachak ................... 2009 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colorado 4. Vice-President — Mary Golik .............. 30161 Gantenbein Street, Portland,'Oregon 5. Vice-President — Mary Urbas ................ 833 E. 156th St., Cleveland 10, Ohio 6. Vice-President — Barbara Rosandich ............ 846 E. Chapman St., Ely, Minnesota Secretary — Josephine Erjavec ................ 527 North Chicago Street, Joliet, Illinois Treasurer — Josephine Muster ......................... 714 Raub Street, Joliet, Illinois AUDITING COMMITTEE: President — Mary Lenich ....................... 609 Jones Street, Eveleth, Minnesota Auditor Josephine Železnikar .................. 2045 W. 23rd Street, Chicago, Illinois Auditor — Ella Starin ...................... 17814 Dillewood Road, Cleveland 19, Ohio ADVISORY COMMITTEE: President — Frances Susel ................... 15900 Holmes Avenue, Cleveland 10, Ohio Helen Corel ................................... 67 Scholes Street, Brooklyn, New York Rose Racher .......................................... 2205 Burton St., Warren, Ohio YOUTH AND RECREATION COMMITTEE: Josephine Sumic ............................... 1305 No. Center Street, Joliet, Illinois Evelyn Krizay .................................... 83 — 29th Street, Barberton, Ohio Mary Theodore ............................... 2529 — 4th Avenue, HIbbing, Minnesota Zora Yurkus .................................. 9610 Avenue L, So. Chicago 17, Illinois Mary J. Sacsek ...........................Crescent Pines Drive RD #1, Universal, Pa. MANAGING EDITOR — Albina Novak ................ 2073 Broadview Rd., Cleveland 9, Ohio ZARJA - THE DAWN URADNO GLASILO SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE V AMERIKI OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION OF AMERICA PUBLISHED MONTHLY — IZHAJA VSAK MESEC Annual Subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWUA members $1.20 annually — Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher, “Zarja”, 1637 Allport St., Chicago 8, 111. Managing Editor Albina Novak Editorial Office: 2073 Broadview Rd., Cleveland 9, Ohio Telephone SHadyside 1-3232 “Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the post office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912.” All communications for publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the tenth of the month for the next issue and must be indorsed by the writer. If typewritten use double-space and if hand written use ink. Write plainly, especially names, and on one side of paper only. Vsi dopisi morajo biti v rokah urednice do 10. v mesecu za prihodnjo izdajo in podpisani po pisateljici. Pišite s črnilom in samo na eno stran papirja. Pri imenih pazite, da so razločno pisana. s AMERI immigrant archives University of Minnesota LETO XXIV. — ŠT. 4 APRIL, 1952 VOL. XXIV. — NO. 4 IVAN ZORMAN: VELIKONOČNO JUTRO Zvonovi zvonijo, nad mestom drhtijo, pomladna se zarja blešči; slovesno se dviga, veselje nam vžiga, Gospodovo zmago slavi. V pomladnem žarenju, V kipečem življenju drevesa ob cesti brste; še bilke ob tlaku ob slednjem koraku iz dolgega sna se bude. In srce se vrača na polja domača: k vstajenju hitimo čez plan. Zvonovi zarano vse lepše ubrano donijo čez cvetno ravan. Zvonovi veseli so pesem odpeli-prispeli v Gospodov smo hram. In himna mogočna se s kora vsa zvočna Zveličarju zliva k nogam. Vse lepše, gorke je se zarja prismeje in siplje na polja zlato . . . Spomini na leta mladostnega cveta poljubljajo rodno zemljo. S BLAGOSLOVLJENE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE, PRISRČNO ŽELIMO VSEM SKUPAJ: Rev. Matthew F. Kebe, duhovni svetovalec; Marie Prisland, častna predsednica in ustanoviteljica; Albina Novak, predsednica in urednica; Podpredsednice: Josephine Livek, Mary Tomsic, Anna Pachak, Mary Golik, Mary Urbas in Barbara Rosandich; Josephine Erjavec, glavna tajnica; Josephine Muster, glavna blagajničarka; Glavne nadzornice: Mary Lenich, Josephine Železnikar in Ella Starin. Glavni svetovalni odsek: Frances Susel, Helen Corel in Rose Racher. Odbor za mladinske aktivnosti: Josephine Sumic, Evelyn Krizay, Mary Theodore, Zora Yurkus in Mary J. Sacsek. IZ 2IVUENJA ZA ŽIVLJENJE VERA. 'y/'EROVATI pomeni za resnico vzeti, kar nam kdo pove. Za resnico vzamemo, kadar pritrdimo z razsodnostjo, z razumom, ne le s srcem ali čutom. Zato sloni vera na razumu, ne na čutu. Najprej razumemo kaj je bilo rečeno, zdi se nam verjetno in pametno'; ako govori verodostojen človek, mu koj na to verujemo — če ni nobenega tehtnega vzroka proti izjavi. Kadar pa govori neoporečna resna oseba v resni stvari, ji verujemo na temelju njene zna-čajnosti, znanja in resnicoljubnosti. Do vere v Boga pridemo lahko potom svojega zdravega odprtega razuma. Božje stvarstvo je odprta knjiga, iz katere vsak pameten človek lahko do neke mere čita, čeprav se morejo v njeno vsebino poglobiti (tudi le do neke mere) samo učenjaki svoje stroke. Že tukaj pa lahko rečemo, da je vsa dosedanja naravna človeška veda vsebovana v tej knjigi in, da vsa bodoča človeška znanost ne bo dosegla nečesa, kar ne bi nujno temeljilo na naukih vsebovanih v knjigi božjega stvarstva. Če bo svet trajal dosti dolgo in, če si bo človeštvo ohranilo zdrav razum, bo knjiga enkrat prebrana, naravne skrivnosti, zakoni vesoljstva in atoma bodo znani človeku. Kaj takrat? 'Takrat bo človeški razum prisiljen pasti na kolena pred nevidnim, strašnim, toda dobrim Bogom in vsklikniti: Po svojih trebuhih, kakor kuščarji, smo se plazili po blatu, prahu in pečevju, po zemeljskih in vodnih globinah, segali smo pod nebo in na zemeljske tečaje, na tečaje vesoljstva iskajoči znanja in moči, ki jo znanje daje. Ti si bil poleg nas na vseh naših potih in poletih. Ti si vzdrževal naš dih, utrip našega žilovja, Ti si svetil našemu razumu! Ti vsemogočni, večni, vsemodri Stvarnik-Gospodar, Bog! — Tedaj bodo pač zaječala strta srca nevere, slepote, napuha, prešernosti: Iskali smo svoje gospodstvo, prestol vladanja — a našli smo Tebe nedosegljivega začetnika, za-konodavca, vladarja vsega, našega Gospoda, Boga! Prosimo Te, ne zavrzi nas, ki smo Te do zdaj prezirali, ker Te v svoji slepoti nismo poznali. Daj, da Te poslej slavimo, bolj kot smo Te do zdaj prezirali, ker Ti, le Ti, si večna modrost in gospodstvo. In mi, ljudje sedanjega časa? Mi bomo že davno prah in pepel, predno bo človeški razum dočital zadnjo stran knjige božjega stvarstva. Zdrav razum imamo. Vemo, da nam ni treba preiskati vsega morja, da spoznamo. da je vsa morska voda slana. Niti nam ni treba preiskati vsega življenja od začetka do zdaj, da bomo vedeli, kaj je živo, kaj mrtvo: Z živimi se družimo, mrtve pokopavamo. Vsako življenje se je enkrat začelo, in življenj ni brez števila. Ker pa življenj ni brez števila, je moralo enkrat nastati povsem prvo življenje, brez predhodnjega življenja. Skušnja nas uči, da ishaja vsako življenje iz predhodnega življenja. Odkod je bilo tedaj ono povsem prvo življenje? Samo od sebe? To ne, ker iz nič ni nič, ker ima vsaka stvar svoj sorazmeren vzrok. Iz mrtve stvari tudi ni moglo nastati kaj živega, to stoji. Odkod toraj ono prvo življenje, pa naj bo to trava, črvič, stonoga, ali kaj še? Živi stvari je treba notranjih organov, ki dobavljajo hrano od zvunaj, jo prebavljajo, obdrže, kar je treba za vzdrževanje življenja in zavržejo, kar je nepri-lcladno zahrano. Sicer pa, odkod bo ta hrana, odkod je zemlja, zrak, voda, solnce, ki greje zemljo in omogoča vzdrževanje življenja? Vprašanje se kopiči na vprašanje. Zavoljo dokaza recimo, da je vesoljstvo nastalo iz neke prašne megle. Ta megla je morala biti končna, ker je tudi vesoljstvo, ki naj bi nastalo iz nje, končno. Tako je izračunal največji računar vseh časov, Dr. Albert Einstein. To vendar ni nič boljši odgovor na vprašanje odkod je vse, kakor dejstvo, da je sin od očeta in matere. Mi hočemo znati odkod je začetna prašna megla, odkod sila, ki je vse prenaredila, in uredila. Življenje ni samo od sebe, še manj vesoljstvo, še manj ureditev vesoljstva v telesa, ki so zvezde, še manj ta čudovita ureditev na zemlji, kjer ■življenja kar mrgoli, še manj človek s svojim razumom in svojo razsodnostjo, s svojo voljo; človek, ki je včasi, kakor otrok božji — pa zopet isti človek, kakor sam hudič. Da, da vse to je moral nekdo narediti, vstvariti in urediti, da je, kakor je. In ta nekdo more biti edinole bitje, ki je samo po sebi neodvisno od vsega tega, absclut, ki je večno in vsemogočno, vsemodro, bitje, ki ga imenujemo Bog. Na tak in na slične načine pridem potom lastnega razuma do spoznanja božjega. Boga sicer ne vidim, toda spoznam ga po njegovih delili. Knjiga božjega stvarstva mi pravi, da je Bog. Ko sem vse dobro premislil in pre-vdaril, sedaj verujem v Boga. Tako vzbujeno vero imenujemo Naravno Vero, ker sem naravnim potom do nje prišel. Nadnaravna Vera je tista, ki jo je človeštvo dobilo naravnost od Boga potom Njegovega razodetja. Ali ni pričakovati, da bo Bog, ki je človeka vstvaril, mu dal razum in voljo, tudi poskrbel, da bo človek poznal svojega Stvarnika, svojega Nebeš-Očeta? Ali ni tudi povsem samoumljivo, da bo Bog dal človeku tudi kakšna navodila, kako- naj človek živi, da mu bo, Bog prijatelj, Oče? Ali ni naravno, da je Bog dal ljudem tudi zapovedi, posebno zato, ker se je človek iskazal za tako nestanovitno in vihravo bitje, da dela včasi kot žival, včasi pa kot sam hudič? Vse to je umljivo. Da, če bi v takih razmerah, kakoršnim je človeštvo podvrženo, nobenega glasu ne prišlo od Boga, bi se nam lahko po pravici zdelo čudno. Zato je Bog dal človeku razodetje samega sebe, dal mu je deset zapovedi, govoril je ljudem po očakih in prerokih, naposled pa svojem lastnem Sinu, ki je za nas človek postal. Sin božji, Jezus Kristus, je potrdil stare desetere zapovedi in jim dodal eno novo: Ljubite svoje sovražnike! Učil je ljudi z besedo in v dejanjih, dal nam je nauk in vzgled. Zgodovino božjega razodetja najdemo, v svetem pismu stare in nove zaveze. Ker pa Apostoli in Evangelisti niso vsega napisali, kar je Jezus delal in učil, pač pa se je mnogo tega, kar ni bilo napisanega, pa nam je vendar potrebno vedeti, ohranilo v ustnem izročilu svete Cerkve, zato črpa sv. Cerkev vero ne le iz svetega pisma, pač pa tudi iz ustnega izročila. Do sedaj je pa tudi ustno izročilo že vse napisano. Z Adamom in Evo je Bog osebno govoril, pa ga vkljub temu nista ubogala v vsem. Sin božji je toraj vstanovil Cerkev, ki naj svet neprestano uči božjega razodetja, da ljudje nemorejo pozabiti, kar je Bog zapovedal, ali pa da bi svet ne razlagal božje besede na kriv način, oziroma tudi ne v prid svojih pregreh. Jezus nam je dal tudi vse pripomočke za lepo in pošteno življenje in, končno, tudi vsa sredstva potrebna za večno zveličanje. Vsako leto praznujemo spomin Odrešenikovega vstajenja od mrtvih. Vstanimo tudi mi od smrti pregrešnega življenja, od greha. Ni dovolj verovati v Boga in v vse, kar nam sveta Cerkev po Jezusovi odredbi in oblasti zapoveduje verovati, pač pa moramo po veri tudi živeti, ker zato smo božje razodetje tudi prejeli, vključno zapovedi, da bomo vedeli, kaj nam je treba storiti, kaj opustiti, da bo naše življenje zaslužno v božjih očeh. Najlepše pri tem je pa to, da je vsak, ki je krščen in po veri živi — otrok božji, da v njem Bo,g na poseben način prebiva. Tak človek ima zagotovitev večnega življenja, in bo deležen vseh dobrot, ki jih je Bog pripravil za vse, ki Njega ljubijo, to je, ki žive po njegovih zapovedih. Vsem odbornicam in članicam želim Vesele Velko-nočne Praznike. Naj Vas Zveličar v svoji slavi vstajenja blagoslovi! To all officers and members of S. Ž. Zv. a Joyous Alleluia! Matej Kebe, duh. svet. Marie Prisland ysi smo potniki na tem svetu. Najboljše, kai' na našem potovanju najdemo je dober in iskren prijatelj; najsrečnejši je pa oni, ki jih najde največ. Dober prijatelj je zlata vreden! Kdor je tako srečen, da ima dobre in iskrene ter resnično odkritosrčne prijatelje in prijateljice, je zavidanja vreden. Kaj pomaga človeku bogastvo, če mu ga ni kdo. ne privošči; kaj slava, če mu je iste vsak nevoščljiv; kaj zasluge in doprinosi, če mu jih nihče ne prizna; kaj vzorno življenje, če se vas nalašč z blatom obmetuje. Kaj nam pomaga dobrohotnost, če nimamo nikogar, ki bi v njo veroval, temveč se nas dolži slabim namenov. Pravo in iskreno prijatelstvo — odtehta vse! Ko ste v stiski in nadlogah, ko vas morijo skrbi in težave, ko nam hrbet obračajo oni, katerim smo zaupale in jih rade imele, ko zaman iščemo luči v temi nasprotstva, ali ni takrat prijateljska beseda kot žarek upanja, kakor zdravilo? Kaj je bolj tolažilnega kot beseda zveste prijateljice, ki nas razume, ki z nami trpi, kadar smo potrte. Kako blagodejna je zavest, da imamo prijatelje, na katere lahko računamo v vsakem položaju; kako bridka pa, če vidimo, da se v usodnem trenutku od nas obračajo celo tisti, katere smo imeli za največje prijatelje, smo jih ljubili in jim storili usluge. Kakor zlato v ognju, se pravi prijatelj v nesreči spozna. Če hočemo toraj znati koliko in kakšne prijatelje imamo, bomo spoznali takrat, ko nam zaide sreča in slava, ko se znajdemo v zagati, ali nam pa “hvaležna” publika prisoli I a,.o zaušnico. Pravi prijatelj ali prijateljica bo takrat stopila na našo stran, ne glede, komu se zameri. V času pieiskušnje uroznamo, koliko lahko zidamo na prijatelje, koliko pa na san.ega sebe. Prijatelja ali prijateljico, ki je bila na naši strani ob potrebi, ne bomo nikdar pozabile, ker prijateljstvo, v nesreči preiskušeno, je vredno trajne hvaležnosti. Prijateljstvo tudi spoznamo, kadar začnemo kaj novega. Ustanoviteljice Zvezinih podružnic, kolikor jih je še pri življenju, mi bodo potrdile, da so v slučaju ustanovitve svoje domače podružnice največ računale na svoje prijateljice. Če so bile prijateljice iskrene, so sledile dobremu vzgledu in dobri besedi ter pri težkem delu ustanovitve pomagale. Če prijateljice niso bile prave, so ob strani gledale in čakale, kaj bo. Ali ni bilo tako? Vem, da je bila vsaka izmed vas v tem oziru več ali maju razočarana. Iščimo si toraj pravih prijateljic, to je takih, ki bodo z nami takrat, ko jih mi potrebujemo in ne samo taki at ko one potrebujejo nas. Če smo prijazne napram drugim, če sočustvujemo z onimi, ki so v nesreči in jim po možnosti pomagamo, če smo prizanesljive in tolerantne, potem nam pač ne bo težko pridobiti si krožek res iskrenih prijateljev in prijateljic. Ako smo pa ob vsaki priliki nevoščljive in neprijazne, če drugim privoščimo nesrečo in nezgodo, če svojih napak nikdar ne vidimo in ne priznamo, ob vsaki priliki pa opazimo pregrešite drugih, se di-vimo samo svojim vrlinam, zaslug drugih pa ne priznamo ali jih skušamo zmajnšati kolikor se pač zmanjšati dajo, potem, seveda, se naj ne čudimo, če nimamo prijateljic in nimamo nikogar, ki bi z nami simpatiziral, kadar bomo simpatije res odkritih prijateljic potrebovale. Ameriški podpredsednik Alban Barkley, je v prijateljskem pogovoru povedal tole: “V svojem političnem življenju sem prišel do zaključka, da mnoge stvari, katere imam jaz za važne, smatrajo moji volivci zabrezpomembne. “Svoječasno sem v kongresu glasoval proti povišanju moje plače. Ko sem odšel domov na počitnice sem pričakoval, da bom zato zelo pohvaljen. “Nekega dne srečam prijatelja, s katerim sva takoj bila v važnem pogovoru. Govorica je nanesla na povišanje moje plača in jaz sem z zanosom povdaril, da sem glasoval proti povišku. Pričakoval sem, da bo prijatelj rekel, da so mi davkoplačevalci hvaležni za mojo velikodušnost in požrtovalnost. Prijatelj me pa pogleda po strani in pravi; ‘Bedak si! (You are a fool!’)...” Ta incident me je spomnil sličnega slučaja. Leta 1933 se je v Clevelandu vršila Zvezina konvencija. Delegacija je hotela moje delo nagraditi s tem, da je zvišala predsedniško plačo za $5.00 mesečno. V svoji velikodušnosti sem povišek odklonila, misleč, da mi bo zato vso Zvezino članstvo hvaležno. Naslednji dan sem imela pogovor z neko precej šolano delegatinjo. Na dolgo in široko sem ji dopovedovala, kako je moja dolžnost hraniti in dobro gospodariti, da bo več premoženja v Zvezini blagajni; iz tega razloga sem tudi odklonila povišek v plači. Pričakovala sem, da se bo delegatinja z menoj popolnoma strinjala. Namesto tega, me je postrani pogledala in cinično pristavila: “Že veš, če tvoje delo ni vredno poviška.” — Precej časa nisem od presenečenja mogla do besede. ♦ ♦ ♦ Naši znanstveniki študirajo vzroke, zakaj imamo ravno v Ameriki toliko smrtnih slučajev vsled srčnih bolezni, drugje po svetu pa ne. Pravijo, da en vzrok tiči v nepravilni prehrani. Kitajci, neprimer, ne poznajo poapnenja žil, visokega krvnega pritiska in srčnih bolezni, ker se hranijo priprosto in ker njih farmarji ne vporabljajo umetnih gnojil, ki posešujejo' prehitro rast poljskih pridelkov. V Ameriki mora vse hitro zrasti, da gre na trg. Narava tako nima dovolj prilike v pridelke djati to, kar je za prehrano človeka koristno in neobhodno potrebno. Naša hrana na ta način vsebuje premalo mineralnih snovi, ki so zlasti za zdravo kri potrebne. Baje je pred kongresom že dalj časa predloga, ki bi preveliko vporabo umetnih gnojil omejila, a na odgovornih mestih se ne ganejo, da bi tako predlogo sprejeli, ki bi pač škodila dobičku gotovih ljudi. Na eni strani proučujemo bolezni in jih skušamo odpraviti, na drugi se pa branimo podvzeti akcijo, ki bi našemu zdravju koristila. Ali nismo res čudni? ♦ ♦ ♦ Stariši mladoletnih otrok storijo prav, če prečitajo knjigo “A Picture of a Man,” katero je spisal Kev. Boniface McConville. Knjiga stariše opozarja, kakšni filmi so za njih otroke primerni in kakšni škodljivi. * + + 12. marca je bil rojstni dan naše delavne glavne ta jnice, Josephine Erjavec. Rojena je bila v Št. Vidu nad Ljubljano, odkoder je kot štiriletna deklica prišla v Ameriko. Prijazni Josephini želimo za rojstni dan vse najboljše poleg mnogo zdravih in veselih let v krogu njene lepe-družine! ♦ ♦ ♦ Nek Anglež je na svojem obisku po Ameriki ugotovil, da so vsega industrijskega napredka v naši deželi, vzrok ženske. “Amerikanci so silno podjetni in dobri delavci,” pravi Anglež, “in temu so krive njih ljube ženice, ki jim ne dajo miru prej, da jim možje kupijo, kar hočejo imeti. Žene želijo nove avtomobile, nove pralnike, nove ledenice,, najnovejšo pohištvo, moderne obleke, itd. Amerikanci so poznani kot. dobri soprogi in skrbni očetje, zato se mučijo in delajo z dneva v dan, da za svojo ljubo žensko in svojo družinico preskrbijo vse udobnosti. Od tega ima dobiček dežela, ki prosperira na vseh koncih in krajih.” TO in ONO TRiJE, KI SO NOSILI KRIŽ . . . “Če hoče kdo priti za menoj, naj se odpove samemu sebi in vzame svoj križ ter hodi za menoj.” (MT 16, 24.) Tri zglede vam pokažem, da vidite, kako je razumeti zgorajšnje besede Kristusove. Tak nosilec križa je bil po poklicu krčmar, previden mož, ki je vsako reč trikrat premislil, preden se je odločil. Izbral je večinoma srednjo pot. Vse, kar je bilo odveč, mu je v srcu presedalo. Zgodilo se je zato večkrat, da je svojim gostom odrekel nadaljnjo postrežbo s pijačo, ko je videl, da je šlo že čez potrebo. Tega moža je nekoč Bog obiskal s trdo poskušnjo. Ko je delal na vrtu, se mu je sinček, ki je bil nanj navezan z vso dušo, zmuznil neopaženo na bližnji železniški tir, kjer ga je vlak povozil. Po pogrebu se ni mogel, umiriti. Sedel je nemo v kuhinji in se globoko zamislil v svojo nesrečo. Prijatelj mu svetuje, naj skuša svoj križ s Kristusom nositi. “Kaj čemo?” — pravi — “križ je treba nositi, če ne z Jezusom, pa brez njega. Toda brez Jezusa bi me potrl.” Drug zgled. Junaška, krščanska žena, ki je bil njen stalni izrek: imela sina. Če mu je bilo ob šole prostih dneh težko vstati in iti k sv, maši, je uporabila svetopisemski izrek: “Nebeško kraljestvo silo trpi. . . ” Isto je ponavljala tudi proti svojemu možu, ko se je pri njem spraševanje vesti v velikonočnem času le predolgo vleklo. Danes je ta žena že sključena starka Njen sin ji je v pismu bridko potožil, kako hudo je, ko je že dalj časa brez prave službe. “Ko bi bil sam, bi še šlo, toda imam ženo in otroke. Križ je pretežak; ne morem ga več nositi . . Mati je odgovorila in zapisala s tresočo roko in z razsežnimi črkami samo par stavkov: “Če križa ne moreš več nositi, ga moraš pa vleči! — Nebeško kraljestvo silo trpi.” Tretji zgled. Pred seboj imamo visoksšolca v tretjem letu. Pravnik je, sila nadarjen, a preživljati se mora s poučevanjem srednješolcev, kajti oče-krojač nima sredstev, da bi zanj plačeval. Izredno lepa postava tega visoko-šolca je zbujala pozornost marsikatere gospodične. Čutil je to„, ,pa mu ni bilo v srečo. Marljivost je pojemala; komaj, komaj je toliko zaslužil, da je šlo naprej. Pri pre-skušnji na univerzi je bil odklonjen za celo leto. Zdaj je šlo vse rakovo pot. Zgubil se je. Čez dve leti pride šolski tovariš tega nesrečnega študenta po okoliščinah prav v njegov rojstni kraj, pa bi rad zvedel, kako je z njim. Poišče mater, ki mu pove, da je sin že več ko pol leta bolan in ne more s postelje. “Ali smem k njemu?” "Kako, da ne? Le pojdite, vesel bo.” “Mati me pelje” — pravi obiskovalec — “v majhno izbo, kjer je ležal moj prijatelj. Okosteneli roki sta sloneli na odeji. Obraz ves u-paden, oči so se motno ozirale skozi odprto okno. Dolgo sem sedel poleg njega, saj mi je imel toliko povedati. Končno je pristavil: Luč iz Damas- ka me je obsijala; brez nje bi ne bil nikoli postal iz Savla — Pavel. Nato sem mu pogladil lepe kostanjeve lase, edini nespremenjeni spomin iz njegovih dijaških let. Pripomnil je: 'Nisem več lep, toda zopet kri- stjan!’ “Le potrpežljivo prenašaj svoj križ, — sem ga bodril.” “Ne,” je brž odgovoril, “ne nosim jaz križa, ampak križ nosi mene.” Obraz je zopet okrenil proti oknu. V bližini na jablani je prepeval kos. Spet je pred nami Velika noč. Spomin trpljenja, ponižanja, pa tudi spomin zmage in slave Gospoda Jezusa Kristusa. Ni bi bilo vredno biti kristjan, če bi ne bila najbolj globoka resnica našega življenja ta, da smo na zemlji le popotniki, ki si zastonj iščemo tukaj stalno bivaljšče, ki zastonj lovimo za srečo. Zakaj življenje na zemlji je le priprava na večnost. Velikonočno jutro Noč se odmika in že se dani, zemlja se stresa in votlo bobni; nema narava strašan je glasnik, da je od smrti res vstal Rešenik. Vse poveličano mu je telo, ki prebodeno je petkrat bilo. Strah je polotil se judovskih straž; znači “junake” njih beg in še laž! Skrilo je sonce svetlobni obraz, ko je umiral Zveličar za nas. Z morjem svetlobe obdan je spet; rešen nesreče je greha zdaj svet. Pred nami. Pred nami že je pomlad smehljajočega obraza. Kaj neki v tem se smehu krije? Žalost in usoda temna? Morda pa za njim se vije radost in veselje novo? Naj karkoli'. Me bomo orale in sejale, rast pa dal bo Bog. Francka Zupančič: VELIKONOČNI SPOMINI Na„ vstajenje se je pripravljala Cerkev v p-ostu. Slovesnosti, obredi, polni lepote in poezije, so predvsem bogati globokega pomena: vidna znamenja ne- vidnih skrivnosti. V teni tednu doživimo oni tragičen vihar, ki je predhodnik Vstajenja. Vsa drama Gospodova—od vzklikajoče množice Jeruzalema do oljčnega vrta Getzemane, od vonjavega mazila v alabastrnih vrčih v hiši Be-tanije, do v kisu namočene gobe na zaničujočem lesu. Toda iz teme je prisvetila luč, iz smrti življenje, iz zaničevanja zmaga. Ni klasa, ki bi zorel, če ne bi razpočilo zrno in ni prave radosti, ki bi ne bila is bolečine porojena. Tam zunaj,, onkraj duri templja, se širi novica po vsej zemlji z nemim prhutanjem peroti, kot da bi se nerazločna melodija tkala med vejo in vejo in se končno dopolni obljuba. Bilo je istinito v vsem ozračju neko čudno pričakovanje: virčki, zaprti v ledeni skorji, so čakali, da sproste svobodno radostni spev. Črni oblaki so bili nestrpni, da se zdrobe v prosojene tančice in drevje je šu-šte sanjalo. Bile so pač že napol odprte vijolice in je že kukalo zvedavo prvo čreš-njevo cvetje. Toda april je pridivjal z vetrovi, pretresel bele zvezdice in so odpadle. Toda danes done v modrem vzduhu zvonovi; veličastno done in oznanjajo zemlji in nebu življenje. Človeška bivališča so kot gnezda pevcev; zemlja se preraja kakor duše; vse je mlado, sveže, čisto. Zgodil se je čudež: zvonovi lahko oznanjajo ljudem, da je zemlja prerojena z vstalim Gospodom. Daljen spomin mi vstaja v mislih v teh dneh odmevajočih zvonov, v čudežni gloriji Vstajenja. Bila sem v Rimu, prav veliki teden. Modrojasen teden, tako čist in veder, kot je lahko le v večnem mestu, sončen, kot da bi sonce sulo nanj najčistejši soj svojih žarkov. Kakor drugi, sem tudi jaz hodila pa natrpanih bazilikah. Kakor drugi, sem bila tudi jaz prevzeta od lepote godbe, petja, zastrtih luči, srce mistično polno ganotja, rekla bi skoro liričnega ganotja vsega bitja. Stolnica ni bila še taka kakor je danes, vsa prenovljena v licu in življenju. In vendar je plulo sonce kot vedno nad Esquilinom, veselo ljubko obsevalo voz cestne železnice, ki sem stopila vanj; voz starega tipa, prenapolnjen. Onkraj S. Maria Maggiore so bile redkejše in izza zelenja se je nasmihalo kako cvetoče mandel-jevo drevo, oznanjajoč pomlad. V vrtu Brancaccio so blesteli rastlinjaki v razkošju eksotične flore 'in širile opojen vonj. Nižje, na pobočju Celia so nudile nove hiSe vetru svoja bela pročelja. Višje se je ločila razločno Navicella od ozadja parkov, nad Neronovim vodovodom. Še dalje, nižje so se zibali ozeleneli, mladi vrhovi starega lrevja nad neskončnimi loki Flavijevega amfiteatra in s Palatina, ki se dviga nad vzdignjeno stranjo Foruma, je prihajal kakor glas spokorno usmiljen. Na koncu doli, S. Giovanni di Laterano, kakor rešilno pristanišče v misli na Gospoda. Kako desetletje je minulo in zdi se, kot bi vse to pripadalo ter pripada v resnici drugemu času, drugemu veku. Sladko, dobro sonce je ovijalo večno mesto s kraljevskih veličastvom in spominjam se, ko smo privozili v drevored s še skoro golimi kostanji, se je gnetla množica okoli človeka, ki je “prodajal srečo”. Mnogo in poceni!. . . Staro ženšče na stolčku ždeče in zavezanih oči jo je odkrivalo in razodevalo svečano. V onem trenutku je sledilo črtam debele roke; izza zaveze je šinil pogled na rokino gospodinjo, krepko mlado dekle, ki je očarano prisluškovalo prerokbo ljubezenske sreče. Ustavili smo se; izstopili smo. Prostrani vhod bazilike je bil napolnjen vernikov. Nepretrgana procesija se je pomikala proti osamljeni stavbi, skromni kakor hišica na odprtem polju: Scala Santa. Dvoje drugih stopnic omejuje z lesom prevlečeno Pilatovo stopnišče. Dvoje kamenitih mas je gledalo in glasno pričalo o izdaji in o muki; tu Judež, ki poljubuje Učenika, tam Kralj kraljev, krvaveč in zasmehovan, pred množico postavljen. Pobožne množice so drsale kleče navzgor in na tej njihovi poti se je skoro izgubljal vsak razloček med ljudmi; od raztrganega Čiča, ki mu je kot v počitek klonila glava na plazila vsa potna in sopeča. . . Tudi jaz med njimi. . . in zdelo se mi je, •da sem bilka na valovih v razburkanem morju. Na vrhu, skoro osorno, ustavlja železna ograja: Ecce Homo in v polsenci bleščeč relikviarij. Za nami je prihajala zopet druga množica vernikov. Vrnila sem se po stranskih stopnicah, želeč sl zraka, luči, prostora. Potem sem se okre-nila zopet in navdal me je val misli: Da, malo, kratko, sveto Stopnišče, ti si predpodoba drugega, obsežnega, po katerem pleza vse človeštvo. Na vrhu ne ostaja potniku drugega, kot več ali manj opraskana kolena. Vrhu teh stopnic je često vse telo izmučeno, srce stoka, v glavi moreče misli, ki se razblinjajo. Ej, male svete Stopnice, vzete stari, jeruzalemski palači, grozne nekoč, a sedaj svetišče človeštva! Četudi bi se o tebi ne širile legende, četudi bi te ranjena noga Gospodova ne bila blagoslovila z vtisom svojega mučeništva. vendar bi te moralo človeštvo vedno blagoslavla-ti! Kakšen opomin ste, male, kratke, sv. Stopnice’ in kako ste slične včerajšnjemu, današnjemu in gotovo tudi jutiišnjemu življenju! Toda bron doni praznično. Odsev modre velike noči povzdiga srca, gladi nagubana čela, otira solze. Pogled se okrene kvišku, v upanju in veri, in duša željna vzprejema himno Vstajenja iz cvetoče zemlje in iz usmiljenega neba. In mnogo ljubkih misli, ki so se nom zdele mrtve, in vera in moč in tolažba, ki so še ugasle plakale, se vrača, vzcvita, daje novih kril duši. KRIŽANEMU! Povej, Gospod, kdo je ta, ki Tebe je tako ponižal! Povej čigava hudobija vsa, da Te na les sramotno križal? Kdo pljunil je na sveto lice Tvoje, kdo djal na glavo trnjevo je krono, razpel roke pribil jih strašno—kdo? Gospod očitajoč je pogled Tvoj. Mar sem kriva jaz in greh moj? —Kratek molk, za tem odgovor: "Tako je!” In s križa me žalostno zrejo svete oči -“Mučenik božanski, odpusti mi, odpusti mi,!” SVOJ MIR VAM DAM. ■y/'elikonoCno jutro—velika noč! Zvonovi so zadoneli veličastno radosten Aleluja črez planjavo mladega, pomladnega brstja in ves svet diha nemo v trepetajoči sreči. Vstajenje, velika noč! Kako zveni to čudesno, odrešujoče! Kot da bi šuštela krila naše duše od solnčnega hrepenenja. Toda dado nam tudi slutiti neizrečno mučne in trde teže križa in osamljene ure Oljske gore; puste nam spomin na dokaj upov in hotenja, ki je moralo umreti v skrivnosti polni vellkosobotni tmini. Ali vendar, kakor tudi trdo, mučno tiščč in ranijo križi in trnje, končno vendar ne stoji pred nami le bolest, trpljenje in smrt, ampak sam Gospod z velikonočnim svojim pozdravom: “Svoj mir vam dam!” Bodisi, da je človek bolečin tudi rekel mogočnejše, pretresujoče, karajoče in kaznujoče besede, gotovo pa nikake druge, ki bi se porodila v globokejši, usmiljenejši dobroti božji, kot so one: "Svoj mir vam dam!” Iz vseh grozot, pred katerimi trepeče srce, iz vse nezvestobe, ki sta jo prizadejali Gospodu hudobija in strahopetnost, prihaja v sijaju kot premagovalec in najboljši prijatelj. Kako so mogli pričakovati tedaj prestrašeni učenci in množica prve besede poveličanega vstalega Gospoda: Ugonobitve sovražnikov, ostre obsodbe malosrčnih učencev ali mogočne besede vladarja moči in slavS ... A on je prišel tako docela drugače: ne vladar prišel je mir glaseč, mir srečne večnosti! Mir! IVAN ZORMAN: MRZEL APRIL Svinčeno je nebo, brez listov je drevo; pomladnega ni cvetja in ptičjega ni petja. Vetrov srditi piš podi se okrog hiš. Ni strah nas tvojih sil, vihravi ti april! Naj še tako hrumiš in golo drevje viješ in z mrzlim dežjem biješ srca ne preslepiš. Srce je polno nad-pred durmi je pomlad. UTISI AMERIŠKEGA ŽIVLJENJA ^MERIŠKE univerze imajo več tisoč dijakov iz daljnih tujih držav in vsemogočih narodnosti. Ta mladina, fantje in dekleta, opazuje, hvali in graja kar jim ne ugaja v Ameriki, posebno v ameriških šolah. Res je v Ameriki precej drugačno življenje, kakor je recimo v Evropi in po drugih nam tujih krajih in nič čudnega, če take razlike mladina zapazi in preceni. V kolegij Vassar se je vpisala mladenka iz Norveške. Zelo se je čudila, ko je videla svoje koleginje oblečene jako delavniško. V "jeans in corduroys,” pa na tem kolegiju, kamor prihajajo dekleta iz bogatih rodbin. Koncem tedna, ko so se dekleta odpravljale na razne zabave, so se pa tudi oblekle po najnovejši modi. Vsaka zase je postala lepotica svoje vrste. Dijak iz mesta Bombay, Indija, je našel velikansko razliko v cenah takih predmetov, ki so izdelani s stroji in tistih, ki so delani na roke. Stroj je pocenil vse in ročno delo se je pa silno podražilo. Vzemimo brivce, ki vendar ne rabijo nobenih višjih šol. Malo spretnosti, pa je kostumer ob $1.25. Življenje je dandanes jako drago, vendar je striženje las malo predrago računano. Ne vem, kako shaja tiste brivec, ki nekje v državi Pennsylaniji še danes računa samo deset centov, kakor pred davnimi leti, ko se je polotil te obrti. Fantu iz Indije je bilo jako všeč, da se v Ameriki delo ceni in tudi dobro plača. Delo ni nekaj poniževalnega, pa naj bo še tako nizko in umazano. Vse je potrebno v človeški družbi. Ta dijak je delal, da si je zaslužil za svoje študije. Nihče ga ni gledal postrani, ko je kopal jarke za mestni vodovod. Kadar bo to pripovedoval svojim domačinom v Indiji, se bodo gotovo čudili delavski zavesti in ponosu. Dijak iz Egipta je povedal, da pri njih noben dijak ne dela. To bi bilo nekaj sramotnega. Iz lastne skušnje pa je sprevidel, da temu ni tako. On je tudi delal, da se je preživel med študiranjem na univerzi v Miami, Florida. Vozil je trok (truck) s potrebščinami za restavracije in to vendar ni bilo nič nečastnega v Ameriki. Nemški dijak je mislil, da živi ameriški delavec v večnem strahu za svoj obstanek, za svoj zaslužek. Obiskal je razne tovarne in iz njih je šel vse drugačnega mnenja o delavcih. Bili so dobro oblečeni in veselo razpoloženi so vršili svoj opravek. Dijak iz Tel Aviv, Izrael, je čital Marksa, ki razlaga smrtni boj med delavstvom in kapitalom. Čudil se je, ko je tovarnar traktorjev povedal, da je trgovski zastopnik od CIO unije šel v Washington, da bi tam za njega izposloval potreben materijal, katerega primanjkuje. Ta mladina je inteligentna in ker prihaja iz drugačnih razmer in z drugačnimi nazori med nas, kmalu najde velike razlike in tudi protislovja za njihove pojme. Na Kitajskim je ukoreninjeno globoko spoštovanje otrok do svojih sta-rišev in prednikov.” Ali se mladina ne sramuje, ko pušča stare ljudi, da sami hodijo po ulicah? Belolase stare matere same posečajo restavracije. Ne, kaj takega, mi ne poznamo” je rekla mlada Kitajka. Pa še bolj se je zgražala, ko je slišala prijateljico govoriti s svojim očetom. Na Kitajskim bi si nobena hčerka ne upala tako svobodno nastopiti. Med pogovorom o nameravanem izletu, so še najmlajšo deklico vprašali, kam bi si ona želela. Na Kitajskem se otrok ne sprašuje, da bi jim ustrezali. Tam se jim pove in otrok mora ubogati. Mi, ki smo bili vzgojeni še v stari domovini, tudi ne odobravamo te prevelike samostojnosti med ameriško mladino. Malo več discipline bi prav nič ne škodovalo, kakor si je mislila ta Kitajska dekle. V Novi Zelandiji tudi ni tako, kakor pri nas, v Ameriki, je trdil mlad dijak od tam. Vsi tujci takoj spoznajo, da Amerika obožava svoje otroke, svojo mladino. Menda je to tudi vzrok, da bi vsak rad mlad ostal. Dekle iz Estonije je še v Evropi srečala nekaj mladih Amerikancev. Zdeli so se ji otročje bahavi. Ko je pozneje prišla na študije v Ameriko, je sprevidela, kaj je temu vzrok. Prevelika popustljivost starišev. Dijakinja iz Ogrske pravi, da se rodbinsko življenje suče samo okrog otrok, pa naj bo en sam ali več. Ti so pravi gospodarji v hiši. Vse jim je dovoljeno in ustreženo. Ni se preveč zmotila, bi rekli mi, iz stare šole. Dekle iz Indonezije se je čudila otrokom, ki so si upali ugovarjati svojim starišem. Zdelo se ji je tudi, da so preveč glasni pri takih debatah v domačem krogu. Kakor je kakšnim obnašanje ameriške mladine zoperno, se nekaterim le dopade. Ta enakopravnost med otroci in starši je bila všeč dijaku iz južne Amerike. Povedal je, da njihova demokracija je samo po imenu. V resnici deli otroke in starše debel zid, da so nedostopni. “Pri nas bi nobeden moški ne pospravil posode z mize, kakor sem to videl tukaj. Delo je nekako skupna dolžnost družine. Tako je presodil ta fant iz južne Amerike, Kaj pa mislijo ti mladi ljudje o ameriški šolski izobrazbi. Ne preveč, bi rekli. Mlad Holandec je tako povedal: “Pri nas dijaki študirajo in dovršijo ali pa padejo. Vmes ni nobenega izhoda. Ko sem jaz dovršil Dutch high school - višjo šolo na Nizozemskem - sem govoril štiri jezike. V Ameriki mislijo, da jim angleščina zadostuje. Z mojo izobrazbo sem brez težave položil izpite iz fizike, kemije, algebre in trigonometrije in to za drugi letnik v ameriškem kolegiju. Na evropskih univerzah obisk univerze ni obvezen. Tam ne tlačijo učenosti z žlico. Tam dajo dijakom samo priliko pridobiti si izobrazbo. Končni rezultat se pokaže pri izpitih, katere mora vsak dijak narediti, ako hoče dobiti diplomo.” Tovariš tega dijaka Holandca je pripomnil. da je pri njih dijaštvo bolj izbrano. V višje šole gredo samo bolj nadarjeni učenci. Tu kaj pohajajo šole velike mase mladine in prema tem potrebam se usmeri tudi pouk in izobrazba v Ameriki. Gospa Japonka, v Washingtonu, ne najde med ameriško mladino originalnih idej. Še v višjih šolah so še nedozoreli, preotročji, lahkomišljeni. Arabec iz Lebanona misli, da so dijakom knjige le toliko mar, da dobijo gotove rede. Vse je specijalizirano in kar je izven gotovega področja, ameriškega učenca ne zanima. Evropejce preseneča ta brezbrižnost za dobro čtivo, godbo in kulturne predmete. Nemka iz Stuttgarta je pristopila v društvo “sorority” in se je čudila, ko je pri sejah vsaka povedala, kar se ji je zdelo a končno je vseeno potegnila s tistimi, ki so tvorili večino. Članice so se ji zdele prevzetne, češ, sedaj smo članice in kaj nas briga vse drugo. Premišljevale so kako bi aranžirale kak sestanek s tistimi dijaki, ki so imeli kare. Nemški dijak bi želel več individualnosti med dijaštvom. Od deklet pa bi pričakoval malo več previdnosti v šminkanju in lepotičenju. V Indoneziji se smatra višješolce kot odrasle ljudi. Zato tam ne po-najo takih določb kedaj in do kedaj "Kot odrasli smo so pravilno obnašali brez vsakih ukazov od šolske blasti,” je r^kel dijak iz Indnezije. Švicarski dijak mu je pritrdil, meneč, da brez gotovega reda tukaj, bi se malokateri dijak ali dijakinja vrnila z zabave ob določeni uri. Dekle iz Dusseldorfa, Nemčija, misli, da je pomankanje discipline v otroških letih slabo in zato je treba držati tudi višješolce pod gotovim nadzorstvom. Taka so opazovanja in vtisi tujih mladeničev in mladenk, ki so iz ranih nagibov prišli še v Ameriko izpopolniti svoje znanje. Glede tukajšnje hrane je bila tudi kritika. Orijentalcem ne ugaja. Indijci hočejo vse bolj začinjeno. Navajeni so na razne dišave, posebno' na “curry” ki je neke vrste huda paprika. Zmečkan krompir se jim zdi zelo neokusen. Kitajci niso vajeni' pečenega in pohanega. Pri njih jedi kuhajo ali pa dušijo (steam), kar je tudi bolj zdravo. Ameriška potrata hrane jim ne gre iz glave. Obrezati kruh skorje je nekaj nepojmljivo vse obsodbe vredna Razvada. Vse se pripravlja z veliko naglico. Nihče ne pomisli, da je kuha eno najvažnejših opravil, ker kuha in človeško zdravje sta nekaj skupnega, ki se ne da industrializirati. V Ameriki imamo čedne kuhinje ampak kuharice in služkinje manjka. V enakem domu v Evropi, bi bile najmanj dve hišni pomočnici. V Ameriki pa pade vse delo na mater,, ki nima nobene plačilne lestvice in tudi ne določenih tedenskih ur. To> je res posebnost te bogate dežele. Imamo pa mnogo strojev, ki lajšajo' dela pri gospodinjstvu. Seveda vseh takih mehaničnih pripomočkov tudi" ni prav povsod. Je pa veliko lažje, kakor je bilo našim pijonirkam, materam, katerih delo je tako pravično in jasno opisal Mr. Frank Turk. Dela ni bilo ne konca, ne kraja. Ameriški zakonski možje si tudi privežejo predpasnik, da pomagaja gospodinji s posodo. Kaj takega se nikjer ne vidi v kuhinjah na Japonskem ali drugod. Tam je delo deljeno, kar je za ženske, tega se mož ne poloti. Amerikanke so na slabem glasu. Preveč hodijo po klubih in sejah. “Pa kaj bi ne,” se je oglasila Nemka. "Pii nas en dan peremo, drugi dan likamo in tako naprej se vrsti ži vljenje, da ni časa za kaj druzega. V Ameriki je stroj, ki skrajša in olajša hišni posel in zato gre ženska lahko še kam po zabavi ali opravku.” Pri vseh številnih naših napakah, pa smo Amerikanci jako dobrosrčni ljudje. Tega mnenja so skoro vsi, ki so kedaj uživali našo gostoljubnost. Bil je nemški dijak, ki je imel priliko obiskati kmetije, ki so bile v bližini njegove šole. Kmetom je bil fant všeč in ker je bil bolj slabo opravljen, so pisali na kolegij, da si naj pri gotovi firmi gre pomerit obleko. Taka ponudba je fanta spravila v veliko' zadrego. Odklonil je, češ, “saj sem tukaj v šoli na ameriške stroške. Se hrano imam plačano. Sam šemi videl kako trdo delajo ti moji kmetski znanci in sedaj naj bi jim še jaz. delal stroške. Ne, tega ne borem sprejeti.” Končno so ga le pregovorili in oblekli od vrha do tal. “Imeli so' me tako, kakor svojega sina. No- bena še tako močna propaganda proti Ameriki ne more zbrisati dobrote in prijaznosti tega ljudstva.” Nekaj mora biti dobrega tukaj, drugače bi si ne želeli vsi v Ameriko. Saj vemo, da nas vsak blagruje, ker smo tukaj, pa če nam gre dobro ali ne. KOREJSKA POROKA J£akor povsod imajo tudi v Koreji posebne običaje, kadar se dekle moži ali fant ženi. Dekle se mora pripraviti na vse tiste dolžnosti, ki jih bo prevzela kot nova gospodinja. To je pa najlažje, ako se začne ve-žbati pri njegovi materi. Nekaj te-■dnov pred poroko, pride bodoča nevesta v hišo, da tam pomaga in opazuje, kakšnega reda in življenj je do-tična družina vajena. Od tašče se uči kuhe, postrežbe in vseh detajlov •gospodinjstva. Če kedaj pozneje pride do kakšnega nesporazuma med mladima zakoncema, se ženica lahko sklicuje, da je njegova mati prav tako to in to naredila, pa je mirna bosna. Ta predporočni tečaj je nekaj praktičnega za nevesto pa naj bo v Koreji ali kje drugje. Kako je nevesta poučena o faktih :življenja, tega nisem izvedela. Naj-brže je vsa ta priprava bolj površna in nevesta je prepuščena svoji usodi z najboljšimi željami od njenih Staričev, tet in drugih sorodnic. Namen zakona so seveda otroci in ■tega se korejska nevesta jako zaveda. Preden se poroči, mora imeti pripravljeno vse potrebno perilo in oblekce za svoj naraščaj. V Koreji smatrajo številko sedem kot srečno in tako tudi pričakujejo, da bo mlada žena imela vsaj sedem otrok in čim več sinov tem bolje. Ženska torej ne velja toliko. Če se rodi dosti sinov, potem se smatra to za veliko srečo. Tako torej za sedem otrok mora nevesta vse potrebno pripravtl, predno se je zavezala s svojim dragim. K poroki se nevesta pripelje na kmetskem, solidnem vozu, katerega vleče vol. Vola pa jaha ženin. Za njima se pa zvestijo sorodniki in povabljeni svatje. Nevesta je oblečena v jarde in jarde svilenega ■blaga. Ženin nosi tudi belo svileno obleko in na glavi pa ima turban iz konjske žime. Poročni obred se konča z besedami: ‘‘Ta pogodba vaju •oba veže, da v sto letih nikdar ne pozabita drug na drugega.” Za zaključek spije ženin par požirkov vina, katero potem ponudi še svoji nevesti, o najbolj pogrešala svojo manico. Obe članici bomo vedno pogrešale, ker sta bili zvesti v zanimanju za procvit podružnice in Zveze. Naj počivati mirno in me se ju pa spominjajmo v molitvi, ker to je naša dolžnost saj jima bomo vse sledile druga za drugo. Naše sožalje vsem žalujočim preostalim. Letes smo imeli hudo zimo In čeprav je že mesec marc, pa ravno danes, ko pišem te vrstice naletava sneg kot za stavo in Je tudi prav mrzlo. Toda upati je, da do časa, ko pridejo te vrstice med vas, da bo prelepa pomlad že ogrela naše ozračje. K ziiljučlcu želim vsem bolnim sestram ljubega zdravja in na svidenje na prihodnji seji! Vesele velikonočne praznike želim vsem skupaj! Mary Tomšič, predsednica Št. 67, Bessemer, Pa.—Ker vem, da vsaka članica rada bere dopis od svoje podružnice v priljubljeni Zarji, zato se bom tudi jaz malo oglasila. Na seji v januarju smo sklenile, da bomo obhajala 16 letnico obstoja podružnice z banketom v nedeljo 17. februarja, ker je bilo lani preveč snaga, zato smo odložile za letos. Čas je kar hitro prišel naokoli. Sklenjeno je bilo na seji, da povabimo našo glavno predsednico Albino Novak. Šle smo pridno na delo da bi napravile nekaj zares lepega in pomenljivega. Naša predsednica Mary Snezic se je malo pritožila svojimi možu, da ima veliko skrbi in misli ali bo kaj ali nič. Njen John ji pa lepo odgovori: Zdaj, ko si naložila težak tovor na svoj voz, ga pa pelji! — Z veseljem in ponosom poročam, da je vse izvrstno izpeljala vse skozi do zadnjega. Naša glavna predsednica je s seboj pripeljala glavne odbornice Mary Urbas, Ello Starin, Frances Susel in sestro Frances Salmick. Me smo pa bila je sijajna udeležba. Bilo je krasno pogledati po dvorani, ko je bila polno zasedena dobrih ljubi. Naši govorniki so bili: Župnik Rev. Frawley, naša glavna predsenlca Albina in kako zna ona govoriti, da bi jo človek kar naprej poslušal. Bile smo zelo vesele, ker je nas tako lepo pohvalila in tudi našega župnika je povzdignila z lepimi pokloni. Med nami je bil tudi naš župan Carl Lago, predsednik novega Hrvastkega Doma Marjan Vlah in načelnik policije Frank Clark, 'rudi naša predsednica Mary Snezic je napravila lep govor in podpredsednica Katica Zatkovich. Lepa hvala sem našim vrlim kuharicam in natakaricam, ki so spekle izvrstne potice, kolače in vsakovrstno pecivo ter pridno postregle vsem gostom. Vse se je vršilo v najlepšem redu za kar vsa čast odbornicam in zvestim pomočnicam. Po banketu smo se pa še malo zavrteli, Naša godba pod vodstvom Franka Delasta iz Struthers je pa izborno svirala. da se je prav lahko plesalo. Vsem skupaj, ki se se odzvali ter vsem, ki ste nam pomagali, naša srčna zahvala, kakor tudi naši, glavni predsednici za prijazen in dobrodošel odziv. Drage sestre, vabljene ste, da pridete na sejo meseca aprila, ker bomo volile delegatko za na konvencijo. H koncu dopisa vas vse prav lepo pozdravim in želim vsem, ki ste bolne, da bi skoraj okrevale in prišle spet med nas. Želim vam vsem vesele velikonočne praznike vse povsod! Cili Hulina, poročevalka NA BANKETU PROSLAVE OBLETNICE ŠT. 67, BESSEMER, PA. Od leve na desno: Prva nadzornica Cecella Hulina, predsednica Mary Snezic, tajnica Frances Sankovič, Rev. Frawly, župnik fare sv. Antona in duhovni vodja podružnice, glavna predsednica Albina Novak, ki drži v roki velik nož, s katerim je potem razrezala velik kejk, blagajničarka Mary Brodesko in podpredsednica Kati Zatkovič. Gostov na banketu, ki se je vršil v nedeljo večer 17. februarja, je bilo do 400, kar je zelo velika udeležba za naselbino, ki šteje nekaj nad tisoč oseb. To je bil tudi prvi banket v novem, krasnem Narodnem domu, katerega so podjetni ljudje v malem mestu Bessemerju s svojo veliko pridnostjo in požrtvovalnostjo zgradili. Vsa čast podružnici št. 67, vsem vrlim odbornicam, članicam in mnogoštevilnim prijateljem naše Zveze v Bessemer, Pennsylvania! Št. 77, N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa—Na glavni seji je bilo sklenjeno, da bonu Imele vsake tri mesece “birthday party” od vseh, ki bodo imele med tent časom svoj rojstni dan. Katera želi, naj prinese kaj za prigrizek in se bomo lahko prav lepo imele. Lahko vam je žal, katere se niste udeležile zadnjih sej, zato glejte, da boste prišle redno odslej. Vsem, ki so na bolniški postelji želimo skorajšno okrevanje. Prosim, da mi sporočite, kadar je katera bolna, da se pošlje kartica in obiskovalke. Na zadnji seji smo sklepale o proslavi 16. letnice podružnice, katero bomo obhajale v mesecu maju. Lepo se prosi sodelovanje vseh članic, potem bomo gotovo dosegle lep uspeh. Na obisk v staro domovino so se podale že nekatere naše sestre in druge bodo šle v kratkem. Dne 7. maja se bodo odpeljale s parnikom, Queen Elizabeth, sestre: Anna Kle- menc, Josephine Gramc, Mary Baznik in Mary Pešut. Mrs. Johanna Mra-vinc in hčerka Theresa, sta pa odpeljali z letalom 29. februarja. Theresa Mravinc je dobila odlično službo v Zagrebu pri Amerlkanskem Konzulatu. čestitamo! Vsem zletnicam želimo obilo zabave in srečno povrnitev med nas. Opozarjam vse naše drage članice, da je v teku važna pred-konvenčna kampanja za nove članice in bo zelo lepo za našo podružnico, če bomo tudi pri nas pridobile nekaj novih članic ter pomagale k lepemu napredku Zveze. Ako bi vpisala vsaka izmed nas samo eno novo članico, pa poglejte, kako hitro in častno bi pomnožile število članic. Voščim vam vesele velikonočne praznike ter vam kličem: na svidenje na prihodnji seji: Anna Knaus, predsednica Št. 77, N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa.—Vse članice ste iskreno vabljene na prireditev 13. maja v navadnih prostorih, ko bomo praznovale 16 letnico obstoja podružnice. Prošene ste tudi, da bi pripeljale svoje prijateljice, da nas bo več skupaj vsaj enkrat na leto. Obeta se nam dobra postrežba. Za delegatko smo soglasno izvolile sestro Mary Tomec in njena namestnica je Mrs. Angela Yeke. Na bolniški listi je pa Katherine Matešič. Vse ste prošene, da jo obiščete, saj je vsaka bolna članica ves- ela obiskov, posebno, če mora biti stalno v postelji. Molimo za zdravje svojih sosester. Vsem bolnim želimo skorajšno okrevanje. “Baby” dar je dobila Mrs. Marie Duvorsky, hčerka od sestre Kovčič. Vesele velikonočne praznike vsem skupaj! Minka Chrnart, tajnica Št. 88, Johnstown, Pa—Drage sestre Naznanjam, da bomo imele v mesecu maju zopet “covered pot luck supper” in ste vljudno vabljene vse članice na poset. Pripeljite tudi svoje prijateljice s seboj, ker bo dovolj dobrega za vse. Članice pa prinesite vsaka kaj prav dobrega. Tiste, ki niste članice boste pa lahko denarno prispevale v ta namen. Po večerji bomo pa bingo igrale. Obhajale bomo tudi 14. letnico obstoja naše podružnice. Na Materinski dan bomo imele vse članice naše podružnice skupno sveto obhajilo. Pridite vse, katerim je mogoče, ker je nam vsem v zadovoljnost, če imamo ob takih važnih prilikah lepo udeležbo od vseh članic. Pozdrav in voščilo za blagoslovljeno velikonoč, Mary Lovše, tajnica Št. 93, Brooklyn, New York—Zima se bliža h koncu; hvala Bogu, da smo že dočakali pomlad in se poslovili od starke zime. Ravno tako tudi mi zemljani čakamo na toplo sonce, na tople žarke, da nas bodo spet ogreli. Leta se hitro pomikajo v zaton in vsi smo z vsakim dnem bljižje svojega konca. Proslava 25 letnice obstoja Zveze, je tudi za nami in kakor vidimo se je tudi naša Zveza dobro pomaknila naprej. Povsod smo se prizadevala po svojih najboljših močeh, da smo pomagale k skupnemu uspehu. Tudi moja malenkost se je potrudila za 15 novih članic. Zelo bi bila rada skupaj zbrala 25 novih in bi bila povezala pušeljc za 25 letnico, toda ni mi bilo mogoče to željo izpolniti. Sporočati moram, da nas je zapustila naša zvesta tajnica Nežika Klar-ich, ki je 13 let skrbno uradovala in točno delala za dobrobit podružnice in Zveze. Torej iskrena hvala za požrtvovalnost in trud. Mislim, da smo dobile dobro namestnico v osebi sestre Ana Kerkovich. Vem, da bomo tudi ž njo lepo naprej delovale, saj v slogi je moč in napredek. Našemu duhovnemu vodju, vsem glavnim odbornicam in vsem krajevnim odbornicam ter vsem članicam iz dna srca želim vesele velikonočne praznike ter žalostnim tolažbe od Boga, starim dosti sonca, mladim pa veliko smeha, potem se bomo vsi pomladili vsaj za en čas! S prisrčnimi pozdravi vsem članicam od New Yorka do San Francisce, iHelen Corel', predsednica Št. 96 Universal, Pa.—Prihodnja seja se bo vršila 11. maja, 1952 v Universal Narodnem Domu. Vzrok premestitve na tretjo nedeljo je, ker je na drugo nedeljo Materinski dan, in naše članice gotovo želijo tisti dan prebiti doma med svojo družino. Pridite vse na sejo 18. maja. Naša podružnica bo imela Pomladanski ples v soboto 19. aprila v Narodnem Domu v Center. Igral bo Tommy Bertovič orkester, ki zna tako izvrstno igrati polke valčke in sploh vse plese. Vljudno se vabi vse članice in njihove domače na poset. Oddana bo krasna posteljna odeja na tej veselici. Pridite vse, ker bo zares lepa veselica. Na bolniški listini so sestre Mary Bogataj, Mildred Kastelic iz Renton in Frances Škerl iz Center. Dal ljubi Bog vsem skorajšno okrevanje. Upamo, da se vidimo na naši veselici. Voščim vsem skupaj vesele velikonočne praznike ter na svidenje 19. aprila! Mary E. Oblak, poročevalka Št. 102., Willard, Wis.—Naša glavna predsednica me je opomnila zakaj ne bi tudi iz Willarda bilo kaj novic v Zarji. Ker jaz res obožujem naša predsednico, Albino, ne morem dati na stran opomina. Ampak, ko berem dopise, kako se imate drugod na sejah, mi je kar težko, in ne vem, kaj bi napisala. Tukaj nas je prav malo število pri naši podružnici in smo raztresene po farmah. Ko imamo sejo pobiram asesment tudi od drugega društva, toda naše članice so pa zelo dobrosrčne in nekatere plačajo kar za celo leto naprej, kar je res hvale vredno. Že dalj časa imamo bolno sestro Mrs. Theresa Božičevich, katero je zadel mrtvoud na eno stran že pred meseci. Bog ji daj moč in ji pomaga, da se ji bo kmalu izboljšalo stanje, kar ji iz srca želimo. V zadnji Zarji sem brala o lepi razstavi ročnih del, katero bodo imele članice v Clevelandu. Kako rada bi bila tam, ker tako ljubim lepe kvačkane predmete in šivanje, ker tudi jaz rada šivam in kvačkam. Zato mi je v veliko vesele, če vidim, kaj novega. Naj še malo pohvalim dopisovalke pri Zvezi, ker tako pridno poročajo v Zarji, da vemo, kako se imajo Slovenke po naših naselbinah od vzhoda do zapada, Kar dela našo Zarjo pa tako privlačno so pa lepe slike, ki so priobčene, ker potem dobimo še boljši vtis. Naše glavne odbornice tudi pridno dopisujejo. Zelo bi rada videle, da bi tudi naš kraj obiskala naša glavna predsednica Albina, da bi se prepričala, kako se tukaj imamo, ker bi gotovo dobila mnogo gradiva za opisovanje kot jih je svoj čas urednik Ameriške Domivine, ki je nas obiskal in ga je vzelo dolgo časa preden je prišel nazaj iz Willarda v Cleveland. Pozdravljam ves glavni odbor in vse članice SŽZ! Johanna Artač • DOMAČA KUHINJA 1 L * .fc «■« .a. ■■■ ,i Pečen kopun (Roast Capon). — Kopuna peci na isti način kot mlado kokoš. V kastrolo mu lahko prideneš nekaj juhe in tudi nekaj čebule, ko ga pričneš peči. Ker pa je kopun navadno večji in mastnejši, ga je treba peči dlje časa in mu, ko prične rumeneti, z vilicami predreti kožo na več mestih, da se odteče prebilna mast. Od 6 do 8 f. težak kopun naj se peče približno 2% ure. Nadet kopun (Stuffed Capon). — Za nadev kopuna ravno tako postopaj kot za peko, to je enako kot pri pečeni oz. nadeti mladi kokoši. Pripravi pa toliko več nadeva, kolikor je kopun težji od mlade kokoši. Kokošji frikaze (Chicken Fricassee). — Mlado kokoš očisti in zreži na precej majhne kose, katere pristavi s toliko mrzle vode, da voda sega za prst nad meso. Osoli, dodaj par jagod popra, mal korenček, koreninico peteršilja in prav malo zelene. Pokrij in pari prav počasi, da se meso zmehča, a razkuhati se ne sme. Nato vzemi meso ven, a omako precedi v drugo kastrolo. V ponvici ra-zgrej 1 žlico masla, primešaj 2 žlici moke in jo dobro zmešaj v maslo, a porumeneti ne sme. Dodaj precejeno omako in prevri. Prilij pol kozarca belega vina, na kar naj omaka dalje vre. Stepi 3 rumenjake in jih primešaj v omako. Nato omaka ne sme več vreti. Zloži kose mesa na krožnik ter zlij nanje nekaj omake, a ostalo daj na mizo v omačniku. Frikazž na krožniku potresi s fino sesekljanim peteršiljem ali drobnjakom. Kokoš v papriki (Chicken Paprika). — Vzemi bolj mlado, kake 3% f. težko kokoš, jo pripravi in razreži na precej velike kose in osoli. Na 2 žlicah masla bledo opraži 2 mali ali 1 veliko drobno zrezano čebulo. Dodaj žličke paprike. Nato prideni zrezano meso ter počasi pari kake pol ure. Potresi meso z 1 % žličke moke in pusti, da porumeni, na kar premešaj. Prilij toliko dobre juhe, da skoro vse pokrije. To naj se pari, da se napravi lepa omaka in da se meso zmehča. Ko je meso že skoraj' kuhano, dodaj 5 žlic kisle smetane, premešaj in kuhaj še kakih 15 minut. Zraven serviraj kuhan riž, nudeljne-ali kaj sličnega. NOVI SVET družinski list, štev. 3, marec 1952,. prinaša sledečo vsebino: Velika noč uvodnik, Vinko Beličič.. Zima v gozdu, pesem, Limbarski. Velika ljubezen, roman, T. Brdar. Ukleta zemlja, konec zgodbe. Iz srca do srca. Glas iz naroda. Chi-kaške novice. Za smeh. Dom in zdravje: Spolna kuga. Praktični nasveti. Pesem drogov, Jože Kroflič — črtica ob pričetku prve svetovne vojne. Angleški del: Social Security Card. An Interesting Concert. Jobs. Old Faithful to the Rescue, Story. Slap Sticks. Naročnina $4.00 letno. Vsak novi naročnik, ki plača celoletno naročnino za letos in omeni ta lišt, bo dobil zaostale številke z romanom Velika ljubezen brezplačno. To Velja samo za Združene države ameriške. Naslov: NOVI SVET, 1845 Cermak Road, Chicago 8, Illinois. No. 4 — Vol. XXIV. The Datem April, 1952 OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA HIGHLIGHTS OF DIRECTORS’ REPORTS. In the last edition, reports of the Directors were given in full in the Slovenian section. This time we will give the highlights of their reports in translation. The annual meeting was at the Home Office January 29-30, 1952. President Albina Novak expressed deepest appreciation to all the workers during the last six months of 1951 and especially to those who worked the hardest in the membership campaign. She hopes that the same interest and enthusiasm will be shown before the close of the Preconvention campaign which is in progress until May 15th. Mrs. Novak gave much credit to the members in Minnesota and Colorado for their manifestations in commemorating State Days and anniversaries. She was assured the fullest cooperation by all the branches she visited. Mrs. Novak was most happy to report on the successful sale of the new cookbooks “Woman’s Glory — The Kitchen” which was received by the public with the highest compliments to the Editorial office. Proceeds of two thousand dollars on the first sale were already turned into the Zveza’s general expense fund thereby taking it out of the red and enabling it to rest on sound basis. This surely is ■deserving of gratitude from the entire membership to those who have worked untiringly to bring about such a big lift to our general fund. Mrs. Novak also reported that the second supply is almost sold out and that there’ll be another substantial amount for the fund from it. “Slovenian Melodies” song book was also well circulated to the branches and the Scholarship Fund will be boosted by this success. Appreciation is extended to Mrs. Muster for her big help in the distribution of the cookbooks and to Mrs. Josephine Železnikar for taking charge of the mailing of the song books. Mrs. Novak reported that she received many questions on an excursion of SWU to Europe in 1953 and she hopes that this matter will be taken care of favorably at the convention. In reporting on the reservations made by her at the Detroiter Hotel in Detroit, Michigan, Mrs. Novak feels certain that everything will go on in the best of order and to the satisfaction of all concerned. The management of Hotel Detroiter and the local committee in Detroit pro- mised to do all in their power to make the coming convention one of the best. Mrs. Novak also reported on the plans for the National Bowling Tournament which will be held in Cleveland, March 29, 30, 1952 for the success of which she is assisting the committee in charge in every detail. She visited branches nos. 3, 10, 14, 15, 18, 19, 25, 41, 63, 67, 73 and the numerous Minnesota branches. She worked to the best of her ability in every respect to keep the interest of the members on the highest scale. For better understanding she kept the officers and branches informed and occupied with letters of information and friendship. Mrs. Marie Prisland, secretary of finance committee and president of the scholarship committee, reported on the various investments and bank deposits that were made. The interest on deposits and bonds amounted to $5,859.74 in 1951. She also reported that at this time there is $7,350.59 in the scholarship fund and $3,165.62 in the benefit fund. Mrs. Prisland is very grateful to all who have in any way contributed to a successful observance of the S.W.U. Silver Anniversary in 1951. Mrs. Josephine Muster, Stapreme treasurer reported on the gain made during the last six months of 1951. Total income — $30,841.34; total disbursements $19,014.81. The gain was $11,826.39 which brought our general fund up to $287,409.39. Mrs. Muster also reported that two thousand dollars were turned over to the general expense fund from the cookbook sale and she expressed appreciation to President Albina Novak and to Miss Frances Jancer on the popular contents of the cookbook. Mrs. Mary Lenich, president of the auditors, Auditor Mrs. Josephine Železnikar and Auditor Ella Starin, reported that in their examination of the business administration they found everything in the best of order. They also carefully checked all bank deposits and investments and it all tallied with the statement given to them by the Headquarters. (The complete statement appeared in the Slovenian section last month.) They congratulated all who have devoted their best interests to the welfare and progress of the organization. Compliments were extended to all the winners and the workers of the Silver Jubilee campaign and also to all who are responsible for the successful distribution of the cookbooks. They expressed felicitations to the Editorial Office concerned with the cookbook and they promised to do all in their power to aid in the further distribu- tion of the cookbooks. Mrs. Lenich also reported on the observance of Minnesota State Zveza Day and about the wonderful gain that was made in every respect. Mrs. Železnikar reported on the progress of the sale of song books and also on the gain in membership that was made by her branch during the Silver Jubilee Campaign. Mrs. Ella Starin also reported on the gift packages send to Jugoslavia and the preparations for the Needlework Exhibition which will be held in Cleveland in March. She further reported on the interest shown in the Pillow Case Contest and will display the beautiful pillow-cases which were received. She hopes that this will inspire those who are fond of needlework to continue in needle-craft and that these contests be continued because everyone finds it far more enthusiastic if there is a purpose. Editor Mrs. Novak gave a detailed repart on the solicitors who were especially cooperative for the Jubilee-December edition advertisements. (A summary of the solicitors and the amounts they submitted appears in last month’s Slovenian section.) She also explained that it’s impossible to overcome all the obstacles that arise every month in getting Zarja out during the first week in the month. Un-forseen disturbances in the postal delivery have to be considered as tlme-wasters in a monthly magazine. There are very few such periodicals which are delivered on time and of course, our Zarja is no exception. We have had to become accustomed to many inconveniences during the past years but as long as we cannot be spending more money for extra overtime work in the printing shop or in special delivery mail service, we will go on trying to make the best of it. A little patience and consideration will get us through without too many disappointments. The Editor, above all wishes that our Zarja would reach you the first week in the month, but since we have had to use the second or even the third week for some deliveries perhaps it would be well, if we would assume that that’s the right time. In the May edition the branches will again be given the privilege to enter the history and picture of their respective Mother of the Year. For June, the Convention month, there will be space for many historical articles and the branches will be asked to give some of their most important items for publication. Ed’s Note: A detailed report on the donations to the Scholarship Fund will appear in the May edition. FROM SUPREME HEADQUARTERS April is the last month when you can elect your delegate for this coming convention to be held in Detroit, Michigan commencing June the 22. You are kindly requested to mail your credentials to the headquarters, as soon as your delegates has been elected. Your co-operation will be appreciated. OUR CONVENTION CAMPAIGN Lightning-like the close of the campaign is approaching. Only one month remains. In this time it is necessary to obtain several new members if we wish this campaign to bring us honors at the coming convention. In the past there always existed great interest in the Convention Queen and her court. Thus I hope the same interest will be alive this year. It is most important that every individual worker bring her friends into our group as early as possible. For the convention the “Honor Roll” must be compiled entailing much detailed work. It is for this reason I beseech, you to campaign promptly in order to avoid a last-minute rush. I wish you great success in your search for new members. To every new member and campaign worker I wish a “Happy Easter”. Important Notice! In complying with the urgent request of branch no. 20, I have reconsidered my resignation as supreme secretary. In full agreement with the branch were a number of supreme officers,, officers and members of countless branches, as well as many Union’s friends,, that I continue to hold this office. Your great interest towards me proved your faith in my work and that you respect and sanction my step. My sincere appreciation to you for your very sincere friendship displayed' at this time. I will always cherish you in a most lovely unforgetable memory. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC' By Clare Boothe Luce JF prayer is the “sword of the saints,” it is also the anchor of the family. All love betwreen human beings, husband and wife, parent and child, brother and sister, is a process of growing and grafting. Each person in a family has his own roots in self and soul. But, in time, the nerves, mind, heart, spirits of each member of the family mingle and entwine, depend and loyalties. Jealousies and hatred end, the family seems to be one great plant. Sometimes these interwining selves are loosened by divergent interests and loyalties. Jealousies and hatred rip one grafted heart from the rest. Or, divorce tears the whole growth apart, and uproots each member from some of the others. What a painful thing this is. What bitter tears and nasty wounds are left. How seldom the scars ever really heal. America recorded in its divorce courts last year over half a million of these ruptured families, every member of which must now suffer pains of domestic lesions for a lifetime. The anguish of heart and the bitter confusion of mind, not to mention the eternal damnation of souls, caused by one west coast city, for example, must go unrecorded in time though it will remain terribly real all the same. That city in 1948 granted seven divorces for every eight marriages! There are not enough good doctors and psychiatrists in the world to repair, or rather patch-up, the mental and physical wreckage that results from shattered homes. There are, of course, too many of those quacks who pose as "psychoanalysts,” They are ready to eat away the money and time of unhappy people who eat away their hearts while these “psycho-analysts” vainly seek to cure their unhappiness. There is seldom a lasting cure for the spiritual distress that follows when grafted hearts are torn loose from one another, in anger, in selfishness, in pride, in folly, in whim or in sin. Most of these miserable home-wrecks were never told one simple and wonderful truth: “The family that prays together stays together.” Of all the ways under Heaven of preventing that awful ripping away of nerves from nerves, heart from heart, flesh from flesh, that follows the family crackup, there is none so perfect as that instituted by God. Himself—family prayer. Those who love one another stay in God’s love by prayer. And God’s answer to their prayer is to keep them always in one another’s love. If you are not using family prayer to generate family love and love for God you are neglecting a tremendous instrument meant to bring family happiness. No. 2, Chicago, III. — Hello everyone! It’s time to let you know how we are doing and to let you know what’s on the agenda for the coming year of 1952. The past year of 1951 has been, as always, a very active one for the S.W.U. Choral Club here in Chicago. To let you know what went on last year I briefed down for you the various dates on which we performed. 1. April 15, 1951—we performed for France Perseren. A Concert & Dance. April 22, 1951—we sang on Station WGES on the Geo. Marchen Program 3. April 29, 1951—S.W.U. Concert and Dance in LaSalle 4. July 15, 1951—Zveza Day in Le-mont 5. November 4, 1951—we ferformed for France Prešeren, Concert and Dance 6. November 11, 1951-—S.W.U. Concert and Play and Dance. We hope our fans have been pleased with our work in the previous year and we hope we can do so much better this blessed year of 1952. Our next concert is coming up very soon and we are looking forward to a nice turnout. On Saturday, May 3, 1952 at the Polish Falcon Hall, 1921 W. Cermak Road, at 8 p.m., we will again entertain you with the beautiful Slovenian Songs of long ago. You’ll find that a Saturday night spent with the ladies of the S.W.U. Choral Club really raises your spirit. You will hear some fine music from other Choral Groups also—and then you love to see the local talent perform ever so proudly. Here is the latest news — a Junion Choral Group is being formed with the ever undestructible youth of teen age girls. You may see their youthful faces and smiling eyes reaching you from the stage on Concert night. The Junior Group has just started recently and are working ever so hard to be ready for their first appearance on May 3, 1952. Then you know singing isn’t the-only thing you see or hear. Why, there will be friends to laugh and talk to and there will be the unforgetable harmonious singing by the Bar with and uplift stein of beer and tasty Slovenian sandwiches. Refreshments are also one of the Slovenian’s favorite pastime and there will be plenty for all. Then to top off the evening, there will be dancing with that wonderful Polka music, played by Pete Snyder and Orchestra. Hope to see you there and enjoying yourselves. Another bit of news you might like to hear concerning the S.W.U.’s big convention in Detroit in June. Arrangements are being made for entertainment on the few days of the Convention. As far as we know, we may perform there; giving a Concert and performing a musical called “Show Boat.” All this has to be finally settled so you will be hearing from us. Again, we cordially invite you to attend the S.W.U. Choral Club’s Concert and Dance, held on Saturday, May 3, 1952 at the Polish Falcon Hall, 1921, W. Cermak Road at 8 p.m. Come! I know you will love it. Sincerely, Jean Cherway, Secretary S.W.U. CHOKAL CLUB No. 2, Chicago, III.—We had a poor attendance at our March meeting and are hoping that you will all come to the meeting on Holy Thursday, April 10, at 8 P. M. We certainly missed our President Josephine Železnikar who was ill but is now on the road to recovery for which we are all glad. Congratulations to Angeline Blatnik who became proud mother of a lovely new baby in November. Congratulations are in order to Charlotte Tomazin on the birth of another girl which makes our treasurer Mary Tomazin, a grandma again. Good health to all! We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Matilda Oblak on the loss of her husband who passed away Friday March 14. May he rest in peace! Members, again I remind all who are in arrears with dues to please take care of same as soon as possible. Come to the meeting or remit it to me by mail. Don’t forget our next meeting on Thursday April 10! Wishing everyone a Happy Easter! Lillian Kozek, Secretary No. 3, Pueblo, Colorado—Our monthly meeting held March 5 was attended by a full house. A short business session was followed by election of delegates to the June Convention in Detroit. Mrs. Anna Pachak and Mrs. Mary Kukar were elected delegates, with Mrs. Cecelia Bradish and Mrs. Mary Pugel as alternates. Mrs. Mamie Pugel, our Treasurer, resigned on account of ill health and Mary Kukar was elected unanimously as the new Treasurer for the remainder of the year. She held Vice Presidency till now. Mrs. Anna Germ was elected unanimously to fill the Vice President’s seat. Sorry, ladies, that we couldn’t have played Bingo after the meeting as it was so late before we got through the business meeting and election of delegates. But we shall play Bingo after the next meeting. Be sure and all come. We welcomed a new member to our Branch who transferred from Crested Butte, Colo. No. 92, Mrs. Antonia Savoren. Hope you will attend our meetings regularly and enjoy the fun with us. We still have sick members on the list so let’s pray for their speedy recovery. In closing do want to thank our good members for electing Mrs. Pachak and me as delegates to the coming Convention. So we’ll be seeing you in June. A Happy Easter. Mary Kukar, Treasurer No. 3, Pueblo, Colorado—It has been a spell since you heard from us folks out here in the beautiful Rocky Mountains, so here goes a little news that might be of interest to some of you. We had our first snow since November, rather hard to believe for this part of the country, sad, but true. It was practically a novelty, we only hope that we are not getting our seasons crossed out here. Instead of Madam Spring entering we might find Old Man Winter trying to edge in. At our meeting on Wednesday, March 5th, we had a very large crowd, and it. was a very interesting meeting presided by Mrs. Anna Pachak. Much to my disappointment I had to give up the office of treasurer, because of ill health, Mrs. Mary Kukar has taken my place, and she will make a very capable treasurer, as her past record and interest in the organization is well known to all of us. She was Vice President, her place will be taken by Mrs. Anna Germ, a new addition to the lodge, but a very willing and capable worker. On the sick list we have. Mras. Evelyn Schneider, Frances Novak, Mary Borich and Miss Agnes Roitz. Please visit the sick, I can’t think of time better spent and time more appreciated by the sick. We also voted on delegates for the convention coming up in the near future, there were so many worthy women, it was a hard choice, and the ones voted for were, Mrs. Anna Pachak and Mrs. Mary Kukar, the alternates were Mrs. Cecelia Bradish and Mrs. Mary Pugel. They were well chosen and we know they will come back full of ideas to further the good of our lodge. A bingo will be held in May, one of the popular pastimes here in the West. All are asked to attend and help in whatever way they can. Due to the lateness of the meeting, bingo was postponed. So until the next meeting, to which I hope to see as big a crowd as this one, I am going to end this little bit of correspondence, by saying, God bless each and every one of you and God take care of you especially that are sick and a joyous Easter to all! —Mamie Pugel No. 6, Barberton, Ohio—This month I have sad news to report. Our branch lost a good and long-time member Mrs. Frances Zupec. Many of us will recall the work the deceased and her family have given for the benefit of the church, lodges and the welfare of the community. Her good work will always be remembered among us. To the bereaved family we express our sincere sympathy. May God reward her in abundance! It was good to see a large attendance at our last meeting. It was decided that the entry fee for the bowling team be paid by the treasury for the Tournament held in Cleveland on March 30. The girls representing our branch were: Mary Purger, Betty Opeka, Evelyn Krizay, Rose Laikezic and Frances Znidarsik. We hope they had lots of luck. Christine Stopar was elected as delegate to the coming Convention. Mrs. Margaret Zalla underwent an operation recently. To Mrs. Zalla and all who are ill, we wish a speedy recovery. Easter greetings to all! Margaret Naizer, President No. 7, Forest City, Pa.—The first meeting of the year was held in the Scout Room of the “Zvon Hall!” Our excellent president Mrs. Anne Ka-meen, who has been in office for the past 25 years makes our meetings very interesting. We wish her the best of health in order to be able to continue to preside at our meetings for many more years. The officers for 1952 are as follows: Kristina Glavich, vice president; Christine Menart, secretary; Jennie Janezic, re-cording-secretary; Rose Kotar, treasurer; Mary J. Kameen and Margaret Kamin, auditors. At this time I’d like to thank all our loyal and ambitious members who so willingly cooperate in every respect. Hope that everyone will be able to attend our meetings regularly on the second Sunday of the month, only then will they get the full benefit and enjoyment of your membership in our grand organization. After the business meeting we' play Bingo, and have a special prize added at each meeting (mustn’t tell what it is). Come try your luck, and have some fun! On the sick list were reported: Mary Sever, Fannie Kerzic, Lucia Kos, Fannie Kamin and Mary Roth-erford. A speedy recovery to all who-are ill! To the boys in Uncle Sam’s service, we extend our heartfelt wisL'es for a safe and speedy return home where they are missed. Hope to see you all at our April meeting. I promise to fulfill all the qualifications of a good secretary and hereby ask you for your ocoperation. As for your dues, please be paid up and better yet, pay in advance and be in style! Joyous Easter greetings to allf —Christine Menartr 741 Main St., Vandling, Pa. Tel. 40-3 No. 13, San Francisco, California — Much excitement for Branch 13! Mrs. Marie Prisland, Founder and Honor-ary President of our Slovenske Ženska Zveze, (to you who. speak English alone it’s the Slovenian Women’s Union), paid a visit to Branch 13. It was indeed a pleasure and privilige to meet our Founder and have the honor of her company at our meeting. A gay week was planned for Mrs. Prisland by our 13 Foun>-der, Bara Kramer, Bara did much to make her stay one long to be remembered. March 6th our meeting night was one of our most interesting. Mrs. Prisland was our honored guest and speaker so the meeting took on a air of seriouness and thought allowing many of us the opportunity to, stop and realize the many benefits we each have enjoyed due to our membership in such a fine organization. Speaking for myself, through my association with the members of our branch, I have gained some true and lasting friends. During our social evenings we have enjoyed the company of one another and have found in our mutual interest pleasure in being together. As Mrs. Prisland pointed out the reason behind the organization is to have a greater under-.•sfcanding and sisterly feeling for one .another. Many of us would never have :had the pleasure of really knowing ;and enjoying, the pleasures that are ®ui« had it not been for the foresight of people like Mrs. Prisland. She asked for our support and praised our wonderful Supreme President Albina Novak, but of course we would hardly have to be told of Albina s many virtues having had the pleasure of meeting her and growing to love such a fine and sincere person as our beloved Albina. Speaking for myself, Albina will hold a top notch place in my heart, and I know this is felt by many. With leaders such as Albina Novak and Marie Prisland the Slovenian Women’s Union will long hold her head high and attain the respect and success it so justly deserves. A social followed our meeting with community singing as a highlight. We are glad so many of our sisters were present to meet for the first time in some cases, and to renew acquaintances in other with our guest. Mrs. Prisland enjoyed her “Klobasa, Potica and Vina" plus the company of her old friends. On the day of her departure Mr. Joseph Chiodi (my husband) drove Mrs. Prisland to San Rafeal to visit Miss Mattich who is one of our Scholarship students. The girl was pleased and happy that Mrs. Prisland »could take the time from her busy .-schedule to visit with her. On the eve of Mrs. Prisland’s departure we enjoyed a formal Banquet at Rickey’s Town House, one of our finest eating houses. Mrs. Prisland was presented with three orchids in a lovely corsage; these pleased her greatly as she had heard much of California’s flowers. Our President Rose Scoff made the presentation and was surprised when she also was presented with a corsage of orchids. Our Branch Founder Bara Kramer was pleased with the flowers I had the honor of presenting her, telling her how pleased we all felt that she did so much to make our evening a success. Twenty-two of our sisters were able to attend our Banquet in honor of our Twenty-fifth Anniversary. Of course our Banquet in October will truly be our Anniversary Banquet but due to the fact Mrs. Prisland may not be available later wre honored her during her visit. The guests present: Bara Kramer, First President and Founder; Rose Scoff, President of Branch #13; Betty Doherty, Recording Sec. and driver of car #1; Blanche Gollop, Financial Sec. and driver of car #2; Mrs. Mary Stariha, former President and charter member; Katie Plut, former Treasure and member since 1927; Mary Plutt, Marshall, member of many years; Katie Judnich, Past Vice President (and my sponsor); Veronica Fugina, Past Door Monitor; Agnes Markovich, Past Sec. and Charter Member; Helen Sustarich, Past Recording Sec. (daughter of Katie Judnich); Katie Cepernich, Door Monitor and Florist; Mrs. Mary Mirkovich driver of car #3 and my favorite helper; Zorka Vukojevich, "pet helper #2”; Mae Batko, new member and most active; Ann Gollop, charter member; Frances Klemens, Charter Member; Frances Ciarlo Florist and active member; Rena Mamoni, new active member and driver of car #4; Lucy Zarich and excellent Kitchen Helper; Frances Chiodo, (Where did I hear that name) Past President and Past Financial Sec. now Reporter. To say the evening was enjoyed by all would be an understatement. With the close of the evening spent in San Francisco’s Famed Barbery Coast at the Gay Ninties Club. Mrs. Prisland was impressed with the singing waiters and the costumes of the 1900 period. Community Singing of all the old time songs was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Marie Prisland informed me she had the pleasure of knowing my second cousin Stan Pechaver and said my articles reminded her of his style. For this I am happy and proud and as one Pechaver to another Stan, 1 know you won’t mind. May I once again remind you of your pride in membership in the Slovenian Women’s Union. Each and everyone stop and think of the merits we have enjoyed and be happy to call one another: “Sister.” Frances E. Chiodo, Reporter No. 17, West Allis, Wis. — The cookbooks have arrived and any one wishing to have a copy, please call meSP 4-2061 or mail me a card and I’ll gladly put away a book for you. After you look over the recipes in this wonderful book you will reorder for you daughters and friends because they’ll find all kinds of “kranjski” dishes among the contents. Sunday, April 20, all members must attend our important meeting at 2 P.M. in the School Hall, to elect a delegate to the coming convention in Detroit, Michigan. Should the front doors be locked, please use the rear entrance. Another important date in Sunday, May 11, Mother’s Day. All members are requested to attend Holy Mass and receive Holy Communion in a body at 7 A.M. at St. Mary's Church. We will meet in the Church Hall at 6:45 and march into the church. This Holy Mass will be offered for all the living and dead members. Please plan to be with us on these days. NOTICE!—In last month’s report, there was an error in the date of our meetings. We meet every third Sunday of the month and we dispense with meetings in the months of June, July and August. Our business session is usually followed by entertainment. Bring a small gift as the proceeds go into the extra treasury which needs building up to be able to defray expenses which are incurred through the year. Best wishes for a speedy recovery are extended to Mrs. Theresa Kerhin, 1041 So. 86th Street and Mrs. Mary E. Anich, 2078 So. 57th Street. Kindly visit the sick who will appreciate your call. Easter greetings to all! Marie A. Floryan, Secretary No. 20, Joliet Bowling News — The girls are getting ready for their vacations, planning and packing. Wherever you go, girls, have a wonderful time and get some nice sunshine, so you’ll be ready to bowl many 200games next season. The girls were really bawling this season and what high series and games they are having! In my last report, I forgot to include Mrs. Kunstek's name for helping at the Christmas party. She is a wonderful person and always ready to help us. Sorry, Mrs. Kunstek, I'll see that it won’t happen again, here are the standing up to the time of this writing: Erjavec Supremes, won 50 — lost 22; High team game: Northwest Recreation 887; High team series: Erjavec Supremes, 2307; High Individual game: Berge Lill 255; High Individual series: Berge Lill, 578; High average: L. Rothlisberger, 154. Frances Zelesnik also bowled a beautiful series of 554 (in this series was a game of 236). Keep it up, Frances! She was listed in the Weekly Honor Roll in the Joliet Herald News. Your ten pin reporter, Jo Mlaker No. 20, Joliet, III. — LOOKING BACK—Ten years ago on the 9th the cadets held their first and only Roller-Skating Party. It was held at Electric Park in Plainfield with Marie Popek S'cheidt as the chairlady. Five years ago on the 7th the cadets marched in the Army Day parade, while on the 12th a “Blossom Time" dance was held with Mildred Erjavec Pucel as chairlady. PRESENT EVENTS—Oo the 17th of February the Junior Cadets held their cash and Prize bingo party in St. Joseph’s hall. The cadets cooperated nicely, which brought about a financial success amounting to $152.00. (See committee’s picture on Junior Page.) The cadets are very grateful to the many Joliet stores, who contributed prizes, especially Mrs. Julia Torkar of the Eagles; to Frank Nemanich, Jr., who called the numbers; to senior cadet Arlene Paris and Mrs. Mildred Pucel; and to the branch officers Mrs. Josephine Erjavec, Mrs. Mary Lesnik, Mrs. Mary Kunstek, Mrs. Josephine Suxnic and Frances Gas-pich, without whose aid the party would not have functioned; and lastly to every member and friend, who by their attendance and contributions answered their call for aid so generously. The cadet alumnae’s February meeting was held at the home of one of the organization's Founders, Mrs. Josephine Goron, our charming hostess. An unusually large number of girls were present including Bertha Hofer, our other founder, who previously was unable to partake in our meetings. Cancer bandages provided as always by Mrs. Rita Lightner, dessert luncheon plus sociableness were the principal features of an enjoyable evening. Our April meeting will be held in the home of Mrs. Marie Scheidt, who suggests that every member acquaint herself with the road leading to her home sometime before her scheduled evening for playing hostess. Her address is G21 Pontiac. The “Queen of Hearts” ball sponsored by the St. Joseph’s park post auxiliary of the American Legion and held the evening of February 9 featured a Queen of the evening. The orchestra’s vocalist drew the lucky number, which was held by none other than a branch’s member Mrs. FraHces Kalcic. She really deserved this honor as she worked so very hard on the decorations, of which she was in charge. Her great interest in the many auxiliary projects is steadfast. As queen Mrs. Kalcic adorned with a crown made by the principal of St. Joseph’s school Sister M. Thea, O.S.F. She was presented with a large bouquet of red roses through the courtesy of the Bob and Betty Tezak Florist house. Chosen as one of her attendants was the drill team’s 2nd lieutenant Evelyn Benco. These auxiliary’s semi-formal dances are held annually for the benefit of the child welfare fund. Here’s hoping this will help in bringing about a greater attendance next year. Monday, March 17, cadet Marion Juricic left for Cheyenne, Wyo. There she will complete a five-week course at the United Airlines Stewardess School. Two of her subjects will include First Aid and Basic Airplane Structure and Function. Marion states that ever since she was 8 or 9 years old her ambition has been to be a stewardess. Thus following the completion of a two-year College course and having attained the age of 21, she was eligible to apply. Before her departure Marion was presented a gift from the cadets, who wish her much happiness and good luck in her new life. The dance committee for the cadet’s affair of May 9 is progressing nicely in its plans. Here’s hoping every cadet will sell her quota of tickets and cooperate wherever she may be of service. LOOKING FORWARD—to a Happy Easter Season. “As the fragrance of the lilies Lets you know that they are there, May the sweetness of Christ’s Presence Linger with you everywhere!” ___________________Olga Ancel No. 21, Cleveland (West Park), Ohio — We are grateful for the good attendance at our March meeting and hope that you will all come to the future sessions. Mother’s Day will soon be here. To each and every mother, we extend our best wishes for a wonderful day! We will celebrate the day after our meetings on May 7. We will play bingo and refreshments will be served. If possible bring a small prize or some bakery for refreshments. Let’s keep thinking about ways to make our treasury grow. Welcome wishes are in the order to the three new members: Antoinette Vidovich, Sandra Banker and Darlene Capek. Congratulations to all members who will be celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this month. Many happy returns to all! To our sick members, go our warmest wishes for a speedy recovery. Easter greetings! Stella Danculovic, Secretary “Dawn” Club Report No. 23, Ely, Minn. — At our February meeting, which was very well attended, we held a pre-lenten St. Valentine's party. Mrs. Florence Markovich presided and opened the meeting with prayer. Names were exchanged at the pre-ious meeting and each member brought a handkerchief for he valentine. The handkerchiefs were indeed beautiful and they were all different colors and designs, in the whole lot there wasn’t a duplicate. A decorated mail box covered with valentine decorations was placed in the center of the room and the handkerchiefs were placed in the box. Mary Zgoonc was the mail man distributing the gifts. In charge of the party were the following: Mary Stubler chairman assisted by Julia Zgons, Mary Zgonc, Pauling Ferderber, Frances Colarich, and Mary Evanish. Keno games were played and a delicious lunch was served by the committee. Our next meeting will be held a little later, at eight o’clock, so the members can attend the lenten devotions held on that evening. We will dispense with our lunch committee during the lenten season, as this is the only right thing to do during Lent. Ann Rowe won the attendance prize. Plans are being made to see whether or not we can get a bus to go to Lemont this year for the annual pilgrimage held by the Slovenian Women’s Union. I do hope that the Ely members will have a fine representation this year and I know that they won’t be sorry if they go. Here’s hop- ing we can get a. busfull. and I know that if you go once you’ll want to go again. I only hope that I might have a chance to go this year again. A Joyful Easter to all! Your Reporter, Mary Shikonya No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. — We had a wonderful attendance at. our meeting the past three months which makes me feel like writing in this section of Zarja for the first time. Every month we celebrate members’ birthdays with delicious poticas and goodies baked by the celebrants who treat us to all kinds of refreshments. We play bingo and have a good Slovenian song-fest so that it makes our hearts jump with joy, especially w'hen we see our elder members having such a gay time. I only wish that more of our members would make it a habit to attend meetings, because everyone who cornea; once will come again. We are giving away an Electric Range for the benefit of th’e new church building fund. Members get your tickets so that we will make a good showing. The date it will W given away is May 20th, which is on the regular meeting night. We will again play bingo and we ask all our dear members to bring a prize so that we will have a bigger success. I wish to thank everyone for electing me as delegate to the convention. A Happy Easter! Antoinette Stayduhar, Treasurer No. 27, No. Braddock, Pa. — Oar meetings the first three months of 1952 were grand and the attendance1 was wonderful. In behalf of the mem-beship, I wish to thank Mrs. Rose Lakley for the chocolate cake and Mrs. Ursula Pierce for the nut-bread and Mrs. Secon for the wine. Everyone enjoyed the delicous -refreshments. Come to the future meetings,, ladies, come and see what you are-missing by your absence. Don’t forget our meetings are held every first Sunday of the month at Mrs. Pierce’s home. This being the Lenten season in w'hich we are to do little acts of penance in preparation of the Resurrection of Christ on the glorious Easter Sunday morning, let’s offer our prayers for the poor souls and intercede for God’s grace in all our doings. IMPORTANT: in event of death in' the member’s family, please call me, phone VAlley 3-0549 or our secretary Mary Stefančič, phone VAlley 3-2959. You know we have a beautiful custom1 of reciting the rosary in a body for any member or for the family of any member and we feel that we are all God’s children and don’t want to slight any one at all, if we can help it. Please cooperate and notify us in event of death in the family. Thank you. To all our members who are on the sick list, we wish a speedy recovery. A very happy and glorious Easter to all! See you all at the coming meeting! Mary Stephenson, President MOCK WEDDING GROUP, DULUTH, MINNESOTA Left to right: Mrs. Lee Piscanatto, bridesmaid, Robert Podgoršek (son) best man, Joseph Sadlar, Mr. and Mrs Frank Podgoršek, Joe (Jako) Rednulich, groom, Mrs. L. J. Diskin, bride, Mrs. AIqx Smolnikar, maid of honor, John Piccanotto, groom's man, L. T. Diskin, usher, Pat Diskin, ring bearer. (Vegetables and wieners were used for trimmings and bouquets.) Corner picture: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Podgoršek ready to cut the wedding cake. Mrs. Ann Podgoršek was chairman of the banquet committee when br. 33 Duluth sponsored the State S.W.U. Zveza Day. Congratulations! Podgorseks Celebrate Silver Wedding Duluth, Minnesota — Mr. and Mrs. Frank Podgoršek, 301 Ninety-seventh Avenue West, celebrated their silver wedding anniversary November 25, 1951. They had a wonderful party at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post •clubrooms, at which about 200 persons 'were present. Their celebration was perfect except that their son. William, who is with the armed forces in Korea, was not present. Mrs. Ann Podgoršek is a very active and loyal member of branch 33, Duluth, Minn. At the party a mock wedding was enacted with Joseph Sadler performing the ceremony. Mrs. Marie Diskin was the bride and Joseph Rendulicli the groom. Mrs. Alex Smolnikar, Jr., was matron of honor and Mrs. John Picconatto, bridesmaid. Robert Podgoršek was bestman and John Picconatto was groomsman. Young Pat Diskin was ringbearer and Mrs. Hogan was at the piano. Larry Diskin (the modern John McCormck) was eolist. All the details of a wedding were carried out, including the white runner for the bridal couple, which consisted of paper about 4 inches wide, (toilet paper.) Following the ceremony the guests danced to the music of aecordianist. Miss Betty Kutzler, of Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. Podgoršek received a gift of silver and a cash purse. Every one present had a wonderful time, it was reported. Wonderful lunch was serve. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! The following presidents will have birthdays in April: April 15, Mrs. Nemgar, no. 19, Eve-leth April 2, Mrs. Planinšek, no. 20, Joliet, 111. April 24, F. Ajster, no 30, Aurora, 111. April 10, Tončka Lučič, no. 31, Gilbert, Minn. April 24, F. Ambrožič, no. 48, Buhl. Minn. Many happy returns and good health to you all the celebrants! April 23, is the birthday of Mrs. Frances Rupert, former vice-president who has been an invalid for 7 yrs. Her address is: 19303 Shawnee Avenue, Cleveland 19, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Podgoršek extend their sincere appreciation to Mrs. Larry Diskin, Mrs. Alex Smolnikar, Jr., Mrs. William Spehar, Mrs. Louis Spehar, who instigated the party, and to all who attended or who contributed to the success of the affair. Mr. and Mrs. Podgoršek left for a 2 week trip to Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee and Kenosha, where they visited relatives and friends. Congratulations and best wishes for many more years of wedded bliss! No. 33, Duluth, Minn. — Our March meeting was well attended but more members could be present because the weather is nice. It was decided that we donate five dollars for flowers for our church. Attention members: Our April meeting will be held on the third Sunday of April, the 20, because Easter being on the second Sunday. Let’s have a good attendance. The meeting will be very important since we are to elect a delegate to the coming National Convention in June, in Detroit, Michigan. I also hope that we will have our new badges ready by then. After the meeting we’ll play cards and delicious refreshments will also be served. Best wishes for a happy Easter and good health to all the members! Mary Shubitz, Secretary No. 37, Greaney, Minn. — We are resuming with our regular monthly meetings in April and everyone is cordially invited to come. We had a long rest and now can again enjoy a few social hours and recreation together. Be sure to attend. Our community mourns the loss of two pioneers who passed away within one week of time. They were good friends and neighbors and also left for eternity almost together. Our deepest sympathy to the bereaved families of the late John Kochevar and Joseph Kasun. Their lives were filled with hard work and God will surely reward them with eternal happiness. May the souls of our departed friends rest in peace everlasting. Wishing everyone a joyful Easter! Frances L. Udovich, Secretary No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. — Hi Folks! I see by the old calendar on the wall that it’s time to be writing to you once again, so here goes. Considering the bad weather we had, the March meeting was very well attended. A new member, Julia Ba-Dashek, was initiated into the lodge. A hearty welcome is extended to you, Julia. After the meeting we had a little treat—Mrs. Bentz brought some of her home-made potica. I still say you can keep all the fancy cakes and tortes. Just give me a piece of good old-fashioned potica (especially Mrs. Bentzes’) and I'll be satisfied! As you know, the coming convention will be held in Detroit, Michigan. Our branch has chosen Josephine Ver-bick as a delegate. Mrs. Mary Bentz ■»'ill stand by as a substitute, in case Josephine will be unable to attend. I am happy to report that the “Event of the Month” is still going 011, good and strong. To bring you up to date, I’ll list the previous items. January—pot holders; February—towels or wash cloths; March—miscellaneous. For the month of April we decided to donate canned goods. Once again I would like to thank you all for your wonderful donations—which, of course, will be used as prizes for our coming card party. The bowler’s card party was a huge success. Thanks to all who helped in any w'ay. By the way, let’s look at the bowling score board. Dolores -Koiosec Groth is only three pins behind—184. Groth is only three pin behind—184. Sophie Bevsek is next in line with a 174. Yankovec’s team is in first place, as of March 3. Good luck to all you bowlers, and we hope vou'U come back from Cleveland with the trophy. We’ll be plugging for you. We wish all our sick members a speedy recovery. ‘Bye for now—be seein’ you next month. Joan Verbick, Recording Secretary No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio — Our April meeting on the 14th will be held at the new home of our President, Fran Sietz. Her address is 25982 Highland Road, and those of you without transportation may call Fran at KEnmore 1-8854. She’ll be glad to arrange a ride for you. It’ll be fun to have another combined social and business meeting again, won’t it? Her home is big enough for any size gathering, so if all 86 members of #50 w’ould show up, there’d be enough room! Don’t disappoint us, but do plan on attending. There are many important things to discuss relative to the June Convention and our branch’s spring doings; and we’ll all have to talk over this terrible fever that’s is spreading over our vicinity, and halting our ambition I mean, SPRING FEVER! I’m pleased that so many of our members are paying dues so diligently. It’s wonderful to feel free of worry when members pay for six months or a year at a time. There are only a few who must act yet, and I’m sure they will do so in the near future. Wishes are extended lor a sunny, warm and joyous Easter season! Corinne Novak, Secretary No. 52, Kitzvill'e, Minn. — "Happy Birthdays were the order of the day at our last meeting with Mary Musech celebrating her’s on that day and our lodge celebrating its 20th on the 28tli of March. The first president of the lodge was Mrs. Mury Rotar. We are now a larger group, but we are not as active as they were 20 years ago. Those who were members in the early years can still recall the good times they had. Some of the members have moved away from here, but I am sure they still remember the fun. Mrs. Mary Musech was elected as our delegate to the Convention in Detroit, June 22. Mrs. Josephine Oswald is the alternate. After the meeting cards were played with winners in bunco being Mrs. Hrovat and Mrs. Gutzwiller. Bridge: Mrs. C. Politano and Mrs. A. Russ; Canasta; Margaret Kochevar and Mrs. W. Zidarich. Cut prize was taken by Mrs. M. Russo. On the lunch committee were; Mes-dames M. Musech, Shega .and C. Kochevar. A Happy Easter! Laura Mancuso, Reporter No. 54, Warren, Ohio — Every season has some special attraction for us but springtime is the most fascinating because it brings to life again old mother nature with all her beauty. Of course, it also means hard work for all the homemakers because there is the usual spring cleaning and many other chores to tend to, but we all love it just the same. We hope that the rebirth of mother nature will also bring a new stimulant in the minds and hearts of all our members so that you will all attend our coming meetings. April lGth is the next date and please do come because we shold discuss important convention topics. In February our celebrants Stavana Volk and Matilda Rek treated us to delicious refreshments because of their birthdays and in March the celebrants were Ttllie Caggar, C. Lap-rocina, J. Gliha and Petrich. Many happy returns of the day! Thank you also for the refreshments. My sister Carolyn Smuke is convalescing and so is the mother of our members Louise Tomazin and Alice Rek. We wish a speedy recovery to all who are sick. Congratulations to Veronica Gorsick who gave birth to a darling daughter. We extend our sincere sympathy to the family of Marion Horvath (Spi-wak), on the loss of their mother and grandmother who passed away at the honorable age of 85. Many thanks to all the members who attended the prayer hour and the funeral in spite of the weather and donated spiritual bouquets. A Happy Easter to all! Rose Racher, President No. 55, Girard, Ohio — Our meeting held March 13th was well attended with 27 members in all. That was wronderful considering the weather was cold and snowy. But still we’d like to see more of our members attend. The meeting was opened by our President, Mary Mehalco, who read a very lovely prayer which we all enjoyed hearing and thought those of you who weren’t, present might enjoy reading. It is: “Lord make me an instrument of Thy peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope: where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy. “O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to-console; to be understood as to understand. to be loved as to love: for it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that wre are pardoned, and it is in dving that'we are born to eternal life ” Tickets for our Card Party were distributed to the Team Captains, headed by Anna Catone, who will distribute them to the members. Hope all will cooperate with the chairlady, Helen Kren, in making this a success. A very beautiful table lamp, donated by Zicard Furniture Co., will be the raffle prize. So don’t forget the date, April 24th. See you all there? Welcome to our new members: Mary Brandish, Josephine Turk and Mary Yaklevich. Hope you’ll enjoy your membership and new found friends. We had a good report on Mrs. Getrude Zimmerman, who has been ill quite a while now. She is getting better every day now. We also have another member on the sick list, Theresa Rogers. Hope you’ll be well enough soon to attend our meetings. Nominations were presented for attendance at the Annual Convention to be held in Detroit, Michigan in June. Everyone agreed that the logical candidate to attend would be, Theresa Lozier, and she graciously accepted. In case Theresa is unable to attend Mary Macek will go in her place. Congratulations to Louise Catone on her new daughter, born at North Side Hospital, February 13th. Refreshments for the April meeting will be served by: Katherine Ancek, Chairlady: Jennie Selak, 1 ucva Kalon, Anna Kalon, Mary Gabroveselc, Theresa Susnik, Rachel Gumina Thats all for this time. You’ll be hearing from me again next month. Maroaret Robsel No. 57, Niles, Ohio — We had a lovely time at the Valentine party held after the February meeting for which our new secretary Mrs. M. Je'ina and Mrs. C. Ettaro provided the delicious refreshments. We discussed how to boost our treasury and it was the opinion of all that a bigger attendance at our meetings would help very much in this respect. So come to the future meetings because we have a party after every business session. Welcome to Virginia Shirok- man who joined us. Let’s each try to bring a new member during this month to have our branch on the Honor Roll, which is possible with your help by everyone enrolling One Mew Member. To those who are not able to come to pay their dues at our meeting, it is suggested that they go to the secretary’s home, 721 Spring Avenue to pay because all dues must be paid by the 24th of the month. Easter Greetings to all! Johanna Prinz, Reporter No. 62, Conneaut, Ohio — Our March meeting was held at the Catholic School with a find attendance, which enjoyed a delicious lunch and spent a delightful evening with playing bingo. OUR SYMPATHY AND SORROW — Mrs. Joseph Drangaski will be sadly missed by her family and friends and doubly so by our President, Pat Vignal and sister Mrs. Stella Anderson. May her soul rest in peace everlasting. We hope that the girls who participated in the National Bowling Tournament Cleveland were lucky in their bowling. At the next meeting they’ll tell us of their experiences. Look forward to the coming meeting and SPRING! A Happy Easter! Peggy Gurto, Secretary N. 66, Canon City, Colo. — Our March meeting was very well attended and it was a pleasure to have such a wonderful turn out. Keep up the good work! At this meeting, the members decided to have a party for their families and friends on Mother’s Day in May. The members were requested to bring refreshments. Our meeting will begin at 4 P.M. instead of the usual time. Please keep this change of time in mind. At this writing, our President Mrs. Katherine Yekovec is convalescing from a bad cold, but she made an effort to be with us at the meeting. A speedy recovery is wished to all who are not feeling well. Easter greetings are extended to our S'upreme Officers, subordinate officers and to all the SWU members! Christine R. Konte, Sectretary No. 73, Warrensville, Ohio — Our March meeting was well attended with refreshments served after the business session. Thanks to Mrs. Gazin for the delicous cake and pastry. Happy birthday, Mrs. Cazin! Mrs. Mary Turk was elected delegate to the convention in Detroit. We’re certain that she will find it most interesting. Our Luncheon and Card Party at St. Jude’s Hall on April 10th is the important function for the month. After hearing about the delicious menu, there shouldn’t be any trouble in disposing of the tickets. Just a reminder to the members a- bout our Mass at St. Jude’s Church on April 20 at 8:30 A.M. at which we will receive Holy Communion in a body. Usually we have a good attendance and hope that it’ll be a 100 per cent turn out this time. A speedy recovery to Mrs. Rivacuk who was in the hospital recently. She is one of our faithful members and hope to see her in our midst very soon, again. Congratulations to Mary Urgo, who is now a proud grandma to a lovely grandson. We are collecting “Sales Tax Stamps.” If you have any at home turn them in to Mary Turk. Of course, we are asked to turn in stamps to other benefits, but maybe we could split up a little. Every bit helps. We hope that all the participants of the Bowling Tournament held in Cleveland (Newburgh) had a nice time during their stay in the Cleveland Metropolis. At. this writing Mi1. F. J. Walters the father of our members Helen Truce and Evelyn Majercik is in the hospital undergoing surgery. We hope that he will soon recover and be back on his feet again. Wishing you all a joyous Elaster-time! Frances Travnik, Reporter No. 78, Leadville, Colorado — The reorganization meeting of our branch held on February 22 and the members decided to have meetings on the last Thursday of every month at the home of the new Secretary, 414 West Third at 1:30 P.M. The subject of raising funds for our treasury was discussed and we hope to come to some good conclusion in this respect. The following officers were elected: Bertha Brandt, President; Vivian Fabin, Vice-President; Mary Vidmar, Secretary; Mary Fajdiga, Treasurer. You’ll be hearing more good news from us as soon as we have a few more regular meetings. We are very much interested in returning our branch to former status and creating good will among the members. A Joyous Easter to you all! Mary Vidmar, Secretary No. 96, Universal, Pa. — The next meeting is scheduled for May 18th, at Universal Slovene Hall because Mother's Day is on the second Sunday of the month and most of our members wish to spend that day with their beloved mothers as it has been the custom in the past. So let’s have a good attandance on May 18, 1952. at our meeting. Our branch is sponsoring a Spring Dance on April 19, 1952 at the Slovene Home ill Center. Music will be furnished by our well known and popular Tommy Bertovic’s orchestra. They sure know how to swing out polkas, waltzes and down to the latest dance steps. When you hear this peppy music, you get rhythm in your feet and get the urge to get on the dance floor and swing away. The Slovenian Home has a spacious dance floor and there’ll be ample room for everyone and your friends. A cordial invitation is extended to all our members, friends and the neighboring lodges. A good time is in store for you! Please attend! Someone will go home with a beautiful -quilt which will be given away at this dance. On the sick list are: Mary Bogatay and Mary Kastelic of Renton and Frances S'kerl of Center who has been in ill health for some time. May God soon restore her health, that she will be able to attend our meetings and dances. We’ll see you all at the Spring Dance on April 19, at the Slovene Hall in Center. A Happy Easter! Mary E. O'Besek, Reporter No. 105, Detroit, Michigan — At our last two meetings, we made further progress in our plans for the National Convention to be held in Detroit in June. We also launched our ad campaign 1'or the Convention program booklet, and from what the “little birdie tells me”, our members are doing quite well. We, however, need the cooperation of every single member in Detroit, both of our own Branch 105, and of our sister-branch 9, to make this a success, and to be able to have a bookle.t that Detroit can be proud of. Do as much as you can; if you only try a little, 1 know you can get. at least something; do not disappoint us, we are depending on you. Anyone who reads this, any organization, store, branch or member, either from Detroit, or from any where else, and who wishes to cooperate, please get in touch with yours truly or any Detroit member, who will be glad to receive your ad. Thanks a lot! Our February meeting was at the home of Mrs. Lillian Ault. At that meeting we saw many members whom we had not seen for some time. It was wonderful to see them again. And at our March meeting at the home of Mrs. Jennie Vidmar, we again saw many more members, including our Branch Mother, Mrs. Alice Kodricli, who had been seriously ill for sometime, and Mrs. Rose Jamnik wlia had been laid up with a broken leg for many months. At. that time we also had some pictures taken (thanks to Mr. Matthew Kochevar, son-in-law of Mrs. Vidmar) and we liope that they turned out. perfectly, so that we can put them to good use—perhaps in the souvenir booklet. Thanks again Mr. Kochevar for your kindness, patience and cooperation! Thanks are also due to our hostesses, who did such a wonderful thing, treating us to all those wonderful delicacies—all home made. Thank you very much—we had a great time. Hope to see you at our party, to be held sometime after Easter at. the home of Mrs. Mary Kochivar. Love to all, Marie Bombach WOMAN’S GLORY The Kitchen All recipes are tested by contributor Frances Jancer 1110 — 3rd St., LaSalle, 111. /^miL — Easter Sunday, Christ has Risen. Milady not only displays her Raster Bonnet, but also prepares special foods, delicacies for the family who, when they return from church first look for a Rood breakfast, then later a good dinner. Yes Milady has (o work hard for Easter Sunday unless the family takes a notion to go out for dinner. To make less work this Easter, for the traditional ham, go out and buy any good canned ham. Put a couple of slices of pineapple across the top, stud it with cloves and sprinkle a little brown sugar over it, and put it in the oven just long enough to heat it. through and through. Presto! you have the most delightful ham this side of heaven. Then to go with it get some small new potatoes, boil them in their jackets, peel them, and roll them in melted margarine and chopped parsley, presto! you have parslied potatoes. Your other vegetables should-not be hard to bear out, but try this new cake for a dessert. LEMONADE CAKE 1% cups zwieback crumbs, % teaspoon cinnamon, % teaspoon nutmeg, 1 teaspoon cream of tartar, 6 eggs, separated, XV* cups sugar 2 teaspoons grated lemon rind, 1 cup chopped blanched almonds. Combine crumbs, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cream of tartar; sift together. Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry; gradually beat in sugar, sprinkling about 2 tablespoons at a time. Beat egg yolks until very thick and lemoncolored; add lemon rind. Gently fold in beaten egg whites. Fold in sifted crumb mixture and nuts, sprinkling about *4 cup at a time over the surface. Pour into ungreased spring-form pan 8 inches in diameter or tube pan 9 inches in diameter. Bake in moderate oven 325 degrees about 1 hour. LEMONADE TOPPING: 2 tablespoons lemon juice, y2 cup hot water, 1 tablespoon sugar. Combine lemon juiice, hot water and 1 tablespoon sugar; pour over the cake as soon as it is removed from the oven. Let cake stand in pan until cooled. Sprinkle with confectioners sugar or top with whipped cream. You will make it more than once. QUEEN OF HEAVEN CAKE % cup Crisco, 2 cups powdered sugar, 2 Va cups sifted cake flour, % cup sifted cornstarch, 3 teaspoons baking powder, y2 teaspoon salt, 1 cup milk, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 7 egg whites. Cream shortening well, add sifted sugar, a small amount at a time, and cream until very light and fluffy. Sift together cake flour, cornstarch, baking powder and salt. Mix milk, vanilla and lemon juice. Mix in some flour, then some milk, alternately until all is used. Do not overmix. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour into two nine inch cake pans which have been oiled and lined with waxed paper. Bake in a moderate oven 350 degrees, for 30 minutes. Cool and spread with the following filling: RASPBFRRY CREAM FILLING: 2 tablespoons shortening, 2 cups confectioners sugar, % cup red raspberries, 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Work shortening into sugar with fingers or pastry blender. Add the raspberries which have been barely heated, and beat until smooth, then add the lemon juice. Add mote sugar if needed to make a spreading consistency. Use your favorite icing to cover the cake. APRICOT SUNSHINE % lb. vanilla wafers, 2 cups strained, cooked and sweetened apricots, 1 cup heavy cream, whipped, % cup sugar. Crush wafers to fine crumbs and place % of the crumbs in bottom of cake pan. Spread the apricot filling' over the crumbs. Top with whipped cream to which the sugar has been added. Sprinkle the remaining crumbs over the top. Let, stand 3 hours in cold place, preferably a refrigerator. A scrumptious dessert quickly made in advance. WOMAN'S GLORY The Kitchen, would like recipes; fiom the readers. We know that all women have favorite recipes. It does-not take much time to sit down and write out the ingredients, and in doing so you will be making some other women happy. Again it is an honor to have your recipe printed, your name will be added to the recipe, and if you so wish, it will be withheld. It is my desire to open a Forum for members of the SWU— having them submit their recipes— so that those in Minnesota may know what is cooking in Pennsylvania and Ohio, and vice versa. It would be interesting. NEWS!!! WOMAN’S GLORY — THE KITCHEN is now ready for delivery. Don’t delay with your order but send it today with two dollars which covers cost of mailing to: MRS. JOSEPHINE MUSTER, 714 RAUB STREET, JOLIET, ILLINOIS Our first and second supplies were sold in a short time; the third supply will also find a fast market because everyone who hears about our famous new cookbook wants a copy. It contains over 600 popular recipes Womans Glory — The Kitchen GOOD The third supply cookbook of our much in demand POTICAS SANDWICHES SAUCES Pages 12-23 25-36 37-62 63-66 67-73 75-91 93-102 103-110 111-114 115-128 130-144 145-154 155-146 165-184 185-189 191-196 197-206 207-213 214-216 217-225 217-225 228- 229-233 234-236 237-240 241-243 245-255 257-266 275 269-274 266-267 276-286 TORTES ....... CANDY-MAKING COOKIES DESSERTS PASTRIES TARTS - PUDDINGS (KRAPI) .... PIES ....... STRUDELS FISH - SEA MEATS . .. POULTRY FOODS SALADS .............. TOASTS - PANCAKES .. MEAT PIES ........... CHEESES - MACARONI HERBS - VINEGARS .. SOUPS ............... STUFFINGS ........... - SOUPS DRESSINGS .... DUMPLINGS ____ VEGETABLES ... CANNING ...... MEASURES ..... BEVERAGES ____ HELPFUL HINTS MEMORANDUMS CONTENTS “MY FAVORITE” BY SUPREME OFFICERS BREADS ................................ CAKES ................................. Juniors9 "Page Junior Cadets’ committee br. 20, Joliet, Illinois, for their cash and prize bingo party held February 17: Left to right — Chairlady Nancy Kolenc, Harriet DeMarco, Virginia Skroko and Janice Pruss. EASTER Lo, the rock’s strength is gone, Like the trembling men it lies conquered; Christ is the Victor now. See, Satan’s glory is gone, His towering kingdom crumbled; Christ is our King. The darkest night is over, The sun rises once again; The Eternal Light is here. Calvary’s road, blood-splattered, The road to life, not death; Christ is our Way. Death upon the hill was but a start, Ot life for all God’s men; Christ be our Life Eternal. Marie Bombach A HAPPY EASTER TO ALL! Spring is here, again... After the cold, dark, stormy winter everyone is glad to see spring again. The many early arrivals in spring make a long but interesting list. The first early birds are the song sparrows and robins. These birds come with the early wild flowers such as the pussy willows and the arbutus. The first cultivated flowers are the crocuses and snowdrops. Mother Nature is generous with her surprises, and while you are out exploring tier secrets, would it not be interesting to take notes and place them into a scrap, book? Why not make a beautiful scrapbook your spring project with notes and Illustrations by the members taken from your spring hikes! Easter Eastep Sunday with its deep, religious significance is observed this year on the 13th of April. Many of you will be participating in Easter programs and parties. Be sure to let me know about your spring activities by sending in notes to the Junior Page. Keep that wide-a-wake look not only for signs of spring but also for prospective members for your Junior circle. Editor HOW TO PRAY WELL 1. We think only of God. We know He is near us. We know He sees us. We know He hears us. We go to a quiet place. We look at the crucifix. Or we look at a holy picture. Sometimes we close our eyes. 2. We trust in God. He is our Father. We are His children. He is with us always. 3. We want only what God wants us to tiave. We know some things are not good for us. We thank God for His love. We ask Him to bless our home. 4. We pray, pray, and pray. Day after day we pray to God. We know God will help us if we keep on praying. A PUZZLE Put in the correct letters to finish each word. 1. A place to buy toys: s. . . . 2. A toy to fly: k. . . 3. A toy to sail: b. . . 3. An animal to ride: h. . . . 5. Something to sit on: c. . . . 6. Something to read: b. . . 7. An animal that hops: r........... ‘asjoq > 4*eoq *E ‘9J0\s 'i *suv •*iqqeJ 'L *>iooq *9 ‘Jjeqo ‘5 UP-SIDE-DOWN LAND When tired of gomes and picture too, And all my books I've read— And I can’t think what else to do I stand upon my head. Then I pretend in some strange lands Across a fairy sea, The people all walk on their hands, Not right-side-up like me. And then I wonder how they'd sleep Up-side-down in their beds, And how they’d ever, ever keep Their hats upon their heads! I wonder, too, if in these lands, The folks upon the street, Would wear their shoes upon their hands, Their gloves upon their feet! But Mothersays if they came here And met me on the street— They'd laugh, she’s sure, and think me queer For walking on my feet. Cows give us milk. Cows give us meat. Sheep give us wool. Sheep give us meat. Cats like to stay with us. They are our pets. WHAT AM I? If you wear me when grown up I’m wrapped around your head. But when you’re small and still quite young, I hang right down instead. I may be long, I may be short, I may be one or two, I also may be fat or thin, it all depends on you. I fear I may be hard to guess, By all I am not worn. My name is quite misleading, A stye’s not where I'm born. IjuiBjd v ’suv Emerson said — “Write it in your heart that every day is the best day in the year." LABELS The Wilkins family lived out of town. They had just received their winter's supply of canned goods There must have been hundreds of cans, all varieties. Alice’s hobby was to collect canned-goods labels. So was little brother’s. One afternoon mother went to visit Aunt Leona. Alice stayed home with little brother, who was only four. The children were satisfied for a long time playing with their canned-goods labels. Alice had more labels than little brother, so he slipped out of the room and stealthily went into mother’s pantry where he had oodles of pretty labels on new cans. Big red tomatoes, purple plums, and cling peaches, and Just all kinds of pretty pictures. Brother peeled them off with his little sharp nails, and what a fine collection he did have! Every can was stripped to the bone. Only the shining tins were left. Well, you can Just imagine what a time mother had to find the can that really contained the thing she wantedi Alice and little brother had no honey or sirup on their hotcakes because they couldn't find the right can. Little brother decided to get his labels off of empty cans after that! MAGIC A fairy worked his magic in our yard and all around— For yesterday most everything was hard upon the ground; The branches on the bushes looked so cold, the sky did too, But when I woke this morning, everything was like brand-new; The bushes all had little buds, the grass was soft and green, And tiny purple flowers stuck their heads up to be seen; And then, all of a sudden,* I heard a robin sing, And Daddy cried, “Why, bless my heart, the FAIRIES brought the spring!" The Indians taught America's early settlers how to make syrup from maple sap. Finančno poročilo S. Ž. Z. za mesec FEBRUARY 1952 Monthly report of the S. W. U. for the Month of February 1952 Mesečnlna Družabne In Štev. članic Redni Mladinski “Zarja” Članice Razno Skupaj Redni Mladinski 1. SHEBOYGAN, WIS. $73.85 3.40 .10 .10 $77.45 192 34 2. CHICAGO, ILL. 151.20 10.50 .10 .50 162.30 387 107 3. PUEBLO, COLO. „ 107.75 6.20 113.95 270 66 4. OREGON CITY, ORE. 9.20 .30 9.50 27 — 5. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. 49.15 3.90 53.05 140 41 6. BARBERTON, OHIO 62.00 2.20 .20 .10 64.50 171 24 7. FrfRF.ST PTTV PA 52.35 2.80 .10 55.25 137 28 8. STEELTON, PA 87 7 9. DE7TROIT, MICH 16.55 .20 16.75 43 2 10. COLLINWOOD, OHIO 202.65 5.80 2.00 210.45 528 64 12. MILWAUKEE, WIS. 123.20 6.80 130.00 335 67 13. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 57.15 .20 57.35 139 2 14. NOTTINGHAM, OHIO 132.60 4.80 .30 1.75 139.45 346 49 15. NEWBURGH, OHIO 129.85 6.50 .10 1.00 137.45 325 65 16. SOUTH CHICAGO, ILL. 68.90 3.00 .10 .25 72.25 175 31 17. WEST ALLIS, WIS 59.05 1.70 .50 61.25 159 17 18. CLEVELAND, OHIO 38.65 .70 .25 39.60 104 8 19. EVELETH, MINN 66.05 8.20 .30 74.55 ' 174 84 20. JOLIET, ILL 213.00 22.40 .10 1.20 236.70 621 231 21. CLEVELAND, OHIO 41.30 3.70 .50 45.50 117 37 22. BRADLEY, ILL 25.50 25.50 30 • 23. ELY, MINN 95.40 4.00 99.40 256 42 24. LASALLE, ILL 81.20 4.50 .10 85.80 216 47 25. GLBJVEI.ANn, r>TTTO 387.15 13.80 .10 .50 401.55 955 140 26. PITTSBURGH, PA. 51.55 2.70 54.25 140 28 27. NORTH BRADDOCK, PA. 34.90 1.80 36.70 79 18 28. CALUMETT, MICH. 34.90 .90 35.80 96 — 29. BROWNDALE, PA. . 16.45 1.30 .20 17.95 43 14 30. AURORA, ILL 9.35 9.35 26 — 31. GILBERT, MINN 48.25 3.50 .50 52.25 121 36 32. EUCLID, OHIO 56.60 2.30 .55 59.45 141 24 33. NEW DULUTH, MINN. 31.55 1.80 33.35 83 18 34. SOUDAN, MINN 8.40 •10 8.50 25 — 35. AURORA. ILL 47.70 2.50 .10 50.30 96 27 36. McKINLEY, MINN. 4.20 4.20 12 37. GREANEY, MINN. 15.40 .40 15.80 44 5 38. CHISHOLM, MINN. $72.00 1.50 .10 .45 74.05 191 16 39. BIWABIK, MINN. 11.30 .70 .30 12.30 33 8 40. LORAIN, OHIO 40.75 .60 .40 .25 42.00 105 6 41. COLLINWOOD, OHIO 92.40 2.20 94.60 253 22 42. MAPLE HEIGHTS, O. 13.90 .20 17.10 44 — 43. MILWAUKEE, WIS 43.70 2.60 46.30 116 28 45. PORTLAND, ORE. 33.50 .60 .20 34.30 82 6 46. ST. LOUIS, MO. 11.00 .30 11.30 30 3 47. GARFIELD HEIGHTS, O. 43.75 1.80 45.55 123 19 48. BUHL. MINN 8.60 .20 8.80 21 2 49. NOBLE. OHIO 39.21 .30 .30 39.81 55 1& 50. CLEVELAND, OHIO 177.85 6.10 .70 184.65 86 14# 51. KENMORE, OHIO 12.20 .40 12.60 27 4 52. KITZVILLE, MINN. Ž1.00 .20 21.20 50 3 53. BROOKLYN, OHIO 17.75 .70 18.45 45 9 54. WARREN, OHIO 33.25 2.90 36.15 86 32 55. GIRARD, OHIO 40.50 2.50 .20 43.20 101 26 56. HIBBING, MINN 44.65 .80 45.45 119 8 57. NILES, OHIO 29.55 2.20 31.75 73 23 59. BURGETTSTOWN, PA. _ 16.90 1.00 .10 18.00 39 10 61. BRADDOOK, PA 18.35 1.30 19.65 46 13 62. CONNEAUT, OHIO 13.05 .10 13.15 32 — 63. DENVER, COLO 36.75 3.00 .30 40.05 96 31 64. KANSAS CITY, KANS. 63 16 65. VIRGINIA, MINN 25.40 1.60 .35 27.35 68 16 66. CANNON CITY, COLO. 23.35 1.10 24.45 53 14 67. BESSEMER, PA. 39.95 1.50 .60 .50 42.55 82 15 €8. FAIRPORT HARBOR, O. 12.95 12.95 27 70. WEST ALIQUIPPA, PA. 6.00 .30 6.30 15 3 71. STRABANE, PA 52.40 1.60 54.00 127 18 72. PULLMAN, ILL. 20.55 1.20 21.75 53 12 73. W ARRENS VILE, OHIO 23.45 .50 .10 24.05 67 5 74. AMBRIDOE, PA 27.80 .30 28.10 58 3 77. N. S. PITTSBURGH, PA. 20.70 1.50 22.20 59 16 Dohodki: Meseinlna Družabne In štev. Članic štev, Podružnica Redni Mladinski "Zarja" Članice Razno Skupaj Redni Mladinski 78. LEADVILE, COLO 36 10 79. ENUMCLAW, WASH. 18.30 1.50 .80 20.60 45 15 80. MOON RUN, PA 11.80 11.80 28 — 81. KEEWATIN, MIN 12.60 .25 12.85 36 — 83. CROSBY. MINN 10.00 .40 .50 10.90 25 4 84. NEW YORK, N. Y 41.35 .50 1.20 43.05 109 5 85. DePUE. ILL 13.25 .50 .10 13.85 35 5 86. NASHWAUK, MINN 10 — 88. JOHNSTOWN, PA 29.55 3.40 •40 33.35 73 34 89. OGLESBY, ILL 39.45 3.40 .30 .10 43.25 112 34 90. BRIDGEVIULE, PA 23.70 2.20 .20 26.10 67 22 91. VERONA, PA 20.15 .80 .20 21.15 44 8 92. CRESTED BUTTE, COLO. 10.45 10.45 22 1 93. BROOKLYN, N. Y 30.88 1.20 .60 .20 32.88 87 12 94. CANTON, OHIO 21 14 95. SOUTH CHICAGO, ILL. 90.10 5.40 95.50 195 56 96. UNIVERSAL, PA 23.25 .20 .50 23.95 55 2 97. CAIRNBROOIC, PA 14.55 .90 1.00 16.45 33 9 99. ELMHURST, ILL 10.50 10.50 25 — 102. WILLARD, WIS 12 2 104. JOHNSTOWN. PA 11.80 .10 11.90 34 — 105. DETROIT, MICH _.. .. 5.15 .20 .40 5.75 15 2** 106 MEADOWLANDS, PA. .. 12.40 .70 13.10 24 — Skupaj $4.159.64 Obresti od bondov in bančnih vlog . 193.70 10.70 14.90 $4,378.94 . 200.00 10508 2000 Skupnii dohodki ........................................................................... $4,578.94 *Za februar in marc; &Za december, januar in februar; #od oktobra do konca februarja; **Za januar. STROŠKI: Za umrlo Mary Terček, podr. št. 4, Oregon City, Ore...................................................................... $ 100.00 Za umrlo Agnes Husic, podr. št. 8, Steelton, Pa.......................................................................... 100.00 Za umrlo Barbara Mathews, podr. št. 24, LaSalle, 111................................................................ 100.00 Za umrlo Mary Planinšek, podr. št. 25, Cleveland, Ohio............................................................... 100.00 Za umrlo Johanna Sterle, podr. št. 65, Virginia, Minn...................................................................... 100.00 Bohemian Benedictine Press: Za tiskanje in razpošiljanje .......................................................................... $875.00 Za poštnino ............................................................................................. 60.01 Delo pri naslovih ....................................................................................... 17.10 952.11 Mesečne plače ................................................................................................... $725.00 Davki odšteti ............................................................................................ 89.48 635.52 Tiskovine za glavni urad .............................................................................................. 40.90 Oglas za K. S. K. J. kegljaško turnejo programsko knjigo.............................................................. 5.00 Najemnina za urade .................................................................................................... 47.00 Poštnina, ekspress in telefon ......................................................................................... 38.94 Poprava strojev v glavnem uradu ....................................................................................... 27.95 Dodatek za uradno shrambo (file) za častno predsednico . ........................................................ 18.00 Razno ................................................................................................................. 67.00 Skupni stroški .......................................................................................................... $2,332.42 V blagajni 1. februarja — Balance February 1 .................................................................................. $287,620.92 Dohodki v februarju — February income.............................................................................................. 4,578.94 Skupaj — Total .............................................................................................. $292,199.86 Stroški v februarju — February disbursements ........................................................................... 2,332,42 V blagajni 29. februarja — Balance February 29.................................................................................. $289,867.44 JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC, glavna tajnica. PRE CONVENTION MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN Beautiful awards will be given to all the workers of the ensuing PRE-CONVENTION CAMPAIGN. The winner will receive a free round trip ticket to Detroit, Michigan for the Convention at Hotel Detroiter on June 22, 1952 and be crowned as the “Convention Queen” in a special ceremony during the banquet program on Sunday afternoon and be presented many lovely gifts! Get busy today! Every member is eligible. Your secretary will gladly give you all the information ! PODRUŽNICE S.2.Z. IN NJIH ODBORI ŠT. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WIS. Preds.: Christine Rupnik, 530 So. 13th St. Tajn.: Theresa Zagožen, 1624 So. 9th St. Blag.: Christina Sterk, Grand Ave. Seje: Drugi torek v cerkveni dvorani. ŠT. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. Preds.: Josephine Železnikar, 2045 W. 23d Taj n.: Lillian Kozek, 2244 S. Wolcott Blag.: Mary Tomazin, 1904 W. Cermalc Seje: Drugi četrtek v cerkveni dvorani ŠT. 3, PUEBLO. COLO. Preds.: Anna Fachak, 2009 Oakland ave. Tajn.: Ant. Klune, 123S Bowhen Ave. Blag.: Mary Kukar, 1231 Taylor Ave. Seje: Prvo sredo v mesecu, 7 p.m. St. Mary’s Hall ŠT. 4, OREGON CITY, ORE. Pred.: M. Polajner, 1112 J. Adams St. Tajn.: Mary Gerkman, R. 2 Box 59 Blag.: Staži Petrich, 609 Madison St. Seje: Drugi torek ob osmih zvečer. ŠT. 5, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Preds.: Louise Yeager, 912 No. Warman Tajn.: Julija Zupančič, 2826 W. 10th St. Blag.: Anna Trauner, 920 No. Holmes Seje: Tretji četrtek S.N.D. 7:30 ŠT. 6, BARBERTON, OHIO Preds.: Margaret Naizer, 821 Wooster Rd. Tajn.: Mary Fidel, 86—15th N. W. Blag.: J. Killoran, 906 W. Tusc. Ave. Seje: Prva nedelja v mesecu v farnem “Club House” ŠT. 7, FOREST CITY, PA. Preds.: Anna Kameen, Depot St. Tajn.: Christine Metaart, 741 Main-Van-dling Blag.: Rose Kotar Oven, 142 Center St. Seje: Zvon Hall 2nd Sunday ŠT. 8, STEELTON, PA. Preds.: Anna Žlogar, Box P. O. Tajn.: Dorothy Dermes, 22'2 Myers St. Blag.: Katie Belicic, 245 Fredrich St. Seje: Tretjo nedeljo v mesecu ŠT. 9, DETROIT, MICH. Preds.: Mary Gornik, 18095 Hull Tajn in blag.: Angela Stupar, C434 Morse St. Seje: Church Hall, 2nd Sunday, 3 P.M. ŠT. 10, CLEVELAND (Collinwood), O. Preds.: Mary Urbas, 833 E. 156th St. Tajn.: Frances Sušel. 15900 Holmes ave. Blag.: Filomena Sedej, 713 E. 160 St. Seje: Drugi četrtek v mesecu v Slovenskem Domu na Holmes avenue ŠT. 12, MILWAUKEE, WIS. Preds.: Frances Plesko, 132G W. Madison Tajn.: M. Schimenz, 732 W. Pierce St. Blag.: Anna Grahek, 2153 No. 15th St. Seje: Prvo sredo na 815 So. 5th St. ŠT. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF, Preds.: Rose Scoff, 2208 Mariposa Tajn.: Blanche J. Gollop, 2325 Mariposa Blag.: June Starika, 3348 — 19th St. Seje: Prvi četrtek v Slovenskem domu ŠT. 14, NOTTINGHAM, O. Preds.: Mary Strukel, 870 E. 185th St. Tajn Frances Kog, 20357 Goller avenue Blag.: Mary Mršnik, 20170 Lindberg Seje: Prvi torek v mesecu v Slov. društvenem domu, Recher avenue ŠT. 15, NEWBURGH, O. Preds.: Anna Yakic, 4716 Lester ave. Tajn.: Helen Zupančič, 3549 E. 81st St. Blag.: Rose Lausche, S009 Mansfield Seje: Vsako drugo sredo v S. N. Domu na 80. cesti ŠT. 16, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. Preds.: Katie Triller, 1724 Stanton, Whiting, Ind. Tajn.: Gladys Buck, 10036 Ave. L. Blag.: Anna Buck, 10036 Ave. h. Seje: Drugi četrtek. St. George's Hall ŠT. 17, WEST ALLIS, WIS. Preds.: Jos. Schlossar, 5801 W. National Tajn.: Marie Floryan, 5830 W. Mineral Blag.: Frances Piwoni, 3717 So. 92nd St. Seje: Tretjo nedeljo v cerkveni dvorani ŠT. 18, CLEVELAND, O. Preds.: Nettie Strukel, 1580G Trafalgar Tajn.: Josephine Praust, 1281 E. 169th St. Blag.: Josephine Praust Seje: Drugi torek v Kuncic hali ŠT. 19, EVELETH, MINN. Preds.: Antonia Nemgar, 117 Jones St. Tajn.: Mary Lenich, 609 Jones St. Blag.: Josephine Primožič, 511 Grant ave. Seje: Vsako drugo sredo v Auditorium ŠT. 20, JOLIET, ILL. Preds.: Emma Planinšek, 1314 Elizabeth Tajn.: Frances Gaspich, 619 Nicholson St. Blag.: Jos. Sumic, 1305 No. Center St. Seje: Vsako četrto nedeljo, 2 P.M., Ferdinand Hall ŠT. 21, CLEVELAND, O. Preds.: Mary Hosta, 13224 Carrington Tajn.: S. Danculovic, 12902 Longmead Blag.: Jos. Weiss, 12619 Kirton Ave. Seje: Prva sreda v Jugo. Narodnem Domu ŠT. 22, BRADLEY, ILL. Preds.: Anna E. LaMontagne, 284 S. Grand avenue Tajn.: M. Starasinich, 212 So. Michigan Blag.: Elizabeth Kender, 212 So. Michigan Seje: Every fourth Thursday ŠT. 23, ELY, MINN. Preds.: Katerine Slogar, 411 E. Harvey Tajn.: Barbara Rosandich, 846 E. Chapman St. Blag.: M. Shikonya, 846 E. Chap Seje: Prvo nedeljo 7:00 P.M. v Community Center ŠT. 24, LA SALLE, ILL. Preds.: Anna Plantan, 307-8th Street Tajn.: Ang. Strukel, 536 La Harpe St. Blag.: Mary Kastigar, 1146—7th Street Seje: Prva nedelja v mesecu, v Soli, 6th and Crosot Street ŠT. 25, CLEVELAND, O. Preds.: Ivanka Krall, 1098 Norwood Rd. Tajn.: Mary Otoničar, 1110 E. 66th St. Blag.: Louise Piks, 1176 E. 71st Seje: Drugi pondeljek ob osmih v šoli sv. Vida ŠT. 26, PITTSBURGH, PA. Preds.: Anna Trontel, 701 Kendall St. Tajn.: Mary Coghe, 4517 Colerridge St. Blag.: Ant. Stayduhar, 5607 Wickliffe St. Seje: Tretji torek v Slov. Domu ŠT. 27, NORTH BRADDOCK, PA. Preds.: Mary Stephenson, 1721 No. Ridge Tajn.: Mary Stefančič, 520 Howard St. East Pittsburgh, Pa. Blag.: Frances Ciligoi, 1719 Poplar Way Seje: First Sunday, 1620 Pierce ŠT. 28, CALUMET, MICH. Preds.: Ann Heinaman, 6th Street Tajn.: Mary Bracco, 2150 Ix>g Blag.: Stephanie Ryan, 109 8th St. Seje: Drugo sredo v mesecu v Cerkveni dvorani ŠT. 29. BROUNDALE, PA. (P. O. Forest City, Pa.) Preds.: Mrs. Mary Pristavec Tajn.: Marion Scepita Blag.: J. Debevec, R. D. 2 Seje: Prvi pondeljek v mesecu ŠT. 30, AURORA, ILL. Preds.: Florence Aister, 775 Aurora Ave. Tajn.: Theresa Zefron, 1227 Superior Street Blag.: Barbara Fayfar, 611 Hankes Ave. Seje: 2nd Tuesday at members’ homes ŠT. 31, GILBERT, MINN. Preds.: Antoinette Lucich, Box 752 Tajn.: Rose Klink, Box 494 Blag.: Mary Kern, Box 555 Seje: Vsako drugo sredo ob 7:30 zvečer ŠT. 32, EUCLID, O. Preds.: Theresa Potokar, 19850 Renwood Tajn.: Hattie Kraus, 489 E. 235th St. Blag.: Helen Kovacevich, 986 E. 218th Seje: Prvi torek dvorani sv. Kristine ŠT. 33, NEW DULUTH, MINN. Preds.: Frances Stern, 632 101 Ave. W Tajn.: Mary Shubitz, 518—99th Ave. W Blag.: Mary Shubitz Seje: Drugo nedeljoo v šolski dvoorani ŠT. 34, SOUDAN, MINN. Preds.: Mary Erchul Tajn.: Mary Pahula, Box 696 Blag.: Mary Pahula Seje: Tretjo nedeljo v C.M. Club Hall ŠT. 35, AURORA, MINN. Preds.: Pauline Plevel, Box 66 Tajn. in blag.: F. Bradach, Box 172 Seje: 2nd Monday Rec. Bldg. ŠT. 36, McKINLEY, MINN. Preds.: Anna Spihar Tajn. in blag.: Mary, Krall, Box 84 Seje: Drugo nedeljo v mestni dvorani ob 2 popoldne ŠT. 37, GREANEY, MINN. Preds.: Anna Rent, Gheen, Minn. Tajn.: Frances L. Udovich Blag.: Anna Škraba, Gheen, Minn. Seje: Druga nedelja po maši, v dvorani ŠT. 38, CHISHOLM, MINN. Preds.: Mary Nosan, 118 S.W. 5th St. Tajn.: Anna Trdan, 215—5th S.W. Blag.: Sylvia Petrich, 303—7th S.W. Seje: Prvo sredo S.N.D. zvečer ŠT. 39, BIWABIK, MINN. Preds.: Johanna Zallar Tajn. in blag.: Frances Anzelc, Box 67 Seje: Second Monday, Pavilion ŠT. 40, LORAIN, O. Preds.: Frances Bresak, 1769 E. 31st St. Tajn.: Angela Kozjan, 1748 E. 34th St. Blag.: Mary Pavlovčič, 1763 E. 34th St. Seje: Drugo sredo ob 7:30 zvečer v S. N. Domu ŠT. 41. COLLINWOOD, O. Preds.: Frances Jamnik, 1014 E. 169th St. Tajn.: Ella Starin, 17814 Dillewood Blag.: Anna Rebolj, 1217 E. 176th Street Seje: Prvi torek v SDD na Waterloo Rd. ŠT. 42, MAPLE HEIGHTS, O. (P. O. Bedford, O.) Preds.: F. Legan, 5099 Stanley Ave. Tajn.: Mildred Lipnos, 5157 Erwin St. Blag.: F. Stavec, 5108 Stanley Ave. Seje: Prvi torek, 7:30 p.m., v S. N. D., 5050 Stanley Avenue ŠT. 43, MILWAUKEE, WIS. Preds.: Rose Kraemer, 2012 S. K. K. Ave. Tajn.: Marie Bevz, 2122 S. Allis Street Blag.: Mary Tratnik, 3603 So. Austin St. Seje: Drugo nedeljo, 2012 So. K.K. Ave. ŠT. 45, PORTLAND, ORE. Preds.: Y. Misetich, 1908 N. Killingsworth Tajn.: Louise Struznik. 915 Stafford St. Blag.: Violet Knez, 7025 N. E. 22nd Ave. Seje: 1st Wed. Polish Hall ŠT. 46, ST. LOUIS, MO. Preds.: Josephine Prebil, 4309 California Tajn.: Helen Skoff, 6255 Westway PI. Blag.: Helen Skoff Seje: Prvi četrtek, 3244 Minnesota Ave. ŠT. 47, GARFIELD HEIGHTS, O. Preds.: Theresa Bizjak, 8601 Vineyard Tajn.: Helen Tomazic, 8804 Vineyard Blag.: Ivanka Pugelj, 10724 Plymouth Seje: Drugo soboto na 8601 Vineyard Ave. ŠT. 48, BUHL, MINN. Preds.: F. Ambrožič, Box 235 Tajn.: Annie Peschel Blag.: Mary Arko, Box 455 Seje: Tretji torek v Public Library ŠT. 49. NOBLE. O. Preds.: M. Stusek, 29651 firand Blvd., Wickliffe, Ohio Tajn.: Mary Drobnich, 23001 Ivan Ave. Blag.: Rose Strah, 24420 Mavec Seje.: Drugo nedeljo ob dveb na 22301 Arms Ave. ST. 50, CLEVELAND, O. Preds.: Frances Sietz, 25982' Highland Rd. Tajn. in blag.: Corlnne Novak, 2073 Broadview Seje: 2nd Monday Carofran’s, 7017 Superior, upstairs Bridal Shoppe ST. 61, KENMORE, O. (P. O. Akron, Ohio) Preds.: Dorothy Zakely, 616 W. Flora ave. Tajn.: Jennie Zoker, 2110 Manchester rd. Blag.: Jennie Golec, 450 Waterloo Seje: Prva nedelja v mesecu, 2 p.m., Slov. Home. 2166 Manchester Rd. ŠT. 52, KITZVILLE, MINN. Preds.: Jos. Oswald, 330—2nd St. Tajn.: L Rose Chiodi, 312—4th St. Blag.: M. Gutzwiller, 216—3rd St. Seje.: 1st Wed. Kitzville School Hall ŠT. 53. BROOKLYN, O. (P. O. Cleveland, Ohio) Preds.: M. Oblak, 4412 Bradley Avenue Tajn.: Louise Menart, 3429 W. 60th St. Blag.: Mary Kolanz, 3970 W. 2nd Street Seje: Prvi četrtek, 2 P.M., 4002 Jennings ŠT. 54, WARREN, O. Preds.: R. Rather. 2205 Burton Street Tajn. blag.: Mary Waltko, 2068 Milton Seje: Third Wed. Slov. Home ŠT. 55, GIRARD, O. Preds.: Mary Mihalco, 1022 No. State Tajn.: Helen Kren, 1103 Washington St. Seje: Drugi tc-ek v S. N. Domu ŠT. 56, HIBBING, MINN. Preds.: Mary Theodore, 2529-4th Ave. W. Tajn.: Mary Meadows. 1410-15th Ave. E Blag.: Caroline Kozina, 2601—2nd Ave. Seje: Drugi torek v Assumption Hall, ob 7:30 zvečer ŠT. 57, NILES, OHIO Preds.: Frances Yerman, 619 Spring Tajn.: Mary Jerina, 721 Spring Blag.: Johanna Prinz, 810 Ann Ave. Seje.: 1st Tuesday Midway Tavern ŠT. 59, BURGETTSTOWN. PA. Preds.: Cecelia Farritano, Main Street Tajn.: Virginia Bendicn. 2 E. Market Blag.: Margaret Godish, 1 E. Market St. Seje: 2nd Tuesday Slov. Home ŠT. 61. BRADDOCK, PA. Preds.: Marget Kršul, 107-9th St. Tajn.: Frances Mule. 421 Robinson Blag.: Jennie Novosel, Box 273, Terrace. Pa. Seje: 2nd Sunday, Croatian Home ŠT. 62, CONNEAUT, OHIO Preds.: Tess Vignal, 539 Blair Street Tajn.: Anna Mundi. 763 Broad St. Seje: First Wed. at Mrs. Mundi's Broad St. ŠT. 63, DENVER, COLO. Preds.: Mary Kovac, 4584 Logan Street Tajn.: Angelina Andolshek. 4531 Penn St. Blag.: J. Krasovich, 5180 Washington St. Seje: Četrto nedeljo v cerkveni dvorani ŠT. 64. KANSAS CITY, KANS. Preds.: Antonija Kastelec Tajn.: Catherine Lastelic. 637 Orville Ave. Blag.: Mary Mootz, 319 Orchard Street Seje: Tretja nedeljo v Šolski dvorani ŠT. 65, VIRGINIA, MINN. Preds.: Angela Stepich, 2102 Southern Dr. Tajn.: Jennie Taucher, 719 10th St. N. Blag.: Eliz. Matko, 011 13th St. No. Seje: 1st Monday, 8 P.M.. Women’s Club, City Hall ŠT. 66, CANON CITY, COLO. Preds.: Katherine Yekovec, 607 Griffin Tajn.: C. R. Konte. 112 W. Catlln Are. Blag.: Mary Lauriski Seje: Vsako drugo nedeljo ob dveh ŠT. 67, BESSEMER, PA. Preds.: Mary Snezic. Box 47 Tajn : F ranees Sankovich, Box 17B Blag.. Mary Brodesko, Box 447 Seje: Vsako prvo nedeljo v Croatian Hall ŠT. 68, FAIRPORT HARBOR. OHIO Preds.: Mary Modic, 505 New Streei Tajn. blag.: Mary Grzely, 1055 N. Sl. Clair Painesville Blag.: Mary Grzaly Seje: Drugo nedeljo na domu tajnice ŠT. 70, WEST ALIQUIPPA, PA Preds.: Stella Žagar Clccone, 104 Main Tajn.: Frances Gentile, HIM Main Ave. Blag.: Kath. Dorglin, 138 Main Street Seje: Drugi torek v mesecu ŠT. 71, STRABANE, PA. Preds.: M. Tomsic, Box 202 Tajn.: Anna Sterle. Box 176 Blag.: Mary Kocjan Seje: Drugo sredo ob sedmih v KSKJ hali ŠT. 72, PULLMAN, ILL. Preds.: Jennie Orazem, 11433 Champlain Tajn.: Angela Bezlay, 11425 Champlain Blag.: Angela Bezlay Seje: Tretjo sredo, 11821 Parnell ŠT. 73. WARRENSVILLE, OHIO Preds.: M. Juratovas, Eastwood Dr. Zone 28 Tajn.: Louise Epley, 19940 Emery Rd. Zone 28 Blag.: Alojzija Turk. 22715 Vera Street Seje: Prvo nedeljo na 22715 Vera Street ŠT. 74, AMBRIDGE, PA. Preds.: Jennv Gasperic, 716—24th Street Tajn.: Stephania Plese, 112 Maplevood ŠT. 77, N.S. PITTSBURGH, PA. Preds.: Anna Knaus, 1040 Spring Garden Ave. Tajn.: Mary Chrnart, 937 Hoslage Blag.: Anna Boskovic, 1026 Gochring St. Seje: Prvo sredo, Svabian Hall, 91? ŠT. 78, LEADVILLE, COLO. Preds.: Bertha Brandt, 308 Elm Street Tain.: Mary Vidmar, 414 W. Third Blag.: Marj' Fajdiga Seje: Last Thursday of every month, 1:30 P.M. by Mrs. Vidmar’s ŠT. 79, ENUMCLAW, WASH. Preds.: Josephine Richter, Rt. 1, Box 14 Tajn.: Ivana Chacata, Rt. 2, Box 121 Blag.: Jennie Beaner. Box 98 Seje: Drugo nedelje pri članicah ŠT. 80, MOON RUN, PA. Preds.: Frances Devak Tajn.: Mary Christiar? RFD 1 McK^es Rocks Blag.: Genevieve B. Arch Seje: 1st Thursday In Church Hall ŠT. 81, KEEWATIN, MINN. Preds.: C. Matakovich Tajn.: Anna General Blag.: C. Matakovich Se|e: Drugi četrtek v Village Hall ŠT. 83, CROSBY, MINN. Preds.: Kate Mrkonlch, 716 Poplar Tain.: Mary Deblock, 212 Winona Way. ironton Blag.: Mary Deblock. Box 12. Riverton Seje: Drugi ponedeljek ob sedmih zvečer ŠT. 84, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Preds.: Angela Voje, 1825 Woodbine Ridgewood, Brooklyn, N. Y. Tajn.: Anna F. Svet, 6901 66tl> St.. Glendale. L. T. Blag.: A. Vaupotich, 2215 28th Street, Astoria. L. I. Seje: Prvi pondeljek v Slovenskem domu ŠT. 85, DE PUE, ILL. Preds.: M. Stupar, Box 381 Tajn.: Maria Jermene, Box 205 Blag.: Josephine Bankse, Box 412 Seje: Drugo nedeljo ob 2 popoldne v S. N. D. ŠT. B6, NASHWAUK, MINN. Preds.: Helen Kolar Tajn.: C. Stlmac Blag.: Catherine Stimac Seje: Drugi ponedeljek v S. Cecelia Hall ŠT. 88, JOHNSTOWN, PA. Preds.: Mary Kuzma, 231 View Street Tajn.: M. Lovše, 205 Oakland Avenue Blag.: Mary Zupan, 546 Forest Avenue Seje: 2nd Wed. 7 P.M. Slov. Home ŠT. 89, OGLESBY, ILL. Preds.: Anna Stor, 322 Mormon Tajn.: Frances Kirbach, 132 E. Walnut Blag.: Frances Nemeth, 120 N. Kenosha Seje.: 2nd Monday, Dickinson House ŠT. 90, PRESTO, PA. Preds.: Ann Nemec, R.D. 1 Bridgeville Pa_ Tajn.; Mar,v Rupnik, 701 Chartiers St. Blag.: Anne Sorčan, R.F.D. #1 Seje: 3rd Sunday, 3 P.M., St. Barbara’* Hall. Presto. Pa. ŠT. 91, OAKMONT, PA. Preds.: Anna Flisek, 721—3rd Street Tajn.: Amalia Sorch, 409 Virginia Ave. Blag.: Anna Kastelic, Box 287 Se)e: Vsaki prvi torek ob sedmih — 731 3rd Street ŠT. 92, CRESTED BUTTE, COLO. Preds.: Rose Starika Tajn.: Jos. Krizmanlch Blag.: Josephine Somrak Seje: 1st Sunday at City Hall ŠT. 93, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Prerls.: H. Corel. 67 Scholes Street Tajn.: A. Kerkovich, 360 Knickerbocker Blag.: Helen Hodnik, 6042 - 68 Rd. Seje: Tretji torek v Slov. Domu ŠT. 94, CANTON, OHIO Preds.: Kathryn Pauline, 1831 Roslyn Ave., S.W. Tajn. in bla.: Mary Krznarich, 612 Patterson S.W. Blag.: Mary M. Krznarich Seje.: 4th Sunday at Member’s Home ŠT. 95, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. Preds.: M. Markezich, 2809 E. 96th St. Tajn.: Pauline Stanley, 9521 Exchange Blag.: Martha Pazanln, 11009 Ave. G Seje: 1st Wednesday; Sacred Heart Hall ŠT. 96, UNIVERSAL, PA. Preds.: Pauline V. Kokal Tajn.: M. Klemenčič, RD 1 Box 318 Plttcairn, Pa. Blag.: Frances Velicic, Reiter Rd. Seje: Drugo nedeljo v mesecu v Slov. Hall, ob 2 popoldne ŠT. 97, CAIRNBROOK, PA. Preds.: Angela Satkovich, Box 28 Tajn.: Theresa Primsar, R.D. #1, Central City, Pa. Blag.: Margaret Mihelič, Central city, Pa. Seje: Prvo nedeljov mesecu od 2 popoldne v St. John Baptist Church hall ST. 99. ELMHURST, ILL. Preds.: Victoria Volk. 243 Larch Avenu« Tain.: Maria Podgornik, 200 Evergreen Blaa.: Molly Remec, 125 Walnut Street Seje: Prvo nedeljo na domu članic ŠT. ',02. WILLARD, WIS. Preds.: Mary Zupančič Tajn.: Johanna Artač Blag.: Gertrude Godec Seje: Drugo nedeljo v društveni dvorani ŠT. 104, JOHNSTOWN, PA. Preds.: Johanna Klucar, R.D. 1 Box 171 Tain.: Theresa Zallar. R.D. 1. Box 16S Blag.: Mary Anzelc, 513 Orange Seje: Tretjo nedeljo v Sv. Cirila in Metoda dvorani ŠT. 105, DETROIT, MICH. Preds.: Kathryn Petrich, 8031 Grixdale Tajn. in blug.: Marie Bombach, 6501 Concord Street Seje: Na domu članic ŠT. 106, MEADOW LANDS, PA. Preds.: Mary Swamp Tajn.: Stella Peterneli Blag.: Catherine Hoefler Seje: 3rd Thursday Church Hall Bizal’s Domače Klobase We are expanding our MAIL ORDER SERVICE for BIZAL’S HOME MADE (Slovenian Style) SAUSAGE and SMOKED MEAT PRODUCTS, Our products are garlic flavored and smoked the old fashioned way. Mail order meats are smoked for a longer time, thus, shrink less. We will send any order five lbs. or over. Check with your postoffice as to postage on the weight you order. Add 35c to cover handling charge. Please send money with your order. Louis Sterle Robert Bizal FOR YOUR POTICA — We are featuring Light California Shelled Walnuts. 1 Pound cello — $1.05 Bizal’s Mail Order Prices Are: POLISH SAUSAGE lb. 89c (Kranjske klobase) SMOKED SPARE RIBS lb. 82c SMOKED BEEP TONGUE lb. 90c BLOOD SAUSAGE (sent frozen) lb. 50c Write to: BIZAL’S MARKET Chisholm, Minnesota PET CARE Canaries make fine pets. They are always cheerful, are beautiful and do not require much care. Be sure that you get a cage which is large enough for your bird. In the cage there should be at least two perches, made of wood. It is a good idea to have them different sizes, so that the bird’s leet don’t get used to Just one size. The cage should be hung where there is plenty of light.. It Is good to hang It In a sunny window, but not where there is a draft. If a wind should blow on your bird, he might catch cold. * Your canary needs a cuttle-fish bone fastened to one side of the cage. He will peck at this often during the day. You will have to put a new bone In about every three months. Your pet will want a dish of fresh water in his cage every two or three days so that he can take a bath. Watching him splash the water over himself is almost as much fun as listening to him sing. You can buy regular canary food at any pet or hardware store.. This contains a mixture of grains and grasses. Besides this, your bird needs green food svery day. In the summer he will love chick-weed or lettuce. During the winter try giving him pieces of apple, raw potato, carrots or cabbage. Of course, he must have a drinking water dish fastened to the side of the cage. This should be filled with clean fresh water every day. On the bottom of the cage, sprinkle a little sand. Clean the cage at least every other day. If you take good care of your canary, he will keep healthy and strong. He will repay you for your trouble many times over, by singing beautiful songs. ^ V}^r V^nn. MISLI NA STARI KRAJ. V sedanjih težkih razmerah je naravno, da se misli ameriških rojakov pogosto sučejo okrog njihovih sorodnikov, prijateljev in znancev v starem kraju, za kar je najboljši dokaz — pošiljanje paketov v stari kraj, potovanja na obisk starega kraja, nakazovanje denarja v stari kraj itd. DARILNI PAKETI. Ako ste namenjeni poslati enega ali več paketov, se poslužite spodaj imenovane domače slovenske tvrdke. Z njenim posredovanjem je bilo že na tisoče vsakovrstnih paketov dostavljenih v starem kraju v zadovoljstvo pošiljateljev in prejemnikov. Ako nimate našega novega cenika pri rokah, pišite ponj. OBISK STAREGA KRAJA. Ako ste še to leto ali pa prihodnje leto namenjeni na obisk v stari kraj bodisi s parnikom ali eroplanom, se obrnite na spodnji naslov za potrebna pojasnila. V Vašo korist bo, ako se čimpreje priglasite. — Cene za vožnjo na eroplanu so posebno nizke v zimski dobi (od 1. decembra do 31. marca). Se nižje pa so cene, ako svoj obisk omejite na dva tedna. Podpisana tvrdka je uradno pooblaščena zastopnica parobrodnih in zračnih linij in zato pri njej dobite vozne listke po originalnih uradnih cenah. DENARNA NAKAZILA. Ta tvrdka pošilja denar v Jugoslavijo, Italijo in vse druge dele sveta. Vse pošiljke so garantirane proti izgubi. DRUGE ZADEVE. Kolikor to obstoječe razmere dopuščajo, ta tvrdka tudi pomaga pri urejevanju drugih starokrajskih zadev. Za vsa pojasnila se obrnite na: GENERAL TRAVEL SERVICE, INC. LEO ZAKRAJŠEK 302 E. 72nd Str., New York 21, N.Y. To je edina slovenska potniška pisarna v New Yorku, ki obstoja že nad 32 let. iuUrMMiMi MARY ZABUKOVEC 301 E. 4TH ST DULUTH, MINN. 5 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS' DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Ed., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois JOHN ZELEZNIKAR and SONS COAL .& OIL 2045 W. 23rd St. Phone VI 7-6891 Chicago 8, Illinois Stare Park View Florists Weddings, Bouquets, Funeral designs, Corsages Telegraph delivery service 1096 Norwood Ed. Tel. Ex. 1-5078 9320 Kinsman Ed. Tel. Mi. 1-2469 Cleveland, Ohio J. J. STARC Priporoča se vam Slovenska izdelovalnica OCAL po nizki ceni in najboljšo postrežbo. Izdelujemo ofale tudi za staro domovino. Pošljite nam recept in odpišemo vam natančno In hitro. MIRKO SLAK, Optik 1123 Norwood Road, Cleveland 3, Ohio For good fitting glasses see us. Every pair guaranteed. Prescriptions filled. Prompt mailing overseasl JOS. ZELE & SONS FUNERAL DIRECTORS 6502 ST. CLAIR AVE. 452 EAST 152nd St. ENdicott 1-0583 IVanhoe 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio PARK VIEW WET WASH LAUNDRY COMPANY A Service to Fit Every Budget 1727-31 W. 21st Street CAnal 6-7172-73 CHICAGO GEREND’S FUNERAL HOME Phone 7012 Ray Gerend Peter Bastasic SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN Virginia 7-6688 ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN |i ;| Funeral Directors & Embalmers CHICAGO 8, ILL. Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. Phone EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin fl. Grdina & Sons ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele ln žalostne dneve Nad 49 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da Je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili sl boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel. HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio Bolezen nesreča smrt so tri težke skrbi, ki se jih ne more nihče ubraniti Danes ali jutri, bolj ali manj bo vsak prizadet. Če hočeg dobro sebi in drugim, pristopi v KRANJSK0-SL0VENSK0 KATOLIŠKO JEDNOTO Najstarejša slovenska podporna organizacija v Ameriki Posluje že 68. leto ■ Članstvo: 44,500 Premoženje: nad $9,250,000.00 Sprejema moSke in ženske od 16. do 60. leta; otroke pa takoj po rojstvu ln do 16. leta pod svoje okrilje. Za pojasnila o ^zavarovalnini vprašajte tajnike ali tajnice krajevnih društev KSKJ ali pa piSlte na: GLAVNI URAD: 351-353 N. Chicago Street, Joliet, III.