10. NEDELJA MED LETOM 10TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 23/52 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 5. 6. 2016 Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 TEL.: 905-561-5971 FAX: 905-561-5109 E-MAIL Gregory_sdb@ stgregoryhamilton.ca WEB PAGE www.carantha.com HALL RENTALS CELL: 905-518-6159 E-MAIL Hallrental@ stgregoryhamilton.ca VESTNIK MOČ VSTALEGA KRISTUSA Današnji evangelij pričuje o moči vstalega Kristusa, ki je vir večnega življenja za vse, ki vanj verujejo. Mladenič, ki ga Jezus obudi, je bil edini sin matere, vdove. Jezusu se je zasmilila zato jo pomiri z besedami, »ne jokaj«. Ko ga obudi, mladeniča izroči njegovi materi. Vendar je poudarek na Jezsovi avtoriteti, zato tudi odziv ljudi: »... Velik prerok je vstal med nami.« V Novi zavezi večkrat beremo o strahu. Jezus je učence grajal, ko so med viharjem na Galilejskem jezeru trepetali ali ko so po vstajenju mislli, da vidijo duha: »Ne bojte se« (Mt 25,25). Prav tako nas apostol Pavel opo-minja, da »nismo prejeli duha suženjstva, da bi spet zapadli v strah« (Rim 8,15). V pismu Hebrejcem govori o Kristusu kot o odrešitelju vseh, ki jih je strah pred smrtjo vse življenje »oklepal v sužnost« (Heb 2,15). Ljudi je strah vsega nezaželenega in uničujočega, a tudi, ko se srečajo z Nekom, ki jih presega. Evangelist Luka pogosto opisuje ta drugi strah. Vse je obšel STRAH, ker so bili poleg, ko se je razodela velika božja slava. »Gospodov angel je stopil k njim in Gospodova svetloba jih je obsijala, da so se zelo prestrašili« (Lk 2,9). A prav ta strah je pastirje in prebivalce Naima spodbudil, da so slavili Boga. V obeh primerih je strah ustvarjalen, saj omogoči, da človek s češčenjem odgovori na razodevajočo se božjo slavo. Prisotni, ki so se prestrašili ob čudežu, so pričeli na dva načina poveličevati Boga. Prvi poudarjajo človeško osebo, drugi pa božje dejanje. Prvi odgovarjajo na vprašanje, kdo je ta oseba, drugi pa, kaj je Bog storil? Bog je obiskal svoje ljudstvo ... Bog je Bog in zato uhaja vsaki naši opre­delitvi. V določenem trenutku je daleč stran in hkrati poleg človeka. A ko smo v težavah, tedaj nam pomaga in nas rešuje. Z vsem Jezusovim življenjem, njegovo smrtjo in vstajenjem Bog sam prihaja k nam. V Cerkvi se nadaljuje njegovo razodevanje in njegov obisk je več kot le obisk. »Glej, prebivališče Boga med ljudmi« (Raz 21,3). 210 | VESTNIK 2016 212 | VESTNIK 2016 214 | VESTNIK 2016 216 | VESTNIK 2016 218 | VESTNIK 2016 220 | VESTNIK 2016 PRVO OBHAJILO IN BIRMA Nedelja, 29. maj 2016, je bil za našo župnijo sv. Gregorija Velikega, poseben dan. V zadnjih letih cerkev še ni bila tako polna. Razlog, imeli smo 12 birmancev in 8 prvoobhajancev in seveda našega hamiltonskega škofa Douglasa Crosbyja, ki je vodil bogoslužje. Vreme je bilo kot naročeno, sončno in toplo. Zbrali smo se pri kipu Marije pomočnice za dvorano. Z molitvijo smo se priporočili in izročili Mariji, deklice prvoobhajanke so prinesle šopke rož, dečki pa sveče. Potem smo se v procesiji podali v cerkev, medtem pa je zbor prepeval šmarnične pesmi. V cerkvi je prvi del maše pel župnijski mešani zbor, dirigiral mu je John Horvat, na orglah pa Carl Vegelj. Za to priložnost se je zbor navadil mašo v čast sv. Gregoriju Velikemu, skladatelja Gregorja Zafošnika. Prvo berilo je v slovenščini prebrala Kristina Hode, drugo pa v angleščini Susan Davies. Zbor je zapel dve kitice pesmi Hvali, sion, Rešenika in nato skupaj z angleškim zborom Alelujo. Po evangeliju in predstavitvi birmancev je škof nagovoril birmance in prvoobhajance in posebej poudaril pomen svetega Duha v življenju kristjana. Nato je pristopilo vseh dvanajst birmancev z botri, ki so jih spremljali in škof jih je »pošteno« pomazilil s krizmo. Nato so birmanci v prošnjah prosili za potrebe cerkve in skupnosti. Jacob, Emily, Frank in Veronika so prinesli darove, angleški zbor pa je prepeval pesmi: We are Children of lite in As we celebrate. Obhajilo smo začeli s prvoobhajanci, ki so pristopili skupaj s svojo družino in od škofa prejeli Jezusa pod podobo hostije, sledili so birmanci in nato vsi ostali. Angleški zbor, skupaj z mešanim je zapel pesem Here I am Lord in nato je še mešani zbor zapel Najlepši dar. Prvoobhajanci so se prisrčno zahvalili Jezusu, da so ga prejeli v svoje srce. Sledile so še druge zahvale in že smo bili pri zadnji pesmi: povsod Boga, ljubljena Mati. S škofom, ministranti, prvoobhajanci in birmanci smo se poslikali, nato še vsi birmanci, vsak posebej s škofm. Škof je kaj kmalu odhitel v katedralo, ker je imel ob pol dveh popoldne mašo za skoraj 450 parov iz naše škofije, ki so praznovali obletnice porok. Tako polne cerkve pri nas že dolgo ni bilo. Lepo in bogato duhovno praznovanje so tako prvoobhajanci, kot tudi birmanci ponesli na svoje domove in nadaljevali s praznovanjem. Gotovo gre prva zahvala škofu Douglasu Crosbyju, ki rad pride med nas, še posebej za tako priložnost. Iskrena hvala vsem staršem, ki so spremljali in pripravili otroke za prejem zakramen-tov, hvala Kristini, Mateji in Lorie, ki so bile vklju-čene v neposredno pripravo otrok. Hvala mini-strantom, bralcem... skratka vsem sodelavcem pri bogoslužju. Posebej pa še pevcem obeh zborov, organistu Carlu, zborovodji Ivanu in dirigentu Johnu. Posebna zahvala gre Olgi, ki je zopet čudovito okrasila cerkev in spekla kruh za darovanje, prav tako hvala Jožici in Majdi, ki sta počistile cerkev. Hvala tudi vsem, ki ste se udeležili slovesnosti in naše mlade duhovno podpirali z molitvijo in dobrimi deli. Naj vsem Bog stoterno povrne za vsa prizadevanja, da bi naša skupnost ne samo ostala povezana ampak tudi rasla in se krepila. VESTNIK 2016 | 211 VESTNIK 2016 | 213 VESTNIK 2016 | 215 VESTNIK 2016 | 217 VESTNIK 2016 | 219 POTICA IN JEŠPRANJ Last Saturday we spent another good day in the kitchen. Because there was such a demand for learning how to maje Potica we have held a second class under the guidance of Joza Sustersic. The barley stew was so tasty and the Potica delicious! I think all participants enjoyed the day. Summer is here, so we will out our kitchen sessions on hold until fall time! However, if you would like to learn a specific dish, please email your request and we will do our best to schedule it in! You can send your suggestions to: novakh@sympatico.ca attention - Heidy Novak SPAGHETTI DINNER The Catholic Girl’s Club would like to thank all those that attended the spaghetti dinner on Friday June 3rd, 2016. The event was very nice! We would like to thank Mary Miklavčič, Marianne Škerl, Frances Scarcelli, Linda Novak, Sidonia Poppa, Simona Horvat that worked in the kitchen for making the tasty meal and for set up! Thanks to Joe Horvat for running our errands to get the supplies for the bar, and thank you to Frank Škerl for working the bar. Thank you to Lojze in Dragica Ferenčak for donating their time to clean the hall. Thank you to Costco and Fortinos for their donations. Thank you to Moya Slovenian Credit Union (formerly Slovenia Parishes Credit Union) for their donation of 9 door prizes. Special thank you to the band Slo-Beat (Joe Horvat, Tom Miklavčič, Robert Letnik, John Horvat) for their generosity of time and talent, they always do such a wonderful job entertaining the guests. Father Drago is a great supporter of the youth and he always is around to give a helping hand, thank you! The money raised from this event is going to the Canadian Red Cross Alberta Fire Response and we received an email from the Red Cross coordinator Rob Wilkinson and in part it said: “Thank you for the efforts of the Slovenian Girls club in raising money on behalf of the Alberta Wild fires appeal for funds. Stay motivated to change the world, and the world will change with one good deed at a time because you tried to do something for someone else. Remember that no matter what other people do during disaster, it is the helpers like you who make a difference on levels not always witnessed. Keep up the great work! Thank you so much for your help in these efforts.” The extra food was donated to the Good Shepherd in Hamilton, so this event helped local people in need too. An overall success! Again, thank you to all that supported and attended this event because you made a difference to so many. Leah Škerl 10TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Response: I will extol you, Lord, for you have raised me up. First Reading 1 Kings 17:17-24 Elijah restores to life the son of a woman who has offered him hospitality. Second Reading Galatians 1:11-19 Even before his birth, Paul had been enlist-ed by God as an apostle to the Gentiles. Gospel Luke 7:11-17 In the town of Nain Jesus restores a wid-ow’s only son to life. “A great prophet has appeared among us.” Illustration It’s sometimes said that in the Western world death has become the last taboo. Talking about death is not what we do. Friends may “pass over” or “pass away” or “pass on”, but none of them ever seems to “die”. And because there is an uneasiness about talking of death, it’s not unknown for a be-reaved person to be ignored by neighbours. It isn’t that the neighbours are unsympathetic: it’s just that they’re unused to “doing death”; they don’t know what to say or how they ought to react. Sometimes they will cross to the other side of the road to avoid having to raise the subject. Of course, if death really is the end of everything, then what more is there to say? And how can we react, except by trying to re-duce to a minimum the embarrassment that the mere mention of death might cause us and those who are bereaved? In striking contrast, the Bible is never averse to talking about the reality of death. In the sacred pag-es, death is not a taboo subject. And in those same pages we hear, as we have twice today, that even death is not as final as it seems. And it is striking that on both occasions the emphasis is not so much on the power involved as on the compassion shown. Gospel Teaching In a time of terrible drought, Elijah the prophet would not have survived but for the generous hos-pitality afforded him by a widow who shared with him her last meal. As a reward, he promised that her supply of food would not run out until the famine was over. But then another tragedy occurred: her son died. In the way that people sometimes react in tragic circumstances, the widow now began to blame the prophet for her son’s death. His response was to take the child, to stretch himself over him as though to give him the kiss of life, and to pray that God would intervene. The child was restored to life, and his mother recognised that Elijah was indeed a holy man. In the Gospel, even more than in the first read-ing, the element of compassion is to the fore. As Jesus and his companions approach the little town of Nain, about five miles from Nazareth, another procession is making its way towards the city gate. It’s a funeral procession for a young man, the only son of a woman who has also lost her husband. She is alone in the world and Jesus “felt sorry for her”; the meaning of the original Greek word is very strong – he is moved to the core of his being, he is filled with compassion. Gently, he tells her not to cry as he moves forward and touches the bier. It is an action totally unexpected: by physical contact with the trappings of death Jesus incurs ritual impurity. But his deep compassion overrides everything else. A few moments later, he hands over to the widow her son, now restored to life. Application No one had asked Jesus to intervene in this way; no one had expressed faith in him; it was simp-ly his compassion that led him to do this mighty deed, which left the people “filled with awe” and praising God. Of course, some years later the young man would face death again. What he had received was only a temporary reprieve. But in restoring a dead man to life, Jesus is reminding us that his almighty power will one day work an even greater miracle for each of us – not a mere reprieve, not a mere restoration to the life we have known, but a raising up to a new kind of life, a life wonderful beyond anything we could imagine and lasting for ever. Like everyone else we have a natural fear of death, or at least of the process of dying, but as believers we know that the risen Christ has lost none of his power, none of his boundless compassion; he only waits to draw us through death into everlasting life. Then we shall re-echo the words of today’s responsorial psalm, which sees death as being as short-lived as a night, quickly giv-ing way to the dawn of a glorious new day: “At night there are tears, but joy comes with dawn… you have changed my mourning into dancing.” And then we shall cry out with the psalmist: “O Lord, my God, I will thank you for ever.” 20TH ANNUAL SLOVENSKI PARK GOLF TOURNA-MENT Saturday, June 11th, 2016, at Cambridge Golf Club with banquet to follow at Slovenski Park, Puslinch. Shotguns start at 1:00 p.m. For registration, please contact: Dan Demšar: 905-330-3460 or ddemsar1@gmail.com $120 per person includes: Golf, Cart Rental, Sand-wich, Hotdog or Sausage at the turn Dinner, Prizes & Starter's Package or $15 Dinner Only. Dinner will be served promptly at 6:30 p.m. Donations or prizes would be greatly appreciated! OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS PEVSKE VAJE Mešani pevski zbor bo imel pevsko vajo v četrtek po večerni maši. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI . 5. junij-Sunday: St. Gregory the Great - Corpus Christi: Mass & procession: 10:00 a.m.-London-Triglav: Maša-procesija: 2:00 p.m. . 11. junij-Saturday: Slovenski park - 20th Annual Golf tournament . 12. junij-Sunday: Slovenski park - Maša in procesija: 1:00 p.m. . 19. junij-Sunday: Bled - Fathers Day: Maša ob 12:30 p.m. . 26. junij-Sunday: Bled -SLOVENSKI DAN - Mass in the parish at 11:00 a.m. only. PRINAŠANJE DAROV: GIFT BEARERS . 5. junij, 10:00 a.m.: Karol in Milka Ferko DAY CAMP 2016 As you've heard, we've started organizing our Slovenian Day Camp for this summer which will be held August 2-5th, with our camp BBQ being held on the Friday evening. In order to prepare and organize properly, we are hoping to have kids sign up so we know our numbers. The cost of the camp is $75 and registration forms can be found in the church vestibule. High School Students... we can really use your help and you can get all your required volunteer hours in just one week. Volunteers are vital to the success of our camp, so please consider helping out, contributing to your community and having a plain old good time with our campers! Parents, Grandparents please encourage your kids to join in our summer fun! Looking forward to another great Summer Day Camp. You can reach me and reserve your spot by email at novakh@sympatico.ca Thanks, Heidy Novak SPECIAL COLLECTION FOR FORT MCMURRAY We will take up a special collection on June 4/5 weekend. Collection will be sent, through our Diocesan Office, to the Most Reverend Paul Terrio, Bishop of St. Paul Diocese. Bishop Terrio has informed the CCCB that half of the receipts will be shared with the Ministerial Association of Fort McMurray. The other half of these funds, (which are not matched), will help St. Paul Diocese to assist the parishes in Fort McMurray to rebuild or restore their losses. TAKE PREPARED ENVELOPES IN THE HALLWAY. Posebno nabirko za Fort McMurray bomo imeli v naši župniji prvi vikend v juniju, t.j. 4. in 5. junija. V atriju cerkve imate posebne kuverte. Na kuverto napišite svojo številko kuverte ali ime in priimek. Dar lahko oddaste v nabirko naseldnjo nedeljo. Takrat bo sv. maša samo ob 10:00h, ker imamo takrat po maši procesijo sv. Rešnjega Telesa in Krvi. BARAGOVI DNEVI Letošnji Baragovi dnevi se bodo začeli v soboto 10. septembra 2016 s slovensko sveto mašo ob 6:00 popoldne v katedrali sv. Petra v Marquettu. V nedeljo 11. septembra bo sveta maša - angleška - ob 10:00 dopoldne, prav tako v katedrali, po maši pa je tradicionalni banket. Ker bomo sami verjetno težje zbrali zadostno število romarjev, smo razmišljali, če bi šli skupaj s Torontom. Marta Demšar se je pozanimala za ceno, ki vključuje 4 dnevno pot (od petka do ponedeljka), prenočišča, kosilo, itd... In znese 525 kanadskih dolarjev. Kdor bi bil interesent, naj to čimprej sporoči Tereziji Sarjaš na telefon: 905-560-1218, najkasneje do srede junija, da bi potem lahko videli ali lahko organiziramo romanje. CWL - KŽZ A reminder to members and any ladies interested in our CWL, that our June General Meeting was moved from our usual 1st Wednesday to this coming Wednesday, June 8th immediately following 7:00 pm mass. Important issues need to be discussed. Hope to see you there. MAŠE V JUNIJU Mesec junij je vsako leto zelo pester saj se odvijajo ralične aktivnosti in dejavnosti, tako v župniji kot tudi na parkih. Danes imajo procesijo po deseti maši tukaj v Hamiltonu, popoldne ob dveh pa še mašo in procesijo sv. Rešnjega Telesa pri društvu Triglav-London. V nedeljo 12. junija pa je zopet ob 1:00 popoldne sveta maša in po njej procesija na Slovenskem parku. Upamo, da bo vreme pomagalo, da bomo to lahko izpeljali. V nedeljo 19. junija, na očetovski dan, je sveta maša ob 12:45 p.m. pri društvu Bled - Beamsville. Vabljeni! V nedeljo 26. junija praznujemo SLOVENSKI DAN - še posebej je pomemben saj je tudi 25 letnica slovenske samostojnosti. Letos bo Slovenski dan pri društvu BLED-BEAMSVILLE. Tam bo slovenska sv. maša ob 11:00h dopoldne. V župniji pa bo ta dan samo angleška maša ob 11:00h dopodne. ROMARJI IZ SLOVENIJE G. Branko Balažic, salezijanec, ki me je lani poleti nadomeščal v župniji, letos organizira 12 denvno romanje po Baragovih poteh. Začeli bodo v Washingtonu, nadaljevali v Cleveland, Lemont, Chicago, L'Anse, Mquette, Cross in the Woods, Frankenmuth, Hamilton, Tonotno, Niagarski slapovi, New York in povratek domov. Pri nas se bodo ustavili že v petek, 10. junija zvečer in z nami maševali pri večerni maši ob sedmih. V soboto si bodo ogledali Toronto in se nam pridružili pri sobotni večerni maši ob 5:30 p.m. in nato bodo na večerji v prostorih sv. Jožefa-Villa Slovenia. Vabljeni, da se pridružite in poklepetate z gosti. V nedeljo zjutraj bodo še maševali v cerkvi in potem odhitijo k Niagarskim slapovom in naprej za New York. SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Ponedeljek/Monday – Petek/Friday: 7:00 P.M. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 P.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 A.M. – angleška / in English KRSTI / BAPTISMS: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app’t, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app’t, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 P.M. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest – please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. DON BOSCO 10. NEDELJA MED LETOM 5. JUNIJ Bonifacij, škof † † †† Za žive in rajne župljane Fonzi Mozetič Karel Volčanšek, obl. Pokojni člani društva London 10:00 A.M. 2:00 P.M. Manja Erzetič Družina Dvorana Triglav PONEDELJEK-MONDAY 6. JUNIJ Norbert, škof † † Srečko Rev, obl. Vid Kastelic 7:00 P.M. Žena in otroci Družina Della Nebbia TOREK - TUESDAY 7. JUNIJ Robert, opat † † Alojz Kocmut Pavla Horvat 8:00 A.M. Tone in Marija Bukvič Tone in Marija Bukvič SREDA - WEDNESDAY 8. JUNIJ Medard, škof † Karl Zorčič V čast sv. Duhu za razsvetljenje 7:00 P.M. Jožica in Ivan Vegelj A.T. ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 9. JUNIJ Primož in Felician † †† † Edward Žekš, obl. (9) Pokojni iz družine Kološa Vera Despoja Jugovič 7:00 P.M. Žena Gerda z družino Majda Salajko Jože Hanc z družino PETEK - FRIDAY 10. JUNIJ Bogumil, škof †† † †† † Jožef in Eufemija Tompa Ivan Tompa Theresa in John Halas Tomo Pašalič 7:00 P.M. Sin Martin z družino Sestre in družina Sestra Katarina ivankovič SOBOTA SATURDAY 11. JUNIJ Barnaba, apostol † † † † † †† Franci Novak, obl. Frank Novak, obl. Franc Štadler, obl. Franc Paulin, obl. Franc Štadler, obl. Jože in Marij Kirec 8:00 A.M. 5:30 P.M. Pavel in Jožica Novak Žena Romana z družino Žena Amalija štadler Hči Alenka in Tomaž Košir Družina Mes Sin z družino 11. NEDELJA MED LETOM 12. JUNIJ Eskil, mučenec †† † † †† † †† † Za žive in rajne župljane Ana in Janez Potokar Ivan Mertuk, obl. Tončka Demšar Starši Kuzma in sin Metod Matija Vlašič Janko in Veronika Broz Lojze Rakuša 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 1:00 P.M. Družina Groznik Kathy in Joe Prša Demšar-Scarcelli Jožica Vlašič z družino Jožica Vlašič z družino Jožica vlašič z družino Žena Irena PO MAŠI PROCESIJA SV. REŠNJEGA TELESA SVETE MAŠE - MASSES Od 5. 6. 2016 Do 12. 6. 2016 Maša in procesija Sv. Rešnjega Telesa Slovenski park