VNEBOHOD ASCENSION OF THE LORD MOTHER’S DAY SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 19/52 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 8. 5. 2016 Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 TEL.: 905-561-5971 FAX: 905-561-5109 E-MAIL Gregory_sdb@ WEB PAGE HALL RENTALS CELL: 905-518-6159 E-MAIL Hallrental@ VESTNIK KRISTUSOVE PRIČE Jezus se je na današnji dan poslovil od svojih učencev. Končal je svoje poslanstvo »v podobi človeka«. Jezus je sicer zagotovil, da ostane s svojimi vse dni do konca sveta, vendar ostaja na drugačne načine: po svetih zakramentih, zlasti po najsvetejšem zakramentu, po svoji besedi, po občestvu Cerkve, po škofih in duhovnikih, po Svetem Duhu, ki ga je svojim obljubil. Ob slovesu je Jezus zapustil dragoceno sporočilo: »Čakajte Očetovo obljubo... Prejeli boste moč, ko pride na vas Sveti Duh in boste moje priče do konca sveta.« Jezus je svojim učencem zagotovil, da jih bo Sveti Di.lh spomnil vsega, kar jim je on povedal. Učenci bi bili najrajši, da bi Jezus ostal med njimi. Njegova obljuba jih je potolažila in razveselila. Potem so doživeli binkoštni čudež. Naša pričakovanja so največkrat zelo konkretna: da bi imeli uspeh v šoli, pri delu, v družinskem življenju, v prijateljstvu; da bi živeli v čimbolj pravični in urejeni družbeni skupnosti; da bi bili obvarovani bolezni in nesreč; da bi mogli delati, kar nas veseli. Zavedamo se, da so gornja pričakovanja nekaj lepega, toda niso največ. Pričakovanje, ki je lepše od vseh drugih pričakovanj, pa je, da ne gremo ne­izogibnemu koncu naproti, pač pa novemu in večnemu srečanju z nebeš­kim Očetom, Jezusom in Svetim Duhom. To se bo v polnosti zgodilo, ko bo Jezus Kristus znova prišel, da svoje povede v novo nebo in na novo zemljo. Do takrat je mogoče še na tisoče let. Toda v Božjih očeh je tisoč let kakor včerajšnji dan, ki je minil. Da bi prav pričakovali, se moramo dati voditi Svetemu Duhu. Lahko si domišljamo, da smo že zadosti pametni in glede svojih načrtov in pričakovanj ne potrebujemo nobenih nasvetov. Vendar se nemalokrat izkaže, da so pričakovanja zgolj po naših zamislih zgrešena. Ali v velikih in malih odločitvah pričakujemo in prosimo Svetega Duha kakor apostoli od vnebohoda do binkošti? 170 | VESTNIK 2016 172 | VESTNIK 2016 174 | VESTNIK 2016 176 | VESTNIK 2016 OB 25 LETNICI VOKALNE SKUPINE PLAMEN Letošnje jubilejno leto je za Slovence doma in po svetu poseben domoljubni simbol, saj so se pred 25 leti uresničile dolgoletne narodne sanje o samostojni državi. Ta zgodovinski dogodek je bil za vse Slovence obdobje navdušenja, narodnega ponosa in domoljubja, ki je se zlasti obogatilo kulturno ustvarjalnost kjerkoli prebivajo Slovenci. Zato torej ni bilo naključje, da je prav v tem letu v Torontu zagorel »PLAMEN«, ki že 25 let razsvetljuje občinstvo v Kanadi in po svetu. To je vokalna Skupina Plamen pod vodstvom Marije Ahačič Polak. Zbor si je v bogati karieri: od prvega nastopa na proslavi ob osamovojitvi Slovenije, pa do letošnjnega srebrnega jubileja, zasluženo pridobil vlogo kulturnega poslanstva z nastopi v Kanadi, ZDA, Avstraliji in v Sloveniji. Vokalna Skupina Plamen je zaznamovala svojo srebrno obletnico delovanja z koncertom v soboto 30. aprila v župnijski dvorani v Torontu. Poseben gost koncerta je bil pevski zbor Špendov iz Chicaga, ki je na poseben način popestril program in tudi poskrbel za razvedrilo po koncertu. Vokalna skupina Plamen kot vedno, je tudi to pot navdušila občinstvo. Namreč, ob vsakem nastopu predstavi nekaj novega. Njihova posebnost pa je v tem, da dovršeno izvajajo pesmih različnih zvrsti, ki se prepletajo z prijento dvojezično vsebimo, kar je poseben doprinos Marije Ahačič Pollak. Zdi se, da je njihova uspešnica Rose postala njihova himna. To pot je še posebej lepo zvenela ob spremljavi kitarista Milana Vinčenca. Sonja Vidočič je odlično vodila dvojezični program. Obiskovalci in številni sponsorji so z visoko udeležbo izrazili priznanje. Navdušeno so zaploskali ustanovnim članicam vokalne skupine Plamen, ki so: Amanda Bergant, Susan Stajan, Tina Štrucel, Sabina Sečnik, Tatjana Smrekar in Julija Konje. Danes šteje volkalna skupina Plamen kar 13 članic. Veleposlanik RS iz Ottawe, dr. Marjan Cencen, je ob svojem nagovoru v imenu ministra z kulurto RS, predal ustanovnim članicam in umetniški voditeljici Mariji Ahačič Pollak, priznanje RS za dolgolento požrtvovalno delo pri ohranjanju slovenske kulture v zamejstvu. Bil je to čudovit večer kulturnega doživetja, pa tudi domoljubne nostalgije, ki jo je v 25 letih zaznamovala vokalna skupina Plamen. Iskreno želimo, da letos v avgustu doživijo to njihovo poslanstvo tudi obiskovalci jubilejnih nastopov na turneji po Sloveniji. Novak Frank VESTNIK 2016 | 171 VESTNIK 2016 | 173 VESTNIK 2016 | 175 MATERINSKI DAN - BLED V nedeljo, 1. maja 2016, je bilo praznovanje Materinskega dneva pri društvu Bled-Beamsville. Za kosilo se je zbralo sicer malo manj gostov, je pa bilo zato bolj domače, prijetno druženje ob dobrem kosilu in kratkem programu, ki je sledil. Lojze Lesica je spremljal na harmoniki naše pevce, ki so materam ubrano zapeli nekaj lepih pesmi. ASCENSION OF THE LORD Response: God has gone up with a shout, the Lord with the sound of a trumpet. First Reading Acts 1:1-11 Jesus ascends into heaven. Second Reading Ephesians 1:17-23 Paul prays that the Christians in Ephesus may receive the Holy Spirit. Or Hebrews 9:24-28; 10:19-23 The death of Jesus opened up a new way for us to draw close to God. Gospel Luke 24:46-53 Jesus promised his disciples that he would send the Holy Spirit who would empower them to spread the Good News of his resur-rection. “As he said this he was lifted up while they looked on, and a cloud took him from their sight.” Illustration Little Mandy accompanied her mother, Sally, to the supermarket, holding on to the shopping trolley as she pushed it up and down the aisles. Un-fortunately, as Sally stopped to compare two pack-ets of cereal, Mandy wandered off, forgetting her mother. A few seconds later, she realised she was alone and lost. Mandy’s desperate cries of “Mummy!” rose above the ordinary sounds of the busy supermarket. Sally heard Mandy’s voice but could not see her. When the equally distraught Sally saw her daughter, she ran towards her, picked her up and held her close. Mandy’s sobs gradually sub-sided once she was safely in her mother’s arms. She was no longer alone. She had been lost but now was found. The only person in the world whom she wanted at that moment was her mother. For the rest of that supermarket visit, Mandy clung to Sally’s side, holding onto her skirt and refusing to let go. Mandy’s distress at her separation from her mother resembles what happens when it suddenly seems that God has abandoned us. The toddler did not need to search for her mother because it was Sally who would not rest until she found Mandy. When Mandy was reunited with her mother, she would not let her go. We can forget that it is less a case of our making the effort to find God as it is of God tirelessly coming to meet us and satisfying our inner longing. Gospel Teaching When Jesus ascended into heaven, his apostles were suddenly left alone. The Acts of the Apostles tells us how they found it difficult to believe or un-derstand what they had just witnessed. For some time after he was no longer visible, they stood star-ing up into the clouds, probably feeling confused, abandoned and, perhaps, very scared. What would the future hold for them? They had accompanied Jesus throughout his public ministry. They lost him when he was arrested and lost him again when he died on the cross and was buried. In the days be- tween Jesus’ death and resurrection, they were probably overwhelmed with guilt at the realisation of their cowardice, when they abandoned him at the time of his greatest need. When Jesus appeared to them on Easter Sun-day, it was possibly an uncomfortable encounter; his forgiveness probably made them feel all the more guilty. At the same time, having those few days without him and then forty days once again in his presence led the apostles to realise just how much they had loved Jesus. Now he had gone again – and this time his absence would be permanent. He had just instructed them to go out into the whole world to proclaim the good news of God’s love, but had left them to do it on their own. Jesus had promised them the Holy Spirit, but they did not yet under-stand his words. Jesus’ ascension seemingly left them abandoned and lonely. Application There is a big difference between being alone and being lonely. Solitude can be very welcome: we all need space to think our own thoughts and to refresh our energies. Loneliness, on the other hand, is frightening. However much we might appreciate solitude, nobody wants to be lonely. Jesus told the apostles that the Holy Spirit would only come after his own departure. There would be a period of wait-ing and soul-searching before Pentecost arrived. Acts tells us that the apostles returned to the upper room and stayed there, possibly making each other feel worse as they shared their fears, guilt and ques-tions. They were lonely because they felt lost and abandoned. Their experience was not the peaceful solitude of a retreat or a few hours in a quiet beauty spot. Instead, theirs was the anxiety of the lost child, longing to be found and comforted, worried wheth-er or not they would ever again feel the protection and loving presence of Jesus in their midst. Jesus knew what he was doing: in leaving the apostles to their own devices, he recognised the depths of loneliness that they would experience. He also knew that the Holy Spirit would find them in their emptiness and would grace them with the courage they needed to face the future. Filled with the Holy Spirit, they would carry out the mission that Jesus had given them. However difficult it was for the apostles when Jesus ascended into heaven, it was a vital step on their journey and ours. THE NEXT PILGRIMAGE SUNDAY AT THE CATHEDRAL The next Pilgrimage Sunday at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King will take place on Sun-day, May 15th. The Ca-thedral will open to pil-grims at 2:00 p.m. The Door of Mercy can be accessed through the doors adjacent to the Cathedral Rectory. At 2:30 p.m. pray-er in the style of Taize – Scripture and meditative chants will be offered. You are welcome to join us for the 4:00 p.m. Mass – Monsignor Earl Talbot will preside and preach. A plenary indulgence may be gained by the faithful who enter through the Door of Mercy. In order to gain the indul-gence pilgrims enter the door, make a profession of faith and pray for the inten-tions of the Holy Father. They should also receive Holy Communion and celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation within 20 days of the pilgrimage. OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS PEVSKE VAJE Mešani pevski zbor bo imel pevsko vajo v četrtek po večerni maši. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI . 8. maj-Sunday: Triglav-London - Mother's day . 8. maj-Sunday: Slovenska šola at St. Gregory the Great - Mother's Day - Mass at 10:00 a.m. . 15. maj-Sunday: Bled-Niagara Coordination meeting at 1:00 p.m. . 21. maj-Sunday: Slovenski park maša ob 1:00 p.m. . 28. maj-Saturday: Lipa park - Scholarship annual golf tournament . 29. maj-Sunday: St. Gregory the Great - First Communion & Confirmation: mass 10:00 a.m. . 3. junij-Friday: Girl's Club - Spaghetti Dinner at St. Gregory's Hall . 5. junij-Sunday: St. Gregory the Great - Corpus Christi procession - Mass 10:00 a.m.- London-Triglav: Maša in procesija: 2:00 p.m. . 12. junij-Sunday: Slovenski park - Maša in procesija: 1:00 p.m. . 19. junij-Sunday: Bled - Fathers Day: Maša ob 12:30 p.m. . 22. junij-Sunday: Bled-SLOVENSKI DAN PRINAŠANJE DAROV: GIFT BEARERS . 8. maj, 10:00 a.m.: Boris & Elizabeth Lukežič ANNUAL CHARITY GOLF TOURNAMENT The Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foun-dation Annual Charity Golf Tournament will be held Saturday, May 28th, 2016 followed with dinner at Bled Hall. Cost per person: $135. includes golf cart, golf balls, coffee & donuts, hot dog/hamburger, beverage and dinner & door prizes. All funds raised go towards the support of our Slovenian youth bursary and scholarship awards program. Dinner only is $25. For information contact: Karl Ferko 905-578-5890 or Andy Habjan 905-899-3876 PRVO OBHAJILO / FIRST COOMUNION IN BIRMA / CONFIRMATION Letos imamo v naši župniji prvo obhajilo in birmo. Kot je e nekaj let v navadi bo to zadnjo nedeljo v mesecu maju in sicer 29. maja ob 10:00 dopoldne. Za to priložnost bo med nami naš hamiltonski škof Douglas Crosby. Če še niste izpolnili prijavnice, prosim, da to storite čimprej, da bomo imeli točno število. Neposredne priprave bodo ob sobotah, 14., 21. in 28. maja. Točne ure se bomo še dogovorili s starši. COOKING SESSION Our May 28th cooking session for tips on making Potica and Barley Stew is full. I have a number of individuals still interested in yet another session - so I will keep everyone up-dated on when we can fit in another session to share this recipe with as many people as pos-sible. We will do what we can to accommo-date everyone. DAY CAMP 2016 The 2016 Summer Day Camp is on it's way and being organized. Remember, this Camp will take place August 2nd to August 5th. There will be more information available in next week's Vestnik, however, we just wanted to make sure you all penciled in these camp dates as summer can get busy quickly. Looking forward to another great Summer Day Camp with great Campers and lead-ers. High School students, don't forget, this is a simple way to get all your required volun-teer hours in just one week. POROKA-MARRIAGE V soboto, 14. maja 2016 bosta skrenila zakrament svetega zakona: ženin Jeffrey Andrew Mills, sin Vernona Mills in Helen, roj Dubas in nevesta Diana Teresa Ferenčak, hči Alojza Ferenčaka in Dragice, roj. Hajdinjak. Želimo jima vso srečo na skupni življenjski poti. KONZULARNE URE Obveščamo, da bodo naslednje konzularne ure v Torontu v soboto 14. maja 2016 med 14.00 in 17.00 uro v prostorih Generalnega konzulata Republike Slovenije na Browns Line 747, Etobicoke. Termin naslednjih konzularnih ur bo predvidoma v začetku junija 2016, točen datum bomo še sporočili. DAROVI Marija Glavač je darovala $100 za don Boskovo cerkev v Mariboru; Madronich Ida je darovala $120 za cerkev. Iskrena hvala za dar. SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Ponedeljek/Monday – Petek/Friday: 7:00 P.M. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 P.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 A.M. – angleška / in English KRSTI / BAPTISMS: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app’t, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app’t, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 P.M. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest – please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. DON BOSCO GOSPODOV VNEBOHOD 7. VELIKONOČ. NEDELJA 8. MAJ Bonifacij, papež † †† † †† Za žive in rajne župljane Tončka Demšar Alojz in Edy Pučko Janez Kosednar, obl. Oče Ivan & sin Bronco Balažic For good health for the families 10:00 A.M. Demšar-Scarcelli Elka Peršin z družino Žena Hema z družino Jenny Antolin z družino Slovenian School PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 9. MAJ Pahomij, puščavnik † †† Edward Žekš Slavica in Frank Župan V zahvalo sv. Janezu Bosku za zdravje 7:00 P.M. Žena Gerda z družino Mira Kwasniewska Helena Anica Miklavčič TOREK - TUESDAY 10. MAJ - Job, sv. mož † Jože Vuk V zahvalo za srečno pot 8:00 A.M. Marija Hočevar Lojzka Saje SREDA - WEDNESDAY 11. MAJ Estela, mučenka †† † † Marija in Ivan Ray Marija Zelko Marija Šlebič 7:00 P.M. Štefan in Gizella Ray Marija in Rudi Horvat Marija in Rudi Horvat ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 12. MAJ Leopold Mandič, red. Pankracij, muč †† †† † †† † Janez in Marija Erzar in sestra Anica Pokojni iz družine Kološa Ivan Tompa Zofija in Mihael Ferenčak August Žalik 7:00 P.M. Družina Erzar Majda Salajko Sestra Agata in družina Alojz Ferenčak z družino Alojz Ferenčak z družino PETEK - FRIDAY 13. MAJ Fatimska M. Božja M. Mazzarello, †† †† †† † †† Vsi pokojni farani Genorija, Tončka in Albin Ivan in Ana Šemen Blaž Čulig Max in Maksimilian Sagadin 7:00 P.M. Tone in Marija Bukvič Betty Gimpelj z dru. Sin Ivan z družino Ladislav Salajko Julija Sagadin z družino SOBOTA SATURDAY 14. MAJ Bonifacij, muč. † †† † †† †† † † Za verne duše v vicah Za srečo v zakonu: Diana & Jeffrey Jurij Madronich Janez in Terezija Prša Štefan Prša Pokojni iz družine Balažic Pokojni Ftičar Barbara Penezič Vera Staniša 9:15 A.M. 1:00 P.M. 5:30 P.M. N.N. Poročna maša Family Terezija Prša z družino Terezija Prša z družino Matilda Bratuž Joe Ftičar z družino Sonja in Andy Bubaš Pepca Hapke BINKOŠTI - PENTECOST 15. MAJ Zofija (Sonja), mučenka † † Za žive in rajne župljane Martina Kolar Ivan Mertuk 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. Družina Groznik Stanko Žerdin SVETE MAŠE - MASSES Od 8. 5. 2016 Do 15. 5. 2016