Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished1 American Home over 100 years of serving American- Slo.venians Vol. 107, No. 12 American Home Ameriška Domovi n a< SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER USPS 024100 •ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 24, 2005 Phone: (216) 431-0628 e-mail: ah@buckeyevveb.com 70{ St. Mary’s pastor, Rev. John Kumse, blesses Easter food (Photo by JO ANN KA1FESH) Blessing of Easter Food An Eastern European tradition, including Slovenian, that has become quite popular in most parishes in the United States is the blessing of Easter food on Holy Saturday. In the traditional food basket for Easter are certain foods. Easter bread or potica is symbolic of Jesus, the true bread of life. It is usually a round loaf symbolic of the crown of thorns. Sausage is a sign of God’s favor and generosity. Horseradish is symbolic of the nails that pierced the hands and feet of Jesus during His bitter passion. Eggs are a sign of resurrection and new life. Salt, necessary for flavor, is a reminder of our Christian duty to help one another. Wine is blessed as a reminder of the moderation that Christians should have in all things. Ham and other meat is a sign of the great joy and abundance of Easter and God’s mercy to us. Butter, often shaped into a figure of a lamb or small cross, reminds us of the goodness of God that we should find in all things. If you have not yet made the blessing of Easter food a part of your family’s holiday celebration, why not begin this year? St. Mary’s (Collinwood) and St. Vitus pastors bless Easter food on Holy Saturday afternoon, March 26 at 1 and 3 p.m. Slovenian Easter Services St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Slovenian Mass and procession will be at 7 a.m. English Masses will be celebrated at 9 a.m. and 12 noon. There will be NO 10 a.m. Mass on Easter Sunday. Those who have Slove-uian narodne nose (Slovenian National Cos- tumes) are asked to join in the Easter sunrise procession and Mass at 7 a.m. on Easter St. Vitus Traditional Slovenian Sunrise Easter Mass with procession will be held at 7 a.m. on Easter Sunday morning. All who have Slovenian national attire are asked to come to Mass in their narodne noše and participate in the procession. Masses will also be held at 9 a.m. in English and 10:30 a.m. in Slovenian. At 11:30 a.m. there will be Solemn Litany and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Every man is born to one possession which outvalues all his others — his last breath. —Mark Twain Attorney Paul Hribar 91, Passes Away Paul Hribar, 91, passed away on Friday morning, March 18, 2005 at his home in Euclid, Ohio. An attorney, Mr. Hribar traveled to his law office in Euclid each day to offer legal expertise to his many clients. A Mass of Christian Burial was held on Tuesday, March 22 in Holy Cross Church in Euclid where Mr. Hribar had been a longtime parishioner. Main celebrant of the Mass was Bishop A. Edward Pevec who gave an excellent homily based on the wholesome life of Mr. Hribar. Holy Cross pastor, Rev. John McNulty was cocelebrant. Near the conclusion of Mass, eulogies were given in tribute to the wonderful and caring life of Mr. Hribar. Law partner Michael P. Lavigna, Jr., spoke about Mr. Hribar’s commitment to helping others. Daughters photographer Nancy Matz and Janet Hull, R.N., of Philadelphia also spoke glowingly on the remarkable enthusiasm and vitality of their 91-year-old father. Daughter, attorney Joyce Fiebig read the epistle at Mass. The offerings were presented by grandchildren. Lance Corporal (USMC) was flown in from Iraq, dressed in Marine Corps, blues, served as a pallbearer. Paul Hrbar, Cleveland Law School, Class of 1941, was a man of matchless energy. He loved to travel, especially with his friend, Agnes Turk. Even a few weeks before his death, he proudly sailed with his son Buzz on the Queen Mary. He told friends he had traveled on all the Queen Mary ships. Mr. Hribar had a world map in his office. He put little red pins on places he had visited both as a civilian and as part of his military life. Mourners who came to the Jakubs Funeral Home were amazed to see the map was filled with hundreds of red pins. There were few places that Mr. Hribar had not seen. In an article printed in the May 20, 1999 edition of the American Home, Mr. Hribar spoke about returning from a vacation in Las Vegas, he looked forward to visiting California in June and seeing Paul J. Hribar what Iceland was all about in September. Remember, he was in his 80s at the time. Mr. Hribar was bom in Cleveland and raised in the Slovenian neighborhood around St. Clair and East 65"' Street. He was the grandson of Josef Turk, the first Slovenian settler in Ohio, and nephew of a legendary Slovenian Catholic priest, Vitus Hribar, founder of St. Vitus Church, the largest Slovenian Church in America. He was named for an uncle, Father Paul Hribar, pastor of St. Joseph’s Church. At age two, Paul’s parents moved to the Collinwood area of Cleveland where he learned to love the different cultures found there and took an interest in the lives of people in the community. He graduated from Cathedral Latin High School and in 1937 from John Car-roll University. In 1941 Mr. Hribar graduated from Cleveland Law School, and as luck would have it, war broke out at the end of the year and he entered the U.S. Coast Guard Academy - one When one includes Social Security and Medicare, the net present value of all future liabilities in the United States is $71 trillion. This comes out to $240,677 for every man, woman and child in the United States. In an effort to deal with this empire destroying crisis, Congress is addressing this issue by: of 200 out of a thousand judged to be “officer material.” From 1942 until 1946 “four years and 11 days,” he said, he was the commanding officer of sh' 's sailing the oceans of the world as part of the North Atlantic Convoy during a time when the German navy was busy sinking ships in the Atlantic. Returning home in 1946 Hribar began developing the law practice that focused on, but not confined to, real estate law. In search of a mate he chose and married in 1949 the niece of Monsignor Bartholomew Ponikvar, Mary Ann. Paul’s wife, who had come to this country when she was 18, learned English, finished high school, and put herself through nursing school, died 21 years ago. They had five children. An ardent golfer Mr. Hribar initiated, together with good friend Franklin Polk, a money-raising golf tournament for the County Bar Association which is still functioning to this day. Mr. Hribar also took an interest in many Slovenian-related activities and was seen at almost every ethnic gathering. As a matter of fact, he and Agnes Turk were at the Federation of Slovenian Homes honoree banquet at the Slovenian National Home, St. Clair Ave., on Saturday evening, March 12. Paul Hribar, a restless man of unbounded enthusiasm will be greatly missed. --James V. Debevec a) having the nation’s best actuaries poring over the numbers to get a better handle on future demographic and medical trends. b) studying which areas of government spending can be eliminated to produce a 20% overall decrease in expenditures. c) conducting an investigation on steroid use in major league baseball. No A.H. Next Week There will be no American Home (Ameriška Domovina) printed next week. The next edition will be dated Thursday, April 7. $71,000,000000,000 deficit AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 24, 2005 * AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly, except 1st week in July and 1 week after Christmas, for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 12 March 24, 2005 A special wtih/of Ea&t&r to-AU/Keaderyof A meriskay V&movCnaJ May Our Kiier/ Lord/ blew Your dxtyyxuifapeace/ard/hape/aYid/love/, and/ bring' happ Lnew ter your heart. You/wCU/be/remembered/irva/ipecCab Holy Maw OYvEatfzr Sunday by the SaZeyCan/ PrLeyty and/ 8 rothery. The worst sin toward our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them: that’s the essence of inhumanity. -George Bernard Shaw Easter Plants - Corsages - Fruit Baskets' EASTER BASKETS - Bunnies Louis Slapnik & Son JFJL^OJRTST1 6102 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland Phone: 431-1126 City Wide and Suburb Delivery A Most Happy and Joyous Easter to All! Happy Easter to All Our Customers! Perkins Restaurant 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216-732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster Jim’s Journal By Jim Debevec A short story about death and rebirth. A little while ago a lady asked me how my evergreen tree was doing. 1 had previously written about the tree which kept falling over during Northern Ohio’s Fierce winds. I had replanted it almost a dozen times, each time a little deeper and with more bricks and discarded cement blocks and dirt around it to keep it in place. I even tied rope around the top and strung it to solid trees to hold it in place, but to no avail. Well, the tree blew down again last fall and there it lies a place of shelter for the squirrels, chip-monks, deer, birds, ducks, ants, butterflies, bees, sunning groundhog, and anything else that moves in the forest. I’m not picking it up again. Not after what happened to Madeline’s second cousin Kevin Kaifesh of Mentor, Ohio last fall. He and some friends were raking leaves during a wind- storm and all of a sudden a tree uprooted and landed on him, breaking just about every bone in his body, puncturing his lungs and he ended up in the hospital for months and he is still mending at home. Mother nature blew down my evergreen tree in the woods in back of our house and who am I to refute her wishes. It wasn’t much of a tree anyhow, with half of its branches missing. It grew maybe 15 feet higher since I began replanting it and I’ll consider it a victory of sorts. Every Christmas season we admire the evergreen trees decorated in the Slovenian churches of St. Vitus, St. Paul’s and St. Mary’s. My “Charley Brown tree” was so skimpy that I knew Fr. Joseph Boznar, Fr. John Kumse, or Fr. Bill Jerse could not possibly want it in their sacristies. So my rejected, drooping, and dead evergreen tree sits in the woods forlorn, abandoned and shedding its few needles. Here is the good news. On Sunday we saw the return of the three ducks to the Euclid Creek behind the woods, and on Monday, on the way to work, I saw a robin jumping about in patches of grass left uncovered by the thawing snow. Everybody knows they are a sign that Spring and warmer weather are coming. We eagerly look forward it with great anticipation. TAX TIME IS HERE Come In or Call Us for an Appointment Cleveland Accounting Service 6218 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 881-5158 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina HOW BLONDE IS SHE? (Sent by a reader, author unknown - since there are no true blonde Slovenian ladies maybe I can get away with these jokes) She was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Blonde... □ She thought a quarterback was a refund □ She thought General Motors was in the U.S. Army □ She thought Meow Mix was a CD for cats □ At the bottom of an application where it says ‘Sign here:’ she wrote ‘Sagittarius’ □ She took the ruler to bed to see how long she slept □ She sent a fax with a stamp on it □ Under ‘education’ on her job application, she put ‘Hooked on Phonics.’ □ She tripped over a cordless phone □ She spent 20 minutes looking at the orange juice container because it said ‘concentrate’ □ She told me to meet her at the comer of ‘WALK’ □ She tried to put M&M’s in alphabetical order □ She sold the car for gas money □ When she missed bus # 44 she took bus #22 twice □ When she drove to the airport and saw a sign that ‘Airport Left’, she turned around and drove back home Q When she read that 90% of all crimes occur around the home, she moved □ She had a shirt that said ‘TGIF’, which she thought stood for ‘This Goes In Front’ A BLESSED EASTER TO ALL OF YOU! REJOICE AND HAVE A LAUGH! f" j| j o;!« fWtbv ..j.ji'.O'.'iw! itlf ^ V I.'. 'Ml ^ emoH leianu^ mCUQD Žakelj Family Chronicle by ANTON ŽAKELJ, Translated and edited by JOHN ŽAKELJ (Mama - Continued) She was so confident that God would protect her that she was never afraid to express her opinions. Later, when other people were being jailed for what they said, we would warn her about the dangers of speaking too openly. But she would reply: “What can they do to me if what I’m saying is true?” She was convinced that God would not abandon honest people. Her confidence in God was based on her infinite faith, and her reading of the bible and the lives of the saints. She believed that people should never question any of the church’s teachings. This belief sometimes led to disagreements with Ata. Ata was a board member of our local Savings and Loan cooperative. The parish pastor was the chairman of the board. Ata noticed that things were not always being run as they should, and he would sometimes argue with the pastor about this. Ata never said anything to Mama about this. But she would learn about it from others, and she would ask what they argued about. Ata never answered those kinds of questions. If Mama started to preach that we all had to love each other and get along, he would stand up and leave the table. I had the impression that Mama was not happy in her marriage. She often advised her children not to get married: “Get along with each other, stay home and work together,” she would tell us. This may have been partly due to her 35-year respiratory illness and the need to have someone help take care of her. Mama and Ata were like all the other parents in those days: not once did they scandalize us with an open kiss or hug. Even when they talked to each other, they never showed any sign of affection for each other. Like most other parents those days, they would usually address each other with just a simple, “Listen” or some-thing similar, never calling each other by name. In front us, they referred to each other as “ata” or “mama.” As we were growing up, it was 'mpcfssible for her children t0 make a sudden shift from dieir primitive, puritanical traditions towards any public displays of affections. Nevertheless, Mama was deeply hurt whenever her children did not show their ove for her. Once, when she was very sick, she told me she would really like to have an orange. I ran to all the stores in Ziri and I bicycled to the nearby towns of Rovte and Logatec, but it was Sunday and the stores'* were closed everywhere. In Logatec, they told me the only place I could get an orange would be in Ljubljana, at the market the following day. I would have gone on to Ljubljana, but I knew that Ata would have been very worried if I didn’t return home that evening. So I came back - without an orange. I didn’t want to bother her with any excuses, so I didn’t say anything. But she was hurt and said that 1 must not like her because I couldn’t fulfill her wish. After my youngest brother Janez was bom, Mama stayed in bed for some time. I was very worried about her but I didn’t go to her room to see her for a week, maybe because I was worried about what I might see. Again, she said I must not like her, since I did not come to see her when she was near death. Mama taught us to live according to the bible, and that’s how she lived her own life. She often reminded us not to return evil with evil: “If someone strikes you on the right cheek, show him your left.” Or, “Help whenever and whomever you can, but if you can’t help, leave people in peace.” From her faith she also drew her national consciousness. Since she was convinced that all government power was divine power, and that all kings and emperors were God’s representatives on earth, she was very critical of the assassination of Archduke Franc Ferdinand and his wife Sofia in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914. She believed it was right for Austria to declare was on Serbia as punishment for this crime. She said, “My God, what would this world come to if any criminal could assassinate our divinely appointed leaders?” She was a faithful citizen of Austria-Hungary, and when the emperor Franc Jozef died in 1916, she said she would go pay her respects if the visitation were not so far away. (To Be Continued) FISH FRY Every Friday by Auxiliary of the Slovenian Workmen’s Home 15335 Waterloo-Cleveland Fish - Shrimp -Pork Chops Goulash, etc. Take-outs: 216-481-5378 Do You Believe in Angels? 3 Who are our guardian angels? “No evil shall befall you, nor shall affliction come near your tent. For to his angels God has given command about you. That they guard you in all your ways. Upon their hands they will bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone. ” (Psalm 91:10-12). A guardian angel is a heavenly spirit assigned by God to watch over each of us during our lives. The doctrine of angels is part of the church’s tradition. The role of the guardian angel is both to guide us to good thoughts, works, words, and preserve us from evil. http://www.catholic.org/saints/angel.php The following is part of an e-mail sent to one of the deacons at St. Columbkille Church by his daughter. She is a surgical nurse in the United States Army, serving in Iraq since early January. Any reference to names or places has intentionally been deleted. “... The Army moved into a renovated building that is cement so we are safe there. The old building was bombed. Great story. One part of the building was hit by a rocket, the blast created holes in the laboratory. From the dark you could see light shining from the holes in the walls. The female lab tech standing there was not touched. The holes if you connect the dots form a silhouette of an angel. Her angel was standing there,outsiders the rocket hit and protected her. Gave me chills when they told me and showed me the rubble..” Special thanks to the deacon and his daughter for granting permission to share this experience with us. We pray that the guardian angels of his daughter and all members of our military may keep them from all harm and return them to their loved ones soon as possible. --St. Vitus Catholic War Veterans newsletter Hospitality is Bred in Slovenia Slovenians: People with good taste HAPPY AND BLESSED EASTER TO ALL! West Park Slovenian Club 4583 West 130 St. 941-3224 Halls for Rent SMALL and BIG We Cater Weddings Banquets, Company Parties, Wakes, etc. OPEN DAILY 11:00 to 11:00 LUNCHEON SPECIALS SPORTS CLUB We Back All Teams Softball Darts, Golf Outings, Bowling, Volleyball POLKA DANCING FRIDAY & SUNDAY Upper Ballroom Buffet Set-Up West Park Slovenian National Home Cordially Invites You to VISIT US 41811». Happy Easter from the staff of JAKUBS & SON FUNERAL HOME 936 E. 185 St., Cleveland 531-7770 JAKUBS - DANAHER FUNERAL HOME 36000 Lake Shore Blvd. Eastlake 953-4600 GOLDEN RULE Funeral Home AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 24, 2005 ŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 24, 2005 Mlakar Walks Down Memory Street A Bit of Irish Humor by RAY MLAKAR 2 w s < First and foremost here is hoping that everyone has a pleasant and Blessed Easter and if nothing else, St. Peter was tuned in when I suggested to him that he let up on the snow. Spring is here and here is hoping that with each, passing day the temperature will move up a degree jor two. Special thanks go out to Jim Debevec for if you noticed in the last issue, Jim inserted a photo of “Happy Harry.” As luck would have it when I was reading the paper, Harry was sitting on my lap and spotted his photo atid currently thinks that now fob is two steps above Lassie. When I turn on my computer, his full sized colored photo appears on my desktop computer monitor, and he is generally there beside me and admires his reflection on the monitor. I imagine he is saying “Monitor on the screen, who is the fairest dog of all?” Rather than wrote about my usual walk, will relay an e-mail message I received from one of the retired Colonels, Regular Army, that I served with while working with the Reserves in the late 1950s. It is one of those stories that tug at the heart and deals with a mother and her six-year-old son in Phoenix, Arizona. In Phoenix, Arizona, a 26-year-old mother stared down at her six-year-old son who was dying of terminal leukemia. Although her heart was filled with sadness, she also had a strong feeling of determination. Like any parent she wanted her son to grow up and fulfill all his dreams. Now that was no longer possible. The leukemia would see to that. But she wanted her son’s dreams to come true. She took her son’s hand and asked, “Billy, did you think about what you wanted to be once you grew up? Did you ever dream and wish what you would do with your life?” He said, “Mommy, I always wanted to be a fireman when I grow up.” Mom smiled back and said, “Let’s see if we can make your wish come true.” Later that day she went to her local fire department in Phoenix where she met Fireman Bob who had a heart as big as Phoenix. She explained her son’s final wish and asked if it might be possible to giver her six-year-old son a ride around the block on a fire engine. Fireman Bob said, “Look, we can do better than that. If you will have your son ready at seven o’clock Wednesday morning, we’ll make him an |L__ honorary fireman for the whole day. He can come down to the fire station, eat with us, go out on all the fire calls, the whole nine yards. And if you’ll give us his sizes, we’ll get a real fire uniform for him and a real fire hat - not just a toy one -with the emblem of the Phoenix Fire Department on it, a yellow slicker like we wear, and rubber boots. They’re all manufactured right here in Phoenix, so we can get them fast. Three days later Fireman Bob picked up Billy, dressed him in his uniform and escorted him from his hospital bed to the waiting hook and ladder truck. Billy got to sit on the back of the truck and help steer it back to the fire station. He was in heaven. There were three fire calls in Phoenix that day and Billy got to go out on all three calls. He rode in different fire engines, the paramedic’s van, and even the chiefs car. He was videotaped for the local news program. Having his dream come true with all the love and attention that was lavished upon him, so deeply touched Billy that he lived three months longer than any doctor thought possible. One night all of his vital signs began to drop dramatically and the head nurse, who believed in the hospice concept that no one should die alone, began to call the family members to the hospital. Then she remembered the day Billy had spent as a fireman. So she called the Fire Chief and asked if it would be possible to send a fireman in uniform to the hospital to be with Billy as he made his transition. The chief replied, “ We can do better than that. WE will be there in five minutes. Will you please do me a favor? When you hear the sirens screaming and see the flashing lights, will you announce over the PA system that there is not a fire? It’s just the fire department coming to see one of its finest members one more time. And will you open the windows to his room? After five minutes a hook and ladder fire truck arrived at the hospital and extended its ladder up to Billy’s third firefighters climbed up the ladder to Billy’s room. With his mother’s permission, they hugged him and held him and told him how much they loved him. With his dying breath, Billy looked up at the Fire Chief and said, “Chief, am I really a fireman now?” “Billy, you are, and the Head Chief, Jesus, is holding your hand.” With those words, Billy smiled and said, “I know.” He’s been holding my hand all day and the angels have been singing.” He closed his eyes one last time. In closing let’s continue to uplift one another. Stop telling God how big your storm is, instead, tell your storm how big God is. May the Good Lord bless and watch over all of you. Next week, more hints and some jokes to wash away the tears. An old man living alone in South Armagh, whose only son was in Long Kesh Prison, didn’t have anyone to dig his garden for his potatoes. So he wrote to his son about his predicament. The son sent the reply, “For heaven’s sake, don’t dig the garden up, that’s where I buried the guns.” At 3 a.m. the next morning, a dozen British soldiers turned up and dug the garden for three hours, but didn’t find any guns. Confused, the man wrote to his son telling him what had happened, asking what he should do now. The son sent the reply “Now you can plant the potatoes.” An older man walks into Murphy’s Pub with three women and announces, “I’ll give any man a sovereign to marry my 20-year-old daughter; I’ll give you 10 sovereigns to marry my 30-year-old daughter; and to marry my 40-year-old daughter, I’ll give you a hundred sovereigns.” At first there was nothing but silence, until a voice from the back of the room said, “Have you got a daughter about 80 ” Karel Klesin Driver Karl with a “K” Taxi Service No Trip is Too Big or Small Call For Fast Service Anytime - Day or Night 216-235-5243 What is a Good Režonja Wine Deadline? Deadline has its origin in the infamous Confederate prison camp at Andersonville during the Civil War. There the deadline was a line marked 17 feet from the camp fence. Any prisoner who crossed that line was shot dead by the guards. It seems that newspaper reporters and editors were the first to use the word in its present sense of a time when a task must be finished. They applied it to the time when a story had to be completed; if the story wasn’t in by that time, it was in effect killed or dead for that edition. Anna was driving home from one of her business trips in Arizona when she saw an elderly Navajo woman walking on the side of the road. Anna stopped the car and asked the Navajo woman if she would like a ride. With a silent nod of thanks, the woman got into the car. Resuming the journey, Anna tried in vain to make a bit of small talk with the Navajo woman. The old woman just sat silently, looking intently at every- thing she saw, studying every little detail, until she noticed a brown bag on the seat next to Anna. “What’s in the bag?” asked the old woman. Anna looked down at the brown bag and said, “It’s a bottle of fine Režonja wine I purchased when in California. I got it for my husband.” The Navajo woman said, “Good trade.” This joke came from none other than Phil Hrvatin, There is no key to happiness. The door is always open. ______________________ -From St. Mary’s Alumni news □ EUCLIDm TRAVEL 22078 Lake Shore Blvd, Euclid, Ohio Expand your horizons call Euclid Travel Happy Easter VESELA - VELIKA NOČ Donna - Helen - Mary - Marilyn Pat - Jeanne - Kathy - buddy floor open window and 16 —Donna Lucas, Owner (216) 261-1050 1-800-659-2662 ■ Button Box Bash, -- A Music Lovers Delight Put a little musical sunshine in your life by attending Super Button Box Bash 23. The program, sponsored by SNPJ Youth Circle 2, will take place on Sunday, April 3 with continuous music in two halls, from 1 to 9 p.m., at Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue in Euclid, Ohio. The entertainment will be provided by 14 button accordion groups. A concert by the Slovenian Junior Chorus °f Circle 2 is at 3 p.m. The 20 youngsters will sing and Perform Slovenian folk dances. The children were voted the 2004 Cultural/Heritage award by the Polka Hall of Fame. As part of the show, Ken Zalar and the Captain’s Crew, “Button Box Group of the Year,” will play, and Ron Likovič, “Button Box Individual of the Year,” will be featured. Another highlight will be a live performance with Kathy Vogt of St. Catharines, Canada, with selections from her new album, “The Girl Next Door.” Appearing with Kathy are the vocalists heard on the album, Dave Skrajner and Dan Woj-tila. Enjoy the music by local bands and button box bands from Detroit, Pittsburgh, Barberton, and Youngstown. For more information call (216) 531-7168 or (440) 944-7303. Performers are: But- tonaires, Captain’s Crew, Euclid Squeezeboxers, Happy Timers, Hoboes, Magic Buttons, Magic City Button Box Showcase, Mahoning Valley Button Box Club, Northern Ohio Players, Dan Novinc & Friends, SNPJ Northern Home Button Box Club, SNPJ Western Pennsylvania Button Box Club, Kathy Zamejc-Vogt & Ensemble, and more. —Cecilia Dolgan Circle 2 Director Happy Easter to AH Readers of [^Ameriška Domovina! I Tamburitzan Concert The internationally famous Duquesne University Tamburitzans return to Greater Cleveland with a brand new two-hour musical pageant of music, songs and dances on Sunday, April 24, beginning at 3 p.m. at Euclid Senior High School on East 222nd Street. Tamburitzan concert tickets are $12.00 on the main floor and lower balcony, and $10.00 per seat in the upper balcony. Tickets can be purchased at the Polka Hall of Fame located at 605 E. 222nd St., Euclid. In a two-part presentation, The Tamburitzans capture the indomitable spirit of Eastern Europe and neighboring cultures. Language (a dozen or more are used) is no barrier, as these emotions strike a universal chord: joy at a wedding, sorrow over lost love, pride in a plentiful harvest. Through music and movement, The Tamburitzans portray the human experience with passion and be-lievability. Stimburys Accounting Accounting & Income Tax Semices 496 E. 200th St. Euclid, OH 44119 (216)404-0990 Fax (216) 404-0992 taxtime@en.com http.V/stimburysaccounting. com Enrolled to Practice Before the Internal Revenue Service Servicing Individuals Corporations & Small Businesses. Happy Taiter SHELLI'S RESTAURANT 6106 St. Clair Avenue (216) 431-1126 Take Out A variable Old friends, like old wines, don’t lose their flavor. - Jewish proverb & 'Pofikz IQtdia America’s longest running daily show since 1961 2 Hours Daily 3-5 pm / Saturdays 12-2 pm Hollander Worid Travel, 971 East 185th St, Cleveland OH 44119 and Harbortowne Point, Fairport Harbor Simulcast in Lake County on Ch. 99 Comcast Cable and Worldon-linewww.247polkaheaven.com (216)481-8669 or(216) 952-8669 TONY PETKOVSEK’S over 40 Years on Radio “Greatest Polka Music Variety” “At the pulse of an ever busy polka and Slovenian Community'' Offering complete Community News Daily and phone in Polka Opinion every Monday Featuring: ALICE KUHAR (Recipes and Traditions) DUKE MARSIC (Strictly Slovenian News) PATTY SLUGA (Women’s Interviews) ED OSTRY (Guest co-host) MARK SEDMAK (Alternative Music) We Wish Everyone Happy Easter! - ■ ' .. — Family Owned and Operated Since 1908 — In Time of Need — We Are Here to Help You. Licensed Funeral Directors: Richard J. Zele — Louis F. Zele, Sutton J. Girod — Louis E. Zele “Four Generations of THE ZELE FAMILY” Zele Funeral Homes, Inc. (Main Office) 452 East 152nd Street — 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 01 brif, wopniw coco AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 24, 2005 IŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 24, 2005 6 C4 tu S < HAPpy News ©©©©© We had some really strange weather for our March 9. meeting: on and off snow flurries to beat the band, and a ray of sunshine here and there, just to tease ! That did not stop people from coming out in droves. 169 HAPpy youngsters wanted to hear what Susan Kajfez, daughter-in-law of Fran and Matt Kajfez, had to say about Discount Drugs of Canada, and their programs for seniors. A BIG help, if you have no medication coverage with your insurance. Very informative presentation! A silent prayer was observed for our deceased - George Abbott, father of our Holmes Hall honoree Deanna Miklich; honorary member Joyce LeNassi; and Mike Marinch, brother of AI. May they rest in peace. Our deepest sympathy to the families. Get-well wishes were sent to Mary Jagodnik, Mary Jevnikar, Frances Klemenčič, Esther Podboy, Adolph Rebol, Lucy Romih, Julie Sadar, and Josephine Wuitchett. Louise Jagodnik is now a resident of Slovenian Home for Aged on Neff Rd.; and would be delighted to have visitors. Bet she'll be happy to see us after April 13. meeting, when we have a songfest at the Home. We follow the Zarja chorus, around 3pm, so tune up those pipes! We’ll have some competition there... Happy Birthday was sung to several members: many, many more! Happy Anniversary wishes go to Joyce and Mike Segulin, celebrating 40 yrs of wedded bliss. Na zdravje! A BIG welcome 1o our newest member Rosemary Semenchuck! Hope you find many new friends among us. Warm thanks to Myra Jerkič and Marian Bocian for conducting such fine 50/50 raffle. Lilllian Dombrowski also pitched in as the "gofer", so Myra could rest her knee a little. Fran Kajfez reported on several trips: Fallsview Casino and Green Lakes Resort tours are booked solid, but there is always a wait list. A tour of "Cleveland by Land and Water", $ 54.75 PP.was filled in a FLASH!!!! It has a waitlist also, so there’s always hope...An Amish tour is planned for Friday, Sept. 30, so we can also go to the flea market. Those markets only open on weekends. More details will be announced. At the February meeting, special Birthday proclamations were given to June Kalamaz, Molly Strunge, Jay Swartz, and Helen Wujnovich. We don't publicize the ages; let's just say "welcome to the honorary roster"! (which, by the way, has 113 members). We still have 53 on the waiting list. We must have something special going for us, with everyone so patiently waiting for "the call". A big THANK YOU to Mary Blatnik and Al Somrak, who filled in for vacationing Ruthie and Ed. Morel. We feasted on delicious "sloppy Joes" and fixin's. Next month is "Pastry Time"! If you missed the sign-up sheet, just surprise us! There is always room for more goodies. And who cares to count calories, anyhoo? Remember: May 1, 2005 is our Annual Dinner Dance. Tickets are $18.00 PP, for a great dinner of grilled-chicken, roast beef, and all the trimmings. Tables of 8 may be reserved; just get your tickets first. Call Matt Z., and get a special deal of 2 for $36.00! Doors open as usual at 1pm; dinner at 2pm; and Ray Polantz will play for your listening and dancing pleasure from 3-7 pm. Deadline for tickets is April 22. All Members, Friends and Guests are welcome. Some great pictures from our February "Mock Wedding" were on display by the stage, courtesy of Carl Schultz. That man is so talented! Prints them on his computer, and even makes borders and captions. The "stars" were able to take them home as souvenirs after the meeting. Thank you, Carl, you're terrific! Just have to share this cute joke John K. read to us: A blonde was speeding down the road, and gets stopped by a police- woman, also a blonde. She is asked to produce her driver's license. She searches and searches in her purse, to no avail. Finally, she asks, frustrated: 'What does it look like" The cop says: "It's small and square, with your picture on it!" The blonde finds a small square mirror, looks at herself in it, nods satisfied, and hands it to the officer. She also looks at the mirror, hands it back to the blonde, and says: "OK, I’ll let you go this time. I didn't know you were a cop, too!" Boy, did we laugh! Hope each and everyone of you has a blessed, and happy Easter! Just take it easy with the "pirhe" and "klobase". Gotta watch that cholesterol... HAP — Happy Easter — to our customers, relatives, friends “Vesela Velika Noč“ 'SomraHi %itcfiens . CUSTOM CABINET DESIGN CENTER Somrak^ adds his personal touch . . to all of his custom kitchen designs. At SOMRAK S, we take the time to listen to your needs and expectations so you will have the most efficient working room in your home. From design to installation your satisfaction is ensured 26201 Richmond Road HOURS M-F 9-5 SAI 9-! Visit Our Showroom Bedford Heights.Ohio 464-6500 EVENING BV APPOINTMENT I 1 » t < #tr it j*«r 4? «»«.• 4 j aaj a »* e ?&&&**# imiiiihw Coming Events Fish Fries every Friday during Lent in the Slovenian National Home Club Room, 6409 St. Clair Ave. (rear). Serving 5:30 to 8:30. Take outs available. Friday, March 25 Dance at West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland beginning at 7:30 p.m. Also - Fish Fries and regular dinners from noon to 8:30 p.m. Friday, March 25 Waterloo Slovenian Home, Ladies Auxiliary Fish Fries 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. Fish -Shrimp - Pork Chops, Goulash, etc. Take-outs call (216)481-5378. Tuesday, March 29 St. Vitus Catholic War Veterans Post 1655 anniversary dinner-reverse raffle in St. Vitus School Hall. Further information or tickets call Richard Mott (216) 531-4556. Sunday, April 3 Collinwood Slovenian Home, holds “Breakfast Time” includes eggs, sausage, bacon, hash browns, toast, coffee from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. Donation $6.00. Sunday, April 3 Super Button Box Bash from. 1 to 9 p.m. in Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, Ohio. Saturday, April 23 St. Vitus Slovenian School perfonn play “Žogica • Nogica” in honor of Mother’s Day in parish auditorium. Tuesday, April 26 Meeting of Bishop Baraga ad hoc committee in St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) Slovenian Room, 7 p.m. Any persons interested in helping with the Cleveland Labor Day Baraga Weekend are also cordially invited. Saturday, April 30 Slovenian chorus Korotan benefit dinner-concert, 6 p.m., in Slovenian National-Home, St. Clair Ave. Dance to follow; music by Stan Mejac. Saturday, April 30 Zarja Singing Society Spring Concert titled, “My Big Fat Slovenian Honeymoon” at Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, OH. Dinner 5 - 6:30; concert at 7 p.m. and Jeff pecon Orchestra provides dance music beginning at 8 p.m. Tickets $20 Call (216) 531-5542 or (440) 257-2540. Sunday, May 1 Annual Dinner-Dance of Holmes Ave. Pensioners at Coll. Slov. Home, 15810 Holmes Ave. Dinner at 2 p.m. Dancing to Ray Polantz 3-7 p.m. For tickets see members or call (216) 531-2088 or (440) 943-3784. Everyone welcome. Wednesday, July 13 Annual Picnic of Holmes Ave. Pensioners Club at VFW #4358 on White Rd. (between Bishop & Rockefeller Rds.) noon until 6 p.m-Everyone welcome. Free admission. Food & refreshments available. Fred Ziwich plays for dancing 2:30 to 4:30. Jam session follows. More information call 440-943-3784. Sunday, July 24 St. Vitus Slovenian School annual Summer Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Satur day, Aug. 27 Kres Dancers perform at Slovenian National Home. Labor Day Weekend Bishop Baraga gathering in Cleveland, Ohio. Laugh every day. It’s like mental jogging. -from St. Mary’s Alumni news d/ifosserf Casfez QVisAes yjwm t/uj dxer alive (3ofrtfnillr’<’, d/šoazfl o/dJuislex's a/ul cA{c/nA&Ts Slovenian American Heritage Foundation Slovensko Ameriški Kulturni Svet L. i‘4.Tr-TT Slovenian Potica This dough recipe listed in the original cookbook neglected to mention that it is an icebox dough, which you make the day before and let rise in the refrigerator overnight. This is our old family recipe for potica, nut roll that we make for the holidays (usually Christmas and Easter). It is a big job, but makes 6-8 loaves (This is a double recipe). Try the finished potica with a piece of ham, like Grandpa used to do. Ingredients: Dough: 8 C flour 6 T sugar 3 t salt 1 C butter 1 pint sour cream 2 large cakes of yeast Vi C warm water 2 t sugar 6 egg yolks, beaten (reserve whites for filling) Filling: 3 lbs. walnuts, ground 1 C butter 2 egg yolks, 8 egg whites 2 C scalded milk 2 C sugar Vi C honey (in scalded milk) 1 t cinnamon 1 egg yolk (to brush over loaves) Lemon juice Directions: Place flour in large bowl and add salt, sugar, butter,! beaten eggs and sour cream. Cut in the butter as for pie crust.! Dissolve yeast and sugar in warm water, let stand until it! foams. Mix egg yolks and sour cream, add foaming yeast.! Make a dent in the flour mixture and add the wet egg-yeast \ mixture. Knead until dough is pliant, about 10 minutes.! Place dough in a large bowl, grease the top with butter, cover ! and put in the refrigerator overnight. Scald the milk and add the honey. Cut butter into the ! nuts. Add lemon juice, egg yolks, cinnamon, vanilla and, sugar to nuts. Pour scalded milk mixture over nuts and fold ! until butter melts. Add 1 T sugar to egg whites and beat until, stiff. Fold egg whites into the nut mixture. Set aside while , you roll the dough. Take the dough out and allow to come to room, temperature, about 2 hours, before beginning to roll. Roll ! dough out on floured cloth to 14 inch (or less) thickness. ! Spread the nut mixture over the dough. Sprinkle raisins, if! desired. Sprinkle sugar over this dough mixture. Roll in jelly ! roll fashion. Place in greased pan. Prick loaves with large i fork, cover and let rise for 1.5 hours in a warm place. Brush ! tops with egg yolk and bake at 350 for 30 minutes, then turn ! oven down to 325 and bake another 30 minutes. Let the! loaves cool in the pan for 15 minutes, then cool on a rack. --Kim Ann Kaifesh ! Our Family and Friends Recipes 1 The Republic of Slovenia REPUBLIKA SLOVENIA Best Wishes for a HAPPY EASTER V Samuel Žbogar Ambassador, Embassy, Washington, DC 202-667-5363 Alenka Suhadolnik Consulate General New York, NY 212-370-3006 rt ■>««»»» General Consulate Cleveland (216)589-9220 .■■■■< yf somuh CjyL ion bib es* £9'" rx-bsy«' ',w ■ * • '. : • • > x CD’s may be ordered by contacting Tony Hauptman at (440) 446-9202 , via emailat y tvhauptman@vahoo.com or purchased at St. Vitus or St. Mary’s Church, Patria Foods or the National Cleveland Style Polka Hall of Fame Cost $ 15 each; please add $2 for shipping and handling. Also available “Iz Srca” ( “From the Heart”) a collection of Slovenian folk songs. T mmm 'i&JžtVZ:-, A:J,4z '1 kf “Wishing my patients and their families a very HAPPY EASTER!” Anton J. Ogrinc, D.D.S. Family Dentistry/Preventive Dentistry Two Convenient Locations • MAYFIELD VILLAGE 6551 Wilson Mills Rd., Suit 103 1-440-473-1920 • CLEVELAND 5227 Fleet Ave. 641-1760 Vesela Velika Noc HAPPY EASTER Brickman & Sons, Inc., Funeral Home 21900 Euclid Avenue, Euclid 481-5277 Serving Families With Dignity and Respect for over 84 years. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 24, 2005 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 24, 2005 8 Art of Making & Flying Kites by JOE GLINŠEK Synonymous with spring, kites were a passion with me as a boy and still captures my interest today. Most of mine were homemade, but occasionally I’d spend the nickel to buy a kite, mainly for the sticks, a major problem in the homemade job. It was easy to make a kite if you had proper sticks, but cutting them from slats of an orange crate really tried your patience. One of the final steps in making a kite was bending the crossbar into a bow. The wrong wood could easily snap, tear through the paper and ruin the whole job; that’s when I learned how to swear. If a store-bought kite tangles with a tree or wires, every effort was made to retrieve the precious sticks. With these, you can make a decent kite with one lesson. The longer stick will be vertical. Lay the midpoint of the short stick across the long, a third of the way down from the top of the vertical. Keep the sticks at right angels to one another and tie them securely to hold that position. (Use several windings of string in the shape of an ‘X’). If you’re using store-bought kite sticks, the ends of the sticks are slotted for string. If they are homemade, make a shallow slot across the width of the end grain with a fine hacksaw blade. Being careful not to distort the shape of the cross, run a perimeter of string through the slots from tip to tip, putting an extra few turns around each of the four tips. (This keeps the slotted ends from splitting.) Check for distortion before knotting the string on the last tip. Place this wood and string skeleton over your paper. Using it as a template, cut the paper an inch or so larger. You’re going to fold this extra paper over the string and glue it down, but first, snip back the paper at the four points so it doesn’t fold onto a stick. Without pushing or pulling the string, make and crease the folds without glue. (The string should be in its original shape after, it’s been glued under %, fold.) Glue it down. Don’t be stingy. Getting some on the string doesn’t hurt. Whoopee. You’re looking at the back of a flat kite. That was the easy part. - There is more. Remember “bending the crossbar into a bow?” Putting it through the slot and winding it around, tie a length of string to one end of the crossbar (the horizontal bending this stick to make the back of the kite concave, put a few turns of the string on the other end of the stick to hold the shape of the bow. Don’t knot it yet - the bow will need adjusting now, and maybe later. A good starting point for the amount of ‘bow’ is the space of a thumb-up hand-width (6-7”) from the center of the taut string to where the sticks cross. OK, tie it up - string is cheap, and you can use a yard or so of new string if you have to adjust the bow later. More string work - the ‘birdie.’ This is a slack loop of string attached at two points to the vertical stick at the front of the kite. The ‘flight string,’ the one that will connect you to the kite in the sky, will be attached to this bridle. For starters, the birdie will be tied to the stick (through neat pinholes in the paper) about one-fist width from the top, and twice that from the bottom; but before you tie the bottom, adjust the slack. At the level of the cross stick, the bridle should be two fist widths out from the face of the kite. Tie a small ‘loop knot’ in the bridle there - the flight line will attach to this loop. The amount of slack and the point where the flight string is attached may need adjusting later. The kite is finished, but will need a ‘tail’ to fly -more about that later. When gathering material for a kite, think “light but strong.” In the 1930s, that was a tall order, but today, there are many things that fit the bill; use your imagination. Back then, the paper bags used by dry cleaners worked best, but newspaper was OK and took glue well. You could get by with school paste or even a mix of flour and water, but mucilage was better. Once, I tried fabric, needle and thread instead of paper and glue. After hand-stitching a piece of old rayon slip to the string frame, it never flew. It’s weight would take a gale to get it aloft, and then the flight string would surely have broken under the strain. Although store-bought kites were advertised as ‘tailless,’ they didn’t fly well without a tail of some kind. Old bed sheets from the rag bag made the best tails, and tore easily and evenly into two-inch strips. Trial and error determined how many strips you knotted together to give the kite equilibrium for the prevailing wind. During March and April, there was usually a good stick) While carefully wind for, kites almost every litlMlWIWJMMMUISMIlMHWSlSUSWWH'IISHWMiMWIH'PIWSl'IWWi! day; enough wind to require long tails. A game of ‘kite war’ would be waged several times during this period. Two kids would tie thin shards of broken glass in the knots of their kite tails. The idea was to maneuver your kite’s tail into position to rub and cut the other’s kite string. This was easier said than done. Your opponent tried to evade your tail by letting out string for a sudden drop, or jerking quickly for more altitude, but the long tails eventually made a ‘kill’ -usually with more luck than skill. Often, jockeying for position caused a dual kill without cutting a string; kites would become tangled and drag each other down into the wires or trees. Good form dictated that you’d help each other retrieve their kites, or at least the sticks. Actually, we were quite civilized about these self-imposed rules. Depending on wind direction, the wars took place at either end of the two vacant lots on Saranac between E. 156 and E. 155 Sts., in Cleveland. It was a large area, except for telephone wires, obstructions were not very high. If our parents knew how dangerously imaginative we were, this game would have been strictly forbidden. Here we were, maybe 10-years-old, playing with broken glass. Who would notice the broken glass in the tails? We never advertised this fact, and aside from minor finger cuts, nothing serious happened. Our games were free, or very cheap, and lots of fun. I’ve talked to grown men doing remarkable maneuvers with their expensive, elaborate kites on Siesta Beach in Sarasota, FL. Are they having more fun than we did? I doubt it. Lenten Fish Fries St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) new community center will be the location for fish fries on Friday, March 25 from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. Fish dinners are $7.50 which includes home fries, delicious coleslaw or applesauce, dessert and coffee. Shrimp dinners are $8 and this year they will also be offering crab cake dinners for $8. Combo meals are $8. Macaroni and cheese dinners and ‘/z meals are also on the menu. Take-outs are available. - 10' ,'ljr '* II t ■ i We ’re As Near As Your Phone 486-4343 or FLO-WERS Vesele velikonočne praznike vam zeli -Terri Jarem BIG BOUQUET F 1 O K 1 S T 480 East 200 Street -Euclid OH 44119 HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! | VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE Sterle’s Slovenian Country House Restaurant 881-4181 ! Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s HAIR SALON Happy Easter! 461-7989/461-0623 5216 Wilson Mills Road Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 Happy Easter from all of us . . . When You Want to Travel... Contact the Travel Experts at HANSA TRAVEL SERVICE On the West Side visit HANSA IMPORT STORE and TRAVEL AGENCY 2717 Lorain Avenue, Cleveland 44113 631-6585 ALSO - VISIT OUR NEWL Y REMODELED PATRIA IMPORT STORE 794 E. 185th Street, Cleveland 44119 We import various Slovenian good quality wines, mineral water (Radenska), all kinds of cookies or candies, plus a large selection of audio musical cassettes from Slovenia, herbal teas, etc. STOP IN and VISIT US SOON. Ask for Boris or Suzi (216) 531-6720 A Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. 185th Area 531-7700 - EMERGENCIES-Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet and John’s Fun House) .»ii it au u n j j uv ira ,i umn* u u u ini MmiM* trn u itn » u itu mi uii u u *;i umh » u u m a« * m h m if u m m u n n n n >i H n if * « * n -J * * Death Notices PAUL J. HRIBAR Paul J. Hribar, age 91, died suddenly at home on March 18, 2005. Beloved father of Paul B., Janet (Monte) Hull, Nancy (Dennis) Matz, John V. (Cheryl), Joyce (David) Fie-big; beloved companion of Agnes E. Turk; grandfather of Lance Corporal Paul (USMC), Lucy and Annie Matz, Daniel and John Hribar, Mike and Joe Fiebig; dear brother of Dorothy Rock, and the following deceased: Laurence, Albert and Margaret Walton; uncle and great-uncle of many. Preceded in death by his wife of 35 years, Mary Ann (nee Ponikvar). WWII Veteran as a Commanding Officer in the U.S. Coast Guard. Mass of Christian Burial was on Tuesday, March 22 at Holy Cross Church at 10:30 a.m. Friends called at The Jakubs and Son, a Golden Rule Funeral Home, 936 E. 185 St., Cleveland on Sunday from 3-8 p.m., and Monday 2-5 and 7-9 p.m. Memorial donations may be made in Mr. Hribar’s name to a charity of your choice. EDWARD M. DEBEVEC Edward M. (Michael) Debevec, Jr., beloved husband of Rose (nee Leotta); loving father of Michelle, Donna, Robert, Darlene, and Diane; grandfather of 11 and great-grandfather; dear son °f Dorothy and Edward (deceased); brother of Mary Kastelic, Margie Weber, Annie Mihalek, Chuck and Dolores (deceased). Edward was a former employee at Gould Inc., and served three years as a United States Marine. Funeral services were Wednesday, March 23 at 8;45 p.m. at the Jakubs & Son, a Golden Rule Funeral Home, 936 E. 185 St. where the family received friends from 7-8:45 p.m. Donation Thanks to Tom Žnidaršič of Kirtland, OH who donated $40.00 to the Ameriška Domovina. In Loving Memory Of the 22nd Anniversary Our Mother, Grandmother and Great-Grandmother Antoinette (Nettie) Kalish nee Grdina Born June 6,1890 Died March 25,1983 Sadly missed by: daughter Carmen Grandchildren: Connie Rae Schreiber Annette Tinter Robert McBrayer Janel McBrayer Kimberle Gold and 8 great-grandsons Kevin, David, Michael, Scott Tinter David, Bryan Schreiber Ryan & Keith McBrayer In Loving Memory Margaret A. Rebol Born July 1,1929 Died April 1, 2001 Fill not your hearts with pain and sorrow, but remember me in every tomorrow. Remember the joy, the laughter, the smiles, I’ve only gone to rest awhile. Although my leaving causes pain and grief, my going has eased my hurt and given me relief. As long as I have the love of each of you, I can live my life in the hearts of all of you Marion (Roy) - husband (dec.) Margie (daughter) Mike (son) Marianne (daughter-in-law) Matt and Danny (grandsons) Zele Funefal Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 vdhecf aričTtipera felčf siridč TS08 : : ; Michelangelo Visits D.C. (NAPS)—An exhibit featuring Michelangelo’s original 18-foot model of the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome is on exhibit through May 2005 at the Pope John Paul 11 Cultural Center in Washington, D.C. The “Creating St. Peter’s: Architectural Treasures of the Vati- A new exhibit tells the story of the people behind a masterpiece of Renaissance architecture. can” exhibit includes more than 140 original architectural drawings and other artifacts on loan from the Vatican. Tracing the design, construction and evolution of St. Peter’s Basilica, the exhibit tells the story of the generations of artists and popes who left their mark on it. Admission to the center is by donation. For group information, call 202-635-5475. Hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday noon to 5 p.m. Parking is free. For more information, call 202-635-5400 or visit www.jp2cc.org. Waterloo Balinca Club The Board of the Waterloo Balinca Club is pleased to announce that our annual Fun Time/Social will be held on Sunday, April 3 from 1 to 3 p.m., at the Slovenian Home on Waterloo Rd. We will be serving a Sausage and Sauerkraut dinner including coffee and soft drinks at a cost of $5.00. Please call Violet at 440-943-7212 or Marilyn at 440-953-8167 before March 29 for reservations. We look forward to seeing you once again. --Vi Rupena Auditioning a Piano Accordion and/or Button Box player with the intention of entertaining at various social gatherings including parties, picnics, festivals, and Octoberfests. For further information contact (216) 520-1531. Attention Organizations To all clubs, lodges, and organizations: Please submit your 2005 rosters to American Home now. The listing will be printed periodically on these pages. Cost pf printing of these rosters is $30.00 per year, same as it has been for the last 11 years. A Democrat Responds « Editor, Sorry for the delay in submitting this letter. However, I just found my misplaced edition of the March 3rd issue of the American Home which contained a very good article on Social Security, and why it should not be changed. This article was submitted by Marie Pivik who found it in another editorial and she thought we, too, would be interested as she was. Then 1 found Mr. Zanutic’s article in the March 10th edition of the A.H. and felt I, too, needed to give my interpretation of the March 3rd edition. Mr. Zanutic feels we should all be Democrats, which I feel is not in keeping with our motto, “Freedom of Choice.” I am a registered Democrat, but I don’t vote for the party. 1 vote for the best person. I think the American Home is doing a fantastic job of providing Slovenians in all of our U.S. of A. with much needed information in English and Slovenian, whether we are Democrats or Republicans. Keep up the good work. From a very proud Slovenian, bom in Germany, and a very proud Naturalized American Citizen. -Mimi Stibil Parma 'Its., OH Healthy Heart With B Vitamins Angioplasty - a mechanical procedure used to open clogged arteries - is one of the most common surgeries performed in the United States. There are nearly 1 million of them each year. If you’ve been through this procedure or you’re simply concerned with maintaining excellent heart health, there are a couple of things you should know about vitamin B. According to a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine B vitamins improve the recovery rate of patients who have undergone angioplasty. One of the problems patients often experience after having their arteries opened with angioplasty is that arteries rapidly narrow again. Folic acid, B12, and B6 help to prevent this “narrowing” by addressing the health issue that causes the problem in the first place. Many forms of heart disease are associated with high levels of a compound called homocysteine. This break- down product of protein is toxic and in excessive amounts it can increase your risk of contacting atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), coronary heart disease, and stroke. The B vitamins help the body keep homocysteine levels under control. If you are healthy, but have a family history of heart disease, you might be interested in another study published in The Lancet. It indicates that B6 and folic acid supplements can reduce the development of early atherosclerosis by as much as 60 percent. What’s the moral of the story? B vitamins are crucial for heart health. The body is a complex organism that requires adequate amounts of the right nutrients to function. Today most doctors agree that elevated homocysteine levels are a significant risk factor for heart disease. Folic acid, B'12 and B6 can help you keep heart disease in check. Wine Book Winners The 10th Gourmand World Wine Book Awards took place on Friday, Feb. 11 in Orebro, Sweden, with 402 attendees from 30 countries. The winners for the Best Wine Books in the World for 2004 were announced by host Richard Juhlin and the President of the international jury, Edouard Cointreau. Among the winners were: — Best Wine Guide: Wines of Slovenia by Dr. J. Nemanič, Dr. J. Bogataj (Rokus - Slovenia). WINE GUIDES: There are now wine guides for old and new consumers. The traditional established guides find new and increased competition every year. Independent panels are expensive to maintain, and more and more guides rely on one expert writer. Most emerging markets now have very interesting guides for instance: Ireland, Israel, and Slovenia. (Wines of Slovenia may be ordered from www.BooksofSlovenia.com or call (310) 392-4843. Hospitality is Highlighted .... j 1 in Slovenia AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 24, 2005 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 24, 2005 March is Women’s History Month by KATARINA TEPESH NEW YORK, NY - “Give me your tired, your poor. Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me l lift my lamp beside the golden door!" By Emma Lazarus (1849-1887) A mighty woman with a torch, the Statue of Liberty, standing since 1886, which makes her the oldest woman worldwide, celebrated another Women’s Day on March 8. International Women’s Day is to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role as makers of history. Sine 1987, the celebration has xtended into the entire mon i of March as the Women’s History Month. It all started a long time ago, at the 1851 Women’s Rigl s Convention in Akron, Ohk when a former slave Sojo mer Tmth gave her fam< us speech, “Ain’t I a Wor in?” B rn in 1797 as Isabella Van Wagener in Ulster Cou: y, New York, her first langi age was Dutch. Illiterate, ic ran away from slavery 1843 and changed her nam to Sojourner Tmth. At a tin when oratory was fine art, joumer Truth, through her ong character and acid inte ence, was among the best .id most famous anti-slav ; y speakers of her day. Her eep, bass voice, her Tien intelligence, sense of drai and the utter sincerity of r speeches quickly spre her fame throughout the rth and astounded the unb ving South. 1 uently, efforts were ma< i silence her. She was bea ■ and stoned, but nothing uld stop her. Her spe' -s touched the hearts of ay and led to the strei ihening of the abolition t movement in the Unil d States. One of her mos' mous lines was delivered response to a man who lestioned her woman-hoo Recounting the trials and illations that the slave wor suffered and speaking t mother of five chil-drei ojoumer Truth asked, “Ai : a woman!” In October >4,.she addressed an audi ice with President AbnTam Lincoln at the White House. She died on November 23, 1883, at her horn in Battle Creek, Michigan. The idea of an International Women’s Day first Clliiiri:]l! .im "Mi!i :i* I'u.ir .•rr arose at the turn of the century, which in the industrialized world was a period of expansion and turbulence, booming population growth and radical ideologies. On March 8, 1857, women working in clothing and textile factories (called garment workers) in New York City, staged a protest. They were fighting against inhumane working conditions and low wages. The police attacked the protesters and dispersed them. Two years later, again in March, these women formed their first labor union to try to protect themselves and gain some basic rights in the workplace. Almost 50 years later, on March 8, 1908, fifteen thousand women marched through New York City demanding shorter work hours, better pay, voting rights and an end to child labor. They adopted the slogan “Bread and Roses,” with bread symbolizing economic security and roses a better quality of life. It was not until March 25, 1911, when the tragic Triangle Fire in New York City took the lives of more than 140 working girls, most of them Italian and Jewish immigrants. Finally, this tragic event had a significant impact on labor legislation in the United States, and the working conditions improved. A group of women protesting actually started back in ancient Greece, when Ly-sistrata initiated a sexual strike against men in order to end war. During the French Revolution, Parisian women calling for “liberty, equality, fraternity” marched on Versailles to demand women’s suffrage. The first official National Women’s Day observed across the United States happened in 1909 and it soon spread to Copenhagen, Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. In 1913, as part of the peace movement brewing on the eve of World War I, Russian women observed their first International Women’s Day. However, the International Women’s Day protest that changed the world occurred in Russia in 1917. Coming on the rise of long struggle and many strikes, inspired thousands of Russian women to leave their homes and factories to protest the terrible shortage of food, the high prices, the world war, and the increasing suffering they had bitterly endured. The protest inspired the last push of a i u! -• 1 , ;m on Cleveland, Ohio” in yonr search bar and see the site as #1 of 172 (for all the world to see). “Slovenian Waltz shows this site as #20 out of 7,100, etc. —Tom McManamo11 Cleveland, Ohio Tony's... Old World Plaza Barber Shop Haircuts: $7.00 664 E. 185 St- - at Abby Ave. and Windward Rd. HOURS: 7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. M-F 7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Sat We love the Slovenian people. We want more of them as our customers._ ‘Slovenian Waltz’ website FOR Freedom AND Justice t Ameriška Domovina jy AMERICAN IN SPIRIT SLOVENIAN FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, March 24, 2005 Velikonočni “žegen” v slovenski kapeli v Washingtonu 1998 Kristus je vstal z lastno močjo! Med Slovenci in tudi pri drugil aeh je danes precej razširjena tr *tev’ &Š da po smrti nič ni. Čt tudi Kristus ni vstal. tem seve<^a £re za vero’ to J1 ^ trditev brez umskega dokaza f^aza riimajo tisti, ki verujejo, di ^ smrti ni nič. Tudi mi, ki veruje rj*0, človeška duša živi tudi te cfg/ , ' «o se telo razkroji, nimamc ^skega dokaza; tudi mi le veruje tyii vera Pa ne s^onl na mne skl ki so umrljivi, temveč st ^ CuJe na razodetje v Svetem pis Katoliški katekizem pravi: "Pt t>t^CTn raz°detju “nevidni Bog” h °bilja svoje ljubezni nagovarje ''■‘IJUVi'i i'UO 'MJ L ljudi kakor prijatelj in občuje z njimi, da bi jih povabil in sprejel v svoje občestvo. Ustrezen odgovor na to povabilo je vera. Z vero človek v celoti podredi svoj razum in voljo Bogu. Z vsem svojim bitjem daje človek pritrditev razodevajočemu se Bogu. Sveto pismo imenuje človekov odgovor razodevajočemu se Bogu “poslušnost vere”. Za “poslušnost vere” gre v posebni meri prav pri Kristusovem vstajenju. Ta resnica presega vsako umsko razglabljanje. O tem pričajo najprej apostoli in Jezusovi učenci. Evangelist Janez poroča: “Prvi dan (DALJE na str. 20) .• £ c1--1) t!» ; -ovl udriiM/tA :>'! t! Vsem našim zvestim naročni/(gm, Bralkam in Bralcem povsod po Združenih državah in ‘Kanadi ter po vsem svetu in še vsem našim dopisnikom in drugim sodeCavcem žeCimo vsi pri Ameriški ‘Domovini veseCe VeCi^gnočne praznil^e! Iz Clevelanda in okolice Primorski klub vabi— Vsakoletni banket Primorskega kluba bo v soboto, 9. aprila. Za rezervacije in več informacij, pokličite na 216-692-1069. Pričetek bo ob 6h zv., za ples in zabavo po večerji igra ansambel Nova generacija. Vsi lepo vabljeni! Radodarnost— Odbor Slovenske pristave se zahvaljuje Primorskemu klubu za velikodušen dar $1000, ki je kot pomoč pri gradnji nove dvorane na SP. Gradnjo bi radi začeli to jesen in bodo pri SP veseli vseh darov, od posameznikov in društev. Nabiranje denarja za ta velik projekt se je pač že začelo. Novi grobovi Paul J. Hribar Dne 18. marca je na svojem domu nenadno umrl zelo znani odvetnik, 91 let stari Paul J. Hribar, rojen 23. maja 1913 v Clevelandu, vdovec po Mary Ann, roj. Ponikvar, oče Paula, Janet Hull, Nancy Matz, Johna in Joyce Fiebig, dober prijatelj Agnes E. Turk, 7-krat stari oče, brat Dorothy Rock, veteran 2. svetovne vojne, v kateri je služil kot oficir v ameriški obalni straži, član številnih slovensko ameriških organizacij. Pogreb je bil 22. marca s sv. mašo v cerkvi Sv. križa na E. 200 St. Jennie A. Zaman Umrla je Jennie A. Zaman, rojena Copic, lastnica nekdanje Tivoli Imports trgovine v SND na St. Clair Ave., vdova po Josephu, mati Josepha, Jeanette Elish in Jacka, 1-krat stara mati, sestra Johna Copic in Alvina Debar. Pogreb je bil 19. marca v oskrbi Želeto-vega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Pristavski upokojenci— Klup upokojencev Slovenske pristave ima sestanek v sredo, 30. marca, popoldne ob 1.30, v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Avenue. Članstvo lepo vabljeno. LILIJA ima sestanek— Odbor Dramskega društva Lilija sporoča, da je naslednji članski sestanek v ponedeljek, 4. aprila, ob pol osmih zvečer, v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. Ker AD 31. marca ne bo izšla, ste na sestanek opozorjeni že v tej številki. Vsi člani lepo vabljeni. Koncert združen z večerjo— Pevski zbor Korotan vabi na svoj vsakoletni koncert, ki bo letos združen tudi z večerjo. Prireditev bo v soboto, 30. aprila, in so vstopnice že na razpolago. Podrobnosti večera najdete v dopisu na str. 14. Zopet 7. aprila— AD prihodnji teden ne bo izšla. Naša naslednja številka izide v četrtek, 7. aprila. Izjemna podpora— G. Robert in ga. Christine Šket, Sagamore Hills, O., sta poklonila $100 v podporo našemu listu. Hvala lepa! Spominski darovi— Ga. Vlasta Scancar, Cleveland, O., je darovala $50 v podporo listu, v spomin moža dr. Martina Scancar/ Ga. Frances Vasle, Euclid, O., je darovala $15, v spomin moža Gregorja. Prav tako je $15 darovala ga. Rose M. Godič, Cleveland, v spomin moža Ed-a. Naša iskrena zahvala vsem darovalcem! V podporo listu— G. Tom Žnidaršič, Kirt-land, O., je daroval $40 v pomoč Ameriški Domovini. G. William Škerl, Parma, O., je poklonil $35. Obema darovalcama naša hvala. :*! . U it. v/*.1.1 ,i .n i' i v i.i Velikonoči uvodniški članek MISLI marec 2005 1 NE BOJTE SE! 'J'.«)! 1o r “Ne bojte se! Pojdite in sporočite mojim bratom, naj gredo v Galilejo, tam me bodo videli!” (Mt 28, 10). To veselo in upanja polno oznanilo Vstalega se dotika prav jedra življenjskega problema mnogih ljudi, ki v svoji današnji brezizhodnosti tožijo: “Ne vidim nobenega smisla, cilja in upanja v svojem življenju. Zame ni nobene bodočnosti!” Boleče spoznanje, da v njihovem življenju ni več mnogo stvari “uresničljivih”, ker so se njihova pričakovanja in želje razblinile kot milni mehurčki, jih napolnjuje z žalostno ugotovitvijo: Vse je nesmiselno, zame ni nobene prihodnosti več! Kljub temu napenjamo lok svoje človečnosti daleč preko danes in jutri in upamo na boljšo prihodnost. V našem bivanju smo razpeti med življenjem in smrtjo, med časom in večnostjo. Zakoreninjeni smo v zemeljskem, vendar čutimo, da to naše življenje ni vse, da je tolikokrat prazno in grenko, da ne živimo, ampak životarimo. Zato ni nič čudnega, da v našem srcu gori vprašanje po cilju in smislu. Resnica je tudi, da smo v svojem obupavanju edini v enem: v strahu pred novim zlom in svetovnim požarom, ter v upanju, da bo zmagalo dobro in bodo s tem nastopili boljši časi. Fiasko, ki ga je doživel in ga doživlja materialistični in idealistični “humanizem” v našem stoletju, nas pretresljivo poučuje o tem, da ni za utemeljitev resničnega upanja dovolj samo človeško prizadevanje. To je zadosten razlog, da ta isti človek v svojem bivanjskem dnu znova preiskuje vero in oznanilo Velike noči, kaj mu more povedati za njegov cilj in smisel življenja. VELIKONOČNO SPOROČILO Kaj je Velika noč in njeno sporočilo? Praznujemo zgodovinski Božji poseg v Jezusovem življenju križa in vstajenja, v katerem je utemeljeno odrešenje, zveličanje in upanje vseh ljudi. Gospodov prehod skozi noč Velikega petka k velikonočnemu jutru nam oznanja veselo sporočilo, da Gospod živi in želi, da bi živeli tudi mi. Kaj bi bil Veliki petek brez Velike noči? Tragični zadnji zvoki junaškega življenja, katerega zgodbo so poznali mnogi. Kaj bi bila Velika noč brez Velikega petka? Kjer ni nobenih grobov, tam ni vstajenja. Kjer ni Velikega petka, tam ni Velike noči. Sedaj gre za to: Ali je trdno prepričanje in vera v Vstalega apostolov in prvih učencev dovolj močno zagotovilo za vero in trdno prepričanje za nas tudi danes? Ali ni velikonočna vera prav tako zgodovinski dogodek kot trpljenje in križ? Brez dvoma: Samo s človeškimi sredstvi in v dobro poznanih kategorijah in pojmih ne moremo niti razumeti niti dokazati Jezusovega vstajenja kot zgodovinskega dogodka. To je mogoče samo v veri in iz vere, čeprav je res, da noben apostol niti prva krščanska skupnost ni nikoli trdila, da je videla in doživela sam dogodek vstajenja, zato tudi nas nihče ne sili, da verujemo svetopisemskim poročilom, če nočemo verovati. Res pa je tudi obratno. Nihče nam ne prepoveduje in ne zapoveduje, da ne sprejmemo in se ne zanesemo na prve priče in njihovo izkustvo Velike noči. Najstarejše in zgodovinsko najzanesljivejše po-ročihj o vstajenju je zapisano v 1 Kor 15,31: “Izročil sem vam predvsem to, kar sem tudi prejel: Kristus je umrl za naše grehe, kakor je v knjigah Svetega pisma. Pokopan je bil. Tretji dan je vstal, kakor Je v knjigah Svetega pisma. Prikazal se je Kefu, nato dvanajsterim. Potem se je prikazal več kot petsto bratom hkrati. Od teh je še sedaj večina živih ... Nazadnje za vsemi pa se je prikazal kot negodniku tudi meni.” Pevski zbor KOROTAN vabi... CLEVELAND, O. - Pevski zbor Korotan je bil povabljen na turnejo v Slovenijo. Izseljensko društvo “Slovenija v svetu”, ki ima svoj sedež v Ljubljani, je povabilo naš pevski zbor, da bi se priključil obhajanju šestdesetletnice povojnega izseljenstva v domovini. Zbor je povab-lo sprejel. Turneja organizirana kot romanje “Po poteh mučencev”. Glavni nastop Korotana bo 3. julija v Linhartovi dvorani Cankarjevega doma, na zaključni akademiji “Tabora Slovencev po svetu”. Na sporedu koncerta je kantata “Pozdravljena zemlja”, ob spremljavi članov Slovenske filharmonije, in “Naša pesem", ki sta obe izvirni kompoziciji in izraz izpovedi naših slovenskih ljudi, ki so morali zapustiti svojo rodno zemljo. Polni sta domotožja in skrbi, da v naslednjih rodovih slovenska pesem in zavest med nami ne usahneta. Poleg tega bo zbor in solisti iz Argentine pel tudi pri sv. maši v stolnici, ki jo bo istega dne popoldne ob štirih daroval ljubljanski nadškof in slovenski metropolit Alojzij Uran. Zbor bo imel koncerta tudi v Kranju in Celju. Vse to bo vtkano v romanje “Po poteh mučencev”, ki se bo začelo z obiskom Brezarjevega brezna, nato bo v Lescah blagoslovljena plošča, to v spomin pokojnega mladinskega pesnika Mirka Kunčiča, ki je živel in umrl v Argentini. Naslednji dan bo pot vodila na obisk brezna pri Lajšah pri Cerknem in v Crngrobu. Romanje se bo nadaljevalo z obiskom Starega Hrastnika in Hude jame pri Laškem (Barbarin rov). Nato bomo sodelovali pri spominski proslavi v Te-harjih. Nastopili bomo potem pri kulturnem programu skupaj s solisti in recitatorji iz Argentine, na začetku Tabora Slovencev po svetu, ko bo ta razpravljal o povojnem begunstvu in doprinosu slovenskih beguncev pri utrjevanju slovenske zavesti v tujini. M ^on®l Melodies from Beautiful Slovenk' Slovenian Radio Family ED MEJAČ RDC Program Dir&tor WCSB 89.3 FM RADIO HOURS: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Wilioughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 TCl/lAX web: www.wcsb.org V LJUBEČ SPOMIN Ob sedmi obletnici smrti DRAGEGA MOŽA, OČETA, STAREGA ATA, BRATA IN STRICA Jože Likozar umrl 28. marca 1998 Pri Bogu ti se veseliš in v srcih naših še živiš. Ta pot življenja kratica je, v nebesih naše snidenje. Žalujoči: žena Zalka sin Martin, hčerki Kati in Paulina z družinami ter sorodniki v Ameriki in Sloveniji Isti dan bomo poromali v Kočevski rog, kjer bodo somaševali slovenski in izseljenski duhovniki. Med sv. mašo bo pel Korotan in se oddolžil s pesmijo našim mučencem. Recitacije bodo v izvedbi članov SGBA (Argentina). Nazaj se bomo vrnili mimo grobišč Kočevske reke, Gotenice, Grčaric (brezno pri Konfinu), Je-lendola in Hrovače. Korotan se bo podal tudi na Koroško, da obišče Vetrinje in še kaj. O Za vse to je treba veliko priprav in tudi finančnih sredstev, zato bo letos zbor ob svojem koncertu priredil tudi banket in to v soboto, 30. aprila, v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clair Ave. v Clevelandu. Serviranje okusne večerje bo točno ob 6h, njej bo sledil bogat pevski nastop, po katerem bo zabava s plesom, za katerega bo igral orkester Staneta Mejača. Vstopnice za banket in koncert bodo samo v predprodaji in so že na voljo. Za rezervacije miz kličite predsednico Cvetko Rihtar na tel. 440-286-5421. Vstopnice za koncert, s sedeži na balkonu, boste lahko dobili pri vhodu v dvorano na večer koncerta. Vabimo vas prav lep0< da nas pri teh naših p1-*' zadevanjih podprete. Za odbor: Maruša Pogačnik r--;---------------- ^ tAe- Lstr**”*^* Listen to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio Tony Ovsenik 440-944-2538 Seznanjajte naše bralce z aktivnostmi vaših društev! ^ PrijatePs Pharmacy S>. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-421* IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOB THE AGED PRESCIPTIONL Sto let prve slovenske gimnazije nazncna mnenja politikov in zgodovinarjev o vladi, * ustanovljeni 5. maja leta 1945 v Ajdovščini Dogodek bodo obeležili v obnovljeni in povečani dvorani, v kateri so vlado razglasili Ljubljana - Letošnje leto je zelo pomembno za Zavod sv. Stanislava v Šentvidu, v okviru katerega deluje tudi škofijska klasična gimnazija. Mineva namreč sto let od ustanovitve te šole, ki je bila prva gimnazija, na kateri je pouk potekal v slovenskem jeziku. Dne 16. marca so predstavniki različnih delov zavoda predstavili, kako bodo zaznamovali častitljiv jubilej; vrhunec bosta maša v ljubljanski stolnici 12. novembra in akademija v Cankarjevem domu 13. novembra, na kateri bo slavnostni govornik premier Janez Janša. Delovanje Zavoda sv. Stanislava se je začelo septembra 1905, ko je takratni ljubljanski škof Anton Bonaventura Jeglič blagoslovil prostore in je začela pouk prva generacija gimnazijcev. Zdaj v okviru zavoda deluje šest enot: škofijska klasična gimnazija, Jegličev djiaški dom, glasbena šola, študentski dom Janeza F. Gnidovca, Slovenski dom in Studia Slovenica. “Temeljno vodilo pri vseh dejavnostih je tisto, kar je. zapisano v listini, vloženi v temeljni kamen: Vzgoja v modrosti in krepostih," je povedal direktor zavoda Anton Jamnik. Temelji delovanja ustanove so poudarek na klasični izobrazbi, velik po-rnen umetnosti, vloga duhovnega življenja, prostovoljno delo in socialni vidik. Ustanovili so sklad za pomoč socialno šibkim družinam, družinam z več otroki oziroma vsem tistim, ki iz katerega koli razloga ne morejo pokriti stroškov šolanja. Osrednji del zavoda je prav gotovo gimnazija. Čeprav so leta 1993, ko so obnovili njeno delovanje, po drugi svetovni vojni prekinjeno zaradi prepovedi zasebnega šolstva, načrtovali majhno šolo s po dvema razredoma na letnik, jo zdaj obiskuje 670 dijakov. Glede verske opredelitve je šola odprta za vse, ki spoštujejo njeno krščansko usmeritev ter hišni in šolski red. Tiskovni predstavnik Slovenske škofovske konference Andrej Saje je na vprašanje Dela, kako komentira izjavo italijanskega kardinala Tarcisia Bertoneja, naj katoliki ne kupujejo in berejo knjigo Dana Browna Da Vincije-va šifra, odgovoril: “Omenjena knjiga ne predstavlja popolnih zgodovinskih dejstev. V nekaterih stvareh gre za pretiravanje; nimamo je namena niti odsvetovati niti priporočati.” Zgodovinar dr. France Dolinar pa je menil, da ta knjiga ne prinaša nič novega, saj je tematika svetega grala priljubljena že od zgodnjega veka. G. U. Delo fax, 17. marea 2005 Z AMERIŠKO DOMOMNO STE VEDNO NA TEKOČEM Trst - V Sloveniji so nekatera javna občila napovedovala, da v Ajdovščini letos ne bodo obeležili 5. maja, v spomin . na ta dan leta 1945, ko je bila v omenjenem središču Zgornje Vipavske doline ustanovljena prva slovenska vlada po drugi svetovni vojni. Uradno sicer še zmeraj velja, da je bila to sploh prva slovenska narodna vlada, kar pa ni resnično. V slovenski zgodovini je bila namreč prva narodna vlada za Slovenijo ustanovljena 31. oktobra leta 1918, razpuščena pa je bila 20. januarja leta 1919. Tista vlada je imela velike pristojnosti, tudi kar zadeva, denimo, slovensko zunanjo politiko in slovensko vojsko. Kljub pridržkom oz. različnim mnenjem o o-menjeni vladi, ustanovljeni v Ajdovščini, bodo dogodek, ki je zagotovo del slovenske novejše zgodovine in tudi praznik občine Ajdovščina, tudi letos počastili. Dvorano, v kateri so vlado razglasili, obnavljajo in širijo. Občinski svet pa je o programu prireditve ob 5. maju razpravljal 3. marca. Kaže, da ima vlada pridržke zoper proslavljanje omenjene obletnice, vendar se bo njen predstavnik slavnostnega zasedanja občinskega sveta zagotovo udeležil. To je zadrdil državni sekretar v kabinetu predsednika vlade Aleksander Zorn, ki je tudi sporočil, da slovesnosti v Ajdovščini ne bodo osrednja proslava v Sloveniji ob šestdeseti obletnici konca druge svetovne vojne. Pred bližajočim se petim majem v Sloveniji potekajo soočanja med politiki in zgodovinarji o tem, kakšni so bili vloga, pomen in cilji vlade, ustanovljene v Ajdovščini, katere predsednik je bil Boris Kidrič, eden glavnih voditeljev (poleg Edvarda Kardelja) komunističnega gibanja v Sloveniji. Navajamo nekaj mnenj oz. stališč o tem: Zgodovinar Božo R“pe merai, “da je delu vladnih ministrov gotovo bližji poskus ustanovitve narodne vlade, ki jo je tik pred koncem vojne v Ljubljani skušala izpeljati skupina predvojnih politikov”. Zgodovinar Jože Dežman pa se sprašuje, “ali obletnica ustanovitve vlade v Ajdovščini ni morda priložnost, da se ponovi spravna slovesnost iz Kočevskega Roga? Če so se tam takrat vladajoči dediči prve vlade opravičili za njene zločine, bi se lahko danes vladajoči dediči poražene predmoder-ne Slovenije oprostili bolj-ševikom za njihove zločine in diktaturo”. Evropski poslanec LDS Jelko Kacin zatrjuj, “da bila ajdovska vlada prva evropska slovenska vlada. Slovenija pa je prvič nastopila v okviru sedanjih meja”. Z njim soglaša Miran Potrč iz ZLSD, ki meni, “da bi proslava v Ajdovščini morala biti eden pomembnih dogodkov zaznamovanja šestdesete obletnice zmage nad fašizmom in del proslavljanja slovenske državnosti". Povsem nasprotna pa so mnenja drugih udeležencev soočanja o vladi, ustanovljeni 5. maja leta 1945 v Ajdovščini. V drag in lep spomin ob prvi obletnici smrti JOŽE JURŠIČ Umrl 28. marca 2004 V luči večni Ti počivaj, dobroto, milost boijo uživaj. Oh, grenko je le to, ker si prezgodaj vzel slovo. Čeprav v hladnem grobu spiš, v naših srcih še živiš. Tvoji žalujoči: žena Rezka sinova Jože in Janez hčerka Marija snaha Wanda, vnuk Joey Časnikar Igor Kršinar Je v novi številki tedenskega magazina Mag ovrgel prepričanje LDS, “da je bila vlada v Ajdovščini rezultat protifašističnega boja slovenskega naroda in gotovo eden pomembnejših korakov na poti k samostojni demokratični državi. Dejansko pa je bila prav vlada, ki jo je 5. maja 1945 posfavila komunistična partija, odgovorna za povojne množične poboje in delovna taborišča, kamor so strpali tiste, ki niso bili naklonjeni komunistični diktaturi. Upamo, da Janševa vlada ne bo nasedla provokaciji in slavila vlade krvavih rok”. O omenjeni sporni vladi je razmišljala tudi zgodovinarka Jerica Vodušek Starič, profesorica evropske in svetovne zgodovine 20. stoletja na mariborski univerzi, v intervjuju, objavljenem v novi številki Maga. Dejala je: “Vlada v Ajdovščini ni bila prva slovenska vlada. Treba je ločiti zgodovinsko zavest od politično manipulativnega grajanja mitov. Takrat ustanovljena vlada ni bila parlamentarno demokratično izbrana prva slovenska vlada, temveč jo je imenoval CK KPS v dogovoru s CK Jugoslavije. Jugoslovanski CK ji je dodelil tudi pristojnosti in ji 'določil naloge v okviru prevzema oblasti v Sloveniji. Če kdo meni, da jo je treba praznovati kot pomemben zgodovinski dogodek, naj to utemelji. Ljudi in politike silijo, naj se izrečejo za to vlado ali proti njej, s čimer se zamegljuje nasilna narava sistema, vsiljenega s pomočjo preobleke protifašizma”. Prebivalci Vipavske doline in nasploh Primorci pa so ustanovitev vlade v Ajdovščini razumeli in doživljali predvsem kot dokaz zmage nad fašizmom, sistemom, ki jih je poskušal zasužnjiti in jim odvzeti njihovo narodno istovetnost. M. NOVI GLAS, 10. marca 2005 V blag in ljubeč spomin JOŽE CENDOL Druga obletnica Več let smo skupaj živeli, dobre in slabe čase imeli, a Bog je hotel tako, da te je vzel k sebi v nebo. žena Mimi in sin Joey Cendol 11uuau/\ .mi j * ftmtiMftCMiuMMtiatiuua Francki Kristanc za 80-Ietnico Te dni že osemdeset let boš dopolnila, let težkega in plodnega življenja, veselja let in let trpljenja, Ti naša mama ljuba, mila! V Predosljah si v družini verni se rodila, v slovenski ljubi domovini. Kako so živi še spomini, ki jih pestuješ, mama mila! V mladost je sončno vojna privihrala: sovrag je tuj na zemlji naši se šopiril in revolucijo krvavo komunist je širil. Usodno se dežela je razklala. Zahvaljen Bog, da živa si ostala, da si v deželo se svobode izselila, se z blagim Jožetom Kristancem poročila! Za nas odtlej sta vsa se žrtvovala. Otrok si v mukah pet rodila, za doto dala pridnost jim, poštenje. Vsi lepše vživajo življenje, kot Ti imela si ga, mama mila! Kako pretresla spet srce je bolečina, ko Jože je zapustil solzno to dolino in se preselil v večno domovino in ko zgubila si še ljubljenega sina! Zahvaljena za vse, Ti naša mama zlata! Ti, ki si v mukah nas rodila, v življenje lepše nas vodila, duhovno močna in bogata! Naj z Brezij varuje Te Mati sveta! Naj Ti poklanja zdravja, sreče in spremlja vedno Te ljubeče! Bog živi Te na mnoga leta! Tvoji hvaležni otroci Fanika, Jožica, Mirko in Marjetka, sorodniki, Pristavski upokojenci in vsi prijatelji It's Time for your eye exam! -j' ■ M J. F. OPTICAL Eye Care Specialists Eye Exams Latest in eye fashion - Contact Lenses We Welcome Your Drs. Prescription 775 E. 185th St. Eye Glasses Cleveland, OH 44119 Repaired Tel.: 1216) 531-7933 (34) - Vesti iz Slovenije - Možna ustanovitev treh novih škofij v Sloveniji: Celje, Murska Sobota, Novo mesto Na seji Slovenske škofovske konference, ki so se je udeležili apostolski nuncij nadškof Santos Abril y Castello, večina slovenskih škofov na čelu z nadškofom Alojzem Uranom in voditelji škofijskih pastoralnih svetov iz vseh treh škofij Renato Podberšič, Peter Kvaternik in Jože Goličnik, so podprli ustanovitev treh novih škofij v Celju, Murski Soboti in Novem mestu. Koprski škof Metod Pirih je opozoril, da bi koprska škofija ostala samo s 43 duhovniki od 115, če bi se razdelila na koprsko in novogoriško (večina duhovnikov je doma z Goriškega). V skladu z navodili kongregacije za zadeve svetnikov bodo pri postopkih za razglasitev slovenskih mučencev (60 kandidatov) izenačili žrtve komunizma in nacizma. Lanska slovenska gospodarska rast rekordna v raznih kategorijah Slovenija je imela lani po prvih ocenah državnih statistikov 4,6-odstotno gospodarsko rast, kar je največ po letu 1999, poznal pa se je tudi vpliv petih delovnih dni več (256, ker je večina praznikov padla na soboto ali nedeljo, ker je pomenilo +0,5 odstotka h gospodarski rasti) kot leta 2003, ko je bila gospodarska rast 2,5-odstotna. Na višjo rast bruto domačega proizvoda (6,2 bilijona tolarjev oziroma 12.977 evrov = US $16.112 dolarjev na prebivalca) je vplivala povečana menjava s tujino. Izvoz se je povečal za 12,6 odstotka, uvoz pa 12,4 odstotka. Rast domačega trošenja je bila lani 4,7-odstotna in je ostala na približno enaki ravni kot leta 2003. Lani se je povprečna bruto plača v državnih službah povečala za 2,7 odstotka, v finančnih družbah +6 odstotkov, v nefinančnih družbah pa +6,5 odstotka. Slovenska vojska sodeluje v BiH Pretekli teden je na zasedanju obrambnih ministrov EU v Luxembourgu Karl Erjavec napovedal, da bo Slovenija v operaciji Altea v Bosni in Hercegovini (namesto Sforja) motorizirano četo nadomestila z desetimi obveščevalno-izvidniškimi skupinami Slovenske vojske (skupaj 130 mož), kar je pozdravil tudi operativni poveljnik Altee general Reith. Več kot 16.000 tujih delavcev Po vladni uredbi o delovnih dovoljenjih za leto 2005 (omejevanje števila tujcev na trgu dela) bo letos lahko delalo v Sloveniji 16.700 tujcev (1,9 odstotka aktivnega prebivalstva). Od tega bo izdanih 12.200 dovo- ljenj za zaposlitev, 1200 dovolljenj za naotene, 200 za usposabljanje, 2000 za sezonsko delo ter 100 za individualne storitve. Tisoč delovnih dovoljenj bo ostalo nerazporejenih in bodo v rezervi pri morebitnih motnjah na trgu dela. Turistični priliv lani 1,3 milijarde evrov Slovenski turizem (52.000 delavcev oziroma 6,4 odstotka vseh zaposlenih v državi, je lani ustvaril slabe štiri odstotke BDP ter 1.3 milijarde evrov deviznega priliva. Do leta 2006 naj bi se letni priliv deviz v turizmu povečal na 1,6 milijarde evrov, število prenočitev pa naj bi se v skladu z vladno strategijo slovenskega turizma 200^.-2006 s 7.3 milijona v letu 2002 povečalo na devet milijonov do leta 2006, so ugotovili na posvetu o turizmu. Zdraviliški turizem ima pri prenočitvah skoraj tretjinski delež in 130 milijonov evrov kosmatega prihodka (iz evropskih skladov je za 10 projektov 16,3 milijarde tolarjev). Igralniški turizem je imel lani 3,5 milijona obiskov (devet od desetih iz tujine) in 70 milijard tolarjev prihodkov, s tem da so igralničarji -za davke in koncesije plačali 20 milijard tolarjev. Slovenske chardonayje se splača piti Na mednarodnem ocenjevanju Chardo-nnay du mond 2005 v francoski Burgundiji v Franciji, so slovenski vinarji prejeli eno zlato (klet Goriška Brda, za letnik 2003), eno srebrno (Agroind Vipava za letnik 2001) ter dve bronasti medalji (Klet Simčič za letnik 2002 in Matjaž Ramšak s Štajerskega za chardonnay maribor 2003). Na ocenjevanju (1090 chardonnayjev iz 37 držav) najvišje medalje (excellence) niso podelili. Radi kriminala nevarna Ljubljana Policisti na območju policijske postaje Ljubljana so lani obravnavali 44.775 kaznivih dejanj (52 odstotkov vseh kriminalnih dejanj v Sloveniji). Več je splošne kriminalitete (+18 odstotkov), od tega največ tatvin (15.517 oziroma +16,7 odstotka več kot leta 2003). Za 29,5 odstotka je poraslo število vlomov (14.275), ropov je bilo več skoraj za četrtino (231). Poraslo je tudi število umorov in poskusov umorov (s 17 na 35) ter posilstev (iz 19 na 38). Tečaj dolar-tolan Tečajnica Banke Slovenije za 22. marca kaže, da za en ameriški dolar se dobi 181,78 SIT, za en kanadski dolar pa 150,89 SIT. Tečaj tolar-evro pa je 239,72 SIT za en evro. Drsenje ameriškega dolarja je še vedno očitno pri teh številkah. Vitka konstrukcija - Računalniška animacija novega mostu čez Savo v Beogradu. (čiartek stri 17)'' “Slovenski” most v Beogradu V dveh skokih čez Savo Most prek Ade Ciganlije bo novi vizualni simbol mesta - Na mednarodnem natečaju zmagalo mariborsko podjetje Pointing Maribor - V Beogradu bodo gradili nov most čez Savo na spodnjem koncu Ade Ciganlije. Idejna rešitev mostu je delo avtorske skupine iz mariborskega inženirskega biroja Pointing (gradbena inženirja Marjan Piperba-her in Viktor Markelj ter profesor z ljubljanske arhitekturne fakultete Peter Gabrijelčič s sodelavci). Pointing je s projektom zmagal na mednarodnem, javnem in anonimnem natečaju, ki ga je v drugi polovici prejšnjega leta razpisalo mesto Beograd in njegova direkcija za gradbena zemljišča in gradnjo. Most bo novi vizualni simbol mesta, s Pilonom, ki bo dvakrat ^šji od Beogradanke. Kot je povedal Viktor Markelj, je natečaj za izdelavo idejnega projekta niostu zbudil kar precej zanimanja, saj je razpisni material dvignilo 27 Potencialnih ponudnikov 12 Srbije in tujine, do roka oddaje, 15. decembra lani, pa je ponudbe oddalo 11 ponudnikov. Zmaga je toliko večja, ^er je bila konkurenca Zares huda. Idejne rešile so oddala najpomemb-nejša svetovna podjetja s Področja projektiranja Costov, kot so danski G°wi, Ramboll in Sund & Baelt Partner, nemški ®ergermann und Schlaich Partner in Obermaeyer, n°rveškl Juton itd. Most v dolžini skoraj en kilometer (980 me-tr°v) bo prečkal zaliv Ču-harički, spodnjo konico otoka Ada Ciganlija, reko Savo, vmesni polotok in ladjedelnico s prezimova-llščem za ladje. Stal bo *0reJ na izjemni lokaciji; Povezoval bo stari in no-^ Beograd ter bo del Prihodnjega notranjega Magistralnega obroča. Zasnovan je kot jeklena konstrukcija z beton-s> Ploščo ter poševnimi kabli in pilonom okrogle- razpo- ga Prereza. Velika Pa mostu bosta prek po-evnih zateg obešena na 0 m visokem pilon. ^ 0 višine 175 m bo pi-0tl konstruiran iz armi-anega betona visoke trd- °Sti,(vHR d0 ha podaljšan z jekleno-stekleno konstrukcijo. Posebnost in inovativnost slovenske idejne rešitve izhaja iz zasnove prečnega prereza. Z razpisom je bilo zahtevano, da je treba čez reko prepeljati dvakrat po tri vozne cestne pasove, dve progi za lahka tirna vozila (tramvaj) ter progo za pešce in kolesarje. Dopuščena je bila možnost vodenja prometa v dveh etažah, slovenski projektanti pa so se odločili za vodenje prometa v eni ravnini, kar omogoča izbiro nižje nivelete in virkejšo konstrukcijo. Med večje uresničene projekte podjetja Pointing sodita viadukt Črni Kal v dolžini 1056,35 metra ter most čez Muro in njeno poplavno območje v dolžini 830 metrov, trenutno pa gradijo most Verige v bližini Boke Kotorske v Črni gori v dolžini 981 metrov. Kot je povedal predsednik žirije Nikola Hajdin, je slovenska idejna rešitev že takoj zbudila zanimanje zaradi zanimivega pilona in spretne rešitve brez veliko stebrov. Taka rešitev ustvarja iluzijo, da most preskakuje reko. K zmagi sta pripomogli tudi ekonomičnost rešitve in njena sprejemljivost pri varovanju okolja. Po projektantskem predračunu znaša investicijska vrednost mostu 64 milijonov evrov, celotna prva gradbena faza za vključitev mosta v promet pa še vsaj enkrat toliko. Gradnjo naj bi začeli leta 2006, trajala pa naj bi dve leti in pol. Naj še omenimo, da je tudi drugo nagrado na natečaju dobilo slovensko podjetje: Gradis iz Maribora. V. P. S. Delo, 9. marca 2005 Podpredsednika Reginald Vospernik (I), Zalka Kuchling (d.) In predsed-. nik Bernard Sadovnik z aktom, v katerem so podpisi čianov SKS. NA KOROŠKEM... Drugi občni zbor Skupnosti koroških Slovenk in Slovencev (SKS) Glavne zahteve SKS: razširitev Koordinacijskega odbora, priznanje SKS po Avstriji in Slovenji, javnopravno zastopstvo in mesto v SloMedii v O V DO Ujcuiii i M