S. CUI et al.: SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION OF CeO 2@Ag HOLLOW SPHERES ... 537–554 SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION OF CeO 2 @Ag HOLLOW SPHERES AND EV ALUATION OF THEIR CATALYST ACTIVITY FOR THE REDUCTION OF 4-NP SINTEZA IN KARAKTERIZACIJA VOTLIH KROGLIC CeO 2 @Ag TER OVREDNOTENJE NJIHOVE KATALITI^NE AKTIVNOSTI ZA 4-NP Shu Cui 1,2 , Haixin Zhao 2 , Chengyou Liu 3 , Hai Yu 1 , Nan Li 2* , Xiaotian Li 2* 1 Tonghua Normal University, School of Physics, Tonghua, Jilin 134002, China 2 Jilin University, College of Material Science and Engineering, Key Laboratory of Automobile Materials of Ministry of Education, 2699 Qianjin Street, Changchun 130012, P. R. China 3 Hainan Vocational University of Science and Technology, School of Chemistry and Materials Engineering, Hainan 570000, China Prejem rokopisa – received: 2023-03-03; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2023-08-26 doi:10.17222/mit.2023.813 A CeO 2@Ag hollow spherical composite catalyst was synthesized with the template method. Firstly, a SiO 2@CeO 2 core-shell structure was synthesized using SiO 2 spheres as the template, and then the SiO 2 core was removed by etching to obtain hollow CeO 2 spheres. The CeO 2 hollow microspheres have a large specific surface area, which can effectively suppress the aggregation of Ag nanoparticles, leading to CeO 2@Ag with a regular morphology and well dispersed Ag nanoparticles. There is a strong synergistic effect between CeO 2 and Ag, which is beneficial to improving the catalytic performance. As a result, the CeO 2@Ag hollow spherical composite catalyst can reduce 4-nitrophenol efficiently. Keywords: CeO 2 hollow spheres, Ag nanoparticles, composite, catalyst activity Avtorji so sintetizirali kompozitni katalizator na osnovi srebra in cerijevega oksida (CeO 2@Ag) v obliki votlih kroglic s{ablonsko metodo. Najprej so za jedro lupinaste strukture SiO 2@CeO 2uporabili SiO 2 kroglice in nato so SiO 2jedro odstranili z jedkanjem ter tako dobili samo CeO 2mikro kroglice. Te imajo veliko specifi~no povr{ino in presek, ki u~inkovito zavira skupljanje srebrnih nanodelcev. To je omogo~ilo izdelavo kompozita CeO 2@Ag s pravilno morfologijo in dobro porazdelitvijo nanodelcev srebra (Ag) na povr{ini kroglic. Pri tem je pri{lo do mo~nega sinergijskega (obojestranskega) delovanja med CeO 2in Ag, karje mo~no izbolj{alo kataliti~ne u~inke tega kompozita. Avtorji v zaklju~ku povdarjajo, da so izdelali kompozitni katalizator iz votlih mikrokroglic CeO 2@Ag, ki mo~no zmanj{ujeu~inkovitost 4-nitrofenola (p-nitrofenol ali 4-hidroksinitrobenzen), ki se v industriji uporablja za izdelavo zdravil, fungicidov, insekticidov, barv, za temnjenje usnja itd. Klju~ne besede: votle kroglice CeO 2, nanodelci srebra, kompozit,kataliti~na aktivnost 1 INTRODUCTION Noble metal nanomaterials have extensive potential applications in catalysis, antibacterial, electrochemistry, sensors, etc. Compared to other noble metal nano- materials, Ag nanoparticles (AgNPs) have a relatively low price and distinctive catalytic capability, thus they have received increasing attention in the field of cataly- sis, relating to catalytic oxidation, 1,2 catalytic reduction 3,4 or catalytic selection. 5,6 Numerous studies 7–9 showed that small-sized and monodispersed AgNPs usually exhibit a high catalytic activity. Nevertheless, individual AgNPs frequently tend to accumulate during a synthesis process, reducing the catalytic performance. 10–12 In order to solve this problem, an effective method is a recombination of AgNPs on/in nanostructured solid substrates, for in- stance, silica, 13 carbon, 14 polymer, 15 metal oxides, 16–18 etc. Among various AgNP supporting materials, ceric ox- ides have received more attention for their excellent re- dox properties and high oxygen storage capacity. In Ag@CeO 2 composite catalysts, the synergistic effect be- tween CeO 2 and AgNPs can improve the reduction and oxidization according to some researchers. 19–21 For exam- ple, Shi et al. 20 prepared Ag@CeO 2 core-shell nano- composites through a self-assembly process and investi- gated the catalytic activity used for the hydrogenation of 4-nitrophenol (4-NP) and 2-nitroaniline (2-NA). The re- sults demonstrated that the Ag@CeO 2 catalysts have out- standing catalytic efficiency and cyclic stability. In an- other study, Wang et al. 21 synthesized Ag@CeO 2 core-shell nanospheres via a facile one-step solvothermal route using Ce(NO 3 ) 3 ·6H 2 O, AgNO 3 , poly(N-vinyl- pyrrolidone) (PVP) and ethanol. The enhanced catalytic activity is found to be due to the unique oxidized Ag spe- cies induced by the strong interaction between the core surfaces of Ag nanospheres and surface defects (oxygen vacancies) of the CeO 2 shell. Hollow CeO 2 nanostructures have been used in many applications, such as photocatalytic water oxidation, cat- alytic reduction, sensors, etc. A high dispersibility and Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 5, 537–554 537 UDK 661.865.5:549.282 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 57(5)537(2023) *Corresponding author's e-mail: xiaotianli@jlu.edu.cn(X. Li) large specific surface area often result in better perfor- mance. Despite several studies, a controlled synthesis of CeO 2 hollow nanostructures for catalysts has still been limited. In this work, we synthesized CeO 2 hollow mesoporous spherical supported AgNP catalysts using the template method. The CeO 2 supports have a large specific surface area and mesoporous structure, which can effectively suppress the aggregation of Ag nano- particles, leading to CeO 2 @Ag with a regular morphol- ogy and well dispersed Ag nanoparticles. Furthermore, there is a strong synergistic effect between CeO 2 and Ag, which is conducive to improving the catalytic perfor- mance. 2 EXPERIMENT SECTION 2.1 Synthesis The entire fabrication of the CeO 2 @Ag hollow microspheres is illustrated in Figure 1 and detailed in- formation of each step is depicted below. SiO 2 nanospheres: SiO 2 nanospheres were synthe- sized with a modified Stöber method following the pro- cedure reported in the literature. 22 Briefly, 64 mL iso- propanol and 24 mL deionized water were mixed uniformly, and 13 mL ammonia hydroxide (25–28 w/%) were added; they were mixed at 35 °C for 15 min. Then, 0.6 mL tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) was added, and after mixing for 30 min, 5 mL TEOS were added to the mix- ture, which was stirred for another 2 h. SiO 2 particles were centrifuged from the milky mixture, and then dried at 60 °C for 24 h. CeO 2 hollow spheres: Primarily, an SiO 2 @CeO 2 core-shell composite was prepared using SiO 2 as the template. 23 Briefly, 0.277 g cerium nitrate and 0.07 g methenamine were respectively dissolved in 5 mL deionized water, forming two aqueous solutions. 1 g polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP, K29/32) was dissolved in 40 mL deionized water, and 0.1 g of the as-prepared SiO 2 nanospheres was introduced and completely dispersed with ultrasonication, then the mixture was heated to 95 °C in an oil bath. The cerium nitrate solution and methenamine solution were added dropwise into the mixture under vigorous stirring. After 2 h, the gray-white mixture was naturally cooled down, centrifuged, washed (with ethanol and deionized water) and dried at 80 °C. Products were calcinated in a tube furnace at 600 °C for 2 h to obtain light yellow SiO 2 @CeO 2 composites. Even- tually, to achieve hollow mesoporous CeO 2 nanospheres, the SiO 2 @CeO 2 composites were dispersed in a 40 mL NaOH solution (0.2 M) and stirred for 24 h to remove the SiO 2 template. CeO 2 @Ag hollow spheres: Ag nanoparticles on CeO 2 hollow mesoporous nanospheres were fabricated with a simple in situ wet chemistry method as described previ- ously. 24 Briefly, 0.1 g CeO 2 hollow mesoporous nano- spheres was dispersed into a 10 mL5×1 0 –5 M silver- ammonia ([Ag(NH 3 ) 2 ]NO 3 ) solution with ultrasonication, then stirred at 60 °C for 30 min. 12 g ethanol containing 0.1 g PVP were added dropwise into the suspension, and stirred for 1 h. Finally, the CeO 2 @Ag hollow spheres were centrifuged and then dried at 80 °C. The obtained product was denoted as CeO 2 @Ag-1. In control experi- ments, CeO 2 @Ag-2 and CeO 2 @Ag-3 were prepared with the same method where the concentrations of [Ag(NH 3 ) 2 ]NO 3 w e r e1×1 0 –4 M and 1.5 × 10 –4 M, re- spectively. S. CUI et al.: SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION OF CeO 2@Ag HOLLOW SPHERES ... 538 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 5, 537–554 Figure 1: Schematic diagram of the fabrication of CeO 2 @Ag hollow microspheres 2.2 Catalyzed reduction of 4-NP The catalytic activity of the as-prepared catalysts was studied with 4-NP. A mixture of 0.3 mL 4-NP aqueous solution (10 mM) and 3 mL fresh NaBH 4 solution (10 mM) was stirred thoroughly. Then 1 mg CeO 2 @Ag nanocomposite was added to the mixture, and the cata- lytic reactions occurred rapidly. The reduction process was analyzed with a UV-Vis spectrophotometer at 90 s intervals. 2.3 Characterization The crystalline nature was studied with a D8 Tools X-ray diffractometer equipped with Cu K ( = 0.15405 nm). The morphology and microstructure of the synthesized nanomaterials were investigated with a field-emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM/EDS, JEOL JSM-6700F) and transmission electron microscope (TEM, JEM 3010 and Tecnai G2 F20). The binding ener- gies of the elements in the synthesized nanomaterials were measured using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS, VG ADES-400). The porosity of the samples was analyzed at 77 K based on nitrogen adsorption- desorption using the Barrett–Joyner–Halenda (BJH) method on a Quantochrome Autosorb 1 sorption ana- lyzer. The Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) measurement was used to determine the specific surface area. UV–Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRUV-VIS) of the re- sultant samples was performed. A Bws003 spectrophoto- meter operating in a range of 250–650 nm was used to record UV–Vis diffuse reflectance spectra (DRS), while BaSO 4 was used as the reference standard. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Characterization XRD patterns of SiO 2 @CeO 2 , hollow mesoporous CeO 2 , CeO 2 @Ag-1, and CeO 2 @Ag-2 are presented in Figure 2. It can be clearly seen that all the samples have similar characteristic peaks, recognized to be cubic CeO 2 (JCPDS 34-0394). 25 Diffraction peaks at 2 = 28.6°, 33.2°, 47.6° and 56.3° can be indexed to the (111), (200), (220) and (311) crystal faces of cubic CeO 2 . Dif- fraction peaks are obviously broad, indicating that the size of CeO 2 crystallites is very small. According to the Scheler formula, the size of CeO 2 crystallites is about 5.6 nm. For CeO 2 @Ag-1, there is a weak diffraction peak near 37.9°, corresponding to the face centered cubic structure of Ag (JCPDS 4-783), 24 indicating that AgNPs are successfully loaded on CeO 2 hollow spheres. The characteristic peak of Ag is obviously wide, indicating that the size of Ag crystallites is very small. In sample CeO 2 @Ag-2, the characteristic peak of Ag has been en- hanced, but it is still relatively wide. Figure 3 shows FESEM images of the prepared products in each stage. As shown in Figure 3a, the SiO 2 spheres exhibit regular spherical shapes with a uniform size distribution and good dispersion, and the average di- ameter is 170 nm. After applying CeO 2 (Figure 3b), the shape and dispersity of SiO 2 @CeO 2 core-shell compos- ites did not change obviously, but the surfaces of the spheres became rough, and the average diameter in- creased to 185 nm. After the SiO 2 spherical cores are corroded by NaOH, there are hollow CeO 2 spheres, shown in Figure 3c. It can be seen that the sample still maintains a regular spherical morphology. A few broken spherical shells clearly show the hollow structure, and the spherical shells are very thin. As shown in Fig- ures 3d to 3f, the Ag loaded CeO 2 hollow spheres have a similar spherical morphology, indicating that the CeO 2 shell is relatively stable and the diameter of the CeO 2 @Ag samples is not changed obviously. However, the surface of the samples becomes rougher and there are some nanoparticles of less than 10 nm on the surface. Based on the above and the previous XRD results, we can infer that these small particles are AgNPs. For CeO 2 @Ag-1 (Figure 3d) and CeO 2 @Ag-2 (Figure 3e), the nanoparticles are uniformly adhered to the surface of spheres; as the concentration of [Ag(NH 3 ) 2 ]NO 3 in- creases from5×1 0 –5 Mt o1×1 0 –4 M there are no distinct morphological differences between the two samples. But for CeO 2 @Ag-3 (Figure 3f), when the concentration of [Ag(NH 3 ) 2 ]NO 3 increases to 1.5 × 10 –4 M there is a cuboid particle with a size of 450 nm, marked with a red dashed circle, and the morphology is obviously different from the spherical morphology of the CeO 2 @Ag sam- ples. This cuboid formation could be an Ag particle, in- dicating that with a high concentration of [Ag(NH 3 ) 2 ]NO 3 , the AgNPs tend to agglomerate and form large-size silver particles, affecting the catalytic ac- tivity of CeO 2 @Ag-3. To further study the microstructures and AgNP distri- bution of CeO 2 @Ag hollow spheres, CeO 2 @Ag-2 was observed with TEM and HRTEM. It can be clearly seen on Figure 4a that the CeO 2 @Ag microspheres have an obvious hollow structure. The average diameter of the S. CUI et al.: SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION OF CeO 2@Ag HOLLOW SPHERES ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 5, 537–554 539 Figure 2: XRD patterns of the samples S. CUI et al.: SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION OF CeO 2@Ag HOLLOW SPHERES ... 540 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 5, 537–554 Figure 4: a, b, c) TEM images of CeO 2 @Ag-2 hollow microspheres, d–f) the elemental mapping of a CeO 2 @Ag-2 hollow monomicrosphere Figure 3: a) FESEM images of the as-prepared samples: SiO 2 spheres, b) SiO 2 @ CeO 2 core-shell composites, c) CeO 2 hollow microspheres, d) CeO 2 @Ag-1, e) CeO 2 @Ag-2, f) CeO 2 @Ag-3 hollow spheres is 180 nm, and the thickness of the shell is about 7 nm, which is consistent with the SEM results. The light and shade contrast shows that there are some small and well dispersed nanoparticles on the surface of the spherical shell, with a size of 10 nm. In the HRTEM image of Figure 4b, clear lattice fringes can be seen. After measurement, there are two different lattice fringes with a distance of 0.24 nm and 0.31 nm that can be indexed to the (111) plane of the face centered cubic structure of Ag (JCPDS 4-783) and (111) plane of the cubic structure of CeO 2 (JCPDS 34-0394). 26 An elemen- tal mapping analysis (Figures 4e and 4f) of a single CeO 2 @Ag-2 hollow microsphere (Figure 4d) indicates the existence of Ce, O and Ag. Figure 4f demonstrates that AgNPs are homogeneously dispersed in the whole CeO 2 @Ag-2 hollow microsphere. To qualitatively determine the surface compositions and elemental chemical status of the CeO 2 @Ag hollow microspheres, CeO 2 and CeO 2 @Ag-2 were investigated using the XPS analysis. Figure 5a shows the full spec- trum in a range of 0–1200 eV of the two samples; Si, C, O and Ce signals are observed in both curves. The C sig- nal results from the carbon calibration. 27 The Si signal is weak, resulting from the residual of the SiO 2 core in the sample. The intensity of the Ce signal did not change af- ter loading AgNPs, indicating that the loading amount of AgNPs was very small; the coverage area of nano-AgNPs on the surfaces of the CeO 2 hollow micro- spheres was very low, and there was still a large area of the CeO 2 shell exposed on the sample surface. The Na signal in the curve of the CeO 2 sample is attributed to the residual NaOH used to remove the SiO 2 core. In the curve of CeO 2 @Ag-2, there is an obvious Ag signal. Figure 5b shows the high-resolution XPS spectra of Ag 3d. The two characteristic peaks located at 368.2 eV and 374.2 eV correspond to the binding energies of Ag 3d5/2 and Ag 3d3/2, respectively, 28 indicating that Ag exists as Ag 0 on the surface. This further confirms the existence of AgNPs in the CeO 2 @Ag-2 sample. The high-resolution XPS spectrum of Ce 3d, shown in Figure 5c, has two characteristic peaks located near 883.8 eV and 902.2 eV that are attributed to the binding energies of Ce 3d5/2 and Ce 3d3/2, 28 indicating that Ce exists as Ce 4+ . Fig- ure 5d shows the high-resolution XPS spectrum of O 1s. The two characteristic peaks located near 529.4 eV and 531.7 eV belong to the lattice oxygen and surface chemisorbed oxygen O 1s. 29 In order to further clarify the surface areas and mesoporous structures of CeO 2 and CeO 2 @Ag hollow spheres, nitrogen sorption experiments were carried out. It can be seen from Figure 6 that the shape of both iso- therms is a typical type IV curve, with an obvious H1 S. CUI et al.: SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION OF CeO 2@Ag HOLLOW SPHERES ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 5, 537–554 541 Figure 5: a) XPS survey of CeO 2 and CeO 2 @Ag-2, b) XP spectra of CeO 2 @Ag-2: Ag 3d, c) Ce 3d, d) O 1s hysteresis loop, indicating that CeO 2 and CeO 2 @Ag-2 have mesoporous properties, which mainly arise from the accumulation of CeO 2 nanoparticles. The hysteresis loops of CeO 2 and CeO 2 @Ag-2 are almost the same. Ac- cording to the results of SEM and TEM, Ag is mainly distributed on the surfaces of CeO 2 hollow microspheres, so it has little effect on the accumulation of CeO 2 grains in the shell. The specific surface areas of CeO 2 and CeO 2 @Ag-2 are 122.4 cm 2 /g and 117.0 cm 2 /g, respec- tively, resulting from the hollow structures of the sam- ples. This result is much higher than in similar cases re- ported in the literature, which are listed in Table 1. Such a high specific surface area is conducive to the adsorp- tion and catalytic reaction of pollutants. Table 1: Comparison of specific surface areas based on various CeO 2 hollow nanostructures Catalyst Specific surface area References CeO 2 hollow spheres 67.16 (cm 2 /g) 30 CeO 2 hollow spheres 67.1 (cm 2 /g) 31 CeO 2 hollow spheres with a tunable pore structure 32.266 54.668 (cm 2 /g) 32 CeO 2 hollow spheres 122.4 (cm 2 /g) This work CeO 2 @Ag-2 117.0 (cm 2 /g) This work 3.2 Catalytic activity for the catalytic reduction of 4-NP 4-NP is an organic pollutant widely existing in indus- trial wastewater. It is highly soluble and difficult to be naturally degraded. Nobel metal catalysis is an effective green method for dealing with this problem. Therefore, we chose 4-NP as the degradation target to evaluate the catalytic activity of as-prepared CeO 2 @Ag, and the re- sults are shown in Figure 7. Figure 7a shows the ab- sorption spectrum of 4-NP. Two obvious absorption peaks can be seen, one is near 400 nm and the other is near 300 nm, corresponding to 4-NP and 4-aminophenol (4-AP). Generally, the conversion of aromatic nitro com- pounds into aromatic amino compounds is an important step in organic chemical synthesis and industrial produc- tion. 33 With a catalytic time from 0 to 450 s, a strong ab- sorption peak corresponding to 4-NP decreases rapidly, while the absorption peak corresponding to 4-AP in- creases gradually, indicating that 4-NP was rapidly re- duced to 4-AP under the effect of the CeO 2 @Ag-2 cata- lyst. The catalytic reduction rate was 86 % at 450 s, indicating that the CeO 2 @Ag-2 catalyst is very effective for the catalytic reduction of 4-NP. The catalytic reduction curves of C/C 0 versus cata- lytic time for the CeO 2 @Ag samples are plotted in Fig- ure 7b where C 0 is the initial concentration of 4-NP and C is the real-time concentration. After 450 s, the cata- lytic reduction efficiencies for CeO 2 @Ag-1, S. CUI et al.: SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION OF CeO 2@Ag HOLLOW SPHERES ... 542 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 5, 537–554 Figure 7: a) Absorption spectra of 4-NP in the presence of CeO 2 @Ag-2, b) catalytic reduction of 4-NP by different CeO 2 @Ag samples, c) corresponding curves between ln(C/C 0 ) and reduction time Figure 6: Nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherm of CeO 2 and CeO 2 @Ag-2 CeO 2 @Ag-2 and CeO 2 @Ag-3 were (62, 86 and 42) %, respectively. Thus, CeO 2 @Ag-2 exhibits the best perfor- mance. Figure 7c shows the corresponding ln(C/C 0 ) curves. All the curves of the three CeO 2 @Ag samples show the Langmuir-Hinshelwood first-order kinetics model. 34 As calculated, the rate constants are 0.120, 0.278 and 0.074 for CeO 2 @Ag-1, CeO 2 @Ag-2 and CeO 2 @Ag-3. Obviously, with the increase in the Ag loading, the catalytic performance of the series of sam- ples increased first and then decreased; CeO 2 @Ag-2 showed the best catalytic performance. To further analyze the difference in the catalytic per- formance of CeO 2 @Ag catalysts, we carried out a UV–Vis diffuse reflectance test, and the result is shown in Figure 8. It can be seen that all the samples have an obvious absorption edge near 400 nm, corresponding to the band gap width of CeO 2 . 33 After loading AgNPs, the absorption of CeO 2 @Ag catalysts in the visible region is enhanced, as described in the literature, 33,35 which can be generally attributed to the interaction between electrons in CeO 2 and AgNPs, leading to more oxygen vacancies. CeO 2 @Ag-2 has the strongest absorption in the visible region, so we infer that the synergistic effect between CeO 2 and AgNPs is also the strongest. According to the previous SEM results, with the con- centration of [Ag(NH 3 ) 2 ]NO 3 solution increasing from 5 ×1 0 –5 Mt o1×1 0 –4 M, AgNPs can be well dispersed on the surfaces of CeO 2 hollow spheres and the grain size is less than 10 nm. The synergistic effect between AgNPs and CeO 2 benefits the catalytic activity of AgNPs in the catalytic process, so the CeO 2 @Ag-2 sample with the higher Ag loading amount exhibits the best performance. When the concentration of the [Ag(NH 3 ) 2 ]NO 3 solution increases to 1.5 × 10 –4 M, the concentration of silver ions is too high; they are rapidly reduced to AgNPs in the so- lution and then agglomerated to large-size silver particles which have a poor catalytic ability. As a result, the amount of the silver ions adsorbed on the CeO 2 hollow spheres is reduced, and the synergistic effect between AgNPs and CeO 2 is weakened; both reasons lead to a de- creased catalytic performance of the CeO 2 @Ag-3 sam- ple. On the one hand, for our prepared CeO 2 @Ag cata- lysts, the CeO 2 hollow sphere framework provides a carrier with a large specific surface area for AgNPs, which is conductive to controlling the size of AgNPs and increasing the effective area of AgNPs in the catalytic process. On the other hand, the synergistic effect be- tween CeO 2 and AgNPs is affected by the loading amount of Ag. Excessive loading will not only cause a waste of raw materials, but also reduce the catalytic effi- ciency. As a result, the CeO 2 @Ag hollow composite cat- alysts can show the best catalytic performance only at the optimum loading amount of Ag. 4 CONCLUSIONS In summary, we successfully prepared a CeO 2 @Ag hollow spherical composite catalyst using the template method. The specific surface area of CeO 2 hollow microspheres is up to 122.4 cm 2 /g, which is higher than that of similar CeO 2 hollow microspheres found in the literature. The mesoporous structure of CeO 2 hollow microspheres plays a key role in controlling the size and dispersion of AgNPs. The grain size of the AgNPs on the surfaces of CeO 2 hollow microspheres is less than 10 nm, and the specific surface area of the CeO 2 @Ag-2 cat- alyst is 117.0 cm 2 /g. In the study of the catalytic perfor- mance for the reduction of 4-NP, the as-prepared CeO 2 @Ag-2 sample exhibits the best catalytic efficiency of 86 % at 450 s. This excellent catalytic performance is attributed to the small grain size of AgNPs controlled by the CeO 2 hollow mesoporous structure and the synergis- tic effect between CeO 2 and AgNPs. The preparation method for metal@oxide hollow spheres can be used in the synthesis of many other materials, and this CeO 2 @Ag composite material can also be used in many other application fields. Acknowledgements This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21076094), the Edu- cational Commission of the Jilin Province of China (No. JJKH20210527KJ) and the Natural Science Foundation of the Jilin Province (No. 20210101407JC). References 1 S. J. Zhao, Z. Li, Z. Qu, N. Q. Yan, W. J. Huang, W. M. Chen, H. M. 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