SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 51/58 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 18.12. 2022 4. ADNENTNA NEDELJA 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS 905-561-5971, ext. 2 E-MAIL hallrental@ Advent, čas upanja, čas radosti Danes svetopisemska berila govore o izrednem božjem posegu, ki ga je Bog uresničil za naše odrešenje, da bi bil navzoč med nami. Že prvo berilo močno poudarja to božjo pobudo. Izaija reče kralju Ahazu: »Išči znamenje od Gospoda, svojega Boga.« Prerok priporoča kralju, naj postavi svojo zahtevo, kar je že samo v sebi božja spodbuda, kajti prihaja od Gospoda. Ahaz noče sodelovati, tudi ne prositi, noče, da bi Bog posegal vmes. Zato odgovarja preroku: »Ne bom prosil in ne bom skušal Gospoda.« Znamenje, ki naj bi ga Ahaz zahteval, je veličastno »v globočini spodaj ali v višavi zgoraj«. Ni nekaj vsakdanjega prositi Boga za velika znamenja. Zato Ahaz odgovarja: »Ne bom skušal Gospoda.« Zahtevati veličastna znamenja pomeni preizkušati Boga, prisiliti njegovo voljo, da bo storil izredno dejanje. Toda v našem primeru ne gre za preizkušanje Boga, kajti sam Gospod spodbuja takšno prošnjo. Čeprav Ahaz noče prositi in se zapre vase, Gospod ne opusti svojega načrta ljubezni, marveč ga še jasneje izrazi. Preroku pravi: »Gospod sam vam bo dal znamenje; glej, devica bo spočela in rodila sina, ki ga bo imenoval Emanuel, kar pomeni: Z nami je Gospod.« Zavedati se moramo, da je Bog mnogokrat pobudnik. Za nas je to velika tolažba, da nam je Gospod vedno pripravljen izkazati svojo milost, ki je v posameznih primerih resnično dragocena in izredna. Naš Bog vedno posega v korist našega odrešenja, ne čaka, da bi ga nagovorili, marveč nam prvi prihaja naproti z neskončno velikodušnostjo. »Ljubezen ni v tem, da bi bili mi vzljubili Boga. On nas je prvi ljubil« (1 Jn 4,10.19). Evangelij govori o tem, kako se je obljubljeno znamenje uresničilo. Tto, da bo devica spočela, ni navadno dejanje. Poglejmo, kako je to presenetilo Jožefa, ki ni mogel razumeti. Jožef in Marija sta zaročena, ne živita pa skupaj. Marija je spočela v VESTNIK 2022 | moči Svetega Duha. Jožef se zaveda tega dogajanja in je ves prestrašen. Kaj naj si misli? Evangelist ne pove podrobnosti; vemo le to, da Jožef želi spolniti božjo voljo in je pripravljen na najbolj radikalno odpoved: »Ker je bil njen mož Jožef pravičen in je ni hotel osramotiti, jo je sklenil skrivaj odsloviti.« Ta kratki stavek povzema resnično veliko notranjo dramo, če pomislimo na ljubezen, s katero je Jožef ljubil Marijo. Bila je to čista, močna, velikodušna ljubezen. Jožef bi želel biti združen z Marijo, sedaj pa mu okoliščine govore, da ta združitev ni mogoča. Moramo se zamisliti v te besede, da bi razumeli, kaj je pomenila grozna preizkušnja, ki jo je moral Jožef prestati v dneh pred Jezusovim rojstvom. Njegova žrtev je bila podobna Abrahamovi: odpoved najbolj dragoceni stvari, najbolj ljubljeni osebi. Kakor v Abrahamovem primeru tudi sedaj vstopa angel, ki pokaže, da Jožefova odločitev ni v božjem načrtu, da mu Gospod odpira pot združenja, ljubezni in sreče: »V spanju se mu prikaže Gospodov angel in mu pravi: Jožef, Davidov sin, ne boj se vzeti k sebi svoje žene Marije; kar je namreč spočela, je od Svetega Duha.« To so besede odrešenja, razsvetljenja, ki prekinejo to strašno tesnobno stanje. Tedaj je »Jožef storil, kakor mu je naročil Gospodov angel ter je svojo ženo vzel k sebi«. Evangelist pa še dostavlja: »Vse to pa se je zgodilo, da se je spolnilo, kar je Gospod govoril po preroku: Glej, devica bo spočela in rodila sina, ki se bo imenoval Emanuel, kar pomeni, z nami je Gospod.« Božji načrt je nekaj izrednega in izraža izredno dogajanje: devica bo spočela in rodila sina, ki je »Bog z nami«. To je torej božji načrt, načrt neskončne božje ljubezni. Moremo ga še globlje razumeti, če pomislimo, kakšen pomen ima učlovečenje Božjega Sina: ne samo njegovo rojstvo v Betlehemu, marveč tudi vsa naslednja dejanja do darovanja lastnega življenja na križu. Božič je blizu, praznik Emanuela, »Boga z nami«. Sprejemamo to sporočilo in priznavamo, da ima Bog pobudo v našem življenju. Ta nas včasih preseneti; toda če resnično iščemo božjo voljo, se za nas pokažejo vedno rodovitna, kajti omogoča združitev z Bogom, mir, veselje in odrešenje. (Prim. Oznanjevalec - A_2007/8, štev. 1) 486 | VESTNIK 2022 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT First Reading Isaiah 7:10-14 The people should not put God to the test, but they will be given a miraculous sign. Response: May the Lord come in; he is king of glory. Second Reading Romans 1: 1-7 The promise of God is revealed in God’s Son and it is his Good News that the faithful are to take out to the world. Gospel Matthew 1:18-24 The world is turned upside down but we need not be fearful. “Do not be afraid.” Illustration There are times when we think we know where life is going; we’ve mapped out what the future is going to hold. People excitedly tell others of their plans, how they will get their qualifications, then make their way up the career ladder. Or how they are planning to get married, create a home, have children. But something unexpected puts all their plans in disarray. It’s happened to plenty of people in the last couple of years during the Covid-19 pandemic: lockdown changed lives, and illness and death upended ambitions. It’s at moments like these that people have to make different life-changing decisions and the strength of their character is shown, overcoming their fears, sticking to their principles and standing by others. Gospel Teaching In today’s Gospel, Joseph is betrothed and is expecting to marry Mary. Then he finds that turn out. Joseph highlights what comes with responsibility and what comes with love. Above all, he is open to listening to God through a messenger. Application While Joseph’s situation is unique – unique in the history of salvation – his story is one that so many of us can identify with. Everything he thought was sure – that he had found love with Mary, and could look forward to a certain future – is suddenly undone. Nor can life go back to normal. Suddenly, God is asking of him something more momentous than Joseph might ever have envisaged. In the Gospel story of the annunciation, when the angel appears to Mary, she has to make a choice and she accepts the role that God wants of her. In Joseph’s case, what God asks of him could be said to be even harder: he is being asked to stand by Mary’s choice. What his life will be in the future is a consequence of her decision. We have to face those decisions ourselves in life, too. A husband who stands by his wife when she gives up a well-paid job to take on a much lowerpaid but worthwhile career; a wife who accepts that her she is pregnant. We are told how he discovers husband can no longer take the suffering of more chemothis; it would have been a shattering blow. All therapy treatment and instead chooses palliative care. his plans for the future are in disarray. Yet as Joseph’s story also highlights the importance of listena man of honour he decides not to shame ing. We are all influenced by our culture, our past experiMary but divorce her informally, for betrothal ences, our expectations. But Joseph was prepared to listen then in Jewish culture was a serious legal to the angel. Are we prepared to recognise those among us contract. At first, Joseph seems to see things who are credible messengers, who might have something as they are: Mary is having a baby outside to say that is totally unexpected? Can we put aside our prewedlock, and this is unacceptable. But it takes conceived notions, and be open and humble enough to an angel for Joseph to see things as they real- listen to those around us, and to discern what God might ly are – as God sees them. To do this, Joseph be saying and what God is calling to us to do? The Gospel has to put aside his fears: “do not be afraid”, stories around the birth of Jesus frequently refer to fear. the angel tells him. When the angel appears to Mary explaining that she will So Joseph first has his world turned upconceive the Son of God, when angels appear to the shepside down, and then makes a choice about herds in the fields announcing Jesus’ birth, as well as when what he will do next that will go against the the angel appears to Joseph, the message is the same: do customs of his people, against what he has not be afraid. All of them were shocked by what they saw, accepted all his life as the way to behave. It is and what they were told, but faith in God helped them an extraordinary challenge, but Joseph has muster courage to deal with what befell them. When we both the strength of character and the faith are faced with the most tremendous challenges, can we in God to do it. It is not the life he has chosen, also find the courage to heed the message: do not be or at least not the way he expected life to afraid? VESTNIK 2022 | 487 488 | VESTNIK 2022 Ticket Prices have dropped... - $100/adult - $80/Student (21yrs and younger) Thank you to Moya for their financial support to be able to lower our ticket prices for our 2022 New Year’s Eve Gala at St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Parish in Hamilton. Saturday December 31, 2022 in the upper hall – doors open at 6 p.m. As you enter along the Red Carpet you will be welcomed with a complimentary drink. The evening will start with appetizers, followed by a delicious dinner prepared by Betty Gimpelj and entertainment by Ansambel Šibaj and of course a late night table for everyone to enjoy just before ringing in 2023. Please order your tickets and reserve your spot before December 21st. There will be a price increase of $20 after that date. Call your family, text your friends and reserve your table for our New Year's Eve Gala 2022-2023 Contact Heidy Novak at 905-317-6002 to make your reservation or purchase your ticket before and after Saturday and Sunday masses. After nearly 3 years of COVID restrictions, we can once again celebrate New Year’s Eve the Slovenian way! Please discuss and share this the idea of spending New Year's Eve here at our church. St. Gregory's, Slovenski Park and Moya Financial have joined together to put together a memorable evening for us to ring in the New Year together. We have also put together prizes for this evening valuing over $3,000. We have a 12" Meat slicer, Vacuum, Tools, Gift Certificates and so much more. Lots of prizes, lots of chances to win! VESTNIK 2022 | 489 Sun Dec 11, 2022 Well, I can’t think of a more fitting way to end this year than with a party - a party to thank you the Membership for all your volunteer hours and your dedication and love for our Slovenski Park. A great time was had by all as we wished each other Vesele Božične Praznike and Christmastime blessings. As always, these events cannot happen without the help and support of volunteers and guests. Thanks to Štefka Kanc for preparing the hall and bathrooms and kitchen by cleaning and set up and lighting our cozy fireplace. Thanks to Adam D’Alessio for shovelling the drive, and setting up the tables and chairs. Thanks so much to Mary Ann Demšar and Amanda Purdon for decorating the hall ready for the festivities. The kids loved the crafts you set up, the cookies to decorate, the games to play. Thanks also to Peter and Linda Novak who helped set up and took care of the kitchen with tasty schnitzels and the bar with festive cheer. Thank you Danny Demšar who stepped in to help where needed and stayed to clean up. Special thanks to Mark Morassutti who provided musical entertainment - leading us in Christmas Carolling setting the mood for the feature attraction - Santa Claus. Santa arrived with presents for all the good boys and girls - and they loved it. The children are adorable and were so happy to play and spend time with Santa, family, and friends. Thanks to all the parents who took the time at this busy time of the year to bring the children to the park 490 | VESTNIK 2022 and begin making Christmas memories for them. Thanks to the senior members who also made the drive on this beautiful sunny snowy day to show support and allow us to thank you for your support at this most happy time of the year. What a wonderful tradition - and the Slovenski Park Membership is so lucky to have volunteers to carry forward the legacy for generations to come. We give our children wings - but we also give them roots - and the roots we have cultivated for the near 60 years at Slovenski Park is growing and will keep going for a long while yet - if we all continue to put the needs our the community cooperative of Slovenski Park first. I am so proud to have parents who raised me in the spirit of volunteerism and showed by the joy and doing for others selflessly and I am proud that this spirit continues with my family, your families, and our children. We hope you will attend the final event of the year - New Year’s Eve / Silvestrovanje at St Gregory the Great Parish in Hamilton. With the kind support of Moya Financial and the support of Slovenski Park members, families, and friends, we can together say good bye to 2022 and hello to the adventures 2023 will bring. Vesele Božične Praznike Srečno Novo Leto Mary Ann Demšar, Chairperson Board of Directors, Slovenski Park VESTNIK 2022 | 491 CWL - KŽZ CWL membership envelopes will be available from Pamela Gosgnach as of Wed. Nov. 23rd. These envelopes can be returned to Pamela or placed in the collection box in the vestibule. Please note that membership fees have gone up and are now $35. $25 is directed to national office, $3 to the provincial office, $6 to the Hamilton Diocese and $1 covers insurance. Rationale for this increase includes a significant decrease in membership and an increase in operation costs. Our CWL council voted against this increase in fees but since a majority of councils voted in favour of the motion it was passed. Thank you for your understanding. SPOVED PRED BOŽIČEM - CONFESSIONS Letošnjo duhovno pripravo pred Božičem bomo imeli v sredo, 21. decembra zvečer. Priložnost za sveto spoved ob od 5h popoldne do večerne maše in še po maši če bo potrebno. Ob 7h zvečer pa je večerna maša s kratkim nagovorom. Spovedoval bo g. Leopold Valant, župnik župnije Brezmadežne iz Christmas Midnight Mass – Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King, Hamilton His Excellency, Bishop Crosby, will celebrate Christmas Midnight Mass on Sunday, December 25th at 12:00 a.m. The celebration will be livestreamed and can be accessed by visiting the Cathedral’s website – Na račun »Eno Srce, Ena Duša« »One Heart, One Soul« ste za našo slovensko župnijo sv. Gregorija Velikega do 9. decembra 2022: - $144,440. - Obljubili / Pledged - $131,970. - Vplačali / Paid Hvala vsem, ki ste že prispevali. Jaslice so pripravljene. Hvala družini Mramor, ki jih je zopet postavila. Hvala pa tudi Marjanu Glavaču, ki je letos nabral mah. 492 | VESTNIK 2022 Z otroci Slovenske šole in učiteljicama smo imeli v soboto, 17. decembra - zadnji šolski dan pred Božičem - v kapeli mašo. Ob kitari in pesmih smo doživljali lepoto bogoslužja in pripravljali na praznovanje Božiča. Po maši so si še ogledali jaslice v cerkvi in potem okrasili smreko v atriju z okraski, ki so jih naredili prejšnjo soboto. VESTNIK 2022 | 493 O BVESTILA - A NNOUNCEMENTS KOLEDAR DOGODKOV DAROVI - DONATIONS - Dec. 18, 2022 - Breslau - Mass at 1:00 p.m. - Dec. 18, 2022 - London - Mass at 4:00 p.m. - Dec. 24, 2022 - St. Gregory the Great Božični večer - Christmas Eve Masses: 6:00 p.m. (English), 10:00 p.m. (Slovenian) - Dec. 25, 2022 - St. Gregory the Great Božič - Christmas Day - Masses: 9:30 a.m. (Slovenian), 11:00 a.m. (English) - Dec. 26, 2022 - Lipa Park - Mass at 3:00 p.m. - Dec. 31, 2022 - St. Gregory the Great Mass at 5:30 p.m. - New Year’s Eve celebration in the Hall at 6:00 p.m. - Jan. 1, 2022 - St. Gregory the Great - Novo leto - Marija, sveta Božja Mati - Masses: 9:30 a.m. (Slovenian), 11:00 a.m. (English) - Jan. 1, 2023 - Lipa Park - New Year's Day Celebration - home-style luncheon. Za gradbeni sklad so darovali: $100 - Peter in Marija Markeš ob smrti Jožeta Kolenko $100 - Martin in Frances Gazvoda namesto cvetja za pokojno Alojzijo Saje Ob smrti Ivana Doma so darovali namesto cvetja ali v njegov spomin: $2000 - Žena rozina z družino $100 - Mary Hanc z družino $100 - Ignac Dorenčec $200 - Marjan Hozjan z družino $100 - Toni in Marija Franc READERS - BRALCI BERIL December 18, 2022 Slovenska maša - Olga Glavač English Mass - Mary Miklavčič GIFT BEARERS - SLOVENIAN MASS Dec. 18 - Jožica Vegelj & Terezija Sarjaš Dec. 24 - 10 PM - Milena V., Pamela G. Dec. 25 - Albina in Joe Antolin CLEANING OF THE CHURCH - ČIŠČENJE CERKVE Dec. 30th - Lukežič, Volčanšek team OGNJIŠČE Prosimo, da potrdite naročnino za prihodnje leto za revijo Ognjišče. Naročnina za leto 2023 je $ 91.- 494 | VESTNIK 2022 POKOJNI - DECEASED 10. decembra 2022 je odšel k Bogu po večno plačilo naš faran, Ivan Žigon, star 96 let. Od pokojnega ste se lahko poslovili v torek 13. decembra med 4. in 7 uro zvečer v Markey-Dermody Funeral Home. Ob 4h popoldne smo molili rožni venec za pokoj njegove duše, v sredo ob 10h dopoldne pa darovali pogrebno sveto mašo in nato ga položili k večnemu počitku na Holy Sepulchre pokopališče, poleg njegove žene. Iskreno sožalje hčerki Sonji in sinu Danielu z družinama. Pokojni Ivan pa naj uživa večni mir in pokoj. 11. decembra je Bog poklical k sebi Alojzijo (Louise) Saje (nee: Gazvoda). Lojzka je bila stara 89 let. Dolga leta je živela v Hamiltonu in je bila naša faranka, leta 2015 pa se je preselila bližje sinu Andrew v Crowsnest Pass, Alberta. V naši župniji smo v torek, 13. decembra zvečer, darovali sveto mašo za pokoj njene duše. Za pokojno mamo žalujejo sinovi: John R., Danny I., in Andrew, prav tako tudi bratje: Martin, Milan, Lojze in sestra Ančka, poročena Klobučar. Pokojni Lojzki pa večni mir in pokoj. Že v prejšnjem Vestniku so bili podatki o smrti Ivana Doma. Danes samo dodajam še njegovo sliko, za vse tiste, ki ga po sliki boljše poznate. V torek dopoldne ob 10:00h smo darovali zanj pogrebno mašo. Po maši smo pokojnega pospremili k večnemu počitku na Our Lady of the Angels pokopališče. Potem pa so domači vse povabili v dvorano na kosilo. Še enkrat sožalje ženi Rozini, sinu Johnu (Margaret) in hčerkama Rosemary (Joe) in Jane (Andy) in njihovim družinam. Nedeljske kuverte - koledarji V atriju cerkve imate nedeljske kuverte. Poglejte, če je kakšna napaka v naslovih, da jo popravim v računalniku. Na razpolago imate tudi Marijanski koledar - letos so na njem slike iz raznih Marijih mašnih plaščev. Prav tako imate na razpolago tudi Angleški koledar, ki pa ima več prostora, da se na njem tudi kaj napiše. To pa še ni vse. Imate na mizi tudi Božično pismo in kuverto za božični dar. Hvala družini Novak Franka, ki je vse lepo zložila v kuverto. Svete maše - Masses † † † † 4. ADVENTNA NEDE- † LJA †† † 4TH SUNDAY †† OF ADVENT † 18. DECEMBER †† † GACIJAN, ŠKOF †† †† †† †† DON BOSCO Za žive in rajne župljane Frank Gimpelj Frank Saje Olga Peternel Irma Dorenčec Franc Ferenčak Stane in Mihajela Simrajh Rozina Vučko Joe in Elizabeth Gerič Joe Lackovič Ana in Franc Ferenčak Štefan Horvat Pokojni iz društva Sava Pok iz družine Šutej Majda in Frank Čagran Pokojni Slovenci iz Londona V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Stergulc Šverko Sudac Ponikvar Giovanni Marija Anna Lucija December 20, 2005 December 21, 2020 December 22, 1995 December 23, 2000 9:30 A.M. - - - - - - - Žena Elizabeth Žena z družino Hči Sandra Peternel Mož Ignac z družino Franc in Ljudmila Zadravec Magdalena Razpotnik z družino 11:00 A.M. Kathy Prša z družino Vera Lackovič z družino Žena Vera z družino Ivan Mertuk Vera Lackovič z družino 1:00 P.M. Breslau - dvorana Anica Kobetič Družina Mirt 4:00 P.M. St. John the Divine Parish SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday to Friday: 7:00 P.M., Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slovenian-Sunday Mass); Sunday: 10:00 A.M. from July to Fall Banquet (Slovenian/English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971 or Cell: 905-520-2014 VESTNIK 2022 | 495 19. 12. 2022 - 25. 12. 2022 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES † Eileen MacKenzie Za duše v vicah † Frank Mramor † Manja Erzetič †† Vinko in Milka Skale † Zoltan Gergyek † Joe Kolenko †† Pokojni farani Frančiška Cabrini, red. ust. †† Pok. Zelko in Milosavljevič † John Recek Kristusovi krvi na čast PETEK - FRIDAY † Zoltan Gergyek 23. DECEMBER † Barbara Car, obl. Janez Kancij, duhovnik † Alojzija Saje †† Silva in Pavel Verhovšek † Teodora Antonia Petrella † Martin Simončič † Martin Simončič † Ante Čule SOBOTA - SATURDAY † Karel Zorčič, obl. 24. DECEMBER Za mir na svetu Adam in Eva, prastarša †† Pok. iz druž. Sagadin in Pozderec †† Franc in Ana Ferenčak Božični večer † Marija Špiler † Jože Razpotnik Sr. Christmas Eve †† Terezija in Rudi Hajdinjak †† Zofija in Mihael Ferenčak †† Cecilija in Matija Smodiš †† Pokojni sorodniki Za žive in rajne župljane †† Pok. iz družin Simrajh in Arko †† Ana in Franc Ferenčak BOŽIČ †† Bratje Zupančič GOSPODOVO ROJSTVO † Rosie Dolar † Ann Božnar † Magda Udovč CHRISTMAS † Joža Šušteršič NATIVITY OF THE LORD † Ivan Glavač † Bronco Balažic † Simon Barry 25. DECEMBER † Joyce Vukmanič † Benjamin Markoja † Spomenka PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 19. DECEMBER, Urban III. Pp. TOREK - TUESDAY 20. DECEMBER, Evgen, muč. SREDA - WEDNESDAY 21. DECEMBER, Peter Kanizij ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 22. DECEMBER 496 | VESTNIK 2022 7:00 P.M. N.N. Prayer group 7:00 P.M. Društvo sv. Jožefa (3) Joe in Magda Razpotnik 7:00 P.M. Tatjana in Zvone Zaletel Sonja Langenfus 7:00 P.M. Štefan in Francka Antolin Olga Glavač z družino Terezija in Bojan Milosavljevič 7:00 P.M. Žena z družino Ana Tadić Gizela Hauzar z družino Marija in Zlatko Berkovič z druž. Zlatko in Marija Berkovič z druž. Hči Julija Sagadin z družino 6:00 P.M. Hči Rina Petrella Žena Kathy Audrey Hawthorne Žena z družino Hči Jožica Vegelj z družino 10:00 P.M. Slomškovo oltarno društvo Julija Sagadin z družino Ivan in Angela Antolin Mož z družino Joe in Magda Razpotnik Dragica in Lojze Ferenčak Lojze in Dragica Ferenčak Lojze in Dragica Ferenčak Milan in Sandy Ferletič 9:30 A.M. - - - - - - - Magda in Joe Razpotnik Kathy Prša z družino Pepca Hapke Pepca Hapke John Božnar in družina Družino Udovč in Levstek Ana Gergyek Jenny Antolin z družino Jenny Antolin z družino Jenny Antolin z družino Jenny Antolin z družino Jenny Antolin z družino 11:00 A.M. Sestra