SLOVENIA ISSN 1448-8175 SOUTH AUSTRALIA Australia Post print approved pp 534387/00013 |SSUE No. 37 Autumn 2006 NEWSLETTER The Slovenia South Australia Newsletter is an initiative of the Slovenian Club Adelaide Inc. and is published by the Slovenian Club Cultural Subcommittee. WORLD' S OLDEST VINE. The 400 year-Old Vine grows in the city of Maribor, Slovenia, and still produces an annual crop. A "daughter" of the Old Vine grows in Victoria at the McWilliams Lillydale Estate Vineyards in the Yarra Valley, 50 kms NE from Melbourne. President's Address Zadeve v klubu grejo brez posebnih problemov. Moramo se zahvaliti odboru Slovenskega Kluba kateri dela z entuzijazmom in posebno tistim pomagačam kateri delajo po tiho že leta in brez velikega šuma ogromno dela je narejeno. Kuharce so v kuhinji vsako nedeljo bilo vroče ali hladno. BBQ je zmeraj izvrsten tako ko bi kuharje imeli tekmo med sabom, katera grupa bo boljša. Dvorišče je zmeraj čisto, košare z odpadkam so vsaki torek položene na ulico, črte na parkiranju so obarvane. Prazne steklenice so odvožene na skladišče, itd. Tukaj sem naštel le ta glavna dela tista majhna katera so narejena in se ne vidijo je težko našteti. Silvestrovanje v klubu je bilo zelo uspešno. Prvič smo napravili nekaj novega: naš DJ in prinesite svojo hrano (kuhinja ni delala) seveda za poboljšanje je zmeraj mesta. V glavnem atmosfera je bila odlična. Naši DJ Eric, Cassa ndra in Jadran Vatovec so napravili odlično delo in mi vam vsi čestitamo. Tomo Leš Slovenia South Australia: Input and involvement from all South Australian Slovenians is welcomed and encouraged. Expressions of interest and contributions should be forwarded to the President at least one week prior to the Slovenian Club Committee's scheduled meetings (second Sunday of every month). editor: Cultural Subcommittee contributions: Andreja Dermol Tomo Leš Ernest Orel Rosemary Poklar Adrian Vatovec Cassandra Vatovec Sources: include STA, Slovenia News, Sinfo, Slovenia Business Weekly, Ice (Insight Central Europe),, Delo, Mladinska knjiga, Slovenia South Australia sponsors: > Slovenian Club Adelaide > Office for Slovenians Abroad, Ljubljana, Slovenia Contributions are being sought from the Slovenian community for Issue No.38 of the Slovenia South Australia Newsletter. Contact the editorial committee._ Matters at the Club are running without any special problems. We must thank the Committee of the Slovenian Club which works with enthusiasm and particularly those helpers who already work quietly for years and without a lot of noise much work is done. The cooks are in the kitchen every Sunday come heat or cold. The barbeque is always excellent as if the cooks would be competing amongst themselves as to which group will be better. The yard is always clean, the rubbish bins are put on the footpath every Tuesday, and the lines in the parking lot are painted. Empty bottles are taken to the depot, etc. Here I have listed only the main work, those small jobs which are done and which are not seen would be difficult to count. The New Year's Eve dance at the Club was very successful. We tried something new for the first time: our own DJ and "bring your own" food (the kitchen did not work), as ever there is always room for improvement. Mainly the atmosphere was excellent. Our DJs Eric, Cassandra and Adrian Vatovec did an excellent job and we all congratulate you. Tomo Leš President Translated by Rosemary Poklar Radio Committee Contact the Slovenian 5EBI radio broadcast committee if you wish to acknowledge someone's birth, birthday, death, engagement, wedding, anniversary, get well wishes, achievement or some other community announcement. Radio broadcast committee members are Vida Končina, Ernest Orel (President), Olga Orel, Cvetka Petrovski and Rosemary Poklar. The Slovenian program has been broadcast in Adelaide for 30 years. GLASBA - MUSIC Slovenian Choir Adelaide (Slovenski pevski zbor Adelaide) rehearsals every second Sunday at 4.00pm, in the clubrooms. Dan Kulture Kultura ene nacije se vidi v intelektualnem, artističnem in moralnem oblikovanju skozi stoletja. Kultura se vidi v uspehu zavarovanja svojih tradicij, verovanj, jezika in najpomembnejše svoje eksistence. ogromno truda in žrtvovali življenja za svojo kulturo in rodno grudo. Letošnja »Prešernova Nagrada« Slovenskega Kluba je dodeljena g. Ernestu Orel za dolgoletno požrtvovalno delo na kulturnem polju v slovenski skupnosti Južne Avstralije. Ernest Orel in Tomo Leš Ernest vsi ti velikodušno čestitamo! V tej priložnosti se želim zahvaliti vsem udeležencam programa in prisotnim članam in prijateljam kateri so pomogli da je ta popoldan bil tako uspešen. Rosemary za organizacijo programa, Jadran in pevski zbor Slovenskega Kluba, Laura in Davor so režirali in predstavili točko »Poskus znanja o Francetu Prešernu«. Posebno Chantel na flavti in Davor na klarinetu so nam predstavili svojo virtuoznost v klasični in zabavni glasbi. i • i i _ _J _ Tomo Leš Da danes praznujemo dan kulture moremo se zahvaliti vsem tistim kateri so skozi stoletja vložili 2 Davor Pavlin-Premrl in Laura Premrl Na koncu Ivan in Karlo naši stari godbeniki so nam napravili atmosfero da se je slišal ne le harmonika in boben ampak pesem in vrisk. Tomo Leš Cultural Day The culture of a nation is visible in its intellectual, artistic and moral formation throughout the centuries. Culture is visible in the successful protection of its traditions, faith, language and most importantly its existence. Davor Pavlin-Premrl That today we celebrate Cultural Day we must thank all those who through the centuries invested much effort and gave their lives for their culture and native land. Slovenian Choir Adelaide This year's Slovenian Club Prešeren Award is awarded to Mr Ernest Orel for many years selfless work in the cultural field in the Slovenian community of South Australia. vm- "t * K UiAt Chantel Flavel At this opportunity I wish to thank all the participants in the programme and the club members and friends who were present and helped to make the afternoon so successful. Rosemary for organising the programme, Adrian and the Slovenian Club choir, Laura and Davor directed and presented the item "France Prešeren Knowledge Trial". Especially Chantel on the flute and Davor on the clarinet who showed us their virtuosity in classical and entertaining music. Rosemary Poklar Ernest we all heartily congratulate you! And last, Ivan and Charlie, our older musicians, created for us an atmosphere where was heard not only the accordion and the drum but also songs and shouts. Tomo Les Translated by Rosemary Poklar Kulturni Praznik Ob kulturnem prazniku se naše misli obrnejo h kulturi, k velikemu pesniku Francetu Prešernu. 3 To je dan vsega slovenstva. Izraža skupno privrženost k ohranjanju kulture, slovenskega jezika, ter nas zavezuje k narodni zavesti, nas združuje vse, kar nas je Slovencev, tako v domovini kot širom po svetu. Prešeren nam svojimi pesmimi bodri našo zavest in nas tudi danes nagovarja. »Žive naj vsi narodi, ki hrepene dočakat dan, da koder sonce hodi, prepir iz sveta bo pregnan. Da rojak, prost bo vsak, ne vrag, le sosed bo mejak!« Katere misli bi lahko danes, v času, ko se nam zdi, da je svet ponorel, da so sovraštvo in krivice naš vsakdanjik, bolj globoko nakazale, kam naj se človeštvo danes obrača. Ali velike besede prav tako iz Zdravice: »Edinost, sreča, sprava, k nam naj nazaj se vrnejo...« Kakršnokoli že je bilo življenje Prešerna, njegove besede so ostale večne. In kaj naj Slovencu v tujini predstavlja kulturni praznik? Vse kar govori s svojo poezijo Prešeren. Ponosno stopati kot Slovenec in ohranjati slovensko kulturo, slovenski jezik. To je dar, ki ga ne smemo izgubiti. Bil nam je podan v zibelko in prenašati ga moramo naprej. Misli znanih Slovencev o Prešernu: »Vzel je v svoje roke jezik slovenskih kmetov in ga dvignil na raven evropskega duha in svetovne književnosti! Jezik, ki mu ni bilo namenjeno, da preživi. Jezik, ki je šel skozi šivankino uho zgodovine, zato da bi ga danes mi lahko govorili in na njem utemeljili svojo samostojno in demokratično državo. Zato z vso hvaležnostjo in optimizmom proslavljamo zgodovinski čudež: Pesnik je rojen!« Rudi Šeligo »Pod njegovim vplivom mi je postalo odvratno grabežljivo bogatenje, noro poželenje po oblasti, slepa ubogljivost nadrejenim, krvava strast do vojskovanja.« lgralec Polde Bibič »France, preširen duh si bil za svoj čas - in si tudi za nas, saj smo ne glede na velikoamerikanske globalizatorje še vedno preozki, presuhi in pregluhi za tvojo širino... France, prešeren z veliko in z malo začetnico, si sredi gluhe loze svetovljanstva igral na čarno piščaI slovenske besede, vedoč, kako prešerno je peti svoj glas... France, tudi v sodobnem svetu računaIništva mi pomeniš zanesljivo utripalko, da je odpravljiv tudi naš virus razprtij, pa čeprav je težko pisati zdravljice in jih še težje živeti... France Prešeren, po medmrežju binarnega sveta ti sporočam, da bi Slovenci tudi tvoje sodobne in prihodne brate po peresu še naprej radi brali tudi v sIovenščini...« Janko Moder Andreja Dermol France Prešeren Cultural Day On Cultural Day our thoughts turn to culture, to the great poet France Prešeren. This is a day for all Slovenians. It expresses our common devotion to maintaining culture, Slovenian language, and it binds all of us who are Slovenians, in our homeland and throughout the world. Prešeren with his own poems stimulates our consciousness and he addresses us even today. "God's blessing on all nations, who long and work for that bright day, when o'er earth's habitations no war, no strife shall hold its sway; who long to see that all men free no more shall foes, but neighbours be!" Which thoughts could today, in times when it seems to us that the world has gone mad, that hate and injustice are our daily companion, more profoundly indicate where humanity might turn today. Maybe great words likewise from Zdravica: "Let peace, glad conciliation, come back to us throughout the land..." Whatever Prešeren's life may have been like, his words have remained eternal. And what might Cultural Day represent to a Slovenian abroad? Everything of which Prešeren speaks through his poetry. To proudly walk as a Slovenian and maintain Slovenian culture, Slovenian language. This is a gift which we must not lose. It was handed down to us in the cradle and we must carry it forward. Thoughts of famous Slovenians about Prešeren: "He took in his hands the language of Slovenian farmers and raised it to the level of European spirit and world literature! A language that wasn't intended to survive. A language that went through the eye of the needle of history, so that today we might speak it and on it establish our independent and democratic country. This is why with great thankfulness and optimism we celebrate an historic wonder: A poet is born!" Rudi Šeligo "Under his influence greedy enrichment, the crazy desire for power, blind obedience to superiors, bloodstained passion for war became repulsive" Actor Polde Bibič "France, you were too broad a spirit for your time - and are also for us, because regardless of large American globalisations we are still too narrow, too arid and too deaf for your breadth. France, proud with a small and with a capital letter, amid the deaf vine of cosmopolitanism you played on the magic flute of Slovenian words, knowing, how proud it is to sing in your own voice. France, even in the contemporary world of computing you signify for me a reliable indicator that even our virus of discord can be dispatched, even though it is difficult to write 'zdravljica' and still more difficult to live it. France Prešeren, through the internet of the binary world I let you know that Slovenians would also like to continue to read in Slovenian, too, your contemporary and future brothers of the pen." Janko Moder Andreja Dermol _Translated by Rosemary Poklar URAD VLADE REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE ZA SLOVENCE V ZAMEJSTVU IN PO SVETU Spoštovani rojaki v zamejstvu in po svetu, dragi prijatelji izven meja Republike Slovenije! Naj gre ob začetku mojega mandata v svojstvu državnega sekretarja in vodje Urada Vlade RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu moja prva misel k Vam, dragi prijatelji, ki živite v zamejstvu in širom po svetu in dan za dnem, na različne načine, tkete in utrjujete vezi s Slovenijo. Dovolite, da Vas najprisrčneje pozdravim in hkrati izrazim željo po kar najboljšem sodelovanju z Vami vsemi. Danes niso pomembni razlogi ali okoliščine, zaradi katerih ste se znašli izven političnih meja matične domovine, niti ni pomembno, kako močno ste se čutili povezane s Slovenijo. Bistveno je to, da se med Vami in nami vzpostavi in poglobi odnos medsebojnega zaupanja in sodelovanja. Mi, Urad Vlade RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu, smo tukaj zato, da Vam bomo pomagali krepiti stike s Slovenijo, da Vam bomo stali ob strain v Vaših prizadevanjih za Vaš boljši status, za boljšo vlogo v družbi, v kateri živite. Za nas ste pomemben in nezamenljiv del slovenskega naroda. Četudi živite izven meja naše države, želimo, da bi s svojim znanjem, izkušnjami in zrelostjo čimbolj enakovredno sooblikovali slovenski narod in širšo skupnost. Prav tako smo veseli Vašega razvoja in uspehov v družbi, v kateri delujete in ustvarjate. Republika Slovenija se je z vstopom v EZ in NATO in s skorajšnjim prevzemom Evra ter odprave mejne stran/page 6 PUST DAY AT SLOVENIAN CLUB Sunday February 26 2006 od stran/from page 4 kontrole z ostalimi članicami Evropske zveze enakovredno vključila v družbo demokratičnih držav in tako uspešno zaključuje svoje desetletje in pol dolgo obdobje tranzicije. Dosedanje dobre izkušnje sodelovanja med Slovenijo in Slovenci v zamejstvu in po svetu želimo seveda ohraniti, hkrati pa želimo skupaj z Vami iskati in graditi nove, današnjemu času in znanju primerne oblike delovanja. Vlada Predsednika Janeza Janše je z imenovanjem državnega sekretarja in oblikovanjem posebnega Urada za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu potrdila svojo naklonjenost in pozornost do Vas, drage rojakinje in rojaki izven RS. Tudi priprava posebnega zakona, ki je prav sedaj v parlamentarni proceduri in s katerim želi Slovenija uzakoniti svojo tudi v ustavi zapisano skrb za Slovence po svetu, je temeljnega pomena za pravilno reševanje vseh odprtih vprašanj. Skratka, kar nekaj razlogov imamo, da se lahko upravičeno veselimo novih možnosti za sodelovanje in medsebojno bogatenje. Tudi če neb o šlo vse zmeraj gladko, lahko z dobro voljo in s pripravljenostjo do dialoga zaobidemo marsikatero oviro. Ko se tem mestu iskreno zahvalim svojemu predhodniku za ves njegov trud in delo, naj Vam ob koncu izrazim svoje resnično veselje, da bom lahko skupaj s svojimi sodelavci delal z Vami, in naj potrdim svojo največjo pripravljenost, da bomo lahko skupaj naredili nov korak v pravo smer. Zoran Pelikan Državni Sekretar Ljubljana, December 2005 Hoja je zdrava Pol ure hoje na dan vašemu telesu zagotovi zdravje in dobro počutje. Ta telesna aktivnost je zastonj, zanjo ne potrebujete posebnih priprav in lahko jo izvajate v vseh letnih časih. Je za vas vadba v telovadnici dolgočasna? Pa še draga je, do tja morate z avtom, vzame vam veliko časa ... Za vas je hoja idealen način rekreacije, ki ga lahko izvajate kadarkoli in kjerkoli. Pred začetkom si priskrbite primerno obleko in obutev. Obremenjeni so prsti, pete in gležnji, zato je pomembno, da imate kakovostne čevlje. Ker boste večinoma hodili po trdi podlagi, so dobri čevlji še pomembnejši. Čevlji naj bodo lahki, a ne povsem ravni. Pri peti naj bodo ojačani. Podplat ne sme biti pretanek, saj mora ublažiti pritisk telesa na stopala. Zgornji del čevljev naj bo mehak in udoben, iz usnja ali zračne tkanine. Gležnji morajo biti podprti, saj se boste tako izognili številnim poškodbam. V čevljih se morate počutiti udobno, hkrati pa stabilno, da stopalo ostane v smeri gibanja, ko ga položimo na tla. Ko ste torej pripravljeni, se kar najhitreje odpravite na svež zrak, še prej pa preberite, kaj dobrega vam omogoča redna hoja. Skrbi za vašo linijo Hoja je aerobni način vadbe. Mišice niso prisiljene delovati s primanjkljajem kisika kot pri anaerobni vadbi, krvni obtok, srce in pljuča niso pod stresom. Če hodite dalj časa, lahko tudi shujšate. V pol ure hoje boste namreč porabili več kot 200 kalorij. Vendar na začetku vseeno ne pretiravajte, saj boste sicer kasneje, ko pridete domov, težko nadzorovali lakoto. Izboljša mišični tonus Pri hoji najbolj delujejo mišice na mečih, stegnih, trebuhu in zadnjici, torej tiste mišice, ki posebej pri ženskah sčasoma najbolj izgubljajo čvrstost in tonus. Če hočete aktivirati celotno muskulaturo, se morate gibati pravilno. Ramena morajo biti vzravnana, mišice trebuha in zadnjice napete. Stopalo se mora dotakniti tal takole: najprej položite na tla peto, nato prste, hkrati pa iztegnite mišico na mečih. Korak mora biti hiter in dolg, dihanje pa globoko. Ohranja srce v formi Srce je mišica, ki se, tako kot druge mišice, krepi z vadbo. Pri hoji mora črpati več krvi, da zagotovi energijo, pri tem pa ni v nevarnosti zaradi pretiravanja, saj med hojo nikoli ne dosežemo praga vzdržljivosti. Kmalu boste ugotovili, da lahko z enakim utripom prehodite daljšo pot v krajšem času in z manj napora. Pomembno je, da se tudi hoje lotite postopno, sprva dvakrat na teden za 30 minut, nato povečajte čas na 45 minut, počasi začnite hoditi trikrat na teden in tako naprej. Aktivira cirkulacijo Hoja deluje kot neke vrste črpalka za krvne žile, ki pospešuje vračanje krvi iz spodnjega dela telesa proti srcu. Vsakič, ko vzdignemo stopalo, se gosta mreža krvnih žil napolni s krvjo, ko pa ga položimo na tla, se žile pod silo telesne teže praznijo in potisnejo kri navzgor. Tako se izognemo zastajanju krvi v venah, reguliramo krvni tlak, žile pa ostajajo elastične. Krepi kosti Pri hoji kosti nog nosijo težo celega telesa, ta napor pa pospeši izločanje kalcija v kosti, ki se tako krepijo. Hoja je najboljši način preprečevanja in zdravljenja primanjkljaja kalcija, ki se lahko pojavi pri poškodbah, osteoporozi ali drugih boleznih. Preprečuje sladkorno bolezen Hoja zmanjšuje nevarnost pojava sladkorne bolezni. Pri hoji namreč mišice porabljajo prekomerne sladkorje iz krvi. Diabetiki s hojo ohranjajo pod nadzorom raven glukoze v krvi in tako na naraven način "zdravijo" sladkorno bolezen. Skrbi za dobro počutje Hoja vpliva tudi na razpoloženje. Možgani na redno telesno aktivnost odgovorijo s proizvodnjo beta endorfina, ki zmanjša občutek utrujenosti in poveča občutek zadovoljstva. Poleg tega se poveča proizvodnja serotonina, naravnega antidepresiva, ki nadzoruje stres. Dihanje postane bolj pravilno, tudi ko mirujemo, kar zmanjša občutek tesnobe. Hoja nam pomaga, da dosežemo ravnovesje med duševnostjo in telesnostjo. Pa še to: poveča se proizvodnja testosterona, moškega hormona, ki povečuje željo po spolnosti. Boljša telesna pripravljenost pa poveča željo po intimnosti, zato se bo gotovo izboljšalo tudi vaše spolno življenje. Manca Mirnik New liver resection technique saves lives in Slovenia Slovenia has gone a long way in the field of liver surgery, especially in liver resection - the removal of part of the organ by surgery. Only half a century ago, doctors almost always lost the battle with cancerous lesions and tumours of the liver. But now, as we report from Maribor, there is fresh hope for liver patients: H Dr. Eldar Gadzijev the liver again and again, even remove tumours several times just because of the capacity of the liver to regenerate." In the hospital in Maribor, surgeons also operate on patients from abroad: "Considering all the possibilities of after care, our patients can easily be sent home 5 to 7 days after the operation, which formerly was not the case. Also the rate of complications is diminished very much and so there is no such danger after the operation as there used to be." "Liver surgery has mainly developed in the last 50-60 years. It used to be very dangerous surgery because there are three vascular systems that fill the liver with blood, so operations and all procedures on the liver were very dangerous, because of the enormous blood loss." Dr. Eldar Gadzijev heads the department of Abdominal and General Surgery at Maribor hospital. He spent years trying to find a way of operating on the liver without risking the patient's life. His efforts seem to have paid off. So, how is this "safe surgery" actually performed? The most crucial step is locating and controlling all the important vessels that enter and leave the liver. This ensures that there is practically no bleeding during the operation. Then an ultrasound examination is performed. After that the resection is done and the good news is: another part of the organ can be removed safely should the disease spread or a tumour reappear: "Years ago many patients with liver tumours were practically left to die without any help. We have now experienced that we can re-operate on Mrs. Jez is 75. Eight years ago, she was diagnosed with cancer. She went through treatment and seemed to have won her battle until doctors discovered that the disease had spread to her liver. In a desperate attempt to win this battle too, she decided to undergo liver resection: "When you lose your partner, all you have is your family. My son has three children, who mean the world to me and I would love to share beautiful moments with them. I live for them and it means so much to me to stay healthy and be there for them. They give my life meaning." Two weeks after the operation Mrs Jez feels good. Doctors are confident that she will be able to live a normal life. "It was a good decision, very positive and definitely at the right time and the operation was successful, the doctors told me." Thanks to the new surgery and postoperative care, 30-40% of the liver patients who have undergone resection can expect to remain healthy for at least five years. Ksenija Samardzija-Matul ANDAMOOKA A number of Slovenian families, in the early years of migrating to Australia, made their living in the hot and harsh conditions of the central Australian opal mining towns of Andamooka and Cooper Pedy. The Zadnik family and their living conditio ns are shown below in the photographs taken in 1962 at Andamooka. Australian opals are considered the best in the world. Mimi, Franc, Diana and Doris Zadnik KNJIGE - BOOKS Harsh living conditions of the Zadnik family Romantični na 1001 način GREGORY GODEK Če bi radi postali bolj romantični, pa ne veste kako, boste odgovore na svoja vprašanja našli v pričujočem priročniku za zaljubljene, ki je bil v Ameriki velika uspešnica. Avtor se poleg pisateljevanja ukvarja tudi z vodenjem seminarjev o romantiki in pomaga zaljubljenim parom v televizijskih oddajah (tudi v Oprah Showu). Prevajalka Andreja Kos je priročnik priredila in prilagodila slovenskim razmeram. V njem boste poleg obilice uporabnih nasvetov in napotkov našli omenjene različne slovenske kraje, festivale, športne prireditve, knjige, pesnike in še marsikaj ... priložnostna glasba pa vključuje tudi slovenske predloge. Priročnik je tako dobil slovenski pridih in postal bogata zakladnica ne le romantičnih nasvetov, temveč tudi vsesplošnih informacij in zanimivih podatkov. Knjiga vam ponuja več kot 1.000 idej, kako izraziti svojo ljubezen. To niso samo rože, pisma ali pozdravi po elektronski pošti. Našli boste tudi seznam 99 najboljših ljubezenskih skladb 20. stoletja, seznam romantičnih filmov in veliko lepih misli. Mladinska knjiga STAMPS Masks The Cocks from Ponikve in the Dolenjska Region. ****************** Ski Jumper Signifying the 2006 Turin Olympic Winter Games ZGOŠČENKE - CDs This 24-year old from Ljubljana self-titled release OMAR. Bachground - Omar entered a young talent show, screened on national TV, at the end of 2004; he was declared the winner, picking up the biggest televote ever recorded in Slovenia. At the end of 2004 his first single Vse, kar si želiš (Sunny Day) was released and so far, it remains one of the biggest selling singles of 2005 in Slovenia. At the beginning of February 2005 Omar entered the Ema festival, where he once again confirmed his star status by winning the hearts of Slovenian audience, beating fierce competition to win with his song Stop (On My Own). He represented Slovenia at the 2005 Eurovision Song Contest. His first album, entitled simply 'Omar', followed in mid February 2005 and went straight to number one where it spent seven weeks. It is one the best-selling albums of 2005. What's Cooking? JOTA (Bean and pickled turnips soup) INGREDIENTS: 200 g (7 oz) kidney beans, soaked overnight 500 g (17 1/2 oz) potatoes, peeled and cubed 500 g (17 1/2 oz) pickled turnips 150 g (5 1/3 oz) dry cured bacon 1 onion 50 g (1 2/3 oz) flour 2 garlic cloves bay leaf tomato paste salt, pepper Cook the beans, potatoes and turnips separately. Chop the bacon and fry it together with onions, add flour, fry some more, pour water and cook until smooth. Add beans, turnips and potatoes (do not drain), season with crushed garlic, bay leaf and tomato paste. Add salt and pepper to taste and boil well. MATEVŽ or Potato Man INGREDIENTS: 200 g (7 oz) kidney beans 400 g (14 oz) potatoes salt 50 g (1 2/3 oz) lard or minced bacon (zaseka) 2 tbsp chopped onions Soak the beans overnight and boil them. Add salt just before they are cooked. Peel the potatoes and cook them in salted boiling water. Drain, add beans (not drained) and mash well. Fry the onions on lard or zaseka, salt to taste and add to the potato and beans mixture. Matevž is best served with grilled sausages (pečenice), black pudding (krvavice), sauerkraut or pickled turnips. SINFO Seen & Heard The new paint shop at General Motors Holden at Elizabeth (South Australia) is under construction by an imported team of 34 Slovenian and Croatian tradesmen. The guest workers were brought to Australia by the German company Reschka, which was hired to do the installation. The workers are living in rented housing at North Adelaide and driven daily to Holden's Elizabeth plant for 10 hour working shifts. Competition on routes from Ljubljana to London and Brussels is about to get fiercer, as Wizz Air, the biggest no-frills carrier in Central and Eastern Europe, will start operating scheduled flights on the routes in May. At the end of the third quarter of 2005, there were 2,003,584 people living in Slovenia, an increase of 2,470 or 0.1% compared to June 2005, the national Statistical Office told the press on Tuesday, 31 January. Despite the population increase, Slovenia is at the bottom of the scale of birthrates in the EU, where Ireland, France and Finland have the highest birthrate. Interestingly, Swedes have the highest share of children born out of wedlock (55.4%), with Slovenia not too far behind. Pope Benedict XVI has named the former Ljubljana Archbishop and Slovenian Metropolitan Franc Rode for the post of cardinal. The Slovenian interior and foreign ministries signed a contract with printing company Cetis on the production of new biometric passports. According to Interior Minister Dragutin Mate, the first biometric passports will be available in September. The entire Slovenia is considered a bird flu-risk zone as of 15 February in accordance with a decree that the Agriculture and Food Ministry adopted. The decree also expands the high-risk area where poultry has to be kept indoors and drinking water for the animals boiled. Slovenians Want to Learn English and German. As many as 71% of Slovenians claim they speak at least two foreign languages, while 47% believe all Europeans should speak two other languages beside their mother tongue, according to the latest Eurobarometer poll. BUSINESS SLOVENIA Slovenia's Andrej Bajuk has been chosen Financial Minister of the Year for Europe by The Banker magazine, a publication of the Financial Times Group. The leader of the coalition New Slovenia (NSi) earned the award through his contribution to Slovenia's euro changeover preparations and his fiscal policy and tax reform efforts, NSi's press release said. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIS) has handed out awards for business achievements in 2005 to seven Slovenian managers. The awards went to the bosses of industrial furnace producer Bosio, Hugo Bosio; bank Banka Koper, Vojko Cok; management consulting company Profil, Franc Jamsek; hydraulic systems maker Kladivar, Milan Kopac; home appliance maker BSH Hisni aparati, Matjaz Lenassi; aluminium producer Talum, Danilo Toplak; and fuse producer Keko-Varicon, Zoran Zivic. Slovenia's 2007-2011 tourism development strategy aims at increasing the number of visitors to the country by 6% to 3.3 million by 2011. Slovenia's comparative advantages in the new plan are its diversity, nature, food and wine, and hospitality, said Maja Uran of the Portoroz College of Tourism. "We want to remain pristine and authentic, and present ourselves as one of the last undiscovered destination in Europe," added the head of the group which helped in drafting the new strategy. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Urednik Sprejema članke v slovenščini ali angleščini. Dobrodošla je tudi dobra kritika in vsaka dobra ideja. Letters to the editor are to be addressed to Slovenian Club President. All letters will need to make postal or email delivery by the weekend prior to the scheduled Club Committee meetings to ensure inclusion in the next issue of the newsletter. The Slovenian Club Committee reserves the right to withhold publication of any letter which in their opinion constitutes personal criticism or attack of an individual or organization. President Slovenian Club Adelaide, Migration has played an important role in the development of our state. The rich legacy of successive waves of migrants enriches the lives of all people in South Australia. I am delighted to update on the new developments at the South Australian Migration Museum. Some of you may already be aware that works have begun to upgrade this important South Australian institution. A few years ago the state government provided funds to start an upgrade of the exhibits at the Migration Museum. We are now in the final stages, with the state government providing $450,000 to update the galleries that present the history of immigration and settlement in the twentieth and twenty first centuries. The Government's support will enable the Museum to include the latest historical research and state of the art design to maintain its reputation as the most highly regarded museum of immigration history in Australia. The Migration Museum wishes to continue the tradition of telling the stories of individuals and communities as a way of acknowledging the tremendous contribution made by immigrants and refugees to South Australia's development. The generous support of South Australia's multicultural communities has made this possible. The Migration Museum has received many replies to its Community ParticipationProgram. This is where people can send information about events that were significant to them both in their country of origin and in Australia. This information will be included in a Timeline and it is the first time such a project has been conducted in an Australian museum. The new development will be completed in December 2006 and promises to enhance the experience of this much-loved museum for the benefit of all South Australians and our visitors. Yours sincerely Mike Rann Premier of South Australia January 2006 *** Vesela sem, da se me spomnite in pošiljete tudi vaš časopis (Slovenia S.A.), s katerega moram reči posredujem tudi naprej, da so tudi naši sodelavci seznanjeni, kaj se zanimivega dogaja pri naših rojakih. Želim vam oblilo sreče tako v osebnem življenju kot tudi v poslovnem smislu. Majda Udovič Ilirska Bistrica, Slovenia December 2005 *** Adrian Vatovec, Thank you for being a part of the Multicultural Christmas after the Christmas Pageant this year (November 2005) and particularly for being so flexible with your group's performances. The event was very successful and we had 32 performances in 7 locations over the 3-hour period, ranging from the Migration Museum, the Library, the Museum, the Art Gallery and Bonython Hall to Ayers House and the front gate of the Botanic Gardens. The Lord Mayor of Adelaide, Michael Harbison, said at the time "very good" and "It's wonderful to see North Terrace coming alive". I also spoke to Julie Priest, the Adelaide Council's event organiser, and she said she thought our event "went really well". Some photos of the Slovenian choir are enclosed and we look forward to seeing you again next year, perhaps with some new options. All the best for 2006 and please pass on our thanks and best wishes to the others. It was great to see them again. Yours sincerely, Darian Hiles Chairman, Multicultural Christmas December 2005 Peter and Anita Schneider Slovenian Choir Adelaide performing at King Edward the 7th statute, corner North Tce and Kintore Ave, Adelaide city. *** Dear Slovenia South Australia Newsletter! My name is Tibor Horvat and I am living in Switzerland, where I finished my university studies. Originally I come from Hungary and I am from the Slovene population in Hungary (Porabje). I come from the village called Stevanovci (Hung. : Apatistvanfalva). Unfortunately my Slovene language knowledge in writing is not so good, because of that I write you in English. The reason of my letter to you is, that I am interested to learn about Hungarian Slovenes living in Australia. Perhaps you could help me in this question. Perhaps there are members in the Slovenian Club Adelaide in Australia, which know Slovenes from Hungary. Or perhaps you could give me information or advice where I can get help to find Hungarian Slovenes in Australia. I would like to ask you very kindly too, if perhaps there is a possibility to place my request in the Slovenia South Australia Newsletter. In this way perhaps Slovenes living in Australia could contact me if they are Slovenes from Hungary themselves or if they know where I can get in contact with Slovenes from Hungary in Australia. I created a website called which tells about the Slovenes in Hungary. The reason of this website is, that on one hand I can learn more about my own Slovene roots by working for my website and on the other hand to show the Slovenes and non-Slovenes in the world the rich culture and history of the Hungarian Slovenes. I can imagine, that there are also 2nd and 3rd generation of Slovenes coming from Hungary, who don't speak anymore the Slovene language, but are interested to learn more about their own roots, from where their parents and grandparents come from. Perhaps they have similar background to myself. It is important for me, that the Slovene Raba Region in Hungary (Slovensko Porabje) don't fall in oblivion. Because of the historical facts (Iron Curtain ...) the Slovenes in Hungary were relatively separated from the motherland Slovenia and from other Slovenes in the world. At that time it was not always so easy to keep alive the Slovene language and tradition in Hungary. If you could help me I would be very glad. I am interested, from which villages in Porabje the Slovenes come from. Perhaps some Hungarian Slovenes in Australia knew my grandparents in Stevanovci. The farmhouse of my grandparents in Stevanovci has the name "Shoulin". My grandfather's name was Jozsef Horvat and my grandmother's name was Ana Bedi. I still have a big family in Porabje and I am every month there too. I will update my website continuously about cultural and historical backgrounds of the Hungarian Slovenes. Thank you very much for your help and I wish you a nice day! Best regards, Tibor Horvat Indermuhleweg 15 CH - 3018 Bern Switzerland Email: January 2006 SPORT UPDATE The Slovenian national men's basketball team finished 6th at the European Basketball Championships in Belgrade in September, attaining the goal that the team had set itself before heading for Serbia. The result means that Slovenia now automatically qualifies for both the world championships in Japan in 2006 and the next European championships to be held in 2007. AAA Biathlete Tadeja Brankovic carried Slovenia's flag at the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games in Turin. Brankovic was selected because of her strong World Cup form. CONGRATULATIONS ČESTITKE All the best - vse najboljše! Birthday - Rojstni dan December 2005 - Tončka Kostaš, Štefan Ivančič January 2006 - Anica Majcen, Ivanka Ivančič, Eric Vatovec (18) February - Cvetka Jamnik, Danica Kaluža March - Mimi Zadnik, Alda Batistta Please let the editorial committee know of milestones and achievements for inclusion in the newsletter. Obituary - Osmrtnica The Slovenian Club, on behalf of the Slovenian community of South Australia, wishes to express its sincere condolences to the family and friends of : Rozina Stemberger Born in Pavlice, Slovenia. Passed away Adelaide, 13/12/2005. 85 years old. Committed at Centennial Park Cemetery, (Catholic K Section). Much loved wife of Bernardo. Loved and loving mother and mother-in-law of Malcolm and Debbie, Silvana and Michael; adored Nona of Sarah and Sam, Zoe, Jordan, Alex, Zac, Nathan, Tessa and Evelyn. Loved sister and sister-in-law of Louis and Olga Hrvatin and their family. Anton Lah Born in Slovenia, Sikolah pri Pragerskem, 9/06/1938. Passed away at the Gumeracha Hospital, 7/01/2006. 69 years old. Committed at Enfield Memorial Park. Dearly loved husband of Anica, much loved father of Eddy and Kevin, father-in-law of Carol, loving Poppie of Sara. PERSONAL NOTICES Notices to be forwarded through the Club President, in writing (Slovenian or English). All letters will need to make mail delivery by the weekend prior to the scheduled Club Committee meetings to ensure inclusion in the next issue of the newsletter. HALL HIRE HALL HIRE Main Hall (seats 250) members: $350.00 non-members: $700.00 Clubrooms (seats 120) members: $135.00 non-members: $250.00 Hall&Clubrooms (seats 350) members: $450.00 non-members: $850.00 Further information from the Club President or Secretary USEFUL ADDRESSES Slovenian Club Adelaide Founded in 1957 11 Lasalle Street Dudley Park SA 5008 tel: 8269 6199 fax: 8269 2406 internet: Slovenian Club opening hours: 7.00 - 8.00pm Fridays for Yoga 2.00 - 10.30pm Sundays Slovenian Catholic Church 51 Young Avenue West Hindmarsh SA 5007 tel: 8346 9674 fax: 8346 3487 email: 5EBI FM Radio (stereo FM 103.1mhz) 10 Byron Place Adelaide SA 5000 office tel: 8211 7635 studio tel: 8211 7066 Slovenian program times: Wednesdays 7.00 - 7.30pm Sundays 2.00 - 2.30pm Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije (Slovenian Embassy) Advance Bank Centre Level 6, 60 Marcus Clark Street Canberra act 2601 PO Box 284, Civic Square Canberra ACT 2601 tel: (02) 6 243 4830 fax: (02) 6 243 4827 email: internet: www. Urad Republike Slovenije za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu (Office of The Republic of Slovenia, Office for Slovenians Abroad) Železna Cesta 14 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 430 2810 fax: +386 1 478 2296 internet: SBS Radio (stereo FM 106.3 mhz) Federation Square Melbourne VIC 3000 tel: (Melbourne): (03) 9685 2519 tel: (Sydney): (02) 9430 2828 Slovenian program national broadcast: Tuesdays 9.00- 10.00am Listen to Slovenian program at any time on Internet radio: hp?language=Slovenian Ministrstvo za Kulturo (Slovenian Ministry for Culture) Maistrova 10 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 478 5900 fax: +386 1 478 5901 internet: http://www. Slovenska Izseljenska Matica (Slovenian Emigrant Association) Cankarjeva 1/11 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 425 1673 fax: +386 1 241 0280 internet: publisher of slovenija.svet Slovenian Media House PO Box 191 Sylvania NSW 2224 Internet: Internet publisher Slovenian Australian Institute PO Box 15 Camperdown NSW 2050 Internet: Internet publisher Radio Slovenija 1 Program of Slovenians abroad. Friday night (Slovenian time) 8.30pm -11.00pm Middle wave 326.8 m or 918 kHz. Internet radio: RTV Slovenija II Slovenian Magazine Every second Friday at 8.55pm (Slovenian time) Satelite: Eutelsat, Hot Bird 3, 13 degrees East, transponder 80, 12302, 880 MHz, polarisation Y, coding system Viaccess. Internet (view anytime): The Slovenia Times Fortnightly newspaper in English, published in Ljubljana. Internet: Slovenia South Australia NEWSLETTER ADVERTISEMENTS Advertise your business Contact Club President or Secretary. Sample advertisements may be submitted as hardcopy or on floppy disk or CD, or have it made up by the editorial committee. Rates: Business card size $10 %page (210mmwide x 75mm high) $15 (105mm wide x 150mm high) $15 / (210mm wide x 150mm high) $30 (105mm wide x 297mm high) $30 % (210mm wide x 225mm high) $45 full page (210mm wide x 297mm high) $60 Slovenian Club Adelaide Yoga classes professional instructor classes for young and old you can join any time and just go at your own pace Every Friday Night 7- 8pm $2.50 The ancient Indian art of Yoga improves all aspects of your life. mind, body & soul all equipment provided by the Slovenian Club (wear something comfortable) Do you require a Justice of the Peace? Free service Contact Danilo Kresevic Telephone 8340 7010 A hungry bear cub climbing a plum tree in a forest for some enticing tucker. Photo Tone Rot, Leskova dolina, Slovenia. Corn - after the harvest. Photo Lea Trebec-Tomazic, Slovenia. PICNIC Sunday 12 March Slovenian Club picnic Sandy Creek Oval Everyone is welcome, B.B.Q will be better than last time. Special activities for youngsters. PIKNIK v Nedeljo 12 marca bo klubski piknik v Sandy Creek Vsi ste vljudno vabljeni, B. B.Q. bo delal boljše ko zadnjič. Za mlade bo posebnih aktivnosti. If you are involved with Media, Arts, Archiving, or Teaching the Slovenian language you could find yourself at an ALL EXPENSES PAID seminar in Slovenia. As the seminars are conducted in Slovenian you must be able to understand Slovenian. Refer to the notice board in the Clubrooms for announcements of upcoming seminars. These seminars are Excellent according to previous participants. The Office for Slovenians Abroad runs seminars for people who are actively involved in their local Slovenian community.