A. STAMBOLI] et al.: CONTINUOUS VERTICAL CASTING OF A NiTi ALLOY 981–988 CONTINUOUS VERTICAL CASTING OF A NiTi ALLOY VERTIKALNO KONTINUIRNO LITJE NiTi ZLITINE Ale{ Stamboli}1,2, Ivan An`el3, Gorazd Lojen3, Aleksandra Kocijan1, Monika Jenko1,2, Rebeka Rudolf3,4 1Institute of Metals and Technology, Lepi pot 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2Jo`ef Stefan International Postgraduate School, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 3University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia 4Zlatarna Celje d.d., Kersnikova 19, 3000 Celje, Slovenia ales.stambolic@imt.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2016-06-17; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2016-06-27 doi:10.17222/mit.2016.111 In this paper we present research that is connected to the performance of a series of experiments combined with the vacuum-induction melting and continuous vertical casting of a NiTi alloy in order to produce the strand. The theoretical chosen parameters made it possible to obtain a continuously cast strand with a diameter of 11 mm. The strand microstructures were investigated with a light and scanning electron microscope, while the chemical composition of the single phase was identified with the semi-quantitative micro-analysis energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and inductively coupled plasma – optical emission spectrometry. The research showed that the microstructure is dendritic, where in the inter-dendritic region the eutectic is composed of a dark NiTi phase and a bright TiNi3–x phase. In some areas we found Ti carbides and phases rich in Fe. The micro-chemical analysis of the NiTi strand showed that the composition changed over the cross and longitudinal sections, which is proof that the as-cast alloys are inhomogeneous. In the final part, the electrochemical behaviours of NiTi strand samples were compared to a commercially available NiTi cast alloy with the same composition. Keywords: NiTi alloy, continuous vertical casting, microstructure, potentiodynamic and impedance test V tem prispevku predstavljamo raziskavo, ki je povezana z izvedbo niza preizkusov vakuumskega pretaljevanja in so~asnega kontinuirnega vertikalnega litja NiTi zlitine s ciljem odliti palico. Teoreti~no izbrani parametri so omogo~ili, da smo uspeli kontinuirno odliti NiTi palico s premerom 11 mm. Dobljeno mikrostrukturo palice smo raziskali s svetlobnim in vrsti~nim elektronskim mikroskopom, kemijsko sestavo posameznih faz pa smo identificirali s semi-kvantitativno mikro-kemi~no analizo Energijsko disperzijsko spektrometrijo in z opti~nim emisijskim spektrometrom z induktivno sklopljeno plazmo. Preiskave so pokazale, da je mikrostruktura dendritska, medtem ko s v meddendritskem prostoru nahaja evtektik, sestavljen iz temne NiTi faze in svetle TiNi3–x faze. Mestoma smo identificirali tudi Ti karbide in fazo bogato s Fe. Mikro-kemi~na analiza NiTi palice je odkrila, da se sestava spreminja po prerezu in po dol`ini, kar nakazuje, da je zlitina po strjevanju nehomogena. V zaklju~nem delu smo primerjali elektrokemijsko obna{anje vzorcev NiTi palice s komercialno dostopno valjano NiTi zlitino enake sestave. Klju~ne besede: NiTi zlitina, vertikalno kontinuirno litje, mikrostruktura, potenciodinami~ni in impedan~ni test 1 INTRODUCTION NiTi alloys are an attractive group that also include nitinol. Nitinol is a group of nearly equiatomic alloys of nickel and titanium which is located in the central region of the NiTi phase diagram and bounded by the Ti2Ni and TiNi3 phases.1 It exhibits a unique combination of good functional properties and a high mechanical strength, such as super-elasticity and a shape-memory effect, good corrosion resistance, an unusual combination of strength and ductility and excellent biomechanical compati- bility.2,3 This alloy was developed in the 1970s and its properties have enabled its use especially for biomedical purposes, first in orthodontic treatments, and later on in cardiovascular surgery for stents, guide wires, filters, etc., in orthopaedic surgery for various staples and rods, and in maxillofacial and reconstructive surgery.4 In addition to bio-engineering, nitinol has been used in aerospace, automotive, civil and structural engineering.5 Super-elastic NiTi is capable of recovering large inelastic strains spontaneously upon unloading. On the other hand, shape memory is exhibited when NiTi recovers large strain deformation upon heating. Both the super- elasticity and shape-memory effect are induced in nitinol by reversible, displacive, diffusionless, solid–solid phase transformations from a high-temperature parent phase (austenite) with a highly ordered crystal structure to a low temperature, stress-free martensite that has a less or- dered structure. Nitinol is hysteretic, and there are seve- ral transformation temperatures, including the austenite start temperature (As), the austenite finish temperature (Af) during heating and the martensite start temperature (Ms) and the martensite finish temperature (Mf) during cooling. Super-elastic behaviour will only occur if the material is loaded above its Af temperature.6–8 The common production route for a NiTi alloy with a shape-memory effect is known and has been experi- mented on laboratory equipment with the technological aspects of vacuum induction melting, hot and cold work- ing operations. The process is still being optimized with a particular focus on obtaining a small dimension in the cross-section and with stabilisation of its functional properties over its lifetime.9 Vacuum induction melting Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 981–988 981 UDK 621.74.047:669.24:669.295 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(6)981(2016) (VIM) is often used as the first technique in the prepa- ration of a melt. Basically, it is a typical melting tech- nique for the production of different NiTi-based alloys. This is appreciated particularly for NiTi alloy due to the strong influence of the chemical composition on the reactivity with oxygen and other elements, leading to oxidation of the NiTi melt. In the second step, such a prepared melt is cast, which enables pouring the molten metal into a mould of the desired shape, and allowing it to solidify. When the molten metal is poured into the mould, chill crystals nucleate on the cold walls of the mould and grow inwards. Conventional casting is a batch process that produces large ingots requiring significant subsequent processing. Large mechanical equipment with high construction and operational costs is necessary to break down most ingots. These problems can be solved by using continuous vertical casting (CVC).10–13 With CVC the raw material is placed into a VIM furnace, in which the material melts. After melting, the melt is, based on gravity force, moved against the nozzle, which adjusts the rate and direction of the melt flow. The melt flows through the nozzle into a water-chilled mould, where the melt is solidified, and obtains the final strand shape. Nitinol is often subjected to deformations or stresses that result in some kinds of mechanical failures. Two very important factors must be considered when using various materials in medicine, i.e., the toxicity of the material and the failure of material. The main problem of NiTi alloys is the high Ni content. Ni releasing can in- duce toxic, allergic and hypersensitive reactions or tissue necrosis after long-term implantation. To prevent failure and Ni release, a coating of appropriate thickness must be formed on the NiTi surface. Titanium oxide coatings effectively suppress the nickel ions outleaching. The niti- nol surface is spontaneously covered by Ti dioxide because of the gain in free energy of formation for this oxide compared to the Ni oxides. However, the oxides formed on the nitinol surface always contain a certain fraction of Ni.14–19 The main goal of this work was the performance of the series of experiments combined with vacuum-induc- tion melting and continuous vertical casting of NiTi alloy in order to produce the strand. This was followed by the characterization of the obtained microstructure and finally we compared the electrochemical behaviour bet- ween a NiTi strand and commercially available nitinol. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART 2.1 Continuous vertical casting of NiTi alloy The NiTi alloy composed of 50 % of amount frac- tions of Ni and 50 % of amount fractions of Ni was prepared with the combination of techniques: VIM and CVC. A clay-graphite crucible was filled up to 2/3 of its volume due to the high metallostatic pressure (pressure that occurs within a molten metal) with Ti pellets (99.99 % purity) and Ni tablets (99.99 % purity). By remelting the NiTi alloy with VIM at a temperature of about 1450 °C a pressure lower than 10–2 mbar was achieved in the system. The induction power during heating was for first 10 min 10 kW, then next 10 min 20 kW and in final 5 min 30 kW, while during casting it was between 25 and 30 kW. Continuous casting was operating in the mid range frequency (4 kHz). In the experiments a Cu-mould (Figure 1), a ZrO2 nozzle stabilized with Y2O3 and an Fe starter bar were applied. 2.2 Preparing of the samples for further investigation The samples for characterization were cut longitu- dinally (according to the direction of casting) and across the cross-section. For this purpose, an Accutom 50 elec- tronic saw was used for precision cutting. The grinding was performed with 320 grit SiC abrasive paper, mechanical polishing with MD-Largo discs with 9-μm diamond suspension and with peroxide grains in a chemically aggressive suspension – OP-S (colloidal silica). The sample was then etched with Kroll’s reagent (3 mL HF, 6 mL HNO3 and 100 mL of distilled water). 2.3 Analytical techniques The microstructure was investigated with a light microscope – Microphot FXA, Nikon 3CCD-Hitachi Camcorder HV-C20A and Thermal Field Emission SEM JEOL JSM-6500F equipped with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) analytical technique. Chemi- cal analyses were performed by inductively coupled plasma – optical emission spectrometry ICP-OES (Agi- lent 720). Potentiodynamic polarisation measurements and electrochemical impedance spectrometry (EIS) have been used to study the electrochemical behaviour of A. STAMBOLI] et al.: CONTINUOUS VERTICAL CASTING OF A NiTi ALLOY 982 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 981–988 Figure 1: Schematic presentation of copper mould with cooling sys- tem at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Maribor, Slovenia Slika 1: Shema bakrene kokile s hladilnim sistemom na Strojni fakul- teti v Mariboru, Slovenija samples. All the measurements were recorded by BioLogic Modular Research Grade Potentiostat/Galva- nostat/FRA Model SP-300 with an EC-Lab Software and a three-electrode cell. In this cell, the sample was the working electrode, saturated calomel electrode (SCE, 0,242 V vs. SHE) was used as reference electrode and the counter electrode (CE) was a platinum net. The expe- riment was held in simulated physiological Hank’s solution, containing 8 g/L NaCl, 0.40 g/L KCl, 0.35 g/L NaHCO3, 0.25 g/L NaH2PO4×2H2O, 0.06 g/L Na2HPO4×2H2O, 0.19 g/L CaCl2×2H2O, 0.41 g/L MgCl2×6H2O, 0.06 g/L MgSO4×7H2O and 1 g/L gluco- se, at pH = 7.8 and 37 °C. All the chemicals were from Merck, Darmstadt, Germany. The potentiodynamic curves were recorded after 1 h of sample stabilisation at the open-circuit potential (OCP), starting the measure- ment at 250 mV vs. SCE more negative than the OCP. The potential was then increased, using a scan rate of 1 mV s–1, until the transpassive region was reached. Long-term open circuit potentiostatic electrochemical impedance spectra were obtained for the investigated samples. The impedance was measured at the OCP, with sinus amplitude of 5 mV peak to peak and a frequency range of 65 kHz to 1 mHz, in the sequence of directly after immersion after 1h, 2 h, 6 h, 12 h, 24 h, 48 h, 72 h, 96 h, 120 h, 144 h, 168 h and 192 h. The impedance data are presented in terms of Nyquist plots. For the fitting process Zview v3.4d Scribner Associates software was used. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Continuous vertical casting of a NiTi alloy The CVC of a NiTi alloy is a complex process that requires precise process parameters. Accurate measure- ment and regulation of temperature was very difficult because the thermocouple was not in constant contact with the melt due to the potential contamination of the melt and the temperature at the crucible wall is quite different from the actual temperature of the melt. The frequency of induction is also very important for the casting, as a high frequency enables the temperature to rise and low frequency means more intensive stirring. In this case the casting was operated at a mid-range fre- quency of induction that does not provide adequate mixing power, causing an undesirable chemical compo- sition in some places of the strand. The drawing of the strand was carried out in the sequence of pull – pause, as this reduces the possibility of a reaction between the alloy and the mould, as well as the porosity of the material or the occurrence of cracks in the material. The drawing stroke had a length of between 0 and 10 mm and the pause lasted between 0 and 1 s. The drawing rate is also an important factor. When the drawing is too slow, the temperature decreases, which leads to solidification of the alloy in the nozzle and retraction of further drawing. This leads to fracture of the strand and the process ends without the desired result. The strand also breaks when the drawing rate is too fast due to the adhesion to the mould and the weakness of the thin solidified skin. With CVC a strand with diameter of 11 mm was ob- tained (Figure 2). ICP analysis for the first attempt of CVC NiTi strand showed a constant material compo- sition of 59.8 % of amount fractions of Ni, 38.9 % of amount fractions of Ti and 0.3 % of amount fractions of C, EDS analysis showed approximately 1 % of amount fractions of Fe. Deviation from the desired value (50 % of amount fractions of Ni) is probably caused by complications with stirring of the melt (better mixing takes place at a lower frequency induction, Ti is very difficult to mix). The source of Fe could be attributed to the Fe screw that was used as a starter bar. During fur- ther attempts the chemical composition of the strand varied during casting. At the beginning of drawing XRF analysis showed that the strand was rich in nickel (70.6 % of amount fractions of Ni; 27.1 % of amount fractions of Ti) and with the increasing length of the strand the nickel content decreased. Chemical compo- sition during the fracture of the strand was 52 % of amount fractions of Ni and 47 % of amount fractions of Ti. 3.2 Microstructure 3.2.1 Continuously vertical cast NiTi alloy The light microscopy of the strand cross-section reveals the dendritic microstructure (Figure 3), where inside the primary phase NiTi is located. This is accord- ing to the Ni-Ti phase diagram where the first solidified phase is NiTi. Dendrites grew in the direction from the coldest location (from the walls of the nozzle) to the middle of the strand. The orientation of dendrites is random. These dendrites are arranged in the matrix of eutectic (composed with NiTi eut + TiNi3–x). In the microstructure there are no visible defects such as cracks and porosity. A. STAMBOLI] et al.: CONTINUOUS VERTICAL CASTING OF A NiTi ALLOY Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 981–988 983 Figure 2: a) NiTi strand, produced at Faculty of Mechanical Engineer- ing, Maribor, Slovenia and b) light microscope image of cross-section of the strand Slika 2: a) NiTi palica, lita na Strojni fakulteti v Mariboru, Slovenija in b) posnetek pre~nega prereza palice, narejen s svetlobnim mikro- skopom The NiTi strand contains between 50 % and 60 % of amount fractions of Ni. From the phase diagram (Figure 4) it is clear that this is a hypo-eutectic alloy (according to the eutectic reaction at 1118 °C: L  NiTi + TiNi3). With an ideal cooling the melt would begin to solidify in the temperature range between 1310 °C and 1118 °C. From the melt firstly the primary NiTi phase solidifies that would be continuously generated and grew until the eutectic temperature (1118 °C) is reached. At this tem- perature, the remaining melt solidifies into a eutectic structure composed of a NiTi phase and TiNi3 phase in the form of lamellas. In the real case, the cooling is non-equilibrium. Solidifying rates are large, but the diffusion rates in the solid state are too small to make it possible to achieve a homogeneous solid phase. A backscattered electrons image (Figure 5) shows a typical dendritic structure (tree-like form) that are solidified primarily (NiTi phase). At the eutectic temperature (1118 °C) solidifies typical lamellar eutectic structure (NiTi + TiNi3–x) from the residue of the melt. EDS analysis at 5 keV showed that both the dendritic phase and the dark lamellas of eutectic, have a composition of approximately 50 % of amount fractions of Ni and 50 % of amount fractions of A. STAMBOLI] et al.: CONTINUOUS VERTICAL CASTING OF A NiTi ALLOY 984 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 981–988 Figure 5: Backscattered-electron image of NiTi strand at 1000× mag- nification Slika 5: Posnetek povratno-sipanih elektronov NiTi palice pri 1000× pove~avi Figure 3: Light microscope image of NiTi strand at 100× magnifica- tion Slika 3: Posnetek NiTi palice na svetlobnem mikroskopu pri 100× pove~avi Figure 6: a) SE image of NiTi strand at 5000× magnification of area where the TiC inclusions are present, b), c), d) and e) elemental mapp- ing at the microstructural level by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) in the area with TiC inclusions Slika 6: a) SE-posnetek NiTi palice pri 5000× pove~avi v obmo~ju, kjer so prisotni TiC vklju~ki, b), c), d) in e) elementna analiza na mikrostrukturni ravni z vrsti~nim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM) z energijo disperzijsko rentgensko spektrometrijo (EDS) v obmo~ju s TiC vklju~ki Figure 4: Ni-Ti phase diagram Slika 4: Fazni diagram Ni-Ti Ti, while bright lamellas of eutectic have a composition of 33 % of amount fractions of Ti and 67 % of amount fractions of Ni. The secondary electron (SE) image (Figure 6) reveals in addition to the dendritic structure also the presence of the individual inclusions. The EDS analysis showed that the inclusions are titanium carbide (TiC). Carbon originates from the clay-graphite crucible and diffuses into the melt during the melting and reacts there with the Ti. The Gibbs free energy for the formation of TiC is very low, so the conditions for the formation of TiC are very favourable. From the results of the EDS analysis it appears that the carbon is located only in the form of carbides, and there is none in the other phases. Ni and Fe are located in the dendrites and the matrix, but not in the carbides, while titanium is present in all the phases. Another important fact is that, during CVC, there was no contamination with oxygen because no dissolved oxygen or oxides were observed in the strand. In this manner it could be concluded that the vacuum was appropriate. So far several VIM + CVC experiments for the pro- duction of NiTi strand were made. In the first attempt the chemical composition of the strand was constant, but incorrect. During further attempts it varied during draw- ing in the direction of reducing the nickel content. It was concluded that the mixing of the melt was inappropriate. Insufficient stirring was attributed to the 4-kHz inductor. To achieve better stirring, a low-frequency generator should be modulated. Costs for something like that are too high and therefore the remelting method will be fur- ther used. CVC will be held with an in advance prepared NiTi alloy. Instead of Fe starter bar, that probably intro- duced Fe impurities in the alloy, a starter bar with a Ti-tip will be applied. The vacuum by VIM was appro- priate, because no oxygen or oxides were found in the strand, but the crucible will also need to be modified due to some concentration of TiC phase in the strand. 3.2.2 Commercially available NiTi alloy The light microscope image (Figure 7a) reveals rela- tively large grains (> 20 μm); the grain boundaries are clearly noticeable and the grains have different shapes and sizes. The secondary-electron image made with SEM (Fig- ure 7b) reveals that the commercially available NiTi A. STAMBOLI] et al.: CONTINUOUS VERTICAL CASTING OF A NiTi ALLOY Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 981–988 985 Figure 8: a), b) and c) Elemental mapping at the microstructural level by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) of commercial NiTi alloy Slika 8: a), b) in c) Elementna analiza komercialne NiTi zlitine na mikrostrukturni ravni z vrsti~nim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM) z energijsko disperzijsko rentgensko spektrometrijo (EDS) Figure 7: a) Light microscope image of commercially available NiTi alloy at 100× magnification and b) SE image of commercially available NiTi alloy at 5000× magnification Slika 7: a) Posnetek komercialno dostopne NiTi zlitine na svetlobnem mikroskopu pri 100× pove~avi in b) SE slika komercialno dostopne NiTi zlitine pri 5000× pove~avi alloy consist of two phases. EDS analysis showed that the prevailing phase is NiTi, containing 50 % of amount fractions of Ni and 50 % of amount fractions of Ti. The second phase is carbon rich phase (33.3 % of amount fractions of C, 40.12 % of amount fractions of Ti, 26.59 % of amount fractions of Ni). Figure 8 shows the distribution of elements in the individual phases. 3.3 Potentiodynamic test Figure 9 shows the potentiodynamic curves for NiTi strand and commercially available NiTi alloy, while Table 1 contains the quantitative results of the measure- ments. Corrosion potential and current, and breakdown potential and current values were obtained by graphic extrapolation. The corrosion potential of the NiTi strand is 38 mV higher than for the commercially available NiTi alloy, which means that the passive layers spontaneously developed on the NiTi strand are less affected by envi- ronmental factors. The presence of a wider passivation range was observed for the commercially available NiTi alloy, while for the NiTi strand the passivity occurs in a narrower range of potentials, indicating a higher ten- dency for localized corrosion. On the surface of the nitinol a double layer is formed. The outer layer is TiO2 and the inner layer is TiNi3. When the thickness of the TiO2 layer increases, two phenomena play a competing role. First, since Ni atoms are diffusing further away from the surface, they accumulate in the region with the lowest oxidation state (close to the oxide–metal inter- face). Second, as TiNi3 appears as a line phase in the Ni–Ti phase diagram, the amount of Ni in the inter- metallic TiNi3 layer becomes saturated upon formation of this layer. As a result it will be more energetically favourable to form metallic particles within the TiO2 layer than increase the thickness of the intermetallic layer.20 Breakdown of the passive film occurs as a result of thickening of the oxide layer, leading to an increase in the size of the nickel particles in the outer oxide layer. These particles cause local stress, so the layer cracks, which facilitates the progress of corrosion. The commer- cially available NiTi alloy has higher breakdown po- tential, meaning it will form thicker oxide layer before the collapse. The corrosion rate of the commercially available NiTi alloy is lower, so it is more corrosion resistant. 3.4 Impedance test Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements were performed at open circuit potential conditions in a simulated physiological fluid for 8 days. Figure 10 shows the Nyquist impedance diagrams for the NiTi strand and the commercially available NiTi alloy. The analysed spectra proposed an equivalent circuit, considering an outer titanium oxide layer with A. STAMBOLI] et al.: CONTINUOUS VERTICAL CASTING OF A NiTi ALLOY 986 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 6, 981–988 Figure 10: Nyquist diagrams for the NiTi strand and the commercially available NiTi alloy with corresponding fit after a) 12 h, b) 96 h, and c) 168 h of immersion Slika 10: Nyquistovi diagrami NiTi palice in komercialno dostopne NiTi zlitine, z ustreznimi prilegajo~imi krivuljami po ~asu izpostavljenosti: a) 12 h, b) 96 ur, in c) 168 h Figure 9: Potentiodynamic curves for NiTi strand and commercially available NiTi alloy Slika 9: Potenciodinamske krivulje NiTi palice in komercialno do- stopne NiTi zlitine Table 1: Electrochemical parameters determined from the poten- tiodynamic curves measured for the NiTi strand and the commercially available NiTi alloy Tabela 1: Elektrokemijski parametri, dolo~eni iz potenciodinamskih krivulj, izmerjenih za NiTi palico in komercialno dostopno NiTi zlitino Ecorr (mV) Icorr (μA) Ebd (mV) Ibd (μA) vcorr (mmpy) NiTi strand -287.1 0.343 348.5 6.767 3.201·10–3 com. NiTi alloy -324.9 0.328 625.8 5.948 2.828·10–3 Ecorr – corrosion potential determined from potentiodynamic curves; Icorr – corrosion current; Ebd – breakdown potential; Ibd – breakdown current; and vcorr – corrosion rate corrosion resistance R1 and an inner TiNi3 layer with resistance R2 (Figure 11), where Rs is the resistance of the solution. The use of a constant phase element (CPE) was required to account for the non-ideal capacitive response observed as a depressed semicircle when the spectra were plotted in the corresponding Nyquist diagrams. The CPE originates from the surface rough- ness and inhomogeneities present in the titanium oxide layers at the microscopic level.21 Table 2: Corrosion resistance of NiTi strand and commercially available NiTi alloy in outer (R1) and inner (R2) oxide layer, and total corrosion resistance Rp at certain time of immersion Tabela 2: Korozijska odpornost NiTi palice in komercialno dostopne NiTi zlitine v zunanji (R1) in notranji (R2) plasti oksida ter skupna odpornost proti koroziji Rp pri dolo~enem ~asu izpostavljenosti t/h R1com/ R2com / R1strand / R2strand / Rp, com / Rp, strand / 1 180400 328850 10110 457060 509250 467170 2 170510 640510 10812 638590 811020 649402 12 265080 603270 11854 736850 868350 748704 24 333940 695490 12652 764400 1029430 777052 48 387740 1048800 12903 939500 1436540 952403 72 544540 1919700 28966 1206800 2464240 1235766 96 702330 3989100 9377 1470000 4691430 1479377 120 798180 5642300 5493 1500600 6440480 1506093 144 843170 6984000 25020 1511900 7827170 1536920 168 917140 8901100 96538 1526000 9818240 1622538 192 1018900 8101300 35321 1447100 9120200 1482421 As shown in Table 2, the resistances of the outer and inner oxide layers in the commercial NiTi alloy are very similar and very high, while the difference in resistance between the outer and the inner layer by the NiTi strand is very high. This means that the outer layer of the NiTi strand has Ni particles, which are the weakest link in the corrosion resistance of the NiTi alloy. Resistance values in the outer layer of NiTi strand are so low (< 10000 ), that they present no obstacle in the progress of corrosion that can occur hazardous nickel ions outleaching from this layer into the surrounding area. Corrosion has slower progress in the inner TiNi3 layer. Figure 12 represents the polarization or a totally corrosion resistance Rp as a function of time. Rp can be calculated according to Equation (1): Rp = R1 + R2 (1) as a function of time. The slope of the commercial NiTi alloy increases rapidly with time, while the slope of NiTi strand increases slightly with time. It is clear that the corrosion resistance of the commercial NiTi alloy is much greater than that of the NiTi strand at any time. The main reasons for the poorer corrosion resistance of the NiTi strand are a lower homogeneity and a lower titanium content. 4 CONCLUSIONS From this study the following conclusions can be drawn: • a dendritic microstructure of the NiTi strand was formed while VIM+CVC, • the chemical composition of the NiTi strand varied through the cross and longitudinal sections, so the drawing process by CVC is not optimal, • TiC and Fe phases were identified in the NiTi strand, • the commercially available NiTi alloy has a higher breakdown potential than the NiTi strand, meaning it will have thicker, more stable oxide layer before the collapse, • the corrosion resistance of the commercial NiTi alloy is much greater than that of NiTi strand at any time, • 10% deficit of titanium in NiTi strand is reflected in poorer corrosion resistance properties, • despite the fact that the corrosion resistance of the NiTi strand is not sufficient, we have successfully cast NiTi strand by VIM + CVC processes, so it is evident that it is possible to produce such an alloy in this way. 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