Ameriška Domovina AMCRICAN IN SPIRIT PORttON IN UWOUAGR ONtY SLOVCNi HORNING NCWk. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (ISSN 0164-680X) Friday, April 1 3, 1 984 LXXXVI Doma in po svetu PREGLED NAJVAŽNEJŠIH DOGODKOV Miniranje pristanišč v Nikaragvi sporna zadeva v zveznem kongresu. - CIA sodeluje s protisandinistični gverilci WASHINGTON, D. C. — Sinoči je Predstavniški dom zveznega kongresa odobril resolucijo, ki nasprotuje miniranju pristanišč v Nikaragvi. Splošno je znano nam-reč, da ameriška CIA sodeluje pri tem miniranju, kar mnogi kongresniki smatrajo za »vojno dejanje«. Glasovanje v spodnjem domu je bilo 250 za resolucijo, 153 proti. Pretekli torek je zvezni senat odobril podobno resolucijo z večino 84:12. Resolucija sicer ne obvezuje predsednika Reagana oziroma zvezno vlado, naj preneha z miniranjem, iz-raža pa mnenje kongresa, da naj ne bo ameriški denar uporabljen več v ta namen. Preteklo sredo, po glasovanju v senatu, so predstavniki vlade dejali, da je miniranje pristanišč ustavljeno. Nikaragveška vlada pa je trdila včeraj, da gverilci minirajo ceste v bližini honduraške meje in da so bili poškodova-tn trije vojaški tovornjaki. Reaganova politika do Srednje Amerike Je trenutno izredno sporna. Mnogi kongre-sniki, med njimi več republikancev s konser-vativnim senatorjem Barryjem Goldwater-Jeni na čelu, so ogorčeni, ker Reaganova vlada ne obvešča kongresnike o svojih početjih, ^njbolj kritični so demokratski kongresniki ter vsi trije predsedniški kandidati. Usoda Predsednikovega predloga, naj zvezni kon-8fes odobri novih 60 milijonov dolarjev po-ttoči El Salvadorju ter kakih 20 milijonov za n^daljnje financiranje aktivnosti protisandi-nistiČnih gverilcev je negotova. Kot kaže, je Zvezni kongres pripravljen ustaviti financira-nie gverilcev ter odobriti le polovico predla-ganega denarja za El Salvador. Politični analitiki menijo, da bo Reaga-n®va politika do Srednje Amerike ena osred- hb točk prihajajoče predsedniške kampanje. Izraelski vojaki napadli od teroristov ngrabljen avtobus in rešili potnike - Vsi Štirje teroristi ubiti, vojak ubit . TEL AVIV, Izr. — Sinoči po izraelskem je skupina arabskih teroristov ugrabila jVt°bus, na katerem je bilo večje število padskih potnikov. Ko so izvedeli za ugrabi-i *so izraelski vojaki avtobus s silo ustavili 8a obkolili. Po nekajurnih pogajanjih, je aVt na Protiteroristična vojaška enota : °“Us napadla in rešila potnike, od katerih Štir-nekaj ranjenih. Ubiti so bili vsi PcvT teror‘sri » padel je tudi izraelski vojak. H at*ri o incidentu so ob tem poročanju še s. P°lni, ker izraelska cenzura omejuje S| janje poročil. Pari Julija meseca bodo v Izraelu splošne rut arnentarne volitve. Včeraj je vodilna He- rm wi|-aine vojiive. včeraj je voaiina rte predSlranka izbrala sedanjega ministrskeg. djjj *e^n^a Jitžaka Samir ja za svojega kan •hu • a Za Ponovno izvolitev. Nasprotova §ar^e v stranki bivši obrambni minister Arie stran,Damirja je glasovalo 56% člano' pa . 'ne8a centralnega komiteja, za Šarom sita °' Pretekli teden je vodilna opozicij jega turistična - stranka izbrala za svo Poigo an^riata 60-letnega Simona Peresa lzr0ej težav s svojimi arabskimi sosedi, imi tev boSllnc gospodarske težave, katerih reši Trh 0srerinja točka volivne kampanje. Čern^^s_0vjet ZSSR imenoval Konstantin: a Predsednika države - Predlagal 8» je Mikhail S. Gorbačov sVoje ZSSR — Včeraj je konča asedanje 1500-članski Vrhovni sovjet lf J V E sovjetski parlament. Najzanimivejše za zahodne opazovalce je bilo sicer pričakovano imenovanje generalnega tajnika komunistične stranke, 72-letnega Konstantina Černen-ka za predsednika države. Mesto predsednika države ima v sovjetskem sistemu predvsem simbolični pomen, a pomeni po' mednarodnem diplomatskem protokolu, da je sedaj Černenko na isti ravni kot predsednik Reagan, francoski predsednik Francois Mi-tterand itd. Zahodni opazovalci omenjajo tudi vedno večjo vlogo v sovjetskem vodstvu, ki jo igra 53-letni Mihail S. Gorbačov. Gorbačov je bil tisti, ki je Černenka predlagal za predsednika, med zasedanjem parlamenta pa se je Gorbačov pogovarjal z drugimi člani politbiroja in sekretariata, podpisal dokumente ter se obnašal, kot da je on in ne Černenko, ki je mirno sedel in sprejemal čestitke, osebnost št. 1. Po vsem tem, menijo analitiki sovjetskih političnih razmer, je jasno, da je Gorbačov dejanski naslednik Černenka. Zvezni kongres pripravlja sveženj novih zveznih davkov - Soglasje o nujnosti zmanjševanja proračunskega primanjkljaja WASHINGTON, D. C. — V zadnjih dneh šta oba domova zveznega kongresa odobrila sveženj novih oziroma povišanih zveznih davkov. Povišani davki naj bi prinesli zvezni vladi okoli 50 milijard dolarjev letno, kar bi prispeval k zmanjš iju ogromnega primanjkljaja v zveznem proračunu. Zakonska osnutka, ki sta ga odobrila domova kongresa, se v podrobnostih razlikujeta, zato bosta morala biti usklajena in potem kot enoten predlog zopet odobren od obeh domov ter poslan predsedniku Reaganu za njegov podpis. Kot kaže, Reagan ne nasprotuje predlogu. Včeraj je Reagan obiskal konferenco gradbenikov v Dallasu, Texas. Predsednik je govoril o uspehu njegove gospodarske politike, gradbeniki so ga pa kritizirali prav zaradi ogromnega proračunskega primanjkljaja in negativnih posledic za ameriško gospodarsko in posebno gradbeno industrijo le-tega. Walter Mondale zmagal na pennsylvanijskih primarnih volitvah - Sen. Hart nazaduje, Jesse Jackson vedno tretji' PHILADELPHIA, Pa. — Na torkovih primarnih volitvah v tej državi je s kar prepričljivo relativno večino zmagal Walter Mondale, ki je prejel skoraj polovico vseh oddanih glasov. Drugi je bil sen. Gary Hart, ki je prejel nekaj nad tretjino glasov, tretji pa Jesse Jackson, ki je dobil okoli 20 odstotkov glasov. V zadnjih primarnih volitvah nazaduje sen. Hart, Mondalove zmage pa so odločilnejše. Jacksona še vedno podpirajo predvsem črnci. Politični analitiki sedaj zopet govorijo o možnosti, da bo Mondale zbral dovolj delegatov za imenovanje že pred strankino konvencijo julija letos. Naslednje primarne volitve in strankina zborovanja bodo v glavnem v južnih in zahodnih državah. Tu sta najpomembnejša Kalifornija in Texas, kandidati se pa zelo zanimajo tudi za primarne volitve v Ohiu, ki bodo 8. maja. - Danes dopoldne pristajanje vesoljskega ,let9la »Challenger« .- Vreme nagaja CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — Ob tem poročanju še ni prišlo do pristajanja vesoljskega letala »Challenger« in sicer zaradi goste megle, ki obdaja Cape Canaveral. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Cvetna nedelja— Ta nedelja je cvetna. Pri slovenskih mašah ob 10.30 pri Sv. Vidu in Mariji Vnebovzeti bosta procesiji, pri Sv. Vidu tudi ob angleški maši ob 9. uri. Pri Mariji Vnebovzeti bodo pasijon pri slovenski maši brali otroci slovenske sobotne šole. Farna prodaja peciva— Jutri od 4. pop. do 7. zv. in v nedeljo od 8. zj. do 1. pop. bo pri Sv. Vidu farna prodaja peciva in sicer v društveni sobi. V nedeljo bo na voljo tudi kava. Jutri, v soboto, pa bo prodaja krofov. Pridite in pokupite! V bolnišnici— Po nesrečnem padcu, pri katerem si je zlomil vretence, se v Euclid General bolnišnici nahaja Eddie Arhar, Euclid, Ohio. Želimo mu hitrega in popolnega okrevanja. Zadušnica— V ponedeljek, 16.aprila, zvečer ob sedmih bo v cerkvi sv. Vida sv. maša za Miodraga Savernika, ki je umrl pred 30 dni. Žalostno sporočilo— Janez Stariha, Richmond Hts., Ohio je prejel žalostno sporočilo, da mu je v vasi Omota, Bela krajina, Slovenija nenadoma umrla mama ga. Frančiška Stariha, rojena Ivec, stara 64 let. Njen mož, Lojze Stariha, je že pok. Poleg sina Janeza, zapušča pokojna v Beli krajini hčerki Anico por. Absec in Rozi por. Žugel, brata Johna Evatz, sestri Mary Ivec in Angelo Hutar, vsi v Euclidu, Ohio. Brata Ciril Evatz (Butte, Mon.) in Jože Evec (Cleveland, O.) ter sestra Anne Ivec (Bela krajina) so že pok. Dalje je bila pokojna 7-krat stara mama in zapušča več drugih sorodnikov v Sloveniji, Ameriki in Kanadi. Izredni spominski dar— Mary in Andrew Champa, E. 225 St. v Euclidu, sta darovala $100 v tiskovni sklad Ameriške Domovine v spomin Anthonyja Ziherla. Iskrena hvala! Novi grobovi Frances Franko V St. Alexis bolnišnici je po krajši bolezni umrla Frances Franko (prej Zakrajšek), roj. Ajnik, hčerka Angele, roj. Turk, in 1. 1936 umrlega Franka Ajnika, mati Richarda, sestra Maxa, Franka (Fla.), Angele Plascak in že pok. Johna, članica društva Kraljica Miru št. 24 ADZ. Pogreb bo iz Fortunovega pogrebnega zavoda na 5316 Fleet Ave. jutri, v soboto, dopoldne ob 9., v cerkev Na Lilijino igro!— To nedeljo popoldne ob 3.30 v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. poda Dramatsko društvo Lilija Franca Finžgar-jevo dramo »Razvalina življenja«. Ljubitelji pristne slovenske besede in kulture naj napolnimo dvorano do zadnjega sedeža! Za tiskarski stroj— Fred in Josephine Strniša, E. 156. St. v Clevelandu, sta darovala $25 v sklad za nov tiskarski stroj. Hvala lepa! Družabni večer TABOR-a— Družabni večer, ki ga prireja TABOR, DSPB, bo v soboto, 28. aprila, ob sedmi uri zvečer v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. Za veselo razpoloženje bodo poskrbeli Veseli Slovenci. Vstopnice si lahko zagotovite, ako pokličete Filipa Oreha na tel. 943-4681 ali Milana Zajca na tel. 851-4961. Spominski darovi— Ga. Alice Opalich, Cape Coral, Fla. je darovala $25 v tiskovni sklad AD ob priliki 97. rojstnega dne Helen Si-mich ter $25 v spomin Rose Bi-zily. Ida Leban je darovala $ 11 Ameriški Domovini v spomin pok. bratranca Albina Šuligo-j3. . Eugene in Vida Vercek, Maple Hts., Ohio sta darovala $10 našemu listu v spomin pok. staršev. Anna Vidergar, E. 60. St. je prav tako darovala $10 Ameriški Domovini v spomin Marije Oblak, mame ge. Marije Vavpetič. Vsem darovalcem naša iskrena hvala! Glasovali bomo— Na volitvah, ki bodo 8. maja, bodo clevelandski volivci zopet glasovali za ali proti predlogu o povišitvi davka na zaslužke od 2 na 2,5 odstotka. Ta predlog je propadel na februarskih volitvah. Prav tako je unija, ki predstavlja policiste, dosegla, da bomo glasovali o obvezni zaposlitvi nadaljnjih 569 policistov, kar bi stalo 23 milijonov dolarjev letno. Od kod denarja, unija ne pove. Župan Voinovich je proti, tokrat se veliko ne zanima za predlog o povišitvi davka na zaslužke. VREME Spremenljivo oblačno danes z verjetnostjo krajevnih neviht. Najvišja., temperatura okoli 60° F. Tudi jutri bo spremenljivo oblačno z verjetnostjo dežja in naj višjo temperaturo okoli 55° F7 V nedeljo pretežno oblačno in nekaj hladneje. Najvišja temperatura okoli 48° F. Oblačno tudi v ponedeljek z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 45° F. (Dalje na 3. str.) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave. — 4314)628 — Cleveland OH 44103 --------------83------------------ AMERIŠKA DOMOVTNTTdSSN 0164-680X) James V. Debevec — Publisher Dr. Rudolph M. Susel — Editor Published Tuesdays and Fridays except first two weeks in July and one week after Christmas NAROČNINA: Združene države: $28.00 na leto; $14.00 za pol leta; $8.00 za mesece Kanada in dežele izven Združenih držav: $40.00 na leto; $25.00 za pol leta; $1 5.00 za 3 mesece Petkova izdaja; $ 15.00 na leto; Kanada in dežele izven Združenih držav: $20.00 na leto. SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $28.00 per year; $14.00 for 6 months; $8.00 for 3 months Canada and Foreign Countries: $40.00 per year; $25.00 for 6 months; $1 5.00 for 3 months Fridays only: $15.00 per year — Canada and Foreign $20 Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 No. 30 Friday, April 13, 1984 Blagor njim, ki delajo za mir, • zakaj ti bodo otroci božji ' , Mt5, 3-12 IZZIV MIRU Pastirsko pismo ameriških škofov o vojni in miru, »Izziv miru: Božja obljuba in naš odgovor« - (v skrčeni obliki) - IV. Naloga pred nami Biti kristjan v smislu Sv. pisma Nove zaveze ni enostavno verovati, ampak je treba postati vršilec Besede, sopotnik in priča Jezusa. Ta razlaga smisla, da smo učenci in častilci Jezusa, je posebno umestna pri iskanju pristnega miru v našem času. Pozivamo vse škofije in župnije, naj uvedejo uravnovešen in stvaren vzgojni program, ki naj pomaga ljudem vseh starosti boljše razumeti vprašanja o vojni in miru. Odklanjamo kritiko Cerkvenega ukvarjanja s temi vprašanji na temelju, da »naj se Cerkev ne meša v politiko«. Pozvani smo, da preidemo od razpravljanja k pričanju in delovanju. Spoštovanje življenja. Nobena družba ne more živeti v miru sama s seboj in s svetom, ne da bi se polno zavedala vrednosti in dostojanstva vsake človeške osebe ter svetosti vsega človeškega življenja (Jakob 4, 1-2), Nasilje ima mnogo obrazov: zatiranje ubogih, odvzem temeljnih človekovih pravic, gospodarsko izkoriščanje, spolno izrabljanje in pornografija, zanemarjanje ali zlorabljanje starih in onemoglih ter nešteto drugih dejanj nečlovečnosti. Splav posebno otopi čut za svetost človeškega življenja. Kako moremo v družbi, kjer so nedolžni, nerojeni otroci objestno ubijani, pričakovati, da bi ljudje čutili resničen odpor oj? ubijanju ali grožnji ubijanja nebojujočih se v vojni? Oboroževalno tekmovanje predstavlja vprašanje vesti, ki se mu ne moremo izogniti. Kot ameriški katoličani smo pozvani, da izrazimo svoje zvestobo najglobljim vrednotam, ki jih negujemo: miru, pravici in varnosti za celokupno človeško družino. Državni cilji in politike morajo biti merjeni ob tej moralni ravni. Ob rasti našega razumevanja vedno rastoče strahote jedrske vojne moramo krojiti javno mnenje tako, da bo naši deželi možno izraziti globoko žalost nad jedrskim bombardiranjem leta 1945. Brez te žalosti ni mogoče najti poti za odklonitev bodoče uporabe jedrskega orožja. V demokraciji se odgovornost države in državljanov skladata. Jedrsko orožje postavlja ameriškim katoličanom posebej 'pereča vprašanja vesti. Krepost domoljubja pomeni,, da kot državljani cenimo in spoštujemo svojo deželo, toda naša praya ljubezen in zvestoba nas silita, da skrbno in redno tehtamo njeno vlogo v svetovnih zadevah, ter zahtevamo,, da dela z vsemi svojimi možnostmi za mir s pravico za vse ljudstvo. v . Mi znpva potrjujemo svojo željo po udeležbi v skupnem javnem, naporu z vsemi moškimi in ženskami dobre volje, ki skušajo preobrniti oboroževalno tekmo in zavarovati mir sveta. Poklicani smo za graditelje miru Mi smo prvi rod od Stvarjenja, ki ima moč dejansko uničiti Božje stvarstvo. Ne moremo ostati tiho ob taki ne- Ravnatelju Kacinu v spomin SEATTLE, Wash. - Bodisi Ameriška Domovina ni poročala, ali sem pa prezrl. Januarja mi je pisal prijatelj iz Trsta, da je ravnatelj Kacin hudo bolan. Da živi v pokoju pri hčerki na Opčinah. Zdaj berem v zapoznelem Gospodarstvu, da so ga v začetku februarja - pokopali. List ne sporoča ne dneva, ne kraja. Ravnatelj Kacin - tako smo ga poznali in nagovarjali — je bil živi del slovenske zgodovine na Primorskem. Od konca prve vojne do smrti. Rojen je bil v Spodnji Idriji 25. maja 1901, končal realko v Idriji, doktoriral na ljubljanski univerzi s študijo o mlado-slovenskem slovstvu in se vrnil v Gorico. V nestalnosti političnega življenja pod Italijo je prevzemal bolj začasne kot stalne službe kot prefekt v Alojzijevišču, profesor slovenščine v malem semenišču, knjižničar v Milanu, organizator slovenskih šol v Gorici in Trstu med vojno in po vojni, ravnatelj učiteljišča v Trstu in svetovalec za slovenske šole na Tržaškem. V Ljubljani in po svetu ga zaradi znane provincialnosti niso kaj prida poznali. V Trstu fJustln Udovč OAKLAND, Kalif. - Justina Udovča ni več. Ravno, ko se je narava začela prebujati v vsej svoji krasoti, je on podlegel neizprosni bolezni, čeprav se ji je dolgo upiral z vsemi svojimi močmi, in kljub velikemu naporu ljubeče žene Tončke in skrbi ostale družine, da bi ga iztrgali iz njenega objema. Umrl je dne 10. marca 1984. v San Franciscu, Kalifornija. Z njim je legel v grob mož, ki ga je težko dobiti enakega, ugledni član slovenske cerkve in slivenskega doma, za katerega sta se on in žena žrtvovala prav do zadnjega. Zato ni čuda, da so se vsi, ki so ga poznali, polnoštevilno udeležili pogrebnih slovesnosti z župnikom Mihovilovičem na čelu, ob petju pod občutno taktirko pevovodje gospoda Šimenca. Justin je izhajal iz mnogoštevilne družine na Dolenjskem. Ker mu domača gruda ni mogla nuditi mirne bodočnosti, je prebil nekaj let v Argentini. Naselil se je nato za stalno v Kaliforniji kot gradbeni podjetnik. Njegov brat, jezuitski misijonar, profesor na univerzi v Hong Kongu, je med drugim slovel kot svetovno najboljši cvetličar. Naj bodo rože v poslednji pozdrav tudi Justinu, saj jih je tudi on tako ljubil! in na Goriškem je bil veljak, da malo takih. Marsikdaj se nam je zdel premalo odločen, da je preveč tehtal in ugibal in se ogibal nevšečnosti. Raje je posredoval, tolmačil, pomirjeval, ni silil v ospredje in ni rad posegal v sredo dogodkov. Gradil je vztrajno in dosledno, bolj zavzet za bodoča desetletja kot za prihodnje dneve. Poznal sem ga še izpred druge vojne. V Trstu sem po vojni učil na njegovem zavodu. Kolikokrat me je klical in spraševal: »Pa bi gospod kolega še tole napravili?« Naj bi napisal kaj za Koledar Mohorjeve; da ima nekaj knjig iz Argentine in bi bilo dobro ljudi opozoriti nanje. Da bi bilo treba to ali ono ukreniti. Zadržan je bil, njegova pisma so kratka in direktna. Sproščenega sem ga videl le dvakrat, prvič v Parizu, kjer smo se slučajno srečali, in leto kasneje na Dunaju. V službi je bil zelo formalen in objektiven. Hodili smo po pariških muzejih in cerkvah, po dunajskem Ringu in sedeli v starih kavarnah, takrat se je razživel in vsaj za nekaj časa odložil uradno zadržanost. Marsičesa me je naučil. Najbolj me je presenetil, ko sem mu povedal, da odhajam v Ameriko in sem ugibal, kaj bodo na šoli brez mene. »Bomo že, saj nihče ni nenadomestljiv.« Ko je bil na obisku v Združenih državah, sem zaradi počasne ameriške pošte izvedel za obisk šele potem, ko je odšel. Očital sem mu, ko sem ga zadnjič videl v Trstu, zakaj se mi ni oglasil. Ni hotel delati nadlege. Ne samo primorski rojaki, slovenski ljudje tod in drugod po svetu se bodo s spoštovanjem spominjali pokojnega ravnatelja Kacina, možaka solidne znanstvenosti in globoke človeške dobrote. Veljaka, ki je v zmedenih časih predvojne, vojne in povojne dobe pomagal nositi težo naše usode. Bil je med redkimi ljudmi v povojnem Trstu, da nas je - begunce - z veseljem sprejemal. Odhajajo. Drug za drugim. V Avstraliji so pokopali Sonjo Gombač, poročeno z Zvonetom Hribarjem. Bila je Baragova tajnica v Trstu. V Jugoslaviji je umrla Roža Sturmova, profesorica zgodovine in sestavljalka zgodovinskih učnih knjig. V Rimu je umrl France Dolinar, zgodovinar, knjižničar, strokovnjak prve vrste. Zdaj še Anton Kacin, pedagog in organizator. V Trstu raste nova generacija slovenskih ljudi, ki so jo ti danes pokojni pomagali oblikovati. L. V. < # • C.. jr AS „ Sflr ' •' varnosti! Delo za mir ni prostovoljna obveza^ to je zahteva naše vere. Poklicani smo, da delamo za mir ne po kakem trehutnem gibanju, ampak po našem Gospodu Jezusu. .V.,;, V '''' " /V, Naša vera v vstalega Kristusa nas ohranja v soočeva-nju s strahotno odgovornostjo jddrske oboroževalne ' tekme. Kristus spoštuje našo svobodo in zato ne rešuje naših vprašanj, ampak nas ohranja, ko prevzemamo odgovornost za Njegovo delo stvarjenja in ga skušamo oblikova ' ti po načinih Kraljestva. Verujemo, da nas Njegova milost ne bo nikdar zapustila. (Konec) Dram. društvo Lilija uprizori Franc S. Finigar-jevo dramo RAZVALINA ŽIVLJENJA 1 5. aprila 1984 V Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. Da se ne pozabi, kaj so nam dali s svojim delom. Jože Velikonja 40. obletnica č.g. Pečovnika PARKERS PRAIRIE, Minn. -Č.g. Karel Pečovnik je dne 4. marca 1984 praznoval 40. obletnico, odkar je bil v Ljubljani v cerkevi sv. Jožefa posvečen v duhovnika. Njegovi farani v cerkvi sv. Stanislava v Perham, Minn. so mu priredili v nedeljo, 25. marca, proslavo (Open House). Vreme je bilo prav lepo, zato so ljudje napolnili veliko dvorano do zadnjega sedeža. Zelo lepo so bile zastopane vse fare, kjer je Fr. Pečovnik ta leta ovce pasel. Prišli so iz Dumonta, kjer je služil 15 let> potem iz Urbanka, kjer je bil 9 let, pa še in Lake Reno, kjer je bil 7 let. Seveda je bila navzoča skoraj vsa sedanja fara-Otroci so lepo nastopili z zborovskim petjem, solopetjem in recitacijami, za spomin pa so g. Pečovniku poklonili spominsko knjigo s slikami vseh učencev od prvega do šestega razreda s podpisi in voščili-Res lep spominski dar! G. Skalarjeva pa je v lep' Gorenjski narodni noši zastopala kot edina Slovenka v Otter Trail okraju Slovenijo in bila povabljena pred mikrofo11 za krajši nagovor. Potem se je č.g. Pečovnik zahvalil vsem za vse dobre želje, o tisti, da bi dočakal vsaj še toliko let - ^ -, pa je rekel, da bi bilo skd* raj preveč. V svojem nagovoru je orne* nil prihod v St. Cloudsko škofijo in kako je moral po krat kih mesecih na faro v Du mont. Pohvalil je farane v tem mestu, ker, čeprav začetnik z ne prevelikim znanjem $ng.h ščine, mu niso delali nobeni težav ali pokazali nejevoljo. ® ni kaj pravilno povedal. ^ hko bi bil še danes med njin"’ a škof je odločil drugače. Lepo cerkev sv. Stanisln^ so za praznovanje obletm zelo lepo obnovili in prebarva li ter dobili zares lep, velik no križ iz Italije. Tako so faram tudi v tem oziru lepo pokazaj ’ da imajo radi in spoštuj«! č.g. Karela Pečovnika. , Ko te vrstice pišem, j« tu v Minnesoti še vedno 0^ zimsko kot spomladno. In. senčnih straneh so Še v S m tembrom še ne bo mogoče v 2 njem stanovati - pozneje pa ^ bo vsak prijazno sprejet. Bo > tudi posebna soba, vedno na D razpolago obiskovalcem iz O ZDA in Kanade, za prenoči-q tev. < Že je javnosti znano, da 2 bomo skupno knjižnico in či-.^* talno sobo v novem domu po- > svetili našemu koroškemu ro-Ig jaku in ljubljanskemu velike-p mu škofu dr. Gregoriju Rož-.a manu. V tej sobi se bodo dija-W ki veliko mudili in odprta bo_. obiskovalcem. Naj imajo dija-to ki v svojem krogu rajnega ško-.p. fa dr. Rožmana - Rožmanov kip, ki ga bo izdelal prof. Gorše. Opominjal naj bo študente, našo bodočo inteligenco, da je brezbožni komunizem največja za slovenski narod. Pokojni naš škof dr. G. Rožman je še kot profesor veliko bival na Koroškem. Ljubil je zlasti dijaško mladino in jo oblikoval po farah v številnih duhovnih vajah. On naj bo prisoten v novem fantovskem domu sv. Modesta, kjer se bodo vzgajali naši bodoči duhovniki in naša laična inteligenca. Naj nam pomaga s svojo priprošnjo pri Bogu! Vzgoja mladine je najtežji delokrog Mohorjeve in za bodočnost naroda najvažnejši. Prav radi tega Mohorjeva vse žrtvuje za mladino in dijaške domove. Hvala vsem dobrotnikom, ki nam pomagajo. V knjižnico Modestovega doma spada tudi vsa literatura, ki je izšla v zdomstvu in zamejstvu - ZDA, Kanada, Argentina. Upamo, da nam boste nekaj organizirali tam zastonj, nekaj bomo pa plačali. V zvezi s posvetitvijo čitalne sobe in knjižnice škofu dr. Rožmanu, poudarja Mohorjeva, da ji je Rožmanov nauk o komunizmu vedno prisotnih v vseh njenih odločitvah in obžaluje, da je sprejela v knjižni dar 1983 Polanškovo povest »Križ s križi«. Poudariti pa je treba, da je ta knjiga šla med ljudi v 3.000 izvodih, - medtem ko je Družba sv. Mohorja v koledarjih za leto 1983 in 1984 z objavo razprav predstavnikov Zveze slovenskih društev protikomunističnih borcev v vsakoletni nakladi 8.000 izvodov Mohorjanom na Koroškem, v zamejstvu in zdomstvu nudila možnost, da spoznajo, da sta obtožbi bratomora in vpreganje v nacistični voz nesresnični. Mohorjeva si šteje v čast, da je izdala in založila obširen Rožmanov življenjepis v treh knjigah škofu Rožmanu v spomin in njegovemu nauku, da je brezbožni komunizem največje zlo za slovenski narod. S tem se je Družba sv. Mohorja v Celovcu častno oddolžila. Vsem lepe koroške pozdrave msgr. dr. Janez Hornbdck AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 13, 1984 Vsem članom, obiskovalcem, prijateljem in vsem slovenskim rojakom ŽELIJO VESELO VELIKO NOČ KORPORACIJA BARAGOV DOM: KULTURNO-SOCIALNI KLUB (bara); LIGA SLOVENSKIH KATOLIŠKIH AMERIKANCEV SLOVENSKA PISARNA BARAGOVA KNJIŽNICA; 6304 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Tele. 881-9617 Vsem odjemalcem in prijateljem voščimo vesele velikonočne praznike. SMREKAR L '<• HARDWARE 6112-14 St. Clair Ave. 431-5479 VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE VSEM ODJEMALCEM, PRIJATELJEM IN ZNANCEM ŽELI L & M Tobacco and Candy Co. JOHN E. LOKAR, lastnik 784 E. 185 St. 531-8777 CANDY - CIGARS - CIGARETTES MIN’S Beauty Salon 6430 St. Clair Ave. OBISKOVALKAM IN VSEM, DRAGIM ROJAKINJAM VESELE Velikonočne praznike! 361-7157 Naročite že sedaj svojo velikonočno mesnino pri Cimperman’s Choice Meats 520 East 200 St. 481-2386 Imama izbrano sveže meso, domače prekajene kranjske klobase, želodce, šunke, riževe in krvave klobase itd. VSEM NAŠIM ODJEMALCEM ŽELIMO VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE C K izidu Baragove dopisnice CLEVELAND, O. - Božja beseda, verski mesečnik, ki izhaja v Torontu, je v svoji aprilski številki objavila sledeče poročilo o izidu Baragove dopisni- ce: Letos 29. junija bo Državni poštni urad Združenih držav s posebno slovesnostjo v Mar-quettu, Michigan, izročil javnosti Baragovo dopisnico. Tako je sporočila Baragova zveza, potem ko so se njeni zastopniki dogovorili z uradnikom Ameriške državne pošte, Raymondom Blozisom. Amerika hoče dogodku nedvomno dati simboličen pomen: izbrali so Baragov rojstni dan, Baragovo mesto Marquette in poslopje, ki nosi Baragovo ime: Bishop Baraga Central Grade School. Baragova dopisnica bo torej iz Marquetta potovala po Ameriki in širnem svetu. Dopisnica ima svojsko vrednost za filateliste, posebej še žigosana z datumom dneva, ko je izšla. Glavni ravnatelj ameriške pošte, W. Bolger, je razložil, zakaj so se pri Baragu odločili za dopisnico: »Dopisnica nudi umetniku več prostora in u-godnosti za upodobitev ideje ali osebe. Izdajanje poštnih dopisnic v več barvah je zadnja leta doseglo v Ameriki tudi velik finančni uspeh, zlasti med filatelisti.« Baragova dopisnica nosi ceno 13 centov. Nasprotovanje prinaša tudi pozitivne sadove Menda nikjer na svetu ljudje proti vsaki stvari tako ne protestirajo kakor v demokratični Ameriki. Brez protestov pri Baragu tudi to pot ni šlo. Brez nasprotovanja in ugovorov bi Baragova dopisnica verjetno preveč skromno prišla med ljudstvo. Nasprotniki ji pripravljajo veličasten prihod. Proti Baragovi dopisnici so strogo nastopili in se na poštno upravo pritožili: skupina Amerikancev, znana pod imenom »Združeni za ločitev Cerkve od države«, več ločin adventistov in baptistov in - še kdo! Izjavljali so, da državna pošta in dopisnice pač niso zato, da bi propagirale kanonizacijo svetniških kandidatov. Take in podobne proteste so zavrnili najprej škofje in Baragova zveza. Državnik Frank J. Lausche je odgovoril: »Nasprotniki Ba-aragove dopisnice pač ne poznajo Baragovih del in zaslug za kulturo in človekoljubno delo med Indijanci. Ameriška pošta hoče proslaviti Baraga kot zaslužnega moža za ljudstvo in ne kot svetniškega kandidata.« (Treba je prav tu poudariti ogromno vlogo, ki jo je igral sen. Lausche, da je to izida te Baragove dopisnice sploh prišlo. Ko neka stvar najde uspeh, je vedno veliko oseb, ki želijo biti zraven in dati vedeti, koliko so prav oni prispevali k uspehu. V zvezi z Baragovo dopisnico, prepričan sem, zasluži sen. Lausche največ pohvale. Op. ur. AD) V obrambo se je oglasil tudi Jerry Roe, član Michiganskega zgodovinskega društva in po veri metodist: »Protesti in ugovori niso le zgrešeni, ampak so tudi naivni. ... Z nobenim od ugovorov se ni strinjam. ... Če je bil Baraga katoliški duhovnik, mu zaradi tega ne smemo odreči pozornosti in priznanja za premnoge zasluge za ljudstvo.« Potem ko Roe omeni, kolikokrat so ameriške civilne oblasti že počastile dobrotnika Velikih jezer, Baraga odkrito imenuje »velikega Amerikanca m Mi-chiganca.« Michiganski poslanec Bob Davis pa je izjavil: »Baraga zasluži še kaj več kot dopisnico!« Mnogi časopisi in televizija v Združenih državah - zlasti v Marquettu - so naznanili izid poštne dopisnice, posvečene Frideriku Baragu. PrijateEs Pharmacy Sl. Clair Ave. & E. 68 Sl. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO. — AID FOR AGED PRESCRIPTIONS Anton M. Lavrisha ATTORNEY-AT-LAW (Odvetnik) Complete Legal Services Income Tax-Notary Public 18975 Villaview Road at Neff 692-1172 VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE! R & D Sausage Co. 15714 Waterloo Rd. 692-1832 Kranjske, prekajene klobase................$2.49 funt Riževe klobase in krvavice..................$1.59 funt Želodec, kuhan ali ne..................$2.59 funt Šunke (“Old-fashioned”)................$1.79 funt Šunke (“Semi-boneless”.....................$1.89 funt Cottage hams...........................$2.59 funt Prekajena rebra........................$2.49 funt - POTIC E - AZMAN’S MARKET GROCERIJA — MESNICA — IZVRSTNE KLOBASE 6501 St. Clair Ave. phone 361-0347 Vesele velikonočne praznike iskreno želimo vsem našim odjemalcem in prijateljem LOU, BILL, ED, FRANK, BILL JR., FRANK JR., LOU JR-HAPPY EASTER! Vesele Velikonočne Praznike želijo Ivana, Maria in Annie LUNDER 1150 E. 60 St., Cleveland, Ohio HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY! VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE Želijo vsem sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem DAN, MOLLIE, MOLLIE K., in DAN T. postotnik 6926 Hecker Ave. Cleveland, Ohio j :,v- •V74 FRANK STERLE SLOVENIAN Country House 1401 E. 55 St. 881-4181 VSEM NAŠIM GOSTOM, PRIJATELJEM IN ZNANCEM ŽELIMO PRAV SREČNE IN VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE Iskrena hvala za dosedanjo naklonjenost. priporočamo se za bodoče. Točna in prijazna postrežba. OB SOBOTAH IN NEDELJAH ZVEČER PLES. VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE VSEM CHICKIE & EDDIE ABE, lastnika MAPLE LANES St. Clair Avenue Phone: 431-9593 LIQUOR • IVINE • BOWLING Slovensko šivalno podjetje Frangie’s Fashions Lastnika FRANK in ANGELA FUJS s<>7 E. 200 St. 692-2099 ŽELITA VSEM SODELAVCEM, PRIJATELJEM IN ODJEMALCEM VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE! VLSELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE! Judge Edmund J. Turk Susie and Beth 391-4000 . VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE ZEUTA VSEM ODJEMALCEM. PRIJATELJEM IN ZNANCEM FLORIAN in MARY KONČAR — lastnika MODEL MEAT MARKET 610 E. 200 ST. EUCLID, OHIO 44119 — 531-7447 *• ZVONOVI LETIJO V RIM V cerkvenem zvoniku visijo trije zvonovi. Najmanjši se imenuje sveta Agata; ta zelo razburjeno poje, kadar kje gori. Srednjemu je ime sveta Barbara; ta zvoni, kadar kdo umrje. Veliki zvon nosi ime Matere božje; slišijo ga vsak dan ob angelovem češCenju. Za posebne prilike pa se oglasijo vsi trije skupaj in zapojo pesem, ki razveseli srce. Vsak veliki četrtek vabijo v ritmu koračnice ljudi k slovesni maši. Na večer tega dne je namreč naš Odrešenik posvetil kruh in vino in obljubil, da bo v posvečenem kruhu in vinu ostal z nami do konca sveta. Ne le verni ljudje, tudi orgle in zvonovi se na veliki četrtek zahvalijo božjemu Odrešeniku za dar njegove ijubezi - sveto evharistijo. A, glej! Orgle in zvonovi med mašo nenadoma utihnejo. Ministranti odlože zvončke in zvonovi v stolpu onemijo. Če bi človek tedaj napel ušesa, bi slišal v zraku rahlo brnenje. In če bi šel na visok hrib, bi v tistih prvih trenutkih verjetno še bolj jasno zaznal šumenje in brnenje v zraku. Zvonovi namreč letijo, zvonovi z vsega sveta potujejo v Rim, na kraj, kjer živi sveti oče, Kristusov namestnik na zemlji. # Kako zvonovi potujejo? Premikajo se v popolni tišini in potovanje ni prv nič prijetno. Zelo morajo paziti, da v zraku ne pride do nesreče. Velika nevarnost so bliski in gromi, skratka električna sila v oblakih. Premagovati se tudi morajo, da ne bi spregovorili in začeli zvoniti. Potovanje v Rim je še bolj žalostno na veliki petek, dan Odrešenikovega trpljenja in smrti. Z nevidnih višin opazujejo ljudi na zemlji. Na ta dan žalosti se mnogi ljudje vedejo prav tako kot druge dni v letu: veseljačijo, vpijejo in pojejo, pijejo in jedo. Vendar niso vsi ljudje taki. Zvonovi na svojem svetem potovanju veselo pohitijo, kadar opazijo, da vsi ljudje Jezusa le niso pozabili, niso zbežali od njega kot nekoč apostoli, ga niso zatajili kakor sveti Peter ali ga izdali kot Judež. Mnogi ljudje na dan Gospodove smrti več molijo, se postijo, žalujejo in hodijo spodobno oblečeni. Potovanje v Rim je dolgo in utrudljivo. Običajno je že trda noč velikega petka, ko se zvonovi z vsega sveta začno zbirati pred stanovanjem svetega očeta. Nikogar ni na Trgu svetega Petra, le zvonovi neslišno prihajajo in pristajajo drug poleg drugega. Nekateri so do smrti utrujeni; nad visokimi gorami so se prebijali skozi ledene vetrove in paziti so morali, da niso v megli zadeli v zasnežene vrhove. Drugi so leteli preko morja in pristajajo prepoteni od tropične vročine. Marsikateri zvonček prispe na hrbtu večjega; med potjo je omagal, ker mu je postalo slabo, ko je moral gledati hkrati naprej in navzdol in hiteti brez počitka. (dalje na str. 8) A V.' 14 • • . I VESELE IN SREČNE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE VSEM! FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD ^316 Fleet Ave. Phone 641-0046 Cleveland, Ohio Joseph L. Fortuna John J. Fortuna James R. Tržaška Mary Ann (Fortuna) Tržaška VSEM ČLANOM IN PRIJA TELJEM ŽELI SREČNE IN VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE Društvo slovenskih protikomunističnih borcev v Clevelandu HVALA LEPA IN VESELO VELIKO NOČ vsem mojim prijateljem in voščilcem! Z najlepšim slovenskim pozdravom. Jože Želle SUPERIOR BODY 6605 St. Clair Avenue Telephone 361-1633 Želimo VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE vsem našim strankam in prijateljem. V naši popravljalnici avtomobilov boste dobili najboljše delo, najnižje cene in ljubeznivo postrežbo. VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE ŽELITA VSEM GOSTOM IN PRIJA TELJEM MARY HRIBAR in MARY ŠUŠTARŠIČ, solastnici HECKER TAVERN 1194 East 71 St. Tel.: 881-5235 Vesele velikonočne praznike želi vsem rojakom PrijatePs Pharmacy SLOVENSKA LEKARNA Prescriptions - Vitamins - First-Aid Supplies 6728 St. Clair Ave. 361-4212 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 13, 1984 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 13, 1984 SREČNE IN VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE vsem dragim prijateljem in znancem, zlasti tistim, ki so nas počastili s svojim zaupanjem ' ZAK Funeral Home FOUR GENERA TIONS OF SERVICE 6016 ST. CLAIR AVENUE 361-3112 Support Your Slovenian Community VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE Mary Pangonis Norwood Men’s Shop 6217 St. Clair Ave. 881-1393 VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE Oglejte si našo velikonočno zalogo oblek za moške. Najlepše darilo za moža Arrow White Shirt EASTER GREETINGS NAJ BI BILI VESELI IN SREČNI MED TEMI VELIKONOČNIMI PRAZNIKI VSI NAŠI DRAGI ROJAKI! Vsem tudi želiva, da bi lepo opravili vsa potovanja, ki jih imate v načrtih • Vselej, ko boste odhajali in se poslavljali, naj bodo srca polna veselega upanja in ob vsaki vrnitvi, vsakem svidenju z vašimi dragimi naj vam zadoščenje in sreča sijeta z obrazov. Kar bo v naših močeh, bova pripomogla, da bo tako Mr. and Mrs. August KOLLANDER & Tony Petkovšek SLOVENSKA POTNIŠKA PISARNA Kollander World Travel, Inc. 971 East 185th Street Phone: 692-2225 ZVONOVI LETIJO V RIM (nadaljevanje s 7. str.) Končno so vsi zvonovi tam. Brez prerivanja se premikajo in se disciplinirano postavljajo v vrste. Za vse je dovolj prostora. Noč pa je dolga. Novinci in nekateri manjši zvonovi zgubljajo potrpežljivost in hočejo na vsak način začeti z zvonjenjem. Izkušeni starejši jih komaj utišajo in pomirijo. Ko na veliko soboto zgodaj zjutraj posije sonce, papež pogleda skozi okno. V urejenih vrstah stojijo na trgu milijoni zvonov. Samo papež jih vidi. Nihče drug jih ne more videti. Sveti oče dvigne roke in zvonove blagoslovi; zahvali se jim za zvestobo in jim zaželi srečen povratek. Tedaj se zvonovi dvignejo in v naj lepšem redu odletijo, vsak proti svoji domovini. V trenutku je Trg svetega Petra prazen. Zvonovi letijo, zadovoljni in veseli, hitreje in hitreje. O utrujenosti ni govora. Resnično, nebeški polet! Ob pravem času so vsi doma. In ko duhovnik pri veliki vstajenjski maši zapoje Slavo, se zvonovi oglasijo. Bogu in ljudem zapojejo pesem vstajenja. Nikdar ne pojejo zvonovi tako lepo kot v velikonočnem jutru. Radostno oznanjajo slavo Gospodovega vstajenja. Staro legendo uredil T. Zrnec , Božja beseda, april, 1984 FOR ALL YOUR CHRISTENING NEEDS ANZLOVAR'S DEPT STORE TRIANGLE CLEANERS Expert Tailoring and Alterations Phone 432-1350 1136 E. 71 St. ROSIE JAKLIČ, lastnica IZ SLOVENIJE! Slovenski Koledar 1984 Originalne grafike Plošče in kasete 1 Knjige: Baragova Misijonska Pisma (Zbral J. Gregorič) »Mati Terezija« Lepa si Zemlja Slovenska (Janko Ravnik) Treasures of Yugoslavia Tivoli Enterprises 6419 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 (216) 431-5296 ☆ Potovanja skupinska in iv Vselitev posamezna sorodnikov ■(s Nakup ali najetje avtov -ix Dobijanje sorodnikov za obisk •č< Denarne nakaznice ■fr Notarski posli in prevodi fr Davčne prijave M.A. Travel Service 6530 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland. Ohio 44103 Phone 431-3500 VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE VAM ŽELIJO IZ CLEVELANDA Fantje na vasi VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE ŽELIMO VSEM ODJEMALCEM IN PRIJATELJEM! Eddie Turk’s Service Station Used Tires $19.95 ARCO GASOLINE vogal St. Clair Ave in 61. cesta Tele. 361-9140 Vse, kar potrebuje vaš avto, dobite pri nas. Hvala za naklonjenost in se priporočamo še za naprej. VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE ŽELITA VSEM SORODNIKOM, PRIJATELJEM in ZNANCEM Milan in Marie Dular 694 E. 159 St. VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE IN VESELO ALELUJO ROZI JAKLIČ, lastnica Triangle Dry Cleaning 1136 East 71 St. 432-1350 , ČISTIMO - LIKAMO - POPRA VLJAMO tako da je Vaša obleka kot nova! Se priporočamo! Vesele velikonočne praznike želijo Louis Ferfolia Donald Ferfolia Donald B. Ferfolia James R. Newell pogrebni zavod 5386 Lee Rd. at Broadway, Maple Heights Phone: 663-4222 Vodimo spoštljive pogrebne sprevode v tolažbo preostalim ... v spomin pokojnim “57” YEARS OF COMMUNITY SERVICE Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home •Ameriška Domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 13, 1984 Members of Jadran’s chorus sing up a storm. Some wore ‘disguises’ such as Betty Rotar as the witch (at right). Easter Traditions in Indianapolis Jadran’s ‘Mardi Gras is Musical Treat The singing group Jadran staged a “Mardi Gras” per-tormance at the Slovenian “Workmen’s Home on Waterloo Rd. on Saturday evening, April 7. The program under the ex-Pert direction of Reginald pesnik, and featuring Alice '-ech on piano, was a play concerning “Shrove Tuesday,” the traditional day °r merrymaking in Slovenia, he event was done in its en-'rety in the Slovenian anguage. Some of the singers Were dressed in costumes such one might encounter in New j-hleans, La., also on the day efore Ash Wednesday. There were many songs in-crsperced throughout the Pmy. Peter Tomsic and Florence Unetich were soloists. The other numbers were done by the entire chorus or the women’s chorus. Betty Resnik was particularly vibrant in the role of The Jester. It was a very delightful evening spent listening to some beautiful singing. The festivities began with a delicious dinner served in the lower hall from 6 to 7. The playlet began at around 7:30. There was a full house and they stayed around for a long time afterward, socializing and dancing to the music of Joe Luzar Orchestra. Easter is observed in “Indy” just like it is in Cleveland or any community of Slovenians. They have the traditional observance of all the Lenten and Holy Week services and, of course, “the blessing of the food.” Although Holy Trinity is now an International Church, the pastor, Fr. Larry Crawford, still goes along with the Slovenian customs. On Holy Saturday a basket is filled with food which has a special significance; the bread symbolizes the Eucharist; the smoked sausage stands for the whips that were used to flog our Lord during His passion; the caraway seeds represent the crown of thorns; the salt for the gall the Roman soldiers gave to Him to drink; the horseradish signifies the nails; the smoked ham stands for the mangled body of Christ after they flogged Him. The hard boiled egg represents the sepulcher; the white is the shroud in which Christ was wrapped; the yolk is Christ Himself. Before the egg is put into the basket, the tip of the shell is broken to signify that the stone was rolled away from the sepulcher when Christ rose from the dead on Easter Sunday. The food is then covered with a white linen cloth and is ready to be taken to church for the blessing. —Mollie Postotnik The following recipe was worked out by my mother, Mrs. Agnes Brodnik, now deceased. As we women know, it was very difficult to get an exact recipe from our mothers. Everything was “approximately” (približno) by fistful and a little bit of this and that. As “mom approximated the ingredients, Sof and Carrie (Continued on page 15) A T Saturday, April 14 cle V yr°un8sters of MPZ, Cir-sprj SNPJ will present their Charf musical ‘,Good Man, Pi ,Ie Br°wn” at the Slove-W " Aorkmen’s Home, 15335 Win . Bd. The program WicA^n at 7:00 p.m. Sand-die CS available after Sloe perf°rmance and the ^wiH provide music for ancfr->'SS'0n's $4.00 for adults ^av k 00 for ch'ldren. Tickets Tren e purchased from Amy ChrR,i0n (383-1 853) or Sllna Blatnik (944-0739). Saturday, April 14 lith,.6® Bolling contest at from , lan Village, E. 185 St. Ethnic pmil 3 P-rT1- — Also an ti°n a jester Egg Demonstra-floor f Workshop on the 2nd 9?1 E° T°ny’s Polka village, be fu ’ .^3 St. All supplies will tne an .rofe sale at the usual Mth tu place in conjunction e Parish bake sale. Sat c St. vv SunM April 14, 15 Sat. f *tus Church Bake Sale, RoOtn 4 to 7 in the Social ,0 1 P.’mnd Sun- from 8 a-m-$ii ' 'n the Social Room. ^ shoni,fy C0*Tee wiH he serv- [r’e,ids y°u *‘ke to J0'11 y°ur ^ass. at breakfast -after Sat., Sun., April 14, 15 St. Mary’s Parish in Collin-wood has a Bake Sale sponsored by the PTU. Sunday, April 15 The Lilija Drama Society will present a Slovenian language play “A Life’s Ruin” by Franc Finžgar at 3:30 p.m. at the Slovenian Home on Holmes Avenue. Ivan Hauptman is the director, but most of the actors and actresses are American Slovenians. Lilija is the last such drama society in the Cleveland area. Parents and grandparents who can understand Slovenian or who are interested in preserving Slovenian culture, will find it an enjoyable afternoon. Sunday, April 15 Circle 2, SNPJ is presenting a Super Button Box Bash II on Sunday, April 15 at the Slovenian Society Home of Euclid. There will be continuous music from 1 - 10 p.m. featuring 12 button box clubs. A program will begin at 3 p.m. Tickets purchased in advance are $2.50 and $3.00 at the door. Wed., April 18 St. Mary’s Parish (Col-lilnwood) Day of Recollection from 10 - 3 p.m. at St. Joseph Christian Life Center, 18485 Lake Shore Blvd. Call Mary Petrie for reservations (481-3762). The $5.00 fee includes the luncheon. Parishioners and friends are welcome to attend. Thursday, April 19 St. Clair Avenue Pensioners Club meeting, 1:30 p.m. in the Annex of the St. Clair Slovenian Home. Anyone interested in joining, contact a member or call the Secretary at 391-9761. Thursday, April 19 Bishop James Lyke will be at St. Mary’s Church for the Holy Thursday evening services at 6:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend. Tues., April 24 The Catholic War Vets Post 1655 is sponsoring a reverse raffle at St. Vitus Auditorium. Only 200 tickets will be sold at $25.00 each. There will be $2,500 in cash gifts. The complete sitdown dinner will be included with open bar. Guest dinner tickets are available for $12.00. For tickets call Steve Piorkowski or Dick Mott at Central National Bank, or in the evening at 531-4556. Thurs., Fri., April 26, 27 The Progressive Slovene Women of America Circle 1 will sponsor a nearly new sale from 9 to 8. Pastry and coffee will also be sold. We are accepting donations of items in good resaleable condition or new. Call 261-6905 for pickup or 481-6071. Items may also be dropped off at the Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15300 Waterloo Rd. at any time. —Ann Kristoff Sat., April 28 The Holy Family Cancer Home Guild is sponsoring its annual Spring Luncheon and Card Party at noon at Higbee (downtown) auditorium. Donation is $6.00. Reservation deadline is April 15. To reserve a seat call Ethel Deitrick at 476-0089 or Ann O’Rourke 237-8752. For further information contact Madeline Debevec at 431-0628. All proceeds benefit the Holy Family Cancer Home. Sunday, April 29 Knights of Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine will sponsor a Roast Beef Dinner from noon until 6:30 p.m. Dinner will be served in the St. Ann Dining Room on the Shrine grounds, 21320 Euclid Ave. (entrance off Chardon Rd.). Tickets at the door are $5 for adults, and $3.50 for children. All proceeds benefit Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine. All welcome. *.v. Sunday, May 6 Charismatic annointing of the sick and service in St. Edward Church, Parkman, at 2 p.m. the first Sunday of every month. The church is one block north of Rt. 422, one block west of Rt. 88 on Center St. All welcome. — Rev. Father Harry Winka, spiritual director; Florence Bustardo, co-chairman. Sunday, May'20 St. Clair Pensioners Club Annual Dinner at the Lower Hall of the St. Clair Slovenian National Home. Serving from 1 to 3 p.m. Music will be provided. Tickets are $6.00 each and can be obtained in advance from club members or by calling the secretary at 391-9761. Sunday, May 20 The Slovenian National Art Guild “Artists, Crafts, Heritage Stitchery” Show and Sale at the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid from noon to 6:00 p.m. Food, refreshments, demonstrations, entertainment. Free admission. Sunday, May 20 Roast Beef Dinner hosted by AMLA Eastern District Lodges at the AMLA Recreation Center, Kniffen Rd. in Painesville, O. Serving is from 2 - 5 p.m. Music from 4 - 8 by the Joe Luzar Orchestra. Donation is $5.00 which includes admission and meal. For tickets call Louis Silc at 944-7925. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 13, 1984 HAPPY EASTER (TO ALL! All About Easter Eggs TUNE IN TO TONY PETKOVŠEK 4 - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday; 12 - 3 p.m. Saturdays on WELW — 1330 AM and NBN cable RECORDS, TAPES, COOKBOOKS, BUTTON BOX INSTRUCTIONS SLOVENIAN EASTER CARDS A. Tony’s Polka Village 971 E. 185 St. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Phone 481-7512 HAPPY EASTER WISHES TO OUR PATRONS, FRIENDS AND RELA TIVES TROHA Eagle Supermarket Frank Troha & Son, lastnika (owners) 15800-02 Waterloo Rd. 486-4290 HAPPY EASTER NORWOOD DRUG 808 E. 185 St. — 531-9188 Rudy Kozan and Frank Krašovec — HAPPY EASTER — Jerome A. Brentar EUROPA Travel Service 911E. 185 St. Phone: 692-1700 The egg has been a symbol of new life and rebirth since ancient times among people of widely differing beliefs. With the coming of Christianity, it became the symbol of the Resurrection of Our Lord. The immense popularity of the egg as a gift and its use in games at Eastertime is probably due to its abundance in the early spring. From the 4th to the 9th centuries, when a strict lenten fast was imposed on the faithful, the use of eggs was forbidden, consequently there was a large accumulation by Easter. Various Easter customs developed throughout Europe and were brought to America with the immigrants. Egg decorating became a highly skilled craft in the Ukraine, Russia and Poland. Symbols are etched on the egg with beeswax, then the egg is dipped in dye, and the process is repeated as the eggs are dipped in various colors. In Poland an old custom was for a young girl to give eggs which she had decorated to a favored suitor. In Yugoslavia, XV was placed on the eggs, symbolizing Christ is Risen, an expression with which Eastern Europeans greeted one another at Eastertime. People of wealth commissioned eggs to be covered with gold leaf and distributed them to their friends. Carl Faberge’, a jeweler employed by the last Tsar of Russia, is best known for designing Easter eggs as gifts for the tsar’s family, and some of his works are found in museums today. Faberge’ eggs were composed of precious metals and encrusted with jewels. Coloring of eggs, before the present days of using commercial products, was accomplished by using common sources. Yellow eggs resulted from boiling the eggs in onion skins, spinach and other greens resulted in green eggs, and boiling in coffee produced brown. Games employing the use of eggs became part of Easter tradition. Children in England went gathering eggs from village householders in a custom known as egg-pacing. In Ireland, children were presented with eggs throughout Holy Week, sometimes going around collecting them. They then retired apart from the adults for their own Easter feast. In Wales the custom of clapping for eggs was traditional. Children using small wooden clappers would chant, “clap, clap, ask for an egg.” French children did not receive their eggs until Easter morning, as they were told that the church bells, which were silent from Holy Thursday until Holy Saturday, had gone to Rome to fetch the eggs. Egg-cracking, in which a participant cracks his hardboiled egg against his opponent’s egg until one breaks, was a custom in a number of European countries. To this day, it is a tradition in Peters Hollow, Tennessee, where it is claimed that (Continued on Page 11) HAPP Y EASTER Sheliga Drug Daily 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 6025 St. Clair Ave. 431-1035 “Here Daily To Serve Our Neighborhood” 10% Senior Citizens Discount HAPPY EASTER Brickman and Sons 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 HAPPY EASTER St. Clair Auto Parts 6011 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland 44103 — Complete Machine Shop Service — • FAST DELIVERY • 391-4450 391-2240 MONDAY — FRIDAY — 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. SATURDAY — 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. HAPPY EASTER Cimperman’s Market Smoked Sausage and Fresh Meat8 1115 Norwood Rd. 361 -0566 HAPPY EASTER FROM Frank Grubisa (dealer) and employees E. 55th ST. CLAIR AUTO CARE SERVICE CENTER (Shell) Phone 361-4697 , 5505 St. Clair Ave. Clave., OH 44103 Easter Greetings FROM The City of Euclid Mayor Anthony J. Giunta MICHAEL KOSMETOS — President of Council ED SUSTARSIC — Council-at-Large DON MALONE — Council-at-Large RAY MILLER — Council-at-Large WILLIAM DeMORA — Ward 1 GEORGE CARSON — Ward 3 NICK MARINO — Ward 4 JUDGE ROBERT F. NICCUM — Euclid Municipal Court — and Members of THE EUCLID INDEPENDENT COALITION CLUB PAUL OYASKI, President Paid for by the Euclid Independent Coalition Club HA VE A BLESSED EASTER Roy G. Sankovič Funeral Home Newly Remodeled and Expanded r 15314 Macauley Avenue Ueveland, Ohio Phone: 531-3600 St. Vitus *Ioly Name Society ^ CLEVELAND, OHIO e Wish A Happy and Blessed Easter to All! Easter greetings FROM ^ Judge » Robert F. Niccum and Family Wife, Shirley, and children: Douglas, Laurie, and Janet Euclid municipal court - iilSkte,: AH About Easter Eggs (Continued from Page 10) the winner’s hen lays tougher eggs. Egg-rolling, which takes place each Easter Monday on the White House lawn, was begun during the presidency of James Madison, and has been continuous with the exception of war years. The Easter egg tree is of Germanic origin. Eggs were punctured at both ends and the egg blown out; the colored shells were decorated and placed on bushes and trees outdoors. Various superstitions connected with Easter eggs arose. Those laid on Good Friday were believed to ensure a good-laying flock. Decorated eggs were kept in the home through the year as a symbol of good luck. Eileen Perusek Al Kmc at Art Guild Meeting The Slovenian National Art Guild holds its monthly meeting Wednesday, April 18 at 7:30 p.m. at Vlasta’s Art Gallery, 22744 Shore Center Dr., Euclid. Guest artist and demonstrator will be Al Krnc who has studied with a number of well known teachers, and now devotes full time to painting. He has a long list of artistic accomplishments to his credit. A watercolor by Al Krnc can immediately be recognized for its strength, clairty, simplicity, and richness. His paintings are clean in design, the focal point lit by a shaft of light. His works have depth of value yet are soothing to the eye. The demonstration on April 18 is open to interested persons. Everyone who attended last month’s workshop on the “Butara” learned of the Slovenian observation which occurs on Palm Sunday. This custom is being revived here, especially in Cleveland through the efforts of the Slovenian churches and persons like Helen Percic and Ann Mihelich. August B. Pust has written up the story behind the Butara and is helping to record its importance in ethnic tradition. The persons in attendance were able to make their own Butara, and one has even been mailed by Justyn Pretnar to Massachusetts in time for Easter. Doris Sadar Publicity The Legend of the Easter Egg Long ago in Jerusalem, a poor peddler was on his way to the market to sell a basket of eggs. He soon came upon a crowd which was jeering and mocking a man who was staggering beneath the weight of a heavy cross upon which he was to be crucified. Leaving his basket of eggs, the poor peddler hurried to the man’s aid. Upon his return, the peddler found the eggs transformed into jeweled colors of exquisite designs. The peddler was Simon; the man was Christ, Antji the eggs> — known as pisanki — became the symbol of Christ’s promise of everlasting life. •; 4 •• • V ..“ •v.:. ♦.*• ’ ' # * "• •* • v» .* • Wishing You a Happy Easter and Lovely Springtime D. J. s Hairlines HAIRSTYLING SALON FOR MEN AND WOMEN Specialists at... Haircuts — Haircoloring — Perms — Henna’s 6128 Glass Ave. Phone 431-8998 EASTER GREETINGS May Easter be the beginning of a daily resurrection in us, an awakening, a stepping forth into newness, into richness of life filled with the light of His presence. Wishing all our friends an abundance of Easter Blessings Jim, Madeline and Jim Debevec WISHING YOU A HAPPY EASTER Maple Heights Catering 17330 Broadway Maple Heights ANDY HOČEVAR in SINOVI lastniki Tel.: v trgovini 663-7733 EASTER GREETINGS from Justice and Mrs. Ralph Locher EASTER GREETINGS Slapnik’s Shoppe 6620 St. Clair Avenue Blooming and hanging plants, corsages, dish gardens, silk and artificial arrangements, and greeting cards. 486-7979 481-4544 Razinger Auto Rental • 24 HOUR LIMOUSINE • 131 E. 194 ST. — Euclid, Ohio 44119 RUDOLPH F. RAZINGER, President — Best Wishes For The Easter Season — 942-3191 1-357-7533 EASTER PLANTS • CORSAGES • CORSAGES • FRUIT BASKETS EASTER BASKETS • BUNNtES.&CANI)Y • TOWER FINE CANDIES Louis Slapnik & Son 431-1126 — 6102 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland — 391-2134 TELEFLORA FOR OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS CITY WIDE AND SUBURB DELIVERY A MOST HAPPY AND JOYOUS EASTER TO ALL! fr >>* '■T AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 13, 1984 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 13, 1984 12 HAPPY EASTER Swiss Haus Restaurant Authentic European Dining Easter Hours — 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. For Reservations 942-1433 7480 Warner Rd. (Route 307) Madison, Ohio HAPPY EASTER VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE VAM ŽELI RENU AUTO BODY CO., INC. 982 E. 152nd St. Cleveland, Ohio Phone —451-3830 COMPLETE AUTO BODY REPAIR — Free Estimates-JOHN POZNIK — Proprietor blagoslovljeno veliko noč vsem EASTER GREETINGS Judge August Pryatel _______________ EASTER GREETINGS GLOBOKAR’S Marathon Service Phone: 531-0066 General Repairs • Tune Up • Ignition Brakes • Wheel Balance 17600 Lake Shore Blvd. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Thanks for donations Thanks to the following for their donations to the Ameriška Domovina: Loj ska Rogina, San Francisco, Calif. — $5.00 Gregory Fedran, Monterey, Calif. — $7.00 Peter Zupan, Canon City, Colo. — $2.00 Sylvia Banko, Cleveland — $10.00 Stephanie Novak, Parma, O. — $5.00 Mrs. Joseph Kastelic, Euclid, O. — $1.00 Hubert V. Silva, Euclid (press) — $5.00 Frank Krulc, Aurora, Minn. — $2.00 Joseph M. Zlatoper, Moreland Hills, O. — $10.00 Franc Medved, New Brighton, Minn. — $2.00 Vid Rovanšek, Sudbury, Ont., Canada v spomin našega znanca ki je umrl 7. januarja 1984 v Ely, Minn. Antona Štrukelja — $10.00 Joseph Cerar, Hamilton, Ont., Canada — $10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mlinar, Riverside, 111. — $22.00 Sylvia Janša, Cleveland — $5.00 Jennie Barbis, Cleveland — $2.00 Frank Dejak, Cleveland — $2.00 Jennie Stefanic, Cleveland — $2.00 Josef Princ, Glen Ellyn, 111. — $2.00 Ivan S. Zakrajšek, Richmond Hts., O. — $2.00 Louis Bajc, Cleveland — $2.00 Ignac Križman, Toronto — $10.00 Mrs. Gizella Hozian, Wilmette, 111. — $22.00 Alojzij Brumen, Madison, O. — $3.00 Dr. Jože Goršič, Elmhurst, 111. — $2.00 Agnes Prinčič, Euclid, in memory of the 10th anniversary of her husband August M. Princic — $25.00 Cyril Rovanšek, Cleveland — $3.00 Victoria Bergles, Cleveland — $12.00 Louis Zupančič, Rexdale, Ont., Canada — $1.00 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zalar, Richmond Hts., O. — $12.00 Alojzija Orehovec, Cleveland — $2.00 Mrs. Stanley Mrva, Cleveland — $2.00 Anton Malevich, Hamilton, Ont., Canada — $5.00 Frank Gormek, Scarborough, Ont., Canada — $10.00 Frank Kreze, Weston, Ont., Canada — $5.00 Matija Hočevar, Richmond Hts., O. — $2.00 Anton Mestek, St. Catharines, Ont., Canada — $3.00 Ivan Jakomin, Cleveland — $7.00 Louis Straser, Girard, O. — $2.00 Tony Drenik, Euclid — $2.00 Jože Gabarič, Wickliffe, O. — $2.00 Mrs. Val Mavko, Cleveland — $2.00 From a friend in memory of Val Mavko, Cleveland — $10.00 Anton Pelko, Brookpark, O. — $2.00 Joseph Leban, Cleveland — $2.00 HAPPY EASTER Mayor Anthony Giunta and Family City of Euclid James A. Slapnik, Jr* FLORIST 650 E. 185th St. 531-7**7 BEST WISHES FOR A JOYOUS EASTER VESELO VELIKO NOČ ŽELIMO VSEM DRAGIM PRIJATELJEM IN NAŠIM ODJEMALCEM FRANK’S CAFE 800 East 200 Street 531-9858 OWNERS: BOB and FRANK Easter Greetings to all our friends! EASTER GREETINGS FROM GABRIEL Insurance Agency — ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE — VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE 22090 Lake Shore Blvd. Phone 731-6888 BEST WISHES FOR A JOYOUS EASTER VESELE IN SREČNE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE ŽELI VSEM ED PIKE Lincoln- MERCURY VOLKSWAGEN, INC. 9647 Mentor Avenue Mentor, ohio 44060 942-3191 1-357-7533 Easter Greetings to All Our Customers Malensek’s Meat Market 1217 Norwood Rd. Cleveland, Ohio — Phone 361-1037 homemade smoked mea ts easter greetings to all! i$v* ntury tire service 00 Waterloo Rd. 531-3536 Lo VELIKONOČ HAPPY EASTER Hauling and Deliveries J°e Cerer — 486-2854 Epcot Center can become an international adventure By Eleanor Cerne Pavey (Continued) Next came Germany’s Showcase built on a smaller scale of a German village where shops were selling cookies, confections, chocolates, wine and wine accessories, Goebel Ceramic collectibles and tableware, porcelain, clocks, wood carvings, beer steins, pewter candles, original art and reproductions, books, German mementoes, toys, stuffed animals, and dolls. The restaurants featured Oc-toberfest entertainment and traditional German fare. Italy’s Building is a small version of St. Mark’s Square in Venice. Again shops had pottery, glassware, baskets, gold, sterling and Venetion bead jewfelry, gifts, fashion accessories, inlaid music boxes, alabaster figurines, Murano glass, florals, figurines, purses, jewelry, attache cases, belts, and ties. The American Adventure building is in the center of the perimeter built in the style of Colonial times. As you enter the'foyer, you are surrounded by pictures and documents pertaining to early American history. You then enter a magnificent theatre where you are shown a dramatic and inspiring story of America and its people. “Hosts” Ben Franklin and Mark Twain (almost lifelike) present the struggle of the Pilgrims and Colonists. You see the Revolution from a foot-soldier’s point of view, watch as a young American discovers its western frontier, share in the adventure of the Civil War, the Great Depression and global conflicts that shaped the character of the American people, and finally the images of America today re-affirm our country’s greatest resource — our people — and challenges us all to continue the American Adventure. Leaving the American Adventure building, we sat in the American Gardens, a theatre whose stage backdrop was the lake and semi-circle seats for the audience facing the lake. We witnessed a performance by an energetic group of young people dressed in native costumes from different countries and doing short dances of the land they represented. This is where at one time in the season a group of Yugoslav dancers performed. Adjacent to The American Adventure was Japan’s exhibit built in the style of Japanese temples and displaying “Living Gifts of Japan” an exclusive collection of Japanese art, bamboo crafts and cultural treasures — including a suit of samurai armor from the 1700’s. The shops displayed dolls, fine porcelain, kimonos, and Japanese handcrafts. Restaurants served Japanese style foods. The United Kingdom exhibit had the atmosphere of a typical medieval English town with its specialty shops — The Tea Caddy (R. Twining and Co. teas); Biscuit Barrel (cookies, candies, soaps, and potpourri); The Queen’s Table (Royal Doulton Figurines, fine china); Pringle of Scotland (woolens, tartan fabrics, kilts, and ties); His Lordship (tobacco, men’s furnishings); The Toy Soldier (games, dolls, plush animals). Restaurants served British fare. Canada’s building was built in the style of the Quebec architecture. Again we were entertained with scenes from Canada on a Circle-Vision 360 screen with scenes from Canada’s great outdoors. Canada is so large and scenery so diversified that this is one of the best ways to show off the differences in the landscapes and the differences in the natives. The shop Northwest Mercantile offered Indian and Eskimo crafts, moccasins, clothing, and gift items. The restaurant — Le Cellier— was the only buffet-style restaurant in the World Showcase area. Do not get discouraged by the lines. Even though they seem long, they move rapidly and in many of the attractions you are seated in boats or trains which take you through the exhibits. Our last day was spent at Walt Disney’s Magic Kingdom. As we debarked from the monorail, we entered Magic Kingdom and took the old-fashioned steam train ride which circles the whole area for an overall look. Then we entered Main Street USA where the America of yesteryear comes to life. Our first stop was to see the Walt Disney Story from his boyhood through the creation of the Walt Disney World Vacation Kingdom. Some of the attractions in Main Street USA are the Main Street Cinema (classics of the silent screen era); Penny Arcade; Horse-drawn trolley down a turn-of-the-century avenue; horseless carriage; Jitney (replicas of America’s classic autos); Omnibus (an old-fashioned double-decker bus ride), or travel along in an ex-citng early-version fire wagon.’ The Federation of Slovenian National Homes held its bimonthly meeting on March 20 in the Club Room of the American Slovene Home, Fairport Harbor, O. Discussed were details of the annual banquet which was especially well-attended and well-organized. President John Habat directed the promotion of the banquet to a very successful conclusion and a pleasant evening of entertainment. The yearly election was held and the following offices filled: President, Charles Ipavec 1st V.P. — Joseph Petiic 2nd V.P. — Tom Meljac Fin. Sec’y. — Wm. Jansa Rec. Sec’y. • Robert Kastelic Corr. Sec’y. - Pauline Stepic Exec. Sec’y. - Frank Mahnič Auditors: S. Puhz, F. Kochevar, S. Shimits, Dan Pavšek m 3 V> 7*. The West Side of Main Street > includes the following shops: O Newsstand, Emporium, New O Century Clock Shop, The 2 Greenhouse, Harmony Barber 5 Shop, Hallmark Card Shop, — House of Magic, Tobacconist. The East Side of Main Street' includes The Chapeau,> Polaroid Camera Center, ]§ Main Street Confectionery, p The Cup’n Saucer, Holiday _» Corner (Christmas decora-CO tions), Disney & Co. (Favorite'^ Disney merchandise), Uptown co Jewelers, Market House® (jellies, jams, candies), The ^ Shadow Box (silhouettes); Crystal Arts (glass blowing and engraving). Adventure Land attractions include Swiss Family Treehouse, Jungle Cruise, Tropical Serenade (Tiki Birds), Pirates of the Caribbean. The shops are Tropic Toppers (custom decorated hats, film and sundries), Oriental Imports, Ltd. (Far East imports), The Magic Carpet (Middle East imports), Traders of Timbuktu (African imports). Tiki Tropic Shop (casual apparel). Colonel Hathi’s (Island apparel), The Caribbean Plaza House of Treasure (pirate souvenirs and novelties), The Golden Galleon (elegant nautical and Spanish gifts, Plaza del sol Caribe (candy, snacks, hats, etc.), Lafffite’s Portrait Deck (your photo taken in a “swashbuckling” setting), La Princesa de Cristal (glass cutting, blowing, engraving). Frontierland includes Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, Tom Sawyer Island, County Bear Jamboree (where we had a thoroughly good time watching a hilarious cast of wilderness bears perform in a foot-stompin’ western hoedown), Diamond Horseshoe Revue (which we didn’t see because you must make reservations on a first-come-first-served basis in the morning of the day you would like to see the show), Frontierland Shootin’ Gallery Arcade. (Continued on Page 16) The new board wishes to publicly thank the outgoing officers for a memorable year of sustaining and promoting the culture of the Slovenes and for identifying the ongoing ac-tivites of each national home. It is with a sense of pride that the Slovenians of northern Ohio continue to be a people of civic responsibilities and a strong desire to perpetuate the beautiful traditions of their culture. Public thanks are also extended to the performers who completed the program: Marie Pivik and the children of Circle 77, SNPJ; Betty Resnik who sang the national anthem; the Waterloo Hall Buttons and Bows; the duet Marge Peresut-ti and Ella Samanich; and the Fred Kuhar orchestra. Plans are already being made for next year’s banquet. — Robert Kastelic Slovenian Homes Elect New Board AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 13, 1984 Memo From Madeline By Madeline Debevec Edwin G. Grosel Appointed President of The Poole Co. Edwin G. Grosel was recently appointed president of The Poole Company, located in Baltimore, Maryland. Poole manufactures a complete line of Gear Type Flexible Shaft Couplings and has been in business since 1843. Mr. Grosel is well known in the field of Power Transmission and has headed his own sales agency since 1969. He is also a member of the Power Transmission Representatives Association, Association of Iron and Steel Engineers, Independent Manufacturers Representatives Association, Congress of Small Enterprises and The Greater Cleveland Growth Association. Suhadolniks Mark 50th On March 31 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Suhadolnik of 1172 Norwood Rd. observed the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage with a Mass of Thanksgiving in St. Francis Church. After the church services, a reception was held with some 300 guests attending in the school hall. The golden pair were married on Feb. 5th, 1934 in St. Lawrence Church, Newburgh. They have a son, Ronald, and a daughter, Carolyn Mahle, and seven grandchildren. Mr. Suhadolnik was a salesman for the Richman Brothers Company for 44 years. He retired in 1973. Mrs. Suhadolnik (nee Skerl) was an inspector and packer for the General Electric Company for 24 years. She retired in 1969. According to pastor Father Martin of St. Francis, they have been parishioners there for the past 38 years. Our congratulations to the happy couple and their children and grandchildren on this festive occasion! * * * Christina Ann Simmons Makes Her Debut Bonnie Jo and Joseph Simmons, 1234 E. 61 St., announce the birth of a daughter, Christina Ann on April 7. She weighed in at 7 lbs., 8 ozs. and was 20 1/2 in. long. Proud and happy first time grandparents are Josie and Frank Godic. Congratulations! Attention All Torte Bakers The first Annual International Torte Competition will be held in the Steam Concourse of the Terminal Tower in downtown Cleveland on June 9 with cash prizes and trophies awarded. Sponsored by the Heights of Greater Cleveland Rotary Club, the Competition is designed to “promote and preserve the fine art of torte making.” Tories are described as “multilayered cakes made with eggs and often grated nuts and fruit, usually covered with a rich frosting.” First place winner in the amateur category will receive $500, second, $250; and third, $100. Further information may be had by calling 291-3077 or write to : Torte Competition, Heights Rotary, Suite 346, 19451 Euclid Ave., Euclid, OH 44117. The following article was submitted by Joseph Zelle: Bishop Gregory Rozman Remembered Last Sunday afternoon, some 50 members of the Slovenian parishes of Cleveland met at St. Mary’s in Collinwood. They came at the invitation of Mr. John Petrie and Mr. Janez Prosen. The purpose of the meeting was to inform the guests of a campaign to name the library and reading room of the new Saint Modest Home in Celovec, Carinthia (Austria). At the same time groundwork was laid to begin a fund for outfitting the rooms of the home now under construction. First it was decided to name the venture as the Bishop Rožman Memorial Fund. In Slovenian it has been titled as Spominski sklad škofa Rožmana. It was a fitting title to commemorate the 40th anniversary of this saintly Slovenian bishop, who died in exile, in Cleveland. Even today, 40 years later, his name may not be mentioned in Slovenia, not on the radio, television, or in church, as well as public utterances. Much vilified and berated by the victorious revolutionaries in Slovenia, he lived a martyred life in the U.S. First he stayed at St. Vitus parish the guest of the late pastor Msgr. B. J. Ponikvar. Later he transferred to St. Lawrence’s parish in Newburgh, the guest of the late Canon John Oman, pastor of St. Lawrence’s church. He lies buried in the cemetery of the Slovenian Franciscan Monastery in Le-mont, Illinois. To start the campaign in Cleveland the following men and women were appointed to the Executive Board: Frank Kastigar, Vida Oblak, Pavla Adamič, Jožef Žele, Julka Office 881-8956 Home 729-1430 BoTax Income Tax Service 7502 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Gordon Turske Pat Turske (FX) Smole, Vinko Rožman, Frank Urankar, Janez Prosen, John Petrič, Amalija Košnik, and Viktor Tominc. Later, all the Slovenian parishes of the U.S. and Canada will be included once their members have been organized as branches of the Bishop Gregory Rožman Fund. The entire campaign will be under the auspices of the Rev. Victor Tome, pastor of St. Mary Church in Collinwood and the Rev. Joseph Božnar, pastor of St. Vitus Parish. A meeting of the newly appointed Board is scheduled for Sunday, April 29 at 7 p.m. in the Baraga Home on St. Clair Ave. Sister Albina submitted the following: Anyone interested in going on a beautiful Canadian Pilgrimage and tour July 1st to the 8th please contact Sister Albina after 3 p.m. at 341-1235 or write for an itinerary, 3531 E. 80th St. The tour will include a two day stay in Toronto in which we will explore the town. One day stay in Ottawa, in which we will again have time to explore, then on to Montreal. In Montreal we will have a tour or sight-seeing and also a stop at St. Joseph Oratory (Shrine of Brother Andre), also a stop at Our Lady of the Cape in Three Rivers. Our final stop in Canada will be Saint Ann de Beaupre*. Traveling to St. Anne’s we will stop at Montmorency Falls, Copper shop and Outdoor ovens where we will enjoy some good and delicious home-made bread. No reservations will be taken after the 1st of May. GET WELL WISHES Get well quick wishes are extended to Eddie Arhar of Euclid, Ohio who is in Euclid General Hospital after a fall in his back yard while pruning a tree. He has a fractured vertebra. We wish him a speedy recovery. St. Christine Church Easter — 1984 Dear Parishioners and Friends: Christ has died! Christ is risen! Christ will come again! Through His death and resurrection Christ began a new creation, a new work — our salvation. May this message of hope... this message of Easter live, always in your heart and may it strengthen and support you in your daily efforts to live with Christ on earth so that you may share the joy of His resurrection forever. Sincerely yours in Christ, Rev. Francis M. Paik Rev. Joseph F. Celesnik Rev. James J. Masek HOL Y WEEK SCHEDULE: MONDAY, APRIL 16 Mass 8:30 a.m. — Penance Service 7:30 p.m. NO EVENING MASS TUESDAY, APRIL 17 Masses 8:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18 Mass 8:30 a.m. — TENEBRAE Service at 7:30 P-T-NO EVENING MASS THURSDAY, APRIL 19 Children’s Mass - 9 a.m.; Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7:30 p.m. — Adoration at the Repository follows until midnight. Ai parishioners are invited to spend some time wit our Lord in prayer between the hours of 9 p ^-and midnight. FRIDAY, APRIL 20 Stations of the Cross - 3 p.m. Solemn Liturgical Service of the Passion and Death of Our Lord at 7:30 p.m. SATURDAY, APRIL 21 Blessing of the food at 1, 3, and 5 p.m. Mass of the Resurrection at 7:30 p.m. NOTE: ALL EVENING MASSES ARE AT 7:30 P.M- « <** EASTER SUNDAY Masses: 8, 9:30, 11 a.m. — 12:30 p.m. (Usual Sunday Schedule) The choir will sing at the Mass of the Resurrec tion on Saturday evening and at the 11 a.m. Mass on Sunday. Confession Schedule: Parochial School Children on Monday at 9 a.h1-Public School Children on Monday at 3:45 P-h1-Others Wednesday after Tenebrae Service, Thursday 4-5 p.m. and 8 p.m., Friday 3:30-5 P ^-’ and after evening services. — Saturday 10-11 a.m. only. now '.24% Effective Annual Ratc $ NDEPENDENT fAVINGS ChecKMS 1515 E. 260th, Euclid, Ohio 44132 731-8865 920 E. 185th, Cleveland, Ohio 44119 486-4100 2765 Som Ctr. Rd., Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 27100 Chardon Rd., Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 A Subsidiary of Independent Share Corp. 944-3400 944-5500 St. Mary’s Church 15519 Holmes Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44110 May Jesus’ gift of peace at Easter bring every happiness to you and your loved ones. Holy Week is indeed the “Great Week” in the liturgy of the church and also the spiritual life of each one of us. Rev. Victor N. Tome, Pastor Rev. Louis Tomtz, Visitor HOLY WEEK SERVICES: HOLY THURSDAY 8:30 a.m. — Low Mass 6:00 p.m. — Low Mass 7:00 p.m. — Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Presided by Bishop James P. Lyke OFM) 8:00 p.m. — Adoration until 10:00 p.m. GOOD FRIDAY 12:00 Noon — Stations of the Cross in English 2:00 p.m. — Liturgical Service of the Passion, Adoration of the Cross, Communion Service (all in English) 7:00 p.m. — Solemn Liturgical Service of the Lord’s Supper and Communion (all in Slov.) holy Saturday Blessing of Easter Food at 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. — Solemn Easter Vigil Mass (Mass with all the special ceremonies of the Vigil) Easter Sunday: 6:30 a.m. — Resurrection Procession and Mass Remaining Masses at 8:00 a.m. (Slovenian), 9:15 a.m., 10:30 a.m. (Slovenian), and 12 Noon 2:00 p.m. — Sung Litany of the Blessed Virgin and Benediction Recent Deaths^^^^^ Grdina Funeral Homes 1°53 East 62 Street 431-2088 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 531-6300 Grdina Furniture Store ^SOl Waterloo Road 531-1235 Zele Funeral Home . Memorial Chapel 52 152 St. Phone 481-3118 6 n Addison Road Chapel 2 St. Clair Avenue Phone 361-0583 Wi smo vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo postreibo In Memory Victoria B. Faletič 10th Anniversary April 10, 1974 " ^eP in our hearts ^ , ^men&ryiskepk l''' ^ Z' l°ye> to cherish, to never forget, * Tay P0 Fred, Frank, James and Michael and their families ■*< ■% JOSEPH VIDMAR Joseph Vidmar, 81, died April 11. He was formerly of E. 60 St. He was the son of Nick and Theresa, both deceased. He was the popular cafe owner who operated the Metropol Cafe and later the Chatterbox Lounge, and Vid-mar’s Tavern in Grand River, Ohio. His wife, Josephine (Queenie) died two years ago. Joe moved to Whittier, Calif., 20 years ago where he and his son Richard were in the tavern business. Joe is survived by his son, Richard, and three grandchildren. He is also survived by his brother Rudy, sisters Mary Gerbec, Rose Novak, Alice Ausec, and Josephine Flynn; nieces and nephews. A brother, William A. and sister Nettie Celhar preceded him in death. JACK OBED Jack Obed, 80, of 1363 E. 45 St. passed away in St. Vincent Charity Hospital Wed., April 4, after a long illness. He was born in Cerkno, Yugoslavia July 25, 1903, the son of Andrew and Mary (nee Obid) (both dec.). The family came to Cleveland in 1920. Mr. Obed operated a confectionery Store at 45th and St. Clair Ave. from 1926 to 1974. He is survived by his sister Rose Salamant. His brother, Cyril and a sister Theresa Cerkvenik preceded him in death. Memorials to the Slovene Home for the Aged in his memory would be appreciated by the family. Zele Funeral Home, 6502 St. Clair handled arrangements. MARTHA F. SUHADOLNIK Martha F. Suhadolnik, 82, passed away at Wickliffe Country Place early Monday morning, April 9. She was the daughter of Martha and Frank Suhadolnik (both dec.). She is survived by her brother, Victor Sheldon. Brother Frank Suhadolnik died in 1940. Her sister Marie Byrne died some years ago. She was the aunt of George R. Byrne of Euclid, James F. of Willowick, Mary Lou Beers of Wickliffe, and Bonnie Martino. She was the great aunt of 13. Mass of the Resurrection was Thursday, April 12 at Holy Cross Church at 10 a.m. Interment at Calvary Cemetery. She worked as a sales clerk at Euclid General Hospital for 18 years. She was a member of St. Edward’s Court of the. Catholic Daughters of America, and the American Slovene Club. Grdina Funeral Home, 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. handled arrangements. Otmar Mauser: Life’s Mystery Life is a mystery unsolved... Man's pilgrimage from crib to grave. — A flick of candlelight... A glare of falling star That brightens nightly sky... A grain of sand — A drop of water in the mighty seas... A breath of air — A dropping leaf that falls to earth in gentle breeze... A bloom that fades away too fast... A thought in mind of God, That living things to live, first die they must... So, come Death, and solve the mystery of life for me. Easter in Indianapolis (Continued from Page 9) measured everything so they came up with this potica recipe. I think potica should actually be podvica because you podvijat the dough or as we know it, "to roll up.” POTICA 1 1/4 cups milk 1 stick butter 3/4 cup sugar 2 cakes compressed yeast 1/3 cup lukewarm water 2 eggs 1 teaspoon salt 5 1/2 cups flour To make dough, scald milk, add butter and sugar, stir and cool until lukewarm. Dissolve yeast in 1/3 cup lukewarm water; add pinch of sugar and a little flour, enough to make a thin paste. Let rise. Beat eggs well, add salt. Sift 4 1/2 cups of the flour into a bowl, reserving the 5th cup. Make a well in center of flour and pour in milk mixture, eggs and yeast. Beat or knead dough until bubbly and smooth, using reserved cup of flour. Set aside AL PLANTAN’S GenuinejMd-Fashioned Slovenian Klobase WE SHIP ANYWHERE! 5 LB. — $14 plus $3 Parcel Post 10 Lbs. — $26 plus $4 Parcel Post Order Now — P.O. Box 304, DePue, III. 61322 Phone (815) 447-2538 •%. •Vl'i •Y*’v ZAK-ZAKRAJSEK Funeral Home 6016 St. Clair Ave. ^ New Phone - 361-3112 Nova tel. st. 361-3112 Zachary A. Žak, licensed funeral director and let rise until double in bulk, about 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Filling 2/3 cup white raisins 1 lb. ground English walnuts 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg 1 1 /4 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup milk 1 stick butter 3/4 cup sugar 1 egg, beaten To make filling, soak raisins in hot water until soft and plump, then drain. Add nutmeg and cinnamon to walnuts. Bring milk to boil; dissolve butter and sugar in milk. Pour milk mixture over nuts and stir well. Roll out dough onto floured cloth until 1/4 inch thick. Spread on nuts; sprinkle with raisins and roll as for jelly roll. Place in 2 well greased 9x5x3-inch bread pans and let rise 15 to 20 minutes or until pan is almost full. Before placing in oven, brush tops with beaten egg and puncture with sharp knife in 3 places to remove air bubbles. Bake in a 350 degree preheated oven for 1 hour or until browned and knife comes out clean when inserted into center, This freezes well. This recipe appeared in the Indianapolis News and in the Sesqui-Samplings cookbook in conjunction with the 150th birthday of Indianapolis. Happy Easter greetings to one and all from... Molile Postotnik, husband, Dan, Molile K. and Dan T. Social Security Questions Q, — I am a nurse, and I often work with terminally ill patients. Many of these patients would prefer to be cared *■' for in a hospice, rather than a hospital, but they can’t afford the cost of hospice care. Does Medicare pay. for hospice care?..., ... .• .. A. In the past. Medicare hasn’t paid for hospice care. However, starting Nov. 1, 1983, Medicare hospital insurance covers hospice care for terminally ill beneficiaries with a life expectancy of 6 months or less. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 13, 1984 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 13, 1984 St. Vitus Church — 1984 Dear Parishioners: The days of Holy Week are near. Easter Sunday this year is especially significant because it concludes the extraordinary Jubilee Year of Redemption, 1950 years from the redeeming work of Jesus Christ on Calvary. One main reason for the Jubilee Year is reconciliation of sinners with God. As a means of helping reconciliation the Jubilee Year offers a Plenary or Total Indulgence to those who wish to receive it. Plenary Indulgence means that any punishment in the next life due to past sins, if confessed properly at this time, is henceforth remitted. This Indulgence may be gained for oneself or for a deceased person. We are most pleased to announce that by the general privilege of the Jubilee Year, St. Vitus Church is designated as a church in which anyone visiting the church on Easter Sunday may gain the Plenary Indulgence. The designation is only for Easter Sunday. The conditions for gaining the Plenary Indulgence this once are: sincere and complete confession of sins, resolution not to sin in the future, participation at one of.the services at St. Vitus on Easter Sunday and reception of Holy Communion and praying for the intentions of the Holy Father. We hope you will be able to take advantage of this rare privilege of the Holy Year. May the peace and joy of the Lord’s life be with everyone. Your priests at St. Vitus HOLY WEEK — 1984 WEDNESDAY, April 18, 1984 TENEBRAE AFTER EVENING MASS HOLY THURSDAY, April 19, 1984 9:15 a.m. Children’s Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:00 p.m. Parish Mass of the Lord’s Supper 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament GOOD FRIDAY, April 20, 1984 12:00 Noon Stations of the Cross in English 3:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross in Slovenian 7:00 p.m. Celebration of our Lord’s Passion and Death HOLY SATURDAY, April 21, 1984 1:00 p.m. Blessing of Easter food 3:00 p.m. Blessing of Easter food 5:00 p.m. Blessing of Easter food 7:30 p.m. Easter Vigil and Concelebrated Mass EASTER SUNDAY, April 22, 1984 7:00 a.m. Procession and Concelebrated Mass of the Resurrection of our Lord in Slovenian 9:15 a.m. Mass in English 10:30 a.m. Mass in Slovenian 12:00 Noon Mass in English 2:00 p.m. Solemn Litany and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament SCHEDULE FOR THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION WEDNESDAY 5:00 p.m. to 5:45 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 HOLY THURSDAY 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. GOOD FRIDAY 12:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. HOLY SATURDAY 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 1:15 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. 3:15 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Epcot Center can become an international adventure (Continued from Page 13) Liberty Square’s main attraction is The Hall of Presidents where you see a dramatic presentation of our nation’s history as all the American Presidents come to life on stage. Other attractions include Liberty Square River-boats, Mike Fink Keelboats, The Haunted Mansion. The shops are: Mile. Lafayette’s Parfumerie, Olde World Antiques, Silversmith, Heritage House (early American gifts), Keel Boat Shoppe (magic tricks, monster masks, gags, film), Yankee Trader Gourmet Culinary Aids (unusual cooking and serving accessories). Fantasy Land attractions include: Mad Tea Party, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride, Snow White’s Adventures, Dumbo (the Flying Elephant), Cinderella’s Golden Carrousel, It’s a Small World (enjoy hundreds of singing, dancing international dolls on a happy cruise), Peter Pan’s Flight, Skyway, Fantasy Faire (favorite Disney characters perform). Tomorrow Land attractions include: Mission to Mars, Circle-Vision 360 “Magic Carpet ’round the World”, “If You Had Wings” (travel to the Caribbean), Old Mexico, New Orleans, WEDway People-Mover (revolutionary new transportation system), Starjets (pilot your own spacecraft), Carousel of Progress. The latter was the most impressive to me. General Electric had this exhibit in the New York World’s Fair and it was transported to Epcot. It traces 100 years of Progress for people as a hosting family demonstrates the many conveniences made possible in American life by a century of innovation. Additional attractions, include: Skyway, Space Mountain, Grand Prix Raceway, and Tomorrowland Stage (a lively song and dance salute to the world of entertainment). We saw most of the attractions in Disneyworld, but unfortunately, I had tripped that morning and twisted my foot so that it was very difficult for me to walk. Luckily for me, my sister was willing to push a wheelchair and I was able to continue my tour. You can rent wheelchairs and strollers for a nominal fee. Saturday and Sunday were spent in driving around the Ft. Myers area. Pauline took us for over a 100-mile drive to Fort Myers Beach, Bonita Springs, Naples (which we very much liked), and a drive on the streets immediately behind her condo which have lovely homes with their yachts anchored on the waterways which ended into the Caloosahatchee River. Most of the homes had a screened-in back porch (called the Floridian Room) which enclosed a swimming pool. Monday we went to Sanibel Island just off the southwest coast of Florida. Wide, white sand beaches, picturesque waterfront scenes, wildlife sancturies, and secluded residential developments, luxurious condos, and exclusive shops of all kinds await your pleasure. That evening we left for the airport and after a bumpy ride because of weather conditions we finally arrived at Cleveland Hopkins Airport where we were glad to see Jo Prince waiting to drive us hontf' What a welcome sight! We have come to the conclU' sion that living in Florida >s not for us — lovely as it may seem, unless you have a car you are practically stranded’ Basiclly we are city gals — ^ like our theaters, our clubs> our easy access to transporta' tion, our. fine medica' facilities, museums, ballet, of' chestra, clean water, and mos1 important of all, our friends’ Cleveland, you’re wonderful! v.v \\ .V.\V.V.V.V.\V.\V.\V.\* •MvMvX IvIvXvIvIvIvXvXvM v.;.v. \\v .V Recipes .■.v.w.v.v.*. .w.v •V.V.V.V.V.V.W v.v.w.w.vM v.v. v.v. v.v x-.v-ivilii' RUSSIAN LAYERED PASTRY 4 cups ground walnuts 1 cup sugar 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 package active dry yeast 1/4 cup warm water 4 cups sifted all-purpose flour 1 1/2 cups butter 4 egg yolks, slightly beaten 1/4 cup milk 2 jars (12 ounces each) apricot filling 4 egg whites 10 tablespoons sugar Mix together first 3 ingredients. Measure out 1/2 cup; reserve for topping. Dissolve yeast in warm water; set aside until bubbly. Sift flour into a mixing bowl. Blend in butter until mealy. Add egg yolks, milk and yeast mixture. Mix, until dough pulls away from sides of bowl. On a floured board, knead about 3 minutes. Cut into 3 pieces. Between 2 sheets of waxed paper, roll out one piece and line a slightly greased 10xl5-inch pan, building dough up along pan edges to form a ridge. Spread nut mixture evenly over dough. Similarly run out second piece of dough and place over nuts. Spread evenly with apricot filling. Roll out remaining dough and cover fruit. Bake at 350° for 45 minutes. Ten minutes before end of baking time, beat egg whites with remaining sugar until stiff. When pastry is done, remove from oven and spread evenly with meringue. Sprinkle with reserved 1/2 cup nut mixture. Return to oven for 10 minutes or until toast-colored. While still hot, cut in diamond shapes. Roy G. Sankovič FUNERAL HOME Sankovic-Johnston Funeral Home NEWLY REMODELED AND EXPANDED 15314 Macauley Ave. (Cor. of E. 152 St. and Lake Shore Blvd ) 531-3600 Funerals to meet the financial status of all families.\ ________Roy G. Sankovič, director BAKED CABBAGE-NOODLE CASSEROLE Cabbage was available almost year around for farm wives to use. Their cold fruit cellars held other “winter vegetables” such as onions, turnips, squash and potatoes. 6 slices bacon 1 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 medium-size head cabbage, chopped 1 (5-ounce) package noodles, cooked and drained 1 cup sour cream paprika Fry bacon in heavy skillet pan until crisp. Remove crumble and set aside. SW. sugar and salt into drippings ^ skillet. Add cabbage and st'r until coated. Cover and cook over mediat11 heat for about 10 minute5. Combine cabbage, noodle5 and bacon in a 1 1/2 quad casserole dish. Cover and ba^ in preheated 325-degree ove11 for 30 minutes. Spoon sour cream into m'*' ture and sprinkle with papr^? and bake an additional P minutes. Makes 6 servings- /zak\ funeral ftCOSIC! urfurb HOM E REASONABLE & DIGNIFIED LUNCHEON 8 COMMUNITY 1^00MS AVAILABLE 28890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills (1 Block East of Bishop Rd.) 585-5100 Susan Zak Cosic - Funeral Director