Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished1 American Home over 100 years' of serving American-Sloyenians American Home Ameriška Domovina< SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Vol. 106, No. 32 USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 19, 2004 Phone:(216)431-0628 Hfi/b Crniail: ah@buckeyevveb.com / vl ^ The old convent (formerly Charlie Tercek’s house) at St. Mary’s Church (Collinwood) was tom down on Aug. 9 to make way for the new parking lot. The photo was taken from the second floor of the old rectory which is being tom down this week. The proceeds from the parish picnic on Sunday, Aug. 15 were for the new parking facilities. Mary Vrhovnik, left and head chef Julia Zalar fill the cauldrons with an enormous amount of tasty lettuce Salad at St. Mary’s annual summer picnic on Sunday, ^ug. 15. Julia is “Our Super Slovenian Chef’ who can always be counted on to make a delectable meal every tinie. - Emeril Lagasse: eat your heart out. »»»^_ (Photo by PHIL HRVATIN) Pristava Campers Prepare Steak/Chicken Dinners The Pristava Campers l6vite you to attend their an-steak/chicken dinner to e held at Slovenska Pristava Saturday, August 21. inners will be served at 5:30p.m. Steak dinners are $15.00 ^hile chicken dinners are J^OO. Advance ticket pur- chases are strongly suggested and can be obtained by contacting either Margie Žnidaršič at (440) 256-9237, Terry Vogel at (216) 529-0579, or Tom Štepec at (440) 942-4688. The Pristava Campers look forward to your attendance. ^airport Honors Founders The American-Slovenian ub in Fairport Harbor will e honoring its pioneer j^mbers with a Founder’s ay picnic on Saturday, ug- 21. The event will take P ace at the club’s grounds at J Third St., Fairport, Uhio. k to addition, the club w e helping polka radio p< °nality Tony Petkovšek, member, celebrate 1 lrthday as he will be bro£ pasting his Saturday p irogn 0tTl toe club. The progn °es from noon until 2 p. «JN1W WELW’ 1330 A ’5S*°vsek will ^^tog three living foui Sj-j Members present r . eluding Frank Zalek, and Herman and Charles Kapel. Music will be provided by the button box orchestra of Ken Zaller, The Captain and his Crew starting at 3 p.m. Other noted area polka musicians are expected to be on hand to add to the musical festivities. A dance floor and tables will be set up under the covered balina courts. A brief program will take place at 4 p.m., featuring noted community personalities, club officials, and highlights of the club’s history. Chef Janez promises to have his outdoor bar-b-que set up to serve grilled pork chop dinners and a variety of sandwiches. (Photo by PHILIP R. HRVATIN) Three beautiful chefs of the dozen or so cooks preparing the very delicious and plentiful roast beef and chicken and all the trimmings for St. Mary’s picnic on Sunday, Aug. 15, (St. Mary’s Feast Day) are, left to right, Tončka Urankar of Concord, OH, and her sister Mary Vrhovnik of Madison, Ohio, and Ursula Štepec of Euclid, Ohio. (Photo by PHILIP R. HRVATIN) The dance floor at Slovenska Pristava was jammed all day Sunday, Aug. 15 during St. Mary’s summer picnic. The music was played by the talented Veseli Godci Band, shown. (Photo by PHILIP R. HRVATIN) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 19; 2 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lauschc, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly, except 1st week in July and 1 week after Christmas, for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 32 August 19, 2004 mFiecTiom by mm Wonderful Ohio Turnpike by RUDY FLIS I I spent a few hours on the Ohio Turnpike this past week. This fine road has been in existence since the mid fifties, when Frank Lausche was Governor of Ohio. It keeps changing. The change I like best is the three lanes that are now part of most of the turnpike. It makes it easy and safe to pass trucks that are passing other trucks, with that third lane for quicker traffic. Another change is the gates of entry and exit to the pike. There are many new gates, with more on the way. The gates are numbered by the distance of miles from the Indiana border. Gate 151 is where 1-480 enters the pike. Gate 13, for Bryan, Ohio is a few miles from the Indiana border. That distance took a little more than two hours and cost $5.20 in tolls. It’s a bargain for a well maintained highway with many new service plazas, and a beautiful view of Ohio’s farm land, where you see migrant workers, lime pits and industry while in the comfort of your car traveling at 65-mi les-per-hour. There are many from other states who choose to travel the Ohio Turnpike, and some have bumper stickers, like a van with New York license plates and a bumper sticker, “Canadians against Bush,” but then there were many Bush-Chenney bumper stickers, too. You see it all on the Turnpike - if you look. And as you travel west on the Ohio Turnpike, you will surely pass over the path Bishop Baraga took to reach his beloved Indian missions in Michigan. All it takes is a little imagination, and travel becomes easier and enjoyable. I didn’t see a chuckhole on the turnpike. The only toll on my car was the turnpike toll. West to east and east to west, this road is best - for me, anyway. Jim’s Journal By Jim Debevec Was reading with interest Ray Mlakar’s articles about the reindeer eating most of his vegetables right out of his garden. Well, I sympathize with him and will advance the problem. We have deer roaming wild in the woods behind our house. Sometimes two, three, and often herds of 8 or 10 can be seen. They eat not only vegetables, which I quit trying to grow, but now they munch on blossoming flowers. In particular, they prefer mums. And anything orange. In 1998 we held the Bishop Baraga weekend celebration in Cleveland. We ordered 100 blossoming mum plants as decorations to be placed throughout the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair. After the festivities, we gave them away to guests, volunteer workers and anyone who wanted them. As we were leaving the hall that Sunday night, I noticed there was one left, which looked the worse for wear. As a matter of fact, it looked putrid. I took it home and planted it in the back yard and nursed it to health. I called it the Bishop Baraga mum and it bloomed each year; a little at first then finally this year into a nice picturesque rust flower. Much to my chagrin, last week, a deer came out of the woods and began munching it like a kid eating watermelon on a hot day. Back to the drawing board for that plant. Those deer aren’t particular in what they chew. A few years ago I had a pumpkin on our front steps as a Halloween decoration. A deer ate the top half. A few yards in front of that was an orange sign on our lawn for Ron Šuster who was running forjudge in Cuyahoga County. Unfortunately, the top half of the wooden sign was painted orange. The orange part was chewed off by some near-sighted Bambi. When those deer get hungry, there is no stopping to analyze nutritional merits. I have some suggestion for Ray Mlakar. In 1942 Bing Crosby had a hit song called “Don’t fence me in.” My advice is if you have orange mums, fence them in. Speaking of nursing nature back to health, we had an evergreen tree which was toppled over by strong winds about 5 years ago. It wasn’t much of a tree, kind of skinny and scrawny. I called that one the Charley Brown Christmas tree. It was just as frumpy. It was about 5 feet tall and I dragged it into the woods and replanted it. The winds came and knocked it down again. I replanted it. This went on for about five times. Then I dug a two-foot deep hole and planted it again with another foot of dirt on top. It grew like crazy and reached a height of around 20 feet and filled out slightly more. Then this winter, there it was on its side again. I couldn’t believe it. I thought it would continue on its own. Undaunted, I tried to lift it, but by this time it was too heavy and couldn’t budge it. A few months later, after the spring thaw, I tacked the project again and somehow little by little lifted it back in place and tied a couple of ropes around it so it wouldn’t fall the same way. Sure enough, it fell — the other way. Weeks later, when in a good mood, I dug another deeper hole, mustered all my strength, lifted the light end of the tree and went hand-over-hand to upright it and shoved it into its new hole. I shoveled dirt on top and placed bricks and cement blocks on top. If't topples over this time. I’m donating it to the deer. Right now, the tree is too scrawny to be a show-stopper in St. Vitus, St. Mary’s or St. Christine Church at Christmas-time, but by cracky, I sure enjoy seeing it growing each day from our back window. They say it’s not nice to fool mother nature, but I don’t see any problem with giving her a helping hand. 21st. Century The Slovenian National Home, Co. is in the process of computerizing the records for our membership certificates. We are finding that some individual’s status has changed since their membership certificate waS issued. Therefore, we need your help to update and computerize our current records. If you are a membership certificate holder and think your address or marital status may have changed since the certificate was issued, please contact us. If you know of other individuals whose status has changed we would appreciate the information. If you can help us with this project please call 216-361-5115 or mail all pertinent information to: Slovenian National Home 6409 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Our life is what our thoughts make it. -Marcus Aurelius Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. ]iter Area V 531-7700 -- Emergencies -Dental Insurance Accepted I Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY I 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet and John’s Fun House) LWSI quO'(tt w vrd YWI tfi bobnucii Ohio 44103. I I [}== 100 WORLDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina MORE CHURCH SIGNS! (Found on the Internet) □ “BODY PIERCING SAVED MY LIFE” □ “WARNING - EXPOSURE TO THE SON MAY PREVENT BURNING” □ “STAYING IN BED SHOUTING OH GOD DOES NOT CONSTITUTE GOING TO CHURCH” □ “IF GOD IS YOUR COPILOT, SWITCH SEATS” □ “BAPTISM BY FIRE" □ “WHAT IS MISSING FROM CH CH?” □ “GET ONLINE WITH GOD” □ “DON’T MAKE ME COME DOWN THERE - GOD” □ “EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT - ALL ARE WELCOME” U “JOIN US TO BATTLE AGAINST TRUTH DECAY” □ “EXERCISE DAILY, WALK WITH GOD” □ “STOP, DROP AND ROLL DOES NOT WORK IN HELL” □ “WALMART IS NOT THE ONLY SAVING PLACE” □ “THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH. REPENT BEFORE PAY DAY” □ “THE MOST POWERFUL POSITION IS ON YOUR KNEES” □ “THE BEST VITAMIN FOR A CHRISTIAN IS IN” □ “GOD IS AT THE END OF YOUR ROPE” □ “GOD IS LIKE ALLSTATE. YOU’RE IN GOOD HANDS WITH HIM” □ “DON’T LET WORRIES KILL YOU. LET THE CHURCH HELP*' “HEY SNIPER -JESUS LOVES YOU -REPENT AND COME IN” Just wondering if any church signs in the Slovenian language have _________. seen oy the readers... - . ' j :irvi in \\\ .sgfeodj-..-.-r——juiiiiu 0 Life in the Refugee Camps 1949 By Anton Žakelj, translated and edited by John Žakelj Cilka, Janko and Anton Žakelj, in the Trofaiach D.P. camp on Easter Sunday, April 17, 1949. Note Janko’s slippers which were handmade by the author. Photo by Radulovič. ^ _______________________ Easter Sunday, April 17, 1949 At 9 a.m., we attended Easter Mass. The camp chapel was packed, and the singing was glorious. At noon, the camp provided soup with macaroni, potatoes and pork. Even though we were grateful to get some meat in our soup, it 'vas a disappointing meal for Easter. Back in our room, Cilka prepared some potatoes and chicken. 1 bought a hottle of wine and we had a ttiore appropriate Easter celebration. We had our first picture taken with our baby, Janko, 'vho is now 8 months old. Tuesday, April 19,1949 We received two dollars from our friend Pavle Kokelj *n Canada. That means he is doing well. Thursday, April 21, 1949 This morning, we listened to the major speaking about emigration. He recom-■ttended Australia, Brazil, Canada, Venezuela, and the United States. This was my ,rst time in our beautiful new movie theater. This evening . the staff Reviewed each person’s plans °r emigration. They are hreatening to evict us from e camp if we refuse to tnake plans for emigration, 0r if we are too picky about where we want to go. In the camp store, I ex-^ anged some of our points 0r a coat, shirt, underwear, °aP and shampoo. Saturday, April 23,1949 , I spent my last shilling to uy some meat. Stinday, April 24, 1949 A beautiful day. We took nlT k ^ f°r a wa*k 'n t*ie arby woods; we saw a deer and a rabbit. Monday, April 25, 1949 216 people left our camp for Australia. Tuesday, April 26,1949 I wrote letters to friends. Sold 100 cigarettes for 20 shillings. Those cigarette rations really help us get by. Wednesday, April 27,1949 430 “campers” left for Australia. I am attending two Spanish classes in case we have to go to a Spanish-speaking country. Thursday, April 28, 1949 For the second time this week, I was awakened by swelling in my eyelids. I don’t feel good. Dr. Klaus gave me 30 shillings each for my two dollars. — May, 1949 -Sunday, May 1,4949 I gave Jerič a pack of Lucky Strikes to fix my radio. Monday, May 2,1949 The IRO offices will move to Kapfenberg, but we will stay here. Wednesday, May 4,1949 This evening, we attended another meeting in the camp hall regarding emigration. For most people, the IRO officials are recommending emigration to Australia. For us, they recommended getting an “affidavit” from our brother-in-law Mire in Canada, or from someone we know in Argentina. Right now, due to my illness, they can’t force me to move. Mr. Povirk asked the Australian representative if they have cows and churches in Australia. (To Be Continued) Call the bear “Uncle” until you are safe across the bridge. -Turkish proverb So Long, Slovenian Sausages by KIM ODE Minneapolis Star Tribune The announcement provoked the essence of mixed emotions: “These are the last of the klobase. ” We had gathered on the North Carolina shore for a reunion of my husband’s side of the family. Over my 22 years within their hearty Slovenian embrace, I figure I’ve eaten my share of klobase sausages. They’ve always been the same klobase, made by a particular butcher shop in Cleveland that my mother-in-law has patronized for years. A note of explanation may be in order. I am talking about Slovenian klobase, not Polish kielbasa or German bratwurst. I’m not entirely sure what the distinction is, but am a good enough spouse to bristle against anyone who says there is none. Klobase, however, may be the least-known, or perhaps the best-kept, of sausage secrets. A Google search turns up only 2,800 references; of those, only 276 are in English. More than with other sausages, one is bom into klobase. So, it’s tradition that whenever my husband’s far-flung family gathers, there is always one meal of klobase. No one has ever had to request it. Ever. This time, though, his mother brought news that their longtime butcher was going out of business. It was for the usual reasons: grocery warehouses, slim profits, disinterested heirs. There would be no more klobase. The room quieted into stunned disbelief. Some of us squinted to see if she was merely making wild promises. She was not. For the very first time, the smartalecky jokes about a klobase’s fragrance, fat content and flatulent properties went unspoken. Everyone actually felt kind of sad. Most of us know how it feels when a beloved tradition comes to an end. The surprising thing is how a tradition that has been, at best, only well-liked can evoke the same emotions. Apparently, we aren’t always bound so much by the specific object of a tradition, but by the ritual’s mere existence. In other words, the generational bond wasn’t forged by the klobase as much as by its sheer inevitability. Those of us who married into the family, of course, didn’t have as much history, or excuses. My husband’s mother often remarked how we in-laws - not a Slovenian among us - seemed to enjoy klobase even more than her kids. There are many ways to keep a family happy. Of course, there are other butchers, other klobase. It’s not as if we are out of options here. But a new sausage will be different, if only because we’ll know. That’s what made the end of this tradition so poignant. Too often, a familiar ritual will fall by the wayside before anyone quite realizes what happened. I think of how we used to read to the kids at bedtime, then how that shifted into listening to what they had to say, and eventually into them yawning and announcing that they’re heading up to bed now, g’night. This time of year, when families come together at the cabin or for those peculiar summer picnics full of second cousins and great uncles, you can sometimes glimpse a ghost of a tradition that got away. Maybe it’s someone building a bonfire on the beach, or taking the time to make a serving boat of the watermelon shell, or hauling out the croquet set. Sometimes, that’s all it takes to reclaim a ritual; sometimes, it just slips away for good. I’m not sure what will happen when the Slovenian side of our family gets together again. Against all good sense, I’m hoping there will be klobase. Maybe my mother-in-law will have heard of a butcher shop that makes sausages that are almost as good, and could frankly use the business, grocery warehouses being what they are. We’ll boil them or grill them, slather on the horseradish and sauerkraut. If they’re even half-decent, maybe someone will make a joke about their arteries. Thanks to Mary Ann Danicic of Strongsville, OH for submitting this article written by her daughter-in-law, Kim Ode, about the closing of Malenšek’s Meat Market in Cleveland. Mary Ann is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bandi, former parishioners of St. Vitus Church. Kim is married to Mary Ann’s son, John. Journey of Hope Fundraiser Set Journey of Hope, a local non-profit organization whose mission is to provide financial support for adult cancer patients in Northeast Ohio will hold their annual fund-raising luncheon on Saturday, Oct. 2 at Windows on the River in downtown Cleveland. The luncheon is sponsored by Key Bank. Tickets are $40.00 each (tables of 8 for $320), and are available through the Journey of Hope Office (216) 227-1759. This luncheon will be hosted by WEWS-TV5’s Lee Jordan, and will feature a speaker from the medical community and a cancer survivor. The event also features a Chinese raffle and silent auction, with all of the prizes including a Longaberger basket or pottery item. The Longaberger Company also is providing a basket weaver for the event, whose work will be raffled off. KIM ANN KAIFESH, American Home subscriber and chief recipe contributor, is chairperson for this year’s luncheon. Journey of Hope has just published a cookbook featuring more than 200 recipes from the kitchens of the members and their families and friends, including Kim Ann. These tried-and-true recipes are perfect for everyday or special occasions. Cost of the cookbook is $ 12 (plus $2 shipping and handling). Call (216) 227-1759 for information, or send to Journey of Hope cookbook, 15607 Delaware Rd., Suite #3, Lakewood, OH 44107. Journey of Hope was founded in 1999 by a group of friends whose lives have been affected by cancer. Many organizations fund research and hospitals, but Journey of Hope is unique in that they fund cancer patients while they are in treatment, to give them hope that they can conquer the disease. JOH was awarded 501(c)3' status in 2001, and is staffed solely by volunteers, so all donations go directly to help patients. Since 2001, they have helped more than 110 families get through cancer treatment by paying utility bills, mortgage or rent, settling up accounts for food or medications, paying car insurance, and even purchased a refrigerator for a patient whose greatest need was a refrigerator. Apts, for Rent One and two bedroom apts., plus store available. 216-481-3576 3 ft % AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 19, 2004 * Mlakar Walks bown Memory Lane fr? : cespijvi cmoki / cespije Knedine | by RAY MLAKAR CN 2; Well, we have to admit f_ that the weather has been ^ nice and cool and makes ^ working outdoors more en-< joyable. Unfortunately I am not devoting too much time g to the garden simply to make > life enjoyable for the rein-^ deer. WE all have to eat; it is O just a shame that they have to choose vegetable gardens, apple orchards, etc. Well, back to our saga... tu with Ursula’s place sold I ^ had more time for looking after my own home and yard and even found the time to get involved with two fraternal lodges, the SNPJ, and the Maccabees both of which I served as recording secretary for a great number of years. In fact, it was thru the Maccabees that I met my wife, Josephine, and she, too, became the President of the Lodge and held that office until it disbanded. When I was with the SNPJ Lodge 257, I enjoyed working with Frances Bolta and Tony Micklich and in the years that progressed, they, too, got married. I enjoyed working with the Lodge in having their lodge dinners which were always a success. One year Jack Gustencic suggested that we put on a polenta and goulash dinner. I did not think it would go over but you can be rest assured that they were scraping the pans and perhaps it was one of the biggest successful dinners that the lodge had. As I think back on those days, sad to say, most of them have died. As an officer of the lodge I always attended the funerals, but then fortunately I was always able to take a half day off from work for the event. Without a doubt, the one I miss the most is my uncle, Matt Majestic. Goes without saying that whenever we got together, which was every week, he’d have some tall stories to tell and before long he would make me one of his famous sandwiches, one that you had to hold with two hands. His favorite was hard sliced Italian bread, with goose liver, raw onions and walnuts on top with a beer to wash it down. In a lot of cases I would go to call on Josephine and without a doubt Josie would say, “I can smell you were at Matt’s house and had a goose liver sandwich with raw onions and walnuts.” Hm, I wonder how she knew. I still remembered how to cut hair and so every few weeks I would cut Matt’s hair. It is a good thing the sandwich and the beer followed the haircuts. Aftdr Aunt Mary died, Matt tried living on his own for now this was the third wife who proceeded him in death and after a year, he decided to make a trip back to Slovenia. In fact, Josie and I drove him to the east side to Kol-lander’s to catch up with the tour of people making the trip. It was hard saying good bye but he assured me that he would not stay long, perhaps three or four weeks and come back. Unfortunately, while he was gone, his living quarters were broken into and they took just about everything. Unfortunately, he got real sick with a bad cold and died in Slovenia and was buried there. Maybe he had a premonition that he would not make it back because before he left, he was giving me some of his power tools and his bank books with instructions on how the books were to be transferred to his grandsons in the event of his death. Although I was named on the bank books the bank wanted a death certificate, and after writing there and getting the death certificate, the bank wanted me to have it further translated in American, notarized and then brought back to them. And I had to furnish the same to his daughter Margaret so that she would be able to collect on his life insurance. It goes without saying that when one dies in a foreign country, it can cause a lot of problems, but I guess Matt felt that if anything should happen, I would be able to handle it. His loss was hard to take for he was the greatest, and everyone who knew Matt felt the same way about him. If you were down in the dumps, Matt could certainly bring a smile to your face and made you feel that you were glad that you were in his company. I guess we fail to realize that family ties can not go on forever, for one or the other dies and leaves a void that cannot be filled. The only thing I can say now is, “Matt, thanks for the memories.” He certainly brightened uf> my days and I looked fprward to each weekly visit with him. Relatives like Matt only come by once in a lifetime, and my life was so much richer because of him. When someone goes, it seems there is always someone to make up for the loss and I was fortunate in that respect that I was then courting Josephine whom I married years later. It seems that after my dad died, it was one death after another and little did I realize then that the day would come when I would be alone. I guess that applies to a lot of us, our families die off, and our many friends, when all of a sudden it seems that we are standing alone. Hey, it is time to lighten up and come forth with a smile, so let me dig into my grab-bag of old jokes. Perhaps this joke that I am about to tell fits the occasion. It seems a man is feeling poorly so he visits the doctor. After numerous tests, the doctor says, “I am sorry, but you have an incurable condition. I can’t do anything for you.” The man pleads with the doctor to suggest anything that he might do to improve his health, so the doctor says he might try going to a spa and taking daily mud baths. “Is there any hope of a cure?” the man asks. “No,” the doctor replies. “but it will help you get used to the dirt.” What can I say? Leave it to Ray to come up with a joke like that. Well, before I get on with stories of the Army Reserve, time to close this edition with hopes the good Lord Blesses and Watches over all of you. Let’s forget about the reindeer and enjoy today and remember to go to church. Don’t wait for the hearse to come after you; you really won’t enjoy that ride. God forbid if Ray is driving the hearse for he will give you one bumpy ride. Fasten your safety strap and lie still. For those of us still kicking, see you next week. Slovenians "R" Us Baraga's Comer L’Anse and Assinins were the center of Baraga’s work for 10 years. Assinins was the name of an Indian chief baptized by Fr. Baraga and L’Anse was the home base of the priest’s labors from 1843 to 1853. A church, school and homes were built on this site by Baraga, while writing his exhaustive grammar and dictionary of the Ojibwa language. —Jubilee 2000 ..yiiisam lonoiteool ist! ni oOai Mario’s International Program WKTX - 830 AM Saturdays - 3 to 5 p.m. HO '"iHguolliW . bJl ti.ibir.ri'7 ot> roui t>o mcAoi do fJK .yiu .! £ ob 0?.9 b.o (Li j (Plum Dumplings) 1 cup hot mashed potatoes (I like to use a ricer) 1 - I'A cups sifted flour Vi tsp. salt Slightly beaten egg Italian plums, cut in half and pitted Plum sauce (I added this to the recipe) j Filling: I Cinnamon (The Cinnamon can be mixed into sugar) Sugar In a small sauce pan add plums with a goodly (a Mar j thaism: I don’t care if she is going to jail, she is an out j standing cook.), sugar to taste. I cook this over a low flame j until sugar is dissolved and the plumbs are liquefied. Taste j for sweetness. If I need more sugar I just add it and cook it 1 little longer. Save sauce. Mix the potatoes into flour. (As with most pastry, work , as little as possible.) Add salt, egg and mix lightly, unti 1 dough is formed. If too much flour is added, the dumplings 1 may be too hard. Your dough should feel soft, but not wet j Take a spoon of dough, enough to press into floured palm I Mold into a shell in the palm, about % thick. Place a whole I split plum in the center. Into the center of the plum, put a , generous spoon or two of sugar. Sprinkle with cinnamon to j taste. I use a heavy hand. Seal the dough around the plum 1 tightly making sure there are no holes. 1 Drop into boiling water. Do not crowd dumplings in pan. I They need to float to the top. Cover pan. Cook about 20 - 25 I minutes after they come to a boil. j When you are ready to plate the cooked dumplings, cut jint0 the dumpling and add unsalted sweet butter, sprinkle 1 with more sugar and cinnamon. On the side, I add a spoon or 1 two of the plum sauce. Serve with a cold glass of milk or 1 with a nice dessert wine. Dober tek\ As is typical of many cultures, there are variations of 1 these dumplings in different regions of Slovenia. Some re-, gions eat dumplings sauteed in butter with bread-crumbs. I 1 remember years ago Maria Meglic and I made these dump-. lings for our classmates at St. Alexis Nursing School. She j made her mother’s recipe with bread-crumbs. That day our j friends enjoyed regional and traditional Slovenian food. I About a year or so ago, Mrs. Vrhovnik told me that she j would make the dumplings and freeze them before boiling. , She uses an egg carton to freeze her dumplings. Her dump-j lings are smaller than the ones we make. I started freezing 1 mine on a cookie sheet. Once frozen, I then wrap each 1 dumpling to use at a later day. 1 PS - One year my family and cousins had a dumpling 1 1 party. It is more fun with help. 1 I j --Toni Sega Snyder 1 I_____________________________ Solon, Ohio 1 ------------------------------------------------------ Couscous Salad \ \ 10 to 14 servings 2 cups water or broth 1 package (10 ounces) conscous V* cup olive oil 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 2 large tomatoes, chopped 1 medium zucchini, chopped Vi cup fresh basil, chopped 3 scallions, thinly sliced Vi teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon black pepper [ 1 package (4 ounces) crumbled feta cheese | 1. - In a medium saucepan, bring the water or broth to a j boil over medium-high heat. Stir in the couscous, cover and 1 remove from the heat; let stand for 5 minutes. ] 2. - Fluff lightly and place in a large bowl to cool. | 3. - Add the remaining ingredients except the cheese and 1 mix well. Chill for at least 2 hours or overnight. J 4. - Stir in cheese just before serving. X _ ! Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections, but instantly start remedying them - every day begin the task anew. -St. Francis de Sales lot .vjZ .nri litO litoom •XiiA <>3ibf»J ;fbrvojn)ifmG uinfif/ i 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 j Roster of Organizations Imenik slovenskih društev Slovenski narodni domovi Slovenian National Homes FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES President: Tony Mannion; Is1 Vice President: Robert Royer; 2nd Vice President: Ed Gabrosek; Treasurer: Lou Grzely; Recording Secretary: Chris Hammond; Corresponding Secretary Nancy Vasilko; Auditors: Anna Mae Mannion, Evelyn Pipoly, Frank Gruber; Historians: Joe Petrie, Ed Gabrosek; Legal Advisor: Charles Ipavec. SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 6417 St. Clair Ave. (216) 361-5115 E-mail: SNH6409@worldnet.att.net President Emeritus: Edward Kenik; President: Robert A. Hopkins; Vice President: Dale Lunder; Recording Secretary: Sylvia Plymesser; Business Secretary: Geraldine Hopkins; Treasurer: Alex Spinos; Members: Joanne Fordyce, Michael Japel, Lawrence Hočevar, Antonia Zagar, David Hočevar, Deborah Davidson, Charles F. Ipavec, Marjanca Hočevar, Ellen Lunder, Shelli March, Richard Godic, Ann Opeka, Richard Trivi-sonno, Jeff Zabukovec, Heather Davidson, John Leonard. Alternate: Patricia Ipavec-Clarke, Charles T. Ipavec, Zoeann Zak Morrell, Nick Vertosnik. COLLINWOOD SLOVENIAN HOME President: Evelyn Pipoly; Vice President: Deanna Miklich; Treasurer: Joyce Segulin; Financial Secretary: Alba Plutt; Recording Secretary: Jennie Tuma; Corresponding Sec- 1 retary: Karen Richard; Auditors: Michael Pipoly, John Plutt, Mary Podlogar, Alternates: John Hozjan, Arlene Martin. House Committee: Domenic Cekada, John Plutt, John Hozjan; Alternate: Steye Richard; Directors: Ann Dagg, Mary Blatnik; Alternate: Tony Miklich. ' • ' ) SLOVENIAN WORKMEN’S HOME 15335 Waterloo Road Cleveland, OH 44110 216-481-5378 President: Tom Čebular; Financial Secretary: Celeste Frollo; Recording Secretafy and Sunshine; Eleanor Godec 440 - 944-3281; Board Members: Joyce Plemet, Trustee; Philip Čebular, Trustee; JoAnn Heinz, VP & Audit; Millie Bradač, Trustee; Dorothy Gorjup, Treasurer; Ken Kleinhenz, Properties; Gordon Luce, Trustee; Linda Gorjup, Trustee; Chris Chermely, Trustee; and Pyra- , mid Accounting, Inc. - CPA. SLOVENIAN SOCIETY HOME President: Esther Podboy; Vice President: Frank Korelec; Secretary/Treasurer: Chris Hammond; Recording Secretary: Marion E. Bocian; Audit Chairman: Henry Kapel; Audit: Donna Helmecy; House Committee:-Ray Kastelic; Membership/Sunshine: Mary Frank; Stephanie Segulin, Joe Bergoč,. LADIES AUXILIARY SNPJ FARM President: Betty Rotar; Vice President: Sophie Matuch; Recording Secretary: Gerri Trebets; Financial Secretary: Barbara Eler-sich; Auditors: Eleanor Godec, Helen Sum-rada, Mitzie Yeray. WEST PARK SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, OH 44135 President: Robert Rojer; Vice President: Chuck Gove; Hall Treasurer: Rudy Pivik; Treasurer: Michelle Bartunck; Social Direc-Auditors; .UuUi Lach,. Albert, Zdolshek, Marija Dimitrijcvich; Ladies Aux-'liary: Theresa Krisby. BARBERTON SLOVENE PENSIONERS CLUB President: Sarah Kumse; Vice President: Betty Jevec; Secretary-Treas.: Ann Novak; Recording Secretary: Shirley Fister; Auditors: Mary Poje, Mary Steiner; Fed. Reps.: Sarah Kumse, Betty Jevec, Ann Novak, Ray Palcic; alternate: Bill Stoper. Meetings every first Thursday of the month at 12:00 noon at Slovene Center Hall 70 - 14,h St., N.W. Barberton, OH 44203 FEDERATION OF AMERICAN SLOVENIAN SENIOR CITIZENS President: Matt Kajfez; Vice President: Larry Hočevar; Secretary: Matt Zabucevec; Treasurer: Pat Nevar; Auditors: Dorothy Gorjup, Grace Marinch, Frank Sadar. ST. CLAIR PENSIONERS CLUB 6409 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, OH 44103 President: Sylvia Plymesser (216) 391-9453; Vice President: Helen Snyder; Recording Secretary: Marcic Mills; Financial Secretary: Lawrence Hočevar, 1364 E. 43 St., Cleveland, OH 44103; Sunshine: Irene Toth; Auditors: Anthony Brodnik, Emile? Jenko! Antoinette Krajc; Tour Coordinator: Jeanette Ruminski. Meetings held on the third Thursday of each month at 1 p.m., in the Kenik Room of the St. Clair S.N.H. SLOVENIAN PENSIONERS OF EUCLID President: Lori Sierputowski; Vice President: Jackie Ullc; Financial Secretary and Membership: Jeannette Yert; Recording Secretary and Reporter: Carolyn Janezich; Treasurer: Frank Kosten; Auditors: Frank Sadar, Chmn., Stana GrilL Frank Sechnick, ahd Lillian Dombrowski, alternate; Sergeant-at-Arms: Jack Selan; Sunshine Lady: Doris M. Pokopac; Tour Organizer: Mimi Stibil; Historian: Marion E. Bocian. HOLMES AVENUE PENSIONERS ' , , CLUB President: John Kozlevchar; Vice President: Matt Zabukovec; Recording Secretary: Jennie Tuma; Corresponding Secretary: Ann Beckert; Financial Secretary: Louise Fujda; •Sergeant-at-Arms:, Frances Kajfez; Sunshine: Ahn Eichler (731-9431); Auditors: Helen Pavšek, Stan Bohinc, and Hank Skrabez. Meetings held second Wednesday of each month at 12:30 p.m. at Collinwood Slovenian Home. WATERLOO BALINCA CLUB President: Violet M. Rupena (440). 943- \ 7212); Vice President: Ray Polantz; Treasurer: Marilyn Vidmar; Secretary: Eleanor Godec; Auditors: Hank Skarbez, Mary Vesel, Harold White. , We welcome new members to join us for fun and friendship. » WATERLOO PENSIONERS CLUB President: Pat Nevar; Vice President: John Prhne; Recording Secretary: Grace Marinch; Treasurer: Dorothy Gorjup; Auditors: Joann Heinz, Josie Kapla, Al Marinch. Meetings held every 2nd Tuesday of each month at 1 p.m. at Waterloo Hall. CATHOLIC ORDER OF FORESTERS BARAGA COURT No. 1317' Spiritual Director: Rev. Joseph P. Boznar; Chief Ranger; Robert W, Mills Sr.; Past Chief Ranger: Dr. Anthony F. Spech; Vice Chief Ranger: Albert Marolt; Financial Secretary: Angelo W. Vogrig, 17220 Tarymorc Rd , Cleveland, OH 44119, Ph: 531-2662; Treasurer: John J. Hočevar; Trustees: Albert Marolt, Frank J. Branisel, Robert Mills Sr.; Youth Director Angelo W. Vogrig; Field Rep. Richard Kuhar (Ph.: 838-1889). Meetings held the 2nd Friday of the ’ month" Call Fin. Sec. for location of meeting. KLUB UPOKOJENCEV SLOV. PRISTAVE: Predsednik: Ivan Jakomin; Podpredsednika: Vinko Vrhovnik in Pepca Kastigar; Tajnica: Martina Štepec, 1958 Brushview Dr., Richmond Hts„ OH 44143 (tel.: (440) 944-0016; Blagajnik: Pavle Intihar; Zapisnikar: Frank Urankar; Nadzorni Odbor: Minka Kmetich, Edi Veider; Odborniki: August Dragar, Julka Zalar, Marija Kocian, Mary Vrhovnik, Julka Mejač, Olga Kalar, Štefka Jarem, Tonckla Urankar, Štefka Zidar, in Tone Štepec. NEWBURGH-MAPLE HTS. PENSIONERS CLUB President: Art Zanutic; Vice President; Florence Mirtol; Financial Secretary: Olga Dorchak (330) 468-7989; Recording Secretary: Clara Hrovat; Membership/Sunshine: Olga Sray; Auditors: Tony Kaplan, Kay Yuratovac, John Kužnik. FAIRPORT SLOVENIAN RETIREES CLUB President: Tony Satcj; Vice President: Julianne Centa; Treasurer: Carol Satej; Recording Secretary: Ann Purcbar; Auditors: Jo Gomick, Jo Minello; Sgt.-at-Arms:Alice Martinčič: Ticket Sales: Dorothy Nemura. GLASBENA MATICA SINGING SOCIETY President: Daniel J. Hrvatin; Is* Vice President: Sharon Loucka; 2nd Vice President; Paul Zimperman; Secretary: Lisa Hupfer; Treasurer: Dolores Sierputowski. Concert: Saturday, Nov. 20 Slovenian Home, St. Clair. Dinner and Dancing. Doors open 5:30; concert at 7 p.m. New singers welcome. Rehearsals began Aug. 2nd. Call Dart Hrvatin (440) 944-1243. KOROTAN Predsednica: Cvetka Rihtar; podpredsednica: Mary Ann Vogel; podpredsednik: Frank Lovšin; tajnica: Maruša Pogačnik, 7628 Chappin Falls Lane, Kirtland, OH 44094; blagnicarka: Helena Nemec; nadzorni odbor: Janez Nemec, Zdenka Zakrajšek, odborniki: Martina Jakomin, Cirila . Kermavner, Mimi Režonja, Blažena Rihtar, France Rihtar,' Milena Stropnik, pevovodja: Janez Sršen. SLOVENIAN SINGING SOCIETY ZARJA , President: Richard Tomšič; Vice President: Vicky Kozel; Secretary: Josephine Rotter; Treasurer: Barbara Elersich; Director: Doug Elersich. For more information about Zarja please call Richard Tomsic at 481-1379. SLOVENSKA PISARNA Predsednik: Fr. Jože Boznar, podpredsed-nik-blagajnik in upravnik pisarne: Anton Oblak, nadzorni odbor: Viktor Tomince in Frank Sega. Tajnica in zapisnikarca: Zalka Likozar; književni referent: Mara Cerar Hull odbomiki(ce): Milka Odar, Ivanka Vidmar in Vida Oblak; Seje so po potrebi, v prostorih Slovenske pisarna na 6104 Lausche Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. Telefonska številka: 216-361-03-; fax številka: 216—361-0300. Pisarna je odprta oTsbbota'K oTTOW^S" 12.00 ure in nedeljah od 9.30 do 21. ure. SNPJ YOUTH CIRCLE 2 President: Kristy Zivkovich; Vice President: Frances Kocin; Recording Secretary: Joe Radisek; Attendance Secretary Colleen Frank; Treasurer: Matt Skrajner; Historian Mary Ann Kocin; Music Director: Cecilia Dolgan. Meet on Thursdays, 7 p.m., at Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, Ohio. Programs: Sunday, Nov. 14, Fall Concert, 3 p.m., Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, OH. MISUONSKA ZNAMKARSKA AKCIJA (CATHOUC MISSION AID) MZA - CMA Duhovni vodja: dr. Pavel Krajnik; predsednica: Marica Lavriša; podpredsednica: Helena Gorše; tajnica, zapisnikarica: Mari Celestina, 4935 Gleeten Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143; blagajničarki: Helena Nemec, 1019 E. 171 St., Cleveland, OH 44119 oz. Maiy Tominec, 107 Snavely Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143; nadzorni odbor: Ani Nemec, Tončka Urankar, Ivanka Tominec; odborniki: Ana in Rudi Knez! Viktor in Nežka Tominec, Marija Ribič! lončka Lamovec, Vinko in Mary Vrhovnik; nadzornika: Lovro Rozman, Mari Miklavčič. Oltarno društvo fare Sv. Marije Vnebovzete Duhovni vodja: Rev'. John M. Kumse; predsednica: Ani Nemec; podpredsednica: Nežka Cerer; blagajničarka: Paula Hauptman, 25922 Highland Rd,, Richmond Hts., OH 44143, tel. 216-481-1871; tajnica: Marica Lavriša; zapisnikarica: Mari Celestina; nadzornice: Tončka Urankar, Mary Podlogar, Maria Frank; zastavonošinja: Josephine Sežun. Skupno sv. obhajilo vsako prvo nedeljo v mesecu pri sv. mašo ob 10. dop. Isti dan popoldne ob 1.30 ura molitve, po blagoslovu pa seja v sobi za sestanke v šoli. KLUB LJUBLJANA Meetings held the last Tuesday of the month,' I p.m., at Slovenian Society Hall, 10713 Recher Ave., Euclid. President: Ann Bauha; Financial Secretary and Treasurer: Stephanie Segulin (216) 451-1876; Recording Secretary: Louise Trunkley. Auditors are Ceil Zinder and Louise Trunkley. Bartenders: Frank Sadar and Frank Skoda. SLOVENIAN SOCIETY HOME LADIES AUXILIARY 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, OH 44119-2439 “Members of Ladies Auxiliary Slovenian Society Home” featuring Monday night dinners. ST. MARY’S HOLY NAME SOCIETY Spiritual Director: Rev. John Kumse; i President: Victor Nemec; Vice President: Flojian Osredkar; Treasurer: William Kozak. ST . MARY’S COURT No. 1640 CATHOLIC ORDER OF FORESTERS Spiritual Director: Rev. John Kumse High Court Trustee: Alan Spilar; Chic Ranger and St. Ct. Tr. Kathleen Spilar; Vic< Chief Ranger: Mary L. Daley; Secretary Jennie Jesek; Financial Secretary: John Spi lar, Treasurer: Vicki Skarbez; Trustees: Gern White, Hank Skarbez, Alan Spilar; Genera Agent: Dick Kuhar, Phone (440) 838-1889 Youth Director: Kathy Spilar (216) 289 3814; Past Chief Ranger: Alan Spilar. Meetings every 4* Wednesday of seconc month: Jan, March, May, July; Sept, Nov. ir St. Mary’s school (meeting room), 155IS Holmes Ave., Cleveland, OH 44110. ST. CLAIR RIFLE AND HUNTING CLUB President: Eddy Ujcich; Vice Pres Richard Beck. ....---^F^espondencc.tQ.M^ R^^ 44094 Chard°n Rd'’ Willou8hby Hills 1 Roster of Organizations Ameriška Slovenska Katoliška Jednota D a D < < Z > American Slovenian S Catholic Union o Q ^ ST. VITUS LODGE No. 25 KSKJ OS Spiritual Director: Rev. Joseph P. Boznar; S President: Joseph S. Baškovič; Vice Presi-^ dent: Joseph V. Hočevar; Secretary: John C. Turek, Tel.: 531-0230; Treasurer: Al Orehek; Auditors: Charles Winter, Ron Fabo, Marty Turek; Youth and Athletic Director: Ralph Prawdzik; Scrgeant-al-Arms: James Debevec. Imenik slovenskih društev American Mutaf Life Association ST. ANNE’S LODGE #4 AMLA President; Emilee Jenko; 1“ Vice President: Madeline Debevec; 2nd Vice President: Stane Kuhar; Secretary: Lillian B. Novak (440) 238-9291; Treasurer: Dolores Krause; Recording Secretary: Louis Zigmund; 1st Auditor; Ann Opeka; 2nd Auditor: Dorothy Stanonik. Meetings every 2nd Wednesday at 1 p.m. in the Slovenian Room in St. Vitus Parish Village; SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA National Officers 2002-2005 National President: Kathleen Dorchak-Hall; Vice President: Betty Ann Kolesari; Secretary: Bonnie Pohar Prokup; Treasurer: Jonita Ruth; Scholarship Director: Mary Tur-vey; Auditors: Beverly Menart, Denise Bartlett, M. Marge Church; Zarja Editor: Corinne Leskovar; Special Projects Director: Mary Lou Voelk. SWUA Home Office, 431 No. Chicago St., Joliet, 1L 60432. Tel: (815) 727 1926. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION BRANCH #14, Euclid, Ohio President - Secretary/Treasurer: Diane PSWA NATIONAL BOARD Headquarters: 15335 Waterloo Road Cleveland, OH 44110 President: Florence Unetich; Vice P dent: Joyce Plemel; Sec’y./Treas.: Vida Zas Recording Secretary: K. Tomsic and L. Krashina, Auditors: A. Turk, M. Sterle, and M. Vogrig; Education and Welfare: Helen Joca (also historian); Julie Main, E. Rižnar, and M. Gombach. National Board meetings are held the second Monday of January, March, April, July, September and November at Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Road, Cleveland, OH 44110 at 7:30 p.m. ST. JOSEPH LODGE No. 169 KSKJ Spiritual Director: Rev. John Kumsc; President: Phil Hrvatin; Vice President: Sandi Green; Financial Secretary: Anne Nemec, 708 E. 159 St., Cleveland, OH 44110 Ph: (216) 541-7243; Treasurer: Helena Nemec; Recording Secretary: Karen Kretic; Youth & Athletic Director: John Nemec; Auditors: Jennie Tuma, Matt Kajfez, Chris Chermely; Sgt-at-Arms: Tony Tolar; Reporter: John Nemec. Meetings are held the third Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the club room of the Collinwood Slovenian Home (Holmes Ave.). New members (up to age 90) are always welcome. For information on life insurance and annuities, call licensed agents John Nemec (216) 541-7243 or Sandi Green (440) 946-2500. SLOVENSKI DOM No. 6 ’ AMLA President: Joe Petrie; Vice President: Walter Frank; Secretary-Treasurer; Theresa Avani; Recording Secretary: Joe Petrie; Audit Chmn: Janice Verch; Auditors: Dorothy Lamm, Anthony Verch; Co-ordinators: Joe Petrie; Editor: Joe Petrie. KRAS No. 8 President: Vida Zak; Vice President: Celeste Frollo: Secretary / Treasurer: Anton Lavrisha, 1076 E. 176 St., (216) 531-3413, meti@aol.com; Recording Sec.: Sophie Matuch. Meetings the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m., at Slovenian Home on Holmes Avenue in Cleveland except July and August. SACRED HEART OF JESUS LODGE No. 172 KSKJ Duhovni vodja: Rev. Joseph P. Boznar; Častna predsed: Ludmila Glavan; Predsednica: Rela Zadnikar; Podpred.: Frank Kuhel; Tajnik-blag: Draga Gostic, 1440 Timbertland Lane, Twinsburg, OH 44087 (tel: 1-330-405-6272; Zapisnikarica: Gabriel Kuhal Revi-zonji: Gabriela Kuled, Vilibald Zadnikar, Anuska Lekan; Athletic/Youth Director: Anuska Lekan; Sergeant-at-Arms: Frank Kuhel. Meetings held every Third Friday at 1 p.m. KRISTUS KRALJ ?t. 226 - KSKJ Duhovni vodja: Rev. Jozc Boznar; predsednik: Joseph F. Rigler, tel (440) 256-3137; podpredsednik: Raymond Zak; tajnik in blagajnik: Erika Kurbos, 1875 Braeburn Pk. Dr., Euclid, OH 44117, tel (216) 383-1212; zapisnikarica: Rosemarie Zupančič; nadzorni odbor: Timothy Klodmck, John Zupančič in Chuck Potenga. Direktorica mladinskih aktivnost: Judy A. Ryan; šports referent: Ronald Zak; vratari: Bob McDonough. Seje društva vsako drugo nedeljo , v meseca ob 12. uri v SND, 6417 St. Clair Ave„ Cleveland, Ohio. KSKJ vam nudi mnogovrstno zivljensko zavarovanje za vsote od $lk,000 naprej. Poleg zivljenskcga zavarovanja vam KSKJ nudi tudi večvrstne naložbe >anujties<. Vse pod zelo ugodnimi pogoji. Za podrobnosti se brezobvezno obrnite na tajnika društva. LODGE #9 AMLA President: James Pavlik; Vice President: Robert Menart; Secretary/Treasurer: Patricia Amigoni; Recording Secretary: Gertrude Menart; Reporter: Albert Amigoni; Auditors: Roseanne Jerina and Gertrude Menart. Fratmal Affairs Coordinator: Patricia Amigoni. Meetings held the first Sunday of each month at 10 a.m. in AMLA Home Office. LODGE RIBNICA No. 12 AMLA President: James E. Czeck; Vice President: Vincent F. Ilacqua; Secretary: Carole Czeck, 988 Talmadge Ave., Wickliffe, OH 44092; Treasurer: Carol Czeck; Recording Secretary: Gina Ilacqua; President, Auditing Committee: Gina Ilacqua; Is' Auditor: Jaime Lončar, 2nd Auditor: Philip J. Yan; Fraternal Affairs Officer: James E. Czeck; Lodge Representatives Philip Yan, Lillian Bratina, James Czeck, and Philip Yan. Meetings: March 21, July 18, Oct. 17, Dec. 19 at 2 p.m., at 988 Talmadge Ave. QUEEN OF PEACE Lodge No. 24 - AMLA President: Francis Cazin; Vice President: Dorothy Cabal; Secretary: Rosemary Poza-relli; Recording Secretary: Angie Musil; Auditors: Dolores Hrovat, Bcmice Novak, Hattie Fashinpaur. OUR LADY OF FATIMA Lodge No. 255 KSKJ Spiritual Advisor: Rev. John Kumse; President: Robert A. Schulz; Vice President: Jackie Hanks; Secretary-Treasurer: Connie Schulz, 28908 Uxbridge Dr., Willowick, OH 44095, Tel: (440) 944-2015; Auditors: Larry Duggan, Donna Duggan; Athletic Director: Darlene Schulz. Meetings 2nd Wednesday of month at 6:30 p.m. at Secretary/Treasurer home. The energy in an average one-day hurricane could power the U.S. for three years. No idea is worth anything unless you have the guts to back it up. —Alonzo Decker !S lUMUE. yiai.i nit ulit« .yiutneo tistw bnooeeillim It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. —Warren Buffet OBirtontn) !!r,ij:«sd s emsoed br.i; ni Varney; Vice President - Recording Secretary: Pat Habat; Auditors: Stana Grill, Antoinette Zabukovec; Reporter: Alice Kuhar; Sunshine: Diane Varney; Banner Lady: Josephine Kastigar. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION Branch 25 President: Frances M. Gazvoda; Vice President: Josephine Perpar; Sunshine Lady: Albina Pozelnik; Recording Secretary: Emilee Jenko; Treasurer: Ann R. Clemence; Auditor: Emilee Jenko. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION Branch 47 President: Olga A. Dorchak; Secretary: Elsie M. Spel lacy (440) 232-8733; Vice President: Ann Harsh; Auditors: Kathleen Dorchek-Hall, Virginia Kemmoerling; Zarja Reporter: Katherine Wallace, 393 Minnie Ct Akron, OH 44311. Meetings held the 2nd Sunday, March, September, November, Christmas Meeting December, Woman of Year in May at Maple Hts. Library. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION Branch #50 Meetings held 3rd Wednesday of the month at Euclid Public Library, 1 p.m. President: Rose Mary Toth; Vice President: Cookie Maxim (Cathy); Treasurer: Mary E. Miller; Recording Secretary: Mary Maxin; Auditors: Dorothy Winters, Fran Kajfez; Dawn Reporter: Allison Hrovat. Mother of the Year: Mary Maxin. PROGRESSIVE SLOVENE WOMEN OF AMERICA CIRCLE 1 President: Betty Rotar; Vice President: Dorothy Gorjup; Recording Secretary: Sophie Matuch; Financial Secretary: Vida Zak-Auditors: E. Rižnar, M. Meglich, A. Zak; Education and Welfare: E. Godec, J. Heinz D. Gorjup. PROGRESSIVE SLOVENE WOMEN OF AMERICA #2 President: Agnes Turk; Financial Secretary: Karen Tomsic, 25571 Glenbrook, Euclid, OH 44117 (216) 481-1379; Sunshine: Chris Ujcich. PROGRESSIVE SLOVENE WOMEN OF AMERICA #3 President: Dorothy Lamm; Vice President: Mary Sterle; Recording Secretary: Diane Vamey; Financial Secretary: Karen Tomsic, 25571 Glenbrook BlvcL, Euclid, OH 44117(216) 481-1379. ST. MARY’S SENIORS Spiritual Director: Rev. John Kumse; President: Zora Kocin; Vice President: Elsie Jacobs; Secretary: Mary Zimperman; Treasurer: John Spilar. Meetings are held every 1" Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. in St. Mary’s School. For particulars and membership call Zora Kocin at (216) 289-0467. Celebrate The Bounty Of The Land With Farmers’ Market Corn Salad (NAPS)—Farmers’ markets celebrate their spectacular bounty with an overflowing supply of fresh produce, perfect for delicious warm weather dishes. Plentiful crops of sweet yellow corn and luscious vine-ripened tomatoes make colorful combinations f\ill of flavor. A terrific centerpiece for a light meal, Farmers’ Market Corn Salad combines the sweetness of fresh-picked corn with red tomatoes, diced red onion and fresh cilantro, deliciously flavored with the piquant taste of Tabasco® brand pepper sauce. It’s a quick dish that’s great for a leisurely lunch or a warm evening’s repast, and vegetarians will particularly appreciate it! Farmers’ Market Corn Salad 4 medium ears corn, husked Vi cup olive oil 2 large tomatoes, diced 1 small red onion, diced 2 tablespoons cider vinegar 1 tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro 2'A teaspoons Tabasco® brand pepper sauce Vi teaspoon salt Lettuce leaves Cut corn from cobs to make about 3 cups corn kernels. Heat oil in 12-inch skillet over medium-high heat. Add corn; cook until tender and bright yellow. Set aside to cool. Meanwhile, combine tomatoes, red onion, vinegar, cilantro, Tabasco sauce and salt in medium bowl. Stir in corn until well mixed. To serve, line platter with lettuce leaves; top with corn salad. Makes 6 servings. -Wl .Ibnc v iiJiM .vogbui. ‘ .IjoM asfl ^ Roster of Organizations — Imenik društev — ST. VITUS HOLY NAME SOCIETY 6019 Glass Ave., Cleveland 44103 Spiritual Director: Rev. Joseph Božnar; President: Charles Winter; Vice President: John Hočevar; Recording Secretary: Frank Cerar; Corresponding Secretary: Joseph Hočevar. Group Mass & Communion 9:00 a.m. Mass on second Sunday of month. Meeting follows in church hall. LOZKA DOLINA President: Charles Zgonc; Vice President: ■John R. Telich Sr.; Secretary: Louis Zig-mund; Auditing Committee: Matt Zabukovec, Albert Marolt and Frank Sechnick. Representative to lodges with St. Clair Slovenian Home and Collinwood Slovenian Home. Annual meeting and annual social in April. ST. VITUS ALUMNI President: Danny Reiger; Vice President: Josephine Perpar; Recording Secretary: Dan-iella Avsec; Treasurer: F. Raymond Gobec; Corresponding Sec’y.: Daniella Avsec; Sgt.-at-Arms: Louis Shenk; Trustee: Joseph Zelle. Meetings, 7 p.m., on the first Thursdays of January, April, July, and October in the Social Room of St. Vitus School. Dues are $5 Per year. Officers are nominated in October and sworn into office in January. BELOKRANJSKI CLUB The annual meeting of the Belokranjski Club was held on January 18 at the Slovenian National Home. The following officers were elected for 2004: President: Theresa Smuk; Vice President: Rudy Benedejčič; Secretary: Amelia Maslac; Recording Secretary: Treasurer, Alenka Win-slett; Refreshment Chair: Brian Winslett; Hospitality Chair: Milena Dovic; Auditing Committee President: Mark Blanchard; Auditing Committee: Ann Marie Morrison, Frank Smuk. STAJERSKO-PREKMURSKI KLUB President: Mimi (Kozina) Cupar; Vice President: Roman Vitulich; Secretary: Anita Klepec; Treasurer: John Cupar; Board Memr bers: Jožica Vitulich, Kristina Ferlinc, Tonica Simicak, Mimi Kozina, Martina Simicak, Majda Rožic, John Kozina Jr., Jože Ramšak, Frank Fuja, Rezka Zelko. SLOVENIAN AMERICAN HERITAGE FOUNDATION President: Anthony W. Hiti; Vice President: Dr. Alexander Ukmar; Secretary: Joan Chermely; Treasurer: Dana Leonard; At-Large: August B. Pust, Dr. Rudolph M. Susel, Ann M. Opeka; Past Presidents: Dr. Karl B. Bonutti, Frederick E. Križman, Esq., Hdn. August Pryatel, Dr. Vladimir J. Rus, Edmund J. Turk, Esq., Joyce Ann Hribar, Esq. ST. VITUS CATHOIC WAR VETERANS POST 1655 Commander: Robert W. Mills Sr.; First Vice Commander: Robert W. Mills Sr.; Second Vice Commander: Thomas Kirk; Third Vice Commander: Edward Arhar; Officer of the Day: Thomas Tulloch; Welfare Officer: William Lipoid; Treasurer: Steve Piorkowski; Historian: Anthony Grdina; 2 Yr. Trustee: John Kirk, Jr.; 3 Yr. Trustee: James Logar; Adjutant: Thomas Kirk; Liaison Officer: Jo-seph Mismas; Judge Advocate: Albin Lipoid; House Chairman: Richard Mott; Chaplin: R®v. Richard Evans, Rev. William Jerse, and Rev. Joseph P. Boznar. ST. VITUS ALTAR AND ROSARY SOCIETY President: Mrs. Ivanka Matic; Vice President and Recording Secretary: Mrs. Gabriela Kuhel; Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. Julka Smole; Treasurer: Mrs. Marija Leben; and Auditors: Mrs. Ivanka Pretnar and Mrs. Ann Arhar. KRES FOLK DANCERS President: Sonia Domanko; Vice Presi-ent. Kristina Sedmak; Treasurer: Mark °mc, Secretary: Monika Zalar; Member-at-Large: Lauren Calevtch. SLOVENE HOME FOR THE AGED 18621 Neff Road, Cleveland, OH 44119 (216) 486-0268 President: Robert Klancher; Vice President: Phil Hrvatin; Treasurer: Celeste Frollo; Secretary: Vera Marsic. Trustees: Chris Chermely, Doug Elersich, Sutton Girod, Rudy Kozan, Dale Luzar, Joe Miskulin, Milan Ribic, Richard Tomsic, Agnes Turk, Florence Unetich, Scott Zele; Alternate: John Pestotnik; Honorary Trustees: John Cech, Frederick Križman, Ronald Zele. Administrator: Jeffrey S. Sas, LNHA. SLOVENIAN AMERICAN NATIONAL ART GUILD President: John Streck; Vice President: Patricia A. Habat; Secretary: Jeannie Somrak; Treasurer: Lillian Bratina; Auditors: Ann Opeka and Dorothy Dybzinski; Historian: Emilee Jenko; Heritage: Doris Sadar; Membership: Millie Sray (216) 261-3263; Newsletter: Patricia A. Habat; Circulation: Dorothy Dbyzinski. Meetings held the 3rd Monday of the month at 7 p.m. in Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue, Euclid, Ohio. AMERICAN SLOVENE CLUB President: Gene Drobnič; Vice-President: Emilee Jenko; Secretary: Terry Hočevar; Cor-res. Sec’y.: Emilee Jenko; Treasurer: Agnes Koporc. Meetings: 4 times a year. TRIGLAV PICNIC CALENDAR (held at Triglav Park in Wind Lake, Wisconsin) First Picnic: June 27 Mission Picnic: July 11 Second Picnic: August 15 Wine Festival: Sept 19 Spiritual Leader: Rev. Dr. Jože Gol OnrifCnt' ^eon Sagadin; Vice President: J< jmk; Treasurer: Anne Sagadin, Luke Kc Sa,n l®xes’ Eveline Maierle-dinn Sec S ^eC°r^m^ Secretary: Marija Kadun j Cretary:. Mary Ann Sulik; Park Manage pro?Z McJac; Assistant Park Manager: Cra Kit h3’ ^'tc^en: Helen Frohna; Assistai Lev' Cn ^arta Mejac; Bar Manager: Jol Spon^’ Director: Mara Kolmai (jSji,S,.tJlrector: Frank Mejac; Delegate fi Arner"-, ^r'st'na Carroll; Reporter ft tors- 'k-3 Domovina: Mara Kolman; Aud Sciuir i thy Kaye- Ka,hy Meiac- Vick man A er; •,udges: Mike Carroll, Luke Ko an- Dan Mejac. LILIJA Predsednik: Peter Dragar; Podpredsednik: Matija Grdadolnik; Podpredsednik: Srečo Gaser; Tajnik: Zdenka Zakrajšek, 10740 Angela Dr., Kirtland, OH 44094; Zapisnikar: Frank Hren; Blagajnišar-ka: Marija Marsic; Programski odbor: Matija Grdadolnik, Srešo Gaser, Peter Dragar, Zdenka Zakrajšek, Mojca Slak, Ivan Hauptman, Ivan Jakomin. Oderski mojster: Slavko Štepec, Kuhinja: Ani Nemec, Julka Zalar; Točaja: Rudi Hren, Tone Štepec; Reditelji: Jože Tomc, Ivan Tomc, Lojze Zupančič; Športni referent: Matija Grdadolnik; Nadzorni odbor: Marija Tominc, Frank Zalar Ml., Štefka Smolič BALINCARSKI CLUB SLOVENSKA PRISTAVE Častni Pred.: Felix Breznikar; Predsednik: Lojze Mohar; Pod. Pred.: Janez Švigelj; Taj,-Blag.: Tone Škerl. Odborniki: Ani Breznikar, Mici Mohar, Tončka Švigelj, Tone Vogel, Janez in Rezka Breznikar, Tone in Cilka Švigelj, Vera Žnidaršič, Marija Vrhovnik, Lojze in Angelca Debeljak, Tončka Berkopcc, Zdenka Kavčič. Nadzorni odbor: Lojze Hribar, Vinko Vrhovnik, Jože Sojer. DRUŠTVO SLOVENSKIH PROTIKOMUNISTIČNIH BORCEV (D.S.P.B. Cleveland, Ohio Predsednik: Viktor Tominec (Tel.: 531-2728): Podpredsednik/Tajnik: Anton Oblak; Blagajnik: France Šega; Tiskovni referent: Lojze Drobnič; Nadzorni odbor: Stane Vidmar in Frank Kuhelj. SLOVENIAN AMERICAN PRIMORSKI CLUB President: Kristjan Sedmak; Vice President: Joseph Jenko Jr.; Treasurer: Silva Ramšak; Secretary: Angela Stropnik. Board Members: Srečko Grdina, Mery Grdina, Joseph Jenko Sr., Joseph Hrvatin, Aldo Milavec, Sabina Milavec, Joakin Mejak, Joseph Slokar, Vera Udovič. Board of Review: Srečko Grdina, Sabina Milavec, Joseph Slokar. SLOVENSKA PRISTAVA UPRAVNI ODBOR 2002/2003 Predsednik: Milan Ribic; 1. Podpresed-nica: Mary Ann Vogel; 2. Podpredsednik: Metod lic; Tajnica-rezervacije: Metka Zalar; Tajnica: Ani Sterle; Pomožni tajnik: Edi Sedmak; Blagajnik: Marjan Perčič; Zapisnikarica: Kati Cup. Odborniki in odbornice: Jože Cerer, Toni Cerer, Tony Champa, Frank Ferkul, Larry Frank, Matija Golobic, Jože Grčar, Pavel Intihar, Tony Jarem, David Kogovšek, Benjamin Košir, Michael Košir, Mimi Kozina, Verena Krištof, Staley Krnic Jr.; Margie Leden, Emie Luzar, Joakin Mejak, Jože Novak, Filip Oreh, Branko Pisom, Branko Pogačnik, Mimi Režonja, Valentin Ribic, Frank Rote, Mike Rus, Ron Rus, Stane Rus, Kristjan Sedmak, Janez Semen, Vid Sleme, Tom Štepec, Martin Tominc, Edward Veidcr, Tony Vogel, Jr., Anton Vogel Sr., Vinko Vrhovnik, Ivan Zakrajšek, Frank Zalar, Jr., Elizabeta Žalik, Tomaž Žnidaršič, Joe Žnidaršič. Nadzorni odbor: Janez Sršen, Viktor Kmetic, Frank Zalar; Rezsodisce: Ivan Berlec, Frank Urankar, Tom Štepec. Zastopniki slovenskih sol: Sv: Ana Perčič, Sv. Marija Vnebovzeta Kristjan Sedmak. I m ?0 Berry, Berry, Berry Delicious Pie (NAPS) Serve a scrumptious slice of summer anytime with this Jhree Berry Pie that celebrates the season’s favorite fruits—fresh or from the freezer. Blueberries, raspberries and blackberries team up for a triple play that’s delicious and beautiful. Start with convenient refrigerated pie crusts, and you’ve got an impressive dessert perfect for picnics and family gatherings that looks and tastes homemade—without starting from scratch. Three Berry Pie 1 package (15 oz) Pillsbury® refrigerated pie crusts I'A cups sugar 5 tablespoons cornstarch 2 tablespoons quick-cooking tapioca V4 teaspoon salt 3 cups fresh or frozen (thawed and drained) blackberries 2 cups fresh or frozen (thawed and drained) raspberries 2 cups fresh or frozen (thawed and drained) blueberries 1 tablespoon milk 2 teaspoons sugar Heat oven to 450°F. Make pie crusts as directed on package for two-crust pie using glass 9-inch pie pan. In large bowl, stir together 1V& cups sugar, the cornstarch, tapioca and salt; gently toss with berries. Let stand 15 minutes. Spoon into crust-lined pan. Top with second crust; seal edges and flute. Brush crust with milk; sprinkle with 2 teaspoons sugar. Cut slits in several places in top crust. Place pie on middle oven rack; place large cookie sheet on rack below pie pan in case of spillover. Bake pie 15 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 375°F. Cover edge of crust with strips of foil to prevent excessive browning. Bake about 40 to 45 minutes longer or until crust is golden brown and Ailing is bubbly. Let stand 2 hours before serving. 8 servings. The Colorado Rockies was a hockey franchise from 1976-1982, and became a baseball franchise in 1993. Because of friction caused by tides, the earth’s rotation slows and the day increases about a millisecond each century. ŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 19, 2004 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST : Criticizing book ‘Slovensko domobranstvo’ ^ (Continued from last week) A book on the fate of collaboration (Title of the press report on presentation of the book by Mlakar, Delo 6/12/2004) The book was presented in Slovenia only recently, six months after its appearance. Very strange, indeed. The title of the report is significant, however. Its contents indicate some rather small change in the “weather” of Slovenia. We have to believe this report although, in Slovenia, the missives of this kind must always be taken with gloves of a most reasonable doubt. According to it, the author repeated some old lies, — that Domobranci swore allegiance to Hitler (they never did) or that the man-hungry German army posted one of its units to each of the Domobranci’s commando battalions (this never happened). But on the other hand, the author admitted, that the White Guard, the original armed formation that had fought partisans, may have had some “legitimacy” for their resistance against partisans “because the people were afraid.” No legitimacy for Domobranci, however. Never - to a great delight and ruminations of the reporter. They were definitely collaborators “in the light ofWWII.” Well, what about the “light” of Slovenian civilization? This “light of WWII” forces us to a further explanation. It will also be useful to squash the legendary merit of Slovenian Liberation Front and partisans for Slovenia’s liberation. The European part of WWII ended with the un-. conditional surrender of German forces on May 8, 1945 at 11 p.m., European time. The documents of surrender were signed in Reims and Berlin by the high German officers on one side and Allied - American, British and Soviet officers on the other. Slovenian partisans and their Liberation Front were not invited, were never mentioned in surrender documents. They were not invited because they contributed absolutely nothing to the unconditional surrender. The congratulations of Stalin to Churchill in praising the liberation, tells the story. He wrote: “...I congratulate you with all my heart on the great victory of our common enemy, the German imperialism. This historic victory has been achieved by the joint struggle of Soviet, British and American Armies for the liberation of Europe...” Not even a whiff of Slovenian partisans. What this means is that Slovenia’s liberation would have been achieved at 11 p.m. on May 8 even if Slovenian partisans had not existed. But after the unconditional surrender of Germany, significant events occurred in Slovenia. Naturally, by then, the words, “collaboration with the enemy” had lost all its appeal. On May 8th the Domobranci began to withdraw toward the British forces in Austria. They had to avoid the trap looming in the east by the advance of Russo-Bulgarian troops and by Tito’s non-Slovenian partisan forces in the west. On the second day after the armistice, in Austria, the Domobranci were met by Slovenian partisans with very heavy fire. In short, a pitched battle occurred, the Domobranci prevailed, the partisans were disbursed, and the Domobranci continued toward the British occupation. With the Domobranci, a multitude of Slovenian civilian refugees were fleeing the partisan terror. In their flight, they counted on the protection of the Domobranci forces. Near Borovlje - Ferlach on the Austrian side - a small group of refugees wandered inadvertently into a partisan occupied territory. They were caught, tortured, assassinated, and buried in a shallow grave. Much later, the massacre place was discovered and the victims were decently buried at Glinje cemetery near the river Drava. All this happened after the war ended. It offers material for a proper consideration about the “legitimacy” of Domobranci and that of the Partisans. Was the shooting by the Partisans on Domobranci at that time legitimate? Was the torture and assassination of innocent Slovenian refugees by Slovenian partisans legitimate? Even the British later refrained from the delivery of the same refugees to Partisans thanks to a frantic appeal by Dr. Valentin Meršol, their leader. The historic truth is evi- dently slow in settling over Slovenia. Mlakar’s book, however, even with all its misleading statements, remains as a very important contribution. It contains a string of genuine documentation valuable to a credible presentation of recent history. Even though there are numerous omissions. The book’s author’s conjectures and musings must be taken with a double strength grain of salt of reasonable doubt. —France Krištof, France Krištof, 87, a veteran, is a former Lieutenant in the 15lh commando company of Slovenian Domobranci and their interpreter to the British prior to their betrayal and delivery to the Partisans. Four Oldest Slovenian Documents The Freising Manuscript The famous Freising manuscripts, which originated in the Upper Carinthia (Moll river valley or Luhmfeld) between 972 and 1039, stand at the beginning of the thousand-year history of Slovenian written culture. They are the oldest preserved writings in any Slavic language in the territory of Europe’s western civilization. The parchment sheets containing three ritual Slovenian texts were bound together with other, similar documents into a codex, which belonged to Bishop Abraham of Freising. His diocese had estates in Carinthia, which was then settled by Slovenian believers and the Bishop thus required Slovenian liturgical texts during his pontificate. The codex was kept in the Cathedral Chapter House of Freising until 1803, and from then in the Bavarian State Library in Munich, where the Slovenian texts in it were discovered in 1807. The Latin codex, whose appearance and contents are hardly impressive, became world famous and a particularly precious written monument precisely because of the Freising manuscripts. The first manuscript, a general confession formula, is written on two pages; the third manuscript, also a confession formula, covers three pages; and the second manuscript, a sermon on sin and repentance, covers four pages. All three manuscripts are written in minuscule script, a successor of the Carolingian minuscule script. The second and third manuscripts were written by the same hand, while the first one was written by another scribe. Due to their great age, the manuscripts are hardly legible and several accurate letter (diplomatic) transcriptions exist, as well as examples of phonetic transcriptions, which attempt to present how the texts were spoken. The Freising manuscripts were written as translations of Latin and German texts that were used in the Western Church. It is quite conceivable that earlier Slovenian texts existed and they were written down in the preserved form around 1000, because we know that texts for the Christian service existed as early as 800, and that they were recited by priests and believers in a language the latter understood. There is no doubt, however, that the language of the three Freising manuscripts is Slovenian in its early stages, when it was in the process of developing from Old Church Slavonic into an independent language. The most important manuscript is the second one, a Sermon on sin and repentance. It is a priest’s short and clear address about the Christian doctrine of sin and salvation. Because of its neat order and rhetorical elements, this manuscript already has the qualities of an artistic, literary text. The Celovec or Rateče manuscript The Celovec (Rateče) manuscript is the second oldest medieval Slovenian literary document after the Freising manuscripts. Its double name derives from the place where it is kept, Klagenfurt (K^mtner Lande-sarchiv, early archives of the Carinthian History Society), and from the presumed, though not yet confirmed, place of origin - Rat-schach/RateČe. The Celovec (Rateče) manuscript dates from between 1362 and 1390, consists of a single leaf of parchment, and contains three prayer formulas (Lord’s Prayer: 7 lines, Hail Mary: 3 lines, and an Apostolic Credo: 12 lines). As with the Freising manuscripts, the conditions for its origin were established by the Christianization of the Carantanian Slavs that took place in the latter half of the 8th century and is reported in “Conversio Bagoariorum et Carantano-rum ” from around 870. Furthermore, after the Synod of Mainz (813) prayers in native languages were allowed beside Latin prayers. The single leaf was part of a codex (missal?) that was probably last used in Rat-schach. This assumption is suggested by the entries dated 1467 and 1471 on the back of the parchment; they provide information, listed in columns, about the members of the Brotherhood of Our Lady and an Apostolic Brotherhood (Thomas?) in “Ratatscha(ch)” (=Ratschach/Rateče). (To Be Continued) —Slovenija svet ^°n^i Melodies from Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Radio Family ED MEJAC RDC Program Director WCSB 89.3 FM RADIO HOURS: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 TEL/FAX web: www.wcsb org More than 75 percent of the world’s 850 active volcanoes lie within the Ring of Fire, a zone running along the west coast of America from Chile to Alaska and down the east coast of Asia from Siberia to New Zealand- Founding of Acmetonia Slovene Club 9 by RUDY PIVIK In early May, my wife, Marie, and I received a couple of phone calls to come to Pennsylvania to join in with relatives in celebrating 30 years of friendship. So on Sunday, May 16, Marie and I drove 140 miles °n the PA Turnpike to Exit 5. along Allegheny River, 15 m>les N.E. of Pittsburgh. I grew up in a place called Warwick Crossroads, now galled Harmar Hts., I mile from Harwick Coal Mine. In the 1930s there were over 20 Slovenian families in Har-^'ck. The big names among Slovenians were Koprivni-kars and Praznikars. In the valley was Acme-l°nia. I was from the hills Jut we walked the 1 mile to Acmetonia Public School ®n(I nearby was the club merican Slovenian Citizens Association. We had a very good din-yCr cooked by Mrs. Marge clochan and Mrs. Martha lv'k and served by L. A., then a program, the M.C. as Bill Seles, who grew up jjear there and is popular for ls 3 day Polka Dances at even Springs, PA on holidays. .Then Mrs. Sharon Ujcich, r 0 has the Sunday Slovene ^ d'° program out of Pitts-r8h, gave a very nice talk ye0ut A1 Yelochan for his 30 to ^ cont'nuous devotion j the club. A1 was a P.O.W. , Germany in 1945 but eW me since I was 5. years ago, Arouid 15 b n our West Park Button ersX Club had 12 to 15 play-\v ’ 0r three different years 4C 0°k bus trips back to the Club to support Qub°I“an Ferry Button Box Apw. many dances at >nia. Wer Ray Mlakar and Harry 1’h ,e inning for President, Vo>e for them. ary of Acmetonia Club held C ^lrst rneeting was hlav o" Gheswick, PA on % The applica- Aue 0r charter was filed 0v'ch 3’ 1935 by 3oe V’ Steve 0swaIk- Frank Vert e’ Ant°n Lozar, Florian Inchnik, and Jack Skoff. Ve l.'93^ tbe meetings ^ionu at the Harwick 5ttend W’tb membership [eopiance averaging 50 Hsu In 0ctober, 1936 V e,ff and Mike Klopsic the CctcW to find a place "tgs a ?rouP to hold meet- VAnd have social func-'he jai/ Motion was made at meeting to H ^e^to members at $10 Hd n° rnember al- ' shares^Urcbase more than The organization moved to a rented building on Rus-selton Road in Acmetonia on June 26, 1937 at which time the members applied for liquor license and were turned down. An appeal was sent to Liquor Control Board to reconsider and the club received its license. At the July 6, 1937 dues were set at $2 to purchase fixtures. To enter the club building, members paid 25 cents for a special key. First manager of the club was Joe Prelisnik. He was killed in Harwick Mine. Jack Skoff was then elected in January, 1938 as manager. A young lad who played the button box with another musician were hired for a club party in August, 1938 and paid the grand sum of $5. Albert Yelochan, club financial secretary, was the button box musician. In December, 1938 social members were accepted for $ 1 dues a year. On May 8, 1939 a special meeting was held to purchase a lot from the school board on Herron Avenue for $2,100 plus mineral rights for another $200. This was approved. Another meeting was held on May 13, 1940 for the purpose of erecting a Slovene Hall, which was approved at a cost of $6,000. Architect was paid $200. The general contractor was Henry Presutti. In May, 1941 the club moved to the new Slovene Home on Herron Avenue and Mary Stavor was elected Steward. At the July 20, 1941 meeting a motion was made and passed that all members of the Armed Forces would have their dues paid by the club while they were in the service. In August, 1941 the contractor was owed $3,756 and the organization had no money. Henry Presutti gave the club a mortgage for this amount at 4% interest. A kitchen was added in May, 1942 which helped pay the mortgage off in August, 1942. A piano was purchased in January, 1943. The Ladies Auxiliary was given permission to hold a social function. On September, 1943, two additional lots were purchased. Beer was raised 2 cents a bottle at the April 2, 1944 meeting making the price 12 cents for a bottle of beer. It remained in effect until March, 1951. Tony Leskovec was elected Steward in May, 1944 and served until December, 1954. Additional property was purchased from the school board on September, 1946 for $ 1,000, this included two acres of ground with mineral rights. The club purchased their first TV in October, 1949. They bought 25 mother of pearl tables and 100 blue chairs for $1,750 in 1950. A building committee was appointed in April 1953 consisting of John Podmil-sak, John Škarja, Al Yelochan, Anthony Bursic and A1 Klopsic with power to draw up plans for a new building. Contracts were signed in September, 1955 totaling $85,335. SNPJ loaned the club $39,000 and members purchased $25 promissory notes amounting to $22,475. The organization moved into the new club on July 5, 1956, and three years later paid off $30,000 mortgage to SNPJ. On March 9, 1963 $25,000 was borrowed from SNPJ to pay off promissory notes which the members had purchased. This note was paid off six years later. In May, 1963, - 39 ladies from the auxiliary were honored at a dinner served by the men which helped reduce the club mortgage. Active members who had 25 years of continuous membership, had their dues reduced to $1 a year in 1965. A mortgage burning party was held Oct. 25, 1969. Mike Kumer was guest speaker along with President of Ladies Auxiliary, Anna Flisek. In April, 1972 a commit- tee was appointed to meet with an architect to expand the club. On Feb. 2, 1974, the Chandelier Room was opened with the Frank Kalik Band entertaining. The new addition, which included just about everything, cost a total of $99,876.08. At present there are 1,100 social members and 367 active members. The club is open six days a week. Every Saturday there is dancing to the finest polka bands in Western Pennsylvania. For a good time, all the time, enjoy the atmosphere at the American Slovenian Citizens Association. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo The members of Folklorna Skupina Kres prior to enjoying a short boat ride on the Mura River in Prekmurje during their first tour of Slovenia as a group. They participated in the 34” International Folk Festival in Beltinci later that day along with dance groups from Slovenia, Poland and Croatia. Folklorna Skupina Kres performed one evening at the famous restaurant of Slavko Avsenik in Begunje, Slovenia. The crowd greatly enjoyed the stylized polka one of Kres’ oldest dance traditions. k„„„, miUMhHnttJtuM K> i AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 19, s Drive Around Triglav in a Day by GREG RUDL H . w Q This ambitious day-trip O deep into the Julian Alps uncovers the senseless costs . < of war at the WWI museum ~ in Kobarid; climbing Slove-. O nia’s 3rd tallest peak is easier ^ when you drive half way up; . Q the mysterious source of the u 4 4 J II I ^Ushed Roof - Upper west side of the back of the church roof completed with new Vynirner rose clay tile color, new gutters and downspouts, mortar and tuck point brick as0j"k- The exterior stain glass windows hav£ been cleaned, primed, and painted as well th rite glass cleaned and a new thermal pane window covering installed on all 0nC ^indows including the three church rosetta (wheel design type window) windows e south, east, and west sides of St. Vitus Church. Dry Wall and Mud Work - Work proceeds on the first and second floors of the former St. Vitus elementary school building for the new St. Martin de Porres High School. Worker prepares the newly installed dry wall with a “mud” material, prior to sanding and final paint covering. This area is on the first floor and will be part of the new administrative offices for the high school staff. Note the wire framing by the ceiling (for new dropped ceiling) as well as metal work for heat and/or air conditioning purposes. former parish elementary school for the first high school freshman class of the new St. Martin de Porres High School, one of 16 existing or proposed such high schools in the Catholic “Cristo Rey” high school network across the United States. Cristo Rey high schools allow for real world corporate work experience while at the same time provide a college preparatory program for young people who have no other means to attend a tuition paying Catholic secondary school. (Writer’s note: The first Cristo Rey school was established in Chicago at the former American Slovenian Roman Catholic parish of St. Stephen’s. The school, named Cristo Rey Jesuit High School, now has nearly 500 students with a 100% high school graduation rate and acceptance of nearly all students to a two or four-year college program in a neighborhood that has a high school graduation rate of less than 40%). The first and second floors are in process of being remodeled. Initial work is also beginning in the school basement. An estimated $350,000 is to be spent in 2004 by St. Martin de Porres to meet the needs for a high school setting. It is projected that an additional $600,000+ in improvements should occur by the end of 2006. The first floor is to be used primarily for administrative purposes while the second floor appears more and more each day to look like a high school setting. The school should eventually be completely “wireless” so that teachers, students, and staff personnel will have the necessary tools regarding com- puter technology. The first incoming freshman class consists of 110 accepted young men and women with 28 northeast Ohio companies involved for the “cotporate work study” portion of this unique high school program. Students are expected to handle a college preparatoiy curriculum with the end result of being accepted into a college in the United States. The high school leases the parish school, auditorium, and parking facilities while at the same time allowing use of these facilities for parish needs (e.g., benefit dinners, St. Nicholas Day Program, reverse raffles, parish organization events, adult religious education program, etc.) and Saturday Slovenian School. The key toward making this arrangement a success is good ongoing communication and scheduling. The president and principal of St. Martin de Porres High School are, respectively, Mr. Richard F. Clark, and Miss Mary Anne Vogel. An open house for the parish community is in the planning stage. On a closing note, the parish community, neighborhood, and broader American Slovenian communities should be very pleased after having the opportunity to see the progress in the former parish school building as well as meeting the dedicated administration, staff and teachers for this most unique educational en-deavor in Cleveland, Ohio. Stane Kuhar is finance director, St. Vitus Parish, 6019 Lausche Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 Ph: (216) 361-1444. »' M II .II II «1 .1 UMUM tt „ U M M M „ .. ft AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 19, AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 19, 12 8 CS Coming Events Saturday, Aug. 21 Fairport Slovenian Club Founders Day Picnic at club’s grounds, 617 Third St., Fairport, OH. Music by Ken Zaller, The Captain and Crew starting at 3 p.m. Grilled pork chop dinners and a variety of sandwiches. Saturday, Aug. 21 Pristava Campers annual steak/chicken dinner, served 5:30 p.m. Steak $15, Chicken $12. Tickets call (440) 256-9237, (216) 529-0579,or(440) 942-4688. Sunday, Aug. 22 SNPJ Lodge Mimi Raj #142 picnic at SNPJ Farm on Chardon and Heath Roads in Kirtland, OH. Roast pork, roast beef and sausage dinners served 1 to 3 p.m. Price is $7. Refreshments available throughout afternoon. George Staiduhar Revue band plays 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 28 Cleveland SNPJ Lodges celebrate 100th anniversary with banquet, dance at SNPJ Farm in Kirtland, Ohio. Tickets $30. Call (216) 481-6909 before Aug. 25. Saturday, Aug. 28 Cleanup in the Slovenian Cultural Garden from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 29 DSPB Annual Pilgrimage to Sorrowful Mother Shrine, Frank, Ohio, Mass at 12 noon. Bus leaves Collin-wood Slo. Home at 8 a.m., then St. Vitus Village. Returns around 6 p.m. Cost $15.00. Reservations call (216) 531-2728, (216) 481-9150, (216) 391-4818 or (440) 944-0020. Saturday, Sept. 4 Pristava Picnic. HAP News © © © Mirni Raj Lodge 142 Picnic In celebration of the 100th anniversary of SNPJ, Mimi Holmes Avenue Pensioners July 14 picnic was quite well attended, despite the gloomy and wet day. Can’t hold those “recycled teenagers” down. John Kozlevchar and Matt Zabukovec and their crews were busier than a fox in the hen-house. Everything went “kot po zhnorci.” They had things well organized from parking to ticket sales, to “liquid” refreshments, etc. Some very fancy drinks were paraded around. © Fun went on even as the rain came down. It just got a little more crowded on the dance floor. With Fred Zi-wick’s lively music, everybody’s toes were tapping, and there was still room to do some twirling around. Toe tapping continued with the Jam Session. Many Thanks to all the jammers for another job well done. Mary Blatnik had the kitchen running like clockwork. Great roast beef. The rest of the offerings went like hotcakes, too. The pastry tables were overflowing with goodies. Ladies, you outdid yourselves. Can’t possibly list all of the names, but Thanks everybody. Hank and Vicki Skarbez ran a special raffle, ending up with five happy winners. The 50-50 raffle was well run by Helen Kozlevchar. And sometimes you get luckier when you’re NOT there, right, Zora? All in all, a great day. Don’t miss the meeting August 11; you’ll hear all the details; and we have an interesting speaker. Hope you got your tickets for the Federation picnic Aug. 18 at the SNPJ Farm on Heath Rd. $13.00 pp, and entrance fee is $4.00. Till we meet again, hasta la vista, baby... —El Bandito Raj Lodge #142 is sponsoring their annual picnic on Sunday, Aug. 22nd at the SNPJ Farm on Chardon and Heath Roads in Kirtland, Ohio. A delicious dinner will be prepared, consisting of roast pork, roast beef and sausage dinners with all the trimmings, which will be served from 1:00 p.m. until 3:00 The St. Vitus Adult Slovenian language class will begin on Saturday, Sept. 18 at 9:15 a.m. in the school basement. New students are most welcome. Students will continue to expand on vocabulary, Hot sandwiches, krofe, desserts and your favorite beverages will be available throughout the afternoon. For your listening and dancing pleasure, the popular George Staiduhar Revue will be performing your favorite polkas, waltzes and pop tunes from 3:30 until 7:30. For additional information or to purchase dinner tickets in advance, contact Dolores Dobida at (440) 943-5559. grammar and conversation. Presentations will also be given on Slovenian history and culture. For further information call Mrs. Marie Burgar (216) 249-3703 or Mrs. Lillian Centa (216) 7253. CLEVELAND PARKING TICKETS PAYMENT PLAN p.m. The price of dinners is $7 excluding the gate fee. St. Vitus Adult Slovenian School The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it. —Moliere PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216-732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster If you have $300.00 dollars or more in unpaid, City of Cleveland, parking tickets you may be eligible for our new payment plan. Call a customer service representative In the Parking Violations Bureau. How It works. • Sign the agreement. • Pay a third of what Is owed. •Get your plates released. • Maintain monthly payments. Open 8:00 am-4:00 pm Earie B. Turner, Clerk Cleveland Municipal Court Customer Service 216-664-4744 In Loving Memory of the 7th Anniversary of the death of | Savings Account ^^Life Insurance What’s Best For Funeral Expenses? Beauty Salon for Sale E. 65th and St. Clair Call Evenings: (216) 261-3427 IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 27359 Tungsten Rd. Euclid, OH 44132 216-486-1105 Stimburys Accounting Accounting G Income Thx Services 496 E. 200th St.. Euclid, OH 44119 (216)404-0990 Fax (216} 404-0992 taxtimi@en.com http://stimburysaccounting. com EnroNed to Pr&ice Before the Internal Revenue Service ServicineJndMduals Corporations & Small Businesses Edward Avsec Died August 25,1997 Always remembered With thoughts of love in our hearts and still so missed. Rest in God’s loving care, dear Ed. Wife, Daniella ______and Family Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St., Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908 Savings Account:______________ • Earns interest • Taxable interest income Life Insurance:_______________________________________________ • Earns dividends • Guaranteed cash value. • Death benefit passes to heirs tax-free (Example: If you’re a 68 year old, non-smoking male, in reasonably good health, you can take your savings account of $5,000 and purchase a KSKJ Life Insurance Policy. Immediately, your $5,000 premium has turned into a tax free death benefit of $8,166!) Interested? Want to learn more? Call KSKJ at 1-800-THE-KSKJ or visit us online at www.kskjlife.com KSKJ AMERICAN SLOVENIAN CATHOLIC Me/ HOUC # /UNION Life Insurance • Annuities Proudly serving the needs of more than 24,000 members nationwide since 1894. 2439 Glenwood Ave. Joliet, IL 60435 1-800-THE-KSKJ FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina fcitvi 3 »I rc^i^g rriTn i a AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, August 19, 2004 - Vesti iz Slovenije - ^rva medalja - bronasta - za Slovenijo na Olimpijskih igrah Judoistka Urška Žolnir si je priborila r°nasto medaljo na igrah v Atenah. 22-etna športnica je menda dokaj presenetila * svojim dosežkom. Ker se je pridružilia °venski ekipi sorazmerno pozno, ni vklju-na v seznamu fotografij na str. 13, o nJej je več na str. 19. Samuel Žbogar uradno imenovan za novega veleposlanika v ZDA j Otekli petek je predsednik Slovenije ez Drnovšek podpisal ukaz o imenova-Samuela Žbogarja za novega veleposla-nika v ZDA. Predstavnik Slovenije Janez Potočnik lzbran za komisarja Evropske komisije znanost in raziskave ^Janez Potočnik je izjavil, da je “vesel in kon°Sen’ *cer mu Je predsednik bruseljske f.. ls*Je Jose Manuel Barroso zaupal port-J znanosti in raziskav. “Gre za področje, v bruseljski blagajni okrog 3,5 mili- ti Kl ’Ria Pro -eVrov na leto’ kar Je četrta najvišja je ?ČUnska postavka ... poleg tega zaposlu-pr Sk°raj štiri tisoč funkcionarjev”. Slovenski Anton Rop je bil tudi navdušen: ,i,0čitev predsednika nove Evropske ko-•" je po našem mnenju zelo dobra. . Je tudi za Slovenijo zelo dobra novica. 10 lrn nanireč, da bo to Sloveniji pomaga-'’ije Uresn'čevanju strategije razvoja Slove-razv V t*St° srner’ v katero si želimo. Prav O Znan°sti in raziskovanja je namreč v st^3 v*ac^a zapisala kot prvo prioriteto razvoja. Za Slovenijo je to izre-ok)ro> saj ji bo omogočilo udeležbo r°pskpri kreiranju razvojnih programov Ev-e unije, ki so po našem mnenju prio riteta tako slovenske države kot tudi celotne Evropske unije.” Ustavitev jedrske elektrarne Krško tik pred remontom - Vsi varnostni sistemi popolnoma pravilno reagirali Po 255 dneh neprekinjenega obratovanja se je jedrska elektrarna v Krškem 10. avgusta zvečer zaradi napake na napajalnikih kontrolnih palic v reaktorju samodejno ustavila. Po uradnih zagotovilih so se ob tem vsi varnostni sistemi ustrezno odzvali, tako da napaka ni imela nobenih vplivov na o-kolje in ljudi. Nuklearka je bila sinhronizirana z omrežjem naslednje jutro in je 12. avgusta že dosegla svojo načrtovano zmogljivost. Vzrok za ustavitev je bila odpoved glavnega in nato še rezervnega električnega napajalnika kontrolnih palic. Te so se tako samodejno spustile v sredico in ustavile verižno reakcijo. Nuklearka je sicer pred načrtovanim remontom. V septembru bodo zamenjali gorivo in preverili opremo. Nuklearka bo po septembrskem remontu prvič prešla na 18-mesečni gorivni ciklus, tako da večje tehnološke posege načrtujejo šele za leto 2006. ZDA in biometrični potni listi Predsednik George Bush je za leto dni podaljšal rok, do katerega mora 27 držav, članic programa Visa Waiver (VWP), med katerimi je tudi Slovenija, začeti izdajati potne liste z biometričnimi identifikacijskimi podatki. Tako je rok podaljša do 26. oktobra 2005. Od 30. septembra letos pa bo tudi za državljane članic VWP veljal nov ukrep, po katerem jim bodo ob vstopu v ZDA in ob odhodu od tam odvzeli prstne odtise in jih fotografirali. ' 1 GRADITI NOVO PEDIATRIČNO KLINIKO - Na gradbišču nove pediatrične * So 11. avgusta po nekajletnem odlašanju le zabrneli delovni stroji (zemljišče je 'Pravljeno že prej). Po terminskem načrtu bo gradnja dokončana 15. decembra Pri gradbeniku SCT pa mislgo, da bo dela mogoče končati prej. Naložbo, vredno I 'Jard tolarjev (ok. 65 milijonov US dolarjev) bo večinoma financiralo ministrstvo in Vje’ Poseben dobrodelni sklad je zbral doslej okoli 500 milijonov tolarjev oz. 2,5 w.r do,arjev - v ta sklad je z raznimi dobrodelnimi akcijami že prispevala amen-oraSka or8anizacija SNPJ več kot 200 tisoč dolarjev. V novi pediatrični kliniki bo 2a 201 Kolnika, klinika sama bo velika 26.000 kvadratnih metrov. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Blagoslov in posvetitev— Blagoslov in posvetitev nove dvorani pri župniji Marije Vnebovzete bo v nedeljo, 5. septembra. Škof Anthony Pilla bo daroval sv. mašo ob 11. uri dop. Po maši bo blagoslov dvorane, nato banket in kratek program z zaključno točko “Veselih viničarjev” iz Slovenije. Rezervacjie za banket sprejemajo v župnišču (216-761-7740). Dar je $25 za odrasle in $10 za otroke. Zaradi omejenih sedežev, je rezervacija potrebna in vstopnice so samo v predprodaji. Baragovi dnevi— Ti bodo letos na vikend 24.-26. septembra v L’Anse-Baraga, Michigan. Nujno je, da se tisti, ki nameravajo potovati z najetim avtobusom iz Clevelanda, čim prej prijavijo in tudi poravnajo račun. Motel v Michiganu namreč želi imeti vsa imena najpozneje do 27. avgusta. Za rezervacije in vse podrobnosti, pokličite Ivanko Matič na 216-481-1514. Novi grobovi Angela Kapel Dne 10. avgusta je umrla Angela Kapel, rojena Možina, vdova po Leo-tu, mati že pok. Angele Knox, stara mati Williama in Leo-ta Knox, 1-krat prastara mati, sestra Sophie Yager in Louisa, članica AMLA št. 8. Pogreb je bil 13. avgusta v oskrbi Brickmanovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Felicite in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Julius P. Slogar Dne 10. avgusta je umrl 69 let stari Julius P. Slogar, mož Lois, roj. Cipriana, oče Michaela in Judeana, 3-krat stari oče, brat Jennie Belaj ter že pok. Andrewa, Aloy-siusa, Edwarda in Josepha, služil v ameriški vojski, zaposlen pri Eaton Axle do svoje upokojitve 1. 1981. Pogreb je bil 14. avgusta v oskrbi Brickmanovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi Immaculate Conception v Wil-loughbyju in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Josephine M. Kosmač Dne 12. avgusta je umrla Josephine M. Kosmač, rojena Gorsha, vdova po Ed-wardu, mati Williama, Edwarda, Mary Jo Novotny, Jamesa in Jean, 5-krat stara mati. Pogreb je bil družinski. Romanje v Frank— Vsi, ki se zanimate za romanje v Frank, Ohio, ki je pod sponzorstvom DSPB, in bi potovali z najetim avtobusom, naj ne čakajo več za prijavo. Romanje bo v nedeljo, 29. avgusta. Vse podrobnosti v dopisu g. F. Šega na str. 14. Upokojenci Slov. pristave— Klub upokojencev Slovenske pristave ima sestanek v sredo, 25. avgusta, pop. ob 1.30, na Pristavi. Vsi člani lepo vabljeni. Pri klubu opozorijo, da bodo vsakoletne koline v nedeljo, 10. oktobra. O tej prireditvi bodo naknadna poročila. Večerja to soboto— Letoviščarji na Slovenski pristavi vabijo na večerjo to soboto, 21. avgusta, zvečer, na. SP. Serviranje se prične ob 5.30 pop. Zelo priporočajo rezervacija, vse podrobnosti na prvi strani angleškega dela. Za Delavski dan vikend— Za ta konec tedna oz. ameriški nacionalni praznik bo Cleveland obiskal, ansambel Vrisk iz Slovenije. Gre za trio s pevko in pevcem. Ansambel bo igral v soboto, 4. septembra, na Slovenski pristavi, naslednji dan, nedeljo, pa za otvoritev nove dvorane pri Mariji Vnebovzeti. O nastopu na Pristavi več prihodnji teden. KOLEDAR AVGUST 29. - Društvo SPB sponzorira vsakoletno romanje k Žalostni Materi božji v Frank, O. Sv. maša ob dvanajstih, druge pobožnosti ob 2.30 pop. SEPTEMBER 11. - Folklorna skupina Kres praznuje 50. obletnico s celovečernim programom v SND na St. Clair Ave. 12. - Oltarno društvo fare sv. Vida ima kosilo v šolskem avditoriju. 19. - SKD Triglav, Milwaukee, ima Vinsko trgatev na svojem parku. 25., 26. - Baragovi dnevi v mestu Marquette, Michigan. NOVEMBER 20. - Pevski zbor Glasbena Matica ima koncert združen z večerjo in plesom v SND na St. Clairju. Z AMERIŠKO DOMOVINO STE VEDNO NA TEKOČEM AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 19, 2004 Na spominsko romanje! CLEVELAND, O. - V današnjem času, v času velikega tehnološkega napredka, se je človek v veliki meri pomehkužil in nima več prave volje in smisla za duhovne vrednote, med katere spadajo tudi romanja z različnimi nameni. Kaj pa je pravzaprav romanje? Če se za trenutek zamislimo, je romanje vse naše življenje in tega dejstva se človek v jesenski dobi življenja zave v polni meri. Naš življenje na tem svetu je zelo omejeno, kratko, pa naj traja 100 ali več let. To je kratka doba proti večnosti in to velja za slehernega nas na tem svetu. Na kratko, enodnevno romanje k Žalostni Materi božji v Frank, Ohio, lepo vabi DSPB Cleveland. To vsakoletno romanje je vse od leta 1967 in je spominsko romanje za vse žrtve fašizma, nacizma in komunizma. Ta zadnji je prizadel slovenskemu narodu največ gorja in trpljenja v vsej narodovi zgodovini. Obseg zločina in groze, ki jo je povzročila komunistična partija se z besednim zakladom, ki ga imamo na razpolago, ne da popisati. Pod roko brata komunista so umirali najboljši sinovi in hčere slovenskega naroda, rojaki in rojakinje torej,1 ki so ljubili svoj narod z vsem bitjem življenja. Umirali so v deset tisočih z edino krivdo, ker so odklanjali tujo in nesprejemljivo ideologijo komunizma. Več kot žalostno je dejstvo, in narodna tragika je, da sedanja vladajoča elita po štirinajstih letih demokratične države ne najde v sebi niti trohice poštenosti, da bi priznala in obžalovala zločin svojih prednikov -genocida slovenskega naroda. Neizpodbiten dokaz tega je sprejem zakona o grobiščih z napisom: “Žr- tve vojne in povojnih usmrtitev”, kar je nepošteno in žaljivo. Druga zadeva pa je zavrnitev obnove procesa in razveljavitve lažne in sfa-bricirane obsodbe ljubljanskega škofa dr. Gregorija Rožmana, ki je z veliko ljubeznijo posvetil vse svoje življenje za svoj narod, bil je pa proglašen za zločinca in obsojen (v odsotnosti) na dolgoletno ječo, to zato, ker je obsodil pobijanje svojih vernikov. Ti slednji so bili velika večina naroda in je bil škof dolžan storiti, kar je bil storil. Kot škof je moral učiti in grajati vsakršno zlo, največji zlo za narod pa je bil komunizem, ki je človeku vzel svobodo in človeško dostojanstvo. Z lažno obsodbo škofa Gregorija, ki je bil poglavar Cerkve v Sloveniji, je bila obsojena vsa takratna Cerkev. To smo bili vsi verni člani Cerkve in smo tako postali v očeh komunistov zločinci in izdajalci, pa čeprav smo ljubili svoj narod z vsem srcem. To ravno nasprotno od komunistov, ki so se prodali komunistični internacionali in še dandanes ne vzgajajo mladine v ljubezni do svojega naroda. Kakšna ironija ali, bolje, tragika je, da po 14 letih tkim. demokratične in “pravne” države Slovenije smo s škofom Gregorijem na čelu uradno še vedno zločinci akorav-no še vedno ljubimo svoj narod. Na drugi strani pa so tisti, ki so ali so bili odgovorni za masovne izvensodne poboje naših najboljših rojakov, še vedno narodni heroji s številnimi privilegijami in častnimi naslovi. Ali je to pravna država? Mislim, da k temu ni potreben nadaljni komentar. Naj se povrnem k vabilu na romanje, ki se bo vršilo v nedeljo, 29. avgusta, k Žalostni Mate- ri božji v Frank. Sv. maša ob 12. uri bo darovana za vse žrtve vojne in revolucije, spomnili se bomo tudi našega svetniškega škofa Gregorija. Letos v mesecu novembru bo minilo 45 let od njegove smrti. Cena za avtobus je samo 15 dolarjev. Prijave sprejemajo: Viktor Tominec (216-531-2728), Stane Vidmar (216-391-4818) oz. Slovenska pisarna/Anton Oblak (216-481-9150), Frank Kuhel (216-881-5163) in Frank Šega (440-944-0020). Z bratskimi pozdravi, Bog živi! Frank Šega Po mednarodnih otroških igrah v Clevelandu Zahvala za gostoljubje Po vrnitvi v Slovenijo so se nekateri udeleženci mednarodnih otroških iger v Clevelandu zahvalili za gostoljubje Augustu in Gloriji Pust, prek njih pa zaprosili, naj posredujeta zahvalo tudi naši širši skupnosti. Sledita dve zahvali: “Pozdravljen g. August Pust! Dovolite mi še enkrat, da se v imenu skupine slovenskih otrok, ki je bila na igrah v Clevelandu, prav posebej pa še otrok in predstavnikov iz mesta Maribor, najlepše zahvalim za prijeten sprejem in sicer kratko, a nadvse zanimivo druženje z vami Slovenci, ki živite v daljni Ameriki. Prosil bi Vas, da našo zahvalo prenesete tudi drugim Slovencem, ki so sodelovali pri organizaciji srečanja, saj sam nimam naslova, da se bi jim lahko zahvalil. Bogdan Čepič Maribor O Draga Slava in Božo! Mi smo po odhodu iz Clevelanda obiskali še New York in Lahti na Finskem, ter prišli domov zelo utrujeni. Sedaj se malo lovim časovno razliko in urejam spomine in fotografije. Sem napravil okoli 1000 posnetkov. Vsi Slovenci - še posebej lahko to rečem za ekipe Celja, Šentilja, Domžal in Pesnice (smo se vozili skupaj) - smo bili izredno veseli snidenja z vsami vsemi in toplega sprejema. Še en- ^°n^l Melodies from Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Radio Family EDMEJAC RDC Program Director WCSB 89.3 FM RADIO HOURS: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 tei/fax web: www.wcsb.org krat se vam zahvaljujemo za prijaznost in gostoljubnost, ki ste nam jo nudili. Lepe pozdrav iz toplega Celja. Igor in Aljana O G. in ga. Pust sporočata, da se je zahvalil tudi prof. Metod Klemenc, ki je bil originalni pobu- , dnik teh iger pred 36 leti. Oglasil se je po telefonu in rekel, da bo imel obisk v Clevelandu vedno v spominu in da je bil prav ginjen med I slovenskimi rojaki, posebno še v Slovenskem kulturnem vrtu in nastopu skupine Kres. 2 “Človek obrača, Bog pa obrne” Pod tem naslovom v "Družini” msgr. Franci Petrič opisuje letošnje jubilante ljubljanske nadškofije. Med njimi je tudi č. g. Ivan Lavrih iz Kansasa, ki se je večkrat oglasil tudi v A.D. Takole ga je msgr. Petrič opisal v Družini z dne 8. avgusta 2002: Bilo je sredi julija leta 1939, ko je skupina devetih novomašnikov ljubljanske škofije poromala v Rim po blagoslovu papeža Pij a XII. Tam so naredili enkraten dosmrten dogovor, ga zapisali in zapečatili. Vsak se je obvezal, da bo daroval dve maši za umrlega sošolca, za tistega, ki bo umrl zadnji, pa so darovali maše že takrat v Rimu, davnega leta 1939. Petinšestdeset let pozneje je dočakal diamantni jubilej mašništva le še eden izmed devetih, tisti, za katerega so opravili, zdaj že ve, mašo takrat vsi sošolci, to je Ivan Lavrih. V ponedeljek, 5. julija, je v duhovniškem domu škofije Wichita v Kansasu skromno obhajal zahvalno daritev za ta veliki jubilej in se hvaležno spominjal škofa Gregorija Rožmana, ki ga je posvetil v ljubljanski stolnici. Poseben spomin je namenil sošolcu Melhiorju Golobu, ki ga Je v letošnjem aprilu “prehitel” na poti v večnost. Njega (tj. g. Lavrih, op. ur. AD) pa se ga kot zvestega bralca in pisatelja spominja Družina. Prav pri naši založbi Je namreč nedolgo tega izdal knjigo V primežu revolucije. Revolucija je, tako kot mnoge v njegovi generaciji, zaznamovala in spremenila tok njegovega življenja, za katerega je kazalo, da se bo od rodnega Šentvida, kjer je Ivan 2. avgusta 1915 zagledal luč sveta, preko šolanja v Ljubljani in bivanja v Marijanišču ter i k i študija bogoslovja prevesil v dušno pastirstvo med slovenskim ljudstvom. V mladostnem zagonu ga je zajel val druge svetovne vojne in slovenske komunistične revolucije' Kot kaplan v Dobrepolju na Dolenjskem je doživel leta 1943 obleganje Tut' jaka in bil ujetnik ter obsojenec na znamenitem revolucionarnem sodišč*1 v Kočevju. Danes sklepa-da ga je zanesljive smrti takrat verjetno rešil par-tizanski duhovnik Metod Mikuž. Pobegnil je iz partizan' skega jetništva in za Ml' klavževo 1943 pribežal v Ljubljano. Po tej izkušnji se je leta 1945 umaknil na Koroško, od tam P3 leta 1949 v Združene države, kjer ga je sprej6* škof v Wichiti v zvezni državi Kansas. Tu se je odprlo noV° delovno področje, kjer s° se pokazali njegovi veliki talenti, predvsem znanj6 jezikov in gospodarnost. Poleg materinščine vori še sedem jezik°v’ zaradi česar je bil zel0 spoštovan pri AmeriČanil*' Izkazal se je kot dober dušni pastir in svetoval6 (DALJE na str. 1$) tke Ust~SJi Listen to SLOVENIAN ^ HOUR On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Rad'0 -.Ji Tony Ovsenik 440-944-2538 s ir IV Ut >1] 1 t 1. *lj h h poročanje - fc/o fax z dne 16. avgusta Atene - Uvodni konec rna na olimpijskih igrah Za slovensko reprezen-“Co minil ob mešanih uUdh. Za zgodovinska pitata sta poskrbela esar Andrej Haupt-an’ ^1 je na cestni dir-zasedel 5. mesto, kar najbolj§i slovenski ko-rezultat v zgodo-r ^1. medtem ko je a Matevžič priborila ^Venlji prvo teniško na olimpijskih tur- fJih. j^ašim plavalcem žal 1 šl° vse po načrtih, Peter Mankoč je ni prosto s tak-lltn spodrsljajem na mestu za dve sekun-^aostal za svojim dr-rekordom in se-0 za rezultatom, ki mn ** meJa za vstop v rnale, i 4^' ^n-la Čarman je i m prosto zaosta- Je^h SVo^m rekordom, j *la s plavanjem in |lja^eSt°m ^ar zado- te^^ska moška roko- KJ*4* Je bUa v lstr mi Premagana, to i J111 2elo močne eki-L Kosije. Naslednja ^aŠk113 seznamu Je s 1 Jubilant v3n Lavrih "^aljevanje s str. 14) p ^elavec škofov, ob ^stva ni Pozabil na slo-^g0' ^ad je pisal du-1115811 za rojake v ^ la • /^Tleriška domovi- Ln,Zda’ tudl knjig0 ^ Chv tujjno- ■I ^ ternu da ni mo-»Je ^iskati domovine. ,(|ll Ves čas veliko na-^ Ve^ ("erkev doma, 'O* 2a izjemnega 1 0^ika Karmela v So-' St;,ri0V*lenega Zavoda V;mslava In še mar-a Cerkvene ustanove r tem ne pripove-% N n^SOkem JubileJu Ae aprej in ponavlja: %' b°žji dar. Bogu a Vse." Pharmacy Vmot8*' 361-4212 ^AkAeuNDiZDRAVILA ^^POMOČ1 ^AGEni0 ~ A,D FOR ^""^a^fRESClPTIONS Slovenski atleti in atletinje na Olimpijskih igrah v Atenah Slovenski olimpijci I Atletika I Boštjan j Buč 13.04.1980 i 3000 m zapreke * Rožle Prezelj j 26.09.1979 skok v višino j Miran Vodovnik i 11.09.1977 j met krogle Jolanda Čeplak 12.09.1976 800 m | Cestno kolesarstvo Andrej Hauptman 05.05.1975 Jadranje Judo Tomaž I Čopi 102.07.1970 470 Teja Čeme 29.09.1984 evropa Sašo Jereb | 20.01.1983 do 73 kg Kajak - kanu Simon Hočevar 27.02.1974 Cl slalom Plavanje Jernej Godec 16.01.1986 4xl00m Bojan Zdešar 30.11.1984 400, 1500m prosto Anja Klinar 30.04.1988 mešano, delfin, 4x200m Gregor Cankar 25.01.1975 skok v daljino Igor Primc 08.01.1966 met diska Damjan Zlatnar 16.12.1977 110 m ovire Helena Javornik 26.03.1966 10.000 m (Uroš I Murn i 09.02.1975 Davor I Glavlna j 10.12.1970 470 06.04.1975 470 Petra Nareks 27.09.1982 do 52 kg ; Uroš 3 Kodelja “i 15.08.1974 i KI slalom Peter Mankoč 04.07.1978 prosto, mešano, delfin, 4xl00m Lavra Babič 01.01.1987 I 4x200m ! Roman j Kejžar 11.02.1966 ■ maraton [Jurij !Rovan 23.01.1975 | skok s palico Peter Zupanc 08.01.1982 met kopja Teja Melink 23.03.1980 skok s palico Gorazd Štangelj 27.01.1973 Gašper Vlnčec I 05.04.1981 finn i Klara Maučec 12.12.1977 470 Primož | Kozmus I 30.09.1979 met kladiva I Matija Šestak 30.12.1972 [ 400 m Alenka Bikar 07.01.1974 200 m ! Merlene i Ottey 10.05.1960 100 m. 200 m Tadej ' Valjavec 113.04.1977 Vasilij Žbogar 04.10.1975 laser Matic Osovnikar 19.01.1980 100 m, 200 m Boštjan Šlmunlč 28.12.1974 troskok Tina Čarman 08.01.1978 skok v daljino Lucija Polavder 15.12.1984 nad 78 kg Nada Mali 21.10.1979 KI slalom Blaž Medvešek 10.07.1980 hrbtno, 4xl00m ! Anja j Čarman 22.03.1985 hrbtno, prosto, I 4x200m H Raša Sraka 10.10.1979 do 70 kg Kajak na mirnih vodah t Marko Milenkovič 08.03.1976 400m mešano Sara Isakovič 09,06.1988 prosto, 4x200m Jernej Župančič Regent 18.05.1980 Emil Tahirovič 30.12.1979 hrbtno. 4xl00m Alenka Kejžar 15.12.1979 mešano, hrbtno, prsno Rokomet Matjaž Brumen 23.12.1982 krilo I Beno Lapajne 10.06.1973 vratar I Sergej j Rutenka 29.08,1981 zunanji Rajmond Debevec 29 03.1963 malokalibrska, mračna puška Veslartje I Cop 17.06.1972 dvojni dvojec Miha Pirih 10.03.1978 dctverec brez T Krmarja m Zoran Jovičič 04.11.1976 krilo | Jure Natek 30.03.1981. zunanji Tomaž Tomšič 17.08.1972 kroini napadalec Tina Križan 18.03.1974 Andrej Hrabar 12.01.1978 dvojec bi e; krmarja Tomaž Pirih 12.06,1981 četverec Omz krmarja r L* Andrej Kastelic 06.04.1971 krilo Marko Oštir 07.06.1977 kroan napadalec . Renato I Vugrinec 09.06.1975 zunanji Maja Matevžič 13.06.1980 Janez Klemenčič 21.09.1971 četverec brez knnaria , ’’ Gregor Sračnjek 06.05.1979 četverec brez krmarja Vid Kavtičnik 24.05.1984 krilo Aleš Pajovič 06.03 1979 zunanji Uroš Zorman 09.01.1980 zunanji Tin. 1, Pisnik 19,02.1981 Davor Mlzerlt 04.01.1981 enpiec Luka Špik 09.02.1979 dvojni dvojec j Miladin Kozllna 11.02.1983 zunanji I Dušan Podpečan [12.10,1975 ■ vratar Luka Žvlžej f “ 09.12.1980 ^ krilo Katarina Srebotnik 12.03.1981 Matija Pavšič 13 11.1979 dvojec brez krmarja 15.! u5aiiiG|njjM j f;[nKV )£ ..ciKdtsTqa >3£!;ijq j: Gobe Slovencem vračajo nevarno ljubezen - II. del - Nič neobičajnega niso bili v preteklosti umori s strupenimi gobami. Agri-pina je z njimi zavdala soprogu in rimskemu cesarju Klavdiju, gobe so vzele papeža Klementa VII. in tudi Karla VI. Danes so vsi zastrupi-tveni sindromi zaradi gob medicini znani in spravljati koga na drugi svet z gobami je tvegano početje. Kako zapleteno in pestro so sestavljene, priča dejstvo, da izmed več deset tisoč vrst v svetu dandanes gojijo le kakšnih 25 vrst. Z gojenjem gob so se Japonci začeli ukvarjati že pred 2000 leti, v Franciji pa jih je menda prvi gojil Ludvik XIV. Kukmake so potem gojili po votlinah okoli Pariza in jih imenovali champignons de Paris. Od njih so navado prevzeli Angleži in Američani, predvsem vrtnarji. V Sloveniji raste več kakor tri tisoč vrst gob, gojijo pa največ šampinjone in ostrigarje pa tudi dve vrsti kitajskih gob. To so zdravilne, ker zmanjšujejo tveganje in nastanek raka in preprečujejo rast rakastih celic ter spodbujajo rast zdravih. O tem tudi v Sloveniji potekajo raziskave in kar Je najbolj razveseljivo, nekatere izmed takšnih gob rastejo tudi v Sloveniji. Najbolj znana je velika zraščenka, goba malce hrustljave žilave strukture in prav posebnega o-kusa, ki se ga je treba navaditi. Z gobami lahko pripravimo posebne jedi in tudi take, ki jih sicer poznamo, pa jih z gobami nismo navajeni, na primer musako, palačinke, golaž in podobno. Pri tem naj velja, da več gob kot poznamo, večjih slasti se lahko nadejamo. Pri receptih kaže ločiti tiste, ki so namenjeni pripravi prav določenih vrst gob, in one, ki priporočajo uporabo čim več različnih. Enostavnejše jedi, predvsem gobjo, juho ali omako, znajo v Sloveniji pripraviti v vsakem gospodinjstvu. Kakor pa je slovenska kuhinja tudi sicer pestra, tako se tudi navadna gobova juha po pokrajinah precej razlikuje. V Pomurju bodo vanjo naribali krompirja in jo zalili z velikanskimi količinami sladke smetane, na Štajerskem jo bodo po avstroogrsko podmetli in zrahljali z žlico kisle smetane, na mizi pa še okisali, na Primorskem bosta vanjo padla tudi paradižnik in česen ... Nekoč se je meso poredko znašlo na mizi običajnega človeka, dandanes pa so gobe dražje od pujskov in juncev, zato so vsaj med mesojedci, priljubljene jedi iz mletega mesa in gob. Letos je vsa Slovenija obdarjena z gobjim letom, kar smo lahko v začetku avgusta trdili za le malo-katero leto v preteklosti. Gob je že vse od marca s krajšimi presledki povsod dovolj in domači jedilnik si bomo s svežimi lahko popestrili vse do začetka novembra. Opozoril in nasvetov pa ni nikoli preveč. Ne pripravljajmo gob, ki jih sami dobro ne poznamo, še posebej podarjenih ne, tudi kupljene na tržnici so lahko strupene, prestare ali vsaj neužitne. Pri gobah ne sme biti nobenega amaterizma, saj včasih presenetijo celo dobre poznavalce. Če je le mogoče, jih ne pere-mo, ampak jih samo oplaknemo z vodo, nikoli pa jih ne namakamo v vodi, saj je vpijejo preveč. Pri pripravljanju gob naj velja, da če jih bomo pražili in nato morda še kuhali, najprej spustijo veliko vode. Pražiti jih moramo do suhega, šele potem jim dodajamo začimbe in tekočine. Le tako bodo okusne, čvrste, a ne več surove. Če je gobja bera dobra in se lahko z gobami malo razmetavamo, si jih privoščimo (enostavno je najboljše) na pradavnin-ski način. Praljudje, kakor so razlagale učiteljice v osnovni šoli, so slastnost pečenega mesa odkrili, ko so po požaru v gozdu naleteli na napol zlogenele merjasce. Morda so tako odkrili tudi pečene gobe. Njoki ali sirovi tortelini z gobami, česnom in muškatnim oreščkom: Na maščobi prepražimo gobe, več je različnih vrst, boljša bo jed. Pogojno užitne prej poparimo in odcedkno. Praženim gobam, na maščobi morajo že malo rjaveti in cvrčati, dodamo veliko, res veliko stisnjenega, še bolje sesekljanega in nato zmečkanega česna. Zalijemo s sladko smetano, del je lahko nadomestimo z žlico moke, ki smo jo razžvrkljali v veliko mleka. Počakamo, da zavre, solimo po okusu. po okusu popramo ali tudi ne, nato pa dodamo spet veliko, res veliko naribanega muškatnega oreščka. Najbolje, če ga sami naribamo, takole en cel orešček na dve do tri osebe, pa ne uporabimo tistega mletega iz kozarčkov. " ■ ..... V blag spomin Rozi Blatnik Viktor Blatnik Umrla 20. avgusta 2002 Umrl 20. februarja 1984 Leta so ie minila, odkar sta šla od nas, a vedno lep je spomin na Vas, Pogrešamo Vas vsaki čas. Hvala Vam za vso ljubezen, vse moči in vse skrbi. Pri Bogu srečno prebivajta, v nebesih večno srečo uživajta. Žalujoči otroci: Viktor, Frank, Dennis, Mary z družinami ^ v rut iU!t::v;qo i-jl ;»;■{• Le še štirje Rezijani govorijo slovensko? Miloš Batistuta V predzadnji številki Novega Matajurja, ki je izšel 29. julija, tedniku Slovencev Videmske pokrajine, J. N. komentira napis na zidu, ki se je pred kratkim pojavil v Reziji. Nekdo je zapisal: “Non vogliamo il bilingui-smo" (Nočemo dvojezičnosti). Napis, ki šokira, je odziv nekaterih italijanskih desnih sil na uporabo zaščitnega zakona za Slovence v Videmski pokrajini, ki nočejo slišati za narečje, še manj za slovenski knjižni jezik. J. N. v članku razlaga: “... da zakon št 38. upošteva uporabo rezijanšči-ne v občinskem svetu. In bi bilo pozitivno za skupnost, če bi se to izvedelo in bi se rezijanščina uporabljala povsod, tudi v javnih uradih. To je pravi odraz dvojezičnosti. Tu se meri prava ljubezen do režij anščine in ponos na svojo posebnost.” Nacionalisti izhajajo iz domneve, da rezijanščina, tersko narečje in narečje Nadiških dolin, niso slovenski govori in da ni nobene potrebe po dvojezičnosti. Avtoritete jezikoslovja razlagajo: rezijanščina je obrobno slovne-sko narečje, ki vsebuje mnoge arhaizme, jezik pa se ni razvijal tako, kot se je v pokrajinah, ki so imele stik z osrednjo Slovenijo. V oddaji na valu 202 Lov na počitnice v sobo-' to, 17. julija, dopoldne so hvalevredno predstavili Rezijo, vendar Je kole- Skuhamo njoke ali torteline, lahko kakšne druge s sirom, kvečjemu še s špinačo polnjene testenine, jih odcedimo in prelijemo s pikantno o-mako. Brane Piano Nedelo fax, 8. avg. 2004 let» ga novinar storil velil napako, ko je dejal: pa bomo prišli do d' gega od štirih Rezija01 ki govorijo slovensko. V Reziji živi, po P0] tkih za leto 1990, objj Ijenih v Novem 15. julija letos, 1418 S di, nekdanja etnična ^ tava pa je ohranjena1 danes. Prof. slov. m 91 Nataša Komac, asisten* za uporabno Jezikosl°' Filozofske fakultete, ” vaja, da je bil delež S vencev v Reziji v 1981 ocenjen na 9® stotkov. (Nataša Slovenska jezikovna s pnost v Italiji, občina vec in slovenski zan1 v Italiji.) Rezijanščina je povprečnemu Slovet težko razumljiva. ellS je slovenski knjižni Je težko razumljiv Rezija je bila v zl ni odmaknjena in nf la živega stika s s J njimi slovenskimi P° i jinami, večstoletna ^ 11", t'i 1, „ O ie f k n z k n ši ki in ki P< hi PE Ul e tekl« Šars 2ivhj SP10! Z AMERIŠKO DOtif ob StE VEDNO NA rh J MALI V NAJEM OGl^ _ 1-družinska hiša z fgsi0 čarna. Zaželjena Pr0 na oseba. Nič. Živ3 no od Lake ShorCj,fjZid^ do uporabe plažo- ^ j j garaža za 1 aVta (^vidnega prometa in Kličite: 2l6-26i' < Ko bašj Ho ■’•val tov) dost£ Se H BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. (216) 481'5277 0$ incu^—^ Between Chardon Rd. & E. 222 St. in Euclid star | Hstc Planšarstvo danes na Slovenskem Sir in mleko prodajo sproti, brez reklame Redki planšarski stanovi postajajo privlačni za turiste - S kravami poi leta na pianini - Tine Arh ne pozna ni-^gar, ki bi bil tolikokrat na Koči pri Sedmerih je-Zerih kot on: kakih 1200-krat. Dvaintrideset let je namreč za Planinsko dru-štvo Matica Ljubljana s konjema tja tovoril živež in druge potrebščine. 40-krat na leto gor in dol. °tem ga je nadomestil eiikopter, sopihanje konj Pa hrup. Zdaj, pri 74 le-še zmeraj klen, je eden od redkih ostarelih 1 Usarjev, ki ohranjajo Pianšarstvo na še neza-Pnščenih planinah, izvira iz stare planšar-e družine v Srednji va-^Sl v Bohinju. Pol leta Poživi v domači vasi, v oplem letnem času pa sirar na Uskovnici, od do 1250 metrov vi- Soki senožetni i ^ “»-nuzcuii planini 1 , *"^dnje vasi. Tam stalno f nT^0 le triJe iJudJO’ sami °®ki. poleti P^ecei ^ Jih jC . eJ vec, zlasti viken- pjev’ Je povedal. Planin^"0 je ^ drUgih jn na Praprotnici ^tenici živi po ena } »Z***' na Zajamnikih 1 je .Sar’ na Lazu so štir-Planšarji .. Najvišje le- n Pol PaŠniki 80 na Velem naJU. <1700 metrov), kjer ^ 2ivino pazi en pastir. ^'hjsko maslo v Trstu tel^je b11 Bohinj v pre- najmoenejše plan- zivni Središče z inten-i Spi^ mlekarstvom, je n° znano. Manj zna- no je, da je bilo do druge polovice 19. stoletja veliko bolj kot planšarstvo razvito maslarstvo. Kot poroča že Žiga Zois, so maslo Bohinjci prodajali v Trstu. Planšarji so se od maja do sredine junijaz živino selili na spodnje in od tod na visoke planine, jeseni pa so se postopoma spet vračali v dolino. Na Uskovnici so ostajali vse do božiča. Zdaj ni več tako. Medtem ko je še leta 1958 odšlo v planino 90 odstotkov živine, oddajo zdaj vso živino v planine le še tiste kmetije, ki se ne ukvarjajo s tržnim kmetijstvom, zlasti zdaj, ko je mleko slabo plačano, na planini pa prodajo vse. Lahko se zgodi, da se bodo prihodnji rodovi o planšarjih poučili le še v muzeju. Planšarski muzej v Stari Fužini so odprli 1971. v opuščeni vaški sirarni z letnico 1883, ki je delala do leta 1967. Kustodinja in arheologinja Mija Ogrin je optimistična: planšarstvo po planinah ima prihodnost, sploh v povezavi s turizmom. Sončna Uskovnica z veličastnim razgledom velja za eno najlepših planin v Julijcih. Dosegljiva z avtomobilom, primerna za nezahtevne pohode in Sprememba naslova Ugjj: ^ Se(*te> trajno ali začasno, ste lepo naprošeni, da 'IcaijQ 1Sarni posredujete pravočasno tako Vaš' nov naslov biVa]j ^cdanJ'- To omogoča, da boste brez prekinitve do- t°v **st> prihranili boste pa pisarni strošek 60 cen- jih računa pošta za vsak povrnjen oziroma ne ^sta S, izvod Usta. Uporabljajte ta obrazec za posredo- P°trebnih informacij. Nov naslov kolesarje, je pravi raj za vikendarje. Tu so imeli gospodarji ob planšarskih stanovih številne njivice z žitom in krompirjem. Enajstega novembra 1944 so Nemci požgali vse staje do zadnje - za kazen, ker so dajale zavetje partizanom. ^slov žava, Zip Star nasl0v Star naslov ^ te :ava, zip Po drugi svetovni vojni so naselje obnovili, a od starih staj s po enem planšarjem so le še tri ohranile prvotno namembnost, vse druge so predelane v počitniške hišice. Zdaj na tej planini torej pasejo trije pastirji petnajst glav živine, na ograjenem pašniku pa muli travo 26 konj. Ti so bili dolgo vzrok nesoglasij med planšarji, saj odrivajo krave z najboljše paše. Kompromis so čredniki - z lesenimi o-gradami omejeni pašniki za konje. Štiri krave dajo štiri hlebce sira Tinetu Arhu ni treba gnati svojih krav na pašo tako kot zakoncema Cvetek, 68-letni Minki in leto dni starejšemu Rudiju iz Srednje vasi, katerih planšarija je nekoliko niže. Tine molze zjutraj in zvečer, dvakrat na dan dela skuto in sir, ki spada med trapiste. Štiri krave dajo dvakrat po 30 litrov mleka na dan, za kilogram sira pa potrebuje deset litrov mleka. Pravi, da bi se dalo skromno živeti samo od sirarstva. Seveda ima še ljubek vrtiček z vsem, kar potrebuje za sproti, niže ležeča planšarija Cvetek pa povrh še njivo (z ekološko pridelanim krompirjem). Mladi sir iz surovega mleka krav na ekološko neoporečni gorski paši, polni zdravilnih zelišč (ta čas cvetijo šentjanževka, materina dušica, hribja resa...), nima časa dozoreti ne na eni ne na drugi kmetiji, razen če si ga kdo prej rezervira. Vse sproti prodajo. A starejši od 15 dni niti ni dober, preveč se posuši, pravi Minka Cvetek. Zakonca Cvetek ostajata na svoji planšariji na malo nižji planini Lom s petimi kravami šest mesecev na leto. Na planino jih pripeljejo s traktorjem, saj na pomlad nimajo kondicijo za hojo. ZMERAJ ODPRTA TRGOVINA - Ko se je plaha češka planinka pokazala na vratih planšarije zakoncev Cvetek, ji je gospodinja v brezhibno belem predpasniku urno prinesla hlebec sira. Ker imajo krave enako pašo, je mleko eno-kovredno. Ali je kakšna razlika med sirom z različnih planšarij? "Razliko naredi čistoča,” je odločna Minka. Že bežen pogled po njeni domačiji potrdi, da je ta pri njih neoporečna. Tako kot njen predpasnik, snežno bel, četudi smo prišli nenapovedano. "Se grem z ruto pokrit, da bom bolj planšarska,” pravi ženica, ki je bila dvakrat na Triglavu, ali se je nanj tolikokrat kot ona povzpel tudi mož, pa se nekako ne moreta dogovoriti. Po novih higienskih praviliih EU bo vsak stan za prodajo sira moral imeti štiri prostore: mlekarno, sirarno, zorilnico in prodajalno. Čeprav se sedanja prodajalna na prostem, na čisti, s prtom pogrnjeni mizi pred hišo, v okolici katere se je razkropilo sedem vrtnih palčkov, lepo prilega v idilično gorsko pokrajino. elektriko, na vodo pa je domačin Arh sila ponosen. “Kar poskusite in primerjajte s tisto, ki ste jo prinesli v nahrbtniku!” Svojim štirim kravam je vse v eni osebi: maj er, črednik in sirar. Izraz planšar, ki zajema vse troje, so Bohinjci redko uporabljali, raje so bili natančnejši: po položaju najuglednejši majer(ica), desna gospodarjeva roka, skrbi za živino. Ne sme se ga zamenjavati s pastirjem. Sirar pa je poseben poklic, za katerega so se nekoč odločali le najsposobnejši moški. Alenka Zgonik Delo, 3. avg. 2004 dol pa ze gredo^e.š^ | deset let opre^jej^....................z CM **«««••*•« ft*«***«*«.« Sirarji so bili moški Tine Arh na planšariji ni ne sam ne osamljen. Samo kadar dežuje, ne vidi žive duše, sicer mi-mo njegovega planšarskega stanu hodijo trume popotnikov. Mnogi se ustavijo, kupijo kislo mleko, skuto in sir. Nobene reklame ne potrebuje, proda vse, kar naredi. Uskovnica je že kakih Joseph L. FORTUNA SZ&2Z Moderni pogrebni zavod. Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! >.».«.C«CCCMCCMCCCCCIlCCCCCCCCCMC«€»CCMMMMa«Jl*^»^*^#«7r7tfTMrc4 Slikar Jože Vodlan imel razstavo pri slovenski cerkvi sv. Cirila v New Yorku FLORAL PARK, N.Y. - V dvorani sv. Cirila na Osmi v New Yorku nas je 16. maja presenetil z razstavo slikar Jože Vodlan. Zadnja leta je živel in delal v Pennsylvaniji, a vendar ostal zvest naši slovenski cerkvi, kamor je večkrat zahajal. Takoj po razstavi se je namreč preselil v Sev. Karolino. Kot slikar je naši javnosti poznan po sliki, sicer kopiji, brezjanske Marije Pomagaj, ki jo je posebej naredil za našo cerkev. Zdi se mi lepša od originala. Sedaj visi na steni v cerkvi. Slika pa ima okvir, ki si ga je zamislil in izdelal sam arhitekt Jože Plečnik. Tako imamo tudi tu v Ameriki vsaj eno njegovih del. Značilnost tega okvirja je, da so na samem okvirju pritrjeni kamenčki iz kamenin, ki jih je najti v Sloveniji. Okvir, ki se je prvotno nahajal v božjepotni cerkvi na Brezjah, je bilo darilo redovnikov Marije Pomagaj iz Brezij new-jorški slovenski cerkvi ob njeni prenovi. Nazaj k slikarju Vod-lanu. Tokrat se nam je predstavil s osemnajstimi deli. Pri vseh je uporabil oljnate barve. Od teh sta bili dve sliki predstavljeni samo v črno beli tehniki. Slike so razmeroma velikih dimenzij, slog pa je abstrakten. Teme slik niso nakazane in je vsaka slika brez naslova. Tako umetnik dopušča gledalcem osebno doživljanje in interpretacijo slik. Slogovno se Vodlan ni držal nobene klasične oz. utečene slikarske smeri. Zasledil sem morda vpliv šole abstraktnega slikarstva, tudi dadaizma, futurizma, abstraktnega ekspresionizma. Še največ se mi je zdel prisoten kubizem in postkubizem v slogu francoskega slikarja Georgea Braquea. Vendar in kljub vsem tem sledovim lahko rečem, da je Vodlan svojim delom dal svoj lastni pečat. Slike so nam posredovale neko silo, energijo, ki je pri prejšnjih njegovih delih hi bilo zaznati. V nekaterih delih se je ta energija pojavila v obliki gosto in mojstrsko zarisanih likov. Pri vseh je bila uporaba barv bogata in skoraj bučna. Zaradi tega so bile te slike v primerjavi s prejšnjimi bolj svetle in vesele. Nekatere slike so se mi zdele nedokončane. Zanimivo bi bilo vedeti, kako bi jih Vodlan dokončal. Mislim, da je temu botrovala hitrica pri organizaciji razstave, to radi umetnikove skorajšnje preselitve v Sev. Karolino. Dozdeva se mi, da nas je Vodlan hotel veselo presenetiti, saj mu je bila “Osma” drugi dom, mi pa njegovi bratje in sestre. Pa zmanjkal mu je čas; z razstavo se je od nas na zelo lep način poslovil. Želim, da bo vesel in še plodovit ustvarjalec v svojem novem okolju. Sergej Delak Podpirajte naše oglaševalce - Tudi ti pomagajo našemu listu, da lahko še izhaja redno, ko jih je toliko že ugasnijo! It's Time for your eye exam! J. F. OPTICAL Eye Care Specialists Eye Exams Latest in eye fashion - Contact Lenses We Welcome Your Drs. Prescription 775 E. 185th St. Eye Glasses Cleveland, OH 44119 Repaired Tel.: (216) 531-7933 (34) Gradišče v Škocjanu pri Divači Park Škocjanske jame je javni zavod s šestnajst-članskim kolektivom in prostovoljnimi nadzorniki. V skrbi za zaščito in varovanje tega izjemnega naravnega in kulturnega o-kolja ga je ustanovil Državni zbor Republike Slovenije s posebnim zakonom o regijskem parku Škocjanske jame, Slovenija. Ustanova upravlja park, nadzoruje stanje v njem in skrbi za izvajanje določil mednarodnih konvencij, ki varujejo tako naravno kot kulturno, zlasti arheološko dediščino. Na zasedanju organizacije UNESCO v Parizu od 24. do 28. novembra 1986 so tudi sprejeli sklep, da so Škocjanske jame vpisane v seznam svetovne dediščine. To lahko sleherni obiskovalec prebere na največji spominski tabli v Schmidlo-vi dvorani, opremljeni z emblemom te krovne organizacije Združenih narodov za izobraževanje, znanost in kulturo. V pisanem in raznolikem kontekstu kulture oziroma kulturne krajine je tamkajšnja arheološka dediščina vsekakor nekaj posebnega. Razmeroma surovo kraško okolje, izpostavljeno sunkom burje od Vremščice navzdol proti jugu, sta človek z vidnimi posegi v naravo in narava sama preoblikovala v primeren in prijazen habitat. Kraška ponikalnica Reka je vselej pomenila izobilje vode. Pred svojim izlivom v sistem Škocjanskih -jam teče po kanjonu, ki ga je izdolbla skozi neprepustne flšne plasti, in tu je bilo vselej dovolj primernih leg za lov, nabiralništvo in pozneje preproste, skromne oblike poljedelstva. Jamski sistem, ki so ga v Vremski dolini nakopičene vode izdolble v triadni apnenec, pa je nudil dovolj varnosti za zavetje. Tako imamo dokaze o nepretrgani navzočnosti človeka od stare kamene dobe, konkretno njenega naj mlajšega dela ali zgornjega paleolitika, srednje kamene dobe ali mezolitika, mlade kamene dobe ali neolitika, v kovinske dobe prazgodovine vse do rimskega obdobja in staroslovanskega Levo: Pogled na Gradišče v Škocjanu z roba previsne sten6 nad Veliko dolino. V sredini na desni se vidi temna odprtin* Velikega naravnega mostu. Okolje deluje skrivnostno še danes, toliko bolj je tako delovalo v prazgodovini — kot vhod v podzemlje, v kraljestvo mrtvih, kot vrata v enostranstvo. Desno: Prostor prazgodovinske naslitve na Gradišču s kamnito ogrado, ki morda izvira še iz bronaste dobe; onstran se vidita J’kopinov skedenj z etnološko zbirko in zvonik škocjanske cerkve. (Obe fotografiji: Davorin Vug») zgodnjega srednjega veka. Seveda je jamskih najdišč veliko. Med najbolj znanimi naj omenim Roško špiljo, ki jo je po drugi svetovni vojni raziskoval Srečko Brodar, in znamenito Tominčevo jamo, sicer odkrito že davnega leta 1823, ki je z mogočnim vhodnim delom in neverjetno debelimi sedimenti kulturnih plasti pomenila pravi eldorado za pionirje arheološke znanosti na Slovenskem. Tu sta se z raziskovanji proslavila zlasti Tržačan Carlo de Marchesetti in Dunajčan Josef Szom-bathy; žal je gradivo s teh epohalnih odkritij dandanes shranjeno v tržaškem in dunajskem mužeju. Ker vsega arheološkega bogastva parka Škocjanskih jam, ki obsega tudi nekaj bližnjih gradišč -kaštelirjev - tako na izteku Vremske doline kot na obročju kraške planote, ne moremo obdelati na tako skopo odmerjenem prostoru, naj opozorim vsaj na gradišče v vasi Škocjan pri Divači z značilnim toponimom Gradišče, ki jasno kaže, da so naši predniki že od nekdaj vedeli za prastaro selišče iz njim nedojemljivo prastare dobe. ■ Arheološko raziskovanje de Marchesettija in Szombathyja je na obratu stoletij, torej prav pred sto in več leti, potrdilo, da se je na zavarovanem temenu Gradišča raztezalo zanimivo brona-stodobno naselje, ki se je nato nadaljevalo še v železno dobo, očitno pa so bili deli prostora na- seljeni še v času rinisk6 države, kar dokazuje]0 posamezne najdbe. Posebnost gradišča v Škocjanu je poleg zaIli mivih najdb in zlasti kritega i bronastodobn^3 zaklada -znotraj južn6# tf' nasipa (hranijo ga v žaškem Museo c^c° prav v nenavadni in v611, dar dobro izbrani ^ na začetku jamskega sis tema, nad Velikim nataV nim mostomm, ob Pre dol1' pe- padnih stenah Male ne oziroma kanjona ke, ob breznu Okrogli Slednje je morda P01116 nilo kraj obrednih dati' stož' i tev, kar bi lahko sklep ^ po arheoloških naj d*3 4 na površju jamskega ca. Gradišče je bilo ^ odprto in ranljivo 1° juga in tu so PraZ^°VJ,, vinski graditelji P05^, trdno obzidje na nasip nakopičenem iz SA lomljencev. Seveda je ^ obzidje suho vezano- ^ trdnost so poskrbe^ zna bruna, tako naV^)j.da kot vodoravna in 111 celo prečna. v' Natančen vpog16^ takšno staro utrdb0 lahko le arheološka ^ skovanja, ki pa -^eH1 slej v samem obran^ ^ sistemu gradišča bilo. Ker je torej z^o, šče pretežno nerazi8 resnično deviško. tega pa še Pocl .odD0 jurisdikcijo medn ^ o ratificiranih konven^ ^ varstvu tako naravh ^ arheološke (kulturh® e^| diščine, je mik ta spomenika toliko ^ obiskovalec naj si pričara nekdanji (dalje na str. Slovenec na Papui Novi Gvineji Marjan Šrimpf Staro pravilo za tiste, ki spremljamo naše ljudi po svetu, jc: Slovenca ali Slovenko lahko najdeš skoraj na vsakem kotičku našega lepega modrega planeta. In res je tako. Ko smo pred leti potovali s snemalno ekipo po Čilu, smo se odpravili tudi na jug Čila, na Ognjeno zemljo. V mestu Punta Arenas, ki je zadnje večje mestece pred plovbo čez Magellanov preliv, smo srečali Slovenko iz Zgornje Polskave pri Mariboru. Tako je bila vesela, nagega obiska, da nam je izročila kar ključe svoje hiše in rekla: “Stanovanje je vaše, počutite se kot doma. Moram v službo, vidimo se popoldne.” Pa nas je videla prvič v življenju. O Predvideval sem, da bomo tudi na letošnjem Potovanju z ekipo TV Slovenija po Fidžiju in Papui Novi Gvineji srečali kakšnega rojaka, ki stalno živi na teh otočjih. 1° dejansko je bilo tako. Le s to razliko, da smo pred potovanjem ugotovili, da v glavnem me-®tu Papue Nove Gvineje ^ort Moresby živi in dela ^ttlan Pavšič, Slovenec iz Kobarida. O njem in o življenju na Papui Novi Gvineji smo se pozanimali pri laičnem misijonarju - sa-le2ljancu Jožku Kramar-Ju> ki je več kot dve de-Setletji preživel med domorodci na Papui Novi Gvineji ali Njuginiju, kot pravijo tej deželi staroselci. Jožko Kramar živi zdaj v domu upokojenih salezijancev na Rakovniku v Ljubljani. Obiskali smo ga in povedal nam je, da je na Papui zgradil naselje Don Bosco Araimiri, globoko v gozdovih Kere-me na jugozahodnem delu Papue. Skupaj z domačini je Jožko Kramar zgradil 15 sodobnih lesenih in zidanih stavb - šole, delavnice in internat, cerkev. Tam je bivalo 230 gojencev, 200 fantov in 30 deklet, iz okoliških domorodskih plemen, med katerimi je bil še na za- četku prejšnjega stoletja razširjen kanibalizem. Jožko Kramar je skupaj z drugimi misijonarji domorodcem prinesel tudi katoliško vero. Da bi ga bolje razumeli, kajti angeščine niso znali vsi, je napisal tudi katekizem in slovar v njihovem jeziku Kearu, ki ga govori največ plemen. Tako katekizem kot slovar v kea-rujsko-angleškem jeziku so tiskali na Rakovniku in ju potlej poslali na Papuo. Jožko Kramar je, skratka, pustil velik pečat med domorodci na Papui in mnog se ga še danes spominjajo. Ko nam je pripovedoval o svojem misijonarskem življenju in delu - bil je tudi v Indiji, Burmi in na Filipinih - nam je omenil slovenskega podjetnika Milana Pavšiča, ki živi v Port Moresbyju. Na naši poti v Avstralijo in na Novo Zelandijo smo Milana Pavšiča tudi obiskali. Sprejel nas je v svoji hiši, v kateri ima tudi sedež dveh podjetij. Obe se ukvarjata z lesom. 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Iz tira je nato ni spravil niti nesrečni polfinalni poraz z Avstrijko Claudio Heill, ki je morala v sklepnem dvoboju prizna- razžagajo in prodajajo po svetu. Poleg trgovanja in izkoriščanja lesa se Milan Pavšič ukvarja tudi z gradbeništvom. V Port Moresbyju je zgradil cele četrti stanovanjskih hiš, kjer so različne rezidence veleposlaništev in hiše bogatih meščanov. Ti so sicer v manjšini, saj je večina prebivalstva Papue revna in se komaj preživlja. Milan Pavšič nam je povedal, da na Papui živi že več kot 40 let. Poročen je z Avstralko in ima stanovanje tudi v središču Sydneyja, kjer preživi po dva meseca na leto. Vsaka tri leta obišče tudi Slovenijo, saj ima na Tolminskem še sestri. Ko smo ga vprašali, ali bi se za stalno vrnil v domovino, nam je rekel, da to ne pride v poštev, ker ima na Papui dve podjetji, sina, ki bo nadaljeval njegovo delo, in ženo, ki ji Slovenija pač ne pomeni toliko kot njemu. Dodal pa je, da bi najraje živel pol leta v Sloveniji, drugo polovico pa na južni polobli sveta. m.LW t.LUWLc! ti premoč Japonki Ajumi Tanimoto. Žolnirjeva si je od razočaranja nad napačno sodniško Odločitvijo - napako so pozneje priznali celo vodilni možje Svetovne judoistične zveze, ki so se zanjo takoj po dvoboju opravičili predsedniku JZS Bogdanu Gabrovcu - hitro opomogla in v dvoboju za tretje mesto prepričljivo premagala Kanadčanko Marie Helene Chisholm. To je že sedma medalja slovenskih športnikov na poletnih olimpijskih igrah v samostojni Sloveniji, a prva judoisUčna. Š. R. Delo fax, 18. avg. 2004 O Urške Žolnir ni najti med fotografijami slovenske olimpijske ekipe, ki so na str. 15, zato, ker se je ekipi pridružila sorazmerno pozno. Njeni biografski podatki: Članica judoističnega kluba Sankaku se je rodila 9. oktobra 1981 v Celju. Leta 2001 se je na svetovnem prvenstvu v Miin-chnu s 5. mestom za las izmuznila kolajna, z enako uvrstitvijo pa se je morala sprijazniti tudi leto pozneje na evropskem prvenstvu v Mariboru. Ob tem se lahko pohvali še z eno zmago in kopico 2. in 3. mest na turnirjih za svetovni pokal. Dalje, v tenisu je Maja Matevžič, ki je zmagala na prvem tekmovanju, nato imela slabo srečo, kajti se je morala soočiti z slovito Američanko Venus Williams. V tej tekmi je zmagala Willia-msova nadvse prepričljivo: 6:0, 6:0. Ur. Gradišče... (nadaljevanje s str. 18) selišča, pri ^ tem pa i 1 mu je v veliko pomoč prav manjša arheološka stalna zbirka v upravni stavbi parka. Davorin Vuga Slovenija.svet Ljubljana, junij 2004 W_ BRALCI AMERIŠKE DOMOVINE Priporočajte ngg lisi! Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1536. Praznik Marijinega vnebovzetja, ko pišem te vrstice, je prav, da posvetim Mariji par vrstic, čeprav jih boste čitali nekaj dni po prazniku. “Pozdravljena, morska zvezda, sveta Mati božja, Ti vedno Devica, blažena nebeška vrata ... Daj nam sveto življenje, varuj nas na poti, da bomo nekoč gledali Jezusa in bomo deležni Tvojega veselja...” Počitniški biseri, tako imenovani počitniški dnevi, so čas za majhne bisere, ko ob dogodkih in simbolih osvežimo svoje duhovno življenje, ko v svojih razmišljanjih odkrivamo dopustniško stvarnost, s katerimi gradimo most globljih spoznanj naše vere. Tako koristimo čas za našo duhovno rast. Marija vnebovzeta, prosi za nas! Od srca do srca iz misijonskega sveta Srečanje z misijonarko s. Zvonko Mikec, ki deluje v Angoli, je bilo prav zanimivo. Srečali sva se pri Sv. Jožefu nad- Celjem, na dan Srečanja z misijonarji. Takole pravi: “Pred par tedni sem prispela v Slovenijo. Z veseljem koristim priložnost, da se vam zahvalim za vso vašo misijonsko zavzetost in velikodušno podporo v vsakem smislu. Po krstu smo vsi poklicani biti misijonarji in vendar vsak na svoj način, ki mu ga Bog pokaže. Sedaj imam novo odgovorno službo kot sestra za rast Družbe hčera Marije Pomočnice v Angoli. Kaj je novega v Angoli? Angola živi v čisto posebnih zgodovinskih okoliščinah, saj je bila pred dvema letoma podpisana mirovna pogodba in je hvala Bogu do danes spoštovana. S tem se odpirajo nove možnosti dela in seveda tudi novi izzivi in potrebe: za sestre in salezijance, ki imajo kot poslanstvo delo z ubogimi mladimi in za mlade. Skušamo odkriti razne načine dela in mladim nudimo vstop v boljšo prihodnost. Gotovo je, da dela je veliko, delavcev premalo... Z veseljem smo sprejeli novo laiško misijonarko Renato, ki se dobro vživlja v misijonsko okolje; ter tudi druge prostovoljce iz raznih držav in organizacij, ki skupaj z nami delajo in odgovarjajo potrebam časa. Največji problem v Angoli je še vedno nepismenost, 65-odstotna, največ žena in deklet, kar nosi posledice pri evangelizaciji. V vseh naših središčih se zato na veliko posvetimo delu za opismenjevanje in za osnovno šolsko izobrazbo. Hkrati s tem pripravljamo tudi razne poklicne tečaje, tako, da nudimo možnost zaposlitve in preživljanja. V naših petih sestrskih ustanovah imamo približno deset tisoč učencev in učenk. K temu nisem prištela vseh naših veroučnih in članov različnih mladinskih skupin. V avgustu nameravamo odpreti še eno šolsko ustanovo, ki bo imela zmogljivost za približno 1000 dijakov, seveda v treh izmenah. Januarja prihodnje leto pa želimo začeti s kuharskim in slaščičarskim tečajem v dveh krajih. Poiskati bo treba izvedenke v tej stroki vsaj za nekaj mesecev, da za to delo usposobimo doritačinke. Veliki načrti, veliko dela. Potrebno bo veliko sredstev. Marija Pomočnica bo pomagala, zaupamo! Največji izziv za nas Sestre hčere Marije Pomočnice pa bo v bližnji prihodnosti gradnja in odprtje nove inšpekto-ralne hiše, ki naj bi služila kot center za koordinacijo vseh teh mnogih lepih projektov, ki jih vodimo in pri katerih nam pomagajo prostovoljci, ter tudi domači laiki, ki smo jih v preteklih letih usposobili. Resnično, za vse to delo pa potrebujemo tudi primerne prostore. Dobre volje je veliko, želja tudi, živimo v upanju na dobrotnike, ki nas bodo materialno podprli in tako sodelovali pri gradnji ne le hiše, ampak s tem tudi lepšo bodočnost za mnoge mlade Angolce. Vsem dobrotnikom zagotavljamo tudi molitve naših naj-. mlajših iz Cacuaca, ki se redno vsak dan ob polsedmih zvečer zbirajo k molitvi rožnega venca za vse dobrotnike. Z njimi in po njih vam tudi jaz pošiljam svojo hvaležno molitev, zahvalo in pozdrave.” Misijonar Ludvik Zabret, salezijanec, se je po 57 letih misijonarjena vrnil v domovino, da ne bi bil v breme sobratom v Indiji. Sedaj se nahaja v salezijanski skupnosti na Trsteniku in bo vesel vsakega obiska. Tu bo nadaljeval svoje misijonsko poslanstvo z molitvijo in misijonskim nav-duševanjem za nove misionarje, nove misijonske poklice. Dragi misijonar Ludvik, želimo Ti dobrega počutja v domovini ter se Ti iskreno zahvaljujemo za Tvoje nesebično žrtvovanje in delo v Madrasu in Goi, kjer si puščavo spremenil v rodovitno žemljo in vodil cvetoče posestvo ob kmetijski šoli. Božji Misijonar naj Ti bogato poplača. Zelo zanimivo pismo je pisal misijonar Rok Gajšek z Madagaskarja. Piše tudi v imenu misijonarja Pedra Opeke: “Čas hitro mineva. Kmalu bo za nami že pol letošnjega leta. V teh mesecih je bilo pri nas precej stvari, ki so zaznamovale deželo. Na prav poseben način npr. dva ciklona: “Elita” v začetku februarja in ciklon “Gafilo” v začetku marca, eden hujši od drugega. Oba sta bila velikih razsežnosti in sta povzročila res ogromno materialne škode širom Madagaskarja. Tako bo letošnji pridelek, posebej riža, zelo skromen. Veliko cest je uničenih, več tisoč stavb porušenih, nad 200 smrtnih žrtev, blizu 200 jih pogrešajo, nad 10 tisoč glav živine je odnesla voda. In verjetno še nisem vsega naštel. Tukaj v Tananarive nas je dosegel le rep ciklona, a je bilo tudi tukaj precej materialne škode. Na vzhodni obali otoka, kjer so ostali slovenski misijonarji, pa so škodo povzročile narasle reke, ki so poplavile mnoga riževa polja. Tako da mnogim ljudem grozi sedaj lakota. Vse to bo še otežilo delo oblasti, da bi deželo izvlekli iz bede in revščine. In v teh razmerah deluje Pedro z ekipo sodelavcev Akamasoe. Prizadevajo si, da bi ljudem, ki živijo v centrih Akamasoe, omogočili normalno življenje in da bi te družine po malem postale povsem avtonomne. Trenutno gradijo več hiš za družine, ki še živijo v zasilnih barakah. Vse to morejo uresničiti seveda v kolikor dobijo potrebna denarna sredstva. Poleg tega je tudi v gradnji bolnišnica, ki bo velika pridobitev za naše ljudi. Finančno pa so ta projekt podprli dobrotniki (Kiwanis) v Avstriji; srce tega projekta pa je naš koroški rojak, g. Mirko Bogataj, veliko mu pomaga g. Jože Kopeinig. To je bilo nekaj novic od tukaj. Še naprej vam priporočam v molitev vse naše misijonsko delo. Posebej prosim memento zase, da bi tako zmogel več odločne volje za dobro in več vztrajnosti. Velika noč je bila močno doživetje za mnoge kristjane tukaj, nekaj odraslih je tudi prejelo kopel prerojenja. V drugi polovici maja pa se tukaj v Akamasoi pripravljajo na birmo, ki jo bo opravil pomožni škof glavnega mesta. Vam, gospa Sonja, in vsem misijonskim prijateljem želim vse dobro in vas prav lepo pozdravljam, vdani Rok Gajšek” Iz brazilskega pragozda se je oglasila s. Agata Kociper z zahvalo, da je dar MZA v redu prejela in se zanj iskreno zahvaljuje. Dobri Bog naj obilo poplača vsem dobrotnikom. Iskren misijonski pozdrav tudi od misijonarjev, ki so še na zasluženem dopustu z mislijo E. Ginsberga: “Prosim Te, Gospod, za moč, da bi prestal novi dan in naredil majhen korak na veliki poti k Tebi.” Sonja Ferjan 79 Lunness Rd., Toronto Ont. M8W 4M7 Canada SPOROČILO Misijonske znamkarske akcije Blagajniško delo pri Misijonski znamkarski akciji sta sprejeli gdč. Helena Nemec in gdč. Marjanca Tominc. Naslov Helene Nemec je 1019 E. 171 St., Cleveland, OH 44119. Naslov Marie Tominc je 407 Snavely Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143. Dekleti sta precej bremena odvzeli Ani in Rudiju Knez, ko sta blagajniško delo prevzeli, le glavni blagajnik še ostane Rudi Knez. Darove za misijone pošiljajte na gdč. Heleno Nemec, katera bo tudi potrdila prejem in ga vrnila darovalcu. Dragi dekleti, hvala Vama za odvzem velike skrbi in Bog naj Vaju blagoslovi s svojim blagoslovom! Marica Lavriša Slovenec na Papui Novi Gvineji (NADALJEVANJE s str. 19) Mogoče se mu bo ta želja tudi uresničila, kajti denarja za takšno življenje ima dovolj. Sicer pravi, da je zdaj na Papui gospodarska kriza, da je njihova valuta kina (imenovana po školjki) precej padla v primerjavi z dolarjem, toda nekako se da preživeti, saj je življenje poceni, predvsem pa je poceni surovina, s katero se ukvarja - to je les. Povedal nam je še, da je njegova hiša vedno odprta za Slovence, ki pridejo na Papuo Novo Gvinejo. Pri njem lahko prespijo, da pa jim tudi dragocene napotke, kam oditi in kje je manj nevarno. Povedati je treba, da Je Papua zelo nevarna dežela, da je tam veliko kriminala - Port Moresby je med vsemi prestolnicami sveta po številu zlo- činov na prebivalca na prvem mestu - in da je treba biti previden, saj te lahko oropajo na vsa- ; kem koraku. Pri Milan Pavšiču se I vsako leto oglasi kakšnih 30 Slovencev; najpogostejši obiskovalci so študent- ; je medicine in zdravniki, | tam pa sta bila med drugimi tudi humorista Tone Fornezzi-Tof in Janez Hočevar - Rifle. Zanimivo je, da ima hišo, kjer smo prespali, tudi zelo varovano. Ko ob 17. uri končajo delo, spusti na' dvorišče štiri velike pse volčjake, ki varujejo dom. Obiskovalci pa se pri tem počutijo precej nelagodno. Kakor koli že, tudi s pomočjo Milana Pavšiča smo na Papui Novi neji uresničili svoj cilj-Posneli smo namreč d°' kumentarni film z naslovom Njugini - raj ih Pe' kel Pacifika, a o tem dogodivščinah, ki sm° jih pri snemanju fil1113 doživeli, morda v kakšni od naslednjih številk re' vije. Slovenija.svei julij 2004 Nova posadka v Afganistanu Ljubljana - V mir°v' ne sile v Afganistanu Je odšlo 20 novih pripa0 ostali šest 3fi' J6 za S svojim vojaškim ra/m delovanjem v ten *- j mirovnih akcijah, d°S Slovenija še ni imela ^ bene smrtne žrtve, kljub temu, da so P0® bej operacije v Afganls zar3' V nu izredno nevarne di pomanjkanja reda-operacijah v Iraku Slov nija ne sodeluje. kov Slovenske vojske, bodo v Kabulu in okoliš ope' mesecev zamenjali prvih 18 nov tkim. Isaf-a pod P° veljstvom majorja Petra Zakrajška. Pod P°velj' KO' stvom majorja Igorja n-šiča bo nova posadka pravljala izvidniške na*° ge v okolici Kabula. Slovenija bo poveČ prispevek v mirovno racijo na Kosovu z dom vojaške policij6 zagotovila nadaljnji P spevek v stabilizacij5 silah v Bosni in HerCe govini (Sfor) in pove prispevek v okviru P hodnje operacije EVT0^ ske unije v Bosni Hercegovini (Eufor). napovedal minister obrambo Anton Griz°^' so- vo- Ifl