ISSN 2385-9334 STAT’O’BOOK Statistical Overview of Slovenia 2016 Original title: Statopis – Statistični pregled Slovenije 2016 Editors: Tina Črnigoj Marc, Irena Svetin Infographics by Matjaž Erker Translated by Boris Panič The publication is available at: Information provided by the Information Centre: Phone: (01) 241 64 04 e-mail: @StatSlovenia Issued and published by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Litostrojska cesta 54 – © SURS – Use and publication of data is allowed provided the source is acknowledged – ISSN 2385-9334 FOREWORD Every day the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia collects, calculates and stores large amounts of data to enable the general and professional public to use them in their work or just to satisfy the curiosity when everyday questions arise. How many settlements are there in Slovenia? How many residents moved abroad? How do households manage to live with their income? How many drugs were prescribed to patients? What share of waste is collected separately? For what do households use most of the energy? What was the GDP per capita? Which goods do we import the most? In what types of accommodation do tourists spend most of their nights? Stat’o’book is a publication presenting statistics to the general public. This year’s edition, the third one, employs a new colour palette and some new infographics. We again selected the most interesting, topical and important data, presented them in tables and charts, and together with brief comments transformed them into 22 statistical stories. The publication is again available in hard-copy or in electronic format, so that you can browse it on a computer or a mobile device. Both versions are free of charge. Statistics is not dull. It is interesting, colourful and full of stories. So open the publication and read the stories written by official statistical data. Genovefa Ružić Director-General CONTENTS COUNTRY AND DEVELOPMENT TERRITORY AND CLIMATE .................................................................................................................................................... 6 PEOPLE AND SOCIETY POPULATION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 10 EDUCATION ......................................................................................................................................................................... 14 LABOUR AND UNEMPLOYMENT........................................................................................................................................... 18 EARNINGS AND LABOUR COSTS .......................................................................................................................................... 22 QUALITY OF LIFE .................................................................................................................................................................. 26 SOCIAL PROTECTION ........................................................................................................................................................... 30 HEALTH ............................................................................................................................................................................... 34 CULTURE AND MEDIA .......................................................................................................................................................... 38 ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES ENVIRONMENT .................................................................................................................................................................... 42 AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, FISHERY ...................................................................................................................................... 46 ENERGY ............................................................................................................................................................................... 50 ECONOMY AND FINANCE GDP AND NATIONAL ACCOUNTS ......................................................................................................................................... 54 PRICES AND INFLATION ....................................................................................................................................................... 58 FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS......................................................................................................................................... 62 MANUFACTURING AND SERVICES CONSTRUCTION................................................................................................................................................................... 66 INDUSTRY ............................................................................................................................................................................ 70 ENTERPRISES ....................................................................................................................................................................... 74 DEVELOPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY ..................................................................................................................................... 78 TRANSPORT ......................................................................................................................................................................... 82 TRADE AND SERVICES ......................................................................................................................................................... 86 TOURISM ............................................................................................................................................................................. 90 STATISTICAL SIGNS AND ABBREVIATIONS .............................................................................................................. 94 The total area of Slovenia is 20,273 km2. 20,273 As regards the territory, Slovenia is 1,322155th among the 257 countries of the world ( As regards the population, Slovenia is 148th . Slovenia’s land and river border is 1,322 km long. Half of Slovenia's border is with Croatia. In the past ten years Slovenia got 31 new settlements, 2 2 12 12 58 58 212 212 6,035 6,036 10,368 10,366 548,537 550,635 412 new streets and 1,957 1,177 36,166 new house numbers. 10.3 10.0 Sources: SURS, GURS, ARSO Average annual amount of precipitation and average annual air temperature In 2015 there was 40% less rainfall than a year before. On average 1,177 mm (l/m2) of precipitation was recorded. In winter months of 2014 (January, February and December) there was four times more precipitation than in the same months of 2015. The least precipitation in the past ten years was recorded in 2011, 1,088 mm. The average annual air temperature in 2015 was 10.0 °C, 0.9 °C higher than ten years ago. Source: ARSO In 2015, the average air temperature in July was 21.3 °C. This was the hottest July in the past ten years. The coldest month in the past ten years was February 2012 with the average air temperature of –3.2 °C. Most rain in 2015 fell in October, 213.4 mm. The rainiest month in the past ten years was September 2010 (326 mm of precipitation); the driest was December 2015 (1.0 mm of precipitation). Average monthly amount of precipitation and average monthly air temperature, 2015 Source: ARSO Annual amount of precipitation and average annual air temperature by meteorological stations, 2015 Source: ARSO Greenhouse gas emissions were the highest in 2008. At that time 21,524 Gg of CO2 equivalent of these gases were emitted. A year later (in 2009) greenhouse gas emissions declined significantly; between 2009 and 2011 they were almost the same. Greenhouse gas emissions declined again in 2012 and in 2014 they were at the lowest level since 2008. The concentration of the most important greenhouse gas CO2 has increased by about 40% since 1750, while in the past 130 years the average global surface temperature has increased by about 0.85 +/– 0.2°C. Total greenhouse gas emissions Source: ARSO Carbon dioxide represents the largest share of total greenhouse gas emissions (in 2014 it was 81.4%). CO2 is mostly generated in fuel combustion and industrial processes particularly in using carbonates. CO2 is followed by CH4 (in 2014 11.9%) and N2O (4.6%). The quantity of F-gases is very low (2.1%) but due to their high greenhouse gas potential, their contribution to global warming is significant. Source: ARSO At the end of 2015 residents of Slovenia were on average 42.7 years old (men 41.2 years, women 44.2 years), almost 7 years older than at the end of 1991. The share of people aged 65+ was 18%. A quarter of total Slovenia’s population lived in seven largest settlements (Ljubljana, Maribor, Celje, Kranj, Koper, Velenje and Novo mesto). One in four lived in the Osrednjeslovenska statistical region. Marija and Franc were the most common names in Slovenia. 2,061,085 2,062,874 42.5 21,165 20,641 - 18,886 19,834 76.9 13,846 15,420 32.3 2,535 2,755 37.7 11,311 12,665 31.1 14,336 14,913 35.1 8,129 8,654 33.3 6,207 6,259 37.6 1,789 1,314 - 2,062,874 2,064,188 42.7 In 2015, natural increase of Slovenia’s population was recorded for the tenth consecutive year: 807 people more were born than died. Net migration was positive: 507 persons more immigrated to Slovenia than emigrated from it. Net migration of citizens of Slovenia was negative for the 16th consecutive year: 5,899 more citizens of Slovenia emigrated from the country than immigrated to it. Population as of 1 January Live births Deaths Immigrants Slovene citizens foreign citizens Emigrants Slovene citizens foreign citizens Total increase Population as of 31 December -not applicable Source: SURS Natural and migration changes of population Source: SURS In 2015, 20,641 children were born in Slovenia. Of all births 390 were twin births and four were triplet births. The most popular girls’ name was Ema and boys’ name Luka. One in five residents who died in 2015 was younger than 65 years. In 2015, 6,449 couples were married. 70% of all couples were married between May and September. In 2015, 22 same-sex civil partnerships were registered in Slovenia. 2,432 couples were divorced. Emigrants with Slovenian citizenship by country of next residence, 2015 10.3 10.0 1.58 1.57 58.3 57.9 29.1 29.3 9.2 9.6 1.8 1.6 78.0 77.6 83.7 83.5 3.2 3.1 31.6 32.0 29.4 29.7 Citizens of 112 foreign countries immigrated to Slovenia in 2015 from 116 countries. Most of them came from Bosnia and Herzegovina (37%); some other common countries of previous residence were Kosovo, Serbia, Croatia and Macedonia. More than a quarter (26%) of Slovenian emigrants left for Austria. In 2015, 108,944 residents moved to another settlement. One in five moved to another settlement within the same municipality. Live births per 1,000 population Total fertility rate Live births outside marriage (%) Mean age of mother at first childbirth Deaths per 1,000 population Infant deaths per 1,000 live births Mean age at death men women Marriages per 1,000 population Mean age at first marriage groom bride Source: SURS © SURS Source: SURS On 1 January 2015 one in 25 two-parent families was a so-called reconstituted family, i.e. a family in which at least one child was not a common biological child of both spouses or partners. 39% of children in reconstituted families were common children; they were on average just over 10 years old or half as old as non-common children. Reconstituted families are much more common among consensual unions (one in ten) than among married couple families. Source: SURS Institutional households and residents by type of institution, Slovenia, 1 January 2015 Student residences 77 150 11,523 Old people's homes 127 139 17,661 Social protection institutions1) 130 40 5,264 Monasteries 101 9 876 1) For children, youth and adults; prisons are also included. Source: SURS 4,757 6,766 142 22.1 4,862 12,799 263 81.8 3,431 1,833 53 46.7 383 493 129 57.5 On 1 January 2015, 38,000 residents of Slovenia (1.9%) lived in so-called institutional and special households (so not in private households). Most of them (17,700) lived in old people's homes; they were on average almost 82 years old, most of them were women (260 women per 100 men), more than half of them widowed. The second largest group in institutional households were students living in student residences; 11,500 people, average age 22 years. Types of reconstituted families by relations between biological and non-biological parents and children, 1 January 2015 Compared to the 2014/15 school year, in the 2015/16 school year there were 657 more children in kindergartens, 2,912 more pupils in basic schools, 566 fewer pupils in upper secondary schools and 4,818 fewer students in tertiary institutions. Children in kindergartens Children in kindergartens 84,750 85,407 Kindergartens with units 979 978 Children in basic schools 167,249 170,067 Basic schools and units 781 777 Basic schools and institutions implementing adapted curriculum 57 57 Children in basic schools and institutions with adapted curriculum 1,852 1,946 Pupils in upper secondary schools 75,325 74,759 Students 85,616 80,798 Graduates 18,400 18,631 Source: SURS In the past ten years the number of children in kindergartens increased by almost a half (47%). 78.1% of children aged 1–5 were enrolled in kindergartens in 2015. There were on average 17 children per kindergarten unit, which is on average 8 children per educator or assistant educator. There were 10,901 educators and assistant educators in Slovenia in 2015, 98% of them Source: SURS women. At the beginning of the 2015/16 school year 172,013 children were enrolled in basic education (1.7% more than in 2014). A basic school or its branch had on average 219 pupils. In all basic schools, irrespective of their organisational form, in the 2015/16 school year there were on average 20 pupils per class. In the 2015/16 school year 1,169 pupils were enrolled in private basic schools, i.e. 905 more than in the 2007/08 school year. Basic education, 2015/16 Number of boys Number of girls Number of boys repeating the grade Number of girls repeating the grade 87,120 82,947 870 478 Number of boys Number of girls Number of boys repeating the grade Number of girls repeating the grade Source: SURS 1,220 726 76 50 92% of all 15–18-year­olds participated in upper secondary education. In the 2014/15 school year 17,793 pupils finished upper secondary education, 43% of them finished technical upper secondary education. In the 2003/04 school year the share of pupils who completed short-term vocational and vocational programmes was 26.3%, in the 2006/07 school year 21.8% and in the 2014/15 school year only 18.6%. Source: SURS In the 2015/16 academic year almost half of people aged 19–24 in Slovenia participated in short-term higher and higher education. 11,162 students participated in higher vocational education and 69,636 students in higher education. In the 2015/16 academic year the shares of part-time students were: 41.4% in higher vocational education, 15.3% in higher undergraduate studies, 16.5% in higher postgraduate studies. Graduates Number of students by fields of study, 2015/16 Social sciences, business and law 22,700 Engineering, manufacturing and construction 14,517 Science, mathematics and computing 8,245 Health and welfare 9,579 Services 7,863 Education 7,553 Humanities and arts 7,322 Agriculture and veterinary 3,019 Source: SURS In 2015, 18,631 graduates completed tertiary education, mostly in social sciences. 46% of all graduates from higher undergraduate education were younger than 25 years. The first six students studying according to Bologna study programs graduated in 2005. In 2015, 82% of all graduates were Bologna graduates. Source: SURS Compared to 2014, in 2015 the number of employed persons stayed the same, while the number of unemployed persons decreased by 8%. Persons in employment are those who during the week prior to the interview did any work for payment (in cash or kind) or family gain. Labour force Employed persons Employees Self-employed persons Unemployed persons Inactive population Source: SURS 1,015 1,008 917 917 746 766 116 114 99 91 744 750 Unemployment rate by sex In 2015, the unemployment rate was 9.0%; it was 2 p.p. higher for women than for men. The unemployment rate was the lowest in 2008: 4.4%. Unemployed persons are those who during the last week prior to the interview did not work, were actively seeking work and were currently available for work. Source: SURS The educational attainment level has Unemployment and employment rate by the educational attainment level, an influence on the employment and 2015 unemployment rate. In 2015, the employment rate was the highest among persons with tertiary education, while the unemployment rate was the highest among persons with basic education or less. Source: SURS Permanent and temporary employment, 2015 Source: SURS People most likely to have temporary jobs are the young (15–29 years); 53.3% of young employees were temporarily employed in 2015; among employees aged 50 years or more the share was 8.5%. People most likely to have permanent jobs are the eldery; 91.5% of eldery employees (50 years or more) were permanently employed in 2015; among young employees (up to 29 years) the share was 46.7%. 81.9% of employees had permanent employment contracts; 12.9% of employees had a temporary employment contract. 3.8% of employees worked via the student employment service. Unemployment rate, EU-28, 2015 Source: SURS In 2015, the unemployment rate in Slovenia was 9.0% and thus lower than the EU average (9.4%). The unemployment rate was the highest in Greece (24.9%) and Spain (22.1%) and the lowest in Germany (4.6%) and the Czech Republic (5.1%). In 2015, average monthly gross earnings in Slovenia were 0.7% higher than a year before. Monthly earnings were received on average by 644,600 persons in paid employment, 9,500 more than in 2014. Average monthly gross earnings (EUR)1) 1,545.53 1,555.89 Average monthly net earnings (EUR)1) 1,008.85 1,013.23 Average monthly number of persons in paid employment who received earnings1) Average monthly number of persons in paid employment with overdue payments1) Average monthly number of persons in paid employment who received earnigns for overtime work1) Average monthly number of hours actually worked per person in paid employment Average monthly labour costs per person in paid employment (EUR) 635,098 62,026 83,825 136 2,104.23 644,565 66,390 88,559 137 2,129.81 1) Recalculation of the data due to change in the data sources (by October 2015). Source: SURS Average monthly gross and net earnings1) Between 2014 and 2015 average monthly net earnings increased by 0.4%; the most in financial and insurance activities and in manufacturing (by 1.8%). The largest decrease was recorded in mining and quarrying, 5.8%. Between 2006 and 2010 average monthly net earnings increased by 25%, between 2010 and 2015 they grew by only 5%. 1) Recalculation of the data due to change in the data sources (from January 2014 to October 2015). Source: SURS Average monthly net earnings by activites, 2015 Source: SURS Average monthly labour costs per person in paid employment (EUR) 2010 2,032.44 1,742.98 279.05 10.70 6.90 0 7.19M 2011 2,065.13 1,777.69 279.72 7.71 7.02 0 7.01M 20122) 2,085.06 1,785.47 294.90 5.57 4.90 2.24 8.02M 2013 2,082.94 1,782.79 293.23 7.50 4.90 2.92 8.41M 2014 2,104.23 1,802.76 295.70 6.54 4.95 2.51 8.23M 2015 2,129.81 1,821.07 303.39 7.26 5.01 2.48 9.39M M less accurate estinate - use with caution 1) Subsidies reduce labour costs. 2) Data for 2012 are revised regarding data of the 2012 Labour Costs Survey. Source: SURS As regards activity, in 2015 the highest average monthly net earnings amounted to EUR 1,438 and the lowest to EUR 705. The former were paid in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply and the latter in administrative and support service activities. Labour costs per person in paid employment were 1.2% higher than a year earlier, mostly due to higher compensation of employees and higher employers' social contributions. In 2015, a person in paid employment worked on average 137 hours per month. Most hours were worked on average in construction. On average persons in paid employment were paid for 168 hours per month, although they actually worked 82% of hours paid. The ratio between hours actually worked and hours paid was the highest in construction (85%) and the lowest in mining and quarrying (78%). Average monthly number of hours actually worked per person in paid employment, 2015 Average monthly gross earnings by sex, age, sector of employment and education, 2015 Women’s earnings were on average 6% lower than men's earnings. The oldest employees earned almost twice as much on average as the youngest employees. Public sector employees earned on average EUR 325 more than private sector employees. Highly educated employees earned on average EUR 1,224 more than employees with basic education and EUR 965 more than employees with upper secondary education. Source: SURS The monthly at-risk-of­poverty threshold in 2015 was EUR 617 net for a one-member household, EUR 1,295 net for a four-person household of two adults and two children younger than 14 and EUR 925 net for a household of two adults. In 2015, the share of persons living in the worst situation was the highest in households in which no member was in employment (39.9% below the threshold), particularly if these households had dependent children (80.7% below the threshold). Number of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion Number of people below the at-risk-of-poverty threshold Number of severely materially deprived people Number of people in households with very low work intensity (0–59 years) Share of households that can afford keeping home adequately warm (%) unexpected financial expenses of EUR 600 (%) one week’s annual holiday away from home (%) 1) The calculation is based on income earned in the previous year. Source: SURS People at risk of poverty or social exclusion 410,000 385,000 290,000 287,000 133,000 116,000 136,000 114,000 93 93 51 54 65 68 In 2015, one in seven people in Slovenia was living below the at-risk-of-poverty threshold and one in five was at risk of poverty or social exclusion. If family and social benefits were not considered as income, the at-risk-of-poverty rate would rise from 14.3% to 24.8%. Most of the 287,000 people living below the at-risk-of-poverty threshold in 2015 were retired (27.2%), followed by unemployed (22.6%), persons in employment (18.8%), underage children (18.8%) and other inactive persons (12.6%). Women are more vulnerable to poverty than men, particularly women over 64 years of age. In households’ opinion, housing costs represented a heavy burden for 33% of households in 2015, while for 53% of households they were somewhat a burden. 16% of households were in arrears of paying housing costs due to financial difficulties at least once in the 12 months before the survey. In 2015, people aged 16+ subjectively assessed overall life satisfaction by an average assessment of 7.1 (on the scale from 0 – not at all satisfied to 10 – completely satisfied). Source: SURS Adults that could not afford selected goods/activities due to financial reasons In 2015, 19% of persons aged 16+ could not afford to participate in leisure activities that have to be paid for (e.g. recreation, cinema, various events), which is 3 percentage points fewer than in 2014. 86% of persons aged 16+ got together for a drink, lunch/dinner at least once a month with their friends or relatives, which is 3 percentage points more than in 2014. Source: SURS Average household consumption expenditure in Slovenia in 2015 was EUR 17,334. Half of this expenditure was for transport, food, non-alcoholic beverages and housing. Households in the lowest two income quintiles spent the most on food and non-alcoholic beverages and on housing, while households in the top three quintiles spent the most on transport and on food and non­alcoholic beverages. Source: SURS In 2015, 6,218 adults (34% fewer than in the previous year), 240 minors (25% fewer than in the previous year) and 48 legal persons (7% more than in the previous year) were convicted. The share of convicted persons by sex doesn’t change significantly over time. Men represent about 87% and women about 13% of all convicted adults. In 2015, too, most adults were convicted of crimes against property (about 43%). Source: SURS EUR 8,991 million was spent on social protection schemes in 2014, which is 0.4% more than in 2013. The highest share of expenditure on social protection schemes was (mostly on account of pensions) spent on social benefits in cash, namely around two thirds (67%). Current health expenditure amounted to EUR 3,188 million in 2014, of which 29% was financed by the private sector. In Slovenia, total health expenditure represented 8.5% of national GDP. Expenditure of social protection schemes social benefits in cash in kind administration costs other Health care expenditure general government private sector Source: SURS Expenditure on social beneits and health care 8,959 8,991 8,808 8,830 6,005 6,002 2,803 2,828 145 142 16 19 3,278 3,188 2,352 2,264 926 924 In the 2005–2014 period social protection expenditure and health expenditure each increased by just over 37%. The highest share of social protection expenditure in 2014 (just over two fifths) was for the old age function. In 2014, Expenditure on social benefits by social protection functions (risks) 24.1% of GDP was spent for social protection, 0.9 of a percentage point less than in 2013. The largest share of these funds (42.5% or EUR 3,752 million) was spent on old age, followed by sickness and health care (almost a third or EUR 2,723 million). The main source of financing social protection schemes is social contributions (64.8%), and within them contributions by protected persons (39.1%) and contributions by employers (25.7%). Source: SURS More than a quarter of total health expenditure is financed by the private sector. Social security funds, which are the main financier of health care, contributed 70% of total health expenditure in 2014. 75% of health expenditure in 2014 was spent on financing services of curative care and medical goods. Total long-term care expenditure amounted to EUR 487 million in 2014, which is almost 3.4% more than in 2013. The ratio between health and social components of long-term care has not changed since 2003: two thirds of the funds are spent on health services and a third on social services of long-term care. About three quarters of long-term care expenditure in 2014 were financed from public sources, mostly social security funds. Long-term care expenditure and sources of funding, 2014 Long-term care expenditure and sources of funding (EUR million) 487 356 131 long-term care – health (EUR million) 328 316 12 long-term care – social (EUR million) 159 40 119 Source: SURS 60,312 people in Slovenia were receiving long-term care in 2013, i.e. almost one in six people aged 65+ was receiving at least one service or benefit within the long-term care system. The share of those who were receiving long-term care services in institutions was higher than the share of those who were receiving these services at home: about 1,200 people more. The next large group was persons receiving only cash benefits for paying various services within long-term care (over a quarter or around 17,200). Source: SURS There were 5,947 physicians and 5,465 nurses in Slovenia in 2015. Compared to 2014, the number of physicians per 10,000 population increased by 1.0 and the number of nurses by 1.6. Nursing is traditionally a female occupation; however, the number of male nursing staff is slowly growing and in the age group up to 35 years men represent 20% of the staff. Healthy life years Physicians 27.9 28.9 Nurses1) 24.9 26.5 Dentists 6.6 6.9 Pharmacists 6.6 6.8 Number of hospitals 1.4 1.4 Hospital beds 453.8 451.8 Prescriptions 8.3 8.5 1) The calculation includes the following groups of occupations: bachelor of science in nursing, state regis­tered nurse, master of nursing. Source: NIJZ Life expectancy at birth continues to grow both for men and for women. A girl born in Slovenia in 2014 can expect to live 83.5 years and a boy 77.6 years. A girl born in Slovenia in 2014 can expect 59.6 healthy life years and a boy 57.8 healthy life years. Girls born in 2010 can expect 6.9 fewer healthy life years than girls born in 2009; boys born in 2010 can expect 7.2 fewer health life years than boys born in 2009. Absence from work due to health reasons is more frequent for women than for men. Men are absent from work the longest due to injury and poisoning. Young women are absent from work the longest due to diseases related to pregnancy, family member care and diseases of the respiratory system, and older women due to diseases of the musculoskeletal system, neoplasms and injury. Leading causes of temporary absence from work, 2015 Source: NIJZ Frequency of prescribing drugs, 2015 More than 17 million prescriptions were issued in Slovenia in 2015 or 8.5 per person. The number of prescriptions for drugs grows with age, most notably after 60 years of age. Women aged 85+ received 3% more prescriptions than men of the same age. Most prescriptions were given for drugs for diseases of the cardiovascular system, drugs affecting the nervous system and drugs for diseases of the alimentary tract and metabolism. Source: NIJZ In 2015, a resident of Slovenia aged 15+ consumed in total 11.5 litres of pure alcohol, of which almost 5 litres through wine, almost 6 litres through beer and almost 1 litre through spirits. Larger alcohol consumption per adult resident in Slovenia is the result of increased beer and wine production and beer import. Compared to 2014, pure alcohol consumption per person increased by almost 4 dl on account of larger beer consumption and by almost 2 dl on account of larger wine consumption. Use of tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs Source: NIJZ Registered pure alcohol consumption per adult aged 15+ In 2015, among persons aged 15 to 64 years: one in four smoked tobacco, one in ten drank alcoholic beverages in excess, one in six at least once in their lives used any illicit drug or a new psychoactive substance and one in five used any combination of tobacco, alcohol or cannabis. Groups with lower socio-economic status have higher shares of tobacco use, excessive drinking and cannabis use, than the groups with higher socio-economic status. In 2015, radio broadcasters produced 493,000 hours and TV broadcasters 218,000 hours of content. The number of radio broadcasting institutions and TV stations slightly increased, by 10 and 6, respectively. In 2015, 5,411 titles of books and serial publications were published. Theatrical performances, cinema films, exhibitions in galleries, museums and exhibition grounds, and performances in houses of culture were seen by 9.6 million people in 2015. Attendance at cultural performances Printed books and brochures 5,331 5,411 Printed serial publications 1,812 1,824 Radio programmes 76 86 TV programmes 55 61 Cinemas 48 58 attendance (long films) 1,929,161 2,101,500 Museums and museum collections 2,776 3,502 attendance 3,094,947 2,653,820 Performances in houses of culture 12,014 15,763 attendance 3,055,876 4,000,874 Theatrical performances in theatre headquarters attendance Sources: SURS, NUK, Slovenian Film Centre 4,748 6,544 745,434 850,367 In 2015, the number of cinemagoers was 22% lower than in 2006. Theatre attendance was 1% lower than in 2006. In the same comparison attendance in museums, museum collections, galleries and exhibitions grounds went up by 13%. Among 2.7 million visitors in museums, museum collections, galleries and exhibition grounds, 23% were children and youth. An exhibition was seen on average by 758 people. In 2015, most theatregoers watched drama performances (49%). Puppet shows were seen by 13%, opera performances by 10% and ballet performances by 9% of theatregoers. Slovenian theatres produced 287 new works in 2015, 137 of which by Slovenian authors. One theatrical performance was seen on average by 130 visitors. Cinemagoers (long films) Source: SURS Cinema performances in 58 cinemas were seen by 2.1 million cinemagoers in 2015. In the same year, 514 long films were distributed to cinemas in Slovenia, half of which were redistributed and half were distributed for the first time. As regards the origin of long films, 30 were Slovenian and 484 were foreign. Slovenian long films were seen by 2.7% of cinemagoers. In 2015, 22 long films (13 of them feature films) and 67 short and medium-length films (23 of them feature films) were created and shown for the first time. Source: Slovenian Film Centre Houses of culture held 15,763 cultural performances in 2015. Almost 20% of all performances in houses of culture were musical concerts (instrumental and choir, rock, jazz, contemporary music). Cultural performances in houses of culture were attended by 4 million people in 2015; on average one performance was attended by about 254 people. Source: SURS Printed literature books and brochures issued, 2015 In 2015, 5,411 titles of books and brochures were published, 3.6% fewer than in 2014. 1,668 titles of literature were published, i.e. 901 Slovenian and 767 foreign literary works. Most literary works were novels. In 2015, 1,824 titles of newspapers and other serial publications were issued in Slovenia; 21% annual, 20% occasional and 20% monthly. Source: NUK In 2015, Slovenia generated almost 5.2 million tons of waste, i.e. 10.6% more than in 2014, recovered 6% more waste than in 2014 and imported 400,500 tons of waste more than it exported. In 2015, on average 79.7 m3 of water per person was abstracted and 57.1 m3 of water per person was consumed. Water abstraction per capita (m3) Water supplied to households from the public water supply (m3/person) Waste water discharged from the public sewage system (1,000 m3) Length of the sewage system (km) Waste generated - total (1,000 tons) Municipal waste generated (kg/capita per year) Separately collected municipal waste (% of total waste) Share of hazardous waste in total waste generated (%) Waste landfilled at municipal landfill sites (1,000 tons) Recovery of waste without pre-treatment processes and backfilling (1,000 tons) Waste exports (1,000 tons) Waste imports (1,000 tons) Sources: MOP, ARSO, SURS 79.6 79.7 38.1 38.0 183,285 162,540 8,842 9,638 4,677 5,172 433 451 64.7 68.6 3.1 3.2 258 261 3,022 3,207 671 629 1,072 1,030 Total municipal waste and separately collected municipal waste Sources: MOP, SURS Of all municipal waste collected by public waste removal services in 2015, almost 69% was separately collected (almost 11% more than in 2014). 3.2 million tons of waste (6% more than in 2014) was recovered (without backfilling and pre-treatment). In production and service activities more than 4.6 million tons of waste (89%) was generated in 2015. Almost half of it (46%) was generated in two activities: manufacturing (1.4 million tons) and construction (0.9 million tons). In households slightly more than 550,000 tons (11%) of waste was generated. Sources: SURS, ARSO Length of the sewage system and the number of connections In the last ten years the sewerage network in Slovenia was extended by 75%. In 2015, 162.5 million m3 of waste water was discharged from the sewerage network or almost 11% less than a year earlier. About 77 million m3 or 47.2% of waste water was rainwater and run-off water and the remaining 52.8% was waste water from agriculture, forestry and fishing, from households, from industrial activities and from other activities. 89% of the water was treated before discharge and 11% was untreated. 16,582 Gg of CO2 equivalent of greenhouse gases were emitted in 2014, which is 19% less than in 1986. In 2014 transport contributed the highest share of these emissions: 32%. The second largest source of greenhouse gas emissions was electricity and heat generation (27%). Source: ARSO In 2015, EUR 1.510 billion of environmental taxes were collected in Slovenia, making it one of the three EU Member States with the highest environmental taxes. Environmental protection investment in 2014 amounted to EUR 405.7 million (1.1% of GDP), while current expenditure for environmental protection amounted to EUR 495.6 million (1.3% of GDP). Source: SURS In 2015, less meat was produced in Slovenia than in 2014, particularly pig meat (by 13.3%), but also bovine meat (by 2.5%) and poultry meat (1.6%). 157,000 tons of wheat (and spelt), the main bread cereal in Slovenia, was produced in 2015, i.e. on average 5.1 tons per hectare. The total output was 14% and the average yield per hectare 16% larger than in 2014. Net production of cow’s milk (1,000 l) Indigenous production of bovine meat (1,000 t) Indigenous production of pig meat (1,000 t) Indigenous production of poultry meat (1,000 t) Production of silage maize (1,000 t) Production of wheat and spelt (1,000 t) Production of potato (1,000 t) Aquaculture (1,000 kg) Marine fishing (1,000 kg) Growing stock (1,000 m3) Sources: SURS, ZGS, MKGP Agricultural holdings and annual work units Sources: SURS, Structure of agricultural holdings 598,622 613,273 40 39 30 26 62 61 1,390 1,399 173 157 97 91 1,441 1,590 254 196 346,074 348,203 Between 2000 and 2013 the number of agricultural holdings decreased by 16% to 72,377. The number of annual work units (AWU) in agriculture declined by almost 30% between 2000 and 2010 and then increased again by 7%, so that in 2013 total labour input in agriculture was 82,746 AWU. One annual work unit (AWU) is 1,800 hours of one person in full-time employment in agriculture in a year. In 2013, there were 477,023 hectares of utilised agricultural area or 23.5% of the territory of Slovenia. More than half of this area (276,000 hectares) was permanent grassland and just over a third (almost 174,000 hectares) was arable land. The remaining almost 6% (almost 27,000 hectares) were permanent crops (vineyards, orchards and olive groves). Source: SURS Source: SURS In 2013, 80% of agricultural holdings in Slovenia were engaged in livestock production. They mostly bred cattle (311,564 LSU) and pigs (33,213 LSU). Between 2010 and 2013 the number of all animals declined, except the number of poultry. The number of pigs dropped the most (by 25%). Livestock unit (LSU) is a standard measurement unit that allows the aggregation of the various categories of livestock in order to be able to compare the data for individual years. One LSU is 500 kg of live weight of an animal. Aquaculture in Slovenia increased by 10% in 2015. Most of it was freshwater fish farming, 959 tons, much less was marine fish and shell farming, 631 tons. Marine fishermen caught 196 tons of fish, cephalopods, crustaceans, shells and snails in 2015, which is 23% less than in 2014. Anglers caught 141 tons of freshwater fish in 2015, which is 4% less than in 2014. In marine free time fishing 6 tons of marine organisms were caught. Removals Aquaculture-total Freshwater Mariculture, total Marine catch-total Marine catch, fish Marine catch, other Freshwater fishing-total Freshwater free-time fishing-total Sources: MKGP, Fisheries Research Institute of Slovenia 1,440.9 1,590.0 944.6 958.9 496.3 631.1 254.1 196.2 216.7 169.0 37.4 27.0 145.0 141.0 6.2 6.0 Forests cover 58.3% of Slovenia. As regards the area under forest, Slovenia is third among European countries behind Finland and Sweden. In 2015, too, the removal in Slovenian forests (6 million m3) was about 50% higher than in the years before the 2014 ice storm. Removal was significantly higher due to damage caused by the spruce bark beetle. The recorded removal represented 95% of the allowable removal under forest management plans. In 2015, the energy dependency of Slovenia was 48%. The entire quantities of petroleum products and natural gas were imported. In 2015, per capita electricity consumption was 6,250 kWh, which means that each of us consumed on average 17 kWh of electricity per day. Renewable energy sources are hydro energy, geothermal energy, solar and wind energy, biomass, biogas, biofuels and industrial and municipal waste. Indigenous production of energy (1,000 toe) Energy supply (1,000 toe) Final consumption (1,000 toe) Energy dependency (%) Energy supply per capita (toe/capita) Electricity consumption per capita (kWh/capita) Source: SURS 3,681 3,345 6,572 6,455 4,644 4,752 43.9 47.9 3.2 3.1 6,094 6,250 Shares of energy from renewable sources in final gross energy consumption Source: SURS In 2014, Slovenia met 22% of its energy needs from renewable energy sources. In the past ten years the share of renewables increased by 6 percentage points. The target that Slovenia should achieve by 2020 is 25% of energy from renewable sources in gross final energy consumption. The share of renewable sources increased the most in heating and cooling; by 14 percentage points from 2005 to 33% in 2014. A third of electricity produced in Slovenia in 2014 was from renewable sources. Among energy sources used for space heating in 2015 the highest share was that of wood fuel (57%), followed by extra light heating oil (15%) and natural gas (11%). As regards energy products for space heating, in the past five years the consumption of ambient heat, captured by heat pumps energy went up the most. The share of solar energy in total energy sources used for heating was only 0.04%. In mid-2016 100 kWh of electricity cost almost EUR 16, i.e. almost EUR 5 more than in mid­2008. Energy prices for households Household energy consumption for space heating (TJ), 2015 Firewood 16,967 Extra light heating oil 4,444 Natural gas 3,160 District heat 2,656 Electricity 1,170 Liquefied petroleum gas 687 Ambient heat 672 Solar energy 11 Coal 6 Source: SURS, calculation by IJS-CEU In 2008–2016 natural gas price went up by 6%. In mid-2016 a standard cubic metre (Sm3) of natural gas cost EUR 0.63. The prices of district heat also went up. People using district heat paid in January 2016 EUR 59 per 1 MWh or EUR 15 more than in January 2008. Extra light heating oil became less expensive. In mid-2016, 1,000 litres of extra light heating oil cost EUR 670 or EUR 65 less than eight years ago. Sources: SURS, MZI In 2015, final energy consumption in Slovenia was 199,000 TJ. Almost half of final energy in 2015 was consumed in the form of petroleum products, namely 46%. The second highest share in final energy consumption in 2015 belonged to electricity (23%), followed by renewables (14%), natural gas (12%), heat (4%) and solid fuels (1%). Source: SURS Energy consumption of fuels, electricity and heat, including fuel consumption for transformation in manufacturing, 2015 Electricity and natural gas represented almost 80% of energy sources used by manufacturing enterprisers in 2015. Source: SURS Slovenia’s gross domestic product in 2015 was EUR 38,570 million or EUR 18,693 per capita. Slovenia’s surplus (net lending) in transactions with the rest of the world amounted to EUR 2,452 million (6.4% of GDP) in 2015 and was thus almost the same as in 2014. Source: SURS Growth of the gross domestic product Annual GDP growth rate decreased by 0.8 of a percentage point over 2014. In the past ten years GDP growth rate was the highest in 2007 (6.9%) and the lowest in 2009, when GDP shrank by 7.8%. Source: SURS In 2015 the highest Household final consumption expenditure, 2015 household final consumption expenditure was for housing, followed by transport, and food and non-alcoholic beverages. Between 2008 and 2015 the share of expenditure on recreation and culture declined the most (by 1.6 p.p.), while the share of expenditure on alcohol, tobacco and drugs increased the most (by 0.7 p.p.). Source: SURS Expenditure on goods (by durability) and services in final household consumption In the 2008–2015 period the share of household expenditure on non-durable goods increased by 3.6 percentage points. On the other hand, the shares of household expenditure on durable goods declined by 3.0 p.p., and on services by 0.2 p.p. General government debt has more than tripled since 2006: at the end of 2015 it was 83.1% of GDP. In the 2006–2015 period Slovenia had a budget deficit, which increased significantly in 2013, when the government increased the capital of banks. General government deficit and debt Source: SURS Household saving rate and household investment rate The household saving rate increased by 1.5 percentage points to 15.0%, which means that households in Slovenia saved 15% of disposable income in 2015. With this figure Slovenia is ranked above the EU-28 and euro area average. Households in Slovenia invested 5.9% of disposable income in 2015, which is 0.2 p.p. more than in 2014. Source: SURS In 2015, inflation stood at –0.5%. This means that the annual growth of consumer prices was the lowest in the past ten years. In calculating the annual inflation rate prices in December of the current year are compared with prices in December of the previous year. Real estate prices increased by 0.1% compared to the previous year. In 2015, import prices, output prices of the domestic market, producer prices of agricultural products, output prices of the non-domestic market and services producer prices decreased. Comparison of measured and perceived inflation 0.2 –0.5 –2.3 –1.4 –0.6 –1.4 0.3 –1.3 0.2 –0.4 –4.4 0.1 –6.7 –4.8 In 2008, the average annual inflation rate stood at 5.7%. This was the highest inflation in the past ten years. In 2014, inflation was 0.2%. Inflation was even lower in 2015 at –0.5%. The average inflation rate shows price changes from the beginning to the end of the year compared to the prices in the same period of the previous year. Changes in prices that are felt by consumers correspond to the actual situation. According to consumers’ opinion, prices grew the most in 2008 and the least in 2015. In 2015, a kilogram of white bread and apples cost on average 8 cents more than in 2014. In the same year, the prices of edible oil, salt and cough syrup did not change. The average price of a monthly train ticket increased by EUR 1.92 compared to 2014. White bread (kg) 1.73 1.81 4.6 Edible oil (l) 1.91 1.91 0 Table salt (kg) 0.37 0.37 0 Dessert apples (kg) 1.09 1.17 7.3 Cough syrup, 150-200 ml (bottle) 7.35 7.35 0 Passenger transport by train (50 km), second class (monthly pass) Cinema ticket, normal length, evening Pizza (classical), large Cup of coffee in a café Source: SURS Annual price growth according to the HICP, EU-28, December 2015 135.04 136.96 1.4 5.31 5.34 0.6 6.7 6.8 1.5 1.19 1.20 0.8 Measured with the harmonised index of consumer prices, in December 2015 the annual inflation rate in the EU member states was 0.2%; in Slovenia it stood at –0.6%. Among EU Member States, the prices went up the most in Belgium (by 1.5%), Malta (by 1.3%) and Austria (by 1.1%) and down the most in Bulgaria (by 0.9%) and Romania (by 0.7%). Real estate prices grew Changes in housing prices slightly in 2015. They have been falling since 2012. Compared to the same period of the previous year, real estate prices increased the most in the second quarter of 2015. The average price of a newly built flat was EUR 2,245 per m2 of useful floor area. The average price of an existing flat was EUR 1,430 per m2 of useful floor area. The average price of an existing family Source: SURS house with land was EUR 1,174 per m2 of useful floor area. Annual changes in the prices of some agricultural products, Slovenia Source: SURS Prices of crop products were on average 5.5% higher than in 2014. Compared to the previous year, apple prices grew the most (by 13.6%), followed by cabbage prices (by 9.7%). In the past decade tomato prices grew the most: from EUR 0.67 per kilogram in 2006 to EUR 1.30 per kilogram in 2015. Prices in the group animals and animal products decreased on average by 8.5% in 2015. The prices of animal products were on average 16.1% lower than in 2014. The average milk price was EUR 0.29 per litre, 17.9% lower than in 2014. In 2015, Slovenia exported EUR 23.9 billion of goods and imported EUR 23.3 billion of goods. Compared to 2014, exports increased by 4.4% and imports by 3.2%. Exports (EUR million) 22,936 23,940 Imports (EUR million) 22,580 23,305 Trade balance (EUR million) 355 635 Exports as % of imports 102 103 Source: SURS Exports and imports of goods In 2015, the trade balance was positive at EUR 635 million. About 3% more goods were exported than imported. The difference between exports and imports was the largest in 2008, when the value of imports was EUR 3 billion higher than the value of exports. The value of exports in 2015 was 19.4% higher than in 2008; in the same comparison the value of imports was 1.2% higher. Source: SURS Slovenia exports most goods to EU Member States. In 2015, Slovenia exported to EU Member States 77% of total exports. 13% of exports were to other European countries and 10% to non-European countries. Compared to 2014, the share of exports to EU Member States increased by half a percentage point. In 2015, Slovenia exported most of the goods to Germany (20.7% of total exports), followed by Italy (11.2%), Austria (8.5%), Croatia (7.8%) and France (4.9%). Source: SURS Slovenia imports most goods from EU Member States In 2015, 81% of total Slovenia's imports came from EU Member States. 13% of total imports came from non-European countries and 6% from other European countries. In 2015, Slovenia imported most of the goods from Germany (19.0% of total imports), followed by Italy (15.9%), Austria (11.8%), Croatia (5.9%) and Hungary (4.4%). Source: SURS Slovenia exports 21% of its total exports to Germany. This is still the highest share of goods exported by Slovenia to any country. In 2015 the share was 0.6 p.p. higher than a year before. In this period the share of exports to Croatia also went up (by 0.1 p.p.). On the other hand, the shares of exports to all other countries went down, the most to Italy (by 0.7 p.p.). Slovenia imports 19% of its total imports from Germany. In 2015, the share was 0.7 p.p. higher than a year earlier. In that period, imports from Croatia and Austria increased, too. Shares of the total value of imports and exports by important trade partner countries, 2015 Structure of import and export by the enterprise size, 2014 In 2014, large enterprises exported 45% of total exports; the lowest share was exported by micro enterprises, 12%. In 2014, large enterprises imported 33% of total imports; the lowest share was imported by micro enterprises, 15%. Source: SURS Construction enterprises generated EUR 4.6 billion of turnover in 2015, 4.6% less than in the previous year. The largest share of turnover was generated by enterprises performing specialized construction activities (48%). 1) Provisional data. Source: SURS Buildings for which building permits were issued and planned dwellings In 2015, 5,054 building permits for buildings were issued, which is 1,888 more than in 2014 and 14% fewer than in 2007; 73% fewer dwellings than in 2007 were planned. The value of construction put in place on buildings in 2015 was EUR 727 million, 10% higher than in 2014. Source: SURS EUR 679 million or 36% of the Value of construction put in place by selected types of structure, 2015 total value of construction put in place was done on transport infrastructure in 2015. The value of construction put in place in one-dwelling buildings was EUR 129 million or EUR 10 million more than in 2014, while the value of construction put in place in multi-dwelling buildings was EUR 100 million or EUR 35 million more than in 2014. Source: SURS Shares of individual types of buildings in total number of buildings completed in 2015 (estimated from the number of building permits) Of all buildings completed in 2015, 55% were one-dwelling buildings. The total floor area of one-dwelling buildings completed in 2015 was 561,936 m2 . Of all buildings completed in 2015, 81% were new constructions, 17% were extensions and 2% were obtained by conversion-improvements. 88% of investors of buildings completed in 2015 were natural persons. Source: SURS In 2015, there were 845,415 dwellings in Slovenia. Average floor space of a dwelling was 80.4 m2; on average, dwellings in non-urban settlements were almost 20 m2 larger than dwellings in urban settlements. There were on average 3 persons per dwelling; on average, each had 28.3 m2 of floor space. Equipment of dwellings, 2015 Dwellings in Slovenia, 2015 In 2015, still more than 40% of dwellings were not connected to the public sewage system (in non-urban settlements 78.9% and in urban settlements 10.7%). 20% of dwellings had no central heating (14.0% in urban settlements and 27.6% in non-urban settlements). 2% of dwellings were without electricity. Source: SURS In 2015, enterprises in industry generated EUR 33 billion of turnover; 4% more than in the previous year. 77% of turnover in industry was contributed by enterprises in manufacturing activities. Industry Mining and quarrying Manufacturing Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 1) Provisional data. Source: SURS Industrial production1,2) in Slovenia and the EU-28 31.7 33.0 0.3 0.3 24.7 25.5 5.5 6.1 1.2 1.1 In Slovenia the index of industrial production was on average 5.1% higher in 2015 than in 2014; in the first half of 2016 it was still growing. Trends in the industrial production index have been very similar in Slovenia and in the EU-28 since 2007. Compared to 2008, in 2015 the average annual growth of the index was 4.3% lower in the EU-28 and 5.3% lower in Slovenia. The highest share of turnover in 2015 was generated in manufacture of electrical equipment (12.3%). More than 8% shares were recorded by these activities: manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi­trailers (12.1%), manufacture of basic metals (9.6%) and manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment (9.2%). In 2015, the value of the sale of industrial products and services was 3.9% higher than in 2014 and 22.4% higher than during the greatest recession in 2009. Industrial products and services with which most of turnover was generated, 2015 Source: SURS 94% of enterprises invested in 2016. Investments in 2016 were on average 16% higher than in 2015. In 2017, 93% of enterprises are expected to invest. In 2016, enterprises invested the most in extension of production capacity (31%), followed by replacing old equipment (30%) and investment designed to streamline production (21%). Source: SURS Labour productivity in 2015 Labour productivity in industry was 4.2% higher than in 2014. Labour productivity has been growing since 2006; it only declined in 2009 (economic crisis), i.e. by 8.4% compared to 2008. Growth continued after 2009 with the exception of 2012 when it slightly declined. The labour productivity index is the ratio between the industrial production index and the index of persons in employment. Source: SURS Competitive position1) on the domestic market, markets of other EU Member States and markets outside the EU The competitive position of enterprises worsened in 2016 compared to 2015. Compared to 2015, the competitive position of enterprises in 2016 worsened the most on the markets outside the EU (by 3 p.p.); on the domestic market it worsened by 1 p.p., while on the markets of other EU Member States it remained the same. The values of these indicators were the lowest in 2009. There were just over 134,000 enterprises in Slovenia in (3.4% more than in 2014) with just over 590,000 employed persons (2.1% more than in 2014). They generated EUR 83.6 billion of turnover (2.6% more than in 2014). Business demography 18,379 enterprise births were recorded in 2014; they employed 20,598 persons. As regards the organisational form, most of these enterprises were natural persons (72%). 11,131 enterprise deaths were recorded in 2014, 22% fewer than in 2013; they employed 11,936 persons. As regards the organisational form, most of these enterprises were natural persons (81%). 46% of all enterprise births in 2009 were still active in 2014 (i.e. 5 years after birth). The five-year survival rate of enterprises was 5 percentage points lower than a year before. Most of the enterprises that were born in 2009 and were still active in 2014 had no employees (73.9%) and the fewest had 10 or more employees (0.3%). Enterprises that have no employees are mostly sole proprietors. High-growth enterprises Source: SURS There were 532 high-growth enterprises in Slovenia in 2014. They employed 33,000 persons, 63% fewer than in 2008. A high-growth enterprise is an enterprise with average annual growth greater than 10% over a three-year period and at least 10 employees at the beginning of the growth period. Growth is measured with the number of employees. Source: SURS In 2015, enterprises observed in structural business statistics generated EUR 83.6 billion of turnover. Enterprises in industry and trade contributed the most (39.4% and 35.7%, respectively), and enterprises in construction the least (5.5%). Source: SURS Enterprises and selected structural indicators of enterprise operation by control, 2014 There were 95% national enterprises and 5% inward foreign affiliates in Slovenia in 2014. Even though there were not many inward foreign affiliates, they were economically important since they employed around 22% of all employees in non-financial activities and generated 29% of total turnover. Inward foreign affiliates are enterprises operating in Slovenia that are under majority ownership and control of enterprises or natural persons that are residents of other countries. Web sales are an important part of digital economy. In Slovenia 40% of persons aged 16–74 years made online purchases from April 2015 to March 2016. In 2015, 17% of enterprises with at least 10 persons employed sold goods or services or received orders or reservations via websites. 70% of enterprises with web sales sold to private consumers and 68% to other enterprises or public authorities. Big data analysis in enterprises, Slovenia, 2015 Source: SURS 11% of enterprises with 10 or more persons employed analysed big data in 2015. 7% of enterprises analysed own big data from smart devices or sensors, 4% of enterprises analysed geolocation data from the use of portable devices, 4% of enterprises analysed data generated from the usage of social media and 1% of enterprises analysed data from other sources. In 2015, people in Slovenia sent Number of minutes of outgoing traffic of fixed and mobile telephony and almost 2.6 billion SMSs number of SMS sent and 53 million MMSs. Compared to 2007, outgoing traffic from fixed locations in 2015 dropped by almost two thirds (by 64%), while outgoing traffic from mobile networks increased by 45%. The number of SMSs sent increased by 339%. Sources: SURS, AKOS In the 2012–2014 period more than 46% of observed enterprises were innovation active. In 2014, EUR 657 million was spent on innovation activity in manufacturing and EUR 269 million in service activities. EUR 890 million was spent on R&D in 2014. 58% of all persons employed in R&D were researchers. The shares of women among all R&D employees and among all researchers were the same, 36%. In 2015, companies as one of the sources of financing R&D contributed EUR 590 million, which was 69% of total funds for research and development in the country. Most of the funds for R&D were spent in the business enterprise sector, 76% of total R&D expenditure. 45.8% of researchers were employed in the business enterprise sector, 37.0% in the higher education sector, 17.0% in the government sector and only 0.2% in the private non-profit sector. 1) Provisional data. Source: SURS Government budget appropriations or outlays for research and development, final budget, Slovenia According to the final budget 2015, government budget appropriations or outlays on R&D in Slovenia amounted to EUR 159.8 million; this is the lowest amount in the past ten years and 1% less than in the previous year, when the amount was EUR 161.3 million. Source: SURS In 2015, passenger cars in Slovenia were on average 9.7 years old. In the 2006–2015 period their average age increased by more than 2 years. In 2015, 46.3 million passengers were carried in urban scheduled transport (2.6% fewer than in 2014) and 14.6 million passengers were carried in railway transport (2% fewer than in 2014). Road traffic accidents and passenger cars There were 17,943 road traffic accidents in Slovenia in 2015, 43% fewer than ten years ago. Most road traffic accidents happened in June (1,761). 1,078,737 passenger cars were registered in Slovenia in 2015, which is 10% more than ten years ago. Sources: SURS, MZI, MNZ (Police) In 2015, more than 17.8 million tonnes of goods were carried by rail or 4.5% more than in 2006 and 4,175 million tonne kilometres were performed or 24% more than ten years ago. 83% of goods were carried in international railway transport. Railway goods transport, 2015 Source: SURS Road goods transport, 2015 In 2015, road goods vehicles registered in Slovenia carried 71 million tonnes of goods, which is 5% less than in 2014. 43.5 million tonnes of goods or almost two thirds were carried in national and 27 million tonnes in international road transport. In international transport 9.4 million tonnes of goods were carried from Slovenia and 7.3 million to Slovenia. In transport the majority of goods belonged to mining and quarrying (27%) and products of agriculture, forestry and fishing (14%). Source: SURS 20 million tonnes of goods were handled in the Port of Koper in 2015, which is the most ever; 11% more than in 2014 and 37% more than in 2010. As regards the type of cargo, most of it was cargo in containers (7.2 million tonnes or 36%), followed by dry bulk goods (7.1 million tonnes or 35%) and liquid bulk goods (3.3 million tonnes or 16%). In 2015 the number of vessel calls in the Slovenian ports was 4,611, of which 4,080 were cargo vessels. Port traffic of goods by type of cargo Passenger traffic at Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport, 2015 1.44 million passengers travelled through Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport in 2015. Most of them travelled between Slovenia and Germany (18%). 90% of all passengers travelled by scheduled flights and the remaining 10% by unscheduled flights. As regards scheduled flights, compared to the previous year, the number of passengers increased the most between Slovenia and Switzerland (by 41%) and as regards unscheduled flights between Slovenia and Israel (by almost three times). © SURS Source: SURS Enterprises in non–financial services generated EUR 16.2 billion of turnover in 2015, which is EUR 585 million or 3.7% more than in the previous year. Enterprises performing transportation and storage contributed the most to turnover. In 2015 they generated EUR 189 million more turnover than in 2014. Nominal turnover indices In 2015, 17% of enterprises were engaged in web sales, which is 1 percentage point more than in 2014. Compared to 2014, in 2015 the nominal turnover increased in service activities (by 5.4%) and in wholesale (by 1.4%). In retail trade it slightly declined (by 2.0%). In calculating the nominal turnover price growth is not taken into account. Source: SURS EUR 8.8 billion Retail turnover by principal activity of enterprise of turnover was generated by retail enterprises (excluding those selling motor vehicles) in 2015. EUR 173 million less turnover than in 2014 was generated by retail sale of fuels, lubricants, brake fluid and coolants. EUR 43 million more turnover than in 2014 was generated by retail sale in non-specialised stores. Source: SURS In 2015, the highest share of turnover in retail was generated by the sale of food (20%) and fuels lubricants, brake fluid and coolants (15%); at least 5% of total turnover was generated by the sale of passenger cars (10%), clothing and footwear (7%), medical products, appliances and equipment, and beverages and tobacco (5% each). 1) The total does not add up due to rounding. Source: SURS EUR 7.3 billion of turnover was generated by wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles, in 2015. Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco generated EUR 169 million more turnover than in 2014. Enterprises dealing with wholesale of information and communication equipment generated EUR 46 million more turnover than in 2014. Wholesale turnover on the domestic market by principal activity of enterprise M less accurate estimate - use with caution Source: SURS In 2015, the highest share of turnover in wholesale was generated by the sale of pharmaceutical products and medical equipment and passenger cars (10%), and coke and refined petroleum products and food (9%); at least 5% of turnover was generated by the sale of tobacco, computers, electronic and optical equipment (6%) and chemicals and chemical products (5%). 126,809 bedplaces (permanent and auxiliary) were available to tourists in Slovenia in 2015, of which 40% in hotels and similar establishments, 19% in camping sites and 41% in other accommodation establishments. In 2015, 3.9 million tourist arrivals and 10.3 million overnight stays were recorded in tourist accommodations in Slovenia. 64% of overnight stays were generated by tourists in hotels and similar establishments, 13% in camping sites and 23% in other accommodation establishments. Tourist overnight stays in Slovenia Bedplaces by types of accommodation establishments – total 123,235 126,809 Hotels and similar accommodation establishments 49,507 50,262 Camping sites 23,235 24,227 Other accommodation establishments 50,493 52,320 Tourist arrivals by types of accommodation establish­ ments – total 3,524,020 3,927,530 Hotels and similar accommodation establishments 2,387,359 2,605,314 Camping sites 373,205 420,195 Other accommodation establishments 763,456 902,021 Tourist overnight stays by types of accommodation establishments – total 9,590,642 10,341,699 Hotels and similar accommodation establishments 6,239,202 6,592,149 Camping sites 1,218,949 1,344,658 Other accommodation establishments 2,132,491 2,404,892 Source: SURS Foreign tourists in Slovenia generated about 6.6 million and domestic tourists 3.7 million overnight stays in 2015. Foreign tourists generated about 24% more and domestic tourists about 6% fewer overnight stays than in 2008. More than half of overnight stays of foreign tourists were generated by tourists from Italy, Austria, Germany, Croatia, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. © SURS Source: SURS Change in the number of overnight stays of tourists by countries from which most tourists come to Slovenia, 2008–2015 In the 2008–2015 period, the number of tourists from the UK and Croatia decreased, while the number of tourists from Israel, Serbia and the Czech Republic increased the most. Slovenia is visited by an increasing number of tourists from non-European countries. In the 2008–2015 period, the number of their overnight stays went up by 110%: from 409,000 to 860,000. In July–August 2015 on average almost EUR 100 per day was spent by a foreign tourist in Slovenia. Source: SURS In 2015, 63% of the Slovenian residents aged 15 or more went on at least one private trip, while one in two residents went on at least one longer private trip (a trip with at least four overnight stays). Last year the Slovenian residents aged 15 or more went on around 3,882,000 private trips. 63% of these trips were made abroad and 37% in Slovenia. 1) The total does not add up due to rounding. Source: SURS In 2015, residents of Slovenia aged 15 or more went on 1.6 million private one-day trips abroad. Most frequently they visited Austria (544,000 trips) and Croatia (524,000 trips). For each such trip they spent on average EUR 51 per person. They spent the most (EUR 58 per person) in Austria and the least (EUR 38 per person) in Croatia. Compared to 2014, there were fewer private one-day trips to Italy (by 20%) and more to Croatia (by 21%). Source: SURS STATISTICAL SIGNS AND ABBREVIATIONS o M - % °C EUR Gg GJ ha kg km km2 kWh l m3 min. mm MWh Sm3 t TJ toe CH4 CO2 N2O F average less accurate estimate - use with caution no occurrence of event percent degrees Celsius euro gigagram gigajoule hectare kilogram kilometre square kilometre kilowatt-hour litre cubic metre minute millimetre megawatt-hour standard cubic metre ton/tonne = 1,000 kg terajoule ton of oil equivalent methane carbon dioxide nitrous oxide perfluorocarbons AWU annual work unit GDP gross domestic product HICP harmonised index of consumer prices LSU livestock unit mio million R&D research and development VAT value-added tax AKOS Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia ARSO Slovenian Environment Agency DRSI Slovenian Infrastructure Agency Eurostat Statistical Office of the European Union GURS Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia IJS-CEU Jožef Stefan Institute MKGP Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food MOP Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning MZI Ministry of Infrastructure SURS Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia SMA Slovenian Maritime Administration ZGS Slovenian Forest Service Images for some infographics were obtained from: and HOW TO OBTAIN STATISTICAL DATA AND INFORMATION? ¦ on Statistical Office’s website ¦ via mail, phone and e-mail • address: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Litostrojska cesta 54, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia phone: +386 1 241 64 04 • e-mail: @StatSlovenia ¦ by ordering statistical publications • address: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Litostrojska cesta 54, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia • phone: +386 1 241 52 85 • e-mail: ¦ by visiting the Information Centre office hours: Monday to Thursday from 9.00 to 15.30 Friday from 9.00 to 14.30