Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 13/56 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 29. 3. 2020 5. Postna - Tiha nedelja 5th Sunday of Lent Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Phone: 905-561-5971 Cell: 905-520-2014 E-mail gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail hallrental@ Duhovno spregledati danes Smo že krepko v drugi polovici postnega časa. Božja beseda današnje tihe nedelje nam govori o tem, da Bog ljubi življenje, da kliče iz smrti v življenje. »Božja slava je živi človek«, je zapisal sveti Irenej. Bog ljubi življenje vsakega izmed nas in želi, da bi to življenje živeli v vsej polnosti. Dvojna in prepletena nit življenja in smrti prepleta tri velike današnje odlomke. Smrt lahko nastopi v zgodovini in v našem vsakdanjem življenju pod dvema podobama: z obrazom angela in obrazom pošasti. Lahko je mir ali mora, miren prehod ali prah, začetek ali konec, lahko dobi mirno obličje ali grozno podobo. Gotovo je, kakor je rekel francoski škof Bossuet v eni od svojih pridig leta 1666, da »smrtniki skrbijo, da bodo pokopali misel na smrt z isto skrbnostjo, kakor pokopljejo svoje mrtve«. Smrt se prikaže neizprosno s svojim nasmeškom in človek se ji preda ali se odpre upanju. V znamenitem in osupljivem besedilu Dialog med samomorilcem in njegovo dušo, to je egipčansko besedilo iz leta 2200 pr. Kr., glavni junak vzklikne: »Danes stoji smrt pred mano kakor osvoboditev pred jetnikom, kakor vonj mire, kakor večerni počitek, ko počivamo pod jadrom na reki.« Smrt torej kot obupna rešitev. »Ko med svoje roke sklenem svoj stari obraz, pod prsti tipam poteze in obrobe lobanje in me je strah,« je zapisal češkoslovaški pesnik, Nobelov nagrajenec J. Seifert leta 1984 v eni svojih pesmi. Pred smrt je postavljen tudi svetopisemski človek; toda pred tem se sreča z najboljšim nasprotnikom smrti: z življenjem. V besedilu današnjega prvega berila prerok Ezekijel razgrinja nadrealistično in VESTNI K 2020 | strašljivo vizijo: v peklenski dolini cela množica okamenelih okostnjakov. Tukaj nastopi in prodre božji stvariteljski duh in na suhe in mrtve kosti naplete meso, torej življenje. Na koncu to številno ljudstvo vstane, pripravljeno na novo bivanje. Stvarnik lahko odpre grobove in lahko oživlja. »Tvoji mrtvi bodo oživeli, moja trupla bodo vstala. Zbudite se in vriskajte, ki počivate v prahu! Kajti tvoja rosa je rosa luči, zemlja bo rodila pokojne,«je pisal prerok Izaija (26,19). Vemo, da je tako prikazano vstajenje bolj simbolično z namenom, da oriše Izraelovo vrnitev-vstajenje iz »groba«, izgnanstvo v Babilonu. Dar, za katerega moramo tudi mi prositi, še posebej kadar čutimo smrt v duhu in v srcu dneva, ki se rodi, Pavel nam v pismu Rimljanom predstavi še drugo obličje smrti in življenja: greh in milost. To je veliko krstno vstajenje, ki prelomi naš zapor: h grešni krhkosti vstopi odrešilna večnost, prek minljivosti miru do starega človeka do novega stvarjenja. Zdaj pa še besedo o evangeljskem odlomku: Betanija, »Lazarjevo mesto«, kakor je še danes v rabi v arabščini. Dialog med Jezusom in Marto: sestra mrtvega prijatelja se postopoma odpre, čeprav v obotavljanju nekoga, ki si ne upa upati nemogočega. Tako kot v izpovedi vere vsako nedeljo pri sv. maši. Smrt je naša najbolj resnična osebna izkaznica. Bog ne umre; toda Božji Sin je premagal smrt; čeprav je umrl, kakor mi. Zato je danes smrt drugačna, bila je preoblikovana. Ni več prepovedano mesto ali pristanek sredi morja niča in tišine. Bila je odprta neskončnemu in večnemu. »Zakaj moje duše ne boš prepustil podzemlju, svojemu zvestemu ne boš dal videti jame. Daješ mi spoznati pot življenja; polnost veselja je pred tvojim obličjem, večne radosti na tvoji desnici« (Ps 16,10-11). (Prim. Oznanjevalec 2005 - Gianfranco Ravasi) - 5TH Sunday of Lent Response: With the Lord there is steadfast love and great power to redeem! First Reading Ezekiel 37:12-14 Only the Lord can raise the dead to life. Second Reading Romans 8:8-11 The Spirit of God - the Spirit of life - has made a home in us. Gospel John 11:1-45 Jesus tells us that whoever believes in him will never die. "Unbind him, let him go free." Illustration In the Holy Land, pilgrims still visit the tomb of Lazarus. It lies in the West Bank town of al-Eizariya, the village called Bethany in the New Testament, approximately one and a half miles east of Jerusalem. According to a tradition dating back to the fourth century AD, this is the spot where Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. The tomb lies inside a cave, which pilgrims access by clambering down steep, irregular stone steps. A favourite trick played by pilgrimage leaders is to get pilgrims who have managed to climb down to the floor of the cave to peer into the tomb, with its open hole in the stone wall, and repeat at full voice the words of Jesus: "Lazarus, come out!" Unbeknown to the pilgrims, someone is waiting behind the wall, and when the pilgrims shout for Lazarus to come out, the person emerges out of the dark - often accompanied by the screams of terrified pilgrims, frightened out of their wits by this unexpected piece of theatre. 150 | VESTNI K 2020 Gospel Teaching It is easy to imagine just how petrified and astounded people would have been to see Lazarus suddenly emerge from his tomb after four days. It is curious that Jesus waited until he knew Lazarus was dead before going to Bethany. One possibility is that there was a Jewish belief that the soul hovered near the body for three days after death, but by the fourth day, all hope of life was gone. Lazarus really was dead. Jesus himself is quite clear that this whole situation will lead to God's glory and the glory of the Son. He says repeatedly throughout this story that this great sign will lead people to faith - as it does for his disciples, for Martha and Mary, and for the people standing round the tomb. He wants them to believe that he is the one sent by the Father. Jesus explains to Martha that faith in him is the only way to resurrection and life. And the story concludes by telling us that many of the people who witnessed this miracle did in fact come to believe in him. Raising the dead to life is a sure sign of the presence and action of God. In Ezekiel, the Lord says: "you will know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and raise you from your graves, my people... and I shall resettle you on your own soil". Here in Bethany, we see Jesus exercising that divine power, fulfilling God's promise. Over the last three Sundays the Church has been focusing in its readings and prayers on the many people across the world who will be receiving the sacraments of initiation at the Easter Vigil: the sacraments of life, of new, eternal life. These Sunday Gospels have presented us with various images of what coming to faith in Christ is like: having a spring of water inside us, welling up into eternal life (the woman of Samaria); moving from blindness to sight, from darkness to light (the blind man); and today, in the story of Lazarus, it is described as being a movement from lying down to being lifted up, from being bound to being free, from death to life. This is the difference believing in Christ makes to our lives - whether we are new to faith in Christ or old hands. Application Tradition tells us that Lazarus relocated to Lar-naca in Cyprus after the resurrection of Jesus. The church in Larnaca claims to be the site of Lazarus' second tomb - where they buried him when he finally did die. It is a place of real calm and peace. Surely when Lazarus faced death once more, he would have felt no fear. Jesus had already brought him back to life once. He knew that was just a sign of an even greater miracle: that Jesus would bring him to eternal life, bring him to the kingdom of his promise. We get a taste of that eternal life whenever we put our faith in Christ, when even in our driest, darkest or "deadest" and most hopeless of situations, we hear his voice, just as the dead Lazarus did, and respond to his call. In our need, Jesus raises us to new life, unbinding us, letting us go free. Faith in Jesus Christ empowers us to live in true freedom: freedom from fear, freedom from the power of death, freedom to live by the Spirit which God has placed in us - the Spirit of the risen Christ. VESTNI K 2020 | 151 MOLITEV ZA ZDRAVJE V ČASU EPIDEMIJE KORONAVIRUSA V času epidemije škofje vabijo vse duhovnike, redovnike, redovnice in vernike, da molijo naslednjo molitev: Oče usmiljenja in tolažbe, tvoj Sin Jezus Kristus nam je s križem pokazal vrednost trpljenja. Pomagaj našim bratom in sestram, ki že nosijo križ bolezni in so preizku-šani. Nakloni jim izboljšanje zdravja, njihovim svojcem pa pogum in zaupanje. Vsem zdravstvenim delavcem daj moč in zdravje, da bodo vztrajali v ljubezni do bolnikov, raziskovalcem pa, da bodo čim prej odkrili uspešno zdravilo. Nam in vsemu svetu daj svoj blagoslov, da bomo rešeni bolezni in se ti bomo mogli s tvojo Cerkvijo zahvaljevati. Amen. Sv. Marija, zdravje bolnikov - prosi za nas. Sveti Jožef, zavetnik umirajočih - prosi za nas. Sv. Rok, zavetnik zoper kužne bolezni - prosi za nas. Sveti Vincencij, zavetnik dobrodelnih ustanov - prosi za nas. Bl. Anton Martin Slomšek in Alojzije Grozde - prosita za nas. Vsi božji svetniki in svetnice - prosite za nas. Sv. Rok je zavetnik zoper kužne bolezni. V teh dneh preizkušnje se lahko k njemu po pomoč zatekamo tudi z litanijami sv. Roka. Gospod, usmili se Kristus, usmili se Gospod, usmili se Kristus, sliši nas Kristus, usliši nas Bog Oče nebeški, - usmili se nas. Bog Sin, Odrešenik sveta Bog Sveti Duh Sveta Trojica, en sam Bog Sveta Marija, - prosi za nasJ Sveta Jožef Sveti Gregorij Veliki, zavetnik naše župnije Sveti Rok, veliki Božji prijatelj Sveti Rok, zvesti Jezusov posnemovalec Sveti Rok, zgled evangeljske čistosti Sveti Rok, ljubitelje evangeljskega uboštva Sveti Rok, vzor evangeljske pokorščine Sveti Rok, dosleden v krepostih Sveti Rok, pribežališče bolnikov Sveti Rok, moč slabotnih Sveti Rok, zdravnik kužnih bolnikov Sveti Rok, opora zdravstvenim delavcem Sveti Rok, vzornik krepostnega življenja Sveti Rok, zgled ljubezni do bližnjih Sveti Rok, navdih zdravstvenim delavcem Sveti Rok, rešitelj v času kuge in drugih nalezljivih bolezni Sveti Rok, obramba ob izbruhu epidemije hudih bolezni Sveti Rok, naš mogočni priprošnjik Sveti Rok, tolažba umirajočim Mi grešniki, - prosimo te usliši nas. Na priprošnjo svetega Roka, Gospod, usliši naše zaupne molitve Na priprošnjo svetega Roka nas varuj nalezljivih bolezni 152 | VESTNI K 2020 Na priprošnjo svetega Roka nam daj zdravilo za dušo in telo Na priprošnjo svetega Roka nam bodi tolažba v naših stiskah Na priprošnjo svetega Roka nam pomagaj zdržati v težavah in preizkušnjah Na priprošnjo svetega Roka nam utrdi zaupanje v tvojo previdnost Na priprošnjo svetega Roka nam daj milost iskrenega kesanja Na priprošnjo svetega Roka nam podeli moč za spreobrnjenje Na priprošnjo svetega Roka nas navdihuj za dela ljubezni do bližnjih Na priprošnjo svetega Roka naj napredujemo v dobrem Na priprošnjo svetega Roka naj živimo dosledno krščansko življenje Na priprošnjo svetega Roka nam podeli srečno zadnjo uro. Na priprošnjo svetega Roka, Gospod, milostno usliši naše prošnje. Jagnje božje, ki odjemlješ grehe sveta, - prizanesi nam, o Gospod. Jagnje božje, ki odjemlješ grehe sveta, - usliši nas, o Gospod. Jagnje božje, ki odjemlješ grehe sveta, - usmili se nas. Prosi za nas, sveti Rok, naš mogočni priprošnjik. Da postanemo vredni obljub Kristusovih. Molimo: Vsemogočni večni Bog! V svoji previdnosti si nam svetega Roka dal za mogočnega priprošnjika v hudih nalezljivih boleznih, svojim vernim pa si v težkih trenutkih zgodovine na njegovo priprošnjo vedno delil tolažbo, pomoč in zdravje. Pomagaj nam tudi zdaj, ko je zaradi epidemije nove gripe ogroženo zdravje in življenje številnih ljudi doma in po svetu. Varuj nas in reši strahu pred okužbo. Daj dovolj moči zdravstvenim delavcem in vsem, ki skrbijo za bolnike. Navdihuj nas, da bomo tudi mi sledili zgledu svetega Roka in po svojih močeh pomagali vsem, ki potrebujejo našo pomoč in bližino. Naj zdravi na duši in telesu nenehno slavimo tvojo dobroto. Po Kristusu, našem Gospodu. Amen. KAKO PREJEMAMO DUHOVNO OBHAJILO?_ Škofje ordinariji do preklica podeljujejo slovenskim katoličanom spregled od dolžnosti udeležbe pri nedeljski sveti maši. Verniki naj nadomestijo odsotnost od svetega bogoslužja z molitvijo, postom, dobrimi deli, prebiranjem Božje besede, spremljanjem svete maše po radiu, TV oziroma spletu ter s prejemom duhovnega obhajila. Če nikakor ni mogoče, da bi sodelovali pri sveti maši in prejeli sveto obhajilo, je primerno, da ga prejmemo v duhovni obliki. Možna in priporočena oblika: 1) Na mirnem kraju se umirimo in se nato pokrižamo. 2) Zavemo se Božje navzočnosti in obudimo ter zmolimo kesanje. 3) Preberemo evangelij dneva. 4) Nekaj časa premišljujemo ob Božji besedi (bodite pozorni na to, kaj vam govori in kakšne občutke prebuja v vas). 5) Zmolimo veroizpoved. 6) Sledi duhovno obhajilo. Jezus, verjamem, da si navzoč v Najsvetejšem zakramentu. Zahvaljujem se Ti za Tvojo ljubezen do mene, ki si mi jo izkazal s svojo smrtjo na križu. Želim Te ljubiti bolj kakor vse drugo, predvsem pa Te želim sprejeti v svojo dušo. Ker Te ne morem prejeti zakramentalno, Te prosim, da prideš k meni duhovno: prosim Te, da vstopiš v moje srce in prebivaš v njem. (Kratek premor, da se povežemo z Jezusom ...) Hvala, Jezus, za to duhovno obhajilo, hvala za Tvoj objem, hvala za to duhovno združitev s Teboj. Ne dovoli, da bi se ločil od Tebe, ampak mi pomagaj, da ostanem v Tebi. 7) Molitev končamo z znamenjem križa. Pripravil msgr. dr. Marjan Turnšek VESTNI K 2020 | 153 Diocese of Hamilton INVITATION TO PRAY During these Lenten days, and mindful of all who are affected by the COVID-19 Virus, we are called to be more fervent in prayer. Since we are not able to gather publicly for prayer at this time, we are encouraged to pray with our families in our homes, our "domestic" churches, and to draw on the many spiritual resources which are part of our Catholic tradition. Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has called for all Christians throughout the world to join in praying the Our Father on Wednesday 25 March 2020 at noon: The Solemnity of the Annunciation. It is most fitting that all the faithful in the Diocese of Hamilton respond to this initiative of the Holy Father, since The Solemnity of the Annunciation is the patronal feast of our Diocese. We pray for the health and safety of all in our Diocese, and in particular for the sick and those who care for them, and families facing financial difficulty during the pandemic. On Friday, March 27, 2020, Pope Francis will preside over a moment of prayer at the entrance of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. He invites everyone to participate in this prayer by means of communication. The celebration will consist of readings from the Scriptures, prayers of supplication, and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. At the conclusion of the prayer Pope Francis will give the Urbi et orbi Blessing, with the possibility of gaining a plenary indulgence for all those who listen to it live through the various forms of communication. This service of prayer will take place at 6:00 p.m. Rome time (1:00 p.m. Daylight Saving Time in Ontario). The Plenary Indulgence is granted to all who, with a spirit detached from any sin, unite themselves spiritually through the media to the celebration of Holy Mass, the recitation of the Holy Rosary, to the pious practice of the Way of the Cross or other forms of devotion, or if at least they will recite the Creed, the Lord's Prayer and a pious invocation to the Blessed Virgin Mary, offering this trial in a spirit of faith in God and charity towards their brothers and sisters, with the will to fulfil the usual conditions (sacramental confession, Eucharistic communion and prayer according to the Holy Father's intentions), as soon as possible. The Prayer of the Holy Rosary is especially recommended during this time of crisis. Families and individuals are encouraged to pray the Rosary daily. Pope Francis offers us these encouraging and insightful words: "The Rosary is the prayer of the humble and of the saints. In its mysteries, they contemplate, along with Mary, the life of Jesus, the merciful face of the Father. O, how much we all need to be truly comforted, to be wrapped in loving presence! We measure the truth of this experience through our relationship with others. At this moment, they are our 154 | VESTNI K 2020 SPREMLJANJE SVETIH MAS IN POBOZNOSTI FOLLOWING MASSES closest relatives. Let us be close to one another, being the first to be charitable, understanding, patient and forgiving. Though you may be confined to your own homes, allow your hearts to expand so they may be available and welcoming to all." May we unite ourselves with all Canadians and Catholics throughout the world in offering this prayer, relying on the powerful intercession of Mary, our Mother, the PRAYER FOR SPIRITUAL COMMUNION My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen V SLOVENŠČINI - Iz naše cerkve bo prenos v živo nedeljo ob 10:00 a.m. na Facebook: stgregorythegreathamilton/ - TV Exodus (Slovenska Katoliška Televizija) - Radio Ognjišče IN ENGLISH - From St Michael's Cathedral Basilica (Cardinal Collins) everyday at 7:30 a.m. - Salt and Light (at 6:30 am, 11:00 am, 3:00 pm and 10:30 pm) - EWTN (12:00 p.m.) VESTNI K 2020 | 155 Decree Holy Week and the CELEBRATION OF THE PASCHAL TRIDUUM 2020 Having reviewed the Decree: In Time of COVID-19, issued by mandate of Pope Francis and published by the Offices of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments (Prot. N. 153/20) on March 19, 2020, I, Douglas Crosby, OMI, hereby decree the following to be observed during Holy Week and the Sacred Triduum 2020 in the Diocese of Hamilton. 1. The Chrism Mass will be celebrated privately at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King by the Bishop and members of the Episcopal Board on March 24, 2020. The oils will be delivered to the Deans to be distributed to Parishes at a later date. 2. The public celebration of Palm Sunday is not permitted. During the private cele- bration of Mass, Pastors may bless the palms and make them available at a later date when health authorities permit public gatherings. 3. The celebration of the Sacred Triduum is not to be celebrated in Parish churches. It is not possible to celebrate the various rites, which require a suitable number of ministers, given the limitations currently in force in the Province of Ontario. 4. The only exceptions to the prohibition against celebrating the Sacred Triduum are cloistered religious communities in the Diocese and convents with a resident chaplain, providing that social distancing is observed. 156 | VESTNI K 2020 5. Priests are permitted to celebrate privately the Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday. The faculty to celebrate this Mass without the people is granted in an exceptional manner by the Holy See to all Priests. The washing of the feet, which is already optional, is omitted. Likewise, the procession with the Blessed Sacrament to the place of repose is omitted. The Blessed Sacrament is to be kept in the tabernacle. Priests who are unable to celebrate Mass should instead pray Vespers of the day. 6. The Celebration of the Passion on Good Friday is not to be celebrated. Instead, Priests are encouraged to read the Passion of the Lord and pray the Universal Prayer from the liturgy of the day, and include prayers for all whose lives are being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. 7. The Easter Vigil is not to be celebrated in any Parish in the Diocese. Priests are to pray the Office of Readings for Easter Sunday. The Sacraments of Christian Initiation and the reception of candidates for Full Communion are to be postponed until a later date. 8. On Easter Sunday, Priests are to celebrate Mass, without the presence of the faithful. During the Mass, they are to light the Paschal Candle and bless water using the formula on page 358 (no. 54) in the Roman Missal. Given at Hamilton, Ontario, this 23rd day of March, 2020. Sincerely in Christ and Mary Immaculate, Very Rev. Msgr. Murray Kroetsch, VG, PH Chancellor (Most Rev.) Douglas Crosby, OMI Bishop of Hamilton "Murray J. Kroetsch VESTNI K 2020 | 157 Obvestila - Announcements Slovenian Summer Day Camp_ Spring is here and summer is on its way with Slovenian Summer Day Camp just around the corner. With the planning of this last camp, expectations are to have as many people who were ever involved with the camp come and visit throughout the week. The week will be filled with activities - we invite drop in alumni campers and leaders to participate. In order to plan appropriately to accommodate for drop ins, if you are planning to join in any of our weeks activities, please email me at Also, we hope everyone who had any connection to our day camp will come out on Friday, August 7th for our annual end of week BBQ and soccer game. See you at camp 2020! - Heidy On behalf of your Parish Council_ On behalf of your Parish Council - I wish all our parishioners and friends of our parish a Happy Spring! As we celebrate a new season, we are facing worrisome times with COVID-19. It is important for you to know that we pray for everyone to be blessed with health. As you may know, for the time being, the Diocese has cancelled in person participation of Mass and parish works. However, Fr. Drago continues to celebrate Mass, including the service offerings already requested and keeping all parishioners in his prayers. We are looking to live stream Mass from our church through Facebook and hope to have this available in the next week, March 29 at 10:00 a.m. - for anyone interested in participating. It will take some work to figure out how to do this and we will keep you updated. It is comforting to know that our community is made up of individuals who are compassionate and ready to serve when called upon. If you are alone, have family or friends too far away to lend a hand, in need of help in any way, or just lonely and would enjoy a call from a friend, we ask that you reach out to us. We will do what we can to find volunteers to help get through these challenging times. Please note we will take all precautions necessary to ensure safety for everyone. We are also calling out to anyone who would be willing and able to lend a helping hand. If you are healthy, capable and able to volunteer some of your time to assist with these tasks, I ask that you reach out to us so that we can work together to coordinate help for those in need. If you need assistance or are willing to share your time to help with any of these tasks, please send an email to: or call us at 905561-5971 and we will work it out. Take care and God Bless. Heidy Novak, President of Parish Council FISH FRY_ Given the Diocese's decision to cancel all Masses including the Easter celebrations, the Slovenian School has cancelled our annual Diocesan Newsletter For information about Activities and Events of interest in the Diocese of Hamilton, subscribe to the online Diocesan Newsletter at 158 | VESTNI K 2020 Good Friday Fish Fry so that we comply with the social distancing required to fight COVID19. We look forward to seeing everyone at next year's Fish Fry! We wish you all a Happy Easter and good health. Hvala! Sandy POKOJNI - FUNERAL_ V četrtek, 26. marca 2020, je zaspala v Gospodu naša faranka Julijana Košir. Pokojna je bila stara 74 let. Slovo od pokojne bo v L.G. Wallace Funeral Home, 151 Ottawa St. N., Hamilton, v torek med 10. in 11. uro dopoldne. Ob enajstih bo pogrebni obred v tamkajšnji kapeli in nato jo bodo pokopali na Eastlawn pokopališču - Barton St. East, Hamilton. - Iskreno sožalje možu Adolfu in družini, pokojni Julijani pa večni mir in pokoj. DAROVI - DONATIONS_ Julija Sagadin z družino je darovala $100 za gradbeni sklad v spomin na pokojnega Jerryja Ponikvarja. Diana in Daniel Nedelko sta v spomin na pokojnega Maksa Pavliča darovala $100 za gradbeni sklad. Hvala za vse vase darove. OGNJIŠČE_ Končno je prišla marčevska številka Ognjišča. Če pridete kaj mimo župnišča, jo naročniki lahko vzamete zase in še morda za koga v vaši bližini. VEČNA LUČ_ V mesecu aprilu bo večna luč gorela za pokojnega Ignaca Korošec po namenu žene Marije in družine. SPOROČILO ŽUPNIKA_ Zdaj, ko se »karantena« še nadaljuje in vsi ostajamo doma, ker se le da, je treba izkoristiti ta čas tudi za poglobljeno duhovno življenje, in branje dobrih knjig. V tokratni številki oznanil boste našli navodila škofa glede obhajanja velikega tedna na način, ki je prilagojen temu novemu času v katerem se nahajamo. Gotovo, da bomo vsi pogrešali obrede in skupno obha-janje evharistije. Drugo nedeljo je cvetna nedelja. Dobili smo palme, ker so bile naročene veliko prej, preden se je ta kriza začela in so nam jih že dostavili. Prihodnjo nedeljo jih bom pri maši blagoslovil, potem pa bodo pred župnijsko pisarno na mizici na razpolago, da si jih med tednom lahko vzamete. Prav tako je tam vedno tudi nekaj številk tiskanega Vestnika. Če se kdo od vaših pripelje mimo, si ga lahko vzame. Glede velikega tedna si lahko preberete škofovo besedo. Mnogi si boste morali kar sami blagosloviti velikonočna jedila. Bom v naslednji številki Vestnika objavil nekaj primernih blagoslovnih molitev; blagoslovljeno vodo pa imate gotovo doma. V tem tednu so obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Mlinarich Marija March 30, 1993 Osterman Antonet April 1, 1965 Gyorkoš Walburga April 1, 2016 Volf Karel April 2, 2019 Zelko Marija April 3, 1997 Prša Olga April 5, 1987 Lukšič Frank April 5, 1994 # i # svete maše - mass times: Monday: 8:00 a.m., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 p.m., Saturday: 5:30 p.m. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 a.m. (Slovenian), 11:00 a.m. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is 111 only at 10:00 a.m. (Slovenian-English) - krsti / baptisms: For an appointment, call one month before. poroke / marriage: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call don bosco for a personal conversation with your priest - please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971, VESTNI K 2020 | 159 od 29. 03. 2020 do 05. 04. 2020 svete maše - masses 5. Postna - Tiha nedelja 29. Marec Bertold, redovnik Za žive in rajne župljane f Jerry Ponikvar f Joe Lackovič f Jerry Ponikvar f Maks Pavlič 10:00 a.m. . . . Manja Erzetic v živo na Družina Skrban Facebooku . . Erzar Frank z družino nase župnije Zorka Rev Ponedeljek - Monday 30. Marec Andrej, vojvoda f Eileen MacKenzie N.N. Torek - Tuesday 31. Marec Kornelija, mučenka ff Nikola in Angela Bukovac Družina Majzelj Sreda - Wednesday 1. April Irena in Agapa, muč. f Joyce Tompa f Joyce Tompa Cecilija Sobočan z družino KŽZ - CWL Četrtek - Thursday 2. April Frančišek, red. ustanov. f Karel Volf, obl. f Zdravko Troha Dorothea Ježovnik Danica Maradin Petek - Friday 3. April Sikst I., papež f Joe Lackovič Matilda Prša Sobota Saturday 4. April Izidor, škof Benedik, redovnik f Ignac Korošec f Marija Bukvič ff Anka in Marica Fabina f Marija Vlašič f Maks Pavlič f Joe Lackovič Mary Hanc Družina Bukvič Jožica Vlašič z družino Družina Fabina Agica Doma Žena z družino 6. Postna - Cvetna nedelja 5. April Vincencij, duhovnik Za žive in rajne župljane ff Olga Prša in Irma Dorenčec ff Pokojni iz družine Pinter f Joe Lackovič f Frank Lukšič f Franc Marič ff Eufemia in Jožef Tompa Ignac Prša 10:00 a.m. Družina Pinter v živo na Elizabeta Fotivec Facebooku . . Sestra z družino naše župnije Joe in Kathy Prša Hči z družino 160 | VESTNI K 2020